Get Glutes eBook

March 22, 2017 | Author: beckerinski | Category: N/A
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Great Glutes Revealed


Glutes Demystified, Debunked, and Re-Examined By Bret Contreras, Kellie Davis, and Marianne Kane

+ Preface: By kellie davis Our goal in this eBook is to help you differentiate fact from fiction when it comes to building great glutes. As you train and improve through fitness, it’s often hard to step back and ask, “Why isn’t this working?” You often blame yourself for not trying hard enough, or for having plain ol’ bad genetics. Sadly, as women we’ve been conditioned to think this, but Bret and I are here to challenge the way you view training—especially training your glutes. Regardless if you are young or old, an avid athlete or weekend warrior, or have great or not-so-great glutes naturally. 2

This book will change your perspective and help you realize that you can and will have a more shapely, curvy, and stronger backside now. This eBook will teach you to stop doing what the latest fads or gurus tell you to do, and how to start activating your glutes properly. It will also teach you what exercises work and which ones aren’t very effective for glutes, as well as address your nutritional needs when it comes to building strong, healthy muscle.

As a determined woman, you are on a constant quest for a sexy, lean physique. Glutes are likely at the top of your list when it comes to building the ultimate body. The glutes are uniquely human in that we require this particular muscle group for spinal support so we can stand and walk upright. So, in a practical sense, you want better glutes for stronger posture, less back pain, and greater spinal support. But, deep down inside you want a sexier backside so you look great and feel confident in even the smallest shorts and tightest jeans. The information offered when it comes to building glutes is enough to make your head spin. Hundreds of gimmicks flood the market by those eager to leech onto the cash that fills your wallet. From DVD series to butt-toning shoes: you name it, and it’s been done by gurus and marketers alike. All right, so how do you know what information to trust? Who can you turn to for real answers? The only way to get the right information is conducting extensive research into all of these glute-training methodologies, dieting tricks, and gimmicking products that entice you each day. But, who has time for that? You have a busy life. You care for your family, work hard in your career, and try to keep up with your social life all while working toward greater health and a killer physique. The last thing you want to do at the end of the day is sit down at your computer and try to figure out fact from fiction when it comes to building your best butt.

After all, it’s just another muscle group, right? Not exactly. The glutes are not only unique to humans, but they are also unique in how they activate. It’s not automatic and your training may be ineffective when it comes to using these powerful muscles to their fullest potential. Worse yet, being inactive causes your glutes to go to sleep. No, not like when you sit too long and your limbs go numb. They just stop working all together. They give up and decide to retire early. It’s up to you to bring them out of retirement and get them active again. You can and will have build your best butt by sculpting strong, powerful glute muscles.

Activation is key to great glutes.

+ glutes starts with what’s already out there. With years of exhaustive research behind him, Bret was able to come up with the 52 greatest myths known to glutes.

All you need to do is understand what works and what doesn’t. Rather than losing another night’s sleep over this dilemma, we’ve decided to take the top 52 myths about glutes and pack them into a these pages for you. As two of The Glute Guy’s most successful clients, Marianne and I can assure you that Bret doesn’t cut corners when it comes to research. He devotes his life to finding and developing the best exercises for greater strength and development of lean muscle mass. It just so happens that his favorite muscle group is the glutes, so a great deal of his research is solely devoted to finding and testing exercises that relate to gluteal strength and growth. I’ve been using his methods for over a year now and can attest to the fact that nothing works better.

It’s silly to think that building your The first step to finding the best booty could be so complicated. exercises and methods for strong 3

Disclaimer Please take note that the information in this eBook, unless noted specifically,

Build your best body at any age.

has not been verified or approved by FDA. This eBook is intended for educational purposes and does not claim to offer medical advice. Please seek a trained medical professional when appropriate. We can not and do not offer any guarantees and you use any such information at your sole discretion. We encourage you to read our material then combine it with knowledge you already know and seek the help of a trained professional before making any final decisions. As always the choice of what you do with your health and body rests with you. We do wish you the best of health.

All rights reserved. Copyright 2011 by No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher.


