Gene Nielsen - The Foxxfyre Papers

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COPYRIGHT © GENE NIELSEN 2003, 2005 THIS EDITION COPYRIGHT  GENE NIELSEN 2006 All rights reserved. Reproduction or utilization of this work in any form, by any means now known or hereinafter invented, including, but not limited to, xerography, photocopying and recording, and in any information storage and retrieval system, is forbidden without written permission from the copyright holder.

For more information: GENE NIELSEN 1321 GARDEN ST #I SANTA BARBARA CA 93101 (805) 962-3829 [email protected]


The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen


Those of you who know me personally know that I am fond of searching in out of the way places for bits and pieces of forgotten knowledge. Much of my searching is done with regard to my own improvement. Like many of us, I am constantly looking for that one bit of information, that one book or manuscript that will make everything clear, that will answer all my questions about the nature of consciousness and of existence, that will solve all my problems forever. Failing that, I still keep my eye out for anything I can use which will make my performances and my readings easier and more effective. It was just such a piece of information that I came across under unusual circumstances some time ago, and at some distance from the city in which I now live. It is that piece of information which you now hold in your hands, and which I am now permitted to reveal to you.

The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

More years ago than I would care to recall, I found myself in a large metropolitan city which shall remain nameless in these pages. I was not there by choice. At that time, I was a member of a government group, the nature and activities of which are not completely known to the general public even to this day. I had been assigned to this particular city primarily to consult the archives of its widely known and highly respected university. My work consisted largely of research in the University library. During the course of this research I ran across several references to a smaller, lesser known private library which was located in a small town some fifty miles away. The nature of this library, even through the veiled descriptions I was able to find, seemed to be such that the material therein could be of much help to me in my researches, so I determined to contact it, if possible, and see if I could not gain admittance to their archives. I asked the University library staff about this other library, but not much information was forthcoming. I was finally able to get the address and phone number of this mysterious library from a junior member of the University library staff. “What’s the problem here, Charlie?” I asked him. “What’s everyone being so mysterious about? It’s only a small town library.”

The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

“There’s nothing mysterious about it,” said Charlie. “It’s not a small town library. It’s a private library, that’s all. It’s the library of a private organization, and only members of the organization are allowed to use it.” “But surely they’ll allow me access because of my government work?” Charlie shook his head. “I wouldn’t count on it.” All this mystery, of course, merely made me more curious, and made me more determined than ever to gain access to this library. I tried to phone them to see if an appointment could be arranged, but there was never an answer, this being long before answering machines were available. I wrote several letters, but received no reply to any of them. Finally, I determined to go there myself and confront them with some information about my work, and see if they wouldn’t waive their members-only rule for the Federal government. Finally, exasperated, I wrote one last letter, telling them that I would be in their city on a certain day, and that I would come to their library location at 10 a.m. and would expect someone to be there to help me. I arrived at the appointed time. I had heard a number of conflicting stories about this library. I had been told that it was in a densely-wooded section of the city itself, that it was in a densely-wooded area outside the city, that it was in a wing of the private home of the president of the organization, that it was the

The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

only building in the center of a city block of property surrounded by a high wall, and so on. None of these stories were true. The last one was the closest to the truth. It was indeed on a city block, but it was not the only building on that block. The block it was on was the international headquarters of the organization in question, and was occupied by several imposing buildings. The whole complex was on a prime piece of real estate, situated on the edge of a very affluent residential area. Far from being deep in a densely-wooded area, the whole complex was open and inviting, with well-kept lawns, shrubs and trees. None of it looked mysterious at all. I found the library building and went up to the entrance. To my surprise the door was open. I walked in. The place seemed deserted. “Hello? Is anyone here?” I moved further down the entrance hall and into a large open room which seemed to take up most of the building. “Dr. Nielsen.” Startled, I turned around. A woman stood behind me, her arms folded. Her severely tailored clothing, black horn-rimmed glasses and dark hair pulled back in a wide black hair ribbon proclaimed her to be unmistakably the librarian. “Sorry, you surprised me. I didn’t hear you come up.” The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

She walked past me into the library proper. “The Imperator has granted your request. You may make full use of our facilities for your research. Please make yourself at home and let me know if there is anything you require.” “Thank you,” I said, moving into the room and putting my briefcase down on one of the library tables. “Could you tell me where I can find …” I turned to face her, but she was gone! A trifle taken aback at her apparent ability to come and go without a sound, I nevertheless began a circuit of the room, looking for the material I was after. I soon found it, brought some books to my table, and began taking notes. I worked continuously for some time. The library was, indeed, a source of information that was quite valuable for my research and I was so absorbed in my notes that, once again, I did not hear her approach until her voice at my elbow said: “It’s twelve o’clock. The library will be closed for an hour. You may leave your things here, they will not be disturbed. I will show you where you can get lunch.”

