Gentle Healing Homeopath

December 21, 2016 | Author: Azad Ansari | Category: N/A
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GENTLE HEALING… … in your handS

Holistic and Powerful HOME-REMEDIES from HOMOEO & BIOCHEMIC

Dr Alka Acharya D. M. S. & Dr Bankey Bihari Mishra M. A., D.M.B.S., M. D. (Bio), Gold Medalist


Beforepresenting the GENTLE HEALING , The Daughter-Daddy Doctor-Duo, the writers, hereby invoke blessings of God for the welfare of the layman through efficacious administration of Homoeopathic and Bio-chemic monumental healing treasures discovered respectively by Dr Hahnemann and Dr Schussler, the two German geniuses.

Let the book be a Boon - to The Layman for instantaneous self-help - to overcome the ailments as and when they arise, - to serve as a ready reference for Doctors. - Let ‘the ocean of the bliss of consciousness,’ be yours.

Dedicated to: The patients, who have suffered treatments … which were worse than the disease itself

CAUTION The remedies mentioned herein are not to be construed as a replacement of consultations with qualified doctors; these are only preliminary treatments indicated for situations wherein common ailments strike and medical help is not available immediately. This book may also serve as a ready reference for Doctors of Homoeopathy & Bio-Chemic medicines and help them to organize themselves better.

Contents Preface It reveals practical choices to overcome any emergency situation when you fall sick suddenly and services of a doctor are unavailable. Section i: self management It divulges useful prophylactics and wonderful power of gratitude, faith, and laughter Section ii: normal functions of human body It imparts a few glimpses of the splendid functions of the principal organs Section iii: more about bio-chemic medicines The remedies are polychrests of the highest therapeutical order Section iv: potency, doses & frequency It describes in detail utilization of different potencies etc Section v: more about homoeopathy Proper selection of a remedy dependent on totality of the symptoms afflicting a patient Section vi: know your friendly kit intimately Specific knowledge of the remedies forming your useful travel kit Section vii: disease-wise remedies It discloses signs & symptoms of different diseases and specific remedies thereof Section viii: some hints for medical check-ups To minimize cost of healthcare some hints for pathological detection have been spelt out Section ix: golden rules ‘Never delay treatment; never take any medicine longer than needed’, it has been appropriately emphasized Section x: medical disclaimer Regular Consultation with professionals is imperative Section xi: highly valuable references


Generally ailments occur suddenly, and do not spare any home. The patient suffers, and though you may be educated, it may not be possible for you to render immediate relief, unless you are a physician. It may be an odd hour when a doctor is not available. More often than not, the doctors do not have sufficient time to attend, and incidentally you may also be busy elsewhere, and are not able to come to his or her aid. Suppose you are alone and fall sick abruptly; if you have no remedy of your own to fall back upon, your worries multiply and you become a victim of unfavorable circumstances. Similarly, you are in a village or a town or a city, other than yours, or may be traveling in a car, a bus, a train or an aeroplane, and get afflicted with an ailment, you have no option except to curse yourself for not acquiring general knowledge of preliminary safe treatment. In everyday life, it is a common phenomenon. To overcome such a situation, it is desirable that you choose, as has been patronized and put into practice by some wise people in India, and also elsewhere rather admirably, Homoeopathy invented by internationally renowned German Doctor Friedrick Samuel Hahnemann and Bio-chemic System of Treatment by means of the Twelve Tissue Remedies enunciated by Dr Wilhelm Heinrich Schussler, for the welfare and security of members of your family and yourself. Consequential therapeutic possibilities are scientific, reliable, dependable and safe, with no known side-effects. Their intrinsic value has been tested and proved on human beings by eminent doctors from the very inception in different environments. Moreover, it is very easy to administer these remedies to infants, children, young or old people, male or female. The tongue loves to taste these sweet powders / globules. On the contrary, it is inconvenient to swallow the Allopathic tablets / capsules / mixtures as usually they are quite big and bitter. Besides, the Allopathic medicines are offered to the medical world for consumption after conducting experiments generally on animals, hence at times are withdrawn from the international markets after observation of some side-effects on certain individuals in the light of subsequent tests, although the same medicines were very popular for a considerable period of time. We derive immense aesthetic pleasure in affirming that no Homoeopathic or Bio-chemic medicine has been discarded nor will be inasmuch as like Gold it has been tested and proved repeatedly not only clinically but subjectively and objectively also, on human beings, and has in the process gained appreciable purity and recognition in different climate and regions. The Bio-chemic remedies are chemically pure salts, homogeneous to the cell minerals in human body. By the aid of these salts, disturbed molecular motion in the cells of the living organism is rectified, disease is overcome and true health restored. The cure denotes equilibrium between organic and inorganic substances of the body. Altered state of cell is disease; normal state thereof is health. The objective is to cover a deficiency of the inorganic component directly; all other medical systems achieve this aim indirectly. A Homoeopath believes in the unlimited powers of human mind, which we know is the principal seat

of consciousness, thought, volition and feelings. It is capable of creating disease in the body simply by thinking of the ailment; it is also gifted to remove any disease from which he or she may be suffering. So the homoeopath does treatment, on principle, in conformity with mental symptoms, and takes care of physical signs and symptoms in compliance with revealed modalities, which indicate aggravation and amelioration factors duly. He does not treat the disease; he treats the unique individual, an embodiment of body and mind. He sees “the smoke” but in it he recognizes the origin which is “the fire” and cures it in “a mild, prompt, safe and durable manner” as proclaimed by Dr Hahnemann whose genius is reflected in modern Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory. In the game of cricket, all-rounders play significant roles. Several Homoeopathic / Bio-chemic medicines relieve pain, heal, cure as well as prevent diseases, like versatile all-rounders, making diagnosis convenient. One may as such initially opt for Homeopathic kit comprising of: 1) ACONITE NAP 30; 2) APIS MEL 6; 3) ARNICA MONT 30 or 200; 4) ARSENIC ALB 30; 5) BELLADONNA 30; 6) BRYONIA ALB 30; 7) CAMPHOR 30; 8) CANTHARIS 30; 9) CARBO VEG 30; 10) HEPAR SULPH 200; 11) HYPERICUM 200; 12) LEDUM PAL 200; 13) MERC SOL 200; 14) NATRUM MUR 30; 15) NUX VOM 30; 16) PHOSPHORUS 30; 17) PODOPHYLLUM 30 or 200; 18) PULSATILLA 30; 19) RHUS TOX 30; 20) SYMPHYTUM 200; 21) SULPHUR 30.

Handy Bio-chemic medicines may comprise of: 1) FERRUM PHOS 6x; 2) KALI MUR 6x; 3) KALI PHOS 6x; 4) MAG PHOS 6x These are personal preferences, may vary from person to person and in accordance with individual requirements. Besides, please often study at home Boericke’s Homoeopathic Materia Medica & ‘The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schussler’ or any other renowned books on the subject carefully. Even one prominent symptom may lead you to a remedy for initial assistance. In acute cases, one need not opt for a constitutional remedy; symptomatic medicine alone will help, may act as a palliative. We know certain people carry with them some allopathic medicines wherever they go. It would be appropriate if they take with them above suggested medicines also, after acquiring preliminary knowledge about them. Once emergency conditions are fulfilled, if self-treatment does not help much, and the patient does not get better to the level of expectation, he or she is expected to heed to this amiable caution and contact a qualified doctor for proper treatment disclosing the steps already taken. An alert patient is the best judge of his or her state of health. Delay in treatment must be avoided in any case otherwise it leads to complications. It is precisely from this perspective that this small book has been written to assist the poor and the rich alike. The selection of the suggested or other medicines ought to be in conformity with the specific

constitution and characteristics of the mind and the body of the patient to the extent practicably feasible. The more the signs and symptoms tally the better the chosen medicine is. Let us illustrate briefly a few experiences, which elucidate miraculous cures by these “tiny atoms” (Late Dr S. K. Das of Calcutta used to utter these prophetic words): 1) It was perhaps 1952 when Mag Phos 6x, every 5 minutes, 5 doses, saved a person. While traveling in a train, he committed the blunder of not availing of a toilet to pass stools although there was urge to evacuate, as the train was about to reach Howrah Station, but unfortunately took rather long time, and on top of it, he had to consume one banana on the insistence of his niece. So as soon as he reached the residence of his elder brother in Calcutta, he suffered from loose motions, frequency every 2/3 minutes, with vomiting, much gas, rumbling, cramp-like pains, great debility, virtual unconsciousness, almost cholera like symptoms. This medicine, which was taken on the telephonic advice of Dr S. K. Das, restored his health within half an hour or so. 2) Once a lady was about to be admitted in a nursing home for an operation of Uterine Fibrous Growth, which caused profuse frequent bleeding, during her climacteric period. On being apprised of the efficacious effect of Fraxinus Americana, a Homoeopathic medicine, she took fifteen drops of mother tincture thereof in water, three times a day for a week. No operation was needed. 3) Nearly 40 years ago, a young married woman, had Fibroid Tumour in her womb, which was cured by Kali Hyd 1x, three times a day for a week, and suggested operation was avoided. 4) Two girls were bitten by a mad dog in our lane some years ago. The dog had managed to come out of a ground floor flat of one of our neighbors and died the very next day. Ledum Pal 200, three doses at interval of 5 minutes, was administered, followed by Hypericum 200, Arnica Mont 200, Belladonna 200 thrice a day subsequently. To the pleasant surprise of everybody, the girls did not suffer from any pain upon mandatory injections being given, and now are proud mothers of baby girls. 5) Whenever we go out of city, we carry our kit of Homoeopathic and Bio-chemic medicines. Once when we were on an excursion trip to Tarapith, we saw a boy writhing with severe acute agonizing abdominal pain around 6 a. m. just after he had evacuated the bowels. We at once gave him one dose of Colocynth 30. The relief was instantaneous. What would have happened, had we not carried with us the medicine, it is not difficult to surmise? 6) Allopathic medicines are well known to give almost always quick relief in diarrhoea / dysentery, though thereafter we do suffer from constipation / slight uneasiness at times, but Homoeopathic medicine also stops loose motions immediately, was known to us by chance from Dr G. L. Mishra, who administered one dose of Podophyllum 30 when one of our relatives was about to leave from Mathura to Jaipur by bus, but suddenly suffered from fetid, profuse, watery painless diarrhoea, early in the morning, a few years ago. No nausea or constipation subsequently. 7) It was 15th of January 1973, when early in the morning a maidservant called on us with her son of about 11 years at our residence. The boy had taken allopathic medicine the previous day for fever, which had subsided. As from 4 a. m. or so he had unusual fits of laughter and screaming, was haunted by peculiar sights, and indulged in murmuring few

uncoordinated words in English every now and then with emphatic gestures, it was surmised by his mother that her son got overpowered by a wicked ghost. We gave him a few doses of Kali Phos 6x. We inferred that the brain of the boy had been affected slightly by excessive heat generated from overdoses of the medicine. The boy became normal the very next day. The illustrations will be innumerable; it is immaterial whether ours or originating from experts in the medical world. The scope of the book is limited. So we have confined the instances to a few. Our contribution to the noble cause is almost negligible in comparison to such human beings who are serving the mankind selflessly and will be able to throw ample light on these and other life saving remedies. Based on totality of symptoms, single dose usually works, but in cases where Miasm (Internal Pollution) comprises of Psora, Sycosis, Syphilis, even Tubercular etc, which is the prevailing general trend of modern times, availing of the services of 2/3 medicines in a day sounds appropriate, on the pattern of treatment by Dr Pratip Banerjee, who has earned name and fame in the manner, and takes care of, we understand, a few hundred patients daily. One should never take pride in one’s achievements. While prescribing any medicine, one should invoke blessings of the Almighty, deity or Guru as may be his or her choice. It works wonders. Failure exhibits erratic selection; success represents correct diagnosis / right choice. The remedies are omniscient undoubtedly. We shall consider ourselves lucky if our humble suggestion inculcates desired nutritious thoughts in sincere devoted aspirants. On a few occasions, it has been advocated that Homoeopathy generates wonderful cures in the case of chronic diseases. The notion has emanated from the common belief that it acts slowly but steadily. We would like to emphasize that the science of Homoeopathy is well equipped to deal with and cure acute as well as chronic including emergency cases, with an armory of remedies, at our disposal. Biochemistry also does not lag behind. The art of general management, of course, is not limited to any particular system of treatment. At times, one may have to seek assistance from other systems as well, such as Unani, Ayurved, Allopathy, Naturopathy, Siddha, Surgery etc., with the common noble objective of curing the sick and the sufferer and to save a precious life. It leads us to conclude that we may have to initiate an indigenous system of treatment where benefits and advantages of all the systems of treatment are availed of, to achieve an ideal cure. However, in a case where tissue of the hormone glands is absolutely inoperative, the valuable parenchyma has been substituted by abnormal connective tissue, and where precise rectification of injuries, disorders, deformities or diseases is unfeasible medicinally, as in Renal Failure, Multiple Gall Bladder Stones etc, use of operative therapeutics becomes imperative. Surgery is supplementary to Homoeopathic / Bio-chemic remedies in the aforesaid deficiencies

and the latter are complementary to the former. Usefulness lies in perceiving the interconnection, consistency, and coherence duly. Inherent therein is the power to satisfy the wants of humanity.

Section I Self-Management ‘He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.’ An Arabian Proverb We believe that you shall not fall sick, disease will not afflict you and you will be free of any illness generally, if willingly you observe the golden principles of self-help, self management and selfimprovement as enumerated herein. As it is of primary importance and dignity, we have taken up this topic first and foremost to ensure that you are always healthy, even without taking any medicine, solely by practical bearing of this doctrine. A) Employ the Power of Mind: 1) Be positive always, never adopt negativity. India is the most optimistic nation. The more you feel good, the more you succeed in sending out magnetic signals to attract objects that help you feel good. “Like attracts like.” Master your thoughts and feelings. Thoughts, being magnetic, have frequency. They will get transmitted, as does your voice through mobile. 2) When you feel down, put on melodious music of your liking or sing. You will feel good. 3) Learn to become still. Energy flows, when attention goes. Practice silence periodically. Set aside a little time once a while to experience tranquility. You will inherit energy and enthusiasm effortlessly. You will feel healthy. You will feel prosperous. 4) Whatever the mind conceives elaborately, it achieves. ‘All that we are, is a result of what we have thought,’ Buddha. “Whether you think you can or think you can’t either way you are right”, Henry Ford. 5) Strong faith does wonders. There are several instances, but we cite a few: a) Cathy Goodman was diagnosed with breast cancer. She believed strongly that she would get rid of the cancer soon. Each day she thanked God for healing. On and on and on she did it. She thought rather firmly that she never had cancer. She watched funny movies so that she could just laugh, laugh and laugh. She did so to avoid stress which is one of the worst things. Without any radiation or chemotherapy or taking any medicine, she got cured in three months. “The power of gratitude, faith and laughter” is limitless. Acquire it, feel it, experience it. By the Grace of God, you will be happy and healthy always. b) Morris Goodman crashed his airplane in March 1981, got almost completely paralyzed, but set a goal to walk out of hospital on Christmas and he did. No wonder, people regard him as a Miracle Man. Human body casts off millions of cells every second, creates millions of new cells simultaneously. Kidneys regenerate, muscles revive, cancer dissolves, eyesight improves and so on and on and on. c) At the age of five, Shelley Mann was afflicted with polio, yet she commenced swimming vigorously and at Olympics held in 1956, received Gold Medal purely consequential to her

firm determination, devotion and dedication in spite of her physical deficiency. 6) “The past is history, the future is mystery, present is a gift.” Give and get joy, happiness, delight in every moment of your life. It is the secret of true health. 7) Be polite, friendly. Harness harmonious deeds, affectionate etiquette. “He who kisses the joy as it flies, lives in Eternity’s sun rise.” B) Use Practical Prophylactics: 1) If you are worried, or in nervous dread/fear, are haunted by visions of the past, look on the dark side of everything, suffer from loss of memory, hallucinations, illusions of senses, sleeplessness and/or dreams of fire, robbers, ghosts or of falling, or any one or two of these ailments, you should take Bio-chemic medicine Kali Phos. 6x, 5 grains, initially thrice a day for six days, thereafter twice a day for 3 days and lastly at every night only before going to bed. In fact on principle as soon as improvement occurs, the frequency of doses should be reduced as may suit you. Patient himself/herself is the primary doctor/ judge of how much and how long any medicine is to be taken. In any case, one should not be habituated to taking any medicine regularly. Kali Phos controls the Grey Matter of the brain. So, it is one of the most wonderful curative remedies for overworked business man, weary females, and nervous children. As it assists in regulating blood pressure, it suits one and all. Alfalfa Q, 10 drops in pure water twice daily for 15 days and thereafter once daily for a month or until tonic effects ensue, induces mental as well as physical buoyancy, also quiet, reposeful and refreshing sleep. It corrects tissue waste, may act as a fat producer. It is helpful in diabetes insipidus (excretion of large amount of pale urine frequently). Alternatively, one may take Alfalfa, after breakfast, and Kali Phos at night for some days. Both are complementary. 2) Avoid flood water, mud, grass, in case you have a cut or wound on your feet or legs. If necessary, wear rain-boots. Stay away from areas where water stagnates as it is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. You may take Staphysagria 30, one or two doses. It will act as a prophylactic against Mosquito bite. 3) Take timely precaution. If you have overeaten, one dose of Nux Vomica 30, Hahnemann’s greatest polychrest remedy, is sufficient to create equilibrium; if you have consumed too much of rich and fatty food at a feast, one dose of Pulsatilla 30 is required to escape from likely stomach agony. 4) You can prevent conjunctivitis if you use Euphrasia Eye Drops twice daily for some days, even occasionally. Cineraria Eye Drops have some reputation in the cure of cataract and corneal opacities, if one drop is used three times a day for several days. 5) Gargle with Hydrastis Q, 10 drops in lukewarm water after dinner to save you from any throat infection, as and when needed. You may continue gargling for a few

days. 6) At times, after meals, swishing around in the mouth for one minute with lukewarm water containing 2/3 drops of Echinacea Rudbeckia Q helps in controlling dental caries, canker sores. It serves as a cleansing and antiseptic wash. It promotes flow of saliva. 7) To get rid of your craving for alcohol, use of Strychninum Nit 3x, 7 drops in water thrice a day for two weeks helps. Angelica Q, 10 drops in water thrice a day also produces disgust for liquor, if taken for a few days continuously. Quercus Glandium Spiritus Q, 20 drops in water three times daily for at least one month takes away craving of alcoholics gradually. For de-addiction to alcohol, Quercus Robur 1x tablets manufactured by Schwabe are also quite good. There is another medicine for this purpose also. Sulphuric Acid Q mixed with three parts of alcohol, ten to fifteen drops three times daily for several weeks, has been used to subdue the craving for liquor. The best medicine pertaining hereditary tendency to alcoholism with craving for alcohol in any form is Syphilinum 1M. Only six doses are good enough, each dose to be taken after 7 days in the morning in empty stomach. Syphilinum patient suffers from obstinate constipation and excessive flow of saliva which runs out of mouth when he is sleeping, and his condition deteriorates at night, from sunset to sunrise, in summer and at seashore. For your information, this great medicine has been introduced into Homoeopathic Materia Medica by Dr Swan. 8) For keeping good health, it is imperative that one does not smoke or resort to habit of chewing tobacco, taking gutkha etc which are highly injurious to health. To remove habit of gutkha, one should take Tabacum 200 twice daily for a month, even longer, if suits, but it has to be borne in mind that for giving up such bad habits very strong determination is an essential prerequisite. Legs and hands of Tabacum patient usually are icy cold. Though cold, he wants abdomen uncovered, may suffer from severe nausea, vomiting, cold sweat, seasickness, breathlessness, despondency. For de-addiction to tobacco, Daphane Indica 1x tablets are also very good. 9) Caladium Seguinum 6 and Plantago Q cause aversion to tobacco hence will be useful in modifying craving for smoking cigarettes / biries and chewing tobacco. Five drops of Plantago may be had in water after meals twice daily for some days and Caladium thrice a day for a week. Peculiarity in the case of Caladium patient may be that the sweat is sweet and attracts flies, and stomach feels full of dry food. Moreover, he or she may be suffering from pruritus (intense itching without a rash) on the genital organs. 10) In case, one is addicted to opium, let him or her take Berberis Vulgaris Q, 7 drops in water 4 hourly until the addiction vanishes. All Berberis pains radiate, especially in the region of kidneys and are worse from motion and standing. 11) If you are habituated to morphine, you should commence consuming Avena Sativa Q, 15 to 20 drops in lukewarm water 4 hourly for a few days to get rid of this obnoxious practice. Its use removes colds, acute coryza, tiredness and sleeplessness. 12) In case you suffer from obstinate constipation with sore feeling in the stomach

more or less constant, weak muscular power, poor digestion, even ulcers etc., you should take Hydrastis Q, 7 drops in lukewarm water 15 minutes after both meals daily for a month or so, and Lycopodium 30, only two doses on two consecutive days in the morning in empty stomach without taking any food thereafter for about one hour; you shall get rid of the problem as soon as you undertake it. The simple course of Lycopodium as suggested herein may be repeated if need be after at least 15 days interval. 13) It has been proved by international researchers that ancient Indian treatment, namely ‘Jalneti”, a salt water rinse for the nasal passages, is a safe and effective remedy for sinusitis as it clears out allergens and bacteria and causes cilia (tiny hairs in the nose which push mucus along) to work more effectively. It is a hit in the West. Let it be in India also. 14) Honey has anti-toxicant and anti-viral effects, soothes throat and reduces cough symptoms. So adopt this home remedy, if it suits you. 15) Even chewing gum for one hour, three times a day, after abdominal surgery, has therapeutic value, it has been found out by the researchers. It stimulates intestinal activity, lowers acid levels significantly, produces extra saliva, and assists normal bowel function. 16) During menstrual periods, females should avoid taking any Homoeopathic or Bio-chemic medicine as it is likely to aggravate or suppress the menses or hinder normal flow of blood. However, in the case of amenorrhoea / dysmenorrhoea / menorrhagia / metrorrhagia etc., doctor may have to prescribe in accordance with requirements to regulate menses.

C) Befriend Godly Water: 1) Make drinking water safe by boiling it for at least 20 minutes to destroy all harmful germs including deadly viruses and bacteria and drink it after cooling it properly. In case, you have Aqua Guard at your residence, or R. O. Water Purifier, its purified water is useful, not only for drinking but also for other purposes such as keeping your denture, if any, fully immersed in it. It does not acquire any impurity, if kept in such a manner whereas if ordinary water is used for it, it becomes viscous and sticky. Do drink purified water as much as you can conveniently in conformity with your constitutional requirements. That Water is godly, has been proved by a Japanese scientist by certain practical experiments. He kept clean water in two separate glass bottles. On one he wrote GOD, and on the other he chose writing DEVIL. He kept both bottles in a fridge for a few days. When the bottles were taken out, it was seen that water made pious swastika designs in the bottle with the name of God whereas in the other devilish sketches existed. In ancient times, you have heard that the sages used to cite mantras with some pure water on their palms while cursing a person, and used to throw it upon him/her. Now-a-days also a pundit sprinkles water on everybody for purification before commencing any religious ceremony. Evidently, water does multifarious activities. 2) Wash your hands with soap before eating. Wash fruits & vegetables thoroughly with clean water if to be taken raw. Make a habit of washing your eyes, face, mouth, hands, and feet while entering your house from outside to remove injurious elements. It was a healthy custom in ancient times. Never forget to brush your teeth with toothpaste which suits you before going to bed. Homoeopathic toothpaste is also good. D) Adopt Yogic Exercises: 1) Simple Yogic exercises, if done regularly, are immensely helpful in preventing as well as curing sicknesses / removing sufferings. Also learn “Reiki” from a “Sadguru” and practise it. It will keep you fit and others also whom you help by applying it on them sincerely, it has been widely reported. 2) Be active, walk more, sleep well and smile. Inadequate sleep increases levels of a stress, which causes an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and blood glucose and thereby disrupts the everyday routine. So sleep well - a minimum of 7 hours - to lead a long healthy life. Your life-style shall be worth imitating. According to a recent study by the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California, it has been noticed that by adopting comprehensive lifestyle changes, as advocated above and also below, the activity of disease-preventing genes of people increases while considerable number of disease-promoting genes, including those causing breast cancer and prostate cancer, get removed. This finding is an answer to those people who often say, “What can we do, it is all in our genes?” 3) About three decades ago, the elderly persons used to advise the youngsters that “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise”. Now-a-days

no such guidance is being given probably because they themselves are not accustomed to follow the maxim. If you form the habit of willingly getting up at 4 a. m., you shall have the privilege of witnessing ‘Amrit Bela’, and shall get time for stillness/meditation and may have blissful intuition to perceive and implement excellence which emanates from your inner self.

E) Eat less, Gain More: Eat nutritious food, not rich food. The best snacks are fruits. Dry fruits, vegetable, yoghurt and cranberry juice are also good snack options. Yoghurt contains friendly bacteria, which corrects irritable bowel syndrome, offsets side effects from antibiotics and provides us with multiple health benefits. Cranberry juice is useful for prevention and eradication of urinary tract infection. Besides, please avoid roadside eateries. If at all you wish to eat outside your home, choose hygienic restaurants. Ice cream is better than coke, cookies are better than cream pastries, and thin-crust pizza is better than thick-crust pizza. Always eat a little less than your appetite is. Your liver, stomach, intestines smile if you do so. Diseases dare not attack such a person usually. Eating 8 to 15% less adds years to your life. It is an anti-aging trick. It helps you live a more healthy life. Calorie restriction also slows aging. Cut calories by 20 to 40%. F) Cultivate Cleanliness: 1) The most ideal illustration of the maxim, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”, is personified, we are glad to state, in an MLA from Bussy, who has formed a small team and leads it, it is reported, to spray mosquito repellant across the town, and to clean clogged drains and undertakes door-to-door collection of garbage from households in his constituency. He does not do it for any publicity. If throughout the country some young people act sincerely in furtherance of this noble mission, with or without the assistance of the Government, we shall succeed in eradicating several diseases. In any case, we should see to it that our houses, offices, factories, and surroundings are habitually neat and clean. 2) The day you wear dress of your choice, you feel good, are able to work more in less time without any fatigue whatsoever, but in case you are not comfortable in what you have worn, you are likely to feel miserable. So, ensure you are well-dressed daily. Similarly, if the food you are having is tasty, you feel energetic. Likewise interior decent decoration of your home makes you and your family happy. G) Inculcate Healthy Habits: 1) Inculcate the habit of passing stools in the morning daily. If you do not do so, you extend invitation to injurious germs as the faeces if remain un-expelled for long periods form breeding ground for them. Faeces inside the bowels, you know, are like garbage, regular timely excretion of which is a must otherwise you may fall sick. Similarly holding of urine unnecessarily affects kidneys adversely. People generally are aware of this natural requirement but do neglect it if not trained well or accustomed to this good habit from childhood. Adopt whatever measures you can in this regard to observe it scrupulously. Do not disturb the digestive system of yours under any situation or circumstances; it is the golden rule for maintaining good health persistently. 2) We trust suggestions made would stimulate you to adhere to the enunciated life style. Let you be “a smile doctor.” Smile elicits smile. So let us cultivate it for our own wellbeing.

Section II NORMAL FUNCTIONS OF HUMAN BODY – a few glimpses When we look at our own body, we see the tip of iceberg. If we look inside of our body, we feel organs, tissues, cells, molecules, atoms and then there is energy, which may be termed vital force or spirit or soul, as you may like it to be called. Cell is the basic unit of life. A human body has about 75 trillion cells. A single cell does about six trillion actions per second, and contains data equivalent to that of 85,000 home computers, acknowledge scientists. It is heartening to learn from the scientists that in case the molecules of the human body are put in a straight upward line, the line so formed shall reach Sun and return to earth more than 600 times. No wonder we are blessed with pure potentiality. It is inside us. The moment we realize it, nurture it in right direction, we shall achieve great success effortlessly. A group of similar cells constitute tissues and tissues form organs. Let us now describe below a few salient functions of some of the organs, rather briefly, to make you more familiar with the living organism, before touching remedies for elimination of particular diseases. BRAIN The human brain is made up of about 1000 billion neurons and neuralgia. It is lodged in a bony case, known as cranium, which protects it from external injuries and shocks. Grey matter is composed of nerve cells and white matter is composed of nerve fibers. Cerebrospinal fluid acts as a shock-proof cushion for the brain and spinal cord and keeps them moist. Scientists say that if the nerves of the brain of a person are spread fully, they will cover the whole earth. Even your eyes have more than one lakh nerves. HEART: Degree of work being done by heart and the force, with which it works, is known by Systolic pressure. Diastolic pressure is the measure of peripheral pressure, i.e., the degree of pressure the heart has to withstand. It is astonishing that every minute, 5 liters of blood is pumped out from each ventricle of the heart, passes through tissues and returns to the heart by venous drainage. Cardiac generators create impulses which are transmitted into cardiac musculature to maintain heart beat rhythmically.

LUNGS: Lungs are essential organs of respiration. When air enters our body, it goes down the trachea, passes through two bronchial tubes, which get divided into four, then eight, thereafter hundreds of

thousands of little air-tubes in each lung, known as bronchi. At the end of each airway, there are tiny sacs called alveoli. Healthy lungs possess hundreds of millions of alveoli. Each alveolus is covered with a thin layer of fluid that keeps the sac open for absorption of oxygen and excretion of carbon dioxide. The lungs also have millions of tiny hairs called cilia. Besides, lungs are credited with blood vessels and elastic tissues, and purify reduced blood. Oxidation occurs. Oxygenated blood passes through pulmonary veins to the heart wherefrom it is propelled into Aorta and supplied to upper and lower extremities of the body.

DIGESTIVE CANAL It is a long muscular tube consisting of the mouth (guarded by lips and teeth), tongue, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anal canal. The ducts of the salivary glands open into the mouth. Small intestine consists of duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. Duodenum receives food from the stomach. The bile duct and pancreatic duct jointly open in it. Small intestine is roughly about 25 feet long. Its great length provides enough time and surface area for digestion and absorption of the food stuff. The small intestine opens into large intestine where water is absorbed and the faeces are formed. The large intestine opens into rectum and anal canal. STOMACH It grinds, digests and propels gastric contents of the food to the duodenum. There are about 40 million gastric glands in the mucous membranes of the stomach. It manufactures a substance called Castle’s intrinsic factor. The extrinsic factor is vitamin B 12. The intrinsic factor interacts with it and helps in its absorption. SPLEEN It produces new blood cells, so do lymph nodes and Red Bone Marrow. It also modifies blood. It is a Haemolymph gland, between 9th and 11th ribs on the left side. LIVER It is the largest gland in the body. It weighs about 1.5Kgs. It is situated in right hypochondrium, and partly in epigastrium regions of the abdomen. Its various functions are: 1. It manufactures bile which is essential for complete digestion of fats. 2. It does metabolism of carbohydrates, fat, protein, hormones. 3. It manufactures all plasma proteins except immune globulin. 4. It regulates blood volume, accommodates one third thereof. 5. It produces prothrombin and fibrinogen which are essential for clotting. 6. Its mast cells form heparin to prevent clotting. 7. It transfers blood from portal to systemic circulation. 8. It forms vitamin A and stores vitamin B 12. 9. It detoxifies toxic substances. j. It transforms carbohydrates into fats; proteins into carbohydrates. k. It forms and stores glycogen.

KIDNEY The principal organs of excretion are the kidneys which are situated in the small of the back on either side of the spine. Inside each kidney renal artery splits into a network of over a million capillaries. Each capillary forms into a kind of twisted knot called glomerulus, which filters plasma and separates red cells & impurities. It is a fine filter. Each kidney consists of one million Nephrons. If aligned together their length is about 65 kilometers. Functions: 1) It excretes 1.5 to 2.0 liters of urine per day. 2) It excretes waste products like ammonia, urea, nitrogenous substances, and sulpha drugs, after protein metabolism. 3) It helps to maintain plasma protein and water balance of the body. 4) It maintains acid-base equilibrium between plasma and urine. 5) It regulates blood pressure during hypoxia (abnormally low amount of oxygen in organs). 6) It regulates erythropoiesis (formation and development of R.B.C.) 7) It plays an important role in Vitamin D and Calcium metabolism. 8) It helps in maintaining osmotic (unbalanced) pressures in blood. 9) It helps to maintain normal hydrogen-ion concentration of body fluids and electrolytes.

Section-III MORE ABOUT BIO-CHEMIC MEDICINES “Rabindranath held that the biochemic therapy is very simple but very efficient.” Biology acknowledges Biochemistry to be scientific. Bio-chemic treatment is the outcome of the teachings of Biology, Physiology, and Chemistry. The human body obeys the laws of the three essential sciences. So does the Biochemic therapy. Blood contains organic and inorganic substances. Sugar, fats and albumin are organic constituents of the blood. The inorganic constituents are water and certain minerals called cell-salts, namely calcium, potash, lime, silica, iron, magnesium, sodium, chloride etc. Cell-salts are the workers-the builders of the body. Every disease which afflicts the human body is purely due to deficiency of one or more of these inorganic builders. Equilibrium of the inorganic substances is essential to human living organism as much as it is for fertile soil and plant life. Life was first born in sea water. Each salt, which exists in sea, is found in human body. Biochemic remedies are chemically pure salts, which are homogeneous to cell-minerals in our body. The Bio-chemic Therapy uses Mineral kingdom. It triturates the mineral salts. It impregnates the cells with pulverized minerals. It is the scientific key to normal health of the human body. The basic principle of the system is founded on Law of Nature. As Nature fulfils vacant spaces with atoms and other vital elements, Bio-chemic system of medicine fulfils the deficiency by supplying the missing cell-salt in molecular form to the cellular and interstitial fluid in human body and naturally achieves cure, establishes equilibrium with other components of the living entity, activates organic substances to complete proper metabolism. Salts are absorbed by the cells in the form of ions (electrically charged electrons). The biochemic remedy restores the ion gradient essential for the normal functioning of the cells. Bio-chemic remedies are twelve, all essential to proper growth and development of every cell of the human body. In a nutshell, they may be described as mentioned hereinafter: 1)


d) of Soda: NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM e) of Magnesia: MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA 2) Chlorides: a) of Potash: KALI MURIATICUM b) of Soda: NATRUM MURIATICUM 3) Sulphates: a) of Lime: CALCAREA SULPHURICA b) of Soda: NATRUM SULPHURICUM c) of Potash: KALI SULPHURICUM 4) Fluoride of Lime: CALCAREA FLUORICA 5) Pure Silica: SILICEA A granule of salt contains millions of atoms which no human eye can discern.

By proper application of the twelve tissue remedies, which have proved to be polychrests of the highest order, we shall bring Chemical Hygiene to innumerable persons in times to come. The role of the Bio-chemic system of medicine is tremendous. It has already made wonderful strides in U.S.A., Japan, Germany, India and some other countries. However, it is pertinent herein to state that functional and constitutional disorders, nervous system disturbances, any type of neuralgia, and several inflammatory and degenerative conditions of cells and tissues are being satisfactorily and successfully treated with Bio-chemic medicines, but in the case of infectious diseases, Homoeopathic or antibiotic treatment may be preferable. As certain antibiotics, it is reported, may harm tendons, precautionary measures may be essential.

Section-IV POTENCY, DOSES & FREQUENCY Bio-chemic: The usual dose for adults is 5 tablets of the indicated remedy, three or four times a day. Each tablet measures one grain. For children, it should not be more than three grains, twice / thrice per day. When two or more medicines are required, they should be given preferably in alternation, every two hours. If the pains are severe, give it in hot water, until desired relief is achieved. In acute cases, a dose every half hour or one or two hours as may be needed; in severe/emergency situation, every ten minutes 5 times but one day only, thereafter from next day usual daily doses of three or four per day; in chronic cases, two / three doses daily. The best method is to put the tablets below the tongue. For babies and infants, the tablets are crushed and carefully administered in a powder form or dissolved in a teaspoonful of water and given from the spoon, but not through the bottle feed. A diet of fruit and vegetable juices is good for bio-chemic medicines. In any case, strong spices, stimulants such as coffee, tea, tobacco, and wines should be avoided at the time of taking biochemic remedies. Frequency should be reduced after amelioration. Schussler preferred 12th trituration for Calcarea Fluor, Ferrum Phos, and Silicea, but 3x or 6x is also quite good for each and every Bio-chemic medicine. Homoeopathic Generally globules Nos. 20 to 40 are used. Adults take four to six per dose; children take two, at a time, to form one dose. If in liquid form, one drop in water suffices for a dose. The phials (small glass bottles) containing medicine should be kept straight and away from sunlight, water and strong smells. Morning dose should always be in empty stomach. You should not take any food or drink at least up to one hour before, and after taking the remedy. Intake of camphor, peppermint, asafetida, cardamom, coffee, onions, and garlic is prohibited. Normally taking 30th potency thrice a day for two days is safe. In the case of 200th potency, once a day is good enough. Actually, medicinal intake should be proportionate to the acuteness of the illness. In an emergency, four/five doses of 30th potency may be taken every 10/15 minutes. But in such an event, it is better that split doses are consumed. To form split doses one should put two drops of indicated medicine in half cup of pure water, cover the cup with a plate and from the cup

take one spoonful of the medicated water every 10/15 minutes four or five times only, and throw away the remainder water. Remember that as soon as improvement is visible, frequency should be reduced drastically. Mother tincture, which is denoted by the sign ‘Q” is administered twice or thrice a day in water containing 7 to 20 drops preferably after meals. Fifty Millesimal (fifty thousandth potency), which are prepared in distilled water and marked 0/1, 0/2, 0/3 and so on, are very effective in chronic cases and are being given one dose a day for a week or 10 days till the medicine starts its effect. Exceptions: There are some Homoeopathic medicines which are usually taken only once or twice in a week such as are mentioned below: Causticum 200: In chronic ailments, especially in paralysis, once or utmost twice a week Variolinum 200: It is used as preventive to chicken pox / small pox; only two / three weekly doses. Inimical: Apis Mel is inimical to Rhus Tox & Rhus Tox to Apis Mel. So these remedies should not be given after each other. We shall deal with this aspect in respect of other medicines as and when such medicines are indicated to rule out ambiguity, if any.

Section-V MORE ABOUT HOMOEOPATHY “Similia similibus curentur,” i.e., like (diseases) are cured by like (remedies). It is imperative to choose in each case a medicine which excites affection similar to that against which it has been employed. To cite an example, when a healthy man uses cannabis (Hashish), he suffers from hallucinations, uncontrollable laughter, speaks continuously, seconds seem ages and so on. If these or similar symptoms afflict a person, we can cure him/her by homoeopathic medicine Cannabis Indica which is made from cannabis. Cocculus produces bouts of dizziness; it is used to treat dizziness. Thallium is depilatory but homoeopathically cures loss of hair. Peruvian bark (Cinchona) produces intermittent fever, Cinchona Officinalis, a homoeopathic medicine cures it. The symptoms, in their totality, are the pre-requirements for selection of a medicine. Sometimes a peculiar sign and symptom may lead to a remedy; to stretch his/her cold leg out of the warm bed is a characteristic sign for application of Secale Cornutum. To a layman, advice of Dr Hering that if at least three salient symptoms of the ailment tally with the symptoms of the medicine, one should go for it without any hesitation, seems appropriate, although it is true that the more the symptoms tally, the better. Homoeopathy therefore is a natural therapy. It is based on basic natural principles. Causes: For workers handling T.N.T., who inhale and ingest it and also absorb some of it through the skin, 30th potency of Trinitrotoluene has been used with considerable success in removing consequential tuberculosis, articular rheumatism, neurasthenia etc., but in case the cause remains, the ailments may recur after some days. “Health is an episode between two illnesses” Ted Kaptchuk So, removal / moderation of causes is necessary otherwise recurrence of the disease cannot be ruled out.

Caution: Although self-treatment by Bio-chemic and Homoeopathic medicines is quite safe generally, as these tiny atoms are truly versatile and take care of several symptoms simultaneously, diagnostic obligation demands that you exercise precaution almost always if no improvement is visible in the condition of a patient within two days of the commencement of the treatment, and refer the case to a qualified doctor disclosing the medicine(s) given, to enable him to apply the most scientific homoeopathic therapy. There is undoubtedly no substitute to proper medicinal consultation.

Practical conclusion: Proper selection of a remedy is actually the domain of a knowledgeable physician inasmuch as it has to be in conformity with totality of symptoms and in such an event, even a single dose of the indicated medicine suffices, but as this small book is primarily for The Layman to whom it has been dedicated, we have not gone for individualistic homoeopathic therapy and have opted for disease-wise resume of medicines with appropriate indication of a few peculiar characteristics thereof to enable him / her to choose a remedy suitably for ultimate welfare of a patient as enumerated specifically in subsequent sections of the book. Let right choice be yours. Precise study of the suggestions will give you ample skilful confidence.


KNOW YOUR FRIENDLY KIT INTIMATELY The section contains reliable factors, utility of which is discernible from under-mentioned disease-wise details: 1)


a) Bio-chemic Medicines Ferrum Phos, 6x, is the best fever remedy in Bio-chemic system of medicine. It should be given either alone or in alternation with Kali Mur 6x, every hour/ two hours, as the condition may demand, during fever. White or grayish coating on the tongue is a sure sign for use of Kali Mur. Timely administration is the essence of treatment. Delay gives birth to complications. As soon as improvement occurs, the duration should be increased suitably, inasmuch as excess of medication is no good under any circumstances. It is safe as it covers first and second stages of enteric, gastric, typhoid, typhus, rheumatic, scarlet, yellow, intermittent (with vomiting of food), puerperal, catarrhal and all inflammatory fevers. It prevents traumatic fever. (Chief remedy for intermittent fever in all its stages of course is Natrum Sulph 3x; for malarial fever patients Natrum Mur 6x is also required. Such patients must abstain from milk diet, buttermilk, eggs, and fish) The febrile conditions also encompass meningitis, measles, chicken-pox, small-pox etc. So there is no fear or worry while prescribing the two versatile tissue remedies, which also take care of headache, earache, eye problems, colds, quinsy (inflammation of tonsils & surrounding tissues with abscess formation), diphtheria, mumps, dyspepsia, constipation, pneumonia, pleurisy, cough, cystitis, cardiac difficulties, rheumatic pains, abscess, boils etc. Aggravation by movement is a guiding symptom. Ferrum Phos in low potency should not be given in the evening, as it is the period of aggravation for this medicine, it is reported, but if absolutely necessary, one may take it for some relief safely.

b) Homoeopathic Medicines The kit comprises of five excellent Homoeopathic remedies for fever: i) Rhus Tox 30

ii) Bryonia Alb 30 iii) Belladonna 30 iv) Aconite Nap 30 v) Arsenic Alb 30 The influenza may be bacterial or viral, it is safe to prescribe as soon as increase in temperature is noticed Bryonia Alb if it is summer, if wet rainy weather Rhus Tox or Arsenic Alb, if winter Aconite Nap or Belladonna. Some peculiarities should be understood: i) Rhus Tox: In any and every kind of fever, extreme physical restlessness, fear of being poisoned; complaints relieved by movement and aggravated during rest, from getting wet while perspiring, before a thunderstorm; triangular red tip of tongue, sensation as if bones were scraped with a knife, swashing (Sound of washing or rising & falling) sensation in brain, very chilly, even open air intolerable, dreams of rowing or swimming, tearing pains in tendons/ligaments, desires cold milk which relieves gastric complaints. Fever may commence around 7 p.m. and last whole night and/or attack at 10 a.m. and remain whole day. (Apis Mel & Rhus Tox are inimical, so must not be given after each other) ii) Bryonia Alb: Fever associated with constipation & bursting type headache, complaints ameliorate by absolute rest, lying on painful side & pressure and aggravate by least movement; dryness of mouth, tongue and throat with excessive thirst at long intervals, stools large hard dry, as if burnt; exceedingly irritable, wants to go home although at home, slow onset of fever. iii) Belladonna: Belladonna stands for violence of attack and suddenness of onset. It can be prescribed in any season. No thirst with fever. Severe throbbing headache, better by tight bandaging, worse slight noise; throat congestion causes tonsillitis & difficult deglutition; hallucinations: sees monsters, ghosts, black animals, various insects; pain aggravates by slightest touch, even of bed cover, ameliorates after drinking hot water; transverse colon may protrude like a pad; sleepy but cannot sleep. iv) Aconite Nap: Sudden rise of temperature with physical and mental restlessness, due to exposure to dry cold winds, tossing about in agony, fear of death, crowd, crossing the street, predicts the day he will die, burning thirst for large quantities of cold water, watery coryza with sneezing, affections of the heart with pain in left shoulders, worse at night and in evening, better in open air, urine suppressed, music unbearable. Aconite is neither indicated in typhoid, malarial and low fevers nor alternated with any other medicine. It is quite good in traumatic fevers. If the case requires Aconite, no other drug is needed. It should be repeated frequently in acute disease. It is a rapid worker. It may be replaced by other medicine, if required, next day. v) Arsenic Alb: High temperature may be due to G. I. Tract infection. Septic fevers. Fever with gastroenteritis. Intermittent fever. Hay fever caused by pollen or dust in summer with asthmatic symptoms. In typhoid, after Rhus Tox, not before. Great prostration with mental restlessness. Fear of death, thinks it is useless to take medicine: afraid of loneliness; burning pains, affected parts burn like coals of fire, drinks often but little at a time, complaints worse after midnight, upon lying down, at seashore, better from heat & warm drinks. This remedy acts on every organ and tissue profoundly. Dyspnoea with gastralgia, dyspepsia and craving for acids, coffee, milk. Excellent results are seen in the case of abuse of alcohol, injurious

effects of watery fruits, cold drinks, ice cream, spoiled meat, decayed food. Note: All symptoms may not appear at a time. So the layman has to apply medicine based on a few salient features only. No worry, even then. Security: The intake of these tiny atoms is safe against assault of disease force upon vital force of the human body inasmuch as application thereof is indicated in viral or bacterial influenza, intermittent, remittent, scarlet, gastric fevers, measles, smallpox, heart affections including Angina Pectoris etc. We may add that urethral fever requires Aconite, Arsenic, and/or Rhus Tox; for Worm Fever, Belladonna is a good remedy. No such freedom is at the disposal of doctors who practise allopathy which cures a diseased action by induction of another action of a different kind hence their remedies differ from disease to disease almost entirely and if administered wrongly for want of appropriate tests may generate adverse effects.

