Ghost Hunt Vol 1

August 20, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Ghost Hunt By Ono Fuyumi


Ghost Hunt  Are there really lots of Evil Spirits?! が い っ ぱ い !?


Prologue It was compl complete etely ly dar dark k insid inside e the room room.. A blu blue e pen penlig light' ht's s glo glow w was moving around. A light too weak to illuminate the entire room. The blue light shone on the foating silhouette o the girl holding the penlight. It's raining outside. The voice o the little girl is sweeping somewhere throughout the lonely sounds o the alling rain. !...This is a story I heard rom my uncle. One su One summ mmer er my un uncl cle e we went nt to the the mo moun unta tain in wi with th a rie riend nd.. Th They ey walked" aiming to see the summit o that mountain.! #he paused or a moment. !...And you know" the weather was nice" but they lost their way" even though they had been there beor beore. e.  They should have arrive arrived d to the top in about three hours" but no matter how much they walked" they couldn't reach it. #trange as it may seem" they kept on walking" and then a completely unkn un know own n mo moun unta tain in ri ridg dge e ap appe pear ared ed ab abov ove e them them an and d they they co coul uldn dn't 't understan and d where they were an any ymore. Anyway" under these circumstances they decided to return and took the way rom which they came" but ater they walked or a while the same place appeared beore them. $o matter how many times they walked that way" they always came to the same ridge. %ventually it got dark and they had no choice" but to camp at that place.! $o one was able to open their mouths now. !$ight came. They sat by the camp&re" chatting" when they heard a man's voice. A voice asking or help. The two o them looked around or


the voice's owner" but couldn't see anyone. Trying to call or him didn't give a result either. And (ust when they thought that it was (ust their imagination" they heard the voice again. This time it was closer than beore" they searched again" but still there was no one around.  The same thing happened many times again" and the voice was steadily closing in to them. At the end the voice got so close to them that it was coming rom the campre. #omeone's breath" ootsteps and even clothes' rubbing sound could be heard" but still they couldn't see anyone there. As anyone would" they got a very bad eeling about that" so my uncle's riend began chanting a ! namuamidabutsu namuamidabutsu!! prayer. All the sounds started to tone down.  The two o them couldn't sleep that night at all and waited or the dawn. In the morning they reali)ed that near the camp there was a cairn.! !A cairn*! !+eah. ,hen a man died in the mountain" they piled up some stones at that place instead o a grave. That's called a cairn.  +ou ― ― +ou

see" that cairn was about an average man's height. It was impossible to miss it. #till they didn't notice it the day beore.  The dead person probably elt lonely and tried to invite them...or something like that.! I still wonder what could have happened i my uncle's riend didn't do the !namuamidabutsu! prayer.  +uuri  +uuri nished her story" leaving the rain's sound to be the only sign o  activity around us. #he -uietly turned o the penlight. Another two lights remained inside the room. !$e/t is 0ai.!


1eiko iko suggests rom the darkness.  1e As the e/pert" I started my story. !...It's a story I heard when I was a grade student. OnAutumn" a streetso at her night there woman going back That was in the body gotwas colda midway and she elthome. she needed to go to the toilet. #he was (ust passing near a park and thought she could use the public toilet there. A public bathroom at night doesn't eel right" does it*   Because it's dark and all... Although she didn't want to" she went into the restroom. Then" she heard a voice calling out o thin air.! I made my high&pitched voice tremble. !2o you want a red mantle*! !$o&o3! #omeone screamed. !That woman was totally rightened and let the restr restroom. oom. But somehow the door was stuck.  The door (olted and again she heard the same voice" '2o you want a red mantle*'. #he hit the door with all her might" but it didn't open. And when she heard the voice or the third time she answered"'$o" I don't want it'. 4ight ater that the doo doorr opened -uickly -uickly.! .! $o one could speak. Only a weak rough noise o breathing mingled with the sound o the rain is audible. I continued the story. !The woman got out o the restroom in a haste and was so scared that she (ust couldn't go home by hersel" then she saw two patrol policemen passing passin gb by y.


