GET OUT, Jordan Peele (1).pdf

May 12, 2017 | Author: Amy Jephta | Category: N/A
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I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. -Romans 12:1-2 EXT. THE SHAW’S HOUSE - FRONT LAWN - NIGHT A perfect suburban house with bay windows and a front lawn. The SHAW family. Caucasian and warm - RICHARD, 34; NANCY, 30; JOSHUA, 6; and MAY, 4 - eat dinner inside. Richard reads something on his tablet illuminating his face. JOSHUA Which one are we going to? RICHARD The one in Orlando. NANCY Disney World. JOSHUA Tony said that Mickey is not really Mickey; it’s someone else in there. RICHARD Mickey’s Mickey. EXT. SUBURBAN STREET - NIGHT ANDRE, 29, an African-American man runs down the sidewalk in sweats. He listens to jazz on his phone. The music stops. He stops running and checks his phone. Damn.


He’s right in front of the Shaw’s house. He glances inside. The Shaw’s seem normal and content. Andre smiles. A motion detecting security light floods the lawn. INT. THE SHAW’S HOUSE - DINING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Richard looks up from his table to see Andre standing there. The rest of the family doesn’t notice. Nancy tends to May, who SQUIRMS in her chair. Richard watches Andre protectively.

2. JOSHUA Also, Tony said he saw a chef Mickey and a normal Mickey. NANCY He must have changed his clothes for work. EXT. SUBURBAN STREET - CONTINUOUS Andre walks on. It’s getting dark. He is suddenly very alone. A vintage creme-colored Porsche Boxter with tinted windows and a roof CREEPS up on the street behind Andre. It’s following him. INT. SPORTS CAR - CONTINUOUS Driver’s POV watching Andre. His BREATH ECHOES deep and tinny as if it were into a coffee can. Through the car’s system we hear an English to French language tutorial recording. TUTORIAL Pardon me. Where is the nearest restaurant? Pardonnez-moi. Ou est le restaurant le plus proche? The driver doesn’t repeat. EXT. SUBURBAN STREET - CONTINUOUS Andre, feeling followed, stops to tie his shoe. The car also stops. Andre waves at the unseen DRIVER. There is no response. The ENGINE PURRS. Andre begins walking again. The car begins slowly too. Andre stops again. The car does too. Andre peers through the windshield but can’t see through the tint. ANDRE Can I help you...? No response. ANDRE (CONT’D) I’m new to the area. I just moved here... Down on Evergreen... Nothing. Did I do something wrong? ’Cause--

3. INT. SPORTS CAR - CONTINUOUS Driver’s POV. Andre continues to talk, but isn’t heard. TUTORIAL Can you show me the nearest bathroom? Pouvez-vous me montrer la salle de bain la plus prouche? EXT. SUBURBAN STREET - CONTINUOUS Andre hears nothing from inside. ANDRE (under his breath) This is some shit right here. Andre begins walking. The car creeps alongside him. After a few steps, Andre stops again. The car stops. Andre laughs. ANDRE (CONT’D) Wait a minute. I know you? You messing with me right?..Come on. No response. He realizes it’s not a friend. ANDRE (CONT’D) You know this could be considered stalking and harassment. Plus, you’re sitting in a deadly weapon so that’s some felony-type shit right there. No response. ANDRE (CONT’D) What?!? Say something then. No response. Andre can’t hide his anger anymore. He starts walking the other direction. The car backs up, following Andre in reverse. ANDRE (CONT’D) (to himself) Calm down, Andre. Don’t do it. Don’t let him get to you. After a few more steps... Fuck.


4. Andre, fed up, stops. He approaches the passenger’s side window and bangs on it. ANDRE (CONT’D) I’m from Brooklyn, man. If you wanna do something, then let’s do something. I’m ready..! Hey, I’m talkin’ to you!!! INT. SPORTS CAR - CONTINUOUS Driver’s POV. Andre bangs on the window. EXT. SUBURBAN STREET - CONTINUOUS Andre bangs harder on the window three times. The car’s passenger-side window rolls down. TUTORIAL Can you help me find a hotel? Pouvez-vous m’aider a trouver mon hotel? Andre’s expression goes from anger to terror. The driver wears a tubular metal medieval knight’s helmet with slanted rectangular eye holes. Shit.


The driver raises a gun with a silencer on it. Andre turns to run but is shot in the back. Stunned, Andre stumbles towards the Shaw’s house. The driver exits the car and follows him. TUTORIAL (From inside the car) Can you please call the police? Pouvez-vous s’il vous plait appelez la police? EXT. THE SHAW’S HOUSE - FRONT LAWN - CONTINUOUS Andre falls in front of the Shaw’s lawn. A dart sticks out of his back. He reaches towards the Shaw family. The masked driver approaches calmly Andre drags himself toward the house as everything blurs around him. ANDRE (weakly) Help Andre passes out as the security light floods the lawn again.

5. INT. THE SHAW’S HOUSE - DINING ROOM - CONTINUOUS The Shaw family eats while Andre lays on their front lawn. This time Richard, buried in his tablet, doesn’t notice. the driver lift Andre’s limp body and carries him to his car. JOSHUA Tony said Mickey’s face doesn’t move. RICHARD That’s right. Mickey’s always happy. EXT. SUBURBAN STREET - CONTINUOUS The driver carries Andre to the car. Why?


RICHARD (O.S.) Because he hasn’t aged in 100 years. The driver plops Andre in the padded trunk. He gets in his car and drives off. TITLE CARD: “Get Out” EXT. BROOKLYN PARK SLOPE - DAWN The sun rises over the city. Autumn. Beautiful. INT. BROOKLYN LOFT - LIVING ROOM - MORNING We move slowly through the small but clean apartment. The walls are decorated with fascinating urban photography. INT. BROOKLYN LOFT - BATHROOM - MORNING CHRIS WASHINGTON, 26, a handsome African-American man shuts the medicine cabinet. He’s shirtless and naturally athletic. He scrutinizes his reflection with a touch of vanity.

6. INT. STARBUCKS COUNTER - MORNING ROSE ARMITAGE, 28 - Caucasian, brunette with freckles - cool and beautiful like an old Summer Camp crush. Rose looks at pastries through the glass. She can’t help but smile. INT. BROOKLYN LOFT - BATHROOM - MORNING Chris spreads shaving cream onto his face and shaves. He postures a little then nicks himself on the neck. He smirks; deserved that. INT. BROOKLYN LOFT - LIVING ROOM - MORNING Chris, clothed, looks out his window through a professional camera. He flips through some striking urban images on the digital display much like the ones framed around his apartment. He is a very talented photographer. Sid, a small black dog, watches him. The BUZZER RINGS. INT. BROOKLYN BUILDING - HALLWAY. MORNING Chris opens the door. Rose stands outside the apartment with her hands full. She has two coffees and two bags of pastries. Chris smirks. ROSE I couldn’t decide... He takes the coffee tray and pulls her inside. They kiss. INT. BROOKLYN LOFT - LIVING ROOM - MORNING Rose and Chris have coffee and sweets by the window. The small mound of pastries sits on the coffee table. SID lays on her lap. She strokes him. It’s a perfect morning. ROSE Poor thing. Do you even pet him? CHRIS Are you kidding me? When you’re not here that dog gets the best fuckin’ pets of his life.

7. ROSE So, how come whenever I come over, he acts like he’s been totally neglected. CHRIS ‘Cause he know he’s got you wrapped around his little paw. ROSE oh, really? Yeah.


Chris picks up her foot sweetly and massages it. She melts. INT. BROOKLYN LOFT - CHRIS’ BEDROOM - DAY Chris packs a small bag of luggage. Rose lays on the bed. ROSE Toothbrush... Deodorant... CHRIS Check... Check.... Chris puts a cigarette in his mouth. Rose pops up and grabs the cigarette from his mouth and breaks it. Chris tries to feign incredulousness but is amused. CHRIS (CONT’D) I’m not gonna have one the whole weekend. ROSE You quit, remember? CHRIS I’m nervous. ROSE Why? They’re going to love you. CHRIS Yeah? How do you know? ROSE Let’s see, you’re smart, sweet, handsome, creative... You’re you. CHRIS Good answer.

8. Chris packs in silence for a moment. CHRIS (CONT’D) Do they know I’m black? Rose is taken aback by the question. ROSE I don’t think so. Why? Should they? CHRIS Seems like you might give them a heads up. ROSE Really? Like “Mom, Dad, my black boyfriend is coming up for the weekend”? CHRIS You said, I’m the first black guy you’d ever dated. Yeah...?


CHRIS So this is uncharted territory for them. Rose embraces him. ROSE Baby, it’s fine. My dad would legit vote for Obama a third time he could. Yes, he will want to talk to you about it, and that will be embarrassing, but they’re gonna love you. I promise. Chris nods. She kisses his neck and pulls him to the bed. INT. BROOKLYN LOFT - LIVING ROOM - DAY Chris turns on the TV for Sid. He and Rose stand by the front door about to leave. Bye.


ROSE See you soon.

9. Rose blows Sid a kiss and they leave. EXT. BROOKLYN NEIGHBORHOOD STREET - DAY Chris puts his luggage in the trunk and enters the passenger’s side of a shiny white BMW X5. INT. BROOKLYN NIEGHBORHOOD STREET - PARKED CAR - CONTINUOUS Rose sits in the driver’s seat. Chris gets in the passenger seat. Her car is a mess. CHRIS How do they even let you in a hospital? ROSE Shut up. I’m very sanitary at work. She moves some fast food wrappers to the back seat. ROSE (CONT’D) You ready? CHRIS Yeah. You? Oh, wait.


She raises her phone and takes a selfie of the two of them. Ready.


Chris puts his hand on her leg, and they drive off. EXT. NEW YORK - CITY - CONTINUOUS The car leaves the city. EXT. RURAL ROAD - BIRD’S-EYE VIEW - DAY We soar over the car as it drives through the beautiful countryside; a road flanked by woods.

10. INT. ROSE’S CAR - DAY Rose hums. Chris, in the passengers seat, looks through his camera at the passing trees. He snaps a test shot. CHRIS How long has it been? ROSE 10 months, so a year basically; longest I’ve ever been away. Chris takes out another cigarette. Rose promptly grabs it and opens the window. CHRIS Whoa... whoa!! Come on! I’m a grown man. If a man says he wants a cigarette, a man should be able too- She throws it out the window. CHRIS (CONT’D) Okay, so that’s like a dollar. You basically just throwin’ dollars out the window. ROSE You shouldn’t have bought them. CHRIS I didn’t buy them. Rod... Shit. What?


CHRIS I almost forgot Rod. EXT. LAGUARDIA AIRPORT - OUTSIDE THE TERMINAL - DAY ROD WILLIAMS, 26, African American, a stocky TSA agent smokes a cigarette. His cell phone rings. ‘Sup? INTERCUT WITH:


11. INT. ROSE’S CAR - DAY Chris sits in the passenger seat and talks on the cell phone. CHRIS Hey. You at work? ROD Yeah. How I’m gonna get in trouble for following standard procedure? Fuckin’ Gary out here thinkin’ just because a bitch old, she can’t hijack an airplane. Chris laughs. ROD (CONT’D) Like you can’t hide a bomb in a wheelchair? Watch, Chris, the next 9/11 is gonna be on some geriatric shit. CHRIS Look, man, real quick. You good to watch Sid this weekend right? ROD What? You think I forgot? Damn ‘C’, give your boy a little credit. I don’t forget shit; you do. CHRIS You’re right. My bad. ROD Apology accepted. How’s ‘Lil Miss Rosie? CHRIS She’s good.-Rose takes the phone. Hi, Rod.


ROD Whattup babygirl? You better bring my boy back in one piece.

12. ROSE I don’t even know what that means but yes I promise. ROD You know you picked the wrong guy though right? ROSE It’s not too late for us is it? Chris takes the phone back. CHRIS Okay, get your own girl. ROD Damn, I never seen you like this. Meeting the family and everything? What does she do lick your ass? CHRIS No! What the fuck is wrong with you? ROD That’s it! First girl licks your ass and you done. Just... Rod makes a WHIPPING SOUND. CHRIS You need help. ROD Yeah I do. I need your girl to introduce me to one of her freaky deaky boarding school friends. CHRIS (laughing) I’ll see what I can do. Oh, and I’ll kick you some cash for watching Sid. ROD Come on, son! I don’t need your money. I got you! CHRIS Thanks, man. ROD You better not come back all bougie on me tho--

13. Chris hangs up. He gives Rose a look. ROSE What..? Settle down. You know I’m yours. After a beat he puts another cigarette in his mouth. No! Last one!


