Gato Bruja

January 25, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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wi tch witc h ca c at pattern b y Med aami


Hi there! Thank you for purchasing this pattern! :) Please purchase my patterns ONLY ONLY on  on Etsy and Ravelry (Medaami Patterns) to support me so I can make more cute patterns for you guys!

IMPORTANT:  This  Th is pa patte ttern rn is or orig igin inal alyy de desi sign gned ed by Me Meda daam amii an and d is for pe perso rsona nall us usee onl o nly. y. DO NOT duplicate, NOT  duplicate, sell or distribute this pattern in any sort of ways. Please respect and appreciate every artists’ works. Translating this pattern is also strictly prohibited. However, you may sell the finished product in SMALL mass but please clearly credit Medaami as the pattern designer. Thank you for understanding! Don't hesitate to DM me on instagram @medaami, or email to [email protected] if you have any questions or feedbacks. Have fun and happy crafting! :)





- Any yarn in dark gray, black, soft pink, yellow, purple, dark brown and tan colour - Crochet hook that matches the size of your yarn - A pair of safety eyes eyes and washer (I use a 10mm 10 mm eyes) - A strand of wire - Tapestry/yarn needle ne edle - Stitch marker - Scissors - Stuffing - A hot glue gun


I used Bali cotton yarn in size #2 (sport) and a 2.50mm crochet hook. My Witch Cat turned out approximately 12cm (3.4") tall.


R = round/row ch = chain st(s) = stitch(es) sc = single crochet hdc = half double crochet dc = double crochet  tc = tr trip iple le cro croch chet et inc = increase (2sc in 1 st) dec = decrease (sc in 2 st)

BLO = back loop only FLO FL O = front loop l oop only sk = skip slst = slip stitch  x(.....).) = re  x( repe peat at (.(.....)) titime mess

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Sealing method

I often use this method to get rid of some tails because it saves more time than weaving the tails in one by one. However, make sure the area that you want to to “seal” is not visible, visi ble, thus, not making ma king it ugly.  1. Ho Hold ld the th e tai taill to yo your ur pi piec ece. e. I f yo you u ha have ve mo more re th than an 1 tai taill , yo you u ca can n  twist  twi st it to beco be come me on one. e.

2. Apply a small amount of hot glue gun, quickly and carefully press press it using a metal flat object, I’m using my scissors.

3. Cut off the tail and you’re done.

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witch cat PATTERN HEAD

(dark gray) R1: 6sc in magic ring [6] R2: inc x6 [12] R3: (inc, sc) x6 [18] R4: (inc, 2sc) x6 [24] R5: (inc, 3sc) x6 [30] R6: (inc, 4sc) x6 [36] R7: (inc, 5sc) x6 [42] R8-R13: sc around (6 rounds) [42] R14: (inc, 6sc) x6 [48] R15-R17: sc around (3 rounds) [48] R18: (dec, 6sc) x6 [42] R19: (dec, 5sc) x6 [36] R20: (dec, 4sc) x6 [30] Insert the eyes (I inserted it between round round 15 and 16, 16 , and about 10 1 0 sts in between), snap the washer in and stuff firmly. R21: (dec, 3sc) x6 [24] R22: (dec, 2sc) x6 [18] Slst, fasten off, weave the tail in, add more stuffing if needed. Now we’re gonna make the details on the t he face:  1. Us Usin ing g bl blac ackk ya yarn rn,, em embr broi oide derr 2 liline ness on on onee si side de of th thee fac facee for th thee  whis  wh isker kers.s. 2. Using the same yarn, embroider a small “v” shape for the nose in  thee ce  th cent ntre re of th thee fac face, e, in t he sa same me l eve evell of th thee eye eyes.s. 3. Embroider a short vertical line below the “v” shape. 4. Embroider an upside down “v” shape for the mouth, below the vertical line. (more instructions and pictures on the next page)

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5. Embroider another 2 lines on the other side of the face for the  whis  wh isker kers.s. 6. Using yellow yarn, embroider embroider a line surrounding the outside half of both eyes like so.