  #he greeted the policemen and told them about what happened while

going goin g ho home me.. Th They ey told told he herr !T !Tha hatt wa was s prob probabl ably y a mo mole lest ster er wh who o ha had d hidden himsel somewhere inside the bathroom. ,e can't catch him by ourselves.!" so she had to go inside again. Beore she entered the toilet again the police man told her !,hen the voice asks you again" please say yes.!  Then the woman entered the toilet a and nd soon ater that she heard the creepy voice !2o you want a red mantle*!. #he" as instructed" answered with wi th !+ !+es es!. !. An And d at the the sa same me inst instan antt a terr terrib ible le scr screa eam m sp spoi oile led d the the midnight silence.! !The door opened -uickly" and the woman there was dead.! 4aindrop 4aindr op sounds. 4aindrops... !#he was covered in red (ust like she was wearing a red mantle. #he was dyed in deep red blood. 5er body was pierced so that it looked like the pointer o a compass" ull o small holes everywhere.! everywhere.! %veryone screamed. !$o3! !,aah3! 5earing the screams" I turned o the penlight. Only one light was let. Only one blue light was still shining... 0ichiru started her story story.. !It's a story about this school...!  The blue light is shining on 0ichiru's hair" her hair that is hanging down rom around her ace. !0ai" have you heard the story o the old school building*! I turn my ace" shaking my head in a negative answer answer..


!#trange. At the e/&school building there is a wooden building at the opposite side o the sports ground. The hal&collapsed building.! !...#o. It wasn't collapsed. That's where the reconstr reconstruction uction stopped.! !,hy...*! 0ichiru smiled like a ghost. !6urse...! !6&c&curse*! !+es...  That building was cursed... a lot o strange incidents happened there. %very year a teacher and a pupil died there... ,as it a re or an incident" only bad things happened ha ppened there.! I saw that right ater I entered this school. The old building had hal& collap col lapsed sed.. It was ul ulll o br brok oken en gla glass ss and wal walls ls ar aroun ound. d. 4eal eally ly"" tha thatt building is a scary place. !The new school building was built beore ten years.  That time" when they had to demolish the old building to start the construction" strange things happened. A machine stopped and workers got ill. But still they tried to break the west wall" and the roo ell down. All the way rom the second foor. All o the workers on the rst foor died.! 2iseases" in(uries" incidents... !Thereupon the construction was suspended. It was let like that" with the west side collapsed" or a long time.


  Ater that unpleasant things continued to happen. A child rom the

neighborhood was ound dead in the e/&building" three days ater that a teacher committed suicide there... ...The demolition was restarted last year in order to rebuild the gym. Butt ag Bu agai ain n on only ly the the ha hal l o it go gott de demo moli lish shed ed"" be beo orre the the wo work rk go gott suspended. The same as last time. A machine broke" a worker got...! ...huh. !Once a truck went out o control and drove through the sports ground during class. Two students died and seven were severely in(ured. It was on the newspapers too.! ...I don't like this. 0ichiru keeps keeps on in a low voice. !0y senpai's riend saw a man's ghost at the e/&building... A person's white shadow was looking at her rom the second foor" she said. The road around the school ence isn't a place to walk at night. ,hen I was walking my dog at night at that street I elt someone looking at me me.. ,h ,hen en I tur turne ned d arou around nd"" r rom om the the wi wind ndow ow o a ha hal l&c &col olla laps psed ed classroom a white silhouette was...! !It can't be...! 1eiko raises her voice. !It's true. ...and that person was waving his hand like he was inviting me.   I got the eeling that I shouldn't go inside the old school so I let

staggering on my eet.! !A&and..*! !That's all. ,hen I started walking" my dog burst out barking with great energy" so I got back there. I looked again at the window" but the person wasn't there anymore.! !5yaa...!


!...I'm turning it o.! 0ichiru said -uietly. The room got -uiet again. ,ith a weak sound 0ichiru's penlight disappeared. The vicinity was wrapped up in the darkness and the sound o the rain. 1eiko 1e iko says with a ha)y voice rom inside the darkness. !One...! 5er voice is trembling. Ater we tell the ghost stories and turn o the lights we have to count upwards rom one. The last one should be a ghost.  +uuri's  +uuri's voice. !Two...! 0ine. !Three...! 0ichiru's low voice. !Four...!  There are are our o us. Are we about to he hear ar a th voice*

,e strained our ears. 74aindrops7 !FI8%! 1+AAA333 ,e all screamed" horried at once. ,e ell into panic with agoni)ing cries. ,hat was3*  This voice3*3 1eiko and the others embrace themselves in ear. !$o&o" no&o!!


 At that instant" the dark room was lit up.