Unique Union: In summer, Bryonia is an excellent alternating remedy for Ferrum Phos, even in bronchopneumonia or bronchitis, besides Kali Mur. We can alternate Rhus Tox with Ferrum Phos when confronted with fever in wet rainy weather and expect good results. Similarly, in winter, Belladonna may be alternated with Ferrum Phos. But no alteration is preferred with Aconite Nap. Let us also bear in mind that Rhus Tox is complementary to Bryonia Alb and Arsenic Alb. So these remedies follow each other well. If needed, may be given safely. Let us add that in lowfevers ranging from 98.5° to 99.5° F and persisting with dry cough despite medication, Arnica Mont 30 three hourly for two days works wonderfully, We cite a few examples: a)

Rhus Tox, we know, is an acute remedy. A lady of rheumatic diathesis was afflicted with 101° F temperature, after taking bath in Ganges at Haridwar in the morning and wore wet clothes for a long period perforce, and had to proceed to Gangotri, Yamunotri, Kedarnath, Badrinath same day in the evening in a luxury bus for which reservation was done in advance from Calcutta itself. She was administered three doses of Rhus Tox 30 half hourly and after one hour thereof took one dose of Arsenic Alb 30. She was all right by the evening to undertake the tedious journey. b) An elderly person of 55 years had made arrangements, which included

conveyance, food provisions & lodging for a picnic party consisting of neighbors, friends and relations, about 50 persons, from New Alipore, Calcutta to Mayapur, but a day before it was being held, he got sick and the fever increased considerably as that day he had to attend office to complete an urgent work. So by the time he reached home the fever was 102° F. He was the only person who was aware of the plan in detail, hence he had no choice except to undertake the journey the very next day otherwise he would have incurred losses and would have caused harassment & inconvenience to so many families. It was an emergency situation. Moreover, it was summer, and the heat could have compounded his sufferings. He was given Bryonia Alb 30, three doses every one hour during day time and at night almost every two hour. In the morning, the temperature was almost normal and he could complete his assignment without any problem. No weakness thereafter. c) A student suffered from high fever commencing almost after midnight, just two days before his High School Examinations. He was quite restless. Slightest exertion caused great exhaustion to him. He could not bear food smell. Arsenic Alb 30 was administered every two hours first day, and four hourly the next day. Bryonia Alb 200 was also given in the evening on both days. He could appear at his examinations successfully and did not experience any weakness. It is observed that generally during Homoeopathic/Bio-chemic treatment weakness, if any, vanishes, but after consuming Allopathic medicines, it increases. (However, whenever fever crosses 101° F, some people prefer taking Calpol, an allopathic medicine, which brings down the temperature and no adverse effects thereof have been reported. Alternatively, some people use small piece of cloth soaked in cold water on the forehead of the patient constantly until the fever comes down considerably. It is equally effective. The common objective is to save the brain from ill-effects.) 2) Shock: Arnica Mont 200 is the best, to begin with the treatment, frequency of the doses dependent on condition. Even one or two doses may work. Hypericum 200 follows well. Kali Phos 3x or 6x also very good, may be alternated with, if need be, Mag Phos 3x or 6x, frequently. 3) Injury: Initially, if minor, Arnica Mont, one or two doses, may be sufficient but to be repeated, if major. It is of great use in head injury. It dissolves blood clot and stops internal bleeding. In the case of injury to nerves, especially of fingers, toes and nails Hypericum 200. Repetition should be in accordance with the nature of wound. For punctured wounds produced by sharp instruments, particularly in case the affected parts are cold, Ledum Pal 200, followed by Hypericum, is quite good. It reduces swellings and prevents tetanus. Ferrum Phos is the most useful Bio-chemic remedy in mechanical injuries to the soft tissues. It reduces inflammation, relieves pain & congestion, and assists repair-work nicely. It can also be used externally. 4) Bites:

Bites of animals, spider, scorpion, insects, ants, bees etc, require Ledum Pal, Hypericum, Belladonna, Apis Mel, if necessary repeatedly. Arnica, Ledum, Hypericum, Belladonna follow each other well in such cases. For bites of dogs, Kali Phos 3x or 6x also quite good. We shall discuss it further in subsequent section of diseases.

5) Burns & scalds: Cantharis 30 is the best. It has to be repeated, if required half hourly. It is also good for urinary problems. Kali Mur 3x or 6x internally as well as externally is also very helpful.

6) Haemorrhage (Bleeding): Arnica controls haemorrhage of any kind instantly. Haemorrhage may be into the tissues of internal organs, it may be from the skin or gums or any artery or vein. It stops bleeding from the gums after tooth extraction. Two or three doses are good enough. It is a muscular tonic. It is required for correction of retinal haemorrhage, also for uterine bleeding. It re-absorbs extravasation of blood. It prevents post-partum haemorrhage. Local external application of Ferrum Phos, in powder form, on portion wherefrom blood is oozing out, stops bleeding promptly. 7) Headache: Congestive throbbing headache: Belladonna, Ferrum Phos Bursting headache, worse least movement: Bryonia Burning headache with vertigo, worse on rising: Aconite Headache with sensation as if a nail driven in: Nux Vom Hammering headache from sunrise to sunset: Natrum Mur Neuralgic headache from overstrain: Kali Phos Paroxysmal headache when cold aggravates, heat relieves: Mag Phos 8) Eye problems: Burning in eyes with acrid tears: Arsenic Alb, Natrum Mur Conjunctivitis: Aconite, Belladonna Retinal haemorrhage: Arnica Mont, Ferrum Phos Iritis, eyes painful on turning: Rhus Tox After exposure to glare of fire: Merc Sol Paresis of ocular muscles: Nux Vom For traumatic injury of the eyes: Symphytum Feeling of sand in the eyes: Kali Mur in alteration with Ferrum Phos Squinting: Calcarea Phos, Mag Phos in alteration, subsequently Kali Phos

9) Earache: Sudden earache with sensation as of drop of water in left ear: Aconite Nap Inflammation of middle ear with tearing pain & humming noises: Belladonna Earache due to boil in the ear with discharge of fetid pus: Hepar Sulph 200, 3 doses Otalgia, worse in bed with itching in ear through Eustachian tube: Nux Vom Thick yellow discharge from ear with offensive odor better open air: Pulsatilla Discharge of bloody pus from the ear: Rhus Tox Roaring and ringing in ear: Natrum Mur Inflammatory earache after exposure to cold or wet with burning throbbing pain, noticeable pulsation: Ferrum Phos 6x hourly, 6 doses Kali Mur 6x, principal remedy for deafness from swelling of the glands & the external ear. There may be cracking noises on blowing the nose. 10) Toothache: Worse with hot, better with cold liquids: Ferrum Phos Non-inflammatory toothache if hot liquids ease the pain: Mag Phos Throbbing pain in teeth, Gumboil, Grinding of teeth: Belladonna Hypericum 200, every 2 hours, if excessive painfulness affects nerves. If wisdom tooth pains, it should be alternated with Arsenic Alb 200, twice daily for two days. Merc Sol 200: Crown of teeth decay. Teeth loose, tender, elongated; alveolar abscess, fetid odor, great thirst with moist mouth are characteristic symptoms. Toothache relieved by holding cold water in mouth: Pulsatilla Neuralgia of teeth, worse after midnight, better warmth: Arsenic Alb 11) Mouth: Small aphthous ulcers with bloody saliva: Nux Vom Ulceration of mouth with dryness and burning heat: Arsenic Alb White ulcers (thrush), Aphthae; Kali Mur 6x

12) Throat: Throat constricted, red, hot with angry-looking congestion & difficult deglutition, worse liquid & on the right side, tonsils enlarged: Belladonna Sore, burning throat with bluish swelling, profuse saliva, and loss of voice: Merc Sol Quinsy with pus, shooting pains and a sensation of a splinter in throat: Hepar Sulph Sore throat of singers, inflamed tonsils, swollen glands: Ferrum Phos

13) Coryza: Sudden exposure to dry cold winds, much sneezing with dry or watery coryza: Aconite Thin, watery, excoriating coryza, better warm drinks, no relief after sneezing: Arsenic Sneezing in sunshine: Merc Sol Violent, fluent, watery, sneezing coryza with loss of smell & taste: Natrum Mur Colds, fluent in day, stuffed up at night and outdoors, worse warm room: Nux Vom Stuffy cold; dry burning coryza, with whitish-gray tongue: Kali Mur To abort an ordinary cold in the head, give Ferrum Phos, every 15 minutes for an hour or two. 14) Cough: Loud, noisy cough with expectoration of milky white tenacious phlegm: Kali Mur Short painful dry cough at night, expectoration absent: Ferrum Phos Hoarseness with loss of voice; suffocative cough from eating anything cold, worse in morning & while walking, sneezing in winter: Hepar Sulph 30 15) Constipation: Bryonia Alb is the best so far as the kit is concerned. Stools seem too large, hard, and dry, as if burnt, worse in the morning, in summer especially, from least movement; constipation accompanied by a white-coated tongue leads to the use of Kali Mur. Ferrum Phos is useful in constipation with anaemia, paleness, flushes of heat, palpitation, piles.

16) Flatulency & Colic Carbo Veg 30: flatulence with pain worse lying down, temporary relief from belching, weak digestion, simplest food disagrees, excessive accumulation of gas in stomach and intestine, sour eructation, desire to be constantly fanned, must have all the windows open, lowered vital power from loss of fluids, vertigo with nausea, constipation with very offensive breath; Thrice a day for two days. Nux Vom 30: Epigastrium bloated several hours after eating. Nausea and vomiting every morning, dyspepsia from drinking strong coffee, belching of gas difficult, wants to vomit, but cannot. Flatulence and constipation owing sedentary life; bad effects of alcohol, ineffectual urging to pass stools, frequent desire for stool. Three doses every 15 minutes will relieve you of the ailment. Mag Phos 6x: Flatulent colic forcing the patient to bend double accompanied with belching of gas which gives no relief. Hiccough; craves sugar; averse to coffee; Gastralgia, with clean tongue. Pains worse on the right side, from cold, relieved by warmth, bending double. It may be given every 10 minutes, four or five times, preferably in hot water.

17) Diarrhoea:

Podophyllum 30: Stool with gas, early morning, in summer, painless, profuse, offensive, green, & watery; there may be nausea & vomiting with thirst for cold water. Two doses may be good enough. Aconite Nap 30, preferably 1x, 2 drops in half cup of water, every two hours for hilly diarrhea with sudden loose or watery stools. Arsenic Alb 30: Food poisoning after taking watery fruits, melons, preserved foods, great restlessness, intense agony, prostration and burning thirst; drinks much but little at a time. Phosphorus 30: Very fetid stools, watery, pouring away as from hydrant, great weakness after stool, sensation of anus wide open. One of our most valuable remedies for diarrhoea of children is Calcarea Phos 6x. Stool may be hot, watery, profuse, offensive & noisy. It may be alternated with Mag Phos 6x if the child suffers from flatulent colic also. 18) Dysentery: Kali Mur and Ferrum Phos, both in 6x potency and in alternation, are generally sufficient to cure dysentery, if taken in time. If the evacuations are offensive, Kali Phos may be substituated for Kali Mur. Arsenic Alb 30: Amoebic dysentery; drinks much but little at a time. Stools small, dark, very offensive, bloody with great prostration. Merc Sol 30, 4 hourly, if stools bloody, slimy, with much pain and mucus, worse at night and in wet weather. Phosphorus 30, 4 hourly, 3 doses; violent pains as from knives; passes pure blood instead of normal stools. (Causticum must not be given after Phosphorus as it is inimical.)

19) Vomiting: Nux Vom 30: It is the greatest of polychrests. Frequently, it is the first remedy, after much dosing. It establishes equilibrium. It is highly useful to those who lead a sedentary life, take rich food, wine, coffee etc, and suffer from nausea and vomiting after overeating, with depression of spirits. They feel better after vomiting. It is also useful for vomiting during pregnancy. Nux Vom patient is oversensitive. Trifling ailments are unbearable. He may have vertigo in morning and after dinner. Three doses may be given every 10 or 15 minutes for quick relief.

Arsenic Alb 30: Nausea, retching and/or vomiting, after eating or drinking. Ill-effects of watery fruits, spoiled meat, decayed food. Cannot bear the sight or smell of food, unquenchable thirst, drinks little water at a time frequently, burning pains. Vomit may contain blood, bile, green mucus. Everything swallowed seems to lodge in the oesophagus; let it be given every two hour one day. Phosphorus 30: Water is thrown up as soon as it gets warm in the stomach. Ingested food scarcely swallowed is thrown up by the mouthfuls. It is good for post-operative vomiting. There may be nausea from placing hands in warm water. Perspiration may have the odor of sulphur. Vomiting may be due to bad effects of eating too much salt. It will be useful if taken 2/3 hourly one day. Ferrum Phos 6x: Vomiting of food, sometimes with sour fluids. There may be vomiting of brightred blood; Weight in stomach about an hour after each meal, with nausea and painless vomiting. Mag Phos 6x: It is for spasmodic vomiting, especially if accompanied by violent pains in stomach. 20) Vertigo: Belladonna 30: Vertigo, with falling to left side or backwards or when stooping, even on every change of position. Bryonia Alb 30: Vertigo on rising from chair, worse warmth, any motion; better absolute rest. Carbo Veg 30: Vertigo with nausea and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Ledum Pal 30 or 200: Vertigo when walking, with tendency to fall on one side. Nux Vom 30: Vertigo with momentary loss of consciousness, in morning and after dinner, worse mental exertion. Kali Phos 6x: Severe vertigo, felt mostly on rising from a sitting position and on looking upward. There may be dread of falling.

21) High Blood Pressure: Aconite Nap 200 with Rhus Tox 30 twice daily & Kali Phos 6x at night for a few days may keep it in check 22) Low blood pressure: Ferrum Phos 6x is very useful. In the case of a state of collapse when the whole body is icy cold and sudden sinking of strength exists, particularly after operation, if temperature is subnormal and the patient suffers from low blood pressure, Camphor 1x, three doses in water at 15 minute intervals has achieved classical fame according to Dr William Boericke. Kali Phos 6x is also useful, so are Carbo Veg 30 and Pulsatilla 30.

23) Heart affections: Before you hospitalize the patient, who is afflicted by affections of the heart with pain in chest and left shoulder, bounding pulse, tachycardia, arms feel numb, you should give him / her Aconite Nap 30, at least one or two doses to save him / her from fear, anxiety, worry and tension of arteries. Arsenic Alb 30 also helps a lot in angina pectoris with pain in neck and occiput. For feeble action of the heart with almost imperceptible pulse, alternate Kali Phos 6x with Mag Phos 6x in warm water hourly, even at 15 minute interval, 4 or 5 times, and from the next day increase the duration of the administration suitably. 24) Boils: Ferrum Phos 6x: During inflammatory stage to relieve throbbing pain and heat. It prevents suppuration. Kali Mur 6x: After Ferrum Phos, for the swelling before pus forms. Belladonna 30: For indurations (hardness) after inflammation, if required, in alternation with Merc Sol 30. Hepar Sulph 200: As soon as pus forms, it shortens its duration. Arnica Mont 30: Painful summer boils in crops. 25) Backache, also pain in lower extremities: Pain in back and limbs with sore, bruised and lame feeling: Arnica Mont 200. Pain & stiffness in back and nape of neck, tearing pains in tendons and ligaments, better motion, worse while sitting: Rhus Tox 200 in the morning in empty stomach, Arnica Mont 200 in the evening, for some days. Coccyx injury from fall, backache due to nerve injury, pain radiating up spine and down limbs, cramps in calves, crawling in hand and feet: Hypericum 200, twice a day, may be alternated with Rhus Tox 30. Backache with stiffness, neck and knees may be painful and stiff, worse on least movement, warmth; better absolute rest: Bryonia Alb 30, three hourly doses. Sudden backache due to exposure to dry cold wind, worse night and left side: Aconite Nap 30 Pain in small of back and neck, heat relieves: shooting sensation in the limbs resembling electric shocks, spasmodic muscular contractions, cramps in calves, worse on the right side: Mag Phos 6x. 26) Asthma: Arsenic Alb 30: Asthma worse midnight, may be from cold drinks, unable to lie down, fears suffocation, must sit or bend backward, wheezing respiration, great weakness, restlessness.

Kali Phos: preferably 2x, Asthma from nervousness and least food, worse cold air and noise, better rest & heat. “A single dose of one of the Tissue Remedies (Kali Phos), given to the attending Allopathic physician by a friend, brought instantaneous relief to all the sufferings as if by magic and the patient lay flat and slept without any trouble.” (Dr B.N. Mitra) 27) Appendicitis: Belladonna 30: Sudden severe pain, extreme sensitiveness to touch, even bed-clothes, better semi-erect. Mag Phos 6x: Pain forces the patient to bend double; it is relieved by warmth and pressure. 28) Dropsy (Morbid accumulation of watery fluid in any part of body): Apis Mel 6: Dropsy of abdomen (Ascites), sudden oedematous swellings or puffing up of whole body with sore, burning, stinging pain, migrating from one part to another; loss of thirst, scanty urine worse heat, better cold. It may be given 4 hourly. Rhus Tox is inimical. Kali Mur and Kali Phos in alternation for the treatment of dropsy, arising from weakness of the heart, are very good. 29) Paralytic affections: Arnica Mont 30: Thrice a day. Kali Phos 6x: 4 hourly. (Later, you may follow suggestions in subsequent section) 30) Skin disorders: Sulphur 30: Intolerable itching, scratching relieves but brings on burning, worse when at rest, washing & standing; One or two doses in the morning, one or two days, not more than that. Arsenic Alb 30: If Sulphur does not help, Arsenic helps. Skin: dry and scaly, burning with clammy perspiration, black vesicles, worse cold and scratching. Kali Mur 6x: Eruptions on the face, or eczema arising from vaccination, with deranged uterine function and white coating on the tongue; thrice a day. “Eczema in a child, on cheeks, chin and behind ears, skin swollen and inflamed…cured in one week by Kali Mur 6x, every 4 hours.” (D.B. Whittier, M.D.) Kali Phos 6x: Eczema in nervous persons, with offensive odor. Itching of the skin, with crawling sensations; chilblains, on toes, hands, ears, not suppurating, may be alternated with Kali Mur 4x hourly.

Conclusively, in so far as disclosure of the friendly kit is concerned, we confess that the scope for disease-wise details got confined to the listed medicines only. But we trust this section will be of practical use to those who study it deeply and avail of the inherent benefits from these versatile tiny remedies by adhering to the principle of commencing treatment as soon as disease force overcomes vital force of the human organism. Besides, precise moment for action, it should also be borne in mind that the duration, frequency, & potency of the medicine to be taken should be in conformity with the acute or chronic nature of disease, its force, and intensity. Primarily, we reiterate, patient is the best judge of his condition, improvement and cure. Excess of medication also no good. The treatment may be put under competent medical supervision, if necessary. The section that follows deals with specific diseases and corresponding remedies coupled with some symptomatology.

Section-VII DISEASE-WISE REMEDIES ABSCESS (An acute infection which forms pus in a cavity of the body, and is surrounded by inflamed tissue; considerable quantity of non-functional organic substance accumulates at one spot. Food containing plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables should be given.) Symptoms: a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

A little eruption/inflammation appears on the body It hurts It grows It reddens It itches It forms pus A boil may become an abscess

Remedies: 1)

Belladonna 30:

To be given thrice two days, provided treatment commenced within 24 hours of the infection. Hot compression also required. 2) Myristica Seb 30: It is to be given three hourly for three days. “It hastens suppuration and shortens its duration. Often does away with use of a knife.” It is a remedy of remarkable antiseptic powers. It cures traumatic infections and whitlow also and is useful in fistula in anus too. 3) Calcarea Sulph 3x: For painful gumboil, it is an excellent remedy. It may be given in five grain doses, three or four times a day for a week or so. The presence of pus with a vent is an indication for its use.

4) Natrum Sulph 12x:

Fistulous abscess of Years’ standing, discharging watery pus, surrounded by bluish border, falls within its curable range. It is given thrice a day for a few days. It may be alternated with Calcarea Sulph 12x if the abscess does not heal for some days. In case, the discharge becomes putrid, frequent doses of Kali Phos 3x should be administered.

5) Silicea 6x: That it is an excellent remedy, has been proved in a case of an old person who suffered from tendonitis of the second phalanges. His hand was full of thick, yellow pus. “He had been poulticed, lanced and morphined.” But there was no relief. So the allopathic physicians decided to remove the finger. A day before the finger was to be amputated the patient consulted Dr A. P. Davis who cured the finger by giving Silicea 6x, a dose every three hours, besides doing Eucalyptus dressing every day. “In four weeks the finger was restored to its natural size and shape.” This case has been narrated in detail in The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schussler by William Boericke and Willis A. Dewey.

ACIDITY (Hyperacidity and Gastralgia also) (Abnormal acidity in stomach which causes contractive burning pain, belching, sour eructation, constipation etc. A deficiency in phosphate of sodium causes acidity.) Symptoms: a) b) c) d) e)

Burning in the food pipe Sour & bitter belchings Digestion of food slow Flatulence in upper or middle or lower part of abdomen Acidity in the stomach causes cramps, pains and burning sensation

Remedies: 1)

Natrum Phos 4x or 6x:

Acidity, sour risings, gastric derangements causing flatulence, headache and giddiness, pain after eating in one spot, loss of appetite, dyspepsia; stomachache when worms are present, accompanied

by abnormal acidity of the stomach; nausea & vomiting of acid fluids, aggravated during thunderstorm or at night or in the morning. If need be, it may be alternated with Ferrum Phos 6x advantageously, every two hours. Alone also suffices. It works slowly but steadily. One should avoid free indulgence of potatoes, starchy food, puddings etc. 2) Calcarea Carbonica 200: Frequent sour eructation; sour vomiting; loud belching; “Pit of stomach swollen like an inverted saucer”; the patient longs for cold drinks, feels better when constipated; complaints aggravate while eating. In elderly people, it should not be repeated too frequently. One dose may benefit. If so, no need repeating, otherwise twice a day for three days. Bryonia should not be given after Calcarea Carbonica. Lycopodium is complementary, works well after Calcarea has been administered.

3) Lycopodium 30: Food tastes sour; likes taking hot food & hot drinks which ameliorate ailing conditions; excessive hunger but a few mouthfuls create fullness; lower abdomen bloated due to gastric affections; burning eructation rises to pharynx; desires sweets. One dose may be given in the morning in empty stomach for a week. It follows well after Calcarea Carbonica, and also Carbo Veg. Natrum Phos may also be given simultaneously at noon and in the evening. 4) Robinia 30: Vomiting of an intensely sour fluid with acrid eructation & flatulent colic may exist. It should be given 4 hourly for 2/3 days. It is palliative. Improvement occurs promptly. 5) Carbo Veg 30: Weak digestion; food putrefies before it digests; desires to be constantly fanned; excessive accumulation of gas in upper abdomen; belching gives temporary relief; sensation as if stomach would burst, better passing wind. It may be given 4 hourly 2/3 days. It is a very good medicine. It is also good for heart under such circumstances. 6) Nux Vom 30: The Patient suffers from dyspepsia, after much dosing or drinking strong coffee, with difficult belching of gas. Wants to vomit but cannot. Sour, bitter eructation with epigastrium bloated, several hours after eating. One may take one dose of it at night for a few days with one dose of Carbo Veg in the morning on those days.

ACNE (Pimples also) (It is an inflammatory, follicular, papular and pustular eruption on face, chest or back. Basically, it is a hormonal problem. Rich food should be avoided. Proper attention to exercise and bowels is essential. Wash face three times a day. Do not squeeze or pick pimples. Drink plenty of fluids.) Symptoms: a) b) c) d)

A crop of pus filled lesions appear on the face, chest or back Soreness prevails Itching, scratching or rubbing aggravates It worsens after eating fatty food, sugar, coffee or meat

Remedies: 1)

Calcarea Phos 6x:

Face full of pimples, especially in young girls with menstrual disorders and debility; Freckles (sporadic sunburn); may be given three times a day for some days. After substantial improvement, instead of 6x potency, one may take 12x once a day for a week and thereafter 30x weekly, 3 doses.

2) Calcarea Sulph 3x: If tender pimples under the beard or pustules on the face, it may be given thrice a day. In case, acne is of gastric origin, Antim Crud 6 should be given with this Biochemic remedy. 3) Natrum Mur 30x: Pustular eruption on forehead; it should be taken one dose in the morning on alternate days, a few doses only. 4) Berberis Aquifolium Q It clears the complexion, if 7 drops of it is given in water 4 hourly for some days.

5) Eugenia Jambos Q Acne may be simple or indurated. The pimples are painful; Acne rosacea, Comedones; seven drops 4 hourly in half cup of water. 6) Silicea 6x, 5 tablets twice a day: For eradication of small lumps or nodules on the face and scalp, it is the remedy, especially if the complexion of the face is pale and earthy. It is also useful to cure Keratosis Pilaris which causes rough patches and small acne-like bumps on arms and thighs.

Addison’s disease (Grave’s disease) (Emaciation, blackish or coppery pigmentation (melanosis), hypotension, Gastro-intestinal Asthenia (weakness), great falling of hair, hypoglycemia (unusually low concentration of glucose in blood), giddiness, vertigo) Symptoms: a) b) c) d) e)

Sensation of thoracic constriction Extreme weakness & debility Skin acquires brownish-black or coppery patches The patient suffers from sudden great loss of hair, low blood pressure & vertigo Blood glucose decreases considerably

Remedies: 1)

Adrenalin 2x:

It acts promptly & efficiently owing to rapid oxidation and therefore practically harmless, unless repeated too frequently. It is invaluable in checking haemorrhages from all parts of the body. It has been suggested in acute congestion of lungs, arterio- sclerosis, haemophilia, anaemia characterized by greenish skin and reduction in haemoglobin, and sensation of thoracic constriction with anguish. It is given three hourly for a few days as may suit the patient.

2) Vanadium 6: It accompanies Adrenal beneficially. It is an oxygen carrier. It “increases and stimulates phagocytes.” It increases haemoglobin. It acts as a tonic to digestive system. It arrests degenerative condition of liver and arteries. It enhances appetite. It may be administered three times a day.

3) Natrum Mur 6x: The patient may have brown spots upon the back of hands, extreme mental and physical weakness, trembling of legs, nausea, vomiting, constipation, giddiness, frequent yawning.. It may be given twice a day for several days. Natrum Sulph in 6x potency is the chief remedy, in case the patient is afflicted with bronzed skin, anaemia, feeble heart and debility. Let it be given twice a day in such a case, with an occasional dose of Natrum Mur as an intercurrent remedy.

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which destroys natural defense system of the human body. Presently it is incurable. However, palliative treatment in conformity with the symptoms may be given to give relief to the patient to the extent possible, and some cure may be achieved.) A few Symptoms: a) Sexual debility attacks b) Yellowish Cyst develops on the genitals c) Loss of weight month after month

d) Continuous fever constitutes one of the prominent signs & symptoms e) Even if fever vanishes consequential to very strong fever remedy, it returns vehemently f) Patient suffers from diarrhoea, dysentery, T.B., Pneumonia etc frequently Medicines: 1) Arsenicum Bromatum Q: It is a great anti-psoric and anti-syphilitic remedy. Four drops should be given in water twice daily after meals. 2) Echinacea Purpurea 1x or Q: It corrects blood disorders. It acts as a cleansing and antiseptic wash. It raises body’s resistance to bacterial and viral infections. It may be given in seven drop doses mixed in water daily, along with Ars Brom. 3) Syphilinum 1M: Three fortnightly doses to be given simultaneously as an inter-current remedy. 4) Thuja Oc 200: One dose a week in the morning may be required at times in case great exhaustion and emaciation exists, music is intolerable, there are warty excrescences, and while walking, it appears that the limbs are made of wood or glass, and would break easily. The patient should avoid onions. 5) X-Ray 30: One dose alone may be good enough, if administered occasionally in the morning in empty stomach. When there are organic changes leading to a stage of incurability, and carefully selected remedies fail to act, this medicine frequently arouses the reactionary powers of the human organism. It has the property of stimulating cellular metabolism. It arouses vitality, mentally as well as physically. If we use it at proper time, it helps in curing various clinically dreaded conditions such as leucaemia, anaemia, atrophy of ovaries/testicles, psoriasis, eczema, fistula, necrosis of bones, falling of hair in bunches, paralysis, diabetes mellitus, obstinate cases of arthritis, gout, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, spondylosis etc. Its action is centrifugal, so it brings out suppressed gonorrhoea, syphilitic chancers, skin eruptions, which then can be cured by applicable remedies. 6) Aurum Met 30: The use of gold as an anti-venereal remedy is very old. This remedy is produced out of metallic gold. So the disease which has been communicated by sexual intercourse falls within its curative nature. Moreover such a patient develops great desire to commit suicide, increased blood pressure afflicts him, and he may suffer from atrophy of testicles. Dosage may be applied as the need be. 7) Sarsaparilla 6, 4 hourly, a few days: Intolerable stench on genitals; itching on scrotum and perineum; pains due to venereal disease, causing mental depression; colic and backache at the same time. 8) Piper Methysticum Q, 5 drops in water, twice daily: It also covers gonorrhoea, gleet, cystitis, leprosy, and ichthyosis. The patient experiences amelioration of pains for some time on his attention being diverted to another topic. 9) Kali Mur 3x: Its deficiency causes excess of fibrin which finds an exit from the body through urethra. It is a specific when swelling of any parts of the body exists. Five grains to be given every three hour, preferably with Natrum Mur in 3x potency in case characteristic watery transparent discharges are observed. Natrum Mur purifies the blood. (Leibig). It is the principal remedy to throw off poisonous substances and superfluous matter. It is one of the chief antidotes.

Albuminuria (Bright’s disease also) (Presence of protein, mainly albumin in urine, which indicates inflammation or congestion of the kidneys or contamination in lower urinary tract, is known as albuminuria or proteinuria.) Symptoms: a) b) c) d)

Overacidity Frequent urging to urinate Milky urine owing presence of albumen Burning and drawing pain in urethra

Remedies: 1)

Arsenic Alb 30:

Urine albuminous, scanty, burning; after urinating, feeling of weakness; drinks much, but little at a time. 4 hourly 3 doses may be good enough. 2) Mercurius Cor 30: Urine hot, burning, scanty, albuminous, may be bloody; perspiration after urinating; stabbing pain extending up urethra into bladder. It may be given 6 hourly for 2/3 days. 3) Phosphoric Acid 0/2, twice a day for a week: Debility produces nervous exhaustion; urine frequent, milky and burning at times; emissions at night and while passing stools; testicles tender and swollen; swollen glans-penis. 4) Calcarea Phos 6x & Kali Mur 6x: Three doses a day of each remedy with occasional dose of Kali Phos 6x achieved complete cure in two weeks, in the case of a lady, aged 23 years. (Dr W. Whisler, Tingley, Iowa)

Allergy/Aversion (Hypersensitiveness to certain Medicines, drinks, foods etc.) Allergy/aversion to:

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) t) u) v) w) x) y) z)

Antibiotics: Sulphur 30, 6 hourly, 3 doses Beer: Kali Bichrome 30: 4 hourly, 2 days Bread: Natrum Mur 30, 4 hourly, 2 days Cabbage: Petroleum 30, 6 hourly, 2 days Castor oil: Bryonia Alb 30, 4 hourly, 3 days Cheese: Nitri Spiritus Dulcis Q: 7 drops in water, thrice a day for a week Cold drinks: Arsenic Alb 30, 4 hourly, 2 days Cold milk: Kali Hyd 200, thrice one day Coffee: Nux Vom 30, 4 hourly, 2 days Cod liver oil: Hepar Sulph 30, thrice a day for 2 days Dust & smoke: Histamine 1M, one dose in a week, total 3 doses Lemonade: Selenium 200, once a day, total 3 doses Melons: Zingiber 30, 4 hourly, 2 days Pickles: Lachesis 200, one dose a week, total 3 doses Onions: Thuja Oc 200, one dose a week, total 3 doses Rice: Tellurium 30, 4 hourly, 2 days Pastry: Pulsatilla 30, 4 hourly, 2/3 days Sugar: Natrum Phos 6x, thrice a day for a few days Oysters: Lycopodium 200, one dose a week in morning, total 3 doses Boiled milk: Sepia 200, one dose a week, total 3 doses Strawberries: Oxalicum Acidum 200, one dose a week, total 3 doses Aspirin: Carbo Veg 30, thrice a day, 3 days Dampness: Natrum Sulph 12x, twice a day for a few days Smell of flowers: Ailanthus Glandulosa 6, 4 hourly, 2/3 days Eggs: Colchicum 30, thrice a day, 2 days Intolerance of Milk: Aethusa Cynapium 30, thrice a day, 3 days.

Alopecia (Hair loss) Dandruff also

Symptoms & Suggestions: a) If dandruff exists, get rid if it first, then take care of hair. Use Kali Sulph 3x or 6x with lime & water over the scalp. Dry it, thereafter wash it off. Dandruff disappears. b) Stress & emotional imbalance take their toll on hair. So avoid tension and inculcate

mental calmness. Remedies: 1)


It prevents excessive hair loss, if 4 tablets are taken 4 times a day by adults for a certain period. It also helps in preventing premature graying of hair, dandruff, itching and dryness on scalp. It is composed of Arsenic Alb, Badiaga, Calcarea Phos, Fluoric Acid, Natrum Mur, Phosphoric Acid, all in 30 potency. We know that Arsenic Alb and Badiaga work well if scalp is dry & itches a lot, and there may be dandruff or circular bald spots; we know that Calcarea Phos is good in the case of bald spots & hair loss; we know that Fluoric Acid is good for alopecia; we know that Natrum Mur prevents falling off of hair and cures dandruff with white scales on scalp and we also know that Phosphoric Acid is the chief remedy in a case where hair falls out and turns gray early. So the combination has proved to be a beneficial remedy. Besides, one may apply Jaborandi hair oil at night mixing it with equal quantity of coconut hair oil, to get fast relief. In case you do not like to go for the above combination, you may opt for taking one dose of Jaborandi 30 every morning for a few days while applying aforesaid oil. 2) Natrum Mur 6x & Silicea 6x, 5 grains of each together may be taken 4 times daily over a period of time to overcome alopecia. For falling of hair in spots, Silicea 12x in the morning and Natrum Mur 12x in the evening have also proved beneficial. 3) Kali Sulph 12x: It will take care of hair fall as well as severe dandruff. It may be taken every third day, one dose consisting of 5 tablets, for three weeks. 4) Kali Phos 12x: “The chief remedy is Kali-p in 12x or 3-200x potency, three doses a day, with rest from nervous worry.” (Editors of B.Jain)

Remarks: Eat green leafy vegetables, fruits, dates, almonds, bananas. Soya is a natural inhibitor of DHT, a hormone which is responsible for alopecia. So include it in your daily diet. Also clean hair and scalp daily to rule out accumulation of dead cells.

Alzheimer’s disease (Pre-senile dementia (feebleness of mind) caused by atrophy of pre-frontal areas of brain, named after German physician Alois Alzheimer.) Some Symptoms: a) Sensorial depression b) Profuse Muscular debility

c) Very weak memory; power of concentration diminishes drastically d) Patient often gets afflicted with tinnitus, dizziness, vertigo etc Remedies: 1) Helleborus 1000: One dose to be given in a month, and may be continued for 6 months. Mother Tincture also may be given twice a day, as may be suitable, instead of 1000 potency. The Patient suffers from sensorial depression; sees, hears, tastes imperfectly; answers slowly when questioned; bores head into pillow, rolls from side to side, beats head with hands; feels sensation of water swashing inside; remains a picture of acute idiocy, with vacant, thoughtless, staring wide open eyes. He/she may also be afflicted with muscular weakness, automatic motion of one arm and leg. He/she swallows cold water greedily, bites spoon but remains unconscious, may have diarrhoea during hydrocephalus, may have suppressed urine with coffee-ground sediment. There may be horrible smell from mouth. The condition of the patient worsens from evening until morning and also from uncovering.

2) Ginkgo Biloba 1x: It is efficacious in Alzheimer’s disease and senile dementia. It is of value in the treatment of cerebral dysfunction such as dizziness, tinnitus, vertigo, and corrects weak memory & poor concentration. It prevents life-threatening blood clots. It may be taken in water, 5/7 drops twice daily. 3) Kali Phos 6x: “The grey matter of the brain is controlled entirely by the inorganic cellsalt, potassium phosphate. This salt unites with albumen, and by the addition of oxygen creates nerve-fluid, or the grey matter of the brain.” So, let it be taken twice a day. Besides, one should take Ferrum Phos 6x before 12 noon and Calcarea Phos 6x in the evening. The trio will take care of grey matter, albumen and oxygen.

Suggestion: Cow’s milk is one of the best sources of vitamin B12, which reduces chances of neurological damage to the brain considerably. So drinking about half litre of cow’s milk daily protects against declining trend.

Anaemia (Reduction in quantity or quality of blood or even both; an anaemic condition denotes deficiency of calcium and iron phosphates & haemoglobin concentration in blood manifested by paleness of skin, shortness of breath, palpitation of heart etc.) Symptoms: a) b) c) d) e)

Breathlessness on slightest exertion Extreme prostration Pallor occurs both in the skin and in the mucous membranes A haemoglobin estimation determines the severity of anaemia A mild or moderate degree of fever is common when anaemia is severe.

Remedies: Ferrum Phos 3x & Calcarea Phos 3x: 4 grains of each together should be taken 3 times daily for two weeks and thereafter at least twice per day for another two weeks or so. For permanent cure the remedies may have to be taken for 6 weeks or more. Natrum Mur 12x is a great remedy for anaemia occurring after malaria. There may be noticeable emaciation particularly in neck in spite of eating well. Consolation aggravates the ailments of the patient. It should be taken 4 hourly for a few days. T.N.T. (Trinitrotoluene) 200, once in a week, total three doses are required in the case of aplastic or pernicious (deadly) anaemia when we have breathlessness, dizziness, palpitation, faintness, headache, prostration, muscle cramps, drowsiness, depression, insomnia (sleeplessness) and cyanosis (bluish discoloration of skin and mucous membranes). Arsenic Alb 30 also helps considerably. Vanadium 6, thrice daily: It increases amount of haemoglobin. It also increases and stimulates phagocytes. It destroys virulence of toxins. It softens brain. It removes degenerative conditions of liver and arteries. It acts as a tonic to the digestive system. Withania Somnifera Q: As it possesses high iron contents, it is very useful in anaemia; it restores vitality, removes nervous exhaustion and sexual debility, retards ageing process, protects cardiac action; it is useful in rheumatism. One may take 20 drops of it with water or in fresh milk after meals twice a day.

Angina Pectoris & other heart affections (The patient may suffer from severe spasmodic constrictive pain in chest caused by inadequate supply of blood and oxygen to the heart, often due to unhealthy lifestyle, hypertension, emotional

stress or exercise. Early diagnosis and treatment is of primary importance. People should never neglect it by considering it as gastric pain, and must consult a doctor.) Some symptoms: a) Paroxysmal dyspnoea b) Orthopnoea (Condition in which one can breathe only when upright) c) Bumping, fluttering, pounding, throbbing or thumping palpitation d) Strangling pain in the chest in midsternal or transternal, often spreading to one or both arms, less to the neck and sometimes to the epigastrium or back. e) The pain may radiate up to the elbow or the wrist even fingers and back, and above, up to neck and upper jaw, but rarely to the abdomen. f) Transient loss of consciousness Remedies: 1) Crataegus Q: 15 drops to be taken twice daily in half cup of water, and 15 drops of Cactus Grandiflorus Q may be mixed in it to prevent heart affections. Crataegus is a heart tonic, and combines well with Cactus G. It is “said to have a solvent power upon crustaceous and calcareous deposits in arteries,” hence is useful in arteriosclerosis and organic & functional heart diseases. It lowers blood pressure. The patient may suffer from excessive perspiration, feeble irregular pulse, breathlessness on least exertion, and pain in left side of chest below the clavicle, which may shoot down left arm. 2) Aconite Nap 30: It is needed in acute, sudden and violent invasion with physical and mental restlessness, great fear, anxiety, worry, stitching pain in chest, left shoulder and left arm, numbness & tingling of fingers, worse warm room, night, music, dry cold winds. Let one drop be put in half cup of water and from it one tea-spoonful be taken every 15 minutes, three times. 3) Arsenic Alb 30: It is beneficial to irritable heart of smokers & tobacco-chewers, with excessive thirst, fear of death, and pain in neck & occiput, worse midnight, better warm drinks. It may be taken as stated for Aconite. 4) Terminalia Arjuna Q: It is useful in ischemic heart disease, corrects weak cardiac function, possesses cardio protective quality, and is efficacious in chronic stable angina. 20 drops may be given twice a day in water preferably after meals. 5) Kali Phos 6x: For weak or intermittent action of heart, with imperceptible pulse & functional complaints, due to effects of violent emotions, grief or nervousness, and fainting from fright and fatigue, it is the best bio-chemic remedy and is quite safe and may be given in alternation with Ferrum Phos 6x, frequency of doses as may be essential. In case necessary, Mag Phos 6x, 5 grains in hot water, every 10 minutes, 4 or 5 doses, may be given to mitigate the violence of the paroxysms of shooting & darting pains in the region of heart, and to shorten the duration thereof. 6) For enlarged heart and enlarged blood vessels, Calcarea Fluor 6x is the chief remedy to restore contractibility to the elastic fibres, and may be given in alternation with Ferrum Phos 6x twice a day.

Animal bites (Specific medical treatment may also be given as required) Remedies: 1) Snake or Scorpion or Spider Bites: a) Leucas Aspera Q: 15 drops in little water every 15 minutes until the patient feels better; it should be applied externally also; it takes care of venomous animal bite also. b) Golondrina Q: It acts as an antidote to snake poison. Its use also renders human body immune to snake venom and so it acts as a prophylactic. It is taken in 10 drop doses, if required at interval of 15 minutes, total 6 doses in water. 2) Dog bite or bites of rabid animals: a) Lyssin (Hydrophobinum) 200: three doses at 10 minute intervals; also apply Echinacea Q locally as a cleansing and antiseptic wash; or b) Ledum pal 200: three doses at 5 minute interval, next day Hypericum 200 three times one day, thereafter Belladonna 200 twice a day for two days; or c) Echinacea Q: 10 drops in water 4 hourly for a month; d) Kali Phos 3x & Mag Phos 3x in alternation as may be required, subsequently. 3) Jelly fish bite: Medusa 30, 3 hourly, one or two days. 4) For stings of Bee or ants, Apis Mel 6, 3 hourly 5) For stings of Wasp, Arnica 200 half hourly, three doses. 6) For mosquito bites, Staphysagria 30, 3 hourly, 2 days; it acts as prophylactic also. 7) For Gnat bite, Cantharis 200, three doses at 15 minute intervals. 8) For stings of insects, Ledum Pal 200, duration as may be required. Moisten the painful spot and apply thereto Natrum Mur 6x, rubbing it in. Pain ceases. This external application cures rapidly. 9) For injured nerves from bites of any animal, Hypericum 200, duration as may be required.

Anorexia (Loss of appetite) Signs & Symptoms:

a) If temporary, little significance b) If persistent, it may be caused by gastritis or anaemia or carcinoma. Remedies: 1) Calcarea Phos 6x: It is an excellent remedy to promote digestion and to increase appetite, especially in anaemic patients. It should be alternated with Kali Phos 6x every two hours. It would improve the appetite in three days, but the remedies may be continued for three weeks, may be twice a day only. 2) Gentiana Lutea Q, 7 drops in water thrice a day: It acts as a tonic. It increases appetite. It helps in reducing flatulence, and acid risings. 3) Hydrastis Q mixed with China Q & Lyco Q, 10 drops in water twice daily after meals: It will improve weak digestion. This mixture is adapted to ailments gradually developing, functional power weakening, and failure of digestive system. 4) Chelidonium Maj 30: If taken twice a day, in morning and at night, and Chionanthus Q, 5 drops in water after meals, for two weeks, will act as a miracle. Both are prominent liver remedies.

Anosmia (Loss of sense of smell) Remedies: 1) Teucrium Marum 30, thrice a day for a few days: It is preferred after too much of medication. It is a remedy of great importance in loss of sense of smell. It strengthens brain. 2) Zinc Mur 30, twice a day for 5 to 7 days: In case, sense of smell and taste is perverted, it is the medicine. Skin may be cold and sweaty and there may be disposition to pick the bedclothes. 3) Apocynum Andro Q, 5 drops in water two times per day: “Everything smells and tastes like honey.” The patient also exhibits rheumatic symptoms, profuse sweat and cramps. 4) Amygdalus Persica Q, 5 drops in water two times per day: It is the most valuable remedy in loss of smell and taste when no form of food is tolerated, and there is constant nausea and vomiting. 5) Ammonium Mur 6, twice a day: Loss of smell with acrid hot watery discharge corroding the lip; head and chest symptoms worse mornings, abdominal in the afternoon, and febrile in the evenings. 6) Natrum Mur 6x, twice a day: “Coryza with clear, watery discharge or alternating with dry coryza, with loss of smell and taste;” excessive dryness of the nose and rawness of the pharynx, with loss of smell and great craving for salt. 7) Mag Phos 6x: “Loss of sense of smell or perversion of smell under certain

conditions not connected with cold; a course of this remedy” (Dr Schussler)

Aphthae (Small whitish ulcers on the mucous membranes of the mouth) Remedies: 1) Borax 30: Aphthae, in mouth, on the tongue, or inside of cheek; easily bleeding while eating or being touched; the patient may suffer from fear of thunder or from motions which have a downward direction; it may be given 3 hourly for two days. 2) Nitric Acid 30: Blisters & ulcers in soft palate with splinter-like sharp pains; tongue clean or red; saliva acrid and offensive; the patient may fear death or may be vindictive; may take 4 hourly for two days. 3) Arsenic Alb 200: Aphthae with burning pains, great prostration, mental restlessness, unquenchable thirst for cold water, but drinks little at a time; only one or two doses in the morning. 4) Natrum Mur 6x: Aphthae with profuse flow of saliva & continuous spitting of frothy mucus; to be alternated 2 hourly with Kali Mur 6x.

Appendicitis (Typhlitis) (Inflammation of vermiform appendix) Signs, Symptoms & suggestion: a) The infection generally occurs in the teeth, tonsils or naso-pharynx and is transported to the appendix. b) The patient experiences pain on the lower abdomen in the right side. c) It occurs suddenly, and is quite severe. d) The patient may vomit, even faint and suffer from continuous nausea. e) The first attack may subside of its own.but after somedays he/she may have more and more severe attacks. f) If untreated, the appendix may burst which is usually fatal.

Remedies: 1) To overcome acute nature of pain, Belladonna 30, three doses every 15 minute or Mag Phos 6x, 5 tablets forming a dose, in warm water, every 15 minute, 4 or 5 times. 2) For chronic appendicitis, Iris Tenex 30, to be given twice a day for 15 days, and thereafter 200 daily one dose for another period of 15 days; the patient actually feels pain in ileo-caecal region with dry mouth and deathly sensation at one point of the stomach. 3) Colocynth 30 also helps when agonizing pain causes the patient to bend double; if required, even one dose gives relief. 4) In acute cases, Atropa Belladonna 3 acts admirably if given every two hours on the first day, the next day Lycopodium 30 may be used thrice a day and whenever the pain is more, a dose or two of Belladonna 3 if given intercurrently gives good results.

Remarks: No food during appendicitic pains; only tepid water to sip.