Training Myths The glutes get shaped sufficiently through cardio Cardio does not activate the glutes sufficiently for meaningful muscle growth. The very genetically luck girl might be able to get away with just doing cardio for amazing glute development, but 99% of us “average folks” need to do shaping exercises. A 2007 study at the Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital found the following results in terms of glute muscle activation from typical cardio activities: Cardio Method Gluteus Maximus Activation Treadmill (jogging) 48.9% Elliptical 32.6% Treadmill (walking) 24.3% StairMaster 24.0% Recumbent Bike 6.0% These levels of activity are not sufficient for glute hypertrophy.


Traditional bodyweight circuits can shape the glutes sufficiently

Squats are the best glute exercise

Bodyweight circuits can be good for

This may be the biggest myth of all

beginners as bodyweight provides a

in regards to the glutes. A

huge stimulus for muscular

bodyweight squat is amazing for

adaptation in novices. However, as

the quads – activating around 70%

individuals gain fitness, they need

of MVC. But a bodyweight squat

to progressively overload the glutes

only activates around 10% of MVC

in order to stimulate further gains.

for the glutes.

As you progress, add in more challenging exercises that include the use of weight to stimulate muscle growth.

Glute/ham raises work the glutes very well Put “glute” in the name of an exercise and it has to work the glutes well, right? Wrong! All the glutes have to do in a glute/ham raise is keep the torso upright. This is not a very challenging task. The glute ham raise works on knee flexion, with some hip extension,

Adding in a ton of resistence still

which is carried out mostly by the

only stimulates the glutes to

hamstrings. Hamstring activation

around 30-40% MVC.

reaches around 65% of MVC, but

You’re glutes need more than just squats.

glute activation is just around 5%. Your glutes do much more when just walking than when doing a glute ham raise!



Walking will help shape the backside

Many women like to race-walk or just walk fast in order to get their buns in gear. While levels will reach around 20-25% of MVC for this task, it’s just not sufficient for glute shaping. There’s nothing wrong with walking, but don’t expect to wake up one day and possess amazing glutes from walking around all day long.

Pull throughs are the best glute exercise While cable pull throughs are an amazing glute exercise, they possess one inherent flaw: instability as the loads get heavier. Due to phenomenon, maximal loading cannot be used and the glutes fail to receive an optimal stimulus. They are still an amazing glute exercise but they’re not the best.

Rocker shoes help tone the glutes In 2010 the American Council on Exercise actually looked at three types or rocker shoes – MBT, Skechers, and Easytone, and compared them to regular running shoes during walking at 3.0 mph, 3.5 mph, and 3.5 mph at a 5% incline. In every circumstance glute activation fell between 20 and 30% of MVC for the gluteus maximus and there were no significant differences. If you want great glutes you need to do more than buy a pair of silly shoes! Standing exercises activate the glutes the best A study by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) conducted in 2006 showed that a simple bodyweight quadruped hip extension activated more gluteus maximus and medius muscle than a max squat. This exercise is performed by getting on the ground on all fours and extending one bent leg rearward. It also outperformed the lunge, step up, and single leg squat exercise. Everyone’s glutes will respond the same to exercise Genetics is very important when it comes to glute shape and training adaptations. One client of mine completely transformed her glutes in 6 workouts spanning over 2 weeks, while another’s only changed subtly over a one-year period while training three days per week. However, everyone’s glutes can and will look better through sound training.


Deadlifts are the best glute exercise The deadlift might be the king of all exercises and may be one of the best glute exercises in existence, but EMG shows that it fails to provide maximal activation for the gluteus maximus. If you could only do one exercise for the rest of your life, then deadlifts would be golden. But luckily we don’t have to choose just one and can target our gluteus maximus with specialized exercises if we so desire.

The glutes have one role: to extend the hip

The gluteus maximus tenses the thoracolumbar fascia, which aids in limb rotation during gait while

The gluteus maximus functions

stabilizing the torso, and provide

as a hip extensor, a hip abductor,

shear protection during spinal

and a hip external rotator. This

flexion-extension tasks. Finally the

means that it moves the thigh

gluteus maximus initiates foot

rearward or raises the trunk,

rocker action during gait. The

moves the thigh laterally, and

gluteus medius and minimus have

rotates the trunk or leg

multiple roles as well. Beck et al.

depending on whether the task is

(2000) found that the gluteus

open or closed chain. The gluteus

minimis acts as a flexor and an

maximus stabilizes the SI Joint

abductor as well as an internal or

through its attachment at the

external rotator depending on the

sacrotuberous ligament and can

active portion of the muscle and

initiate knee extension via its

the position of the femur relative to

attachments through the IT

the hip.


