Gerund in f Not Lari
December 8, 2016 | Author: tnidafot | Category: N/A
Short Description
1- Experts believe that learning is a life-long process. * Uzmanlar ö renmenin ya am boyu süren bir süreç oldu una inanmaktadır 2- That speaking is an innate human capability is obvious. 3- Whether jogging really helps keep fit or not is a question. 4- Many people in the developing countries know what economising is all about. 5- When speeding is forbidden, don’t ever speed, will you? 6- If managing were that much easy, everyone could be a manager. B) “Gerund” ya da “Gerund Phrase” özne durumunda kullanıldı ında tekil fiil olarak algılandı ı için yüklem tekil olarak algılanır.
1- Spending extravagantly eats up all your belongings. 2- Posing for an artist is a difficult task to accomplish. 3- Many are of the opinion that collecting stamps has been one of the oldest hobbies taken up so far. 4- Not paying one’s taxes is both illegal and unethical. C) Gerund ya da gerund phrase durum açıklayan cümlelerde “to be” fiilinden sonra nesne olarak kullanılır ve özne hakkında bilgi verir.
1- A possible way to eliminate spinal problems is exercising regularly. 2- The first step to prevent rusting is oiling. 3- What you should do in the case of a fire is pressing on the alarm button and notifying the authorities. 4- One thing she used to do when she was at high school was eating a bar of chocolate before every exam. 5- The most remarkable precaution against car accidents is not speeding over 90 kmph.
1- My greatest pleasure is sitting here in the sun. 2- My sister’s hobby is growing house plants. 3- My job is typing or computing the minutes of the sessions held every two weeks. 4- Your responsibility is learning English, not disrupting the class. 5- Her favourite pastime is listening to music. 6- Her occupation is putting labels on cigarette packages. 7- Apart from providing a good education, my main priority would be encouraging students to take part in sport activities. 8- The worst side of being a footballer is getting injured during a match. 9- What I dream about all time is inventing something to the benefit of humankind. 10- My biggest fear is staying single forever.
E) Appositive (Açıklayıcı): “Gerund” bir ad öbe inden sonra açıklama amacıyla getirilebilir. 1- His job, working as a teacher, is very demanding. 2- Her favourite pastime, watching television, teaches her many things about life as well. 3- Her father, not knowing what to do, was very helpless. 4- The children, playing in the mud, were covered with dirt. 5- His new book, having sold out, will appear as the second edition soon.
F) yelik Biçiminden Sonra “Gerund“ ya da “Perfect Gerund“ kullanılır.
MY + doing 1- His not being a university graduate decreases his chances of finding a good job. 2- Mary’s criticizing the manager in public cost her very dear. 3- Your insisting on my staying with you makes no sense to me. 4- Tom’s behaving so irresponsibly upset me. 5- Her laughing at my accent is getting on my nerves. 6- His having been elected manager did not fully satisfy him. 7- Mary’s having sent a gift made Anne happy. 8- Her having deserted the boy for whom she said she could disregard her parents really amazes me. 9- My having written a letter to her was what my parents were discontented with. 10- Your having fixed the car will save us time.
G) “the + Ving + of … : Tıpkı bir isim gibi “gerund” fiiller de “the + Ving + of ” ile kullanılır. Türkçeye “edilgen (=passive) gibi çevrilir.
1- The signing of the peace accord is of great importance. * Barı anla masının imzalanması büyük bir önem ta ıyor. 2- The opening of the bridge eased traffic congestion. 3-
An important part of our work is the keeping of records.
4- What he wants to see most in a short time is the closing down of the rival company. 5- The releasing of lethal gases from the fertilizer plant should be given more attention.
H) “Gerund” ya da “Gerund phrase” bir temel cümlecikte “nesne (object)” olarak kullanılabilir. Yaygın olarak “GERUND” aldıran fiiller unlardır: 1- acknowledge = kabullenmek 2- admit = itiraf etmek 3- advise = ö üt vermek 4- allow = izin vermek 5- anticipate = beklemek, ummak 6- appreciate=takdir etmek/anlamak 7- attempt = kalkı mak 8- avoid = sakınmak/kaçınmak 9- can’t help = kendini alamamak 10- can’t stand= katlanamamak 11- celebrate = kutlamak 12- complete = tamamlamak 13- confess = itiraf etmek 14- consider = dü ünmek 15- contemplate = derin dü ünmek 16- defer= ertelemek 17- defend = savunmak 18- delay =geciktirmek 19- deny = inkar etmek 20- detest = i renmek 21- discuss = tartı mak 22- dislike = sevmemek 23- dispute = tartı mak 24- dread = korkmak 25- endure = dayanmak 26- enjoy = ho lanmak 27- escape = kaçınmak 28- excuse ***= affetmek 29- explain = açıklamak 30- facilitate = kolayla tırmak 31- fancy = dü ünmek/istemek 32- feel like = arzu etmek/istemek 33- finish = tamamlamak/bitirmek
34- forgive = affetmek 35- give up = bırakmak/terk etmek 36- imagine = hayal etmek 37- include = içermek 38- involves = içermek/gerektirmek 39- justify = haklı çıkarmak 40- keep (continue) = devam etmek 41- mention = bahsetmek 42- mind= birisi için sakıncası olmak 43- miss = özlemek 44- necessitate = gerektirmek 45- omit = dahil etmemek/çıkarmak 46- permit = izin vermek 47- postpone = ertelemek 48- practise = pratik yapmak 49- prevent = önlemek 50- prohibit = yasaklamak 51- propose = önermek 52- quit = bırakmak/terk etmek 53- recall = hatırlamak 54- recollect = hatırlamak 55- recommend = tavsiye etmek 56- remember = 57- report = aktarmak 58- resent = alınmak 59- resist = direnmek/kar ı koymak 60- resume= kaldı ı yerden devam etmek 61- risk = riske atmak 62- suggest = önermek 63- support = desteklemek 64- tolerate = dayanmak 65- understand ***= anlayı göstermek
*** Bu iki fiilden sonra “possesive pronun (iyelik eki =my/your/our/his vb)” kullanmak gerekir. 1- I can’t understand YOUR divorcing him for another man. 2- She will not excuse OUR not attending the picnic, will she? NOTE: talik ile altı çizili fiiller “perfect gerund (= having done)” ile kullanılabilir. 1- She confessed having hit the boy on sheer purpose. 2- I cannot explain having been exposed to such pressure for years. 3- He justified his having punished the naughty boy through some evidence.
