General Biology 1: Quarter 1 - Module - : Title: Cell Cycle

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General QuarterBiology 1 – Module __: 1 Title: Cell Cycle


Multiple Multi ple Choice. Choose Choose the letter letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Cells tha thatt rarely div divide ide will s spend pend most of their time in what particular phase of the cell cycle? a. G0 b. G1 c. G2 d. S 2. If the cel celll contain contains s 20 ch chromatids, romatids, h how ow many c centromeres entromeres are prese present nt inside the cell? a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40 3. This pha phase se of cel celll cycle is common commonly ly known as growth phase, be because cause during this stage cell grows. a. G0 b. G1 c. G2 d. S 4. This check point of the cycle dictates whether the cell will continuously divide or stop, and it also checks the cell size, presence of growth factors and damage of the DNA. a. G1 checkpoint b. G2 checkpoint c. S checkpoint d. M ch chec eckp kpoi oint nt 5. In this phase, the cell is preparing for the ce cell ll divi division sion in the mito mitotic tic stage. a. G0 b. G1 c. G2 d. S 6. In th the e eu euka kary ryot otic ic cel cell, l, it is th the e long longes estt stag stage e of th the e ce cell ll cy cycl cle e an and d generally its function is to prepare the cell to division process. a. Inte Interp rpha hase se b. Mi Mito toti tic c ph phas ase e c. Sy Synt nthe hesi sis s Ph Phas ase e


d. Al Alll o off tthe he ab abov ove e

7. DNA rep replica lication tion oc occurs curs in wh what at phas phase e of cell cyc cycle? le? a. Inte Interp rpha hase se b. Gr Grow owth th p pha hase se c. Mi Mito toti tic cp pha hase se d. Sy Synt nthe hesi sis s Ph Phas ase e 8. Which ch checkpoint eckpoint e ensures nsures s sister ister chrom chromatids atids are p positione ositioned d to be s split plit correctly? a. G1 checkpoint b. G2 checkpoint c. S checkpoint d. M ch chec eckp kpoi oint nt 9. What is the mai main n prerequi prerequisite site for clearanc clearance e at tthe he G2 check checkpoint? point? a. G1 checkpoint b. G2 checkpoint c. S checkpoint d. M ch chec eckp kpoi oint nt 10. Inac Inactiva tivation tion of what kin kind d of gen gene e that can lead to the deve developm lopment ent of  cancer cells. a. Ca Canc ncer er ce cell ll b. On Onc cog oge ene c. Pr Prot otoo-on onco coge gene ne d.  Tumor suppressor suppressor gene 11. In this ph phase, ase, the ce cell ll is preparin preparing g for the cel celll divisio division n of the mitotic phase. a. G0 b. G1 c. G2 d. S 12. If the M chec checkpoint kpoint is n not ot cleared, wh what at specific stage stage of mitosi mitosis s will be blocked? a. An Ana aph phas ase e b. Me Meta taph phas ase e c. Prophase d. Te Telo loph phas ase e

13. Majority of tthe he neg negative ative regul regulator ator protein proteins s of the c cell ell cyc cycle le can b be e found in what kind of cells? a. Ca Canc ncer er ce cell lls s


b. Gametes c. Stem tem cells lls d. Al Alll o off tthe he ab abov ove e 14. What typ type e of gene can cod code e a positi positive ve cell cycle reg regulator? ulator? a. Ap Apo opto tos sis b. On Onc cog oge ene c. Prot otoo-on coge gene nesor ge d. Pr Tum Tumor oronco s supp uppres ressor gene ne 15. Programmed cell d death eath is kn known own as __________ ____________. __. a. Ap Apo opto tos sis b. On Onc cog oge ene c. Pr Prot otoo-on onco coge gene ne d. Tum Tumor or s supp uppres ressor sor ge gene ne


FACT OR BLUFF  Tell whether the following statement about the phases of cell cycle and its checkpoint is a FACT  or BLUFF. 1. The correct sequence of the cell cycle phase is G1 → S → G2 → M.



