Giải Part 5,6 Ets 2017 Test 1 +2

April 5, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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                                           S 2017 New Fr ”.   r Sere    S r  r    2016 -2020. S 1          e   Fr                          .      r  r     r      trong q r     r  r                             . Fe     :  :  N                 .                            :  :                        .  e er w eer er  ” 



PART 5,6 TEST 1 101. Work Power magazine is a new trade ------- Key A  Phân h: for human resource professionals. h:      ew re : 1    ” (A) publication

 

       1    r r    1        ew re : 1     .   n â : publi:      professionals:   .  h: h:   r wer  1              . (B) (C) (D)

publishers publish is publishing

102. Ms. Murata requests that this month's sales totals be submitted ------- the end of the day. (A) within

Key D

Phân h: h:           . r    e  r      

.   . r  . r   e   n â : ree:   e :     r   e :   r    .   h: h:  r    r             r (B) (C) (D)

if that by

103. A midsize design-------, Gilwood Interiors specializes in residential spaces. (A) firm (B) program

Key A

Phân h:           .    rr corporate=enterprise= industries

.  r  .   .     â:: ee  :    n â ree e:      h: 1      r w err      .   (C) (D)

piece industry

104. The board of directors thanked Juliana Thorne for ------- efforts in organizing the shareholders' meeting. (A) her (B) herself (C) she

Key A

Phân h: h:   r  1    er    1 S   r.   n â : board of directors  :    er:   reer:    





 h: h:        re        r        . 105. Ms. Rodriguez will speak about a banking conference(which) she ------- in Lisbon last month.

Key B

Phân h: h:      eree    

      ”         .   n â â::  eree :      e e r    participae :    h: h:  re    1                  r. (A) (B) (C) (D)

attends attended will attend attend

106. ------- the success of his restaurant, chef Sook Yong wrote a best-selling cookbook. (A) Because     (B) When( khi)

Key C

107. The director of the Yeon Park Clinic will deliver a speech ------- tonight's benefit dinner. (A) except (B) before (C) as (D) onto

Key B

108. The staff of the Meng Hotel will do ------they can to make your stay as enjoyable enjo yable as  possible. (A) some (B) whatever (C) above

Key B


 n â: staff= employee=personnel :    

Phân h: h:   r  1  N        2         (C) After ( sau) â:: e:   e n â e :     (D) Already  r   h: Sau           S    1        .  Phân h: h:             .  r  . r  rr    .      .  r  â: eer  ee:  1   n â:  r ee er:      h:      e r   1   r r r  r r      .  


Phân h: h: 1     4       .    .     . r  .  



ee ere :       :      h: h:       e                          109. Hype Tech's new database software has ------ search capabilities to provide more relevant

Key B

Phân h: h:      r    

         e   r   n â: â: e:     er :     re:   ree:    re:     h: h:       e e   r               .   results. (A) expansively (B) expanded (C) expands (D) expand

110. Russet Software announced in a press release that it is planning to expand -------India. (A) at (B) about (C) (D)

Key C

Phân h: h:    e  :  r .    n â: e:   re reee :     .  

into of

 h: Russet Software    r 1      r        r   . 111. Lapima Accounting Partners has ------expenses by limiting international travel and encouraging the use of Internet conferencing. (A) examined (B) reduced (C) stated (D) qualified

Key B

112. The Micaville Art Gallery features work by artists ------- offer an array of paintings, drawings, and sculptures. (A) both (B) who (C) besides

Key B

Phân h:           .  r e  er = investigate= test .  eree ee ee .   ere  .         n â:  rer :   eee eere:   ere:   re:      h: h:   rer                      .   Phân h: h:           r   S    w  n â : ere :   rr  : 1   wr :   

(D) since  h h: : r    e            1 



  r        .   113. The manufacturer's Web site cautions that glass with certain coatings may not fuse ------with other glass. (A) completion (B) completing