She goes for it. He dodges playfully and tickles her causing her to cackle. A shadow darts across the road in front of the hood of the car. It’s hind legs SMACK the hood of the car with a loud THWAT-THWAT. It’s propelled into the woods at an awkward angle. The CAR SCREECHES to a halt. Chris and Rose breathe hard for a few moments of shock. Fuck! You okay?


ROSE Yeah. You? CHRIS Yeah. That scared the shit out of me. EXT. RURAL ROAD - CONTINUOUS Rose gets out of her car and inspects the damage. Chris gets out as well. There’s a small bloody dent in the hood. Fuck!!!


Chris looks back in the direction of the collision. CHRIS Stay here. ROSE What are you doing?

14. CHRIS I don’t know... See if it’s okay? Chris walks a few more steps then stops. He rethinks. CHRIS (CONT’D) Maybe it’s gone-A guttural, almost human, MOAN OF PAIN comes from in the woods behind them. They watch the woods in horror. Chris walks back towards the haunting wail. It stops. Chris...?


Chris motions for Rose the stay. He keeps walking towards the thicket about 60 ft behind the car. ROSE (CONT’D) Be careful! Chris gathers his courage and takes a step toward the thicket. The Moan starts again, but much loader and closer than Chris realized. He’s startled. Chris peers through the bushes. The deer lays there gasping for breaths and watching him with a black wet eye. Chris is transfixed. ROSE (CONT’D) Do you see it? Chris snaps to. He nods and takes out his phone. EXT. UPSTATE NEW YORK ROAD - DAY A cop car is now pulled up to where the deer was hit. OFFICER FROSTIE - Caucasian - 33 stands near the deer. Another officer, OFFICER CROW - 40 - Caucasian with a patronizing smirk, stands by the driver’s side window of Rose’s car which Rose and Chris are both back in. INT. ROSE’S CAR - CONTINUOUS OFFICER CROWE So in the future the number to call is Animal Control Services. Rose doesn’t like the way he’s looking at them.

15. CHRIS Right. That makes sense. OFFICER CROWE You two coming up from the city? Yeah.


OFFICER CROWE And what brings you up-ROSE I’m from here. The Lake Pontaco area? We’re going home. OFFICER CROWE (to Chris) You got a driver’s license? CHRIS Oh... yeah. Chris gives Rose a “see?” Look as he gets his license. CHRIS (CONT’D) I mean, I don’t have a driver’s license, I have a state I.D. ROSE I was driving. OFFICER CROWE I didn’t ask who was driving. I asked him for his I.D. ROSE My boyfriend shouldn’t have to show you his I.D. because he hasn’t done anything wrong. OFFICER CROWE Ma’am, any time there is an incident-ROSE No, fuck that! CHRIS Baby. It’s okay-ROSE (to Crowe) It’s bullshit, and you know it.

16. There is a tense silence. Officer Crowe’s walkie chimes in. OFFICER FROST (O.C.) Everything alright up there Crowsie? Officer Crowe stares Rose down. After a moment he presses his walkie button. OFFICER CROWE Yeah, I’m all good. He hands Chris his I.D. OFFICER CROWE (CONT’D) You guys be careful. EXT. RURAL ROAD - DAY The car winds through a thickly wooded road. INT. ROSE’S CAR - AFTERNOON Chris sits in the passenger’s seat deep in thought. He watches Rose with a new awe. Rose notices. She shrugs. ROSE What? I’m not gonna let anyone fuck with my man. CHRIS That was some ride or die shit, baby. I like that. Rose smiles at him. ROSE We’re here. EXT. ARMITAGE ESTATE - AFTERNOON The woods give way to an huge front lawn. A large mansion sits in the middle. Thick forest surrounds the estate except for one side which is the edge of a lake. The property feels expensive and isolated; no other houses in sight. As they drive through the large front lawn, Chris sees WALTER, African American 35 in the distance facing away. Walter wears a gardening hat and trims hedges. He works slowly and methodically.

17. ROSE (to Chris) That’s the grounds-keeper... I think his name is Walter. Rose parks in front of the house, and. He has a pleasant smile. Rose gets out of the car and waves. Hi!


Walter turns and waves back. Chris gets out and waves too. CHRIS (To Walter) Hey! What’s up? Walter waves silently. Odd. As Chris gets the luggage from the trunk, Rose runs to the front door and RINGS the DOORBELL. FOOTSTEPS. The door swings open revealing... DEAN ARMITAGE, 59, a tall, balding, barrel-chested, bear hug of a man. Though clearly smart, Dean has an endearing cockiness and a bad case of Dad humor. He is the kind of guy who pronounces garbage, Gar-bahge. And... MISSY ARMITAGE, 56, A beautiful beacon of intellectual patience. She is poised and warm; relaxed and in control. They stand in the shadows of the doorway smiling. Rose hugs her parents. Hi!!!


DEAN MISSY There’s my girl! Hello sweetheart. ROSE (CONT’D) I miss you guys. MISSY We miss you, Ro Ro. Chris approaches with the bags. Hi.


ROSE Chris, these are my parents. Mom, Dad, this is Chris.

18. CHRIS Good to finally meet you... Chris holds his hand out. DEAN Mr. Armitage will do. Sure.


DEAN I got him. (To Chris) Come here. Dean grabs Chris’ arm and pulls Chris in tight. DEAN (CONT'D) Call me Dean. We hug around here, Fella. Alright.


DEAN My wife Missy. CHRIS I’ve heard so much about you guys. Missy holds Chris’ shoulders and examines his face and chest. MISSY Yes, you’ll do just fine. So handsome. ROSE Can we get inside before you guys start embarrassing me? MISSY Of course, come inside, make yourself at home. CHRIS I’m fine with the embarrassing by the way; go ahead. Missy and Dean laugh. The four enter the house. Missy shuts the door behind them. Outside, Walter watches as his smile fades away. He slowly turns and goes back to work.

19. INT. ARMITAGE LIVING ROOM - DAY A wonderful house looms ahead. The interior is worldly and interesting; clean and homey. Several paintings of castles and medieval battles accent the walls. Taxidermy. One wall is all bookshelf, and there is a fireplace. Above the fireplace is a large hauntingly beautiful portrait an old man and woman. Wow.


DEAN “Wow” is good. We’ll take wow. CHRIS I grew up in a one bedroom, so for me, this is ridiculous. DEAN It ought to be. Lord knows we’ve done enough work on it through the years... MISSY (To Rose and Chris) How was the ride in? ROSE We hit a deer. DEAN MISSY Oh no! Where? ROSE (CONT’D) I don’t know. Down around Lyons road? CHRIS It came out of nowhere. MISSY Are you guys okay? CHRIS ROSE Yeah. Yeah. It just fruck us out. I bet.


DEAN You know what I say. One down... a few hundred thousand to go. Dean snickers.

20. MISSY ROSE Dean. So awful! Dad. DEAN (CONT’D) What?! Those things are everywhere up here, Chris; like rats. The damage they’ve done to the ecology alone... Anyway, are we ready for the grand tour? MISSY Let them unload their bags first. DEAN Leave ‘em. Walter will get ‘em. ROSE I think we’ll manage, Dad. INT. ARMITAGE UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - DAY Rose and Chris take their bags upstairs. INT. ARMITAGE HOUSE - ROSE’S BEDROOM - DAY Rose’s old room is preserved in the state of a young-minded teenage girl. Lots of pink and dated boy band posters, a stuffed lion. A window overlooks the front lawn. Rose and Chris place their bags down. ROSE (sarcastic) You think they wish I was still a kid? CHRIS I cannot believe they kept it the same. Chris looks at some pictures posted on her dresser. So...


CHRIS They’re great. Yay.


21. CHRIS No, they’re totally sweet. ROSE I told you they’d love you. He sees a picture of Rose in high school on stage in a production of ‘The Crucible.' CHRIS What?! Is this you? ROSE “The Crucible.” I was Abigail. CHRIS I didn’t know you acted. ROSE There’s a lot you don’t know about me. Rose grabs Chris by the belt and pulls him to the bed on top of her. They kiss. She goes for his fly. CHRIS Wait, what about the tour? ROSE “The tour?” Are you serious? CHRIS We just got here. I don’t wanna be disrespectful... ROSE Who gives a fuck? Be disrespectful. He stops her. CHRIS I’m serious. Later. INT. ARMITAGE DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - DAY Dean and Chris walk and look at pictures on the wall. Rose and Missy catch up in the living room. DEAN Frankenstein’s monster. Only pieces of the original structure remain; I like to think the soul is in tact though.

22. They keep walking. DEAN (CONT’D) There are seven bedrooms, ten bathrooms, three indoor dining areas, two study’s, two main kitchens. There’s an observatory wing on the top floor. And you’d be hard pressed to find a room that doesn’t serve as library. Chris zones in on a photograph taken in the 90’s in front of the Armitage house. Dean and Missy are younger, and Rose and her brother Jeremy are kids. DEAN (CONT’D) That’s Jeremy. Rose’s brother. He’s in Med school. CHRIS I’ve heard stories. DEAN He went through a couple dark spots but came out the other side. You’ll meet him later. Oh, cool.


Dean points out the older couple in the picture, the same from the portrait in the living room; GRANDPA and GRANDMA. DEAN Mother and Father lived here till the end. They died a few years ago now. Passed away within weeks of each other... CHRIS I hear that happens a lot. DEAN “Love” is a powerful thing. They move down the hallway to a black and white framed picture of a 25 year old man posing in the starting position for a race. DEAN (CONT’D) My Dad was a runner. A good runner; great sprinter.

23. DEAN (CONT’D) Oh, In fact, you might find this interesting, he was just beat out by Jessie Owens in the qualifying round for the ‘36 Olympics in Berlin. That’s the one where-CHRIS --Owens won in front of Hitler. DEAN You know your history. CHRIS Not really. That one always just stood out in my mind. DEAN Of course. One of those perfect moments. There’s Hitler on his high horse with his perfect Aryan race, and here comes this black guy to prove him wrong on the world’s stage. What a moment. CHRIS Yeah, tough break for your father though. DEAN He almost got over it. Dean winks. HOUSE - MISSY’S OFFICE - DAY Dean opens the door to the office. He and Chris stand outside the door as Dean reaches in to turn on the lights. In front of the desk two comfortable-looking chairs face each other. Books line the walls, and are stacked everywhere. Dean and Chris don’t enter. A white cat laying next to a teacup wakes up on the desk. DEAN Okay Snowbell just looking. (To Chris) Missy’s office. This is where she takes appointments. CHRIS She’s a Therapist right? DEAN Yeah. One of the best in the world. Not a tidy woman.

24. CHRIS Like mother like daughter. Dean Cackles. INT. ARMITAGE HOUSE - HALLWAY - DAY CHRIS And you’re a surgeon? DEAN A neurosurgeon; was. I retired early. Now, I pretty much focus on the house and twiddle my thumbs. Dean and Chris pass a closed door. DEAN (CONT’D) Oh, downstairs is the wine cellar, the games room, some storage. Apparently a black mold issue down there. Almost everything needs to get thrown out; shame. INT. ARMITAGE KITCHEN - DAY Dean and Chris continue their walk-through. The kitchen is large, homey and pristine. Large windows overlook the backyard. GEORGINA, African American, 30 stands facing a wall. She is still. DEAN My mother loved her kitchen. Upon hearing them, Georgina comes alive. She resumes cleaning the kitchen. CHRIS That view. DEAN Oh, Georgina, this is Chris; Rose’s boyfriend. Georgina turns to them. She has the same eerie smile as Walter. Like she’s masking something. Hi. Hello.-


25. DEAN Ah ha! But now for the piece de resistance... Dean opens the glass back door. EXT. BACKYARD - LATE AFTERNOON The yard is huge and the woods beyond it ominous. The wind RUSHES through the trees. Dean leads Chris out through the yard towards a gazebo. DEAN Badminton and bocce ball, croquet; we’re a family who loves games. Two other families have properties on lake Pontaco, and they’re way on the other side. Total privacy. Chris is distracted by Walter who prepares the lawn mower in the distance. DEAN (CONT’D) I know what you’re thinking. Yeah?


DEAN Well-to-do white family; black servants... CHRIS I wasn’t gonna go there. DEAN You didn’t have to. We hired them a few years ago to help care for my parents; they became part of the family. Couldn’t bear to let them go. I hate the way it makes us look though... CHRIS Hey. People need work. Yeah.


They arrive at an outdoor patio. Dean stops Chris from stepping on a dead sparrow.

