GENEX Assistant Wireless Post-Processing Software User Manual

May 4, 2017 | Author: Hamid Hussain | Category: N/A
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Huawei GENEX Assistant RF Optimization Post Processing toll user manual.....


GENEX Assistant V100R005

User Manual Issue




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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2009. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Trademarks and Permissions and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders.

Notice The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute the warranty of any kind, express or implied.

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

GENEX Assistant User Manual

About This Document

About This Document Purpose This document provides guides to get the contents, related version, intended audience, and conventions of the GENEX Assistant.

Related Versions The following table lists the product versions related to this document. Product Name


GENEX Assistant


Intended Audience This document is intended for: z

Technical support engineer


Maintenance engineer

Organization The GENEX Assistant user manual describes the basic functions, system interface, routine operation, and related indicators of the GENEX Assistant. Chapter


1 Introduction to the Assistant

Describes the main functions and application scenarios provided by the GENEX Assistant.

2 Installing Software

Describes the procedure for installing the Assistant.

3 User Interface

Describes the functions of each part on the Assistant interface.

4 Project Management

Describes the management of projects and datasets in the Assistant.

Issue 06 (2009-06-20)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


GENEX Assistant User Manual

About This Document



5 Map Management

Describes the operations related to settings of maps and map layers.

6 Analysis Data Management

Describes how to import test data provided by different devices and how to handle the imported data.

7 Analysis Indicator Management

Describes the analysis indicators of the UE, Scanner, and RNC, which involve WCDMA and GSM projects.

8 Analysis Report Management

Describes how to export test data in different forms and how to generate the relevant reports.


This chapter provides solutions to the faults that the Probe incurs.

A System Predefined Events

Describes the events analyzed in the Assistant and the procedures for generating these events.

B Acronyms and Abbreviations

Lists the acronyms and abbreviations described in the document and their explanations.

Conventions Symbol Conventions The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows. Symbol

Description Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could cause equipment damage, data loss, and performance degradation, or unexpected results. Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save time. Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement important points of the main text.


Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 06 (2009-06-20)

GENEX Assistant User Manual

About This Document

General Conventions Convention


Times New Roman

Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.


Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in boldface. For example, log in as user root.


Book titles are in italics.

Courier New

Terminal display is in Courier New.

Command Conventions Convention



The keywords of a command line are in boldface.


Command arguments are in italics.


Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are optional.

{ x | y | ... }

Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. One is selected.

[ x | y | ... ]

Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets and separated by vertical bars. One or none is selected.

{ x | y | ... } *

Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. A minimum of one or a maximum of all can be selected.

GUI Conventions Convention



Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, windows, and dialog titles are in boldface. For example, click OK.


Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">" signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Keyboard Operation Format



Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.

Issue 06 (2009-06-20)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


GENEX Assistant User Manual

About This Document



Key 1+Key 2

Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt+A means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.

Key 1, Key 2

Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means the two keys should be pressed in turn.

Mouse Operation Action



Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the pointer.


Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly without moving the pointer.


Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer to a certain position.

Update History Updates between document versions are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document version contains all updates made to previous versions.

Updates in Issue 06 (2009-06-20) Sixth release.

Updates in Issue 05 (2009-03-30) Fifth release.

Updates in Issue 04 (2008-11-20) Fourth release.

Updates in Issue 03 (2008-8-31) Third release.

Updates in Issue 02 (2008-4-30) Second release.


Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 06 (2009-06-20)

GENEX Assistant User Manual

About This Document

Updates in Issue 01 (2008-1-15) First release.

Issue 06 (2009-06-20)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


GENEX Assistant User Manual


Contents 1 Introduction to the Assistant ...................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................1-2 1.2 Functions.......................................................................................................................................................1-2 1.3 Operation Mode ............................................................................................................................................1-3 1.4 Application Scenarios....................................................................................................................................1-3 1.5 Work Flow.....................................................................................................................................................1-4

2 Installing Software ....................................................................................................................2-1 2.1 Installation Description .................................................................................................................................2-2 2.2 Checking Installation Environment...............................................................................................................2-2 2.2.1 Checking System Configuration ..........................................................................................................2-2 2.2.2 Checking System Environment............................................................................................................2-3 2.3 Installing the GENEX Shared Components ..................................................................................................2-3 2.4 Installing the Assistant ..................................................................................................................................2-3 2.5 License Management.....................................................................................................................................2-4 2.5.1 Plugging in the Dongle ........................................................................................................................2-4 2.5.2 Updating License .................................................................................................................................2-5 2.5.3 Viewing License Information...............................................................................................................2-5 2.6 Installation Check..........................................................................................................................................2-5 2.6.1 Confirming the Version Information ....................................................................................................2-5 2.6.2 Description of the Installation Directory..............................................................................................2-5 2.7 Uninstalling Software....................................................................................................................................2-6 2.7.1 Uninstalling the GENEX Shared Components ....................................................................................2-6 2.7.2 Uninstalling the Assistant.....................................................................................................................2-7

3 User Interface ..............................................................................................................................3-1 3.1 Main Interface ...............................................................................................................................................3-2 3.2 Menu Bar.......................................................................................................................................................3-3 3.2.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................................3-3 3.2.2 Project Menu........................................................................................................................................3-3 3.2.3 Dataset Menu .......................................................................................................................................3-3 3.2.4 View Menu...........................................................................................................................................3-4 3.2.5 Window Menu......................................................................................................................................3-5

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GENEX Assistant User Manual


3.2.6 Help Menu ...........................................................................................................................................3-6 3.3 Toolbar ..........................................................................................................................................................3-6 3.3.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................................3-6 3.3.2 Standard Tool bar .................................................................................................................................3-6 3.3.3 Map Tool bar........................................................................................................................................3-7 3.3.4 Chart Tool bar ......................................................................................................................................3-9 3.3.5 Sheet Tool bar ......................................................................................................................................3-9 3.3.6 Engineering Parameter Tool bar.........................................................................................................3-10 3.4 Navigation Tree........................................................................................................................................... 3-11 3.4.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................ 3-11 3.4.2 Project Tab Page................................................................................................................................. 3-11 3.4.3 Map Legend Tab Page........................................................................................................................ 3-11 3.4.4 Word Collector Tab Page ...................................................................................................................3-12 3.5 Operation Interface......................................................................................................................................3-12 3.6 Property View..............................................................................................................................................3-12 3.6.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................3-12 3.6.2 WCDMA Scanner Coverage Tab Page ..............................................................................................3-13 3.6.3 WCDMA MS Pilot Measurement Tab Page.......................................................................................3-13 3.6.4 GSM MS Measurement Tab Page......................................................................................................3-14 3.6.5 Site Information Tab Page..................................................................................................................3-14 3.7 System Status Bar........................................................................................................................................3-14 3.8 Data Window...............................................................................................................................................3-15 3.8.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................3-15 3.8.2 Map Window......................................................................................................................................3-15 3.8.3 Graph Window ...................................................................................................................................3-15 3.8.4 Sheet Window ....................................................................................................................................3-19 3.8.5 Operations in the Data Window .........................................................................................................3-20

4 Project Management ..................................................................................................................4-1 4.1 Managing Engineering Files .........................................................................................................................4-2 4.1.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................................4-2 4.1.2 Creating a Project.................................................................................................................................4-2 4.1.3 Opening a Project.................................................................................................................................4-3 4.1.4 Closing a Project ..................................................................................................................................4-3 4.2 Managing a Dataset.......................................................................................................................................4-3 4.2.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................................4-3 4.2.2 Importing a Dataset..............................................................................................................................4-3 4.2.3 Creating a Dataset ................................................................................................................................4-3 4.2.4 Removing a Dataset .............................................................................................................................4-4 4.2.5 Exporting a Dataset..............................................................................................................................4-5 4.2.6 Modifying the Dataset Property ...........................................................................................................4-5 4.2.7 Parameter Description..........................................................................................................................4-6


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Issue 06 (2009-06-20)

GENEX Assistant User Manual


4.3 Managing Engineering Parameters ...............................................................................................................4-9 4.3.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................................4-9 4.3.2 Introduction to Engineering Parameters...............................................................................................4-9 4.3.3 Importing Engineering Parameters .................................................................................................... 4-11 4.3.4 Exporting Engineering Parameters ....................................................................................................4-14 4.3.5 Saving and Copying Engineering Parameters ....................................................................................4-15 4.3.6 Configuring Engineering Parameters .................................................................................................4-15 4.3.7 Modifying the Display Mode for Engineering Parameters ................................................................4-18 4.3.8 Switching Between ARFCN and Frequency......................................................................................4-19 4.3.9 Importing Neighbor Data ...................................................................................................................4-20 4.3.10 Viewing Neighbor Data....................................................................................................................4-20 4.3.11 Adding CIO Parameters ...................................................................................................................4-21 4.4 Managing History Log ................................................................................................................................4-23

5 Map Management ......................................................................................................................5-1 5.1 Operating a Map............................................................................................................................................5-2 5.1.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................................5-2 5.1.2 Introduction to Map Files.....................................................................................................................5-2 5.1.3 Importing a MapInfo Map....................................................................................................................5-2 5.1.4 Deleting a MapInfo Map......................................................................................................................5-3 5.1.5 Importing an Outdoor Raster Map .......................................................................................................5-3 5.1.6 Importing an Indoor Raster Map..........................................................................................................5-4 5.1.7 Operating a Map ..................................................................................................................................5-4 5.2 Operating a Legend .......................................................................................................................................5-5 5.2.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................................5-5 5.2.2 Introduction to Legends .......................................................................................................................5-5 5.2.3 Adding a Customized Legend ..............................................................................................................5-8 5.2.4 Deleting a Customized Legend ............................................................................................................5-9 5.2.5 Importing a Customized Legend..........................................................................................................5-9 5.2.6 Exporting a Customized Legend..........................................................................................................5-9 5.2.7 Editing a Legend ................................................................................................................................5-10 5.2.8 Loading a Legend for Parameters ......................................................................................................5-10 5.2.9 Restoring a System Legend................................................................................................................5-12 5.2.10 Modifying a Legend Theme.............................................................................................................5-12 5.2.11 Displaying or Hiding a Legend ........................................................................................................5-13 5.2.12 Setting a Legend Style .....................................................................................................................5-14 5.3 Operating a Map Layer ...............................................................................................................................5-16 5.3.1 Controlling a Map Layer....................................................................................................................5-16 5.3.2 Moving a Map Layer..........................................................................................................................5-18

6 Analysis Data Management .....................................................................................................6-1 6.1 Importing Analysis Data................................................................................................................................6-2 6.1.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................................6-2

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GENEX Assistant User Manual


6.1.2 Importing GENEX Probe Data ............................................................................................................6-3 6.1.3 Importing Huawei RNC Data...............................................................................................................6-4 6.1.4 Importing PHU Data ............................................................................................................................6-6 6.1.5 Importing TXT Data ............................................................................................................................6-7 6.1.6 Viewing the List of Imported Files ......................................................................................................6-8 6.2 Filtering Exceptional Data ............................................................................................................................6-9 6.2.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................................6-9 6.2.2 Procedure .............................................................................................................................................6-9 6.3 Filtering Indicator........................................................................................................................................ 6-11 6.4 Combining Analysis Data............................................................................................................................6-13 6.4.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................6-13 6.4.2 Combining Data by UE......................................................................................................................6-13 6.4.3 Combining Data by Scanner ..............................................................................................................6-14 6.5 Displaying Analysis Data ............................................................................................................................6-14 6.5.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................6-14 6.5.2 Displaying Data on a Map .................................................................................................................6-16 6.5.3 Displaying Data on a Chart................................................................................................................6-21 6.5.4 Displaying Data on a Sheet................................................................................................................6-22 6.5.5 Displaying Data on a Crossing Chart.................................................................................................6-25 6.5.6 Comparing Analysis Data ..................................................................................................................6-26 6.5.7 Locking Analysis Data .......................................................................................................................6-28 6.5.8 Multi-Window Synchronization.........................................................................................................6-29 6.6 Exporting Analysis Data..............................................................................................................................6-30 6.6.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................6-30 6.6.2 Exporting Data Through Word Collector ...........................................................................................6-30 6.6.3 Exporting Data from a Map ...............................................................................................................6-31 6.6.4 Exporting Data From a Sheet.............................................................................................................6-31 6.6.5 Exporting Data from a Graph.............................................................................................................6-31 6.6.6 Exporting DT Report .........................................................................................................................6-31 6.7 Viewing the Test Plan..................................................................................................................................6-32 6.7.1 Viewing the Test Plan of the Analysis Data .......................................................................................6-33 6.7.2 Viewing the Test Plan of the Device ..................................................................................................6-33

7 Analysis Indicator Management .............................................................................................7-1 7.1 UE Indicators ................................................................................................................................................7-2 7.1.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................................7-2 7.1.2 Network Basic Status ...........................................................................................................................7-2 7.1.3 MOS.....................................................................................................................................................7-7 7.1.4 GSM.....................................................................................................................................................7-7 7.1.5 GPRS ................................................................................................................................................. 7-11 7.1.6 L3 Message ........................................................................................................................................7-14 7.1.7 Phone Event .......................................................................................................................................7-15


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GENEX Assistant User Manual


7.1.8 Statistic As Site ..................................................................................................................................7-22 7.1.9 HSDPA...............................................................................................................................................7-22 7.1.10 HSUPA.............................................................................................................................................7-25 7.1.11 TXT..................................................................................................................................................7-25 7.1.12 GSM KPI .........................................................................................................................................7-27 7.1.13 WCDMA KPI...................................................................................................................................7-28 7.2 Scanner Indicators.......................................................................................................................................7-35 7.2.1 GSM Scanner .....................................................................................................................................7-35 7.2.2 WCDMA Scanner ..............................................................................................................................7-37 7.3 RNC Indicators............................................................................................................................................7-41 7.3.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................7-41

8 Analysis Report Management .................................................................................................8-1 8.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................8-2 8.2 Generating WCDMA DT Report...................................................................................................................8-2 8.3 Generating Reports Through the Wizard.......................................................................................................8-3 8.3.1 Intelligent Report Subsystem ...............................................................................................................8-3 8.3.2 Generating Reports from the Shortcut Menu .......................................................................................8-9 8.3.3 Generating a Custom Report..............................................................................................................8-10 8.4 WCDMA KPI Report ..................................................................................................................................8-13 8.4.1 Coverage ............................................................................................................................................8-14 8.4.2 Accessibility.......................................................................................................................................8-14 8.4.3 Retainability.......................................................................................................................................8-14 8.4.4 Service integrity .................................................................................................................................8-15 8.4.5 Mobility Page.....................................................................................................................................8-15 8.4.6 Other KPIs .........................................................................................................................................8-16 8.4.7 Timing Delay Report..........................................................................................................................8-16 8.5 GSM Report ................................................................................................................................................8-17 8.5.1 GSM MS Call Analysis Report..........................................................................................................8-17 8.5.2 GSM Drive Test Statistics Report ......................................................................................................8-17 8.5.3 GSM Handover Statistics Report .......................................................................................................8-18 8.5.4 GPRS FTP Data Layer Performance Report ......................................................................................8-18 8.5.5 GPRS GMM Event Statistics Report .................................................................................................8-19 8.5.6 GPRS Physical Layer Indicator Report..............................................................................................8-19 8.5.7 GPRS RLC BLER and Retransmissions Report ................................................................................8-20 8.5.8 GPRS WAP Testing Statistics Report.................................................................................................8-20 8.6 Scanner Report ............................................................................................................................................8-21 8.6.1 WCDMA Scanner Handover Analysis Report ...................................................................................8-21 8.6.2 WCDMA Scanner Neighbor Analysis Report....................................................................................8-22 8.7 Theme Report..............................................................................................................................................8-23 8.7.1 WCDMA UE Crossingtable HSDPA .................................................................................................8-23 8.7.2 HSUPA Happy Rate Report ...............................................................................................................8-24

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GENEX Assistant User Manual


8.7.3 WCDMA UE Call Analysis Report....................................................................................................8-25 8.7.4 APPLayer Analysis Report.................................................................................................................8-27 8.7.5 WCDMA UE User Defined Time Delay Report ................................................................................8-28

9 FAQ ...............................................................................................................................................9-1 9.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................9-2 9.2 Software Startup............................................................................................................................................9-2 9.2.1 How to Start the Assistant When the Verification Fails?......................................................................9-2 9.2.2 The Files for East Asian Languages Are Not Installed.........................................................................9-3 9.3 Data Import ...................................................................................................................................................9-3 9.3.1 How to Handle Illegal Operations During the Data Import? ...............................................................9-3 9.3.2 Data on the Probe Cannot Be Imported Properly. ................................................................................9-3 9.3.3 Why the Huawei RNC Data Cannot Be Properly Displayed After Being Imported? ..........................9-4 9.4 Map Operation ..............................................................................................................................................9-4 9.4.1 How to Load the Position of Last Time on the Map? ..........................................................................9-4 9.4.2 How to Change the Map Legend?........................................................................................................9-5 9.4.3 How to Perform Time Filtering on the Map Layer?.............................................................................9-5 9.4.4 The Assistant is quit abnormally when you are moving a legend on the map......................................9-6 9.4.5 On the Map, the Value on the Label and the Color on the Legend Are Inconsistent............................9-6 9.5 Data Display..................................................................................................................................................9-6 9.5.1 Why Does the Icon of Word Collector Turn Grey?..............................................................................9-6 9.5.2 Why Is No Data Displayed After Some Indicators Are Opened?.........................................................9-7 9.5.3 Why the Messages on the BCCH Channel Collected by the Agilent Cannot Be Correctly Displayed? ......................................................................................................................................................................9-7 9.5.4 Why the Analysis Report Item Cannot Be Opened? ............................................................................9-7 9.5.5 Why the RNC Signaling Cannot Automatically Match the Corresponding UE Time During the Import? ......................................................................................................................................................................9-7 9.6 Others ............................................................................................................................................................9-8 9.6.1 In What Scenarios Should the GENEX Shared Components Be Reinstalled?.....................................9-8 9.6.2 Why Engineering Parameters Fail to Be Imported?.............................................................................9-8 9.6.3 The Display of the Map Is Slow After You Import Engineering Parameters Into the Assistant...........9-9


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Issue 06 (2009-06-20)

GENEX Assistant User Manual


Figures Figure 1-1 Flow chart of the Assistant................................................................................................................1-4 Figure 2-1 Flow chart .........................................................................................................................................2-2 Figure 2-2 Customer Information dialog box.....................................................................................................2-4 Figure 3-1 Main interface of the Assistant .........................................................................................................3-2 Figure 3-2 Standard tool bar...............................................................................................................................3-7 Figure 3-3 Chart Tool bar ...................................................................................................................................3-9 Figure 3-4 Sheet tool bar ....................................................................................................................................3-9 Figure 3-5 Engineering parameter tool bar.......................................................................................................3-10 Figure 3-6 Navigation tree ............................................................................................................................... 3-11 Figure 3-7 Operation interface of the Assistant................................................................................................3-12 Figure 3-8 Property view..................................................................................................................................3-13 Figure 3-9 Map window ...................................................................................................................................3-15 Figure 3-10 Graph mode ..................................................................................................................................3-16 Figure 3-11 Histogram mode............................................................................................................................3-17 Figure 3-12 Pie chart mode ..............................................................................................................................3-18 Figure 3-13 Customized chart mode ................................................................................................................3-19 Figure 3-14 Sheet window ...............................................................................................................................3-20 Figure 4-1 New Project dialog box ....................................................................................................................4-2 Figure 4-2 New Dataset dialog box....................................................................................................................4-4 Figure 4-3 Assistant dialog box..........................................................................................................................4-4 Figure 4-4 Modify Dataset Property dialog box.................................................................................................4-5 Figure 4-5 Dataset in the navigation area...........................................................................................................4-6 Figure 4-6 GSM Parameter window.................................................................................................................4-12 Figure 4-7 Please select the Excel file and sheet dialog box ............................................................................4-12 Figure 4-8 GSM Parameter window (displaying the engineering parameter) ..................................................4-13 Figure 4-9 Existing unmatched field in the engineering parameters ................................................................4-14

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GENEX Assistant User Manual


Figure 4-10 Icon used for exporting engineering parameters...........................................................................4-15 Figure 4-11 Icons used for saving and copying engineering parameters..........................................................4-15 Figure 4-12 Engineering Parameter dialog box................................................................................................4-16 Figure 4-13 Setting tab page.............................................................................................................................4-17 Figure 4-14 Engineering parameter display tool bar ........................................................................................4-18 Figure 4-15 W/G Project Parameter dialog box ...............................................................................................4-19 Figure 4-16 Switchover icon between ARFCN and frequency ........................................................................4-19 Figure 4-17 Shortcut menu...............................................................................................................................4-20 Figure 4-18 Show Config Neighbor Cell dialog box........................................................................................4-21 Figure 4-19 CIO Manager dialog box ..............................................................................................................4-22 Figure 4-20 History Operation List window ....................................................................................................4-23 Figure 5-1 Raster Image dialog box ...................................................................................................................5-4 Figure 5-2 Map Legend tab page........................................................................................................................5-5 Figure 5-3 Custom mode ....................................................................................................................................5-6 Figure 5-4 AutoArrange mode............................................................................................................................5-7 Figure 5-5 CustomArrange mode .......................................................................................................................5-8 Figure 5-6 Individual Legend Property dialog box ............................................................................................5-8 Figure 5-7 Map Layers dialog box ................................................................................................................... 5-11 Figure 5-8 Legend List dialog box ...................................................................................................................5-12 Figure 5-9 Individual Value Theme Options dialog box ..................................................................................5-13 Figure 5-10 Ranged Theme Options dialog box...............................................................................................5-13 Figure 5-11 Displaying legends........................................................................................................................5-14 Figure 5-12 Legend Style dialog box ...............................................................................................................5-15 Figure 5-13 Layer Control dialog box..............................................................................................................5-16 Figure 5-14 Offset Layer dialog box ................................................................................................................5-19 Figure 6-1 Import GENEX Probe File dialog box..............................................................................................6-4 Figure 6-2 Import Huawei RNC File dialog box................................................................................................6-5 Figure 6-3 Import PHU File dialog box .............................................................................................................6-7 Figure 6-4 Import TXT File dialog box..............................................................................................................6-8 Figure 6-5 Import File List window ...................................................................................................................6-9 Figure 6-6 Delete Exceptional Data dialog box for UE ActiveSet RSCP ........................................................6-10 Figure 6-7 Filter dialog box.............................................................................................................................. 6-11 Figure 6-8 Combine Device dialog box ...........................................................................................................6-13


