
March 20, 2017 | Author: gemmolove | Category: N/A
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Definition Buds Young shooots Spouts Rootlets Inner bark

History Dr. Pol Henry Dr. Max Tetau Dr. O. A. Julian From Phytoembryotherapy to Gemmotherapy


Precise biological actions Specific targets Detoxification Drainage

Precise biological actions Ribes Nigrum stimulates the corticosurrenals Betula Pubescens stimulates granulopoiesis Rosemarinus Officinalis is a choleretic and protects the liver against CCl4 toxicity Crataegus buds combine the medicinal activity of the fruit (heart muscle) and the flower (heart rate).

Activity on neutrophiles and eosinophiles, as studied on local allergic reactions: Rosemarinus Officinalis: hepatodigestive allergy Viburnum Lantana: tracheobronchial allergy Ficus Carica: mucosal allergy with hypoplasia Alnus Glutinosa: mucosal allergy with hyperplasia

Activity on macrophages, reticulohistiocytic system like the liver Kupfer cells, monocytes, etc,…. Betula Verrucosa Betula Pubescens Juglans Regia Fagus Sylvestris Ulmus Campestris Cornus Sanguinea

Activity on lymphoplasmocytic cells, immunoglobulin production: Juglans Regia Cornus Sanguinea that has also an intense antithrombotic activity, explaining its activity in acute myocardial infarction at 25 drops every 15 minutes of the1X (1D) solution.

Activity on erythropoietic cells:

Coryllus Avellana Abies Pectinea

Activity on osteoblasts:

Betula Verrucosa Abies Pectinea

Activity on megacaryocytes and platelets: Tamarix Gallica Carpinus Betulus

Activity on exsudative phase of infection: Alnus Glutinosa Betula Pubescens Populus Nigra Fraxinus Excelsior Ulmus Campestris Ribes Nigrum

Neuro-endocrine activity: Ribes Nigrum activates the corticosurrenals (adrenal cortex) Ficus Carica regularizes the corticodiencephalic axis, hence, being an anxiolytic, is used in nevroses and psychosomatic disorders Tilia is a tranquillizer at a level equal to the Benzodiazepines

The therapeutic effect of the bud combines and concentrates the totality of the effects found in different parts of the adult plant as used in conventional phytotherapy. At equal weight, buds are more concentrated in active principles, contain ALL of the active ingredients and have an increased activity when compared to regular tinctures.

Although each remedy has specific actions and specific targets, the main aim of Gemmotherapy is said to be cellular detoxification and drainage. Healing starts at the cellular level and no healing can occur when cellular functions are blocked due to toxic load.

On the organ level, the specific gemmotherapics stimulate the proper functioning of the organs and start their repair. Gemmotherapy can be used as a standalone, associated with or more frequently as a preparatory phase for other treatments.

Dynamic Gemmotherapy. Remedies usually described in isolation according to their gemmotherapic indications only. Forgotten basic principle: the bud contains all the curative potential of the whole plant. DG uses the indications of herbalism, homeopathy (physical), TCM, Ayurveda, Aromatherapy but not the M/E like BFR.

Galenics. Extraction in glycerine-alcohol-water (various proportions) Concentrate = the pure extraction 1X/1D

Precautions. Powerful remedies, especially when using the concentrate Start low, even very low, increase progressively Monitor the patient carefully


Forty-nine remedies

Examples of clinical use with some details about the remedies used (gemmotherapic indications only, not the extended ones of Dynamic Gemmotherapy).

Rheumatic and osteoarticular conditions Pinus Montana


Ribes nigrum


Vitis Vinifera


Pinus Montana (pine) Stimulates chondrocytes Bone Fractures Spine drainer Chronic non-inflammtory rheumatism regardless of the location

Ribes Nigrum (black currant) Corticoid-like Stimulates adrenals All inflammatory states Acute allergy or anaphylaxis CFS Adaptogenic

Vitis Vinifera (common grape vine) Chronic inflammations of fibrous tissues Tumour inhibitor

Coxarthrosis Pinus Ribes Vitis Betula Pubescens

Betula Pubescens (common birch) Non specific darinage, especially liver Stimulates catabolism and detoxification Diuretic Stimulates immune system Local blood flow to the hip Local osteoblastic activity

Gonarthrosis Pinus Ribes Vitis Rosa canina Rubus fructicosus

Rosa Canina (wild rose) Repetitive localised inflammations Regenerates mucosae Strenghtens the immune system

Rubus Fructicosus (blackberry) Stimulates osteoblasts Stops osteoclasts Osteoarthritis, decalcification and osteoporosis Pain reliever when combined with Vaccinum Vitis Idaea and Sequoia Gigantea COPD Interstitial nephritis