The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

We left the library and walked to the corner of the block, where she pointed out a neighborhood drug store with a lunch counter across the street. I thanked her and crossed the street. About halfway across I turned to look at her, but, true to form, she had once again vanished. A few minutes before 1 p.m. I walked up the steps to the library door, but this time it was locked. I turned around and started to walk down the steps, intending to stroll around the area till the library reopened. I had taken only a couple of steps when I heard her. “Come in.” She stood at the library entrance, the door still closed behind her. Again, she had apparently appeared out of nowhere. I hadn’t heard the door open or close. I continued with my researches for the rest of the afternoon. Promptly at 5 p.m. she once again appeared to tell me the library was closing for the day and would reopen at 9 a.m. the following day. “I’m not sure how long my research will take,” I said as we walked toward the door. “You may use the library for as long as you wish,” she said. “Good evening.”

The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

I drove back to the city and telegraphed my superiors, telling them that I had gained access to the library and my research was proceeding apace. The next morning I received a telegram from my superiors authorizing me to move my base of operations to the library town for as long as I needed to be there. The next morning I left early, drove to the small town and secured lodgings close to the library. I continued working there for a little over two weeks. At the end of that time I thanked the librarian for her cooperation, told her that my work was almost done, and that I would only require the use of the library for two or three more days at the most. We were standing out in front of the library as she locked the door at the end of the day. “Wait a moment,” she said. “I have something for you.” She went back into the library and in a moment returned with a sealed envelope. “Thank you,” I said. “What is it?” “Don’t open it until you get back to the city. It contains full instructions on how you can obtain certain information that will be valuable to you in the years to come. This information may not seem to be of any use to you now, since you are not at present involved in the areas the information covers, but one day you will be involved in these areas, and it is then that you will realize the true value of this information.” The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

“This information may seem extremely simple and obvious to you when you first read it, but do not despise it on that account. You must learn to read between the lines. There is more there than you can realize even after many readings.” Back in the city, I completed my report and went back to work in the university library. It was some three weeks after I had come back to the city that, leaving the university library on a Friday evening after work, I suddenly remembered the envelope. Yes, it was still there, in the inside pocket of my coat. Over dinner that night I opened it. The contents consisted of two handwritten sheets of paper. They were apparently written by my mysterious librarian lady and told me how to find a small shop on a side street close to the city’s main business street. As I opened the sheets to read them, a small flat object fell out onto the table. It was a circular disc about the size of a half dollar, made of some metal that was apparently very old. One side held a faded, barely visible picture of what I later found out was an Egyptian scarab, and on the other was what looked like a Chinese character. I also learned that this character was not Chinese, but Japanese, and was the symbol for the Japanese word, “Ki”, which defies accurate translation into English, but which is usually rendered as “spirit”, “energy”, “spiritual force”, or something similar. The letter said I was to go to the aforementioned small shop and give this talisman to the proprietor. He would then give me a manuscript which I was to study and guard carefully. The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

I was to keep this manuscript secret for thirty years. At the end of that time I would be free to share it with others that I felt would appreciate and use the information therein judiciously, properly, and for the benefit of all mankind. I would also be free to publish it if I so chose. The letter was unsigned. It was with a sudden shock that I realized that I didn’t know the librarian’s name. The following day I went to the small side street mentioned in the letter. It was in the middle of the block about half a block off the main street and was only a block long, more like an alley than a street. It was populated by several nondescript business establishments, all of them looking as if they’d seen better days. The one I was looking for was in the center of the block with a sign over the door reading “CURIOUS GOODS”. I went in and stood at the counter for a moment until the curtain at the rear rustled and a man came out. His description matched the one in the instructions perfectly. He was of average height, but carried himself in such a way that he appeared to be taller. He had an imposing head of pure white hair and his steely blue eyes looked at me through a pair of rimless spectacles. Oddly enough, I took no notice of what he wore, and cannot, to this day, describe his clothing. He stood before me on the other side of the counter without a word. I took out the envelope, removed the letter and tipped out the talisman onto the counter. The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