Examples : 1- Will the minister consider holding a meeting with the representatives of HydroPower Company? 2- She is considering postponing visiting her grandmother next weekend. 3- He keeps nagging me about staying with him for the next week. 4- He barely avoided hitting the lorry when he had to brake all of a sudden. 5- The next time you feel like punching somebody in the mouth, think twice. You are more likely to end up in hospital than the person you are hitting. 6- I can’t help crying whenever I see two people separating. 7- How can you justify kicking a student of ten when you are far more powerful than him? 8- Would you mind speaking slowly as I can’t follow what you are saying? 9- His deteriorating health condition will certainly necessitate undergoing another major operation. 10- Being a prominent figure in literature, he profoundly resented not being called for the conference.
) Gerund indicating “Temporal Difference” = Temel cümleci in yüklemi ile “Gerund” ya da “Gerund Phrase” ile ifade edilen eylem arasında önceliksonralık ili kisi varsa, yani, “Gerund” ya da “Gerund Phrase” ile ifade edilen eylem temel cümleci in yükleminden daha önce olmu sa ve vurgulanmak isteniyorsa “perfect gerund (= having done / been done) ile kullanılabilir. 1- I admit having talked behind your back, but I believe that you did the same thing. 2- He resents not having been given a prize for his achievements. 3- He recalls having been promised a seat in the cabinet. 4- I profusely appreciate having been given the opportunity to meet the President. 5- She forgot having promised to take Tom the dictionary. 6- He was accused of having embezzled a large sum of money into his own account. 7- The man denied having been involved in corruption, didn’t he? 8- She doesn’t seem to be interested in having been given a reward for her work.
J) “Gerund” ya da “Gerund Phrase” “VERB + PREPOSITION” biçiminde kullanılan yapılardan sonra sıklıkla kullanılır.
Bu yapılardan en sık kullanılanları unlardır: 1- abstain from=sakınmak/uzak
20- depend on/upon = … e ba lı olmak
21- dream about = rüyada görmek
2- account for= açıklamak/sebebi
22- dream of = dü lemek/hayal kurmak
23- excel in = bir i te mükemmelle mek
3- adjust to = alı mak/adapte olmak
24- feel like = arzu etmek, istemek
4- agree on = uzla mak /hem fikir
25- forget about = unutmak
26- insist on = ısrar etmek
5- apologise for = özür dilemek
27- look forward to = dört gözle beklemek
6- apply for = müracaat etmek
28- object to = kar ı olmak
7- approve of = onaylamak
29- participate in = katılmak/i tirak etmek
8- argue about = tartı mak
30- persist in = ısrar etmek
9- believe in = inanmak
31- plan on = plan kurmak
10- blame for = suçlamak
32- refer to = atıfta bulunmak/gönderme
11- care about = umursamak
yapmak/de inmek/kastetme
12- care for = istemek (= feel like)
13- complain about = ikayet etmek
33- rescue from = kurtarmak
14- comply with = uyumlu olmak
34- succeed in =ba arılı olmak
15- concentrate on = yo unla mak
35- take advantage of = yararlanmak
16- consist of = … den olu mak
36- make use of = yararlanmak
17- deal with = ilgilenmek
37- think about = dü ünmek
18- decide on = yapmaya karar vermek
38- think of = aklına gelmek/dü lemek
19- decide against= yapmamaya karar vermek 1- Nobody objected to her changing the rules and laying down new ones instead. 2- By “hard-work”, he refers to working non-stop and with a high concentration. 3- We are looking forward to meeting the winner of the big prize. 4- To protect them from further damage, the commander will have to deal with directing his troops to south.
5- “Gerund” ya da “Gerund Phrase” “VERB + OBJECT + PREPOSITION” biçiminde kullanılan yapılardan sonra sıklıkla kullanılır.
Bu yapılardan en sık kullanılanları unlardır: 1- accuse someone of = suçlamak
10- discourage someone from=
2- apologise to someone for= özür
cesaretini kırmak
11- forgive someone for = affetmek
3- arrest someone for = tutuklamak
12- keep someone from = engel olmak
4- blame someone for = suçlamak
13- prevent someone from = önlemek
5- charge someone with = yargılamak
14- punish someone for = cezalandırmak
6- complain to someone about = ikayet
15- stop someone from = engellemek 16- thank someone for = te ekkür etmek
17- warn someone against = uyarmak
7- congratulate someone on= tebrik etmek 8- deter someone from = caydırmak 9- devote oneself to = adamak
1- The cashier accused a customer of stealing a wristwatch. 2- Her illness prevented her from taking the exam. 3- He congratulated me on my passing all my exams with high marks. 4- I complained to the judge about being kept outside for a long time. 5- You cannot simply blame her for losing temper with you. 6- He threatened to punish the assistant for not arriving on time. 7- He has been charged with killing a pedestrian while driving under the influence of alcohol. 8- Nobody can deter me from loving you, dear! 9- He always tried to discourage me from smoking but never succeeded. 10- How can you expect me to forgive you for insulting me so bluntly?
“Gerund” ya da “Gerund Phrase” “ADJECTIVE + PREPOSITION + Ving” biçiminde kullanılan yapılardan sonra sıklıkla kullanılır.
Bu yapılardan en sık kullanılanları unlardır: 1- absorbed in = dalmı /kendini vermi
31- engaged in/with = me gul
2- accused of = suçlanmı /zanlı
32- enthusiastic about = hevesli
3- accustomed to = alı kın
33- essential to/for = çok gerekli
4- addicted to = ba ımlı
34- excellent in/at = bir i te harika olmak
5- afraid of = korkan
35- excited about = heyecanlı
6- alarmed at = uyanık/tetikte
36- exposed to = maruz kalmı
7- amazed at = hayran olmu / a ırmı
37- expert in = bir i te uzman olmak
8- angry at = kızmı
38- familiar with = a ina/tanıdık
9- annoyed at = kızmı
39- famous for = ünlü
10- appropriate for = uygun
40- fatal to = öldürücü
11- ashamed of = utanmı /mahcup
41- favourable to = lehinde/olumlu
12- aware of = farkında/bilincinde
42- fed up with = bıkmı
13- bad at = bir i te kötü olan
43- fond of = dü kün
14- be used to = alı kın
44- free from = barındırmayan/içermeyen
15- brilliant at = bir i te harika olan
45- generous about = cömert
16- capable of = kabiliyetli
46- good at = bir i te iyi olmak
17- cautious of/about= farkında/bilincinde
47- good for = (sa lık vb) için iyi olan
18- certain about = emin/kesin
48- grateful for = minnettar
19- certain of = emin/kesin
49- feel guilty for/about = suçlu hisseden
20- clever at = bir i te zeki olan
50- guilty of = suçlu
21- concerned about = endi eli
51- happy about = mutlu
22- concerned with = ilgili/meraklı
52- hopeless at = umutsuz
23- confident of = kendinden emin
53- ignorant of = cahil/habersiz
24- conscious of = bilincinde
54- impatient with = sabırsız
25- content with = memnun/mutlu
55- indispensable to = vazgeçilmez
26- dependent on/upon = ba lı
56- interested in = ilgili/meraklı
27- delighted at = çok mutlu/memnun
57- intolerant of = tahammülsüz
28- different from = farklı
58- irrelevant to= ilgisiz/alakasız
29- eager for = hevesli
59- jealous of = kıskanç
30- eligible for = uygun
60- keen on = hevesli
61- lazy about = tembel
62- necessary for = gerekli
63- negligent in = ihmalkar
98- unconscious of = bilinçsiz/farkında
64- notable for = ünlü
65- offensive to = gücendirici
99- useful for = faydalı/yararlı
66- opposed to = kar ı/muhalif
100- worried about = endi eli
67- optimistic about = iyimser 68- patient with = sabırlı
NOTE : Yukarıda italik ile altı çizili verilen
69- pessimistic about = kötümser
sıfatlar “bir i te iyi/kötü/eli çabuk/hızlı vb”
70- pleased at = memnun
anlamını vermek için kullanılır.
