
June 12, 2016 | Author: Anton Chernikov | Category: N/A
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“GENESIS” Launch your very own learning community Request a Demo

What would you like to know?

Genesis is a digital platform that makes it easy for your students, faculty and allumni to connect, collaborate and share knowledge.

Three ways that Genesis will impact your institution

Student Engagement & Career Resilience Genesis facilitates a new ‘ learn by doing’ ethos where students are given the platform to collaborate on real world projects. Course modules and assignments are complimented with bitesized resources and access to a network of faculty, allumni, business experts and fellow students. Genesis makes it possible for students to shape their own experience, and by doing so they will build the essential digital and people skills necessary to thrive in the new economy.

Pedagogical Insights & Real Time Support Genenis allows provides all members with profiles where they can tag their learning styles, interests, passions & personality types. As members use the platform we will be able to report on trends and insights about when and how your students learn best. You will also be able to reward the faculty who provide the most engaging content and the most effective support. The power of genesis lies in the real-time peer-to-peer feedback loops that it can facilite between students and faculty.

Allumni Participation & New Revenue Opportunities Genesis goes far beyond a conventional virtual learning environment. We see genesis as a lifelong learning platform. When students graduate we can simply upgrade their account to allumni, so that they can continue to enjoy the benefits of their education throughout their careers.This also presents potential revenue opportunities as alumni could be charged annual membership fees. It is also possible to publish targetted featured posts via the platform. For example, employers may wish to promote jobs and events to the community.

Genesis empowers your institution to operate like a startup, using real-time data to deliver more value and relevant support to your students and faculty.

Here’s How We Work Understand Consulting & Stakeholder Engagement



Finalised Platform Designs & Project Processes


Platform Development, Content Co-Creation & Staff Training

Platform Launch & Ongoing Support

Improve Impact Measurement & Progress Reviews

We provide a ‘Platform as a Service’ solution. Which means we are with you every step of the way, from design to development to launch and beyond.

Why Genesis Matters The cost of higher education is increasing faster than inflation The value of a degree is falling as content is becoming openly accessible The global economy is changing and graduates are struggling to get the best jobs

We forsee a paradigm shift in higher education. A shift that moves away from just delivering courses and towards nurturing lifelong learning communities.




Sequence of Modules

Bitesize Resources

Passive Consumption

Active Participation

Individual Tutors Pretend Assignments


A Network of Mentors & Peers Real World Projects

Partner with Exponentials, and together we can pioneer a brighter future for higher education.

contact: [email protected]

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Resource Library


Learn from proven entrepreneurs and business consultants.

Community Search

Browse through our noticeboard of market insights, new ideas, projects, events, jobs and mastermind groups.

Find and connect with likeminded entrepreneurs & innovators.

Dynamic Content Kudos & Add to Playlist +25

Fundraising & Securing Investment

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Posted on 12th February 2014, 366 page views, 25 contributions.

Author: Name

A catchy title

Get in Touch

The Core Concept

Fundraising is not about selling or pitching, it’s all about communicating your vision and building long term relationships.

A sentence that summarises the core concept

Specific Learning Goals: This resource will help you to...

- Transform your networking style from a selling approach to a giving approach. - Get influencial and busy people to open your emails. - Play to your strengths and leverage your assets.

A sentence that explains the problem / pain point

Acknowledgements: Creators, Curators & Contributors

We would like to acknowledge: Anton Chernikov, Bob Hill and Anna Steel for curating and Plus others... added over time...

Three specific learning goals

To view additional content and to participate in our community, please register for premium membership (for the price of only two cups of coffee a month) Login


Acknowledgement and Biographies of the Resource Creators.

Go Premium


Let’s get started...

Listen to Audio only

Open Question to build on the conversation / ideas / concepts

At intervals, the video suggests a break and a small exercise (open question) to get you to reflect and summarise and add to the conversation...

Text Summary of the Video (transcript or key points)

A video that explains the core concept through a series of stories, scanarioes and case studies. There are pauses that encourage reflection and contirbution Full of personal examples of how the author has used this theory / tool / resource. MAKE IT REAL...

Dive Deeper (Immersion) Go back


creator name

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Summary of link & how it can be useful...