Without a word he picked it up, looked at both sides, then turned his piercing gaze upon me. He nodded as if to himself, laid the talisman back on the counter, then turned and went back through the curtain. Several minutes elapsed. Finally he returned, holding a single piece of paper apparently torn from a notepad. He placed the paper on the counter in front of me and tapped it peremptorily. I picked it up. On it was written, in bold, clear block letters, the word “TOMORROW”. “Tomorrow?” I said. “But tomorrow’s Sunday! Will you be open tomorrow?” He didn’t answer, but picked up the talisman, slipped it back between the sheets of the letter, replaced the letter in the envelope, handed it to me with an emphatic gesture, and once again tapped the “TOMORROW” paper on the counter. I started to protest, but he shook his head, thrust the envelope at me and pointed toward the door. I had no choice but to leave. I determined to be right in front of his door when he opened the next day, but as I walked back to the main business street, it suddenly occurred to me that I didn’t know what his business hours were. I went into a nearby drugstore and found a phone booth. There was no listing in either the white or yellow pages for any shop named “CURIOUS GOODS”. I went to the lunch counter for a sandwich and a cup of coffee. I asked the waitress if she knew the name of the little short street right behind the main The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

street, right behind the drug store. She gave me a very curious look, then shook her head. All this was getting just too mysterious for me. I walked down the main street and, on an impulse, turned into a book store. I showed the bookstore owner the talisman, but he was unable to tell me anything about it, other than identifying the scarab and Japanese writing. Needless to say, I was at the door of the mysterious shop bright and early the next day at 8 a.m. The door, however, was locked. I returned at 9 a.m. to find the door still locked. At 10 a.m. I found a folded sheet of paper taped to the door. I tore it off and opened it. Clearly and boldly written in the middle of the page, in the same handwriting as the earlier “TOMORROW” note, was “5:30 p.m.” Five thirty? I was supposed to wait around all day until five thirty in the afternoon? What was I supposed to do with myself till then? Angry and impatient, I strode rapidly back to the main street and looked up and down. Eventually I calmed down, had some lunch, and went to a movie. The film let out a few minutes before five. I made my way back to the little street and watched the CURIOUS GOODS shop door from the corner. There

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were no more pieces of paper on the door, but I didn’t go up and try it. I knew it would be locked. Finally, it was 5:29. I walked toward the door and as I approached it, it slowly swung open. In a moment I found myself inside, standing across the counter from the proprietor as on the day before. Again he looked at me without a word. A long moment passed. Suddenly, he pointed toward my coat pocket, then to the counter top, tapping it impatiently with his long forefinger. Again I took out the envelope, extracted the letter, and tipped the talisman out onto the counter top. And once again he picked it up, turned it over, subjected each side to the same burning scrutiny and abruptly disappeared behind the curtain. It seemed to me that he took longer to reappear this time than the day before, but perhaps this was simply my impatience. When he finally did reappear, he was carrying an ornately-carved box of some kind of dark wood I was unable to identify then or later. I reached for the box to open it, but he stopped me. Once again he reassembled the talisman, letter and envelope, gestured that I was to put it back in my pocket, then handed me the box and, taking my arm, escorted me to the door. In a trice I was out on the street and the door was locked again behind me. The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

But I had the information! By the time I got back to my room it was dinner time. Torn by curiosity, I debated within myself as to whether I should open it now or have dinner first. Hunger won out, and despite my impatience, I went to my room, hid the box under my bed, locked the door and went out to dinner. Later, relaxed and at ease after a fine evening meal, I went back to my room and changed into my pajamas before opening the box. I wanted to be as comfortable as possible before confronting whatever revelations were awaiting me. Trembling a little, I opened the box. Inside was a manuscript bound together with a silken cord. I turned to the first page, and then groaned in disappointment. The manuscript was apparently written in Greek.

