General Education LET EXAM

September 12, 2017 | Author: Jovit Rejas Aleria | Category: Grammatical Tense, Verb, Linguistic Morphology, Language Mechanics, Style (Fiction)
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General Education LET EXAM...


ENGLISH 1. A. C. B. DAns: C – the answer is C because the bound morphemes “in”, “dis”,”un, and “il” connote negative meaning- for example when we say inadequate, we mean that it is not adequate 2. A. C. B. D. Ans: A- The answer is a, because all of the other given options connote “Wrapping up” a particular text, while doing an “ Assumption” means that we are trying to hypothesize. 3. A. C B. D. Ans: D- The answer is D because all the other options given are measures of temperature while “meter” is a measure of length or distance. 4. A. C. B. D. Ans: B – the answer is letter B because the article “ the” would connote that we are pertaining to “all” poor people, and because of that the pronoun to be used must also plural in form. 5. A. C B. D. Ans: D – the given statement below includes an idiom and so one must not take it literally. The idiom used in the sentence means to actively participate in a group endeavor, and so the answer is D. 6. A. C. B. D. Ans: B – this particular item concerns “tag questions”. The rule in using tag question is that when the first statement is negative, the next statement must be positive and vice-versa. Having stated this, the answer is B. 7. A. C. B. D. Ans: A – Using our context clues abilities and the archetypes of colors, we can easily state that the answer is letter A. the color “White” symbolizes purity, and if we are to connect it with the word “lie” we can by all means say that “White Lies” are lies without any intention to hurt other people. 8.

A. C. B. DAns: B – at first one might think that the answer is C ‘to write”, but upon examining deeply, we would have to consider B “writing” as another possible answer. “to write” and “ writing” are nominal (infinitive and gerund). Nominals are verbs that function as nouns. Infinitives often times appear after an object of the sentence. It would be awkward to say “Did your mentor ask you writing a new one?”, a better version of this sentence would be “Did your mentor ask you to write a new one?”. In the given sentence, the object was not given, so the best answer is a gerund, letter B.

9. A. C. B. D. Ans: D- the answer is letter D “cope” although most would answer A “cope up”. D is the best answer since that “cope with” means “to adapt”, while “cope up with” means “to try to follow one’s lead”. 10. A. C. B. answer is B “where” because we are pertaining to a place.

D. Ans:

B – The

11. A. C. B. D. Ans: D – The answer is D “too wet”. This is so because the phrase “so wet” must only used if it is followed by a clause – for example” The towels you gave me are so wet that I cannot dry the tables anymore. 12. A. C. B. D. Ans: B – The obvious answer is letter B, because among the options given it is the only word that ends with “ne”.

13. A. C. B. D. Ans: C- The apparent answer is C “stage fright” because all of the options given would not constitute to the given symptoms in the question. There are also some contexts clues present such as “speaker”, “stage” and “spiel”. 14. A. C. B. D. Ans: B – The answer is B “simile” the statement is comparing the snake to the night using the word “like”. Personification is when we give humanity attributes to inanimate objects. “Metaphor” is direct comparison-meaning comparing without the use of “like “or “as”. Apostrophe is addressing someone who is absent or deceased, inanimate or abstract concepts. 15. A. B. C. D. Ans: C – The Rubaiyat is written by Omar Khayam and translated into English by Edward Fitzgerald. It adheres to the carpe diem movement that states that we should eat now drink and be merry for tomorrow you’ll die (Seize the day). Having said this answer is letter C. 16. A. B. C. D. Ans: D – Using the key words “Green pastures” which means prosperity and “still waters” which means peace, we can clearly state that the answer is D. 17. A. B. C. D. Ans: D – The answer is D because the quotation given states that is not enough for us to be eager in learning, but we must also treat it with excitement and with much enthusiasm.


Recall “The Virgin”, May day Eve”, The Small Key” written by Kerima Polotan tuvera, nick Joaquin, and Paz Latorena, respectively then answer the questions below.

18. A. B. C. D. Ans: B – The answer is B. in the story, the mother of the main character was sick for a very long time and so Ms. Mijares was obliged to take care of her mother 19. A. B. C. D. Ans: A – The answer is A. in the story, Soledad, the main character, is very much intrigued by the small key that her husband never failed to treasure. So when Pedro left the key accidentally, Soledad took the opportunity and she opened the chest and found the old things of the first wife. Because of her jealous, she burnt all the things inside the chest. 20. A. C. B. D. Ans: The answer is A. Telescoping is when the author would narrate an event and then would fats forward to the next. Foreshadowing is giving clues about what is going to happen at the end of the story. Flashback is narrating past events, and Stream of consciousness is a technique that has no specific order. Situation

Recall “The Bolo” and “Without Seeing the Dawn” by L. Paras Sulit and Stevan Javanella respectively then answer the questions posted below.

21. A. B. C. D. Ans: A – The answer is A. in the short story “The Bolo” the main character treasures so much the bolo that was given to her husband because it is symbol of the husband’s true love towards the main character. 22. A. C. B. D. Ans: A – The answer is A. Stevean Javanella is one of the prolific writers---novelists, for that matter in the post war period. 23. A. B. C. D. Ans: A – option B is not the answer because it is loaded question and at the same time a tag question---meaning, there is already an underlying and expected answer option C is also not the answer because the question is not about clarification but concern. In addition option c is not the answer because the words used did not really show concern. 24. A. C. B. D. Ans: A – Clearly, option A is the answer since that the rest of the options started with “Yes” which means contradicts the statement “I don’t agree with the report...” 25.

A. C. B. D. Ans: B – The statement “I am used to the same tales” is a common idio-matic. But if ever this is the first time you heard this statement, you may use the phrase “used to “as a context clue. 26. A. C. B. D. Ans: B – Options C and D seems off tangent to the question, so we will just limit our choice to options A and b which are both common utterances in terms of revenge. Option B is not the answer because “An eye for an eye” connotes revenge, but in item number 26, it was said that the victim refused revenge. That is why option A is the best answer. 27. A. B. C. D. Ans: D – Among the options given , A and C ate most unlikely, so we will just limit it to options A and D. option B talks about the never ending cycle of emerging leaders, while option D mentioned things like “ history”, “matched”, and “leaders”—thus, making D the correct answer.

28. A. C. B. D. Ans: B – This question could also be under the Grammar section because this concerns consistency on tense. The answer is N “caught-up” because clearly, the sentences in the past tense and not in the past progressive (was Catching)—because the action is not a continuing action in the past, nor in the present tense( catch-up---because the other verbs in the statement are in the past tense, and definitely not in the present perfect tense (has caught)—because the action is no longer happening at present and at the same time it ended not in the very recent past. 29.

A. C. B. D. Ans: D – in this particular question, we can immediately illuminate options A and C. We just have to decide if which among B and D the correct answer B “flourished” could also be the answer, but if we would think carefully, we should consider the clause “when the scientific discoveries started”. We just have to remember that scientific discoveries would have to be one of the reasons for the “rebirth” and without those discoveries; the renaissance would not take place. Having said this, the word “flourished” is no longer appropriate. 30. A. C. B. D. Ans: A – Constructivist is the answer because this theory is about constructing new knowledge based on the prior knowledge or schema.

31. A. C. B. D. Ans: A- “Firstrate” has always been an utterance expressing excellence. But if ever this is something new to you and you don’t have any idea about this, then the best thing to do is try the elimination process. Take note that options B, C and D are in some ways related with each other, leaving option a “excellent” isolated. Therefore, it is safe to say that A is the best answer. 32.

A. C. B. D. Ans: B – The answer is B because the word “Pulchritude” means physical beauty and grace. But if ever you have no idea about the dictionary definition of this word, you can use your context clues abilities. The word “Venus” is the most helpful clue. As we all know Venus is the Roman goddess of beauty—this fact will help us in determining the right answer. 33. A. C. B. D. Ans: B – The answer is B because “herald” means to usher in or to proclaim. But if ever you have no idea about the dictionary definition of this word, just think about one famous Christmas song that goes like “hark the HERALD angel sing….” At times our prior knowledge about words is useful in trying to derive meaning from a given word. 34 A. C. B. D. Ans: B- the answer is B because the word “automate” means to install or to convert to automation equipment. Thus, “to operate through machines” is indeed the best answer. 35. A. C. B. D. Ans: D – the answer is D because “reticent” means reserved, “taciturn” (A) means habitually silent, “reserved” (B) means self-restrained. Options A, B and C are almost synonymous, while D “verbose” means wordy. It is also unlikely for a president to be reserved, since that being the head of an organization/state requires a lot of verbal skills. 36. A. C. B. D. Ans: B- “Hiatus” means gap, and clearly option B “lapse” is the nearest definition. But if you have no idea about the dictionary meaning of “hiatus”, you may use your context clues abilities. By just reading the statement you would have an idea that there is a gap of four years before the persona was able to return to her country. 37. A. C. b. D. Ans: B – by using the elimination method, we can easily know the best answer .Option A “uncomplicated” and option D “simple” are in some ways synonymous- and so it is but proper to eliminate them from our choices. Option C “worldly” should also be eliminated because a sophisticated thing doesn’t mean that it is worldly. 38. A. C. B. D. Ans: B – “Eureka” has always been an expression of an abrupt realization or discovery. But if ever you have no idea about this expression, you may use the word “Archimedes” as your clue. 39. A. c. B. D. Ans: C- The word “Excruciating” has always been an adjective to describe extreme pain. Having said this, option A (mild), B(slight), and D(endurable) are not appropriate to be used in the given statement about fractured bones. 40. A. C. C. D. Ans: C- At first reading, we can already eliminate options A and D. we just have to decide whether “compliant” or “complement” is the suitable answer. “Compliment” means an expression of admiration and praise, while “complement” means a things\ that would complete the whole. Clearly the answer is indeed option C-“complement” 41.

A. c. B. D. Ans: A – The word “Erratic” means not conforming to standards. It could also mean irregular thus making option A “Inconsistent” the best answer

42. A. C. B. D. Ans: B- this is a give-away question, but you must read it carefully. The answer is B- “ductile” because if a material is ductile, it can be hammered into thin layers without being broken into pieces. 43. A. C. B. D. Ans: D – “Ersatz” means substitute. Given thus definition, we can say that the closest word to “substitute” is option D-“artificial”. But if ever you don’t have any idea about the dictionary definition, you can easily answer this question by choosing the word that doesn’t go along with the other options. In thus particular item all of the options are quite synonymous except option D. 44. A. C. B. D. Ans: C– Without even knowing what the word “hubhub” means, since that most of the dictionaries don’t have this word on their list, we can use the classification method in determining the best answer. Among the choices, option C- “commotion” is the only one not synonymous to the other options given, making it the correct and best answer. 45. A. C. B. D. Ans: D– This question is again a give-away. Even without using the dictionary, we can easily answer this particular item by just looking at the set of options. Option D “honorable” is the answer because among the choices given, it is the only one that is positive. 46. A. C. B. D. Ans: D – The answer is D “hesitate” because the statement in this item is clearly stating that we should not think twice for time is running out. 47. A. C. B. D. Ans: D – The word “frivolous” means void of significance and reason. It could also mean trivial or unimportant. That is why option D “worthless” is the best answer. 48. A. C. B. D. Ans: D – the answer is “courteously” because among the choices given, this is the only attribute is expected from a government employee. 49. A. C. B. D. Ans: B – If we are to use the process of elimination, we can easily remove options C and D. options a (lanky) and B (Haggard) are the two possible answers. But if we are to think about it, lanky means shrunken-making it inappropriate, and making option B the best answer. 50. A. C. B. D. Ans: B – “Gullible” is the best answer because normally, fairy tales and mystery novels have plots that are too fancy to believe in –making readers believe in the impossible and at times in the “illogical”.

51. A. C. B. D. Ans: C– According to Webster, “Gloat” means to look with cruel or triumphant satisfaction. Unlike the other item where the option has distinction definitions, the options in this item would seem like synonymous with each other. “Scoff” means to mock or to ridicule, “Deride” means to treat with scornful mirth or to ridicule; “Brag” means to vaunt one’s self; and “belittle” means to disparage. But the answer is C “Brag” because “Scoff” and “Deride” are synonymous, while belittle is just like depreciating something. 52. Ans:



D – the answer is D because the mentioned quotation clearly talks about procrastination

53. A. C. C. D. Ans: D – The answer is “Benevolent dictator” because “benevolence” means act’s of kindness and charity- thus making this the most appropriate answer.