2. Cell division in in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell is the same.


3. The results of DNA replication is duplicated DNA.


4. Interphase consists consists of mitosis and cytokinesis as its stage.


5. Bacterial cell divides through through binary fission. fission.


6. Unregulated cell division can lead to cancer cells formation.


7. Cell spends most its time and life life in the first gap phase.


8. Cell cycle is a repeating series of events that describes the life cycle of a

cell. FACT

9. A mass of abnormal cells is called a tumor.


10. The process in which a cell divides is known as mitosis.

Activity 1.1 Match Me, Match Me!!! Matching Type: Match Type: Match the terms in Column A, with different words related to cell cy cycl cle e and and check checkpo poin ints ts in Colu Column mn B. Writ Write e your your an answ swer er on separ separat ate e answ answer er sheet/paper. Column A

Column B


A 1. Cell cycle E 2. G0 phase

A. Cell’s series of events B. Chromosomes alignment and attachment

D 3. Interphase

C. DNA replication

B 4. Metaphase checkpoint

D. Pe Period of cell growth

C 5. Synthesis phase

E. Resting state


Activity 1.2 Check, check, checkpoints! Put a check mark on each checkpoints that corresponds to its function. Functions Checkpoint s Gap1  Gap2 Metaphase

Cell size

Chromosomes alignment to the equatorial plate

Chromosomes attachment to the spindle fibers

DNA replication



DNA integrity


Molecular signals



Think Critically! Let us have an example, imagine that the cell is a car. For the car to work properly there are factors that need to be consider like the gas pedal and a brake pedal. If the gas pedal works works normally it helps helps the cell to divide. divide. But when the gas pedal gets stuck, it can cause uncontrolled cell division leads to cancer formation. How about if the brake pedal gets stuck, and the car cannot slow down, accident happens and causes cell death.

Guide Questions:

1. Gas ped pedal al that work works s no norma rmall lly y an and d he help lps s the ce cell ll to div divid ide e can be compar com pare e to wh what at kin kind d of ge gene ne? ? Is it on oncog cogene ene,, pro prototo-onc oncoge ogene ne or tumor suppressor gene? Explain your answer. Proto-oncogene. Because it’s a normal gene that codes positive regulation during cell division just like a gas pedal that works normally. 2. Gas peda pedall that gets stuck and cau causes ses unco uncontro ntrolle lled d cell divis division ion leads to cancer is what kind of gene? Is it oncogene, proto-oncogene or tumor suppressor gene? Explain your answer. Oncongene. Because when Proto-oncogene are altered it can be an oncongene which leads to cancer just like a gas pedal gets stuck and causes sudden accidents. 3. Brak Brake e pedal th that at gets stu stuck ck caus causes es car acci acciden dentt and even de death ath can be compare to what kind of gene? Is it oncogene, proto-oncogene or tumor suppressor gene? Explain your answer. Tumor suppressor gene. Because just like a break pedal that is used to slow down a moving vehicle the tumor suppressor also acts as break the slows down cell division but if it does not work properly it can also lead to cancer.


Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper. 1. Cel Cells ls that perm permane anent ntly ly or rar rarel ely y divid divide, e, spen spend d mos mostt of their their time in this phase of cell cycle? a. G0 b. G1 c. G2 d. S 2. During thi this s cell cycle ph phase, ase, cell increase its size and grow grows. s. a. G0 b. G1 c. G2 d. S 3. Progr Programme ammed d cell de death ath is kno known wn as ____ ________ ________ ____.. a. Ap Apo opto tos sis b. On Onc cog oge ene c. Pr Prot otoo-on onco coge gene ne d. Tum Tumor or s supp uppres ressor sor ge gene ne 4. In this phase, the cell is preparing for the ce cell ll divi division sion of the mitotic stage. a. G0 b. G1 c. G2 d. S 5. In th the e eu euka kary ryot otic ic cel cell, l, it is th the e long longes estt stag stage e of th the e ce cell ll cy cycl cle e an and d generally its function is to prepare the cell to division process. a. Inte Interp rpha hase se b. Mi Mito toti tic c ph phas ase e c. Sy Synt nthe hesi sis s Ph Phas ase e d. Al Alll o off tthe he ab abov ove e 6. DNA rep replica lication tion oc occurs curs in wh what at phas phase e of cell cyc cycle? le? a. Inte Interp rpha hase se b. Gr Grow owth th p pha hase se c. Mi Mito toti tic cp pha hase se d. Sy Synt nthe hesi sis s Ph Phas ase e