Key C

(C) (D)

  e  :  

completely completes

Phân h: h:       1 r         e   n â: :   er :  

 h: h: r we       r                       . 114. Mervin Financial Group offers low-interest home mortgages to first-time -------. (A) buys (B) buyer (C) bought (D) buyers  n â: low-interest:   

Key D

hân h: h:       r  er offer : offer sth (offers low-interest home mortgages  :      .     r-e  1      1 N 

   r      r r           e re:    eeeeerer..    1  N     r.   h: h:     er               .  115. As ------- a week has passed since the goods were shipped, we should ask the shipper for an update. (A) partially (B) immediately (C) nearly (D) thoroughly

Key C

116. A new musical production is holding auditions for ------- singers next Saturday Saturda y at the Grovetown Theater. (A) experience (B) to experience (C) experiences

Key D

Phân h: h:           .    .    .         . 1     re  n â:  ee :     pass(v): r  goods=items=merchandise=purchase e  :      h:     1   r                   1   .  Phân h: h:       1         er  .  Vocab n â:  :   :   

(D) experienced  h h: : 1                   



    7   r rew.    117. Museum members are invited to preview the historic portraits before the ------- opening of the exhibit on April 7. (A) constant (B) official

Key B

Phân h: h:        .  .  .       .    .  r 

.     n â : reew: e r r  rr: r      e :  r e:  r     h: h:        e r  r      r  i khai   r    7  4.  tr    (C) (D)

competent natural

118. Milton Flooring boasts an impressive ------- Key C h:           of carpets and rugs, in almost every color and type Phân h: .       of material. .    (A) record .    (B) solution

.      â: :   ree  n â:  :   e  er :     h: h:  Fr   1             r  r        .  

(C) (D)

selection preference

119. The partnership was formed ------- to help  both the Tilano Group and Estin Electronics reach  beyond their traditional markets. (A) specifying (B) specifically (C) specific (D) specify

Key B

Phân h: h:       1        er re â:: rer:     n â r:   e re :  

 h: h: S       1       Tilano Group   er  r    r r   .   120. Edward's Plumbing has six companyowned vehicles, two of ------- are now in the repair shop. (A) whose (B) which (C) either (D) other

Key B

Phân h: h:            N ee  r    which    N   .    n â: company-owned vehicles:  e       repair   :   ere 

 h: h: wr   6  e          2  r  r    



r    .   121. The Southweil guide discusses the most ---- Key A h:        --- ways to train yourself to be a great salesperson. Phân h: .    (A) effective .      (B) reluctant .    (C) concerned


.     n â: guide :    :   eer:   .    h : h :     Swe              1     .   (D)


122. Visitors to Kamke Manufacturing must ------a security pass from the receptionist at the main entrance. (A) catch up (B) take after (C) pick up

Key C

Phân h: h:            .    .    r  .    D.   (D) call on â: r:     n â: er :      ree:     ere:  r .    h: h:       e r   1  1             r  .  123. ------- Ms. Lacombe has been working Key D Phân h: h:        1   overtime to meet the proposal submission       1      deadline.    .  (A) Late â:: ere:   ee:   n â (B) Later  r:   :  (C) Latest ee:    (D) Lately     e              .   h:   124. Customers who were surveyed found most Key A h:    .  of the nine color variations of Mal bey purses very Phân h:  r  1   e  r: F  -------.   :       . (A) attractive (B) attraction Find     +O (most of the nine (C) attracted color variations of Mal bey purses) +(adv : very) (D) attracts + Adj

 n â â:: re:   r :     re: . 9      h: h: N            



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Key C

(C) (D)

.    Vocab n â: â: ee  :    :   drainage improvement  project:       

phase impact

Phân h: h: 1          .    . r       C.    

 h: h: r  1  er w               . 126. Adults and children ------- will enjoy the activities at the Urban Forest Festival. (A) most (B) alike (C) recently

Key B

127. Seeking new sources of income, many regional orchards------- catering to tourists in the last few years. (A) will begin (B) have begun (C) will have begun (D) to begin

