Get to the Top_2_grammar Tests

April 26, 2017 | Author: Szabó Emma | Category: N/A
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Get to the Top_2_grammar Tests...


get to the

s t s e t r a m m a r g Test 1 (Module 1) ................................................................................................... 2 Test 2 (Module 2) ................................................................................................... 4 Test 3 (Module 3) ................................................................................................... 6 Test 4 (Module 4) ................................................................................................... 8 Test 5 (Module 5) ................................................................................................. 10 Test 6 (Module 6) ................................................................................................. 12 Final Test ............................................................................................................ 14

Test 1

get to the

Module 1

A. Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets. 1. A: How often

(your son / do) the washing-up?

B: once a month but he 2. A:

(tidy) his room twice a week.

(the children / study) at the moment?

B: No. They

(sit) in their rooms.

3. A:

(you / usually / have) dinner at 8 o’clock?

B: Yes, but I 4. Tony

(have) dinner now because I’m hungry. (not want) to go to Holland this year so he

5. We

(visit) egypt.

(often / not watch) films on TV, but we

(sometimes / go) to

the cinema. SCore


B. Choose a, b or c. 1. I brush my teeth a. after

b. during

dinner. c. at

2. Diane plays tennis a. at

b. in

3. My mum works a. on

Friday evenings.

b. during

7 o’clock. c. until

4. What do you do

c. on

a. at

b. in

the mornings? c. on SCore




C. Make sentences using the Present Simple or the Present Progressive. 1. Kevin / not understand / Italian

2. Tim / paint / his bedroom / this week

3. My parents / never / clean / the house / on Saturdays

4. Why / you / hate / washing / the car / ?

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5. Judy and Mike / go to a concert / tomorrow

6. Ben / surf the Net / at the moment / ?


Test 1

get to the

Module 1

D. Circle the correct words. 1. These clothes are great. I want to buy nothing / everything in the shop. 2. There aren’t any / no posters on my bedroom walls. 3. We always have some / any milk in the fridge. 4. Can something / somebody help me, please? 5. Jack lives anywhere / somewhere near the shopping centre. 6. Is there anybody / everybody from London in your class? 7. I can’t find my mobile phone. It’s nowhere / anything in the house. 8. Everyone / No one enjoyed the food. It was horrible. 8


E. Choose a, b or c. 1. That’s a beautiful song. Listen to a. it

b. its

2. Tina and a. me

! c. it’s

are good friends. b. I

c. my

3. Where are the children? I want to give a. them

b. their

4. Sam loves shopping. a. She

something. c. theirs

wardrobe is full of clothes.

b. Her

c. Hers

5. Don’t take those books. They’re a. our


b. us

c. ours

6. Does Steven know about the party? Let’s tell a. he

b. his


c. him

7. A: Hey, that’s my T-shirt. B: No, it’s mine. a. You

is blue. b. Your

c. Yours Score


F. Choose the correct words. 1. Nina and Simon’s / Nina’s and Simon’s sister is very shy.

3. Fred and Mary’s / Fred’s and Mary’s bikes are new. 4. I’ve got a brother but we don’t share a room. My brother’s / brothers’ room is next to mine. 5. A: Who’s the boy with the fair hair? B: Brian / Brian’s.



total Score


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2. The men’s / mens’ clothes are over there.

Test 2

get to the

Module 2

A. Write the Past Simple of the verbs below. 1. travel 2. change 3. put 4. fall 5. make 6. happen 7. study 8. have SCore


B. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. 1. A:

(you/go) to France on holiday last summer?

B: No. My parents

(not want) to go to France so we

(stay) with my

cousins in Germany.

2. A: Here’s your mobile.

A: You B: But I

(you/find) it? (leave) it in the library. (not go) to the library yesterday.



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B: Where


Test 2

get to the

Module 2

C. Write the negative and the question form of the sentences below. 1. Alice and Fay got lost in the forest.   2. Mrs Jenkins arrived yesterday morning.   3. Wendy visited Madrid last summer.   4. Kathy did the washing-up after dinner.  



D. Complete the sentences with was, wasn’t, were or weren’t. 1. A: 

B: No. But Jack

2. A: Steve

Tom and Peter at the park yesterday afternoon?

B: He

there. at the football match yesterday. Where with his cousins all day. I think they

he? at the new shopping centre.

