Get to the Top_3_grammar Tests

April 26, 2017 | Author: Valakivagyvalami | Category: N/A
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Get to the Top_3_grammar Tests...


get to the s t s e t r a m gram Contents Test 1 (Module 1) .................................................................................................2 Test 2 (Module 2) .................................................................................................4 Test 3 (Module 3) ................................................................................................6 Test 4 (Module 4) .................................................................................................8 Test 5 (Module 5) ...............................................................................................10 Test 6 (Module 6) ...............................................................................................12 Final Test ........................................................................................................14

Test 1

get to the

Module 1

A. Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets. Dear Martha, Hi! I’m Mario. My english teacher gave me your e-mail address. She (1)


that having an e-pal helps us practise english. So, I (2) few things about me. I (3)

(write) to you to tell you a (live) in Madrid, the capital city of Spain. At the moment,

I (4)

(stay) at my aunt’s house because my parents are in Italy on holiday. I’m 16

years old and I’ve got many interests. I (5)

(love) sports,

especially football. I (6) (7)

(play) in goal for the school football team. Also, I (think) of taking up guitar lessons because I love music very much. What about

you? (8)


(play) a musical instrument? Well,

I have to go now. My cousin and I (9)

(go) to the cinema tonight.

Write back soon, Mario





B. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. 1. Going to the theatre is more expensive than going to the cinema.


Going to the cinema 2. Linda’s classmates aren’t as tall as she is.


Linda 3. edmund isn’t as outgoing as Louise.


edmund is 4. Both robert and Jonathan are confident.


robert 5. None of Harry’s friends live so far from school.


Harry (as) Copyright © MM Publications

6. Marvin speaks Italian more fluently than he speaks German.

Marvin doesn’t speak German


Test 1

get to the

Module 1

C. Choose a, b or c. 1. There aren’t

students in the classroom.

a. some

b. no

c. any

likes Peter. They think he’s very bossy and selfish.

2. a. Anybody

b. Nobody

c. Everybody

3. Your room is so messy! a. Everything

’s on the floor.

b. Something

4. Let’s go

c. Everywhere

nice for dinner tonight.

a. somewhere

5. There’s

b. everywhere

c. anywhere

under the sofa. What is it?

a. everything

b. something

c. anything



D. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in the box. remember



1. Judith

not look

not come


all her pocket money on CDs yesterday.

2. I

Brazil last March but my friend, Mark,

3. A:


with me.

to call Dad yesterday? It was his birthday.

B: Oh, no! I forgot. 4. Alice

a black dress to the party last night, but it

good on her. Score


E. Look at the table and write sentences about what these people did or didn’t do in the past. Use used to. Bill

verb + climb / trees / -ion be / young


eat / sweets / be / little girl

Harry and Rita

not live / city / 10 years ago



study / hard / be / university



not play / football / be / at school



Bill used to climb trees when he was young.

Score total Score

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8 40

Test 2

get to the

Module 2

A. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.


Lucy and Charlie

2. ouch! I think I

(sprain) my ankle.

3. Paul’s upset because he

(damage) his car.

4. I don’t understand. You 5.

(visit) the National Museum yet?

(not explain) it very well.

Andy ever

6. My sister

(have) lessons with Mrs Kennedy? (not eat) anything since this morning. She’s very hungry.





B. Circle the correct words.

1. Jill has never / before seen a rainbow. 2. Nina has worked for us for / since June. 3. I’ve worn those jeans twice / ever and I need to wash them. 4. Mum and Dad have yet / already finished cooking. 5. Two months before / ago we got a dog. 6. Haven’t you done the washing-up already / yet? 7. Dr Jenkins has seen five people so far / ever. 8. I haven’t been to the city centre for / since days. 9. I haven’t eaten Chinese food before / never.

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10. We moved here in / since 2009.


Test 2

get to the

Module 2

C. Complete with the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1. A:

you ever

B: Yes. I

(see) a wild animal?

(see) an elephant last year when I

(be) in India with my


A: You’re lucky. 2. Ann

(go) to Rome ten days ago but she

(not visit) the Colosseum

yet. 3. A: How long


B: For five months. They 4. Linda

(know) Tina? (meet) in May.