Arthritis (Including Gout, rheumatism, and rheumatoid arthritis) (Inflammation, pain & stiffness of articular joints) Symptoms: a) Pain and impaired movements comprise of chief symptoms. b) Pain originates from bone or periosteum, the synovial of the joints, the tendons, ligaments or muscles. c) Bone pain is usually continuous and aching in character whereas that of joints etc is ofen sharp, accompanied by a feeling of stiffness. d) A loss in weight coupled with mental and physical debility constitutes the onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis. There may be swelling of the finger joints, especially of the second and third fingers. e) The disease spreads from outwards within, from finger-joints to wrists, ankles, knees, elbows, shoulders till it reaches spine. Remedies: Rhus Tox 30: Tearing asunder pains with hot swelling of joints, as if a muscle or

tendon was torn, as if bones were scraped with a knife, muscular rheumatism, sciatica, intolerance of cold air, pains spread over a large area at nape of neck, loins and lower extremities, better for a time from change of position. It may be given in alternation with Hypericum 200 every three hour for three days or as may suit the patient. Usually, the patient is extremely restless. Phytolacca 30: It is one of the powerful and promptly acting remedies. It is required when the patient suffers from shooting, and lancinating pains, which fly like electric shocks, especially right shoulder with inability to raise arm. There may be pain in ankles, feet, thighs, legs & heels. It may be taken thrice a day for 2 or 3 days; thereafter one dose of 200 in the morning, followed by another dose similarly. It acquires a position between Bryonia and Rhus Tox and may be given after the said medicines. But please remember not to give Merc Sol after it has been used as it is inimical to it. Mentally, the patient may be indifferent to life. Colchicum 30: It has specific power to relieve chronic gouty paroxysms, sharp pain down left arm, inflammation of great toe, calf muscles, ankles, heel, thighs, and knee joints. The striking feature is that the pain may move about from one joint to another, from one side to the other, from above downwards or from below upwards, with great prostration and internal coldness. In acute rheumatoid arthritis, it should be given in alternation with Bryonia Alb 30, every three hour. Like Colchicum, the joints of the patient of Bryonia are red, hot, swollen and stiff, worse any motion. In knee joint pains, Symphytum 200 with Arnica Mont 200 are also quite helpful. Radium Bromide 0/3: For chronic rheumatic arthritis and gout, with severe pain in all the limbs and joints, especially in knee and ankles, also in neck, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers and toes, Radium Bromide has been found very effective. The pains are worse at night, better moving about, hot bath and pressure. One dose in the morning in empty stomach for ten days. It should be stopped when improvement is noticed. If need be 0/5, 0/7 may be administered subsequently. Agaricus Muscarius 30: If pains affect diagonally, say right arm and left leg, with sensation of numbness and tingling, and the person is fearless and indifferent, 6 doses twice a day may be given. Urtica Urens Q: In case uric acid /creatinine levels are high, use of this medicine, 7 drops in water, twice daily favors elimination thereof. The patient should take protein restricted diet and should take plenty of water. Calcarea Carb 200: When Rhus Tox does not effect further improvement and the pain worsens in damp weather, but is better by movement, 6 doses 6 hourly may be taken. In any case, Bryonia or Sulphur should not be taken after Calcarea Carb. Ledum Pal 200: Complaints of people who always feel chilly. Gout or rheumatism begins in lower limbs and ascends. Ankles and ball of great toe swollen, hot and pale; unbearable pain is experienced in ankles while walking. Soles are painful, better by putting feet in cold water, worse at night and from heat of bed. It may be given twice a day for two or three days, followed by 6th potency thrice daily when some improvement is noticed. Natrum Phos 6x: Articular Rheumatism arises from an acid condition of the blood. It is due to deficiency of sodium phosphate. It is therefore essential that Natrum Phos 6x is given in alternation with Ferrum Phos 6x every 4 hour for a certain period of days, in 5

grain doses, in case the patient suffers from acute and chronic gout/ rheumatism. Natrum Sulph 6x is also very good and in fact is the chief remedy for chronic gout, which is worse in rainy weather. It also can be alternated with Ferrum Phos safely. The Patient should abstain from wines, liquors and rich food. Bio-combination No. 19 comprising of Ferrum Phos, Mag Phos, Kali Sulph, Natrum Sulph, 3 hourly, in doses of 5 tablets: The combination covers fever, lumbago, sciatica, muscular rheumatism. There may be shooting and stabbing pains in the joints of legs or arms, worse at night.

Asthma (Bronchial asthma also) (Bronchial asthma is distinguished by almost constant breathing trouble, dyspnoea, dry cough. There may be wheezing sound also. Inflammation of bronchial tube may be due to congestion created by cough. It may also be due to an allergen or abnormal increase of eosinophils in blood. It is a disease of respiration characterized by difficulty in breathing- bronchial, cardiac, catarrhal etc. When the elastic fibre in muscular tissue of the bronchial tube becomes deficient, difficulty in breathing occurs.)

Symptoms: a) The patient has attacks in which he gasps for breath. b) An attack commences with a cold or cough which lingers on and at times gets suppressed due to wrong treatment. c) The patient feels suffocated at night and sits up. d) The wheezing increases despite medication. Bronchial asthma is characterized by attacks of wheezing dyspnoea. e) Allergy to certain foods may be responsible. Occasionally drug sensivity is evident. Remedies: 1) Kali Phos 3x: Hay asthma from least food with expectoration thick, yellow, salty, foulsmelling, and depressed condition of nervous system, and shortness of breath when going upstairs or on any exertion, worse cold air, noise, better heat and rest. It should be given in frequent doses. It may be alternated every one or two hour with Kali Mur 3x when cardiac asthma with gastric derangements and white coated tongue is present. A case-record in Preface to Mitra’s Tissue Remedies is worth reading: “The first experience was the wonderful cure of asthma, which prevented sleep and made the patient sit up in bed the whole night in great distress. A single dose of one of the Tissue Remedies (Kali Phos), given to the attending Allopathic physician by a friend, brought instantaneous relief to all the sugfferings

as if by magic and the patient lay flat and slept without any trouble.” 2) Bio-combination No. 2: “Nervous asthma accompanied by cough, gasping, irregular pulse. Asthma with troublesome flatulence or spasms, convulsive tickling cough. Bronchial asthma with yellow sputum, worse in the evening and in warm rooms, better in cool air;” four tablets for adults, two for children, four times a day at intervals of three hours. In case this combination suits the patient, it cures in a month entirely, it is observed. 3) Aspidosperma Q: It increases oxygen in blood, and excretes carbonic acid, hence gives great relief in cardiac asthma. On the first day, a few doses consisting of 7 drops may be given every hour in water. From the next day, it should be given thrice a day only. It is one of the very best medicines for treatment of asthma. 4) Arsenic Alb 30: Fears suffocation, hence not able to lie down; great prostration, mentally restless, physically too weak to move; dread of death when alone; burning pains with great thirst for cold water; drinks often, but little at a time; worse cold drinks, and after midnight, better heat, warm drinks. As it acts profoundly on every organ and tissue, application of this remedy gives immediate relief to the patient. Let it be taken two times a day for three days only. Thereafter, one may take any other medicine in conformity with the then persisting symptoms. 5) Ipecac 30: For asthma in winter with almost complete loss of voice, should be taken twice daily and Calcarea Carbonica 1000 one dose once a week. In acute attack of dyspnoea accompanied by fear, worry, anxiety, Ipecac Q and Aconite Nap Q, each 7 drops in water should be taken alternately every one hour for one or two days. 6) Pulmo Vulpis 6: When persistent shortness of breath and sonorous bubbling rale cause paroxysm of asthma on the slightest of movement, it is given twice a day for a certain period. 7) Pothos Foetidus Q: The mother tincture may be taken in water in 7 drop doses two times a day, in case asthma has been caused by inhaling dust and is relieved by passing stools. 8) Passiflora Incarnata Q: In asthma a few doses can be given every ten minutes consisting of 30 drops in water initially, later twice or thrice a day will be sufficient. It is an efficient remedy for those who are afflicted with high blood pressure and sleeplessness. 9) Blatta Orientalis Q: It is indicated when Arsenic Alb has not yielded desired results. It is a remedy for asthma associated with bronchitis, and phthisis (pulmonary consumption). It should be stopped as soon as improvement is seen to prevent return of aggravation. Ten drops in half cup of lukewarm water are given initially four or five times a day and thereafter twice or thrice per day. 10) Psorinum 200: Asthma better lying on the back with arms and legs spread wide apart, worse sitting up; cough returns every winter; extreme sensitiveness to cold; offensive discharges; “wants warm clothing even in summer.” It should be taken once in a week, three doses good enough. 11) Hepar Sulph 30: It may be given 4 hourly for a certain period. Asthma better in damp weather, worse in cold dry climate; craves sour things; sweats, yet pulls blanket around him/her. 12) Eosinophilinum 200: It is very useful when eosinophil count is high. A few doses may be given on alternate days. 13) Spongia Tosta 200: Three doses are sufficient, one per day in morning, if asthma associated with swelling of thyroid gland, dry barking sibilant (“like a saw driven through a

pine board”) cough which abates after eating or drinking. Worse cold air, ascending, better descending, lying with head low; croup worse during inspiration and before midnight. 14) Justicia Q & Ammi Visnaga Q: Twenty drops of each may be taken in lukewarm water twice a day, if paroxysmal cough with suffocative obstruction of respiration exists. 15) Calcarea Phos 6x & Kali Mur 6x: Lungs throw off certain organic matter in case a deficiency of albumin and fibrin occurs. Calcarea Phos, if given in alternation with Kali Mur every two hours, creates fibrin by union with albumen and thus supplies the want and cures bronchial asthma. The two remedies combine well with administration of Spongia, it has been reported. ,

Backache (Lumbago) Remedies: 1) Calcarea Fluor 12x & Natrum Mur 12x: 5 tablets of each, every 4 hours for two weeks; Severe Pain in small of back on rising up, somewhat relieved by lying on something hard; neck may be stiff & emaciated; lumbago aggravates on beginning to move, but improves after continuous movement; worse, at seaside, in cold weather and in the morning, better rubbing and heat. 2) Kali Phos 6x & Mag Phos 6x: For backache especially in women, 5 grains of each may be given together in hot water, half hourly, during the first day, increasing the duration from the next day drastically, even after improvement has taken place; shooting, shifting, intermittent, neuralgic pains; the parts affected feel powerless, gentle motion lessens the pain and stiffness, but too much exertion increases the ailment; cold air aggravates the pain, heat relieves it. 3) Kali Mur 30x, Kali Phos 30x & Mag Phos 30x: Four Tablets of each medicine, if taken twice a day with tea for a period of 15 days, cure bachache, it is the experience of a few patients, it has been reported.

4) Rhus Tox 30: Pain and stiffness in small of back, better motion including change of position or lying on something hard, worse while sitting; cold air is not tolerated. It should be taken thrice a day. If sore, lame, bruised feeling, as if beaten, exists and the bed, on which the patient lies, seems too hard, then one dose of Arnica Mont 200 should also be given at night before going to bed. 5) Gnaphalium 200: For chronic backache in lumbar region, when pain is associated with numbness of the part affected, better resting on the back; numbness alternates with pain; it may be given twice a day for 3 to 5 days. 6) Aesculus Hip 200: Backache affecting sacrum and hips, worse walking, stooping, standing; burning in anus with chills up and down the back; hot feeling in chest; the patient may be suffering from constipation and piles; to be given twice a day for a period of 3 to 5 days.

B. Coli

Symptoms: a) b) c) d)

Urine highly colored, esp dark brown Very offensive urine and stools Uric acid diathesis Painful urethra

Remedies: 1) Benzoicum Acidum 6: It acts upon kidneys, urinary bladder, joints. When urine is dark brown, with repulsive odor, excess of uric acid, gouty symptoms, pain in tendo-Achillis, renal insufficiency, asthmatic cough having green mucus expectoration, worse motion & open air, better heat, it works favorably. It may be taken thrice a day. Wine is incompatible. It is Dr Nash’ trio for highly offensive urine, others being Nitric Acid and Sepia. It is the best remedy for B. Coli. The person may dwell on unpleasant things of the past. 2) Arsenic Alb 30: Some doses of this medicine may be required to be given 2 hourly for a day or two to overcome this disease followed by Sulphur 30, 5 doses, two/three hourly. 3) Berberis Vulgaris Q, 10 drops in a cup of warm water, every 3 hours: Burning pains with sensation as if some urine remained after micturition. There may be pain in the thighs and loins on passing urine, worse standing and movement. Thuja Oc 1M may be given once a month, 4 or 5 doses. 4) Ferrum Phos 6x & Natrum Sulph 6x in alternation, every two hours for a few days, also quite good. Bad breath

Remedies: 1) Carbolic Acid 30: 4 hourly for two days; horribly offensive breath is associated with constipation; fermentative dyspepsia with bad taste and fetid breath & unpleasant smell; putrid discharges; vital force sinks rapidly. 2) Merc Sol 30: 4 hourly for two days; offensive odor from moist mouth with great thirst; excessive fetid salivation with sweetish metallic taste; foul smell from body and breath; crown of teeth decay, root remains intact; teeth-indented flabby tongue; unhealthy gums, “sneezing in sunshine”. 3) Kali Phos 6x: Ulcers of the mouth with very fetid offensive odor, profuse salty saliva, and inflammation of soft tissues and mucous membranes. Twice per day sufficient.

Bedsores: (A sore developed on any part of the body by lying in bed in one position for a very long time) Remedies: 1) Arnica Mont 200: To start with, 4 hourly for two days when there is bruised or beaten feeling, worse least touch. 2) Fluoric Acid 30: 4 hourly for 2/3 days; it is indicated in bedsores, ulcers, varicose veins which are worse from warmth/warm drinks; the patient feels as if burning vapor were emitted from pores. Silicea 12x follows well, in case bloody offensive pus oozes out frequently. 3) Sulphuric Acid 6: It follows Arnica quite well if bruised pain, livid skin and profuse sweat persist along with red and blue itching blotches and a tendency to gangrene, and may be given 4 hourly for a few days. It destroys septic germs. 4) Calendula Officinalis 6: It acts on muscles, tendons, nerves, skin etc. In all cases of loss of soft parts when union cannot be affected, it prevents suppuration, and promotes healthy granulations & rapid healing. It should be given three hourly. For burns, bedsores, abrasions, apply Calendula Cerate externally on the affected portions. It has remarkable power to heal. Hepar Sulph 6 is complementary to Calendula and follows it well, when sores are very painful, even touch is intolerable. In such a case, three doses of Hepar Sulph should be administered at an interval of 10 minutes. Calendula should be continued thereafter also to achieve complete cure. Hot Calendula lotion should be used for general cleaning, Calendula ointment for dressing. 5) Kali Phos 6x: Four times a day for a week; also dissolve a few tablets of 3x trituration, and make a thin paste of it, and apply externally, in case Calendula lotion is not available.

Bed-wetting (Enuresis) (Please ensure that he or she uses toilet before going to bed) Remedies: 1) Equisetum Q: It is a remedy for habitual bed-wetting. It also takes care of sharp & burning pain in urethra, while urinating or at the close of urination. There may be pain in region of right kidney, extending to lower abdomen, with urgent desire to urinate. One should take 8 drops of the tincture in hot water twice daily for some days. 2) Cina 1M: One dose in a week while taking the above medicine daily is beneficial in the case of involuntary micturition. The nocturnal enuresis may be due to worms. The urine which is turbid, when being passed, turns milky soon. 3) Calcarea Phos 6x: Five tablets three times a day for young children and old people. If bed-wetting due to nervous debility, it should be alternated with Kali Phos 6x, otherwise alternation may be with Ferrum Phos 6x. For nocturnal enuresis in women from weakness of muscles when cough causes urine to spurt, Ferrum Phos is the remedy. For wetting of the bed at night, Natrum Sulph 6x is also useful, provided urine is loaded with bile and burning exists during micturition.

Bleeding (Internal or external) Remedies: 1) Arnica Mont 200: Bleeding after extraction of teeth, two doses at interval of 5 minutes; tendency to bleeding, cerebral, retinal or uterine haemorrhage, blood from ears; one may use it 4 hourly for a day, also for removal of blood clot in the case of coronary thrombosis. 2) Millefolium 6: It is an invaluable remedy for various types of painless haemorrhages of bright red blood from lungs, larynx, bronchi, nose, stomach, bladder, uterus, rectum, haemorrhoids; doses as may be needed; it follows Arnica well; Millefolium Q, 10 drops may be mixed with 10 drops of Hamamelis Virginica Q in quarter cup water and taken thrice a day

for a few days to stop internal bleeding. This combination is useful in piles also. Hamamelis 30 taken twice a day independently is also very useful in arresting bleeding. 3) Ferrum Phos 3x: It is the chief bio-chemic remedy for hemorrhage in any part of the body when there is rapidly coagulating bright red blood. Hemorrhage from lungs, nosebleed (Epistaxis) in anemic persons; five grains three times a day sufficient; even for varicose condition of veins and oedema of feet and legs, and also in apoplectic state with cold extremities, clammy sweat on forehead and face. In the case of external bleeding, magical cure is achieved by applying powder of Ferrum Phos on the affected part. 4) Kali Phos 6x, 2 hourly for one or two days: It is used for “Loss of blood if dark, blackish, thin, like coffee-grounds, not coagulating.”

Blepharitis (Inflammation of eyelids)

Signs & symptoms: a) b) c) d)

The ends of the lids become reddish & thicken Whitish scales and crusts may form Lashes fall out easily Ulcers may be seen at the base of the eyelashes

Remedies: 1) Aconite Nap 30: Three hourly two or three days; Eyelids inflamed, red, hard due to draught of cold air while in perspiration; the patient may have burning thirst for large quantities of cold water. 2) Belladonna 30: Eyelids swollen suddenly with throbbing in eyes on lying down, worse right side, whereas Aconite worse on left side; pains cause redness of face and eyes, better rest and in warm room; may be taken thrice a day for two/three days. 3) Merc Sol 30: After exposure to glare of light as in the case of foundry-men; the parenchymatous keratitis may be of syphilitic origin with profuse acrid burning discharge; symptoms aggravate at damp night; it may be given 4 hourly for two days; it may follow Belladonna admirably, but it should not be had before or after Silicea. 4) Graphites 30: Lids dry, red, swollen, margins covered with scales or crusts; eczema of lids with moist or fissured eruptions, worse night, warmth, during and after menstruation; may be taken thrice a day for two/three days. 5) Natrum Phos 6x: Blepharitis with acrid lachrymation; inflamed lids pain and burn; there may be stricture of lachrymal ducts; worse at seaside, cold weather, morning; it can be given two hourly for a week or so.

6) Silicea 6x: Besides Blepharitis, there may be boils and cystic tumors around eyes and lids; may be taken thrice a day for a week or so.

Boils (Furuncle) (Hard inflamed suppurating tumor)

Remedies: 1) Belladonna 30: As soon as boil is noticed, one or two doses may achieve the elimination but in case it is quite hard, Merc Sol 30 should be alternated 3 hourly for two days. 2) Anthracinum 200, twice a day for 2 or 3 days: It is very useful in boils or boil-like eruptions. It is also very useful in recurrent boils. It follows Arsenic Alb well. Silicea follows it well. 3) Bio-chemic remedies: a) Ferrum Phos 6x: It should be used, like Belladonna, in the beginning for the inflammatory stage, one or two doses hourly, for one or two days, to reduce heat, pain, blood-accumulation and throbbing. b) Kali Mur 3x: In the second stage for the swelling to disappear before pus forms; should be administered in alternation with Ferrum Phos. c) Calcarea Sulph 6x: It is needed two hourly for a certain period to reduce and control suppurations. In true suppurations, it is always the chief remedy. “Presence of pus with a vent is the general indication.” A warm dry atmosphere assists the action of this remedy highly. Silicea 12x follows it admirably. d) Silicea 12x: Tendency to boils in any part of the human body requires this medicine, especially in the spring time, if the affection is deep seated and the discharge contains yellow offensive pus. Skin heals slowly, suppurates easily.

Brain-fag (Highly nervous brain, mental exhaustion, cerebral depression)


a) b) c) d) e)

Want of brain and nerve power Nervous exhaustion Defective vitality Anaemia Patient suffers from hallucinations and delirium


1) Bio-chemic: a) Kali Phos 3x, 4x, or 6x: It restores nerve-power, removes depression of spirits, enhances memory, reduces sleeplessness; should be taken thrice a day for a month or two as it may suit the patient. Dr Schussler has recommended persistent use of Kali Phos 6x, a dose in the morning, and Silicea 12x, a dose at night. b) Calcarea Phos 6x: Loss of vigor, numb sensation, depression of spirits with nervous prostration & profuse night-sweats leads to selection of this remedy along with Kali Phos, since brain-fag is either due to deficiency of potassium phosphate (Kali Phos) or due to loss of albumen. Use of Ferrum Phos 6x occasionally is good for proper supply of iron & oxygen. c) Calcarea Sulph 6x: “Usually Kali Phos is a good remedy to start with, it gets the mind in good condition, and aided by Calccarea Phos, Ferrum Phos or Natrum Phos, dependent on condition, soon begins the improvement. Then follow with Calcarea Sulph as soon as the Phos has built up the nerve-cells, and the Sulph is needed to finish up the work which may take from three months to two years or more.” (F. D. Bittinger, M. D., Dayton, Ohio) 2) Homoeopathic: a) Zincum Metallicum 30: The patient suffers from cerebral depression, defective vitality, brain-fag with forehead cool but base of brain hot, may have convulsive twitching, fidgety feet, trembling; may roll head from side to side; cannot withstand smallest quantity of wine; natural discharges relieve all sufferings; may be given three times a day for two or three days or as may suit the patient. It is inimical to Nux Vom and Chamomilla which should not be used before or after Zinc Met. b) Picric Acid 6: It is taken four hourly for a few days. It is a summer remedy as during hot weather the patient is worse, sits still and listless after prolonged mental strain, anxiety and fear of examinations or any other matter. c) Anhalonium Q: It is “a remedy for brain-fag, delirium, megrim, hallucinations, with colored brilliant visions.” It also works as a cardiac tonic and respiratory stimulant; seven drops may be taken in water thrice a day for a few days.

Bronchiectasis (Permanent dilatation of one or both bronchi due to infection)

Signs & symptoms: a) Expectoration of large amount of purulent sputum b) The sputum sometimes is offensive or stained with blood Remedies: 1) Senega Q: Seven drops to be taken in water 4 hourly, when there is chronic emphysema, nephritis and/or dropsy of chest, bursting pain in back on coughing, and difficulty in raising of profuse mucus; cough often ends in sneezing; there may be paralysis of left side of face or vocal cords; symptoms worse during rest, walking, better from sweat and bending head backwards. 2) Antimonium Ars 6: Let it be taken thrice a day. It is useful in bronchiectasis & emphysema with excessive dyspnoea and cough having much mucous secretion, worse on eating and lying down. There may be pneumonia associated with influenza, leftsided pleurisy, myocarditis and oedema of face. 3) Silicea 12x: It is given 4 hourly for 15/30 days when there is abscess of lungs, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, phthisis and/or empyema (purulent exudate in pleural cavity), profuse night-sweat & debility, inflammation of the respiratory tract and copious expectoration of thick greenish yellow pus. Calcarea Sulph 6x follows it well when expectoration is yellow or yellowish green or mixed with blood.

Bronchitis (Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchial tubes)

Signs & symptoms: a) Acute bronchitis occurs in wet or cold weather b) When nose is blocked, one breathes through mouth and inhales impurities and cold

c) Chronic bronchitis is related to smoking or air-pollution d) The principal symptom involves cough with mucoid sputum, worse in the morning and during winter Remedies: 1) Ferrum Phos 6x: In acute or chronic bronchitis, it is the remedy for inflammation of the bronchi, short oppressed breathing, burning soreness, congestion, painful hard cough, and should be alternated with Kali Mur 6x every two hours for a few days. Sometimes, depending on the symptoms, (such as “coming into warm room excites cough…sensation “as if chest would fly into pieces,” the least motion aggravates), Bryonia Alb 30 has been found excellent alternating remedy for Ferrum Phos. In such a case, no other remedy is needed. It can also be alternated with the remedy indicated by the type of expectoration; when the expectoration is white & tenacious, Kali Mur; when clear watery, Natrum Mur; when distinctly yellow, Kali Sulph; when albuminous, Calcarea Phos; when yellowish green, Calcarea Sulph. 2) Aconite Nap 30: Two hourly 2/3days, if due to sudden exposure to dry cold wind, with shortness of breath on least motion, pressure and tingling sensation in left chest, tachycardia, a state of fear and restlessness, dry hoarse hacking croupy cough, worse at night. It may be followed by one or two doses of Sulphur 200 in the morning in case pulse more rapid in morning than in evening and there is a feeling of load on chest with much rattling of mucus & the patient wants windows open. 3) Arsenic Alb 30: Extremely restless, exhausted, chilly patient with unquenchable thirst, nightly aggravation, dry cough after drinking, expectoration scanty, pain through upper third of right lung, fear of death with cold sweat. Let it be given four hourly for two or three days. 4) Antim Tart 200: Great rattling of mucus with little expectoration although bronchial tubes overloaded with mucus; dyspnoea relieved by eructation and lying on right side, tongue coated white with red edges; there may be dizziness and drowsiness. Three doses may be given every 15 minutes. Ipecac 30 is complementary and follows well, in case cough incessant and violent with every breath, and there is complete aphonia (Inability to speak), and persistent nausea & vomiting. Ipecac can be given 4 hourly. 5) Hepar Sulph 6: In chronic and “choking cough,” which troubles whenever the body gets cold or uncovered; the patient sweats, yet pulls blanket around him/her; rattling cough worse in morning, better damp weather and bending backwards. It should be taken twice a day with Chelidonium Maj 6x, if there is pain on deep inspiration in right side of chest and “small pieces of mucus fly from mouth when coughing.” Lachessis 200 may be taken at interval of two days in morning simultaneously, in case “breathing almost stops on falling asleep…rather the patient “sleeps into an aggravation.”

Burns & Scalds

(Homoeopathy and Biochemic remedies give miraculous results if treatment is commenced immediately in mild to moderate severity of burns. Advanced cases need hospitalization.) Remedies: 1) Cantharis 30: For burns, scalds, with rawness and smarting, ameliorated by cold application, it is the chief remedy and is given 2 hourly, even at early intervals of 30 minutes if need be, during the first day. It bears repeated doses well. Externally, 1x, or 2x in water, or as cerate. External use of Cantharis Q, 20 drops in one ounce purified water, is equally good and relieves pain and burning rapidly. Of course internal application should also be continued simultaneously. If wound has formed, apply Calendula lotion, two/three times daily. It is the most remarkable healing agent, even for open wounds. 2) Calendula 6: It is good for superficial burns and scalds, also for lacerated scalp wounds. It promotes healing (cicatrisation) and healthy granulations and prevents suppuration sufficiently. It is also useful in the case of proud flesh (overgrowth of granulations springing on wound), old neglected wounds threatening gangrene. 3) Picric Acid: A one per cent solution applied on lint is the best application for burns until granulations begin to form. 4) Urtica Urens 30: Burns due to pouring of hot water or hot oil before blisters form, two hourly for two/three days. 5) Kali Mur 3x: Burns and scalds of any degree; scalds from boiling water; moisten lint with a strong solution of Kali Mur 3x and apply it frequently without removing the lint or put the affected portion in water containing Kali Mur 3x, 30 grains, for some time, it would relieve the pain of severe burns. In case, there is heat and redness, use Ferrum Phos 2x as a powder to dust over the burns. Kali Mur 3x , 5 tablets, should be taken internally also, every half hour 6 or 7 doses, thereafter duration should be increased substantially as may be required, may be two hourly. When suppuration occurs, Calcarea Sulph 6x should be given thrice a day.

Cancer (A malignant growth or tumor anywhere in the body, eats the affected part, tends to spread indefinitely, returns after removal violently. Yoga and meditation provide relief. Holistic Homoeopathy and Bio-chemic remedies provide resistance, pain relief and mental support. Cancer cells do not thrive in oxygenated condition. Vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage and tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, B, E, so act as anti-oxidants.) Precaution:

a) b) c) d) e)

Look out for a lump which grows in the breast or elsewhere in the body An ulcer that does not heal quickly Prolonged Bleeding Persistent cough lasting more than two weeks Changes in moles, warts, bowels

A) Bio-chemic Remedies: 1) Kali Mur 3x: Tumors arise primarily from a Kali Mur deficiency which causes an excess of fibrin in the organism and leads to a tumor. Recent cases of cancer of the breast with prominent symptom of softness & tenderness are curable by use of Kali Mur 3x thrice a day for several days. 2) Ferrum Phos 3x: It is an excellent alternating remedy for excessive pains in cancer. “Cancer of tongue has been greatly benefited by Ferrum Phos” and “Natrum Phos”. So both can be alternated in 3x or 6x trituration two hourly for days together. 3) Calcarea Fluor 3x: It should be given every three hours for a considerable period of time for easy handling of hard lumps, knots, kernels, shiny painful swellings in the female breast, blood tumors on the heads of infants, ganglion, encysted tumors, hardened glands, tumors of the eyelids, hard swelling on the jawbone. 4) Kali Phos 3x: It greatly ameliorates the pain in cancer with offensive discharge and discoloration of the tissues, and is quite useful where the malignant tumor has been removed and is in the healing process. Let it be taken thrice a day. 5) Kali Sulph 6x: It is given two times a day for several days to cure epithelial cancer (Epithelioma), with thin yellow secretions. 6) Silicea 12x: It is a remedy in the cases of multiple cheloid, tubercular tumors of the neck, scirrhous induration of the upper lip and face, uterine cancer, suppurating lumps. Two doses per diem will be beneficial. 7) Calcarea Phos 6x: It is good for cancer in scrofulous constitutions, goiter, house-maid’s knee, nasal polypi, bursae, acute or chronic cysts when taken two times a day for some days. It is followed by Calcarea Sulph 3x well. B) Homoeopathic remedies:

1) Carcinosin 200: It acts favorably in cases in which a history of cancer or cancerous cachexia is observed. Cancer may be of mammary glands or of uterus. The patient suffers from severe pain, indigestion, accumulation of gas in stomach. A dose at night or less frequently may be given. Alternatively, three doses in 1m potency may be given fortnightly. After a gap of about ten days one dose of Sulphur 200 may also be administered in the morning. 2) Radium Bromide 0/3: Ulcers & cancers due to Radium burns or consequential to any other cause. To reduce severe pain in any tissue or organ, worse at night, better hot bath, one dose in morning in empty stomach for ten days. In case slight improvement is observed, it should be repeated, and subsequent such doses may be in

0/5, 0/7, 0/9 fifty millesimal potencies respectively. Echinacea Q, 10 drops in one ounce water, three times daily also eases pains of cancer considerably. Besides, it benefits patients with advanced liver cancer. It is also “effective in alleviating chemotherapy induced leucopenia.” 3) Euphorbium 30: It gives great relief in terrible burning pains of cancer, and may be taken as required. 4) Malandrinum 200: It is efficacious in clearing the remnants of cancerous deposits, if taken after operation of the malignant tumor. Only three doses are required at interval of 7 days and should be taken in morning. 5) Brain Cancer: Conium Mac 200: Weekly one dose in morning, till recovery, if scrofulous and cancerous conditions prevail, with vertigo when lying down, even on turning eyes; there may be stupefying headache with nausea & vomiting, and a sensation of foreign body under the skull, worse after a meal; sweat as soon as one sleeps or even when closing the eyes. 6) Eyes Cancer: For bony tumors of the orbit, Kali Hyd 1x 2 drops in water 3 times a day; intense pain over eyes and root of nose, with facial neuralgia & profuse lachrymation, worse warm room and at night; cold food and drink especially milk aggravates. 7) Ear Cancer: For cancer in ear, Belladonna 30 three times a day for a few days, if tearing pain in middle and external ear, and parotid gland swollen, thereafter, Calcarea Carb 200, weekly one dose in morning, when the patient is sensitive to cold about ears & nose. 8) Nasal Cancer: In the case of caries of nasal bones, ozaena (fetid nasal ulceration & offensive discharge from nostrils), worse on warm applications, left side and at night, Asafoetida 6, 4 hourly will act favorably. The patient may be suffering from obstinate constipation and violent gastralgia. 9) Cancer of lips, armpits, oesophagus, stomach, liver, left side of breast or anus with “painful cracks in corner of mouth,” … “constant burning pains,” varicose ulcers, gastralgia, vomiting of coffee ground masses, loss of appetite and/or emaciation, Condurango 30, 3 hourly for a week will be quite useful. It may be followed by Hydrastis Can Q, 7 drops in water twice a day for a month or so advantageously. Both remedies take care of weak muscular power, poor digestion and obstinate constipation. For cancer of liver, obstinate hepatic engorgements, gallstones and insomnia, Cholesterinum 3x is also very effective, and may be taken thrice a day. 10) Cancer of Gums: The best remedy relating to problems of gums is Hekla Lava, which should be taken preferably in 3x potency in powder or tablet form 4 hourly for some days. The medicine mixed with saliva may be kept in mouth for about 5 minutes and thereafter swallowed to get speedy relief. It is also of great use in ulceration of nasal bones, abscess of gums, bone necrosis, osteo-sarcoma (malignant tumor of bone), “facial neuralgia from carious teeth and after extraction,” swelling of jaws. 11) Cancer of tongue: Use of Galium Aparine in cancerous ulcers and nodulated tumors of the tongue has been clinically confirmed. It “favors healthy granulations on ulcerated surfaces.” It has power of modifying cancerous action. Besides, it “acts on the urinary organs, is a diuretic and of use in dropsies, gravel and calculi.” Its fluid extract, half-dram doses, in a cup of water or milk is taken three times a day. Kalium

Cynatum 6 also is quite beneficial in cancer and ulcers of tongue. There may be sudden sinking sensation, agonizing neuralgia and loss of power of speech. Symptoms may worsen from 4 a. m. to 4 p. m. It may be taken thrice daily. 12) Cancer of neck: Malignant diseases of the glands of the neck are cured by Cistus Can 30 three hourly. The patient is extremely sensitive to cold and may entertain desire for cheese. 13) Cancer of Breast: Phytolacca 200, 1M; It is pre-eminently a glandular remedy and is used in curing cancer of breast, especially of right side. Mammary tumors and abscesses; breast hard with small ulcers around nipples, pain travels from nipples all over body when child nurses; excessive continuous flow of milk from breast even after weening the baby. Shooting pain into ears on swallowing; cannot swallow anything hot, even water; tonsils swollen; ulcerated dark red or bluish red throat; uvula large, and dropsical. Commencing with 200 one dose daily in the morning for two/three days, one may have to prescribe higher doses such as 1M, 10M infrequently as may be required under advice from a qualified doctor, depending on the improvement which may take place gradually. Mercurius is inimical. So it should not be given after Phytolacca. However, Asterias Rubens 6 or 30 every 3 hours is needed if “left breast feels as if pulled inward, and pain extends over inner arm to end of little finger,” and there is heat in head, as if surrounded by hot air. It influences cancer disease favorably, even in ulcerative stage with sharp pains up to scapulae, worse motion. 14) Cancer of throat: In case the patient takes cold easily, almost always suffers from swollen tonsils with pain in pharynx or larynx, can only swallow liquids and befriends grief over trifles, Baryta Carb 30 three times a day will be beneficial. Nose, Larynx, Lungs may feel as if smoke inhaled. It is slow in action, bears repetition well. Calcarea is inimical. If mucus sticks in throat and cannot be forced up or down, pain worse left side and upon swallowing saliva or hot drinks, Lachesis 200 single weekly dose in morning will be quite helpful. The patient may have sensation of suffocation and strangulation on lying down. Acetic Acid and Carbolic Acid are incompatible to Lachesis. 15) Cancer of intestinal tract: Pains increase when food passes pyloric outlet; distention of stomach and duodenum occurs; there is depression of spirits with complete prostration; Ornithogalum Umbellatum Q, 2/3 drops in water, 3 hourly for some days helps a great deal. 16) Cancer of Uterus: For cancer of uterus with burning pain down thighs, painful indurations in right breast, night sweat, putrid discharges, weak digestion, inability to speak after appearance of menses, Carbo Animals 30 has to be given three times per day. Simultaneously Calcarea Phos 6x twice per diem may be given to ensure good results. However, if the patient suffers from dropsy, offensive bloody leucorrhoea with burning pain in uterus and vagina and deficiency of haemoglobin and red corpuscles, Calcarea Ars 3 or 6 should be given 3 hourly and no harm in continuing with Calcarea Phos. 17) Cancer of Ovary, vagina, cervix, uterus: Aurum Mur Nat 3x “has more power over uterine tumors than any other remedy.” Chronic metritis (inflammation of uterus), ossified uterus, ulceration of the neck of womb and vagina with leucorrhoea,

hardened cervix & ovaries, ovarian dropsy (morbid accumulation of watery fluid in ovary), inadequate shrinkage of uterus after delivery, high blood pressure, are some of the guiding symptoms. Let it be given thrice a day. 18) Cancer of rectum: Ruta G 30 is a remedy for rectal carcinoma affecting lower bowel. “Prolapsus ani every time the bowels move.” Constipation alternates with frothy stools containing mucus and blood. Backache relieved by lying flat on the back. Pain from back down hips and thighs. Feeling of profound lassitude, weakness, despair may afflict the patient. It may be given four hourly. 19) Epithelial Cancer: Acetic Acid 200 may be taken daily one dose in the morning for a week or so. It has the power to liquefy albuminous and fibrinous deposits. It is also used in cancer of stomach. Cold drinks distress. The patient may have oedema of feet and legs and backache which is relieved only by lying on abdomen. Bio-chemic Kali Sulph may also be given. 20) Cancer of testicles: Clematis Erecta 30 is used twice a day when testicles hang heavy or retracted with pain along spermatic cord, worse right side; there is swelling of scrotum and urine is emitted drop by drop. If testicles are worse on left side, Rhododendron 6 should be used likewise. The patient may suffer from hydrocele and may have swollen, painful, drawn up testicles. Aurum Metallicum 6 or 30 also very useful in atrophy of testicles, chronic swelling and pain thereof. 21) Cancer of face: Thuja Oc 30 may be used three hourly in case there is rapid exhaustion and emaciation. It may be due to ill-effects of vaccination or suppressed gonorrhoea. There may also be warty excrescences. After a few days, one dose of Thuja in 200th potency should be given after every 7 days. 22) Cancer of bone/periosteum: Symphytum 6, four times per diem is quite useful. It acts on joints favorably. It is also very good in injuries to sinews and tendons 23) Cancer of Pancreas: Pancreas secretes digestive enzymes and insulin. Iris Versicolor 30 covers pancreatic diseases substantially. It can be had 3 hourly. Besides, in alternation with Lycopodium 30 or 200 it takes care of constipation (Lyco should not be taken between 4 & 8 p.m. as it is the period of aggravation for Lyco). Iris Vers increases the flow of bile; cures biliary bloody vomiting and burning of alimentary canal, and affects favorably salivary, intestinal & pancreatic glands. Calcarea Arsenicum 6 relives burning pain in cancer of pancreas. Slight exertion worsens the sufferings. Liver and spleen may be enlarged. 24) Cancer of Prostate: In prostate hypertrophy, Sabal Serrulata Q is of unquestioned value. Fifteen drops should be taken in half cup of water three times per day. It reduces discharge of prostatic fluid and restricts wasting of testes. For senile enlargement of prostate, it is better if Ferrum Picricum 6 is also taken twice daily to complete the action of Sabal Serrulata. Glycyrrhiza Glabra Q also can be used as a supplement with Sabal Serrulata. It possesses cancer cell inhibiting properties in prostatic hyperplasia. In case prostatic problems persist, one dose of Conium 0/3 may be taken daily for a few months followed by Ars Iod 0/3 & Calcarea Carb 0/30 once daily for a month or so. 25) Cancerous diathesis: Scirrihnum is a cancer nosode and may be used in 30th potency three times daily for a certain period. It is good for enlarged glands, cancer of breast and worms. Hoang Nan Q, 5 drops in water twice daily “removes fetor and

haemorrhage in cancer, revives the healing process.” It follows Arsenic Alb well.

A special note on Cancer, AIDS & other fatal diseases: Foremost is your own firm faith in you yourself, Blessings of God, and completely stress-free life. The unlimited power of the intrinsic faith converts the medicine into an omniscient remedy, and cures howsoever deadly the disease may be. Tension, worry, anxiety, on the other hand, convert a medicine into crude drug and reduce its efficacy. Proper medical supervision is essential. We have taken up Leukemia (blood cancer) separately

Carbuncle: (It is an infective gangrene found in the skin and sub-cutaneous tissues, commonly at nape of the neck) Remedies: Anthracinum 200: For carbuncles with horrible burning pains and foul secretions, gangrenous ulcers, bubo, septicemia insect stings, black or blue blisters, it is a very good remedy and may be given thrice a day for 2 or 3 days, followed by Silicea 12x and Calcarea Fluor 12x twice a day for some days.

Cervical Spondylitis

Remedies: 1) Phosphoric Acid 0/3, twice a day: It suits best to persons who had strong constitution, but have become very weak by loss of vital fluids;

mental debility first, physical later. The patient is apathetic, indifferent, and listless. It is the principal remedy for cervical spondylitis; inflammation of vertebrae with tearing pains at night as if joints/bones scraped with a knife. There may be paralytic weakness of spine and boring pain between scapulae. Pains are better by warmth. 2) Cimicifuga Racemosa 200, twice a day for 2 or 3 days: It removes stiffness and contraction in neck and back and also rheumatic pains in neck & back. It has a wide action upon cerebrospinal and muscular system. The patient feels better from warmth and after eating. 3) Cocculus 30, 4 hourly, 7 days: It is good in the case of cracking of cervical vertebrae when walking; paralytic pain in small of the back with pain in arms and shoulders as if bruised, while riding in a carriage. Magnetis Polus Arcticus 30, 6 hourly, also helps in cracking of cervical vertebrae if there is sensation of coldness. 4) Calcarea Phos 6x and Mag Phos 6x, each 5 tablets twice a day in lukewarm water: This alternation will cover rheumatic pain and stiffness of neck, cramp-like pain in neck and around shoulder blades, spinal curvature, neuralgic pains with sensation in the limbs resembling electric shocks, relieved by heat, aggravated by cold.

Chicken-pox (Acute contagious disease occurring usually in children with fever accompanied by sparse eruption of papules, which turn into vesicles and thereafter into pustules; incubation period being 14 to 18 days.) Sign & Symptoms: a) b) c) d)

The rash usually appears within 24 hours of the onset. In 38 to 48 hours it turns into pustules. By the 4th day the pustules shrivel and form crusts. Pains in the back, vomiting, pyrexia are milder than in small pox.

Remedies: (The same remedies are very good for Small-pox also. It has been eradicated. So we have not dealt with it separately.) 1) Bryonia Alb 30: One or two doses will bring out the eruptions. 2) Variolinum 200 or 1M: After chicken-pox eruptions are seen clearly, only one dose should be given in the morning. It would be sufficient to cure rapidly. 3) Hydrastis Can 200: After 4/5 days of administering Variolinum, one dose of Hydrastis is given to mitigate adverse consequences of chicken-pox. 4) Ferrum Phos 3x: The treatment may be commenced with Ferrum Phos, the bio-chemic remedy, which alone may serve the purpose. It may be alternated with Kali Mur 3x, 2 hourly,

if white coated tongue is seen, as the basic cause of chicken-pox is a deficiency of the inorganic salt Kali Mur. When the skin is dry, rough, hot or when eruptions have been checked, alternate Kali Sulph 6x with Ferrum Phos.

Preventives of Chicken-pox, Small-pox: 1) Variolinum 200: one dose to be given in a week, total 3 doses. 2) Malandrinum 200: In lieu of Variolinum, it may be given similarly. 3) Solanum Xanthocarium 30: It also acts as preventive to Chicken-pox & Small-pox effectively, if 2 doses per diem are taken for three days, total 6 doses. In such a case, Variolinum or Malandrinum are not required to be used. It is also a remedy for bronchopneumonia, asthma, retention of urine.

Chikungunya (It is a relatively rare form of viral fever. The symptoms include headache, conjunctivial infection, slight photophobia, high fever, a petechial or maculopapular rash and crippling pains affecting multiple joints.)

Remedies: 1) Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200: “It is a boon in miasmatic districts…and in all conditions where there is a great deal of bone-pain.” There may be throbbing headache, vertigo, vomiting of bile, hiccough, coryza, swelling of great toe. Perspiration relieves all symptoms except headache. It may be given thrice a day for 3/4 days. 2) Rhus Tox 200 & Bryonia Alb 200: After Eupatorium Perf, Rhus Tox 200 one dose in morning, and Bryonia Alb 200 one dose in evening may be given, for 3/4days, as may suit the patient. 3) Belladonna 30: If besides high fever, rash appears and spreads suddenly, it should be given in split doses (one or two drops in half cup of water, and from it one teaspoonful to be taken every half hour, total 4 or 5 doses). Later on, if required, it may be taken 4 hourly for one or two days. 4) Aconite Nap 200: one dose every alternate day, total 3 or 4 doses, as a preventive medicine. 5) Bio-combination No.11 of SBL or Schwabe, 4 hourly may also be quite useful. Remarks: Chikungunya is a dangerous disease. If condition does not improve despite medication, hospitalization is a must.

Cholera: (Highly infectious intestinal disease characterized by bilious vomiting, diarrhea, sudden loss of fluid, scanty urine, weak pulse and drastic fall of blood pressure, abdominal pains and cramps. The discharge from the bowels resembles rice-water. The patient should be urged to drink hot water as much as possible conveniently. A half teaspoonful of salt should be added to each quart of water.) Remedies: 1. Camphora 30: It is characteristic of Camphor that the patient refuses to be covered, notwithstanding icy coldness of the whole body with sudden attacks of vomiting, diarrhoea and complete prostration of the vital force. The patient suffers from low blood pressure, weak pulse, a state of collapse and cramps in calves. Amelioration occurs when the patient thinks of the ailment and drinks cold water. First few doses may be given half hourly. 2. Cuprum Met 30: The tongue of the patient protrudes and retracts like that of a snake. Nausea is greater than in any other remedy. Summer causes cholera with cyanosis, severe colic, spasms and cramps in abdomen, also in calves, and soles. Vomiting is relieved by drinking cold water. First few doses may be given half hourly. In cholera, Veratrum Alb is complementary. 3. Veratrum Alb 30: The patient has thirst for cold water, but it is vomited as soon as swallowed; violent vomiting with profuse diarrhea and cold perspiration on the forehead and icy coldness of the tip of nose; cramps in calves. First few doses may be given half hourly. 4. Arsenic Alb 30: It is a very good remedy for cholera, which is caused by consumption of decayed food, spoiled meat. It may be due to injurious effects of watery fruits. Intense agony, prostration, and burning thirst characterize cholera. Mentally restless, physically too weak to move. Great thirst for cold water, drinks often but little at a time; burning pains; the affected parts burn like coals of fire; body cold as ice; craves milk, coffee, acids. Symptoms generally worse 1-2 p.m., 12-2 a.m. Three doses half hourly may be good enough. 5. Kali Phos 6x: It is a specific Biochemic medicine against cholera. Dr Schussler himself has cited a case of an old person who was attacked by severe vomiting and diarrhoea, accompanied by exceedingly painful cramps in calves, low pulse and ricewater discharges. Kali Phos cured. Four or five doses consisting of 5 grains may be given every 5/10 minute in hot water, as may be required. 6. Cholera Infantum frequently appears among teething children in summer, due to deficiency of Calcarea Phos which may be given in 6th trituration, 2 tablets thrice a day in hot water. If febrile symptoms appear, it may be alternated with Ferrum Phos 6x. During attack the child should not have any milk; food also should be as less as possible. As soon as it recovers, barley water with a little cream and warm water are recommended.

