Geology MCqs

January 13, 2017 | Author: Muhammad Jamil | Category: N/A
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Following are the members of plagioclase family: (a) Albite, Oligoclase, Andesine (b) Andesine, Labradorite, Bytownite (c) Oligoclase, Andesine, Labradorite (d) Labradorite, Bytownite, Anorthite (e) All of these (ii) Chaman Transform Zone is characterized: (a) Mainly by strike-slip faulting with minor subduction (b) Mainly by dip-slip faulting with minor subduction (c) Mainly by subduction with minor strike-slip faulting (d) Mainly by obduction with minor strike-slip faulting (e) None of these (iii) A blocky and fragmented form of lava occurring in flows with fissured and angular surfaces is known as: (a) Ad lava (b) Ac lava (c) Ab lava (d) Aa lava (e) None of these (iv) The following formations are known respectively as Upper, Middle and Lower Productus Limestone: (a) Amb, Wargal and Chiddru (b) Chiddru, Wargal and Amb (c) Wargal, Amb and Chiddru (d) Amb, Chiddru and Wargal (e) None of these (v) The following mineral shows two sets rhombic cleavage: (a) Hornblende (b) Grunerite (c) Tremolite (d) Actinolite (e) All of these (vi) Physical weathering process in which sheets of rock are fractured and detached from an outcrop is termed as: (a) Degeneration (b) Transpiration (c) Exfoliation (d) Deformation (e) None of these (vii) Mohorovicic Discontinuity is the boundary between: (a) Crust and Lithosphere (b) Sima and Sial (c) Crust and Mantle

(d) Crust and Asthenosphere (e) None of these (viii) Type of foliation associated with very fine grained pelitic rocks metamorphosed to low grade is known as: (a) Phyllitic Structure (b) Gneissic Structure (c) Schistose Structure (d) Slaty Cleavage (e) None of these (ix) Which of the following statements is true? (a) Apatite is harder than Fluorite (b) Quartz is harder than Calcite (c) Corundum is harder than Quartz (d) Diamond is harder than all minerals (e) All of these (x) Among following which are classed as chronostratigraphic units: (a) Era, Period, Epoch (b) Group, Formation, Member (c) System, Series, Stage (d) Palaeozoic, Cretaceous, Miocene (e) None of these (xi) Which of the following group of rocks is known as basic igneous rocks? (a) Monzonite, Syenite, Rhyolite (b) Granite, Diorite, Granodiorite (c) Trachyte, Andesite, Dacite (d) Gabbro, Norite, Dolerite (e) None of these (xii) Antistress and stress minerals are discussed in the context of: (a) Metamorphic rocks (b) Sedimentary rocks (c) Plutonic rocks (d) Volcanic rocks (e) All of these (xiii) Island Arc is a linear or arcuate chain of volcanic islands at: (a) Transform Plate Boundary (b) Convergent Plate Boundary (c) Mid-Oceanic Ridge (d) Divergent Plate Boundary (e) None of these (xiv) Axial Fold Belt is the dividing feature between two basins. (a) Indus and Kakar Khurasan

(b) Lower and Upper Indus (c) Southern and Central Indus (d) Indus and Balochistan (e) None of these (xv) Current ripples are used to indicate: (a) Velocity of flow (b) Direction of flow (c) Line of flow (d) Gradient of flow (e) All of these (xvi) Floating invertebrates are known as: (a) Benthos (b) Nektons (c) Zooplanktons (d) Phytoplanktons (e) None of these (xvii) Zaluch Nala is situated in: (a) Eastern Salt Range (b) Western Salt Range (c) Surghar Range (d) Central Salt Range (e) None of these (xviii) Expression of the septum on the wall surface of Ammonoids is known as: (a) Growth lines (b) Suture (c) Ribs (d) Umbilicus (e) None of these (xix) Blue Schist is comprised of: (a) Smectite and Quartz (b) Glaucophane, Lawsonite and Quartz (c) Epidote and Albite (d) Marble and Quartzite (e) None of these (xx) The hinge line of a doubly plunging syncline is: (a) Curvilinear (b) Rectilinear (c) Horizontal (d) Vertical (e) None of these

(i) Diamond s are stronger than graphite

because they have: (a) Van der Waals bonds

(b) covalent bonds (c) ionic bonds (d)

metallic bonds (ii) Bauxite, the principal

ore of aluminu m is actually which type of

soil: (a) pedalfer (b) pedocal (c)

caliche (d) laterite (iii) The term “groundw

ater recharge” refers to: (a) the supply of groundwa

ter that remains stored in the ground for long

periods of time (b) the infiltratio n and addition

of water into the groundwa ter aquifer (c)

absorptio n of water by the soil (d) how fast the

groundwa ter is flowing (iv) Which of the

following aquifers are most at risk to contamin ation?