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GENEX Assistant User Manual


Figure 6-9 Modify Device Name dialog box....................................................................................................6-14 Figure 6-10 Combining devices complete........................................................................................................6-14 Figure 6-11 Data displayed on an active sheet .................................................................................................6-15 Figure 6-12 RSCP Max for SC90 in Activeset on an active sheet....................................................................6-16 Figure 6-13 Lines connecting test points and base stations..............................................................................6-17 Figure 6-14 Playback control buttons...............................................................................................................6-17 Figure 6-15 Coverage area of a cell..................................................................................................................6-19 Figure 6-16 Disabling the setting of cell parameters........................................................................................6-20 Figure 6-17 Disabling simulation data of a single site .....................................................................................6-20 Figure 6-18 Analyzing pilot pollution ..............................................................................................................6-21 Figure 6-19 Modify Series Data dialog box .....................................................................................................6-22 Figure 6-20 Selecting statistical data................................................................................................................6-23 Figure 6-21 Highlighting selected signaling.....................................................................................................6-24 Figure 6-22 Custom Display on Chart..............................................................................................................6-25 Figure 6-23 Crossing chart ...............................................................................................................................6-25 Figure 6-24 Menu of comparing analysis data .................................................................................................6-26 Figure 6-25 Menu of comparing analysis data .................................................................................................6-27 Figure 6-26 Select Binning Type dialog box ....................................................................................................6-27 Figure 6-27 Data locking function ...................................................................................................................6-28 Figure 6-28 Multi-window synchronization.....................................................................................................6-29 Figure 6-29 Reporting Setting dialog box ........................................................................................................6-32 Figure 7-1 UE Indicator .....................................................................................................................................7-2 Figure 7-2 UE Pilot Summary............................................................................................................................7-3 Figure 7-3 Choose Msg dialog box ....................................................................................................................7-6 Figure 7-4 Entering an indicator name .............................................................................................................7-26 Figure 7-5 TXT indicator display .....................................................................................................................7-26 Figure 7-6 Band information ............................................................................................................................7-36 Figure 7-7 Frequency number ..........................................................................................................................7-38 Figure 7-8 Scanner Coverage Summary (Ec/Io) ..............................................................................................7-41 Figure 7-9 Scanner Coverage Summary (RSCP) .............................................................................................7-41 Figure 8-1 Report Setting dialog box .................................................................................................................8-2 Figure 8-2 Smart Report Guide-First Step dialog box (Setting tab page) ..........................................................8-4 Figure 8-3 ImportFiles tab page .........................................................................................................................8-5

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GENEX Assistant User Manual


Figure 8-4 Smart Report Guide-Second Step dialog box ...................................................................................8-6 Figure 8-5 Cover of the smart report ..................................................................................................................8-7 Figure 8-6 Smart Report Guide-First Step dialog box........................................................................................8-8 Figure 8-7 Smart Report Guide-Second Step dialog box ...................................................................................8-9 Figure 8-8 Custom Report Setup dialog box ....................................................................................................8-10 Figure 8-9 WCDMA KPI Report cover............................................................................................................8-13 Figure 8-10 WCDMA KPI Report - Coverage page.........................................................................................8-14 Figure 8-11 WCDMA KPI Report - Accessibility page ...................................................................................8-14 Figure 8-12 WCDMA KPI Report - Retainability page ...................................................................................8-14 Figure 8-13 WCDMA KPI Report - Service integrity page .............................................................................8-15 Figure 8-14 WCDMA KPI Report - Mobility page..........................................................................................8-15 Figure 8-15 WCDMA KPI Report - Other KPIs page......................................................................................8-16 Figure 8-16 WCDMA KPI Timing Delay Report.............................................................................................8-16 Figure 8-17 GSM MS Call Analysis report ......................................................................................................8-17 Figure 8-18 GSM Drive Test Statistics report ..................................................................................................8-18 Figure 8-19 GSM Handover Statistics report ...................................................................................................8-18 Figure 8-20 FTP data layer performance report ...............................................................................................8-19 Figure 8-21 GMM Event Statistics report ........................................................................................................8-19 Figure 8-22 Physical Layer Indicator report.....................................................................................................8-20 Figure 8-23 RLC BLER and Retransmissions report .......................................................................................8-20 Figure 8-24 WAP Testing Statistic report .........................................................................................................8-21 Figure 8-25 WCDMA Scanner Handover Analysis report ...............................................................................8-22 Figure 8-26 WCDMA Scanner Neighbor Cell Analysis report ........................................................................8-23 Figure 8-27 WCDMA UE Crossingtable HSDPA report..................................................................................8-24 Figure 8-28 HSUPA Happy Rate report ...........................................................................................................8-25 Figure 8-29 WCDMA UE Call Analysis report................................................................................................8-26 Figure 8-30 AppLayer Analysis report .............................................................................................................8-27 Figure 8-31 WCDMA User defined Time Delay Report..................................................................................8-28


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Tables Table 1-1 Functions of the Assistant...................................................................................................................1-2 Table 1-2 Procedures for analyzing data.............................................................................................................1-5 Table 2-1 System configuration..........................................................................................................................2-2 Table 2-2 Directory structure of the Assistant ....................................................................................................2-6 Table 3-1 Elements in the main interface ...........................................................................................................3-2 Table 3-2 Functions of the items on the Project menu........................................................................................3-3 Table 3-3 Description of items on the Dataset menu ..........................................................................................3-3 Table 3-4 Functions of the items on the View menu...........................................................................................3-5 Table 3-5 Functions of the items on the Window menu .....................................................................................3-5 Table 3-6 Functions of the items on the Help menu ...........................................................................................3-6 Table 3-7 Functions of the icons on the standard tool bar ..................................................................................3-7 Table 3-8 Functions of the icons on the map tool bar.........................................................................................3-7 Table 3-9 Buttons on the chart tool bar...............................................................................................................3-9 Table 3-10 Buttons on the sheet tool bar ..........................................................................................................3-10 Table 3-11 Icons on the engineering parameter tool bar...................................................................................3-10 Table 3-12 Indicators on the WCDMA Scanner Coverage tab page.................................................................3-13 Table 3-13 Indicators on the GSM MS Measurement tab page ........................................................................3-14 Table 3-14 Areas on the status bar ....................................................................................................................3-14 Table 4-1 Parameters on the Setting tab page .....................................................................................................4-6 Table 4-2 Parameters on the Binning Type tab page...........................................................................................4-8 Table 4-3 Fields in the WCDMA engineering parameter table...........................................................................4-9 Table 4-4 Fields in the GSM engineering parameter table ...............................................................................4-10 Table 4-5 Functions of buttons on the tab page ................................................................................................4-16 Table 4-6 Description of the parameters...........................................................................................................4-17 Table 4-7 Functions of the icons on the tool bar...............................................................................................4-18 Table 4-8 Functions of buttons in the dialog box .............................................................................................4-22

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GENEX Assistant User Manual


Table 5-1 Formats supported by the MapInfo.....................................................................................................5-2 Table 5-2 Functions of the parameters in the Legend Style dialog box ............................................................5-15 Table 5-3 Parameters in the Layer Control dialog box .....................................................................................5-17 Table 5-4 Description of parameters in the Display Properties dialog box.......................................................5-17 Table 5-5 Description of parameters in the Label Properties dialog box..........................................................5-17 Table 5-6 Functions of parameters in the dialog box........................................................................................5-19 Table 6-1 Parameters in the Delete Exceptional Data dialog box.....................................................................6-10 Table 6-2 Parameter in the Filter dialog box .................................................................................................... 6-11 Table 6-3 Description of the filtered events......................................................................................................6-12 Table 6-4 Description of data display modes....................................................................................................6-16 Table 6-5 Playback control buttons ..................................................................................................................6-17 Table 6-6 Data statistical function ....................................................................................................................6-23 Table 6-7 Description of the keywords in the layer 3 configuration file ..........................................................6-24 Table 6-8 Parameters in the Select Binning Type dialog box ...........................................................................6-28 Table 6-9 Window cooperation.........................................................................................................................6-29 Table 6-10 Functions provided by Word Collector...........................................................................................6-30 Table 6-11 Parameters in the Reporting Setting dialog box..............................................................................6-32 Table 7-1 Description of the Active Set indicators .............................................................................................7-3 Table 7-2 Description of the Power Control indicators ......................................................................................7-4 Table 7-3 Description of the indicators of Throughput.......................................................................................7-5 Table 7-4 Parameters description in the Choose Msg dialog box .......................................................................7-6 Table 7-5 Description of the MOS indicators .....................................................................................................7-7 Table 7-6 Description of GSM indicators...........................................................................................................7-7 Table 7-7 Indicators in GPRS mode .................................................................................................................7-12 Table 7-8 Description of L3 Message indicators ..............................................................................................7-14 Table 7-9 Description of the UE Phone Event indicators .................................................................................7-15 Table 7-10 Description of the Statistic As Site indicators.................................................................................7-22 Table 7-11 Description of the HSDPA indicators .............................................................................................7-23 Table 7-12 Description of the HS-DSCH Decoding Statistics indicators .........................................................7-23 Table 7-13 Description of the HSUPA indicators .............................................................................................7-25 Table 7-14 Description of Accessibility indicators ...........................................................................................7-27 Table 7-15 Description of the Retainability indicators .....................................................................................7-27 Table 7-16 Description of the Service Integrality indicators ............................................................................7-27


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Table 7-17 Description of the Mobility indicators............................................................................................7-28 Table 7-18 Description of the Delay indicators ................................................................................................7-28 Table 7-19 Description of the Coverage indicators ..........................................................................................7-28 Table 7-20 Description of the Accessibility indicators .....................................................................................7-29 Table 7-21 Description of the Retainability indicators .....................................................................................7-30 Table 7-22 Description of the Service integrity indicators ...............................................................................7-30 Table 7-23 Description of the Mobility indicators............................................................................................7-31 Table 7-24 Description of the Delay indicators ................................................................................................7-33 Table 7-25 Description of the Other indicators.................................................................................................7-35 Table 7-26 Description of the RxLev indicators...............................................................................................7-36 Table 7-27 Description of C/I indicators. .........................................................................................................7-36 Table 7-28 Description of the C/A indicators ...................................................................................................7-37 Table 7-29 Description of the BCCH Along With BSIC indicators..................................................................7-37 Table 7-30 Description of the Nth Best indicators............................................................................................7-38 Table 7-31 Description of the Ec/Io indicators .................................................................................................7-39 Table 7-32 Description of the RSCP indicators ................................................................................................7-39 Table 7-33 Description of the Pilot Pollution indicators...................................................................................7-39 Table 7-34 Description of the HO Event indicators..........................................................................................7-40 Table 7-35 Description of the RNC indicators .................................................................................................7-42 Table 8-1 Parameters in the Report Setting dialog box ......................................................................................8-2 Table 8-2 Parameters on the Setting tab page .....................................................................................................8-4 Table 8-3 Description of the ImportFile tab page ...............................................................................................8-5 Table 8-4 Parameter setting of the Smart Report Guide-Second Step dialog box ..............................................8-6 Table 8-5 Parameter setting of the First Step dialog box ....................................................................................8-8 Table 8-6 Description of parameters of the Custom Report Setup dialog box.................................................. 8-11 Table 8-7 Important indicators of WCDMA.....................................................................................................8-13 Table 8-8 Delay KPIs........................................................................................................................................8-16 Table 9-1 Soft handover statistics.......................................................................................................................9-4

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GENEX Assistant User Manual

1 Introduction to the Assistant


Introduction to the Assistant

About This Chapter The following table lists the contents of this chapter. Section


1.1 Overview

The general introduction to the Assistant and the benefits to users.

1.2 Functions

The functions provided by the Assistant.

1.3 Operation Mode

The operation modes of the Assistant.

1.4 Application Scenarios

The application scenarios of the Assistant.

1.5 Work Flow

The work flow of the Assistant.

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GENEX Assistant User Manual

1 Introduction to the Assistant

1.1 Overview The GENEX Assistant is the professional background processing software for wireless test data. It supports the following wireless network technologies: z




The Assistant optimizes and handles test data such as drive test (DT) data and RNC data related to the air interface on a wireless network and exports analysis reports. The Assistant benefits network planning and optimizing engineers in the following ways: z

Thoroughly understanding network performance


Quickly and effectively analyzing network problems


Improving working efficiency

The Assistant provides the following features: z

Quickly and effectively obtaining the information about the quality of the entire network


Reducing test workload incurred by network adjustment


Providing thorough and useful information about problem locating and optimization analysis


Providing sharable analysis, which reduces the requirements for optimization skills of engineers

1.2 Functions Table 1-1 lists the main functions provided by the Assistant. Table 1-1 Functions of the Assistant




Supporting the import of multiple test data


The Assistant analyzes the test data collected on WCDMA and GSM networks.


The Assistant supports the data collected from the following test devices: GENEX Probe, Qualcomm test UE, Huawei test UE, Huawei RNC, DTI scanner, Anritsu scanner, Probe Handset Unit (PHU). The Assistant also supports the import of TXT data. The Assistant provides preferable display and analysis for test indicators.


The Assistant supports multiple expanded types of DT data. For a new type of device, you need to update only the associated file.

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GENEX Assistant User Manual

1 Introduction to the Assistant



Supporting multiple modes of data display


The data display modes are as follows: Geographic display, curve chart, customized coordinates chart, Probability Distribution Function (PDF) chart, and data table. You can perform common operations such as moving or deleting operation on each chart.


The Assistant supports synchronization display of data in multiple windows. That is, the data in each window is dynamically displayed based on the time for selecting data in the main window. It supports synchronization display of data in all e-maps, charts, sheets, and signaling events.

Supporting multiple modes of data export


The Assistant can export data in .bmp, jpg, gif, png, .txt, or .xls format.


Word collector: Using the word collector, the Assistant exports the browsed pictures and data tables to a specified file in .doc format. In this way, you need not copy and paste the pictures and tables.

Automatically generating analysis reports

The Assistant automatically generates analysis reports such as drive test reports, WCDMA KPI reports, GSM reports, scanner reports, custom reports, and theme reports.

New features


Intelligent report system: The Assistant can automatically generate a DT summary report of WCDMA or GSM.


Parsing the perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) package: The Assistant can parse the PESQ packages of various marking mechanisms.


High speed uplink packet access (HSUPA) statistical analysis: It represents current network performance, parameter configuration, rate statistics, channel decoding statistics, and service performance, obtains uplink packet access (UPA) events by parsing L3 signaling, and uses different display modes to display UPA events.

1.3 Operation Mode The Assistant is a software used for post-processing, which can run without using any special hardware. Correspondingly, the Probe is a foreground DT data collection software. It can collect signals through different devices such as scanner and UE. The Assistant imports the test data collected by the Probe from different test devices for analysis.

1.4 Application Scenarios The Assistant is used with the Probe in the following application scenarios: z

BTS performance verification


On the early stage of network construction, you need to test and evaluate the site verification.


Network performance evaluation

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GENEX Assistant User Manual

1 Introduction to the Assistant

On the stage of network operation and maintenance, the Assistant analyzes the drive test data and thus provides a reference for network performance evaluation. z

BTS fault location During the network operation, the Assistant can locate network faults by analyzing the test data.

1.5 Work Flow Figure 1-1 shows the flow chart of the Assistant. Figure 1-1 Flow chart of the Assistant Start

Installing the software

Creating a project

Creating a dataset

Importing analysis data

Filtering analysis data

Importing engineering parameters

Analyzing data

Displaying analysis data

Generating analysis data

Generating analysis reports



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GENEX Assistant User Manual

1 Introduction to the Assistant

Table 1-2 lists the procedures in Assistant data post-processing process. Table 1-2 Procedures for analyzing data Step





Installing the software

Install the main program of the Assistant and the GENEX Shared components.

For details, see Chapter 2 Installing Software.


Creating a project

Create a project.

For details, see section 4.1.2 "Creating a Project."

Opening a project

Open a project that already exists.

For details, see section 4.1.3 "Opening a Project."

Creating a dataset

Create a dataset.

For details, see section 4.2.3 "Creating a Dataset."

Importing a dataset

Import a dataset that already exists.

For details, see section 4.2.2 "Importing a Dataset."


Importing analysis data

Import the data collected from multiple devices to the created dataset.

For details, see section "6.1 Importing Analysis Data."


Filtering analysis data

Filter the data that need not be analyzed.

For details, see section 6.2 "Filtering Exceptional Data."


Importing engineering parameters

Import configuration parameters to the created dataset.


For details about how to import engineering parameters, see section 4.3.3 "Importing Engineering Parameters."


For details about how to import neighboring parameters, see section 4.3.9 "Importing Neighbor Data."


For details about how to import Cell Individual Offset (CIO) parameters, see section 4.3.11 "Adding CIO Parameters."


For details about how to display data, see section 6.5 "Displaying Analysis Data."


For details of indicators, see chapter 7 "Analysis Indicator."



Displaying analysis data

View analysis items using different methods.


Generating analysis data

Generate analysis data.

For details about how to export analysis data, see sections "6.6 Exporting Analysis Data."


Generating analysis reports

Generate various analysis reports.

For detailed about how to export analysis report, see chapter 8 "Analysis Report."

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GENEX Assistant User Manual

2 Installing Software


Installing Software

About This Chapter The following table lists the contents of this chapter. Section


2.1 Installation Description

The flow chart of installing the Assistant.

2.2 Checking Installation Environment

The required configuration for installing the Assistant.

2.3 Installing the GENEX Shared Components

The procedures for installing the GENEX Shared components.

2.4 Installing the Assistant

The procedures for installing the Assistant.

2.5 License Management

How to apply for and update a license.

2.6 Installation Check

How to check whether the Assistant is installed.

2.7 Uninstalling Software

The procedures for uninstalling GENEX software.

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GENEX Assistant User Manual

2 Installing Software

2.1 Installation Description Figure 2-1 shows the flow chart of installing the Assistant. Figure 2-1 Flow chart Start

Checking installation environment Installing the GENEX Shared Installing the GENEX Assistant


2.2 Checking Installation Environment 2.2.1 Checking System Configuration Table 2-1 lists the hardware required for installing and operating the Assistant. Table 2-1 System configuration Configuration Type

Configuration Item

Installation Requirement

Minimum configuration


Pentium III 1 GHz



Hard disk

1 GB spare disk space


Pentium III IV 1.4GHz


512 MB

Hard disk

10 GB spare disk space or more

Video graphics adapters (VGA)

1024 x 768, 16-bit color or higher

External interface

At least one parallel port or USB port to connect the dongle

Recommended configuration

Common configuration


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2 Installing Software

Configuration Type

Configuration Item

Installation Requirement

Operating system

Windows 2000 SP3 or a later version

2.2.2 Checking System Environment The items to be checked are as follows: z

Whether the power of the display is well connected


Whether the power load of the socket exceeds the permissible load (If the load is too high, a fire accident may occur.)

2.3 Installing the GENEX Shared Components The GENEX Shared components support the Assistant. z

To ensure that other GENEX products can work properly, the GENEX Shared components are not removed if you uninstall the Assistant.


If the GENEX Shared components are installed on your computer, skip the installation of the components. In case of the Assistant upgrade, Huawei recommends that the GENEX Shared components be reinstalled because the components may also be upgraded.

To install the GENEX Shared components, perform the following steps: Step 1 Double-click the setup.exe file. The InstallShield Wizard dialog box is displayed. Step 2 Click Next. Step 3 In the License Agreement dialog box, click Yes. Step 4 When the installation is complete, Click Finish. The following components are automatically installed: z

MapX components: support the Map process.


TeeChart components: refer to the development controls on the icon interface.


OWC components: provide the automatic control for uploading the electronic sheets, charts, and database to the Web.


Dongle driver: maintains the version authorization.


2.4 Installing the Assistant To install the Assistant, perform the following steps: Step 1 Double-click the setup.exe file. The InstallShield Wizard dialog box is displayed. Step 2 Click Next. Step 3 In the License Agreement dialog box, select I accept the items of the license agreement.

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GENEX Assistant User Manual

2 Installing Software

Step 4 Click Next. Step 5 In the Customer Information dialog box shown in Figure 2-2, enter names in the User name and Company name fields. Figure 2-2 Customer Information dialog box

Step 6 Click Next. Step 7 In the Choose Destination Location dialog box, click Change to specify the directory for saving the Assistant. Step 8 Click Next. Step 9 In the Ready to Install the Program dialog box, click Install. Step 10 When the installation is complete, click Finish. ----End

2.5 License Management 2.5.1 Plugging in the Dongle The functions of the Assistant are controlled by the dongle. To use all the functions of the Assistant, you must plug in the dongle.


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2 Installing Software

The dongle is a device that provides the user with the authorization to use the Assistant. License is integrated with the dongle. Therefore, you must plug the dongle into the computer to obtain the permission to use the Assistant. For the detailed installation of the dongle, refer to the relevant usage guide. The dongle does not support remote login. For remote login, you need a software license.

2.5.2 Updating License When a license file, that is, the .lic file expires, you need to update the license file. To update a license file, perform the following steps: Step 1 Choose Start > All Programs > GENEX Drive Test Solution > GENEX Assistant 1.53 > Assistant to run the Assistant main program. Step 2 On the displayed main interface of Assistant, choose Help > View ESN. Step 3 Send the ESN to Huawei technical support engineer and wait for a new license. Normally, the new license will be delivered in two to three days. Step 4 Update the new license for the dongle. 1.

On the main interface of Assistant, choose Help > Update License.


In the Update License dialog box, click Browse to select the new license (.lic file).


Click Update.


In the displayed dialog box for confirmation, click OK. When updating the new license for the dongle, ensure that only the dongle for the Assistant is plugged into the computer.


2.5.3 Viewing License Information Choose Help > License Info. View the license information in the displayed License Info dialog box.

2.6 Installation Check 2.6.1 Confirming the Version Information Choose Help > About Assistant in the main window of the Assistant. View the version information in the About Assistant window.

2.6.2 Description of the Installation Directory After the Assistant is installed, the following directory structure is formed in the installation directory, as listed in Table 2-2.