Osteoporosis Vaccinum Vitis Idaea morning Rubus Fructicosus noon Sequoia Gigantea evening

Vaccinum Vitis Idaea (wine berry) Hyalinisation of tissues Repairs intestinal mucosa Activates RES: elimination and inflammation Increases calcium assimilation Polyvalent for elderly

Sequoia Gigantea Oestrogen precursor Osteoblastic Delayed repair of fractures (alternate with Quercus) Slows aging BPH, acute prostatitis, uterine fibroma, dysmenorrhea, menopausal osteoporosis General eutrophic Adrenal insufficiency with Quercus and Ribes

Inflammatory rheumatism Ribes Nigrum morning Rosa Canina noon Ampelopsis Weitchii evening

Ampelopsis Weitchii (wild woodvine) Local indurations Regenerates joints, ligaments, cartilage and bone Post op adherences Dupuytren, add Ribes La Peyronnie

Gout Betula Alba morning Fraxinus Excelsior Pinus Montana Ribes Nigrum in acute crises

Betula Alba (birch) Liver drainer Arthritis

Fraxinus Excelsior (ash tree) Liver and kidney drainer Reduces uric acid +++ when combined with Pinus Reduces cholesterol and urea Stimulates Adrenals

Fractures Abies Pectinea Ribes Nigrum Sequoia Gigantea

Abies Pectinea (red spruce) Increases calcium fixation in the bones Stimulates bone growth “Growing pains” Dental decay Asthma and respiratory allergies Erythropoiesis and immune system

Gastritis and GD ulcers Ficus Carica morning Ribes Nigrum noon Tilia Tomentosa evening

Ficus Carica (fig) Normalises secretions of the stomach Heals gastric mucosa Cortico-hypothalamic regulator Psychosomatic illnesses Focal epilepsy Post concussion syndrome Facial neuralgia with Olea Europea Gut dysbiosis

Tilia Tomentosa (lime tree) Sleep inductor Sedative Anxiolytic Antispamodic Neuralgia, migraines, headaches

Asthma Viburnum Lantana (lithy tree) Specific asthma remedy Inhibits bronchiolar spasm Lung drainer Non allergic asthma: add Crataegus Allergic asthma: add Rosemarinus Chronic allergies Thyroid regulator

Emphysema Coryllus Avellana (hazel) Respiratory drainer Anti-fibrotic Breaks down sclerotic tissues Liver tonic Stimulates erythropoiesis Normalises thrombus formation Arteritis lower limbs, varicose ulcers, circulatory stasis

Hypertension Crataegus Oxyacantha morning Olea Europea


Add the diuretic gemmotherapics: Fraxinus, Betula Alba, Betula Pubescens

Crataegus Oxyacantha (hawthorn) All cardiac symptoms and conditions Inotrope +, chronotrope -, increases amplitde of ventricular contractions CNS sedative, anxiolytic Amphoteric BP regulator (!) Repairs damaged myocardium Extrasystoly Protects from MI with Cornus Sanguinea Increases coronary flow with Alnus Glutinosa Non allergic asthma with Viburnum Lantana

Olea Europea (olive) Artery cleanser Removes atherosclerotic plaques Hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia Hypoglycemic Hypotensive Arterial and cerebral scars Neuroses, phobias, obsessions (with Prunus Amygdalus) Facial neuralgia (with Ficus Carica) Antithrombotic Increases blood viscosity

Coronary insufficiency Syringa vulgaris Cornus sanguinea Zea mays

Syringa Vulgaris (common lilac) Coronary antispasmodic Inotrope + Removes athrosclerotic plaques Start with small doses and increase progressively

Cornus Sanguinea (blood twig) Acute thrombotic states, necrosis, infarction Prevents infarcts, resorbs new ones at early stage (later = Alnus) Arteritis Anticoagulant properties Endocrine drainer, especially thyroid Hyperthyroidism (with Viburnum) Goitre (with Rosa Canina) Cardiac complications of thyrotoxicosis (Cornus, Viburnum, Crataegus) Closed chest trauma with rib fractures and hemothorax Stimulates bone marrow

Zea Mays Kidney and liver drainer Kidney and urinary inflammation Arterial and myocardic inflammation Accelerates scarring after MI

Cardiac Failure

Crataegus Oxyacantha Betula Pubescens

Varicose veins & venous insufficiency Sorbus Domesticus morning Castanea Vesca Citrus Limonum

noon evening

Alnus Glutinosa in addition if phlebitis or periphlebitis

Sorbus Domestica (rowan tree) Major regulator of venous circulation Increases tonus of the wall Venous congestion Excessive blood viscosity Lymphatic drainer

