Gee 4 Activity 1

August 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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GEE4: Actviy 1.


In Inst stru ruc con ons: s: LLet et us us thin think k abo about ut how how gen gende derr is por portr tray ayed ed in in you yourr co comm mmun unit ity. y. Li List st down as many words or phrases used to (a) idenfy and (b) describe the following genders. Men

Tol Pare Kaputol Kuya Ama

Women Sis Mare Ineng Ate Ina

Homosexual Bakla Beki Bading Tomboy

What are your thoughts?  Gender refers to the characteriscs of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relaonships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over me. II.

Reect on the fo foll llo owin ing g quesons. 1. How can you you describe describe your discove discovery ry of your sexual sexuality, ity, your your sense of being being male or female? First thing I discovered my sexuality is when my parents told me that I am a boy. And in biological aspects is with regard to genitals. I when I am a lile child I socialize with my same gender and play toys that is for boys.


2. How does does your your being a female female or male male inuence inuence your your family’s family’s and and peers’ peers’ expectaons from you? As a male person in our home my parents guides me as a role man to my brother’s and sister’s, they expect that as a man I will manage myself to be more fruiul. And for my peers they expect that I can be though in any problems and circumstances circumstanc es that may lead me to failure that makes me more stronger for the future.


Think about the ph phrases babae kasi, lalaki kase, haligi ng tahanan, ilaw ng tahanan, and pakipot. How do these words communicate patriarchy? The term babae kase is a representaon of being so, if they cannot do things that are not meant for them they they babae kase. The term lalake kase is the opposite of babae kase because when they do hard things and completed is successfully they say lalaki kase because men is meant for hard works. Haligi ng tahanan and ilaw ng tahanan is the representaon of father and mother. While pakipot is for a person that is hard to get or not willing to do such things.

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