(dark gray) R1: 6sc in magic ring [6] R2: inc x6 [12] R3: (inc, sc) x6 [18] R4: (inc, 2sc) x6 [24] R5-R9: sc around (5 rounds) [24] R10: (dec, 2sc) x6 [18] R11: around Slst,scfasten off[18] and leave lea ve a tail for sewing.

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arms (make 2)

(dark gray) R1::   4sc in magic ring [4] R1 R2: inc x4 [8] R3-R7: sc around [5 rounds) [8] Slst, fasten off and leave a tail for sewing. Optional step: Embroider 2 small lines for the paws. Stuff lightly.

legs (make 2)

(dark gray) R1::   6sc in magic ring [6] R1 R2: inc x6 [12] R3: BLO sc around [12] R4-R5: sc around (2 rounds) [12] R6: (dec, 4sc) x2 [10] Slst, fasten off and leave le ave a tail for sewing. Now we’re gonna make details on the paws. pa ws.  1. Ma Make ke th thee mi midd ddll e be bean an:: (in soft pink yarn) Ch yarn)  Ch 2, (starting from 2nd ch from hook) hdc. hook)  hdc. Seal off the tails. 2. Using soft pink yarn, pull out o ut the yarn from the toe, then tie a knot 2 times, as close as possible to the toe. 3. Insert the needle to the same hole that you pulled out, then t hen pull it out again next to it. 4. Repeat until you have 3 toe beans. 5. Glue the middle bean that you made earlier below the toe beans. 6. Optional: Embroider 2 lines for the paws.

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ears (make 2)

(dark gray) R1::   4sc in magic ring [4] R1 R2: (inc, sc) x2 [6] R3: (inc, 2sc) x2 [8] Slst, fasten off, leave a tail for sewing and don’t stuff.

ear details (make 2)

(soft pink) Ch 2, (starting from 2nd ch from hook) sc hook)  sc [1] Fasten off and weave in/seal off the tail.

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(dark gray) I crochet it inside out to make it easier. R1: 4sc in magic ring [4] R2-R13: sc around (12 rounds) [4] Slst, fasten off and leave a tail for sewing. cape

(black) Work in rows. Ch 1 and turn after every rows. R1: ch 11, (starting from 2nd ch from hook)  10sc [10] R2: sc in all sts [10] R3: inc, 8sc, inc [12] R4-R5: sc in all sts (2 rows) [12] R6: inc, 10sc, inc [14] R7-R9: sc in all sts (3 rows) [14] Fasten off and leave a tail for for sewing or not leaving a tail tail and just glue them later.


(black)  Tie  T ie a riribb bbon on usin us ing g bl blac ackk ya yarn rn,,  then  th en cu cutt th thee tai taill sh shor ortt lilike ke so so::

cape collar

(black) Ch 29 Fasten off and weave in/seal off the tail.

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witch hat

(black, purple) R1: 4sc in magic ring [4] R2: (inc, sc) x2 [6] R3: sc around [6] R4: (inc, 2sc) x2 [8] R5: (inc, 3sc) x2 [10] R6: (inc, 4sc) x2 [12] R7: (inc, 5sc) x2 [14] R8: (inc, 6sc) x2 [16] R9: (inc, 7sc) x2 [18] R10: (inc, 5sc) x3 [21] R11: (inc, 6sc) x3 [24] R12: (inc, 7sc) x3 [27] R13: (inc, 8sc) x3 [30] R14: (inc, 9sc) x3 [33] R15: (change to purple) (inc, purple)  (inc, 10sc) x3 [36] R16-R17: sc around (2 rounds) [36] R18: (change to black) FLO black)  FLO (inc, 5sc) x6 [42] R19: (6sc, inc) x6 [48] R20: (inc, 7sc) x6 [54] R21: (8sc, inc) x6 [60] R22: (inc, 9sc) x6 [66] Slst, fasten off and weave in/seal off the tail.