χονγρατυλατιονσ ον ψουρ συχχεσσφυλ αχθυισιτιον οφ τηε σεχρετσ χονταινεδ ωιτηιν τηεσε

Damn! Damn, damn, damn, damn, BLAST! What kind of sinister jape was THIS? I shook my fist at the ceiling and roundly cursed the manuscript, the mysterious old man, his equally mysterious shop, the mysterious lady librarian, her even more mysterious private library, the small town of the private library, the large The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

city of my assignment and the government agency that had sent me here, in that order, and with exceptional and extreme vehemence. Then, trembling and exhausted, I fell back on the bed and closed my eyes, burying my face in my pillow. Soon I grew calmer and drifted off into a fitful slumber. In a dream, the lady librarian appeared before me, not in her severely tailored suit, but in a diaphanous nightgown that left nothing to the imagination. Without a word she removed her glasses and untied her hair ribbon, dropping it on the floor. Then, she lifted the covers and got in bed with me. At the conclusion of our intimacies, she got out of bed and, leaning over me, whispered, “Underneath!” She then kissed me tenderly, and gently closed my eyes with one hand. I awoke next morning with mixed emotions. The dream had been enjoyable but I was no closer to solving the mystery of the manuscript. I showered, shaved, dressed and went out to breakfast. After breakfast, I thought things over and decided to take the manuscript with me to work. Certainly I could find someone in the university to translate it for me. I went back to my room to get it. As I removed it from the box, I suddenly heard the librarian’s voice clearly in my ear, repeating the word she said in my dream: The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

“Underneath!” Was this supposed to mean something to me? Underneath what? I looked in the bottom of the box, and found nothing. I looked under the manuscript itself, flipped through all its pages – still nothing. I turned over the box itself. What was this? A small manila envelope was attached to the bottom of the box. I opened it in a fever of excitement and found a file card inside with the following on it:

αa βb χc δd εe φf γg

ηh ιi ϕj κk λl µm νn

οo πp θq ρr σs τt υu

ϖv ωw ξx ψy ζz

Aha – I had it! I didn’t have to consult with a Greek scholar at the university at all. The manuscript was written in English, but using the Greek alphabet! I stuffed the manuscript and the card into my briefcase with the rest of my papers and started to shove the now-empty box under the bed. Something caught my eye. I reached under the bed and drew it out.

The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

It was a black hair ribbon. I took the manuscript and the card with me to work and began the laborious task of deciphering the manuscript. It took me several days of working through my lunch hours and stealing what time I could from my regular duties. What follows is a word-for-word translation of the mysterious manuscript. Now, please note: it is an OLD manuscript. It was old when it came into my possession, and I was forbidden to release it to the public for thirty years. Some of the attitudes and conclusions expressed therein may seem to you to be out of date. Nevertheless, the conclusions reached by the unknown writer of the manuscript are valid in a larger sense than perhaps imagined at the time. I am sure you can adapt the information in the manuscript to today’s situations and attitudes. This is possible because, while the manuscript is old, the basic information given therein is timeless. I can tell you this about it; the information in it literally changed my life. It got me started on a path that I am still following and still exploring. It has helped me enormously. I’m sure it will do the same for you if you will apply and practice its teachings. GENE NIELSEN The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

THE FOXXFYRE PAPERS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Congratulations on your successful acquisition of the secrets contained within these pages. NOTE CAREFULLY AND BE WARNED! This information may not seem to be of any use to you now, since you are not at present involved in the areas the information covers, but one day you will be involved in these areas, and it is then that you will realize the true value of this information. This information may also seem extremely simple and obvious to you when you first read it, but do not despise it on that account. Do not be disappointed because the manuscript seems short. Down through the ages, the information has been refined, distilled and clarified to give you the most possible amount of information in the shortest possible space, for ease of transportation, study, and, upon occasion, concealment from those that would suppress it. Make no mistake, there is more here than you can realize even after many readings.