7. Natrum Sulph 3x acts as a preventive of cholera as it regulates the water in the blood and should be taken in hot water. A deficiency of sodium chloride leads to cholera. So Natrum Mur 3x may also be needed.

Chorea (St. Vitus’ dance) (Involuntary twitching, contortions & movements of the muscles of face and other limbs; It usually occurs in children, especially girls due to deficiency of the cell-salt, Mag Phos.) Signs & Symptoms: a) b) c) d)

Involuntary movements cause the child to drop things and make faces. Chorea often affects one side of the body. Weakness of the affected side is extreme A rapid protrusion and withdrawal of the tongue may occur.

Remedies: 1) Mag Phos: It is the chief remedy. For your precise appraisal, we cite hereby three case records: i) “Face and upper part of body affected; lateral and downward jerking of the mouth, snapping of eyelids, sudden forward motion of head, and other irregular movements. Better during sleep, aggravated at stool and by emotions, Ignatia failed. Mag Phos 6x, for three months, produced gratifying results, but did not fully cure. Acting on Dr Schussler’s advice, Calcarea Phos. 6x was given alternately with Magnesia Phos; the former once daily, the latter twice. In one month the child was cured.” (D.B. Whitter, M.D.) ii) “The patient talking to herself constantly, or sitting still in moody silence, or carrying things from one place to another and then back again. Magnesia Phos 12x cured.” iii) “A girl of 6 years was admitted to the London Homoeopathic Hospital… she had suffered from well-marked chorea during the preceding eight months…On admission she twitched all over during her waking hours, but was quite during sleep. She walked fairly well and could feed herself, but her speech was exceedingly defective… Magnesia Phos was prescribed-two grains of the sixth trituration, three

times daily. The improvement which followed was slow, but abundantly manifest.”

2) Stramonium 200: A few doses may be given 6 hourly. The symptoms may comprise of trembling, twitching of tendons, staggering gait; “sight of water or anything glittering brings on spasms,” tendency of head to fall forward and to the left, fear of solitude or darkness, sensation as if limbs were separated from body. The patient may see ghosts, hear voices, and speak to spirits. Coffee is inimical. Mag Phos may be given simultaneously to expedite cure. 3) Mygale Lasiodora 200: In a week one dose, total 3 doses to be given. Chorea is the principal therapeutic field of this medicine. The patient is restless and despondent and suffers from uncontrollable movements of arms and legs; limbs drag while walking; facial muscles twitch, head jerks to one side, mouth and eyes open in rapid succession, worse in morning, better during sleep.

Cirrhosis of Liver It is characterized by a) Necrosis of hepatic cells b) Fibrosis c) Nodular regeneration d) Abnormalities of the hepatic circulation e) Alcohol accounts for most cases of cirrhosis of liver f) Cirrhosis of liver may be in consequence of attacks of virus hepatitis

Remedies: i) Arsenic Alb 3: It should be given in alternation with Ferrum Phos 6x every 3 hour for some days. It is likely to take care of the cirrhosis of liver. ii) Mercurius Dulcis 1x: For cirrhosis of liver, especially in the hypertrophic form, it is given three times a day for a certain period. It will follow Arsenic Alb well. iii) Glycyrrhiza Glabra Q: It should be taken in water, 20 drops, two times per day. It is used as an adjuvant in chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of liver. It is hepato-protective and antioxidant. iv) Carduus Marianus Q: It protects the liver as it is gifted with antiinflammatory properties. It is effective in viral hepatitis, cirrhosis of liver with dropsy. 15-20 drops may be given with water twice daily. v) Lycopodium 0/3, twice a day for some days: Besides Hepatoma,

it takes care of billiary cirrhosis with obstructive jaundice also. The patient likes to take food and drinks hot, desires sweets, and suffers from excessive accumulation of flatulence. vi) Echinacea purpurea 1x, 2 drops in water twice daily for some days: It stimulates immune system. It benefits patients suffering from advanced liver cancer. It is also effective in alleviating chemotherapy induced leucopenia and removes genital herpes.

Colic (Severe pain in abdomen caused by spasm of intestines) Remedies: 1) Colocynthis 30: “Agonizing pain in abdomen, causing patient to bend double, is most characteristic.” It is also possible that pain shoots down left hip, left thigh & left knee. The pain is better by hard pressure and doubling up, worse by anger with indignation. One or two doses may be sufficient. 2) Mag Phos 6x: It is good for colic of newborn infants, also for flatulent colic of children. Use one tablet in two ounce of lukewarm water and give the child one teaspoonful every ten minutes. Relief would come before the third dose. It gives relief from gas also. Pains are worse right side and from cold, better warm application and bending double. 3) Dioscorea Villosa 30: It is a remedy for violent paroxysmal pains which radiate from abdomen to back, chest, arms; worse bending forward, relieved by standing erect or bending backward. It is beneficial to persons of feeble digestive power and habitual tea-drinkers. It may be taken four hourly. 4) Nux Vomica 30: It is the greatest polychrest. It is frequently the first remedy after much dosing. It establishes equilibrium of forces. The patient feels pressure in stomach as of a stone one or two hours after eating. There may be nausea and vomiting, with much retching and bruised soreness of abdominal wall; flatulent distention with spasmodic colic; constipation with frequent ineffectual urging for stools, worse morning, better evening. Three doses may be given at interval of 10 minutes. Zinc is inimical. So it should not be given before or after Nux Vom.


Symptoms: a) b) c) d)

Irritation of the eyes Eyeballs look fiery red Sticky discharge, initially white or yellowish, later thick, brown and corrosive Eyes water frequently

Remedies: 1) Aconite Nap 30: Sudden profuse watering after exposure to dry cold winds, with red and swollen eyelids. It is given 3 hourly for 2/3 days. 2) Belladonna 30: It is equally effective. Conjunctiva red, dry, burn. Fiery appearance of the swollen, protruding, painful eyes. Like, Aconite, it may also be given 3 hourly for 2 days. 3) Euphrasia 30: It is good for catarrhal conjunctivitis with acrid watery discharge and sticky mucus. It also acts well when given 3 hourly. Euphrasia eye drops may be used thrice a day simultaneously. 4) Ferrum Phos 6x: It may be administered after Belladonna in morning and afternoon. It reduces burning pain and watering considerably. It may be had when Belladonna is being taken.

Constipation Precaution: a) It affects nearly everyone at some time or the other b) One should inculcate daily habit of passing stools from childhood c) If neglected, one suffers from constipation. So it is psychological d) People lose the reflex action if they try to control Nature’s Call or avoid using toilet due to insanitary conditions.

Remedies: 1) Cascara Sagrada Q: It acts as a tonic for proper bowel movements if 15 drops are taken in half cup of water two times a day. It removes obstinate constipation associated with rheumatism

of muscles and joints. 2) Hydrastis Can Q: Constipation with sinking feeling in stomach and dull headache. Weak digestion with sore feeling in stomach more or less constant. Pain in rectum during and after passing stool. Ulcers; Gastritis. One may take 7 drops in water twice a day, 15 minutes after meals. In case the patient likes to take food and drink hot, and “a few mouthfuls fill up to the throat,” Lycopodium Q, 5 drops may be added to Hydrastis Q. Alternatively, Hydrastis 30 may be given twice a day after meals for a few days with Aletris Farinosa Q, 7 drops in water. It would suit those who feel tired all the time, suffer from flatulent colic, and least food distresses them. 3) Fucus Vesiculosus Q: If obstinate constipation is associated with obesity, 10 drops of the medicine should be given in water twice daily before meals. It would remove constipation as well as obesity. 4) Alumen 200: One dose per day for a few days if no desire to pass stool for days; ability to expel stool is absent; “Marble-like masses pass, but rectum still feels full,” and there is long lasting pain after stool. 5) Alumina 0/7: For constipation of infants and old persons, it may be given twice a day for utmost seven days. Even a soft stool is passed after great straining. There may be pain in back, arm and fingers as if hot iron penetrated. 6) Bryonia Alb 30: It follows Alumina advantageously. It is sufficient alone also. For constipation it is a very good remedy. Mucous membranes are all dry. Stools are large, hard, & dry as if burnt. Great thirst, drinks large quantities of water at long intervals. 7) Silicea 6x or 12x: We cite a case-record of Dr I.P. Johnson: “Mother of three children; constipation since birth of last child, three months ago. Cathartics had failed. The stools were hard and dry, were partially expelled with much straining, and then receded into the rectum. Silicea cured in four doses, taken night and morning.” Calcarea Fluor 6x or 12x may be taken with Silicea. Remarks: “Purgatives and laxatives containing medicinal paraffin oil are detrimental to the bowel and should not be used.”

Corns (Small hard growth on toe or foot, painful or painless) Remedies: 1)

Antimonium Crudum 200: Inflamed large horny corns on soles of feet; pain in heels; feet

very tender; tongue coated thick white as if whitewashed; no thirst; headache with great loss of hair; amelioration after warm bath; one dose is given alternate morning for one month with local application of Hydrastis Q on a small piece of cotton. 2) Calcarea Fluorica 12x: In case corns very hard, and painful, 4 hourly. 3) Kali Mur 6x and Silicea 6x: For sore soft inflamed corns, which form repeatedly, both remedies should be taken three times daily. In corns if the pain is stabbing, stinging, lancinating, and there is itching also, Mag Phos 6x is needed in hot water thrice daily.

Coryza (Common cold with inflammation of mucous membrane) Remedies: 1) Aconite Nap 30: Sudden violent invasion due to dry cold winds with fear and restlessness, much sneezing; watering of eyes; dry or watery coryza, worse evening and night; feverish feeling. Let it be given 2 hourly for one or two days. As soon as substantial improvement is seen, medication may be stopped or at least duration increased. Usually cold takes its own time to disappear completely. Arsenic Alb follows well. 2) Allium Cepa 30: Profuse, watery, and extremely acrid nasal discharge, acrid tears, sneezing while entering a warm room; to be taken 3 hourly, one or two days. Arsenic Alb follows it well. 3) Arsenic Alb 30: Thin watery excoriating discharge; sneezing without relief; worse wet weather, better warm drinks; 3 hourly three doses may be good enough. 4) Natrum Mur 30: Violent fluent sneezing coryza, with loss of smell and taste; use it three hourly for a day or two. 5) Avena Sativa Q: In acute coryza and colds, a few hourly doses consisting of 20 drops in hot water are quite beneficial. It acts as a tonic also. It removes nervous exhaustion. 6) Bio-chemic remedies: a) To remove predisposition to take cold, Ferrum Phos 3x & Calcarea Phos 3x should be taken in two hourly alternation for some days. A lack of ferrum molecules in the blood is the cause of colds. b) “If the fibrinous exudation is thrown off through the nasal passages, it is called catarrh.” In the stage of acute nasal catarrh, dry coryza, stuffy cold, and burning dryness, Kali Mur 6x has proved to be the most satisfactory remedy, when taken two hourly. c) Natrum Mur 12x: We cite a case-record from a book by Dr George W. Carey, M.D.: A lady of 48 years suffered from coryza “which appeared twice a week, lasted one or two days…always worse from 10 to 12 a. m. The discharge was watery and so profuse that she was compelled to use a towel instead of a handkerchief. Everything cool brought relief. Wet weather, fog, wet feet, warmth and a warm room aggravated the condition. The attack was accompanied by sneezing that could be heard throughout the house… she received Natr. Mur, five powders, one to be taken every third evening… Subsequently the same remedy was prescribed, a powder once a week…with most satisfactory results.”

Cough (Cough indicates sudden and noisy expulsion of air from the lungs. Theoretically, it is not a disease. It is an abnormal condition, which if not rectified timely, may cause serious consequences.) 1) Bio-chemic remedies: a) Kali Mur 6x: Loud noisy cough accompanied by wheezing rales with expectoration of thick milky white tenacious phlegm and white or grayish white coating of the tongue and persistent hoarseness. It should be given four hourly. b) Ferrum Phos 6x: For acute short painful tickling cough without expectoration, it is very useful, if given 2 hourly. One should abstain from giving it in the evening as that is its aggravation period. In case, with every cough, there is emission of urine, it cures speedily. c) Magnesia Phos 6x, hourly five doses in lukewarm water: It is the remedy for true spasmodic cough which occurs in paroxysms without expectoration. Hot drinks give temporary relief. Tongue usually is clean. The condition is worse on lying down and at night, better on sitting up and warm drinks. 2) Homoeopathic remedies: a) Spongia Tosta 30: Dry barking croupy cough worse during inspiration, ascending and before midnight, better descending. It abates after eating or drinking, especially warm drinks. Excitement enhances cough. Tickling in throat causes cough. The patient exhibits sibilant (hissing) sound like a saw being driven through a pine board. Three doses per day for two/three days may be sufficient. Bio-chemic medicines may also be given as may be required. b) Stannum 30: Laughing, talking, singing causes dry strangling cough in paroxysms of three coughs (of two, Merc) with scanty sweetish expectoration and great weakness of chest. It may be had 4 hourly for two/three days. Pulsatilla is complementary if cough dry at night and loose in the morning with copious mucus expectoration. c) Hepar Sulph 30: The patient gets afflicted with hoarse croupy choking cough whenever any part of the body is uncovered; loses voice and coughs when exposed to dry cold wind while walking. It is worse in morning. Let it be taken 4 hourly for two days. Merc Sol 30 or 200 follows well if cough worse at night and the patient cannot lie on right side. d) Antim Tart 30: Great rattling of mucus, but little expectoration is a guiding symptom. Drowsiness, debility, sweat and irresistible inclination to sleep accompany the ailment. Cough and dyspnoea better lying on right side, eructation and sitting erect. Three doses may be given half hourly. Subsequently, Ipecac 30 may be given twice a day for 2/3 days if cough and nausea persistent, and chest full of phlegm and the patient is not able to speak.

e) Bryonia Alb 30: “Coming into warm room excites cough…with feeling as if chest would fly to pieces.” Dry painful cough with great thirst, headache & constipation, worse after eating/drinking, least movement, better absolute rest, physical as well as mental. It may be taken every 3 hour for a day or two. Ferrum Phos may be alternated, if the situation so demands.

Suggestion: Grapes tone up the lungs and act as expectorants. A cup of grape juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey gives cough relief in a couple of days. Cramps (Spasmodic involuntary painful contraction of muscles from sudden chill or strain) Remedies:

1) Cuprum Met 30: Spasms and cramps in abdomen, calves of legs, soles, palms; flexor types of cramps are usually noticed with great weariness of limbs. Clonic spasms begin in fingers and toes. Three doses 4 hourly to be given. In Writer’s cramps, Cuprum Met 6 and Gelsemium 6 will be quite useful if given twice daily. 2) Cuprum Ars 3: “Cramps in calves of legs, worse after midnight, only relieved by getting out of bed and standing.” It may be given every four hour, one or two days. 3) Camphor 6: Cramps in calves with icy coldness of the whole body; cracking in joints; numbness, tingling, coldness. Half hourly 3 doses. Kali Nit is inimical, so should not be given after Camphor. 4) Magnesia Phos 6x: It is excellent for spasms of every kind in any part of the body. There may be a sensation in limbs like a shock of electricity. Cramps in calf muscles. Writer’s cramp. It cures convulsion, twitching, contraction, cramps, fits, etc., when frequent doses are given in hot water. For quick relief in the case of cramps and spasms, half a teaspoon of Mag Phos is dissolved in a cup of hot water (stirred often) and a sip is taken every 5 minute, seven times. Subsequently, Calcarea Phos 6x should be alternated every 2 hour to prevent recurrence of spasms & cramps. This alternation cures Lockjaw also. 5) Calcarea Phos 6x: We cite a very interesting case. Dr Fechtmann was called to see a lady who “had been suffering for nearly five weeks from fearful attacks of convulsive spasms. During the last 24 hours she had had thirty attacks. The spasms darted through her body like an electric shock, so that she fell to the ground. The attack lasted a few minutes, after which she felt well enough, but rather exhausted… Knowing that Magnes. Phos and Calc. Phos are the two prescribed for allaying spasms (cramp), I chose the latter, Calc. Phos., under the circumstances. Next day, to the astonishment of those about her, I found the old lady walking about the room. She met me with a smile, exclaiming: “Ah, doctor, my spasms are cured!” And so it was. She has not had another attack.”

Dengue (Infectious eruptive fever causing acute pains in joints and back with stiffness of patient’s neck & shoulders, and biphasic febrile episode, severe headache, myalgia (muscular pains) and morbilliform rash. Female mosquito aedes aegypti causes dengue which is also known as break bone fever. First day flashes of heat on face, skin acquires red appearance. Sixth day the patient suffers from morbilliform rash which resembles that of measles.)

Remedies: 1) Eupatorium Perfoliatum 30 or 200: “It is a boon in miasmatic districts.” It is given three hourly for two days if fever is associated with severe pains in bones and muscles, arms and wrists which are better by sweating. But throbbing headache is not relieved by perspiration. Natrum Mur 30 follows well if fever blisters and chilliness with blinding headache continues. 2) Rhus Tox 30 or 200: In any and every kind of fever, extreme physical restlessness, fear of being poisoned; complaints relieved by movement and aggravated during rest, from getting wet while perspiring, before a thunderstorm; triangular red tip of tongue, sensation as if bones were scraped with a knife, swashing (Sound of washing or rising & falling) sensation in brain, very chilly, even open air intolerable, dreams of rowing or swimming, tearing pains in tendons/ligaments, desires cold milk which relieves gastric complaints. Fever may commence around 7 p.m. and last whole night and/or attack at 10 a.m. and remain whole day. Muscular pains and restlessness are characteristic symptoms. It may be given three hourly for 2 or 3 days. (Apis Mel & Rhus Tox are inimical, so must not be given after each other)

3) Bryonia Alb 30: Fever associated with constipation & bursting splitting headache & bodyache, complaints ameliorate by absolute rest, lying on painful side & pressure and aggravate by least movement; dryness of mouth, tongue and throat with excessive thirst at long intervals, stools large hard dry, as if burnt; exceedingly irritable, wants to go home although at home, slow onset of fever. It may be given 2 hourly. It is complementary to Rhus Tox and may be given after it has been administered for 2 days. 4) Belladonna 30: Belladonna stands for violence of attack and suddenness of onset. It can be prescribed in any season. No thirst with fever. Severe throbbing headache, better by tight bandaging, worse slight noise; throat congestion causes tonsillitis & difficult deglutition; hallucinations: sees monsters, ghosts, black animals, various insects; pain aggravates by slightest touch, even of bed cover, ameliorates after drinking hot water, transverse colon may protrude like a pad, sleepy but cannot sleep. If some of the salient symptoms tally, it may be given in split doses. The procedure is that one drop is taken in half cup of water and then one teaspoonful is given from it half hourly about four times as may suit the patient. 5) Aconite Nap 30: Sudden rise of temperature with physical and mental restlessness, due to exposure to dry cold winds, tossing about in agony, fear of death, crowd, crossing the street, predicts the day he will die, burning thirst for large quantities of cold water, watery coryza with sneezing, affections of the heart with pain in left shoulders, worse at night and in evening, better in open air, urine suppressed, music unbearable. Aconite is neither indicated in typhoid, malarial and low fevers nor alternated with any other medicine. It is quite good in traumatic fevers. If the case requires Aconite, no other drug is needed. It should be repeated frequently in acute disease. It is a rapid worker. It may be replaced by other medicine, if required, after 2 days. 6) Arsenic Alb 30: High temperature may be due to G. I. Tract infection. Septic fevers. Great prostration with mental restlessness. Fear of death, thinks it is useless to take medicine, afraid of loneliness, burning pains; affected parts burn like coals of fire, drinks often but little at a time, complaints worse after midnight, upon lying down, at seashore, better from heat & warm drinks. This remedy acts on every organ and tissue profoundly. Excellent results are seen in the case of abuse of alcohol, injurious effects of watery fruits, cold drinks, ice cream, spoiled meat, decayed food. It may be given 3 hourly and with it Bryonia 200 combines well. 7) Bio Combination No. 11: It is useful when taken 4 hourly. It consists of Ferrum Phos, Kali Mur, Natrum Mur, Kali Sulph and Natrum Sulph in 6x potency. Ferrum Phos and Natrum Sulph in alteration also work. Note: All symptoms may not appear at a time. So the layman has to apply medicine based on a few salient features only. No worry, even then.


The intake of these tiny atoms is safe against assault of disease force upon vital force of the human body inasmuch as application thereof is indicated in viral or bacterial influenza, intermittent, remittent, scarlet, gastric fevers, dengue, measles, smallpox, heart affections including Angina Pectoris etc. We may add that urethral fever requires Aconite, Arsenic, and Rhus Tox; for Worm Fever, Belladonna is a good remedy.

Diabetes Mellitus (Steady accumulation of sugar in blood due to degeneration of the islands of Langerhans in the pancreas causing insulin deficiency characterized by excessive glucose-charged urine, thirst, & emaciation.) Remedies: 1) Gymnema Sylvestre Q: It is an excellent medicine for diabetes Mellitus. It is known as “Sugar killer.” The patient suffers from burning all over the body and frequent urination which makes him/her very weak. One should take 20 drops of this medicine in water twice a day regularly. It would keep diabetes under control. 2) Syzygium Jambolanum Q: “No other remedy causes in so marked degree the diminution and disappearance of sugar in Urine.” It takes care of diabetic ulceration also. It may be taken like Gymnema Sylvestre and if required mixed with it advantageously. 3) Insulin 6: It is “an aqueous solution of an active principle from pancreas which affects sugar metabolism. If administered at suitable intervals in diabetes mellitus, the blood sugar is maintained at a normal level.” Overdosing should be avoided. It restores the lost ability to oxidize carbohydrate and stores glycogen in the liver. It should be given twice a day for a few days. 4) Ginseng Q, 5 drops in water twice a day: It regulates blood sugar levels. It is one of the most famous Chinese herbs. It increases vitality. It acts favorably in lumbago, sciatica, rheumatism. 5) Natrum Sulph 6x: Diabetes Mellitus of nervous origin is cured by treatment with Natrum Sulph and Mag Phos, both 6x, in alternation every two hour for a week; (E. A. de Cailhol, M.D.) 6) Bio combination No.7, four times a day: The combination comprises of Calcarea Phos, Ferrum Phos, Kali Phos, Natrum Phos, and Natrum Sulph. Ferrum Phos and Calcarea Phos are required to cure inflammation of kidneys. Kali Phos restores nervous system and facilitates normal functioning of the pancreas. Natrum Phos takes care of hepatic form of diabetes. Natrum Sulph is an important remedy in all stages of diabetes. It secures elimination of excess water from the blood and blood serum. The bio-combination thus supports patient’s state of health by assimilating the glucose.

Remarks: Diabetic patients should never overeat, not even once. Let the food be digested easily. One should not keep the stomach empty either; better eat six times a day. The food should not be rich; it should be nutritious. Reverence: Though Diabetes Mellitus is usually incurable, but controllable, we are pleased to cite an example of cure hereby. Our family friend, Captain S.N. Dalmia of Indian Airlines, was once grounded when he became diabetic, but he proceeded to Jaipur where he stayed in an Ashram for six months, and by sheer determination and firm belief, doing Yoga regularly, and maintaining proper diet always as was suggested by a Swamiji, got cured without any medication and could pass stringent tests and procedures which were conducted repeatedly in conformity with rules and regulations of the government of India. Consequently, orders for grounding were revoked and he commenced flying the planes again as before. You can do it in case you are endowed with such resoluteness.

Diarrhoea (Excessive frequency and looseness of bowel movements; imperfect digestion and assimilation of food generally causes it. It may be due to climatic conditions also.)

Symptoms: a) Frequent evacuation of liquid or semi-liquid stools, without discharge of mucus or blood b) The stools are paler than normal c) When severe and persistent, the patient may suffer from physical exhaustion, dehydration, potassium and protein deficiency Remedies: 1. Podophyllum 30: Stool with gas, early morning, in summer, painless, watery, green, offensive, and profuse, with jelly-like mucus; there may be nausea & vomiting with thirst for cold water. Two doses one hourly may be good enough. 2. Aconite Nap 1x: 2 drops in half cup of water, every two hours, 3 or four doses for hilly diarrhea with sudden loose or watery stools. 3. Arsenic Alb 30: Food poisoning after taking watery fruits, melons, preserved foods, great restlessness, intense agony, prostration and burning thirst; drinks much but little at a time. It may be taken 3 hourly. 4. Phosphorus 30: Very fetid stools, watery, pouring away as from hydrant, great weakness after stool, sensation of anus wide open. It may be repeated 3 hourly. Causticum should not be given after it as it is incompatible. 5. One of our most valuable remedies for diarrhoea of children during dentition is Calcarea Phos 3x, every two or three hours for a day or two. Stool may be hot, watery, profuse, offensive, and noisy. It may be alternated with Mag Phos 6x if the child suffers from flatulent colic also. 6. Cynodon Dactylon 3x: It is good for chronic diarrhea. If suits, it cures upon administration of a few hourly doses only. 7. Chamomilla 30: It is very good for diarrhea during dentition particularly if the child is very irritable and restless and the stools are hot, green, watery, very offensive, like chopped eggs. He/she may be afflicted with hot perspiration and is quiet only when carried. ‘Mental calmness contra-indicates Chammilla.” One or two doses may cure. Belladonna is complementary. 8. Aloe Soc 30: The patient hurries to closet immediately after eating and drinking for want of confidence in sphincter ani which drives him out of bed early in the morning. He is not certain whether gas or stool will pass. It is used 3 hourly for a day or two. 9. Natrum Sulph 6x, a few doses hourly: It is one of the most indicated Bio-chemic

remedy in the case of chronic diarrhea with loose gushing morning greenish stools < in damp weather.

Dysentery: (A painful intestinal inflammation characterized by semi-solid stools, mucous and bloody evacuations.) Symptoms: a) Amoebic dysentery is characterized by periodic attacks of diarrhoea with blood and slime in the stools b) In acute bacillary dysentery the onset is sudden with fever, colic and tenesmus c) The stools contain blood with mucus together with pus cells and epithelial debris


1. Kali Mur and Ferrum Phos, both 6x and in alternation, every two hours, are generally sufficient to cure dysentery, if taken in time. The patient passes stool every few minutes and tenesmus is always present. 2. Arsenic Alb 30: Amoebic dysentery; drinks much but little at a time. Stools small, dark, very offensive, bloody with great prostration. Let it be taken 3 hourly for one or two days. 3. Merc Sol 30, 4 hourly, if stools bloody, slimy, with much pain and mucus, worse at night and in wet weather. 4. Phosphorus 30, 4 hourly, 3 doses; violent pains as from knives; passes pure blood instead of normal stools. (Causticum must not be given after Phosphorus as it is inimical.) 5. Merc Cor 30: Bacillary dysentery; tenesmus is not relieved by passing stool; it is incessant; stools are hot, scanty, bloody, slimy, and offensive. It may be sufficient if given 3 hourly for a day or two.

Dropsy Anasarca, ascites, oedema also (Morbid accumulation of watery fluid in any part of body; a deficiency of calcium phosphate and sodium chloride in the blood and blood-serum) Remedies: 1) Apis Mel 6: Sudden bag-like swelling or puffing up of whole body, erysipelatous inflammations, anasarca, ascites, dropsical effusions, oedema of skin, hand, feet and mucous membranes with burning, stinging, sore pains, red rosy hue, and thirstlessness, worse heat in any form and after sleeping, better bathing. It is taken twice a day for a few days. One should not take Rhus Tox after it. Natrum Mur and Arsenic Alb follow well. 2) Apocynum Cannabinum 1x: It is “one of our most efficient remedies in dropsies, ascites, anasarca and hydrothorax.” It is good for hydrocephalus also. A diminished frequency of pulse, urine and sweat constitutes prime indication. Fifteen drops of the medicine are given in half cup of water every six hours. 3) Oxydendron Q: It is also useful in dropsy, ascites, anasarca, prostatic enlargement. 7 drops of it may be taken twice a day in water. 4) Natrum Mur 6x, thrice a day: A little girl of 9 years “recovered from diphtheria and scarlatina rather easily…Suddenly she began to swell without any apparent cause…Dropsy was increasing rapidly; urine scanty; only very small quantities occasionally…Natrum Mur alone cured in about a fortnight.” (Dr Cohn). Natrum Sulph 6x, which is the chief remedy, may be alternated, every 2 hours, to carry off the excess of water. 5) Kali Mur 6x: It is “indicated in chronic persistent swelling of the feet and lower limbs, when the swelling is soft at first, afterwards becoming hard to the touch, without pain or redness…the swelling becomes less perceptible in the morning than in the evening.” (Dr Goullon); there is generally a white coated tongue; dropsy arising from weakness of heart or from obstruction of bile-ducts. It may be taken three times a day.

Earache (Otalgia) (Otitis Media = inflammation of the middle ear) Remedies: 1. Sudden earache with sensation as of drop of water in left ear: Aconite Nap 30; three doses at interval of 10 minutes. 2. Inflammation of middle ear with tearing pain & humming noises: Belladonna 30; split doses preferable; one drop in two ounce of water and from it one teaspoonful every 15 minutes, total 4 or 5 doses. 3. Earache due to boil in the ear with discharge of fetid pus: Hepar Sulph 200, 3 doses at interval of 15 minutes. 4. Otalgia, worse in bed with itching in ear through Eustachian tube: Nux Vom 30, half hourly 3 doses. 5. Thick yellow discharge from ear with offensive odor better open air: Pulsatilla 30, a few doses 3 hourly. 6. Discharge of bloody pus from the ear: Rhus Tox 30, three times a day for 2 days. 7. Roaring and ringing in ear: Natrum Mur 30, 3 hourly one day. 8. Inflammatory earache after exposure to cold or wet with burning throbbing pain, noticeable pulsation: Ferrum Phos 6x hourly, 6 doses. “For earache after exposure to cold or wet I have no better remedy.” (R.S. Copeland); Dr H.W. Chaplin says that no other medicine is needed with it in the treatment of otitis media. 9. Kali Mur 6x, principal remedy for deafness from swelling of the glands & the external ear. There may be cracking noises on blowing the nose; it may be taken thrice a day for some days. Its action is greater upon the Eustachian tube of the right side than upon that of the left side. 10. Mercurius Dulcis 6: It is excellent for treatment in otitis media and closure of Eustachian tube, also catarrhal deafness, particularly if the patient suffers from rhinorrhoea (watery discharge from nose). It may be given 4 hourly. Kali Mur 6x will follow it well. Calcarea Sulph 6x is complementary in such cases. 11. Silicea 6x: For chronic suppurative otorrhoea, when discharge is thin, ichorous, offensive and associated with destruction of bone, Silicea is the remedy. It is also good for Meniere’s syndrome (excess fluid in inner ear causing dizziness, ringing in ears, even deafness) and Mastoid Periostitis, especially in case there is relief from moist warmth. Calcarea Sulph 3x or 6x follows Silicea well in suppurative processes when the discharge is mixed sometimes with blood and aggravation is from working in water.

Eczema (A disorder in which the skin becomes inflamed, reddish, scaly, and very itchy with numerous small papules turning into vesicles which mature, rupture and secrete serum; as the vesicle dries, it forms dry scales/small crusts. Some forms of eczema are dry and some continuously ooze under the crusts.) Remedies: 1) Arbutus Andarachne Q: In case eczema is associated with arthritis, gout, rheumatism, lumbago and symptoms shift from skin to joints, it is a good remedy. Seven drops of it may be taken in water twice a day. 2) Kali Ars 6: It should be taken twice a day till improvement is visible. As soon as there is improvement, administration of this medicine must be stopped, failing which there will be some aggravation. It is good for chronic eczema with intolerable itching, worse warmth, walking, undressing. The patient is restless, nervous and anaemic. 3) Graphites 30: Eruptions ooze out a sticky exudation. There may be persistent dryness of skin unaffected by eczema. It suits women who are inclined to obesity and suffer from habitual constipation and despondency. There may be eczema of lids, eruptions behind ears, and cracks or fissures at ends of fingers with crippled or crumbling toe-nails. One may take 3 doses at interval of 4 hours. Ars allb 30 may follow beneficially. 4) Anthrakokali 3x: It is given three times a day. It is useful for the treatment of scabies, prurigo, chronic herpes, and papular eruption with a vesicular tendency, especially on scrotum, also on hands, tibia, shoulders and dorsum of feet. There may be vomiting of bile with intense thirst. 5) Chrysarobinum 6: It may be given thrice a day. It is good for eczema behind ears with tendency to form thick crust. It is also good for ringworm and psoriasis. There may be violent itching at thighs, legs, ears. 6) As for bio-chemic remedies, we cite a case of rapid cure of eczema of long standing:

“Mr C, age 32, was subject to severe eruptive skin disease for ten years. Intolerable itching with yellow discharge…The biochemic remedies which were used were Ferrum Phos and Natrum Phos, ten grains of each, one powder at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., and Silicea, ten grains at noon and 6 p.m. Low protein and starch dietary was used. The treatment lasted from January

16 to February 16, after which the skin was almost cleared of all eruption.” (Dr Ford Wilson, Canada) 7) “Eczema in a child, on cheeks, chin and behind ears, skin swollen and inflamed and underneath it indurations. Pustules developed early, cured in one week by Kali Mur 6x, every four hours.” (D.B. Whittier, M.D.) 8) “Eczema on the eyebrows yielded quickly to Natrum Mur 3x internally and externally.” (Dr B. N. Mitra).

Elephantiasis (Filariasis) (A chronic disease of skin causing part affected to resemble elephant’s hide; it is caused by obstruction of the lymphatic vessels, esp. by filarial worms.) Remedies: 1) Hydrocotyle 6: It is very good for elephantiasis. It is also good for “great thickening of epidermoid layer and exfoliation of scales,” and intolerable itching, especially of soles, and granular ulceration of womb. Let it be given twice a day for some days. 2) Elaeis Q: It is also good for elephantiasis, thickened, hardened and itching skin and may be given two times a day alternatively, if need be. 3) Ars Alb 30: It acts on every organ and tissue profoundly and is beneficial in septic infections and low vitality; a few 4 hourly doses followed by two or three doses of Lycopodium 30 (only in morning) may be adequate. 4) Calcarea Fluor 12x: It is given twice a day. Its use enables the body to resume its power of contractility and function properly. Exudations are thrown off and absorbed by the lymphatics.


(Abnormal enlargement of alveoli or air vesicles of the lungs accompanied by loss of elasticity in the tissues causing serious impairment in breathing) Characteristics: a) Emphysema is seen most often in middle-aged persons who may have suffered from chronic bronchitis b) Breathlessness increases on slightest exertion particularly in winter c) Expiration is prolonged and wheezing d) Dyspnoea is worse on ascending even a few steps e) Desire to lie on abdomen from which he/she gets relief

Remedies: 1) Ammonium Carb 200: It is one of the best remedies in emphysema. The patient may be fat but exhibits “much oppression in breathing; worse after any effort, and entering warm room, or ascending even a few steps,” with weak heart, cold sweat, audible palpitation, trembling hands, better lying on abdomen and on painful side. One dose should be given on alternate days in morning in empty stomach. Lachesis is inimical and should not be given before or after it. 2) Antimonium Ars 6: It is very useful in emphysema with excessive dyspnoea, cough and much mucous secretion, worse on eating and lying down. There may be oedema of face or left sided pleurisy. It should be given twice a day for a few days. 3) Lobelia Inflata 6: It is good for senile emphysema which is worse tobacco, cold washing, slightest motion; sensation of constriction or weight in chest, better by rapid walking. There may be gastric headache, nausea, vomiting and dyspepsia. It may be taken twice or thrice a day for some days. 4) Ledum Pal 6: It is good for bronchitis with emphysema of the aged and suffocative arrest of breathing. There may be cough with bloody expectoration. Rheumatism commences in lowerlimbs and ascends. It is safe to take it twice a day for a few days. 5) Calcarea Fluor 6x & Ferrum Phos 6x: To restore strength of muscles and elasticity of connective fibres, one dose of Ferrum Phos 6x, 5 tablets, should be given daily in the morning, and one dose of Calcarea Fluor 6x similarly in the evening every day till recovery. Intercurrently, Calcarea Phos 6x may be had one dose in a week. Calcarea Fluor is the chief remedy in true croup (Inflammation of larynx and trachea, characterized by suffocative breathing). Ferrum Phos is the chief remedy for dyspnoea.

Worth Noting: We consider it our moral obligation to acknowledge, by placing on record hereby, that this book of welfare is the outcome of the inspiration we have derived from the departed saintly soul of revered Shashikant Sheth, one of God’s chosen people, and our family friend, who died of emphysema some years ago.

Eosinophilia (Abnormal increase of eosinophils in blood; it may be due to bronchial asthma, allergic hay fever, pernicious anaemia, skin diseases etc) Remedies: 1) Arsenic Alb 3: It removes fear, fright, worry, debility, exhaustion, restlessness and helps in curing urticaria, psoriasis or any other skin disease which is worse cold and scratching and is caused by increase in number of eosinophils. It may be taken twice daily for a few days. 2) Psorinum 200: If the patient wants warm clothing even in summer, suffers from eczema, with offensive discharge, behind or around the ears, and phagocytes are defective, single dose of the medicine be given and may be repeated after 10 days, if required. 3) Thyroidinum 6x: It may be taken 3 times a day for some days, if the patient gets irritated against least opposition, suffers from low blood pressure, tachycardia, hypothyroidism, eczema or psoriasis with cold extremities, and desires sweets & cold water, and urine smells of violets. 4) Cassia Soph Q: Whether the case is acute or chronic, it serves nicely, in case taken 3 times daily in water, 5 to 7 drops. 5) Histamine 200: One dose per week, total 3 doses, required if digestive and allergic disorders exist. 6) Natrum Mur 12x & Natrum Sulph 12x may be taken alternately, 4 hourly. Both will help in maintaining eosinophil count considerably.


(Chronic nervous disease in which patient falls to ground unconscious, with or without convulsions)

Symptoms: a) Suddenly the child gives a loud shriek and falls down unconscious. b) His movements become violent. c) The jaws are clenched. d) Foam emanates from the mouth, often tinged with blood as the tongue gets bitten. e) The eyes are fixed and staring, and roll about. f) The hands are clenched over the thumbs. g) The child seems bewildered upon waking after 2/3 minutes.

Remedies: 1) Cuprum Met 6: Aura begins from knees and ascends to lower abdomen, thereafter unconsciousness, foaming, falling may occur. During unconscious state, the tongue protrudes and retracts like that of a snake; aggravation at night, during menses, new and full moon; amelioration by drinking cold water and perspiration. There may be spasmodic asthma, cramps in calves and soles, and worm affections. Let it be taken thrice a day with Absinthium Q, 5 drops in water, twice a day. If nervous tremors precede attack, and the patient is afflicted with spasmodic facial twitching, Absinthium helps considerably. 2) Argentum Nitricum 30: It is an excellent remedy for epilepsy caused by fright or occurs at menstrual period. Very characteristic is the great desire for sweets. The patient suffers from peculiar mental impulses such as jumping out of window. The symptoms are worse from warmth in any form and after taking meals, better fresh air. It may be taken twice a day. 3) Kali Mur 6x: It is the chief remedy for epilepsy, especially when it occurs with or after the suppression of skin eruptions. It relieves a fit. It prevents tissue metamorphosis. “The protoplasmic fibres are surely strengthened by Kali Mur…to preserve the brain integrity.” It should be given thrice a day. 4) A combination of Kali Mur 6x, Kali Phos 6x, Mag Phos 6x is also quite effective if given 4 hourly. Kali Phos takes care of shrunken countenance, coldness, palpitation. Mag Phos takes care of epilepsy from vicious habits and also the spasms and contortions of epilepsy. It should be given in hot water. 5) Silicea 6x: It is good for Nocturnal epilepsy, especially if it occurs about the time of new moon, and at night.


The hygiene of the patient must be taken care of. The diet should be vegetarian. No overeating; regular meals; plenty of fresh air, exercise and sleep are imperative.

Epistaxis (Bleeding from nose)

Remedies: 1) Ferrum Phos 3x or 6x, hourly, 3 or 4 doses: Epistaxis, especially of children, of bright red blood. 2) Kali Phos 6x, two hourly one or two days: Epistaxis of dark putrid blood in weak old people. 3) Hamamelis Vir 30, 4 hourly, 2 or 3 days: Profuse bleeding of non-coagulating black blood from nose with bad odor. Ferrum Phos is complementary. 4) Millefolium 6, one houly one day: Nosebleed, blood bright red, with piercing pain from eyes to root of nose. It follows Arnica well. 5) Arnica Mont 30, 3 hourly, 3 days: Bleeding of dark fluid blood after every fit of cough with soreness of nose. 6) Bryonia Alb Q, 5 drops in water thrice a day: “Frequent bleeding of nose when menses should appear,” worse by slightest motion. 7) Phosphorus 200, one dose per day, 3 or 4 doses: “Epistaxis instead of menses.” Easily bleeding polypi, with thirst for icy cold water. Causticum is incompatible.

Erysipelas (St Anthony’s fire) (Acute infectious disease caused by streptococcus and characterized by localized inflammation and deep red color of skin, with fever, flushes of heat, chill, headache, vomiting and shooting pains, worse from movement)

Remedies: 1) Apis Mel 6: Erysipelas with extreme sensitiveness, swelling, red rosy hue, dropsical effusions, stinging & burning pains, intolerance of heat, soreness, thirstlessness, worse heat, better cold bathing; to be taken 4

hourly. Rhus tox is inimical, so should not be given after it has been administered. Remedies that follow well include Graphites and Ars Alb. 2) Belladonna 30: Erysipelas with dry, hot, burning, shining red, swollen skin, throbbing carotids, aversion to water, suddenly spreading eruption, high feverish state, vertigo when stooping, aggravation touch, motion, noise, amelioration rest, sitting erect; to be taken 3 hourly for a few days. 3) Cantharis 30: Vesicular type erysipelas of face with great restlessness, severe burning, biting heat, painful urging to urinate, fever with cold hands and feet, worse open air, better from heat, while eating; to be taken 3 hourly. 4) Graphites 30: “Phlegmonous erysipelas of face” with burning and stinging pain, worse warmth, at night, during and after menstruation; Graphites “eradicates tendency to erysipelas.” It suits patients who have tendency to obesity, skin affections and constipation. Three doses may be sufficient if taken 3 hourly. 5) Rhus Tox 30: Erysipelas from left to right, vesicular with yellow vesicles, much swelling, burning, intensely itching, stinging, extreme restlessness, worse rest, rainy weather, before a storm, better warm dry weather, motion, change of position; to be taken 3 hourly. Apis is inimical; Ars Alb is complementary. 6) Anthracinum 30: Erysipelas in any part of body with redness and hard swelling and burning or heat on the parts affected. It is used 3 hourly. 7) Ferrum Phos 6x and Natrum Sulph 6x: Should be alternated every hour first day, next day 2 hourly, third day 4 hourly; in bio-chemic system of treatment Natrum Sulph is the chief remedy for erysipelas with or without vomiting of bile. There may be smooth, red, shiny, tingling or painful swelling of the skin. Ferrum Phos takes care of fever and inflammation duly. Fissures in Anus (A long narrow deep crack or slit in mucous membranes of anus)

Symptoms: a) b) c) d) e)

The patient complains of severe pain after passing stools The pain lasts for a considerable period of time. Out of fear he tends to suppress his stools It creates constipation and worsens fissures. Thus he is trapped in a vicious circle.

Remedies: 1) Paeonia Q: Fissures & chronic painful ulcers, with burning and itching, and constant oozing of offensive moisture on perineum (portion of body between anus and genitals, scrotum or vulva) fall within its curative range. Five drops should be taken with some water twice daily. The patient may be suffering from terrifying dreams. 2) Ratanhia 6: Fissures with great constriction of anus which burns like fire for hours after passing of stools, temporarily relieved by cold water. It appears as if rectum is full of broken glasses. The patient may be suffering from pin worms or violent hiccough or protruded haemorrhoids or pterygium (degenerative conjunctivitis). Let it be taken thrice a day. 3) Graphites 30: It may be given 6 hourly for anal fissures advantageously, if it has been caused by severe constipation. It is also good for varicose veins of rectum. 4) Nitric Acid 200: Weekly one dose should be taken, total 3 doses, in case the patient is afflicted with pain as from splinters, passes urine smelling like that of a horse, suffers from spasmodic lancinating pains during stool in rectum, and the symptoms are better while riding in a carriage. 5) Silicea 12x: It should be taken 4 hourly. It is useful in cases where partly expelled stools recede due to irritable sphincter ani and constipation occurs before and during menses. 6) Calcarea Phos 6x, thrice daily: For fissures of anus in children, it is the best biochemic remedy. It may be alternated with Calcarea Fluor 6x, 4 hourly.

Fistula in Ano (A pipe-like long passage with narrow opening into rectum near anus, usually from an abscess or cavity) Signs & symptoms: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)


A history of boils and abscesses around anus Discharge of pus & faecal matter from the opening for several days It may stop for months It recurs again for several days There may be fetid watery discharge Patient suffers from intense hammering pain in the rectum occasionally Burning and soreness afflict the patient at the rectum There is sensation of weakness or paresis which results in obstinate constipation

1) “Calcarea Phos 1x and Silicea 3x, a dose three times a day, alternated every week, is the treatment recommended by Dr C.R. Fleury.” In case there is fetid watery discharge, Silicea 30, 4 hourly, will be quite useful. When fistula has been operated upon, Calcarea Phos 6x, will be required to eradicate recurring chances. 2) Berberis Vulgaris Q: One should give 7 drops in water 4 hourly to improve drainage of the passage relating to fistula in ano and remove tearing pain around anus and perineum. 3) Myristica Sebifera 30: In the case of fistula in ano, it “acts more powerfully often than Hepar or Silicea.” It is a remedy of great antiseptic power. 4) Paeonia 30: It should be given 4 hourly for treatment of fistula ani with burning and itching in anus and chronic ulcer in rectum. The patient may suffer from terrifying dreams, haemorrhoids, fissures, varicose veins.

