GCSE Music Revision Guide
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AQA GCSE Music Revison...
GCSE Music Re Revision vision Guide
+ame the musical instrument. In the exam you will be asked to name diferent instruments that you can hear playing. I you do not play one o these instruments it can sometimes be quite dicult to pick out what each one sounds like. You will need to know what the diferent instruments o the orchestra sound like, what popular musical instruments sound like and what some world instruments sound like (sitar. It is worth you !isiting www.dsokids.com or www.compositionlab.co.uk where you will be able to hear these instruments indi!idually.
escribing musical sounds. "or some questions in the exam you will need to describe what is happening in the music, in detail# I you are asked to comment on what is happening in the music you may need to describe what a particular instrument is doing, or example$ %&he let hand o the piano is playing ascending arpeggios'. &he more detail you can pro!ide, the better#
-elodic mo!ement. You may be asked to describe what is happening in the melody o a song. emember, this means the main tune. In popular music this is oten the !ocal line or in instrumental music it can be described as the instrument that has the main tune (the bit that you could whistle. It could mo!e by STEP; this means it mo!es to the note next to it. It could mo!e by LEAP; this means that the melody )umps rom one note to another but misses some notes out in between. &his could be a low note )umping to a high note or !ice !ersa. * melody line could also ASCEND, which means getting higher note by note, or DESCEND, going down note by note.
-usical e!ices uring the exam you will be asked to identiy diferent musical de!ices that you can hear. emember, a musical de!ice is NOT an instrument. It is something that the instrument is playingusingdoing that is o signi/cance. •
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Imitation$ this is when a melody is played and then another instrument %copies' it. "or example, a 0ute may play a small tune and then it is copied by an oboe. Pedal: &his is when a note is sustained (held on, usually in the bass. &his can oten be used by a piano or an organ. It can normally be ound in classical music or Indian music. Drone: * drone is a bass note that is held throughout a passage o music. Modulation: this is when a piece o music changes key. Rif/Ostinato: &his is a repeated pattern o music. &he term ostinato is used in classical music, a rif is used in popular music (but they mean the same thing#. *ny instrument can play a rif but this will most likely eature in the guitar or bass part o popular music.
&exture It is crucial that you understand the diference between the diferent types o texture that will appear in the exam# emember, texture means how many instruments are playing at once and what are they doing#
MONOPONIC is when there is only one instrument or sound playing. +ot two, or three, or our, but one!
OMOPONIC is when there is a single melody but there is an accompaniment. &his can mean that someone is singing (the melody to block chords (the accompaniment. It can also mean that there is one instrument playing a melody with lots o other
instruments, but the other instruments are playing the same rhythm (an example o this could be a pop band with a singer.
POL!PONIC is when there are lots o diferent rhythms all playing together at the same time. * good example o this is 1te!e eich's third mo!ement o electric counterpoint. I something is polyphonic it is usually dicult to work out which instrument is playing the melody line.
ANTIPON! means call and response. &his is where an instrument plays and another instrument %answers' the /rst. It is also called call and response and sounds like a question and answer session between two instruments or diferent groups o instruments.
CANON: &his is when two or more !oicesinstruments sing or play the same music but at diferent times. * RO"ND is a type o canon but each !oice, when it is /nished, can then begin playing again (so it goes round and round.
&his is an example o a canon. You can see how the diferent parts come in at diferent times, yet they are playing the same notes and rhythms.
-usical ormsstructure You will also be asked to work out the structure o diferent songs that you listen to. iferent sections o music are normally described by a letter, or example section *, section 2 etc. 3ere are the most common orms o structure$
#INAR! $ORM % &his type o structure has two sections, section A ollowed by section #& 2oth o these sections can be repeated. ances rom the #ARO'"E S"ITE are in #inar( $orm.
TERNAR! $ORM % &his type o structure has three sections, A#A& &his means that you will hear section A, ollowed by section #, and the section A is repeated. * good example o &ernary "orm is &winkle &winkle 4ittle 1tar.