3. A: We went skiing yesterday. B: Nice.

A: No, there

there lots of people on the mountain? . Just us.

Score total Score

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8 30


get to the


A. Complete the sentences with the Future going to of the words in brackets. 1. A: What


B: I

(do) tomorrow afternoon?

(visit) my grandparents. We

2. A: When


B: I’m not sure. She

(have) lunch together. (leave) for London?

(be) here in about an hour. We can ask her when she arrives.

3. The girls

(not come) with us to the shopping centre. They

(stay) at

home and do their homework. 4. Henry

(not drive) to work tomorrow. He

(take) a taxi.



B. Complete with must or mustn’t.

2. We

eat more vegetables. They’re good for you. feed the goldfish before we leave.

3. excuse me. You 4. You

use your mobile phone at the petrol station. It’s dangerous! put a jacket on. It’s cold outside.

5. They’re going to be late. They 6. We 7. Children 8. We


make a fire near the trees. listen to their parents. be rude to our friends.


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1. You



Test 3

get to the

Module 3

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. Sonia is

(tall) than the other girls in the cricket team.

2. I think the parrots were the

(beautiful) animals at the zoo.

3. Is the giraffe the animal with the

(long) tail?

4. My dad is

(good) than me at tennis.

5. Our new house is

(big) than our old house.

6. The book was

(interesting) than the film.

7. That’s the

(bad) restaurant in the neighbourhood.

8. It was the

(happy) day of my life! Score




D. Choose a or b. 1. Tracey is going to a. make

2. Donna

a. is going to

3. You

a. mustn’t

b. making hiking next week. b. is going do your homework before you go to the park. b. must

4. Are piranhas the

a. most dangerous

5. Andy is

a. fastest

fish in the Amazon? b. more dangerous than Jack. b. faster

total Score

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a cake tomorrow.


Test 4

get to the

Module 4

A. Complete with the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets. 1. My baby brother

(cry) all night. His teeth hurt.

2. A: Why did you go to the shopping centre with your sister yesterday? B: We

(look for) a skateboard. We want to buy a new one.

3. Unfortunately, the woman

(not wear) a seatbelt during the accident. That’s

why she was hurt. 4. A:


B: No. I

(study) at 11 o’clock last night? (sleep).

A: Good thing I didn’t call you.



B. Complete with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets. 1. When I

(be) five years old, I

2. A: What

(John / do) when I

B: He 3. Heather

(not can) swim. (call) ?

(have) a shower. (read) a newspaper until late last night. She

(not can)

sleep. 4. Yesterday afternoon my friends and I

(play) football in the park. Suddenly, it

(start) raining so we

(decide) to go home early. SCore




C. Make sentences using the prompts given. Use the Past Simple and the Past Progressive. 1. While / Beth / walk / in the forest / she / find / a cat

2. I / run / to school / when / I / slip / and / fall

3. While / the boys / rollerblade / the girls / ride / their bikes

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4. Mrs Wales / watch TV / when / the baby / wake up

5. The children / be / shocked / when / they / see / the snake


Test 4

get to the

Module 4

D. Complete with the correct form of used to and the verbs in brackets. 1. A:


B: Yes, I did. I

2. I

(be) interested in space travel when you were young? (buy) all the magazines about space.

(not eat) pizza when I was young.

3. Kyle

(not drive) but now he does.

4. Sonia and Sheila 5. A:

(share) a room but now they don’t. your parents

(work) together?

B: Yes, they did.

6. We

(live) in Oxford but now we live in London. Score


E. Complete the sentences with the adjective in brackets or its adverb.

2. My brother tries 3. She plays the guitar really 4. Rosa can be very 5. Ian and Oliver walked 6. The police officer opened the box 7. The exercise wasn’t

(quiet) boy. He never really says anything. (hard) but he never wins at chess. (good). (lazy) sometimes. (slow) home from the gym because they were tired. (careful). (easy) but I did it

(easy). Score

total Score

8 40

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1. Robbie is a


get to the


A. Complete with can, could, may or might. 1. A:

you turn off the lights? I want to sleep.

B: of course. 2. A: I

organise a party for my mum on Mother’s Day this year.

B: Great idea. 3. A: Where’s Matthew? B: I don’t know. He 4. A:

be at the library. I go to the concert with Tim?

B: Do your homework first. A: oK.



