GATE Topper Interview - 85+Marks Study Plan In GATE - Mechanical - GATE-IES-PSU 2018 _ Topper Notes And Guidance

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GATE GATE Top Toppe perr Inte Interv rvie iew w - 85+M 85+Mar arks ks Stud Study y Plan Plan In GA GATE - Mec Mecha hani nica call - GATE GATE-I -IESES-PSU PSU 201 2018 8 : Top Toppe perr Note Notes s And And Guida Guidanc nce e


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Gate Question Paper  Gate Material  How to secure Rank Rank 01 In GATE Exam??  Exam?? 

1 year that’s too much. You can secure above 80 marks in GATE ( in mechanical engineering) if you are sincere with your studies for 7– 8 months ( not sure about other branches though). First of all you should do a thorough analysis of the exam. I am doing it for mechanical engineering here.

1.  Apti and English – 15 marks (easy and scoring) 2. Maths – 15 marks (easy to moderate) 3. Production – 13–18 marks ( easy to moderate) 4. Strength of materials – 8–10 marks ( moderate to difficult) 5. Theory of machines – 6–8 marks ( easy if you are taught by amit kakkar/ nptel videos are very good too)

engine + powerplant – 13–15 marks ( moderate to difficult) 6. Thermo+ ic engine 7. Hmt + fluid mechanics + machinery + machinery – 12–15 marks mar ks ( moderate to difficult) 8. Material science and RAC – 5–6 marks (easy) 9. Machine design + engg mechanics – 8–10 marks ( easy to moderate) 10. Industrial engg – 4–5 marks (easy to moderate)

First of all these are not exact marks they vary from set to set so does the difficulty level. Hence it is a general overview of the paper.

How can i get 80 marks?

 Well if you look at the point 1,2 and 3 you can make it out that those three subjects should be given priority otherwise you are are doomed. I got 15/15 in (apti+eng), 9/13 in maths, 13/16 in production. Approx (37/44) but then in Tom,Som and Fluid hmt i got (31/35) (all are approximate calculations). But again one should analyse his strengths and weakness and then choose accordingly i was not so good in english until march 2015. But now i am quite comfortable with it ( got 83/100 in ESE 2015 and 75/100 in ESE 2016).

English – Being an engineer you are expected to be good in aptitude and yeah you have the luxury of using a calculator 1.  Apti and English – too(though i never used it). If you are not good in apti you should try to solve previous year paper of gate for all the branches as this part is common. Go for basic books like R.S.Agrawal and made easy notes you can also go through video lectures in youtube. But you should be comfortable in handling apti ( easy bearing fruit don’t lose on this). English is a very funny language isn’t it,not for us right?  We all did our engg in english for 4 years but we are not comfortable comfortable with it Are we? Ok enough of pun coming back to the point. English consists of vocab part and grammar part. There is a saying “Vocab can’t be built in a day”. One stop solution for vocab is



GATE Topper Interview - 85+Marks Study Plan In GATE - Mechanical - GATE-IES-PSU 2018 : Topper Notes And Guidance

 WORD POWER MADE EASY by Norman Lewis yeah the book with the red cover small and thick. I read it twice or thrice from cover to cover. Believe me guys if you read it thoroughly you will feel quite comfortable with the words asked in gate, be it altruist,martinet or any other word. This book is a must read you can compliment it with reading The HINDU daily ( if you are an ESE aspirant) jot down the difficult words and find out their meaning. Editorials will help you in improving your grammar skills. For grammar there are around 100 rules given in Hari mohan prasad book solve it, try to remember the rules (you can’t mug it up) but if you do practice them you will remember it. One of the reason I practiced it extinsively was- I was a serious ESE aspirant it helped me with english as  well as current affairs ( secured a decent 148.88/200 in General ability). I mugged up 3000 words of GRE using “MEMRISE” app. But it is redundant for GATE. Made easy material for english is very good and it will suffice. Having a superior vocab will not only  help in GATE but in exams like CAT,SAIL,CSE,SSC-CGL so cost to benefit ratio is high. If done once you will remember it forever. 2. Maths – It is very easy and scoring part. Solve B.S.Grewal ,made easy thick book and previous year GATE papers. Mug up all the

