GEE IE Living in The IT Era Syllabus

September 8, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Di olo Cam us, Di olo Cit GEE-IE


  JRMSU - COLLEGE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Living in the IT Era  Ability to explain explain the different different discoveries and and inventions in in all ages and generations generations of computer, unde understanding rstanding the histo history ry of the internet, a and nd working with teams or individual to experience experience to live in this IT era rom

Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency


Required Reference

2. Living in the IT Era

1.1 Familiarity the Mission, Vision and Philosophy of the University (JRMSU System)

Teaching Activity

Living in the IT Era” 

Learning Activity

Methods of  Assessment  Assessment


 JRMSU  Handbook

2017.pdf CHED

-  Gain familiarity the Mission, Vision, and Philosophy of the University (JRMSU System)

- Deliberate the

-  Know the definition of Information Technology

- Discuss the Information

Mission, Vision, and Philosophy of the University (JRMSU System)


Familiarizing the Mission, Vision, and Philosophy of the University (JRMSU System)


Time Frame


  Lecture   Discussion

Familiarizing the definition of Information Technology


 Ann Andes

-  Be acquainted the basic concept of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

- Discuss the concept of Information and Communication Technology

Familiarizing the concept of Information and Communication Technology  


-Discuss the -  Gain insight about the 4  basic computing periods of overview of 4

Gaining insight the overview of

JRMSU Handbook


Reference  book Tools Equipment PowerPoint




  Demonstration Reference  book   Viewing Tools multimedia Equipment PowerPoint

 Introductio n to


2.1.1  Define  Introductio Information, n to Technology and Computer  Fully Information illustrated Technology -Mheryitself.

2.1.2  Make an

Teaching Equipment and Materials

The student must be able to:

2.1 An overview about  PDF, CMO-15-sthe subject “


Learning Outcomes  

MIDTERM 1. Mission, Vision, and Philosophy

Teaching Methodology



1.5 Reference



Di olo Cam us, Di olo Cit GEE-IE


  JRMSU - COLLEGE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Living in the IT Era  Ability to explain explain the different different discoveries and and inventions in in all ages and generations generations of computer, unde understanding rstanding the histo history ry of the internet, a and nd working with teams or individual to experience experience to live in this IT era rom

Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency


Teaching Methodology

Required Reference

Learning Outcomes Teaching Activity


overview the 4  basic computer

Computer  Fully


illustrated -Mhery Ann Andes

2.1.3  Brief  Introductio explanation the n to 5 generations of Computer Computer  Fully



 basic computing

Learning Activity

4 basic computing

Methods of  Assessment  Assessment


-Discuss the 5

generation of computer

Gaining insight 5 generation of computer

Time Frame

  Demonstration  book Tools Viewing


-  Gain insight the 5 generations of computer

Teaching Equipment and Materials

Equipment PowerPoint

  Lecture   Discussion

Reference  book   Demonstration Tools Equipment   Viewing PowerPoint multimedia


Reference  book Tools   Demonstration Equipment PowerPoint   Viewing


 

illustrated -Mhery Ann Andes

4 Basic B asic Com Comput putii ng Periods

3.  Premechanica l Age

3.1 The Premechanical Age (3000 B.C.  –  1450  1450 A.D.)

3.1.1. Writing alphabets alphabe ts for communication 

 Introductio n to Computer  Fully illustrated -Mhery Ann Andes

-  Gain familiarity the different discoveries during the pre-mechanical age.

Discuss the different discoveries during the premechanical age.

Gaining familiarity the different discoveries during the premechanical age.