$ear the door there is a light switch. 9nder the small green light there is a group o unsociable looking students among the desks. In the school basement there is a Audio& 8ideo room" that's where we are.  ,e turned around" and saw a tall boy standing near the door" looking at us with interest. 5e has an impressively beautiul ace. 5is hair as dark as the night" and a deep gloomy look in his eyes. ,ith well&matche well&matched d black clothes. 5is white ace and hands are like the melting moonlight inside the twilight abyss. ,ithout a uniorm. Is he an e/change student* 1eiko asked" !,...was that you*! !+es... did I do something wrong*! A nice peaceul voice. 0ichiru sits down reliev relieved. ed. !Ahh" that surprised me. I thought I was going to die.! !%/cuse me. The lights were o so I thought there was nobody in here" but suddenly I heard voices... so I (ust..! !That's... it's alright3! 1eiko says (oyully" !Are you an e/change student*! 5e paused a little. ! it like that" I wonder...! ,hat's with this pause* !A rst&year*!


!...I'm seventeen this year.! A strange way to answer. !#o" you are a senpai.! 1eiko says that with a lively voice. ...#he is the kind that is attracted only by the looks. Actually this guy is really handsome. A tall gure. :ong oot too. And again" a beautiul ace. ...But I kind o eel something weird rom him. It's (ust a eeling" but I can tell we don't match. 0ichiru says with a smiling ace. !,e are sorry to have surprised you too3 ...we were telling ghost stories.! !5eeh"! 5e said and smiled. !,ould !, ould you mind i I (oined you*! %veryone screamed in delight.

!;lease" please...sit here.! 0ichiru pulled his arm. !,hat's your name*! !#hibuya...! 1eiko's eyes orm a heart at that moment. !#hibuya&senpai" do you like ghost stories too*! !#ort o.!


 5e smiled.

%veryone screamed happily again" but ater all I had this eeling o  unrest coming rom him. I wonder why" but I didn't really like like him. !#hibuya&san...! I said" and he turned at my direction. 0m* As I said his ace was e/pressing a smile. But I elt it. This guy had something hidden under the surace. 5is eyes aren't smiling. !,hat are you doing in a place like this*! !I had something to take care o.! !Then do it aster" because we're going home now now.! .! !%eh3! 1eiko and 0ichiru e/claim" dissatised. %ven +uuri who has been -uiet until now" pulls my uniorm. !That 0ai...2on't worry about it senpai. ,hat is it that you have to do here* ,e will help you3! !...Ah" it's only some tape dubbing...!

#hibuya&senpai once again orces his smile. !The truth is" I'm in a hurry right now now.. 5ow about" ne/t time you tell ghost stories" you let me (oin in*! !Then" tomorrow ater school3! 1eiko waves her tail. !Alright. ,here*! !Our homeroom3 4oom F♥?! %veryone was in high spirits" 1eiko and the others were pleased with themselves" but or me" I was the only one unsatised and thinking about what had (ust happened in the A@8 room.


Chapter 1 Pressure Falling / 気圧低下 

 The ollowing o llowing day had nice weather and the sakura trees on the road to school were orming a beautiul white tunnel. Along with the nice weather I" or some reason" was eeling better too. In the morning" when I saw the sky clearing away and the sun rising" I suddenly elt mysel ull o energy" and went to school earlier than usual.   I was passing through the tunnel o roadside sakura trees on my way

to school when I suddenly elt like seeing the old school building.  The old school was standing on the opposite side o the sports ground acing the new one. A wooden" hal&demolished building. A building that had many bad rumors going around about it. %veryone considered it a haunted mansion. Are the rumors true* I decided to go. 0aybe it is true. Being abandoned or a long time" the windows are clouded in dust. 0ore than hal o them are broken so one could see the gloomy inside o the school beyond them. 2ark hole openings in the windows. I eel something dierent rom these holes" like they belong to another place" a dierent world than the one I know. A distorted tiled roo. 5al o the building is covered in a blue sheet.  That originally beautiul blue color color is soiled too" deeply ruined. ruined. I approached the old school building.  The entrance way has an old&ashioned door with a glass window" which is clouded and broken too. A transparent vinyl put there is looking rather lonely lonely..


 I peeped in through that window.

Inside the entrance way the color o dusk is dominating. A rattly shoe shel disposed to the aint light is standing there like a gravestone. A terrible amount o dust. A spider's nest. Its threads are dusty too. A completely dilapidated building. Broken glass is scattered on the foor" something that looks like an old bowl" and other garbage is all over the place. 4uins. 2ilapidated building. A haunted house. An old school building o bad ba d rumors. ;eeping in" I suddenly notice a strange thing inside the entrance way. ,hat could it be* A black machine. ;retty ;retty big" looks like a video camera. #et on top o a tripod. ,hy is such a thing here I wonder" I have to make sure what it is. #pontaneously" I put my hand on the door knob. A very dusty and rough sense o touch.  The door opened with a very unpleasant creak to let me me inside. I entered right ater the door opened. As I thought" it's a video camera. It can't be... someone lost this* I got closer to the camera. ,hy would there be a camera*  This thing totally pu))les me. It's like seeing a car stopped in the middle o the living room o a riend's house. %r" what is this*  ust when I stretched stretched my hands towards the vi video... deo... !,ho is it*!