26. DEAN (CONT’D) Well, crap. (Calling) Walter! Walter turns to face them. He has that same eerily mild smile. Vacant in its sincerity. DEAN (CONT’D) Another dead bird! (To Chris) Damn things fly into the patio from time to time; break their necks. Walter nods slowly. Dean gently kicks the bird’s carcass out of their way. Iced tea?


EXT. OUTDOOR PATIO - DAY Dean, Missy, Chris and Rose sit with iced teas. MISSY (to Chris) Rose tells us your parents aren’t with us. CHRIS My Dad was never really in the picture. My mom passed away when I was 11; She was hit by a car. MISSY DEAN Oh, that’s awful; so young. I’m so sorry to hear that. CHRIS (CONT’D) Yeah. My aunt raised me, with my cousins. We didn’t have a lot of money or anything, but she’s a good person; kept me off the streets. She gave me my first camera. Rose holds Chris’ hand. MISSY You two seem like you’ve been together for years. How long has it been now?

27. CHRIS ROSE 4 months? 5 months. CHRIS 5? She’s right; I’m wrong. DEAN ‘Atta boy Chris. Get used to saying that. MISSY Not a lot of time, anyway. So...? You guys in love or what? Mom.


CHRIS I mean, we’ve been trying to take it slow but... MISSY Yep. You’re in love. I can tell. DEAN Can’t resist the inevitable. Walter mows past them in the distance. MISSY And how did you meet, again? CHRIS At the blood drive. ROSE Remember when I volunteered at the community center? Ah, yes.


MISSY And he really is so good looking, isn’t he? You’d have beautiful babies. I know!


DEAN Uh oh. Get out of here before it’s too late!

28. ROSE (to Chris) Now, all you have to do is just quit smoking. DEAN Oh no! A smoker!? MISSY And we were just beginning to like you. CHRIS No. I’m quitting. DEAN You should have Missy take care of that for you. Oh God. How?


DEAN Hypnosis. Works like a charm. Missy watches Chris’ reaction intently. He is uncomfortable. Oh.


DEAN I thought the whole thing was B.S. too. I smoked for 20 years. She puts me under once, now the sight of a cigarette makes me wanna vomit. MISSY Of course, I’d give you the service for free. You are family after all. CHRIS Wow. I don’t... Thank you. Um, I don’t know. Chris looks to Rose for help. ROSE You guys, normal people don’t want strangers fiddling around in their heads.

29. MISSY If you change your mind... We’re just glad you could join us for the big get-together. Georgina brings the pitcher of iced tea around and refills everyone’s glass. Chris tries to thank her with a look. She smiles and avoids eye contact. CHRIS The get-together? ROSE The party tomorrow? I told you. CHRIS I must have forgot. MISSY Oh, well we host a shindig once a year for our friends. DEAN A tradition. Some of my Dad’s old social club. Some old patients. Some just friends... MISSY Drinks, good food, good people... CHRIS Sounds fun. Georgina has been pouring Chris’ drink too long and his glass has overflown. Georgina!


Georgina snaps out of her daze. She realizes what she’s done and starts to clean. MISSY (CONT’D) It’s fine George, I’ll get it. Maybe you need a nap. Georgina nods, smiles and walks away. Chris and Rose look at Dean. That was odd. Dean shrugs. A CAR HORN HONKS in front of the house. DEAN Jeremy’s home. JEREMY, 29, rounds the house with open arms.

30. He’s “Rich kid intense”; handsome and strong with an unpredictable wildness behind his eyes. JEREMY Who answers the door around here?! INT. ARMITAGE DINING ROOM - LATER/NIGHT Everyone laughs. Dean pours the remainder of a bottle of wine into Chris’ glass. Their meal is done and they are tipsy. Jeremy pops the cork on a new bottle of wine as he energetically holds court. JEREMY One more... So, let me set the scene. I’m a junior; Ro’s a freshman and she has a crush on this guy Connor-ROSE --No. Mom. Jeremy...


CHRIS No, no... These are good. I wanna hear this. DEAN Manners, Rose. Give the guest what he wants. JEREMY Yeah, Rose. ROSE I hate you. JEREMY Connor Garfield was on my lacrosse team. Huge guy, like 6’3”, and crazy, just like “Looney Tunes,” right? We had thrown a party-You did.


JEREMY I think my parents were in Greece or something. We had gotten into their liquor cabinet and we’re all shit-faced.

31. MISSY No you weren’t. Were you? JEREMY We put water in the bottles so you wouldn’t know. Let me finish. Okay, so I’m upstairs in my parents’ bathroom hooking up with Jenny Richardson. Hottest girl in our class. Uch.


ROSE You realize you’re coming off like a total douche right now, right? JEREMY Thanks. All of a sudden Connor starts banging on the bathroom door, right? I open it, and he’s got blood gushing out of his mouth and he’s screaming “Your thith-ter bit my fuckin’ thongue off!!!!” CHRIS Whoa, what? JEREMY Sure enough, there is a centimeter of tongue meat missing right here. Jeremy demonstrates and Chris winces. CHRIS (To Rose) Ahhhh! You bit him? ROSE He cornered me and shoved his tongue in my mouth, so yeah. CHRIS Damn. That’s badass, Bae. MISSY I’m going to see how dessert is coming along. (to Dean) Maybe we can change the conversation to something a little lighter.

32. ROSE Yeah, great story. Thanks for making it totally uncomfortable. Missy walks out of the dining room into the kitchen. The door swings open and Chris gets another glimpse of Georgina who stands with a kitchen knife and wears an intense and wicked little smile. The door swings shut. DEAN Okay, new subject. Chris, Yanks or Mets? CHRIS Ah, Orioles. My mom was from Baltimore so-JEREMY You an MMA fan? Oh God. What?


DEAN She’s right. Let someone else talk for a bit. JEREMY You’ve had your chance. He’s dating my sister. I can’t bond with the guy? Dean exhales. CHRIS You mean like UFC? Yeah, nah. Too brutal for me. I’m a lover, not a fighter. JEREMY You ever get into street fights as a kid? CHRIS Not really. I did take Judo for after-school in 1st grade. Awww.


33. JEREMY Cause, with your frame, your genetic make-up? If you pushed your body, I mean really trained, you’d be a beast. CHRIS Cool... Thanks? The kitchen door swings open again, and Missy walks back in with a perfect carrot cake. Georgina is gone. MISSY What’d I miss? ROSE More ramblings from King Awkward. JEREMY We’re talking about sports. (To Chris) Stand up. Let me show you something. MISSY No karate at the dinner table. JEREMY It’s not karate, it’s jiu-jitsu. He stumbles a little towards Chris and tries to put him in a headlock. Chris stands. CHRIS I’ve got a rule. I don’t playfight with drunk dudes. JEREMY I’m just-DEAN --Alright, enough Jeremy! JEREMY I wasn’t going to hurt him. Dean is loud and stern for the first time. Jeremy’s eyes flutter, DRUNK and embarrassed. He grabs a wine bottle and goes upstairs`. ROSE And that’s my brother.

34. EXT. THE ESTATE. NIGHT Full moon. CRICKETS. INT. ROSE’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Rose and Chris make hushed love in her bed. A stuffed lion seems to watch Chris. He turns it away. INT. ROSE’S BEDROOM - LATER Rose sleeps, but Chris is wide awake. There’s a buzz in his ear. He smacks his own head and sits up. A soft HOWL of WIND rushes through the room. The CLOSET DOOR CREEKS open. Chris’ eyes drift to the pack of cigarettes sticking out of his camera bag pocket draped on the desk chair. INT. ARMITAGE HALLWAY - NIGHT Chris leaves Rose’s room and walks down the dark hallway. A floorboard creaks under his feet. He turns down the stairs. INT. ARMITAGE DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Chris gets to the bottom of the stairs. He hears the floorboard creek upstairs. He stops and turns, expecting someone to follow him down. Nothing. Chris continues to walk down the hallway past the pictures towards the kitchen. The basement door is open a crack. Chris peers into it curiously. A stairwell leads down into pitch darkness. Chris shuts the door. A figure now stands at the end of the hallway behind him. He doesn’t notice. He just keeps going into... INT. ARMITAGE KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Chris walks through the kitchen. He bumps into a bar chair moving it slightly. He keeps walking. He continues out the sliding back door of the house.

35. EXT. BACKYARD - CONTINUOUS Chris steps out the back door and takes a cigarette out. Chris looks into the vast night around him. The CRICKETS are deafening. Suddenly, something DARTS FAST across the yard in the distance. Chris peers out into the darkness. The thing RUNS across the lawn again. A moment of terror comes over Chris. He makes out a shape. It’s now running towards him. Chris backs up in fear just as the figure emerges from the shadows and into the moonlight. It’s Walter, the grounds keeper. He passes Chris without noticing. Chris gathers his breath. The kitchen light turns on and floods the backyard. Chris drops the cigarette and stomps it out. He turns back towards the house and finds himself face to face with Georgina, who glares through the window dead in Chris’ eyes. He’s caught. Georgina doesn’t react. Chris it still. Georgina suddenly exposes her teeth in a frightening grimace. Chris backs away slowly. INT. ARMITAGE KITCHEN - NIGHT Georgina sucks her teeth. She doesn’t actually see Chris at all. She’s looking at her teeth in the reflection in the window which, front lit, reflects her and the room around her. Outside is invisible. EXT. BACKYARD - NIGHT Chris realizes he’s not caught. Close call. Inside Georgina notices the bar chair has been moved. She moves it back into its original position, and begins cleaning the kitchen cabinets. Chris quietly sneaks around the house. INT. ARMITAGE DINING ROOM - NIGHT Chris sneaks in through the door in the dark dining room. INT. ARMITAGE LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Chris moves through the living room towards the stairs, the lamp in the middle of the room turns on startling Chris. Missy sits near him; cat in lap; almost seductively. He’s caught; for real this time.

36. MISSY Quick fix? CHRIS Yeah. Nerves got me I guess. MISSY Come. Let’s nip this in the bud. INT. MISSY’S OFFICE - NIGHT Missy sits in a chair and directs Chris to sit across from her. She pours them both some tea. Chris sits. CHRIS I still don’t know if this is right for me. MISSY There really is no need to be nervous. CHRIS I’m good. The dude was running out there. Scared me. MISSY Walter starts early every day. He’s borderline obsessive compulsive. Tea? CHRIS Nah, I’m good. It’ll keep me up. Missy puts two sugar cubes in her cup. She begins to stir slowly, CLINKING the SPOON softly and rhythmically against the sides of the cup. TING TING. TING TING. MISSY How’s the bed. Good? Yeah.


MISSY Comfortable enough? CHRIS It’s perfect, thanks.

37. MISSY Enough sheets? Yep.


TING TING. TING TING. CHRIS (CONT’D) So, how does this work? Are you going to swing a pocket watch in front of my face? MISSY You watch a lot of Television. Now, you are feeling very sleeepy... They share a smile. MISSY (CONT’D) We do use focal points sometimes, but just about any object or simple motion can guide someone to a state of heightened suggestibility. CHRIS Heightened suggestibility. Okay, where do we start? MISSY Your childhood. CHRIS Yeah, my memory sucks. TING TING. TING TING. MISSY Wounds get locked in your heart and they fester and grow into ugly little things like depression and addiction. But, they are all in there somewhere. All we need to do is find the key. TING TING. TING TING. The world around Chris slowly goes out of focus. CHRIS I guess if it makes me quit... Wait... Has it started--?

38. MISSY --we’re going to go back to a place that might be uncomfortable for you. Your Mother’s death to be specific. Were you there when she was hit? CHRIS I was home. I was watching TV. MISSY Let’s go back there. Hear this place. Let the vibrations rush run through your body and ears. Hear it... Find it... Tell me when you find it. The sound of RAIN AGAINST a WINDOW slowly fades up along with the MUFFLED sound of a SITCOM ON TELEVISION. CHRIS Okay... Yeah, I found it. TING TING. TING TING. MISSY Good. How did you find out she died? CHRIS I knew it. She was never late after work. When she didn’t come home, I just knew something was wrong. MISSY Good. Now touch. Feel your surroundings. Feel every part of your body and what you touched. Feel it. Find it... Tell me when you find it... FLASHBACK - INT. SMALL APARTMENT. NIGHT Close on 11 year old Chris’ hands scratches the bed post nervously. MISSY (V.O.) Tell me when you find it. CHRIS (V.O.) I found it. His toes brush the carpet as his dangling legs swing off the side of his bed.

39. TING TING. TING TING. PRESENT DAY - INT. MISSY’S OFFICE. - NIGHT Chris’ feet try to swing but are too long. He scratches the arm of the chair in Missy’s office. MISSY You said ‘you knew something was wrong.’ What did you do? Nothing. Nothing?