  Lecture   Discussion

  




Di olo Cam us, Di olo Cit GEE-IE


  JRMSU - COLLEGE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Living in the IT Era  Ability to explain explain the different different discoveries and and inventions in in all ages and generations generations of computer, unde understanding rstanding the histo history ry of the internet, a and nd working with teams or individual to experience experience to live in this IT era rom

Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency


Teaching Methodology

Required Reference


Learning Outcomes Teaching Activity


Learning Activity

Methods of  Assessment  Assessment


Teaching Equipment and Materials

Time Frame

3.1.2.  Paper and pen as input technologies 3.1.3.  Book and Libraries: Permanent Storage Devices 3.1.4.  The First  Numbering System 3.1.5.  The First Calculator: The Abacus

4.  Mechanic al Age

4.1 The Mechanical Age (1450-1840)

 Introductio n to Computer  Fully illustrated

  Johann Gutenberg, John  Napier, Wilhelm -MheryShickard,  Ann Andes Wilhelm

Get acquainted the different discoveries and invention during the Mechanical Age. 

Get the students acquainted the different discoveries and invention during the

  Lecture   Discussion

Getting the students to be acquainted the different discoveries and invention during the

Reference  book   Demonstration Tools   Viewing Equipment multimedia PowerPoint

 




Di olo Cam us, Di olo Cit GEE-IE


  JRMSU - COLLEGE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Living in the IT Era  Ability to explain explain the different different discoveries and and inventions in in all ages and generations generations of computer, unde understanding rstanding the histo history ry of the internet, a and nd working with teams or individual to experience experience to live in this IT era rom

Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency


Required Reference

Teaching Methodology


Learning Outcomes Teaching Activity


Mechanical Age.  

Oughtred, Blaise Pascal, Gottfried

Learning Activity

Methods of  Assessment  Assessment




The Electro Mechanical Age (18401940)

5.1.1.  The Beginning of Telecommunica tion  tion    Voltaic Battery   Telegraph 

Telephone and   Radio

 Introductio n to Computer  Fully illustrated -Mhery Ann Andes

-  Learn different inventions and discoveries during electro-mechanical age that lead to the inventions of todays technology.

Time Frame

Mechanical Age.  

Leibniz,JosephMarie Jacquard, Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar, Charles Babbage, Ada Augusta Byron, 5.  Electro Mechani cal Age

Teaching Equipment and Materials

Let the students learn the

Learning the different

different inventions and discoveries during electromechanical age that lead to the inventions of todays technology.

inventions and discoveries during electromechanical age that lead to the inventions of todays technology.


Workbook   Discussion Tools   Demonstration Equipment PowerPoint   Viewing Video multimedia Viewing

 




Di olo Cam us, Di olo Cit GEE-IE


  JRMSU - COLLEGE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Living in the IT Era  Ability to explain explain the different different discoveries and and inventions in in all ages and generations generations of computer, unde understanding rstanding the histo history ry of the internet, a and nd working with teams or individual to experience experience to live in this IT era rom

Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency


Teaching Methodology

Required Reference


Learning Outcomes Teaching Activity


Learning Activity

Methods of  Assessment  Assessment


Teaching Equipment and Materials

Time Frame

5.1.2.   Electromechanic al Computing  

  Pehr and Edward Scheutz, Dorr Felt, Herman Hollerith, IBM, Otto Shweiger, Lee De Forest

6.  Electroni c Age

7.  First Generatio n of Computer

6.1. The Electronic Age (1940-Present) Z3, The first   stored program computer, ABC

 Introductio n to Computer

7.1.  The First Gene ration of Compu

 Introductio n to

ter (1945-1959   Vacuum Tube, J. Presper

 Fully illustrated -Mhery Ann Andes

Computer  Fully illustrated

-  Gain familiarity the different invented technologies during the Electronic Age

Discuss to the students familiarity the different invented technologies during the Electronic Age

Gaining familiarity the different invented technologies during the Electronic Age

Discuss to the students to learn the different invented

Learning the different invented computers with use of

Learn the different computers invented with use of vacuum tube



Workbook   Discussion Tools   Demonstration Equipment PowerPoint   Viewing Video multimedia Viewing


Workbook Tools Equipment PowerPoint Video


 



  Discussion   Demonstration   Viewing

 



Di olo Cam us, Di olo Cit GEE-IE


  JRMSU - COLLEGE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Living in the IT Era  Ability to explain explain the different different discoveries and and inventions in in all ages and generations generations of computer, unde understanding rstanding the histo history ry of the internet, a and nd working with teams or individual to experience experience to live in this IT era rom

Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency


Teaching Activity

computers with use of vacuum

-Mhery Ann Andes

Mauchly, ENIAC, EDSAC, EDVAC, UniVAC, IBM 701 8.1 The Second  Introductio Generation of n to Computer (1960Computer 1964)   Transistor, John  Fully illustrated Bardeen, -MheryWilliam B.  Ann Andes Shockley, Walter H. Brattain, COBOL FORTRAN 9.1 The Third Generation of Computer (1960-

 Introductio n to Computer

Learning Activity

Methods of  Assessment  Assessment



vacuum tube

Teaching Equipment and Materials

Time Frame



-  Learn the different computers invented that use transistor

9.  Third Generatio n of


Learning Outcomes  

Eckert Jr. and John W.

8.  Second Generatio n of Computer

Required Reference

Teaching Methodology

-  Get acquainted the different computers that use integrated circuit (IC)

Discuss to the students the different computers that uses transistor

Learning the different computers that uses transistor

Acquaint the students the different

Getting acquainted the different

  Lecture   Discussion

 



Viewing multimedia

  Lecture   Discussion

 


Workbook Tools Equipment PowerPoint Video Viewing

Workbook Tools Equipment




Di olo Cam us, Di olo Cit GEE-IE


  JRMSU - COLLEGE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Living in the IT Era  Ability to explain explain the different different discoveries and and inventions in in all ages and generations generations of computer, unde understanding rstanding the histo history ry of the internet, a and nd working with teams or individual to experience experience to live in this IT era rom

Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency



Required Reference

Teaching Methodology Learning Outcomes Teaching Activity



  Integrated Circuit (IC), Jack Kilby, Robert Noyce, IBM System/360


Learning Activity

 Fully illustrated

computers that uses integrated

computers that uses

-Mhery Ann Andes


integrated circuit

Familiarized students the different computer invented that uses microprocessor  .

Gaining familiarity the different computer invented that uses microprocess or.

Methods of  Assessment  Assessment



Viewing multimedia

Teaching Equipment and Materials

Time Frame

PowerPoint Video Viewing

  Lecture   Discussion

10. Fourth Generatio n of Computer

10.1. The Fourth Generation of Computer (19601964) 10.1.1. Microprocessor  , LSI, VLSI, P4004, Ted Hoff and Federico Faggin, IBMPC, Intel Corporation, IBM 360 Family 10.1.2. First Microcomputer

 Introductio n to Computer  Fully illustrated -Mhery Ann Andes

-  Gain familiarity the different computer inventions with the use of microprocessor



Viewing multimedia

Workbook Tools Equipment PowerPoint Video Viewing




Di olo Cam us, Di olo Cit GEE-IE


  JRMSU - COLLEGE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Living in the IT Era  Ability to explain explain the different different discoveries and and inventions in in all ages and generations generations of computer, unde understanding rstanding the histo history ry of the internet, a and nd working with teams or individual to experience experience to live in this IT era rom

Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency


Required Reference

Teaching Methodology


Learning Outcomes Teaching Activity


Learning Activity

Methods of  Assessment  Assessment


Teaching Equipment and Materials

Time Frame

or Personal Computer (PC) 10.1.3. Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded the Microsoft

11. History of Intel Microproc essor

 Introductio 11.1.  The History n to of Intel Microprocess Computer  Fully or illustrated 11.1.1. Intel 4004 -MheryMicroproces  Ann Andes sor Chip 11.1.2. Intel 2008 Chip and Intel 8080 Chip 11.1.3. Intel 8748 Microcontro ller 11.1.4. Intel 8086

-  Gain exposure the history of Intel Microprocessor

Let the students gain exposure about the history of Intel microprocessor

Gaining exposure about the history of Intel microprocess or

  Lecture Workbook   Discussion Tools   Demonstration Equipment PowerPoint   Viewing Video multimedia Viewing

   




