General Chemistry Ch. 11 TB
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General Chemistry Ch. 11 TB Gammon...
Chapter 11 - States of Matter: Liquids and Solids 1. Which of of the followi following ng statement statementss concerning concerning liquids liquids is incorrect? incorrect? A) The volume volume of a liquid liquid changes changes very little little with with pressur pressure. e. B) Liquids Liquids are relatively relatively incompress incompressile. ile. !) Liquid molecules molecules move move slowly slowly compared compared to solids. solids. ") #on$volatile #on$volatile liquids liquids have have low vapor pressures pressures at room room temperature temperature.. %) The molecules molecules of a liquid liquid are in in constant constant random random motion. motion. A#&' ,B-' T,(' 3&!' 3&!'
! (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11.1 !ompare !ompare a gas a liquid liquid and a solid solid using using a /inetic$ /inetic$molecul molecular ar theory theory descripti description. on. phases 0 liquid %2' properties of liquids gener general al chem chemis istr try y
4. Which of the the following following statements statements concerning concerning solids solids liquids liquids and gases gases is5are is5are correct? correct? 1. 4. 6.
A) B) !) ") %)
The close close contact contact of the particles particles in in a solid solid prevents prevents all possi possile le motion motion including virational motion. Liquid Liquidss and and gases gases are oth oth consi consider dered ed flui fluids. ds. The postulat postulatee from /inetic$mol /inetic$molecular ecular theory that the the particles particles in a gas gas are are in constant random motion is equally applicale to liquids e7cept the particles are more tightly pac/ed in a gas.
1 only 4 only 6 only 1 and 4 4 and 6
A#&' B (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11.1 ,B-' !ompare !ompare a gas a liquid liquid and a solid solid using using a /inetic$ /inetic$molecul molecular ar theory theory descripti description. on. T,(' ,(' phas phases es 0 li liquid quid 6. What is is the name name for the the follow following ing phase phase change change?? 48 s) s) → 48 g g ) A) B) !) ") %)
sul sulim imat atio ion n free9i e9ing vapo vapori ri9a 9ati tion on cond conden ensa sati tion on melting
A#&' A (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11.4 ,B-' "efine "efine melting melting free9ing free9ing vapori9ation vapori9ation sulimati sulimation on and condensation condensation.. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 3&!' general chemistry :. Which of the the followi following ng processe processess is is endother endothermic? mic? A) melt meltin ing g of of ice ice B) conde condens nsat atio ion n of wate water r !) deposit deposition ion of caron caron dio7id dio7idee
") free9 free9in ing g of of wat water er %) conde condens nsat atio ion n of amm ammoni oniaa A#&' A (T&' 1 "*' moderate +%*' 11.4 ,B-' "efine "efine melting melting free9ing free9ing vapori9ation vapori9ation sulimati sulimation on and condensation condensation.. T,(' T,(' phas phases es 0 pha phase se tra trans nsit itio ions ns ;. The proc process ess repres represent ented ed y the the equati equation on !18 s) s) → !18 g g ) is A) melting. B) liqu liquef efac acti tion on.. !) sul sulim imat atio ion. n. ") cond conden ensa sati tion on.. %) fusion. A#&' ! (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11.4 ,B-' "efine "efine melting melting free9ing free9ing vapori9ation vapori9ation sulimati sulimation on and condensation condensation.. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 3&!' general chemistry . When a solid solid undergo undergoes es a phase phase change change to a gas gas the process process is called called A) fusion. B) cond conden ensa sati tion on.. !) melting. ") vapo vapori ri9a 9ati tion on.. %) sul sulim imat atiion. on. A#&' % (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11.4 ,B-' "efine "efine melting melting free9ing free9ing vapori9ation vapori9ation sulimati sulimation on and condensation condensation.. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 3&!' general chemistry @. A ottle ottle is filled filled with a small small amount amount of a volatile volatile liquid liquid and and sealed. &ometime &ometime later later it is oserved that no liquid is evident in the sealed ottle. Which of the following following statements would e7plain this oservation? A) 3ore time time is is needed needed to estal estalish ish equili equilirium. rium. B) Liquid and vapor vapor are at equiliri equilirium um in the ottle. ottle. !) Too Too little little liquid was added added to achieve achieve a liquid vapor equili equilirium rium in the closed closed system. ") The vapor state state is favored favored when when equiliri equilirium um is estalis estalished. hed. %) The liqui liquid d has under undergon gonee sulim sulimati ation. on. A#&' ! (T&' 1 ,B-' "efine vapor pressure. %2' vapor pressure
"*' moderate +%*' 11.4 T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 3&!' general chemistry
>. %nough of a volatil volatilee liquid liquid is placed placed in a closed closed container container to achieve achieve a liquid$vapor liquid$vapor equilirium at a fi7ed temperature. temperature. Which of the following following statements regarding this this system is5are correct once correct once equilibrium is established ? 1. 4. 6.