Food Poisoning Causes: a) b) c) d) e)

Drinking impure water Eating preserved or spoiled food or over riped fruits/melon Having non-veg meal while travelling Does not tolerate smell or sight of food Desires to be fanned constantly

Remedies: 1) Arsenic Alb 30: The patient is mentally restless, physically too weak to move, fears death, thinks it is useless to take medicine as it is sure that he would die. It is good to remove bad effects of vegetable diet, watery fruits, over riped fruits, preserved food, decayed food or animal matter by inoculation, smelling or ingestion. Two or three doses may be given half hourly. 2) Zingiber 6 or 30: It removes complaints from eating melons or drinking impure water if two or three doses thereof are taken half hourly. It helps kidneys to function well. 3) Carbo Veg 30: Food putrefies before it is digested; pain and breathlessness is felt half hour after eating spoiled food and the patient desires to be constantly fanned and must have all the windows open. Its administration also takes care of bad effects from loss of vital fluids. Two or three doses may be given every 15 minute period. 4) Pulsatilla 30: If distress is felt after taking rich fatty food or ice-cream, chocolates or non-vegetarian meal, it would give lot of relief if 2 or 3 doses are given half hourly. 5) Kali Phos and Natrum Mur, both in 12x potency at frequent intervals: these remedies should be used in the case of blood poisoning at least four times a day.

Fractures (Breakage of bone or a tear in cartilage or fine hair-line crack in bone) Remedies before operation by a surgeon: 1) Arnica Mont 200: It may be given twice or thrice a day for one or two days to remove bad effects from traumatic injuries and to prevent suppuration and septic conditions; Aconite Nap 200 twice one day to remove shock. 2) Ledum Pal 200: After Arnica has been used, it may be given twice or thrice a day for two days to reduce swelling considerably. Remedies after successful operation: 1) Calcarea Phos 200: Twice a day for three days to promote union of bones and to remove numbness. 2) Ruta G 200: It acts well with Calcarea Phos. Therefore it should also be given twice a day for three days simultaneously for proper treatment of the injured bruised bones and periosteum. 3) Symphytum 6 or 30: It facilitates union of fractured bones, lessens pricking pain and soreness of periosteum, favors production of callus and removes irritability of bone at the point of fracture. It hastens curative process in injuries of bones in association with Ruta. Both should be given thrice a day for 21 days. 4) Calcarea Phos 6x: In respect of broken bones this salt is essential to facilitate deposit of material necessary for their union. It is given thrice a day for some days and with it Ferrum Phos 6x also may be given to deal with fractures of bones, to reduce inflammation and to rectify the injuries sustained by the soft tissues. While Symphytum is being administered, this combination or Calcarea Phos alone should be given for facilitating speedy recovery.

Gall Stones (Cholelithiasis) (Stones, a calcareous deposit, in gall bladder or bile ducts caused by a deficiency of sodium sulphate molecules which thicken bile)

Signs & Symptoms: a) If he/she takes a deep breath while the fingers of the examiner are pressed firmly but gently over the right hypochondrium, there will be momentary interruption in breathing b) Fatty food may cause irregular dyspeptic symptoms c) Pain in the right hypochondrium at the inferior angle of scapula exists d) In case, a stone lodges in the neck of the gallbladder or passes into the common bile duct, attack of biliary colic results

Remedies: 1) Carduus Marianus Q: It is good for gallstone disease. There may be swelling of gall bladder with tenderness. It also takes care of dropsy and cirrhosis of liver. It is better if 5 drops of it are mixed in water with 5 drops of Chelidonium Maj Q and 5 drops of Berberis Vulgaris Q. Chelidonium removes gall-bladder obstruction and helps a lot in terrible attacks of gall-stone colic with pain under the right shoulder-blade. It is a prominent liver remedy. Berberis is also good for colic from gall-stones and stitching pain in front of kidneys spreading to liver, stomach, spleen, groins. It is a well known remedy for uric acid diathesis, renal calculi and gout. It is not recommended for pregnant women. The mixture may be given thrice a day. 2) Cholesterinum 3x: It also gives fruitful and significant results if 7 drops of it is taken with water three times a day and ‘Kulthi dal’ is consumed liberally. 3) Natrum Sulph 6x: Since a deficiency of sodium sulphate causes gall stone, Natrum Sulph is needed to expel it. The patient cannot bear tight clothing around waist. It should be given 6 hourly. To prevent re-formation of stones, it should be given in alternation with Calcarea Phos 6x. In the case of excessive pain and spasms from gall-stones, Mag Phos 6x should be given suitably.

Gangrene (Pathological necrosis of one or more body cells or of a portion of tissue or organ when blood supply is obstructed by injury or any disease; it may be dry or wet.) Signs & symptoms:

a) Gangrene causes blackness of the skin b) Diabetic gangrene affects the toes c) Vascular inflammation affects the fingers with scleroderma (atrophy of terminal phalanges) d) Effected parts emit foul discharge e) The effected part becomes purple or blue owing blood poisoning

Remedies: 1) Arsenic Alb 30: For dry gangrenous inflammations with mental restlessness, great prostration after slightest exertion, unquenchable thirst, burning pains, fear fright & worry, nightly aggravation, better warm application, it is a profoundly acting remedy, if given 3 hourly for two days and subsequently in 200 potency only once every morning in empty stomach. Secale Cor or Carbo Veg follow well depending on the then prevailing symptoms. 2) Secale Cor 30, 4 hourly: It is good for dry senile gangrene which develops slowly and gets aggravated from external heat. The skin feels cold to the touch, but covering is intolerable. It is similar to Arsenic; only response to heat or cold is opposite. Burning sensation is better by cold application. 3) Carbo Veg 30, 3 hourly: It is used for wet senile gangrene commencing from toes. There is tendency to gangrene of the margins. The perspiration is hot. The discharges are offensive. Deficient capillary circulation causes blueness of skin. The patient feels ameliorated from being fanned constantly. 4) Anthracinum 30, thrice a day: It is needed for gangrenous ulcers. It is also good for malignant pustules, black or blue blisters, worst cases of felon, carbuncle with horrible burning pains, septic inflammation, and erysipelas of a malignant type. It is also similar to Arsenic Alb and follows it often. 5) Kali Phos 12x: For gangrenous and malignant condition of throat, accompanied by foul breath, it is very good and should be taken at frequent intervals. One may use Kali Mur as a gargle in hot water twice a day. Besides, one may take Ferrum Phos, Kali Sulph, and Silicea, all in 12x potency, if necessary a few doses at half hour intervals.

Goiter (Morbid enlargement of thyroid gland, often visible as a large pendulous swelling in the lower part of the front of the neck, occurring commonly in people of mountainous origin; simple goiter means iodine deficiency goiter; in exophthalmic goiter, there is bulging of eye balls.) Signs & symptoms: a) b) c) d)

Toxic nodular goiter tends to affect elderly persons It causes cardiovascular sign such as dysrhythmia (defective rhythm) The goiter moves upward on swallowing Large goiter with marked exophthalma gives an impression of terror to the face

Remedies: 1) Fucus Ves Q: It is a remedy for non-toxic goiter, also exophthalmic goiter, particularly in obese subjects who suffer from obstinate constipation. There may be a sensation that forehead is being compressed by an iron ring. The patient should take 20 drops in water three times a day before meals. It is an excellent remedy for removal of obesity. 2) Phytolacca 200: It is pre-eminently a glandular remedy. It is good for glandular swellings with heat and inflammation. It has a powerful effect on nodular goiter. It is good for mumps, diphtheria and follicular pharyngitis also. There may be shooting pain in ears on swallowing. The patient may be indifferent to life, feels better in warm weather, worse when it rains. Daily one dose may be taken in morning in empty stomach. Merc Sol is inimical. So should not be taken after it but Fucus Ves may be taken beneficially. 3) Spongia 30, 6 hourly: Goiter with suffocative paroxysms at night. Excitement increases cough which abates after eating or drinking. There may be burning and stinging, excessive thirst, great hunger, and a feeling as if the air inhaled is passing through the swollen goiter. 4) Natrum Phos 3x: It is an important remedy in treatment of goiter, if the patient suffers from acidity. It should be taken three times a day. In case, nodulated enlargement exists and stony hardness of the gland is seen, Calcarea Fluor 5x should be given twice a day for a long period, preferably in alternation with Calcarea Phos also. 5) Natrum Mur 6x: It is very good for exophthalmic goiter, in which case it is required to be given three times a day for a long period.

Gonorrhea (Infectious venereal disease marked by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genitourinary tract and a discharge of mucus and pus from urethra or vagina with terrible burning while urinating) Signs & symptoms: a) b) c) d) e)

In acute stage, the urethra gets inflamed in males; in females vagina also Pain, burning sensation and a purulent discharge persists The disease may spread to adjacent organs of the body In the chronic stage, the patient may have arthritis Blood may come out instead of urine

Remedies: 1) Thuja Oc 200, 3 weekly doses: It is the best remedy for suppressed gonorrhea and gonorrheal rheumatism. There may be inflammation of prepuce and glans and urethra may be swollen. Perspiration may smell like honey. The discharge is thin, greenish and scalding. The patient may have ‘fixed ideas’ and a sensation while walking that the limbs were made of wood or glass and would break easily. Sabina 30, thrice a day, will follow well in the case of inflammatory gonorrhea with pus-like discharge. Silicea 30 or 200 is also complementary in chronic gonorrhea with thick offensive discharge. 2) Cannabis Sativa 200, 3 weekly doses: Acute inflammatory stage of gonorrhea with thick yellow pus-like discharge and burning during and after urination calls for its administration. Mucus and pus stop urethra. The patient walks with legs apart and suffers from tearing pain along urethra in zigzag direction, gonorrheal ophthalmia, obstinate constipation, asthma when he can breathe better only by standing up, and a sensation of water dropping on head or falling from the heart. 3) Medorrhinum 200, 3 weekly doses: It is a powerful and deep acting remedy in respect of maltreated or suppressed gonorrhea and urethritis with gleet. 4) A combination of Ferrum Phos 6x, Kali Mur 6x, Natrum Phos 6x, and Silicea 30x, every 4 hour will be quite useful. The patient should not attempt to bring out pus by pressing the area. Walking and other exercises may also have to be avoided.

Gums (Any ailment thereof) Remedies: 1) Hekla Lava 3x, 4 hourly: It is of great use in abscess of gums due to carious teeth or rachitis (vitamin D deficiency) and also after extraction of teeth. For gums, it is an excellent remedy. Feather touch gum massage with its powder twice a day for a month is quite beneficial. The powder mixes with saliva. It should be kept in mouth for about two minutes and thereafter swallowed. It is also good for treatment of bone necrosis, osteitis, periostitis, osteosarcoma, facial neuralgia, ulceration of nasal bones. 2) Belladonna 30, 3 hourly: It is good for gumboil with throbbing pain and hot feeling. 3) Merc Sol 200, twice daily: Gums spongy, bleed easily, recede, painful on touch and from chewing, sensitive to hot or cold, ulcerated and unhealthy; offensive breath, great thirst with moist mouth. It follows well after Belladonna, Hepar Sulph, but Silicea should not be given before or after it. If you apply sugar, bleeding stops. Ice application also serves the purpose. Application of mustard oil with a little salt also helps. 4) Phosphorus 30, 4 hourly: It is required for swollen gums which are ulcerated and bleed easily. The patient is afflicted with burning in oesophagus with great lowness of spirits. He craves for very cold water. Perspiration imparts odor of sulphur. Arsenic Alb is complementary. It must not be used before or after Causticum. 5) Calcarea Sulph 3x: For gumboils, it is an excellent Bio-chemic remedy. It is given in 5 grain doses, three or four times a day. It should be followed by Silicea 6x, thrice a day. 6) Ferrum Phos 3x and Kali Mur 3x: For the inflammatory conditions, and swelling before matter begins to form, let these medicines be alternated twice a day. Local application of Ferrum Phos also good.

Headache Remedies: 1) Natrum Mur 30, 3 hourly for a day or two: Headache in the morning on awakening, after menstruation or from sunrise to sunset with a sensation as if a thousand little hammers were knocking in or on the brain; it may be semi-lateral, may be consequential to frontal sinus, may cause nausea and vomiting; worse seashore, music, warm room, consolation, better lying on right side, in open air. It should not be given during fever. Nux Vom follows well. 2) Nux Vom 30, three doses every 15 minutes: It is the first remedy after much dosing. It also removes bad effects of coffee, tobacco, alcohol, sedentary life, mental strains, over-

eating. With pain on vertex, the patient may feel as if a nail is being driven in. The headache may be frontal or occipital. Bryonia follows well. 3) Bryonia Alb 30, three doses hourly: Bursting splitting frontal or occipital headache with vertigo, nausea consequential to constipation, worse slightest motion, stooping, warm weather, better absolute rest, pressure. In case, such headache occurs in winter, Aconite Nap 30 to be taken similarly. 4) Glonoine 30, 2 hourly one or two doses: It is a great remedy for violent headache caused by high blood pressure, working under gas light, walking in sun or due to effects of sunstroke. It cures headache in place of menses also. 5) Ferrum Phos 6x, two or three doses hourly: Like Bryonia Alb, which may be alternated, it relieves headache from cold or sun-heat, if it is bruising, pressing or stitching type and gets aggravated on stooping and motion. Like Belladonna, the headache may be congestive with red face and a throbbing sensation, worse right side; “Cold applications and pressure relieve.” 6) Kali Phos 6x, two hourly: For neuralgic headache with nervous symptoms, humming in ears, from overstrain of mental faculties, followed by exhaustion; for hysterical or menstrual headaches, it is an excellent remedy. 7) Mag Phos 6x: Paroxysmal excruciating headache when cold aggravates, heat relieves. Mag Phos should be taken in hot water in 5 grain doses every 15 minutes, total 3 or 4 doses.

Heel Pains (Feet bear the weight of the entire body. An increase in weight tends to increase the pressure on the heels. Faulty gait also leads to heel pains. One of the commonest locations for spurs is the heel. If you suffer from a shooting pain, while placing the foot on the ground in the morning, be sure it is due to spur.)

Remedies: 1) Aranea Diadema 200: One dose may be taken daily in the morning for a certain period. It is needed by persons who have acquired abnormal sensitiveness to dampness, and are not able to live near fresh water, lakes, rivers etc and cannot tolerate damp rainy weather. They are chilly day and night. 2) Ledum Pal 200: Pain in heels as if bruised; soles painful, can hardly step on them; rheumatism commences in lower limbs and ascends; unbearable pain when walking, as from sprain or false step. It may be had twice a day for some days along with Belladonna 3. 3) Lycopodium 1M: One dose in a fortnight in morning hours. “Pain in heel on treading as from a pebble. Painful callosities on soles.”

4) Biochemic Remedies: For sore pain and aching in the heel, Calcarea Phos 6x, 4 hourly for a few days; for caries of the bones of the heel, Silicea 6x, three times a day for a few days; for piercing ulcerative pains in the soles and heels, Natrum Sulph 6x, thrice a day for some days.

Height Remedy: Five Phos 6x: In case the parents desire that the height of their child should be quite good, they should give it twice a day initially, later once daily for several days right from the age of 5 years, even earlier, if need be. It would impart good results.

Hernia (Abnormal protrusion of all or part of an organ, especially a part of the intestine, through a tear or rupture in the wall of the surrounding structure; it may be abdominal, cerebral, hiatus, inguinal, inguinosacral, labial, scrotal, umbilical, vaginal, strangulated; in case the agony continues despite treatment, timely consultation with a surgeon is a must.) Remedies: 1) Nux Vomica 200: It is quite capable of curing strangulated hernia, particularly umbilical hernia of infants. It is also good in the case of left sided inguinal hernia, which are worse in the morning and when the patient is constipated. It should be given every night for a certain period since it acts best during repose of mind and body. 2) Lycopodium 200: It has cured many cases of right sided hernia, inguinal or strangulated, especially in children. There may be brown spots on the abdomen and excessive accumulation of gas and flatulence especially in the lower abdomen. It should be given in the morning in empty stomach. Its aggravation period is 4.00 to 8.00 p.m. It is a deep acting

remedy. It should not be repeated after improvement commences. A dose of Carbo Veg 30 on every 8th day will be beneficial in the case of incarcerated hernia with fetid flatus. 3) Plumbum Met 30: It is quite good in intussusception with colic around navel region radiating to all parts of body and strangulated hernia, femoral, inguinal, or umbilical. There may be a sensation of abdominal wall being drawn by a string to the spine. It may be taken 4 hourly. Lycopodium follows well. 4) Tabacum 200, twice daily: It is also good for treatment of incarcerated hernia with deathly nausea, violent vomiting, and cold sweat. 5) Ferrum Phos 3x: It is useful in inflamed and incarcerated hernia. It should be taken 2 hourly. For abdominal hernia in anaemic patients, Calcarea Phos 3x should also be given as may suit with Ferrum Phos. 6) Calcarea Fluor 6x: It is the principal bio-chemic remedy to contract relaxed parts and to enhance elasticity of connective fibres and muscles. It may be alternated with Silicea 6x, 4 hourly. “Apply a cold compress over the swelling and preferably soaked first in a solution of Calc-f. Keep the knees raised.” ( Editors of B. Jain)

Herpes Zoster (A viral infection of certain sensory nerves, causing severe pain and an eruption of vesicles along the course of the affected nerve; it is caused by herpes virus varicellae. The food should be rich in calcium, iron, and vitamins B & C.) Signs & Symptoms: a) b) c) d) e) f)

It affects the nerves It is extremely painful First there may be fever lasting 2/3 days The site for the herpes to come burns and pains A rash which is of red color appears and turns into vesicles filled with fluid After about ten days they dry up and fall off

Remedies: 1) Carboneum Oxygenisatum 6 or 30: It is a good medicine for Herpes zoster & pemphigus (skin disease marked by clusters of large flaccid blisters), with large and small vesicles along course of nerves. The patient may suffer from hallucination of vision, coldness and sleepiness for several days. Initially, it should be taken three hourly. 2) Iris Versicolor 30, 4 hourly: When herpes zoster is associated with gastric derangements and pustular eruptions, worse in evening and at night, it is the medicine. There may be burning

of the whole alimentary canal and constipation. 3) Rhus Tox 30: It is a very good remedy for herpes, pemphigus, erysipelas, urticaria, vesicular and eczematous eruptions, if associated with intense itching, burning, tingling, extreme restlessness, tearing asunder pains and fever. It should be taken 3 hourly. Subsequently, Arsenic Alb 30, 4 hourly, will complete the cure. 4) Ranunculus Bulbosus 30, 4 hourly: Herpetic eruptions with bluish vesicles & great itching, worse touch, motion; there may be herpes and vesicles on cornea; bad effects of alcohol; cold air brings on all sorts of ailments. Rhus Tox follows well. 5) Kali Mur 6x and Natrum Mur 12x, 4 hourly, alternately: Vesicles encircling half of the body like a belt, with white tongue, attract application of Kali Mur. Natrum Mur is the second remedy when herpetic eruptions occur through the course of any disease. Natrum Mur covers herpes zoster of chest, nape of neck, hands, arms, scrotum, thighs, bends of knee and elbow, also about anus etc. One should take occasionally Calcarea Phos and Ferrum Phos, both in 3x potency as a tonic.

Hiccup (Hiccough, singulatus) (A sudden involuntary contraction of the diaphragm that closes the glottis at the moment of breathing, producing a sharp quick characteristic sound repeatedly) Remedies: 1) Oleum Succinum 30, 3 hourly for a day: It is a specific for hiccough. 2) Veratrum Alb 30: If hiccup occurs after hot drinks or smoking, three doses every 10 minutes will be quite helpful. 3) Ratanhia 6, 2 hourly for a day: It cures violent hiccough. It is also invaluable for anal fissures which burn like fire. 4) Cajuputum 30, to be taken every two hours: It is a remedy for hiccup and flatulent colic with persistent sensation of choking on slightest provocation from laughing, talking or taking meals. The urine may smell like that of a cat. 5) Nux Vom 30, 3 doses every 15 minutes: If the patient suffers from hiccup of gastric origin and cannot tolerate noises, odors, light etc. 6) Mag Phos 3x: Hiccup is wholly due to deficiency of the inorganic salt magnesia phosphate in the muscular fibers of the affected tissue. It is the Principal Bio-chemic remedy in obstinate hiccup, for the spasmodic and convulsive symptoms, causing long lasting soreness. For quicker relief, half a teaspoonful is dissolved in a glass of hot water and stirred often and a sip is taken after every 5 minutes five times.

7) Natrum Mur 6x: It is good for use after abuse of quinine or in consequence thereof. It may be taken in such a case every one hour, 3 or 4 doses.

Hip-Joint Diseases (Tubercular inflammation in or around the hip joint, caused by an infection or imbalance of mineral salts in the joint tissues; abscess formation may occur with swelling of the limbs and some febrile disturbances. Complete rest, adequate nutrition, and sunshine exposure necessary.) Remedies: 1) Ferrum Phos 6x: For fever, pain, throbbing and inflammation, five tablets should be given every hour. 2) Kali Mur 6x: In the second stage, when there is swelling, but before pus forms, to be given every two hours, and may be alternated with Ferrum Phos. 3) Calcarea Phos 6x: In the third stage, to prevent further destruction of bone and promote new bone formation, five tablets to be given four times a day. 4) Silicea 6x: It is needed to control suppuration, to prevent burning pains and to heal the limbs. It may be given four times a day. 5) Ruta G 30, thrice a day for 3 days: It is good for phthisis after mechanical injuries, scrofulous exostosis and lumbago, which is worse in the morning before rising. Small of back, loins, hips pain considerably. Feeling of intense lassitude, weakness and despondency may afflict the patient. It works well with Calcarea Phos. 6) Allium Sativum 6: It gives relief to meat eaters when they suffer from pain in hip or pain in psoas and iliac muscles. It may be taken thrice a day for 2/3 days. Arsenic Alb follows it well.

Hirsutism (Growth of excessive facial hair in women; such hairy growth may be in female body or in unusual places of the body of women.) Remedies:

1) Oleum Jecoris Aselli Q: It is made of cod-liver oil. The patient may suffer from emaciation, lassitude, chronic rheumatism, burning in palms, or dry tickling night cough. Initially one drop should be given in water, increasing one drop daily up to twelve, then decreasing daily one drop. 2) Thuja Occidentalis 1M: One should not take more than 4 doses and that too only once in a week, preferably in the morning. The lady may have sweat only on uncovered parts or all over the body except the head or when she sleeps but stops when she awakes. She may have ‘fixed ideas.’ She may feel as if there is something alive in abdomen. She may feel as if the body is made of glass and would break easily. 3) Silicea 12x: It may be used twice a day for three months with Sabal Serrulata Q, 5 drops in water. Silicea increases the power of resistance and mechanical strength of the tissues. It helps fight infections. It cures diseases of nails and hair.

Hydrocele (Orchitis also) (Accumulation of serous fluid in tunica vaginalis of testis or in spermatic cord or in labium majus) Remedies: 1) Rhododendron 200, weekly (6 doses): Swollen, painful, drawn up testicles, worse left, before a thunderstorm, after gonorrhoea or rheumatic exposure, during rest, cold windy weather, better warmth; there may be sensation of testis getting crushed; if hardness dominates, Calcarea Fluorica 12x may also be given twice a day; if epididymitis also exists and the testicles feel hot, and worse by warm application, Hamamelis 200 also may be given weekly one dose for a few days. 2) Pulsatilla 200, weekly (6 doses): If left testicle hangs lower than the right with tearing pain or soreness congenitally, and symptoms are worse from heat and better from cold application, it is the remedy. 3) Aurum Met 30, twice a week in morning for a certain period: In the case of atrophy of testicles with chronic painful induration and a feeling of worthlessness, it would help a lot. In the case of an Aurum Met patient, the symptoms worsen in winter, from sunset to sunrise particularly. 4) Silicea 200, weekly (6 doses): It is a good remedy for elephantiasis of scrotum, hydrocele, and chronic gonorrhoea with fetid discharge. Sweat is offensive. The patient may fear pins. Burning pain is worse new moon, lying on left side, better in summer. Pulsatilla is complementary, so follows well. 5) Calcarea Fluor 12x: To tone up and enhance the contractile power of all connective fibres of both tunicas and to decrease the accumulation of fluid, it should be alternated with Natrum Mur 12x every 4 hours. One dose of Calcarea Phos in the potency of 30x may be

taken once a week intercurrently.

Hydrocephalus (Abnormal accumulation of fluid inside the brain)

Signs & symptoms: a) b) c) d)

Great enlargement of head, making the face look disproportionately small Patient cries with intense pain There may be suppression of urine Scalp sweats during sleep

Remedies: 1) Helleborus Q, 5 drops in water thrice a day: State of effusion in hydrocephalus; sensation of water swashing inside the brain; the patient bores head into pillow, rolls it from side to side, beats it with hands, swallows cold water greedily, bites spoon; answers slowly when questioned; there may be automatic motion of one arm and leg, worse from evening until morning. 2) Zincum Metallicum 30, 6 hourly: Hydrocephalus with cerebral depression, profound prostration, anaemia, brain-fag, rolling of head from side to side; cannot keep feet still; forehead cool, but base of brain hot; bores head into pillow and screams; worse after dinner, from wine; great relief from discharges and appearance of eruptions. Nux Vom and Chamomilla inimical. So should not be used before or after Zinc Met. 3) Apocynum Cannabinum 1x, 5 drops in water, every 8 hour: It is a good remedy for acute hydrocephalus. “A diminished frequency of the pulse is a guiding indication.” Urine and sweat also are less. Vomiting may be excessive. It is one of the best remedies in dropsy, ascites, anasarca, and hydrothorax. Cold weather does not suit the patient. 4) Calcarea Phos 2x: Hydrocephalus may be acute or chronic, it is the remedy. Head large and unsteady. Ears and nose may be cold. Eyeballs may protrude; bones of skull may be thin and friable. The patient screams and grasps the head with hands. There may be sensation of ice water on upper part of occiput. Headache, if any, ameliorates after sudden sneezing. Symptoms are worse from cold, motion, change of weather, better rest and lying down. It should be given morning and evening. If hydrocephaloid conditions already developed, Argentum Nit 6 may be alternated.

Hypertension (High blood pressure)

Signs & Symptoms: a) A family history may indicate it b) The diagnosis is established if a persistent or recurrent elevation of systemic blood pressure above 140mmHg systolic and 90mm diastolic even after rest is observed c) Causes vary from person to person. So it is important to treat the individual d) Alcohlism, chain smoking or continuous mental stress leads to hypertension Remedies: 1) Crataegus Q: It reduces blood pressure. It is a heart tonic. One may take 10 drops in water once daily. 2) Rauwolfia Serpentina Q: Besides controlling high blood pressure, it acts as a sedative also. One may take Crataegus in the morning, Rauwolfia in the evening. It is also taken in 10 drop doses in water. If emergency condition exists, it may be taken 4 hourly. 3) Calcarea Fluorica 12x: If high blood pressure is due to arteriosclerosis, it is of great help, and may be taken thrice a day. 4) Kali Phos 6x: If taken at night, it induces sound sleep. It is a great nerve and brain remedy. Five tablets comprise of a dose. Besides, one should take Rhus Tox 30 and Aconite Nap 200 twice daily to get rid of physical and mental restlessness. Occasional doses of Arnica Mont 3 or 6 will also be helpful. 5) For essential hypertension (High blood pressure without any marked signs and symptoms) Crataegus Q, Passiflora Q, Glonoine Q, 5 drops of each in one ounce of water should be taken 4 hourly for some days to get rid of such hypertension. Note: Patients of High Blood Pressure should not drink Coffee as its use increases blood pressure.

Hypotension (Low blood pressure) Signs and Symptoms: a) Loss of vital fluid

b) c) d) e)

Excessive vomiting, diarrhoea, blood/semen/albumen loss Pulse slow and weak Irregular heart beat and palpitation Simple food disagrees; weak digestion

Remedies: 1) Ferrum Phos 6x is quite useful, and should be taken 4 hourly. 2) Camphor 1x: In the case of a state of collapse when the whole body is icy cold and sudden sinking of strength exists, particularly after operation, if temperature is subnormal and the patient suffers from low blood pressure, Camphor 1x, three doses in water at 15 minute intervals has achieved classical fame according to Dr William Boericke. 3) Carbo Veg 30: The patient desires fresh air, must have all the windows open, feels better from fanning hard; may suffer from flatulence in upper part of abdomen; may be almost lifeless due to low vitality from loss of fluids; food putrefies before it is digested. It should be given 4 hourly for 2 or 3 days. Phosphoric Acid follows it well. 4) Phosphoric Acid 30: It removes mental as well as physical debility, also effects of grief, mental shock and sexual excesses. There may be complete apathy and stupor. It suits persons who grow rapidly. It may be taken thrice a day for a few days. 5) Lycopodium 30, one dose in morning in empty stomach, total 3 doses: It will be beneficial after Acid Phos, especially for those who are intellectually keen, physically weak; crave sweets but have excessive accumulation of flatulence in the lower part of abdomen; appetite good but “a few mouthfuls fill up to the throat.” Warm food and drink ameliorate.

Hyperthyroidism (Over-activity of Thyroid Gland causing weight loss, nervousness, tremors, excessive sweating, rapid heart-beat etc) Remedies: 1) Iodum 30: One may take 5 pills twice daily under competent medical supervision. The patient may have voracious appetite and thirst but gets thin, loses flesh all the time; suffers from constipation, with ineffectual urging, better by drinking cold milk; profound debility, great emaciation; hypertrophy and induration of thyroid gland; symptoms worsen in warm room, ameliorate while walking. 2) Natrum Mur 30, twice daily for a few days: Hyperthyroidism with great weakness and weariness; great emaciation, loses flesh while living well; drops things from nervousness; weeping disposition, consolation aggravates her complaints; craves salt; tears stream down the face whenever he/she coughs; worse noise, music, warm room, seashore, summer, better lying on right side, cold bathing.

3) Mag Phos 200x: It has won greatest laurels in the treatment of nervous affections. It is best adapted to lean, thin, emaciated persons. It is good for lightning-like, spasmodic pains which are relieved by warmth and pressure. The patient is tired and exhausted, not able to sit up. Goitre; soreness and stiffness with chilliness and pain, especially on right side. It should be given once daily in the morning in hot water.

Hypothyroidism (The symptoms comprise of weight gain, swelling of the feet, body or face, oedema, irregular cycles, dry skin, constipation, hair loss, mental derangements etc. Stress makes the thyroid falter. There may be abnormal cholesterol and sugar levels. Yoga helps.) Remedies: 1) Thyroidinum 1x or 3x or 6x, to be taken thrice a day: Excessive obesity & fatigue, weak pulse, low blood pressure, chilliness, myxoedema, cretinism, tachycardia, rheumatoid arthritis, craving for sweets, even psoriasis or eczema may afflict the patient. He/she may go into a rage over trifles. It is a good remedy. It is quite effective. It improves the memory. 2) Calcarea Phos 30x: It may be given once daily in the morning while Thyroidinum 6x is being taken. It would serve as a tonic and an important inter-current remedy. 3) Calcarea carb 200: Calcarea patient is disposed to grow fat, sweats easily, wets the pillow, craves indigestible things, feels better when constipated, wakes at night frequently, coughs while eating, and takes cold readily. It is excellent in dysfunction of pituitary and thyroid glands. Weekly dose is preferable. Bryonia, Nitric Acid and Sulphur should not be given after Calcarea carb.

Hysteria (Functional disturbance of nervous system characterized by mental, intellectual and moral perversions, anesthesia, convulsive seizers etc) Signs & Symptoms: a) b) c) d)

Hysteria is hereditary generally It affects an unhappy person who endeavours to do things much more than his/her abilities He/she may make scenes to gain love, sympathy etc Spasms, loss of voice, stammering and frequent fits may resemble epileptic fits.

e) The patient normally does not hurt himself/herself

Remedies: 1) Kali Phos 6x: It is the principal Bio-chemic remedy in nervous attacks from sudden or intense emotions or from passionate fury or unusual excitement or profound grief. Hysterical yawning, hysterical fits of laughter and crying, hysterical spasms with unconsciousness and low muttering delirium may be noticed. There may be a sensation of a ball rising in the throat. Let 5 tablets be given every 2 hours for a few days. If need be, Kali Phos 3x may be taken every 10 minutes, 3 or 4 doses comprising of 5 tablets. 2) Natrum Mur 6x: If hysteria associated with great sadness, moody spells, somnambulism, fears, or irregular menstruation, let it be alternated with Kali Phos. Natrum Mur is the remedy if the symptoms get relieved as soon as the patient perspires. 3) Ignatia 200: It suits persons mentally and physically exhausted by grief and worry for a very long period. Emotional element is the uppermost. The patient sighs and sobs. It is a remedy of great contradictions: the piles are better when walking; cough aggravates the more he/she coughs; thirst occurs during a chill but no thirst in fever etc. If need be, 3 doses may be given every 10 minutes, else twice a day for 2 or 3 days. Coffea, Nux Vom and Tabacum are incompatible. 4) Hyoscyamus 200, 4 hourly: It is required in case a perfect picture of mania of a quarrelsome and obscene character is observed; sings obscene songs; lies naked in bed and chatters; head is shaken to and fro, attempts to run away. “Every muscle in the body twitches, from the eyes to the toes.” 5) Passiflora Incarnata Q: It produces calming effect on nervous system. It is useful in treating hysteria, acute mania, delirium tremens, high blood pressure, asthma, nocturnal cough, worm fever. Ten drops in water may be taken thrice a day.

Impotency (Erectile dysfunction) (We have indicated a few remedies. One has to select that which suits in accordance with one’s symptoms) Remedies: 1) Damiana Q, 15 drops to be taken 4 hourly in one ounce of purified water: It stimulates the nervous system and genitals. It assists nerve messages to spread rapidly throughout the body. It acts as a nerve tonic. It controls depression and anxiety. It is of great value in sexual neurasthenia, impotency and sexual debility. 2) Agnus Castus 6, to be taken thrice a day: Premature old age; complete impotence; no sexual power or desire; history of repeated gonorrhoea; no erections; parts cold, relaxed;

scanty emission without ejaculation; loss of prostatic fluid; testicles cold swollen painful; sexual melancholy. Caladium Seguinum and Selenium follow well. 3) Caladium Seguinum 30, to be taken thrice a day: Relaxed penis even during excitement; no erection, no emission, no orgasm; “erections when half-asleep, cease when fully awake;” genitals itch, glans-penis red; dreads to move; sweet sweat attracts flies. This remedy modifies craving for tobacco. Selenium follows well. 4) Selenium 30, to be taken 4 hourly: Impotency with lascivious thoughts, extreme sadness, great debility, prostatitis, loss of sexual power, insufficient erections, too rapid emission, sexual neurasthenia; hydrocele; involuntary dribbling of semen, prostatic fluid, urine; coryza ends in diarrhoea; constipation troubles. Complaints worsen in summer. China and wine incompatible. 5) Phosphoric Acid 1x, one drop to be taken in spoonful of water three times a day: Indifferent to the affairs of life; frequent profuse emissions at night and at stool; sexual power deficient; testicles tender and swollen; irresistible desire to masturbate; there may be eczema of scrotum or oedema of prepuce. Selenium and Lycopodium are complementary. 6) Lycopodium 1M, 3 fortnightly doses: Impotence of young men from Onanism or sexual excess; penis small cold relaxed; no erectile power; premature emission; enlarged prostate. “Good appetite but a few mouthfuls fill up to the throat.” He craves everything warm. Oligospermia (a low sperm count) is also taken care of by use of this remedy. It should be taken in mornings only. 7) Yohimbinum Q, 7 drops in water 4 hourly: Neurasthenic impotence; strong lasting erections; sleeplessness. It is of service in congestive conditions of the sexual organs. 8) Staphysagria 30, 4 hourly for a few days: It is excellent in case there is a history of sexual sins and excesses. Self-abuse or persistent dwelling on sexual matter also leads to this remedy. “Least action or harmless word offends.” There may be craving for tobacco. Staphysagria and Lycopodium act well after each other. 9) Onosmodium 30, to be taken three times a day: It is used in psychical impotence. The symptoms include constant sexual excitement, deficient erections, speedy emissions, even loss of desire, headache or migraine from sexual weakness, sexual neurasthenia. 10) Argentum Nitricum 30, to be taken thrice a day: “Very characteristic is the great desire for sweets.” Erection fails when coition is attempted. Coition is painful. Genitals shrivel. The patient suffers from peculiar mental impulses, wants to do things in a hurry, not able to tolerate heat. 11) Kali Phos 30x, once daily: Impotence with painful emissions at night, without erection. Sexual instinct entirely dormant much of the time. Utter prostration & depression, also weak vision after coitus. Spermatorrhea arising from excessive sexual excitement.

Influenza (La Grippe)

(An acute, contagious, infectious disorder with rapid prostration, severe catarrh, coryza, fever, muscular pain, inflammation of the respiratory tract caused by virus or bacteria)

Remedies: 1) Aconite Nap 30, 2 hourly, 2 days: Sudden onset due to dry cold wind exposure in winter, with fever, headache, body-ache, dry cough, fear of death, great thirst, may be in hilly area. 2) Belladonna 3 or 30: Sudden violent attack in any season, winter usually, high fever with severe throbbing headache ameliorated by hot drinks and tight bandaging, red face, throat congested, tonsillitis, dry cough aggravated lying down. Put 4 globules in one glass of water, take one spoonful every half hour till fever below 99° F, thereafter increase interval suitably. Also wash head with water till fever is below 100° F. 3) Bryonia Alb 30: Exposure to sun heat in summer, slow onset, gradual rise of fever, severe headache with body-ache, dry mouth and throat, nausea, vomiting, constipation, dry hard stools, < slightest movement, > absolute rest, lying on painful side. It may be given on the pattern suggested in the case of Belladonna. 4) Arsenic Alb 30, to be taken 4 hourly: High temperature worse wet weather, after midnight, better warm application; mentally restless, physically weak, burning pains, great thirst, drinks often, but little at a time, fears, of death, of being left alone, sneezing without relief. 5) Gelsemium 6 or 30, 4 hourly: Dullness, dizziness, drowsiness and trembling are main characteristics. Tongue trembles. Headache at occipital region > profuse urination, bending forward; dry cough with sore chest and fluent coryza; nervous chills; muscular weakness. 6) Eupatorium Perf 200, 3 hourly one day: Influenza with great pain and soreness of muscles and bones. It relieves pain and soreness in limbs, muscles, bones. Perspiration lessens all symptoms except throbbing headache. The patient knows chill is coming on as he/she cannot drink much. This remedy is a boon in miasmatic districts 7) Natrum Sulph 6x, every two hours: It is the chief Bio-chemic remedy for influenza since this disease is caused by an excess of water in the cellular tissues. It increases secretion of urine and diminishes excess of intercellular fluid. Dark brown coating of the tongue is indicative of this remedy. If required, it may be alternated with Ferrum Phos 6x.

Injury Remedies: 1) Arnica Mont 200: If minor injury, one or two doses sufficient, but if major by hard blunt object, it should be repeated 1 or 2 hourly, three or four times. Subsequently, 30th potency may be given daily one dose in the morning till recovery. It is also of great use in injury to the

head. It dissolves blood clot and stops internal bleeding. In the case of head injury, one dose of Natrum Sulph 1M, after Arnica has been administered duly, will be necessary. 2) Bellis Perennis 30: It is a princely remedy for laborers, gardeners, footballers. It is very good for injuries to the deeper tissues, after major surgery. It is also excellent for sprains and bruises. It may be given four times a day for a few days. 3) Hypericum 200: In the case of injury to nerves, especially of fingers, toes and nails Hypericum 200 is required. Repetition should be in accordance with the nature of wound. It is also very good for spinal and coccyx injury, with excessive pain radiating up spine and down limbs. It relieves pain after operation. It prevents lockjaw. 4) Ledum Pal 200: For punctured wounds produced by sharp instruments, particularly in case the affected parts are cold, Ledum Pal 200, followed by Hypericum, is quite good. It reduces swellings and prevents tetanus. If required 3 doses may be given every 10 minutes. 5) Calendula 6 or 30: If cut wound, it may be given 3 hourly for a few days. Besides dressing should be carried out with Calendula ointment which is very good for burns also. 6) Staphysagria 200: It is beneficial in affections of angles of eyes, lacerated or incised wounds of cornea. It reduces pain and nervousness after extraction of teeth. 7) Symphytum 6, to be given 2 hourly for some days: For traumatic injuries such as blows, bruises, thrusts on the globe of the eyes, no remedy equals it. “Pain in eye after a blow of an obtuse body;” snow ball strikes the eye; “infant thrusts its fist into its mother’s eye,” it helps immensely. 8) Ferrum Phos 6x: It is the first Bio-chemic remedy in bruises, blows, falls, fresh wounds and sprains. It prevents pain, reduces swelling, controls fever. It repairs the wounded parts. It can also be used externally. However, to mitigate shock and bleeding, give it with Kali Phos 6x, dissolved in half ounce water at ten minute intervals, a few doses. 9) Silicea 12x: Neglected cases of injuries, when suppuration threatens, it is used twice a day, followed by Calcarea Sulph 6x when wounds discharge pus.

Insanity (Mania, Madness, Mental derangements) Remedies: 1) Kali Phos 6x: “When insanity is caused from masturbation, and the patient is not idiotic in his actions, but is restless and morose and at times quarrelsome…it yields more readily to Kali Phos than any other remedy we have used.” (W. E. Taylor, Supt. Western Asylum for the insane); Hallucinations, somnambulism, talks while asleep; inclination to look at the dark side of everything; makes mountains out of mole-hills; dread of noise; brain-fag from overwork; haunted by the visions of the past; grasping at imaginary objects; delirium tremens; hysterical yawning; maniac with mental derangements. It is considered invaluable if taken thrice a day for a month or so. Conditions improve as soon as the first dose is taken. 2) Natrum Sulph 6x: Mental troubles arising from injuries to the head; suicidal tendency due to bilious derangements; music makes the person melancholic; symptoms worse in the morning. It should be taken three times a day for a few days. 3) Natrum Phos 6x, thrice a day: “Imagines on waking at night that pieces of furniture are persons; that he hears footsteps in next room. Nervous, irritable, vexed at trifles. Forgetful. Great mental prostration.” 4) Cannabis Indica 200, 3 doses 15 minute interval: This remedy has great soothing influence in several nervous disorders, mania, dementia etc; dual nature afflicts the person; ideas crowd upon each other; seconds seem ages; fears becoming insane; very forgetful; forgets last words and ideas; suffers from uncontrollable laughter, chronic vertigo, rapidly changing mood, talks nonsense. 5) Hyoscyamus 200, 3 doses every 15 minutes: It offers a perfect picture of mania of a quarrelsome and obscene person who may uncover genitals shamelessly; every muscle twitches; very talkative, jealous, & suspicious and has abnormal impulses. 6) Anacardium 200, 3 doses every 15 minutes: He possesses irresistible desire to swear and curse, believes that he is possessed of two persons or wills, has tendency to use violent language, gets easily offended. He suffers from brain-fag, absent mindedness, wickedness. 7) Sulphur 200, one dose in morning on two consecutive days: To the patient, rags are beautiful, he wears them and thinks as if he is not less than a king; he is monomaniac. He is very selfish, has no regard for others. Insomnia (Abnormal habitual sleeplessness) Remedies:

1) Kali Phos 3x: It is the principal Bio-chemic remedy for sleeplessness from nervous disorders, excitement, business troubles, and overexertion. It stimulates grey matter of the brain for healthy sleep. It should be taken twice a day, thereafter one dose at every night only. If insomnia from hyperaemic condition, Ferrum Phos 6x should be alternated. 2) Coffea Cruda 30, 6 hourly for 2 or 3 days: It suits tall, lean persons who are sleepless after 3 a.m. on account of unusual activity of mind and body. Flow of ideas, train of thought disturbs, itching of anus also. 3) Ignatia 6, every 3 hours for 2 or 3 days: It acts favorably on insomnia caused by disappointment in love, sudden shock, grief. The emotional element is uppermost. Dreams continue a long time and disturb him. The patient sighs, sobs and broods silently. He may suffer from violent yawning and itching of arms. 4) Passiflora Incarnata Q, 20 drops in water, thrice a day: It calms nervous system and produces normal sleep. It cures insomnia of infants and the aged. It is also useful for persons who are restless, wakeful, overworked. 5) Alfalfa Q, 5 to 10 drops in water thrice daily: It induces quiet, reposeful and refreshing sleep. It induces mental buoyancy. One should continue until tonic effects ensue. 6) Nux Vom 30: As dreams bustle hurriedly, the victim awakes feeling wretchedly. He cannot sleep after 3 a. m. He seeks rich and stimulating food, coffee, wine, tobacco etc. Sedentary habits cause sleeplessness, restlessness. It should therefore be taken at bed time for 7 days to calm & soothe the mental strain. Kali Phos follows well.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Signs & Symptoms: a) The pain varies from an unpleasant pressure and bloating to severe abdominal pain. b) Localization of the pain is also highly variable, ranging from hypogastric to the left and right or may be throughout the entire abdomen. c) The patient suffers from an irritable colon. d) The pain may be associated with diarrhoea; constipation or both alternatively.

Remedies: 1) Okoubaka Aubrevillei Q: It is made of an imported herb. It is an S. O. S. remedy for flatulent dyspepsia. It is also highly beneficial in allergic syndromes due to insecticides & their side effects causing intoxication. It is taken in a dose of 10 drops in water before breakfast daily for some days. 2) Gratiola 3 or 6: It acts on gastro-intestinal tract. It is useful in cramps and colic after supper and during night, with swelling of abdomen, in consequence of prolonged constipation.

There may be obstinate ulcers; vertigo during and after meals. It may be taken thrice a day for a few days. 3) Silicea 12x: Stool comes down with great difficulty, and when partly expelled, recedes; colicky pain with much rumbling of gas in abdomen. It is alternated with Calcarea Phos 12x three times a day.

Itching Remedies: 1) Dolichos 30, 4 hourly: Constipation with intense itching, bloated abdomen, but without eruption, rash, swelling. It may be worse at night, on right side, across shoulders, about elbows, knees, hairy parts. 2) Sulphur 0/2, every morning, a few days: Voluptuous itching worse undressing, scratching and washing. It often recurs in spring time, in damp weather. Scratching, though pleasurable, causes burning. There may be herpes across the nose; burning in soles and hands. Sweat in armpits smells like garlic. Complaints relapse usually. Psorinum follows well. 3) Psorinum 0/6, 6 hourly, three days: Intolerable itching, especially on scalp, bends of joints, behind ears, worse from warmth of bed. Oily skin; offensive discharges. Least cold air intolerable; wants warm clothing even in summer. Sulphur is complementary. 4) Fagopyrum 12x, thrice a day: Itching of hands, knees, elbows, hairy portions, worse scratching, sunlight, better bathing in cold water, drinking coffee. 5) Petroleum 30, 5 pills once a day: “Skin dry, constricted, very sensitive, rough and cracked, leathery…Thick, greenish crusts, burning and itching; redness, raw; cracks bleed easily.” The ailment is worse in winter and from traveling in car or ship. The patient may feel that death is near, and must hurry to settle affairs. 6) Mag Phos 6x: For itching of the skin all over the body, 4 tablets in warm water hourly for one or two days. It may be alternated with Natrum Phos 6x, in the case of hives, itching all over body, like insect bites. 7) Calcarea Phos 12x: For geriatric itching relating to old age, and itching with burning as from nettles, or biting mostly on parts affected years before, 5 tablets, 3 times daily. 8) Calcarea Fluor 12x with Ferrum Phos 12x: For itching of the anus, 5 tablets of each, every 2 hour. 9) Natrum Mur 6 x: For stinging, pricking itching after violent bodily exertion or effects of insect-bites, 5 tablets every 2 hour. 10) Calcarea Sulph 6x: For itching on the soles, 5 tablets 4 times a day, one or two days.

