Generation iY

December 18, 2016 | Author: la-rush | Category: N/A
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Generation iY, Our Last Chance to Save Their Future By Tim Elmore The book is potraying the current emerging young generation from their behaviors, beliefs, values, expectations and also their problems. Tim started his book by providing a letter from a father to his son in the year 2030. Inside the letter, reader being hooked by the simple paragraph which stated the father’s regret to his son. The father confessed that he realize his efforts throughout years actually bring hurt rather than support the young man. Since the global change situation, the father see the result of their nurture cause adults living in isolation, social media junkies with little people skill, obese adults, problems with gender and identity and midlife adults which depict “love you hate you” relationship with parents. Therefore, Tim start introducing Generation iY to the reader by let them in through the emotional letter. Shortly, Generation Y, or the Millenials, generally defined as those born between 1984 and 2002. Tim put “i” title in front of the term because this generation has literally grow up online. They mastered the world of iPod, iBook, iPad, iChat, iMovie, and iTunes. Tim has explained his purpose in writing book for anyone in the position to lead Generation iY including parents, teachers, coaches, youth, workers, retailers, and employers. He wants to give deep rich definition and practical ideas for understanding iYers, engaging them effectively and leading them wisely. The subject of this book immediately will affect reader and the people around them in the next fifteen or twenty years. Generation iY will be the largest in earth’s history, soon. But they experienced many problems recently since they are raised as the most protected and observed children. First, they are being an overwhelmed generation with lots stress come from internal and external sources including parents who put pressure on them. Second, they become an overconnected generation. It relates to two ways mechanism if they’re being overwhelmed. They push back and get lost in virtual world or they respon by trying to measure up and push themselves being “superkid”. Third, overprotected generation, as mention before. For generation iY, safety has often been allowed to trump growth. The parents shelter has been trouble them in developing strong, independent coping skills. Last, an overserved generation which enable them to be more narcisstic or me-centered generation.

These four condition is believed happened and become big problem for generation iY in adjust themselves in adulthood. This books is briefly defined the reality show by adults who wants to communicate with generation iY including their problems. The author try focus to build deep understanding for reader in order to unleashing iYers leadership potential. He mention tips of how to care and feeding this new generation without make them depend on their parents and environment. It is very important because the young people nowadays tend to be experiential, participatory while in the same time being image-rich and connected 24/7. The best part in Tim’s book is he put many practical ideas for readers, accompany by several short inspiring stories from iYers. He also give reliable data about young generation growth from baby boomers until 2000. Overall, this is an eye-and-mind opening book for all generation since it contains what he mentioned as future transformation will be lead by this generation. Critically, I would questioned on how does Tim really sure that this iYers will be take over the reign of adulthood if they were raised as stubborn and spoiled child? I also disagree about the statement that Tim believe this generation Y will be able to think and act on their own without approval from their parents.

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