Key B

Phân h: h:            .   .      .   e  (D) very . r  Vocab n â : :   e :     :   Fe:     h: h:     r e            r Fre   Phân h: h:   er              e  e  ew er ”   e r       er        â: ee :   re   n â: e:    regional orchards :        er:     r:  .

 h: h:                           r 1   .  128. Gessen Contractors guarantees customers top-quality handiwork on every job, ------- of how small. (A) in case

Key B

(B) (C)

  . .   r  

regardless whether

Phân h: 1          rere  :   . r r  



.   e     n â: guarantee :   :     wr:      .   h: h: ee rr                            . (D)

rather than

129. Mr. Rinaldi supervised the construction of the new factory and ------- operations when it opens next June. (A) oversaw (B) overseeing (C) will oversee (D) had overseen

Key C

Phân h: h:       er       e e”  e”    er    .   n â â:: erer eree:   er:    

 h: h:                          6 . 130. Additional details ------- the workshop will  be sent to everyone who has expressed interest in

Key A

Phân h: h:          attending. .    related to . r      (A) pertaining to (B) across .    e    (C) in spite of .    (D) through  n â: â: :  e:   wr er eree e:   ere:   ere:    e:     ch:                            .  Questions 131-134 refer to the following invitation.

You are invited to Wilson Associates' third annual company picnic. The event ----131---- to take place on June 12 from 12:30 P.M. to 4:30 4: 30 P.M. at Baker Field. -----132---- should consider contributing an item to be used during the sports activities. This donation can be for croquet, badminton, lawn  bowling, or a similar type of activity. In addition to games, you can enjoy delicious food throughout the afternoon. -----133----. Please notify a manager if you have any special speci al dietary needs ----134---we can accommodate you. We look forward to seeing you on June 12!

n   n    n n  hn n n h  h   n   n    n h  n    hn   h h h  h h  ân n n Baker.  n nn ân nh n   n h    n n  h n  n h

h  n  n  h h n   n n n  n n  h   hnh h n



n  n nh nhn  h n  h n hn nhn n n nn n   h.   h h   n     .  n h hn  n n  n n    nh  n   n   hn   h  n h n hn  n h  h n   hn    131.


(A) to schedule

Key D

(B) was to be scheduled (C) has been scheduling (D) is scheduled

Phân h: h:   er        -  r  er   r           on June 12 from 12:30 P.M. t 4:30 . 1  r             1    r r     1  r  

(A) Everyone 

Key A

(B) Another

Phân h: h:          .    . 1       . N   . N  .  

(C) Those (D) Others

133. (A) Volunteers should report to the venue at noon. (B) All the food will be supplied by Tambara Caterers.  (C) Wilson Associates donates to charities annually. (D) Thanks for responding to the invitation so quickly.

-       

Key B

Phân h:               r      enjoy e          special dietary needs)

.                r.     h h   n   Tambara Caterers C. Wilson Associates         .  .        r  .  


(A) (B) (C) (D)

whenever as much as so that however

Key C

Phân h:   1      .  .       .      .     rer    .   

Questions 135-138 refer to the following hospital discharge card.



Thank you for choosing Greenville Community Hospital for your ----135--- medical needs. We strive to provide you with the best possible ----136---·  w ----137---- pleasure to serve you.

 n n   hn nh n n n n h nh    n â  n hn  n   n  h n  h   nh  h   nh   hn   h  n   You may receive a survey in the mail. There are a number of questions to be rated on a 1-5 scale, from very poor to very good. This survey surve y is very important to us. ----138---- .

n  h nhn    h  n  h    n â h    hn        h     h  n  n n  hn  hn   n      hn h   hn   If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Director of Patient Relations at 555-0152.

 n    â h h nh n n   n h n h   n h nh nhân     -0152.  135.


(A) (B) (C) (D)

latter ahead early recent

Key D

(A) (B) (C) (D)

memory care opinion opportunity

Key B

137.  (A) our  (B) your (C) their (D) his 138. (A) We use the results to improve our service. (B) The hospital is the best in the region. (C) We have doctors with high qualifications. (D) New procedures are available at our facility.

