Getting Started Guide IPM 8

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P etroleum Experts

Getting Started Guide


Copyright Notice Address: Petroleum Experts Limited Petex House 10 Logie Mill Edinburgh, Scotland EH7 4HG Tel : (44 131) 474 7030 Fax : (44 131) 474 7031 email: [email protected] Internet:

© 1990-2012 Petroleum Expert Limited


Table of Contents Chapter 1 The IPM suite


this guide for? 2 1 What is................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... Experts Software Tools 2 2 Petroleum ................................................................................................................................... IPM solution provides 2 3 What the ................................................................................................................................... of Integrated Production Modelling - IPM 3 4 An Example

Chapter 2 Installing the IPM Software


Computer System Requirements 10 1 Client ...................................................................................................................................

Chapter 3 Software Licence Management - User PC


Licence Control – Single PC User 12 1 Bitlock................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... the Bitlock Licence Control – New Activation Codes 14 2 Update Configuration for HARDLOCK – Network Licence Manager 15 3 Client ...................................................................................................................................

Chapter 4 IPM User Manuals and Worked Examples


Chapter 5 Technical Support


................................................................................................................................... Technical Teams in Edinburgh and Houston 18 1 Contact ................................................................................................................................... Support via the Web 18 2 Technical

Chapter 6 User Group Meeting

April, 2012


Getting Started Guide




This is just another title page placed between table of contents and topics

© 1990-2012 Petroleum Expert Limited

The IPM suite



The IPM suite We are pleased to enclose the latest version of the IPM suite of tools. The client base includes more than 300 oil, gas and service companies throughout the world, using the software for managing and modeling fields. The tools aid in decision making on the production strategies, and solving production problems as well as optimising existing and future production.


What is this guide for? This brief guide is designed to demonstrate the initial set-up and use of the IPM suite. It covers areas like: Your computer system How to install the software How to get up and running with a licence you have purchased How to start running the software The User Guides Support from Petroleum Experts


Petroleum Experts Software Tools The Integrated Production Modelling toolkit (IPM) is a set of petroleum engineering software tools that model the complete production system, from reservoir through the wells to the surface network. The IPM suite is composed of:



- IPM Multiphase Surface and System Optimisation


- IPM Well Modelling and Design


- IPM Reservoir Analytical Simulation


- IPM Fluid Characterisation


- IPM Platform for Specialised Reservoir Studies


- IPM Controller for IPM and third party software tools


- Open Architecture provided by all IPM software tools


- Integrated Field Management


- Integrated Visualisation Management

What the IPM solution provides The IPM suite enables the user to work with one set of tools to model the elements of the full production system and thus manage, optimise and run field production forecasts. Some key benefits are:

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IPM - Getting Started Guide

Reservoir, multiple well and surface network Optimisation and Production Forecasting Fluids o Multiphase fluids Oil, Gas and Condensate o Commingled production from multiple layers or reservoirs Reservoir o Analytical or Numerical Simulation Models o Single or Multi-tanks reservoir models, with inter tank communication Wells o Vertical, Multi-Lateral, Horizontal and Smart well modelling o Modelling of Multi-layers and interferences effects within the reservoir o Artificial Lift designs and diagnostics: including ESP’s, HSP’s, Gas Lift, PCP o The proprietary Petroleum Experts correlations are becoming industry standards showing stability in some of the most challenging fluids Surface Network o The most advanced optimisation method in the industry. This is using the non-linear Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) approach. Most optimisation problem require a non-linear optimiser o Modelling of surface networks, pumps, compressors, multiple pipelines and looped gathering systems o No limit to number of the wells or surface elements as equipment o Complete system modelling: History matching Connectivity o The IPM suite can be linked through RESOLVE to third party reservoir simulators, process simulators, economic packages and client proprietary software tools o With OpenServer the user can build and link each IPM tool to spreadsheets, Visual Basic Macros, data bases, etc. Each tool can be operated standalone or seamlessly with the other tools


An Example of Integrated Production Modelling - IPM The IPM (Integrated Production Modelling) suite of tools is developed to address some specific issues with regards to field wide modelling. Consider the following production system:

Getting Started Guide

April, 2012

The IPM suite


As one can see from the picture, a number of wells are present, producing through risers to the FPSO. Production from the wells is commingled for some wells at the sub sea level. Traditionally, the way this system was modeled was by building a simulation model for the reservoir that would then be run (including the well models) in order to do predictions based on a fixed wellhead pressure. This however was not as accurate as it could be, since the wellhead pressures will depend on the pressure drops through the surface pipelines, and in more complex systems, the pressure drops through facilities in the production line. In order to accurately model production, an integrated system is needed. This is a model that includes the reservoir, well and surface facilities and can do predictions taking the interactions between different elements of the system into account. Some of the fundamental questions the IPM suite of tools is trying to address are: How can a production profile from the whole field be predicted, taking reservoir, wells and surface facilities into account? Which part of the system is acting as a bottleneck to the system? How can production from the field be managed and optimised? If a problem in the system exists, is it due to the reservoir, the wells or the surface facilities? The strength of the IPM suite stems from Petroleum Experts’ understanding of the fundamental physics that govern production through a system and our long experience in the field. We constantly try to find ways of helping engineers throughout the world in solving problems.