 A man's sharp voice.

In that e/&school building o bad luck. In that dark entrance way" inside that completely dilapidated building" there (ust when I saw a strange thing and elt curious... At that time all o a sudden I hear a voice" it's impossible not to get surprised. O course I was surprised. $ot (ust surprised. I literally (umped back. ,hile (umping I unintentionally crashed into the almost collapsed shoe shel. At that moment the shoe shel swayed turning around. On my vision's edge I see a man's gure standing at the door door.. I try to avoid the shoe shel that was inclining towards me or the second time. At the spur o the moment I trip and all and the shoe shel collapses gra) gra)in ing g my un uni ior orm m sk skir irt" t" on top top o that that it di dirrec ectl tly y hi hits ts the the vi vide deo o camera... I take an innocent breath ...that surprised me... 5uh" I thought I was going to get caught in.  Taking  Taking a breath o relie" I turned to ace the man (ust like a rogue would in ront o two monks. $ot good. $ow it is completely brok broken. en. The previously broken shoe shel. And the man is lying on the foor. !Are you alright*! I rushed over to him. And at the same time heard a voice. !,hat's wrong*! A man's voice.


  The one who rushed over here rom the door is the e/change student

who made me unrest rom yesterday. #hibuya. Today he isn't wearing a uniorm either. 5e is as black as ever. 5e ran over to check the collapsed man near me. !:in*! 2oes he know him* #ayin #aying g that" he notices me" giving me an intense look. !,hat happened*! !Ah" that's!  ust when I was about to answer the allen allen man raised his body. body. !Are you hurt*! #hibuya asks him. !+es...! 5e mutters. Below the long orelock that is covering the upper part o his ace" there is a red line fowing down. 0y voice gets nervous. !2id you cut yoursel somewhere*! somewhere*!  The blood alling rom his his chin is orming a cir circle cle o dots on the foor foor.. ,hat should I do3 !I am very sorry3 I was surprised and...! I -uickly try to give him a hand" but #hibuya stops me. 9sing his perectly calm hands" he is checking the state o the allen man's in(ury in(ury..


!It's a small cut... Anywhere else*! !I am alright.!  The in(ured man gets up. 5e bends a little when his weight gets to his legs. !6an you stand* 5ow are your legs*! !%verything is okay.! But still he has -uite a sickly look on his ace. A thick layer o sweat is running down his orehead. $ot knowing what to do" I (ust sta stand nd there nervously nervously.. !I am rea eall lly y so sorrry. Bu Butt su sudd dden enly ly he hear arin ing g yo your ur vo voic ice e I wa was s tota totall lly y surprised...! !5e already told you" it's okay!" #hibuya says in a cold voice. I counter with an even colder look. !,e met yesterday" didn't we*! !That's right.! But is it alright or me to give him such a grave look* Ater all this man got in(ured because o me getting surprised. !That's right" but what's more important now is" is there a hospital or a doctor nearby*! !4ight ater the school gate...! !Take me there.! #aying this" #hibuya supports his riend with a shoulder shoulder.. I also try to help him" but he puts o my hand with his arm. ,hat's with this guy3


 =laring at me he saysC !I'm ne. +our help is unneeded.!

...This guy.. what's with his attitude. In the rst place all this happened because you scared me like that. And I" like a kind person" lent you a hand... !:in" can you walk*! !+es" I am okay.! #hibuya takes a look at me. !,hat's your name*! !Taniyama...! !Then" Taniyama&san" Taniyama&san" I will be alright rom here on" you can return to the classroom.! !But..! !I should let you know that the school bell (ust rang.! 5eh* I got up early and I'm still late* =ettin =ett ing g up ea earl rly" y" be bein ing g scar scared ed to de deat ath" h" thes these e tw two o gu guys ys al almo most st reaking me out and on top o that I'm late or school* Ah" I should have never approached the old building. As I thought" that place was ull o bad luck3 %ven though I ran in all my haste I was totally late or school. And as i  to nish me o" the teacher had to scold me in ront o the whole class... it couldn't get any worse. Thanks to this I was in a bad mood throughout the whole wh ole da day y. #chool ended.


  And when I was about to go home" 1eiko and the others gathered

around my desk. !5ey" 0ai" are you going home*! !,hy*! !,eren't we going to meet with yesterday's e/change guy*! !#hibuya*! !+es" let's meet him.! 2on't (oke around. I don't want to see that guy's ace or a while. !I'm going ho home.! me.!