The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

You must learn to read between the lines. Read this manuscript carefully. Absorb its information well. Then practice it. But be warned! This information is a two-edged sword. It can bring help to mankind and prosperity to you – but if you use it for evil, rather than for the good of all mankind, it will certainly bring you DISASTER! Down through the ages, there has been one Secret that, if properly implemented, can bring happiness and success to those who know and practice it. It has never been known to fail. It is very simply expressed as: “FIND A NEED AND FILL IT” These papers will tell you of a need that is universal, and very seldom filled. There is a certain profession, art, activity or way of making a living which, over the years, has proven to be of great help, not only to those who are the recipients of its activity, but to those who practice it as well. Only a relative few down through the ages have been privileged to engage in this profession, and those who practice it, when the time comes to pass this The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

knowledge on, choose the recipients of this knowledge very carefully. When the time comes for you to pass this knowledge on, you too, must choose your recipients very carefully. You have been designated as one of the Chosen. It has been determined by means which do not concern you at this juncture, and which may even be beyond your present comprehension, that you possess the required abilities, talents, and requisites to receive this knowledge. What you do with this knowledge will be up to you. How you use this information, or if you use it at all, will be up to you. You can be assured, however, of one fact. If you do decide to pursue this path, it will be a rewarding one, both in terms of financial security and in the knowledge that you are helping your fellow man weather the vicissitudes of life. But be warned! Should you decide to follow this path, there are several factors which must be taken into account: Not everyone will appreciate this knowledge. As a matter of fact, there will be those definitely opposed to it. Should those in power in your city, state or country be of this persuasion, it will make your practice of this knowledge difficult. These difficulties can be surmounted, but it may take considerable time and effort on your part. You must always use this knowledge for the good of your fellow man, and never yield to the temptation to amass great personal wealth through its misuse. The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

Rest assured, it is possible to misuse this information. Rest assured, also, that those who do misuse it invariably come to grief. It is as inevitable as the day following the night, and the night following the day. Following this path will require time and effort on your part. It is, in many ways, a lifetime process, and you must invest some of this time and effort in training yourself properly at the beginning. The profession for which you have been chosen is that of Private Reader. The first thing you must do to fulfill your obligations in this direction is to make a thorough study of one or more of the established systems of divination, such as Card Reading or Palm Reading. This information is available at public libraries everywhere, so you will probably not have to make as much of a financial outlay as you will of time. A good private reader, (or “fortune teller”, as the profession is sometimes derogatorily termed) is a keen observer of people and their ways of thinking and acting. It requires imagination, ability to piece together a whole personality from bits of conversation, the art of asking a few leading questions which are not obvious to the one being questioned, and a talent for drawing pertinent conclusions from the way a person is dressed, what he says, and the like, to be successful. The average person is interested in himself and his own problems. Many of these problems result from personality characteristics which are more or less

The Foxxfyre Papers


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obvious to others but which escape him. Very often these facts can be used by a keen observer as the basis for talking about one’s fortune. But the entertaining private reader, the professional private reader, one who is always ready to demonstrate his or her skills at a party by telling the guests about themselves, must have a clever line of talk, regardless of the type of reading method employed, be it reading the cards, reading the palm, analyzing your inquirer’s handwriting, finding their significant numbers or whatever system of divination you may be using. He must begin the reading by asking a few unrelated questions which put the inquirer at his ease and allow him to act naturally. This type of question and a great deal of pleasant chatter should be sandwiched in throughout the reading so that the inquirer is kept at ease and is not fully aware of what is going on. This chatter serves to make the inquirer interested and happy throughout the reading session. But the heart of the private reading session is not the chatter or meaningless small talk. These are merely window dressing. You may learn something, or at least get a few hints during this part of the procedure. But you will learn most from making careful observations of the inquirer. ~ Look at his or her manner of dress. Is it plain or gaudy? ~ Does the person dress in contemporary style or is she out of style? ~ Does she show a lack of taste?

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~ Does the manner of her dressing show wealth or a meager income? ~ Is the person pleasing in dress and facial appearance, or just plain, or repellent? All of these matters are related to his or her life and are often results of personality characteristics which are meaningful. Watch the person’s manner. ~ Is he possessed or nervous even after you have attempted to put him at ease? ~ Is he quiet and relaxed or jumpy and uneasy? ~ Is he attempting to put on a front, acting as though he did not care, or is he interested and anxious? These can be cues for you to follow. Then, from time to time during the reading session, ask leading questions, questions based on what you have seen. His answers will give you hints for further questions. Sometimes the tone of voice used in answering your questions, the facial expressions, the bodily movements, will suggest to a keen observer facts which can be drawn out as the reading session proceeds.