Liquid Liquid molecul molecules es are no longe longerr evap evaporat orating ing.. The nume numerr of vapor vapor molecu molecules les rema remains ins esse essenti ntiall ally y constan constant. t. The partial partial pressure pressure e7erted e7erted y the vapor molecule moleculess is called called the vapor vapor pressu pressure re of the liquid.
") free9 free9in ing g of of wat water er %) conde condens nsat atio ion n of amm ammoni oniaa A#&' A (T&' 1 "*' moderate +%*' 11.4 ,B-' "efine "efine melting melting free9ing free9ing vapori9ation vapori9ation sulimati sulimation on and condensation condensation.. T,(' T,(' phas phases es 0 pha phase se tra trans nsit itio ions ns ;. The proc process ess repres represent ented ed y the the equati equation on !18 s) s) → !18 g g ) is A) melting. B) liqu liquef efac acti tion on.. !) sul sulim imat atio ion. n. ") cond conden ensa sati tion on.. %) fusion. A#&' ! (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11.4 ,B-' "efine "efine melting melting free9ing free9ing vapori9ation vapori9ation sulimati sulimation on and condensation condensation.. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 3&!' general chemistry . When a solid solid undergo undergoes es a phase phase change change to a gas gas the process process is called called A) fusion. B) cond conden ensa sati tion on.. !) melting. ") vapo vapori ri9a 9ati tion on.. %) sul sulim imat atiion. on. A#&' % (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11.4 ,B-' "efine "efine melting melting free9ing free9ing vapori9ation vapori9ation sulimati sulimation on and condensation condensation.. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 3&!' general chemistry @. A ottle ottle is filled filled with a small small amount amount of a volatile volatile liquid liquid and and sealed. &ometime &ometime later later it is oserved that no liquid is evident in the sealed ottle. Which of the following following statements would e7plain this oservation? A) 3ore time time is is needed needed to estal estalish ish equili equilirium. rium. B) Liquid and vapor vapor are at equiliri equilirium um in the ottle. ottle. !) Too Too little little liquid was added added to achieve achieve a liquid vapor equili equilirium rium in the closed closed system. ") The vapor state state is favored favored when when equiliri equilirium um is estalis estalished. hed. %) The liqui liquid d has under undergon gonee sulim sulimati ation. on. A#&' ! (T&' 1 ,B-' "efine vapor pressure. %2' vapor pressure
"*' moderate +%*' 11.4 T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 3&!' general chemistry
>. %nough of a volatil volatilee liquid liquid is placed placed in a closed closed container container to achieve achieve a liquid$vapor liquid$vapor equilirium at a fi7ed temperature. temperature. Which of the following following statements regarding this this system is5are correct once correct once equilibrium is established ? 1. 4. 6.
Liquid Liquid molecul molecules es are no longe longerr evap evaporat orating ing.. The nume numerr of vapor vapor molecu molecules les rema remains ins esse essenti ntiall ally y constan constant. t. The partial partial pressure pressure e7erted e7erted y the vapor molecule moleculess is called called the vapor vapor pressu pressure re of the liquid.
A) B) !) ") %)
1 only 4 only
6 only 1 and 4 4 and 6
A#&' % (T&' 1 ,B-' "efine vapor pressure.
"*' moderate +%*' 11.4 T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
. %nough of a volatil volatilee liquid liquid is placed placed in a closed closed container container to achieve achieve a liquid$vapor liquid$vapor equilirium. Which of the following following statements regarding this system is5are correct correct once once equilibrium is established ? 1. 4. 6. A) B) !) ") %)
The rate rate of of condens condensati ation on is equal equal to to the rate rate of evapora evaporatio tion. n. The fracti fraction on of molecules molecules with with enough energy to escape escape the liquid liquid surface surface depends on the liquid surface area. The vapo vaporr pressu pressure re is is indepe independen ndentt of the the tempe temperat rature ure..