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IPM - Getting Started Guide

Installing the IPM Software Important If you are using a HARDLOCK network licensing system then it must be upgraded to HARDLOCK V8.1 before you can use IPM 8. If you are using a HARDLOCK network licensing system the upgrade instructions will already have been sent to the main contact in the company for the HARDLOCK. You may wish to check with your HARDLOCK administrator to make sure that the upgrade has been performed before installing IPM 8.0. We recommend that the IPM software is installed and run on the users local PC. Web Download If the tools have been downloaded from our Web Site, run the IPM8-xxx.exe, where: xxx refers to the build number. Or: Installation from CD The following steps should be taken: i.) Put the CD in the CD ROM drive and the installation will begin automatically. ii.) If nothing happens, you can start the installation manually by opening Windows Explorer on the CD Drive and double clicking on the PXInstallMenu.exe icon:

Installation If IPM 7.5 is installed, the install menu should look like the one below. Click "Uninstall IPM 7.5.x" to remove IPM 7.5.x:

Getting Started Guide

April, 2012

Installing the IPM Software


If an older build of IPM 8 is already installed, the install menu will look like the following: Click "Uninstall IPM 8.x" to remove IPM 8.x:

The following warning panel will appear. Select “OK”.

Once all older versions of IPM have been uninstalled, the installation utility will prompt to install IPM 8. Select “INSTALL IPM 8”.

The following panel will appear. Select “Next”.

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IPM - Getting Started Guide

The default directory where the software will be installed is shown here. If it is required to install the software in a different directory, then this can be done by selecting the “Browse” Button. Select “Next”.

The default option for the installation is “Typical”. We recommend using this default. Select “Next”.

Getting Started Guide

April, 2012

Installing the IPM Software


On this screen the installation Wizard is showing the software and Options to be installed for each piece of software. Please make sure that all the options have been selected in order to install the manuals and example files and of course, the programs themselves. If you do not want to install one program un-tick the relevant box on the left screen. Select “Next”.

This screen will show the user where the Petroleum Experts directory will be placed on the Menu of your Windows environment. The default is under the folder shown. If the name of the folder needs to be changed, the user may do so in the box shown. Select “Next”.

The installation will then start. You can see the progress on the Status Bar. The © 1990-2012 Petroleum Expert Limited


IPM - Getting Started Guide

installation should take no longer than a couple of minutes.

The first time the programs are installed the Settings Storage Type dialogue will appear:

The settings include the programs *.ini file that capture any customized settings for the tools such as font type and size, interface color, plotting colors, etc., plus other databases. The "Store settings separately for each user..." (default setting) is the recommended option. If all uses on the computer are to share the same settings then select Store Settings in a common directory. Caution should be applied if the "Store settings in a common directory..." option is used as all users may not have write privileges to the common directory holding the custom profiles.

Getting Started Guide

April, 2012

Installing the IPM Software


The following message box will appear informing that the installation is finished. Select “Finish”.


Client Computer System Requirements System Minimum Component Requirements

Recommended - Full IPM suite

Processor Speed

Pentium IV, 1 GHz

Pentium IV, 1 GHz

Operating System

Microsoft Windows XP (32 bit), Vista (32 bit), 2003 Server (32 bit)

RAM (Memory) 500 Mbytes

1 GByte (the more the better)

Disk Space

2 GByte (all programs and large model files)

1 GByte full IPM suite

For Standalone Licence use on a user PC: One port is required Parallel port or for the bitlock. This licence controller can be a USB or parallel USB port bitlock Monitor Resolution

SVGA (1280 x 1024)

Tape Drive

CD-Rom (standalone use)

SVGA (1280 x 1024) or better

Note: a pentium IV or later processor is required to run the OLGAS correlations. The software can only be run on Windows 2003 Server if you are using the HARDLOCK network licensing system.

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IPM - Getting Started Guide

Software Licence Management - User PC With the IPM software installed on your computer, the next step is to configure the licence management system. After “Finish” selected in the IPM installation you will return to the following screen. Select “Run Licensing Configuration Wizard”.

The following screen explains the set-up of licensing and is the beginning of the Licensing wizard. Select “Next”. If the option already has a green tick, you should not need to rerun the licensing wizard.

Getting Started Guide

April, 2012

Software Licence Management - User PC


The licence is handled either on a single PC or network basis through a licence manager called HARDLOCK. If the case where the licence is located locally at the user’s machine, then select the “I have a single User Bitlock” Option and move to section 3.1. In the case where the users machine will be a client of the HARDLOCK, please select the second option and move to section 3.3. Check the appropriate option and then Select “Next”.