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GENEX Assistant User Manual

2 Installing Software

Table 2-2 Directory structure of the Assistant Folder Bin

pdf manual

Description Analyse

Stores application analysis modules.


Stores files of GPS filter configuration and intelligent report configuration.


Stores data import modules.


Stores running logs of applications.


Stores the message parsing files such as RRC and NAS.


Stores customized event configuration modules.


Stores the message parsing files such as GSM Medium Access Control (MAC)/Radio Link Control (RLC).


Stores unpack files and agreement files.


Stores custom event files based on signaling procedures.


Stores Chinese help documents.


Stores English help documents.


Stores the template files that require for importing custom configuration files, such as template file for engineering parameters, neighbor cell import, WCDMA CIO, and TXT indicators.


Stores the template files that the system uses to automatically generate reports, such as GSM event report.

2.7 Uninstalling Software 2.7.1 Uninstalling the GENEX Shared Components You can use either of the following methods to uninstall the GENEX Shared components: z

Double-click the Setup.exe file in the software installation disk.


Choose Start > Control Panel, double-click Add or Delete Programs, and then select the Shared components to uninstall.

This section takes the second method as an example to describe how to uninstall the Shared components. To uninstall the Shared components, perform the following steps: Step 1 Choose Start > Control Panel. Double-click Add or Remove Programs. Step 2 Select Shared, and then click Remove. Step 3 In the Modify, repair, or remove the program dialog box, select Remove. Step 4 Click Next.


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GENEX Assistant User Manual

2 Installing Software

Step 5 In the Confirm Uninstall dialog box, click OK. Step 6 After the Shared components are uninstalled, click Finish. ----End

2.7.2 Uninstalling the Assistant You can use any of the following methods to uninstall the Assistant software: z

Double-click the Setup.exe file in the software installation disk.


Choose Start > Control Panel. Double-click Add or Delete Programs, and then select the Assistant software to be uninstalled.


Choose Start > All Programs > GENEX Drive Test Solution > GENEX Assistant 1.53 > Uninstall Assistant.

This section takes the third method as an example to describe how to uninstall the Assistant software. To uninstall the Assistant software, perform the following steps: Step 1 Choose Start > All Program > GENEX Drive Test Solution > GENEX Assistant 1.53 > Uninstall Assistant. Step 2 In the Modify, repair, or remove the program dialog box, select Remove. Step 3 Click Next. Step 4 In the Confirm Uninstall dialog box, click OK. The system starts to uninstall the Assistant. Step 5 After the Assistant is uninstalled, click Finish. The uninstall of the Assistant is complete. ----End

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GENEX Assistant User Manual

3 User Interface


User Interface

About This Chapter The following table lists the contents of this chapter. Section


3.1 Main Interface

The main interface of the Assistant.

3.2 Menu Bar

The system menus in the main interface.

3.3 Toolbar

The toolbar in the main interface.

3.4 Navigation Tree

The navigation tree in the main interface.

3.5 Operation Interface

The operation interface in the main interface.

3.6 Property View

The property view in the main interface.

3.7 System Status Bar

The system status bar in the main interface.

3.8 Data Window

The display window of five types of data.

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GENEX Assistant User Manual

3 User Interface

3.1 Main Interface Figure 3-1 shows the main interface of the Assistant. Figure 3-1 Main interface of the Assistant

Table 3-1 lists the elements in the main interface. Table 3-1 Elements in the main interface





Menu bar. See section 3.2 "Menu Bar."


Toolbar. See section 3.3 "Toolbar."


Navigation tree. See section 3.4 "Navigation Tree."


Operation interface. See section 3.5 "Operation Interface."


Property view. See section 3.6 "Property View."


System status bar. See section 3.7 "System Status Bar."

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3 User Interface

3.2 Menu Bar 3.2.1 Overview The system menu bar comprises five menus, namely, Project, Dataset, View, Window, and Help. You can perform operations to the Assistant through the system menu bar.

3.2.2 Project Menu Table 3-2 lists the functions of the items on the Project menu. Table 3-2 Functions of the items on the Project menu Submenu



New Project

Creates a project

For details, see section 4.1.2 "Creating a Project."

Open Project

Opens a project

For details, see section 4.1.3 "Opening a Project."

Close Project

Closes a project

For details, see section 4.1.4 "Closing a Project."

Import Dataset

Imports a dataset

For details, see section 4.2.2 "Importing a Dataset."

Set Map Path

Sets a map path

For details, see section 5.1.3 "Importing a MapInfo Map."

Remove Map Path

Removes a map path

For details, see section 5.1.4 "Deleting a MapInfo Map."


Exits the Assistant


3.2.3 Dataset Menu Table 3-3 lists the functions of the items on the Dataset menu. Table 3-3 Description of items on the Dataset menu Submenu



New Dataset

Creating a dataset

For details, see section 4.2.3 "Creating a Dataset."

Remove Dataset

Removing a dataset

For details, see section 4.2.4 "Removing a Dataset."

Export Dataset

Exporting a dataset

For details, see section 4.2.5 "Exporting a Dataset."

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3 User Interface




Modify Dataset Property

Modifying the dataset property

For details about dataset property, see section 4.2.6 "Modifying the Dataset Property."

Delete Exceptional Data

Deleting exceptional data

For details, see section 6.2 "Filtering Exceptional Data."


Filtering indicators

For details, see section 6.3 "Filtering Indicator."

Unlock Dataset GPS Range

Unlocking the current dataset

For details on the locking of dataset, see section 6.5.7 "Locking Analysis Data."

Import File List

Indicating the list of imported files

For details, see section 6.1.6 "Viewing the List of Imported Files."

Report Wizard

Indicating the intelligent report function

For details, see section 8.3 "Generating Reports Through the Wizard."


Referring to the WCDMA CIO parameter manager

For details, see section 4.3.11 "Adding CIO Parameters."

Combine Device

Combining devices

For details, see section 6.4 "Combining Analysis Data."

Import Engineering Parameter

Importing engineering parameters

For details, see section 4.3.3 "Importing Engineering Parameters."

Import Neighbor Cell Config

Importing the configuration of neighbors

For details, see section 4.3.9 "Importing Neighbor Data."

Display on Map

Displaying data on a map

For details, see section 3.8.2 "Map Window."

Display on Chart

Displaying data on a chart

For details, see section 3.8.3 "Graph Window."

Display on Caky

Displaying data on a pie chart

For details, see section 3.8.3 "Graph Window."

Display on Histogram

Displaying data on a histogram

For details, see section 3.8.3 "Graph Window."

Display on Sheet

Displaying data on a sheet

For details, see section 3.8.4 "Sheet Window."

3.2.4 View Menu Table 3-4 lists the functions of the items on the View menu.


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3 User Interface

Table 3-4 Functions of the items on the View menu Submenu



Tool bars

Determining whether to display tool bars


Standard Tool bar: Determines whether to display the standard tool bar. See section 3.3.2 "Standard Tool bar."


Project Bar: Determines whether to display the Project tab page in the navigation area.


Map Legend Bar: Determines whether to display the Map Legend tab page in the navigation area.


Word Collector Bar: Determines whether to display the Word Collector tab page in the navigation area.

Status Bar

Determining whether to display the status bar


Properties Bar

Determining whether to display the properties bar


WCDMA Scanner Coverage Bar: Determines whether to display the WCDMA Scanner Coverage tab page in the property view.


WCDMA UE Measurement Bar: Determines whether to display the WCDMA UE Measurement tab page in the property view.


GSM MS Measurement Bar: Determines whether to display the GSM MS Measurement tab page in the property view.


Site Information Bar: Determines whether to display the Site Information tab page in the property view.

Application Look

Selecting the look of applications

You can select the look of Microsoft Visual Studio 97/2005/.Net, Office 2003, and Windows XP.

3.2.5 Window Menu Table 3-5 lists the functions of the items on the Window menu. Table 3-5 Functions of the items on the Window menu Submenu




Cascading displayed windows

When Cascade is selected, the Assistant cascades the displayed windows.

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3 User Interface




Tile Horizontal

Displaying windows in a tile horizontal way

When Tile Horizontal is selected, the Assistant horizontally drags all displayed windows on the operation interface and displays them from top to bottom.

Tile Vertical

Displaying windows in a tile vertical way

When Tile Vertical is selected, the Assistant vertically pulls all displayed windows on the operation interface and displays them from left to right.

Arrange Icons

Arranging icons

When Arrange Icons is selected, the Assistant ranges all minimized windows displayed on the operation interface.

Close All Windows

Closing all windows

When Close All Windows is selected, the Assistant closes all displayed windows on the operation interface.

3.2.6 Help Menu Table 3-6 lists the functions of the items on the Help menu. Table 3-6 Functions of the items on the Help menu Submenu



Providing help documents

About Assistant dialog box

Providing information about the Assistant

View ESN

Viewing the electronic serial number (ESN) of the dongle

View License

Viewing the license information about the dongle

Update License

Updating the license

3.3 Toolbar 3.3.1 Overview You can perform common operations through the tool bar.

3.3.2 Standard Tool bar Figure 3-2 shows the standard tool bar.


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Figure 3-2 Standard tool bar

Table 3-7 lists the functions of the buttons on the tool bar. Table 3-7 Functions of the icons on the standard tool bar Button

Function Creating a project Opening a project Closing a project Creating a dataset Setting a map path Generating an intelligent report Modifying the dataset property Providing the Assistant help documents Providing the version information about the Assistant Adding or deleting a button on the tool bar

3.3.3 Map Tool bar The map tool bar is used when data is displayed on a map. For details about data display modes, see section 6.5.2 Displaying Data on a Map." Table 3-8 lists the functions of the icons on the map tool bar. Table 3-8 Functions of the icons on the map tool bar Button

Function Displaying engineering parameters For details, see section 4.3.7 "Modifying the Display Mode for Engineering Parameters." Playing the data back and controls data playback For details, see section 6.5.2 "Data Playback Control."

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Function Locking data For details, see section 6.5.7 "Locking Analysis Data." Operating a map

Selecting data

Measuring distance You can measure custom distance and the total distance of selected data. Changing map layers For details, see section 5.3 "Operating a Map Layer." Displaying or hiding legends For details, see section 5.2.11 "Displaying or Hiding a Legend." Setting up projection For details, see section 6.5.2 "Setting Projection Reference Frame." Importing indoor and outdoor raster maps For details, see sections 5.1.5 "Importing an Outdoor Raster Map" and 5.1.6 "Importing an Indoor Raster Map." Copying the images on the map window to clipboard in .png format. Exporting the data For details, see section 6.6.3 "Exporting Data from a Map." Exporting various types of data to a .doc file For details, see section 6.6.2 "Exporting Data Through Word Collector." Setting legends and legend identifiers For details, see sections 5.2.12 "Setting a Legend Style", 5.2.10 "Modifying a Legend Theme", and 5.2.8 "Loading a Legend for Parameters." Saving to the current location, download location, and viewing the complete graph. Displays the ruler and raster on a map.


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3.3.4 Chart Tool bar You can use the icons on the chart tool bar when you query data in a diagram, histogram, pie chart, or customized diagram. For details on data query, see 6.5.3 "Displaying Data on a Chart." Figure 3-3 shows the chart tool bar. Figure 3-3 Chart Tool bar

Table 3-9 lists the functions of the icons on the chart tool bar. Table 3-9 Buttons on the chart tool bar Button

Function Indicating the normal mode Rotating a chart Moving a chart Zooming in on a chart Adjusting the depth of a chart Displaying a chart in 3D mode Setting the properties of a chart Printing a selected chart Snapshooting an active window Saving the current chart

3.3.5 Sheet Tool bar You can use the icons on the sheet tool bar when you query data in sheet mode. For details, see section 6.5.4 "Displaying Data on a Sheet." Figure 3-4 shows the sheet tool bar. Figure 3-4 Sheet tool bar

Table 3-10 lists the functions of the icons on the sheet tool bar.

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Table 3-10 Buttons on the sheet tool bar Button

Function Selecting and reselecting data Copying the selected data in the sheet Searching for the data in the sheet Deleting the selected data This operation permanently deletes the data from database. Collecting the data statistics For details, see section 6.5.4 "Displaying Data on a Sheet." Exporting the data For details, see section 6.6.4 "Exporting Data From a Sheet." Exporting various types of data to a .doc file For details, see section 6.6.2 "Exporting Data Through Word Collector." Locking the data For details, see section 6.5.7 "Locking Analysis Data." Measuring the length of the area for the selected data

3.3.6 Engineering Parameter Tool bar The engineering parameter tool bar is used for importing engineering parameters. Figure 3-5 shows the engineering parameter tool bar. For details about how to import engineering parameters, see section 4.3.3 "Importing Engineering Parameters." Figure 3-5 Engineering parameter tool bar

Table 3-11 lists the functions of the icons on the engineering parameter tool bar. Table 3-11 Icons on the engineering parameter tool bar Button

Function Opening an engineering parameter file Verifying data Importing engineering parameters Exporting engineering parameters


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Function Saving engineering parameters Converting frequency and ARFCN Selecting a table header Automatically matching with a table header Canceling the header match Canceling the match for all headers Copying engineering parameters Displaying the names of matched headers

3.4 Navigation Tree 3.4.1 Overview The navigation tree comprises three tab pages, namely, Project, Map Legend, and Word Collector, as shown in Figure 3-6. Figure 3-6 Navigation tree

3.4.2 Project Tab Page On the Project tab page, various types of data are sorted out. Thus, you can view and analyze data in the data window. For details about the indicators on the tab page, see chapter 7 "Analysis Indicator".

3.4.3 Map Legend Tab Page The Map Legend tab page shows default and customized legends. For details on custom legends, see section 5.2 "Operating a Legend."

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3.4.4 Word Collector Tab Page On the Word Collector tab page, you can collect all types of information and import the information to a .doc file. For details on the word collector, see section 6.6.2 "Exporting Data Through Word Collector."

3.5 Operation Interface The Assistant work platform contains the tabs for the display and analysis of various test data. Each tab on the tool bar stands for a window, for example, the Chart, the Sheet, the Map, or the Message window. You can range the windows by using the options on the Window menu. Figure 3-7 shows the operation interface. Figure 3-7 Operation interface of the Assistant

3.6 Property View 3.6.1 Overview The property view comprises four tab pages, namely, WCDMA Scanner Coverage, WCDMA MS Pilot Measurement, GSM MS Measurement and Site Information, as shown in Figure 3-8.


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Figure 3-8 Property view

Choose View > Property Bar. In the displayed submenu, choose an option to display the corresponding tab.

3.6.2 WCDMA Scanner Coverage Tab Page The WCDMA Scanner Coverage tab page shows the WCDMA scanner test information about the selected DT point. Table 3-12 lists the indicators on the WCDMA Scanner Coverage tab page. Table 3-12 Indicators on the WCDMA Scanner Coverage tab page Field











Received signal code power


Signal noise ratio of the forward pilot channel


Total received power



3.6.3 WCDMA MS Pilot Measurement Tab Page The WCDMA MS Pilot Measurement tab page shows the information about the active set, monitor set, and detected set of a selected DT point. The indicators on the WCDMA MS Pilot Measurement tab page are the same as those on the WCDMA Scanner Coverage tab page.

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3.6.4 GSM MS Measurement Tab Page The GSM MS Measurement tab page shows the information about cells and the GSM networks which the selected DT points belong to. Table 3-13 lists the indicators on the GSM MS Measurement tab page. Table 3-13 Indicators on the GSM MS Measurement tab page Field










3.6.5 Site Information Tab Page The Site Information tab page shows the information about the current selected site. For the details about how to import site information, see section 4.3.3 "Importing Engineering Parameters."

3.7 System Status Bar Table 3-14 lists the buttons on the status bar. Table 3-14 Areas on the status bar Parameter

Function The menu prompt tells the function description of this menu when the menu is chosen. When you measure distance, the map scale shows the actual distance and total distance between two closest points. Displaying the longitude and latitude value of the point where the pointer is placed. This information shows the status of the following buttons: CAP, NUM, and SCRL.


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3.8 Data Window 3.8.1 Overview The data window is displayed in the operation interface. You can use multiple modes to display the data through shortcut menus. The following sections introduce the map mode, chart mode, sheet mode, histogram mode, and pie chart mode.

3.8.2 Map Window The map window geographically displays test data. Thus, you can view the geographic distribution of data in an intuitive way. Figure 3-9 shows the map window. Figure 3-9 Map window

3.8.3 Graph Window Graph windows are categorized into chart, histogram, pie chart, and customized modes. The graph mode, shown in Figure 3-10, displays the distribution of the data with time.

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Figure 3-10 Graph mode

The histogram mode, shown in Figure 3-11, shows the distribution of data statistics in histogram mode.


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Figure 3-11 Histogram mode

The pie chart, shown in Figure 3-12, displays the distribution of data.

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Figure 3-12 Pie chart mode

Generally, the X axis stands for time and the Y axis stands for a parameter value, as shown in Figure 3-10. In custom diagram mode, you can customize the parameters for the X axis and Y axis. Figure 3-13 shows the custom diagram mode.


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Figure 3-13 Customized chart mode

3.8.4 Sheet Window The sheet mode, shown in Figure 3-14, sorts the data by time to facilitate users' viewing and statistics collection.

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Figure 3-14 Sheet window

3.8.5 Operations in the Data Window On the Assistant main interface, you can perform the following operations on the data window of the operation interface. z

Opening a window


Moving a window


Cascading a window


Closing a window


Opening a window

Opening a Window To open a data display window, perform the following steps: Step 1 Choose Project > New Project to create a project. For details, see section 4.1.2 "Creating a Project." Step 2 Choose Dataset > New Dataset to create a dataset. For details, see section 4.2.3 "Creating a Dataset." Step 3 Right-click the new database in the navigation area and select Import Test Data from the shortcut menu. For details, see chapter 6 "Analysis Data Management."


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Step 4 Double-click an equipment node. Right-click an indicator node and select a display mode from the shortcut menu. A data window is displayed. For details about the data display modes, see section 6.5 "Displaying Analysis Data." If you double-click an indicator node, the data window is displayed in the default display mode.


Moving a Window To move a window, you can click the title bar of a data window and hold the left mouse button, and then move the mouse. If a data window is in the maximized state, you need to normalize or minimize the window.

Cascading a Window You can use four methods to cascade a window. For details, see section 3.2.5 "Window Menu."

Closing a Window You can use either of the following methods to close a window: z

Select a data window and click


On the tool bar at the lower right corner of the data window, click a window and click "Operation Interface."


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.on the top right of the window. and

to view

to close the selected window. For details, see section 3.5

Choose Window > Close All Windows to close all windows.

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4 Project Management


Project Management

About This Chapter The following table lists the contents of this chapter. Section


4.1 Managing Engineering Files

How to manage project files.

4.2 Managing a Dataset

How to manage datasets.

4.3 Managing Engineering Parameters

How to manage engineering parameters.

4.4 Managing History Log

How to view operations in history logs.

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4.1 Managing Engineering Files 4.1.1 Overview In the Assistant, a project corresponds to an area or a city, and a dataset saves the data of one drive test. You can perform multiple DTs in an area or a city. Similarly, a project contains multiple datasets. Each database maps to a single folder in the directory of the project. The dataset saves the data collected from multiple test devices.

4.1.2 Creating a Project To create a project, perform the following steps: Step 1 Choose Project > New Project. The New Project dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-1. Figure 4-1 New Project dialog box

Step 2 In the New Project dialog box, you can perform the following operations: z

Enter the project name in the Project Name field.


Specify the project path in the Project Path field.


Specify the map file path in the Map Path field. You can also specify the map file path after a project is created. For details, see section 5.1.3 "Importing a MapInfo Map." After a map path is set, all the maps of the project can share this map.

Step 3 Click OK. In the New Dataset dialog box, set the attributes of the dataset. For a detailed attribute description, see section 4.2.7 "Parameter Description." ----End


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4.1.3 Opening a Project To open a project, perform the following steps: Step 1 Choose Project > Open Project. Step 2 Select a project file in the displayed dialog box, and then click Open. ----End

4.1.4 Closing a Project You can choose File > Close Project to close a project.

4.2 Managing a Dataset 4.2.1 Overview Before data analysis, a dataset must be created for importing data. A dataset saves the data of one drive test. You can create multiple datasets to save the test data collected from independent devices. Each dataset is saved in a folder in the directory of the project. The dataset file is in .mdb format.

4.2.2 Importing a Dataset To import a dataset, perform the following steps: Step 1 Choose Project > Import Dataset. The Open dialog box is displayed. Step 2 Select an .mdb file, and then click Open. ----End

4.2.3 Creating a Dataset To create a dataset, perform the following steps: Step 1 Choose Project > New Dataset. The New Dataset dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-2.

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Figure 4-2 New Dataset dialog box

Step 2 Modify the property of the dataset in the displayed dialog box. For parameter description, see section 4.2.7 "Parameter Description." Step 3 Click OK. ----End

4.2.4 Removing a Dataset To remove a dataset, perform the following steps: Step 1 Select a dataset to be removed. Step 2 Choose Dataset > Remove Dataset. The Assistant dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-3. Figure 4-3 Assistant dialog box


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Step 3 Click OK. ----End

4.2.5 Exporting a Dataset To export a dataset, perform the following steps: Step 1 Select a dataset to be exported. Step 2 Choose Dataset > Export Dataset. A dialog box is displayed. In the dialog box, name the exported dataset. The extension name of the dataset is mdb. Step 3 Click Save. ----End

4.2.6 Modifying the Dataset Property To modify the property of a dataset, perform the following steps: Step 1 Select a dataset in an opened project. Step 2 Choose Dataset > Modify Dataset Property. The Modify Dataset Property dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-4. Figure 4-4 Modify Dataset Property dialog box

Step 3 Set the parameters on the Setting and Binning Type tab pages. After a dataset is created, the dataset name cannot be changed.

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For parameter description, see section 4.2.7 "Parameter Description." Step 4 Click OK to modify the property. ----End

4.2.7 Parameter Description When you create a dataset or modifying the property of a dataset, the Modify Dataset Property dialog box is displayed. This section describes the parameters in the dialog box.