(have) a car accident two years ago and she

(not drive) a

car since then. Score




D. Write sentences using the prompts given and the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple.

1. Raymond / be / secretary / for ten years 2. Maria / read / this book / last year 3. The boys / already / try / bungee-jumping 4. I / never / taste / snake 5. Kelly and Diane / not enter / competition / two days ago

total Score

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get to the


A. Circle the correct words.

1. A: Where are those CDs? B: Which one / ones? A: The one / ones I borrowed from Kyle. B: They’re in my room. 2. A: Mmm, all these cakes look delicious. B: Get the one / ones with the cherries on it. A: oK, then. 3. I love plants. The one / ones I’ve got in my room is still quite small, but I water it every day. I’ve also got some beautiful one / ones in the living room. They’re bigger. SCore


B. Write two sentences with too / enough and the adjectives given.

1. I want to go swimming but I can’t. (warm)

It isn’t warm enough.

(cold) 2. Tanya can’t become a model. (short) (tall) 3. Billy won’t win the race. (fast) (slow) 5

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Test 3

get to the

Module 3

C. Choose the correct answer a, b or c.

1. How

a. many

days are there till the end of the school year? b. much

c. few

2. A: Do you want milk in your tea? B: Just

a. a few

, please. b. a little

3. There are

a. lots of

nice restaurants in the city centre. b. any

4. How

a. many a. much

b. any

a. lot of

b. many

a. many

c. a few

magazines in my bedroom. Take some. b. lots of

7. There isn’t

c. much planets with my telescope. It isn’t good enough.

6. There are a

c. much

time have we got left?

5. You can’t see

c. much

c. loads of

sunlight in your room. Let’s go outside. b. a little

8. A: How

c. much

are these jeans?

B: They’re very cheap. Only ¬30.

a. many

b. much

c. a lot



D. Complete with who, which or that. If the pronouns can be omitted, put them in brackets.

E. Complete the sentences with mustn’t, don’t have to or doesn’t have to.

1. We live in a city

1. We

2. A pilot is someone 3. Here’s the keyboard

is near the sea.

the lesson. Our teacher gets angry.

flies planes.

2. You

I bought last

4. Steve went to the concert with a girl

3. Philip

buy a ticket for the concert.

I’ve got an extra one.

he met on the bus.

6. Brenda Myers is the person

wait for the bus. I’ll drive you

to school.


5. Do you like the jumper

get up without asking during

4. My school is organising a Sports Day. Lucy gave me? won

the competition.


take part if they don’t

want to. 5. I’m sorry, sir. You



eat in the

museum. 6. My sister

do the washing-up today

because she did it yesterday. Score total Score

6 30

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Test 4

get to the

Module 4

A. Complete with should or shouldn’t.

1. Perry’s got a terrible headache. He

work on his computer tonight. He

go to bed early. 2. A:

I buy flowers for my mother or get her a skirt for her birthday?

B: I think flowers are better. 3. You’ve just sprained your ankle. You

walk. You

relax and if it gets

worse, call a doctor. 4. You 5. People

invite Claire to your party. We always have fun with her. leave their rubbish on the beach. They

clean up before they

leave. SCore




B. Complete with the correct question tags.

1. You haven’t been to the dentist yet,


2. Mary should take a painkiller, ?

4. Your parents don’t really like jogging, 5. Giles and Miles can’t drive,

? ?

6. John used to lift weights every day,


7. Mum, you’ll help me with my project, 8. Ted wasn’t working last night, 9. Your sister goes to the gym every day, 10. The boys had lunch at a fast food restaurant,

? ? ? ?

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3. Jane’s a karate instructor,



Test 4

get to the

Module 4

C. Circle the correct words.

1. I’ve joined the gym lose / to lose weight. 2. My father made me eat / to eat broccoli. Yuck! 3. Tessa promised pick / to pick me up from the airport. 4. Young children shouldn’t watch / to watch TV all day. They could damage / to damage their eyes. 5. Yesterday I forgot take / to take out the rubbish. 6. My brother is too young go / to go camping alone. 7


D. Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the verbs in the box.





1. I don’t mind


1. A: What are you planning

on diets. ! I can hear you.

B: I don’t know. When I finish

(clean) the house, I might

3. Freddy knows that chocolate is bad for his teeth,

(watch) a DVD.

but he keeps

A: I’d love


it. up early is something I don’t



out at the gym

but I hate 2. Stop


E. Complete with the bare or full infinitive or the -ing form of the verbs in brackets.

(watch) a DVD with

you. Can I?

like doing.

B: Sure.

5. I never borrow my sister’s things without

2. Tony wants

job but his parents won’t let him

her first.