Bitlock Licence Control – Single PC User Along with the CD with the software, a security bitlock is included. USB Bitlock: should be fitted to the USB port of your computer. Parallel Bitlock: performs the same function and are fitted to the printer port of the machine. Parallel port bitlocks are stackable. You need to choose which type of bitlock you have connected to your PC. Look at the bitlock, if it is a Rainbow Superpro or a HASP bitlock; it will be indicated. Select “Rainbow Superpro or HASP”. Then Select “NEXT”

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IPM - Getting Started Guide

If the bitlock drivers are not installed, this page will be displayed next. Click the Install Drivers button to start the driver installation wizard. Once the drivers are installed, select “Next”.

In the following screen, please select “Test” in order to check if the licence manager will detect any previously activated licences on the dongle. In this case there are active licences and they are being displayed here. If there are red crosses next to any of the IPM products, the bitlock may need to be activated using the set of codes provided by Petroleum Experts. If you do not yet have the codes, please e-mail Petroleum Experts who will then forward the codes by Getting Started Guide

April, 2012

Software Licence Management - User PC




Update the Bitlock Licence Control – New Activation Codes In order to update the bitlock follow the path shown here and select “Remote”:

Remote will have detected the bitlock number but showing that no product is yet enabled. In order to enter the codes, please select “Update” as shown.

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IPM - Getting Started Guide

The codes can now be entered in the following boxes. Select “Continue” will update the bitlock.


Client Configuration for HARDLOCK – Network Licence Manager In this case the licence are to be accessed from a HARDLOCK licence manager. You may need to know the details of the Hardlock server PC i.e. the host name or IP address. This page will display any Hardlock already configured on your PC. If the list is empty, click the Find Hardlocks button to search for any Hardlocks on your network. If there are still no Hardlocks displayed in the list, click the Enter Hardlock Details button. You may need to contact the person in your organisation who is responsible for the Hardlock for the information required. Once you have configured the Hardlock, select “Next”.

Getting Started Guide

April, 2012

Software Licence Management - User PC


In the next screen, please select “Test” in order to check if the licence manager is able to detect any licence on the Hardlock. In this case there are active licences and they are being displayed here.

The installation process is now finished. The software is now ready to run by selecting the appropriate option from the list under the Petroleum Experts menu accessed via the following Windows command: "START | ALL PROGRAMS | PETROLEUM EXPERTS IPM8"

© 1990-2012 Petroleum Expert Limited



IPM - Getting Started Guide

IPM User Manuals and Worked Examples The User Guides for the software can be accessed through:

A screen will appear from which it is possible to access the different User Guides ( GAP, PROSPER, MBAL, etc) These documents are in Acrobat Reader format (pdf). Acrobat reader is required in order to read them. If Acrobat Reader is not already installed on the computer, a web link is provided where the newest version of Acrobat Reader can be installed.

We would suggest for the users to go through some of the worked examples to familiarise themselves with the functionality and workflows of the software.

Getting Started Guide

April, 2012

Technical Support



Technical Support In Petroleum Experts we aim to provide the highest level of support we possibly can in order to assist our users with their work involving the IPM suite of tools. Technical support is provided to all users who maintain yearly their licenses.


Contact Technical Teams in Edinburgh and Houston There are various ways that the users can get in touch with us: Edinburgh, UK: Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 18:00 hrs e-mail at: [email protected] Phone: +44 (0)131 474 7030 Fax: +44 (0)131 474 7031 Houston, USA: Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 17:30 hrs. e-mail at: [email protected] Phone: +1 281 531 1121 Fax: +1 281 531 0810 From the programs themselves, a feature allows accessing the technical support web area (under Help | Technical Support).


Technical Support via the Web A web area that only users of the software can access has been implemented. This can be accessed from any of the programs: From PROSPER for instance:

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IPM - Getting Started Guide

Selecting this option will start your Web Browsing software, e.g Internet Explorer and show the following screen, first time you log on:

For the first logon the user needs to enter their details and then have access to the area. These details are then stored and used for subsequent entries, provided your PC allow Cookies to be stored on your PC. Clicking on submit will present the web page and links:

If technical support is required, the Technical Support tab can be selected, as highlighted above. On the following page, there are a number of options to select from. The user can Getting Started Guide

April, 2012

Technical Support


access our searchable FAQ database or send us an e-mail directly from the webpage.

The highlighted "Questions to Support" option can be used to enter technical requests:

The fields required are: Name Company Email Phone Context - general background of the project and detailed objectives the model is meant to achieve Problem/Question - specific question or problem encountered Attachment - the model file can be attached to the support request

© 1990-2012 Petroleum Expert Limited



IPM - Getting Started Guide

User Group Meeting Petroleum Experts publish an annual development plan for each software product in the IPM suite. Every year a week long forum, the User Meeting, is held in Edinburgh UK where the company is based. This is an opportunity for the user community to discuss the use of the software and take decisions on future developments for the software. The decisions are based on practical needs of the client companies after presentations of the problems or proposals by company representatives.

Getting Started Guide

April, 2012

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