71- prepared for = hazır 72- prior to = …. den önce (= before)
1- She is very bad at doing calculations.
73- proficient in = yeterli/kendini
2- I used to be even more brilliant at
yeti tirmi
picking up new words.
74- proud of = gurur duyan
3- He is so good at cooking, though he
75- qualified for = (bir i e) yeterli
has never trained as a cook.
76- quick at = bir i te çabuk olan
4- Why are you so slow at typing? How
77- ready for = hazır
will you make the deadline?
78- regardless of = …. e bakılmaksızın
5- He used to be hopeless at learning
79- regretful for = pi man
grammar but he is a fast learner now.
80- relevant to = …. ile ilgili/alakalı 81- reputed for = ünlü 82- responsible for = sorumlu 83- short of = …. den yoksan 84- sick of = ….. den bıkmı 85- similar to = benzer (= akin to) 86- skilful in/at = becerikli 87- slow at = bir i te yava olmak 88- sorry for/about = üzgün 89- subject to = … e maruz kalan 90- successful in = ba arılı 91- suitable for = uygun 92- surprised at = a ırmı 93- susceptible to = duyarlı/savunmasız 94- suspicious of = üpheli 95- tired from = ….. den yorulmu 96- tired of = ….. den bıkmı 97- tolerant of = ho görülü
6- “Gerund” ya da “Gerund Phrase” “Noun + preposition + Ving” biçiminde kullanılan yapılardan sonra sıklıkla kullanılır.
Bu yapılardan en sık kullanılanları unlardır: 1- at the risk of = …. riski altında
14- in return for = ……. kar ılık olarak
2- on account of = ….. yüzünden
15- instead of = ……nın yerine
3- in case of = ….. durumunda
16- interest in = ….. ilgisi olmak
4- *difficulty in = ….. sıkıntı çekmek
17- in the course of = sırasında, esnasında
5- in addition to = ….. e/a ilaveten/yanı sıra
18- in the middle of = ……. ortasında
6- *in charge of = …. ile yükümlü
19- need for = …… olan gereksinim/ihtiyaç
7- *in danger of = tehlikesiyle kar ı
20- reason for = ….. nın nedeni/sebebi
kar ıya
21- for the sake of = hatırı için/u runa
8- in exchange for = ……. kar ılıklı
22- in spite of = …. e/a ra men
olarak 9- excuse for = ….. mazereti olarak
23- *technique for = …. nın tekni i
10- in favour of = lehinde olmak, taraftar
24- the point of = nın anlamı, ….. nın gere i
25- *on the point of = yapmak üzere
11- for fear of = ….. korkusuyla
12- for the purpose of = ….. mek amacıyla 13- *in the habit of = ….. alı kanlı ında olmak
NOTE : Ba ında “*”i areti olanlar “preposition”dan sonra “possessive pronoun (=iyelik zamiri) almazlar. 1- She has been given a sack on account of her failing to live up to my expectations. 2- She has difficulty in her speaking English. (Incorrect) 3- He was in danger of his being killed. (=Incorrect) 4- She may not gain anything in addition to her being known to just a few.
Bazı Özel Yapılar “Gerund” fiili ile kullanılırlar.
1- There is no point/sense in + Ving = -- bir anlamı yok/-- nın bir manası yok
1- There is no point in running for the bus. It must have left the station by now. 2- There was no point in waiting for him in the cinema after the film started. 3- There isn’t any point in cramming for your examinations at the last minute. It won’t help you remember anything. 4- There wasn’t any sense in searching for the treasure in the pitch dark. 5- There is no sense in taking up a diet if you think you won’t cut down on desserts.
2- The point of + Ving ( … nın anlamı / …. nın manası) 1- What is the point of remaining friends if you think that he is dishonest towards you? 2- I can’t really see the point of their coming on the picnic with us when they do not think much of us. 3- I don’t see the point of your buying a second car. We share the present one with no problems.
3- be on the point of + Ving = be close to + Ving = be about to + V1 = yapmak üzere olmak/yapmak üzereyken/yapmaya ramak kalmı tı
1- I was on the point of leaving the office when it started to rain heavily. 2- The teacher was on the point of having me go to the blackboard for an oral exam when the bell for the break time went off. 3- It is sad to know that your company is close to going bankrupt. 4- She was just about to get into her car when the sniper shot her dead.
4- It is no use / It is no good + Ving = ….. faydası yok, yararı yok 1- It‘s no use trying to conceal what you have just done. I saw you. 2- It’s no good trying to persuade my father. He won’t allow me to come with you. 3- Because I thought it was no use buying a car until we could afford a good one, I did not insist on buying the second-handed one at the gallery. 4- It is no good persisting with such an incompetent secretary as her. She is useless. 5- It was no use doing artificial respiratory because he had drowned long before we took him out of the water.
5- It is (not) worth + Ving = yapmaya de er (de mez)
1- I don’t think it is worth mending this pullover. It is already worn-out. 2- The film I watched last night was not really worth seeing. 3- Don’t tell me it is not worth crying for love. Don’t tell me it is not worth dying for love. 4- Do you genuinely believe that it’s worth putting up with the discomfort of the train just for the sake of saving a few dollars? 5- It was not worth keeping that car any more, so I thought it better to get rid of it.