I make it clear to them that I w won't on't go.

!,hyy*  0ai... you've changed.! %ven 0ichiru nods. !,hat a weirdo you are. That guy's got the godlike coolness" don't you think so*! $o" I don't. They are too e/cited.   I" too" think he's got a pretty ace" but that's all. 4ecogni)ing 4e cogni)ing me as a weirdo" 0ichiru says" !,ell" that's ne. The lesser rivals" the better.! !That's right. ,e'll be the only ones to en(oy his enchanting eyes.! 1eiko is really happy happy.. !+ou really don't want to come*!" +uuri adds in mistrust. !Are you sure*  +ou  +ou were -uit -uite e interested y yesterday esterday.! .! ,ith these words 0ichiru smoothed down her uniorm" having nothing more to say. 1eiko 1e iko too gives up on me and changes the topic.


!But I was real !But eally ly sur surpri prised sed ye yeste sterd rday ay.. The atm atmosp ospher here e wa was s so ten tense se wasn't it* I thought that ghosts had appeared or real.! !0e too.! !Today" we'll tell stories again.! !But where* ,e ,e won't get in the right mood here. ,hat about we borrow the A@8 room again*!  +ou're  +ou're rreally eally into it" are aren't n't you* !+eah"" it isn !+eah isn't 't dar dark k eno enough ugh her here. e. The A@8 room* room* The sch school ool's 's mi/ mi/er er room.! !That sounds okay.! ...ust when they were talking about this... !,ait a minute.!  The voice we hear is is that o our class rep" 0s. 1 1uroda uroda $aoko $aoko.. #omehow" she always looks nervous. It's been hal a month since I entered this school" but I still haven't even talked to her her.. !Ah" 1uroda&san" good&bye.! +uuri +uuri turns to her with an innocent smile. !It isn't goodbye. ,hat were you talking about (ust now*! 0s. 1uroda 1uroda seems to be in a bad mood. But we didn't insult you or anything.  Then I replied" !, !,e're e're going to tell ghost stories today today.. That's what we were talking about.! 1eiko poked me. I eel 0s. 1uroda's murderous intent. ,hat's with her*


 At e/actly that moment" #hibuya shows his ace rom the door.

!Is Taniyama&san here*! 0s. 1uroda turns to his direction. !,hat year are you*  ,hat are you doing here*! !Ah" I had an arrangement with these girls...! !Arrangement* About the ghost stories*! !That's right...*! 5earing #hibuya's answer" 0s. 1uroda turns at us without ail. !2idn't I tell you to stop doing this*3! ...Ah* ,hat's with this girl* #he angled her eyes. !$o wonder I've been having headaches since this morning.! !5a&a*! I incline my head doubtully doubtully.. ,hat is she talking about* !Taniyama&san" I am sensitive to spirits. I have headaches when a lot o  them them gat gathe herr. I am hav havin ing g he heada adach ches es today today. #p #pir irit its s ha have ve de den nit itel ely y gathered here.! !5a&a! !2idn't you know*  ,hen you tell ghost stories spirits gather. These are mainly low&level spirits. But even i they are low&level ones" when a lot o  them gather they attract stronger spirits. +ou will be in trouble i that happens.! !..5aa...! ……,5AT'#

,IT5 T5I# =I4:*


!#o you shouldn't think o telling ghost stories as 'un'.!  Then she turns to #hibuya. !It would be -uite troublesome i senpai did it too. I'd have to do an e/orcism"! 0s. 1uroda says that with a thoughtul e/pression. #hibuya shrugs his shoulders. !Isn't it (ust your imagination*! !That's why people who can't sense spirits are annoying.! 5er tone is persistently intense. #hibuya looks at her with a strong intent. !+ou" !+ou" i you really can sense them then do you sense something rom the old school building*! !Old school building*   Ah" it seems spirits o those who died during the war are gathering there.! 0s. 1uroda says -uickly. !2ied during the war*! !4ight. I oten see a man's shadow looking at me rom the windows and it looks like a man rom the war! !5ee" which war*! !O course" the ,orld ,ar II. 2uring the war there was a hospital on that place. The spirits o the dead nurses can be seen there. It had been air& raided once. Thereore a lot o in(ured spirits can be seen too! !Awesome.! #hibuya says with a sarcastic s arcastic smile. !I didn't know this was a hospital during the war. I heard that this school was wa s he herre sinc since e pr pre& e&wa warr da days ys.. An And d be beo orre that that ther there e wa was s a me medi dica call aculty" wasn't there*! ……A

really hard personality


1uroda bends her mouth. Then her ace gets red.  0s. 1uroda !I woudn't know such a thing. Anyway" I've seen them. A person unable to sense them wouldn't understand.! 0s. 1uroda 1uroda doesn't give up until the end. !The school principal is bothered that the e/&building's demolition ailed and was complaining. Are you here to e/orcise it*! ! isn't so simple。,e'll do it when possible.! !I see.!"