Phân h: h:          .    . r  C.   .   Phân h :           . r    .     .      .    e.   Key A

Phân h: h:          e   r  Key A

Phân h: h:               1       hn   n      hn h   hn   .      r    .         




.   r          .  Questions 139-142 refer to the following memo.

To: All Staff From: Fiona Norton, President Re: Adelaide branch Date: 2 May To All Staff, I am thrilled to announce that because of increased demand for our services, Farley Norton Insurance will be opening a second branch in Adelaide on 1 September. --- 139----

 hn hh  hn  n   nh  n n h  h     hn  nn  h  n    h nhnh h     n n  hn  Louis Farl   n h nhnh  n  We are looking to fill a number nu mber of vacancies in Adelaide. The jobs section of our Web page,,, will be updated as positions ----140----and are filled. Staff members interested in relocating -----141---- Human Resources Manager Geri Thompson-Howe. Those approved for relocation will begin their roles in the new branch on 25 August.

hn  n          n n          n  hn    ,    nh h nhn    hn      nhân n  hn h  hn nn n h n  hn nhân   hn- hn n  h  h   hn       h  h nhnh    hn    We look forward to this new ----- 142---- in our company's future.

hn  n h h   n n n   n    Thank you, Fiona 139. (A) (A) Geri Thompson-Howe can answer questions about moving costs. (B) Some of the positions include office manager and assistant manager.

Key D

Phân h:     h:       r   opening a second branch          this new branch)



(C) Web site administrator Ashton Lee should be congratulated on a job well done (D) Louis Farley will be he heading ading this new branch. 

A. Geri Thompson-Howe   r          .  

.    r        r   .  .   r  r we  ee            . 

D. Louis Farley   n h nhnh  n 



(A) (B) (C) (D)

invite occupy proceed arise

(A) contacted (B) had contacted (C) should contact (D) were to contact


(A) (B) (C) (D)

client period service employee

Key D

Phân h: h:        .  .   B.      .       .   Key C

Phân h: h:  r  1 er                   r       1     r      . Key B

hân h: h:           .    .  e   .    .  

Questions 143-146 refer to the following announcement.

To Jettizon Printing Clients: Last April, Jettizon management determined that it was necessary to migrate to a new e-mail e -mail system. The Jettizon team completed the transition yesterday. The decision -----143--- to upgrade this week to avoid disruption during our busy winter season. We expect that this change will be barely ---144---- to our clients. There may, however, be minor delays dela ys in response times --- 145--- our employees  become familiar with the new system. -----146--- . Please do not hesitate to contact your Jettizon account representative with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your understanding.

hn   n n n nh  n nh h   nhnh   h hn    n   hn hnh  hn n    -



 nân  n n  nh  n n  n n n  hn  hn   n n  h  n    n h   hh hn  hn   nhn  h  nhn h  nh n nhn n hn h h  nhân n  hn   n  h hn  n hn  nh    n   n n nhn n    n n    n h n  n  hn n  n    â h h  n n  n h  hn   n  143.



(A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D)

makes making will be made was made average sufficient noticeable tolerable

Key D

(A) (B) (C) (D)

by as next unlike

Key B

hân h: h:   er          

Key C

Phân h: h:        .   . r   .     n h   .    .   Phân h: h:  1      r  1                we r r  r .    B. khi 

.  e  .   .  146. (A) This is recommended for established clients. (B) The team deserves to be congratulated for this achievement. (C) We appreciate your patience in the coming days. (D) Take a few minutes to review the new  procedures.

Key C

Phân h: h:        r    minor delays in response times)

.              . B.            .  C. hn  nh    n   n n nhn n    .  1    e    r.