RONDO $ORM % In ondo orm section * is always repeated. 1o the song will begin with section *, then there will be a new section called 2, then section * is repeated, then a new section called 5 etc. ondo orm can be written like this$ A % # % A % C % A % D % A . . . It can be longer or shorter than this.
TEME AND )ARIATION % &his is when there is a theme (melodic ostinato played and it keeps on returning but in diferent orms.
* cadence is a term used to describe how complete a piece o music sounds. 5adences can be ound at the END o a song or at the end o a section o the song. &he most likely ones you will hear are PER$ECT and IMPER$ECT cadences but you should also know what a PLA*AL cadence is and how to identiy it. •
PER$ECT CADENCE % this is when the music sounds complete. &his will typically be ound at the end o a song or section o a song and normally means the last note played is the root note.
IMPER$ECT CADENCE % this is when the music DOES NOT sound complete and it sounds like something needs to be added to /nish the music of. PLA*AL CADENCE % * plagal cadence is oten used in hymns or religious music. * plagal cadence is oten described as the %a6men' part o a song (usually ound at the end o a song. 7lagal cadences should also sound %/nished'.
&onality You will be oten asked to name the TONALIT! o an excerpt. &his is a word to describe the type o key the song is in. 8e oten describe sounds in two ways9 either happy or sad. MA+OR means the music sounds happy, MINOR means the music sounds sad. I you are answering a question and you are not sure o the TONALIT! , then you NEED to write down either MA+OR or MINOR& &onality can also be described as ATONAL. &his is where the music does not ha!e a de/nite key. &he best way to remember this is that almost all horror music is ATONAL. :xperimental
music is oten ATONAL too (it can oten like someone is playing any old random thing.
PER$ORMANCE TECNI'"ES are the way in which diferent
7erormance &echniques instruments can be played. -ake sure that you DO NOT get this mixed up with E$$ECTS, as they are two completely diferent things# 3ere are some common perormance techniques that you will come across$
;uitar$ ;uitars can be STR"MMED , this is oten a technique used to play chords. &hey can also be $IN*ER PIC-ED/PIC-ED, where indi!idual notes are played either with a plectrum or the perormer's /ngers. *nother technique you may hear is a PALM M"TE, where the palm o the hand is used to stop the sound o the guitar. &his is oten used in 2lues music. ;uitars can also be played with a PITC#END. &his is where the note being played is literally bent by the perormer, to create a !ery slight change in pitch. 1trings (this includes !iolins, !iolas, cellos and double basses$ 1trings are oten either played ARCO .it0 a #O12 or PI33ICATO .PL"C-ED2 . I you hear a double bass being played in popular music, such as )auiet PIANISSIMO % =ery quiet S$OR3ANDO % 1uddenly loud (sometimes this can sound like an accent $ORTE4PIANO % 4oud then suddenly sot
&empo You will also be asked to use the correct term when talking about the TEMPO o a song. TEMPO means how ast or how slow the song is being played. • • •
PRESTO: &his means !ery ast ALLE*RO: &his means ast MODERATO: &his means relati!ely ast, but not as ast as ALLE*RO.
LAR*O: &his means slowly
:fects :fects are the diferent things that ha!e been added to instruments to change or manipulate the sound. &hese oten appear in popular music#
DISTORTION: &his is usually ound on guitars in rock or hea!y metal music. It makes the guitars sounds hea!y and not !ery clear. RE)ER#: &his is usually added to !ocals to make them %ring out'. RE)ER# is when the sound is bouncing slightly. Imagine being in a multi6storey carpark and shouting. DELA!: &his is when the thing you play is repeated. It may be straight away or ater a short period o time. It will oten get quieter as well. 1A: &his is when there is a %wah' sound added to an instrument. * good example o this is on the keyboard part o 1uperstition by 1te!ie 8onder.
&ime 1ignature You will oten be asked to comment on the time signature o a piece. &his will usually be 5/5 but it could also be 6/5 or 7/8& It is !ery unlikely to be anything else. I you are unsure o the time signature, always write down 5/5
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