Short Description
credits to laguna government for the information...
2. Soil
Three types types of soil are are commonly found found in Region Region IV-A. IV-A. They are clay (clay (clay loam, loam and and sandy loam); ne sandy loam, silt loam, ado!e and sandy clay loam); soil from fresh marshes, hydrosol found around the "aguna "a#e shores.
In most of $atangas, %a&ite and the 'estern part of Rial and "aguna, the soil ranges from sandy loam to clay, generally suited to upland crops (upland rice, corn, &egeta!le and fruit orchards). In the lo'est areas of these pro&inces, the soil is of clay loam type 'ith ne sandy materials good for rice farming.
In "aguna, the hydrosol type plus clay loam type soil 'ith nd sandy materials found in the la#eshore has gi&en rise to airly homogenous lo'land rice farming pattern in the pro&ince. In contrast, the upland plains of ueon and "aguna are characteried !y the presence of clay, clay loam, type 'ith ne sandy materials good for rice farming.
*oil and *oil Type The soil of the region in e&ery pro&ince pro&ince does not &ary much. Ta!le Ta!le + sho's that the soil type throughout $atangas is predominantly of &olcanic tu 'hich is characteried !y a relati&ely deep soil and either soft !edroc#. It has a teture that ranges from sandy loam to clay loam 'hich is suita!le for upland crops li#e citrus. As in most southern "uon ro&inces, t'o general types of soil are found in "aguna. This is mainly due to the fact that it stands in the transi tra nsitio tion n re regio gion n lyi lying ng !et !et'e 'een en ce centr ntral al /or /orthe thern rn "u "uon on and the &ol &olca canic nicall ally y act acti&e i&e southeastern southeaster n "uon. *oil throughout its northeast portion is mainly from the igneous roc#. In its south'estern portion, &olcanic tu is deposited geologically !y recent &olcanic acti&ity a!ounds. Ta!le T a!le +. *oil *oil Type Type of %A"A$AR01/ %A"A$AR01/ Region Region !y ro&ince ro&ince R1VI/%
314I/A/T *1I" *RI* T5
I!aan "oam
Tagaytay loam, 4a 4agallanes loam
"ipa loam
6araon sandy clay, Antipolo clay
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Antipolo clay, /o&aliches sandy clay
CALAMBA Soil and Hydro-Ecological Characteristics
Calamba with its vast area consists of seven (7) different soil types showing different characteristics. The study of soil types is necessary to determine correctly the suitability crops in the locality. Lipa series are residual soils derived from volcanic tuff, light brown and moderately friable clay loam to loamy textures. textures. t gives favorable favorable external drainage drainage but fairly favorable favorable when it comes to internal internal drainage. Calumpang clay is alluvial. t overlays highly weathered tuff materials with solum that extends to about !"# centimeters deep. t has been found to have good external drainage but the fine clayfish texture tends tends to hamper hamper favor favorabl able e intern internal al drain drainage age.. This This type type is best best suited suited for lowlan lowlands ds rice rice but not recommended for diversified crops due to drainage problems. $aculod series are also residual soils originated from igneous basalt roc%s with a dar% grayish brown color and slightly slightly compact, granular granular clay loam of about "#&7# centimeters centimeters deep overlaying overlaying weathered weathered basalt roc%s subsoil. mbedded ground lenses could be detected sometimes in its profile. This type can be found in the rolling areas around the foot of $ount $a%iling.
Dominant Soil in Calamba
Lipa loam is a dominant type of soil in Calamba comprising a total of ",7''.7' hectares or " of the total !#,"*+ hectares excluding Canlubang area. ee oil -istribution table.
Land Capability
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$oderately good land dominates among classes of land capability in Calamba with /,+/".0 hectares or /7 of the total !#,"*+ hectares.
Erosion Potential
1rosion is the group of natural processes including weathering dissolution, abrasion, and transportation by which earthly and roc% material are removed from any part of the earth2s surface. 3o apparent erosion dominates the class of erosion potential in the town with ',0*" hectares or '+ of the total covered area. ee various degree of erosion per erosion per barangay.
Area Devoted to Crops
The total effective agricultural area in !00* was /,!+.!7 hectares (!7 of the total land area) while the area devoted to diversified planting and livestoc% production is !,"!./" hectares. Lowland Lowland areas are predominantly predominantly planted to rice, with an average average area of 0**.+0 hectares. These ricelands are located in the different lowland barangays such as an Cristobal, 4anlic, Lecheria, an 5ose and 4anadero. The upland areas are devoted to diversified crops such as vegetables, rootcrops, fruits, and commercial crops crops li%e li%e coffee, coffee, coc coconu onutt and sugar sugar cane. cane. 6n estima estimated ted avera average ge area area of !,"!. !,"!./+ /+ hectar hectares es were were allocated to diversified cropping. 6n average area of 70/.'! hectares is planted with vegetable. They are usually grown in upland areas li%e 4unggo, ornalan, 4urol, 8ay&6nlog and 9ortions of $a%iling and Lamesa. :n the other hand, an average area of !#.0* hectares are allocated to planting rootcrops and 70.** hectares to commercial crops. 9ractical 9ractically, ly, Calamba Calamba is predominant predominantly ly sugar cane area (#/.7* hectares) hectares) but production production decreased decreased somehow due to a number of reasons. This is largely grown in barangay Canlubang, 9alo&6lto, 9rina, 8ay&6nlog, 9unta and 9rina. Coffee and fruit trees (7*.0 hectares) is usually grown in the hilly part of $abato, ornalan and 4unggo. ;or productive land use it is intercropped with fruit trees such as pineapple, papaya, guava, banana and avocadoes.
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CABUYAO abuyao is located at the northern part of the province and is 43 km. away from Manila. It is bounded on the west by the Cavite, on the north by Sta. Rosa and on the south by Calamba. Cabuyao has ! "aran#ays$ three %3& are poblacion "aran#ays, si' %(& are located alon# the national hi#hway, si' %(& alon# )a#una de "ay and the remainin# three %3& are located on the western side, near the Cabuyao*Cavite boundary. +he City covers an area of 4,-.(4! has. which is b roadly classified into a#ricultural and built up areas. +he /oblacion of Cabuyao is located at flat terrain. +he city consists mostly of rollin# narrow plains and •
the remainin# areas, which are situated in the western side, has few elevated portions. )and uses %in has.&$ o
0owntown 1one$ 2. has
rban 5'pansion 1one$ ,2.! has
6eneral 0evelopment 1one$ 3!!.3- has
Industrial 1one$ -. has
7#ricultural 0evelopment 0evelopment 1one$ 424.(!! 424.(!! has
5nvironmental Conservation 1one$ 32.4- has
/ort 0evelopment 1one$ 32.- has
+otal land area$ 4, -.(4! has.
rban e'pansion area$ 3, area$ 3, -23.(4! has
/opulation$ -4,!3
8umber of baran#ays$ o
rban$ 2
Rural$ "asic 9acilities$
:ospitals$ public ; private
/rivate Medical and 0ental Clinics$ 44
City health
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