6- It is/was/will be + a waste of time/money/energy + Ving ……
= …..
yapmak zaman kaybı (oldu/olacak)
1- It was a waste of money buying things more than you needed. 2- It is a waste of time trying to do all this work by yourself. You can ask for help. 3- It was a waste of energy cycling all that way. I don’t think you can lose weight unless you cut down on eating starchy food. 4- It’s a waste of money buying such a costly house. You can buy a cheaper and a more comfortable one. 5- Now I see that it was a waste of time trying to get them to make up with each other because they got divorced in the end.
7- spend/waste (time,money,energy) +Ving= yaparak zaman/para/enerjiyi harcamak/ …. yaparak vakit geçirmek
1- Yesterday, I spent the whole day cleaning the house. 2- He usually spends hours trying to repair things. 3- You waste a lot of time watching those ridiculous series on TV. 4- She wasted a large amount of money buying furniture last year, and now she is redecorating her house once again. 5- Small nations waste a lot of money buying arms, while many others suffer from many kinds of deprivations.
8- By doing …… = …. yaparak/ederek …
1- I’m very short of time. I can only catch the bus by running fast. 2- They are trying to stabilize the economy by increasing interest rates, but I’m afraid it won’t work. 3- Because it can’t speak, a baby makes it needs known by crying. 4- She made all that fortune by working as a singer in a pub at nights and saving up all her earnings. 5- You can overcome this hardship only by asking advice from your understanding parents.
9- Have fun / have a good/nice time + Ving = yaparak iyi vakit geçirmek
1- We had fun telling each other our childhood memories. 2- She is having a wonderful time there learning French. 3- We had a good time singing and dancing all night. 4- They regularly have fun playing cards in the ward.
10- sit/ stand / lie +yer zarfı (in bed/at home vb)+ Ving = oturarak/uzanarak/ayakta dikilerek bir eyi yapmak
1- After the guests left, I lay in bed reading until I got sleepy. 2- I stood there, in front of the cinema, waiting in vain for him to turn up. 3- After breakfast, father usually sits in his armchair reading his papers. 4- I like lying on the sofa watching television, unlike my wife who dislikes it. 5- I stood by the window watching the passers-by.
PASSIVE GERUND “Gerund” ya da “Gerund Phrase”, edilgen (=passive) bir anlam içeriyorsa
“Being +
Verb (Participle Form)“ “Having been done” biçiminde kullanılır.
1- I hate being called “dear” or “darling” just as if I was a child. 2- The only trouble was that, unlike most babies, Joanna didn’t seem to enjoy being bounced and cuddled. 3- My sister resented being teased by my father in the existence of the whole family. 4- You’ve already taken too many liberties with me, and I don’t appreciate being touched by strangers. 5- The chiefs insist that the series will be produced in the best possible taste but admit being inspired by America. 6- She insists on being told the truth whatever it is. 7- You can’t go to a party without being invited. 8- Being the son of a very rich man, he is in danger of being kidnapped. 9- For fear of being attacked, she avoids going out alone after dark. 10- I don’t recall being informed about this case before. 11- The man denied having been involved in the robbery. 12- She went to the party without having been invited. 13- She doesn’t seem to be interested in not having been given enough information. 14- He doesn’t really remember having been given a notice before. 15- I hope you won’t mention having been sacked in your previous job to her. 16- Not having been educated in a religious family was the reason for her devotion to religion during the later years of her life. 17- He may not understand our having got engaged in such a short time. 18- I really can’t stand being mocked at by my friends any more.
“GO + Ving” (= recreational activities) = e lence ve spor etkinliklerinin anlatılmasında “GO” kendisinden sonra “GERUND” ile birlikte kullanılır. Aynı anlam kimi ifadelerde de verilebilir.
13- go sightseeing = bir yerle im yerindeki
1- go bird watching = ku seyrine çıkmak 2- go boating = tekne gezisine çıkmak
görülmeye de er yerleri gezmek
3- go bowling = bowlinge gitmek
14- go skating = paten kaymaya gitmek
4- go camping = kamp yapmak
15- go skiing = kayak yapmak
5- go canoeing = kano ile geziye çıkmak
16- go dancing = dansa gitmek
6- go fishing = balık avına çıkmak
17- go snorkelling = norkel ile suya dalmak
7- go hiking = kıra geziye çıkmak
18- go swimming = yüzmeye gitmek
8- go hunting = ava çıkmak
19- go tobogganing = kar kıza ı yapmak
9- go jogging = yürüyü e çıkmak
20- go window shopping = vitrin gezmek
10- go climbing = tırmanmaya çıkmak
21- go sailing= yelken açmak
11- go running = ko uya gitmek
22- go sledging= kıza ı çekme oynamak
12- go shopping = alı veri e çıkmak
Infinitives A) Noun + V1 = bazı “ad” ya da “ad öbekleri” “be + V1” kullanılır. 1- Our aim is to resolve the conflict through peaceful means. 2- His purpose is to learn English well enough to be able to read nonsimplified books. 3- Their mission is to capture the city. 4- His mandate is to inform a broad-based government. 5- His greatest ambition in life is to become an eminent scientist. 6- Our greatest challenge is to eradicate life-threatening diseases. 7- Our advantage when we climb together will be to have the opportunity to help one another in a case of emergency. 8- One of the suggestions put forward was to designate exact and just criteria. 9- A possible danger for the Black Rhino is to get caught by the ruthless poachers. 10- The biggest hardship one can face in planting seeds is not to know whether the soil type is suitable for the things he or she wants to plant. B) “Infinitive” ya da “Infinitive Phrase” bir temel cümlecikte ya da bir yan cümlecikte « nesne (= object) » konumunda kullanılır. Bu biçimde sıklıkla kullanılan filler a a ıda verilmi tir. 1- afford = 2- agree = 3- aim = 4- appear = 5- arrange = 6- ask = 7- attempt = 8- beg = 9- begin = 10- can’t wait = 11- care = 12- choose = 13- claim = 14- consent = 15- continue = 16- dare = 17- decide =
demand = deserve = expect = fail = happen = hesitate = hope = hurry = intend = leap = leave = long = neglect = offer = plan = prefer = prepare =
35- pretend = 36- proceed = 37- promise = 38- propose = 39- prove = 40- refuse = 41- seem = 42- strive = 43- struggle = 44- swear = 45- tend = 46- threaten = 47- volunteer = 48- want = 49- wish =
B) Altı çizili fiiller infinitive’in bütün halleri ile kullanılabilir. (= 1- to do 2- to be done
be doing 4- to have done 5- to have been done 6- to have been doing). Ancak “HOPE” sadece “future” anlamında “to have done/to have been done” ile kullanılır. Di er altı çizili olmayan fiiller ise sadece “TO DO ve TO BE DONE” ile kullanılır. EXAMPLES : 1- She claims to have found a better solution. 2- They are pretending to be obeying me while they actually have little respect for me. 3- I hope to have finished reading this book by six p.m. today. 4- He seems to have been overcharged by many shop assistants so far. 5- Why did she appear not to have been working as hard as we did?