Jaundice (Icterus; Hepatitis also) (A condition in which the eyeballs, skin, and the urine become abnormally yellow in consequence of bile pigments in the blood; blood test for Serum bilirubin is a must.) Remedies: 1) Chelidonium Majus 6x: It is a prominent liver remedy. It is very useful in jaundice due to hepatic and gallbladder obstruction. Face, forehead, nose, cheeks may be yellow remarkably; there may be constant pain under the lower and inner angle of right scapula and constipation with hard stools resembling sheep’s dung. The patient prefers very hot drinks. One should take 7 drops in water thrice daily for some days. Bryonia and Lycopodium follow well. 2) Bryonia Alb 30: Stomach sensitive to touch; tenderness of abdominal walls; liver region sore and swollen; great thirst for large quantities at long intervals; shooting pains in the abdomen; stools hard dry as if burnt; vomiting of bile and water immediately after eating; complaints after eating non-veg food. 6 doses to be given 4 hourly, even while continuing Chelidonium. 3) Lycopodium 30: One dose in morning in empty stomach, total 3 doses will be helpful in furthering beneficial action of Chelidonium. The patient craves everything warm, desires sweets. 4) Chelone 30: “It is an enemy to every kind of worm infesting the human body.” So in case jaundice is associated with such troubles, and there is pain or soreness of the left lobe of liver, it is the remedy. It may be given 4 times a day for 2 or 3 days. 5) Chionanthus 6: If jaundice is with enlarged liver and spleen, constipation and clay coloured stools, it is indicated and should be taken 3 hourly. It is also a prominent liver remedy. 6) Natrum Sulph 6x: Jaundice from congestion of the liver and gall bladder, with flatulence and greenish stools, sallow skin, yellowish eyeballs; “jaundice arising from vexation;” vomiting of bile, salty greenish water; cannot digest starchy food; constant nausea. 5 tablets every 2 hours should be taken. It should be alternated with Kali Mur 6x, the principal remedy, when jaundice is caused by a chill, and is associated with bitter taste and obstinate constipation.


(New fibrous growth of a scar tissue, may be tender or painful) Remedies: 1) Thiosinamine 3x: It dissolves scar-tissue, tumor, scleroderma (patches of skin thickened, hard, and whitish), cataract, fibroids. It lessens lightning pains of tabes dorsalis (wasting of sensory column of spinal cord). It also helps considerably in arterio-sclerotic vertigo, consequential to tinnitus (ringing or roaring sound in ear). It is given 4 hourly, a few days. 2) Anagallis 3: It “possesses power of softening flesh and destroying warts…favors expulsion of splinters.” There may be itching on hands and fingers. The patient is usually better from drinking coffee. It may be taken 4 hourly. Simultaneously local application of Anagallis Q is also quite good. 3) Fluoric Acid 30, 6 hourly: It suits feeble constitution. Keloids may acquire red edges. Itching of cicatrices (formation of scar upon healing of the part affected). Complaints are worse from warm drinks. The patient may crave cold water and may be indifferent towards those whom he loved the most. If he is a chilly patient, Silicea 200, 6 doses, one every week after Fluoric Acid has been administered, will dissolve the Keloid. 4) Calcarea Fluorica 12x: “When a fibrinous exudation is not dissolved by suppuration, but has become hardened, Cal. Fluor. Must be given” Dr Schussler. Let it be taken 4 hourly.

Kidney Affections (Nephritis, Bright’s disease etc) (The excessive use of intoxicating liquors is frequently the cause of the diseases of kidneys. The use of alcoholic drinks should therefore be strictly abstained.)

Precaution, Signs & Symptoms: a) Routine examination of urine throws light on diseases of the kidneys b) In cases of nephritis, the onset is insidious and silent. So the examination helps.

Treatment becomes easy. c) Stones may be present in the kidneys without symptoms. d) Pain commences suddenly in the back and radiates to the groin and testes. e) Renal colic is severe generally. Remedies: 1) Terebinthina Q, 4 hourly: Inflammation of kidneys with dark fetid haemorrhages and violent burning pain in urethra and kidney region; painful bloody urine with odor of violets; urine scanty, suppressed and comes drop by drop. 2) Cantharis30: Nephritis (Inflammation of kidneys); constant intolerable urge to urinate; urine is passed drop by drop; bloody urine with intolerable tenesmus and burning; great restlessness; unquenchable thirst. Let three doses be given 4 hourly, a few days. Belladonna 30 will follow well if the pains appear and disappear suddenly, and may be administered 4 hourly, two days. 3) Berberis Vulgaris Q: “Stitching, cutting pain from left kidney following course of ureter into bladder and urethra.” Pain in thighs and loins while urinating. Urethra burns when not urinating. Urine greenish, with thick mucus and reddish sediment. Thirst may alternate with thirstlessness. It possesses antibacterial and amoebicidal properties. 10 drops may be given twice or thrice a day in water for some days. It acts well if a few doses of cantharis also given for some days. 4) Sarsaparilla 6, 4 times a day for a few days: Renal colic caused by venereal disease; scanty bloody urine dribbles while sitting causing depression; unbearable pain at conclusion of urination; pain from right kidney downwards; “intolerable stench on genitals.” 5) Cantharidin 30, three times a day: It is a remedy for glomerular nephritis. It reduces blood sugar level. It helps in smooth passage of nutritive fluid through capillaries of the kidneys. 6) Calcarea Phos 6x: It is useful in kidney disease with albumen in the urine. In such a situation, it should be alternated with Kali Phos 6x every two hours. A case-record from E.A. de Cailhol, M.D. is worth mentioning: “G.S., an old man of 77, consulted me for what he called a “laziness of his kidneys.” Urine was, in fact, very scanty and loaded with albumen. The case seemed, at first sight, to be a hopeless one; he was also forgetful and quite nervous. I gave him Calc. Phos., a dose every two hours in alternation with Kali Phos. After six weeks’ treatment, urine was normal, his memory was somewhat restored, and for six months he has not complained. As to diet, I only recommended to him to eat as much asparagus as he could at his meals, and continue the use of the afore-mentioned medicines.” Calcarea Phos is also beneficial in violent pain at the region of kidneys when lifting any object or when blowing the nose. 7) Calcarea Sulph 12x, twice a day: In the case of intense pain in the region of kidneys, followed by a great discharge of pus in the urine, it affects rapid and permanent recovery. It may be alternated with Silicea 12x.

Leprosy (A chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae affecting skin, flesh, nerves and characterized by ulcers, white scaly scabs, deformities, and wasting of body parts) Remedies: 1) Hydrocotyle Q, 3x or 6, 4 hourly: It has acquired considerable fame in treatment of leprosy and lupus (chronic tuberculosis of skin often affecting nose), especially when there is no ulceration of the affected parts; hypertrophy and induration of connective tissues; great thickening of skin and exfoliation of scales. It is of value as detoxifier. 2) Elaeis Q, 7 drops in water 4 hourly: It is also very useful in treatment of leprosy, elephantiasis and scleroderma (thickening, hardening of skin with white patches). 3) Hoang Nan Q, 5 drops in water 4 hourly and may be increased to 20 drops if suits: It is good for leprosy with numbness of hands and feet. It revives the healing process. It is also useful in bites of serpents, tertiary syphilis, old ulcers, eczema, and prurigo. As Arsenic Alb follows it well, it is better if both are given to the patient simultaneously. 4) Calotropis Q, 5 drops in water, three times a day: “Heat in stomach is a good guiding symptom.” It has been used with marked success in the treatment of leprosy, elephantiasis, acute dysentery, syphilis; livid and gangrenous tubercles; thickening of the skin. 5) Silicea 12x, thrice a day: It is good for treating lepra, leprosy, ulcers, malignant and gangrenous inflammations, chronic syphilis, gonorrhoea etc.

Leucoderma (Whitish discoloration of the skin) Remedies: 1) Ars Sulf Flav 3x or 6x, thrice a day: It is the principal remedy for leucoderma. If the 200th potency is used, one dose a week in mornings in empty stomach is sufficient. If treatment is commenced as soon as the disease occurs, a few doses may be enough, but in case it has become chronic, then long treatment is desired. 2) Lycopodium 200 and Psoralia Cor 30, one dose of each in morning on alternate days helps. However, constitutional treatment is preferable. 3) Alfalfa Q: It may be required, as disorders characterized by malnutrition are within its therapeutic range. It tones up the appetite and digestion. It induces mental buoyancy and quiet, reposeful and refreshing sleep. Hence good results may be elicited with 7 drops in water twice daily. 4) Natrum Mur 12x, twice daily: Craving for salt is a characteristic symptom; great emaciation while living well. “It acts upon the blood, lymphatic system, the mucous lining of

the digestive tract and upon liver and spleen.” It is the remedy for all skin diseases, where there is a watery exudation or an excessive dryness of the skin, including white scales or patches. Lycopodium is often needed to supplement its action.

Leucorrhoea (Abnormal mucous discharge from the vagina; it may be due to simple debility or an affection of the womb of a more or less inflammatory nature) Remedies: 1) Alumina 0/7, 6 hourly: Leucorrhoea acrid, corrosive, profuse, transparent, ropy, running down to the heels, with burning < daytime, after menses, at new and full moon, > by washing with cold water. 2) Borax 3x, 4 hourly: Leucorrhoea profuse, albuminous, curd like or like white of eggs, with sensation as if warm water flowing down; dread of downward motion; fear of thunder; there may be sterility, nausea, aphthae, < warm weather, > cold climate. It “favors easy conception.” Acetic Acid, vinegar, wine are incompatible. 3) Graphites 1M, weekly one dose, three doses only: Leucorrhoea excoriating (removes part of skin), white, occurring in gushes day & night, before and after menses, with great weakness in back, obesity, constipation and aversion to coitus. Calcarea Phos in 6x potency is a valuable inter-current remedy, and may be given twice a day. 4) Hydrastis 30, thrice a day for a few days: Leucorrhoea acrid, corroding, shreddy, tenacious, ropy, yellowish, thick, profuse, hangs from os in long strings, with pruritus vulvae worse after menses. 5) Ova Tosta 3x, 4 hourly: Leucorrhoea with backache; sensation as if back was broken in two parts. It also controls cancer sufferings. 6) Kali Mur 6x, thrice a day: When the discharge consists of non-irritating milky white mucus, it is quite useful. 7) Natrum Mur 12x, twice a day: Leucorrhoea with a watery, scalding, irritating discharge and headache, colic and itching of vulva; if acrid and of nervous origin, and foul smelling, let it be alternated with Kali Phos 6x. 8) Calcarea Phos 6x, thrice a day: If leucorrhoea increases as the menses decrease, it is the remedy.

Leukemia (Leucocythemia, Blood Cancer) (Progressive proliferation of abnormal leucocytes in hemo tissues, other organs, and in the blood, occurring due to acute infection, with severe anaemia, haemorrhages, and enlargement of lymph nodes or spleen; it constitutes replacement of bone marrow by malignant clones of granulocytes or lymphocytes. If it is chronic, it is either myeloid or lymphocytic.) Remedies: Bio-chemic treatment: If detected early, there is a good possibility of cure by combination of: 1) Calcarea Phos, 2) Ferrum Phos, 3) Kali Phos, 4) Natrum Mur, 5) Natrum Phos, 6) Natrum Sulph Five tablets for adults and 3 tablets for children may be given four times a day at intervals of three hours, preferably in the 3x or 6x potency. Calcarea Phos deals with emaciation and anaemia, accompanying Leukemia, and excess of white corpuscles, by promoting formation of RBC, and protein; Ferrum Phos is an indispensable constituent of hemoglobin, colors the blood corpuscles red, carries oxygen to all parts of body, plays an important role in fighting infections, removes blood poverty, and is a useful remedy in leukemia; cancer cells generally do not thrive in oxygenated environment; Kali Phos is an anti-septic, hinders decay of tissues in leukemia, and lessens cancer pains; Natrum Mur is also good to deal with leukemia. In the opinion of Dr Willmar Schwabe “It has favorable effect on deficient blood composition.” Dr E. P. Anshutz has written that “It has proved curative in Leukemia.” Natrum Phos is also good in treating leukemia and leucocytosis; “Natrum Sulph takes away water from worn-out leucocytes, and thereby accomplishes their

disintegration. It is, therefore, the remedy for leukaemia.” Dr Boericke & Dr Dewey Homoeopathic Treatment: Trinitrotoluene (T.N.T.) 30: It decreases WBC count, increases RBC. It helps to overcome breathlessness, dizziness, depression, insomnia, undue fatigue, cramps and cyanosis etc; it acts satisfactorily as an oxygen carrier. It may be given thrice a day for some days. It has been used with success. There may be marked aversion to tea. Vanadium 6, twice or thrice a day: It also acts as an oxygen carrier. “It increases amount of haemoglobin, also combines its oxygen with toxins and destroys their virulence. Also increases and stimulates phagocytes.” It is a remedy in degenerative conditions of the liver and arteries. It acts as a tonic to digestive system. Arsenic Alb 30: It is a profoundly acting remedy on every organ and tissue. The patient may drink much, but little at a time, may suffer from fear fright worry, and burning pains like coals of fire. He feels better from heat and warm drinks, worse from cold drinks, wet weather, after midnight. There may be great exhaustion, debility and restlessness after the slightest exertion. It will combine well with Vanadium. One dose may be taken every morning for some days. Ceanothus Q, 7 drops in water thrice a day continuously for several days: It suits patients who are anaemic, suffer from violent dyspnoea, and enormous enlargement of spleen with leukemia. Thuja Oc 200, once a week: It acts on blood, kidneys, gastro-intestinal tract, skin etc. The person feels better in dry weather, worse in humid atmosphere. When walking, limbs may feel as if made of wood or glass and would break easily. There may be flatulence with brown spots on abdomen, hands, arms, and complete loss of appetite. He may be afflicted with sensational fixed ideas. Arsenic Alb is complementary, and so follows it well. Ars Iod 0/3 three times per day: In the case of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, this treatment will be beneficial. The patient may have pulmonary tuberculosis, recurring fever and sweats. It is also preferable to take Calcarea Carb 0/3 twice a day to augment beneficial action of Ars Iod. Let the treatment be under supervision of a qualified doctor, if necessary. Fifty Millesimal Potencies such as 0/3 or 0/6 etc however are more safe than other potencies in incurable or malignant diseases as there is little or no possibility of violent aggravation. Natrum Iod 6x, three times a day: “Nat Iod has been used, with good results in anaemia of the leucaemic form, not reacting on Kali Phos or Nat Sulph.” Dr Med. Eric Graf Von Der Goltz

Remarks: Initially, one may take above Bio-combination and also, Trinitrotoluene 30 (T.N.T.) for some days, if this treatment suits from the beginning. The duration should be reduced gradually despite improvement after one month or so. Bio- combination thrice a day, T.N.T. twice a day; subsequently, twice a day, once per day respectively, or as may be helpful. Symptoms are likely to lead the patient to take one or the other indicated remedies, besides the above as may be essential. People say a doctor is the worst patient. We would prefer to state that the patient is the best doctor for himself/herself as he/she usually experiences innate turmoil / tranquility relating to the ailment and its palliation. Consultation with qualified Bio-chemic and Homoeopathic doctors for the line of

treatment in such cases in conformity with the basic constitution of the patient is desirable and necessary.

Lice affections (Pediculosis) Remedies: Staphysagria 30: For lice on head and also on private parts, it may be given 4 hourly for a few days. Besides, for external application, Staphysagria Q should be used in olive oil in the ratio of 1: 9 to get rid of lice. Vinca Minor 30, 4 hourly, a few days: It is required when there is corrosive itching, burning and offensive odor. Lycopodium 0/3, three times per day: If lice breed very fast in skin, it is given for some days. Kali Mur 6x and Natrum Mur 6x, 5 tablets of each together, thrice a day for about 15 days: This combination may be helpful, its external application also.

Lichen Planus (Gray lacy pattern in buccal mucosal membranes) Signs & symptoms: a) It affects inside the forearm, wrist and on the inner thighs near the knees. b) Sometimes the mucous membranes of the mouth are affected. White or grayish patches appear on the tongue, palate and inner cheeks. c) Infections may follow mental shock. d) Intense itching eruptions, pink or lilac, are manifested

Remedies: 1) Merc Cyan 30, 5 pills twice daily: It affects the buccal cavity prominently. Ulcerations of mouth may have a gray membrane. Great and rapid prostration is characteristic. There may be nausea, vomiting, hiccough, and necrotic destruction of soft parts of palate. 2) Kali Phos 6x: Ulcers of the mouth with very fetid offensive breath and bad taste; gangrenous canker of the mouth. It may be alternated with Kali Mur 6x.

Lockjaw (Trismus; tetanic spasm of the muscles of mastication) Remedies: 1) Mag Phos 3x: In case jaws remain rigidly closed, its administration every one hour in warm water, 7 doses, each consisting of 5 tablets will be greatly helpful. On the second day, it should be given every two hours, five times. Besides, 7 tablets should be powdered and rubbed into the jaws for a minute or two twice a day. Calcarea Phos 3x shall prevent its recurrence and complete its action, so should be had twice in a day. From the third day, both may be given twice or thrice a day for some days. If lockjaw is associated with convulsions, Calcarea Fluor 3x should be taken along with Mag Phos. 2) Hypericum 200, twice a day for three or four days: It prevents lockjaw, relieves pain after operations, and may be given after above Bio-chemic Medicines. 3) Strychninum 30, thrice a day for 2/3 days: Lower jaw spasmodically closed; stiffened jaws with pale face and stiffness in muscles and neck. It makes all reflexes more active and stimulates nervous system and mental activities.

Locomotor Ataxia (Tabes Dorsalis) (Wasting disease of sensory column of spinal cord and sensory nerve roots; chronic staggering, usually caused by syphilis and characterized by loss of reflexes and of muscular coordination) Remedies: 1) Natrum Sulph 6x: The patient totters as from drunkenness, shakes as if about to fall, due to deficiency in locomotive power. There may be cracking in joints. Hands and feet may twitch during sleep. The whole body may tremble owing to great prostration. Let it be given 4

hourly for several days. Occasional dose of Ferrum Phos 6x in mornings will be helpful. 2) Zinc Phos 6, three times per day: It removes lightning-like pains in locomotor ataxia associated with nervousness, vertigo, sleeplessness. 3) Plumbum Met 30, 3 times per day: It is of great help in locomotor ataxia associated with spinal sclerosis, chronic nephritis, hypertension, arterio-sclerosis, progressive muscular atrophy, mental depression, cramps in calves, and constipation, worse motion, better rubbing. 4) Ferrum Picricum 6, thrice per day, a few doses: It is excellent for completing useful contribution of other remedies. Besides, locomotor ataxia, the patient may be suffering from senile hypertrophy of the prostate gland. 5) Aragallus Lamberti 6, three times per day: The symptoms may comprise of incoordination, paralysis, restlessness, irritability, mental confusion and depression, worse morning or evening, with pain in left sciatic nerve. 6) Argentum Nitricum 30, 3 times a day: The patient walks and stands unsteadily, especially when unobserved. Pains increase and decrease gradually. He demonstrates peculiar mental impulses and errors of perception; wants to do things in a hurry. “Very characteristic is the great desire for sweets…intolerance of heat.”

Lupus (Ulcerous disease of skin, chronic tuberculosis of skin often affecting nose) Remedies: 1) Radium Brom 0/3, 4 hourly for a few days: It is good for erythema, epithelioma, dermatitis with itching all over the body, burning of skin, as if afire, ulcers and cancers, severe pains better moving about and by hot bath. 2) Ars Alb 0/3, 6 hourly for a few days: It cures ulcers with offensive discharges, epithelioma of the skin, with itching, burning, swellings, restlessness, and debility, worse cold and scratching, better from heat and warm drinks. 3) Hydrocotyle 6, thrice a day for a few days: It is curative in disorders of lupus when there is no ulceration. “Great thickening of epidermial layer and exfoliation of scales” leads to its use. There may be intolerable itching, especially of soles. It is of great use in ulceration of womb.

Malaria (Intermittent fever, Marsh fever, Ague) (An infectious disease caused by bite of mosquito, generally recurrent, and characterized by severe chill and high fever; it does not get normal till it lasts; the basic cause of the disease is an excess of water in the blood, which provides a suitable breeding ground for the plasmodium malaria.)

Some Signs & Symptoms: a) b) c) d)

Intrmittent fevers are best seen in relapses of malaria. In tertian fevers the temperature rises every third day at approximately the same time. In quartan fevers the temerature rises on the fourth day. Malaria in children may be associated with diarrhoea.

Remedies: 1) Ferrum Phos 3x & Natrum Sulph 3x, 5 celloids of each remedy in alternation every two hour: We understand Quinine contains Ferrum Phos and Natrum Sulph, besides other redundant elements, which do not correct mineral salt deficiencies. Intermittent fever or malaria requires in all stages Natrum Sulph to eliminate excess of water in the tissues, and to overcome bilious stools, greenish coating of the tongue, bitter vomiting. Ferrum Phos attracts oxygen which is essential for the cure of the disease. Ague patients must abstain from a rich diet: Eggs, milk, buttermilk, fats and fish and during chill stage, should be wrapped in blankets and given hot drinks. In case fever is associated with severe throbbing headache, intense thirst, aching all over body, Natrum Mur 3x should be alternated with Natrum Sulph. When the tongue has a thick white coating, Kali Mur 3x should be given in alternation with Natrum Sulph. 2) Chininum Sulph 3x: Whenever there is marked periodicity and spinal pain worse during severe shivering chill, which continues for a very long period, even in a warm room, it is the remedy undoubtedly. Reduction in haemoglobin and rapid decrease in RBC may afflict the patient. There may be acute articular rheumatism, chronic nephritis, and sudden loss of weight. It may be given 3 hourly for 2 or 3 days. 3) Chininum Ars 6, 3 hourly, 2 or 3 days: In malarial affections with neuralgia, asthmatic attacks, cardiac dyspnoea, anorexia, sleeplessness, icy skin, tearing pains in limbs, great prostration, it has been found curative. Eggs produce diarrhoea. 4) Cinchona (China Off) 200, 3 hourly: If fever returns every other day or every seventh or 14th day and paroxysm is anticipated every two or three hours and fever never commences at night, and there is great thirst before chill, but no thirst during heat stage, and symptoms are worse by motion and better by warm application, it is the remedy. Digitalis and Selenium are incompatible, so should not be taken after China Off. Ferrum Phos is complementary, so may follow well. Ars Alb and Rhus Tox also helpful after China. 5) Rhus Tox 30, every two hour, two days: A dry teasing cough before and during chill in intermittent fever, with taste of blood, restlessness, and trembling. “Chilly, as if cold water were poured over him, followed by heat and inclination to stretch the limbs.” Tearing asunder pains. Motion limbers up, so does the stretching and warm application. Ars Alb and Bryonia Alb follow well, but Apis Mel should not be given before or after it. Thirst of Ars Alb patient is unquenchable. He drinks much but little at a time and is better after sweating and by warm drinks. Symptoms worsen after midnight. He is mentally restless, physically too weak to move. 6) Cedron 30, 4 hourly: It is curative in malarial affections, with neuralgia of the right side

of face coming on about 9 a. m. There may be tearing pain and/or numbness of limbs, and thirst for warm drinks during heat stage. 7) Malaria Officinalis 6, four times a day: It is powerful to cause disappearance of the plasmodium of malaria. Malaria cachexia (malnutrition and extreme weakness) falls within its curable range. With malaria there may be rheumatism, weariness, spleen affections and hepatic disease. 8) Ammonium Picratum 3 or 6, 4 hourly: It is a remedy for malarial fever and neuralgias, and bilious headaches. There may be vertigo on rising and whooping cough. 9) Alstonia Scholaris Q: It is a remedy for malarial diseases, with diarrhoea, dysentery, anaemia, feeble digestion. It acts as a tonic after exhausting fevers. 10) Cornus Florida Q: It is required for chronic malaria with indigestion, debility from loss of vital fluids and night sweats, neuralgic pains and intermittent fever with drowsiness. “Chill is preceded by drowsiness, heat is associated with drowsiness. Headache after quinine.”

Measles (Rubella also) (An acute, infectious, communicable virus disease, characterized by small red spots on the skin, high fever, nasal discharge, watering of eyes, sore throat, cough, chilly feeling, occurring most frequently in childhood; pneumonia and bronchitis may occur if not managed properly.) Remedies: 1) Ferrum Phos 6x: It is suited to the first stage of measles. It is the first remedy and should be continued until the fever lasts. It is good for inflammatory conditions, fever, painful congestion of chest, redness of eyes, flushed face. Five tablets should be given in lukewarm water every two hours from 6 a. m. to 4 p.m. but the duration should be reduced as soon as there is no fever. 2) Kali Mur 6x: It follows Ferrum Phos well. It is given two hourly for the hoarse cough, glandular swellings, loose light colored stools, and white coated furred tongue. It is good for the after-effects of measles. It may be alternated with Ferrum Phos if fever exists. Kali Mur also acts as a preventive if taken twice a day for 7 days. 3) Kali Sulph 6x: When fever and rash have vanished, let it be given thrice a day to ensure that no relapse occurs. 4) Morbillinum 30: It is a prophylactic remedy. It should be given once daily for 7 days. 5) Gelsemium 30: It may be had thrice a day for 3 days. It aids in bringing out eruptions. It suits hot dry itching skin and catarrhal symptoms in measles. Chill and heat alternate with restlessness, dizziness, drowsiness, dullness, trembling, and thirstlessness. The patient is better by profuse urination. 6) Pulsatilla 30, 4 hourly, 3 doses: Dry mouth without thirst; profuse lachrymation; chilliness, even in warm room; better open air and motion.

Suggestion: The room should be well ventilated with shades drawn to lessen the light. The diet should be liquid during fever. Plenty of water should be taken.

Melena (Black and tarry stools owing presence of altered blood) Remedies: 1) Leptandra 6, 4 hourly, 3 days: It is indicated for treatment of profuse, black, fetid, tarry stools with pain at umbilicus. There may be prolapse of rectum with bleeding piles. It is quite good. 2) Chelone Q or 30, thrice daily: It is also very good for melena. Besides, “it is an enemy to every kind of worm infesting the human body.”

Meningitis (Inflammation of the meninges, the three membranes enveloping Brain & Spinal Cord due to trauma or viral/bacterial infection or lack of phosphate of iron and potassium chloride; the onset is sudden; symptoms include intolerable headache, high fever, nausea, persistent vomiting, rigors, delirium, rigidity of neck, dilation of pupils etc. The treatment should be timely. Hospitalization is preferred.) Remedies: 1) Ferrum Phos 6x & Kali Mur 6x: For congestion of brain with delirium, fever, rapid pulse, hammering pain in head > cold applications, five tablets of Ferrum Phos should be given every one hour and may be alternated with Kali Mur when effusion of serum occurs. 2) Natrum Sulph 3x, every two hours: For violent pains at base of brain, as if crushed in a vise, particularly after injuries to the head, it is the remedy and may be alternated with Ferrum Phos 3x and Kali Phos 3x together. Advice of Dr Kent is worth noting: “If all the remedies in the materia medica were taken away from me, and I were to have but one with which to treat the disease, I would take Natr. Sulph., because it will modify the attack and save life in the majority of cases.” 3) Calcarea Phos 2x powder morning and evening: It is the chief remedy in

hydrocephalus, acute or chronic. It should be alternated with Argentum Nitricum 6 if there is sensation of sudden pinch, intolerance of heat, characteristic splinter-like pains, peculiar mental impulses, and great desire for sweets. 4) Cicuta Virosa 6, 4 hourly: It is good for cerebro-spinal meningitis with contractions of cervical muscles, convulsions from concussion of the brain, bending of head, neck, or spine backwards like an arch, delirium with funny gestures. General action of the patient is violent. 5) Cuprum Cyan 30, 4 hourly: It is needed in meningitis basilaria. 6) Iodoformum 30, 4 hourly: In the treatment of tubercular meningitis, it is beneficial, when “head feels heavy, as if it could not be lifted from pillow.” The patient may suffer from chronic diarrhoea and spitting of blood from lungs. 7) Oreodaphne 6, 4 hourly: It is also beneficial in the treatment of cerebro-spinal meningitis with atonic diarrhoea, intestinal colic, occipital pain, neuralgic headache and great heaviness of head with constant desire to move it.

Menstruation- ailments thereof A) Amenorrhoea (Abnormal absence or suppression of menstruation): Remedies: 1) Kali Phos 3x: For non-appearance of menses due to depression of spirits, lassitude, nervous debility, Kali Phos should be administered twice a day and may be alternated with Calcarea Phos 3x in anaemic conditions. 2) Pulsatilla 30, 4 hourly: If the menses are too late, scanty, suppressed, dark, clotted, or intermittent and the patient suffers from nervous debility, it is the remedy. Though thirst-less, she is better by taking cold drinks. Diarrhoea may occur during or after menses. 3) Graphites 30, 4 hourly: If the menses are too late, too scanty, with constipation and violent colic, and leucorrhoea occurs in gushes day and night before and after menses, it will be quite effective. There may be aversion to coitus. Calcarea Phos 6x morning/evening will speed up the improvement.

B) Dysmenorrhoea (Painful menstruation): Remedies: 1) Magnesia Phos 6x: For severe cramping neuralgic pains, worse by motion, radiating to the ovarian region, commencing just before the flow and continuing as long as the flow lasts, it is required. Warmth is soothing. Five celloids may be taken in hot water every 15 minutes, 5 to 7 times. Besides a small quantity should be dissolved in hot water and applied with cloth over the uterus as may be tolerable. It may also be taken as a preventive, 6 days before the onset of the periods hourly duly dissolved in hot water. 2) Belladonna 30, thrice a day for two / three days: Menses very offensive and hot; cutting

pain in sacrum; pain worse lying down from hip to hip; menses bright red, too early, too profuse; sensation as if all the viscera would protrude at genitals; it will follow Mag Phos admirably. C) Menorrhagia ( Excessive menstrual flow on regular basis): Remedies: 1) Calcarea Fluor 3x, 4 hourly: It is the chief bio-chemic remedy to tone up the contractile power of the uterus. It is useful in excessive flooding menstruation with bearing down pains in the region of uterus. Ferrum Phos 3x two doses in morning at interval of two hours will also be helpful. 2) Cimicifuga (Actea Racemosa) Q, 7 drops in water twice a day for a month or so: It is highly beneficial in profuse, coagulated, dark, offensive, irregular menses, with backache, nervousness, shooting & throbbing pain in head. The patient is better by warmth, worse from cold. It is an excellent remedy.

D) Metrorrhagia (Haemorrhage between periods): Remedies: 1) Silicea 12x, twice a day for a week: It is good for metrorrhagia from working in cold water. “Menses are associated with icy coldness over whole body and constipation and foetid footsweat.” 2) Jonosia Asoca Q, 7 drops in water two times daily: It regulates menses, reduces menstrual colic and is of great assistance in amenorrhoea, menorrhagia, and metrorrhagia. It also helps in excessive nausea, obstinate constipation, and congestive headache. It is also a very good remedy. E) Menopausal Syndrome (Climacteric Period) Remedies: 1) Ferrum Phos 12x & Mag Phos 6x, 5 tablets of each in hot water 4 hourly: Menstrual colic with flushing of the face, quickened pulse, and frequent urging to urinate; pain may precede flow, and the discharge may be profuse, dark, stringy or fibrous; flow may be clotted and intermittent. 2) Sulphur 0/2, two doses daily for a few days: “Pudenda itches. Vagina burns. Much offensive perspiration. Menses too late, short, scanty, and difficult; thick, black, acrid, making parts sore… Nipples cracked; smart and burn.”

F) Excessive flow owing mechanical injury or any other cause: Remedy: 1) Arnica Mont 1M, one or two doses: It is excellent for uterine haemorrhage from mechanical injury. 2) Fraxinus Americana Q: It is also an excellent remedy for profuse menstruation due to uterine tumors, fibroids, enlargement of uterus. Cramps may occur in feet in afternoon and night and there may be watery, un-irritating leucorrhoea. In such a case, 15 drops should be given in water 3 times a day for at least 15 days.

Migraine (Megrim) (Severe headache, periodically returning, usually affecting one side of the head) Symptoms: a) Disruption in the flow of blood causes migraine. b) It may be associated with nausea and/or vomiting as well as irritability with photophobia and phonophobia. c) Common triggers for an attack are red wine, relaxation after stress, menstruation, mild head injury. d) Migraine is nearly always throbbing. e) It often starts on waking and continues for a number of hours.

Remedies: 1) Natrum Mur 6x, 4 times a day for a week or so, subsequently twice a day: Hammering headache, mainly in forehead, & temples, and usually semi-lateral, with drowsiness,

constipation and un-refreshing sleep, worse generally in the morning, due to excessive dryness of the tissues of the brain. It is analogous to Lycopodium which may often be needed to supplement its action. A few doses of Ferrum Phos and Kali Phos 6x will also be useful. 2) Onosmodium 30, 4 hourly: The patient acts as if born tired. It is a remedy for migraine of the left side from eyestrain and sexual weakness. The pain occurs in occipito-frontal region and temples in morning on waking, worse from motion, better from cold drinks. 3) Sanguinaria 200, 3 doses every 10 minutes: Headache commences in occiput, spreads upwards, and settles over right eye. Pain in the back of head like a flash of lightning. Head feels as if it would burst. Periodical sick headache begins in morning, increases during the day, and lasts until evening. Headaches return at the climacteric every 7th day. 4) Sepia 200, only one dose in a week, total 4 to 6 doses: It is important in climacteric migraine with scanty flow, especially in women who are hysterical, irritable, indifferent, and desire sour things. Bursting headache, mostly left caused by terrible shocks < motion, stooping, mental exertion, > hot applications, pressure. Inimical: Lachesis & Pulsatilla which should not be used before or after. Natrum Mur is complementary. Belladonna acts on brain, so in severe migraine, with throbbing of brain and carotids < from slight noise, light, lying down, stooping, after noon > pressure and semi-erect posture, it may be given in 3rd potency every half hour, 4 or 5 doses, followed by Ferrum Phos 6x, 3 doses consisting of 5 tablets, every one hour next day in the morning. 5) Menispermum 30, 4 hourly: It is a useful remedy for megrim with dry mouth & throat, restlessness, and pain in shoulders, elbows, back and thighs. Pain moves from forehead and temples to occiput. 6) Bryonia Alb 30, thrice a day: It is an excellent remedy for bursting, splitting, stitching, and tearing headache with sensation as if hit by a hammer from within, worse least motion, constipation, relief from absolute rest, either mental or physical. Mucous membranes are all dry. Bryonia patient is irritable, has vertigo from raising the head. Thirst is excessive. Ferrum Phos follows well.

Miscarriage (To suffer a miscarriage of a fetus) Remedies: 1) Sabina 30, thrice a day for two days at least: Tendency to miscarriage, especially at third month; music produces nervousness; symptoms worsen from least motion and heat; “pains from sacrum to pubis, and from below upwards shooting up the vagina.” The patient desires lemonade. 2) Viburnum Opulus Q, 5 drops in water twice a day: It is useful in frequent early miscarriages causing crampy pains and sterility. Pains run from back to loins and womb, worse early morning. It often prevents miscarriages. 3) Secale Cor 30, 4 hourly: It is adapted to women of nervous temperament, haemorrhagic diathesis, and weak unhealthy uterus. They are thin despite ravenous appetite and

unquenchable thirst, and suffer from threatened abortion, especially at third month. The patient is worse from heat, warm covering, better from cold, rubbing. 4) Kali Phos 6x: It is very good for ruling out threatened miscarriage in weak and nervous subjects. It may be administered twice a day along with Calcarea Fluor 6x. The latter favors easy confinement, if given during pregnancy. One may add Calcarea Phos 6x to the above two remedies advantageously. It will cover weakness caused by uterine displacements. “Calcarea Phos may not have the contracting power of Calcarea Fluor, by acting directly upon the muscles and tissues involved, but it acts indirectly by building up the general health and aiding digestion, thereby restoring the tissues to a healthy condition and promoting the deposit of Calcarea Fluor.” (Chapman)

Morphine Habit Remedies: 1) Kali Phos 3x: Dr B. A. Sonders, M. D., Winterset, Ohio reports a case of a young lady, aged 20, intelligent, handsome, nevertheless a confirmed ‘morphine fiend.’ He administered Kali Phos 3x, a dose every 15 minutes, total 6 doses. The change was wonderful. “The sharp, intense headache, sleeplessness, wild, staring eyes, brown, dry tongue, and that horrible sinking, “all gone” sensation rapidly yielded to the cell-salt, and she made a good recovery.” 2) Natrum Phos 6x: In case, moist, creamy or golden yellow coating at the back part of the tongue is observed, Natrum Phos 3x or 6x should be given to diminish the morphine habit progressively. Dr M.J. Luys cured a physician, who had been accustomed to take about seven grains of morphine daily, in about two months. 3) Opium 30, thrice a day for 3 days: The patient suffers from ‘stupid sleep,’ rattling stertorous breathing, sweaty skin, and obstinate constipation. “Bed feels so hot she cannot lie on it.” Amelioration from cold things, constant walking, aggravation from heat, perspiration, during and after sleep. 4) Berberis Vulgaris Q, 7 drops in water twice per day: It is useful to counteract opium habit. There may be nausea before taking breakfast and a sensation as if some urine remained after urinating.

Mumps (Epidemic Parotitis) (An acute contagious disease caused by a virus and characterized by swelling of parotid & salivary glands; the onset is marked by chill, fever, vomiting, and malaise. Warm application

relieves pain. Acid food aggravates the symptoms.) Remedies: 1) Kali Mur 6x: It is the principal bio-chemic remedy for the exudation or glandular swelling. It proves sufficient if alternated 2 hourly with Ferrum Phos 6x. However, with excessive secretion of saliva or with swelling of the testicles occurring as a metastasis with mumps, Natrum Mur 6x should also be used as an inter-current remedy. 2) Belladonna 30, 3 hourly: It has a marked action on hot red swelling of glands with flushed face and tearing pain extending to ears. Ferrum Phos & Kali Mur will follow well. 3) Phytolacca 200, 4 hourly, 6 doses: It is pre-eminently a glandular remedy. It has a powerful effect on glandular swellings. There may be shooting pain into ears on swallowing. The patient may not be able to swallow anything hot, even water. Merc Sol is inimical. So should not be taken before or after it. 4) Pilocarpus M 3x, 4 hourly: It is a valuable remedy to limit the duration of mumps. It has achieved success if the patient suffers from abnormal sweats, heat and nervousness.

Nail Affections (Brittle nails, in-growing nails, fungus in nails, deformed nails) Remedies: 1) Graphites 30, thrice a day for 2 or 3 days: Nails deformed, brittle, crumbling, crippled, painful, sore, as if ulcerated, thick, rough, may be black. Among the remedies which follow well, is Silicea. 2) Silicea 12x or 30, 6 hourly: It is also good in the case of crippled nails on fingers and toes. There may be white spots on in-growing nails. Thuja Oc is complementary. 3) Thuja Oc 200, weekly one dose, total 6 doses: In-growing toe nails; nails become waxy, deformed, crippled, brittle, and soft. 4) Antim Crudum 200, one dose alternate morning: If nails are brittle and become out of shape, it is the remedy. 5) Calcarea Phos 6x, thrice a day: It is good for “ulcerative pains in the roots of the finger nails of the right hand.” (S. F. Shannon, M.D.) 6) Natrum Mur 12x, twice a day: Hang-nail, a bit of torn skin hanging at the side or base of a fingernail, with skin of hands especially about nails dry and cracked.

Obesity (Corpulence, fatness, bulkiness) Remedies: 1) Phytolacca Berry Q, 10 drops in water 4 hourly: It is indicated in the treatment of obesity and sore throat. It may be taken for a few months to elicit reduction in weight, if it suits the obese person. Phytolacca Berry tablets are also very effective for obesity. One or two tablets are being taken twice or thrice daily. 2) Graphitas 200: One dose may be taken daily for some days in the morning for reducing weight and appetite. It suits persons who have tendency to skin affections, and habitual constipation, and become fat for no rhyme and reason. Calcarea Carb 30, one dose in the evening, will be beneficial for those who have large abdomen, and are sensitive to cold. Use of Calcarea Carb alone for a month or so may give good results. 3) Fucus Vesiculosus Q: It is an excellent remedy for obesity and non-toxic goiter. It diminishes flatulence and furthers digestion. 10 drops may be taken in water three times a day before meals for 2/3 months. 4) Calcarea Phos 12x with Natrum Mur 6x: Over a period of time 5 celloids of each remedy, 3 times daily, may be taken to achieve weight loss.

Osteoarthritis (Form of arthritis wherein cartilages of joints and adjacent bones are worn out, causing intense pain) Primary Sites: a) b) c) d)

Osteoarthritis affects the joints of the spine. Severe degenerative changes of the cervical spine are seen. Vertigo and tinnitus may occur. Numbness of hands and arms are common.

Remedies: 1) Conchiolin xxx powder, twice daily for several days: It has a wide range of action in bone affections, especially if the growing ends of the bone are involved. 2) Ginseng 6 or 30, three times a day: It lessens cartilage degeneration. There may be cracking in joints, heaviness of lower limbs, stiff contracted joints, coldness in back and spine, lumbago, sciatica, rheumatism and hiccough. It regulates blood sugar levels. It helps the body to adapt to stress, fatigue and cold. It is made from one of the most famous Chinese

herbs. It lowers incidences of cancer. 3) Calcarea Carb 0/3, 8 doses on alternate mornings: Swelling of joints, especially knees; burning of soles of feet; feet feel cold and dead at night. Rheumatoid pains as if parts were wrenched or sprained. The patient feels better in every way when constipated, craves indigestible things. “Head sweats profusely while sleeping, wetting pillow far around.” It is a constitutional remedy par excellence. Rhus Tox, Lycopodium and Belladonna are complementary. Bryonia and Sulphur should not be given after Calcarea carb. 4) Osteo Arthritis Nosode 0/2: One dose may be given in morning daily for ten days, and upon noticing improvement 0/3 and so on may be administered subsequently. 5) Calcarea Fluorica 3x with Calcarea Phos 3x, twice a day: Inflammation of knee joint with chronic synovitis, and cracking in the joints; pains in knees worse walking. Gouty pains with cramp in calves. Numbness and coldness of the limbs.

Osteomalacia (A bone disease characterized by gradual softening and bending of the bones, accompanied by severe pains, from a deficiency in calcium salts and vitamin D) Remedies: 1) Calcarea Phos 12x: When the bones are weak and soft due to want of phosohate of lime molecules, Calcarea Phos provides them solidity. It is also good for ulceration of bone and wasting of skull-bones; for rickets, spinal curvatures and bow-legs in children. It should be given twice a day. 2) Silicea 12x: It is indicated in all bone diseases. It “has cured more cases of caries and necrosis than any other remedy. It is a deeply penetrating remedy.” One dose of it may be given at night daily. Calcarea Phos 12x may be given every morning in such a case. 3) Phosphoric Acid 6: It is useful in relieving pains pertaining to interstitial inflammation of bones, periosteal inflammation, softening and bending of bones; tearing pains in joints, bones and periosteum at night, as if scraped with a knife. Mental debility may be followed by physical weakness. It should be given thrice a day. 4) Calcarea Carb 0/2: It is a constitutional remedy par excellence. Persons, who are disposed to grow fat, sweat easily, take cold readily, feel better in ecery way when constipated, and suffer from softening of bones, offer numerous opportunities for use of Calcarea Carb. Swelling of joints, especially knees, with severe pains; feet feel cold and dead at night. There may be arthritic nodosities, worse from mental or physical exertion. One should take every morning one dose, total ten doses. Upon experiencing improvement, one should opt for 0/3, 0/5 and so on. It should not be used before Nitric Acid or Sulphur. Bryonia and Sulphur should not be given after Calcarea. Belladonna, Rhus Tox, Lycopodium, and Silicea are complementary.

Osteomylitis (Infection of bone marrow and inflammation of bone including periosteum) Remedies: 1) Aconite Nap 30, 4 hourly for a few days: Knees unsteady; disposition of foot to turn; weak and lax ligaments of all joints; shooting pains; numbness and tingling; red shining swelling; life is rendered miserable by fear, worse music, warm room and night. 2) Ruta G 200, thrice a day for a few days: All parts of the body are painful as if bruised with feeling of weakness and despair; pain from back down hips and thighs; pain in bones of feet and ankles. There may be tendency to the formation of deposits in the periosteum, tendons, joints, worse from cold and wet weather. Calcarea Phos and Symphytum are complementary. 3) Symphytum 200, twice a day for some days: It is of great use in wounds penetrating perineum, bones, and joints and in non-union of fractures. It follows Ruta well. 4) Pyrogen 30, twice a day for 2 or 3 days: It is a great remedy for septicaemia with intense restlessness, horrible discharges, and aching in all limbs and bones. It should not be repeated too frequently. Arsenic Alb and Bryonia are complementary medicines. 5) Calcarea phos 12x, twice a day: It is a constituent of the bones, connective tissues, blood corpuscles. It unites with organic substance albumen and gives solidity to the bones. It covers all bone diseases, inherited or due to defective nutrition. It has been appropriately described as ‘the bone remedy.’ Pain in knees worse walking; pain in shin bones; ankle joint feels as if dislocated; spinal curvature; backache in the lumbar region in the morning on awaking; swelling of the epiphesis. Ruta and Rhus Tox are complementary medicines.

Osteophyte (Abnormal bony outgrowth) Remedies: 1) Desmodium Gangeticum 0/2, twice a day for some days: Patient cannot sit straight on account of cerebro-spinal meningitis and osteophytes. 2) Calcarea Carb 0/2, one dose on alternate mornings: Calcarea patient is fat, fair and flabby, perspires profusely and suffers from exostoses.

3) Calcarea Fluor 200x, one dose per week: It deals with osseous growths and enlargements of bones with or without caries. There may be exudation from surface of bones, which harden and take a nodular form.