CHRIS I just sat there. Watching TV. MISSY You didn’t call someone? Your Aunt or the police? No. Why not?


CHRIS I don’t know. I thought if I did, it would make it real. MISSY Next is smell and taste. Breathe in and let the scent fill your nose. Smell that place. Taste it. Find it. Chris is getting emotional. He breathes deep through his nose. FLASH BACK - INT. SMALL APARTMENT KITCHEN - NIGHT Young Chris finishes inhaling. The rain hits the window sill. MISSY (V.O.) Tell me. Tell me when you find it. Young Chris takes sip of a juice box. PRESENT DAY - INT. MISSY’S OFFICE. NIGHT 26 year old Chris sips from an invisible straw.

40. CHRIS I found it. TING TING. TING TING. MISSY Good. Now lastly, you must see it. Let the light flood into your eyes. Every color, every detail. See it. See it. Find it. Chris’ eyelids flutter. He continues to scratch the armchair. TING TING. TING TING FLASHBACK - INT. SMALL APARTMENT - NIGHT 11-year-old Chris scratches through the wood on his bed, splintering the wood. He watches TV from his bed next to some action figures. MISSY (V.O.) Tell me when-11-year-old Chris nods. TING TING. TING TING. PRESENT DAY - INT. MISSY’S OFFICE. NIGHT Chris nods and cries. CHRIS --Found it. MISSY (realizing) You think it was your fault. Chris nods. TING TING. TING TING. MISSY (CONT’D) I want you to feel that fear again, Chris. CHRIS I don't want to. MISSY It's okay. I'm here. Chris trembles anxiously.

41. MISSY (CONT’D) Are you afraid now? Paralyzed like that day? He nods. Her empathetic expression turns into a sick smile. MISSY (CONT’D) Good. Now sink into the floor. Wait--


MISSY Sink! Now! TING TING... Chris’ hand has compulsively scratched open the arm of the chair. His hand stops. His mouth drops and eyes open, frozen. FLASHBACK - INT. SMALL APARTMENT - NIGHT ...TING TING. Suddenly, 11-year-old Chris falls through the bed and floor. END FLASHBACK. INT. DARKNESS Terror. Chris, 26 again, breathes fast but falls in slow motion though darkness as if through water. TING TING. TING TING. He flails towards a pitch black abyss. He’s illuminated by the fading blue flicker of a large downward facing TV-like screen. On it Missy sits Speaking to him and clinking her teacup. Missy’s voice is everywhere. MISSY Good. Good. Sink. Sink. PRESENT DAY - INT. MISSY’S OFFICE. NIGHT Chris’ body sits in his chair motionless. He can’t move. His eyes are wide open, staring strait at Missy.

42. INT. DARKNESS Chris continues to slowly fall backwards. Missy approaches on the screen above him. It shows what his eyes are seeing. CHRIS No! NO!!! I’m done! Bring me back! Please!!!! There is no response. Chris cries. Eventually he slows down and comes to a stop. He lands feet first on a soft ground. This place sounds like it’s crawling with insects. He looks up. He can still see the screen above but it is far away, like the mouth of a deep and expansive well. CHRIS (CONT’D) Mrs. Armitage!!! On the screen, Missy stands. She walks towards Chris’ body and looks down at him through his own eyes. MISSY Now you are in the Sunken Place. Missy reaches towards the screen and shuts his eyelids. The abyss goes almost completely dark. Now he’s alone in the dark. He cries in terror. Chris hears a DEEP HULKING BREATHING in the darkness. CHRIS (whispering) Something’s down here... No response. CHRIS (CONT’D) (whispering) Bring me back. Bring me back. Bring me back. Bring me back... In the darkness, the SOUND OF HOOVES CRUNCHING ON SOFT GROUND approaches. THUNK THUNK. THUNK THUNK. CHRIS (CONT’D) Bring me back. Bring me back. Bring me back. The sounds get louder and louder. THUNK THUNK. THUNK THUNK.

43. An antlered thing emerges from the shadow. It’s head is that of a deer, but with the flesh stripped off and with mostly its skull exposed. No!


Its eyes glow and flicker faint blue in its sockets. It MOANS A WRONG SOUNDING MOAN; in hateful anguish. It charges Chris... THUNK THUNK. THUNK THUNK. THUNK THUNK. The bloody deer impales Chris on its antlers. They both MOAN. INT. ROSE’S BEDROOM - DAWN Chris wakes up with a start in Rose’s bed sweaty and heaving. He’s alone and confused. Bad dream? Headache. The SHOWER RUNS inside Rose’s bathroom. SHE HUMS. DING DING He’s gotten a message. It’s a picture of Rod pretending to pour beer in Sid’s mouth. Chris smiles. The batteries are low. He plugs his phone in and puts it on the dresser. EXT. BACKYARD - DAWN It’s Golden hour. Beautiful. Chris walks through the yard to the edge of the forest with his camera. Chris keeps walking. He looks through a long-zoom lens into the wilderness. He sees a bird and snaps a picture. He turns to the house. Georgina can be seen through an upstairs window knitting. He raises his camera. She’s beautiful. She stands and begins to remove her wig. Then as if aware she’s being watched, she turns towards him. Chris turns away, taking a picture in another direction. He glances back at the window. Georgina is gone. BANG. A sparrow slams against the gazebo and falls to the ground. Startling Chris. Damn.


He turns away and is startled even more by Walter smiling serenely at him about 50 feet away in the yard. Embarrassed, Chris gathers himself. He walks towards Walter.

44. CHRIS (CONT’D) What’s up? No response. CHRIS (CONT’D) They working you good out here, huh? Walter’s voice is soft and methodical. His eyes remain distant as though he his looking through Chris. Chilling. There is a hidden anger behind his pleasantness. WALTER Nothing I don’t want to be doing. Ha!


Walter isn’t joking. CHRIS (CONT’D) Yeah... yeah. No, I can tell. I never really got to meet you actually, up close. I’m Chris. WALTER I know who you are. You’re Rose’s friend. Chris stops walking about 15 feet from Walter. Something doesn’t feel right. CHRIS Yeah. That’s one way to put it. So, where you from originally? WALTER She is lovely isn’t she? CHRIS Rose? Yeah, she is... WALTER One of a kind; a real doggone keeper. Chris is weirded out. WALTER (CONT’D) Sorry if I scared you last night. CHRIS Oh, yeah. Actually, I guess I was pretty drunk. (MORE)

45. CHRIS (CONT’D) I don’t remember much. WALTER And the hypnosis? Did it work? CHRIS Hypnosis? No, I didn’t... Chris remembers. WALTER Well, I should get back to work. Chris raises his hand in a timid ‘black power fist.’ Walter raises his hand in an open wave. CHRIS There’s another bird... Walter nods. Chris turns and walks to the house. Chris makes pops a cigarette into his mouth. He is repulsed by the taste of it. He looks at it. More of last night seems to come back to him. INT. ROSE’S BEDROOM - DAY Chris enters as Rose finishes blow drying her hair. He’s worked up. ROSE Hi. Where have you been? CHRIS Out. Taking pictures. Hey, so I think your mom hypnotised me last night. ROSE Wait, what? CHRIS (hazy) I think I snuck out for a smoke, and she caught me and offered? I don’t know. I must have agreed to it ‘cause the thing just made me nauseous. ROSE Okay. Well then that’s good, right?

46. CHRIS No, not good. I can barely remember any of it even happening; I don’t like that. Plus I had these fucked up dreams. ROSE That happened to me too. What did?


ROSE The nightmares. When I was a kid. She hypnotized me once for stage fright, and I had the craziest nightmares, but it worked... She wraps herself up in Chris’ arms. Chris thinks. CHRIS And, what’s the deal with the help? ROSE Like... The iced tea thing? Yeah that was weird. CHRIS That, but also the lawn-mower guy creepin’ me the fuck out too. ROSE Why? Did he say something? CHRIS It’s not what he says, it’s how he says it. You know? ROSE Yeah, something about them seems... different. Out the window, A CAR DRIVES onto the front yard. Rose hears and looks. ROSE (CONT’D) They’re here. Chris looks as well. A car parks on the front lawn. A Chauffer gets out and opens the backseat passenger door. A well-trained Husky service dog exits the car followed by JIM HUDSON, 57. Jim is blind and has slicked back grey hair.

47. EXT. FRONT YARD - NOON Bird's-eye view. Walter helps direct 12 expensive cars onto a makeshift parking lot on the front lawn. Wealthy guests emerge from each one. EXT. BACKYARD - NOON The party is in full swing. The 30 or so guests mingle excitedly. They are all white except for one Japanese man. Through the kitchen window, Georgina fixes food and helps occupy four white children by helping them make Hors d’oeuvres. Rose and Chris get a drink at the bar. They walk through the party. Missy mingles with some guests. She makes eye contact with Chris and winks. He looks away. Chris and Rose are stopped by GORDON GREENE, 68, and his wife EMILY GREENE, 67. Gordon is a cute man with a cane and impish excitement. Emily is pretty and birdlike. They watch Chris intently and smile from ear to ear. Gordon shakes Chris’ hand thoroughly. GORDON Nice to meet you, Chris. Nice to meet you indeed. (to Emily) Good grip. CHRIS Thanks. You too. GORDON You ever play golf? CHRIS Once, actually; a few years ago. I wasn’t very good. EMILY Gordon was a professional golfer for years. CHRIS Oh? No kidding. GORDON Can’t quite swing the hips like I used to though. You know, I met Tiger.

48. Rose and Chris share a subtle smirk. ROSE CHRIS Wow, that’s great. Cool. EMILY Gordon loves Tiger. GORDON Best I’ve ever seen. Ever, hands down. Let’s see your form. CHRIS Me? I could barely hit the thing. GORDON Show me... Chris does. GORDON (CONT’D) If I knew what I know now at your age? Now then I could really play. CHRIS It’d be kind of a waste of time travel though. They laugh. EXT. BACKYARD - LATER Chris and Rose speak to NELSON DEETS, 82, who’s smiles in a wheelchair with his jaw hanging, and LISA DEETS, 54, a looselipped trophy wife smiles at Chris in a predatory manner. They have Dutch accents. LISA (To Rose) How handsome is he? ROSE Extremely. Lisa squeezes Chris’ bicep. A bit too familiar. LISA Not bad huh, Nelson? Eh?


49. LISA (to Rose) So, is it true? The love making. Is it better? Rose cackles at the bluntness of the question. Chris almost chokes on his drink. Lisa continues to size Chris up. Wow. Um..


LISA (to Rose) I’m being too forward? ROSE We’ll talk later. CHRIS Oh, will you now? EXT. BACKYARD - LATER Chris and Rose talk to PARKER DRAY, 60, and APRIL DRAY, 57. They are an overweight, rose-cheeked tipsy wasp couple. Chris and Rose try to mask boredom and annoyance. APRIL Who even cares about skin color? My God. CHRIS Right. I mean-PARKER The world cares, April. But it’s not a question of physical superiority, it’s “What skin color is more culturally advantageous?” As Parker drones on Chris looks around the party. Dean schmoozes animatedly with two couples. He quickly scans the party, finds Chris and points him out. The two couples wave and smile giddily. They had all just been talking about him. Chris pretends to not see this. ROSE “Advantageous?” Suddenly, Chris sees another black guy walking through the crowd. Relief. It is Andre, the jogger from the first scene, but he’s very different than before.

50. He seems glazed-over with the same frozen smile as Walter and Georgina, and wears a particularly square ascot and golfing hat. PARKER Fairer skin is has been in favor’ the last couple of thousands of years, but the pendulum has swung back again hasn't it..? CHRIS I’m sorry. I’m going to get another drink. Chris walks away. PARKER I didn’t mean to offend him. ROSE Really? ‘Cause you have yet to say anything that’s not a blanket statement about race. PARKER Now, Rose.-EXT. BACKYARD - MOMENTS LATER Andre stands by the bar and makes himself a Martini. Chris approaches him. CHRIS It’s good to see another brother around here. Andre turns to face Chris neatly. Andre’s voice is completely different from the first scene. There is no longer any trace of an urban dialect. He speaks in a lower pitch and slow, enunciating his words precisely. ANDRE Yes, of course it is. Chris expects Andre to engage more. He doesn’t. He just stares at him smiling. CHRIS Who do you know? ANDRE Why, the Armitage’s of course. We’re friends of the family.