101. This discounted train ticket is------- only at certain times of the day. (A) valid (B) (C) (D)

validate validating validation

Key A

Phân h: h:      e   1       S  This discounted train ticket)

 n â: â:  :   er e :       h h::                    r . 102. To participate in the Advantage Discount  program, ------- the registration form on our Web site. (A) reply (B) inquire (C) complete (D) apply

Key C

Phân h: h:           . r     .         .     .       r    n â: participate in :    attend= join = take part in , registration form :   . 

h::      r e        r r  h we   .  103. Ms. Srisati is unavailable today------- she is flying to Mumbai. (A) because (B) how (C) regarding (D) sooner

Key A

104. The contract------- states that the tenants must renew their rental- property agreement by March 1. (A) clear (B) clearly (C) clearer (D) cleared

Key B

Phân h: h: S  r  1      1     r    .  .     e w  .     .    er  .  .   n â : unavailable:   n  h h::  Sr                 .  Phân h: h:        1   r    er e â:: r reee:   n â  e:   ere re:  reew:   rer:         e

 h h::     r r r             r  1  4.  



105. Aiko Arts plans to host a reception -----the artist, Remco Koeman. (A) except (B) for (C) off (D) into

Key B

Phân h: h:           n â â::   :       :   ree e r :  

 h h::  r         1   cho   e e. 

106. Unfortunately, replacing the copy machine will cost more than------- had anticipated. (A) we (B) us (C) our (D) ours

Key A

Phân h :                   .            S .         r          .              .     S  N  N    n â: Unfortunately:   ree:   eee:      h::                   .   h 107. Your Polytonics e- mail account will be set Key D up ------- you arrive on your first day. da y. Phân h: h:   r  1     (A) at  1     r        2    (B) around (C) until       .    (D) before B. xung quanh .      D. r   rr     n â â:: rre:   h::   e -     r            .  h 108. Oaza Electronics worked ------- with our Key C team to facilitate the development of the Phân h: h:           computerized training system. .     (A) hardly .         (B) nearly .      .    (C) closely (D) relatively  n â: e:    computerized training system:    

  .  eee: r r. h::                     h



      .   109. Financial adviser Jenna Sotulo helps  professionals devise a ------- for managing their finances. (A) prediction (B) gesture

Key C

Phân h: h:           .      B.    .   

.     n â: â: er:    financial :   re:   ee:  r   e:    h: N     e S       r 1      h:     .

(C) (D)

strategy request

110. Each employee must coordinate with management so that ------- time off can be  properly scheduled. (A) alone (B) individual (C) isolating (D) separated

Key B

111. The cost of building Juniper High Towers exceeded the contractor's original ------- by over £5000.00.  (A) estimating ( Ving- adj) (B) estimate ( V & N) (C) estimated (Ved-adj) (D) estimator     N   Vocab trn â: â:  :   eee : 

Key B

Phân h:           .      nhân  .      . r   r   â:: eee:    n â re w:    e :      properly scheduled :    1   .  h:                       h:      1   .

 r rr:   r ee:    

Phân h: h:         r    : N1e rr ‘ N2  Ne:   r          r                N1   r ”    1          ‘ ”     1  N    r r.     1 N   r   N  N    r    N  .              

h:         h:   er             



 5000 r.  112. At Links Fine Meats, we pride ------- on  providing the highest-quality products on the market. (A) oneself (B) yourselves (C) (D)

itself ourselves

Key D

Phân h: S er re   1        r       er  S  we    ree.    n â: â: re  er e:   :   re:  r.

h::   Fe e                h     r  r.  113. ------- he is usually quiet around the office, Mr. Heineman is known for his witty and engaging public speeches. (A) Although (B) Otherwise (C) Despite (D) Instead

Key A

114. Ancient Chitimacha baskets are ------featured in the Louisiana Museum of Archeology. (A) prominent (B) prominently (C) prominence (D) prominences

Key B

Phân h: h: S  r  1 e    1     r       2    r               2     r  .   .     ee   .       e  e .   n spite of= notwithstanding D.    n â â:: e:   e w r e e r  r rewe  r we w:        e ere:   ee  ree:   r.    h:          r     ee           r r    . Phân h: h:     Tobe + Adv + Adj( Ved/Ving)

  1 r   r    e   r  1    e    e  n â â:: ere : r      h: h:   r e   r  1    r    

Louisiana. 115. ------ tea and coffee are available in the lobby for all guests of the Farrison Hotel. (A) Compliment

Phân h: h:        N e  ee    1   r  r  

(B) (C)

lobby:  â::er e:  ree:  n â e:     

To compliment Complimented

Key D




h:: r                    Frr.  h 116. ------- representatives of Light Cloud Airlines, flights are rarely overbooked. (A) As opposed to (B) In addition to

Key C

Phân h: h:           .      rer  e  .    