Dataset Name Tab Page Enter the name of a dataset on the Dataset Name tab page when you create a dataset. This part takes OnlineHelp as an example. After the establishment of the dataset, the OnlineHelp dataset is displayed in the navigation area shown in Figure 4-5. After a dataset is created, the dataset name cannot be changed.

Figure 4-5 Dataset in the navigation area

Setting Tab Page The Setting tab page is used to set the network parameters and the attributes of the KPI. Table 4-1 lists the parameters on the Setting tab page. Table 4-1 Parameters on the Setting tab page Parameter


Scanner Simulate SHO Parameters Threshold (dB)

Sets the thresholds for events 1A through 1B.

Hysteresis (dB)

Sets the hysteresis for events 1A through 1D.

Time to Trigger (s)

Sets the trigger delay for events 1A through 1D.

Active Set Size

Sets the number of active set.

Pilot Pollution Threshold


Sets the received signal code power (RSCP) difference between the best cell and cells entering the active set.

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RSCP Threshold

Sets the minimum RSCP of a cell that enters the active set.

Active Set Size

Sets the number of active set. That is, when the number of cells in the active set is greater than the number of active set, the cell with lowest RSCP is considered to be a cell that leads to pilot pollution.

Neighbor Cell RSCP Threshold

If the measured RSCP of two adjacent test points exceeds or equals the RSCP threshold, and two cells are available at the same time, the neighbor count of the two cells should be incremented by one.

Count Threshold

If the neighbor count of any two cells exceeds or equals the count threshold, the two cells are neighbors.

HSDPA Crossing Table UL to DL Time Offset (subframe)

Sets the frame offset when the uplink CQI is sent to the downlink.

BLER(Block Error Rate)Threshold Uplink (%)

Threshold for higher value of uplink BLER.

Downlink (%)

Threshold for higher value of downlink BLER.

GSM Analysis Coverage

RxLev Query Condition

Received level query.

Logic(AND | OR)

Logical operator, that is, AND or OR.

RxQual Query Condition

Quality of received signal.

RxLev Drop

Jump Sharply

Drastic drop of received level.

RxQual Drop

Jump Sharply

Drastic drop of received signal quality.



Time advance. It is used for compensating the time delay in radio propagation.


Received level.

Import Filter Config GSM

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GPRS MAC Signaling Message(YES | NO)

Sets whether the MAC signaling can be imported.

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Description Neighbor Info(YES | NO)

Sets whether the neighbor signaling can be imported.

Load MS Measurement Config Files Size Threshold(M)

Sets file threshold. The default value is 200 MB. If the file size is less than or equals 200 MB, the system loads the attribute. Otherwise, the system does not load the attribute.

WCDMA KPI Coverage Rate

ECIO (≥)

The signal noise ratio of the forward pilot channel. It is greater than or equal to –12.

RSCP (≥)

The received signal code power. It is greater than or equal to –95.

PDP Success Rate

(RRC:0 | PDP:1) Request

The packet data protocol success rate.

PS Date Service

Is Visible (Yes:1 | No:0)


0: Radio resource control request.


1: Packet data protocol request.

Sets whether to display the six events and parameter settings of two KPIs related to the PS. z

1: Display


0: Not display z

The six events related to the PS are DataServiceAcpt, DataServiceRej, DataServiceSetupFail, DtatServiceDropped, DataServiceCompleted, and DataServiceReq.


The two KPIs related to the PS are PS Service Drop Rate and PS Data Service Statistics.

Binning Type Tab Page The Binning Type tab page is used to set the binning type and value fetch for the imported test data. Table 4-2 lists the parameters in the Binning Type tab page. Table 4-2 Parameters on the Binning Type tab page Parameter Binning Type


Description Distance Binning

Processes DT data on the distance spacing basis. Measures the spacing by distance and uses the average value.

Raster Binning

Divides the ground surface into small grids based on the longitude and latitude basis. You can set the height and width for a raster.

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Value Fetch

Description Time Binning

Processes the DT data based on time intervals, that is, uses the average value of the DT data that is collected during a certain period of time.

No Binning

Performs no binning to DT data. This is recommended when you analyze detailed data.

Average Value

Obtains the average value of the data collected from all points in a region after the geographic binning.

Max Value

Obtains the maximum value of data collected from all points in the region after the geographic binning.

Min Value

Obtains the minimum value of data collected from all points in a region after the geographic binning.

Disperse Data

Determines whether to perform the data dispersing. In the case of bus stop in a drive test, test data is concentrated on one point. The Assistant disperses the data collected during bus stop into the data collected several seconds before the bus starts off. In the way, the data can be evenly displayed on the map.

4.3 Managing Engineering Parameters 4.3.1 Overview This section describes engineering data such as engineering parameters, neighbor data, and CIO parameters. Engineering parameters indicate the information about the cells that are adjacent to DT points. You can import engineering data according to your requirements. z

The engineering parameter table lists all the information about a cell.


The neighboring data indicates the relation between neighbors.


CIO indicates cell individual offset. In the analysis of virtual neighboring cells through the scanner, CIO is the additional value to the handover threshold of each cell, and controls the difficulty degrees of the soft handover between different cells.

4.3.2 Introduction to Engineering Parameters Engineering parameter tables are categorized into two types, namely, WCDMA and GSM. Table 4-3 and Table 4-4 list the fields in the engineering parameter tables. Table 4-3 Fields in the WCDMA engineering parameter table Field


Mandatory (Yes/No)


Radio Network Controller ID



NodeB ID


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Mandatory (Yes/No)


NodeB name



NodeB type



Sector ID


Cell ID

Cell ID



Cell name



UTRAN absolute radio frequency channel number



Primary scrambling code (0-511)



Longitude of a cell



Latitude of a cell



Azimuth (degree)



Downtilt (degree)



Built-in electric downtilt (degree)



Machine downtilt angle (degree)



Antenna ground height



Antenna altitude



Antenna type



Antenna gain



Width of horizontal half-power beam



Width of vertical half-power beam



Feeder type



Feeder length



Number of NodeB CEs



Whether the cell is available



Outdoor station



Tower-mounted amplifier


Table 4-4 Fields in the GSM engineering parameter table




Mandatory (Yes/No)


Site ID


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Mandatory (Yes/No)


Site name



Number of cells



Cell name



Cell identity



Longitude of a cell



Latitude of a cell



Azimuth (degree)



Module ID



Cell global identity



Location area code



Broadcast control channel


Alarm of TCH Congestion Cell

Traffic channel



Base station identity code



Antenna height



Down tilt angle



Antenna altitude



Site code



Hopping (Yes/No)






Site configuration



Site type



Combiner manner



General packet radio service



Antenna name






Antenna gain


4.3.3 Importing Engineering Parameters To import engineering parameters, perform the following steps: Step 1 On the Project tab page in the navigation area, select a dataset.

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Step 2 Right-click the dataset. Choose Engineer Parameter Management from the shortcut menu. Then, select WCDMA or GSM based on the test data. If you select GSM, the GSM Parameter window is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-6. Figure 4-6 GSM Parameter window

Step 3 Click . The Please select the Excel file and sheet dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-7 Figure 4-7 Please select the Excel file and sheet dialog box

Perform the following operations in the Please select the Excel file and sheet dialog box:



. Select the GSM engineering parameter file (in .xls or .csv format) to be Click imported and click Open.


In the Sheet List drop-down list, select the sheet where the engineering parameter is located.

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When editing the imported engineering parameter file, you need to comply with the requirements in the Specification sheet of the engineering parameter template. The engineering parameter template of the corresponding network mode is located in the software installation directory\sample directory. Step 4 Click OK, and wait until the GSM engineering parameter is displayed in the GSM Parameter window, as shown in Figure 4-8. Figure 4-8 GSM Parameter window (displaying the engineering parameter)

Step 5 Click to check the validity of the mandatory field of the engineering parameters. For details of engineering parameters, see section 4.3.2 "Introduction to Engineering Parameters." If…


A dialog box is displayed

Perform Step 6 through Step 10

No dialog box is displayed

Perform Step 9 through Step 10

Step 6 In the displayed dialog box, click OK. This takes SiteID as an example. If the system detects an unmatched field of SiteID in the engineering parameters, such as the SiteID field shown in Figure 4-8, a dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-9.

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Figure 4-9 Existing unmatched field in the engineering parameters

Step 7 Process the unmatched field. Right-click in the GSM Parameter window, and choose Required Fields > SiteID in the shortcut menu. . If the dialog box prompting unmatched field is displayed, repeat Step 6 through Step 8 Click Step 8 until no dialog box is displayed. Step 9 Click

to import the engineering parameters.

Step 10 After the import is complete, click OK in the displayed dialog box. The system exits from the GSM Parameter window and the site data is automatically displayed on the map in the opened map window. If you want to view the imported engineering parameters, you need to open the engineering parameters again. For details on how to operate a table, see Table 3-11.


4.3.4 Exporting Engineering Parameters You can export engineering parameters in the GSM/WCDMA Parameter window. The engineering parameters are exported in .xls format. Figure 4-10 shows the icon that is used for exporting engineering parameters. The icon highlighted in yellow is export icon.


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Figure 4-10 Icon used for exporting engineering parameters

4.3.5 Saving and Copying Engineering Parameters You can save and copy engineering parameters in the GSM/WCDMA Parameter window. The engineering parameters are saved in the local dataset in .xls format. Figure 4-11 shows the icons that are used for exporting engineering parameters. The icons highlighted in yellow are save icon and copy icon. Figure 4-11 Icons used for saving and copying engineering parameters

4.3.6 Configuring Engineering Parameters To configure engineering parameters in a dataset, perform the following steps:

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The Assistant displays only the selected engineering parameters on a map.

Step 1 On the Project tab page in the navigation area, select a dataset. Step 2 Right-click the dataset and choose Engineering Parameter Management > Engineering Setting. The Engineering Parameter dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-12. Figure 4-12 Engineering Parameter dialog box

Step 3 Perform relevant operations on the WCDMA or GSM tab page. Table 4-5 lists the functions of buttons on the tab page. Table 4-5 Functions of buttons on the tab page Button

Function Moving all parameters in the Available Parameters pane to the Selected Parameters pane. Moving the selected parameters in the Available Parameters pane to the Selected Parameters pane. Moving the selected parameters in the Selected Parameters pane to the Available Parameters pane. Moving all parameters in the Selected Parameters pane to the Available Parameters pane.


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Step 4 Select the Setting tab, as shown in Figure 4-13. Figure 4-13 Setting tab page

Step 5 In the Display on map group box, set the relevant parameters. Table 4-6 lists the parameters on the Setting tab page. Table 4-6 Description of the parameters Parameter


Site display

Sets the site display method. The methods are as follows: z

All sites: displays all sites on the map.


Sites nearby test route: displays only the sites located near the test route. You can set the test route in the Expand distance (KM) field. For details about how to set the test route, see Expand distance (KM) in this table.


None: displays no sites.

GSM label

Selects the GSM site identifications to be displayed, such as SiteID, SiteName, Longitude, and Latitude. By default, No Label is selected.

WCDMA label

Selects the WCDMA site identifications to be displayed, such as RNCID, NodeBID, NodeBName, NodeBType, Longitude, and Latitude. By default, No Label is selected.

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Expand distance (KM)

Refers to the expansion distance of the test route. When Site nearby test route is selected, you need to set Expand distance (KM). For example, if Expand distance (KM) is set to 10, the expansion distance of the test route is 10 km, and all the sites within this scope will be displayed on the map.

Step 6 Click Finish. ----End

4.3.7 Modifying the Display Mode for Engineering Parameters You can modify the display mode for engineering parameters through the map tool bar shown in Figure 4-14. Figure 4-14 Engineering parameter display tool bar

Table 4-7 describes the functions of the icons on the tool bar. Table 4-7 Functions of the icons on the tool bar Button

Function Automatically setting different colors for the site cells based on the scrambling codes. Displaying all dim sites. Setting the color of a cell to the same color as the specified data point. This function is available when a parameter uses the Individual legend (For details about the Individual legend see 5.2.2 "Introduction to Legends.") and all the location points corresponding to the sites, such as Primary SC, have the same colors. Setting the display size of a site. Selecting the ID of a site and displays the ID on the map. The optional fields map to the data listed in the engineering parameter table. Searching for and locating the sites or cells based on different fields listed in the engineering parameter table.

Click on the tool bar. The W/G Project Parameter dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-15. You can select WCDMA or GSM engineering parameters in the dialog box.


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Figure 4-15 W/G Project Parameter dialog box

4.3.8 Switching Between ARFCN and Frequency When editing engineering parameters on the Engineering Parameter node, you can choose whether to display the absolute radio frequency channel number (ARFCN) or frequency. Figure 4-16 shows the switchover icon between ARFCN and frequency. Figure 4-16 Switchover icon between ARFCN and frequency

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The Assistant supports only the switchover from ARFCN to frequency. To perform this operation, you can click the icon highlighted in yellow in the displayed dialog box.

4.3.9 Importing Neighbor Data To import neighbor data (GSM network mode is not supported), perform the following steps: You need to import the neighbor data after importing engineering parameters.

Step 1 On the Project tab page in the navigation area, select a dataset. Step 2 Choose Dataset > Import NeighborCell Config > WCDMA. A dialog box is displayed. Step 3 In the displayed dialog box, select the .txt file saving the neighbor data. Step 4 Click Open. ----End

4.3.10 Viewing Neighbor Data To view neighbor data, perform the following steps: Step 1 Use

to view a site.

Step 2 Right-click the site. A shortcut menu is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-17. Figure 4-17 Shortcut menu

Step 3 Select Show Config Neighbor Cell. The Show Config Neighbor Cell dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-18.


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Figure 4-18 Show Config Neighbor Cell dialog box

Step 4 You can view the information about the neighbors of a cell in the displayed dialog box. If you select a cell in the Neighbor Cell pane, the cell is highlighted on the map. z

indicates that the base cell has the bidirectional neighbor relation with the neighbor cell.


indicates that the base cell has the unidirectional neighbor relation with the neighbor cell.


4.3.11 Adding CIO Parameters To add cell individual offset (CIO) parameters in a dataset, perform the following steps: CIO indicates cell individual offset. In the scanner analysis of virtual neighboring cells, CIO is the additional value to the handover threshold of each cell, and controls the difficulty degrees of the soft handover between different cells. For the specific template, see the software installation directory \sample\cio_template.xls.

Step 1 On the Project tab page in the navigation area, select a dataset. Step 2 Choose Project > WCDMA CIO Manager. After the .xls file that contains the analysis data of scanner simulation neighboring cells is imported, the CIO Manager dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-19.

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Figure 4-19 CIO Manager dialog box

Table 4-8 describes the functions of buttons in the dialog box. Table 4-8 Functions of buttons in the dialog box Button



Importing the file that contains CIO parameters


Exporting the current configuration to a file

Clear All

Clearing all the contents in the displayed table

Add CellID

Adding a cell ID entered in the text box

Remove CellID

Removing a cell ID entered in the text box

Step 3 Set CIO parameters in the CIO Manager dialog box. You can use either of the following methods to set CIO parameters: z

Manual setting: Type the cell ID in the text box in the CIO Manager dialog box, and then click Add CellID to add the ID. Double-click each cell in the table and type the parameters.


Importing: Click Browse to import the file that contains CIO parameters.

Step 4 Click OK.


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4.4 Managing History Log Through the history logs, you can view history operation records, such as engineering data management, dataset management, and data filtering. To manage history logs, perform the following steps: Step 1 Select a project on the Project tab page in the navigation area. Step 2 Right-click the project. Select Show History from the displayed shortcut menu. A dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-20. Figure 4-20 History Operation List window


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5 Map Management


Map Management

About This Chapter The following table lists the contents of this chapter. Section


5.1 Operating a Map

How to operate a map.

5.2 Operating a Legend

How to operate a legend.

5.3 Operating a Map Layer

How to operate a map layer.

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5.1 Operating a Map 5.1.1 Overview You can import MapInfo and raster maps and operate the maps through the map tool bar.

5.1.2 Introduction to Map Files The GENEX Assistant supports the import of the maps in following formats: z

Raster image files in .tif, .bmp, .jpg, .gif, or .png format


MapInfo files in .tab, .dat, .id, .map, or .gst format

The GENEX Assistant supports the export of the maps in following formats: z

Raster image files in .tif, .bmp, .jpg, .gif, or .png format


Attribute data table file in .tab format

The MapInfo is software used to display geographic data in the formats listed in Table 5-1. Table 5-1 Formats supported by the MapInfo File Type

File Contents

Attribute data table file (.tab)

This file defines the components of map attribute data such as the number of fields, field names, field types, field widths, indicator fields, and some key information about the related layers. You can open and view this file in the WordPad.

Attribute data file (.dat)

This file is used to store complete map attribute data. The head file contains the information on the attribute data table file and the file is followed by the attribute data records in detail.

Cross reference file (.id)

This file records the pointer that locates each space of a map in the space data file (.map). A pointer consists of four bytes. Pointers are arrayed in the same way as the attribute data records stored in the attribute data file. The cross reference file is a table for defining space objects.

Space data file (.map)

This file contains the space data of each map object. Space data contains geometry, coordinate, and stain information about a space object. This file also describes the record number of attribute records for a space. In this way, you can easily find the related attribute information about this object when you query the object on a map.

Dataset file (.gst)

This file contains the indicators for the previous files. A complete map set must contain all the previous files.

5.1.3 Importing a MapInfo Map To import a MapInfo map, perform the following steps: Step 1 Choose Project > Set Map Path, the Open MapInfo Map dialog box is displayed.


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Step 2 Select a MapInfo map file (.gst), and then click Open. Step 3 Right-click an indicator that can be displayed on a map, and select Display on Map from the shortcut menu. If you have opened the map window, you need to open the window again to load the map to the window.


5.1.4 Deleting a MapInfo Map You can choose Project > Remove Map Path to delete a loaded MapInfo file. If the map window is active when you delete a map file, the legacy map persists in the map window. The new setting takes effect when you open the map window again.

5.1.5 Importing an Outdoor Raster Map To import an outdoor raster map, perform the following steps: Step 1 Click on the tool bar in map display mode, the Open Raster Image dialog box is displayed. Step 2 Select a raster map file supported by the Assistant, and then click Open. The Raster Image dialog box is displayed. Step 3 Click the map to add a reference point. Type the name, longitude value, and latitude value of this point in the displayed Add Control Point dialog box. The imported raster map does not contain geographical information; therefore, reference points must be added for finding the geographical location of the map.

Step 4 To add multiple reference points, see Figure 5-1. To ensure the accuracy of the map, you need to add a minimum of three reference points. You need to select the reference points that are unevenly located, for example, the reference points are not located on a horizontal or vertical line.

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Figure 5-1 Raster Image dialog box

Step 5 Click OK. The indoor raster map is displayed in the map window. ----End

5.1.6 Importing an Indoor Raster Map To import an indoor raster map, perform the following steps: on the tool bar in map display mode, the Open Raster Image dialog box is Step 1 Click displayed. Step 2 Select a raster map file supported by the Assistant, and then click Open. The indoor raster map is displayed in the map window. ----End

5.1.7 Operating a Map You can perform common operations on a map through the map tool bar. For details, see section 3.3.3 "Map Tool bar."


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5.2 Operating a Legend 5.2.1 Overview This section describes how to operate ranged and individual legends.

5.2.2 Introduction to Legends The Map Legend tab page consists of system legends and customized legends, as shown in Figure 5-2. You can select a legend for a parameter from customized legends. For details, see 5.2.8 "Loading a Legend for Parameters." Figure 5-2 Map Legend tab page

Legends are categorized into two types, namely, ranged and individual. z

Ranged This type is used for the parameters with consecutive values, such as RSCP and Ec/I. You can segment parameter values and set different display symbols for each value range. You can use shadowing color to represent different value ranges for displaying distribution of different values.


Individual This type is used for the parameter with discrete values, such as handover events and RRC status. You can set different display symbols for each parameter value.

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You can select either of the following modes to set a legend: z

Custom This mode is used to set the parameter with a specific value range or value amount, such as RSCP or handover events. You can customize an accurate value range. Figure 5-3 shows the Custom mode. Figure 5-3 Custom mode


AutoArrange This mode is used to set the parameters with unknown value range, such as scrambling codes. Figure 5-4 shows the AutoArrange mode.


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The system automatically sets various colors for the symbols representing different parameter values. You can also set the shapes and sizes for these symbols. Figure 5-4 AutoArrange mode


CustomArrange This mode is applicable to only ranged legends. If you enter the range and number of segments, the system automatically colors and sorts out segments, as shown in Figure 5-5.

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Figure 5-5 CustomArrange mode

Individual legends support only Custom and AutoArrange modes. Figure 5-6 shows the Individual Legend Property dialog box. Figure 5-6 Individual Legend Property dialog box

5.2.3 Adding a Customized Legend To add a customized legend, perform the following steps:


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Step 1 Click the Map Legend tab in the navigation area. The Map Legend tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-2. Step 2 Right-click Custom Legends, and then select a legend type from the Add New sub-shortcut menu. For details about ranged and individual legends, see 5.2.2 "Introduction to Legends." Step 3 Perform the following operation in the displayed dialog box: z

Set the legend name.


Select the legend type and set parameters. For details about Custom, AtuoArrange, and CustomArrange modes, see 5.2.2 "Introduction to Legends."

Step 4 Click OK. ----End

5.2.4 Deleting a Customized Legend To delete a customized legend, perform the following steps: Step 1 Click the Map Legend tab in the navigation area. The Map Legend tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-2. Step 2 Right-click a customized legend to be removed in the Custom Legend navigation area. Step 3 Select Remove. ----End

5.2.5 Importing a Customized Legend To import a customized legend, perform the following steps: Step 1 Click the Map Legend tab in the navigation area. The Map Legend tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-2. Step 2 Right-click Custom Legends, and then select Import from the shortcut menu. A dialog box is displayed. Step 3 Select a .cld file, and then click Open. ----End

5.2.6 Exporting a Customized Legend To export a customized legend, perform the following steps: Step 1 Click the Map Legend tab in the navigation area. The Map Legend tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-2. Step 2 Right click Custom Legends, and then select Export from the shortcut menu.

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A dialog box is displayed. Step 3 Specify a save path and file name, and then click Save. ----End

5.2.7 Editing a Legend To edit a legend, perform the following steps: Step 1 Click the Map Legend tab in the navigation area. The Map Legend tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-2. Step 2 Right-click a legend and select Edit from the shortcut menu. You can right-click a table in Custom mode and modify the legend symbol through the shortcut menu.