(a) deep, confined aquifers (b) aquifers in

igneous rocks (c) shallow, unconfine d

aquifers recharge d by rivers that drain agricultur

al or industrial areas (d) All of these

(v) Doubling of the greenhou se gases in the

atmosph ere is predicted to cause: (a) change in

rainfall patterns (b) increase in average

global temperat ure of 1.2 *C (c) northwar

d moveme nt of optimal growing zones

(d) All of these (vi) Platinum and chromiu

m deposits are typically associate d with:

(a) pegmatit es (b) hydrother mal

deposits (c) black smokers (d) igneous mafic

layered intrusions (vii) With increasin g metamor

phism, a shale will go through which of the

following textural changes: (a) phyllite, gneiss,

schist, slate (b) schist, slate, gneiss, phyllite

(c) slate, phyllite, gneiss, schist (d) slate, phyllite,

schist, gneiss (viii) Most petroleu m is generate

d from source rocks deposited : (a) in oxic

to dysoxic (b) dysoxictosuboxic

(c) suboxicto-anoxic (d) dysoxicto-oxic

environm ents (ix) The main driving force

behind secondar y migration in absence

of hydrodyn amics is: (a) buoyancy (b)

capillarity (c) surface tension (x) Mendelee

r proposed that, metallic carbides deep

within the Earth reacted at high temperat ure with

H2O, to form hydrocar bons: (a) methane

(b) ethane (c) acetylene (d) benzene

(xi) Good hydrocar bon source rocks are usually:

(a) Coarse grained (b) fine grained (c)

medium grained (xii) Oil and Gas Develop ment

Corporati on was establish ed in: (a) 1956 (b) 1965

(c) 1961 (d) 1971 (xiii) First discovery of oil Field was

made at Khaur in Potwar Basin in: (a) 1885 (b) 1951

(c) 1915 (d) 1947 (xiv) The zone of leaching in a soil is

also called the: (a) Ahorizon (b) B-

horizon (c) Chorizon (d) Ohorizon

(xv) To be an aquifer, a rock unit must have::

(a) both permeabi lity and porosity (b) neither

permeabi lity nor porosity (c) permeabi lity, but

not porosity (d) porosity, but not

permeabi lity (xvi) Which formation is most

objective as reservoir rock in Potowar region?

(a) Khewra sand stone (b) Datta sand

stone (b) Pab sand stone (d) Sakesar

Lime stone (xvii) Geologist s use the equation

called Darcy’s Law to calculate: (a) the depth to

the water table (b) the discharge through an

aquifer (c) the water pressure in an aquifer

(d) the porosity of an aquifer (xviii) Kalabagh

Dam was proposed to built on: (a) Swat River

(b) Kabul River (c) Indus River (d) Nilam River

(xix) Chromite ore mines are located in:

(a) Axial folded Belt (b) Sulaiman Ranges

(c) Trans Indus Ranges (d) Kharan Ranges

(e) None of these (xx) Most of the Oil and Gas Fields of

Indus Basin discovere d in: (a) Punjab

Platform Area (b) Thar Platform Area (c)

Sargodha High (d) KohatPotwar Basin

(e) None of these (i) Which of the following is a part

of the definition of a mineral? (a) a liquid

that may become solid (b) manmade (c)

definite chemical compositi on (d) unorganiz

ed structure (e) All of these (ii) Which of the

following minerals are arranged in order of

increasin g hardness ? (a) talc, apatite,

corundu m, diamond (b) topaz, quartz, fluorite,

corundu m (c) talc, quartz, calcite, diamond

(d) quartz, topaz, diamond, fluorite (e)

fluorite, calcite, gypsum, talc (iii) How do the

crystal structure s of micas and feldspars

differ from each other? (a) feldspars

are framewor k silicates, micas are double

chain silicates (b) feldspars are double

chain silicates, micas are sheet silicates (c) micas

and feldspars have the same crystallin e

structure (d) feldspars are single chain silicates,

micas are double chain silicates (e) micas are sheet

silicates, feldspars are framewor k silicates

(iv) “Sima” is a general term used to refer to:

(a) rocks of the ocean basins (b) rocks of the

continent s (c) None of these (d) all rocks

that compose Earth’s crust (e) rocks that

compose the crust of terrestrial planets

(v) Which of the following paramete rs influence

s the viscosity of magma?: (a) temperat

ure of the magma (b) oxygen content of the

magma (c) depth of the magma beneath Earth’s

surface (d) quantity of minerals in the

magma (e) all of these (vi) The Continuo us Series

of Bowen’s Reaction Series is compose d of

minerals. (a) with different chemical compositi ons but

the same mineral structure s (b) with different

chemical compositi ons and different mineral structure

s (c) with similar chemical compositi ons and

different mineral structure s (d) with similar

chemical compositi ons and similar mineral structure

s (e) None of these (vii) Plutonic igneous

rocks always have: (a) olivine, calcium

feldspar, pyroxene (b) amphibol e, sodium feldspar,

biotite (c) quartz, muscovit e, potassiu

m feldspar (d) phaneriti c texture

(e) None of these (viii) Weatheri ng processes

: (a) only affect igneous rocks (b) only

affect sediment ary rocks (c) affect all rocks at Earth’s

surface (d) do not adversely affect rocks (e)

cannot be observed directly at Earth’s surface.

(ix) Mud cracks preserve d in sediment ary rocks:

(a) are indicative of arid environm ents character

ized by occasiona l rain (b) occur only in rain

forests (c) occur whenever plants germinat e in rocks

(d) have never been observed in nature

(x) Which of the following lists is arranged in order

from lowest to highest grade of metamor phic

rock? (a) gneiss, slate, schist, phyllite

(b) gneiss, schist, phyllite, slate (c) slate,

gneiss , phyllite, schist (d) slate, phyllite, schist,

gneiss (e) phyllite, gneiss, slate, schist

(xi) The asthenos phere is: (a) that portion of Earth

where rocks behave as brittle solids (b) that

portion of Earth where rocks behave as plastic

solids (c) that portion of Earth where rocks

behave as fluids (d) that portion of Earth where

rocks can be found (e) None of these (xii) Which of

the following is associate d with continent

continent converge nt plate boundari es?

(a) explosive volcanis m (b) andesite

volcanis m (c) large, damagin g earthqua

kes (d) volcanic mountain chain

(e) All of these (xiii) An example of a converge

nt plate boundary is: (a) the Ouachita Mountain

s (b) the Appalachi an Mountain s

(c) the Himalaya Mountain s (d) the Cascade

Mountain s (e) All of these (xiv) The strike of a

layer is: (a) the angle at which that layer intercept

sa horizontal surface (b) the degree to which the

layer has compress ed during mountain building (c) a line

formed by the intersecti on of the layer with the

Earth’s surface (xv) An anticline is a structure

in which: (a) the oldest rock layers are located

at the top of the structure (b) the rock layers dip

away from the axis of the structure (c) rock

layers are down warped (d) All of these

(xvi) The V-shaped outcrop pattern of a plunging

syncline will: (a) be tilted (b) close in the

direction of plunge (c) open in the direction of plunge

(d) not be observed (e) point toward the axis

(xvii) Which of the following is not a feature of

an anticline? (a) youngest rocks on the flanks

(b) oldest rocks near the axis (c) layers dip

toward the axis (d) upwarpe d rock layers

(e) All of these (xviii) Which of the following

is not a principle used in relative dating? (a) the

Principle of Superposi tion (b) the Principle

of Original Horizonta lity (c) the Principle

of Faunal Successio n (d) the Principle of Cross-

Cutting Relations hips (e) The Theory of Evolution

(xix) What is the halflife of a radioactiv e

element? (a) the time required for onehalf of a

given quantity of the element to decay to its

daughter element (b) the time required for all of

the radioactiv e element to decay to its

daughter element (c) half of the time required for a

given quantity of the element to decay to its

daughter element (d) the time required for the

radioactiv e element to decay half of the time

(e) if you observe a radioactiv e element, half the

time it decays, half the time it doesn’t

(xx) The Principle of Faunal Successio n states that:

(a) fossils preserve d in rock layers are less complex

in older rocks (b) the Theory of Evolution is proven

by the successio n of fossils observed in rocks

(c) the fossil record of life proves that life

has succeede d on Earth (d) it is unlikely

that life could have succeede d on other

planets (e) None of these

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