Osteoporosis (A bone disease in which the bones become brittle because of a loss of calcium; degeneration or thinning of bone tissues) Signs & symptoms: a) “Episodic backache is a characteristic symptom of osteoporosis, the principal signs of which are attributable to compression and collapse of the vertebrae resulting in kyphosis and loss of weighr.” b) It occurs generally in elderly women postmenopausally. Remedies: 1) Calcarea Phos 12x: When the bones are weak and soft due to want of phosohate of lime molecules, Calcarea Phos provides them solidity. It is also good for ulceration of bone and wasting of skull-bones; for rickets, spinal curvatures and bow-legs in children. It is a remedy for thin and brittle cranial bones. It should be given twice a day. 2) Silicea 12x: It is indicated in all bone diseases. It “has cured more cases of caries and necrosis than any other remedy. It is a deeply penetrating remedy.” One dose of it may be given at night daily. Calcarea Phos 12x may be given every morning in such a case. 3) Calcarea Carb 0/2: It is a constitutional remedy par excellence. Persons, who are disposed to grow fat, sweat easily, take cold readily, feel better in every way when constipated, and suffer from softening of bones, offer numerous opportunities for use of Calcarea Carb. Swelling of joints, especially knees, with severe pains; feet feel cold and dead at night. There may be arthritic nodosities, worse from mental or physical exertion. One should take every morning one dose, total ten doses. Upon improvement, one should opt for 0/3, 0/5 and so on. It should not be used before Nitric Acid or Sulphur. Bryonia and Sulphur should not be given after Calcarea. Belladonna, Rhus Tox, Lycopodium, and Silicea are complementary.

Ovarian Cyst/Tumor (Overitis/oophoritis=inflammation of ovary) Remedies:

1) Apis Mel 6, thrice a day for some days: Overitis with severe ovarian pains and dysmenorrhoea; Ovarian tumors, metritis (inflammation of uterus), with stinging, burning pains, worse heat in any form, better cold bathing; enlargement or dropsy of right ovary; thirstless, scanty urine; extreme sensitiveness to touch; there may be sudden puffing up of whole body. Rhus tox should not be given before or after Apis Mel. 2) Conium 200, 3 doses, one dose in a week in morning: Chronic ovaritis; ovary enlarged, indurated, with lancinating pain; bad effects of suppressed sexual desire; vertigo when lying down or turning in bed; sweats day and night; excitement causes mental depression. Psorinum is a complementary medicine. 3) Thuja Oc 200, 3 doses, one dose weekly in morning: Severe pain may be felt in left ovary and left inguinal region. Ovaritis at every menstrual period, worse left side and at night. Arsenic Alb and Silicea follow well. 4) Oophorinum 6, thrice a day for a few days: Ovarian cysts with climactric disturbances; sufferings may be consequential to excision of the ovaries. 5) Mag Phos 6x, 4 hourly: Ovarian neuralgia with sharp shooting darting pains in both ovaries and small of back, and a sensation of contraction of womb. In acute case it is given in hot water. Application of heat also relieves promptly. Calcarea Phos is closely allied to Mag Phos in many respects and so is frequently given in alternation with it.

Pancreatic troubles (Pancreas secretes digestive enzymes and hormone insulin) Symptoms: a) A leading symptom is severe continuous epigastric pain, which is felt in the right epigastric region in biliary pancreatitis. b) Belt-shaped radiation of the pain along the ribs and to the back is quite significant.

Remedies: 1) Iris Versicolor 30, 4 hourly: It affects favorably pancreas, thyroid, intestinal, and salivary glands. It increases the flow of bile. It helps considerably, if there is burning in whole alimentary canal with biliary vomiting, nausea, profuse flow of saliva, worse at night and from rest. In case, the patient suffers from constipation along with deficient appetite, Lycopodium 30 may also be given in alternate mornings. 2) Phosphorus 30, 3 doses only, every 10 minutes: It is good in the case of pancreatic disease with fatty degeneration. Thirst for very cold water exists. Sweat may have the odor of sulphur; small wounds may bleed profusely. Arsenic Alb follows well. Causticum must not be given before or after Phosphorus. 3) Iodum 30, 4 hourly: Voracious appetite, yet loses flesh all the time and gets thin; great emaciation; slightest effort induces perspiration; sensation as if heart sqeezed with an iron

hand; craves cold air; constipation alternates with diarrhoea; offensive odor from mouth; liver and spleen enlarged; pancreas contracted. Lycopodium and Phosphorus follow well. 4) Natrum Sulph 6x, thrice daily: If a diabetes mellitus is caused by a lessened secretion of pancreatic fluid, Natrum Sulph is the answer. It is also regarded as a significant constituent of the endocrinic secretions of the liver, bile ducts and pancreas. It keeps bile and pancreatic juice at normal consistency, regulates supply of water in intercellular fluids and eliminates excess of water from the blood. Although Natrum Sulph is the chief remedy, Kali Phos 6x is also required occasionally as an additional tonic with good results.

Paralysis (Complete or partial loss of motor or sensory function; also Paraplegia=Paralysis of the entire lower half of the body) Remedies: 1) Gelsemium 30: It is an excellent remedy in the case of paralysis of various groups of muscles about the eyes, throat, larynx, arms, legs etc. Sudden emotional excitement, fear, fright, bad news cause the ailment with lack of muscular co-ordination. The power to control the muscles is lost entirely. The patient suffers from dizziness, depression, dullness, trembling. It should be given thrice a day, for some days. 2) Causticum 0/2, one dose every morning for some days: Paralysis of vocal cords, tongue, eyelids, ocular muscles, face, muscles of deglutition, bladder, rectum, extremities; loss of sensation in hands; stiffness in hollow of knee; weak ankles; highly sympathetic for the sufferings of others. There may be aggravation in clear fine weather, amelioration in damp wet weather. Phosphorus must not be used before or after Causticum. Along with causticum, Gelsemium should also be given as indicated above. 3) Kali Phos 6x, four hourly: It is the chief Bio-chemic remedy for all varieties of paralysis: infantile, locomotor, atrophic (in which stools have a putrid odor), facial, creeping or sudden. It is the first remedy for hemiplegia, paraplegia, and paralysis of vocal cords causing loss of voice. It may be alternated with Mag Phos 6x. Dr W. J. Grimes, East Liverpool, Ohio has reported that he “was called to see Mrs R, age 36. Paralysis of left side; had been treated about one month by another M.D. I found her in bed, unable to walk. I put her on Kali Phos, every four hours in alternation with Magnes. Phos., every four hour. Her improvement was soon noted, and after two months treatment she was walking the streets with almost complete use of the paralysed parts. No other remedies were used. Have had other similar cases with same results.”

Parkinsonism (Its symptoms comprise of poverty of movement, muscular rigidity and tremors)

Symptoms: a) It appears insidiously in elderly persons. b) At first, he/she complains of tiredness, stiffness of the limbs with difficulty in performing fine movements. c) It is usually not recognized until some years after its onset. d) Loss of memory relating to recent events is more common than loss of long-term memory. Remedies: 1)

Causticum 200: The patient exhibits unsteadiness of muscles of forearm and hand, which

tremble almost incessantly; loss of sensation in hands; unsteady and restless legs. It is given once or twice a week. 2) Gelsemium 30, thrice a day, in between Causticum: “Excessive trembling and weakness of all limbs;” entire body may tremble. Tongue trembles, so do hands and legs. The patient suffers from dizziness, drowsiness, dullness and lack of muscular coordination. 3) Ambra Grisea 200 and Baryta Carb 200, one dose on alternate days in between Causticum, also help considerably. Ambra takes care of extreme nervous hypersensitiveness. Baryta is useful in degenerative changes in coats of arteries. 4) Kali Phos 6x and Mag Phos 6x, in 4 hourly alternation: Involuntary shaking and trembling of the hands or of the head; disturbed or diseased condition of the efferent nerve fibres which convey motor stimulus to the muscles. Calcarea Phos 6x should be used intercurrently.

Peptic Ulcer (Ulcer of stomach or duodenum exposed to gastric secretions) Signs & Symptoms: a) The effect of the mind on the body is marked in the case of the peptic ulcer abundantly. The abdomen is known as the ‘sounding board of human emotions.’ b) Peptic ulcer may arise in the stomach or duodenum. c) Both gastric and duodenal ulcers are characterized by periodic attacks of epigasric pain. d) The pain usually occurs one to three hours after meals and is relieved by milk and certain foods.

Remedies: 1) Arsenic Alb 3: Everything swallowed seems to lodge in the oesophagus. Stomach extremely irritable, seems raw, as if torn; cannot bear the smell or sight of food; abdomen swollen; burning pains like coals of fire, ameliorated by heat; Patient mentally restless, physically too weak to move. It should be given twice a day. Lycopodium 200 should be taken on alternate mornings. Excessive accumulation of flatulence leads to Lyco; good appetite, but a few mouthfuls fill up to the throat. 2) Iris Vers Q: Gastro-intestinal mucous membranes are especially affected, with burning of whole alimentary canal, sour vomiting, nausea, deficient appetite, constipation, worse at night. 5 drops in water may be had twice a day. Lycopodium 200 on alternate mornings will

produce desired improvement. Hydrastis Q, 7 drops in water twice daily after meals will also be active in easily tired people, with weak muscular power, poor digestion, and obstinate constipation. 3) Ornithogalum Q, 5 drops in water 4 hourly: Gastric ulceration with haemorrhage; pains increase when food passes pyloric outlet; there may be complete prostration, depression of spirits and duodenal distention. 4) Natrum Phos 6x: Gastric ulceration, hyperacidity, sour arisings, indigestion, excess of lactic acid; severe pain in stomach after eating or coming on two hours after eating. Creamy golden-yellow coating is seen on the back part of tongue, tonsils and palate. It should be given 4 hourly. If heart-burn (acrid or burning feeling in throat or chest caused by excessive acidity in stomach), alternate it with Ferrum Phos 6x.

Phimosis (Stenosis or constriction or narrowness or tightness of the opening of the prepuce (foreskin of penis) causing retraction over glans penis almost impossible) Remedies: 1) Merc Sol 30, thrice a day for 2/3 days: Prepuce itches due to an irritation; cold genitals; soft chancres (Ulcers). It is useful after Belladonna, Hepar Sulph, and Sulphur but should not be given before or after Silicea. 2) Hepar Sulph 6, thrice a day for a few days: Ulcers on prepuce; itching of glans, fraenum, scrotum; humid soreness on genitals; urine voided slowly, seems some always remained; sweats day and night profusely; extremely sensitive to cold air. 3) Sabina 30, twice a day for 2 days: Prepuce painful; difficulty in retracting it; burning sore pain in glans penis; inflammatory gonorrhoea; bloody urine, worse heat. Thuja is complementary. 4) Thuja Oc 200, weekly one dose: Pain in penis with inflammation of prepuce and glans, also burning felt near neck of bladder and urgent desire to urinate frequently, worse at night. 5) Natrum Mur 6x, 4 hourly: Itching and stinging sensation on the glans penis and scrotum.

Piles (Haemorrhoids; varicosity, enlarged swollen veins, around the anus)

Remedies: 1) Hamamelis Virginica Q, 7 drops in water thrice daily: It is of great value for treatment of haemorrhoids, profusely bleeding, with burning, soreness, heaviness, as if back would break. If the patient also complains of sharp shooting pains up the back, Aesculus Hip 30 should also be given thrice a day, and a dose of Sulphur 200 once a week in morning. 2) Ratanhia 200, twice daily: Anus aches and burns for hours after the stools have been passed. Haemorrhoids protrude, burn like fire, relieved by cold water temporarily. There may be fissures of anus also. For painful piles, oozing and belching, Sulphur 200 should also be given on alternate mornings. 3) Aloe Soc 30, thrice a day: It is indicated in acute stage. Haemorrhoids protrude like grapes, better cold water application. Patient uncertain whether gas or stool will pass. Nitric Acid 30 should be alternated if haemorrhoids bleed easily, pain as from splinters and urine smells like that of a horse. Dr J. H. Clarke cured bleeding piles by giving one dose of Nitric Acid 200; the patient suffered from tremendous pain while passing stools and burning sensation at anus after stools were evacuated. 4) Collinsonia Can 30, three times a day: In the case of chronic, painful, bleeding piles, with sensation as if sticks, sand or gravel lodged in rectum, it works. Most obstinate constipation with protruding piles; pruritus in pregnancy with haemorrhoids, unable to lie down. Aloe and Aesculus Hip follow well. 5) Bio Combination No. 17 consisting of Calcarea fluor, Kali Phos, Ferrum Phos, Kali Mur, 4 times a day: It is useful against haemorrhoids, all types of piles; external piles with stinging pains, bleeding piles with or without pain.

Note: It is said that if clear water is kept in a blue glass bottle from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. in sunlight and it is applied on piles with the help of medical cotton three times a day and the patient drinks such water 3 days, haemorrhoids get cured.

Pleurisy (It is an inflammation of the membranes which line the chest wall and cover the lungs usually caused by chill and marked by fever & pain; in many cases the pleural cavity fills up with fluid which has to be withdrawn and requires the expert services of a physician; the diet should be light and nourishing, low in table salt; hot application essential) Remedies: 1) Ferrum Phos 6x: It is quite good in the first stage of an acute attack of pleurisy with high fever, severe pain, short cough, shivering, and oppressed breathing. Five celloids every hour;

as the symptoms become less acute, every two hours. Natrum Mur 6x may be alternated. 2) Kali Mur 6x, every two hours: It is required during the second stage when fluid has accumulated in the pleural cavity and the tongue is coated white. It may be alternated with Ferrum Phos. 3) Calcarea Sulph 6x, every two hours: When pus forms in the cavity of the pleurae or in the lungs, it helps and cures. 4) Bryonia Alb 30 & Kali Carb 30 in alternation two hourly: Tough mucus in trachea, loosened only by hawking repeatedly. “Coming into warm room excites cough.” Cough worse after eating or drinking, with stitches in chest. Whole chest very sensitive. Vomiting of ingesta with dry spasmodic cough. 5) Rhododendron 200, twice a day, 2 or 3 days: “Breathless and speechless from violent pleuritic pains running down the anterior chest. Stitches in spleen from fast walking. Crampy pain under short ribs.” Symptoms worse before a storm, better warmth and eating.

Worth Notice: Dr Compton Burnett, an allopathic doctor of great repute, could not get rid of pleurisy by allopathic treatment but was cured by a Homoeopath. Consequently, he took to homoeopathic practice remarkably.

Pneumonia (Inflammation of the lungs caused by infection of a virulent virus; the onset is sudden, begins with a sharp chill, followed by very high fever, headache, pain in chest, cough with rusty-colored mucus, rapid breathing which rises to double or triple of the normal rate; well ventilated warm room, light diet, hot drinks constitute essential requirements; after initial emergency treatment, supervision of an experienced physician is a must.) Remedies: 1) Ferrum Phos 6x: For inflammation of the lungs, high fever, pain, congestion, and short hurried & oppressed breathing, it is the first and the chief remedy. It is of no use after exudation has set in, nor in morbidly active cases. Expectoration of clear blood or rustcolored sputa is observed in cough of pneumonia. It should be given hourly, but less frequently once the improvement commences. Dr G. W. Lawrence has affirmed that “this remedy and Veratrum Viride give me better success in the treatment of pneumonia than any remedies I have ever tried.” For pneumonia with faint feeling in stomach, early manifestation of hepatization, and violent congestion, Veratrum Viride 6 should therefore be alternated with Ferrum Phos 6x. It raises “the opsonic index against the diploccus pneumonia, 70 to 109 per cent.” If free perspiration is not established by the use of Ferrum Phos, Kali Sulph 6x should be alternated two hourly, especially if temperature rises from evening until midnight and then falls, and the patient suffers from expectoration of loose, rattling, yellow phlegm or watery mucus. 2) Antim Tart 30, 3 doses, every 10 minutes: In case there is great rattling of mucus with little expectoration, and there is much drowsiness, debility and sweat, Antim Tart gives ample relief. “When the patient coughs there appears to be large collection of mucus in the bronchi; it seems as if much would be expectorated, but nothing comes up.” In such a case, seven drops of Hepatica Q, should also be given in water twice daily. It would induce free and easy expectoration of viscid tenacious phlegm. Kali Mur 3x also may be taken three times a day. 3) Iodum 30, 3 hourly: Right-sided pneumonia with high temperature, blood-streaked sputum, rapidly spreading hepatization, pleuritic effusion, croupy wheezy cough, gets thin despite good appetite, heart feels squeezed. Lycopodium 200, two morning doses, will be required in the case of neglected or maltreated pneumonia, with great dyspnoea, flaying of alae nasae, and presence of mucous rales. 4) Pneumococin 200, twice a day: For pneumonia with paralytic phenomena and pleuritic pain.

Poliomyelitis (Inflammation of the grey matter of the spinal cord, often resulting in muscular paralysis; infantile paralysis) Remedies: 1) Lathyrus 3 or 6, three times daily: In Homoeopathy, it is the chief remedy for poliomyelitis. It deals with infantile paralysis involving paralytic affections of lower extremities. Knees may knock against each other when walking; toes may not leave the floor and heels may not touch floor. The patient feels depressed almost always. 2) Bungarus Krait 3 or 6, three times daily: It is also a specific remedy for poliomyelitis. 3) Arnica Mont 30, thrice a day: It is a muscular tonic. In poliomyelitis, it would combine well with Kali Phos 6x. 4) A combination of Bio-chemic remedies comprising of Calcarea Phos 12x, Ferrum Phos 6x, Kali Phos 6x, and Natrum Phos 6x, 2 tablets of each after meals twice daily on long term basis will be efficacious. Calcarea Phos is essential to the proper growth and nutrition of the body. It gives solidity to the bones. It is a real tonic. Ferrum Phos removes blood-poverty and creates oxygenated environment. It reduces inflammation. Kali Phos controls grey matter of the brain by uniting with albumen and oxygen and creates grey matter. It is efficacious in cerebral & spinal anaemia, and in idiopathic softening of the spinal cord and removes loss of power of movement. Natrum Phos also removes paralytic weakness of lower extremities. It is needed in diseases of children suffering from excess of lactic acid and acidity.

Polypi (Pedunculated tumors growing from mucous membranes; vitamin D intake should be adequate) Remedies: 1) Lemna Minor 30, 4 hourly: It is quite good in the treatment of nasal polypi with loss of smell. Putrid smell, putrid taste prevail, worse rainy weather; “crusts and muco-purulent discharge very abundant.” 2) Sanguinaria Can 30, 4 hourly, three doses: It is very good in the treatment of nasal polypi with chronic rhinitis (inflammation of nasal mucous membranes) and ozaena (fetid nasal ulceration). It also cures laryngeal polypi. Cough returns every time the patient takes cold, with circumscribed red cheeks. For good results, the patient should put 2 drops of Sanguinaria Can 1x in one cup of lukewarm water and inhale using a towel over the face. 3) Teucrium Marum 6, 4 hourly: It is a remedy of first importance in chronic nasal catarrh with mucous polypus discharging large offensive crusts and clinkers irregularly. There may

be blockage of nose, the side the patient lies on. Local application of dry powder of the medicine is also useful. 4) Calcarea Phos 6x, 4 hourly: It is excellent in the case of large pedunculated nasal polypi. The nose may be swollen and ulcerated and tip of nose may be icy-cold. The sense of smell is impaired considerably. “Calcarea Phos dries the polypus and cures it.” In case, polypi in both nostrils is large, gray and bleeds easily, Calcarea Phos 30x should be given every morning for a week. It would work. Pregnancy Ailments & Precaution Remedies: 1) Bio-chemic remedies: a) To aid normal development of a child, one dose of Ferrum Phos 6x daily in the morning, one dose of calcarea Phos 6x daily in the afternoon and one dose of Kali Phos 6x daily in the evening should be taken by the mother during entire course of pregnancy to ensure proper intake of vital mineral salts. It would improve general health, eradicate nervousness and promote normal excretion. b) In respect of ineffectual labor-pains, Dr Rozas, in the Pop. Zeit., says: “For three years I have employed Kali Phos., in 10-grain doses, dry on the tongue, every ten or fifteen minutes, as a remedy to excite labor-pains. It has never failed me, and I seldom have to give the third dose.” Dr Chapman affirms it when he says that “From my own experience and the reports of other physicians and midwives, I am led to believe the testimony of Dr Rozas is not overdrawn.” Dr E. H. Hollbrook, M.D., also endorses it saying that “In labor, when the pains are too weak and irregular, I have seen nothing act more promptly and effectually than Kali Phos.” However, it is experienced that if Kali Phos is taken for a month or two prior to the expected time of delivery, it strenghthens the nervous and muscular system to such an extent that delivery is accomplished with comparative ease and comfort usually. Kali Phos 6x also helps considerably in threatened miscarriage, when given in hourly doses. If miscarriage has already happened, a few doses of Ferrum Phos are required, and also Calcarea Fluor 6x or 12x to tone up the contractile power of the uterus. Subsequently Calcarea Phos 6x is given as a constitutional tonic. c) For spasmodic crampy labor-pains and eclampsia (convulsions occurring in late pregnancy with rise in blood pressure and unconsciousness), Mag Phos 6x is a gem. It is given in lukewarm water, 4 or 5 doses every 15 minutes. d) After birth of an infant, if Ferrum Phos 6x is given two or three doses hourly in the morning, it prevents mastitis (inflammation of mammary glands), metritis (inflammation of uterus), lactation fever and gives tremendous relief in after-pains. e) In the treatment of agalactia (failure or inadequate supply of milk after child birth) Calcarea Fluor 6x will help a lot. f) Kali Mur 6x, 2 hourly for a day or two: It is the chief remedy for Puerperal fever which is related to child birth. g) Silicea 12x, twice a day: It is needed if nipples crack and ulcerate, and child refuses milk or vomits as soon as taken. It is also quite good in the case of suppuration of mammae, hard lumps in breast, chronic fistulous openings.

2) Homoeopathic medicines: a) Bellis Perennis 30, 4 hourly, a few doses: Inability to walk during pregnancy; uterus feels sore, as if squeezed; varicose veins; breasts and uterus engorged. b) Sabina 30, 4 hourly: Tendency to miscarriages, especially at third month; music is intolerable, produces nervousness; inflammation of ovaries or uterus after abortion or premature labor; promotes expulsion of moles from uterus. c) Phosphorus 30, one hourly, 3 doses: Unable to drink water during pregnancy, its sight causes vomiting; must close her eyes while bathing. Water is thrown up as soon as it gets warm in the stomach.

Prophylactics (Preventive Medicines)

1) Airsickness= One dose of Belladonna 200. 2) Anxiety & emotion= Argentum Nitricum 30, one or two doses. 3) Bites of rabid animals= Anagallis 30, one dose in a week, total 3 doses. 4) Brain fever= Belladonna 200, one dose weekly. Total 3 doses. 5) Car- sickness= Cocculus 30, one or two doses. 6) Cataract= Calcarea Fluor 12x, twice a day for a few days. 7) Chicken Pox & Small Pox= Solanum Xanthocarpum 30, twice a day, 3 days; or Variolinum 200, or Malandrinum 200, one dose of either in a week in morning, total 3 doses of one of the two. 8) Cholera= Cuprum Ars 30, one dose in morning on three consequtive days. 9) Conjunctivitis= Belladonna 30, twice a day, 3 days. 10) Dengue= Natrum Sulph 3x, twice daily for a few days. 11) Diphtheria= Diphtherinum 200, one dose. 12) Dog Bite= Hydrophobinum (Lyssin) 30, one or two doses. 13) Erysepelas= Graphites 30, one dose. 14) Filaria= Capsicum 30, twice a day, 3 days. 15) Gastroenteritis= Arsenic Alb 200, one dose in morning. 16) Hay fever= One dose of Arsenic Alb 200 in the morning. 17) Influenza= Influenzinum 30, 3 doses at interval of 10 minutes. 18) Intermittent fever= Chininum Sulph 3x, twice a day, 3 days. 19) Infective hepatitis= Chelidonium 6, three times daily, 3 or 4 days. 20) Jaundice= Kali Mur 3x, 4 hourly, 4 days. 21) Malaria= Natrum Sulph 3x, 3 times a day, 7 days. 22) Measles= Pulsatilla 30, twice 3 days, total 6 doses. 23) Meningitis= Ferrum Phos 12x, 3 hourly, 4 or 5 days. 24) Mumps= Trifolium Repens 30, twice a day, 3 days. 25) Plague= Tarentula Hispania 200, 4 hourly, 3 doses. 26) Polio= Lathyrus 200, one dose, after 30 days 1M, one dose. 27) Quinsy= Baryta carb 30, thrice one day. 28) Scarlet fever= Belladonna 30, one or 2 doses. 29) Sea-sickness= Cocculus 200, one dose. 30) Swine flu= Infuenzium 200, one dose per week, total 3 doses. 31) Tetanus= Hypericum 200 & Ledum 200, 3 doses each, 3 hourly alternation. 32) Tuberculosis= Tuberculinum 10M, one dose only. 33) Typhoid= Typhoidinum 200, one dose. 34) Whooping cough= Vaccinum 200, one dose.

Prostate Gland Disorders (Prostatic disorders such as enlargement of the prostate gland occur frequently in elderly men. Symptoms include frequent need to urinate, difficulty in voiding the bladder, burning or painful micturition, frequent bladder infections. PSA (prostate specific antigen) level is rendered high. Prevention of constipation & colds, and drinking of plenty of pure water are desirable.) Remedies: 1) Sabal Serrulata Q: For prostatic enlargement & inflammation, epididymitis, and consequential urinary problems, it is of great value. Ten drops of the mother tincture should be given in water three times daily. In case with prostate enlargement, the patient also suffers from indigestion, flatulence, acidity, nausea or vomiting, and urine contains mucus & pus, Populus Tremuloides 30 should be given thrice a day with Sabal Serrulata 3x. 2) Baryta Carb 200: For benign hypertrophy or induration of prostate and testes in old men with mental and physical weakness, one dose in a week, total 3 doses should be given. There may be protrudation of haemorrhoids every time he urinates. In senile hypertrophy of the prostate, Ferrum Picricum 6 should also be taken thrice a day. It is a great remedy to complete curative action of other medicines. Calcarea Carb should not be given before or after Baryta Carb. 3) Natrum Sulph 3x, thrice daily for a week: Enlarged prostate; pus & mucus with urine. If no pain, only indurated, Silicea 12x twice daily for 4 or 5 days. Silicea is also good for prostatitis with suppurating, thick, fetid pus from the urethra. 4) Calcarea Fluor 3x, thrice daily for a week: For chronic enlargement of prostate, with dwindling of testes, and constant dribbling of seminal and prostatic fluid

Psoriasis (Chronic recurrent silvery scaly reddish eruptions on skin, not infectious; the lesions occur pre-eminently on the elbows, knees, scalp, and trunk.) Signs & Symptoms: a) Psoriasis commences as a pin-sized papule, with a silvery, scaly lining. b) Soon numerous scaly patches appaear. c) As the infection spreads, the patches merge after the patient indulges in scratching. d) When the scales fall off, shiny, dry, red skin is revealed. e) In case, the infection heals at one point, it leaves a ring or rings which form a chain. f) If the nails are affected, pin-head size pits occur, and the nails crack if the infection spreads. g) Psoriasis forms a very thick crust upon the scalp, as the hair prevent the scales from falling off.

Remedies: 1) Sulphur 0/2: One may commence the treatment by giving one dose of it in water daily in morning for 10 days. Upon seeing the improvement, the potency should be enhanced from 0/2 to 0/3, 0/5 and so on. The symptoms include dry, scaly, unhealthy skin, itching, burning, worse scratching and washing. The complaints usually relapse. Standing is the worst position for Sulphur patients. Calcarea Carbonica must not be used before Sulphur. Psorinum 200 is complementary, so one dose of it may be taken weekly, total three doses. It reduces intolerable itching drastically and often gives immunity from catching cold. 2) Arsenic Alb 0/7 and higher, 6 hourly: It may be given before or after Sulphur. It is excellent for treatment of Psoriasis. The dry rough scaly eruptions itch, burn like fire, worse after midnight, cold application and scratching, better warm drinking. The patient is mentally restless, physically too weak to move. Complaints may return annually. Hoang Nan Q, 5 drops in water twice daily for a few days will enhance the healing process considerably. 3) Kali Ars 6: The Kali Ars patient is restless, nervous, and anaemic. The intolerable itching is worse from warmth, walking, undressing. It is good for skin cancer also. It should be given three times a day until improvement is observed and should be stopped as soon as it happens otherwise the disease may aggravate again. 4) Hydrocotyle 6, 6 hourlyfor some days: It has considerable reputation for “great thickening of epidermoid layer and exfoliation of scales.” In psoriasis, eruptions move in a circular or spiral way; soles itch intolerably. Ars Alb may follow well. 5) Chrysarobinum 30, thrice a day for some days: “Vesicular or Squamous lesions associated with foul smelling discharge and crust formation” constitute its specific field of

favorable action. The patient may suffer from violent itching at thighs, legs, ears. Its homoeopathic ointment is also quite good if it suits. 6) Kali Sulph 3x: Great desquamation of the epidermis, dread of hot drinks; evening/heated room aggravation are characteristic features. “Psoriasis on left leg and elbow, whitish scales, burned and itched little when scratched. Arsenicum and Arsenicum iodatum were given without effect. Kali Sulph 3x, three times a day, cured patient in four months completely.” (Oscar Hansen, Copenhagen, 1898). In case psoriasis of extremities is uncommonly hyperaemic and reddish in tint, Calcarea Fluor 12x should also be given once daily.

Renal Calculi (Kidney Stone) Remedies: 1) Pareira Brava Q, 7 drops in water 4 hourly, for some days: It may dissolve stones. The patient passes urine better when he gets down on his knees. There may be violent pain in glans penis. It is very useful in renal colic and prostatic affections. Urine may be black and bloody and may contain thick mucous, and may strongly smell like ammonia. The pain may run down thighs during efforts to urinate. 2) Epigea Repens Q, 5 drops in water 3 hourly, for some days: It is also quite good in the case of renal calculi with fine sand in urine of a brown color, and tenesmus after micturition. The patient may suffer from cystitis (inflammation of urinary bladder) or pyelitis (Inflammation of the pelvis of kidney), and burning in bladder while urinating. 3) Calcarea Renalis 3x, 4 hourly, 3 days: It is required to expel renal calculi or urinary bladder calculi and also to stop formation of stones. 4) Calcarea Phos 30x & Silicea 30x, each 4 tablets, twice daily: This combination dissolves stones, prevents reformation of stones. There may be gravel, calculus, phosphatic deposits with flocculent sediments and suppuration of kidneys. 5) “A white stone about one tola in weight came out on third day after taking Calcarea Phos 3x six times a day…A black stone as large as a plum was passed after taking Calcarea Phos 30x and Natrum Sulph 30x for a fortnight.” Dr B.N.Mitra

Rickets (Rachitis) (It is a disease of the spine and other bony structures due to deficiency of the phosphate of lime and the albuminous substances. It mainly affects the children.)

Key Symptoms: a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Delayed dentition Perspiration on the head immediately aftr falling asleep Curving of the bones Head is flat and more square than usual Appetite may be voracious He/she is drowsy by day, restless at night The chin is small and out of proportion to the forehead

Remedies: 1) Calcarea Phos 6x: It is the leading remedy in rachitis and other diseases of children. Delicate, emaciated children with soft bones, open fontanelles, delayed dentition, curvature of spine, inability to hold the head up, pigeon breast, frequent diarrhea, cold tremors, sallow complexion. Three tablets should be given in water or milk 2 hourly for some days. It should be alternated with Kali Phos 6x in case putrid diarrhea occurs often and there is nervous depression with extreme debility and atrophy of the bones. Natrum Phos 6x is a useful alternating remedy for poorly nourished children, having clay colored stools, and excessive acidity. In cases where there is profuse head sweat, with dry body, Silicea 6x may be needed in alternation. 2) Calcarea Carbonica 200, weekly one dose: It is “a constitutional remedy par excellence.” It is very useful in the case of scrofulous and rachitic conditions with a jaded state, mental or physical. The child may have open fontanelles, sweats easily, wets pillow, and takes cold readily. There may be curvature of dorsal vertebrae. Belladonna is complementary, and may be given 4 hourly, two days.

Ringworm (Contagious skin disease caused by a fungus which produces ring-shaped patches which itch violently) Remedies: 1) Bacillinum 200: Only 3 weekly doses may be good enough. Besides ringworm, it also cures eczema of eyelids and scaly eruptions. The patient may suffer from obstinate constipation and dyspnoea. It is the principal remedy. 2) Tellurium 30, 4 hourly, two days: Ringworm with offensive foot-sweat, garlic like odor of the body, and craving for apples. 3) Chrysarobinum 6 or 30 for a few days: It is useful in treatment of ringworm with violent itching, foul smelling discharges and crust formation. 4) Natrum Sulph 200x: four tablets once a week, 2 or three doses. Even one dose may be

sufficient sometimes.

Sciatica (Throbbing pain radiating down back of thigh, caused by pressure on sciatic nerve; it is neuritis of the sciatic nerve.) Signs & Symptoms: a) The sciatic nerve runs along the back of the thigh, leg and outer border of the foot b) Sciatic pain shoots along the course of the nerve. So it is a neuralgic pain c) The pain starts from the small of the back and travels down to the thighs d) Pain is aggravated by stooping, coughing, turning sides in bed and so on e) Rest improves the pain f) Soon objective signs appear such as pain on stretching the nerve or tenderness over its course g) The flexion of the toes reduces numbness, and tingling sets in.

Remedies: 1) Kali Phos 30x, Mag Phos 30x & Kali Mur 30x, each 4 tablets, twice a day in lukewarm water or at the time of taking tea for a fortnight: This combination cures affection of the sciatic nerve, which extends down the back of thigh to the knee with nervous exhaustion, stiffness, dragging pain and great restlessness. 2) Colocynth 200, 3 hourly: Sciatic pain, left side, crampy as if screwed in a vise, tearing shooting like lightning, better pressure and heat, worse light touch. 3) Gnaphalium 200, one dose daily: When intense pain along the sciatic nerve is associated with numbness, and chronic bachache in lumbar region, it is of unquestioned value. 4) Rhus Tox 1M & Phytolacca 1M on alternate days in the morning: If sciatica on the right side, worse night and damp weather, such alternation will help tremendously. Gnaphalium may be continued daily in such a case.

Septicaemia (Blood Poisoning) Signs & Symptoms: a) b) c) d) e)

Enlargement of the spleen, rigors, sweating and petechiae are the main signs After child birth infection spreads Lacerated wounds, injuries, gangrene, carbuncle may cause septicaemia Septicaemoa after surgical operations Septic fevers

Remedies: 1) Echinacia Purpurea Q or 1x: It stimulates immune system and resistance of the body to bacterial and viral infections. It is “a corrector of blood dyscrasia.” It overcomes blood poisoning/septic conditions. It reduces chemotherapy induced leucopenia. It also helps patients with advanced cancer. It eases cancer pains. It may be given in 7 drop doses in water 2 / 3 hourly for some days. 2) Pyrogenium 30, every 15 minutes, 3 doses: It is a great remedy for septic states and hyperpyrexia, with extreme restlessness, and horrible discharges. Arsenic Alb 30 follows it well in septic infections and low vitality. 3) Kali phos 12x: It is an anti-septic, hinders the decay of tissues, prevents septic haeemorrhages of putrid blood, reduces offensive odor. It cures blood poisoning. It may be given hourly. Once improvement is observed, duration should be reduced suitably. It may be alternated with Natrum Mur 12x 2 hourly.

Sinusitis (Inflammation of para-nasal sinuses, acute or chronic, ethmoiditic or maxillary/frontal) Signs & Symptoms: a) A history of colds, blocked nose and sneezing b) Headaches occur and recur periodically

c) Excessive sneezing which does not give any relief d) Sinusitis after mastoid operation e) Pain begins at the back of the head and settles over the eyes, worse under fan

Remedies: 1) Kali Bichromicum 30: It is a very good medicine for sinusitis, acute or chronic, if the secretion is tough, ropy, stringy, sticky, greenish yellow, with stinking smell. It should be given three times a day for 3/4 days or may be alternated with Belladonna 30, 2 or 3 times to obtain speedy results. 2) Natrum Mur 30, 4 hourly for a week: Frontal sinus inflammation with tearing pain in head from sunrise to sunset; pain extends from root of nose to forehead; stoppage of nose after fluent coryza with loss of smell & taste. 3) Penicillinum 30, 4 hourly 3 days: It is good for right sided frontal sinusitis with thick, yellow discharge, worse exertion, cold, dampness. 4) Kali Mur 6x with silicea 12x: Five colloids of each in lukewarm water every 4 hour for some days; stuffy colds in the head; catarrh of head with characteristic discharge of thick, fetid, yellow matter. 5) Ferrum Phos 3x & Natrum Mur 3x: In the case of acute sinusitis/hay fever, use in alternation half hourly. Upon seeing some improvement, use one hourly and subsequently two hourly.

Spleen Ailments Remedies: 1) Ceanothus 30, 4 hourly, 4 days: It is excellent in the treatment of enormous enlargement of spleen; hypertrophy of spleen; splenitis with left sided pain in anaemic patients, worse lying on left side & motion. There may be violent dyspnoea. The patient may suffer from liver trouble and leucaemia. 2) Quercus 3x, thrice a day for a few days: It is good for chronic spleen and liver affections, old malarial cases, gout, with dropsy, flatulence and alcoholic history. 3) Arsenic Alb 30, 4 hourly 3 to 4 days: Liver & spleen enlarged and quite painful; ascites and anasarca with extreme restlessness; great thirst for cold water, drinks often, but little at a time; affected parts burn like fire; cannot bear the smell and sight of food; symptoms worsen from cold drinks, after midnight, ameliorate from warm drinks. China Off 6 follows well. 4) Kali Phos 6x with Natrum Mur 6x: This combination is good for splenic troubles. It may be taken in alternation 2 hourly. It would relieve pain in the region of liver and spleen. Natrum Mur reduces size of enlarged spleen. It may be taken for several days.

Sprains (An injury to a joint with or without rupture of a ligament or a tendon but without dislocation or fracture) Remedies: 1) Arnica Mont 1M, one dose immediately; if 1M not available readily, then 30 or 200, 3 hourly, a few doses. 2) Ruta G 200: After Arnica Mont, on the very next day or the same day after a few hours, 3 or 4 doses of Ruta may be given 3 hourly. It would cure the sprains and lameness which accompanies sprains. 3) Rhus Tox 200, 3 hourly, a few doses: For ailments from strains, overlifting, getting wet while perspiring, causing tearing pains in tendons, ligaments and fasciae, Rhus Tox is the remedy. It follows Ruta very well. 4) Ferrum Phos 6x: Any injury to the soft tissues, strains, sprains, cuts, blows, and bruises require its application internally as well as externally. It reduces pain, inflammation, fever. It

deals with strains of ligaments and tendons, lameness and stiffness adequately. It may be alternated with Rhus Tox or Calcarea Fluor 6x, as may be necessary.

Squinting (Strabismus) (A disorder of the muscles of the eyes, as cross-eyed, in which both eyes cannot be focused on the same point at the same time; the remedies may remove the tendency permanently, but in obstinate cases surgery may be desirable.) Remedies: 1) Calcarea Phos 6x & Kali Phos 6x, 4 hourly alternately: As squinting is consequential to asthenic conditions, the treatment though steady gets prolonged. If due to intestinal disturbances or worms, a few doses of Natrum Phos 6x may also be given. 2) Cicuta Virosa 30, 4 hourly, 3 days: If squinting (strabismus) is insensible and spasmodic after a fall or a blow or exposure to snow, and is caused by convulsions, it is the remedy. 3) Belladonna 30, thrice a day, three days: It may be given after or during administration of the above two Bio-chemic medicines for furtherance of the improvement. 4) Stramonium 30, thrice a day, 3 to 4 days: It may be given after Belladonna. It would follow well. The patient desires light, company, warmth. He/she may suffer from stammering, and may see ghosts, hear voices, talk with spirits.

Stammering (Speaking, habitually or on occasion from embarrassment, excitement, mental conflict, with pauses one cannot control, often with rapid repetitions of same syllable or initial sounds; if mechanical cause like tongue tie is not taken into consideration, excellent cure for stammering is possible in emotional or idiopathic causes.) Remedies: 1)

Causticum 30, 4 hourly, 2/3 days: It is the principal remedy in case one pronounces

words wrongly, transposes syllables and letters, repeats words (which are rich in consonants) and substitutes one of the sounds with the other. There may be paretic condition of tongue and lips. Subsequently, Causticum 200 may be given once in a week, in case some improvements are observed. 2) Belladonna 30, 4 hourly, a few doses: If stammering is associated with swollen, heavy, painful trembling tongue, it is quite useful. 3) Stramonium 200, 6 hourly: It follows Belladonna very well. There may be dribbling of viscid saliva with aversion to water, and absence of pain and muscular mobility of muscles of expression. The patient desires light and company, and may see ghosts, hear voices, talk with spirits. After 2/3 days it may be given once daily or less frequently as may suit the patient. 4) Mag Phos 30x, twice a day, in hot water: It is good for spasmodic stammering. The patient speaks slowly and begins speaking with the teeth closed. If nervousness is the root cause, Kali Phos 30x may be alternated twice a day. There may be twitchings of the mouth and lips.

Sterility (Infertility) (Inability of the female to conceive) Remedies: 1) Borax 30, 4 hourly, 3 days: It favors easy conception. The patient may suffer from profuse menses, membranous dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea with sensation as if warm water flowing from vagina; and itching of vulva. It should not be used before or after Acetic Acid. Three weekly doses of Calcarea Carb 200 may be given after it has been administered duly, if the patient is fat and flabby. 2) Salix Nigra Q, thirty drops in water twice daily, at least for a fortnight: It has a positive action on the generative organs of both sexes. It moderates sexual passion. The patient may suffer from pain in ovaries, difficult mensuration, and nervous disturbances. 3) Staphysagria 30: In case the lady suffers from dysparunea (painful intercourse), occasional hysteria, vaginismus (painful spasm of vagina), and lot of cervical mucous secretions which are detrimental to sperms, it may be alternated twice daily with Kali Phos 30 for one week. 4) Natrum Phos 6x, thrice a day for 15 to 20 days: If sterility is caused by vaginal acid secretions, which prove fatal to spermatozoa, it is the remedy. It would also be helpful in curing frontal headache, acid leucorrhoea, and irregularity of monthly periods. 5) Silicea 12x, twice a day for some days: It is needed for women who are so week that no conception takes place. It seems as if the organs were too feeble to perform their functions. Calcarea 3x or 6x may be given intercurrently.

Stye (A small inflamed swelling of a sebaceous gland on the rim of the eyelid; it may become a cyst.) Remedies: 1) Staphysagria 30 in alternation with Pulsatilla 30, twice a day for a week: Styes, chalazae on eyelids / upper lids, recurring one after another, leaving hard nodosities in their wake, not suppurating, converting into a cyst if not treated properly; eyes with blue rings; lids inflamed, agglutinated. This treatment may do wonders. 2) Apis Mel 6, thrice a day for a week: It prevents recurrence of styes. It is good if the lids are swollen, red, oedematous, burn and sting, and styes are suppurating. There may be sudden piercing pain. It is not given before or after Rhus Rox. In case the patient feels better from warmth, Arsenic Alb and Pulsatilla shall follow Apis well. 3) Ferrum Phos 12x: If stye on lower lid of right eye, it is the remedy. It may be given four

hourly. If there is much inflammation, it may be alternated with Silicea 12x. If stye first on lower and thereafter on upper eyelid of left eye, the same treatment applies. 4) Calcarea Fluor 12x: For tumor on edge of the eyelid, it is excellent and may be given 4 hourly, preferably in alternation with Silicea 12x, even if it has converted into cystic tumor. One dose every week of Thuja Oc 200 every morning will be quite beneficial for condylomatous and hard styes & tarsal tumors.

Suicidal Tendency Remedies: 1) Aurum Met 200, 4 hourly, 3 doses: The patient seeks opportunity for self-destruction. Feeling of utter worthlessness, hopelessness, and despondency overpowers him. He constantly dwells on suicide, talks of suicide and entertains great desire to commit suicide. He may complain of violent pain in head and may be afflicted with high blood pressure, and horrible odor from nose and mouth. 2) Natrum Sulph 6x: Tendency to suicide, attended with wildness and irritability, from excessive secretion of bile, sleeplessness and delirium. It may be consequential to mental troubles arising from a fall or other injuries to the head. It may be given four times a day for some days. 3) Kali Phos 6x: It is the chief remedy in all mental disorders, arising from a want of nerve or brain power. It controls grey matter of the brain entirely. “Kali Phos is one of the most wonderful curative agents ever discovered by man, and the blessings it has already conferred on the race are many.” It may be given three or four times a day. 4) Silicea 6x, twice a day: If the patient wishes to drown herself during menses or while perspiring.

Sunstroke (When the body accumulates heat, but sweat does not evaporate; the face at first becomes white, then red, and the temperature rises abnormally, and the patient is suddenly unconscious, the symptoms denote sunstroke/heatstroke. One must apply ice or cold water to the head; the patient should have complete rest in bed for a few days.) Remedies: 1) Natrum Mur 6x: It is the principal Bio-chemic remedy and should be given every hour in alternation with Ferrum Phos 6x till the fever subsides. It would regulate distribution of

moisture, reduce inflammatory symptoms, and will help respiration. It would affect a speedy cure. 2) Glonoine 3x or 30, every two hours, one or two days: It offers excellent treatment in the case of exposure to sun-rays, gas, electric light, open fire. It is a great remedy for cerebral congestion, violent convulsions, hyperaemia of the brain from excess of heat or cold, effects of sunstroke, terrific shock. There may be “sensation of pulsation throughout the body,” and “headache in place of menses.”

Sweat Affections Remedies: 1) Silicea 12x, twice a day for one week: Copious night-sweats with prostration; offensive sweat in armpits and on feet. If Silicea fails, Calcarea Phos 6x helps, in case cold clammy sweats are on neck, chest, hands with coldness. 2) Calcarea Carb 30, thrice a day for 3 days: Head sweats profusely, wets pillow. The patient is fat, fair, flabby and perspiring. 3) Thuja Oc 200, one dose a week, 3 doses: While patient sleeps, profuse sour smelling sweat, only on uncovered parts of the body, or on every part except the head, but it stops when he wakes. On the genitals, it smells like honey.