The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

Remember, the indications and signs found in the palm, in tea leaves, in cards, or in any other device which you may use are suggestive only. They have general meanings, but the important facts are to be found within these general meanings. And these latter are what you must discover by your own ingenuity. At times you must make shrewd guesses, a little at a time, and watch your inquirer’s reactions. These will tell you a great deal, and you can move from them to other suggestions which will give you new cues. In this way you can fill in a picture which would otherwise be general and apply to many people. Your inquirer is not vitally interested in the general factors, but in more specific things. Let us take an example. Suppose your inquirer is a young lady of seventeen or thereabouts. She is nicely dressed and has a pleasant smile. Her hands are kept carefully and tastefully. She is pretty and has a soft vibrant voice when she speaks. From these few facts you can make many judgments. Without doubt, she is thinking of love. She possibly has many admirers. You deal out the cards after talking with her a few minutes and making certain observations to yourself. Then you see a young man in the cards. He is tall, dark and handsome. A mere suggestion of this fact may bring a glow to her eyes. You have a clue. She knows someone who fits this description. You can afford to ask a few questions and let her dwell on the fact of the man for a moment. The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

Her actions will reveal enough for you to go on to talk about him and his relationship to her. This line of procedure applies regardless of the method of reading you are using. The reading method will give you suggestions upon which you must build your case. What the inquirer does, even the most insignificant act, may be your clue. Use it. Work it for all that it is worth. It may lead to other clues and, with the help of your reading method, you can construct an interesting and meaningful reading. The most important asset of a good private reader is the ability to size up personalities. This requires a kind of sensitivity to personal moods and actions. It is highly possible that you will be looking directly at a person and yet be blind to actions that mean much. You cannot afford this blindness. It is like a curtain between you and the inquirer and will make anything that you do with your reading method of little value. Some persons are gifted with a keen sensitivity to other persons and their moods. If you have even a little of this gift, develop it. How can you develop it? That is easy.

The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

Obey your first impressions. Act upon the weakest impression that you have. These are beginnings. As you make use of them, act as they direct, you will find yourself becoming keener. Your sensitivity will grow. It is just like the development of sensitivity in any field. The musician is sensitive to tone and the artist is sensitive to color because neither has refused to act when it seemed necessary. They have not tried to suppress the first drawings of sensitivity, but have taken hold of these early and vague beginnings and by constantly protecting them have developed them into full maturity. A person enters your office and immediately you sense that he is unhappy, or studious, or an energetic businessman. Follow these impressions. Ask questions, not bold and obvious questions, but vague questions to confirm your impression. Then go on from there. At first you will make mistakes. Not every impression is correct. But keep practicing. You will be surprised at the results even after a short time. Having sensed the nature of the person you are dealing with and having sized up his interests and personal characteristics, emphasize things in which he is interested in your fortune telling or psychic reading for him. Play on these interests, expand them, and watch his reactions. These will open doors for you to enter and explore further.

The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

It is as well to remember that there are certain things that you can say to your inquirer that will, in most cases, strike a responsive chord in your listener, regardless of their situation or station in life. For the most part, these are: It is safe in most cases with middle-aged men to declare that they have had a law-suit, or a great dispute as to property, which has given them a great deal of trouble. This information must be uttered impressively. Emphasis, pauses, and lowering of the voice are of great assistance in private readings. If the subject betrays the least emotion, or admits it, promptly improve upon the occasion, express sympathy, and follow it up. Declare that a great fortune, or something greatly to the advantage of the subject, or something which will gratify him, will soon come his way, but that he must be keen to watch his opportunity and be bold and energetic. He will have three great chances, or fortunes, in his life. If you know that he has inherited or made a fortune, or had a good appointment, you may say that he has already realized one of them. This seldom fails. A lady of great wealth and beauty, who is of singularly sympathetic disposition, is in love with him, or ready to be, and it will depend on himself to secure his happiness. Or he will soon meet such a person when he shall least expect it. "You had at one time great trouble with your relations (or friends). They treated you very unkindly." The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

Or, "They were prepared to do so, but your resolute conduct daunted them." "You have been three times in great danger of death." Pronounce this very impressively. Everybody, though it be a schoolboy believes, or likes to believe, that he has encountered perils. This is infallible, or at least it takes in most people. If the subject can be induced to relate his hairbreadth escapes, you may foretell future perils. "You have had an enemy who has caused you great trouble. But he [or she – it is well not to specify which till you find out the sex] will go too far before long, and his or her effort to injure you will recoil on him or her." Or, briefly, "It is written that someone, by trying to wrong you, will incur terrible retribution." Or, "You have had enemies, but they are all destined to come to grief." Or, "You had an enemy but you outlived him." "You got yourself once into great trouble by doing a good act."