Castanea Vesca (chestnut) Increases venous circulation Lymphatic drainer Vein drainer Acts on stasis and oedema

Citrus Limonum (bark of lemon tree) Blood fluidifier Arteritis and infarct Soothes palpitations Cirrhosis, gout, dyslipidemia Migraines, nervous headaches Depression, insomnia, hiccups

Varicose ulcers Sorbus Domestica Castanea Vesca Juglans Regia

Juglans Regia (walnut) Chronic inflammatory conditions Chronic suppuration of mucous membranes Anti-infectious Stimulates digestive secretions of the pancreas Chronic pancreatitis Diarrhoea; dysbiosis (Cornus, Ficus) Reactivates insulin receptor sites Skin drainer through liver activation

Haemorrhoids Sorbus Domestica Aesculus Hippocastanatum

Aesculus Hippocastanatum (horse chestnut) Venous drainer Acts on the portal vein Varicose veins and varicose ulcers Complements and associates with Castanea Vesca

Anemia Coryllus Avellana Tamaris Gallica

Tamaris Gallica (tamaris) Erythropoietic Thrombocytopoietic Thrombocytopenia after viral infections Stimulates bone marrow (Cornus) Hypercoagulant: limited time if vascular problems

Allergies Ribes Nigrum Fagus Sylvatica Betula Pubescens Rosemarinus Officinalis Juniperus Communis

Fagus Sylvatica (beech) Antiallergic, antihistaminic, prevents degrannulation of mastocytes Stimulates liver macrophages Stimulates immunity Treats hypogammglobulinemia (with Rosa Canina) Increases elimination of uric acid, urea and cholesterol Decreases atheromatosis Decreases fibrotic sclerosis Nephrangiosclerosis (with Ilex Aquifolium)

Rosemarinus (rosemary) Liver and gallbladder drainer Strong hepatoprotector Gallbladder antispasmodic Minor hepatic insufficiency Chronic allergies

Juniperus Communis (juniper) Major drainer for kidney and liver Liver antiinflammatory Stimulates the liver cells Lowers portal hypertension Diuretic Use in increasing doses progressively Useful for general detoxification

Hyperthyroidism Cornus Sanguinea Viburnum Lantana Crataegus Oxyacantha Tilia

Hyperthyroidism Cornus + Tilia one day, Viburnum + Crataegus the other day Euthyroid goitre: Cornus Sanguinea + Rosa Canina

Adrenal Insufficiency Ribes Nigrum Betula Pubescens Alnus Glutinosa

NIDDM Acer Campester morning Olea Europea noon Juglans Regia bedtime

Acer Campester (hedge maple) Inhibits growth of viruses Fatigue and fibromyalgia Angiocholitis, cholelithiasis (with Fraxinus) Prevents saturation of bile with cholesterol Hypoglycemic when used long tern (with Juglans) Slightly antithrombotic

Eczema Cedrus Libani Ulmus Campestris Juglans Regia Ribes Nigrum

Cedrus Libani (cedar) Chronic intoxication with dermatologic outcome Any dry skin problem Senile pruritus Kidney and skin drainer With Juglans for infected skin problems

Ulmus Campestris (elm) Kidney and liver drainer Skin drainer Regulates catabolism of nucleoproteins Regulates transfer of toxins to the skin Weeping lesions, acne, herpes, (psoriasis) Recurrent herpes and ocular herpes (with Rosa Canina)

Acne Ribes Nigrum Ulmus Campestris Juglans Regia Platanus Orientalis

Platanus Orientalis (plane tree) Sequels of malaria Vitiligo (long term at least 6 months) Acne Remedy of repetitive inflammatory states Query eczema and psoriasis

Conclusion. Wide array of therapeutic possibilities with only 49 remedies in combination Costly but 1 bottle lasts for at least 3 months Needs practitioner monitoring Active on the physical aspect of pathology only Well worth to study……..

Learning to use Gemmotherapy

Warning!!!! The next slides contain self-promoting advertising material that may offend some viewers! Parental guidance is recommended!

Dynamic Gemmotherapy. 234 pages Theory Materia Medica Clinical indications Repertory Available from

Studying Gemmotherapy. A week-end seminar: not cost-effective IMO Include the subject in the Herbal Colleges and open the classes to practitioners when the course is given.

Availabiltiy of remedies. Simillimum Pharmacy in Wellington. [email protected] I certify that I do not hold any shares in this company, unfortunately….☺

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