Syphilis (It is a contagious disease usually spread by contact with infected people. Initially a papule appears and soon breaks down into an ulcer with hard edges. Secondary eruptions last for weeks or months. Then a period of apparent improvement follows. The tertiary stage of this virulent disease is fatal. The best chance for recovery lies in prompt treatment of the disease in its early stage under supervision of a competent physician.) Medicines:

1) Arsenicum Bromatum Q: It is a great anti-psoric and anti-syphilitic remedy. Four drops of it should be given in water twice daily after meals. It removes syphilitic excrescences, herpetic eruptions, diabetes etc. 2) Echinacea Purpurea 1x or Q: It corrects blood disorders. It acts as a cleansing and antiseptic wash. It raises body’s resistance to bacterial and viral infections. It may be given in ten drop doses mixed in water daily, along with Ars Brom. 3) Syphilinum 1M: Three fortnightly doses to be given simultaneously as an inter-current remedy for syphilitic affections with pains from darkness to daylight. 4) X-Ray 30 or 200: One dose alone may be good enough, if administered occasionally in the morning in empty stomach. When there are organic changes leading to a stage of incurability, and carefully selected remedies fail to act, this medicine frequently arouses the reactionary powers of the human organism. It has the property of stimulating cellular metabolism. It arouses vitality, mentally as well as physically. If we use it at proper time, it helps in curing various clinically dreaded conditions such as leucaemia, anaemia, atrophy of ovaries/testicles, psoriasis, eczema, fistula, necrosis of bones, falling of hair in bunches, paralysis, diabetes mellitus, obstinate cases of arthritis, gout, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, spondylosis etc. Its action is centrifugal, so it brings out suppressed gonorrhoea, syphilitic chancers, skin eruptions, which then can be cured by applicable remedies. 5) Aurum Met 30: The use of gold as an anti-venereal remedy is very old. This remedy is produced out of metallic gold. So the disease which has been communicated by sexual intercourse falls within its curative nature. Moreover such a patient develops great desire to commit suicide; increased blood pressure afflicts him, and he may suffer from atrophy of testicles. Dosage may be applied as the need be. It is frequently prescribed in Secondary Syphilis, especially if syphilis is implanted on the scrofulous constitution. “Aurum follows, and is followed well by Syphilinum.” 6) Sarsaparilla 6, 4 hourly, a few days: Intolerable stench on genitals; itching on scrotum and perineum; pains due to venereal disease, causing mental depression; colic and backache at the same time. Merc Sol follows it well. 7) Merc Sol 30, 4 hourly: It is needed in acute or secondary stage when the chancre is hard, ulceration spreads deeply, and there is a febrile chloro-anaemia. ‘Syphilic ulcers are circular, attack the posterior parts of mouth, throat, and have well-defined edges, are surrounded with a coppery hue.” 8) Calotropis Q, five drops in water three times a day: It “has been used with marked success in the treatment of syphilis following Mercury… It rapidly recruits the constitution, heals the ulcers and blotches from the skin, and perfects the cure.” It also deals with primary anaemia of syphilis. 9) Kali Hyd 1x, thrice a day for a week: It is indicated in all stages of syphilis: “In acute form with evening remitting fever, going off in nightly perspiration; second stage, mucous membranes and skin ulcerations; tertiary symptoms; nodes.” 10) Kali Mur 3x: Its deficiency causes excess of fibrin which finds an exit from the body through urethra. It is a specific when swelling of any parts of the body exists. Five grains to be given every three hour, preferably with Natrum Mur 3x, in case characteristic watery transparent discharges are observed. The soft chancre requires Kali Mur; the phagedenic chancre, Kali Phos; the hard chancre, Calcarea Fluor. These remedies should be applied

internally as well as externally.

Testicle Ailments (Orchitis; inflammation of testis etc) Remedies: 1) Rhododendron 200, every half hour, 3 doses: Orchitis of left side; painful swelling and hardening of left testis which is drawn up, especially after rheumatic exposure or gonorrhoea, with sensation as if the gland is being crushed, worse before a storm, better dry heat; if scrotum swollen and oedematous, Rhus Tox 200, one dose daily in the morning, shall follow well. 2) Clematis Erecta 30, 4 hourly, 3 to 4 days: Orchitis of right side: testicles hard, heavy, hang with bruised pain along spermatic cord and swelling of scrotum. Troubles may arise from gonorrhoea. Like Rhododendron, it is a remedy of much importance in ailments of testes. 3) Aurum Met 30, twice a day, 3 to 5 days: For chronic induration of testes with painful swelling and atrophy, it is quite good. The patient may suffer from hydrocele, high blood pressure, and suicidal tendency. 4) Aconite Nap 200, 4 hourly, 2 or 3 days: It is required if the testicles are hard and swollen and there is bruised pain due to exposure to dry cold winds. Belladonna 30, a few doses, shall impart great relief, after Aconite has been administered. 5) Oxalicum Acidum 6, 4 hourly, 2 / 3 days: Testicles feel heavy and contused, with “terrible neuralgic pains in spermatic cord.” 6) Ferrum Phos 6x, 4 hourly: For inflammation of the testicles, the first Bio-chemic remedy is Ferrum Phos. When inflammation subsides, Kali Mur 6x is the chief remedy. Calcarea Phos 6x may be given as an intercurrent remedy. 7) Calcarea Fluor 6x, 2 hourly: For induration and hardening & dropsy of testicles, it is required.

Tetanus (An acute infectious disease, often fatal, caused by toxin of a bacillus which enters the body through wound, characterized by spasmodic contractions and rigidity of muscles; if symptoms develop fully, hospitalization a must.) Remedies: 1) Ledum Pal 200, 3 doses every 5 or 10 minutes: It is excellent if given immediately in the case of punctured wounds produced by sharp-pointed instruments or from animal bites or

stings of insects. It prevents tetanus and reduces twitching of muscles. Hypericum and Arnica Mont follow it very well. 2) Hypericum 200, three times a day for 2 days: It is a great remedy for injuries to nerves, especially of fingers, toes & nails, and also for injured nerves from bites of animals. Excessive painfulness is a guiding symptom. In wounds where Aconite, Arnica, Ledum Pal have been given, it works admirably. It may be alternated with Arnica Mont 200. 3) Strychninum 200, half hourly, 3 doses: It is good for titanic convulsions and opisthotonos, worse slightest touch and an attempt to move. 4) Natrum Mur 6x, 4 hourly: It should be applied internally as well as externally. “Moisten the painful spot and apply thereto Natrum Mur, 6th trituration, rubbing it in. Pain ceases at once.” (Dr Schussler); A few doses of the combination of Ferrum Phos 6x, Kali Phos 6x, and Mag Phos 6x will also be required.

Thalassemia (Inherited disorders of haemoglobin; decrease in net synthesis of a particular globin chain; haematologic abnormality/fatal anaemia) Medicines: 1) Trinitrotoleuene (T.N.T.) 200, one dose in a week, for about three months: It helps haemoglobulin in satisfactory transportation of oxygen, thereby increases period of time for successive blood transfusion. It reduces breathlessness, depression, fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, coryza, vomiting etc. 2) Vanadium 6, twice a day: It acts as an oxygen carrier, increases quality and quantity of haemoglobulin, destroys virulence of toxins. It acts as a tonic to digestive system. 3) Millefolium Q, 7 drops in lukewarm water, twice daily after meals: It acts as a prophylactic by building up blood, stimulates blood renewal by acting on bone marrow directly. 4) Bio-combination number one, thrice daily: It comprises of Calcarea Phos, Ferrum Phos, Kali Phos, and Natrum Mur. Calcarea Phos “supplies new blood-cells, becoming the first remedy in anaemia and chlorosis.” (Dr Boericke & Dewey). It serves as a tonic for anaemic subjects. Ferrum Phos “colors the blood-cells red.” (Dr Carey). It contains iron, attracts oxygen, and as such is a useful remedy in diseases of blood corpuscles. “Kali Phos is an antiseptic and hinders the decay of tissues.” It is a constituent of blood-cells. Natrum Mur covers anaemic conditions, with thin watery blood. It “regulates the osmosis of water from the arterial blood to the several serous sacs.” (Dr Boericke & Dewey). Throat troubles (Quinsy Also) Remedies: 1) Belladonna 200, twice a day, for two or three days: If given initially, cures. Difficult deglutition, worse lquids; throat and oesophagus dry; tonsils enlarged; throat red congested, worse right side; scraping sensation. Ferrum Phos 6x may also be given 4 hourly. 2) Phytolacca 200, thrice a day, 2 days: Quinsy, tonsils and fauces swollen, with burning pain. The patient cannot swallow anything hot, even water and may have shooting pain into ears on swallowing. Throat may be ulcerated, and he may suffer from follicular pharyngitis. Merc Sol is inimical, so should not be used before or after Phytolacca. One may gargle with Phytolacca Q, 10 drops in lukewarm water, two times a day. 3) Ferrum Phos 6x, 2 hourly: It is given when throat is dry, red, congested, and painful. It reduces congestion, heat, fever, inflammation, pain. It is excellent for sore throat of singers. It removes hoarseness. Kali Mur 6x may be alternated, in follicular pharyngitis, with tenacious

secretion and cough.

Tonic 1) Alfalfa Q, 7 drops in water twice daily after meals: It tones up the appetite and digestion. It corrects tissue waste. It induces mental buoyancy, also refreshing sleep. It acts as a fat producer. So as soon as fat increases, its use should be stopped. 2) Avena Sativa Q, 15 drops in hot water twice a day after meals: It serves as a tonic after exhausting diseases. It cures cold, coryza, sleeplessness. It removes sexual debility. In old age, if given with hot milk, it is very useful. 3) Bacopa Monnieri Q, 15 drops in water, twice a day after meals: For adults, it serves as a nervine tonic, lowers tension and anxiety, and improves memory & learning abilities. It cures absent-mindedness, and whooping cough. 4) Five Phos 6x, daily twice, 5 tablets per dose, after meals: It serves as a general tonic. It removes debility and exhaustion. It helps in building up the system by supplying necessary tissue nutrition. It lifts up depressed spirits. Let the overworked businessman, weary ladies, and nervous children take it regularly at least once in a day, and remain good tempered.

Tonsillitis (Inflammation of tonsils) Remedies: 1) Bio-combination No.10, comprising of Calcarea Phos, Ferrum Phos, and Kali Mur: It would cover treatment of enlarged swollen tonsils, fever, pains, bad breath, absence of appetite, a feeling of lassitude. For adulta 5 tablets, children 3 tablets at a time four times a day at intervals of three hours. For suppurative stage of inflammation of the tonsils, Calcarea Sulph 6x should also be given 4 hourly. 2) Baryta Carb 200, twice a day, for two days: If tonsils suppurate from every cold, and stinging pain afflicts, it is the remedy. Merc Sol 200 will follow it well and may be given thrice a day for two days, in case almost complete loss of voice is observed. 3) Belladonna 30 + Phytolacca 30 may be given 3 hourly alternatively with Biocombination No.10, mentioned above for a few days.

Toothache (Odontalgia)

Remedies: 1) Ferrum Phos 6x: Toothache from inflammation of the gums or nerves, worse with hot, better with cold drinks. Teeth feel elongated. Five celloids may be taken half hourly five times. This should not be taken in the evening. 2) Mag Phos 6x: If hot liquids ease the pain, cold drinks increase it, Mag phos suits the best and may be had even every 10 minutes in lukewarm water, 4 or 5 times, in doses comprising of 5 tablets. It reduces excruciating neuralgic pains. 3) Silicea 12x, 4 hourly: If pains are very violent at night, and neither heat nor cold gives any relief, it is the remedy. Such pains are often caused by sudden chilling of feet. 4) Calcarea Fluor 6x: Toothache if any food touches the teeth. There may be unnatural looseness of teeth. One should take it three times a day; each time one should keep 5 to 7 tablets in mouth for 2 or three minutes, thereafter swallow the liquid. It cleans the teeth in the process, and whitens them. 5) Calcarea Phos 6x: It is the chief remedy for teething disorders. In too late or retarded dentition, two celloids of Calcarea Phos should be dissolved in milk and given to the baby. One of the vital requirements for the formation of healthy teeth is the presence of an adequate quantity of Calcarea Phos. It should be given twice a day. 6) Hypericum 200, 2 or 3 doses, two hourly: In case, the wisdom tooth is painful, Ars Alb 200 may be given with Hypericum. 7) Hekla Lava 3x: It is excellent in the case of gum abscess with carious teeth. The powder of Hekla Lava should be kept in mouth for some time particularly at the painful spot and thereafter swallowed. It may be done four hourly. 8) Merc Sol 6 or 200, 4 hourly: Crown of teeth decay, roots unaffected. Gums bleed. Great thirst for cold drinks, with moist mouth. Offensive odor from mouth. Toothache shooting into face or ears. 9) Staphysagria 200, twice a day, a few doses only: “Toothache during menses. Teeth black and crumbling.” Teeth decay on edges, and are painful to touch of food or drinks, but not from biting or chewing.

Torticollis (Wry Neck) Remedy: 1) Lachnantes 6, thrice a day, three days: It is a remedy for torticollis and rheumatism of the neck, especially if it is drawn over to one side. There may be stiffness of neck and pain in nape as if dislocated. The patient may have tendency to sweat. Ferrum Phos 30x will be required to complete the cure; one dose of it may be given every morning. Externally 30 grains of Ferrum Phos 3x in one ounce of Vaseline should be used for faster recovery. 2) Mag Phos 3x: It is useful in acute and chronic cases. A few doses comprising of 5 tablets may be had in hot water and if required may be alternated with Ferrum Phos 3x every two hours.

Tuberculosis (Consumption: phthisis) Remedies: 1) Tuberculinum 10M, one dose only: When the patient takes cold easily without knowing how or where, loses flesh while eating well, symptoms constantly change, well-selected remedies fail to improve the condition, and contradictory characteristics such as mania & melancholia, insomnia and sopor are observed, it works wonderfully. Subsequently, Hydrastis Can Q, 7 drops in water twice a day after meals is required to enable the patient to gain healthy weight. Also beneficial will be Calcarea Carb 3x and Calcarea Phos 6x, twice a day for some days. 2) Bacillinum 200, weekly one dose, total 2 or 3 doses: It removes congestion of the lungs. Hence it has been employed successfully in the treatment of tuberculosis. The sputum decreases and becomes less purulent. It is also good for tubercular meningitis, humid asthma, ringworm. It follows tuberculinum very well. 3) Arsenic Iod 6, thrice a day for a few days: It is very effective in early stage of tuberculosis. There may be rise of temperature in the afternoon. It is also good in bronchopneumonia, psoriasis, chronic follicular pharyngitis. 4)

Ferrum Phos 6x: If the patient takes cold easily, becomes prostrated and has fever with a

blood-streaked sputum and bronchial or laryngeal haemorrhages, this remedy will lessen the congestion & fever and will increase the percentage of haemoglobulin. It may be alternated every hour with Natrum Mur 6x which is also useful in tuberculosis of the lungs. “Calcarea Phos makes new blood cells, overcomes the anaemia present, and improves the general condition of the system. Should be given as an intercurrent remedy in all cases of tuberculosis.” (Dr Carey).

Tumors (Tumor arises primarily from a deficiency of Potassium Chloride, which causes an excess of fibrin in the system. If tumor contains fibrin only, its cure difficult, as there is no blood vessel in it for the remedy to reach it. However, in other cases where tumor is filled with fat or water or other liquids, cure is feasible.) Remedies: 1) Calcarea Fluor 3x, five tablets thrice a day: Blood-tumors on the head of an infant; knots, kernels, hardened glands in the breast; ganglion, encysted tumors; tumors of the eyelids; hard or firm shiny swelling in any part of the body. The cure may take two/three months. Calcarea Fluor 30 also fulfils the criteria. 2) Kali Mur 3x, five celloids thrice a day: Tenderness is a prominent symptom of the tumor. It is very good for treatment of soft and tender swellings in the female breast. 3) Silicea 12x, 5 tablets two times a day: It is the remedy if swellings, lumps, tumors threaten to suppurate. It covers admirably uterine tumors, benign or malignant, also scrofulous tumor of the neck. “Multiple cheloid, which appeared, after the excision of a tumor, in the scar. It was at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, but rapidly returned and increased in size, till the patient, a girl, was put on Silicea, night and morning. The gradual disappearance of the growth under this treatment was one of the prettiest things I have ever seen in medicine.” (John H. Clarke) 4) Condurango Q, 7 drops in water daily two times before meals: It is an excellent remedy for treatment of tumors, and may also be given in 30th potency instead of the mother tincture thrice a day. “Painful cracks in corner of mouth, is a guiding symptom.” It also stimulates the digestive system and improves the general health of the patient. Stricture of oesophagus, with constant burning pain behind the sternum is another salient feature. 5) Conium Mac 200, one dose per week, total 3 doses: It acts on the glandular system, and on tumors with piercing pains, worse at night. It also covers painless or painful nodules under the skin all over the body. As soon as one sleeps, sweats. The patient is worse lying down, better motion.

Typhoid (Typhus or ‘jail fever’) (Infection of digestive system causing weakness, high fever, red rash on abdomen and chest, chill and sweating) Remedies: 1) Bryonia Alb 30, 2 hourly, 2 days: Typhoid marked by gastro-hepatic complications; excessive dryness of mucous membranes of entire body; great thirst; extremely irritable; desires to get out of bed and go home, talks of business; mild delirium; stools hard dry, as if burnt; profuse perspiration during fever; aggravation from any motion, relief from absolute rest. Rhus Tox follows well. 2) Rhus Tox 30, 3 hourly, 2 days: In typhoid, tongue dry and cracked with triangular red tip; extreme restlessness, cannot remain for long in one position; bowels loose; chilly as if cold water poured over him; “tearing asunder pains. Motion always limbers up the patient.” Apis Mel inimical. Arsenic Alb complementary. 3) Arsenic Alb 30, 3 hourly, 2 days: In typhoid, after Rhus Tox; high temperature with fear fright worry, cold sweats, burning pains; great prostration, too weak to move; “Great thirst for cold water; drinks often, but little at a time…cannot bear the sight or smell of food.” Symptoms worsen after midnight, better from heat. 4) Baptisia 30, 3 hourly, 3 days: Its favorable action is completed by Bryonia & Arsenic Alb. So it should follow Ars Alb. All secretions -breath, stool, urine, sweat- are offensive, especially in typhoid. It also covers typhus, shipboard, and adynamic fevers. The patient experiences difficulty in swallowing solid food, and falls asleep while being spoken to. Limbs feel sore and bruised. Tongue turns brown with red shining edges. 5) Bio-chemic remedies of interest from the pen of Dr A. P. Davis, of Dallas, Texas: “It is a conceded fact that the inflammation in the glands of Brunner and Peyer keep up the fever, and the remedy that cures these glands cuts short the disease, and the remedies that I have found to do this most certainly are Ferrum Phos and Kali Mur, given in alternation every hour during fever, where there is a white or grayish coating on the tongue. The Ferrum is the best fever remedy, and the Kali Mur, the best eliminator in such conditions. If the tongue should become brown, give Kali Phos, and especially in those cases where the patient is delirious or nervous, and in the more malignant form of the disease. If the tongue assumes a yellow, shiny coating, then resort to Magnesia Phos, and especially when there are pain in the bowels and a sensation of pressure in the stomach. If the tongue has a golden-yellow coating, creamy, moist, give Natrum Phos. Should the tongue have a dirty brownish-green coating, give Natrum Sulph. These remedies are especially indicated in this condition of the tongue. Last of all, when the patient begins to convalesce, finish up the treatment with Calcarea Phos, as a connective tissue and blood-cell constituent is needed. In all cases where these tissue remedies have been used by me they have proved abundantly sufficient, and will cure, if

given as indicated. They supply the inorganic elements that are disturbed or lacking in all diseased states, and if a strict observance is had in their selection, the physician will certainly cure any disease that can be cured at all. I usually give them the 4x to 6x potency.” If there is great stupor Natrum Mur is indicated as an intercurrent remedy, according to Dr Schussler. Ulcers & Ulcerative Colitis Remedies: 1) Carbolic Acid 6x, 2 drops in water, 4 times a day for some days: Pains are terrible, appear and diaappear suddenly. Profound weakness with horribly offensive breath. Burning sensation from mouth to stomach; fermentative dyspepsia; loss of appetite; ulceration inside lips and cheeks; desire for stimulants; nausea & vomiting. 2) Arsenic Alb 3: Everything swallowed seems to lodge in the oesophagus. Stomach extremely irritable, seems raw, as if torn; cannot bear the smell or sight of food; abdomen swollen; burning pains like coals of fire, ameliorated by heat; Patient mentally restless, physically too weak to move. It should be given twice a day for one week. Lycopodium 200 should be taken on alternate mornings. Excessive accumulation of flatulence leads to Lyco; good appetite, but a few mouthfuls fill up to the throat. 3) Iris Vers Q: Gastro-intestinal mucous membranes are especially affected, with burning of whole alimentary canal, sour vomiting, nausea, deficient appetite, constipation, worse at night. 5 drops in water may be had twice a day for 3 to 4 days. Lycopodium 200 on alternate mornings will produce desired improvement. Hydrastis Q, 7 drops in water twice daily before meals will also be useful in easily tired people, with weak muscular power, poor digestion, and obstinate constipation. 4) Natrum Phos 6x, 5 celloids every two hours for some days: Ulcerative colitis with vomiting of sour fluids or coffee-ground liquids; least amount of food causes pain; creamy yellow coating at the base of the tongue. 5) Calcarea Phos 3x, thrice a day: It is quite good for ulceration in children. It may be on surface or inside the nose. It may be had for several days. 6) Silicea 12x, three times a day: In case adults suffer from quite deep ulceration with corroding discharge, let it be given for a week or so.

Urinary tract infection (U T I) Remedies: 1) Berberis Vulgaris Q, 7 drops in water twice daily: Burning pains and soreness in region of kidneys, radiating from abdomen to hips and groins, especially on urinating; sensation as if some urine remained after micturition; “Urine with thick mucus and bright red mealy

sediment;” movement, even standing enhances urinary complaints. 2) Cantharis 200, twice a day for 3 days: It should be alternated with Berberis Vulgaris to elicit good speedy results. Constant intolerable urging to urinate with tenesmus, before, during and after urine; urine scalds, and is passed drop by drop; urine jelly-like and shreddy. 3) Ferrum Phos 3x: For incontinence of urine, if from weakness of the sphincter muscle; cystitis, first stage, with pain, heat or fever; involuntary spurting of urine with every cough, it may be alternated 2 hourly with Kali Mur 3x, which is the principal remedy in chronic cystitis. Kali Phos 3x may be given as an intercurrent remedy, if retention of urine is due to nervous debility. Uraemia (Morbid condition of blood due to retention of urinary matter normally eliminated by kidneys) Remedies: 1) Cuprum Ars 3x, three times a day for some days: It covers various intestinal ailments due to deficient kidney affections; uraemic convulsions; brain oedema; uraemia with garlicky odor; diabetes; bronchial asthma; emphysema; gangrene; very high level of urea; urine of high specific gravity. 2) Morphinum 6, thrice a day, 3 days: It helps in uraemia, acute or chronic, also in prostatic hypertrophy, with slow and difficult urination. Terror induced shock may cause alteration of tachycardia & bradycardia, and incessant nausea. The patient may be sleepy but cannot sleep. 3) Urea 6, 3 times a day, 3 to 5 days: Urine thin and of low specific gravity; uraemia, albuminuria, diabetes; tuberculosis, ‘gouty eczema,’ renal dropsy. 4) Ocimum Canum 30, 3 times a day, 3 days: It is quite good in diseases of kidneys, bladder, urethra, with uric acid diathesis. Red sand in the urine is its chief characteristic. Urine, with high acidity, may be bloody and with odor of musk. 5) Kali Mur 3x, 3 hourly, five tablets: It is the principal bio-chemic remedy in chronic cystitis with dark-red urine from deposits of urates and uric acid crystals. There may be inactivity of liver. If urine loaded with pus and thick mucus and there is red sandy deposit of uric acid, one should follow it with Silicea 6x, 3 times a day. 6) Ferrum Phos 6x, every two hours in alternation with Natrum Phos 6x: In case, the patient comes after having uraemia, it would remove complications and would establish flow of urine.

Urticaria (Nettle-rash, Hives) (An allergic skin disease characterized by the appearance of intensely itching wheals, small raised patches of skin, as from an insect bite) Remedies: 1) Rhus Tox 30, 4 hourly, 3 days: In case, Urticaria, with swelling, burning, stinging, intense itching occurs in rainy weather, it is a very good remedy. Symptoms worsen during rest, are better from warm application and motion. It also covers erysipelas, pamphigus, herpes, and eczema. Apis Mel is inimical, so should not be given before or after it. Arsenic Alb 30 is complementary, so may follow admirably, in case symptoms are worse from cold and scratching. 2) Urtica Urens Q, 7 drops in water twice daily for a few days: If urticaria is associated with rheumatism, gout, or uric acid diathesis, it is the remedy. Burning heat and violent itching may afflict the patient. It removes ill-effects of eating shellfish. It may be alternated with Natrum Mur 6x twice a day, in case urticaria is violent, and has affected whole body with large red itching blotches. 3) Natrum Phos 6x, 5 tablets 3 times a day: “Rose rash,” hives, itching all over the body, like insect bites, with sore patches on the skin, accompanied by the symptoms of acidity or creamy yellow discharges. It may be alternated with Kali Phos 6x, if there is crawling sensation with itching, which occurs inside of hands and feet where the skin is thickest.

Varicose Veins (Phlebitis) (Enlarged and tortuous veins; veins are subject to inflammation, and to loss of elasticity leading to weakening and dilation, a condition known as varicose veins; haemorrhoids are a form of varicose veins. Regular exercise, controlling weight, avoiding tight clothes help the patients) Remedies: 1) Calcarea Fluor 6x, twice a day for 15 days, or more: It is the chief Biochemic remedy for varicose veins. It is also good in varicose ulcerations. The patient may not be in a position to stand on his/her feet. He/she may suffer from sharp piercing pains. There may be bluish discoloration of tissues. It should be alternated with Ferrum Phos 6x, which is a powerful vein remedy, though its prime sphere of action is on the arteries. It is also good for pain in varicocele of the testicles. “A physician of Bogota, S.A., relates a case of varicose ulcers of some standing, both on legs and arms. Calc. fluor. 6x was given night and morning. Healed in fifteen days.” “Young man, aet. 18, complained of daily pain in left testicle, incapaciting him for work. Examination showed a varicocele, well developed, probably caused by constant heavy lifting. After five weeks’ use of Ferrum phos, daily one dose, cured.” (Dr Mayer, Stuttgart). 2) Vipera 6, 5 pills, 2 times a day for a few days: It is indicated in inflammation of veins with great swelling and bursting sensation. 3) Hamamelis Virginica 200, twice a day, for a few days: It is the principal Homoeopathic remedy for varicose veins, venous congestion, haemorrhages, piles, with bruised soreness of the affected parts. It acts upon the coats of the veins causing relaxation. Arnica Mont 3 follows well and may also be given twice a day along with Hamamelis. 4) Pulsatilla 30, twice a day for a few days: Veins in forearms and hands swollen; legs feel heavy and weary; feet red, inflamed, swollen; external heat is intolerable, veins are distended; the patient suffers worse from letting the affected limbs hang down, better cold applications.

Vertigo (Giddiness, Dizziness) (A sensation or actual loss of equilibrium, frequently accompanied by nausea, vomiting, nystagmus, abnormal oscillation of eyeballs; constipation should be corrected.) Remedies:

1) Ferrum Phos 6x: Vertigo or giddiness from rush of blood to the head, with flushed face and throbbing or pressing headache, on rising from a stooping position; after eating or with vomiting of undigested food, relieved by cold application. Kali Phos 6x should be alternated every hour, a few doses, comprising of 5 tablets each. Kali Phos takes care of vertigo from anaemia, also from cerebral or nervous causes and weakness/exhaustion, worse when rising and looking upward. 2) Conium Mac 30, 4 hourly, a few doses only: Vertigo when lying down or turning in bed or turning head slightly or even turning eyes, worse shaking head, little noise or conversation, better fasting. The patient may be afflicted with “tremulous weakness after every stool,” and may sweat as soon as sleeps. 3) Cocculus 30, 4 hourly, a few doses: Vertigo with nausea or vomiting from riding in a carriage, boat or rail or car or even looking at a moving object or after loss of sleep due to night-watching or after swimming or emotional disturbances. 4) Granatum 3 or 6, 4 hourly, one or two days: Persistent vertigo with profuse salivation, nausea, weak sight, poor digestion and pain in stomach and abdomen about umbilicus.

Voice Loss (Aphonia) (Loss of voice usually follows overexertion in speaking or exposure to cold or due to injury to vocal organs) Remedies: 1) Ferrum Phos 6x: Aphonia of singers or public speakers, quite painful, caused by overexertion of voice or cold and wet or accumulation of phlegm in the larynx, is cured by application of Ferrum Phos and Kali Mur 6x in alternation 4 hourly. In obstinate cases Calcarea Sulph 6x, thrice a day, follows well. 2) Kali Phos 6x: For loss of voice from paralysis of vocal cords or from nervous exhaustion, it is excellent and may be taken three times a day for several days. 3) Coca 6: In the case of complete loss of voice, 4 pills may be given every two hour before expected demand on voice. It suits a person who desires darkness and solitude, longs for alcoholic drinks or tobacco and sweets. He is worse ascending, better from taking wine.

Vomiting Remedies: 1) Nux Vom 30: It is very good for nausea & Vomiting, with much retching, worse after overeating. At times, the patient wants to vomit, but cannot. Zinc is inimical, so should not be given before or after it. Three doses may be given every 15 minutes. It is also good for vomiting during pregnancy when one or two doses may be good enough. 2) Ipecacc 30, 2 hourly 2 days: Persistent nausea and vomiting is its main guiding symptom. One may vomit food, bile, blood, mucus. There may be profuse saliva with clean tongue. Vomiting does not relieve nausea. 3) Cocculus 30, 2 or 3 doses, every 15 minutes: Nausea and vomiting from riding in a plane, car, or boat, or even looking at a boat in motion. It is of use in any kind of travel sickness. 4) Bismuth 6, 2 doses at interval of 10 minutes: “Water is vomited as soon as it reaches the stomach…Vomits all fluids.” 5) Iris Vers 30, 3 hourly, 2 or 3 days: Burning of whole alimentary canal, with sour, bloody, biliary vomiting, and profuse flow of saliva; constipation; it increases the flow of bile. 6) Symphoricarpus Racemosa 30, 4 globules 4 times a day, two days utmost: It is very good for the persistent vomiting of pregnancy. She may be afflicted with gastric disturbances, nausea and constipation. 7) Biochemic remedies: “Vomiting of bile, Natrum Sulph; of clear, thready mucus, Natrum Mur; of white mucus, Kali Mur; of red blood, Ferrum Phos: of dark blood, Kali Phos; sour, Natrum Phos; of food soon after eating, Ferrum Phos; of children during teething, Calc fluor.” (Dr E.P. Anshutz). The medicines may be given in 6x potency, a few doses half hourly.

Warts (Small, usually hardish excrescences on skin, caused by abnormal growth of papillae) Remedies: 1) Kali Mur 6x & Natrum Mur 6x, 5 tablets of each, thrice a day for some weeks: Dr Schussler has recommended external use of Kali Mur also. “A quantity of the trituration, the size of a pea, is to be dissolved in a tablespoon of water, and with this solution the affected part is to be moistened once a day.” Natrum Mur takes care of warts in the palms of hands. Natrum Sulph, 6x, is needed in the case of warts caused by long exposure to dampness. For large, fleshy, suppurating warts Silicea 6x is sufficient, and may be alternated with Kali Mur. 2) Thuja Oc 6, 4 hourly for a few days: For soft, fleshy, cauliflower-like multiple warts, warty excrescences, fig-warts & condylomata (wart-like growth at anus or vulva), and large, seedy, pedunculated warts, which smell like honey, it is an excellent remedy. Thuja Oc tincture or cerate may be used externally. Nitic Acid 6, 4 hourly, follows well, in the case of large jagged pedunculated warts, which may bleed on washing. There may be splinter-like pains. Lachesis is inimical; should not be given before or after Nitric Acid. 3) Calcarea Calcinata 3x, 4 hourly for one week: It is also a good remedy for warts. 4) Causticum 200, twice a week: Soft, smooth warts on face, nose, eyelids, tips of fingers, may be large, jagged, pedunculated; may bleed easily. Causticum does not agree with Phosphorus, so should not be used before or after. Symptoms worsen in clear fine weather, are better in damp wet weather. 5) Cinnabaris 30, 4 hourly for 3 to 5 days: Warts on prepuce (foreskin of penis); testicles enlarged, prepuce swollen; warts bleed easily; the patient may suffer from buboes, chancres, fiery ulcers, condylomata. 6) Dulcamara 30, 5 pills once daily for some days: It is quite good for treatment of warts, large, smooth, and fleshy, on face or back of hands and fingers. Acetic Acid, Belladonna, Lachesis should not be used before or after.

Whitlow (Felon) (Deep seated abscess at the end of a finger, often under the nail with pain and swelling) Remedies: 1) Ferrum Phos 12x in water, every three hours: It should be given in the first stage to remove fever, pain, congestion. 2) Kali Mur 12x, every 3 hours: It should be given in the second stage, when there is swelling, but no pus formation yet. It may be given in alternation with Ferrum Phos to elicit quick relief. 3) Silicea 6x: As soon as pus formation commences, it should follow Kali Mur. “A dose every two hours will usually cure the felon in twenty-four hours.” (A.P.Davis, M.D.). “A whitlow, which had suppurated, had all the pus absorbed in the course of a night by only two doses of Silicea 6x.” (Dr B. N. Mitra). 4) Calcarea Sulph 12x, thrice a day: Silicea ripens abscesses, since it promotes suppuration, while Calcarea Sulph restrains suppurative process, so causes the wound to heal. 5) Myristica Sebifera 30, 2 hourly, three days: It has specific action on whitlow, when there is pain in the finger nails with swelling of the phalanges. It hastens suppuration and shortens its duration.

Whooping Cough (An acute infectious disease characterized by paroxysmal cough, ending in noisy inspiration with a whoop; coughing persists in most cases for several weeks; food should be given frequently, but in small quantities, as a full stomach may cause vomiting.) Remedies: 1) Mag Phos 6x: It is the principal Bio-chemic remedy in whooping cough, for the ‘whoop,’ paroxysms of coughing, difficult breathing. When the fits of coughing are very acute, dissolve 3 tablets in hot water and give it 4 hourly. For chronic whooping cough, it should be alternated with Kali Mur 6x, every 4 hours. Occasional doses of Ferrum Phos 6x in mornings may be necessary. When the cough has become spasmodic in character, ending in the characteristic whoop, Mag Phos is the remedy par excellence. Calcarea Phos 6x is often used in winding up the treatment as a general restorative. 2) Drosera 30, single dose sufficient according to Dr Hahnemann: Sudden violent attacks, paroxysms following each other very rapidly. The patient can scarcely breathe, worse after midnight or commencing as soon as the head touches the pillow at night. There may be sensation of feather in larynx. 3) Coccus Cacti 30, 4 hourly, 3 days: Whooping cough attacks end with vomiting of tough white mucus, which strangles, worse upon waking, better walking. 4) Mephitis 3x, 3 hourly for a few days: It is a great remedy for spasmodic whooping cough, which is so violent that it seems as if each spell would terminate life. Paroxysms few in day, many at night. 5) Brahmi Q, 7 drops in water twice a day: It is good for whooping cough. It is also used as a tonic to improve memory. 6) Merc Sol 200, twice or thrice two days: Whooping cough with yellow expectoration; paroxysms of two, worse night, from warmth of bed, and tobacco smoke. Next two days Hepar Sulph 200, twice or thrice two days, if whooping cough worse in morning and while walking; cough troublesome if the patient exposed to dry cold winds; rattling cough with suffocative attacks, better while bending head backwards.

Worms (Intestinal tract is often the site of worms. Intestinal worms are of three kinds: tape worms, round worms, pin worms. Presence of worms is usually detected by irritation or itching of the anus.) Remedies: 1)

Natrum Phos 3x: It is the principal Bio-chemic remedy for all kinds of worms. It

destroys excess of lactic acid, which is helpful for the life of these worms. It is the enemy of intestinal, long, round, or thread-worms, with associated symptoms of picking of the nose, itching of the anus, acidity, restless sleep, pain in the abdomen, especially at night when warm in bed. It may be given thrice a day. It expels tape worms also if taken for a long period. Natrum Phos may be alternated with Natrum Mur 3x. If the tongue is white, let Kali Mur 6x be alternated. 2) Santoninum 3x: It is of great value in the treatment of worm affections. It removes Ascaris lumbricoides and thread-worms, but it is not effective in the case of tape worms. It also deals with nephritis and chronic cystitis. It should be given at bed time, and also in the morning. Simultaneously, Natrum Phos may also be given twice a day for one week to achieve quick relief. 3) Chelone Q, 5 drops in water, thrice daily for some days: “It is an enemy to every kind of worm infesting the human body.” It also helps considerably in jaundice, melaena, and malaria. 4) Embelia Ribes Q, two drops in water, four hourly for a few days: It is children’s remedy. It is a worm killer. It is also effective in diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea and flatulence if caused due to presence of worms. Symptoms include grinding of teeth, picking of nose, itching in rectum. 5) Cina 200, once daily for a week: Child very cross, desires many things, but rejects when offered. “Constantly digging and boring at the nose; picks the nose all the time; itching of nose; rubs nose on pillow, or shoulder of nurse… hungry soon after a full meal.” Twisting pain about navel; itching of anus; grinding of teeth due to worms. Troubles while yawning.

SECTION-VIII Some Hints for Medical Check-ups “A stitch in time saves nine.”

Simple urine, stool, blood tests once-a-year for persons above 35 years from one of the reliable diagnostic laboratories are desirable as a preventive measure and to bring down cost of healthcare. Early pathological detection leads to easy safe treatment. Any delay in proper investigation increases the risk of getting affected with fatal diseases without any inkling thereof generally. Such preventive health check-ups are essential particularly for persons with high stress levels consequential to long working hours, short deadlines and even short temper. Routine blood examination, for example, helps in detecting bronchial asthma, cholera, filariasis, malaria, pleurisy, pneumonia, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disorder, tuberculosis etc, besides any other test which may be necessary to be conducted for a disease under investigation. So it is quite vital. Similarly urine culture is essential for detecting hypertension, filariasis, meningitis; stool culture for cholera; blood culture for beriberi, meningitis, pneumonia, ricket, tuberculosis; sputum culture for bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis; X-Ray (P A view) for bronchial asthma, cardiac failure, hypertension, pleurisy, tuberculosis. Although primarily Homoeopathy deals with diseases based on totality of symptoms and Bio-chemic therapy takes care of diseases based on deficiency of cell-salts, we list below briefly certain specific disease-wise tests for preliminary information:1)

Free T3, Free T4 and TSH estimations, the upgraded versions of thyroid tests.

2) E.C.G. for ventricular hypertrophy and hypertension; Eco Cardiogram, Tread Mill Stress Test, Angiography (conventional), C.T.Angiography (imaging). 3) Serological test to detect malarial parasite. 4) Cerebro-spinal fluid test in the case of meningitis, and may be C.T. Scan. 5) Pleural fluid examination (Glucose, Chloride, AFB Smear, Gram Staining Smear) in the case of pleurisy. 6) Synovial fluid test for rheumatoid arthritis. 7) Liver Function Test (LFT) for liver related disorders. 8) Lipid Profile: to ascertain Cholesterol level-HDL, LDL, VLDL…. Triglycerides. 9) Blood tests for glucose level: fasting, PP, and random- for diabetes. 10) Blood Creatinine, Uric Acid etc: for Kidney functions.

11) Ultra Sonography of abdomen (Lower/upper/full): Stone in gall bladder, kidneys, liver related problems, pancreas functioning etc., pregnancy, infertility etc. 12) X rays and Scans: Need based to study inner of the body. 13) Widal Test : for Typhoid 14) Bone Marrow Test for blood cancer. 15) Pre Operative Tests: CBC, ABO Grouping & Rh Typing, Glucose, HIV 1 & 2 ABS, HBsAg, BUN, VDRL, Urinalysis (Urea, Creatinine).


“To every ailment under the sun, There is a remedy or there is none. If there is one try and find it, If there is none, never mind it”


Never delay therapeutical treatment of any disease or ailment. Promptness pays.

2) Consultation with a qualified experienced physician from time to time is a must. 3) Always remember and follow the principle ‘to cure in a mild, prompt, safe and durable manner.’ 4) Never take any medicine longer than needed. Adhere to this golden maxim on all occasions. “Remember, it is the patient who has to cure himself…the drug is only the stimulus that starts the vital reaction…So long the patient is improving, let him be, and never meddle till he begins to slip back: that is the first possible moment to repeat, or to reconsider the case. It is safer to be a little late than a little too soon. You must ‘go fast slowly,’ there is no other way.” (J. T. Kent).

5) Develop your knowledge and insight by studying disease-wise remedies carefully. 6) Direct thought to the cause of disease and select the remedy from the indicated medicines. Dr Hering has advised to take notice of at least three prominent symptoms for successful use of the medicine. If you do so, you will not falter at all. One can sit on three legged stool comfortably, he has asserted. 7) Even one specific characteristic feature helps. Suppose you have before you three patients suffering from simple fever; the first trembles due to weakness; the second is worse with least movement; urine, stool, sweat, breath of the third are very offensive. Gelsemium will cure the first; Bryonia, the second; Baptisia, the third.

8) One spark is good enough to burn a big pile of grass; two words are sufficient to alter thought process of human beings. Likewise minimal doses serve the purpose wonderfully, in Homoeopathy as well as Bio-chemic system of medicine. 9) In acute cases, such as Cholera which causes abrupt downfall of vital force, it may be essential to use selected Homoeopathic medicine in 6 or 30th potency every 5 or 10 or 15 minutes till improvement occurs, but otherwise generally two to four hour interval should be maintained and even that should not be more than 2 or 3 days. Bio-chemic remedy is used similarly; only difference is that it may be given for a week or a fortnight or even a month or more in 3x, or 6x potency twice or thrice daily. 10) For treatment of chronic/malignant/incurable diseases, fifty millesimal potencies are safe as there is virtually no possibility of violent aggravation, even if your selection of medicine is wrong. Start with 0/2 or 0/3 potency and ascend it gradually. In case centesimal scale potency is used, opt for 6 or 30 and watch the reaction for a few days after giving one or two doses. Patience is rewarded ultimately. No such limitation is imposed on Bio-chemic remedies, which are administered two or three times daily, as the condition demands. Health is maintained so long as the body receives these cell-workers. There is nothing miraculous about it. It is a natural law. Chronic diseases which have come up by excessive use of quinine, mercury etc are curable by minute doses of these cell-minerals, which destroy breeding place for fungi, germs, or bacilli. 11) Never use high potency; always use 6, 30 or utmost 200 of Homoeopathy, and 3x, 6x or 12x of Bio-chemic medicines. 12) Incompatible medicines must not be used either before or after. For example, Apis Mel is inimical to Rhus Tox; Belladonna & Ferrum Phos to Acetic Acid; Carbo Veg to Kreosote; Causticum to Phosphorus; Merc Sol to Silicea; Nux Vom to Zinc Met. 13) A few medicines are used in a specific cycle only. If symptoms tally, use Sulphur first, then Calcarea Carbonica, and lastly Lycopodium, not in the reverse order. 14) Complementary remedies follow each other very well. Antidotal are also good, but not inimical/incompatible medicines under any circumstances. 15) Investigation, where necessary, must be carried out before arriving at any decision for treatment. 16) Mother tinctures may increase acidity, so should be taken after meals usually. 17) “The smallest picture which our eyes perceive proceeds from millions of waves of light. A granule of salt that we are hardly able to taste contains milliards of groups of atoms which no sentinent eye will ever view.” (Dr Schussler) 18) “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” In Winter, and in Fall months, take five celloids of Ferrum Phos in the morning, and five celloids of Kali Mur in the evening; in Spring, take Ferrum Phos in the morning, Calcarea Phos in the evening; during Summer, take Kali Mur in the morning, Natrum Phos in the evening; this is the advice of Dr J.B.Chapman

for prevention of illnesses. Such intakes, we atate, may be on alternate days or weekly, as may suit an individual.

SECTION-X MEDICAL DISCLAIMER The information and advice published or made available through this book is not intended to replace the services of a physician, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Information in this book is provided for knowledge, insight & informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Readers should consult appropriatelyhealth professionals on any matter relating to their health and well being and should undergo all investigations & diagnostic tests as may be advised particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention . Any action on the reader’s part in response to the information provided in this book is at his / her discretion. The authors make no warranties with respect to any information provided through this book regarding treatment or action of medication and are not liable for any direct or indirect claim, loss or damage resulting from use of this book.

SECTION- XI HIGHLY VALUABLE REFERENCES 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory by W. Boericke Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons by H. C. Allen Text Book of Materia Medica by Dr S.K.Dubey Kent’s Repertory of The Homoeopathic Materia Medica The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schussler by W. Boericke & W.A. Dewey Biochemic System of Medicine by G.W. Carey Dr Schussler’s Biochemistry by J.B. Chapman A guide to the Twelve Tissue Remedies of Biochemic Therapy by E.P. Anshutz The Biochemical Treatment of Disease by Dr Schussler Tissue Remedies by B.N.Mitra A complete Repertory of the Tissue Remedies of Schussler by Shannon How to use the Twelve Tissue Salts by Editors of B. Jain

About The Book: The Book offers DAY-TO-DAY INSTANT CURES at any time or place, even if services of a qualified physician is not available timely, and presents an afflicted person means to get desired relief promptly by holistic Homoeopathy and scientific Bio-chemic Tissue Remedies. The Book outlines hygiene doctrines, principles and features which are beneficial for a healthy life-style, and also discloses homoeopathic and bio-chemic prophylactics. The other fascinating distinct features of the Book comprise of simple comprehendable definitions of the therapeutics, salient glimpses of living organism, suggested handy kit of a few very useful medicines, disease-wise specific remedies, hints for medical check-ups, and golden rules which specify explicitly the necessity to commence treatment as soon as the disease force gets better of the vital force of a person for avoidance of complications, if any, and to discontinue the use of the therapy when one gets rid of the ailment. In a nutshell, the Book unfolds the key to self- management.

About The Authors: Bankey Bihari Mishra was born on the 9th June 1935 at Mathura in Uttar Pradesh. He is M.A. (English), L.T., D.M.B.S., M.D. (BIO). He is a person of studious habits. He also graduated in Sanskrit, Hindi & Psychology. Initially he was a lecturer at a college in Mathura. Subsequently he was Export Manager of a Group of Manufacturing Companies in Calcutta for around three decades. For achieving export targets, he undertook extensive journeys to several countries. His indomitable spiritual inclination led him to study Vedas and some books on humanism & selfunfolding. His book ‘Kasturi Kundali Base…’ on Spiritualistic Ways with Practical Suggestions was published in 2004 and reprinted in 2006 by one of the largest Hindi Book Publishers in New Delhi. He belongs to a family of doctors. His father was a famous Vaidya, whose Ayurvedic medicines served several places of India. His elder brother was an A.M.M.S. Doctor from Benaras University and elder to him was a Homoeopath of great repute.

Dr Alka Acharya, his daughter, is D.M.S. She is a renowned Homoeopath at Lajpatnagar in New Delhi. Her father-in-law was Finance Minister of U.P. for about 15 years. She has inherited holistic healing art of Homoeopathy admirably. Besides, throughout childhood she could not swallow any allopathic tablet, which used to pop out of her mouth despite her mother endeavouring to push it down her throat. So naturally she was determined to become a homoeopathic physician and she did, in spite of sudden strikes which converted the five year

medical course up to nine years. Even marriage did not deter her from accomplishing her noble objective, thanks primarily to highly appreciable encouragement and inspiration from her husband and in-laws. This book of welfare is the natural outcome.

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