54. A. ` C. B. D. Ans: D – “Lucid” means “clear”- making option C- “;thinking clearly” the most appropriate answer. 55. A. C. B. D. Ans: Using the process of elimination, we can immediately remove options B and C. The answer is D “last defense” because of the clause provided in the statement in this particular item. 56.

A. C. B. D. Ans: C – The answer is “wither” because most plants can’t bloom, can’t flower, and can’t bear fruits during winter. 57. A. B. C. D. Ans: C – the answer is C “everyone” will be questioning the recipe” because in terms of tense, this would appropriately complete the sentence. Option C is in the future progressive tense- thus it connotes future action that is more recent and certain – compared to options A and B which are both in the simple future tense wherein we are not certain if the action is certain or not. Remember that the differences between the simple future tense and future progressive tense are in terms recent and certainly- the latter being more recent and certain than the former. 58.

A. C. B. D. Ans: A – “in the event” is the obvious answer since that this phrase is commonly used compared to the other options given. In addition, all the other options, when supplied to the sentence make no sense. 59. A. C. B. D. Ans: C – The answer is “Pronoun” because all other given options are context words. Content words are those that carry meaning – nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives are samples of this. On the other hand functions words are those that don’t have any meaning if isolated with the content words – preposition, conjunctions and pronouns are samples of this in addition, function words are just there to give support to content words, and so, a sentence filled with function words would be normally dull. 60. A. C. B. D. Ans: “used to” is the answer because this phrase connotes an actions that was done consistently in the past while the other options that used modals such as could and may connotes ability and possibility 61. A. C. B. D. Ans: B- This item concerns tense. The answer “has seated” is in the present tense and it truly fits the thought of the sentence. Remember that the present perfect tense connotes actions that started in the past and would have two possible outcomes – (1) still happening, (2) recently ended. In the sentence “She ____ at the computer for 6 long hours”, we are certain if the subject is still using the computer. You might confuse this to be under the past perfect tense because of the sentence followed –“. Finally, she took a break”, remember that if the two independent clauses are not separated by a period like”. She___ at the computer for 6 long hours before she finally took a break” then we must use the past perfect tense. But in this item there are three separate sentences. 62. A. C. B. D. Ans: D – In this item there are only two separate sentences – unlike item 52. In the sentence “she ______ along with her superior for a long time before she finally decided to look for a new position” thyer are two past actions – (1) the missing action, and (2) decide D. The rule states that if there are two connected past actions in a sentence (the 1st action was still in progress when the 2nd action happened) we must already use the past perfect progressive tense. 63. A. C. B. D. Ans: C – In this sentence “ChunLi_____English for three years, but she will need more training to be more proficient.”. We will have to choose between present perfect tense or present perfect progressive tense. The difference between the two is that in the former, although the action might still be happening at present time, we are certain that it will end soon, while in the latter we are sure that the

action will still continue in the future. That is the reason why “has been studying” is the answer. 64. A. C. B. D. Ans: C – the answer is “has been working” because the subject is singular that is why we can’t use have. We must not also use had because it is only used in sentences in the past perfect or past perfect progressive tenses.


A. B. merely enumerating things

C. D. Ans:

66. A. B. C. D. Ans: most appropriate answer.

D – This item concerns parallelism, and option D is the

C – “And” is the answer because we are just


A. C. B D. Ans: B- We Filipinos are fond of using “fill-out”, but the standard rule is “fill-in”. That is why option b is the most appropriate answer. 68. A. C. B. D. Ans: B– Remember that “I” is used as the subject or the doer of the action, while “me” is used as the receiver of the action. In the sentence given in this item the pronoun is the receiver of the action and that is why “me” is the answer. 69. A. C. B. D. Ans: B– Always remember that verbs of senses mat take two forms, (1) as a linking verb, or as an (2) action verb. If it functions as a linking verb, then it must be followed by an adjective. On the other hand, if it functions as an action verb, then it must be followed by an adverb. In this sentence, since that candy is not capable of moving, we can say that “smells” functions as a linking verb, so it must be followed by the adjective “sweet”. 70.

A. B. the most appropriate answer.

C. D. Ans:

B – This item concerns parallelism, and option B is

71. A. C. B. because all the other words have the long /i/ sounds.

D. Ans:

A – “Bear” is the answer


A. C. B. D. Ans: D – “Signed” is the answer because it only has one syllable and that affected its ending /ed/ sound. 73. A. C. B. D. Ans: B – “Warm” is the answer because based on the question, we are to emphasize the kind of day.

74. Ans: 75.

A. C. B. D. D – “Played” is the answer because all the other words are with /t/ end sounds.

A. C. B. D. Ans: D – “Buys” is the answer because all other given words end with /s/ sounds “buys” ends with /z/ sound because the sound before the letter “s” is voiced.

76. A. C. B. D. Ans: B– “These” is the answer because all the other choices start with voiceless /th/. To know if the /th/ sound is voice or voiceless, just cover your ears or put your fingers on your throat and feel if there are vibrations. If there are, then it is voiced, if none, then it is voiceless. 77.

A. C. B. D. Ans: the answer because all other options has either a schwa sound or /a/ sound.

B – “Can” is

78. A. C. B. D. Ans: B– “Breath” is the answer. To know if the /th/ sound is voiced or voiceless, just cover your ears or put your fingers on your throat and feel if there are vibrations. If there are, then it is voiced, if none, then it is voiceless. 79. Ans: 80.

A. C. B. D. “Leisure” is the answer because all the other options have the /sh/ sounds.

A. C. B. D. Ans: D – “Needed” is the answer because among the given options it is only one with more than one syllable-that changed the ending /ed/ sound to /id/. 81.

A. C. B. D. Ans: B – “Push” is the answer because all the options have either /zh/ or /s/ sounds.

82. A. C. B. D. Ans: B – “Excursion” is the answer because all the other options have either /ch/ or /sh/ sounds.


A. B. C. D. Ans: A – In the process of illumination, we can eliminate options C and D because they are too literal. A is a better answer than B because the passage is not about death. 84. A. B. C. D. Ans: given. All other options are against Filipinos leaders.

A – A is the answer because it is the only positive option


A. C. B. D. Ans: B – Because of the context clues found on the statement like “herald” and “day”. These clues will lead us to choosing “dawn” 86. A. C. B. D. Ans: D – We can immediately eliminate option A for the opposite of the statement. D is the better answer than B and C because it has a more positive outlook/interpretation of the lines.

87. C. D. Ans: D – “Has its end” and “Passing” would be the two most appropriate answer, but D is better because of the clues found in the statement like “heard no more.” 88.





Ans: B – “Destiny” is the obvious answer for all the other options are determined by the will of the person – one thing that differs destiny from the rest.

89. A. B. C. . Ans: B – We can immediately eliminate b because it is the opposite of the statement. Options C and D are too negative, and that leads us to the best answer which is A. 90. Ans:

A. C. B. D. A – Because the quotation given is one of Manuel L. Quezon most famous.


A. C. B. D. Ans: A – Because the quotation given is one of Benigno Aquino’s most famous quotes, plus the fact that this quotation can be found on our 500 peso bill. 92. A. C. B. D. Ans: D – “Curiosity” and “rich Imagination” would be our two possible answers, but D is better than c because asking “why” is being curious, while asking “;why not” is being imaginative. 93.

A. C. B. D. Ans: C – “Joy” Because it is the only word that fits the statement right, plus the fact that this quotation is one of the most famous. 94. A. C. B. D. Ans: C – “Total submission to God” is the best answer because all the other options are not related to the given line. 95.

96. Ans:

A. B.

C. D. Ans:

A. Nick Joaquin



97. A. B.

C. D.

C – Jose Rizal D.

Ans: C – These lines were taken from the musical “Cats” and if we are to read/sing these lines, loneliness would be the obvious emotion. 98. Ans:

A. B. C. D.. D – Is the best answer because all other options debunk the main statement.


A. B. C. D. Ans: D – Is the most appropriate answer because all other options are not in anyway related to the quotation and some options debunk the statement. 100. A. B. C. D. Ans: C – Because option C somewhat states that our commitments would describe and determine the person that we are.

MATHEMATICS 1. When John sorts his collection of computer card games into groups of 3, 4, 5, or 8, there is always one card left. What is the smallest number of cards John can have? a. 80 b. 65 ANS: D 121

c. 120 d. 121 LCM of 3, 4, 5 and 8 is 120 plus 1 equals 121.

x x m 1. The product of (¿ ¿ 2 m+ x +1 ) (¿¿ m−1)¿ ¿ a.

x 3 m+ 1


x 3 m+ x m +1


x 3 m−1


x 3 m−x m +1

e. ANS: B

x 3 m−1

f. Special product – difference of 2 cubes g. 2. Evaluate 3x – 2 [x – (2x + 1)] a. 3x – 2 b. 5x + 2 e. ANS: B 5x + 2 f. 3x – 2 [x – (2x + 1)] g. h. = 3x – 2 [x – 2x – 1] i. j. = 3x – 2 (– x – 1) k. l. = 3x + 2x + 2 = 5x + 2 m.

√ 27− √12

3. Evaluate



a. 0






c. 3x + 2 d. 5x – 2


e. -

c. ANS: A 0

√ 27− √12


√3 3


h. i.

√ 9(3)


√ 4 (3)


j. k. = 3



l. 4. The value of 64 a.




- 2/3

1 8


1 4

c. d. 16

f. g.

1 16 ANS: D 64



1 16

- 2/3


1 3 √ 64 2

1 2 4



i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. 5. Simplify







( 2 +3


1 16

5 6





5 36




36 5 6 5

5 36

h. ANS: B i.






m. n.



2 1 2

1 6



3 1 3


1 ( 2

3+ 2 6 ) =


( 2 +3



1 3 )

5 36

o. 6. Mr. Reyes can dig a ditch in 6 days and Mr. Roxas in 8 days, in how many days can both men together dig the ditch?

20 7



24 7


d. e. 14 f. g. 7 h. ANS: B Let x = number of days both men can dig the ditch i.


1 6





1 8


1 x

24 7

m. 7. One-third of a certain number exceeds 12 by as much as 100 exceeds the number. What is the number? a. 64 c. 60 b. 84 d. 80 e. ANS: B 84 f. Let x = number g.

1 X −12=100−x 3

h. X = 84 i. 8. Ann is two-thirds as old as her sister. Twenty years from now, she will be seven-eighths as old. How old is Ann? a. 12 c. 9 b. 10 d. 8 e. ANS: D 8


Let x = age of Ann’s sister

2 3


x = age of Ann

h. i.

2 3

x + 20 =

7 8

(x + 20)


2 3

k. X = 12


l. m. n. 9. Find two numbers such that if 3 is subtracted from each of them they will be in the ratio 2:1, while if 5 is added to each of them they will be in the ratio 4:3 a. 10, 6 c. 11, 8 b. 12, 8 d. 11, 7 e. ANS: D 11, 7

x−3 y −3



2 1

x +5 y −5


4 3

g. h. X = 11 and y = 7 i. 10. How many different committees of 4 can each be chosen from a class of 15 members? a. 4 c. 60 b. 1365 d. 32760 e. ANS: B 1365 f. 15C4 = 1365 g. 11. The LCM of two counting numbers is 42 and their GCF is 7. If one of them is 14, what is the other number? a. 15 c. 14 b. 21 d. 42 e. ANS: B 21 f. LCM of 14 and 21 is 42 g. GCF of 14 and 21 is 7 h. 12. What is 135 a.


in radians?

5π 8


b. c.

3π 4


h. i.




2π 3 5π 3

3π 4 135


π 3π = 180 ° 4

j. 13. If the points (-2, 0), (-2, 3) and (4, 3) are connected to each other, what kind of triangle is formed? a. Equilateral b. Right

c. Obtuse e. ANS: B Right Triangle f.

d. Isosceles

2 sides are perpendicular (with 90

g. 14. The distance between points (3, -2) and (-2, 3) is? a. 5 b. c.

f. g. 50

d. h. ANS: C i.