#hibuya responds coldly" and turns to us.

!#ince here is no good" let's go elsewhere*! !It's still such a thing3! 0s. 1uroda snaps at #hibuya with incredible orce. But #hibuya completely unconcerned comes to us making 1eiko and the others restless again. !:et's!  This e/tremely e/tremely timid voi voice ce is + +uuri's. uuri's. !:et's put it o or today*! !I agree...I'm not in the mood or it.! 1eiko loses her enthusiasm too. ,hat's happening* $o one is even looking at him" they will miss a chance or intimate e/perience with their cool senpai. But still 0ichiru says" !...#hibuya&senpai" sorry. Ater all...! !I see.! #hibuya nods in assent. !Then some other time.!


  #aying that" he raises his hand. :ooking at the seemingly&pleased 0s.

1uroda he says" !+ou are satised too" right*! !...,hat are you talking about*! !It's okay i you don't know. DDTaniyama&san" please.! #hibuya invites me. 1eiko 1e iko and the others throw a surprised glance at me. !,hat is it*! !2o you have a spare minute*! 5e says with a smile on his ace. 1eiko and company cannot notice his negative e/pression. 0y back is being watched reproachully while leaving the room. !,ho's that girl*! #hibuya asks me while walking in a brisk step beore me" where is he taking me I wonder. !I don't know. Today was the rst time I've spoken with her. #he seems suspicious to me or some s ome reason.! !+eah. Is she really a medium*! 5e asked with a thoughtul e/pression. !,ell" she said it hersel" didn't she* By the way" is the person rom this morning alright*! !About !Abo ut that that.! .! #h #hib ibuy uya a tur turns to a ace ce me wi with th hi his s co cold ld"" indi indie erren entt e/pr e/ press ession ion.. !5 !5e e spr sprain ained ed his le lett ank ankle. le. It is app appar arent ently ly in ver very y bad condition" so he won't be able to stand or a while.! !OhI'm really sorry! I say this" but still I wonder i I really should be apologi)ing to him. !, !,ellis ellis he an ac-uaintance o yours*! !,asn't !, asn't it obvious*! #hibuya glances at me with ridicule in his eyes. !,hat kind o ac-uaintance*! I ask. 5e was giving me a strange eeling. That guy rom the morning was over the hill no matter how you look at him. That same person was talk talkin ing g to hi his s pa part rtne ner" r" the the se seve vent ntee een& n&ye year ar&ol &old d #h #hib ibuy uya" a" in a po poli lite te


manner" while on the opposite side #hibuya was always talking in an e/cessively rude way. Isn't this a reversal* #hibuya replies with his peaceul voice in a casual manner manner.. !Assistant.! Oh. ,hat an arrogant assistant this is. ,ould you normally talk to your master in such a rude tone* !+our boss seems to have a rather strict personality.! I say this with a grain o sarcasm. I don't know i it was a sprained ankle or a broken bone" bon e" but I had alr alread eady y relie relieved ved my mysel sel rom rom tha thatt re respo sponsi nsibil bility ity by lending him a hand. !But it wasn't only me who was responsible or your master's in(ury. 5e was the one who surprised me&&! !It's the opposite.!  The opposite* ,hat is* I didn't surprise him or sure. #hibuya speaks curtly&&!I am the boss. 5e is the assistant.! %h3* %%%%55*3 ……,hat

the heck* This is a serious matter matter..

A seventeen year&old using an adult or his assistant*   ,hat in the world is this guy* I stare at #hibuya with an !are you serious! e/pr e/pression. ession. 5e looks at me with all his pale glory. !0y assistant being unable to move is troubling. 2on't you think you have a responsibility to take on" Taniyama&san*! !5ey" don't (oke around3 ust to make things clear" I'm a victim too. $ot only was I startled to death" but I was late or school.! All the world's cold is gathered inside his eyes.


