The various geological geological and mechanical variables conspire to pore pressure, which is higher or lower than the normal pressure.
The fundamental dierence dierence between normal and abnormal pressure rock, is that in abnormal pressures zone the pore uid is no longer communicate 100% with the water table trapped!. t rapped!.
Formation of Geopressures
"nce the uid column has been broken, the pore pressure act in # dierent wa$s
1& 't can be perfectl$ sealed like a balloon. (& 't ma$ leak slowl$ like a punctured tire. #& 't can leak )uickl$ and does not hold pressure for a long time.
The criteria that determine the e*cienc$ of the seal or cap rock are 1& +ermeabilit$ (& Thickness #& agnitude of dierential pressure -& Time over which pressure changes have occurred.
Formation of Geopressures
Measurements of formation pressure
The evaluation of formation pressure is essential for well planning, it is important to know the formation pressure so the mud densit$ is optimized.
/ploration and production database can provide detailed information about pore pressure estimation.
Measurements of formation pressure
Information from Seismic, Wireline logs, FEMWD, FEL, direct methods of formation pressure measurements (DST, RFT and LOT and production testing can !e used"
Direct relation !et#een petroleum geolog$ and drilling engineering can gi%e accurate ESTIMATION of formation pressures"
Measurements of formation pressure
2 if available is ver$ important, 3amma ra$, 4esistivit$, 5eutron +orosit$ and formation 2ensit$ can help in estimating pore pressure.
6econdar$ e)uipment such as ud 2ensit$ sensor 'n 7 "ut!, ud Temperature sensor 'n 7 "ut!, ud low sensor and +it 8olume sensors provide useful information for pore pressure estimation.
2rilling parameters such as 4"+, formation gas background gas, trip gas, connection gas,9etc! and the shape and size of shale cuttings provide good information for pore pressure estimation.
Formation Pressure – Mud Density relationship
Normal Pressure Profile
The &$drostatic 'ressure calculation can !e dri%en from the follo#ing euation) P = 0.0519 * MW * DEPTH
Where '* &$drostatic pressure in 'SI MW* Mud Weight in ppg D* +ertical depth in ft
HYDROS!"# PRESSURE #!$#U$!"ON The con%ersion factor ("-./ is dri%en from) There are 0"12 gallon in one cu!ic ft" There are .11 suare inches in one suare ft"
Where) "/2 is the constant for S7 units The euation can !e modified to) 'ressure (psi *"-./4MW (S742"514Depth (meter45"62. Pressure (psi) = 1.42 * M (!") * Dept# (meter)
Effe%ti&e #ir%ulatin' Density (E#D)
Effecti%e circulating densit$ is a measure of the mud #eight under circulation and pressure, it is dri%en from the euation)
Effe%ti&e #ir%ulatin' Density (E#D)
Effe%ti&e #ir%ulatin' Density (E#D)
Pore Pressure E&aluation e%hni*ues
Man$ methods are used to determine the pore pressure, such as)
.87eoph$sical measurement #hich can !e su!di%ided to) 4 Seismic methods 4 7ra%it$ methods 4 Magnetic methods 68 Drilling 'arameter)
Pore Pressure E&aluation e%hni*ues
Mud Density / Gas ut Mud !e"ati#ns$i%&
Differential pressure is the difference !et#een E9D and Formation :alance 7radient and is calculated from the euation)
Su!stituting E9D for W gi%es the Differential 'ressure #hile drilling, it is desira!le to al#a$s ;eep it as a positi%e %alue"
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