√5 2


√2 5

° angle)

√5 2 d=

√(3+2)2+(−2−3)2= √50


√5 2

j. 15. In how many ways a radiologist assign 5 patients to undergo a screening test for pulmonary tuberculosis x-ray? a. 10 c. 120 b. 60 d. 5 e. ANS: C 120 f. 5! = 120 g. 16. In how many ways can 6 different trees be planted in a circle? a. 6 c. 5 b. 120 d. 720 e. ANS: B 120 f. (6 – 1)! = 5! = 120 Circular Permutation g. h. PROBLEMS FOR 18 – 22. A BOX CONTAINS 2 RED, 3 WHITE, AND 4 BLUE BALLS. IF 3 BALLS ARE DRAWN AT RANDOM WITHOUT REPLACEMENT, DETERMIINE THE PROBABILITY THAT: i. 17. All three are blue? a.

3 7

b. c.

1 21

e. f.

2 7

2 21


d. h. ANS: C

1 21

i. 18. 2 are blue and 1 is white? a.

3 7

P (all 3 balls are blue) =

4 9

d. e.

b. c.

1 21

3 8

f. g.

3 14

2 7


1 21


1 21 ANS: C

3 14

4 9

P (2 are blue and 1 is white) =

3 8

3 7


3 14 i. 19. At least 1 is blue? a.

3 14


3 42


b. c.

37 42

f. g.


h. 21 3 7



37 42

P (at least 1 is blue) = 1 – P (no blue) = – 1 –

37 42

i. j. k. l. m. n. 20. 3 balls drawn in succession are red, white and blue? a.

3 14

b. c.


1 21


h. ANS: B

1 21

P (RWB) =

2 9

3 8

4 7

1 7

b. c.

d. e.

4 7

g. h. ANS: D


2 7

P (3 different colors) =

i. 22. What is the average of

3 17


i. 21. 3 balls are of different colors? a.

1 7


1 2 ,

1 3

and =

1 6


2 7

= 1 14 2 7

(find it)

1 21

5 9

4 8

a. 1 b.




1 6


h. ANS: C



1 2

1 3



1 6


1 3 1 4

1 3

i. 23. A meter stick was cut into 2 pieces at the 36cm – mark. What is the ratio of the smaller piece to the largest piece? a. 16:25 c. 9:25 b. 13:50 d. 9:16 e. ANS: D 9:16 f. 1m = 100cm g. 36 cm : 64 cm = 9:16 h. 24. The perimeter of a rectangle is 10 ft. what is the width if the length is 4 ft? a. 1 ft c. 1.5 ft b. 2 ft d. 2.5 ft e. ANS: A 1 ft f. Let w = width g. 2w + 2(4) = 10 h. W = 1 ft i. 25. The total surface area of a cube with volume 8 cubic centimeters. a. 8 sq. cm c. 12 sq. cm b. 24 sq. cm d. 36 sq. cm e. ANS: B 24 sq. cm Let x = side of the cube f. V = 8 cc = x3 g. X = 2 cm. h. A = 6x2 = 6(2)2 = 24 sq. cm 26. The height of a right triangle with the base 5 cm and area of 30 sq. cm a. 24 cm c. 8 cm b. 12 cm d. 4 cm e. ANS: B 12 cm

1 2





30 =

h. i.

h = 12 cm

1 2

(5) h

27. How much interest is due on P3, 500 at 6

3 4

for 9 months?

a. P 187. 19 c. P 177. 19 b. P 18. 71 d. P 17. 71 e. ANS: C P 177. 91 f. I = P3500 (.0675)(9/12) = P = 177. 19 g. 28. If an investment of P25, 000 accumulates to P27, 500 in 18 months. Find the simple interest rate. c. 3 2 a. 6 4 % d. 6 3 % b. 6%

1 3 %

e. 6 f.

g. ANS: C 6

2 3 % r=

P 27, 500−P 25, 000 P 27, 500

h. 29. The probability that a man will live 5 years more is

5 years more is


3 4

h. ANS: B

and the probability that his wife will live

1 2

e. f.

1 4


2 3 %

1 3 . What is the probability that both will still live 5 years more?

2 3 b.



1 6


1 4

P (both will live) =

3 4

1 3


1 4

i. 30. There are 3 dozens of eggs sold at P 2. 28 per piece if a whole seller gets 5% discount, how much will be paid for all? a. P78.22 c. 92.00 b. P77.98 d. 82.08 e. ANS: B P77.98 f. 3 x 12 x P2.28 x 95% = P77.98 g. 31. Write in simple form (3ab)2 a. 3a3b3 c. 3a2b 2 2 b. 9a b d. 27a2b 2 2 2 e. ANS: B (3ab) = 9a b f. g. h. i. j. k. l. 32. A mile is about 1.609 km. How many meters longer is a mile than a kilometer? a. 600 m c. 609 m b. 1000 m d. 1609 m e. ANS: C 609 m f. 1km = 1000m g. 1 mile = 1.609 km = 1609 meters h. 1 mile – 1km = 1609 meters – 1000 meters = 609 meters i. 33. How much is 20% of 60% of 200? a. 120 c. 24 b. 48 d. 40 e. ANS: C 24 f. 20% of 60% of 200 = (0.2)(0.6)(200) = 24 g. 34. How much material is needed for 12 pillowcases if each pillowcase uses 1 ¼ m of cloth?

a. 12 m c. 14 m b. 18 m d. 15 m e. ANS: D 15 m f. 12 (1.25 m) = 15 m g. 35. One hectare is equivalent to 10, 000 sq. m. How many hectares are in a rectangular field which is 750 m wide and 800 m long? a. 120 ha c. 60 ha b. 56 ha d. 40 ha e. ANS: C 60 ha f. (750 m)(800 m) = 600, 000 sq. m. g. 600, 000 ÷ 10, 000 = 60 ha h.


36. Find


(1 5 )(1 4 ) 7 16

a. b. 4 c. d.

1 5





3 4



2 1 2 1 ANS: A 4 (1 5 )(1 4 )= (1 5 )(1 4 )=

4 5

35 16 ∙ =4 20 7

7 7 16 16

k. l. 37. How many 75-gram packs of sugar can be made from a 30-kilogram sack? a. 40 c. 400 b. 2500 d. 250 e. ANS: C 400 f. 1 kg = 1000 g g. 30 kg = 30, 000 g h. 30, 000 ÷ 75 = 400 i. 38. A rectangular sheet of paper is folded in half. Then it is folded again in half, and again half. If the folding in half is 5 times and the edges are creased each time, how many small rectangles will you see when you unfold the original sheet of paper? a. 32 c. 10 b. 16 d. 64 e. ANS: A 32 Since the folding in half is done 5 times, the number of small rectangles form is 25 = 32 f. 39. The letters A, B, C, D, have numerical values of 1, 2, 3, 4,… and so on, what is the sum of the letters in D A V I D? a. 40 c. 39 b. 37 d. 41 e. ANS: A 40 f. D = 4 A = 1 V = 22 I=9 D=4 g. 4 + 1 + 22 + 9 + 4 = 40 h. 40. What two numbers have the sum of 35 and a product of 306? a. 18.2 and 17.3 b. 16 and 19

c. 16.5 and 8.5 d. 17 and 18 e. ANS: D 17 and 18 17 + 18 = 35 17(18) = 306 f. 41.What is the total cost of refrigerator if it entails a down payment of P1400 and 15 monthly installments of P900? a. P14, 400 c. P15, 800 b. P13, 000 d. P14, 900 e. ANS: D P14, 900 Total cost = P1, 400 + 15(P900) = P14, 900 f. 42. What is the sum of the first 20 positive numbers? a. 400 c. 210 b. 420 d. 105 e. ANS: C 210 f. Sum of arithmetic progression g. n = 20 = number of positive numbers h. a = 1st term = 1 i. I = last term = 20 j.


20 2

(1 + 20) = 210

k. 43. The length and width of a rectangle are (3x –2) and (2x + 1), respectively. What is the perimeter of the rectangle? a. 6x2 – x -2 c. 10x – 2 b. 10x + 2 d. 5x – 1 e. ANS: C 10x – 2 f. P = 2(length) + 2(width) g. P = 2(3x–2) + 2(2x+1) = 10x–2 h. i. j. k. l. m. 44. A merchant bought shoes at P100 a pair. She tagged them at 10% more. Then she advertised a new cost, which is 10% less than the tagged price. Did she lose or did she gain? a. She did not lose nor gain b. She gained by one peso or pair c. She lost by 2% of the cost price of each pair d. She lost by one peso per pair e. ANS: D She lost by P1 per pair P100 x 1.10 = P110 f. P110 – 10% of P110 = P110 – P11 = 99 g. P100 – P99 = P1 lost 45. Which of these numbers is NOT divisible by 15? a. 431640 c. 461305 b. 321690 d. 630465 e. ANS: C 461305 f. A number is divisible by 15 if it is divisible by 5 and divisible by 3. Although 461305 is divisible by 5, it is not divisible by 3. Therefore it is not divisible by 15. g. 46. What is the average of 1/2 and 1/4? a. 2/8 c. 3/4 b. 3/8 d. 1/3

e. ANS: B 3/8


1 1 + 2 4 )÷2=

3 8

f. 47. One-fifth of the square root of a number is 4. What is the number? a. 400 c. 200 b. 20 d. 40

e. ANS: A 400

1 5




= 20

x = 400 (the number)

f. 48. For what side of a square are the perimeter and area numerically equal? a. 2 c. 4 b. 8 d. 12 e. ANS: C 4 f. Perimeter of square = 4S g. Area of square = S2 h. S2 = 4S therefore S = 4 i. 49. How much bigger is 29 than 92 ? a. 431 c. 47 b. 175 d. 73 e. ANS: A 431 29 – 92 = 512 – 81 = 431 f. 50. A dinner offer choices of 7 appetizers. 12 main dishes, and 6 desserts. How many ways can you choose one of each course? a. 72 c. 25 b. 504 d. 84 e. ANS: B 504 (7)(12)(6) = 504 f. g. h. i. j. 51. What are the two missing numbers in the sequence? 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, ____, 29, ____, 46 a. 22, 35 c. 23, 38 b. 23, 36 d. 22, 37 e. ANS: D 22, 37 f. 22 is obtained by adding 6 to 16 g. 37 is obtained by adding 8 to 29 h. 52. Two cars start two places 180 km apart and travel toward each other on a super highway. The speed of the two cars are 45kph and 35kph respectively, if they drive without stopping, in how many hours will they meet? a. 72 c. 25 b. 504 d. 84 e. ANS: 2.25 hours f. Distance = rate x time g. 45t + 35t = 180 km h. 80t = 180 km i. t = 2.25hrs j. 53. A dress mark P240 was put on a sale at a 25% discount. Because no one bought it, it sale price was reduced further by 10%. What is the combined percent discount given? a. 27% c. 16.2% b. 32.5% d. 35% e. ANS: B 32.5% f. 100% – 25% = 75% g. 100% – 10% = 90% h. (75%)(90%) = (0.75)(0.90) = 0.675 = 67.5% i. Combined discounts = 100% – 67.5% = 32.5% j. 54. The volume of a box is 480 cu. cm. If it is length is 24 cm and height is 5 cm, what is its width? a. 5 cm c. 6 cm b. 4 cm d. 8 cm e. ANS: B 4 cm V = LWH f. 480 = 24(W)(5) g. 480 = 120W therefore, W = 4 cm

h. 55. What a. b. e. f. g.

are the next three numbers in this sequence? 1/6, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3,… 7/3, 4, 9/3 c. 5/2, 7, 2/3 45/6, 1, 7/6 d. 5/6, 2/6, 7/3 ANS: 5/6, 1, 7/6 Add 1/6 from each preceding term, For example:

1 1 2 1 + = = 6 6 6 3


i. 56. How much greater is 3/4 of 96 than 4/5 of 80? a. 18 b. 12

3 4 ( 96 ) − ( 80 )=72−64=8 3 5

e. ANS: D 8

2 1 3 1 + = = 6 6 6 2

and so on.

c. 6 d. 8

f. g.


A square has an area of 400 sq. cm. what is its perimeter?

a. 20 cm b. 80 cm

c. 100 cm d. 40 cm

e. ANS: B 80 cm A = S2 = 400 f. Therefore ach side S = 20 cm g. P = 4S = 4(20) = 80 cm h. 58. In one senior class, 1/3 of the students are honor students. Of these honor students 2/7 are varsity athletes. If there are four athletes in the class, how many students are there in the class? a. 84 c. 52 b. 42 d. 60 e. ANS: B 42 f. Let x = number of students g. 1/3 x = Honor students h.