!5e was hurt. And how are you*! !...That is... I'm pretty lively.! !0oreover" !0oreove r" the camera was brok broken.! en.! Ah" that video camera. $ow that I think about it" it ell really badly. And it's a ragile precision instrument... !:in...I mean" my assistant" tried to prevent you rom touching it" which lead to our ou r current situation.! !That is !That isr real eally ly! ! A real eally ly bad sit situat uation ion.. Tha Thatt was ine inevit vitabl able. e. It wasn't my ault. %ven i I say so" it doesn't eel like he'll understand. !I would have liked or you to pay compensation or the camera" but! 6ompensation3* Are you (oking3 !It isn't like I brok broke e it intentionally3! !2idn' !2id n'tt th they ey teac teach h yo you u no nott to touc touch h othe otherr pe peop ople le's 's stu stu wi with thou outt permission*! ButI elt like !why in the world is there a video camera in such a place!.. !And" how much is the compensation*! ,hat #hibuya estimated was an unbelievable sum o money. #uch a great cost that only e/ists in dreams. !6ut it out with the (okes3   ,hy is that video camera so e/pensive*3  This can't possibly be true3! !That video camera was a custom&made" produced in =ermany. ,ould you like to see the certicate*! Foreign order. 6ustom&made" at that. 0y eyes went black.


,hat am I going to do* #hibuya said" !I you don't like this...! ,hat* I can apologi)e or not being able to pay3 !,ould !, ould you mind taking the place o my assistant*! !By this+ou this+ou mean I'll be working as your assistant*! !%/actly.! !I'll do it.! I'll do it" be it an assistant's (ob or a maid's (ob. #hibuya nods his head in agreement. At the same time I asked him a sudden s udden -uestion. !By the way、what kind o work are you doing" #hibuya&san*! #econd&year" high school student. ♥?.!


5ee he 5ee hee e he hee. e. %v %ver eryt ythi hing ng in my he hear artt (ust (ust fe few w ou out. t. #o this this is my punishment. First First o all" calm down. But that didn't happen. 5earing the (ealousy in 1eiko's voice" 0ichiru hollered out" pressuring me to deeat. I surr s urrendered. endered. !...,haaaat...! 1eiko let out a deep breath. 0ichiru nally spoke out" !Then" #hibuya&san...isn't a transer student*! !$ope. 5e's (ust a liar.! !#o that's how it is...! 1eiko mumbled listlessly. 0ichiru waved her hand in dismissal. !2on't be so disheartened. #ince he's not a student at our school" that means...! 1eiko 1ei ko nished o" !..$o love rivals3! !4ight3! It turned out like this again. ,hy are you guys so happy...are you idiots*  ust because the rival doesn't go to our school doesn't mean that she doesn't go to another one. I he was a student at our school" then you guys can (ust divide him up or even snatch him rom his girlriend. But how ho w are are yo you u go gonn nna a de deal al wi with th a lo love ve ri riva vall wh whom om yo you'v u've e ne neve verr me mett beore* !Taniyama&san.! #udden #udd enly ly so some meon one e ca call lled ed my nam name. e. It's It's that that ru rude de 1ur urod oda a girl girl rom rom yesterday. !=ood morning"! I answered" !Is something up*! !That he a psychic*! !$o" he isn't.!


!But didn !But didn't 't yo you u (u (ust st sa say y he ca came me he herre to inve invest stig igat ate e the the ol old d scho school ol building*! ...OhJ#o you were eavesdropping. $ow that I think about it" I really need to change the sub(ect. !5e's not a psychicH he's a ghost hunter.! hunter.! !=host hunter*! ,hen 1uroda&san raised her eyebrows" 1eiko and 0ichiru pulled me o  to the side and asked" !5ey" what does that mean*! !I'm not really sure" but I think it means a psychic.! !5ow is it dierent rom a psychic*!

!Tha !T hat' t's s wh why ylike I sa said id I cameras wa wasn sn't 't su sur re.whatnot. 5e bo boug ught ht inwhy lo lots tsheo(ust e/p /pen ensi sive ve e-uipment" video and That's doesn't seem like a psychic.! !OhJ"! 1uroda&san inter(ected" considering her idea" !Taniyama&san" !Taniyama&san" can you introduce me to that guy*! !,ha*! ,* !I have psychic powers" so I might be able to help him with his work.! 0ichiru -uietly whispered her resentment. I repl eplied ied"" !Bu !But.. t...1 .1ur uroda oda&sa &san" n" did didn't n't you alr alread eady y me meet et him him* * A or ormal mal intro int roduc ductio tion n isn isn't 't nec necess essary ary. +ou can see him at ater er sch school ool at the old school building.! !I know that" but...! !But it's best i you don't get involved with that guy at all.!

!Oh" but why*! 1uroda&san's asked" a hint o sarcasm in her tone.