EXAMPLES : 1- If the bank manager believes you can afford to pay the money back, he will lend it to you. 2- The couple that bought the statue have asked to remain anonymous. 3- There are techniques for minimizing damage to the Earth’s waterways, even though we may choose to exploit them. 4- If schools decide to reduce the number of cleaners, they should do it gradually. 5- At last, psychologists claim to have found proof that glossy magazine images of thin, super-sexy models can make us ill. 6- Most people prefer to enjoy themselves and forget the cost until it is too late. 7- How could we put up with a teacher who doesn’t hesitate to use violence in the classroom? 8- Sarah is a girl with character as well as beauty and Mark can’t wait to get to know her better. 9- We hope to be able to tell them not to disturb us any more. 10- She didn’t intend to disclose such information to Suzie; defence by denial was a strategy she already operated well.
C) A a ıda verilen fiiller, anlamlarından dolayı, kendilerinden sonra bir isim ya da zamirle kullanılırlar. Di er bir deyi le, bu fiiller “ Verb+Noun/Pronoun + to V1” yapısı içinde kullanılır.
advise = allow = appoint = ask = beg = cause = caution = challenge = choose = command = compel = convince = dare = direct = enable = encourage = expect = forbid = force = hire = instruct =
invite = lead = motivate = need = oblige = order = permit = persuade = prepare = provoke = remind = request = require = show …. how = teach = tell = tempt = urge = want = warn = would like =
EXAMPLES = 1- I advised HER to take Tom to as wide a variety of places as possible and (to) encourage him to meet many more people. 2- When he said he could beat anyone, I challenged HIM to fight me. 3- I invited HER to come and sit by me but she refused to do so. 4- She nearly always has to remind HER son to wash up before he begins eating his breakfast. 5- They compelled ME to tell them the truth; otherwise, I had no intention of telling it to them. 6- Owning a car enables YOU to travel without difficulty. 7- His bad companions tempted HIM to get involved in the infamous theft. 8- It’s high time we hired SOMEONE to look after our son. He is really tying us down. 9- She requested ME to give her a hand with her hard job. 10- They are ready to appoint HER to investigate the case along with another detective.
NOTE = Yukarıdaki listede altı çizili fiiller kendilerinden sonra direk “gerund” fiil alır ama arada bir nesne kullanılmı sa veya edilgen(=passive) bir yapı olarak kullanılmı sa “infinitive” fiil alır.
1- He advised seeing a doctor. *** He advised me to see a doctor. *** I was advised to see a doctor. 2- The regulations of the school do not allow smoking in class. *** Regulations do not allow students to smoke in class. *** Students are not allowed to smoke in class. 3- I always encourage speaking in English in my lessons. *** I always encourage my students to speak in English in my lessons. *** My students are always encouraged to speak in English in my lessons.
*** Dare = cesaret etmek/cüret etmek =
soru ya da olumlu cümlede kendinden sonra “to
do” veya “do” yalın olarak kullanılabilir. Ancak kendisi olumsuz olarak kullanılmı sa (=daren’t do) “to do” almaz, “do” alabilir.
1- Would you dare (to) do a parachute jump? 2- I have only a few times dared (to) swim in this deep lake, have you? 3- She couldn’t dare to talk back to him despite all his insulting remarks. 4- He daren’t to drive during the rush hours, though he has been driving for years.
Ancak “dare” “cesaretlendirmek” anlamında kullanılmı sa, kendisinden sonra bir isim kullanıldı ı için mutlaka “to do” ile kullanılmalıdır.
1- I dared HIM to resign from his job but he never listened to me. = Ben onu i inden istifa etmesi için cesaretlendirdim; fakat asla beni dinlemedi. 2- Do you dare ME to talk back to my boss when I believe he is wrong?
E) INFINITIVES AFTER CERTAIN NOUNS = “Infinitive” ya da “Infinitive Phrase”,isimleri nitelemek amacıyla kullanılır. Bunlardan en sık kullanılanları unlardır: 1- ability =
13- enthusiasm =
25- right =
2- capacity =
14- insistence =
26- willingness =
3- desire =
15- offer =
27- attempt =
4- effort =
16- request =
28- demand =
5- hope =
17- strategy =
29- eagerness =
6- need =
18- ambition =
30- goal =
7- potential =
19- decision =
31- motivation =
8- refusal =
20- duty =
32- possibility =
9- skill =
21- failure =
33- proposition =
10- aim =
22- mission =
34- scheme =
11- concern =
23- plan =
35- way =
12- determination =
24- promise =
36- wish =
EXAMPLES : 1- His attempt to escape from the high security prison ended in failure. = Onun sıkı güvenlik önlemleri alınan hapishaneden kaçma te ebbüsü ba arısız oldu. 2- Her desire to succeed was very strong. 3- His decision to resign from his post was quite unexpected. 4- Because of his inability to put across his ideas adequately, he was not selected for the scholarship. 5- His ambition to start his own business alienated him from his family. 6- Not every person has the ability to think logically. Some people lack it totally. 7- His willingness to pass the exam is at its peak these days. 8- Her efforts to calm her down did not work at all. 9- Their offer to evacuate the building seemed rather implausible to me. 10- Everybody has the right to vote in Turkey, irrespective of race and sex.
F) INFINITIVE AFTER CERTAIN ADJECTIVES = Psikolojik durum bildiren bazı sıfatlardan sonra, o sıfatın aldı ı “preposition” kullanılırsa, fiil “gerund (= doing)” olur; fakat “preposition” kullanılmak istenmedi inde sıfattan sonra direk gelen fiil “infinitive” olarak kullanılır.
1- content with = 2- delighted with/by = 3- glad with = 4- happy with = 5- pleased with = 6- relieved from = 7- lucky for = 8- fortunate for = 9- disappointed at/with = 10- disgusted at/by = 11- disturbed by = 12- sad about = 13- sorry about/for = 14- upset with = 15- proud of = 16- ashamed of = 17- anxious about/for =
18- eager for = 19- determined = 20- motivated for = 21- prepared for = 22- ready for = 23- willing for = 24- afraid of = 25- careful about = 26- hesitant about = 27- reluctant about = 28- certain about = 29- likely = 30- amazed at/by = 31- astonished at/by = 32- surprised at/by = 33- shocked at/by= 34- stunned at/by=
1- She is hesitant about accepting their job offer. = She is hesitant to accept their job offer. 2- He was disappointed not to pass the easy exam. = He was disappointed at not passing the easy exam. 3- I was proud of being found to be right. = I was proud to be found to be right one. 4- He was happy to have been given a promotion. = He was happy with having been given a promotion. 5- She was reluctant about marrying such a well-off person for fear of losing happiness. = She was reluctant to marry/to have married such a well-off person. 6- She was lucky for having got a job at last during that hard crisis. = She was lucky to have got/to get a job at last during that hard crisis. 7- I was afraid of failing to persuade her to come with me. = I was afraid to have failed/to fail to persuade her to come with me.