. e   . r   â:: rereee:     n â rre  :   er:  .   h: e                    .  (C) (D)

According to Prior to

117. Mr. Krause will reorganize the supply room ------- the cabinets are delivered. (A) overall (B) due to (C) once (D) soon

Key C

Phân h:   1        r  1  .   .    .    ee   w    ew of C. 1 khi .  

 n â â:: rere:    eer:  .   h: h:  re                .  118. By completing employee-satisfaction surveys anonymously, workers can more ------state their concerns about the workplace. (A) wholly (B) openly (C) favorably (D) laboriously

Key B

119. The final blueprints must ------- by M Ms. s. Ito after the final draft is produced. (A) approve

Key B

Phân h: h: e er     ..  -      

(B) (C)

  e e       

Phân h: h:           .    eeer= fully .       . 1     . 1     .    n â: â: ee:   anonymously:   e:   wre:    .   h::                1      h       1             .

be approved approving



  r       r    er          n â: final blueprints:      re:   draft:    e re:  r  h:: N                      h


to approve

   r. 

120. This sewing workshop is ideal for beginner tailors ------- professionals who would like to refresh their knowledge. (A) but (B) either (C) as well as (D) additionally

Key C

Phân h :   1       .   .   r   .      .    â: ew:   wr  n â: er eree e:     r:   re:   wee:  . 

 h:                             .   121. All posters and flyers must be removed from the bulletin board ------- 48 hours after the event has occurred. (A) within (B) among (C) unless (D) while

Key A

Phân h: h:   1         . r   . r   . r      D. trong khi= whereas  n â: ree:   bulletin board:    r:  r  e. 

 h h::        r        r  48       r.  122. The ------- technology used in pots by Claypol Housewares keeps the handles from getting too hot to touch. (A) warm (B) frequent (C) unattached (D) innovative

Key D

Phân h :           .    .    .      .       â: e:   :  n â:  e:  .  

 h:       .       ewre   h  :       



123. There are a number of free Web-based ------ that provide tips for locating information in historical databases. (A) tutorials (B) tutoring (C) tutored

Key A

Phân h: h:       1 N   r    r:  er   N  N  N :    ree we- e  e      N  

rng  n â â:: we- e:  e: r r we  re:   :  e:    r , historical databases :    .   h: h:  1     r we             r   r    .   (D)


124. The person hired must be able to adapt ------ to changes in work assignments and schedules. (A) readies (B) readily (C) readiness (D) ready

Key B

125. Organizational behavior specialist Ray Majory believes a good sense of humor in a leader can increase the quality of ------- in the team. (A) declaration (B) statement (C) message (D) communication

Key D

126. Portsmouth's agricultural industry has always found ways to ------- itself by growing different crops and finding new markets. (A) reinvest (B) reuse (C) reassess

Key D


: industry :  r:  re: n  âr.   

Phân h :   1       Verb( adapt)

 n â: â:   :    re:  e rer work assignments and schedules :         r.  :                r         r.

Phân h: h:           .     .         .      .    r    n â: behavior specialist:      ee  r:      ree : .    h h::         r  r 1     r 1           r  . 


Phân h: h:          .     .     .     .    .  



h::     r                h  r             r . 127. While some countries have made huge investments in the Caribbean lately, others have reduced -------. (A) themselves (B) (C) (D)

theirs their they

Key B

Phân h: h:      er er investments.

 r     Nee Ne e   r   1  N      er have reduced)

 n â: made huge investments:        eree:   ree:   h: r  1                 re                 . 128. The ethics committee cited the potential  benefits of the research project while ------- its high cost. (A) acknowledging (B) to acknowledge (C) has acknowledged (D) acknowledge

Key A

129. The report describes the environmental impact on lakes and rivers of using ------- energy sources. (A) together (B) hopeful (C) regulatory (D) renewable

Key D

130. Any decorations on the ceilings or walls must be fully removed, including any material used to ------- them to the surfaces.