2 1 =4 7 3


2x =4 21


Varsity students

therefore, x = 42

j. 59. A man started painting a wall at 9:00 a.m. and was able to finish painting 3/5 of it at 10:30 a.m. Continuing at this rate, at what time will he finish painting the wall? a. 10:45 a.m. c. 11:45 a.m. b. 11:30 a.m. d. 12:15 a.m. e. ANS: B 11:30 a.m. f. Let x = total number of hours to finish the painting

9 :00 a . m.

g. h. i.

3 x=1.5 hours (¿10 : 30 a .m .) 5 X = 2.5 hrs. Therefore, the man needs 1 more hour to finish the painting. He will finish at 11:30 a.m.

j. 60. In am math of class of 14 students, 9 students had an average of 76, while the other 5 students had an average of 90. What is the average of the whole class? a. 79 b. 88

c. 81 e. ANS: C 81

d. 85

76 ( 9 )+ 90(5) =81 14

f. 61. The product of two whole numbers is 36, and the ratio is 1:4. Which of these is the smallest number? a. 9 c. 2 b. 12 d. 3 e. ANS: D 3 f. Divisors of 36 such that the product is 12 and the ration 1:4 are 3 and 12. g. Therefore, the smallest number is 3. h. 62. a5 + a5 a. a25 c. a10 5 b. 2a d. (2a)5 5 5 5 5 e. ANS: B 2a a + a = 2a f. 63. The edges of a rectangular solid have these measures; 1.5 feet x 1/2 feet by 3 inches. What is its volume in cubic inches? a. 272 cu. in. c. 225 cu. in. b. 324 cu. in. d. 27 cu. in. e. ANS: B 324 cubic inches f. 1.5 ft = 18 inches g. 1/2 ft = 6 inches h. V = (18)(6)(36) cubic inches = 324 cubic inches 64. If a faucet drips at the rate of 3 drops every 5 seconds, how many drops will fall in one minute? a. 36 c. 15 b. 60 d. 100 e. ANS: A 36

x 3 = 60 5

x = 36 drops

f. 1 minute = 60 seconds g. 65. Three out of 24 flashlights turned out by a particular factory are found to be defective. If the factory turns out 1248 flashlights in a week, how many are defective? a. 416 c. 72 b. 18 d. 156 e. ANS: D 156 f.

x 3 = 1248 4

x = 156

g. 66. How many seconds are there in 24-hour day? a. 85, 400 b. 1440 e. ANS: C 86, 400 f. 1 hr. = 60 min. g. h.

24 hrs x

c. 86, 400 d. 1540 1 min. = 60 seconds

60 min. 60 sec . x =86, 400 sec . hr min .



Three brothers inherited a cash amount of P120, 000 and they divide it among themselves in the ratio of 5:2:1. How much more is the largest share than the smallest share?

a. P75, 000 b. P60, 000

c. d.

P15, 000 P97

e. ANS: B P60, 000 f.


5 ( P 120,000 ) =P75,000(largest share) 8

1 ( P 120,000 ) =P15,000(smallest share) 8

h. P75, 000 – P15, 000 = P60, 000 i. 68. Jelena’s grades in 3 math quizzes are 82, 78, and 86. What grades should she get in her next quiz to raise her average to 85? a. 94 c. 88 b. 90 d. 97 e. ANS: A 94

82+78+ 86+ x =85 4

f. X = 94 (4th quiz) g. 69. A water tank contains 8 liters when it is 20% full. How many liters does it contain when it is 75% full? a. 15 c. 60 b. 30 d. 58 e. ANS: B 30


x 8 = 75 20

x 8 = 0.75 0.20

x=30 liters

g. 70. Babes spent one-sixth of her money in one store. In the next store, she spent three times as much as she spent in the first store, and had 80 pesos left. How much money did she have at the start? a. 252 pesos c. 300 pesos b. 240 pesos d. 360 pesos e. ANS: B 240 pesos f.


Let X = amount of money at the start


[ ( )]

1 1 x +3 x =80 6 6 X = P240

h. 71. The surface area of a cube is 150 sq. cm. What is the volume of the cube? a. 100 cu. cm c. 125 cu. cm b. 625 cu. cm d. 270 cu. cm e. ANS: C 125 cubic cm f. Surface area of a cube = 6S2 g. 6S2 = 150 where S = side of a cube h. S2 = 25 S = 5cm i. Volume of a cube = S3 = 53 j. 72. What part of an hour has passed from 2:48 p.m. to 3:20 p.m.? a. 8/2.5 c. 8/15 b. 7/8 d. 1/3 e. ANS: C 8/15 f. 2:48 p.m. to 3:20 p.m. = 32 min. g. 32 min. ÷ 60 min. = 8/15 h. 73. Forty people joined a picnic. If the ratio of adults to children in 5:3, how many children joined the picnic? a. 25 c. 8 b. 15 d. 5 e. ANS: B 15 f. Number of children = 3/8 (40) = 15

g. 74. The carat is a unit of a measure used to weigh precious stones. It equals 3.086 grains. How many grains does a 2.8- carat diamond weigh? a. 864.08 c. 8.6408 b. 86.408 d. 8640.8 e. ANS: C 8. 6408

2.8 carat x

3.086 grains =8.6408 grains carat

f. g. h. i. 75.If P75.00 is shared among three children in the ratio of 3:7:15, the size of the smallest share is a. P9 c. P25 b. P15 d. P35 e. ANS: A P9 smallest share f.

2 10−3 =¿ 76. 17 a. 7 2/17 b. 6 2/17

c. 6 1/17 d. None of these

e. ANS: D 6 15/17 (None of these)


2 17 2 15 =9 −3 =6 17 17 17 17

f. 77. Which are the next three terms in the progression 1, 4, 16,…8 terms? a. 64, 256, 1024 c. 66, 258, 1026 b. 67, 2591027 d. 65, 2571025 e. ANS: A 64, 256, 1024 f. The next term is obtained by multiplying 4 from the preceding term. For example 4, is obtained by multiplying 1 by 4 16 is obtained by multiplying 4 by 4 and so on. g. 78. Which is equivalent common fraction of the repeating decimal 3.242424…? a. 107/33 c. 109/33 b. 110/33 d. 108/33 e. ANS: A 107/33



24 321 107 = = 99 99 33

f. 79. Which is the 10th term of the progression -8, 4, -2,… a. 1/64 c. 1/65 b. 1/65 d. 1/66 e. ANS: A 1/64 f. -8, 4, -2,… is a geometric progression g. l = arn-1 h. l = 10th term = last term i. a = 1st term = -8 j. r = common ratio = -1/2 k. n = number of terms = 10 l.


therefore, l = 10




¿ (−8 )

( −12 )


8 8 1 = = 9 2 512 64

n. 80.What is the sum of all the two digit numbers which are divisible by 5? a. 945 b. 950

c. 960 d. 1050 e. ANS: A 945 f. Two digits numbers which are divisible by 5: g. 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40,…,95


n 8 S= ( a+1 )= ( 10+95 )=945 2 12

i. j. k. 81. You buy a new refrigerator for P12, 800.00 and make a down payment of P2, 500.00. if you finance the remainder at 8% annual interest for three years, how much will you actually pay for the refrigerator? a. 12, 190.00 c. 12, 772.00 b. 10, 300.00 d. 15, 272.00 e. ANS: D P15, 272 f. P12, 800 – P2, 500 = P10, 300 g. P10, 300 (0.80) = P824 interest per year h. P824 x 3 = P2, 472 total interest for 3 years i. Total amount paid = P12, 800 + P2, 472 = P15, 272 j. 82. In how many ways can you arrange three mathematics books (Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry) in any order on a shelf? a. 6 c. 12 b. 8 d. 24 e. ANS: A 6 f. Permutation 3! = 3.2.1 = 6 g. 83. How many gallons of water will fill a fish tank that is 13 inches by 12 inches by 48 inches? (There are 231 cubic inches per gallon). Round of your answer to the nearest gallon. a. 45 gallons c. 32 gallons b. 40 gallons d. 47 gallons e. ANS: C 32 gal. f. (13)(12)(48) cubic inches = 7, 488 cubic inches g. 7, 488 cubic inches ÷ 231 cubic in per gal. = 32.42 gal. h. 84. How much topsoil is needed to cover a garden 25 feet by 40 feet to a depth of 6 inches? a. 480 cu. ft c. 500 cu. ft b. 440 cu. ft d. 460 cu. ft e. ANS: C 500 cu. ft f. Volume = (25 ft.)(40 ft.)(0.5 ft) = 500 cubic ft. g. 85. How much larger is the supplement of a 57 degree angle than the complement of a 75 degree angle? a. 108 degrees c. 05 degrees b. 18 degrees d. 123 degrees e. ANS: A 108 degrees



Supplement of a 57


Complement of a 75 °

angle = 180


angle = 90 °

– 57


– 75 °

= 123


– 15 °

h. Therefore, 123 degrees – 15 degrees = 108 degrees i. 86. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 25 feet. If one leg is 24 feet, what is the length of the other leg? a. 6 ft. c. 20 ft. b. 5 ft. d. 7 ft. e. ANS: D 7 ft. By Pythagorean theorem, f. X2 + (24) = (25)2 g. X2 + 625 – 576 – 49 h. X = 7 ft.

i. j. k. 87. How many ways can a committee of 4 people be selected from a group of 7 people> a. 35 c. 140 b. 70 d. 210 e. ANS: A 35



C4 =

7! =35 ( 7−4 ) ! $ !

f. 88. If the price of a round trip fare to Batangas is P285, how much will it cost a family of four if the husband pays full rate fare, the wife pays 2/3 of full fare, and the two children each pay 1/2 of the regular price? a. P475.00 c. P760.00 b. P570.00 d. P1,140. 00 e. ANS: C 760 f. Husband = P285 g. Wife = 2/3 (P285) = P190 h. 2 Children = P285 i. Total fare = P285 + P190 + P285 = 760 j. 89. What is the missing term in the series? 2, 5, 11, 23, 47, ____. a. 115 c. 105 b. 95 d. 125 e. ANS: B 95 f. 2 5 11 23 47 95 g. 3 6 12 34 48 h. 90. Find the GCF of 18 and 36? a. 2 c. 18 b. 6 d. 9 e. ANS: C 18 f. The GCF of 18 and 36 is 18 g. 18 = 1 x 18 36 = 2 x 18 h. 91. Write the expression 3x2 + x in factored form. a. 3x2 (1 + 1) c. x(3x + 1) b. 3x3 (1 + x) d. 3(x2 + 1) e. ANS: C x(3x + 1) f. 3x2 + x = x(3x + 1) common monomial factor g. 92.If a car travels 96 miles on 8 liters gas, how far can the car travel on a full tank of gas that holds 20 liters? a. 235 miles c. 230 miles b. 245 miles d. 240 miles e. ANS: D 240 miles


x 96 = x=240 miles 20 8

g. 93. If x – 6 > 24, then a. x > 6 b. x > 30 e. ANS: B x > 30 f. x – 6 > 24 g. x > 24 + 6 h. x > 30 i. 94. Which of the following is/are TRUE? I. x3 – y3 = (x – y) (x2 + y2)

c. x > 4 d. x > 24

(5x – 2y)(5x – 2y) = 25x2 – 20xy + 4y2 x2 + y2 = (x + y) (x + y) a. I only c. b. I and III d. e. ANS: C II only f. (5x – 2y)(5x – 2y) = 25x2 – 20xy + 4y2 g. 95. Yeyet has 5 blue T – shirts and 7 orange T – shirts. If she pick probability that it will NOT be blue? a. 1/2 c. b. 1/6 d. e. ANS: 7/12 f. P(not blue) = 7/12 g. 96. If a baseball player hits 10 home runs in the first 45 games, at can he expect to hit during the 162 – game season? a. 38 c. b. 40 d. II. III.

e. ANS: D 36 f. g. 97. What a. b. e.

x 10 = 162 45

II only I and II

one T – shirt at random, what is the 17/12 5/12

the same rate how many home runs 42 36

x = 36 homeruns is the smallest number which can be exactly divided by 18, 27, and 15? 900 c. 7/12 27 d. 5/12 ANS: D 270 The smallest number (LCM) which can be exactly divided by 18, 27, and 15 is 270

f. 98. A certain bank issue 3 – letter identification code to its customer. If each letter can be used only once per code, how many different codes are possible? a. 17, 576 c. 270 b. 78 d. 3 e. ANS: 15, 600 f. Since there are 26 English Alphabet (letters) and no repetition is allowed, therefore the number of different codes is equal to 26.25.24 = 15, 600 g. 99. What is the volume of a cube whose surface area is 54 a. 54 f. ANS: D 27 b. 81 g. 6S2 = 54 c. 729 h. S2 = 9 d. 27 i. S = 3 S3 = 27 e.

j. 1. a. b. l.



a. b.