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Summary of link & how it can be useful...


iframe of website link

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Scribd, Kippt, Median : the latest tools

Additional Links and Files so that members can dive deeper and get a diverse perspective. Take Action 1) Find a startup that you believe in then offer to fundraise for them at a 1 or 2% “no win no fee” comission. Document the journey and share your insights with us. 2) Go to a networking event and see how many follow meetings you can get. Document the process and share your insights with us.

Search for Collaborators

Ability to leave Disqus comments

Provides context....

Mesh network created as resources are linked to other resources

Creative ideas for how members can test this learning and put it into practice.

Start a MasterMind Group

Contribute. Help make this resource even better. - Send us your feedback. - Share additional links and files. - Leave a positive comment / testimonial at the bottom of this page. - Share a case study (annonymously or publically) so that we can all benefit from your learning.

Comments & Testimonials

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Constructive Feedback & Reviews

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PAGES Copyright Exponentials 2013




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Google Analytics

Scale your impact & your profits... partner with The Exponentials, The Startup Consultancy

Spotify Business Model & Admin Dashboard

People Search, Dynamic Profiles, Matching & Portfolio Assessment

Juan Guerra

Kudos Score:


CEO & Founder at StudentFunder

Contact Make an Intro








Professional Bio


Introduce yourself

Socially minded professional who fundraised his way into higher education. Juan has since journeyed through SME and Microfinance, Insurance and Fintech to remove financial barriers to success.

Dynamic profile that capture learning style, personality type, passions and market interests.

Goal: Maximising returns on capital and labour for all stakeholders (born and unborn), Causes: access to education and financial inclusion. In other words: erradicating poverty, improving the quality of the wold's leadership and disintermediating the financial system. Specialties: Crossing the Alps in an elephant costume. Hustling.

Assessment and accreditation will be based on this portfolio & your Kudos Score

Advanced Search.


Gamification & Social Currency (Give Kudos!). Connect with LinkedIn (to stay in sync with the career progression of your allumni) Portfolio of links... used for assessment.

Project Reports

Goals / Reflections

Project Plans

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URL Links

Please see our Digital Suite to see how to best upload your files and content to the web securely

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Summary of link and why you created this resource Date Added

Your assigned tutors provide performance reviews in the same way as your line manager would....

Summary of link and why you created this resource


Search Tags User Type (set by the back office admin)



Student Class 2014

Allumni Class 2007

Smart Matching & Data Insights

Interests & Passions Technology


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Learn about Kudos

Advanced Search

Kudos Score: 240pt

Juan Guerra CEO & Founder at StudentFunder


Learning Style

(go to link to take the test)









Personality Type Myers Briggs Test

Belbin Test

Kudos Score: 240pt



Title / Tagline

pschometric tests...

(go to links to take the test)

StrengthsFinder 2.0



Resource Investigators


Monitor Evaluators



Completer Finishers


Write a Testimonial


Kudos Score: 240pt


Title / Tagline

All testimonials & comments will be moderated.


automatic if loggedin


Write Message


Kudos Score: 240pt

Title / Tagline





Name of Poster Date Posted

Messsage asfasdfsd gasd gasd gas dg as dsagasdgasdgasdg sdsdsafadssddsasd asdgasdgasdg asdgasdgasdg asdgasdgasd gasdgasdgdsag sfgsdfgsdasdfasdff asdgasdg sadgadsgasdg adgsagads g asdgadsgdsg ads

Noticeboard Select specific categories Trends & Insights Success Stories



Mastermind Groups

Voluntary Projects

New Ideas

Paid Projects



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Post Info... Mix View


List View

Exploring the future of online learning

Market Trends & Insights to keep your students aware of business opportunities.

We have curated a full range of ideas on how...

Category Tags: Trends & Insights

Events (workshops, talks, hackdays)

Join Our London Future of Education Mastermins

Title Description Photo Category Tag Expiry Date


Mastermind groups (organised and managed by students)

Category Tags: MasterMind Groups

We just raised £100k for our clients using the ‘leverage your assets’ technique.

New Ideas (to find collaborators)


Link Out or Email Message as a call to action

Category Tags: MasterMind Groups



Success Stories & Inspiring Interviews

No login ‘Advertise’ page with payment details... goes to admin for moderation.

Volunteering Opportunities Freelance Projects

Inspiring Stories

Inspiring Stories

Jobs & Internships (you can post on behalf of employers as a premium advertising service - additional revenue source) And other category you can imagine...

TED style...