G) The first / the second / the last /the best / the worst ….. + TO V1
1- John was the first person to congratulate me on my appointment manager. 2- The second train was to have arrived from Istanbul, but it did not. 3- The last person to leave home should lock the door. 4- Ali was the next person to hand in his composition. 5- Jack was the only person to support me wholeheartedly. 6- Smallpox is the only disease to have been eradicated up to date. H) something/anything/nothing/somewhere/nowhere/anywhere ….+ TO V1
2- The homeless generally have nowhere to go or nothing to eat. 3- I hope you will hire someone to look after the baby soon. 4- She said nothing to please her parents even though they deserved it. 5- I gathered from the expression on her face that she had something to say to me. 6- They did not serve us anything to give us a warmer reception.
I) If + be + TO V1 = yapacaksa/edecekse/yapaca ım diyorsa
1- If these measures are to produce the desired result, they must be implemented in full. (= E er bu önlemlerin istenilen sonuca ula tırması isteniyorsa eksiksiz bir ekilde uygulanmaya konulmalı.) 2- If we are to catch the train, we’ll have to call a taxi without delay. 3- If the plan is (going to) to succeed, we’ll have to act immediately. 4- If we are to win the match, we must do all do your very best.
J) too + adj/adv … (for somebody/something) … + to V1 = yapamayacak kadar
1- The ceiling is too high for me to reach. 2- This dictionary is too dear for her to buy. So she had better give up that idea. 3- She is just too inefficient a secretary for us to keep her any longer. 4- It is as yet too early to make an accurate assessment of the situation. 5- The English tourist spoke too quickly for me to understand what he was saying. 6-
She’s too indecisive to make up her mind about such things and at times can act too irresponsibly to be relied on.
K) adj/adv + enough … (for somebody/something) ... + to V1 = yapacak kadar
1- The weather isn’t warm enough for us to go on picnic. 2- She is old enough to realize what is happening. 3- His speech was barely clear enough to be understood. 4- He talked almost loudly enough for everyone in the street to hear. 5- You can’t have read the text carefully enough to understand it sufficiently. 6- I need to have enough money to be able to afford such a long holiday. 7- I got high enough marks to pass the chemistry exam, which was a big relief. 8- You are supposed to pay enough attention to be a good student of English.
1- The president is due to approve the plan. Don’t worry, he will do it! 2- The centre is due to be completed next year. 3- John is bound to end up in prison if he goes on like that. 4- We are all prone to make mistakes when we are tired. 5- Old people are apt to be forgetful. 6- Ata is inclined to accept my job offer. 7- Our boss is liable to lose his temper when things go wrong in the office. 8- The committee is very likely to adopt his suggestion. 9- You are obliged to take a qualifying test before being accepted. 10- There are bound to be price increases next year.
GERUND OR INFINITIVES WITH NO OR LITTLE CHANGE IN MEANING Bazi fiiller kendilerinden sonra hem gerund hem infinitive alabilirler. Pek bir anlam de i ikli ine u ramazlar. Bunlar a a ıdaki gibi listelenebilir. 1- advise = 2- allow = 3- attempt = 4- begin = 5- cannot bear = 6- continue = 7- encourage = 8- dislike = 9- dread = 10- encourage = 11- forbid =
12- hate = 13- intend = 14- like = 15- love = 16- need = 17- neglect = 18- permit = 19- prefer = 20- recommend = 21- start =
NOTE =Bu fiillerden sadece “attempt, begin, continue ve start” süreklilik bildiren tense’lerle (continuous) kullanılır. Di erleri kullanılmaz. Ancak “kendisi continous tense’te – ing almı sa devamında infinitive alır.
1- She began driving/to drive in the heavy traffic soon after she acquired her driving licence. 2- It was beginning to rain/raining when I left the office. 3- She was still continuing to work/working at the same company despite problems. 4- They are attempting to destroy/destroying the old museum these days.
“Need, Require ve Deserve” fiilleri passive (= edilgen) anlam vermek için “BEING DONE“ ALMAZLAR!!! . Sadece “doing” veya “to be done” alırlar. Anlam yine passive (=edilgen) dir. 1- She needs to iron her shirt (= active). *** Her shirt needs ironing/to be ironed/being ironed (= passive) 2- She deserves being warned/to be warned against doing further harm to herself. 3- My car requires mending/being mended urgently.(Arabamın acil tamir edilmesi gerekiyor.)
Have difficulty (in) + doing = Have trouble + doing = Have a problem + doing “bir i i yapmada zorlanmak/yapmakta güçlük çekmek” anlamını vermek için kullanılır. Ancak bu anlamı vermek için “find it hard/difficult + TO V1” yapısını kullanabiliriz. 1- I have difficulty (in) putting my ideas across to my friends. =
I find it difficult to put my ideas across to my friends.
2- Though I had trouble getting a good job for the first three months, I was able to find a well-paid one in the end. =
Though I found it hard to get a good job for the first three months, ….. .
3- She’s never found it difficult to communicate with people she doesn’t know well. = She’s never had difficulty in communicating with people she doesn’t know well. 4- He seems to have a problem memorising the new words she learns. =
He finds it hard to memorise the new words that she learns.
Have a hard time + doing = bir i i yapmakta zorlanmak/sıkıntılı bir süre geçirmek 1- She will have a hard time solving these complex equations as she isn’t proficient. 2- My father always had such a hard time making ends meet with a modest salary. 3- You are sure to have a hard time trying to get rid of all these problems. Make money + doing = (bir i ) yaparak para kazanmak 1- He hopes to make money selling his old clothes. 2- She has never made money working as a secretary. I don’t believe you. 3- He was so prolific that he was able to make money selling his own hand-made shoes.
Busy + doing something = bir eyi yapmakla me gul olmak 1- The students were busy talking when I entered the classroom. 2- In this season, the peasants are busy harvesting their crops. 3- Hundreds of people were busy counting votes.
Ancak “busy + with” kalıbı “doing”, yani “gerund fiil”almaz. Busy’den sonra direk bir isim geliyorsa, isimden önce “with” kullanılır.