51. PHIL, 65, a craggy effeminate man with manicured eyebrows, cuts between them. PHIL (to Andre) There you are. Here, put this somewhere. Phil hands his napkin to Andre who pockets it obediently. Phil places his hand on Andre’s back possessively. PHIL (CONT'D) (to Chris) Oh, hello. I’m Phil... and you are...? CHRIS Chris. Rose’s boyfriend. PHIL Fantastic. Logan and I know Rose very well. ANDRE I’m sorry, where are my manners. Logan, Logan King. (To Phil) Chris was just telling me that he felt more comfortable with my being here. Chris is let down. Andre isn’t what he had hoped. PHIL That’s nice. Logan, I hate to tear you away, dear, but the Wincott’s were asking about you. ANDRE/LOGAN Ah, well it was nice meeting you Chris. Sure.


Chris holds out his fist for Andre/Logan to bump. Andre/Logan shakes Chris’ fist and then, realizing his error fist bumps him like it’s the first time. Andre/Logan and Phil laugh and walk away. They join a small group of people who applaud Andre’s arrival. Andre does a little spin showing off his clothes.

52. EXT. BACKYARD - MOMENTS LATER Chris comes back to Rose. He is more creeped out and agitated. ROSE Where’s your drink? CHRIS What? Oh, I forgot. Dean projects over the crowd. Hello!


Everyone applauds and gives Dean their attention. DEAN (CONT'D) Achem! Once again, I want to thank you all for coming. Words cannot express how much it means to us that after all these years we can all still get together and share. I’m reminded of stories of how the knights of old would gather in honor of a new crusade... EXT. GAZEBO. DAY. During Dean’s speech, Chris wanders away from the group. JIM Ignorant shit... Chris hadn’t seen Jim Hudson, the blind man, who sits in the gazebo with his seeing eye dog. He is close to Chris, but far enough away from the group that no one else hears them. Who?


JIM All of them. Ignorant assholes. They have no idea what real people go through. CHRIS I guess people only see what’s in front of them. Chris notices his faux pas.


I mean...


JIM Heh. No, you’re right. And usually not even that much. That’s people. Jim holds a glass up. Chris fist bumps the glass. JIM (CONT’D) Jim Hudson. Chris-


JIM I know who you are. I’m an admirer of your work; you have a great eye... CHRIS Wait. Jim Hudson... of Hudson Galleries? Jim smiles. JIM The irony of being a blind art dealer isn’t lost on me. CHRIS How do you do it? JIM I have an assistant describe work to me. You’ve got something... The images you capture... so brutally melancholic. Powerful stuff. CHRIS Thank you. Yeah, I just like finding the beauty in abandoned things. JIM I used to dabble myself. Wilderness mostly. I submitted to Nat Geo 14 times before realizing I didn’t have “the eye” for it; Began dealing. And then, of course, my vision went to shit. Damn.


54. JIM I know. Life can be a sick joke. One day you're working in a dark room, and the next day - BAM. You wake up in the dark. Genetic disease. CHRIS Shit ain’t fair, man. Yeah.


Jeremy comes over with his preppy friend, Derrick, 29. JEREMY Chris, we need you... CHRIS Yeah, sure. (to Jim) Nice to meet you. JIM Stop by the gallery some time. Bout time you had a solo show. CHRIS Really? Wow, okay. Thank you. That would be a game changer. JIM I think we could do wonderful things together. EXT. BACKYARD - LATER Chris and Rose play badminton against Jeremy and Derrick. A gaggle of party guests watch, entertained. Chris is actually having fun. He swings big but misses the shuttlecock. JEREMY HA! Come on. You can do better than that! CHRIS Not my game, what can I say. JEREMY Yeah, I see that. ROSE Shut up Jeremy.

55. JEREMY I’m just saying, if your boy isn’t gonna bring his ‘A’ game, we might as well bring Mom up here. CHRIS Whoa, whoa, okay. Now we talkin’ smack huh? Chris serves the shuttlecock hard. The following rally is long, captivating the crowd. Chris ends it with an impressive diving swat. Derrick misses the return and the crowd goes wild. Chris throws his arms up in celebration. Boom!


ROSE Yay, baby! JEREMY See, that’s what I’m talking about!!! Okay, again! Chris is about to serve. He scans the crowd of beaming faces. Everyone is rooting for Chris. They love him. Chris scans the crowd. It’s too much. CHRIS Hold up. Here. ROSE Where are you-CHRIS I’m gonna go to the bathroom. Chris gives his racket to Gordon Greene. INT. ARMITAGE HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY Chris walks through the kitchen. INT. ARMITAGE LIVING ROOM - DAY Chris slips past several small groups of guests mingling. He goes up the stairs to the second floor. As soon as he are out of sight and earshot, the mingling guests stop in mid-conversation. Everyone in the room waits and listens to CHRIS’ FOOTSTEPS above. It is now clear that their conversations have been fake. They are all hanging on Chris’ actions.

56. INT. ARMITAGE UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - DAY Chris walks to Rose’ room. INT. ROSE’S BEDROOM - DAY Chris exits the bathroom in Rose’s room. The bed is made. He picks his phone up from the dresser. It’s unplugged and out of batteries. That’s odd. He plugs it in again as he hears a CREAK down the hall. INT. ARMITAGE UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - DAY Chris leaves Rose’s room. A door at the end of the hallway is a crack open. Chris slowly walks down the hall, and peers inside. A couple lacrosse trophies and one for ju-jitsu. Jeremy’s room. Movement inside. It’s Georgina making the bed. The door creaks alerting her of his presence, she turns slowly. Before she sees him he walks quickly back to Rose’s room just as she comes upstairs. ROSE Hey! You okay? Chris waves for her to join him back in her room. INT. ROSE’S BEDROOM - DAY Chris speaks quietly and frantically to Rose. CHRIS The housekeeper unplugged my phone. Rose sighs. “Not this again.” CHRIS (CONT’D) I’m trying to check in with Rod, and I got no juice. ROSE I’m sure it was an honest mistake. CHRIS Yeah, or maybe not. Maybe she doesn’t like the fact that I’m with you. Chris...


57. CHRIS What? It’s a thing. ROSE You think my family’s housekeeper gives a shit who you’re with? That’s crazy bae. Chris sits on the bed and rubs his forehead. CHRIS Forget it. Nevermind. ROSE Look, I get it. This whole thing is stressful. I mean, they’re circling you like hyenas down there. I just don’t get why you’re taking it out on George and Walter. CHRIS (passive aggressive) You’re right. I’m being paranoid. I just need a minute and I’ll be down. Fine.


Rose leaves a little annoyed. INT. CHRIS’ APARTMENT - DAY Rod eats a cheeseburger and watches a true crime show on Chris’ couch with Sid the dog. His PHONE RINGS. Hey.


INTERCUT WITH: INT. ROSE’S ROOM - SAME TIME Chris is alone in Rose’s room. He peers out the window. CHRIS Bruh. What’s up? ROD Not much. Sid’s chillin’. We eatin’ burgers. What’s up with you?




ROD Uh oh. That doesn’t sound good. CHRIS They just got me over here meeting all the family friends. It’s like they never met a black dude that doesn’t work for them or some shit. ROD Oh, they got you on display? CHRIS Exactly. Also, I got hypnotised last night... ROD Nigga, what the fuck? Oh, Hell no! CHRIS Yeah, to quit smoking. Rose’s mom is a hypnotherapist-ROD --Nope. I don’t give a fuck if she’s Dr. Drew up in this bitch. You ain’t getting in my head. CHRIS (Seeing Rod’s point) Right. ROD Who knows what they’ll make you do. You know white people into some crazy sex slave shit. Chris laughs. CHRIS Yeah, I’m like 99% sure they’re not a kinky sex family, butROD Why not? Jeffery Dahmer ate niggas’ heads, but that was after he fucked the heads. ROD (CONT'D) You think they saw that shit coming? Hell no. (MORE)

59. ROD (CONT’D) One second they think they just gonna suck some dick, next second they sucking dick but their head isn’t on their body Chris. CHRIS And thanks for that image, right there. ROD I saw that on A&E, so that’s real life. CHRIS It’s the black people out here that are the weirdest. The help. It’s like they’re possessed or... ROD Hypnotised. (dry) Ha ha--


ROD I’m just connecting the dots you presenting me with. The mom puttin’ trances on niggas and fuckin’ them. It’s clear as day and that’s fucked up. She hot? CHRIS What’s fucked up is: You’re the first line of defense against terrorism. ROD This is good shit tho. CHRIS Oh, and the one other black guest is like the whitest-most dude at the party. Rod laughs. CHRIS (CONT’D) I mean Rod, if you could see what this dude is wearing. ROD Send me a picture. You are a photographer. (MORE)

60. ROD (CONT’D) You should be documentin’ this shit. CHRIS (amused) Aiight. I’ll try. ROD And yo, don’t say I didn’t warn you ‘cause my ass sure as Hell ain’t coming up to the country to save you from no fuckin’ witch coven... Unless the mom’s hot. She hot? CHRIS Thanks Rod, bye. Chris hangs up and brings his phone with him. He opens the door. Georgina stands right outside it, eerie smile and all. Chris is startled. Hello. Hi.


Georgina’s voice is shaky and careful. GEORGINA I owe you an apology. I shouldn’t be touching things that don’t belong to me. CHRIS Oh, no. It’s cool. I was just confused. GEORGINA I lifted your cellular phone this morning to wipe down the dresser and it accidentally came undone, see? Yeah, I--


GEORGINA Rather than meddle with it further, I left it that way.

61. CHRIS Really, it’s okay. I didn’t mean to rat you out. Georgina eyes get lost for a moment. There’s a pain behind her smile. CHRIS (CONT’D) ...get you in trouble. GEORGINA Oh no, no, no, no, no, no... Aren’t you the sweetest thing? Not at all. The Armitages are so good to us; They treat us like family. EXT. BACKYARD - AFTERNOON Chris walks back into the back yard where Dean entertains seven people Chris hasn’t met. They turn as Chris approaches smiling eagerly. They all seem to share a private joke. DEAN Chris! There you are. I wanted to introduce you to some old friends. We’ll do it quickly. Down the line: David and Marcia Wincott, Ronald and Celia Jeffries, Hiroki Tanaka, and Fredrich and Jessika Walden. Each couple - DAVID and MARCIA, RONALD and CELIA, HIROKI, FREDRICH and JESSIKA - waves as they are named. CHRIS Too many names to remember but... The couples all laugh nervously. HIROKI (to Dean in Japanese) Can we ask him questions? DEAN (Japanese) Of course. HIROKI Do you find that being African American has more advantages or disadvantages in the modern world? Chris pans the crowd who all give him their undivided attention. The silence is long. Chris sighs. He looks for Rose. She is off talking to someone.

62. CHRIS Yeah, I don’t know, man. They all smile like hungry vampires. Chris is very uncomfortable with this unprovoked group interrogation. Andre/ Logan and Phil approach. CHRIS (CONT’D) That’s actually a great question. Logan! They were asking me about the African American experience. Maybe you could take this one. Andre/Logan is a little caught off guard but dives in. ANDRE/LOGAN My life as an African American has been, for the most part, very good. It’s hard to be too specific as I haven’t much desired to leave the house in a while. The crowd chuckles. Chris takes out his phone. PHIL We’ve become homebodies... ANDRE/LOGAN (To Phil) But recently, even when you go to the city, I’ve just had no interest. (To the group) The chores are my sanctu-With the attention on Andre/Logan, Chris subtly backs away from the conversation. He raises his phone toward Andre/Logan and the group and snaps a picture. The FLASH POPS. Shit.


Everyone turns to Chris. Andre/Logan steps forward and looks at Chris oddly; His head cocks a little and his peaceful expression drifts slowly to maddened horror. Some of the party guests gasp. Logan?


Andre/Logan drops his glass and stumbles towards Chris. Chris backs up, but Andre is already up in his space.


Get out.


Andre/Logan’s voice is higher and scratchy, like it was in the first scene. CHRIS Hey, man, I’m sorry, I-Andre/Logan grabs Chris by the shoulders and screams shrilly. Blood trickles out of his nose. ANDRE GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!! Phil and Jeremy grab Andre. They have to pry Andre/Logan’s grip off of Chris. When they do Andre/Logan screams bloodcurdlingly. It takes all their strength to bring him into the house. Missy and Dean follow. INT. LIVING ROOM - AFTERNOON Rose sits on the couch. She’s been crying. Chris comforts her but is clearly traumatised. A few other concerned guests mill around. Dean enters everyone gives him their attention. ROSE What the Hell was that? DEAN It was a seizure. ROSE A seizure? DEAN Yes. Logan’s okay. Missy’s with him now. Are you okay Chris? CHRIS Yeah. Why did he come at me like that? ROSE Yeah seizures don’t make people attack people, I’m sorry. DEAN It was an abnormal manifestation but yes, actually, sometimes they do. The flash on your phone must have triggered it. Andre/Logan enters with stands with Missy and Phil to a smattering of concerned applause.