In short, your glutes have a big job. How else would you be capable of standing upright?



Back extensions work the back and not the glutes This is a very common misconception. Because of the name – “back” extensions – people think that the exercise is supposed to work the erector spinae dynamically so they end up flexing and extending their spines when they perform the lift. However, it is possible to perform the movement solely at the hips, so the erectors function as stabilizers and the hip extensors produce the movement. For this reason the back extension, done properly, is an amazing glute exercise.

The glutes should only be trained once per week for maximum shaping The gluteus maximus is an incredible muscle, which is capable of outrageous performances if given a chance. It can and should be trained heavily on multiple days of the week. For optimal results, I believe that training the muscle four times per week is required. The glutes have to work hard during movement Research shows that the glutes are not highly active in daily tasks such as during walking, stair stepping, or getting up from a chair. It is thought that this phenomenon is due to an evolutionary mechanism that spared metabolic cost by failing to engage the large gluteus maximus muscle and instead relying on the more elastic and metabolically efficient hamstring musculature for hip extension.

Only heavy strength training needs to be performed for optimal glute shaping There are plenty of type I gluteus maximus fibers. For this reason, cardio and lighter loads may be of benefit for glute shaping. Though heavy work should activate all the fibers, research suggests that higher reps and higher volumes in typical bodybuilding routines can lead to higher increases in type I muscle fiber hypertrophy. Furthermore, it has been shown that women often have larger type I fibers than type II fibers. For this reason, it’s important to in lude some cardio and lower load/higher rep training in order to ensure maximum glute shaping.


For great glutes it’s only necessary to get really good at one or two exercises

Simple bodyweight exercises are no longer important for glute shaping once you get strong

The direction of the resistance doesn’t have anything to do with how well the glutes get worked

subdivisions and functions, and

The glutes seem to want to shut

From a standing position, loads

it’s therefore necessary to

down. Quit using them and you’ll

produce axial forces on the human

perform a variety of glute

lose them. When load gets very

body. Studies indicate that axial

exercises in order to maximize

heavy, quite often individuals

loading fails to maximally target

activation and muscular shape

compensate by substituting other

the gluteus maximus. When lying

throughout the entire gluteus

muscles to do the job that the

on the back, loads produce

maximus. Varying types of hip

glutes are supposed to do. By

anteroposterior forces on the

extension exercises, such as knee

performing simple low load

human body. These horizontal

dominant hip extension exercises,

exercises that engage the glutes,

loads have been shown to

hip dominant hip extension

you’ll keep them firing which will

maximize gluteus maximus

exercises, bent leg hip extension

blend its way into heavy and

activation and are critical for the

exercises, as well as abduction

explosive training to ensure that

development of great glutes.

and external rotation exercises,

they activate easily.

The glutes have multiple

should be blended together in order to maximize glute shape.



Specialized-glute training isn’t necessary; they get worked fine from quad and ham training Women usually don’t do well developing glutes by pureley performing squats and deadlifts. This can cause quads and hamstrings to overpower glutes aesthetically, which results is loss of that desired curvy, feminine shape. For this reason, specialized glute training is a must!

Bodybuilding training is best for the glute development Bodybuilders are the masters of hypertrophy, but they don’t typically train the glutes frequently enough and don’t typically perform the best glute exercises for maximum development. Their leg workouts usually consist of squats, leg presses, hack squats, leg extensions, straight leg deadlifts, and types of leg curls. These exercises hammer the quads and hamstrings but leave room on the table for the glutes. Powerlifting training is best for glute development Powerlifters are the masters of strength, but they don’t always train in high enough rep ranges in order to maximize glute development. Some powerlifters train the glutes optimally but many fail to perform the best assistance exercises for their glutes and rely on mostly squats and deadlifts with the occasional glute ham raise or good morning. This leaves some room on the table for optimal glute development. Athletic training is best for the glute development Athletes often perform the best exercises for glute development, but they usually aim for low rep ranges or explosive tempos, which fail to take advantage of “the pump” – a mechanism that has proven itself quite useful for hypertrophy purposes. The best style of training for the glutes borrows from each of these fields – bodybuilding, powerlifting, and athletic training – in order to maximize the stimuli on the glutes. The adductor machine hits the glutes well

The adductor machine works the inner thighs, not the gluteus maximus. Even the lower glute fibers do not get worked during this exercise.