Sagot: A- Ang alibata ang isang sitema ng pagsulat ng mg ninunong Pilipino bago pa man dumating ang mga Kastila sa Pilipinas. c. d.

m. Sagot: B- Ang ponema ay tumutukoy sa mga makahulugang tunog ng isang wika. 3. a. b.

c. d.

n. Sagot: B- Ang wika ay kasangkapan sa komunikasyon at katulad ng iba pang kasangkapan, kailangan patuloy itong ginaganit. 4.

a. b.

c. d.

o. Sagot: B- Kapag nagkaroon ng mga makahulugang palitan ng mga pangungusap ang dalawa o higit pant tao ay nagkakaroon na ng tinatawag na diskurso. 5.

a. b.

c. c.

p. Sagot: C- Kapag binigkas ang mga titik p/b/ at /m ginagamit ang labi upang magkaroon ng tunog. 6. a. b.

c. d.

q. Sagot: A- Tumutukoy ang morpolohiya sa makaagham na pag-aaral ng mga makabuluhang yunit ng isang salita o morpema. 7.

a. b. r.


c. d. Sagot: B- Ang pangungusap ay maari ring masuri batay sa ugnayan ng pandiwa at paksa. Ito ay tinatawag na pokus. Naipakikita itosa pamamagitan ng taglay na panlapi ng pandiwa.

a. b.

c. d.

s. Sagot” A- Ang ponolohiya ng Filipino ay may 21 ponema- 5 patinig at 16 na katinig. 9. a. b.

c. d.

t. Sagot: D- Ang teoryang pooh-pooh ay nagsimula sa masisidhing damdamin gaya ng tuwa at takot. 10.

a. b.

c. d.

u. Sagot: B- ang bawat pook ay may sariling dayalekto. 11.

a. b.

c. d.

v. Sagot: B- Isinasaas sa 1896 Konstitusyon na Filipino ang wikang pambansa na batay sa mga wikain sa Pilipinas. 12. a. b.

c. d.

w. Sagot: D- Si Manuel L. Quezon ang nagpanukala na magkaroon ng isang pambansa sa Pilipinas. 13.

a. b.

c. d.

x. Sagot: D- Si Lope K. Santos ang gumawa nd ADAKADA bilang alpabetong Pilipino na batay sa tagalong lamang. 14. a. b.



y. Sagot; A- Ang pormal na salita ay mga salitang tanggap at gamitin sa mga paaralan at pamahalaan bilang wika ng komunikasyon. z. 15. a. b.

c. d.

aa.Sagot; B- Ang wika bilang instrumento ay tumutugon sa mga pangangailangan ng tao gaya ng pakikiusap o pag-uutos. 16. a. b.

c. d.

ab.Sagot; A – Ang lokyusyunari ay isang speech act na nagpapakita na akto ng pakikipag-usap ng isang tao sa kapwa. 17.

a. b.

c. d.

ac. Sagot; A – Ang tekstwal kompitens ay isang kasanayan sa pagsulat nang organisado at may kohirens. 18. 19.

20. .

a. b. a. b.

c. d. Sagot: C- Dahil ang pagbasa ay hindi lamang gawaing sensori higit sa lahat, isang gawaing pangkaisipan. c. d.

ad.Sagot: D- Pinakikita na puro ang mga salitang ginamit na batay sa Tagalog. 21. a. b.

c. d. Sagot: C- Ang salitang kamusta ay pangkaraniwang gamit sa pakikipag-usap.

ae. af. ag. ah. 22. a. b. c. d. ai. Sagot: A- Isa sa tuntunin sa ortograpiyang Filipino na kung ang salita na pantangi ay walang katumbas sa Filipino ito ay hihiramin ng ganap. 23. a.




aj. Sagot: B- Ang pagkautal ay isang depektong pisikal sa pagsasalita. 24. A. B.



ak.Sagot: D- Ang salitang pamalo ay nag-asimila sa pampalo na mula sa salitang palo. 25.

a. b.

c. d.

al. Sagot: C- Kapag ang salitang ugat na nagsisimula sa /l/ o /y/ ay nilalagyan ng gitlaping in-, ang /i/ at /n/ ay nagkakapalitan ng pusisyon. c. d.



am. Sagot: C- Kabaligtaran ng siil ang kandili dahil ang siil ay may kahulugang mapanupil samantalang ang kandili ay may kahulugang mapag-aruga. 26. a. b.



an.Sagot: C- Ang Wahh ay nagpapakita ng isang masidhing damdamin batay sa ibinigay na pangungusap. ao. ap. aq. 27. a. b.

c. d.

ar. Sagot: B- Ang salitang pakaayusin ay mas angkop sa pagkuha muna ng mataas na grado ng mag-aaral dahil ito ang kaganapan na pangungusap. 28. a. b.



as. Sagot: C- Ang ingay o sagabal na nagaganap sa kapaligiran ay na tinatawag na pisyolohikal.

29. a. b.

c. d.

at. Sagot; B- Ang morpema ay maliit nay unit ng isang salita na maaaring isang ponema, salitang-ugat at salitang leksikal o pangkayarian. 30. a. b.

c. d.

au.Sagot; C- Ang langit ay tinitingala muna bago ito matingnan, sulyapan at matitigan. 31.

a. b.

c. d.

av. Sagot: C- Ginamit sa pahayag ang mga salitang pinakamababang antas ng wika, ang pang-kalye na tintawag na balbal. 32. a. b.



aw. Sagot: A- Sa proseso ng elaborasyon, may mga bagong anyo o tuntuning pumapasok o kaya’y tinatanggap ng lipunan. ax. ay. az. ba. c. d.



bb. Sagot: B- Ipinakikita na ang wika ay nagbabago ayon sa daloy ng panahon kung kaya ito ay sumasang-ayon sa modernisasyong nagaganap sa bansa. 33. a. b.



bc. Sagot: D- Si Jaime de Veyra ang unag pinuno ng SWP na nanggaling sa Visayang Samar. 34.

a. b.

c. d.

bd. Sagot: C- Ang pagtatala ay isang kasanayan sa pagsulat upang mahahalagang detalye na binasa sa teksto ay mabigyang diin o di makalimutan. be. c. d.

c. d.

bf. Sagot: C- Ang parapreys ay muling paglalahad ng ideya ng iba sa sariling pananalita. Nagkakaroon ng pagbabago sa estruktura ng salita at pangungusap ngunit kailangang hindi ito lumihis sa orihinal na teksto. 35. a. b.



bg. Sagot: A- Matatagpuan sa metodo kung paano binigyan ng tritment ang mga datos na nakalap sa isang pananaliksik. bh. c. d.

c. d.

bi. Sagot; B- Ginamit bilang konotasyon o pansariling pagpapakahulugan ang malutong na halakhak. 36. a. b.

c. d.

bj. Sagot: D – Ang pagbasang ito ay dumaraan sa isan pagpoproseso upang lubusang maunawaan ang isang teksto. bk. c. d.

c. d.

bl. Sagot: D- Ang pagbabala sa gamit ng wika ay regulatori sapagkat kinokontrol nito ang kilos ng isang tao. bm. e. f.

c. d.

bn. Sagot: B- Ang pokus ng pandiwa ay nasa ganapan, ang aming bakuran. 37. .

a. b.

c. d.

bo.Sagot: D- Makikita sa frowner ang pagiging attentibo subalit hindi lubos ang kanyang pakikinig dahil siya ay nakukunwari lamang dahil hinihintay lamang niya na makapagtanong para makapagpaimpres. 38. .

a. b.

c. d.

bp. Sagot: A- Ang asonans ay pag-uulit ng mga tunog – patinig sa alinamang bahagi ng salita. 39. . a. b.

c. d.

bq. Sagot: B- Ito ay pag-uulit na mga katinig, ngunit sa bahaging final. br. 40. a. b.

c. d.

bs. Sagot: B- Madaling mapikon kagaya ng higad na mabilis kumagat kapag nakanti mo lang. 41.

a. b.

c. d.

bt. Sagot: B- Mapagpatawad ang Diyos sa ating kasalanan. 42.

a. b.

c. d.

bu. Sagot: B- Ang idyolek ay isang personal na pag-gamit ng wika ng isang tao. c. d.

c. d.

bv. Sagot: B- Ang pangungusap ay pang-uri na ginagamit sa paglalarawan. 43. a. b.



bw. Sagot: D- Nangangahulugan ito na walang trabaho dahil ang poste ay simbolikong tumutukoy sa tao na walang magawa. 44.

a. b.

c. d.

bx.Sagot; B- Ang buwaya sa katihan ay isang taong ganid sa 45.

a. b.


c. d.

by. Sagot: D- Ang pokus ay nasa ipangsulat ng lapis at ang lapis ay isang gamit panulat. bz. ca. c. d.

c. d.

cb. Sagot; B- Makikita sa pangungusap ang dalawang sugnay na makapag-iisa kung kayap tambalan ito. cc. PAGBASA: cd. Paano ba ginagawa ang pelikulang Filipino? Noong panahon pa ni Lino Brocka, nagagawa ang isang pelikula mula sa isang panaginip ng prodyuser. Ayon kay Lino, minsan nanaginip ang dakilang si “mader” ng industriya ng pelikulang Filipino. Tinawagan si Lino ni Mother Lily at ang usapang nag-umpisa sa “Hellow”, Lino ay nauwi sa pelikulamg Hello, Young Lovers. Inumpisahan ang paggawa ng pelikula na si Snooky at Gabby Concepcion ang bida. Kinunan ang pelikula sa tagaytay na lang dahil malayo daw ang Baguio. Subalit sa ngayon, halos napakatagal gumawa ng pelikula dahil sa hirap bumuo ng iskrip at sa mahal ng gastusin nito. 46. a. b. c. d. ce. Sagot: B- Ang pangunahing paksa ay paggawa ng pelikula. 47. a. b.

c. d.

cf. Sagot: A- May himig pagtataka ito dahil sa mga nagaganap na pangyayari. c. d.

c. d.

cg. Sagot: D – Ang teksto ay naglalahad ng mga pangyayari.

48. a. b.



ch. Sagot: A- Panghihinayang dahil sa pagbabagong naganap sa paggawa ng pelikula. ci. cj. ck. 49. a. b. c. d. . cl. Sagot: A- Ang konklusyon ng teksto ay nagpapahiwatig na mahirap na ang paggawa na pelikula. cm. e. f.

c. d.

cn. Sagot: B- Ang pahayag ay nagsasatao dahil sa salitang nagmamakaawa. 50. . a. b.

c. d.

co. Sagot: C- Ang epifora ay pag-uulit sa huling bahagi ng pahayag ng taludtod. Anekdota- kwento o salaysay na ang panyayari ay hango sa tunay na karanasan, nakawiwili at kapupulutan ng aral. 51. a. b.



cp. Sagot: B- Ang sanaysay o essay ay nagbibigay ng sarilinh opinion sa isang paksa. 52. .

a. b.

c. d.

cq. Sagot: D- Ang pabula ay kwento na ang mga tauhan ay mga hayop. 53.

a. b.

c. d.

cr. Sagot: D – Ang kwento na nagmula sa bibliya ay parabola. cs. ct. 54. .

a. b.

c. d.

cu. Sagot: A- Ang maikling kwento ay may isang kakintalan lamang. 55. .

a. b.

c. d.

cv. Sagot: C- Bugtong ito na may Tugma. 56.

a. b.

c. d.

cw. Sagot: B- simbolo ng katandaan ang pag-alog ng baba, katawagan ito sa tumanda na. 57. a. b.



cx. Sagot: A- Ito ang mas matapat na salin sapagkat natutukoy niot ang tamang mensahe ng pahayag 58.

cy. a. b.

c. d.

cz. Sagot: C- Ginagamit naman kapag ang sinusundang salita ay nagtatapos sa patinig o malapatinig na /w/ o /y/. 59.

a. b.

c. d.

da.Sagot: C- Nagpapahiwatig ito na dapat magising sa katotohanan sa mga pangyayari. 60. a. b.



db. Sagot: C- Ang sintesis ay pagsama-sama ng mahahalagang kaisipan sa isang mabisang pahayag.

dc. 61.

a. b. c. d. dd. Sagot: A – Sa nilimbag na peryodikong Tagalog. Sa panahon ng himagsikan, ang mga katipunero ay naglalabas ng peryodiko “Katipunan” upang ipaalam ang mga pangyayari sa loob ng lihim na samahan.