Key A

Phân h:           . ere    :       .  

(A) (B)

.   e  .  rw  

Phân h: h:   S     we w e     we       r S   ( acknowledged)=> Ving The ethics ee e.we e e committee) acknowledged its high cost.

 n â â:: e ee:     e: r  e:     wee ree:   :   .  h::      r          r      h     .  Phân h: h:          .    .    .    D.        .    n â: â: ere:    :    eer re:   .  h h::     r    r           ngu      .

adhere attract



.      n â: er:  r r ree:    er:   re:   .  h:    r r  r  r     h:                  .           d (C) (D)

construct sustain

Questions 131-134 refer to the following article. Bakery Gets Technological 

MOMBASA (June 10)- Incredible Cravings, a nationwide bakery and pastry chain with more tthan han 28 store locations, ----131---- a new way to use technology to better serve its customers. During the last quarter, the company began using an infrared-sensor system that ---- 132--- monitors products in the store as they are added and removed from shelves. shel ves.

   hn - n n  h  hn nh   nh n n h  n  hn     hn   h  h    n n nh  h   hn nhn nhn hh hn  n n    n      n  h hn  n  hn n      h hnh  nhn n h n  hn h hn  h h     nhn     Personnel from each bakery can see ---133--- in real time as it is analyzed and updated by the computer. ----134--- For example, when many customers purchase a certain type t ype of bread, employees who are monitoring the screen can immediately restock the th e popular item.

hn nhân n     nh   h h n hn n h  h n h    n  hân h    nh   nh  hn n   n nhn n  hn  h n n  h   h n  n   h nh hh hn    nh  nh nh  nhân n n  n     n hnh  h n    n  hn h n    131. (A) is to introduce       (B) was introducing      r

   (C) has introduced    h (D) would have introduced     

Key C

Phân h: h:  r  1 er  e S(Incredible Cravings :  1              1     r r   -    

        3 132. (A) precise (B) precisely (C) precision

Key B

Phân h: h :  r   r    Verb( monitors)



(D) preciseness 133. (A) inventory  (B) scheduling (C) vendors (D) ingredients

Key A

Phân h: h:           hn trong kho  .     .     .   

134. (A) This system ensures that shoppers can always find what they want.  (B) This computer sends data to store security staff. (C) The Mombasa store is gaining more and more customers. (D) The most popular item at Incredible Cravings is the chocolate croissant.

Key A.

Phân h:           sau.

 h hn n   n nhn n  hn  h n n  h   h n  .                .   .            .  .       Incredible Cravings     la.

Questions 135-138 refer to the following information. Mifflin Moving Services Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): When is the best time to move?  

here are several factors to consider as you decide when to schedule your move. It may be helpful to know that being flexible with your scheduling can often save you money. ---135--- , moving costs are higher during the summer months when the volume of shipments being handled by your moving company tends to increase. Conversely, moving costs are relatively low during the winter months. ---136---.

â       ân nh h n  nh h n n h h   hn  n   h  h   n nh h   n h  n  h hn   n h n n n n h h hn  h  hn n  nhn hn  h h n hn     n  n hn  n   hn n     h h n hn n  h n  nhn hn  n  n h n h  nhn  hn  n nh hn   ân   Moreover, regardless of the time of year that you move, being flexible about your loading and delivery dates can also be ---- 137---. For example, by giving your moving company a seven-day window to load your shipment, you ----138--- the chance that your goods will sit in a truck for a long  period of time.



h  n h  n n n   h n n n n h n  hn  nh h  n   n  h   h n   n h n  h n  n hn  n  n  h   n n  h  h   n  n    h n  135.