Infomercial products work the glutes well

Machines don’t help build glutes

Most infomercial products work

As you recall, the glutes are

far better on t.v. than they do in

highly active in all three planes

Unilateral exercises are amazing

reality. There are certain infomercial products that are not

so they benefit from free weight movement. But, ff all you ever

for glute development, but bilateral

effective glute shapers because

performed were lever machine

stability. It is true that single-leg

they fail in either using sufficient

squats, hammer strength

range of motion or resistance. Some of them involve abduction

deadlifts and lunges, the fourway hip extension machine or

work, such as lunges, can induce

and adduction motions, which

butt blaster, seated abductor

However, activation levels on

don’t involve much glute activity.

machine, bodymasters low back machine, and exercises like the

bilateral exercises such as barbell

pendulum quadruped hip

exceed levels seen in the lunge.

extension and reverse hyper, your glutes would look just fine! Things don’t have to be black or white; there’s a lot of gray area in strength & conditioning.


Unilateral exercises are better than bilateral exercises for glute development

have a slight edge due to increased

much glute soreness.

glute bridges and hip thrusts far


Unstable training is the best glute-building tool Unstable training may work well for some muscle groups, but that doesn’t hold true for glutes. Glute activation is much lower during unstable training because your glutes are like a canon trying to fire out of a canoe. Not much force can be created due to the instability. The glutes prefer a nice, stable environment if they’re going to fire maximally.

Kettlebells are the best glute building tool There are plenty of great kettlebell exercises for the glutes, including swings, cleans, snatches, push press, goblet squats, walking lunges, and Turkish get ups. And although these are indeed great glute exercises, they’re not the best glute exercises in existence. The best glute exercises keep the knee bent so they glutes have to do more work, and they’re maximally stable to allow use with the heaviest load. Core and abdominal strength is not related to glute development Core stability is very important for glute development. Many exercises require a very stiff core in order to transfer kinetic energy from the upper body to the lower body and vice versa. If there’s a weak link in the chain in the core region, then the stimulus to the glutes will be diminished until the link is strengthened and brought up to speed. For maximum results I need to be doing heavy strength training, stretching, cardio, high-intensity interval training, plyos, yoga, pilates, and zumba. Many women believe in the shotgun approach and fail to realize that signaling from various forms of exercise can interfere with each other and yield suboptimal results. Many are superstitious and have serious misconceptions. For example,the thought that plyos “get their legs shredded.” What this fails to address is that plyometrics is a form of exercise aimed at increasing the elastic strength of the tendons and other connective tissues surrounding the muscles. There aren’t any secret fat burning properties to plyometrics, and you don’t have to train for 4 hours a day to see excellent results. All you need to do is some general strength training and a little bit of cardio for fantastic results.


If I walk on an incline treadmill or do the stairstepper I’ll strip fat off my glutes The myth of “spot-reduction” has been around for ages, and despite the fact that it’s been debunked, it still prevails. Working your buns will not cause localized fat storages at the glutes to melt away. Instead, fat from the entire body will be used for energy production.


Physiological Myths The glutes are a fast-twitch muscle group A study by Sirca and Susec-Michieli in 1980 involving 21 glutei maximi showed that although there was considerable variability from one person to the next, the number of slow twitch fibers always exceeded the number of fast twitch fibers. On average, the gluteus maximus contained 68% slow twitch fibers and only 32% fast twitch fibers. However, these results differ slightly from a study by Johnson et al. in 1973 where 36 autopsy samples showed that on average the gluteus maximus contained 52% slow twitch fibers and 48% fast twitch fibers.


+ Knee pain has nothing to do with the glutes If you watch people squat, climb, or jump, often you’ll see their knees cave in. This is called, “valgus collapse” and is associated with weak upper glutes. In order to keep the knees out, you need strong upper glutei maximi, strong glutei medii, and strong hip external rotators. This will prevent knee injury and allow for pain-free lifting.