(find) a part-time

(get) one. They believe that he isn’t old enough Score



3. Dorothy is interested in


about space travel. She goes to the library every (look for) information. Score total Score

9 Copyright © MM Publications




get to the


A. Complete with both, all, neither, none or either.

1. Yesterday my friend and I went to the new theme park but

of us tried the roller

coaster. We were too scared. 2. Mr and Mrs Davis are my neighbours.

of them are teachers and work at my

school. 3. Yesterday I went shopping with Nancy. We

bought new trainers. Nancy’s are black

and mine are red. 4. Tina, Karen and Shirley are sisters. They

have got fair hair and green eyes.

5. A: Do you want to go to the cinema or stay at home and watch a DVD? B:

is fine. You decide.

6. I’ve got lots of friends but

of them like sports. I’m the only one interested in sports.





B. Complete the dialogues with So / Neither + auxiliary verbs.

1. A: I’m going to the concert tonight. B:

I. It’s going to be great!

2. A: Ken has never played tennis before. B:

Brian. We’re going to win easily.

3. A: Mrs and Mr orden hate watching reality shows. B:

my mum. She thinks they’re boring.

4. A: We went to the theme park last week. B:

we. Did you like it?

5. A: I don’t take my bottles to the recycling bin. B:

I. I’m terrible.

6. A: Jean won’t travel to France this summer. B:

Marie. She’s staying here.

7. A: I couldn’t sleep last night. I. There was so much noise.

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8. A: Kate and Mike were at the theatre yesterday. B:

my sister, but she didn’t like the play.


Test 5

get to the

Module 5

C. Complete with the Present or Past Simple Passive of the verbs in brackets.

1. A lot of pasta 2. A new library

(eat) in Italy. (build) in my neighbourhood a year ago.

3. Paper, plastic and glass 4. My projects

(recycle) in our city. (always/check) by Mr Andrews.

5. Last year many gorillas 6. The letters

(kill) in the African jungle. (send) to another address and I never got them.

7. This soap opera

(watch) by millions of people every day. It’s very popular.

8. Thousands of MP3 files

(download) from this website every day. Score


D. Circle the correct words.

1. Millions of cars sell / are sold every year. 2. Our tent destroyed / was destroyed by a storm last night. 3. The famous actress won / was won three awards. 4. Lots of people use / are used mobile phones. 5. The War of the Worlds directed / was directed by Steven Spielberg. 6. Football plays / is played by two teams of eleven players. 7. We didn’t want to live in the city any more so we bought / were bought a house by the sea. 8. The criminals caught / were caught last night.

total Score

8 30

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Test 6

get to the

Module 6

A. Complete the sentences with who, which, that, whose or where. If they can be omitted, put them in brackets. 1. Is that the girl

you met in Italy?

2. That is the school

Charlie goes. father owns the café near the cinema.

3. John is my classmate 4. Mary is the student

did the best in the final exams.

5. That’s the shoe shop 6. The café

I bought my new pair of shoes. I was telling you about is over there, next to the cinema.

7. Camels are animals 8. That’s the woman 9. That’s the reporter 10. Is that the watch

live in the desert. car I crashed into. I saw at the shopping centre. you found in the park? SCore




B. Join the sentences using who, which, that, whose or where. If they can be omitted, put them in brackets.

1. That’s the lifeguard. He saved the little boy.

2. I read a book. It was very boring.

3. That’s my friend. Her dad is a director.

4. That’s the music video. I saw it on TV last night.

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5. Have you been to the new café? They make delicious hot chocolate there.

6. There’s the karate instructor. I met him at the gym.


Test 6

get to the

Module 6

C. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Future Will of the verbs in brackets. 1. I

(play) tennis with Mary tomorrow after I

2. When my mother 3. We 4. They 5. If Jack 6. If Jenny

(do) my homework.

(hear) the news, she (wait) until Ken’s plane (buy) tickets as soon as they (have) enough money next year, he (be) busy tonight, we

(be) very happy. (take off). (get) to the train station. (travel) around the world. (not ask) her to come to the cinema

with us. 7. If she

(not answer) her phone, I

(not call) her again. Score


D. Choose a, b or c.

a. Until

2. If Peter a. doesn’t arrive

I see Tom, I’ll tell him to call you. b. As soon as

in five minutes, I’ll get very angry. b. don’t arrive

3. I’ll make dinner a. before

5. a. When

c. won’t arrive

I get home. b. until

4. I won’t speak to Ann a. unless

c. Before

c. when

she apologises. b. if

c. as soon as

we leave, we will help you tidy up. b. Before

c. After Score total Score

5 35


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Final Test

get to the

A. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

1. randy

(download) a new anti-virus program at the moment.

