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Geomantic Talismans (Published May 1989 in PREDICTION Magazine LONDON Written by Tony Willis)

Thanks to Tony Willis for his knowledge  and to PREDICTION Magazine for the publishing . If this WEB page is in any way illegal, please contact me at [email protected]   I made this page because when I found the book and the article of Geomantic Talismans, I searched the web for what was published and could not get the same topic anywhere. So without any further ado let me start......... ******** Please note that the following material is quoted from the book ********


Geomancy , or Earth Magic as is is sometimes known, is very simple yet effective method of divination; it can also be used for making talismans.  


irst the bad news: there is no foolproof system of magic. The good news , on the other hand , is that , if you are prepared to be

sensible, to obey the rules and tailor your experiments to the limits of your knowledge, there is no better or more effective occult discipline than geomancy. For one thing, the geomantic vocabulary is extremely easy to learn. There are only 16 'figures', as they are known, each with clearly defined areas of responsibility. These figures were widely used in the Middle Ages as a method of divination and even today there are those who consult the mystic characters in the time-honoured fashion. But their most exciting use - one that anybody can avail themselves of - is as talismans of protection and good fortune. The 16 geomantic figures and a brief synopsis of their meanings are shown in Figure 1(Please see end of page). However, the secret of their magical use lies in the power released through the various combinations. A word of caution needs to be issued at this juncture because some combinations pack a punch of a fire-cracker and unless carefully used, can have you salvaging the wreckage of a shattered situation for months to come. The combinations given here, needless to say, are all 'safe' and you would be advised to stick with these until you become more familiar with the potencies involved. The use of magic to give protection, or to provide that extra slice of luck when needed is a perfect valid one. There are fields of geomantic magic where the formulae are far more specific than in the examples given here but these are only the experienced magician, the old hand who understands the subtleties of the art.

Each talisman consists of eight sigils (or symbols) set around the spokes of an eight-pointed star. Geomancy is a binary system and, unlike many other magical disciplines, its energies function through sets of even numbers, the numerals 2, 4, 8 being particularly potent. The sigils are derived from the original geomantic figures according to traditional rules. A selection of these sigils is given in Figure 2 but there are other, more complicated symbols associated with the figures, each one - I have discovered - having its own specific frequency and range of activities. I first began to study geomancy in earnest about 5 years ago. The results I obtained right from the first were so amazing that I couldn't understand why the system had all but vanished from the occult scene. I'm still no nearer answering that question. One of my earliest discoveries was that each of the figures was useful for something. For instance Cancer, which in divination denotes imprisonment, hampering circumstances, delays and obstacles, corresponds to certain aspects of the Saturn force. Despite its mournful signification in a reading, Cancer, I soon realised, was excellent for childbirth which, in my month, was always referred to as 'a confinement'. It not only gave an easy bitrh, it also had a positive effect on the health of both the mother and child. Additionally, Cancer acts as a luck-bringer to anyone in the building trade, from architect to humble bricky. it is even fortunate for anybody trying to buy a house or attempting to renovate one. All of which correspond to the more helpful attributes of the planet Saturn. It would take to long to list all the meanings attached to each of the 16 figures. There s only room in an article of this nature to give a few examples of geomantic talismans, which of necessity must be confined to those most likely to be of use to the average reader. The title diagram is an invocation for business attainment and is responsible for the consistent rise of several yuppies of my acquaintance.

Figure 2

Draw this in black on yellow paper; the visual result will surprise you. Or carve it on wood if you have the facility. This talisman is meant to be permanent, so a wooden version is rather a good idea. The job interview is one of situation that fills many with dread. It can be especially harrowing during a time of high unemployment. The following talisman (Figure 3) is useful for instilling confidence into the hopeful canidates and for giving the interviewer a favourable first impression of the applicant. Figure 3

Black on white is the best colour combination. Carry the talisman with you to the interview and burn it afterwards, scattering the ashes to the four quaters.