Hip pain has nothing to do with the glutes

The gluteus maximus controls the way the head of the femur tracks inside the acetabulum (hip socket). If the gluteus maximus is weak, the femur will jam forward in the socket and create anterior hip pain. If the gluteus maximus is strong, it will exert a rearward pull on the femur and prevent insults to the anterior hip from occurring. The glutes aren’t as important as the hamstrings or quads in sprinting and jumping Though you may feel the quads working the most when you jump and the hamstrings working the most when you sprint – assuming you run for long enough distances – the glutes are critical for explosive tasks as they are very large muscles that can contribute considerably to propulsion. More important, the glutes keep the quads and hamstrings healthy by bearing a large brunt of the load during movement, which prolongs productive training and prevents injury. The glutes function just fine after typical injuries Following lower body injury, the glutes will be inhibited. Different receptors pick up signals and inform the glutes to chill out. This serves as a protective mechanism and prevents the glutes from maximally firing which could reinjure the afflicted area. As you rehabilitate the injury, special care needs to be taken to rejuvenate glute activation so power and strength levels can return to normal. What the knee does during exercise has nothing to do with the glutes When the knees stay bent, the hamstrings are placed in “active insufficiency,” which means that they’re shortened and cannot contract with maximal force. Since the hamstrings can’t produce sufficient force, more work is placed upon the glutes to get the job done. This is why bent legged hip extension exercises such as bridge patterns work so well in hammering the glutes.


All regions of the glutes fire uniformly A study by McAndrew et al. in

The glutes are easily activated Many individuals use their and everyone’s work just fine synergists to produce movement and rely mostly on their quads A nationwide epidemic known as when they squat or lunge and their

2006 eloquently showed that the

“gluteal amnesia” has ensued, and

gluteus maximus consists of cranial (upper), middle, and caudal

people just aren’t activating their glutes sufficiently. You can palpate

(lower) sections and that each of

people’s glutes when they squat,

these sections fire differently. My

lunge, and bridge, and quite often

EMG experiments show the same.

you’ll find a flimsy little muscle that barely activates.

Research by O’Sullivan et al. (2010) and O’Dwyer et al. (2011) showed that the gluteus medius

Furthermore, research has shown that ankle sprains, stubbed toes,

contained posterior, middle, and

and low back pain impair glute

anterior subdivisions, which function differently than one

function and prevent maximum stimulation. People need to restore


glute function by learning how to

hamstrings or spinal erectors when they deadlift. Proper form and progression is critical for optimal glute development.

sufficiently activate their glutes and form an intense mind-muscle connection while they exercise, thereby ensuring that their glutes contribute heavily toward the movement pattern.


+ Getting stronger isn’t that important for nice glutes Strength is an absolutely critical component to glute shaping. If you don’t have a nice set of glutes and you don’t have good genetics in terms of glute shape, then your only hope in ever getting a round, sexy booty is to get way stronger at a variety of effective glute exercises.

Flexibility has nothing to do with how well the glutes work If hip mobility is impaired, then the glutes will not be able to do their thing. When the hips are tight the spine ends up performing the intended movement. For example, let’s say someone’s hamstrings are tight and they can’t bend over at the hips (aka hip flexion). In this situation, the spine will round in order to get the person to where they need to be. If the hips can’t rotate, the spine will just rotate in order to make up the difference. If the hip flexors are tight and the hips can’t extend rearward, then the lumbar spine will just hyperextend to get you from point A to point B. This creates extra burden on the low back which creates pain and further inhibits the glutes, which are already mechanically inhibited and inhibited by reciprocal inhibition; a fancy term for the shutting down of opposing – or antagonist – muscles due to a neurological phenomenon. Great glutes require sufficient hip mobility. Age, pregnancy, and desk jobs make it impossible to have nice glutes None of these things are relative to having or not having great glutes. You can get in shape at any age, with any job, after having any number of children. The golden rules with glutes is if you use them you’ll keep them, but if you quit using them you’ll not only lose them but you’ll cause them to forget how to fire properly. Pregnant women can continue to do various glute exercises literally up until the day of their pregnancy. Sure some exercises need to be avoided, but plenty of effective glute exercises can be performed safely during pregnancy. Those with desk jobs can always find time to train the glutes. Great glutes are a product of consistency, and you don’t need to train for an hour every day in order to see good results. You could train hard for twenty minutes five days per week and see excellent results with your booty.