B. Complete with Let’s... , How about...?, Why don’t...? 1. A:

taking your little sister

4. A:

for a walk?

you take the bus to work?

B: oK.

B: No, I hate public transport. I drive to work and

2. A:

visit the palace.

leave my car at a car park. 5. A: We need to get a present for anthony.

There’s a museum inside. B: Great idea!


3. A:

we have a doughnut at

going to the new shopping centre?

the new café? B: oK and I really need an espresso, too.





C. Choose a, b or c. 1. The car park is b. in front

2. Walk a. from

c. opposite

this road and the newsagent’s is on your left. b. through

c. along

3. Children! Can you come a. across

b. out of

4. There’s a library a. next

c. up the bank in Glenn Street.

b. opposite

5. It’s about 2km a. through

the swimming pool now, please?

c. between my house to the city centre.

b. from

c. into


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a. behind

of the museum.

Test 5

get to the

Module 5

D. Complete with the prepositions in the box. into

next to




1. The climbers were climbing

the mountain when they got lost.

2. Jack doesn’t wake up very early. He lives 3. Put the books 4. Fiona is sitting 5. The dog is chasing the cat

his school.

the box and take them to the classroom. Mary and Anna. the garden. Score




E. Complete with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. This block of flats is the 2. Mr Sims is as 3. He’s the 4. My job isn’t as 5. My house is

(modern) building in the area. (good) at his work as Mr Thorton. (friendly) person in my class. (important) as yours. (far) from the stadium than Gordon’s.

F. Look at the information and write sentences. Use the comparative form, the superlative form or as ... as and the prompts given. 16 years old



Mark: 16 years old



Lucy: 14 years old

skateboard: ¬65 T-shirt:


1. Mark / old / Lucy

4. watch / expensive / of the four

Mark is

The watch is

2. Lucy / young / of the three

5. cap / expensive / T-shirt

3. Mark / old / Ted

6. skateboard / expensive / cap

Score total Score

6 30


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Test 6

get to the

Module 6

A. Choose a or b. 1. If you accept the invitation, a. tell 2. If we a. don’t start 3. Lisa a. is


b. will tell protecting endangered species, they will disappear. b. won’t start very happy if she does well in Maths this year. b. will be

4. When you press the green button, the machine a. don’t start

b. starts

5. If you go to the supermarket, a. don’t forget


to buy some fruit.

b. won’t forget

6. I always get a headache when I a. listen

b. will listen

7. If you want to buy nice souvenirs, you a. go 8. If John a. decides

to loud music.

to that shop on your right.

b. can go to paint his bedroom, I’ll help him. b. will decide SCore




B. Read the situations and the prompts and write sentences. Use the future going to. 1. Penny’s going to the park. (she / play / with / friends)

2. Tanya’s going to bed. (she / not watch / film / on TV)

3. oh, no! It’s 8:30! (we / be / late)

4. The girls are better at volleyball than the boys. (boys / not win / game)

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5. Be careful! (you / fall off / bridge)

6. It’s Brian’s birthday tomorrow. (he / have / party / next week)


Test 6

get to the

Module 6

C. Complete with the Future will of the verbs in brackets. 1. Tom isn’t very well. I think he

(not come) to school tomorrow.

2. A:

(you / help) your mother clean the house?

B: Yes, Dad. 3. I like this poster and I think I 4. I

(buy) it. (write) the invitation for you. It isn’t difficult.

5. I promise. I

(not take) your clothes without asking again!

6. Start studying or you

(not go) out tonight.

7. I don’t know what that word means. I know, I 8. Don’t worry Mrs Peters She

(look) it up in the dictionary. (not shout) at you.

(understand). SCore




D. Match. 1. I want to cook but I haven’t got any time today. 2. Dad is very busy at work these days. 3. I’m going to tell you something but don’t tell anyone. 4. Will you help me do my project? 5. What will we do tomorrow? 6. I’m sorry I lost your cap. 7. I’m going to London for a week and I don’t know what to do with my dog.

a. Yeah, I know. I think he’ll come home late again. b. Buy me a new one or I won’t speak to you again. c. Don’t worry. I’ll make something. d. If it doesn’t rain, we’ll go swimming. e. I’ll look after it!

g. of course I will, but later. oK? ToTaL SCore



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f. I promise I won’t.

Final Test

get to the

A. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets. 1. randy

(plant) a tree in the garden at the moment.