A great way to monetise the site with only relevant advertising that will add value to the community. Not generic banner / display advertising.

contact: [email protected]

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Process Demo

Design for Change With technology changing so rapidly, investing in a single, massive system may result in spiralling maintenance costs. Our goal is to create a low cost integrated solution that can be piloted and expanded over time.

We go beyond convesional MOOC and VLE platforms and enable students, allumni, faculty and external stakeholders to connect, collaborate and exchange knowledge like never before.

Here’s how it works There are three key components to the platform KEY FEATURES

Resource Library


People Search

Learn from proven entrepreneurs and business consultants.

Browse through our noticeboard of market insights, new ideas, projects, events, jobs and mastermind groups.

Find and connect with likeminded entrepreneurs & innovators.






The User Flow

Public Facing Blog

Home Page

Partners & Faculty

Mission & Values

Testimonials from engaged allumni

(Video & Info Page)

Login / Sign Up (Restricted Access / Payment Wall) (User Types: Student / Faculty / Allumni / Admin / Paying Member : e.g. recruiter or online student)

Activation Email

Open Via Mobile App spontaneous learning moments


Induction Page

Digital Suite Recommended and peer reviewed digital tools

My Playlist

(Video & Text unique for each user type)

Content Description Text

One page guide on how to use the platform in synergy with existing web tools.

My Playlist (Resources, Posts & Profiles)

Resource Library

Notice Board

People Search

Search & Filter

Search & Filter

Search & Filter

+ Resource / Edit

+ Post / Edit

+ Profile / Edit

select categories / tags

select categories / tags

select categories / tags

Moderation by admin?

use iframes for link outs to maintain analytics + Add to playlist

Resource Page

Post Page

Profile Page

Link Out / Direct Email Message to Creator

Link Out / Direct Email Message to Creator

Link Out / Direct Email Message / Intro

Comments / Replies Moderated by creator

Comments / Replies Moderated by creator

Testimonials Moderated by creator

Give Kudos / Add to playlist

Give Kudos / Add to playlist

Give Kudos / Add to playlist

Kudos = Gamification (Perhaps have End of Year Awards?)

Automated Weekly Newsletter 1) Featured Posts (selected by admin) 2) Posts, Resources and Profiles with most weekly Kudos

Manage Account

User Dashboard

Live Site Feeback

View / Edit Profile

Approve / Delete Comments

View / Edit Account Details

Approve / Delete Testimonials

View / Edit Payment Details

View / Edit ‘Created’ Resources


View / Edit ‘Created’ Posts

Sent directly to admin Faculty / Staff Rota?

Kudos Calculator... how did I get my Kudos score?

View invoice history & open as pdf

The responsibility of moderating comments / testimonials is left to the creator of the page. Creators can also see basic analytics such as page views, click outs, Kudos Scores & Rates +- ?

Admin Dashboard





Export as CSV Someone Reviews this dashboard, exports the CSV and monitors the trends. Every 3 months a report is send to faculty.

Weekly no.

Weekly no.

Weekly no.

Weekly no.

(+-% monthly rate)

(+-% monthly rate)

(+-% monthly rate)

(+-% monthly rate)

Weekly no.

Weekly no.

Weekly no.

Weekly no.

(+-% monthly rate)

(+-% monthly rate)

(+-% monthly rate)

(+-% monthly rate)

Click Outs

Weekly no.

Weekly no.

Weekly no.

Weekly no.

Number of links clicked within pages

(+-% monthly rate)

(+-% monthly rate)

(+-% monthly rate)

(+-% monthly rate)

Weekly no.

Weekly no.

Weekly no.

Weekly no.

View each page in table / list view

(+-% monthly rate)

(+-% monthly rate)

(+-% monthly rate)

(+-% monthly rate)

Review the trends based on tags used...

Created Pages Opened Pages

Kudos / Add to Playlist

notice trends and patterns...

Dive into the data!!!

Click to View Breakdown

Monthly rate is calculated by adding all the number of the last 28days and dividing it by all the sum of all the number in the previous 28 days)

Review Top Search Quieries Set Featured Content

Edit all content on site Tag Editting

Add new user with automatic email invite

Black list users so they cannot post? Perhaps one day users need to reach certain Kudos Score to post?

Sometime in the future? Matching Algorithms Learning Goals Tool for professors to collect regular feedback on student’s progress and moods.