64. He addresses a group in his lower pitched “Logan” voice. ANDRE/LOGAN Well, I do believe I owe you all an apology. The group grumbles. MISSY We’re just glad you’re feeling yourself again. ANDRE/LOGAN Well yes I am. It’s quite like being trapped in a dark room and watching my experiences through a window. Thank God you and Dean were here to calm me down. DEAN It’s a simple glitch of the brain. Nothing to be afraid of. ANDRE/LOGAN I know I scared you all quite a bit.. especially you Chris. CHRIS No, I’m sorry about the flash. I didn’t know. ANDRE/LOGAN Of course. How could you have? PHIL (to Andre/Logan) You shouldn’t have been drinking either. The group chuckles. ANDRE/LOGAN As I said I’m feeling much better now, but you’ll all have to proceed without the aid of my marvellous wit; the whole thing has left me a quite a bit exhausted. DEAN Of course. ANDRE/LOGAN It was nice meeting you.

65. CHRIS Yeah, you too. Chris is skeptical. Missy shows Phil and Logan out. Andre and Phil leave. DEAN Let’s do sparklers shall we? Brighten the mood? He gives Chris and Rose sparklers and to other people who light them. Let’s go.


Rose takes Chris’ hand. MISSY Anybody need a drink? ROSE We’re going on a walk. Rose grabs Chris’ hand and leads him out the front door. The party guests in the living room, Dean and Missy included, go silent. As their sparklers burn they approach the window, watching Rose and Chris leave the front yard. EXT. LAKESIDE - AFTERNOON Rose and Chris walk by the lake. Their sparklers fizzle. CHRIS My cousin is epileptic. That wasn’t a seizure. ROSE Honestly? That was one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen in my life. CHRIS Also, this is gonna sound weird, but when he got up in my face like that, I got the feeling like I knew that guy.

66. EXT. BACK YARD. SAME TIME With Chris and Rose are away, the party guests have all gathered in the back yard facing Dean who stands by a large picture of Chris on an easel. Everyone is silent. Dean raises his hand and makes numbers with his fingers: “Three and three.” Several party guests raise their hands. Dean points to the Waldens. This is an auction. EXT. LAKESIDE - SAME TIME CHRIS Let’s go back home tonight. ROSE What? Wait, no. CHRIS I’m just... Something doesn’t feel right. ROSE You mean with us? CHRIS No. With this whole situation! I just... I can’t explain but I need you to trust me. Let’s just go. It doesn’t even have to be a big deal. ROSE It is a big deal. It’s my family. I wouldn’t even know what to tell them. INT. BACKYARD - SAME TIME Dean raises his hand again making more numbers with his fingers: “4, 5.” Gordon Greene raises his hand. Dean points to him accepting his bid.

67. EXT. LAKESIDE - SAME TIME ROSE Yes, it’s weird. There are a lot of ways I wish this was going different. I wish my brother wasn’t a cock. I wish my parents friends were chill; but just because it’s tough, it doesn’t mean you run away... Rose cries. Baby, I--


ROSE ...I’m late. Late?


ROSE I should’ve got my period like last week. Oh.


ROSE I mean, I did change my birth control, so it could just be that, but... Chris thinks silently. So...?


CHRIS I don’t know what to say. ROSE Okay... Try any emotional response whatsoever. He’s silent. Rose wipes her tears. ROSE (CONT’D) If you wanna go then go. I’m not going to force you to stay but I’m not leaving.

68. EXT. BACKYARD - SAME TIME The auction is flying now. Dean’s hand signals are going fast. It’s down to three couples. Dean signals “5, 6.” Mr. Greene raises his hand. Dean points. Dean signals “5, 8.” Mrs. Deets raises her hand. Dean points. Dean signals “6.” Jim Hudson raises both his hands and signals “10.” His chauffeur stands beside him whispering in his ear. Dean points at him. Dean scans the crowd signalling “10, 2?” “10, 2?” The crowd looks around. No one is challenging. Dean smiles. Finally Dean bangs his fist onto his open palm and points to Jim Hudson. Jim’s chauffeur whispers in his ear. The guests clap in a mixture of delight and disappointment. EXT. LAKESIDE - DUSK Chris and Rose sit watching the sunset over the lake. Chris kisses her hand. He hears the faint APPLAUSE in the distance. He looks in the direction of the house. CHRIS I told you about the night my mom died. How I didn’t call 911; didn’t go out looking for her. Baby--


CHRIS One hour went by, then two, three... I just sat there... I just watched TV. ROSE It wasn’t your fault-CHRIS I found out later she had survived the initial hit. CHRIS (CONT'D) She laid there bleeding by the side of the road all night, cold and alone. And that’s how she died in the early morning... Cold and alone. And I was watching TV. (MORE)

69. CHRIS (CONT’D) There was time. If someone was looking for her, there was time. But no one was looking. Chris cries. Rose embraces him. ROSE You were just a kid. CHRIS Yeah... yeah. So, I’m not gonna leave here without you. I‘m not going to abandon you. Never. They share a moment of pure love. ROSE Fuck it. Come on. Let’s go back home. Yeah?


ROSE Yeah. I mean, you’re right. This sucks. I’ll go back with you. I’ll make something up. CHRIS I love you. ROSE I love you too. The two get up and walk back toward the house. EXT. FRONT LAWN - DUSK Chris and Rose approach the house as the last of the guests get into their cars and drive off. The fireflies are out. CHRIS That was fast. Yeah.


The guests wave to Dean and Missy, who stand at the front door, and then to Chris and Rose. Lisa Deets, the trophy wife, is tipsy. Nelson is in their car.

70. LISA Bye Chris! It was a pleasure meeting you. I hope you-Chris and Rose wave. NELSON Come on, Lisa. Before you say something stupid. Chris laughs. Walter shuts the car door behind Lisa. Walter stands pleasantly watching the cars leave. He turns to Chris with the same ‘ol smile. Chris and Rose enter the house. INT. ARMITAGE BATHROOM - DUSK Sink running. Chris washes his hands and looks in the mirror. His phone SIGNALS a text message from Rod. It’s picture from the internet of witches in a circle around a man being sacrificed followed by the text message. “You dead yet?” Chris texts back. “Bruh, you have no idea.” He finds the picture he took of Logan/Andre on his phone and sends it. Moments later, his phone vibrates. INTERCUT WITH: INT. CHRIS’ APARTMENT - DUSK Rod is on the phone. ROD That’s Dre. Dre?


ROD Andre um... Hayworth! Yeah! He used to kick it with Veronica. CHRIS Veronica from... ROD ...Teresa’s sister! Worked at the movie theatre on 8th; ROD (CONT'D) got us into the movie a couple of times; Rush hour 2 and, um Usual Suspect.

71. CHRIS Yeah. That is him. But... ROD ...But what? CHRIS This is so fuckin’ crazy. He’s different now. ROD Different? How? CHRIS Different. Slower... I mean he was street; now he’s all like... white- seeming. Oh, plus he’s gay! ROD No, he ain’t. CHRIS I’m telling you: He’s gay, I met his man. He’s-ROD Chris, you in a fucked up Eyes Wide Shut situation. You need to--. The phone goes dead. No batteries. INT. ROSE’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Chris’ phone lays on the dresser plugged in. He’s in a hurry now. He packs his small bag and looks out the window. One car remains parked in the designated parking area. It’s the first to have arrived for the party: Jim Hudson’s. The driver brings the dog to the back seat. He gets a green envelope from the glove compartment and brings it to Missy at the front door. She accepts it silently. The driver drives away without Jim. Chris goes to leave Rose’s room. Her closet creaks open. Chris sees a framed picture of Rose inside. Not quite knowing what he’s looking for, he goes to the closet. The picture is a frightening one. Rose is one of the witches in a high school production of Macbeth. It’s on top of a red shoebox that has the drama/comedy masks drawn on top of it. He takes it off of the shelf. Inside is a pile of pictures. On top is one of Rose dressed as Juliet in a high school play.

72. The next one is of Rose at 13 playing Ms. Hannigan in Annie. Chris flips through a few more pictures of Rose at different ages in different class plays. Finally Chris comes upon a photo printed from a computer. It’s a selfie of her and some other black guy. The picture is almost identical to the one she took with Chris before the ride up. Under the image are written the words. “X-mas 2014” Stunned, Chris flips to the next picture. It’s another romantic selfie, this time with a different black guy. Underneath, the caption “Memorial Day 2013” He continues flipping through the stack of pictures of Rose with 8 different black guys. The last one is a picture of Rose with Walter. In it she kisses Walter’s cheek intimately. “Thanksgiving 2009” Walter looks different in the picture. He isn’t smiling vaguely; he’s got swagger. ROSE (emotionless) What are you doing? Rose stands there in the doorway behind him. Chris subtly drops the pictures back in the shoebox. CHRIS Um... Looking for my camera. Rose points to her desk. He grabs his bag and the camera. CHRIS (CONT’D) Where are the keys..? I gotta put our bags in the trunk. ROSE Walter can do that. CHRIS Nah, I’ll do it. Rose is truly distant for the first time. A different person. She is methodical and emotionless. The jig is up, and now she is now phoning it in. ROSE I was just looking for them. I’m such a mess, will you help me? Chris walks out the door, leaving Rose.

73. INT. FOYER/LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Rose follows Chris down the stairs. ROSE Chris... What’s wrong? Nothing.


Jeremy stands near the front door twirling his lacrosse stick. Dean and Missy sit in the living room. JEREMY Where are you going? The party’s just getting started. CHRIS I’m going to the car; see if we left the keys in there. MISSY I just made tea. I’m good.


The family is silent. Missy’s glare pierces Chris. He avoids eye contact. ROSE Oh, I know where they are. In my bag. Duh. MISSY You’re leaving us. Yeah.


MISSY Is something wrong? CHRIS No. Well, yeah... Um. ROSE (still blank) His dog is not well. He needs to go to the vet first thing in the morn-Dean hits play on the sound system. Darkly valiant classical music begins. He standing in front of the fireplace.

74. Lost in the fire, Dean begins conducting the music. DEAN What is your purpose, Chris? What?


DEAN In life? What is your purpose..? CHRIS Right now, it’s finding the keys. DEAN We’ve been looking for our purpose for such a long time. Fire has mesmerized man since the Stone Age. It is a reflection of our impermanence in the world. Fire is born, it breathes and then it dies. Rose...


Rose lamely rummages through her bag. ROSE I’m looking. CHRIS Rose, what is this shit?! DEAN There’s a reason we worship the Sun, Chris. He who lights the way through the darkness of life. He in all his glory was around long before us and will be here long after we are gone, but he too will die some day! That’s right even the Sun God will die. It is no less mortal than we, but it inspires us to defy it! So what do we do?---Rose.--


DEAN (unhinged) --What do we do?! We baptize ourselves in the firewater! (MORE)

75. DEAN (CONT’D) We bathe in his reflection, for one chance to emerge having defied death! DEAN (CONT'D) You’d take that baptism wouldn’t you, Chris? The baptism of immortality? CHRIS I was raised Episcopalian. Chris starts toward the door, but his path is blocked by Jeremy swinging at air. JEREMY Whoa! Be careful, bro. MISSY Don’t hurt him, Jeremy. JEREMY What? I’m not doing anything. DEAN Listen, Chris-CHRIS --I don’t know what you’re saying! DEAN (Through tears of joyous madness) I’m saying that we’ve found OUR PURPOSE!!! There must be a sacrifice! Sacrifice is essential for the righteous to achieve our true potential. A vessel must be comprised. A host must be born!!! CHRIS Rose! The keys!!! Rose backs away. ROSE Oh baby... You know I can’t give you the keys. Chris makes a run for the door. Missy CLINKS the cup with her SPOON. TING TING. TING TING.

76. The world instantly blurs around Chris. He begins to fall. He sees a flash. INT. DARKNESS Chris falls through the abyss towards ‘The Sunken Place’ again just like when he was hypnotized. The blue screen above him shows what his open eyes see. It’s his own perspective falling to the floor. CRASH! The screen now shows the living room ceiling. Jeremy leans over him. Oh shit!


MISSY (O.S.) Is he hurt? CHRIS What the fuck? JEREMY Did you see him drop? DEAN (O.S.) He hit his head pretty good. ROSE (O.S.) It’s just a bump. He’s fine. Rose!!!