5.2.8 Loading a Legend for Parameters To load a legend for parameters, perform the following steps: Step 1 In the Map Layers window, right-click the parameter whose legend needs to be modified, as shown in Figure 5-7.


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Figure 5-7 Map Layers dialog box

Step 2 Select Load Legend from the shortcut menu. The Legend List dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-8.

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Figure 5-8 Legend List dialog box

Step 3 Select the legend to be loaded, and then click OK. ----End

5.2.9 Restoring a System Legend To restore a system legend, perform the following steps: Step 1 Click the Map Legend tab in the navigation area. The Map Legend tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-2. Step 2 Right-click System Legends and select Resume default from the shortcut menu. ----End

5.2.10 Modifying a Legend Theme You can use this function to modify the attribute, such as, the theme of a legend. To modify a legend theme, perform the following steps: Step 1 In the Map Layers window, right-click the parameter whose legend needs to be modified. Figure 5-7 shows the Map Layer window. Step 2 Select Theme from the shortcut menu.



For the individual legend, the dialog box shown in Figure 5-9 is displayed.


For the ranged legend, the dialog box shown in Figure 5-10 is displayed.

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Figure 5-9 Individual Value Theme Options dialog box

Figure 5-10 Ranged Theme Options dialog box

Step 3 Set parameters in the dialog boxes, and then click OK. ----End

5.2.11 Displaying or Hiding a Legend The legend display function displays all the legends of parameters on the map, as shown in Figure 5-11. You can display or hide legends by clicking

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Figure 5-11 Displaying legends

5.2.12 Setting a Legend Style To set a legend style, perform the following steps: Step 1 In the Map Layers window, right-click the parameter whose legend needs to be modified. Figure 5-7 shows the Map Layer window. Step 2 Select Legend.


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The Legend Style dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-12. Figure 5-12 Legend Style dialog box

Table 5-2 describes the functions of the parameters in the Legend Style dialog box. Table 5-2 Functions of the parameters in the Legend Style dialog box Parameter


Legend is Visible

Indicating whether a legend is visible

Show Empty Ranges

Displaying the legend with empty ranges

Compact Legend

Displaying a compact legend

Use Currency Format

Displaying a legend in currency format


Indicating the title of a legend

Compact Title

Indicating the compact title of a legend


Indicating the subtitle of a legend

Legend Text

Indicating the text of a legend

Text Style

Indicating the font style of a legend


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5.3 Operating a Map Layer 5.3.1 Controlling a Map Layer The imported maps or engineering parameters are overlapped in different layers. You can add and remove these layers and change their display modes through the layer control function.

Procedures To control layers, perform the following steps: in the Map window. You can also right-click on the map, and then choose Layer Step 1 Click Control from the shortcut menu. In the displayed dialog box, set the map layer, as shown in Figure 5-13. For the description of the Layer Control dialog box, see Parameter Description in section 5.3.1 "Controlling a Map Layer." Figure 5-13 Layer Control dialog box

Step 2 After the layers are set, click OK. ----End

Parameter Description Table 5-3 lists the parameters in the Layer Control dialog box.


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Table 5-3 Parameters in the Layer Control dialog box Parameter



Moves a selected layer upwards.


Moves a selected layer downwards.


Adds a layer above a selected layer.


Removes a selected layer.


In the Display Properties dialog box, set the display mode of the selected map layer. For parameter description, see Table 5-4.


In the Label Properties dialog box, set the label properties of the selected map layer. For parameter description, see Table 5-5.


Sets a layer visible.


Sets a layer selectable.

Automatic Labels

Sets automatic labels.


Sets a layer editable.

Table 5-4 Description of parameters in the Display Properties dialog box Parameter


Override Style

Whether to override the layer style. You can set the area, line, symbol, and text type.

Zoom Layering

Display Within Zoom Range

Whether to display the map layer within the zoom range.

Min Zoom

The minimum zoom range. You can set the minimum zoom range after selecting Display Within Zoom Range.

Max Zoom

The maximum zoom range. You can set the minimum zoom range after selecting Display Within Zoom Range.

Table 5-5 Description of parameters in the Label Properties dialog box Parameter Label with


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Description DataSet

The data contained in the selected map layer.


Labels the field list.

Display within Range

Whether to display the map layer within the zoom range.

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Description Min Zoom

The minimum zoom range. You can set the minimum zoom range after selecting Display Within Zoom Range.

Max Zoom

The maximum zoom range. You can set the minimum zoom range after selecting Display Within Zoom Range.

Allow Overlapped Text

Whether to allow overlapped texts.

Allow Duplicated Text

Whether to allow duplicated texts.

Label Partial Objects

Whether to label partial objects.

Maximum labels

The maximum number of labeled objects.


Sets text styles in the map layer. Label Lines

Selects the label lines.


No label lines.


Simple label lines.


Label lines with the arrow. Sets the corresponding line styles.



Direction of the anchor point.


Sets the rotating direction.


No rotation.

Parallel to One Segment

Rotates a text to make its direction parallel to one line segment.

Parallel to Multiple Segments

Rotates a text to make its direction parallel to multiple line segments.

Label Offset

Sets rotation offset.

5.3.2 Moving a Map Layer In the map window, right-click a map, and then choose Offset Layer from the shortcut menu. You can move a map layer in the dialog box shown in Figure 5-14.


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Figure 5-14 Offset Layer dialog box

Table 5-6 describes the functions of parameters in the dialog box. Table 5-6 Functions of parameters in the dialog box Parameter

Function Move upwards by one unit Move leftwards by one unit Move rightwards by one unit Move downwards by one unit Set a unit value Reset settings Make the settings take effect

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6 Analysis Data Management


Analysis Data Management

About This Chapter The following table lists the contents of this chapter. Section


6.1 Importing Analysis Data

The data types supported by the Assistant and how to import analysis data.

6.2 Filtering Exceptional Data

The Assistant can filter the imported data. It can also compare the data and conduct some simple logical calculations.

6.3 Filtering Indicator

How to filter indicator.

6.4 Combining Analysis Data

How to combine segmented DT data files.

6.5 Displaying Analysis Data

The data display modes of the Assistant.

6.6 Exporting Analysis Data

The data export mode supported by the Assistant.

6.7 Viewing the Test Plan

How to view the test plan of the analysis data and the device.

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6 Analysis Data Management

6.1 Importing Analysis Data 6.1.1 Overview Before you analyze and process data, you need to import data to be analyzed. You can import a maximum of 4 GB data to a dataset of the Assistant.

GENEX Probe The data indicates the test data generated by the GENEX Probe. The test data includes the time when a log is generated, the information about the UE and the scanner, the data measured by the UE and the scanner, and the GPS data. The data is stored to a .gen file in binary format.

Huawei RNC The RNC data is in .txt or .bin format and includes the following information: z

Bit error rate (BER) in uplink physical channel recorded by the RNC


Block error rate in uplink transport channel


Received power of overall uplink bandwidth in a cell


Measured signal-to-interference ratio of the uplink radio link sets


Target signal-to-interference ratio of the uplink radio link sets


Transmit power of the downlink carriers in a cell


Transmit code power of downlink


Uplink throughput and bandwidth


Downlink throughput and bandwidth


UE transmit power


Block error rate in downlink transport channel


Layer 3 information at the RNC side

The Assistant supports the RNC data of the following versions: z










The file has the following types of filename extensions:



The .txt format that stores non-layer 3 information


The .tmf format that stores layer 3 information

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PHU The PHU test data, which contains information about the generation time of logs, UE information, and data measured by UEs, is stored in a binary file. The filename extension of PHU test data is phu.

TXT The text data, which contains the information about longitude, latitude, and time of collection data, is stored in a .txt file. The filename extension is txt.

6.1.2 Importing GENEX Probe Data The Assistant supports the import of the data collected by the GENEX Probe. In addition, the Assistant can combine drive test (DT) data automatically or according to the devices. Generally, combining DT data automatically is recommended. z

Automatic combination In automatic combination, DT data is combined based on the device number. The automatic combination mode is applicable to the scenario where the services are not changed during the test and the data is divided into multiple logs that do not overlap with respect to the time. When importing the data collected by the GENEX Probe, you can set the Assistant to combine data automatically.


Device-based combination The device-based combination mode is applicable to the scenario where the test data of multiple UEs or scanners that are of different types needs to be combined. For details, see “6.4 Combining Analysis Data.

To import the data collected by the GENEX Probe to the Assistant, perform the following steps: Step 1 Choose Project from the navigation tree, and then select a dataset. Step 2 Right-click the dataset and choose Import Test Data > Import GENEX Probe. The Import GENEX Probe File dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-1.

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Figure 6-1 Import GENEX Probe File dialog box

Step 3 Perform the following operations in the dialog box: z

Click Browse to select one or more GENEX Probe test files.


Select Auto Combine. The Assistant begins to combine the test data automatically.


Select IsNeedCrossingTable. The system processes the data in the table. The table displays the relations between the CQI, BLER, CODES, MAC Throughput, and APP Throughput counters in HSDPA.


If the test data contains the data collected from the DTI spectral scanner, click DTI Edit to set the antenna gain and feeder loss. The Assistant uses the following expression to recalculate the Ec, Io, and RSSI values exported by the DTI spectral scanner for each test item: New value = Original value – Antenna gain + Feeder loss

Step 4 Click Import and wait until all the data is imported. z

After the data is imported, the Assistant preprocesses the event analysis data by default. If you plan to quicken the data import, you can do as follows to skip the preprocessing: To cancel the preprocessing, press the Ctrl+Alt+Home keys. To cancel the last operation, press the Ctrl+Alt+Home keys again.


If you plan to preprocess the event analysis data at any time after the data is imported, press the Ctrl+Alt+PageDown keys.


6.1.3 Importing Huawei RNC Data To import the Huawei RNC data to the Assistant, perform the following steps: Step 1 On the Project tab page in the navigation area, select a dataset. Step 2 Right-click the dataset and choose Import Test Data > Import HuaweiRNC.


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The Import Huawei RNC File dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-2. Figure 6-2 Import Huawei RNC File dialog box

Step 3 Click Browse to select one or multiple RNC files. If Ignore Position Information is selected, the Assistant regards the longitude and latitude (0, 0) as the default geographic position, which causes the position of the indicator displayed on the map to deviate from its actual position. Step 4 Match the RNC message time and the UE message time. If…


The imported RNC files include the layer 3 message data of the UE (in the .tmf format)

Perform from Step 5 to Step 6

The imported RNC files do not include the layer 3 message data of the UE

Perform from Step 7 to Step 11

Step 5 Set the value of Time Offset(s), which is used for the matching between the RNC message time and the UE message time. The unit is second. GPS time = RNC time + Time Offset. Step 6 Click Import. Wait until the data import is complete. Step 7 Click Time Match, the RncMsg Time Match dialog box is displayed. Step 8 Select the terminals corresponding to the RNC message in the UE drop-down list.

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Step 9 Click Auto Match. The system adjusts the message time difference in the Gps time and phone message list and Rnc message in file list. If you plan to stop the current matching, click Stop. Step 10 Click OK. The matching is complete. The system automatically matches the RNC message time and the UE message time. After the automatic matching is complete, the system readjusts the time difference based on the value of Time Offset.

Step 11 Click Import. Wait until the data import is complete. ----End

6.1.4 Importing PHU Data To import the PHU data to the Assistant, perform the following steps: Step 1 On the Project tab page in the navigation area, select a dataset. Step 2 Right-click the dataset and choose Import Test Data > Import PHU.


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The Import PHU File dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-3. Figure 6-3 Import PHU File dialog box

Step 3 In the Import PHU File dialog box, do as follows: z

Click Browse to select one or multiple PHU test files.


If you select Autocombine By IMSI, the test data is combined based on the IMSIs.

Step 4 Click Import and wait until all the data is imported. ----End

6.1.5 Importing TXT Data To import the TXT data to the Assistant, perform the following steps: Step 1 On the Project tab page in the navigation area, select a dataset. Step 2 Right-click the dataset and choose Import Test Data > Import TXT. The Import TXT File dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-4.

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Figure 6-4 Import TXT File dialog box

Step 3 In the Import TXT File dialog box, do as follows: z

Click Browse to select one file in .txt format.


You need to type an indicator name in the Indicator Name text box. The indicator name cannot contain only numbers.

The imported .txt file must be in a certain format. The Assistant supports the following .txt files: z

A file containing the Longitude, Latitude, DateTime, and ColumnName fields. Each field is separated by spaces or double quotation marks.


A file containing the DateTime and ColumnName fields. The two fields are separated by spaces or double quotation marks

For details, see the template file provides by the Assistant: software installation directory\sample\Standard TXT Template.txt Step 4 Click Import and wait until the data is imported. ----End

6.1.6 Viewing the List of Imported Files The current dataset lists the relation between the test devices and the imported files. To view the list, perform the following steps: Step 1 On the Project tab page in the navigation area, select a dataset. Step 2 On the system menu bar, choose Dataset > Import File List. The Import File List window is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-5.


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Figure 6-5 Import File List window


6.2 Filtering Exceptional Data 6.2.1 Overview The Assistant can filter the imported test data. It deletes the unnecessary data in the value range set by users. Thus, the unnecessary data processing is reduced and the system stability is enhanced in the prerequisite of data integrity.

6.2.2 Procedure To filter exceptional data, perform the following steps: Step 1 On the Project tab page in the navigation area, select a dataset. Step 2 Choose Dataset > Delete Exceptional Data.

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Figure 6-6 shows the deletion of UE ActiveSet RSCP. Figure 6-6 Delete Exceptional Data dialog box for UE ActiveSet RSCP

Table 6-1 describes the parameter settings of this dialog box. Table 6-1 Parameters in the Delete Exceptional Data dialog box Parameter


WCDMA or GSM tab page

Selecting the network corresponding to the data

Drop-down list in the left part of the dialog box

Selecting the device corresponding to the data to be filtered

List box in the left part of the dialog box

Selecting the parameters to be filtered

Data in range will be deleted area

Setting filter conditions and the data in the range is deleted

Execute button

Filtering the specified data based on the defined filter conditions

Step 3 After setting the filter conditions, click Execute to execute the filter conditions. Step 4 Click Finish, Wait until the filtering is complete. ----End


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6.3 Filtering Indicator The Assistant allows you to filter all the indicators. The current version allows you to set three conditions, namely, RxLev (Idle, Full, Sub), RxQual (Full, Sub), and Mean_Bep. If you filter indicators before a GSM report is generated, the system collects statistics of the filtered indicators to generate the GSM report. For details about the report generation, see section 8.3 "Generating Reports Through the Wizard." To set filter conditions, perform the following steps: Step 1 Right-click a dataset on the Project tab page, and then choose Filter > Filter from the shortcut menu. Alternatively, choose Dataset > Filter > Filter. The Filter dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-7. Figure 6-7 Filter dialog box

Step 2 Set parameters in the Filter dialog box. For details on how to set the parameters, see Table 6-2. Table 6-2 Parameter in the Filter dialog box Parameter


Condition Item

Set filter conditions.

Logic Functor

Logical operator, that is, AND or OR.

Condition List

List of filter conditions

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Add the filter conditions preset in Condition Item to the Condition List. You can insert a maximum of 26 conditions.


You can edit filter conditions or logical operator. z

Edit filter conditions: From the Condition List, select the filter condition items that require edition. Then, click Edit. In the displayed dialog box, set the filter conditions again.


Edit logical operator: From the Condition List, select the logical operators that require edition. Then, click Edit. In the displayed dialog box, set the logical operator again. To make the edition take effect, click

. To cancel the edition, click


Clear all the filter conditions from the Condition List.


Execute conditions


View history filter conditions.


Cancel conditions. Click Cancel to exit the Filter dialog box.


Step 3 Click Execute. After conditions are being executed, all indicators are filtered out except signals and events. The specific filtered events are displayed under the Filtered Phone Event node. To check the specific filtered events, perform the following operations: 1.

On the Project tab page in the navigation area, expend the nodes of the filtered dataset.


Choose Phone Event > Filtered Phone Event. Then, you can view filtered events, as described in Table 6-3. For details about how to display filtered events, see section 6.5 "Displaying Analysis Data."

Table 6-3 Description of the filtered events


Filtered Event



GSM hadover failure


GSM call drop


Router area update failure


Location area update failure


GSM call setup failure


GSM stand-alone dedicated control channel (SDCCH) call drop


GSM access failure


GSM intra-cell handover failure

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If you plan to restore to the situation before the operation, you can right-click a dataset and choose Filter > Cancel Filter. The filter conditions are cleared and the locked data is restored.


If you want to view history records before perform filter operation, click History. In the Filter History window, you can view history filter conditions.


6.4 Combining Analysis Data 6.4.1 Overview If the drive test software can automatically segment the test files, multiple redundant devices are probably generated after the data is imported to the GENEX Assistant. In such a case, it is recommended that you combine these devices.

6.4.2 Combining Data by UE To combine data by UE, perform the following steps: Step 1 On the Project tab page in the navigation area, select a dataset. Step 2 Choose Dataset > Combine Device > Combine UE. The Combine Device dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-8. Step 3 Select multiple repeated devices in the PreCombine list box of the Combine Device dialog box. Figure 6-8 Combine Device dialog box

Press Ctrl and hold it to select multiple devices.

Step 4 Click Combine. The Modify Device Name dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-9.

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Enter the name of the new combined device. Figure 6-9 Modify Device Name dialog box

Step 5 Click OK and the name of the new device is displayed in Post-combine, as shown in Figure 6-10. Figure 6-10 Combining devices complete

Step 6 Click OK. ----End

6.4.3 Combining Data by Scanner Combining data by scanner is basically in the same way as that by UE. For details, see section 6.4.2 "Combining Data by UE." The difference is that you must choose Dataset > Combine Device > Combine Scanner in step 2 described in section 6.4.2 "Combining Data by UE."

6.5 Displaying Analysis Data 6.5.1 Overview The Assistant displays data in six modes. For details, see section 3.8 "Data Window."


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In the navigation area, you can right-click an indicator and select the corresponding data display mode. The following display modes are used: z

Displaying data in a new window, which is used for individual data.


Displaying data in an active window, which is used for data comparison. For example, Figure 6-11 shows how to display the indicator, RSCP Max for SC90 in Activeset, on an active sheet. Figure 6-11 Data displayed on an active sheet

Figure 6-12 shows the indicator, RSCP Max for SC90 in Activeset, on an active sheet.

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Figure 6-12 RSCP Max for SC90 in Activeset on an active sheet

Table 6-4 describes the data display modes. Table 6-4 Description of data display modes Option


Display on Map

Displaying data on a map

Display on Chart

Displaying data on a time-value chart

Display on Caky

Making statistics on data through a cake

Display on Histogram

Making statistics on data through a histogram

Custom Display on Chart

Displaying data on a crossing chart, that is displaying data on a chart with custom X and y axes. If different data is defined as X and y axes in the submenu, a graph window is displayed.

Display on Active ……

Displaying data in an active window. "……" depends on the type of the active window.

Compare with Local A and Compare with Local B

Comparing the indicators of two different datasets of the same project

6.5.2 Displaying Data on a Map Data Playback Control You can view the route of test data by playing back the data on a map. If you import the engineering parameters, the Assistant automatically connect the test sites with the related base stations with a solid line, as shown in Figure 6-13. For details about how to import engineering parameters, see section 4.3.3 "Importing Engineering Parameters."


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Figure 6-13 Lines connecting test points and base stations

The buttons of data playback control are displayed on the tool bar of the map window, as shown in Figure 6-14. Figure 6-14 Playback control buttons

Table 6-5 describes the buttons on the tool bar. Table 6-5 Playback control buttons Button

Function Playing back data in the direction of test routes Playing back data in the inverse direction of test routes Stopping data playback Selecting the dots to be played back per second. The number of dots is proportional to the playback speed. The Assistant provides seven playback speeds. For details, refer to the following contents. Filtering the display of data by time Moving layer offset Setting data synchronization layers, which take effect only when multiple data layers are contained in a map. Displaying the routes of test data

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Function When the data route display function is enabled, this button is used to set the display of signs. z

Track density indicates the data dots between neighboring signs.


Distance width indicates the geographical deviation between signs and data dots.

GPS editing function, which is used to change the geographical location of test data This function takes effect only when a layer is in the editing state.


Filtering data by time and moving layers affect only the data displayed on a map, but the attributes of the test data remain unchanged. The GPS editing function is used to change the geographical location of test data.


The Assistant provides seven playback speeds, namely, 1dots/s, 2 dots/s, 3 dots/s, 4 dots/s, 5 dots/s, 10 dots/s, and 20 dots/s.

Viewing the Coverage Area of a Cell To view the coverage area of a cell, perform the following steps: Step 1 Select a base station in the map window. Step 2 Right-click the base station and choose Show Cell Coverage Area from the shortcut menu. Step 3 Select one or multiple cells in the displayed window. Press Ctrl and hold it to select multiple cells.

Step 4 Click OK.


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The test dots covered by the selected area are chosen, as shown in Figure 6-15. Figure 6-15 Coverage area of a cell


Checking the Cell Connection Lines After importing the engineering parameters into the Assistant, you can check the cell connection lines. z

Checking the connection lines between a DT point and the corresponding cells In the map window, click to select a DT point. The connection lines between the DT point and the corresponding cells are displayed.


Checking the connection lines between multiple DT points and the corresponding cells


In the map window, click


Right-click the selected DT points, and then choose Show Related Cells from the shortcut menu.

to select multiple DT points.

The connection lines between the selected DT points and the corresponding cells are displayed.

Simulating Shutdown of a Single Site Simulating shutdown of a single site is used to view the pilot signal change of the drive test points that a site covers provided that the site is shut down and to analyze the impact on the drive test points covered by the site. This function is available only when data is viewed through the scanner. To simulate shutdown of a single site, perform the following steps: Step 1 Select a base station in the map window. Step 2 Right-click the base station and selects Site Shutdown Simulation.