1 only 4 only
6 only 1 and 4 1 4 and 6
A#&' A (T&' 1 ,B-' "efine vapor pressure.
"*' moderate +%*' 11.4 T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
1@ × 1.6> × 1.61 -58 G mol)) A) 6:.: /-5mol B) 64< /-5mol !) 4. /-5mol A#&' ,B-' T,(' 3&!'
" (T&' 1 "*' moderate +%*' 11.4 !alculate the heat of vapori9ation from vapor pressure. 8%7ample 11.6) phases 0 phase transitions %2' !lausius$!lapeyron equation general chemistry
4>. n the accompanying phase diagram a liquid can e present at cominations of temperature and pressure corresponding to points
A) B) !) ") %)
A ! H and ". A ! " and *. A B ! and H. A and ! only. H ! " and %.
A#&' B (T&' 1 ,B-' "efine phase diagram. %2' phase diagram
"*' moderate +%*' 11.6 T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 3&!' general chemistry
4. Which of the following statements concerning the accompanying phase diagram is false?
A) B) !) ") %)
The solid is more dense than the liquid. (oint ! is the critical point of the sustance. (oint A is the triple point of the sustance. The normal oiling point is aove the triple point. The curve A" divides the solid region from the gas region.
A#&' A (T&' 1 ,B-' "efine phase diagram.
"*' moderate +%*' 11.6 T,(' phases 0 phase transitions
66C! and :; atm pressure. Liquid !!l: has a vapor pressure of 1C!. Which of the following statements must e true? A) Iapor and liquid can only e in equilirium at one temperatureJthe normal oiling point. B) Liquid !!l: can e7ist at temperatures greater than 4>6C! if the pressure is greater than :; atm. !) Liquid and solid can only e in equilirium at one temperatureJthe free9ing point. ") The triple point of !!l: must e less than 1@>C!. %) The normal oiling point of !!l: must e greater than 1@>C!. A#&' " (T&' 1 ,B-' "efine triple point. %2' phase diagram 0 triple point 6;. Below is a phase diagram for a sustance.
"*' moderate +%*' 11.6 T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 3&!' general chemistry
What is the name for point K on the diagram? A) oiling point B) normal oiling point !) triple point ") melting point %) critical point A#&' ! (T&' 1 ,B-' "efine triple point. %2' phase diagram 0 triple point
"*' easy +%*' 11.6 T,(' phases 0 phase transitions 3&!' general chemistry
6. Below is a phase diagram for a sustance.
Which line represents the melting$point curve of the sustance? A) +$K B) &$K !) K$ ") &$ %) 3$# A#&' A (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11.6 ,B-' "escrie the melting$point curve and the vapor$pressure curves 8for the liquid and the solid) in a phase diagram. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions %2' phase diagram 0 melting$point curve 3&!' general chemistry 6@. Below is a phase diagram for a sustance.
Which line represents the vapor$pressure curve of the sustance? A) &$ B) K$ !) &$K ") 3$# %) +$K A#&' B (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11.6 ,B-' "escrie the melting$point curve and the vapor$pressure curves 8for the liquid and the solid) in a phase diagram. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions %2' phase diagram 0 vapor pressure curve 3&!' general chemistry 6>. f the liquid of a pure sustance has a lower density than the solid what is the effect on the pressure$temperature phase diagram? A) The vapor$pressure curve arches upward. B) The normal melting point is aove room temperature. !) The melting$point curve has a negative slope. ") The vapor$pressure curve arches downward. %) The melting$point curve has a positive slope. A#&' % (T&' 1 "*' moderate +%*' 11.6 ,B-' "escrie the melting$point curve and the vapor$pressure curves 8for the liquid and the solid) in a phase diagram. T,(' phases 0 phase transitions %2' phase diagram 0 melting$point curve 3&!' general chemistry 6. Below is a phase diagram for a sustance.
What is the name for point on the diagram? A) normal oiling point. B) critical point. !) melting point. ") oiling point. %) triple point. A#&' ,B-' T,(' 3&!'