If, when using this symbol, you nevertheless give a lousy interview, saying all the wrong things and bumping into the furniture, the magic is still working. It's just that the geomantic forces have recognised that this is a job which wouldn't suit you at all. You are either applying for the wrong sort of post or have no affinity with that particular organisation. In either case, be thankful for a lucky escape and move swiftly to the next company on your list. Because geomancy is a branch of Earth magic (geo earth, mancy, a type of forecasting), it is unparalleled in its ability to help with growing things. For the gardeners among you, therefore, I include a delightful talisman which will prove an invaluable aid to horticulturalists and agriculturalists alike. And if you have always fancied being a garden person but lacked the obligatory green thumb, this sigil will provide it. (Figure 4) Best result will be obtained using dark green ink on pale green paper card. (If you can't get the correct shades of any of these talismans, you can always fall back on good old black on white which is alway acceptable to the geomantic intelligences, as the occult powers which operate this system are called.) If one species of plant or vegetable consistently refuses to grow for you (old hands at the gardening game will know what I mean), make a separate copy of this talisman and 'plant' it alongside your seedling or root the next time you bed one out. I'm no gardener myself but am told this works 'like magic'. In an age when violent crime is on the increase, we are all interested in protecting our homes and valuables. Here is a powerful talisman to do exactly that. (Figure 5)

Figure 4

Drawn in black on white or black on mid-green, it should be placed just inside the main entrance to your home. Over the lintel (with its face to the wall if you want to avoid answering embarrassing questions) is a fine location. This sigil doesn't have to be visible to be effective.

Figure 5

In addition, you may be surprised to discover that certain folk who previously came and went with ease are suddenly reluctant to enter your abode. Watch out! The geomantic powers are warning you that such people are not genuine in their intentions toward you. For protection in travel whether by air, sea or land (since it contains the sigils of Via, Populus and Caput Draconis), the next talisman cannot be beaten. (Figure 6) Blue on white, or black on pale blue are the colours advised for this symbol which offers a good, all-round safeguard for holiday makers and globe-trotters alike. Old-time magicians taught that geometric shapes - squares, triangles, circles, even straight lines were imbued with divine power. Having worked for some timewith the geomantic figures (wich are composed of these very shapes), I am willing to believe it. The sigils certainly appear to act autonomously. In my experiments, people carrying talismans they did not know the purpose of returned reports consonant with the intention enshrined in the symbolism. Apparently, the mere act of drawing the sigils is enough to activate them. As long as this basic tenet is understood, geomantic apprentices will have little trouble handling their chosen occult medium. So, the rule is, don't draw any character, sigil or talisman unless you want to liberate its energies. Figure 1 Fortuna Major Business success, promotion, protection, to advance any project that has just begun, goodwill and assistance. Fortuna Minor To help a venture that is already underway, loyalty, courage, vigour and energy, fighting spirit.

Laètitia Physical and mental health, the resolution of legal or judicial difficulties, deliverance from oppressive circumstances. Tristitia Deep thought, philosophical pursuits, all solitary occupations and pastimes, magical studies, to keep a secret. Puella Love, marriage, consummation, agreement, harmony, compromise, entertainment, sociability, parties, art.

Puer Victory, sexual prowess, physical activity, sport, anything combative or competitive, energetic pursuit of goals. Albus New starts in life, change of job, change of home, good resolutions, academic success, intelligence, wisdom. Rubeus

Figure 6

Romance, procreation, all sexual activity, protection when having an operation

Acquistitio Material or financial gain, growth, expansion, success in making requests or asking for favours.

Amissio Love, faithfulness in affairs of the heart, to ensure that gifts of overtures are well received.

Conjunctio Partnership of any kind, commerce, luck, to forward any negotiations or consultations

Cancer Pregnancy, childbirth, building, house repairs or renovations, the buying and selling of property.

Caput Draconis Gain, increase, foreign travel, journey by air, love, conception, birth, occult studies.

Cauda Draconis Sacrifice, renunciation, to divest oneself of something unwanted, whether a habit or a person.

Populus Popularity, publicity, family matters, social arrangements, teamwork, co-operation, journey by sea. Via Road or rail travel, individual success, solo performance, anything connected to speed

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