1- The doctor is busy with examining his patients at the moment. 2- They are busy with their financial problems these days. 3- The students were busy with doing the experiment when the teacher came to the lab.
INFINITIVE WITHOUT TO AFTER **HELP** AND **LET** *** LET ’ den sonra infinitive “to” almadan alır. 12345-
I will let you go when you have finished your work. They didn’t let me explain my excuse, though it was a valid one. Don’t let him start smoking at such an early age. Will you please let me express my own viewpoint instead speaking for me? Let’s not wait here for another day, as I’m getting bored to death.
“Let” fiilinin “passive” (= edilgen) kullanımı pek yaygın olmadı ı için, bu anlamı vermek için “BE ALLOWED TO DO” kullanılır. 1- Will I be allowed to go when you I have finished my work? 2- I wasn’t allowed to explain my excuse, though I could justify it. 3- He won’t be allowed to smoke at such an early age, will he? *** HELP ’den sonra “infinitive” yalın haliyle ya da “to” alarak kullanılır. 1- I have never helped my mother COOK because I’m terrible at cooking. 2- She didn’t ever help us TO CLEAN the flat during the whole time we lived together. 3- I wasn’t helped CLIMB the stairs, though I was walking with a limp. 4- He can’t be helped TO LEARN how to drive at this old age. NOTE = “can’t help + ving” yapısında kullanılan “help” fiilinin “yardım etmek” ile bir ilgisi yoktur. Tamamen ayrı bir anlama gelir ve “kendini alamamak” anlamına gelir. Bu kalıp “infinitive” de il “gerund” aldırır. 1- I can’t help my father REPAIR his car though I’m brilliant at repairing. = Tamir i lerinde çok iyi olmama ra men babama arabasını tamir etmede yardımcı olamayaca ım. 2- I’m so fond of repairing things that I can’t help REPAIRING even my father’s car when it breaks down though I’m not an expert. = Bir eyleri tamir etmeyi o kadar seviyorum ki uzman olmamama ra men babamın arabasını bile bozuldu unda tamir etmekten kendimi alamıyorum.
3- I couldn’t help giving money to the beggar. 4- I couldn’t help the beggar to find a job despite all my efforts.
It + to be + easy/hard/difficult/important/necessary+ FOR + noun/pronoun + TO DO = eylemin kimin için zor, kolay, rahat, önemli/gerekli vs.oldu unu belirtmek için kullanılır. 1- It is so easy for me TO SWIM now that I’ve got my licence. 2- It was quite necessary for her TO FIND a better-paid job. 3- It was very difficult for any one of us TO GET RID OF our personal problems. 4- It was important for them NOT TO GIVE my secret away, but they broke their promise. It + to be + adjective (polite/king/unwise/typical/rude/smart/clever …)+ OF + noun/pronoun + TO DO = eylemi yapan ki iyi tanımlamak için kullanlılır. Ki inin yaptı ı/yapaca ı eylemi yorumlar. 1- It is clever of him to learn both English and computing. = Onun hem ngilizce hem de bilgisayar ö renmesi çok akıllıca. 2- It was wrong of him to quit university for a career in the show business. 3- It was inconsiderate of him to leave his mother on the station platform at night waiting for the train. 4- It was foolish of him to go fishing on the lake in thick fog. 5- It was miserly of her to refuse to buy the children ice-cream.
VERBS OF PERCEPTION (= Algı Fiilleri) “see, hear, feel, notice, watch, listen, observe” gibi algı fiillerinden sonra, konu macı anlatmakta oldu u “eyleme sadece bir anlık ahit oldu unu” anlatmak için (A) kalıbını kullanır : A) see someone DOING something = birini bir eyi YAPARKEN görmek E er yapılan “eylemin tamamına kullanır:
ahit olmu sa” o zaman a a ıdaki (B) kalıbını
B) see someone DO something = birinin bir eyi YAPTI INI görmek 1- I saw him enter the building. (= Onun binaya girdi ini gördüm.) 2- I saw him entering the building. (= Onu binaya girerken gördüm.) 3- I heard someone knock on the door. (= Onun kapıyı çaldı ını duydum.) 4- I heard someone knocking on the door. (= Onun kapı çalı ını duydum.) 5- I felt him crawl up my arm. 6- I felt him crawling up my arm. 7- She listened to her father tell her how to behave more properly. 8- She listened to her parents discussing her new school. *** Bu yapıların passive (= edilgen) biçimleri ise a a ıdaki gibi söylenir: A) see someone DONE = birine bir ey OLDU UNU görmek B) see someone BEING DONE = birine bir ey OLURKEN görmek 1234567-
She saw the sheep being slaughtered for a few seconds and then passed out. He watched the poor beggar shot dead by the two troublesome boys. She heard the whole song sung all night. I heard only a piece of the song being sung by the popular singer. We saw the house being painted and that was all. I sadly didn’t notice my dictionary stolen. I have never heard such a word spoken where I live.
E er algı fiilinin kendisi passive (= edilgen) olarak kullanılmı sa, a a ıdaki yapılar kullanılır: A) be seen DOING = yaparken görüldü B) be seen TO DO = yaptı ı görüldü 1- He was last seen TO feed the ducks in the park last weekend. Ever since, no one has heard from him. 2- The sheep was watched being slaughtered by the scared girl. 3- She was seen TO put the huge case into the boot of the car. 4- He was heard SCREAMING OUT for help while he was being tortured. 5- The last leaves on the tree were seen TO fall by the old gardener.
*** “catch, smell ve find” algı fiilleri ise sadece “gerund” aldırır çünkü istense de olayın tümü gözlenemez. Sadece bir kısmı gözlenebilir. Olayın ba ını görmek imkansızdır. 1- We found him lying on the floor. 2- I caught him stealing the money. 3- Do you smell something burning? I think I do.
a) Get Somebody TO DO Something b) Get Something DONE
a) Have Somebody DO Something b) Have Something DONE
MAKE a) Make Somebody DO
*** BE MADE TO DO = kendisine zorla bir i yaptırılmak 1- The teacher made me stand on a single foot at the blackboard for half an hour. = I WAS MADE TO STAND on a single foot at the blackboard for half an hour. 2- He made his daughter clean the whole kitchen as a punishment for her misbehaviour. = His daughter WAS MADE TO CLEAN the whole kitchen as a punishment for her misbehaviour.