Di olo Cam us, Di olo Cit GEE-IE


  JRMSU - COLLEGE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Living in the IT Era  Ability to explain explain the different different discoveries and and inventions in in all ages and generations generations of computer, unde understanding rstanding the histo history ry of the internet, a and nd working with teams or individual to experience experience to live in this IT era rom

Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency


Required Reference

Teaching Methodology


Learning Outcomes Teaching Activity


Learning Activity

Methods of  Assessment  Assessment


Teaching Equipment and Materials

Time Frame

Microproces sor

12. History of AMD Microproc essor

11.1.5. Intel 80286 Microproces sor 11.1.6. Intel 80386 Microproces sor Chip 11.1.7. Intel 80486 Microproces sor Chip 11.1.8. Intel Pentium Microproces sor https:// 2.1. The Brief www.y History of AMD Microprocessor   outube. com/wa tch?v= LKxzY FU5a_  U

-  Gain exposure the history of AMD Microprocessor

Let the students gain exposure about the history of AMD microprocessor

Gaining exposure about the history of AMD microprocessor




  Demonstration   Viewing

 


Workbook Tools Equipment PowerPoint Video Viewing




Di olo Cam us, Di olo Cit GEE-IE


  JRMSU - COLLEGE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Living in the IT Era  Ability to explain explain the different different discoveries and and inventions in in all ages and generations generations of computer, unde understanding rstanding the histo history ry of the internet, a and nd working with teams or individual to experience experience to live in this IT era rom

Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency


Required Reference

Teaching Methodology


Learning Outcomes Teaching Activity


Learning Activity

Methods of  Assessment  Assessment


Teaching Equipment and Materials

Time Frame


The I nternet nternet

13. The Internet

13.1. Who Owns the Internet? 13.2. Brief History of the Internet. 13.3. Who Uses the Internet? 13.4. Components of the Internet 13.5. Chat and Instant Messaging 13.6. Major Protocol Accessible on the Web

 Introducti on to Computer  Fully illustrated -Mhery Ann Andes

-  Get acquainted all about the internet

Let students get acquainted everything about the internet.

Letting the students to get acquainted everything about the internet.

  Lecture   Discussion

 


Viewing multimedia

Workbook Tools Equipment PowerPoint Video Viewing



10 10  


Di olo Cam us, Di olo Cit GEE-IE


  JRMSU - COLLEGE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Living in the IT Era  Ability to explain explain the different different discoveries and and inventions in in all ages and generations generations of computer, unde understanding rstanding the histo history ry of the internet, a and nd working with teams or individual to experience experience to live in this IT era rom

Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency


Required Reference

Teaching Methodology Learning Outcomes Teaching Activity


13.7. Anatomy of a URL 13.8. Types of Browsers 13.9. The Experience of the Web   Multimedia   Real-time Communication 13.10. How to Use the Web Browser 13.11. How to Browse Websites and Files 13.12. Netiquette 13.13. Internet Terms and Definition


Learning Activity


Methods of  Assessment  Assessment

Teaching Equipment and Materials

Time Frame


11 11  


Di olo Cam us, Di olo Cit GEE-IE


  JRMSU - COLLEGE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Living in the IT Era  Ability to explain explain the different different discoveries and and inventions in in all ages and generations generations of computer, unde understanding rstanding the histo history ry of the internet, a and nd working with teams or individual to experience experience to live in this IT era rom

Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency

14. Video Blog (Vlog)


Required Reference

Teaching Methodology Learning Outcomes Teaching Activity


14.1. Making Video Blog (Vlog)

-How to make Vlog youtube


-  Gain exposure on how to make a Vlog

-  Let students gain exposure on how to make a Vlog

Learning Activity

-  Letting students gain exposur  e on how to make a Vlog

Prepared by:


Approved by: LORENZO V. SUGOD, M.T.E. Dean, College of Industrial Technology 

Methods of  Assessment  Assessment




  Discussion   Demonstration


Viewing multimedia

Teaching Equipment and Materials

Workbook Tools Equipment PowerPoint Video Viewing

Time Frame



12 12  

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