My glutes just won’t grow You may indeed have sluggish

My backside will get much bigger from lifting weights

glutes, but everyone’s glutes can

Back pain has nothing to do with the glutes Many people use their back to lift

and will grow if you train

This is a common fear in women.

objects. You watch them pick

properly. This means ensuring

They look in the mirror and see

something up off the ground and

proper levels of mobility, stability,

they round their backs and then

and motor control. It means

this big old butt staring back at them. The problem is that their

starting off at a reasonable level

butts are wide due to fat

of difficulty and gradually

accumulation. Strip this fat down

progressing. And it means using

and there’s not much muscle or shape to speak of. The process of

correct biomechanics on every exercise.

getting more fit, stronger, and

extend them in order to complete the task. If you look closely at their glutes while they do this you’ll notice that they barely contract. This often leads to back pain, and

more athletic ensures that you’re transforming your glutes because

then back pain inhibits the glutes,

while you strip off the fat you’re

Proper hip hinge technique is

building sexy shape to take its place. The result is a sexy, curvy

critical in eliminating back pain

backside that is perky, round,


which creates a vicious cycle.

and shaping the backside to

and 3-dimensional rather than flat, wide, saggy, and 2dimensional.


+ Glute strength is symmetrical from one side to the other Usually individuals have one glute that is stronger than the other. Asymmetric glute strength is very common and should be ironed-out as soon as training commences. If left unchecked it could result in injury over time.

If I workout like (insert favorite celebrity) my glutes will look just like hers Many female celebrities were born with great booties and don’t have to work very hard to maintain them. These lucky women often have great natural shape and therefore don’t have to build their glutes as they’re already there. All they need to do is diet down and do some cardio and light activity and their glutes look amazing. For the rest of us “genetically-average” folks we need to build our glutes and work very hard to maintain them through heavy strength training.

Just doing the right exercises will lead to great glutes It’s not about “just going through the motions” and “just doing the exercises.” It’s about getting much stronger while using perfect form through a full range of motion. Each exercises has its own little rules and strategies for maximizing glute involvement, and to develop your best booty possible you need to learn those techiniques in order to optimally activate the glutes during exercise.


Nutritional Myths I can’t eat carbs or fat if I want nice glutes This misconception is absurd. A healthy balance is always the best approach and you can always find ways to eat a little bit of what you want in life. We don’t need to torture ourselves to look our best, and there are proper amounts of all macronutrients that will yield the best results. These proportions can vary depending on your physiology and goals, but suffice to say we all need certain things like essential amino and fatty acids, so protein and fat are a must. But even carbs are useful especially during certain periods of the day such as right upon waking and immediately following a workout.



Starvation will make my glutes look better Starving yourself will drastically elevate cortisol levels, which will cause even more protein breakdown to occur. This leads to a flat booty, which is not what you want. I’ve seen many women go down this path and they’re never happy with the way their bodies look. You need to gradually diet down while increasing strength so you keep the muscle and lose the fat. If I just lose a bunch of fat my glutes will look fine Many women look in the mirror and envision what their body would look like if they lost all of their fat. Surely they’d look great! The problem is, weight loss doesn’t work this way. The body usually loses around an equal amount of fat and muscle for weight loss. This results in lost muscular shape, which leaves behind a “skinny-fat” person who doesn’t look that much better than she did before the weight loss. The truth is that we need to do everything in our power to hold onto our muscular shape when dieting down, which involves intense training.



Bret Contreras graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Master’s from Arizona State University. He holds certifications with CSCS and NSCA, and is currently working toward his PhD at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand. He is a partner in GetGlutes and owner of

Great Glutes Revealed

Kellie Davis is a sport nutrition and fitness writer, personal trainer, and a Magna Cum Laude graduate from Florida Gulf Coast University. She is a partner in Getglutes and owner of


Marianne Kane is a cardiac nurse, and a personal trainer with certificates in Extreme Kettlebell Training and Olympic WeightLifting. She is a partner in GetGlutes and owner of

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