The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

"Your passions have three times gotten you into great trouble. Once your inconsiderate anger (or pursuit of pleasure) involved you in great suffering which, in the end, was to your advantage." Or else, "This will come to pass; therefore be on your guard." "You will soon meet with a person who will have a great influence on your future life if you cultivate his friendship. You will before long meet someone who will fall in love with you, if encouraged." "You will find something very valuable if you keep your eyes open and watch closely. You have twice passed over a treasure and missed it, but you will have a third opportunity." "You have done a great deal of good, or made the fortune or prosperity of persons who have been very ungrateful." "You have been involved in several love affairs, but your conduct in all was really perfectly blameless." "You have great capacity for something, and before long an occasion will present itself for you to exert it to your advantage." Another factor must be taken into consideration here. As you continue to grow and develop in your experience, over time you will receive insights apparently from nowhere. These will be few and far between at first, and then will

The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

gradually increase in frequency. They will be like sudden flashes of clarity that appear before your mind’s eye, as it were. When a sudden impulse or flash of insight occurs, DO NOT IGNORE IT. NO MATTER HOW UNRELATED IT MAY SEEM TO BE to your client’s problems, DESCRIBE IT TO HER. You will often be pleasantly surprised by the accuracy of these visions. Too, you will find that from time to time your client will DENY the accuracy or applicability of one of these sudden insights. DO NOT LET THEM. INSIST on its accuracy and, if necessary, PRESSURE your client until, searching her memory, she comes up with or brings to mind a situation that fits your insight in greater or lesser degree. This is an important point. YOU CLIENT WANTS YOU TO BE RIGHT. Therefore, she will do EVERYTHING IN HER POWER to confirm ANY statement you may make about her. By putting the above points adroitly, varying or combining them, and above all by your insistence on the accuracy and applicability of your impressions. startling cases of conviction may be made. You may say “This is deception.”

The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

Perhaps. Yet even within this deception will be found intuition, or the inexplicable insight to character as described above, and the deceiver himself be led to marvel, so true is it that he who flies from Brahma goes towards him, let him do what he will. Remember:

TRUTH IS EVERYWHERE AND EVEN LIES LEAD TO IT There are two more things to remember: The first is that you must never attempt to be that which you are not. You must never attempt to diagnose any health condition or prescribe any remedy for such a condition, for that is against the law unless you are a licensed medical doctor or other health professional. Refer all questions of health and disease to competent medical authority. Similarly, you must never attempt to give legal advice unless you are an attorney. Again, refer all legal questions to competent and qualified legal authority. Secondly, there is a great mass of lore that has come to use from the ages. Many people have given their lives to the study of this lore. Others come from a long line of people who have developed fortune telling as a racial and cultural

The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

occupation. The gypsies are such a people. Many of them have come to grief through using these powers to cheat people. Others have found over the centuries that it is best and more productive to emphasize the positive. Therefore, look for good things. If you find some evil in the cards, in the hand, or elsewhere, play it down or overlook it altogether. You may cause trouble and do more harm than good. And you may be mistaken. There is one exception to this rule. If you see something that is negative in your readings, but it is something THAT THE INQUIRER CAN REMEDY THROUGH HIS OR HER OWN EFFORTS, it is your responsibility to point this out. For your inquirer to face their problem, and to overcome it, will do two things for them: (1)

It will solve the problem in question, and


It will strengthen your inquirer’s character, and give them more courage to face similar situations in the future, since they now know they can handle them.

So, look for the good. Look for health, wealth, prosperity, and happiness. Play these up and you will be popular and people will want to get readings from you. People like to hear the good and not the bad. You should play on this desire. It will make everybody happier, and you will be performing a genuine service for your fellow man. The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

And now, farewell! Remember the conditions under which you received this information. You are specifically constrained from communicating this information to ANYONE ELSE in ANY MANNER OR FORM WHATSOEVER for the next thirty years. After that period of time has elapsed, you are free to disseminate this information to anyone, and in any manner you wish. Just be sure to use this information for the benefit of mankind, else dire events befall you. Auspicious events portend! FOXXFYRE

The Foxxfyre Papers


Gene Nielsen

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