2. Get that dog out of here! It 3. My mum 4. Angie

(smell) awful. (usually / forget) her car keys. (travel) to Costa rica next week.

5. How often 6. James


(have) piano lessons?

(not want) to go out tonight. SCore




B. Circle the correct words.

1. How much / How many planets are there in our solar system? 2. I can’t find the theatre tickets anywhere / nowhere. What am I going to do now? 3. There are a few / little books on Mike’s desk. 4. He’s a famous actor. Nobody / Everybody knows him. 5. I can’t buy this coat. I haven’t got many / much money with me. 6. I’d like something / everything to drink, please. 7. A: Which bag is Mary’s? B: The brown one / ones. 8. Let’s buy Dina the blue earrings. I don’t like the red one / ones.

C. Complete with the Present Simple or the Future will of the verbs in brackets.

1. We

(join) you if you

(decide) to go to the theme


3. My brother 4. If you

(melt) add it to the mixture. (go) fishing tomorrow unless it (have) stage fright, you

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2. As soon as the chocolate

(rain). (not perform) well. SCore



Final Test

get to the

D. Complete with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. Ron is 2. Dorothy isn’t as

(responsible) than his older brother. (happy) now as she was in the past.

3. My parents are the

(bad) drivers in the world.

4. The students did the test 5. Fabric is the

(easily) than the last one. (crowded) restaurant in the city.

6. My boots are as

(comfortable) as my trainers. Score


E. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1. My grandfather

(not drive) a car since 1998.

2. A: How long



B: For a few months. They 3. Charlie

(have) this

(get) it in May. (be) to Italy. He


there two years ago.

4. We 5. I

(visit) New York in 2000. (not wash) the car yet. I’ll do it later. Score




F. Join the sentences using who, which, that, whose or where. If they can be omitted, put them in brackets

1. Lucy works at a supermarket. My mum used to work there. 2. There’s my neighbour. His dogs make noise all night. 3. Here’s the camera. My brother bought it last week. Copyright © MM Publications

4. We watched a wildlife documentary. It was very interesting. 5. That’s my new classmate. I invited her to my party.


Final Test

get to the

G. Circle the correct words.

1. Last week I must / had to take my brother to school every day because my mum was working. 2. Tony has had a headache for three days. He must / have to see a doctor. 3. You don’t have to / mustn’t make noise in the hospital. 4. Kelly doesn’t have to / mustn’t tidy her room. I’ll do it.





Η. Circle the correct words.

1. Mr Charles needs to go to the bank get / to get some money. 2. I enjoy to listen / listening to music. 3. He keeps waking / to wake up late. 4. My mother makes me eat / to eat fruit and vegetables. 5. I’d love come / to come to your party. 6. Margaret’s got a terrible stomach ache. She shouldn’t eat / to eat any ice cream today. 7. I don’t mind to look / looking after my neighbour’s dog when he’s away.

I. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple Passive or the Past Simple Passive of the verbs in brackets.

1. This scarf

(give) to me by my grandfather five years ago.

2. On Thanksgiving a big meal

(prepare) by most families in the USA.

3. These paintings 4.

(sell) for over ¬1,000,000 last week. you

(show) all the sights when you

went on the tour of the city? (not look after) well. Score

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5. The giraffes at this zoo



Final Test

get to the

J. Choose a, b or c.

1. I haven’t got

a. eggs enough

to make your favourite cake. b. too eggs

2. When I was young, I

a. could

to ride my bike to school. b. used


c. enough eggs

c. have

of the students did well in the test. They all got bad grades. a. Both

b. Neither

c. None

4. I don’t want to walk to Betty’s house. It’s

a. far enough


b. enough far

c. too far

5. Tom’s going to cook dinner,

a. is he


b. isn’t he

c. doesn’t he

6. A: I didn’t finish my project.


a. Neither did

I. b. So didn’t

7. It won’t rain tomorrow,

a. does it

c. Neither didn’t ?

b. will it

c. won’t it

8. A: I’ve taken up aerobics.


a. So did I.

b. Neither have I.

c. So have I.

9. A: Would you like peppers or mushrooms on your pizza? B:

a. Either

. I hate both. b. Both

10. In the past, people

a. didn’t

c. Neither travel by plane as much as they do nowadays.

b. wasn’t

c. didn’t use



total Score


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