2. Get that dog out of here! It

(smell) awful.

3. My mum

(usually / forget) her car keys.

4. angie

(travel) to Costa rica next week.

5. How often


6. James

(not want) to go out tonight.

7. The boys They

(have) piano lessons?

(not do) water sports at the moment. (sunbathe).





B. Circle the correct words. 1. The girl’s / girls’ dog is lost and they are very sad. 2. I can’t find my theatre tickets anywhere / nowhere. What am I going to do now? 3. That’s not your / yours jacket. It’s Robert’s / Roberts. 4. Is there some / any milk in the fridge? 5. Drivers must / mustn’t wear a seatbelt. 6. I’d like something / everything to drink, please. 7. Can you give me / mine a pencil, please? 8. You must / mustn’t shout. Henry is studying for a test.

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9. He’s very famous. Nobody / Everybody knows him.


Final Test

get to the

C. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. 1. A: Where

(be) John yesterday?

B: He

(go) to the beach with Arnold.

2. D  on

(come) to my house last night but he

3. A: What


B: I

(not / help) me with my homework.

(buy) at the supermarket?

(buy) some pasta and some seafood.

A: Great! Seafood pasta! 4. A:


B: No. She

(not do) any housework.

5. A: Where B: I

(clean) the windows yesterday? (be) you last night?

(be) at home. I

(have) lots of homework to do so I

(not can) go out. 12


D. Complete with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets. 1.


(sleep) when I

(come) back from work?

2. Celia

(sell) her bike yesterday.

3. Brian

(not break) his leg but he

(hurt) his back in

the accident last week.

4. While Diane

(walk) home, she

(see) an old friend

from school.

5. I

(do) an experiment when the phone rang. Score




Ε. Complete with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

2. Dorothy isn’t as 3. My parents are the 4. This test is 5. ‘Fabric’ is the 6. What’s the 7. Holly’s hair is as

(modern) than his older brother’s. (happy) now as she was in the past. (bad) drivers in the world. (easy) than the last one.

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1. Ron’s clothes are

(crowded) restaurant in the city. (big) animal in the world? (long) as Kylie’s.


Final Test

get to the

F. Complete the sentences with the Future going to of the verbs in the box. travel

not come


1. Mike



not buy

around China for three weeks.

2. I

anything because I haven’t got any money.

3. It’s my birthday tomorrow so I

a party. Why don’t you come?

4. Sandy is going to bed. She

to the cinema with us.

5. Matt isn’t going out tonight. He 6. Hurry up! We

computer games with his friend, James. late. Score




G. Complete the sentences with the adjective in brackets or its adverb. 1. He’s an

(excellent) driver.

2. Diana dances


3. He walked into the room


4. Barbara can swim very


5. Paul hurt his leg


6. They are

(terrible) singers.

7. Fay was very hungry so she ate all her food


H. Complete with the prepositions in the box. from

1. Andy walked 2. The bank is




out of

the shopping centre and he’s really tired.

the museum and the post office. Saturdays.


5. Tom was standing 6. The ball fell


his house

3. We always ride our bikes in the park 4. I was born


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the tree so I didn’t see him. the window and we lost it.

7. My mother usually arrives home

half past five. Score



Final Test

get to the

I. Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. If I draw a good portrait, I

(win) the competition.

2. When you mix red and yellow, you

(get) orange.

3. John will be very upset if you 4. If plants

(refuse) his invitation.

(not get) sunlight, they die.

5. They

(lose) the game if they don’t play better.

6. If Kevin

(make) a mess, he must clean it up.





J. Choose a, b or c. 1. 

going to the art gallery on Saturday?

a. Why don’t you

b. Let’s

2. When I was young, I a. could 3. 

c. How about to ride my bike to school.

b. used

c. must

have pasta for dinner tonight.

a. How about

b. Can

c. Let’s

4. A: Where’s Rita? B: I don’t know. She a. can 5. I

b. will

c. might

come with you. I want to stay at home and relax.

a. won’t 6. 

be at home.

b. mustn’t

c. don’t

you call my parents and tell them I’ll be late, please?

a. Must 7. Susan a. didn’t

b. May

c. Could

to like sweets, but now she does. b. didn’t use

c. not use

B: Don’t worry. I a. ’ll help

you. b. ’m helping

c. help

total Score



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8. A  : I need help with my project.

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