62. a. b. c. d. de.Sagot: C- Mahasa ang mga bata sa pakikinig, pagsasagot at pananaliksik. Pangunahing layunin ng balagtasan na mahasa ang kasanayan ng mga mag-aaral sa pagsasalita, pagsagot, pakikinig at higit sa lahat sa lahat sa pananaliksik. 63.

a. b. c. d. df. Sagot; D- Walang bungang di galling sa sariling puno. Ang salawikain ay nagpapahiwatig na lath ay nanggaling lamang sa kanyang puno. Ang ugali ng isang tao ay nakukuha niya sa kanyang mga magulang.


a. b. c. d. dg. Sagot: D- Tiyak siyang sasama. Ang sagot na “Oo naman,” ay isang pagsang-ayon na siya ay sasama sa lakad.

65. a. b.



dh. Sagot: A- Pintor, ang pagiging isang pipi ay hindi hadlang upang makaguhit ng larawan. di. 66. a.

b. c. d. dj. Sagot: A- batang walang pakiramdam sa hirap. Ang batang pinalaki sa layaw ay hindi nakakaramdam ng hirap dahil ang mga magulang niya ang lahat ng gumagawa para sa kanya. 67. a. b. c. d. dk.Sagot: C- ang taong di lumingon sa pinanggalingan niya sa buhay ay hindi magtatagumpay sahil hindi pagtanaw ng utang na loob sa mga taong tumulong sa kanya. 68. a. b. . c. . d. . dl. Sagot: D- Ang panahon ng Hapon ay tinawag na gintong panahon ng panitikan dahil karamihan sa naisulat na maikling kwento ay nasa wikang Tagalog dahil ipinagbabawal ng mga Hapones ang wikang Ingles. 69.

a. b.

c. d.

dm. Sagot: A- Ang “Death March” ang pinakamahirap na parusa na inabot ng mga kawal na Filipino sa panahon ng Hapon. 70. a. b.

c. d.

dn. Sagot; B- Duduragin, ito ay nangangahulugan ng pagsugpo sa pangkat ng humahamon sa Presidente. do. 71. a. . b. . c. . d.

dp. Sagot: C- Ang gawin ang paghihiwalay ng mga basura ang tanging babala na dapat sunduin sa pagpipilian sapagkat ang iba pang pagpipilian ay may negatibong bunga. 72.

a. b.

c. d.

dq. Sagot: B- Sa mga pagpipilian ang Kangga lamang ang maaaring ikabit sa kalabaw. 73. a. b.

c. d.

dr. Sagot: D- Si Rizal ang tanging nagsabi ng katagang binanggit tung pagmamahal sa sariling wika. 74.

a. b.

c. d.

ds. Sagot: C- Ang luntian ay kulay berde na suot ng mga girl scout. 75.

a. b.

c. d.

dt. Sagot: C- Si Alejandro G. Abadilla ang nagsimula ng malayang taludturan sa tula. 76. a. b. c. d. du. Sagot: C- Ang anumang dapat gawin ay nararapat na pagisipang mabuti upang makaiwas sa disgrasya. dv. dw. dx. 77. a. b.



dy. Sagot: C- Ang nagsilikas ay nangangahulugan din nang pag-alis. 78. a.




dz. Sagot: B- Ang pabayang magulang dahil kung hindi niya pinabayaan sa lansangan ang kanyang anak ay hindi ito maaaksidente. 79.

a. b.

c. d.

ea.Sagot: B- Magsidating ay angkopsa nakaraan o natapos na aksyon gaya ng noon. 80. a. b.



eb.Sagot: D- Ang pagbuhatan ng kamay ay nangngahulugang pananakit. ec. a. b.



ed.Sagot: A- Positibo ang pananaw dahil sa kahit lugami ang bayn ay pilit pa rin itong ibabangon 81.

a. b.

c. d.

ee.Sagot: A- Direkta ang paglalarawan na ginawa at hindi gumamit ng animo’y katulad, gaya ng iba pa. 82. a. b.

c. d.

ef. Sagot: D- Si Manuel L. Quezon ay tinuturing na ama ng Wikang Pambansa sa Pilipinas. 83.

a. b.

c. d.

eg.Sagot: B- Mambabasa sa Editoryal ang pananaw o kuro-kuor na patnugot tungkol sa napapanahung isyu. 84. a. b.



eh.Sagot: C- Itinuturing na Ama ng Demokrasyang Pilipino si Andres Bonifacio dahil siya ang nagtatag ng Katipunan na ang pangunahing layunin ay magkaroon ng demokrasya sa Pilipinas

85. a. b.

c. d.

ei. Sagot: C- Ang paglulubid ay kahulugan ng pagsisinungaling. 86. a. b.

c. d.

ej. Sagot: C- ang pagyanig ng gusali dahil sa yabag ay isng eksaherasyong ‘di maaaring manyari kung kaya’t masasabing hyperbole ito. 87. a. b.

c. d.

ek.Sagot: A- Malalim ang bulsa maraming pera ang makuha. el. c. d.



em. Sagot: D- Ang naglaro ng basketball sa Rizal Stadium ay nasa kaganapang pandiwa na “Ganapan”. en. e. f.

c. d.,

eo. Sagot: B- ang ipinahihiwatig ng matayog ang lipad ay kahulugan ng mataas na pangarap.




A. B. C. D. es. Ans: D – Global warming is the increase of Earth’s average surface due to the effect of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels or from deforestation which trap heat that would otherwise escape from the Earth. The most significant greenhouse gas is actually water vapor not something produced directly by humankind in significant amounts. However, even slight increase in atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide can cause a substantial increase in global temperature. et. 2.

A. B. C. D.

eu. Ans: C – Chloro flouro carcon along with other chlorine and bromine compounds from Freon and aerosol cans have been implicated in the accelerated depletion of ozone in the Earth’s stratosphere. It has been evaluated and found to be catalytic agent in ozone depletion. ev. 3.




A. C. B. D. ew. Ans: C – Habitat destruction is the primary cause of loss of biodiversity than humans is currently ranked as the most important cause of species extinction or loss biodiversity like mining, conversion of land to agriculture, deforestation and coral ref degradation. ex. A. B. C. D. ey. Ans: A – Hypothesis regarding, the origin of extra terrestrial if it exist are as follows: one proposes that it may have emerged independently from different places in the universe. An alternative is panspermia or exogenesis which hold that life emerges from one location that spreads between habitable planets. Specialized forms of extra terrestrial life range from life with the simplicity of bacteria to sapient beings which are more advanced than humans. To date no credible evidence of extra terrestrial life has been discovered which has been generally accepted by the mainstream scientific community. ez. fa. fb. fc. fd. fe. A. . B. . C. . D. . ff. Ans: D – Incineration is a controversial method of waste disposal due to issues such as emission of gaseous pollutants. Particular concern has focused on some very persistent organics such as dioxins which maybe created within the incinerator and which may have serious environmental consequences like releasing noxious gases harmful to plants, animals and human health. fg. A. B. C. D. fh. Ans: B – The second step in the scientific method is to formulate a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a concept that has yet to be verified, but it proved true would explain certain facts about a specific phenomena. In this step of the scientific method, questions and observations are weighed and considered. Researchers then make an educated guess to explain their

questions and observations. Formulating a valid hypothesis takes practice, but is crucial to the success of any experiment. fi. 7.




A. B. C. D. fj. Ans: B – Mass is the quantity of matter in a body. More specifically, it is the measurement of the inertia or sluggishness that a body, in the absence of friction, exhibits in response to any effort made to start it, stops it,or change in any way from its original state of motion. Items as shown above may have the same dimensions could have different masses, and two different sized objects could have similar mass. Mass does not change, no matter if you are in space or on Earth Mass is a measure of the matter within a body. fk. A. B. C. D. fl. Ans: C – Water pollution is the contamination of bodies of water. It occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into bodies of water without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds. fm. fn. fo. fp. fq. fr. A. B. C. D. fs. Ans: B – The green color of leaves is due to chlorophyll as their tints bounce off the sunlight. Sunlight is also a contributing factor to photosynthesis that makes the leaves colored green. ft. A. B. . C. . D. . fu. Ans: A – Cones in our eyes are receivers for these tiny visible light waves. The sun is a natural source for visible light waves and our eyes see the reflection of this sunlight off the objects around us. The color of an object that we see is the color of light reflected. All other colors are observed. fv. I. fw. A. C. B. D.

fx. Ans: C – The temperature of water is higher than the temperature of the ice because water freezes at 0 degree Celsius. fy. 11.





A. B. C. D. fz. Ans: B – It is really colder than plastic because it easily absorbs not only heat but also cold and this one of the characteristics of metals. ga. A. B. C. . D. .

gb. gc. Ans: B – The stone takes the place occupied by water because of displacement method. Displacement can be used to measure the volume of a solid object, even if its form is not regular. Several methods of such measuring exist. In one case the increase of water level is registered as the object is immersed into the water. A. C. B. D. gd. Ans: C – Tuberculosis is an earliest known infectious disease. Teachers are prone to tuberculosis aside from too much work loads; they are exposed to different kinds of students with diverse sociological background. ge. A. C. B. D. gf. Ans: A – Iodine deficiency cause goiters, develop if the iodine in the diet is too low. gg. A. B. . C. . D. . gh. Ans: B – An epidemic disease or outbreak is greater than usual number of cases of a disease in a particular region usually occurring within a relatively short period of time. gi.


A. . B. . C. . D. . gj. Ans: D – According to the World Health Organization infectious diseases such as tuberculosis are responsible for transmitting the disease to their babies especially during breastfeeding. The mode of transmission is high that is why there are many cases of Koch infection or Primary complex at very young age of children and vaccination was recommended.

gk. 17.


A. B. C. D. gl. Ans: B – The roots of the trees absorbed water. Wanton cutting of trees result in progressive flooding. gm. gn. A. B. C. D. go. Ans: C – Segregation of waste includes the classification of garbage into biodegradable and non- biodegradable waste. gp. gq.




A. C. B. D. gr. Ans: A – Vitamin A (retinol or anti-xeropthamia) are formed in liver, egg yolk, milk, cheese, butter, cream, green, yellow and green vegetables. It’s essential for correct bone and skeletal growth. It is needed for healthy skin and normal vision. Vitamin D on the other hand, is a sunshine vitamin good for bones and teeth. gs. A. . B. . C. . D. . gt. Ans: A – AIDS is the most common naturally modifiable infectious disease all over the world. Medical staffs should take extra precautious by wearing gloves while injecting because an accident prick of a needle from an AIDS patient is dangerous. gu. A. C. B. D. gv. Ans: B – Infectious diseases than human acquire from animal source are called zoonotic diseases. Many different types of arthropods serve as reservoirs of infection including insects as mosquitoes, biting flies and fleas. When involved in the transmission of infectious diseases these arthropods are referred to as vectors. gw.



A. C. B. D. gx. Ans: B – Critical analysis involves a skillful responsive thinking that facilitates judgment or decisions with reasons. gy. A.