!5e said he dislikes talking to amateurs.! !I'm not an amateur like you.! !AhJ#till" $aru&chan is a proessional. 5e even has an oNce.! !0ai"! 0ic !0ai"! 0ichir hiru u int inter( er(ect ected" ed" pin pinchi ching ng my nec neck" k" !6a !6alli lling ng him $ar $aru&c u&chan han aectionate o you.! !$arcisstic $aru&chan. +ou guys" stop antasi)ing about him. 5e has a rotten personality.! !But he's still 7that7 handsome*! !I'm !I'm (u (ust st sa sayi ying ng"" I a gi girl rl is pr pret etty ty"" sh she' e'll ll de den nit itel ely y ha have ve a ter terri ribl ble e personality" which is something no guy wants. I someone is pretty" that person" emale or male" will denitely have a bad personality personality.! .! !4eally..! !5e's suc !5e's such h an int intimi imidat dating ing nar narcis cissis sist. t. From rom now on" I'l I'lll (u (ust st cal calll tha thatt narcissist '$aru&chan'.! I can tell rom 1eiko's reaction that she'd (ust get hurt i she got close to him. I was trying to tell 1uroda&san this" but when I turned around" I was let acing empty space. 1uroda&san was already sitting down" with a te/tbook wide open on her desk. I was speechless. !That's (ust the kind o person she is"! 0ichiru -uietly whispere whispered d to me. !2idn't 1uroda&san go to the same middle school as you*! I'm pretty sure 0ichiru is rom that same middle school. !4ight. #he was -uite amous in middle school" always going on about her psychic powers" her warnings !ohthis is dangerous!" her sensitivity to ghosts" and always wanting us to do this and that.! !Oh...!


!0an" she (ust likes to be the center o attention. $o doubt she likes all the fattery she gets.! !...Oh.! !5ow should I say this...could she have allen in love with #hibuya&san at rst sight*! !,hat3*! 1eiko e/claimed indignantly. 1uroda&san 1ur oda&san shot her a hateul look" to which 1eik 1eiko o immediately shut up. I really don't understand 1uroda&san. In the end" it's probably best not to associate with her.

,hen school ended"the myold riends commen commented ted on how !sly! I was beor beore e I headed out towards school building. Ater I went to the back o the old school building" I noticed the silver van Ater was in the same parking space as yesterday. ,hat's $aru&chan doing" sitting in the back o the car* !5ello"! I greeted him. 5earing my voice" he lited his head" shiting his attention rom the e-uipment to me. !,hat're you doing*! I asked. !:ooking over yesterday's recordi recording.! ng.! OhJI didn't really get it" but it sure did seem impressive impressive.. !Then" did you nd anything*! $aru&chan glanced at the shel overfowing with televisions. !$othing unusual.!

!$othing unusual* Then the old school building doesn't have ghosts ater all*!


!Are there no ghosts* Or are they (ust hiding themselves* 4egardless o  the answer" the old school building shouldn't be that dangerous.! ...,hen he's talking about it that way way... ... ! the e-uipment working*! a voice came rom behind me. 5astily turning around" I saw a woman wearing gaudy clothes and a man with a dumb look on his ace. !These are e/pensive toys or a kid.!  The woman let out a scornul scornul laugh. $aru&chan stared at them. !,ho are you guys*! 1id's toys* #evere conse-uences will ollow i you damage his pride like that.  The woman looked at $aru&chan. #ure" the woman was beautiul" but she was lacking in charm. #he was one scary big sister sister.. !I'm 0atsu)aki Ayako. $ice to meet you.! 5er red lips spread into a big smile. s mile. $aru&chan coldly replied" !I have no interest in your name.! Ayako&san almost lost it" but then she glared intently at $aru&chan. !5ow arrogant" but you're denitely a handsome young man.! !Thank you.! ...5ey" hey hey.. Aya yak ko&s o&san an cros crosse sed d he herr arms arms.. !For !Forge gett it it.. %v %ven en i yo you u be beco come me mo morre handsome" it won't be o any help. +ou can't e/orcise ghosts with your ace anyway anyway.! .! $aru&chan's ga)e lited up. !Are we in the same industry*! !;retty much...I'm a miko.!


A miko* +ou've gotta be kidding" right* But then" $aru&chan retorted" !I was under the impression that miko were young" pure maidens.! 5earing that" I couldn't help but make a unny ace.  The man beside them also let out out a burst o laughter laughter.. !Oh" you can't tell*! Ayako&san was urious as she sent deathly glares to $aru&chan. #he chose the wrong opponent. $aru&chan continued" !I you want to say you're young" I think you are really too old.! 5e smirke smirked. d. #he deserved it. ,ell said" $aru&chan.

 The man at the side nally started started guawing. 
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