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Step 3 In the displayed dialog box, select the cell to be shut down and enter the corresponding transmit power, downlink cell load (%), and pilot frequency transmit, as shown in Figure 6-16. Figure 6-16 Disabling the setting of cell parameters

Step 4 Click OK. After the calculation is complete, the simulation data is stored to a new device, as shown in Figure 6-17. You can view the simulation effect through the new data. Figure 6-17 Disabling simulation data of a single site


Setting Projection Reference Frame The projection reference frame is used to convert the GPS geographical information (longitude or gratitude) to the information (distance or direction) displayed on a plain. To set the projection reference frame, perform the following steps:


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Step 1 Click

on the tool bar of the map window.

Step 2 In the displayed Choose Projection dialog box, perform the following settings: z

Select the categories of longitude and gratitude from the Category drop-down list.


Select the corresponding projection system from the Category Member drop-down list.

Step 3 Click OK. ----End

Analyzing Pilot Pollution To analyze pilot pollution for the test sites of a specified area on a map, perform the following steps: Step 1 Select multiple test sites in the map window. Step 2 Right-click a test site and select Pilot Pollution Analyse. As shown in Figure 6-18, the displayed Pilot Pollution Analyse window shows the coverage rate and pilot pollution rate of each cell in the selected test sites. Figure 6-18 Analyzing pilot pollution


6.5.3 Displaying Data on a Chart You can change the value range by modifying the data of X-axis or Y-axis. To modify the data of X-axis or Y-axis, perform the following steps: Step 1 Right-click in the graph mode and select Modify Series Data. The Modify Series Data dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-19.

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Figure 6-19 Modify Series Data dialog box

Step 2 Select a parameter from the Series Title list and set the conversion mode of the data of X-axis or Y-axis. Step 3 Click Modify. Step 4 Repeat Step 2 through Step 3 until the requirement is met. Step 5 Click OK. ----End

6.5.4 Displaying Data on a Sheet Making Statistics on Data In displaying on sheet mode, you can perform multiple statistical functions for the selected data. You must select the row where the data is located and then select several data in the row before using this function, as shown in Figure 6-20.


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Figure 6-20 Selecting statistical data

Table 6-6 describes the functions of buttons used for statistics. Table 6-6 Data statistical function Button

Function Calculating the sum of the selected data Searching the maximum value of the selected data Searching the minimum value of the selected data Calculating the average value of the selected data Calculating the mean square of the selected data

Highlighting Layer 3 Signaling When you view the layer 3 signaling, the Assistant highlights the selected signaling resolution, as shown in Figure 6-21.

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Figure 6-21 Highlighting selected signaling

You can modify the keywords and attributes to be displayed by modifying the L3MsgSyntaxConfig.xml file in the Bin directory under the installation directory. The basic contents of the configuration file are as follows:



Table 6-7 lists the meaning of each element. Table 6-7 Description of the keywords in the layer 3 configuration file




The separator between parameters. It is recommended that you do not modify the separators.

The configuration item used to include a keyword. You can add multiple keywords by adding these items.


Indicating the name of a keyword.


Indicating whether case sensitive is applied. TRUE indicates case sensitive; FALSE indicates case insensitive.


Indicating the color of a highlighted keyword.


Indicating whether bold display is applied. TRUE indicates bold display is applied; FALSE indicates normal display is applied.

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6.5.5 Displaying Data on a Crossing Chart A cross chart uses one indicator as X-Axis and the other indictor as Y-Axis. Thus, the two indicators can compare with each other. This section takes Bcch Arfcn serving as the X-axis and Rxlev (Idle) serving as the Y-axis as an example to describes how to generate a crossing chart, as shown in Figure 6-22. Figure 6-22 Custom Display on Chart

Step 1 Right-click the Bcch Arfcn indicator, choose Custom Display on Chart > X Axis. Step 2 Right-click the Rxlev (Idle) indicator, choose Custom Display on Chart > Y Axis. The corresponding crossing chart is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-23. Figure 6-23 Crossing chart


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6.5.6 Comparing Analysis Data You can compare the change of the same indicator during two drive test processes by comparing analysis data (supporting GSM data). The specific procedure is as follows: Step 1 Right-click an indicator and select Compare with Local A, as shown in Figure 6-24. Figure 6-24 Menu of comparing analysis data

Step 2 Right-click the indicator to be compared with the one described in step 1 and select Compare with Local B, as shown in Figure 6-25.


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Figure 6-25 Menu of comparing analysis data

Step 3 In the displayed Select Binning Type dialog box, set the binding parameters, as shown in Figure 6-26. Step 4 Click OK after setting the binding parameters. The comparing results are displayed in a table. Figure 6-26 Select Binning Type dialog box

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Table 6-8 describes the function of each binding parameter. Table 6-8 Parameters in the Select Binning Type dialog box Parameter


Binning Type list box

Binding type, which supports only network binding at present, that is, geographically, the test data in a raster is regarded as obtained from the same test site.

Binning Param Height(m) and Width(m) editing boxes

Setting the length and width of grids. (unit: m)

Value Fetch list box

Displaying the average value, maximum value, and minimum value in grids.

Disperse Data check box

Setting whether dispersing data is required.


6.5.7 Locking Analysis Data The data lock function enables you to reduce the range of the data to be analyzed so that you can analyze data, such as a caky chart, a histogram, or a data report based on a specified geographical or time range. z

When data is displayed on a map or a table, you can select the data to be locked and click to lock the data; thus the rest data is not displayed, as shown in Figure 6-27.


You can click

on the tool bar to unlock the data.

Figure 6-27 Data locking function


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6.5.8 Multi-Window Synchronization If you select the drive test data from one window, the same data in other windows is also be chosen, as shown in Figure 6-28. Figure 6-28 Multi-window synchronization

Table 6-9 lists the display modes and synchronization methods supported by multi-window synchronization. Table 6-9 Window cooperation Window Mode

Synchronization Method

Map mode

Select a dot on a map.

Table mode

Select a row of data in a table.

Graph mode

Hold Shift and move the pointer.

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6.6 Exporting Analysis Data 6.6.1 Overview Analysis data can be exported to a report or graph. The analysis data is exported from any of the following channels: z

Exporting data through Word Collector


From a map


Exporting data From a sheet


Exporting data from a graph


Exporting data from an .xls report


From a drive test

6.6.2 Exporting Data Through Word Collector The Word Collector imports different types of data into a .doc file. To export data through Word Collector, perform the following steps: Step 1 Create a .doc file. Step 2 Click the Word Collector tab in the navigation area. Step 3 Click

on the tool bar and select a created .doc file in the displayed dialog box.

Step 4 Add or delete the data based on the functions described in Table 6-10. Table 6-10 Functions provided by Word Collector Button or Option

Function Adding the contents in the clipboard to a .doc file Inserting specified pictures to a .doc file Adding specified files as objects to a .doc file

in a map window in a sheet window Shortcut menu in graph mode

Adding the contents displayed in a map window as pictures to a .doc file Adding the selected data from a sheet to a .doc file Adding statistical graphs as pictures to a .doc file through the selection of Collected to Word Deleting all the added data

Step 5 Click

on the tool bar.

The .doc file is closed and the contents listed in the Word Collector tab page are added to the file.


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6.6.3 Exporting Data from a Map To compare the data from a map with other indicators or to facilitate check next time, you can export the data. To export the data from a map, perform the following steps: Step 1 Click


on the tool bar in a map window.

Click to export the background information about a map. Click information about layers.

to export the corresponding

Step 2 In the displayed dialog box, select the format of the picture to be saved and set the path for saving the file and the file name. Then click Save. ----End

6.6.4 Exporting Data From a Sheet To export the data from a sheet, perform the following steps: Step 1 Select the data to be saved in a sheet window and click

on the tool bar.

Step 2 In the displayed dialog box, set the path for saving the file and the file name. Step 3 Click Save. In the displayed Save Cell dialog box: z

If you click Yes, the selected row of data in the window is saved.


If you click No, all the data is saved.


6.6.5 Exporting Data from a Graph To export the data from a graph, perform the following steps: on the tool bar in a chart window (common chart, caky chart, histogram, or Step 1 Click custom chart). Step 2 In the displayed dialog box, select the format of the picture to be saved and set the path for saving the file and the file name. Then click Save. ----End

6.6.6 Exporting DT Report The Assistant provides an elaborate .doc DT report based on common UE and scanner indicators.

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To export a drive test report, perform the following steps: Step 1 On the Project tab page in the navigation area, select a dataset. Step 2 Right-click the dataset and choose Analyse Report > WCDMA Drive Test Report. The Reporting Setting dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-29. Figure 6-29 Reporting Setting dialog box

Table 6-11 describes the parameters in the Reporting Setting dialog box. Table 6-11 Parameters in the Reporting Setting dialog box Parameter


UE Name

Selecting a test UE


Selecting a scanner

Cluster Name

Entering the name or ID of a test cluster

Customer Name

Entering a customer name

Data Setting

Two options are available: z

All Data: analyze all the data


Lock Data: analyze the locked data

Step 3 After the parameter configuration is complete, click OK. ----End

6.7 Viewing the Test Plan You can view the test plan of the analysis data and the test plan of the device.


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6.7.1 Viewing the Test Plan of the Analysis Data To view the test plan of the analysis data, perform the following steps: Step 1 On the Project tab page in the navigation area, select a dataset. Step 2 Right-click the dataset. From the displayed shortcut menu, choose Test Plan Info. Then, you can view the test plan of the analysis data, including the name of the analysis data file, used device model, test time, and test items. ----End

6.7.2 Viewing the Test Plan of the Device To view the test plan of the device, perform the following steps: Step 1 On the Project tab page in the navigation area, select a dataset and expand the nodes of the dataset. Step 2 Right-click a node. From the displayed shortcut menu, choose Test Plan Info. Then, you can view the test plan of the device, including the name, model, test time, and test items of the device. If the device is not configured with a test plan, the system displays the message ''The Device doesn't have any test play''.


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Analysis Indicator Management

About This Chapter The following table lists the contents of this chapter. Section


7.1 UE Indicators

UE indicators, including UE pilot frequency, active set, monitor set, detected set, power control, BLER, throughput, L3 message, phone event, HSDPA, HSUPA, and KPI.

7.2 Scanner Indicators

Scanner indicators of the GSM and WCDMA.

7.3 RNC Indicators

RNC indicators, including uplink and downlink BLER, BER, and SIR, which are used to describe network status.

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7.1 UE Indicators 7.1.1 Overview The UE indicators include UE pilot frequency, IMSI of UE, active set, monitor set, detected set, power control, BLER, throughput, L3 message, phone event, GSM, GPRS, HSDPA, HSUPA, and KPI, as listed in Figure 7-1. For details about how to check each indicator, see section 6.5 "Displaying Analysis Data."

Figure 7-1 UE Indicator

7.1.2 Network Basic Status IMSI This node directly provides the International Mobile Station Identification Code (IMSI) of a UE, but the IMSI indicators cannot be displayed in the figure and table windows.

UE Pilot Summary This node displays UE active set, monitor set, detected cell scramble, and Ec/Io, as shown in Figure 7-2.


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Figure 7-2 UE Pilot Summary

Active Set Table 7-1 describes the indicators of Active Set. Table 7-1 Description of the Active Set indicators Indicator


Ec/Io For SC in Active Set

Categorizes the collected Ec/Io values of the active set by PN during a drive test, and provides all the Ec/Io values of a certain PN in the active set.

Ec/Io Max For SC in Active Set

Based on Ec/Io For SC in Active Set, filters the information about the drive test point with the best Ec/Io in the current cell in the active set.

RSCP For SC in Active Set

Categorizes the collected RSCP values of the active set by cell during the drive test, and provides all the RSCP values of a cell in the active set.

RSCP Max For SC in Active Set

Based on RSCP For SC in Active Set, filters the information about the drive test point with the best RSCP in the current cell in the active set.

Soft Handover

Categorizes the information about drive test points in soft handover state by cell.

Nth Best

Ec/Io For Nth Best in Active Set

Categorizes the Ec/Io values based on the Nth signal strength at the same test point in an active set.

RSCP For Nth Best in Active Set

Categorizes the RSCP values based on the Nth signal strength at the same test point in an active set.

SC For Nth Best in Active Set

Categorizes the SC values based on the Nth signal strength at the same test point in an active set.

SC Count in Active Set

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Provides the number of SC of the current frequency in the active set at each drive test point.

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Primary SC

Provides the primary SC of the active set at each drive test point.

SC In EDCH Active Set

SC in an EDCH active set, which has RRC connection with a UE and provides uplink EDCH services. If the information about the EDCH cell is not available, this indicator is not displayed.

If geographic binning is set, the data obtained from RSCP or Ec/Io geographic binning is displayed on a map.

Monitor Set For the description of the indicators of Monitor Set, see Table 7-1. The difference is that the corresponding parameters are in the data packet of a monitor set.

Detected Set For the description of the indicators of Detected Set, see Table 7-1. The difference is that the corresponding parameters are in the data packet of a detected set.

Power Control Table 7-2 describes the indicators of Power Control. Table 7-2 Description of the Power Control indicators Indicator


Tx Power

UE transmit power: provides all the transmit power information collected by the test UE during a drive test.

Rx Power

UE receive power: provides all the receive power information collected by the test UE during a drive test.

Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR)

Signal to interference ratio: provides all the SIRs of the test UE during a drive test.

If the geographic binning is set, this node provides the data after binning.

BLER This node displays the BLER indicators of a transport channel. There are three sub-nodes under BLER, that is, Circuit Service (CS), Packet Service (PS), and SingalChannel. You can know which service a channel implements through the type of a sub-node. The calculation formula of BLER is: BLER = CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) Error/CRC Records x 100%.


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Where: z

CRC Record represents the number of CRCs received by the UE in Window Size.


CRC Error represents the number of CRC errors detected by the UE in Window Size.

Window Size represents the number of frames. It is calculated by the Probe based on the data reported by the UE. Each indicator corresponds to a transport channel ID. If a data packet reports the information about multiple channels at a time, the channels are differentiated by their IDs.

Throughput This node provides the transmission indicators of UEs at the radio link control (RLC) layer and application layer. Table 7-3 describes the indicators of Throughput. Table 7-3 Description of the indicators of Throughput Indicator


RB DL Assigned Throughput

Radio bearer assigned downlink throughput. The unit is kbit/s.

RB UL Assigned Throughput

Radio bearer assigned uplink throughput. The unit is kbit/s.

RLC PDU Throughput UL

Radio link control protocol data unit uplink throughput. The unit is kbit/s.

RLC PDU Throughput DL

Radio link control protocol data unit downlink throughput. The unit is kbit/s.

RLC SDU Throughput UL

Radio link control service data unit uplink throughput. The unit is kbit/s.

RLC SDU Throughput DL

Radio link control service data unit downlink throughput. The unit is kbit/s.

App. Throughput UL

Uplink throughput at the application layer

App. Throughput DL

Downlink throughput at the application layer

RLC PDU Retransmission Rate UL

Radio link control protocol data unit retransmission rate in the uplink. The unit is %.

RLC PDU Errors Rate DL

Radio link control protocol data unit error rate in the downlink. The unit is %.

RRC State This node provides the instant RRC state of a UE during the drive test.

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Time Analysis This node provides the delay time of each messages procedure in CS or PS calls during a drive test. It displays the analysis results in time distribution charts, probability distribution charts, and cumulative distribution charts. The Choose Msg dialog box is displayed after you double-click this node. As shown in Figure 7-3. Figure 7-3 Choose Msg dialog box

Table 7-4 describes the parameters in the Choose Msg dialog box. Table 7-4 Parameters description in the Choose Msg dialog box Parameter



Sets service types for time analyze: CS (Circuit Service) and PS (Packet Service).


Sets the message name for time analyze:

Report Type




Beginning Msg: The beginning message name.


End Msg: The end message name.

Sets report types. z

TDF (Time Distribution Function): Display time distribution chart.


PDF (Probability Distribution Function): Display probability distribution chart.


CDF (Cumulative Distribution Function): Display cumulative distribution chart.

Sets the time delay between two messages. The unit is millisecond and the following options are available: 10, 30, 50, 100, 150, and 200. z

TDF report type: The value of Interval is not required.


PDF and CDF report type: The value of Interval is required.

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7.1.3 MOS The mean opinion score (MOS) is a node set for parsing voice evaluation package. Table 7-5 describes the MOS indicators. Table 7-5 Description of the MOS indicators Indicator



PESQ_LQ is an extension of the PESQ_SCORE and uses a scale from 1 to 4.5. The PESQ_LQ is closer to the real and subjective MOS, which uses a scale from 1 to 5.


PESQ_SCORE, which uses a scale from -0.5 to 4.5, is the earliest ITU objective MOS. The PESQ_LQ is different from the subjective MOS, which uses a scale from 1 to 5. The protocol standard is ITU-T P.862.

PESQ P.862.1

PESQ P.862.1 is the latest MOS standard endorsed by the ITU. The PESQ P.862.1 maps the PESQ_SCORE to the MOS and uses a scale from 1 to 4.5.


PESQ_Ie is the impairment factor, Ie, which is an input to ITU-T G.107 E_model. The PESQ_Ie score uses a scale from 0 to 140, and is calculated from the PESQ score.

7.1.4 GSM The indicators of GSM represent the signal collection and analysis results of the GSM. They are classified by different frequencies, that is, GSM 900, DCS 1800, PSC 1900, and GSM 850. The indicators of four frequencies have the same meanings, as described in Table 7-6. Table 7-6 Description of GSM indicators Indicator I

Indicator II

Indicator III



All Bands

Serving CellID


Serving cell id

There is only one serving cell at a time in the GSM system.

Bcch Arfcn


Frequency number of BCCH




Base station identity code


BCCH along with BSIC


The data can be displayed in sheet or map format.


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Indicator I

Indicator II

Indicator III




RxLev(Ful l)

Indicates the received signal level (full value) in the service state.


RxLev(Su b)

Indicates the received signal level (sub value) in the service state.


RxLev(Idl e+Full)

Indicates the received signal level (full value) in the idle and service states.

Applicable to idle and service states. Used for criterions for filtering.

RxLev(Idl e+Sub)

Indicates the received signal level (sub value) in the idle and service states

RxQual(F ull)

Indicates the received signal quality (full value) in the service state.


RxQual(S ub)

Indicates the received signal quality (sub value) in the service state.


BER Full (%)

Indicates the Bit Error Rate (full value) in the service state.


BER Sub (%)

Indicates the Bit Error Rate (sub value) in the service state.


FER Full (%)

Indicates the Frame Erasure Rate (full value) in the service state.

Applicable to only voice

FER Sub (%)

Indicates the Frame Erasure Rate (sub value) in the service state.


Power control level in CS domain




Power Control Level(CS)


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Indicator I

850 M 900 M 1800 M 1900 M

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Indicator II

Indicator III



Tx Power(dBm)(CS )


Transmission power in CS domain




Time advance

This indicator is used for compensating the time delay in radio propagation. It represents the distance from a base station.



Radio link timeout




Ratio of carrier to adjacent-channel interference



C/I Worst

Indicates the worst C/I, the ARFCN with the worst C/I, and the received signal strength of the ARFCN with the worst C/I.


C/I Best

Indicates the best C/I, the ARFCN with the best C/I, and the received signal strength of the ARFCN with the best C/I.


C/I Arfcn

Indicates the ARFCN with the C/I of serving cell.


C/I Average

Indicates the average C/I.



Indicates the value of the C/I on the BCCH.


Indicates the frequency band of a serving cell distributed to each node. The indicator is the same as All Bands.


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For details about each indicator, refer to the description of All Bands.


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7 Analysis Indicator Management


Indicator I

Indicator II

Indicator III






Indicates the coverage (full value).


RxQual is greater than 5.



Indicates the coverage (sub value).

RxLev Drop(Full)


RxLev Drop in full state

RxLev Drop(Sub)


RxLev Drop in sub state

RxQual Drop(Full)


RxQual Drop(Sub)


The received signal level is less than or equals -90 dBm and

RxQual Drop in full state


Condition: M(i-2).dl + M(i-1).dl – M(i).dl – M(i+1).dl > 20 * 2. i refers to the present ARFCN. M(i) refers to the measure result. dl refers to RxLev.


RxLev Drop: The RxLev value of the previous two ARFCNs is greater by 20 than the average value of the later two ARFCNs.


Drop refers to drastic drop.




M(i-2).dl + M(i+1).dq + M(i).dq – M(i-1).dq – M(i-2).dq > 5 * 2. i refers to the present ARFCN. M(i) refers to the measure result. dq refers to RxQual.


RxQual Drop: The RxQual Drop value of the later two ARFCNs is greater by 5 than that of the previous two ARFCNs.


Drop refers to drastic drop.

RxQual Drop in sub state

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7 Analysis Indicator Management

Indicator I

Nth Best in Neighbor Cells

Event Statistic

Indicator II

Indicator III





Island in full state




Island in sub state

TA is greater than or equals 2 and RxLev is greater than -80 dBm.

1th~6th Best in Neighbor Cells


Broadcast control channel



Base station identity code



Received Signal Level


GSMCallDroppe d


GSM call drop event, includes the following indicators: Time, Longitude, Latitude, BCCH, Site name, Cell name, CI, BSIC, UE signal strength indicator, PESQ indicator, TA, and message


GSMHandoverS uc


GSM handover success event

For details about the indicators of the GSM handover success event, see "GSMCallDropped" in the table.

Frequent Handover


Frequent handover event, includes the following indicators: Handover ID, Time, Longitude, Latitude, Cell ID before, Cell ID after, BCCH before, BCCH after, TA before, TA after.


5 handovers within 10s


Times of handovers within a certain period of time, and the duration of the period of time supported by the Assistant.

7.1.5 GPRS Table 7-7 describes the indicators in GPRS mode.

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Table 7-7 Indicators in GPRS mode Indicator I

Indicator II



Gprs Data Throughput(kbit/s)

LLC Throughput UL

Provides the UL throughput at the LLC layer

LLC Throughput DL

Provides the DL throughput at the LLC layer

If the two indicators are not available, you can infer that the data packet does not contain LLC-layer data.

RLC Throughput UL

Provides the UL throughput at the RLC layer


RLC Throughput DL

Provides the DL throughput at the RLC layer


SNDCP Throughput UL

Provides the UL throughput at the SNDCP layer

SNDCP Throughput DL

Provides the DL throughput at the SNDCP layer

If the two indicators are not available, you can infer that the data packet does not contain SNDCP data.