B. D. gz. Ans: A – A veterinarian is a person practicing the art of healing, diseased or injured animal’s especially domestic animals. ha. A. B. C. D. hb. Ans: B – Cloud seeding are methods of artificially producing rain like growth of ice crystals, compound of silver iodide or scattering salts in the clouds to produce rain over dry fields. hc. hd. he. hf. A. C. B. D. hg. Ans: A – Diabetes is a disease characterized by eating too much sweet and excessive discharge of urine. hh. A. B. C. D. hi. Ans: A – A person with chicken pox remains infective until all the spots have crusted over. It takes 10-21 days (Average of 14 to 16 days) after contact with infective person for some one to develop chicken pox. It was considered very contagious during the incubation period where a person is capable all the spots transmitting a pathogen of a particular infectious disease. hj. A. C. B. D. hk. Ans: C – Vitamin A is very essential for normal night vision. Night blindness is an early symptom of Vitamin A deficiency. hl. A. C. B. D. hm. Ans: A – Weather is a description of physical conditions of the atmosphere at a particular area over a short period of time. hn.

ho. hp. 30. hq.

A. C. B. D. Ans: D – Graduated cylinder in chemistry to measure liquid volume. A. C. B. D. Ans: D – Kinetic energy is energy in motion.

hr. 31.



A. C. B. D. hs. Ans: B – Thyroxin is a hormone which plays an important part in metabolism and growth. Deficiency from this hormone causes goiter or hypertrophy. ht. hu. hv. hw. hx. hy. hz. A. B. C. D. ia. Ans: D – The first law of thermodynamics states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed it can only be transformed into another form. ib. A. B.

C. D.

ic. id. Ans: B – Sublimation is a conversion of solid directly into a gas without first becoming a liquid. ie. 34.

A. B. C. D. if. Ans: B – Chemical energy transformed into light energy. It is an example of energy transformation that justifies the Law of Thermodynamics. ig. ih.




ii. ij.

A. B. C. D. Ans: C – Designing a workable system is more related to technology.

A. C. B. D. ik. Ans: B – Parasite is an organism that benefits. It derives food and shelter from the host. il. A. B.

C. D.


im. Ans: A – Organisms appear with genetic traits totally unlike with their parents is gene mutation, a phenotypic manifestations of a sudden change in the genetic material of a cell. in. io. ip. iq. ir. is. it. A. B. C. D. iu. Ans: A – An experiment can be compared with its accepted value by calculating its percent error. Percent error is equals to measured value minus accepted value divided by accepted value times 100 percent. iv.




A. C. B. D. iw. Ans: C – Interferon is a small, anti viral proteins produced by infected cells. They are called interferon because they interfere with viral replication and induced different stimuli caused by bacteria, tumors and cancer cells. ix. A. C. B. D. iy. Ans: C – Fission is were two hydrogen nuclei collide to form helium nucleus releasing a great amount of energy in the process. iz. ja.

jb. jc. 42.



A. C. B. D. Ans: C – Potato is a specialized stem for food storage.

A. C. B. D. jd. Ans: A – Ultrasound is the use of ultrasonic waves for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes specifically to image internal organs. je. A. . B. . C. . D. . jf. Ans: A – A bacterium called Vibrio cholera causes cholera is water borne diseases. Virtually all epidemics with of cholera have involved contaminated water or colonized water pipes containing pathogens. jg.

A. C. B. D. jh. Ans: B – Sound propagation requires a medium. Sound travels faster in a denser medium and faster in metal. Metals conduct electricity not by the movement of atoms or molecules but by the movement of electrons. This energy carries sound waves. ji. 45.




A. C. B. D. jj. Ans: B – Seismograph is an instrument that records the shaking of the ground. jk. A. B. C. D. jl. Ans: D – Sunlight is prismatic resembling the spectrum allowing varied colored tints of rainbow. jm. A. C. B. D. jn. Ans: C – A chromosome is a cellular structure where most cells’ genes are located.

jo. jp. 49.


A. C. B. D. Ans: C – Technology is an application of science.

A. . B. . C. . D. . jq. Ans: A – Condensation is a change of state from gas to liquid while evaporation is a process by which molecules of a liquid escape from the surface of liquid and enters to the gaseous or vapor state. jr.

A. C. B. D. js. Ans: A – Physical change is process by which substance undergoes a change that does not alter its identity. Paper remains paper. jt. 51. . A. B. C. D. ju. Ans: A – To get the total number of neutrons of Uranium 238 has is to subtract mass number to atomic number (238-92) Therefore 146 is the number of neutrons. jv.

52. A. C. B. D. jw. Ans: D – Glucose has 6 carbon atoms C6H1206 as its molecular formula. jx. jy. 53.


A. . B. . C. . D. . jz. Ans: C – Uranium is a naturally occurring radio isotope with a half life more than billion years. ka.

A. C. B. D. kb. Ans: D – Anopheles mosquitoes are vectors for carrying diseases such as malaria. kc. 55. Arrange the following steps in investigation in the most logical order. A. C. B. D. kd. Ans: C – There are many version of the Scientific Method approach but since gathering of data is not included, formulating a problem will come out first. ke. 56. A. B. C. D. kf. Ans: D – remains the same because mass is always constant even you are in the outer space. kg. 57. A. C. B. D. kh. Ans: C – Igneous rocks formed from volcanoes that has cooled and solidified. Granite is one of the common examples of igneous rock. ki. 58. A. C. B. D. kj. Ans: D – Biotic are animate things in life or those that possess life while abiotic are inanimate things. kk. 59. A. C. B. D. kl. Ans: C – Cerebrum accounts about 85% of the brain weight. It is the most important part of the human brain. Man’s highly developed cerebrum accounts for his intelligence and voluntary actions. km.

kn. 60.


ko. kp.

A. C. B. D. Ans: D – Fusion is the splitting of the nuclei of atoms.

A. C. B. D. kq. Ans: C – Hypertension is high blood pressure is due to increase intake of fatty foods in our daily diet. Generally blood pressure greater than 140/90 is considered to be too high. kr. 62.

A. C. B. D. ks. Ans: C – Endoscope is an instrument used for examining some internal part of the body. kt.




ku. kv.

A. C. B. D. kw. Ans: B – A person with haggard appearance is worn and tired due to lack of sleep and nutrients. kx.

ky. kz. 66.

A. C. B. D. Ans: D – Brittleness is the ability of matter to break easily.

A. C. B. D. la. Ans: C – Solstice is a point in the ecliptic at which the sun is farthest from the equator. North is summer and south is winter. lb.


lc. ld. le. lf. lg. 68.

A. C. B. D. Ans: B – Herbivores are mammals that fed on herbs or vegetables.

A. B. . C. . D. . Ans: B – Greenhouse gases include CO2, water vapor, CH4, O3, N20.

A. B. C.

D. lh. Ans: B – A significant rise of CO2 and other greenhouse gases brought by burning fuel, deforestation and human activities has caused global warming. li. 69.


A. C. B. D. lj. Ans: B – Gregor Mendel is the Father of Modern Genetics. He has offered the explanation to the phenomenon of inheritance and modern concept of chromosomal inheritance. lk. A. B.

C. D. ll. Ans: C – Plastics are non metal. They are insulators and not a good conductor of heat and electricity. lm.


A. B. C. D. ln. lo. 72.


lr. ls.


A. B. C. D.

Ans: B – Warm blooded animals do not drop its body temperature to 37 degree Celsius no matter what is the temperature outside. This is how the body achieves homeostasis.




Ans: C – Average speed = distance over time

A. C. B. D. Ans: D – Mass indicates the quantity of matter in a material.

A. B. C. D. lt. Ans: D – Velocity is always accompanied with directions North, East, West, South, up, down, left, right etc. lu. lv. lw. lx. A. C. B. D. ly. Ans: B – Weathering is the process by which environmental agents at or near the earth’s surface caused rocks and minerals to break down.

lz. 76.


ma. mb.

A. C. B. D. Ans: B – Plants take carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.

A. . B. . C. . D. . mc. Ans: A – Big Bang Theory states that the universe does not expand or contract. Heavenly bodies including the Earth originated from the explosion of a hot rotating ball of gas and eventually life was formed. md. 78.



A. C. B. D. me. Ans: C – Fungi include molds. It also includes bread molds, yeast, mildew and slime molds. mf. A. B. C. D. mg. Ans: C – Mother has XX chromosome and a father has XY chromosome it is only the father who bears the Y chromosome and that his contribution to produce a baby boy. mh. A. B. C. D. mi. Ans: A – The human body is an extreme of the importance3 of diffusion. Since our body needs oxygen we inhale it through the lungs. Oxygen is needed in the blood from the lungs to the blood. The oxygen is diffused so it is absorbed in the blood. mj. mk.



ml. mm. mn. mo.

A. C. B. D. Ans: D – Bacteria is under the Kingdom Monera.

A. C. B. D. mp. Ans: D – Inertia is the first law of motion. It states that an object at rest will remain at rest and an object will remain in constant motion unless acted upon by the outside force. mq.

83. A. C. B. D. mr. Ans: B – Sexual reproduction is a process by which human being, plants and animals create more of their own kind. Male produces sperm cells while female produces egg cells. ms. 84.






A. C. B. D. mt. Ans: B – Action and Reaction is Isaac Newton’s 3 rd Law of Motion. It states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. mu. A. C. B. D. mv. Ans: C – Babies can sleep until 10 hours for their growth and development. mw. A. C. B. D. mx. Ans: A – Smoke and fog were trapped in the troposphere which was harmful to the ozone layer. my. A. B. C. D. . mz. Ans: D – Chloroplasts are colored pigments produces by plants. It is the site of photosynthesis. A. C. B. D. na. Ans: C – Uplands have less source of iodine compared with low lands which includes rivers and seas. Sea foods are greatest source of iodine. nb.

nc. nd. 90.


A. C. B. D. Ans: D – Sun is the main source of heat and energy.

A. C. B. D. ne. Ans: C – Oxygen is the only gas that sustains life. Because of air we can survive. nf. A. B. C. . D. .

ng. Ans: A – It reduces the Ph of the soil. Also, it is usually use as fertilizer. nh. 92.




A. B. C. D. ni. Ans: C – Blood Type A, have antigen A and antibody B. It can only accept Type A and type AB. nj. A. B. C. D. nk. Ans: D – Tsunami can cause severe flooding due to earthquakes under the sea that overflows going to the land. nl. A. . B. . C. . D. . nm. Ans: A – There are good effects of volcanic eruptions. Ash fall provides fertility to the soil, recreation and geyser are formed. nn. A. B. C. D. no. Ans: B – Kitchen wastes are biodegradable materials because they decompose. np.




nq. nr. ns. nt.

A. B. C. D. Ans: A – The incubation period is within two to three days.

A. B. C. D. nu. Ans: C – Flooding is attributed to wanton cutting trees. The roots of the trees absorbed the water when it is raining. nv. A. B.


C. D. nw. Ans: A – Benjamin Franklin is a major figure in the Enlightenment and the History of Physics for his theories and discoveries regarding electricity. He is noted polymath, civic activist and a statesman. nx. A. C. B. D. ny. Ans: C – Cellulose is the structural component of the primary cell wall of green plants. Cellulose is absent in the animal cells. nz. oa. ob. oc. od. oe. of. og. oh. oi. oj. ok. ol. om. on. oo. op. oq. or. os. ot. ou. ov. ow. ox. oy. oz. pa. pb. pc. pd. SOCIAL SCIENCE pe.



A. B. . C. D. pf. Ans: pg. I. A. B.


C – East Timor is also a Christian country.

C. D.

ph. Ans: A – The political history of the Philippines from sultanate (Philippine history) to Democratic (Article II of the 1987 constitution) pi. 3.



A. B. C. D.

pj. Ans: D – The chieftain was the head of the council of elders pk. I. A. C. B. D. pl. Ans: C – unite the Filipinos and combat social injustice pm.

A. B. C. D. . pn. po.


B – sovereignty is the freedom from EXTERNAL control

pp. pq.


B – Article III of the 1987 Constitution- Bill of Rights

pr. Ans: ps.

A – (Ten year transition period)

A. B. C. D. 6.

A. B. C. D.

7. A. B.

pt. Ans: pu. 8.

A. B. C. D.


pv. Ans: pw.

C. D. B – Semi parliamentary

D – EDSA 1 on February 22 to 25, 1986

A. B. C. D. px.Ans: C – Declaring their assets and liabilities (Article XIAccountability of public Officials)

py. 10.


A. B. E. Ans: F. A. B. C. D. G. Ans: H.






C – Article XVII – Amendments or revision

A. B. C. D. I. Ans: D – Objectives of CARP and principles of cooperatives J. K. L. I. M. A. C. B. D. N. Ans: D – Basic principles and elements of CARP (RA 6657 – Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988) O. A. C. B. D. P. Ans: B – Monopolized by a single or one company Q. A. B. E. Ans: taxes. F.

