Gerardo vs Plaridel Surety Digest
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GERARDO GERARDO VS PL ARIDEL SURETY FACTS: Gerardo leased her fshpond to Sergo Re!es "or # !ears$ %e"ore the e&praton o" the leased 'ontra't (et)een the*+ Gerardo leased the sa*e fshpond to spo,ses Se(astan$ Re!es ded (e"ore the e&praton o" the lease 'ontra't and hs )do)+ An'a Re!es+ as ad*nstrat& fled+ n Case no$ -.-+ "or 'an'ellaton o" lease 'ontra't (et)een Gerardo and Spo,ses Se(astan and rene)al o" 'ontra't (et)een Gerardo and the de'eased Re!es 'ontendng that the latter has+ ,nder hs 'ontra't o" lease+ a pre"erental pre"erental rght to another lease o" the fshpond n /,eston+ ,pon e&praton o" the ter* theren stp,lated$ Gerardo e&pressed a*ong other thngs+ her )llngness to lease sad fshpond to the estate o" Sergo 0$ Re!es+ at a !earl! rental o" P-1+222$ Gerardo *o3ed "or the appont*ent o" a re'e3er$ 0rs$ Re!es o(4e'ted thereto and o5ered to fle a (ond the 'o,rt dened the *oton "or re'e3ershp+ ,pon the flng o" a (ond "or P#+222$ The 'o,rt appro3ed sad (ond+ )h'h )as e&e',ted (! 0rs$ Re!es and the Plardel S,ret! and Ins,ran'e Co$+ as prn'pal and s,ret!+ respe't3el!$ Gerardo fled another a'ton aganst the s,ret! 'o*pan! "or the 'olle'ton o" P#+222$22 The s,ret! 'o*pan! seasona(l! *o3ed that the 'o*plant (e ds*ssed (e'a,se the 'a,se o" a'ton theren set "orth s (arred (! the 4,dg*ent rendered n Case 6o$ -.-$ Sad 'o,rt granted ths *oton and ds*ssed the 'o*plant$ The order o" ds*ssal ds*ssal appealed appealed "ro* "ro* s (ased ,pon the the gro,nd that that Plant57s 'la* ,nder the (ond a(o3e re"erred to 'annot (e entertaned e&'ept n C3l Case 6o$ -.-+ n )h'h t )as fled+ and (e"ore the 4,dg*ent theren had (e'o*e fnal+ p,rs,ant to R,le 81+ se'ton 9+ and R,le 9 se'ton 12+ o" the R,les o" Co,rt$ I*pledl! 'on'edng that ths 3e) ; )h'h s (orne o,t (! the de'son o" ths Co,rt n Vsa!an S,ret! and Ins,ran'e Corporaton 3s$ Pas',al O5$ Ga?$+ 2>+ 2>9@ and del Rosaro 3s$ 6a3a
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