Insert stuffing.

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(tan, dark brown, black) R1 :  (in tan) 4sc R1: tan)  4sc in magic ring [4] Leave [4]  Leave a gap for the magic ring, don’t pull it too tight. R2: inc x4 [8] Now we’re going to make the broom strands.  1) Ch 1 0, (starting from 2nd ch from hook) 9slst hook)  9slst [9] 2) Slst to the next stitch. 3) Repeat step 1 and 2 nine more times (you’ll have 10 strands total). 4) Weave in/seal off the tails.




Now we’re going to make the broom stem.  1) Cu Cutt ou outt a pi piec ecee of wi wire re,, si size ze de depe pend ndss on yo your ur fifini nish shed ed am amig igur urum umi.i. 2) Using dark brown yarn, apply a hot glue (or (o r any glue) on the wire,  then  th en wr wrap ap t he ya yarn rn aro aroun und d th thee wi wire re.. 3) Cut out o ut the exc excess ess wire and yarn.



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Broom assembly:  1) I ns nser ertt th thee st stra rand ndss to th thee ste stem m th thro roug ugh h th thee st stran rands ds’’ ma magi gicc riring ng.. 2) You You can glue the strands from the th e inside to keep it in place. pla ce. 3) Using black yarn, tie the strands like so: 4) Wrap the black yarn tail around the strands then seal off/weave  thee tai  th taill s in in..






I recommend to use ball point pins for assembly. This Thi s way will help you to keep the pieces in place and make it easier to do the sewing. I'm using a hot glue gun to attach some of the parts, but if you make this amigurumi for kids, I recommend to make it fully sewn.

 1. Se Sew w th the e bo body dy to th the e he head ad.. 2. Sew the legs to the body, approximately below R5 of body.


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3. Sew one arm downwards downwards like so: 4. Sew the other arm upwards like so: (This arm later will hold the broom) 5. Sew/glue the witch hat on top of the head.




6. Sew/glue the ears on the witch hat, approx. below R17. 7. Using yellow yarn, make 17 chains, then glue/sew them on the purple part in i n the centre of the witch hat, in a horizontal rectangle rectangle shape like so: 8. Glue the ear details on the ears.




9. Place the cape collar around the neck and glue it in place.  10.. Sew  10 S ew/g /glu lue e the t he ca cape pe be behi hind nd t he bo body dy,, wit w ith h the t he up uppe perr par p artt on o n the t he cape collar.  11.. Gl  11 Glue ue th the e riribb bbon on on th the e ce cent ntre re of t he fr fron ontt pa part rt of t he ca cape pe collar. (pictures on the next page)

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 12 . Se  12. Sew w th the e tai taill on th the e lo lowe werr si side de of t he ba bacc k bo body dy..  13.. Gl  13 Glue ue t he br broo oom m to th the e ha hand nd.. Do Don’ n’tt ap appl plyy too mu much ch gl glue ue so it wi willll look neat.  14.. (o  14 (opt ptio iona nall ) I c ut ou outt a ve very ry sm smal alll t ririan angl gles es fr from om bl blac ackk fel feltt for t he eyeliner (or you can just embroider them).




 And.  An d... You ou’r’ree do done ne!!

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I hope you had fun f un making them! t hem! Don’t Don’ t forget to leave a review review and share pictures pic tures of  yourr cre  you creat atio ions ns an and d tag me on ins instag tagram ram @m @med edaa aami mi,, I'I'd d rea reallllyy ap appre preci ciate ate it an and d I’I’d d be really happy to see your creations! Questions or feedbacks? Feel Feel free to DM me on instagram @medaami @medaa mi or email emai l me at [email protected] Please purchase my patterns ONLY ONLY on  on Etsy and Ravelry (Medaami (Med aami Patterns) to to support me so I can make more cute patterns for you guys!

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