(A) Equally (B) Rather

Key C

(C) In general (D As a result

.      .    .    .   1  .  

136. (A) This is true for both residential and commercial moves. (B) Therefore, allow one to two weeks for your shipment to arrive. (C) Most moving companies are based in large cities. (D) Moving is stressful at any time of the year.



Phân h: h:   1     

Key A

Phân h: h:      .  S ”    2  r.   n h n h  nhn  hn  n nh hn   ân    .        2        .   .          r      .  D.              . 

(A) (B) (C) (D)

frustrating similar beneficial unusual

Key C

(A) (B) (C) (D)

reduced reduces reducing reduce

Key D

Phân h :           .      r   .       .    .  .  Phân h: h:   er      S  –     er                  

Questions 139-142 refer to the following advertisement.

The Durham Fitness and Health Expo (DFHE) is an international event that brings the fitness and health industries together for three days in one place, ---- 139--- the perfect opportunity for these industries to showcase their products and services. The award-winning DFHE is now heading into its fifth year, and plans are in place to make it the largest and most diverse di verse exposition --- 140--- , with record numbers of consumers and industry professionals expected to attend.



n n     n nhn n n   h  h hnh h          h  h hnh  n nh n  n     n   h hn h h nhn n   n  nhn n h  h   hn hn  hn â  n hn  n h   n    hh h h      n n n hnh n   n  n nh h  n n   n   n  n  nhn hn  n nnh   n h    ---141---. Both large and small booths in the vendor exhibition area are still available. Call (800) 555-0156 for more information or to reserve your ---142---.  n  n   - hn   n â h h h h   n hn n  nh n h  n  h n n  h n  n    - h h hn n h    hn n  n  139.


(A) provided (B) provides (C) will provide (D) providing

Key D

(A) late (B) well (C) still (D) yet

Key D

141. (A) The event will take place August 6 to 8 at the Durham Convention Center.  (B) Changes to the schedule will be announced in the coming weeks. (C) Most reviews of the event have been  positive. (D) It is not necessary to provide a credit card number at this time.


hân h :    r      r      e e w re e ere.ere    e r 

Phân h: h: e   r         r :  r  .  r            .  Key A Phân h: h:            . 

  n  n    - hn   n â h h h  .      r      r   .  .          .  .             .

(A) vehicle (B) space (C) upgrade

Key B

(D) date

B hn n  .   

Phân h: h:          .   



. . Questions 143-146 refer to the following letter.

Milo Ferris 1690 Ascot Road Kenilworth Cape Town 7708 19 October Dear Mr. Ferris, This letter is to advise you that the water main in your area will be ---143---- between the hours of 1:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. on 29 and 30 October. The system is -----144---- some urgent work to accommodate the increasing demand for water use in Kenilworth. ---145----. The entire project will be completed within the next three months. We apologize for the inconvenience that the interruption in your water supply will cause. These upgrades, however, are -----146--- We will make every effort to complete the th e work as efficiently as  possible.

 h n   n  n n n hnh   n  h   n    h n  n    hn   hn n n nh  h hn   n  hn    n nh  n  n h   n n  nh n    hn hnh h nhn  n n  n   n   hn hnh n n n  hn  hn  n  h   n   n n n  n  n  â  hn nân  n  nhn  n h h hn   h hn  n   hn hnh n  h  nh  h Sincerely, Kagiso Pillay Operations Manager, Cape Town Water Supply and Maintenance [email protected] / (021-555-0012) 143. (A) left out Key D (B) put down Phân h: h:          (C) let go . r   (D) shut off .    .  r    n  144. (A) needed Key B (B) in need of Phân h: h:         (C) a need for  ee  : r    . (D) necessary 145.

(A) The total cost is still not known. (B) The hours of operation aare re subject to

Key D



change. (C) Sales are expected to increase steadily. (D) The work will be done in several stages.


(A) essential  (B) temporary (C) expensive (D) unexpected

h::         . Phân h .          .         .  .       1      n    hn hnh h nhn  n  Key A

Phân h :           A. n h  .    .  .     .

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