MISSY (O.S.) Why do you push them, Dean? DEAN (O.S.) It’s important to me that they acknowledge the purpose. MISSY (O.S.) Why do you think he ran? JEREMY (O.S.) Rose gave it away. ROSE (O.S.) He already knew. MISSY (O.S.) Take him to the games room. Jeremy, get the legs. Dean, help him.

77. JEREMY I can take him alone. MISSY (O.S.) No. We’ve already damaged him enough. Dean, please. Chris continues to fall slowly further from the screen above which continues to show his body’s POV as it is being lifted by Dean and Jeremy and carried out of the room. CHRIS Rose!? No, no, no, no. Shit, shit... DEAN You’re going to drop him. JEREMY No I’m not. MISSY (O.S.) Be careful what you say, everyone. He can hear every word. Rose!!!!


ROSE (O.S.) It doesn’t matter any more does it? A DOOR CREAKS open. Chris’ body is taken downstairs into the darkness. The screen in the abyss goes dark. CHRIS No!! Help!!! Help!!!!! Help!!!!!! Chris sinks, his screams are enveloped by the pitch back. INT. AIRPORT - SECURITY CHECK - DAY Rod sits by the bag x-ray but stares into space distracted by thought. GARY (40) a condescending supervisor snaps his fingers in Rod’s face. GARY Hey... two strikes. Go take 10; get it together.

78. EXT. AIRPORT - DEPARTURES TERMINAL - DAY Rod smokes a cigarette and dials Chris. CHRIS’ VOICEMAIL MESSAGE (V.O.) It’s Chris. I’m away from my phone or I just don’t want to talk to you. ROD Sup? Making sure you good. I thought you were coming back yesterday, so hopefully you home already and just sleeping or some shit. Aiight. Let me know. INT. CHRIS’ LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Rod opens the door. Sid wags his tail hungrily. INT. CHRIS’ KITCHEN - LATER Rod opens dog food while he calls Chris. CHRIS’ VOICEMAIL MESSAGE (V.O.) Hey, it’s Chris. I’m away from my phone or I just don’t want to talk to-Rod hangs up. He places Sid’s bowl down. Sid doesn’t eat. Instead Sid looks back up at Rod and WHINES. ROD Yeah... me too. INT. CHRIS’ LIVING ROOM - LATER Rod sits at Chris’ desk in front of his laptop. Sid sits on Rod’s lap. Rod types “Andre Hayworth” into the search engine. Images of Andre come up. Rod finds an article entitled: “What Happened to Andre Hayworth?” under in bold “Brooklyn Native Goes Missing In Evergreen Hallow.” Rod’s eyes go wide. Oh shit.


79. INT. GAMES ROOM - LATER Chris wakes up with a bump on his head. In front of Chris, a deer’s head is mounted above an old-school floor-standing television. Behind him, a goat’s head is mounted under a taxidermy owl, wings spread. His arms and legs fastened to a leather upholstered chair in the middle of a small dark room full of board games. Chris pulls at the straps that bind his arms and legs. CHRIS Hey. Hey!!!! Rose!!!! Chris tries to gnaw at the harnesses, but they are too thick. CHRIS (CONT’D) Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh fuck. Oh shit. The fuck?!?!! Y’all are psycho!? Is that it? Let me out of this chair. Chris looks around. CHRIS (CONT'D) People know I’m here. I told a bunch of people where I was going! You don’t know me!!! You don’t know me!!!! Hey! Hey!! Hey!!!!! The television screen turns on. Chris watches intently. The image of deer walking through woods comes on. The words “YOU’VE GOT A FRIEND by James Taylor” comes up as the song starts to PLAY. It’s a forest-themed karaoke video. Chris is confused. He tries to slip out of the binds again drawing blood on his wrists. INT. CHRIS’ LIVING ROOM - DAWN Sid wakes Rod up with a lick to the face. He’s on the sofa. INT. POLICE STATION - DAY Rod sits at a desk with Sid on his lap.. DETECTIVE LATOYA 50, African American enters. She looks like she’s been doing this way too long. She speaks to someone outside her office. DETECTIVE LATOYA ...Then he should’ve gone back up there and made sure everything was accounted for. (MORE)

80. DETECTIVE LATOYA (CONT’D) ‘Cause hey, look; how about this? If you record the evidence, you’re responsible for it. Latoya shuts the door and sits at her desk. She begins opening and eating a bag of cashews. DETECTIVE LATOYA (CONT’D) Hello Mr... ROD Williams... Rod Williams... DETECTIVE LATOYA From the TSA? ROD Yes Ma’am. DETECTIVE LATOYA You know that TSA issues should be brought to your authorizing officer, right? ROD It’s not TSA business, ma’am. DETECTIVE LATOYA Please don’t call me “ma’am,” or we’re not gonna get along. How can I help you, Rod Williams from the TSA? CHRIS Here it is: My boy Chris has been missing for two days. DETECTIVE LATOYA Your son is missing? ROD No, sorry, not my son, my boy. He’s my friend. He’s 26. His name is Chris... Washington... He gives her time to write the name which she doesn’t do. She just stares at him. ROD (CONT’D) He left town on Friday with his girlfriend Rose... Armitage... She’s white.

81. DETECTIVE LATOYA That’s four days ago. ROD Yeah, I mean he’s only been MISSING for two days. He was supposed-DETECTIVE LATOYA --I’m gonna stop you right there. Now you know the minimum amount of time without contact before you can file a missing persons report is-ROD --Three days I know, but I have reason to believe he’s been abducted. Go on.


ROD Chris was set to come back home on Sunday. I was watching his dog Sid. Latoya points to Sid DETECTIVE LATOYA That’s Sid. ROD Yup. Cute right? Now look... Rod takes out his phone and scrolls to a photo of Andre. ROD (CONT’D) Chris sent me this which he took at the girlfriend's parents house. That’s Andre Hayworth, a guy we knew from back in the day. Come to find out he went missing 6 months ago in an affluent suburb upstate. DETECTIVE LATOYA Don’t look too missing to me. ROD Well that’s the thing. We found him and now, according to Chris, he’s gay with a different personality.




ROD But he didn’t used to be. DETECTIVE LATOYA I think he might just argue with you on that one. ROD I know what I’m about to say is gonna sound crazy. Try me.


ROD You ready for this...? I think this family is abducting black people and brainwashing them to work for them as sex slaves and shit... Sorry. DETECTIVE LATOYA ...Brainwashing? Yeah.


DETECTIVE LATOYA Hold on one second. (over her intercom) Garcia, Frostie, get in here a second. (To Rod) I want you to tell these officers exactly what you just told me. INT. POLICE STATION - MOMENTS LATER Two detectives, Garcia, 37, and Drake, 43, stand behind Latoya. ROD ...See, I don’t know if the hypnosis makes you a slave or if just turns you gay or what, but they already got two brothers that we know of, and who knows how many more there could be. The officers are all riveted... Then... All three detectives laugh. Rod is not being taken the slightest bit seriously.

83. LATOYA (to her colleagues) So, I don’t want none of you sayin’ I don’t do nothin’ for you... White girls’ll get ya every time! They laugh even harder. INT. GAMES ROOM - LATER The SONG PLAYS Over and over. Chris is too weak to struggle. CHRIS Is this the only song you got? INT. GAMES ROOM - LATER The SONG ends. It BEGINS again. CHRIS Okay. Okay! What do you want? You tryin’ to break me? I won’t say shit!! I’ll just... I’ll do what you say, just answer me! INT. CHRIS’ LOFT - DUSK Rod sits by the window with Sid. He looks out over rooftops and thinks. He picks up his phone and calls Chris again. He knows Chris won’t answer. Then-Hello?


Rod is taken off guard. He almost drops his phone. Chris?


ROD Yo. Um, Rose? It’s Rod. Hi.



84. INT. ARMITAGE HOUSE. DINING ROOM - DUSK Rose stands by the dining table on Chris’ phone. Rose starts to cry. ROSE He left like two days ago. He left?


ROSE We got in a fight. He got all paranoid and flipped out; He took a cab home. He forgot his phone. Wait... You haven’t seen him? ROD No. He never made it back here. ROSE Oh my God. ROD I’ve been calling. I went to the police and everything. Rose is silent. Hello?


ROSE What did you say? ROD I told them he was missing. Uh huh...


ROD So... What cab company did he use? ROSE I don’t know. A local one I’m guessing. Maybe uber? Wait, I’m so confused... ROD Hold on a second. Rod knows she had something to do with it.

85. He opens up ‘Garage Band’ on Chris’ computer and puts the phone on speaker, recording her. ROD (CONT’D) So, last time Chris and I talked, he told me your mom hypnotized him? Rose is silent. Then... ROSE Rod, just stop. Huh?


ROSE I know why you’re calling. ROD Why is that? We now see Rose’s family standing in the living room behind her. They watch her operate. ROSE Come on. I mean, it’s kind of obvious. What?


ROSE That there’s something between us. ROD No. I’m calling about Chris. ROSE We’d all go out drinking... I remember you looking at me. Rod is put on the spot. He becomes extremely uncomfortable. ROD That’s my best friend. If you did something-ROSE I know you think about fucking me, Rod. ROD --No. You crazy... No.

86. Rod hangs up in a panic. He looks at Sid helplessly. Rose’s flirtacious smile goes blank. She places the phone on the dining room table and looks back at her family. They watch in approval. INT. GAMES ROOM “You’ve Got A Friend” plays. Chris, still strapped to the chair, hangs his head in resignation. Eyes shut, he sings along. CHRIS ...Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall, all you need to do is call. And I’ll be there. You got a friend. Ain’t it good to know you’ve got a friend. Ain’t it good to know you’ve got a friend. Oh, yeah, yeah, you’ve got a friend. The song is over. After a moment. Chris begins to sing the opening guitar lick. He gets a couple notes before realizing he’s singing alone. The television in front of Chris flickers off and then back on to the image of a tea cup comes into focus on the screen. A spoon comes into the shot and clinks the side of the cup. “TING TING, TING TING” No-


Before he can react, Chris falls asleep. Later... Chris wakes up bald. Static snow clicks fills the TV lighting the room. The image clicks to that of... INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY (TELEVISION) Jim Hudson, also shaven, sits on a hospital bed. And faces Chris through the television. JIM Hello Chris. How’s it going...? You can answer. There’s an intercom in the room; I can hear you.

87. CHRIS I need water. JIM Yeah, sorry about that. If it makes you feel any better, I’m thirsty too. CHRIS I need to get outta here. JIM Right. So, the reason I am talking to you now is so you can understand what is happening to you. I guess your ‘understanding’ it raises the success rate of this whole thing. Not even sure I ‘understand’ it. CHRIS Where’s Rose? JIM Hot isn’t she? Hot voice anyway, you dirty dog. You’re one of the lucky one’s. The son Jeremy’s wrangling method sounds way less pleasant. CHRIS Is this some kind of a game to you? JIM They asked me for my favorite song, which was hard; I like all types of music. Turns out they really just needed one I knew all the words to: I went with James Taylor’s “You Got a Friend.” I hope it hasn’t been too torturous; that wasn’t the point. The point is that you learn it, and for us to have that knowledge in common. CHRIS Who the fuck are you people? JIM Oh right. Okay, let me back up and give you the cliff notes. The Armitages and I are a part of a society. A pretty extraordinary society actually. (MORE)

88. JIM (CONT’D) One whose sole purpose for many many years has been a search for a very powerful object. Armitage lineage redefined the nature of that search. They proved that the power didn’t just exist in that object; You see, with science the Armitage’s created a miracle. CHRIS You hypnotize me? Break my will..? Make me a slave like the others? This is some crazy racist shit. JIM No. Not racist, Chris. We don’t hate you. We want to be you... You are not going to be a slave. You’re going to be a vessel. CHRIS Wait, what? JIM Missy’s hypnosis was merely to sedate you. Oh, that and to prepare you psychologically... For what?


Jim smiles. JIM For the procedure. CHRIS What’s the procedure? JIM Are you ready...? Drum roll please. Brain transplantation. Some say it could never be done; JIM (CONT'D) They experimented for centuries, but it turned out re-linking the brain to a foreign central nervous system was impossible. The nerve connections are far too intricate and delicate.

89. CHRIS What the fuck? JIM Dean’s the only guy who really gets the science. He’s the one who discovered that full brain transplantation isn’t actually necessary to transfer the soul, and that partial brain transplantation solves the little nerve ending problem. No.