UL 1st/2nd TS

Provides the used channel types, coding modes, and other KPIs as per timeslot number.

Each of the KPIs displays the channel type or coding mode of a timeslot.

Data Timeslots

DL 1st/2nd/3rd/4th TS


Number of Used Timeslots


Displays number of uplink/downlink used timeslots.


Coding Scheme


Displays uplink/downlink coding scheme on the CS mode.



Displays uplink/downlink coding scheme in MSC mode.


Power Control Level(PS)


Displays power control level in PS domain.


Tx Power(dBm)(PS)


Displays transmission power in PS domain.


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Indicator I

Indicator II



GPRS PDP Context


Packet data protocol context, includes Longitude, Latitude, DateTime, Active Contexts, NSAPI, LLC SAPI, Delay Class, Reliability Class, Peak Throughput, Mean Throughput, Radio Priority, Access Point Name, and PDP Address.


GPRS Status


Includes Longitude, Latitude, DateTime, PBCCH TS, GMM State, GRR State, TLLI, TFI UL/DL, NC, NMO, and Uplink coding mode.


LLC Retransmission Rate UL


Collects the statistics of LLC uplink retransmission rate.

The indicators can be displayed as map, sheet, chart, histogram, and caky.

RLC Retransmission Rate UL


Collects the statistics of RLC uplink retransmission rate.

The indicators can be displayed as map, sheet, chart, histogram, and caky.



Collects the statistics of block error rate of RLC.


PDP Activation Time


Indicates the required time for PDP activation.


Ping Delay


Provides the loop time of each Ping test.


Attach Time


Provides the attach time. The GPRS attach is originated by the MS.




Includes Begin DateTime, End DateTime, FTP Server URL, Load Time (ms), File Size (KB), Transmitted Size (KB), Avg Rate (kbit/s), Max Rate (kbit/s), FTP Type, and FTP Result.


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Indicator I

Indicator II



Edge Mean Bep


Collecting the statistics of Mean Bep parameters according to drive test files.

Edge Cv Bep


Collecting the statistics of Cv Bep parameters according to drive test files.

The indicators can be displayed as map, sheet, chart, histogram, and caky.

7.1.6 L3 Message The L3 message is classified according to transmission channels. Table 7-8Table 7-8 describes the indicators of L3 Message. Table 7-8 Description of L3 Message indicators Indicator



NAS(Non-Access Stratum)



Uplink common control channel


Uplink random access channel


Uplink slow associated control channel


Downlink dedicated control channel


Downlink broadcast control channel


Downlink common control channel


Downlink slow associated control channel


Mobility management


Call control


GPRS mobility management


Uplink session management


Downlink session management

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7.1.7 Phone Event The Phone Event navigation tree provides all the phone events. It displays the indicators of the events that occur during a drive test. For the events that do not occur during the drive test, the indicators are not displayed. Table 7-9 describes all the defined Phone Event indicators. Table 7-9 Description of the UE Phone Event indicators Category



Filtered Phone Event


Displays filtered events.

Call Event


Outgoing call attempt


Outgoing call alerting


Outgoing call answered


Outgoing call disconnect

Paging Type1

Paging type 1

Paging Type2

Paging type 2


Incoming call attempt


Incoming call alerting


Incoming call answered


Incoming call disconnect


CM service request


CM service accept


CM service request reject


Call drop


Call complete


Call setup failure


Data service request


Data service accept


Data service request reject


Data service setup failure


Data service drop


Data service complete


RRC connection setup request


RRC connection setup success

RRC Event

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RB (Radio Bearer) Event

SHO Event

HHO (Hard Handoff) Event





RRC connection setup failure


RRC connection release


RB setup request


RB setup success


RB setup failure


RB reconfiguration success


RB reconfiguration failure


RB release success


RB release failure


Soft handover


Soft handover failure


Softer handover


Soft-softer handover


Softer handover for three cells


Soft handover for three cells


Event 1A


Event 1B


Event 1C


Event 1D


Event 1E


Event 1F


Event 1J


Event 2A


Event 2B


Event 2C


Event 2D


Event 2E


Event 2F


Intra-frequency hard handover success


Intra-frequency hard handover failure


Inter-frequency hard handover success

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7 Analysis Indicator Management




Inter-frequency hard handover failure


HSDPA to HSDPA inter-frequency cell change success


HSDPA to HSDPA inter-frequency cell change failure


HSDPA to HSDPA intra-frequency cell change success


HSDPA to HSDPA intra-frequency cell change failure


HSDPA to 2G hard handover success


HSDPA to 2G hard handover failure


HSDPA to R99 inter-frequency hard handover success


HSDPA to R99 inter-frequency hard handover failure


R99 to HSDPA inter-frequency hard handover success


R99 to HSDPA inter-frequency hard handover failure


HSDPA to R99 intra-frequency hard handover success


HSDPA to R99 intra-frequency hard handover failure


HSDPA to R99 intra-frequency soft handover success


HSDPA to R99 intra-frequency soft handover failure


R99 to HSDPA intra-frequency hard handover success


R99 to HSDPA intra-frequency hard handover failure


R99 to HSDPA intra-frequency soft handover success


R99 to HSDPA intra-frequency soft handover failure

CellChangeUtoUBySHOAttemp t

HSUPA to HSUPA cell update request triggered by hard handover

CellChangeUtoUByIntraHHOA ttempt

HSUPA to HSUPA cell update request triggered by intra-frequency hard handover

CellChangeUtoUByInterHHOA ttempt

HSUPA to HSUPA cell update request triggered by inter-frequency hard handover


HSUPA to HSUPA cell update success triggered by soft handover

CellChangeUtoUByIntraHHOS uc

HSUPA to HSUPA cell update success triggered by intra-frequency hard handover

CellChangeUtoUByInterHHOS uc

HSUPA to HSUPA cell update success triggered by inter-frequency hard handover


HSUPA to HSUPA cell update failure triggered by soft handover

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MM Event

GMM Event




CellChangeUtoUByIntraHHOF ail

HSUPA to HSUPA cell update failure triggered by intra-frequency hard handover

CellChangeUtoUByInterHHOF ail

HSUPA to HSUPA cell update failure triggered by inter-frequency hard handover

PSConnectionHOUtoGPRSAtte mpt

HSUPA to GPRS handover request in the PS domain


HSUPA to GPRS handover success in the PS domain


HSUPA to GPRS handover failure in the PS domain


GPRS to HSUPA intra-system handover success in the PS domain


GPRS to HSUPA inter-system handover failure in the PS domain

ChannelChangeInterCellIntraFr eEtoDAttempt

HSUPA to R99 inter-cell intra-frequency channel update request

ChannelChangeInterCellIntraFr eEtoDSuc

HSUPA to R99 inter-cell intra-frequency channel update success

ChannelChangeInterCellIntraFr eEtoDFail

HSUPA to R99 inter-cell intra-frequency channel update failure

ChannelChangeInterCellInterFr eEtoDAttempt

HSUPA to R99 inter-cell inter-frequency channel update request

ChannelChangeInterCellInterFr eEtoDSuc

HSUPA to R99 inter-cell inter-frequency channel update success

ChannelChangeInterCellInterFr eEtoDFail

HSUPA to R99 inter-cell inter-frequency channel update failure


EDCH to FACH channel change request


EDCH to FACH channel change success


EDCH to FACH channel change failure


FACH to EDCH channel change request


FACH to EDCH channel change success


FACH to EDCH channel change failure


Location update request


Location update success


Location update failure


Attach success


Attach failure

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InterRat Event

SMS (Short Message Service) Event

7 Analysis Indicator Management




PDP activation request


PDP activation success


PDP activation failure


PDP deactivation


Route area update request


Route area update success


Route area update failure

CSConnectionHO3Gto2GAttem pt

3G to 2G handover attempt in the CS domain


3G to 2G handover success in the CS domain


3G to 2G handover failure in the CS domain

CSConnectionHO2Gto3Gattem pt

2G to 3G handover attempt in the CS domain


2G to 3G handover success in the CS domain


2G to 3G handover failure in the CS domain

PSConnectionHO3Gto2GAttem pt

3G to 2G handover attempt in the PS domain


3G to 2G handover success in the PS domain


3G to 2G handover failure in the PS domain

PSConnectionHO2Gto3GAttem pt

2G to 3G handover attempt in the PS domain


2G to 3G handover success in the PS domain


2G to 3G handover failure in the PS domain


3G to 2G cell reselection


2G to 3G cell reselection


Event 3A


Event 3B


Event 3C


Event 3D


SMS MO attempt


SMS MO attempt complete


SMS MO send success

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Other Event

GSM Event





SMS MO send failure


SMS MT attempt


SMS MT attempt complete


SMS MT receive success


SMS MT receive failure




Connected mode of cell reselection


Authentication request


Authentication success


Authentication failure


Security mode request


Security mode success


Security mode failure


Authentication cipher request


Authentication cipher success


Authentication cipher failure


Physical channel reconfiguration success


Physical channel reconfiguration failure


Transport channel reconfiguration success


Transport channel reconfiguration failure


Link restore attempt


Link restore success


Link restore failure


GSM location update success


GSM location update failure


GSM call attempt


GSM call attempt failure


GSM assignment success


GSM assignment failure


GSM late assignment success


GSM late assignment failure

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7 Analysis Indicator Management




GSM call answered


GSM call complete


GSM call drop


GSM call disconnect


GSM call blocked


GSM access attempt


GSM access failure


GSM call setup


GSM call attempt in the case of no service


Intra-GSM inter-cell handover success attempt


Intra-GSM inter-cell handover failure attempt


GSM intra-cell handover success attempt


GSM intra-cell handover failure attempt


GSM SDCCH call setup attempt failure


GSM SDCCH channel assignment

GPS Connected

GPS device connected attempt

GPS Disconnected

GPS device disconnected

UE Connected

UE connected

UE Disconnected

UE disconnected

Scanner Connected

Scanner connected

Scanner Disconnected

Scanner disconnected

Ping Success

Ping success

Ping Timeout

Ping timeout

RAS Dial

Dial up connection

RAS Error

Dial up error

RAS Hangup

Dial up disconnected

Test Stop

Test stopped

RAS Dial Attempt

RAS dial attempted

Session Start

Session started

Session End

Session ended. That is, the data is sent or received.

Session Drop

Session dropped.

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7.1.8 Statistic As Site The indicators are generated only when the UE device exists and the project parameter table is imported.

Table 7-10 describes the Statistic As Site indicators. Table 7-10 Description of the Statistic As Site indicators Indicator



This node consists of the following indicators: Avg Ec/Io, Avg RSCP, Dropped Calls, Failed Setups, Completed Calls, and SHOs.


This node consists of the following indicators: Avg Ec/Io, Avg RSCP, AUS OK, AUS NOK, Dropped Calls, Failed Setups, and Completed Calls.

Call Setup

This node consists of the following indicators: Avg Ec/Io, Avg RSCP, MOC OK, MOC NOK, MTC OK, and MTC NOK.

Call Dropped

This node consists of the following indicators: Time, 5S Avg Ec/Io Before Drop, 5S Avg RSCP Before Drop, 5S Avg Ue TxPow Before Drop, and Avg SIR.

Call Setup Failure

This node consists of the following indicators: Time, 5S Avg Ec/Io Before Setup Failure, 5S Avg RSCP Before Setup Failure, 5S Avg Ue TxPow Before Setup Failure, and Avg SIR.


This node provides the variation curve of the cell throughput depending on the distance between the UE and the site.

7.1.9 HSDPA The High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), which is a part of 3GPP R5, can greatly increase the downlink rate of a WCDMA system.


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Table 7-11 and Table 7-12 describe the HSDPA indicators. Table 7-11 Description of the HSDPA indicators Indicator


Serving Cell SC

Provides the scrambling code of the serving cell of the HADPA.

Serving Cell Ec/Io

Provides the Ec/Io value of the serving cell of the HSDPA.

Serving Cell RSCP

Provides the receive signal code power of the serving cell of the HSDPA

Scheduled Rate (Delta)

Provides the transient rate of scheduling at the MAC layer in the unit of kbit/s.

Served Rate (Delta)

Provides the transient rate of transmission (including failed transmission and retransmission) at the MAC layer in the unit of kbit/s.

MAC Layer Rate (Delta)

Provides the transient rate of transmission (excluding failed transmission and retransmission) at the MAC layer in the unit of kbit/s.

SCCH Success Rate (Delta)

Provides the transient usage of the HS-SCCH channel in the unit of percent.


Provides the transient BLER at the MAC layer in the unit of percent.

HS-DPCCH (Dedicated Physical Control Channel) CQI (Channel Quality Indicator)

Provides the average value of all the channel quality indicators (CQIs) of HS-DSCH in 200 ms. The value range is 0 to 30.

HS-DSCH Retrans Rate (Delta)

Provides the HS-DSCH retransmission rate.


Provides the average value of all the UE-used codes in 200 ms. The value range is 1 to 15.

HS-DSCH Decoding Statistics

Provides the statistics on HS-DSCH decoding, as described in Table 7-12.

Table 7-12 Description of the HS-DSCH Decoding Statistics indicators Indicator


QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying)

Number of frames modulated in QPSK mode


Number of frames modulated in 16QAM mode

SB Fail

Number of TB transmission failures at the MAC layer

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SB Suc

Number of TB transmission successes at the MAC layer

Dup. SB Suc

Number of retransmissions of the same TB, that is, the number of negative acknowledgement (NACK) messages to which the NodeB translates from the ACK messages provided by the UE upon successful decoding

ACK>NACK/DTX (Discontinuous Transmission)

Retransmission ratio of correct frames in the unit of percent


BLER at the MAC layer in the unit of percent


BLER ratio of the first frame in the unit of percent

Block Fail

Number of failed TB transmissions after retransmissions, that is, the number of frames transmitted at the RLC layer after failed retransmissions at the MAC layer

Block Suc

Number of TB transmission successes, which equals the value of SB success


BLER ratio at the RLC layer in the unit of percent

All TBS Statistics

Sum of statistics on channel decoding of each TBS

1 Times

Number of frames successfully transmitted during the first transmission

2 Times

Number of frames successfully transmitted at the second attempt after the first attempt failed

3 Times

Number of frames successfully transmitted at the third attempt after the first two attempts failed

4 Times

Number of frames successfully transmitted at the fourth attempt after the first three attempts failed

5 Times

Number of frames successfully transmitted at the fifth attempt after the first four attempts failed The fifth retransmission is initiated by the RLC layer after the Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (HARQ) is set in the device.

≥ 6 Times

Number of frames successfully transmitted at the sixth or later attempt after all the previous attempts failed

In addition, the Assistant provides the statistics on channel decoding according to each TBS.


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7.1.10 HSUPA The High-Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA), which is a part of 3GPP R6, can greatly increase the uplink rate of a WCDMA system. Table 7-13 describes the HSUPA indicators. Table 7-13 Description of the HSUPA indicators Indicator


MAC-e PDU Scheduled Rate

MAC-e PDU scheduling rate

MAC-e PDU Served Rate

MAC-e PDU served rate

MAC-e PDU Available Rate

MAC-e PDU available rate

Non-DTX Probability

Non-DTX probability


Served block error rate


Served block error rate of the first frame

Mac-e PDU Res. SBLER

Reserved served block error rate

Power Limited Rate

Power limited rate

SG Limited Rate

SG limited rate

Buffer Limited Rate

Buffer limited rate

Happy Rate

HAPPY rate

Average AG

Average AG

Average SG

Average SG



Combined RG Hold Rate

Combined RG Hold rate

Combined RG Up Rate

Combined RG Up rate

Combined RG Down Rate

Combined RG Down rate

ALL TBS Statistics

This indicator is used to monitor and estimate the actually used TB size and the retransmission on the basis of TB.

7.1.11 TXT The name of this indicator is entered when you import a .txt file. For details about how to import the .txt file, see 6.1.5 "Importing TXT Data."

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The imported .txt files must be in the required format. For details, see the template file provided by the Assistant: software installation directory\sample\Standard TXT Template.txt. For example, you can enter hello, as shown in Figure 7-4. Figure 7-4 Entering an indicator name

The following TXT indicator is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-5. Figure 7-5 TXT indicator display

The indicator can be displayed in different methods, such as a map, chart, sheet, and caky. In addition, the indicator can be responded in a joint manner. For the details about how to check each indicator, see section "6.5 Displaying Analysis Data."


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7.1.12 GSM KPI Accessibility Table 7-14 describes the Accessibility indicators. Table 7-14 Description of Accessibility indicators Indicator


Call Setup Success Rate

Call setup success rate

SDCCH Drop Rate

SDCCH drop rate

PDP Activation Success Rate

PDP activation success rate

Session Setup Success Rate

Session setup success rate

Retainability Table 7-15 describes the Retainability indicators. Table 7-15 Description of the Retainability indicators Indicator


Call Dropped Rate

Call drop rate

Session Drop Rate

Session drop rate

Service Integrality Table 7-16 describes the Service Integrality indicators. Table 7-16 Description of the Service Integrality indicators Indicator


FTP Throughput

FTP throughput, collects statistics on the timeout rate, average, maximum, and minimum rates, and other network information during each FTP service.

Net Throughput

Net throughput

HTTP Statistics

HTTP service statistics

PDP Statistics

PDP service statistics

Ping Statistics

Ping service statistics

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Mobility Table 7-17 describes the Mobility indicators. Table 7-17 Description of the Mobility indicators Indicator


Handover Success Rate

Handover success rate

Delay Table 7-18 describes the Delay indicators. Table 7-18 Description of the Delay indicators Indicator


Attach Time Delay

Attach time delay

Ping Time Delay

Ping time delay

PDP Activate Delay Time

PDP activate time delay

Session Setup Delay

Session setup delay

7.1.13 WCDMA KPI Coverage Table 7-19 describes the Coverage indicators. Table 7-19 Description of the Coverage indicators




Kilometer per Drop Call

Kilometer per drop call

Coverage Rate

Ratio of distance with satisfied signals to total drive test distance

Soft Handover Rate

Soft handover ratio

Pilot Pollution Rate

Pilot pollution ratio

UE Coverage Statistics

UE coverage statistics

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The formulas for the preceding indicators are as follows: z

Kilometer per Drop Call (km/times) = Distance (km)/Number (Dropped)

Prerequisite: ECIO >= -12 dB & TX Power = -95 dBm z

Coverage Rate = Coverage Distance / Total Distance * 100%

Prerequisite: CPICH ECIO >= -12 dB & CPICH RSCP >= -95 dBm z

Soft Handover Rate = (A2 + A3)/(A1 + A2 + A3) * 100%, where Ai indicates that there are i cells in an activated dataset. The letter i can be 1, 2, or 3.


Pilot Pollution Rate = Pilot Pollution Points/Total Points * 100%

Prerequisite: The number of pilot signals is obtained when the number of active set is more than or equal to 4. The value of CPICH's RSCP in all the cells must be equal to or are greater than -100 dBm. The difference between the best value of CPICH's RSCP and other values must be 5 dBm at most.

Accessibility Table 7-20 describes the Accessibility indicators. Table 7-20 Description of the Accessibility indicators Indicator


Incoming Call Setup Success Rate (AMR)

Incoming call setup success rate of concurrent services

Incoming Call Setup Success Rate (VP)

Incoming call setup success rate of the video phone (VP) service

Outgoing Call Setup Success Rate (AMR)

Outgoing call setup success rate of concurrent services

Outgoing Call Setup Success Rate (VP)

Outgoing call setup success rate of the VP service

PDP Activation Success Rate

PDP activation success rate

RRC Setup Statistics

RRC setup statistics

SMS MO SMS transmission success rate (Uplink)

SMS MO submit success rate

SMS MT SMS Receipt success rate (Downlink)

SMS MO retrieve success rate

Session Setup Success Rate

Session setup success rate

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The formulas for the preceding indicators are as follows: z

Outgoing Call Setup Success Rate = Number (Alterting) / (Number(CallAttempt) Number(Disconnect Normal Reason)) * 100%


Incoming Call Setup Success Rate =Number(IncomingCallAlerting) / Number(IncomingCallResponsed) * 100%


The method for calculating the PDPA Activation Success Rate varies according to the statistic method set in the properties of the dataset.

If the statistic method is set to PDP request, the calculation formular is: PDP Activation Success Rate = Number (PDPActivationSuc) / Number (PDPActivationReq) * 100% If the RRC request, the calculation formula is: PDP Activation Success Rate = Number (PDPActivationSuc) / Number (RRCConnectionRequest) * 100% By default, the statistic method is set to PDP request.