TEST ON VERBS OF PERCEPTION 1- I saw the letter ……… myself. You can’t deny it! A) write C) to be written
B) being written D) writing
2- He was made ….. in the garden at no charge. He was looked upon as a slave. A) work C) to work
B) working D) to have worked
3- I sadly had to watch my sheep ………. and skinned. A) to be slaughtered B) slaughtered
B) slaughtering D) having been slaughtered
4- I said to my father that I could not clean his car, but I was made …….. it . A) to do C) doing
B) do D) to be done
5- Have you ever heard such a strange word ………. ? I myself haven’t, to be honest. A) spoke C) to speak
B) spoken D) to be spoken
6- Her last words were heard ……… by those who had gathered around her. A) utter C) having been uttered
B) to be uttered D) uttering
7- His son is said to have been seen ……… in the mud in the park before he got lost. A) playing C) to be playing
B) play D) played
8- He was caught ……… the money from the drawer of my desk. A) to steal C) steal
B) having stolen D) stealing
9- When the young boy saw his ball ……… by the sea, he burst into tears. A) carrying out C) to be carried out
B) being carried out D) having been carried out
10- The gullible man was made ……….. the singer by shooting her in the leg. A) to be injured C) injure
B) to injure D) being injured
11- The young woman was last seen ………. her own car that was parked in front of the shop. A) get into C) having got into
B) to get into D) got into
12- I used to hear my husband ……… while taking a bath. He was out of tune, though. A) to be sung C) sang
B) singing D) to be singing
13- She was made ……… overtime for free until she felt that enough was enough. A) work C) to work
B) working D) worked
14- He will be kicked out of the team if he is caught ……… in a pub with girls. A) to drink C) to be drinking
B) drink D) drinking
15- Two of the unruly boys were expelled from school when they were found ……… . A) smoking C) having been smoking
B) to smoke D) smoke
16- When I was young, I loved to get up at night if there was a wild storm and listen to the thunder ……… . A) roaring C) to roar
B) having roared D) being roared
17- The volcano was heard ……… up to the fifty miles away. A) to erupt C) erupt
B) erupting D) to be roaring
18- I could smell something wonderful ………. . My mother was cooking dinner. A) to cook C) being cooked
B) cooked D) cooking
19- I have never seen this word ……… in a formal essay so far, have you? A) to use C) to be used
B) using D) used
20- What a strange word! I don’t think I have ever heard it ……… . A) spoken C) speaking
B) to be spoken D) speaks
21- She did not like being made ……… the flowers when he was short of time already. A) to water C) watered
B) watering D) to be watering
22- He was heard ……… at his brother. A) to shout C) shouted
B) shout D) to be shouting
23- They have made him promise ……… before six. A) not to come C) not come
B) not coming D) will not come
24- My car was ……… today but there was a problem with the paint work. A) delivering C) to deliver
B) to have been delivered D) being delivered
25- I think you were able to see the shed in the garden ……… last week. A) to be built C) build
B) building D) being built
26- She could have observed her husband ……….. on if she had wanted, but she didn’t. A) being operated C) to operate
B) operating D) to be operated
27- The unfortunate casualty could not be helped ………. the smashed car until very late. A) getting out of C) got out of
B) get out of D) to be getting out of
28- I don’t think you have heard the song I’m telling you about …………. . A) being sung C) singing
B) to sing D) having sung
TEST ON CAUSATIVE STRUCTURES 1- We should have the teacher ……… how the new computer works. A) to explain C) explained
B) explain D) explaining
2- I will get the waiter ……… you the menu. A) to bring C) bringing
B) bring D) brought
3- You must have your doctor …….. your blood pressure. A) to take C) take
B) taking D) taken
4- My daughter had her tooth ………. at a nearby dentist’s. A) fill C) to fill
B) filled D) to be filled
5- The doctor says that I have to get my lungs ……… . A) X-rayed C) to be X-rayed
B) to X-ray D) X-raying
6- The robber had his hair ……….. so that no one could recognize him. A) to dye C) dyed
B) dyeing D) to be dyed
7- The company will have a market survey ……… . A) do C) done
B) to do D) to be done
8- I’m determined to make those who arrive late …….. at the blackboard for two minutes. A) stand C) stood
B) to stand D) standing
9- I will have the tailor ………. my pants tomorrow. A) lengthen C) to lengthen
B) lengthened D) to be lengthened
TEST ON VERBS TAKING “GERUND” OR “INFINITIVE” WITH A CHANGE IN MEANING 1- I remember ......... our own fishing nets when we were children. A) making C) having been made
B) to make D) to have made
2- The roads need ......... . They are very bumpy, so you need ........ very careful when driving on them. A) repairing / to be C) to be repaired / being
B) to repair / being D) to have repaired / to be
3- They stopped ......... when they saw the bus pass the end of the street, because they realized that they had already missed it. A) to run C) to have run
B) running D) having run
4- I regret ......... how to play a musical instrument when I was younger. A) not having learnt C) not being learnt
B) not to have learnt D) not to learn
5- I’m afraid your ankle is broken and I regret ……… you that you won’t be able to able to play basketball for a while. A) informing C) to inform
B) having informed D) to have informed
6- I tried ……… some suitable books for my essay at the library, but I couldn’t find any because they had already been taken out by some other students. A) to find C) to have found
B) finding D) having found
7- If the mixture doesn’t stick together well, try ………… a little water. A) to add C) having added
B) adding D) to have added
8- She stopped ……… horror films because she couldn’t sleep well due to nightmares. A) to watch C) to have watched
B) watching D) having watched
9- Don’t forget ……… the dog for a walk before you leave for school. A) having taken C) taking
B) to have taken D) to take
10- You should try ………… more. It is a great form of exercise. A) walking C) to have walked
B) to walk D) having walked
11- I really regret ……… these expensive shoes. They really hurt my feet! A) to have bought C) to buy
B) having bought D) being bought
12- I’m sure that you will never forget ………… your first award, will you? A) having won C) to have won
B) to win D) being won
13- I tried ……… the boxes which were full of books, but they were too heavy. A) lifting C) to be lifted
B) having lifted D) to have lifted
14- She told us her theory and went on ………… the details. A) explaining C) having explained
B) to explain D) to have explained
15- I don’t remember ……… the lights open in the house! A) to leave C) having been left
B) leaving D) to have left
16- Colin went on …… for two more hours after his friends had left the library. A) to study C) to have studied
B) having studied D) studying
17- Sorry, I didn’t mean …… your meeting, but I have some urgent news, Sir! A) to interrupt C) to have interrupted
B) interrupting D) having interrupted
18- When a loud noise was heard, everybody in the street stopped ……… what had happened. A) seeing C) to see
B) to have seen D) having seen
19- I tried ………. you earlier, but you were too busy to listen to me. A) warning C) to have warned
B) to warn D) having warned
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