C. D. C – Because the parents cannot avail the benefits from their

A. C. B. D. E. Ans: B – As per MTRCB’s policy viewers below 18 years of age should be guided by the parents (Parental guidance is needed) F. A. B. G. Ans: H.


C - State of the Nation Address

C. D.

A. B. C.

C. D. C – Article V: Suffrage



D. I. Ans: Policies J. A. B. E. Ans: F. G.

B – Section 2, Article II: Declaration of principles and State

C. D. D – Campaign against plagiarism

A. B. H. Ans: B – Japanese culture I. 20.


A. C. B. D. J. Ans: D – Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) is one of the requirements of DENR to ensure that the environment will be protected at all times. K. A. B. C. D. L. Ans: M.



C. D.

C – Commonwealth Act # 1

A. B. C. D. N. Ans: C – Rural banks started out as cooperatives O. A. C. B. D. P. Ans: C – Headquarters of IRRI: University of the Philippines, Los Baños, Laguna. Q. R. 26. S. a. T. b. U. c. V. d. W. ANS: A – As mandated by RA7160 (Local Government Code of the Philippines) approved on October 10, 1991 X. Y. 27. Z. a. AA. b. AB. c. AC. d.

AD. ANS: A – As manifestation of 1st World’s support Education as a key to nation building/progress AE. AF. AG. AH.28. AI. a. AJ. b.. AK. c.. AL. d.. AM. ANS: A – It was very essence of Commonwealth Government (Tenyear transition period) AN. AO.29. AP. a.. AQ.b.. AR. c.. AS. d.. AT. ANS: A – The rationale of the Fisherman’s Act AU. AV. 30. AW. a. AX. b. AY. c. AZ. d. BA. ANS: A – Section (3), Article XV: “The Family” BB. BC. 31. BD. a.. BE. b.. BF. c.. BG.d.. BH. ANS: A – Section 17, Article III (Bill of Rights) stipulates that NO person shall be compelled to be witness against himself BI. BJ. 32. BK. a. BM. c. BL. b. BN.d. BO. ANS: C – Eagle symbolizes strength BP. BQ.33. BR. a. BT. c. BS. b. BU.d. BV.ANS: C – Section 13, Article III: The Bill of Rights BW. BX. 34. BY. a. CA. c. BZ. b. CB. d. CC. ANS: A – As mandated by the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (RA 9165) CD. CE. 35. CF. a. CG.b. CH. c.

CI. d. CJ. ANS: C – As mandated by Section 1, Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution “The state shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make education accessible to all.” CK. CL. 36. CM. a. CN.b. CO. c. CP. d. CQ. ANS: C – Solid Waste Segregation CR. CS. 37. CT. a. CU.b. CV. c. CW. d. CX. ANS: A – Working animals, tractors, and fertilizers are important to Filipino farmers. CY. CZ. 38. DA.a. DB.b. DC. c. DD. d. DE. ANS: C – Impeachment proceedings against Pres. Estrada in December 2000 DF. DG. 39. DH. a. DI. b. DJ. c. DK.d. DL. ANS: C – Section 41, Article IV of RA9165: Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 DM. DN. 40. DO. a. DP. b. DQ. c. DR. d. DS. ANS: D – Policy of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) DT. DU. 41. DV. a. DX.c. DW. b. DY. d. DZ. ANS: D – Article V: Suffrage, 1987 Constitution EA. EB. EC. ED.42. EE. a. EG.c. EF. b. EH. d.

EI. ANS: D – Texting as the fastest mode of communication among young people Philippines as the “text – message” capital of the world EJ. EK. 43. EL. a.. EN. c. EM. b. EO. d.. EP. ANS: D – Philippine was a former colony of Spain (1565 - 1898) and United States of America (1898 - 1946). Dec. 10, 1858 to July 4, 1946 EQ. ER. 44. ES.A. EU. c. ET. b. EV. d.

EW. ANS: A – From farm to market provision EX. EY. 45. EZ. a. c. FA. b. d. FB. ANS: B – Rizal was executed in the early morning of December 30, 1896 FC. FD. 46. FE. a.. FF. b.. FG. c.. FH. d.. FI. ANS: B – The equal protection of the law (Article III) signifies that “all persons subject to legislation should be treated alike…” FJ. FK. 47. FL. a.. FM.b.. FN. c.. FO. d.. FP. ANS: D – The general impression of the public contradicts with the NO RANSOM policy of the States. FQ. FR. 48. FS.a. c. FT. b. d. FU. ANS: C – The cohort survival rate of the Philippines is relatively lower compare to other countries in Asia FV. FW. FX. 49. FY. a. c. FZ. b. d. GA. ANS: D – The 21st century is characterized as borderless communities according to Thomas Friedman (One size fits all) GB. GC.50. GD. a. c. GE.b. d. GF. ANS: A – OR D –Las Palmas incident (A and D are correct) GG. GH. 51. GI. a. c. GJ. b. d. GK. Ans: B- Rape as one of the heinous crimes punishable by law. GL. GM. 52. GN. a. c. GO. b. d. GP.Ans: A- Section 3 (2, Article XV- The Family) GQ. GR.53. GS. a. c. GT. b. d.

GU. ANS: A – Survival trait is instinct to every human being GV. GW. 54. GX. a. GY. b.. GZ. c.. HA. d.. HB. Ans: C- Filipino values: Closed family ties HC. HD. 55. HE. a. HF. b. HG. c. HH. d. HI. Ans: B- Surveys help the Government to get the (pulse) perception of the masses HJ. HK. HL. HM. HN. HO. HP. HQ. 56. HR. a. HS. b. HT. c. HU. d. HV. Ans: A- Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees Article XI: Accountability of Public Officers (RA 6713) HW. HX.57. HY. a. c. HZ. b. d. IA. Ans: C- Central Visayas is known for mangoes (Region VII) IB. IC. 58. ID. a. c. IE. b. d. IF. Ans: C- Article VI promotes competence as one of the criteria for appointment IG. IH. 59. II. a. IJ. b. IK. c. IL. d. IM.Ans: A- Central Luzon was the rice granary of the Philippines before the eruption of the Mt. Pinatubo in 1990s IN. IO. 60. IP. a.. IQ. b.. IR. c.. IS. d..

IT. Ans: D- One of the consequences of modernization. IU. IV. 61. IW. a.. IX. b.. IY. c.. IZ. d.. JA. Ans: D- Minors are under the custody/ responsibility of their parents. JB. JC. 62. JD. a. JE. b. JF. c. JG. d. JH. Ans: A- Eminent Domain is the right or power of the State or of those to whom the power has been lawfully delegated to take private property fro public use upon paying to the owner a just compensation to be ascertained according to law. JI. 63. JJ. a. c. JK. b. d. JL. Ans: A- Commutation is the reduction of the sentence to a lesser punishment, as from the death to life imprisonment. It may be granted without the acceptance and even against the will of the convict. JM. JN. 64. JO. a. JP. b. JQ. c. JR. d. JS. Ans: C- Article II, Section 5 JT. JU. 65. JV. a. JW. b. JX. c. JY. d. JZ. Ans: B- Choose the good ones and eliminate the spoiled ones KA. KB. 66. KC. a. c. KD. b. d. KE. Ans: C- Because he wanted to fall with his faces/ body facing toward his fellowmen. KF. KG.67. KH. a. c. KI. b. d. KJ. Ans: c- Neporism as one of the grounds fro termination (RA 6713: Code of conduct and ethical standards for public officials and employees) KK. KL. 68. KM. a. c. KN. b. d. KO. Ans: A- Inflation of Philippine peso.

KP. KQ.69. KR. a. c. KS. b. d. KT. Ans: D- Thailand is another big exporter of mangoes. KU. KV. 70. KW. a. c. KX. d. d. KY.Ans: A- Television KZ. LA. 71. LB. a. c. LC. b. d. LD. Ans: C- One of Central banks’ interventions to save the Philippine peso. LE. LF. 72. LG. a.. LH. b.. LI. c.. LJ. d.. LK.Ans: C- Barter- the pre-colonial mode of trading between the Chinese and the Filipinos LL. LM.73. LN. a.. LO. b. LP. c.. LQ. d. LR. Ans: D- Dependency theory- Countries with poor economy are subservient to the rich countries. LS. LT. 74. LU. a. c. LV. b. d. LW. Ans: B- Pakistan is a country in South Asia where women are not enjoying same rights as men. LX. LY. 75. LZ. a. MA. b. MB. c. MC. d. MD. Ans: C- Resettlement for squatters in the very essence of Lina Law. ME. MF. 76. MG. A. C. MH. B. D. MI.Ans: C – From the same language stock MJ. MK. 77. ML. A. MM. B. MN. C.

MO. D. MP. Ans: C – Language as a vehicle for effective trade and commerce in the 21st century MQ. MR. 78. MS. A. C. MT. B. D. MU. Ans: A – Nation as a cultural entity MV. MW. MX. 79. MY. A. MZ. B. NA. C. NB. D. NC. Ans: D – Professional squatters ND. NE. 80. NF. A. NG. B. NH. C. NI. D. NJ. Ans: A – Education as a great “leveler” NK. NL. 81. NM. A. C. NN. B. D. NO. Ans: B – Arab culture NP. NQ. 82. NR. A. C. NS. B. D. NT.Ans: B – values NU. NV. 83. NW. A. C. NX. B. D. NY.Ans: D – Article II, Section I of the 1987 Constitution NZ. OA.84. OB. A. OC. B. OD. C. OE. D. OF.Ans: B or D – Year 2000 was International year of Peace and Jubilee (B and D are OG. Correct) OH. OI. 85. OJ. A. C. OK. B. D. OL. Ans: C - The Philippines is a democratic and republican State Sovereignty in the people and all government authority emanates from them. OM.

ON. 86. OO. A. C. OP. B. D. OQ. Ans: D – Visayas: “Isla de pintados” (Spanish period) OR. OS. OT. OU. 87. OV. A. C. OW. B. D. OX. Ans: C – The Schurman Commission, also known as the First Commission, arrived in the Philippines on March 4, 1899 with function on investigating condition in the Islands. OY. OZ.88. PA. A. C. PB. B. D. PC. Ans: D – folkways PD. PE. 89. PF. A. C. PG. B. D. PH. Ans: A – Imitation: Theory of Bandura PI. PJ. 90. PK. A. C. PL. B. D. PM. Ans: A – Revolutionary government (The dictatorial government lasted for only a month, from May 24 to June 23, 1898) PN. PO. 91. PP. A. C. PQ. B. D. PR. Ans: B – “Co-existence”between Israel and Palestine PS. PT. 92. PU. A. PV. B. PW. C. PX. D. PY. Ans: C – Preamble of the 1987 Constitution PZ. QA.93. QB. A. QC. B. QD. C. QE. D. QF.Ans: C – “Too much politics is bad” QG. QH. 94. QI. A. C. QJ. B. D. QK. Ans: A – Jacob Gould Schurman QL. QM.

QN. QO. QP. 95. QQ. A. QR. B. QS. C. QT. D. QU. Ans: B – Political: Separation of the Philippines from Spain; Moral: Good manners, hygiene…; Civic: the aspects of self-help QV. QW. 96. The chieftain of Bohol with whom Legaspi had a blood compact in 1565. QX. A. Rajah Tupas QY. B. Lakandula QZ. C. Rajah Sulayman RA. D. Sikatuna RB. Ans: D – Sikatuna RC. RD.97. RE. A. RF. B. RG. C. RH. D. RI. Ans: D – The characteristics of the 21st Century according to John Naisbitt RJ. RK. 98. RL. A. C. RM. B. D. RN. Ans: A – “Dollar diplomacy” RO. RP. 99. RQ. A. C. RR. B. D. RS. Ans: D – “Any person under investigation for the commission of an offense shall have the right to be informed of his right to remain silent and to have competent and independent counsel preferably of his own choice…” Article III Section 12 (1) Typo error: it should be Article III Sec 12(1) and NOT Article III Sec 12 (8) RT. RU.100. RV. A. RW. B. RX. C. RY. D. RZ. Ans: A – A suspect remains innocent until proven guilty by the law.

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