7. What ty type pe of gen gene e codes a pos positiv itive e cell cy cycle cle reg regulat ulator? or? a. Ap Apo opto tos sis b. On Onc cog oge ene c. Pr Prot otoo-on onco coge gene ne d. Tum Tumor or s supp uppres ressor sor ge gene ne

8. Which ch checkpoint eckpoint e ensures nsures s sister ister chrom chromatids atids are p positione ositioned d to be s split plit correctly? a. G1 checkpoint b. G2 checkpoint c. S checkpoint d. M ch chec eckp kpoi oint nt 9. What is the mai main n prerequi prerequisite site for clearanc clearance e at tthe he G2 check checkpoint? point? a. G1 checkpoint b. G2 checkpoint c. S checkpoint d. M ch chec eckp kpoi oint nt 10. Inac Inactiva tivation tion of what kin kind d of gen gene e that can lead to the deve developm lopment ent of  cancer cells. a. Ca Canc ncer er ce cell ll b. On Onc cog oge ene c. Pr Prot otoo-on onco coge gene ne d. Tum Tumor or s supp uppres ressor sor ge gene ne 11. In this ph phase, ase, the ce cell ll is preparin preparing g for the cel celll divisio division n of the mitotic phase. a. G0 b. G1 c. G2 d. S 12. If the M chec checkpoint kpoint is n not ot cleared, wh what at specific stage stage of mitosi mitosis s will be blocked? a. An Ana aph phas ase e b. Me Meta taph phas ase e c. Prophase d. Te Telo loph phas ase e 13. Majority of tthe he neg negative ative regul regulator ator protein proteins s of the c cell ell cyc cycle le can b be e found in what kind of cells? a. Ca Canc ncer er ce cell lls s b. Gametes c. Sex c ce ells d. Stem tem c ce ells lls


14. What typ type e of che check ck point dict dictates ates whe whethe therr the cel celll will conti continuous nuously  ly  divide or stop, and also checks the cell size, presence of growth factors and DNA damage? a. G1 checkpoint b. G2 checkpoint c. S checkpoint d. M ch chec eckp kpoi oint nt 15. Cancer ce cell ll formation hap happens pens during this phas phase, e, wherein the cell cannot determine the changes in the DNA sequence that code for the specific regulatory molecules. a. G0 b. G1 c. G2 d. S

Search Me! Research one topic and answer the guide questions below. 1. RB as ttumo umorr sup suppre press ssor or gen gene e 2. Can Cance cerr c che hemot mothe herap rapy  y  Guide Questions: A. Mak Make e a re rese searc arch h ab about out cancer . 1. Che Chemoth motherap erapy y for can cancer, cer, h how ow it w works orks? ? Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to destroy cancer cells. It usua us uall lly y wo work rks s by ke keep epin ing g th the e ca canc ncer er ce cell lls s from from gr grow owin ing, g, dividing, and making more cells. Because cancer cells usually grow and divide faster than normal cells, chemotherapy has more of an effect on cancer cells. However, the drugs used for chemotherapy are powerful, powerful, and they can still cause damage to health hea lthy y cel cells. ls. Thi This s dam damage age cau causes ses the sid side e eff effect ects s tha thatt are linked with chemotherap chemotherapy. y. 2. Writ Write e the refe referenc rence e where d did id you get yo your ur answ answer. er. %20keeping,cause%20damage%20to%20healthy%20cells.

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