Jim holds up a Color coded diagram of the human Brain. There is a big red part that takes up 80% of the image. The other 20% is blue and located near the lower back of his skull. JIM Okay so... You see the blue part? That’s the piece of your brain that’s all rooted in the nervous system. So that stays; keeping those tricky little connections intact. The rest is discarded. Then they’ll remove the red part of my brain from my skull and put in yours. Your “blue” and my “red” basically absorb each other. And apparently the brain heals surprisingly fast, so assuming everything goes as planned, we should be up and functioning in a couple weeks. CHRIS And my brain? JIM Your red part? It’ll be discarded, but don’t worry. You wont be gone. Well not completely. You’ll still be in there somewhere; limited consciousness of course; JIM (CONT'D) you’ll still be able to see and hear but your existence will be as a passenger... an audience. You will live in...

90. CHRIS (defeated) ...The Sunken Place. JIM Yes. That’s what she calls it. Good! So you understand, I’ll control the motor functions, the will of our body, effectively making me-CHRIS Me... You will be me. JIM As far as the world is concerned. It’s still a pretty new operation. Some kinks. We’re supposed to stay away from flashes of light for example. They can trigger a “momentary lapse in control of motor functions...” CHRIS Why black people? Jim is disappointed in the question. JIM Well, because you get the highest bids. For the last decade or so anyway. I wish it was less simple than that, but it’s not. You’re in fashion, baby! Final hope sinks from. Chris shoulders. JIM (CONT’D) Honestly though, personally..? I couldn’t give two shits about race. I don’t care if you’re black, brown, green, purple... whatever. What I want is so much deeper: Your eye, man. I want those things you see through. CHRIS That’s crazy. JIM Take it as a compliment. CHRIS You’re not going to get away with this.

91. JIM We have and we will. We’ll be together soon, brother. The television turns off. Chris clenches his body trying to pry free from his restraints, before his shoulders collapse with exhaustion. He lifts his head to a rip in the leather arm of the chair revealing its cotton stuffing. He looks at the cotton. We see Chris make a difficult decision. LATER... We hear nothing except a HEART BEAT. Chris’ head hangs, asleep. His lips are dry. Chris wakes up. The Television turns on. On the screen, a woman’s hand holds a tea cup. With a spoon, she clinks it. We don’t hear it though. We still hear nothing but the HEART BEAT. No, No--


Before Chris can finish SCREAMING, his eyes widen. He goes limp -- unconscious again. Rose enters wearing a white and black nurse’s outfit with a red cross on the chest. She rolls a medical table into the room. She draws a dotted line across his forehead and around to the back of his scalp. Then she unstraps his arm and prepares it for an IV. She inserts the needle. She goes to put earbuds connected to an ipod in his ears but sees the arm of his chair has been stripped open. She looks at Chris. Cotton makeshift earplugs have been stuffed in his ears! He’s not really hypnotized! Rose tries to scream but Chris grabs her throat with his free hand and squeezes. The HEARTBEAT quickens. Rose pleads, but we don’t hear her. ROSE (inaudible) Wait. Wait. Chris!.... ChriChris chokes her. Tears stream down his face. Shhhh.


Rose convulses. She scratches his hand and cheeks. He’s too strong. She stares at Chris’ eyes as her consciousness fades. Then, through the agony, her face curls into a twisted smile. She’s having fun. Psycho. Rose goes limp in Chris’ hands.

92. Chris takes the cotton out of his ears. We can hear again. “You’ve got a Friend” plays on the earbuds of the ipod. INT. OPERATING ROOM. Earbuds also rest in Jim Hudson’s ears playing the same song. He lies unconscious on one of two operating beds in the center of the room connected to an IV and heart monitors. A bright medical light shines on Jim’s shaved head which also has a dotted line around it. The other bed is empty and has a light shining on it as well. This bed is for Chris. Dean stands in a black and white robe with a red cross in the middle, his palms upwards in silent prayer near some ceremonial candles. Jeremy watches his father. They are unaware of what’s happening in the Medical room down the hall. Dean finishes his prayer. Saw...


Jeremy hands Dean a circular surgical saw. DEAN (CONT’D) The vessel. Jeremy leaves as Dean begins to saw into Jim’s cranium. INT. DARK HALLWAY Chris finds an old badminton set. Jeremy exits the room briskly and walks down a dark hallway. He turns into the games room and finds Rose’s body. Jeremy’s eyes go wild. He turns as Chris emerges lunging from the darkness with a badminton racket. Before Jeremy can scream, Chris slams him in the face with the metal side of the racket. He pulls Jeremy inside and shuts the door cutting off the sound from outside. Jeremy wilts in pain. Chris whips him over and over warping the racket to a crumpled bloody mess. INT. OPERATING ROOM Dean finishes sawing the top of Jim’s skull off. He removes the cranium preciously exposing Jim’s brain.

93. DEAN Jeremy...? Dean walks to the doorway. Dean scans the dark hallway. It’s quiet. Ro Ro...?


Chris emerges charging from the darkness with Deer’s head in his arms. He punctures Dean through his neck and shoulder with the antlers. Dean and stumbles back into the operating room, deer’s head attached. Miss--


His call to Missy devolves into gargles. Dean falls knocking the unused bed over along with some candles. The bed has caught fire. The fire grows fast. INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT Missy takes a whistling tea pot off the stove and pours herself a cup. Georgina sits nearby knitting. The window, like before reflects the room around them. She sniffs the air. She is suddenly afraid. She turns off the light illuminating the back yard. Walter runs back and forth in the distance. She turns the light back on again. Chris’ reflection is now behind hers. He looks savage; covered in blood. Georgina screams and runs out the back door. Chris heads to the door, but sees his phone on the dining room table. He goes for it. INT. DINING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Chris runs through the dining room and finds his cell phone on the dining room table. Chris picks up his phone and presses the power button. The loading screen comes up. Chris grunts with frustration as he hears a creak behind him. It’s Missy, now in the kitchen doorway behind him holding her teacup and spoon. She begins clinking her tea cup... TING... Chris knocks the cup out of her hand spraying hot water on her chest and face. She screams.

94. The cat bounds off the dining room table at Chris’ face. Chris punches it out of the air. This has given Missy enough time to grab a knife. She lunges at Chris screaming psychotically. Chris can’t pin her down. She slices his hands. Chris grabs the tea pot and cracks her in the head with it. She falls. He hits her one more time. Done. The cat slinks out an open window. INT. FOYER - CONTINUOUS Chris runs towards the front door. Before he can open it, he hears a footsteps running upstairs from the basement followed bloodcurdling scream from back in the kitchen: JEREMY (O.C.) Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Jeremy bursts though the dining room and pounces on Chris’ back. The two roll around. Chris throws his elbow back at Jeremy who blocks it and uses it to put Chris in a choke hold from behind. Chris slams the back of his head into Jeremy’s face. He does it again, and again, and again. Jeremy squeezes tighter. Chris, about to pass out, reaches into Jeremy’s pocket and pulls out his keys. He scrapes them deep into Jeremy’s eye. Jeremy screams in pain and Chris wriggles out of his grasp tripping him with an improvised Judo throw. Jeremy lunges at Chris again but slips on his own blood banging the back of his head on the coffee table. He’s out. EXT. FRONT YARD - NIGHT Chris begins to run but then sees the beige sports car we recognize from the opening scene. He looks at Jeremy downed in the doorway and then at the keys in his hand. Moments later... INT. SPORTS CAR - NIGHT Chris is in the driver’s seat. The tubular metal helmet sits next to him in the passengers seat. His phone finally turns on. There is a very small amount of batteries. He turns the ignition. The English to French tutorial comes on. TUTORIAL I seem to have misplaced my passport. Je crois avoi egare mon passeport.

95. Chris peels off, driving fast through the field into the night. He dials 911. 911 OPERATOR 911 emergency, I’m at the home of Dean and Missy Armitage-Chris looks in the rearview mirror as the house gets smaller behind him. All of a sudden, BAM! The car slams into and over Georgina, who, in the night, seems to come out of nowhere. The phone falls. Ahhhh!


TUTORIAL Can you direct me to the nearest hospital? Pouvez-vous me diriger vers I’hopital le plus proche? He drives on a few more seconds on a flat tire but then stops the car. Chris breathes heavy. CHRIS (to himself) No... no... Don’t do it... Just get the fuck gotta here... Just go! Just... Fuck! Chris puts the car in reverse and drives backwards beside the motionless bloody heap that is Georgina. TUTORIAL Where is the nearest train station? Ou est la gare la plus proche? He looks back at the house which is now filling with smoke. Chris quickly gets out of the car and lifts what’s left of Georgina’s mangled unconscious body into the passenger’s seat of the car. He shuts the door and gets in the driver’s seat. He floors it. After a moment of driving, Georgina’s eyes open and she rises. The wig slides off her head revealing an old surgical scar around the top of her head. Chris hasn’t noticed her yet. He reaches for his phone. TUTORIAL (CONT’D) Can you please call the police? Pouvez-vous s’il vous plait appelez la police? Annoyed, Chris turns off the sound system just before Georgina grabs his face and scratches it.




CHRIS Ahhhhhhhh!! Chris, veers the car into a tree. Georgina‘s head hits the windshield hard and bursts open. She’s dead. So is the car. A bullet hits the rear view mirror. Jeremy stands in front of the smoking house with a hunting rifle. He’s soaked in blood. JEREMY (Through tears) Grandma!!!! Chris looks at Georgina’s body. Georgina was Grandma. Grampa!


Walter, the grounds keeper, rounds the house at top speed. Walter is grandpa and he’s so fast. JEREMY (CONT’D) Get him!!! Chris crawls out of the car as Walter/Grandpa sprints across the front lawn strait at him. Walter’s hat flies off revealing the surgical scar around his head like the others. Jeremy shoots again, and it grazes Chris’ side. Chris runs through the trees. Walter/grandpa closes the gap quickly. Another shot hits a tree. As Chris reaches the road, Walter/ Grandpa pounces like a jaguar and rolls him over on his back. He pushes his thumbs into Chris’ eyes. GRANDPA Damn you to Hell!!! Jeremy arrives behind them crying. JEREMY Kill him, Grandpa. GRANDPA The gun, Jeremy. Jeremy tosses the rifle. Grandpa catches it and holds it up to chris’ head. GRANDPA (CONT’D) You ruined everything!!! Chris, blinded, raises his phone to Walter/Grandpa’s face. He takes a picture, flashing strait into Walter/Grandpa’s eyes.

97. Walter/Grandpa doesn’t shoot. Instead he looks up. Jeremy is confused as to why Walter/Grandpa has stopped. JEREMY What...? Grandpa--? Walter/Grandpa spins and gathers his bearing. His eye is cocked and blood trickles out of his nose. He let’s out a PAINED MOAN reminiscent of the deer’s. Ahhhhhhh!


Walter/Grandpa shoots Jeremy in the chest. He falls. Chris, on his back, pushes himself away. Walter/Grandpa sees Chris’ scurry. He turns looking mad. Wait.


Walter/Grandpa raises the gun under his own chin and shoots himself through the head. He falls. Approaching sirens blare in the distance. Chris lays in shock. It’s over. Just then a hand grabs Chris face! Jeremy’s still alive! Blood pours from his mouth. Ahhhhhh!


They both go for the gun, grabbing it at the same time. They roll around in the grass. Chris ends up on top. He bludgeons Jeremy over and over with the butt of the gun into the ground. Chris is lost in violence. 2 police cars pull up. He drops the gun. COPS Hands! Hands! Get away from the weapon/ Show me your hands!/ Hands! Hands!! Get on your Knees!/ Hands! Hands!/ Goddamn Hands!!! Chris, covered in blood, raises his sliced hands. CHRIS Look in the basement! He is violently swarmed by officers. The house burns.

98. INT. MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON. VISITING ROOM - NIGHT Rod sits down opposite Chris who wears a prison jumpsuit and smokes a cigarette. Both of them look like shit. Rod is gaunt with circles under his eyes. Chris’ hair and beard have grown in. There’s a long silence. ROD I really need to... CHRIS ...I don’t remember... ROD ...impress on you the importance of remembering some of those names. The fire didn’t leave enough-They’ve clearly had this conversation many times before. CHRIS I don’t remember. ROD You gotta help me out, Chris. Secret societies doesn’t get you very far on Google. I’m over here feeling like I’m playing connect the dots on a fucking football field. One name... CHRIS I don’t remember. ROD Well, try again please. Rod.


ROD Let’s start at the beginning; walk me through it again. Rod.


Rod knows he’s been defeated.

99. CHRIS (CONT’D) I’m good, man. I stopped it. You know? I stopped it. Chris is at peace. He takes a long good drag of his cigarette then gets up and leaves. INT. MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON. HALLWAY - NIGHT Two GUARDS escort Chris back to his cell. He WHISTLES “You Got A Friend.” The End

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