Big Data Visualisations

Live Chat Room

Connect With Linkedin & Other Social Networks

MultiMedia Portfolio Designs

See who is online right now just like on Facebook This could turn into a Quora style forum in the future when activity is super high Public Calender? Challenges with syncing

Indexing & SEO (Google Search) - if driving premium membership

Coporate White Label Package

£2k per employee per year? Learn on the job, distance learning Platform is designed to provide more than just theory it should be have everyday impact as a great way of organising and storing knowledge and connections.

Are you a business consultant or thought leader?

Get Paid to Support Entrepreneurs


Advertising with us?

Spread the word!

Maximise the impact of your knowledge & expertise, whilst also getting paid and generating new leads. Let’s Go! Join Our Tribe of Curators & Contributors

What would you like to know?

We are applying Spotify’s (a music streaming service) business model to business consultancy. Now you can make a different and make money at the same time.

Complete our application form

Here’s how it works Contributor Fills Out Application Form

Co-Creation Of Content Via Skype & Email

Publish & Promote Content Pages

Gather Feeback & Improve Content

Revenues Shared Fairly Every Quarter

We believe that the core assets of our platform are the learning resources that are created by our tribe of curators and contributors. Their expertise, knowledge and time is what will make our platform grow exponentially. It is not enough to just provide a platform, we believe that we must also provide a business model that rewards contributors fairly.

How Our ‘Spotify Inspired’ Business Model Works

Engagement by Paying Members With Your Content Total amount of Engagement by Paying Members On The SIte

Engagement is based on algorithm =


Click Outs


Contributor Earnings

50% of revenues from the site

Google Analytics (duration on site)

Contributors will then have two options

Donation with gift aid goes to our social investment loan fund Your earnings plus an additional 20% in gift aid will go into a social investment loan fund that will be invested into upcoming social ventures.

Contributor Payout We do payouts at the beginning of every quarter. You will only receive payment three months or more after your resource is published

All contributors will also receive x3 free lifetime membership invitations worth £207 / $300.

Sounds great... what are the next steps? And then we will shall start co-creating an amazing learning resource together.

Complete our application form

All our content has been co-produced and created with leading entrepreneurs and business consultants. Every resource is focussed on a specific concept that you can instantly apply to your day-to-day operations. We also design all our content to be participatory and to accomodate multiple learning styles.

Below are some of the business areas that our library of inspirations and resources will cover...

Fundraising & Securing Investment

Lean UX / Rapid Prototyping

Effective Market Research & Positioning

Launching Marketing Campaigns

Hiring The Right People At The Right Time

Building Partnerships & Negotiating Equity

Working With Designers & Developers To Build Your MVP

Using Digital Tools To Optimise Your Business Processes

Defining Your Purpose & Telling Your Story

Creating A Culture Of Feedback & Innovation

Building & Mobilising Your Tribe Of Advisors & Supporters

Creating High Impact Presentations

Don’t Miss Out! Our first 1,000 members get one year free membership

What our clients have to say...

Monthly Membership - 2 week free trial Monthly Subscription

$7 /mo


Lifetime Membership



Payments will begin after two weeks. You can cancel or refund at anytime.



Password Payment Deatils (stripe)

I Accept the Terms & Conditions & Privacy Policy

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“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Richard Buckminster Fuller

Key Concepts Build Your Own Playlist

Portfolio Assessment

Link Out & Measure (iframes)

Induction Video, Digital Suite & FAQs

Kudos & Social Capital (used to determine relevancy & quality of content)

Spotify Business Model Applied to Business Consultancy

Community Noticeboard with Automated Weekly Emails

People Search & Messaging Via Email

Matching Based on Personality, Interests and Learning Styles

In House Digital Team... to provide research, tech support & training With a network of young digital agencies & freelancers... that can be commissioned to do bespoke digital work. Exponentials?

Assigning faculty to students rather than classes

Analytics to provide trends & insights

The Design of Resources to be bitesize... moving away from courses

Students set their own learning goals, find their own mentors & create / join master mind groups. We want to mirror the challenges that they will face in the real world. Learning to manage networks and complexity.

Learn How to Learn... the first month class taken by entire college enabling cross department synergies and greater engagement. Cross fertilisation. Pursuit of Mastery.

Learning from the data of Virtual Ashridge The average visit is 8min 59 sec Mostly accessed via their laptops. 1 MIN PER PAGE… this data supports a very different style of learning. Situational learning based on specific needs and scenarioes.

contact: [email protected]

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