Retainability Table 7-21 describes the Retainability indicators. Table 7-21 Description of the Retainability indicators Indicator


CS Call Drop Rate (AMR)

Call drop ratio of AMR

CS Call Drop Rate (VP)

Call drop ratio of VP

CS Call Statistics

CS call statistics

LinkRestore Success Rate

Link restore success rate

Measurement Analysis after CallEnd or CallDropped

Statistics on pilot information after call end or call drop

Measurement Analysis before CallEnd or CallDroppd

Statistics on pilot information during a period before call end or call drop

Measurement Analysis before RRCConnection Req

Statistics on pilot information before RRC connection setup request

PS Service Drop Rate

Call drop ratio of PS

The Statistics Status After Link Restore

Service statistics after link restoration

Service integrity Table 7-22 describes the Service integrity indicators. Table 7-22 Description of the Service integrity indicators




BLER during SHO Analysis

BLER statistics of each soft handover

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BLER per Call Analysis

BLER statistics of each call

Downlink Bler Epinasty (VP)

Downlink BLER epinasty (VP)

Downlink Bler Epinasty (Voice)

Downlink BlER epinasty (Voice)

FTP Throughput

Timeout ratio, average throughput, maximum throughput, minimum throughput, and other network information during each FTP service

HSDPA DL Avg AppThroughput

HSDPA average application throughput in the downlink

HSDPA UL Avg AppThroughput

HSDPA average application throughput in the uplink

HSUPA Avg AppThroughput

HSUPA average application throughput

HTTP Statistics

Statistics of the HTTP service

Net Throughput

Net throughput

Overall BLER Analysis

BLER statistics during the entire drive test

PDP Statistics

Statistics of the PDP service

PS Integration Statistics

PS integration statistics, such as allType, Setuptime, AppThroughput, (WCDMA) RLC Throughput, and (WCDMA) Rx Power

Ping Statistics

Statistics of the Ping service

R99 DL Avg AppThroughput

R99 downlink average application throughput

R99 UL Avg Throughput

R99 uplink average application throughput

Joint Cut-off Call Ratio

Call drop ratio of concurrent services

FTP RLC PDU Throughput

FTP radio link control protocol data unit throughput

Mobility Table 7-23 describes the Mobility indicators. Table 7-23 Description of the Mobility indicators Type




R99 InterFreq HHO Success Rate

R99 inter-frequency hard handover success rate

R99 IntraFreq HHO Success Rate

R99 intra-frequency hard handover success rate

R99 SHO Success Rate

R99 soft handover success rate

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Soft HO Performance Analyze

R99 soft handover performance analysis

PS GSM to R99 HHO Success Rate

PS GSM to R99 hard handover success rate

Voice R99 to GSM HHO Success Rate

Voice R99 to GSM hard handover success rate

Voice GSM to R99 HHO Success Rate

Voice GSM to R99 hard handover success rate

PS R99 to GSM HHO Success Rate

PS R99 to GSM hard handover success rate

H to G HHO Success Rate

HSDPA to 2G hard handover success rate

H to H InterFreqCellChange Success Rate

HSDPA to HSDPA inter-frequency cell change success rate

H to H IntraFreqCellChange Success Rate

HSDPA to HSDPA intra-frequency cell change success rate

H to R99 InterFreqHHO Success Rate

HSDPA to R99 inter-frequency hard handover success rate

H to R99 IntraFreqHHO Success Rate

HSDPA to R99 intra-frequency hard handover success rate

H to R99 IntraFreqSHO Success Rate

HSDPA to R99 intra-frequency soft handover success rate

R99 to H InterFreqHHO Success Rate

R99 to HSDPA inter-frequency hard handover success rate

R99 to H IntraFreqHHO Success Rate

R99 to HSDPA intra-frequency hard handover success rate

R99 to H IntraFreqSHO Success Rate

R99 to HSDPA intra-frequency soft handover success rate

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Channel change DCH To EDCH Success Rate

Dedicated Channel (DCH) to EDCH channel change success rate

HSUPA to GPRS InterRAT HO Success Rate

HSUPA to GPRS intra-system handover success rate

InterCell Channel Change EDCH To DCH Success Rate

Inter-frequency EDCH to DCH reconfiguration success rate

InterFreq EDCHServing Cell Change HHO Success Rate

Inter-frequency EDCH serving cell hard handover success rate

IntraCell Channel Change EDCH To DCH Success Rate

Intra-frequency EDCH to DCH reconfiguration success rate

IntraFreq EDCHServing Cell Change HHO Success Rate

Intra-frequency EDCH serving cell hard handover success rate

IntraFreq EDCHServing Cell Change SHO Success Rate

Intra-frequency EDCH serving cell soft handover success rate

Delay Table 7-24 describes the Delay indicators. Table 7-24 Description of the Delay indicators Type



Access Delay

CS Incoming Call Setup Delay Time (VP & AMR)

CS voice incoming call setup delay time

CS Outgoing Call Setup Delay Time (VP & AMR)

CS voice outgoing call setup delay time

PDP Activate Delay Time

PDP activation delay time

PS Service Setup Delay Time

PS service setup delay time

Session Setup Delay

Session setup delay

Soft Handover Link Addition Time

Soft handover link addition delay time

Soft Handover Link Deletion Time

Soft handover link deletion delay time

InterFreq HHO Delay Time

Inter-frequency hard handover delay time

IntraFreq HHO Delay Time

Intra-frequency hard handover delay time

LinkRestore Delay Time

Link restore delay time

PS GSM to R99 HHO Delay Time

PS GSM to R99 hard handover delay time

PS R99 to GSM HHO Delay Time

PS R99 to GSM hard handover delay time

R99 Handover Delay

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HSDPA Handover Delay

SMS Delay

HSUPA Handover Delay





Voice GSM to R99 HHO Delay Time

Voice GSM to R99 hard handover delay time

Voice R99 to GSM HHO Delay Time

Voice R99 to GSM hard handover delay time

H to H InterFreq Cell Change Delay Time

HSDPA to HSDPA inter-frequency cell change delay time

H to H IntraFreq Cell Change Delay Time

HSDPA to HSDPA intra-frequency cell change delay time

H to R99 IntraFreq HHO Delay Time

HSDPA to R99 intra-frequency hard handover delay time

H to R99 IntraFreq SHO Delay Time

HSDPA to R99 intra-frequency soft handover delay time

H to R99 InterFreq HHO Delay Time

HSDPA to R99 inter-frequency hard handover delay time

R99 to H IntraFreq HHO Delay Time

R99 to HSDPA intra-frequency hard handover delay time

R99 to H IntraFreq SHO Delay Time

R99 to HSDPA intra-frequency soft handover delay time

R99 to H InterFreq HHO Delay Time

R99 to HSDPA inter-frequency hard handover delay time

H to 2G InterRAT Handover Delay Time

HSDPA to 2G inter-system hard handover delay time

SMS MO Delay Time

SMS MO delay time

SMS MT Delay Time

SMS MT delay time

Channel change DCH To EDCH Delay Time

DCH to EDCH channel change delay time

HSUPA to GPRS InterRAT HO Delay Time

HSUPA to GPRS inter-system handover delay time

InterCell Channel Change EDCH To DCH Delay Time

Inter-cell EDCH to DCH channel change delay time

InterFreq EDCHServing Cell Change HHO Delay Time

Inter-frequency EDCH serving cell hard handover delay time

IntraCell Channel Change EDCH To DCH Delay Time

Intra-cell EDCH to DCH channel change delay time

IntraFreq EDCHServing Cell Change HHO Delay Time

Intra-frequency EDCH serving cell hard handover delay time

IntraFreq EDCHServing Cell Change SHO Delay Time

Intra-frequency EDCH serving cell soft handover delay time

Cell Reselection Time From GSM to WCDMA (CS)

Cell reselection delay time from GSM to WCDMA of the CS service

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Cell Reselection Time From GSM to WCDMA(PS)

Cell reselection delay time from GSM to WCDMA of the PS service

Ping RTT at application Level

Round-trip time (RTT) of the Ping test

Attach Time Delay

Delay time from Attach Request to Complete

Call Timing Analysis

Call delay time analysis

Detach Time Delay

Delay time from Detach Request to Complete

Other Table 7-25 describes the Other indicators. Table 7-25 Description of the Other indicators Type



Integrated Call


Integrated video connection (lasting more than 2 min)


Integrated voice connection (lasting more than 2 min)

7.2 Scanner Indicators 7.2.1 GSM Scanner The GSM scanner is used for scannering and analyzing the channels with a specified frequency range.

Band Information Multiple bands may exist during the process of one drive test. The information about bands is added to identify the bands of the indicators. As shown in Figure 7-6, the band information about the current scanner is DCS1800 where DCS refers to the digital cellular system.

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Figure 7-6 Band information

RxLev Table 7-26 describes the RxLev indicators. Table 7-26 Description of the RxLev indicators Indicator


RxLev Best

The first six RxLevs of the best performed cell.

RxLev For Arfcn

All RxLevs of a specified ARFCN.

C/I Table 7-27 describes the C/I indicators. Table 7-27 Description of C/I indicators. Indicator


C/I Best

The first six C/I values of the test point.

C/I For Arfcn

All C/I values of a specified ARFCN.

C/A Table 7-28 describes the C/A indicators.


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Table 7-28 Description of the C/A indicators Indicator


C/A For Arfcn(+2)

The C/A value of an ARFCN whose value is greater than the value of the specified ARFCN by 2

C/A For Arfcn(+1)

The C/A value of an ARFCN whose value is greater than the value of the specified ARFCN by 1

C/A For Arfcn(-1)

The C/A value of an ARFCN whose value is smaller than the value of the specified ARFCN by 1

C/A For Arfcn(-2)

The C/A value of an ARFCN whose value is small than the value of the specified ARFCN by 2

BCCH Along With BSIC Table 7-29 describes the BCCH Along With BSIC indicators. Table 7-29 Description of the BCCH Along With BSIC indicators Indicator


BSIC For Arfcn

The BSICs of the specified ARFCN

7.2.2 WCDMA Scanner The scanner indicators are based on the 3GPP Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). The scanner can scan and analyze the strongest pilot signal, specified pilot signal, and spectrum.

Frequency Multiple frequencies may occur during a drive test. The frequency number is used to identify the frequency in which the indicator is located, as shown in Figure 7-7.

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Figure 7-7 Frequency number

Nth Best The Nth Best indicators denote the first N cells with the best signals. Table 7-30 describes the Nth Best indicators. Table 7-30 Description of the Nth Best indicators Indicator


Ec/Io and RSCP for 1st ServiceCell

Provides the Ec/Io and RSCP of the best serving cell at each test point.

Ec/Io for Nth Best Service Cell

Provides the Ec/Io values of N (1 to 5) cells in descending order according to Ec/Io at each test point.

RSCP for Nth Best Service Cell

Provides the RSCP values of N (1 to 5) cells in descending order according to RSCP at each test point.

SC for Nth Best Service Cell

Provides the scrambling codes of N (1 to 5) cells in descending order by Ec/Io at each test point.

Sir For Nth Best Service Cell

Provides the SIR values of N (1 to 5) cells in descending order according to SIR at each test point.

Rscp For Nth Best Service Cell

Provides the Rscp values of N (1 to 5) cells in descending order according to Rscp at each test point.

EC/IO Table 7-31 describes the Ec/Io indicators.


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Table 7-31 Description of the Ec/Io indicators Indicator


Ec/Io for SC

Corresponding Ec/Io of each scrambling code On the basis of cells, the Assistant categorizes the Ec/Io information measured by the scanner during a drive test and displays all the Ec/Io information about a specific cell measured during the drive test.

Ec/Io Max for SC

The maximum Ec/Io value of each scrambling code The Assistant obtains the maximum Ec/Io from all the Ec/Io values provided by the Ec/Io for SC sub-node.

If the geographic binning is set, this node provides the data after binning.

RSCP Table 7-32 describes the indicators of RSCP. Table 7-32 Description of the RSCP indicators Indicator



RSCP of each scrambling code On the basis of cells, the Assistant categorizes the RSCP information measured by the scanner during a drive test and displays all the RSCP information about a specific cell measured during the drive test.

RSCP Max for SC

The maximum RSCP of each scrambling code The Assistant selects the drive test point at which the RSCP of a current cell is the best from the data of RSCP for SC.

If the geographic binning is set, this node provides the data after binning.

Pilot Pollution Table 7-33 describes the indicators of Pilot Pollution. Table 7-33 Description of the Pilot Pollution indicators Indicator


Pilot Pollution for SC

Pilot pollution of each scrambling code

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The Assistant simulates pilot pollution by using the scanner test data and categorizes the pilot pollution results according to cells. All the pilot pollution information about a specific cell during the drive test is displayed.

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Whole PP

The number of points with pilot pollution measured during the drive test

Pilot Pollution Rate

Pilot pollution rate. You can set this parameter in the properties of the dataset.

The formula for the pilot pollution rate is as follows: Pilot Pollution Rate = Pilot Pollution Points/Total Points * 100%. A point can be determined as a pilot pollution point when it meets the following three conditions: z

The number of pilot signals is obtained when the number of active sets equals to or is larger than four.


The RSCPs of at least four CPICHs equal to or are greater than -100 dBm.


The difference between the RSCP of the best performed CPICH and the RSCP of any other CPICH equals to or is larger than 5 dBm.

HO Event This node provides the events simulated by the scanner, as described in 4.2.6 "Modifying the Dataset Property." The simulation is based on the test data and the parameters set for soft handover. For details about the parameter setting, refer to Table 7-34. Table 7-34 describes the HO Event indicators. Table 7-34 Description of the HO Event indicators Indicator


Simulated Event 1A

Event 1A of the active set, which is simulated through the scanner pilot data

Simulated Event 1B

Event 1B of the active set, which is simulated through the scanner pilot data

Simulated Event 1C

Event 1C of the active set, which is simulated through the scanner pilot data

Simulated Event 1D

Event 1A indicates that the primary pilot channel comes into the reporting scope. Event 1B indicates that the primary pilot channel goes out of the reporting scope. Event 1C indicates that the signal quality of an inactivated primary pilot channel is better than the signal quality of an activated one. Event 1D of the active set, which is simulated through the scanner pilot data. Event 1D indicates that the best cell changes.

RSSI This node provides the received signal strength indicators (RSSIs) measured by the scanner. The RSSI reflect the pilot interference on the drive test route.


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Scanner Coverage Summary (EC/IO) This indicator is the scanner Ec/Io coverage summary, as shown in Figure 7-8. Figure 7-8 Scanner Coverage Summary (Ec/Io)

Scanner Coverage Summary(RSCP) This indicator is the scanner RSCP coverage summary, as shown in Figure 7-9. Figure 7-9 Scanner Coverage Summary (RSCP)

7.3 RNC Indicators 7.3.1 Overview The RNC indicators reflect the status of radio network resources.

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Table 7-35 describes the RNC indicators. Table 7-35 Description of the RNC indicators





Uplink block error rate, to which uplink block error rate epinasty is added


Uplink bit error rate


Uplink signal-to-interference ratio

UL SIR Target

Uplink signal-to-interference ratio target


Uplink RSSI

UL Throughput

Uplink throughput

UL Bandwidth

Uplink bandwidth


Downlink block error rate

DL Throughput

Downlink throughput

DL Bandwidth

Downlink bandwidth

DL Tx Carr Pwr

Transmit power of the downlink carriers

DL Transmit Code Power

Downlink transmit code power

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8 Analysis Report Management


Analysis Report Management

About This Chapter The following table lists the contents of this chapter. Section


8.1 Overview

The reports generated by the Assistant.

8.2 Generating WCDMA DT Report

The complete .doc report provided by the Assistant for common UE and scanner indicators.

8.3 Generating Reports Through the Wizard

The Assistant can generate WCDMA KPI reports, GSM reports, scanner reports, custom reports, and theme reports through the wizard.

8.4 WCDMA KPI Report

The WCDMA KPI reports and the pages in the reports.

8.5 GSM Report

The GSM/GPRS reports and the pages in the reports.

8.6 Scanner Report

The Scanner reports and the pages in the reports.

8.7 Theme Report

The theme reports and the pages in the reports.

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8.1 Overview The reports automatically generated by the Assistant consist of the WCDMA DT report, WCDMA KPI report, GSM KPI report, scanner report, custom report, and theme report. WCDMA KPI reports, GSM KPI reports, scanner reports, custom reports, and theme reports can be generated through the wizard.

8.2 Generating WCDMA DT Report The Assistant provides a complete .doc DT report for common UE and scanner indicators. To generate the WCDMA DT report, perform the following steps: Step 1 On the Project tab page in the navigation area, select a dataset. Step 2 Right-click the dataset and choose Analyse Report > WCDMA Drive Test Report. The Report Setting dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 8-1. Figure 8-1 Report Setting dialog box

Table 8-1 describes the parameters in the Reporting Setting dialog box. Table 8-1 Parameters in the Report Setting dialog box




UE Name

Select a test UE.


Select a scanner.

Cluster Name

Enter the name or ID of a tested cluster.

Customer Name

Enter a customer name.

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Parameter Data Setting

Function Two options are available: z

All Data: analyzing all the data


Lock Data: analyzing the locked data

Step 3 After the parameter configuration is complete, click OK. ----End

8.3 Generating Reports Through the Wizard The Assistant can generate WCDMA KPI reports, GSM reports, scanner reports, and theme reports through the wizard. Two available methods are as follows: z

Through the intelligent report subsystem


Through the shortcut menu of a dataset

8.3.1 Intelligent Report Subsystem The data source of the reports exported by the intelligent report system can come from either the original test data file (for example. *.gen data file) or the imported dataset. You can configure the reports through the interface wizard. The smart report system generates relevant reports according to the configuration.

Generating Reports from Original Data The reports are directly generated from the original test data file. You can perform this operation in either of the following situations: z

No project file is opened.


The opened project file is selected.

This section takes the second situation as an example to introduce the operating procedure for generating an intelligent report from original data. Step 1 Select a project on the Project tab page in the navigation area. Step 2 Click

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on the tool bar, or choose Dataset > Report Wizard.

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The Smart Report Guide-First Step dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 8-2. Figure 8-2 Smart Report Guide-First Step dialog box (Setting tab page)

Step 3 Set the parameters on the Setting tab page. For details about parameter setting, refer to Table 8-2. Table 8-2 Parameters on the Setting tab page Parameter


Project Name

The file name of the selected project.

Project Path

The saving path of the selected project.

Dataset Name


Set the properties of a dataset by clicking 4.2 "Managing a Dataset."

Report Author

Enter the author name of a report.

Report Path

Select the save path of the report

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. For details, see section

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8 Analysis Report Management

Step 4 Choose the ImportFiles tab, as shown in Figure 8-3. Figure 8-3 ImportFiles tab page

Table 8-3 describes the tab page shown in Figure 8-3. Table 8-3 Description of the ImportFile tab page No.



If you select the AutoCombinebyCom check box, the devices are automatically merged through the COM interface. NOTE The data using the same COM interface is merged into one device.


Displays the data files to be imported.


If you select the IsNeedCrossingTable check box, the data required by the crossing table report is recorded. The crossing table shows the relations of indicators in the imported HSDPA data. NOTE The crossing table is valid only to the HSDPA data.


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Click Browse to choose the data files to be imported.

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Step 5 After importing a data file, click Next. The Smart Report Guide-Second Step dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 8-4. Figure 8-4 Smart Report Guide-Second Step dialog box

Table 8-4 describes the parameter setting of this dialog box. Table 8-4 Parameter setting of the Smart Report Guide-Second Step dialog box Parameter


Device group box

Lists the selected devices.

Right pane

Displays the reports provided by the system for you to select. You can double-click the nodes in green, and then edit the corresponding report of this node.


Loads the report template that is already saved.


Saves the report template that is already set.


If you do not select a device from the Device list box, the report configuration of each device is the same.


If you select at least one device from the Device list box, you can specifically configure the reports generated by this device.

Step 6 Click Finish.


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After the data is processed, the corresponding report cover is displayed, as shown in Figure 8-5. Figure 8-5 Cover of the smart report


Generating Reports from the Existing Dataset Before generating reports, ensure that the dataset is already imported to the project. To generate intelligent reports from the existing dataset, use the following methods: z

Right-click the selected dataset, and then choose Analyse Report > Report Wizard from the shortcut menu.


Select the dataset from which the intelligent report needs to be generated. Click the tool bar.


Select the dataset from which the intelligent report needs to be generated. Choose Dataset > Report Wizard.


This part takes the second method as an example to describe the method of generating an intelligent report from the existing dataset. The detailed procedure is as follows: Step 1 On the Project tab page, select a dataset to generate a smart report. Step 2 Click

on the tool bar.

The Smart Report Guide-First Step dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 8-6.

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Figure 8-6 Smart Report Guide-First Step dialog box

Table 8-5 describes the parameter setting of this dialog box. Table 8-5 Parameter setting of the First Step dialog box Parameter


Available Device list box

Used to display the available devices to generate a smart report.

Selected Device list box

Used to display the selected devices. Used to move all devices from the Available Device list box to the Selected Device list box. Used to move the selected devices from the Available Device list box to the Selected Device list box. Used to move the selected devices from the Selected Device list box to the Available Device list box. Used to move all devices from the Selected Device list box to the Available Device list box.


Report Author

Used to enter the report author.

Report Directory

Selects the save path of the report by clicking

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


Issue 06 (2009-06-20)

GENEX Assistant User Manual

8 Analysis Report Management

Step 3 Click Next. The Smart Report Guide-Second Step dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 8-7. For details about the parameter description of the dialog box, see Table 8-4. Figure 8-7 Smart Report Guide-Second Step dialog box

Step 4 Click Finish. After the data is processed, the corresponding report cover is displayed. ----End

8.3.2 Generating Reports from the Shortcut Menu The object of generating reports from the shortcut menu of the dataset is the dataset that has been imported to the project. Right-click the dataset about which a report is to be generated. From the shortcut menu, choose Analyse Report. From the displayed submenu, choose the report to be generated, including WCDMA Drive Test Report and Report Wizard.

Issue 06 (2009-06-20)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


GENEX Assistant User Manual

8 Analysis Report Management


For details about how to generate the WCDMA drive test report, see section 8.2 "Generating WCDMA DT Report."


For details about how to generate the report wizard, see section "Generating Reports from the Existing Dataset."

8.3.3 Generating a Custom Report You can select and collect statistics on some GSM or WCDMA basic indicators, events or KPIs that are defined by the system. Then, the Assistant displays the statistic results in geographic map, bar chart, or statistic values in the exported reports (.doc files) to facilitate your analysis of the data. To generate a custom report, perform the following steps: Step 1 In the Smart Report Guide – Second Step dialog box shown in Figure 8-4 and Figure 8-7, double-click the Custom Report node. The Custom Report Setup dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 8-8. Figure 8-8 Custom Report Setup dialog box

Table 8-6 describes the parameters of the Custom Report Setup dialog box.


Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Issue 06 (2009-06-20)

GENEX Assistant User Manual

8 Analysis Report Management

Table 8-6 Description of parameters of the Custom Report Setup dialog box Control



IE tab page



Displays the GSM and WCDMA UE indicators. For details, see section 7.1 "UE Indicators."


Displays the GSM and WCDMA scanner indicators. For details, see section 7.2 "Scanner Indicators."

EVENT tab page


Displays the test terminal event indicators. For details, see section 7.1.7 "Phone Event."

KPI tab page


Displays the GSM and WCDMA KPI indicators. For details, see sections 7.1.12 "GSM KPI" and 7.1.13 "WCDMA KPI."

List box in the left


Refers to the names of the indicator elements (IEs), events, and KPIs.


Refers to the threshold that you enter. This parameter is used to collect statistics on the rates of the following IE indicators that are:



Greater than the threshold


Smaller than the threshold


Equal to or greater than the threshold


Equal to or smaller than the threshold


Equal to the threshold

If you enter "-", no statistic results are displayed. T1. Comparison T2. Comparison

Refer to T1 and T2 comparison operators which consist of >, =,
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