B (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11.6 "efine critical temperature and critical pressure. phases 0 phase transitions %2' phase diagram general chemistry
:6. Which of the following is a molecular solid? A) #a!l B) !=: !) &i,4 ") !8graphite) %) !8diamond) A#&' B (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11. ,B-' dentify types of solids. 8%7ample 11.@) T,(' phases 0 solid %2' classification of solids 3&!' general chemistry
>:. Which of the following is an ionic solid? A) &i,48 s) B) #e8 s) !) #a8 s) ") !s*8 s) %) !,48 s) A#&' " (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11. ,B-' dentify types of solids. 8%7ample 11.@) T,(' phases 0 solid %2' classification of solids 3&!' general chemistry >;. Which onding interaction est descries the strongest intermolecular forces in Al=6? A) dipoleEdipole forces B) metallic onding !) ionic onding ") London dispersion forces %) primarily hydrogen onding A#&' ! (T&' 1 "*' ,B-' dentify types of solids. 8%7ample 11.@) 3&!' general chemistry
+%*' 11. T,(' phases 0 solid
>. Which of the following is a molecular solid? A) carorundum &i! B) quart9 !) glass ") hydrogen chloride %) potassium A#&' " (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11. ,B-' dentify types of solids. 8%7ample 11.@) T,(' phases 0 solid %2' classification of solids 3&!' general chemistry >@. Which of the following pure sustances has the highest normal melting point? A) * B) !) #a* ") #a!l %) #a A#&' ! (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11. ,B-' +elate the melting point of a solid to its structure. T,(' phases 0 solid %2' properties of solids 0 melting point 3&!' general chemistry >>. Which of the following pure sustances has the lowest melting point? A) Li* B) +* !) !s* ") * %) #a*
A#&' ! (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11. ,B-' +elate the melting point of a solid to its structure. T,(' phases 0 solid %2' properties of solids 0 melting point 3&!' general chemistry >. Which of the following pure sustances has the lowest melting point? A) !s4, B) !s!l !) !sBr ") !s %) !s* A#&' " (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11. ,B-' +elate the melting point of a solid to its structure. T,(' phases 0 solid %2' properties of solids 0 melting point 3&!' general chemistry atoms ody centered cuic 6 atoms
A#&' A (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11.@ ,B-' "efine simple cuic unit cell ody$centered cuic unit cell and face$centered cuic unit cell. T,(' phases 0 solid 1 %) 4 A#&' ,B-' T,(' %2'
A (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11.> "etermine the numer of atoms in a unit cell. 8%7ample 11.) phases 0 solid structures of crystalline solids 0 metallic solid 3&!' general chemistry
1 !) ") 4 %) 1 A#&' ,B-' T,(' %2'
" (T&' 1 "*' easy +%*' 11.@ "etermine the numer of atoms in a unit cell. 8%7ample 11.) phases 0 solid structures of crystalline solids 0 metallic solid 3&!' general chemistry
1 ") 1 %) 4 A#&' ,B-' T,(' %2'
A (T&' 1 "*' moderate +%*' 11.@ "etermine the numer of atoms in a unit cell. 8%7ample 11.) phases 0 solid structures of crystalline solids 0 metallic solid 3&!' general chemistry
1 ,B-' #ote the common structures 8face$centered cuic and ody$centered cuic) of metallic solids. T,(' phases 0 solid %2' structures of crystalline solids 0 metallic solid 3&!' general chemistry
1. Lithium chloride crystalli9es in a face$centered cuic structure. The unit cell length is ;.1: × 1 cm. The chloride ions are touching each other along the face diagonal of the unit cell. The lithium ions fit into the holes etween the chloride ions. =ow many chloride ions are there in this unit cell? A) : B) 6 !) 1 ") > %) 4 A#&' ,B-' T,(' %2'
A (T&' 1 "*' moderate +%*' 11.> "escrie the three types of cuic structures of ionic solids. phases 0 solid structures of crystalline solids 0 ionic solid 3&!' general chemistry
1 pm and the density of the element is .;@ g5cm6. What is the identity of the metal? A) !u B) !a !) &r ") #i %) 2 A#&' ,B-' T,(' 3&!'
% (T&' 1 "*' difficult +%*' 11. !alculate atomic mass from unit$cell dimension and density. 8%7ample 11.1 g5cm6 A#&' ,B-' T,(' 3&!'
! (T&' 1 "*' difficult +%*' 11. !alculate atomic mass from unit$cell dimension and density. 8%7ample 11.1 pm B) ;14 pm !) 1.1 g5cm6. What is the volume of the unit cell? A) >.1> × 1
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