formulae and rewrite them again and again. Engineers are good at maths aren’t we?? I am leaving it upto you for any queries you can message me. 3. Production – So here it is the most important technical subject of mechanical engineering carrying around 15 marks. Just one word

for it “MONDOL SIR KA JUGAD” made easy guys would h ave understood it. For others please purchase Mondol sir’s book it is more than enough ( no further question on this point). I solved it 4–5 times mugged up all the formulae and except for 1 autocad question solved it all. Solve all the previous year questions. Most of the questions will either be same or of same type. I didn’t studied any book. Mondol sir notes + previous year ques+ test series don’t go beyond that. 4. SOM – Again mondol sir taught me SOM I did his notes 5–6 times. And got all the questions correct except for one mistake i did

 with units ( answered 84 instead of 84000 kilo mega mistake :/) . For SOM mondol sir notes and test series is more than enough. No  books until you are pursuing research in design.

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5. TOM – What i did was amit kakkar sir notes,made easy workbook, previous year gate and ese questions and test series. Give

emphasis on vibrations and gears. One can refer NPTEL videos they are really very good,I referred it for CAMs. It is a difficult subject so try to understand it conceptually. I got 8/8 in TOM. 6. FM and HMT – FM is a difficult subject refer NPTEL if you are not in made easy. Main focus should be on boundary layer

theory,laminar flow,dynamics and kinematics. Mug up all the formulae as they are confusing and diffi cult. HMT is easier as compared to FM give preference to heat exchanger,shape factor problems, forced convection and lumped analysis. I secured (6/6) in HMT,it was one of my strongest subject. No book needed i did made easy notes + prev year GATE and test se ries. Machinery can be avoided or put in less efforts in it.



GATE Topper Interview - 85+Marks Study Plan In GATE - Mechanical - GATE-IES-PSU 2018 : Topper Notes And Guidance

7. Thermo + IC Engine + Powerplant – Thermo is favourite subject of most of the mechanical engineers isn’t it? In Thermo

concentrate on entropy, available energy and second law problems. No need to solve PK Nag it can be read for theory only for ESE. Do solve previous year papers theoritical questions might be tricky. In IC engine just mug up diesel,otto and dual cycle f ormulae and questions of if heat addition is same wh ich will have higher e fficiency type question. Though this year they asked a question from oxidation reaction of fuels. Powerplant is very easy do brayton cycle and rankine cycle theory and numeric als . Though compressors  was added last year there were no questions. 8. Industrial – It is easiest of all remember all the formulae focus on PERT/CPM,Linear programming and inventory. Do solve

previous year and test series. 9. Machine design – It is somewhat difficult and conceptual understanding is required. Focus on brakes, rivetted and welded

 joints,clutches and S-N curve. Do solve previous year questions 4–5 times. 10. Material Science and RAC – Weightage is low so no need to read them thoroughly. Read heat treatment, iron carbide in MS. In

RAC vapour compression and properties of moist air is very important. You must remember formulae for specific humidity, relative humidity etc as numerical questions are asked mostly . Don’t put in too much efforts in these too. 11. Engg mech – Focus on trusses, friction and rolling. It is easy if you are comfortable with physics,wasn’t easy f or me worked hard got

(6/6) marks in it.

Few other things one must do in the preparation span which i feel necessary is-

1. Uninstall whatsapp and deactivate facebook. It is quite essential i was in an exile for 11 months. Didn’t went for a movie , didn’t

 watched a cricket match, stopped talking to most of my friends studied daily for around 12–14 hours ( including coaching). 2. Maintained a timetable where i made weekly plans, 3 day plan and daily plan and gave my best to complete it. 3. Enjoy your studies dont take it as a burden if you enjoy it you will definitely make it through. 4. Competition is fierce in GATE even s small mistake will make your rank fall from 100s to 600 s and you are out of the race. So don’t

think if you leave english and focus only on technical you can secure a good rank. Yes you can but remember there are guys like me  who will not leave any stone unturned so we should cover all the subjects properly. 5.  And last but not the least if you work hard enough you will succeed and even luck will be there with you. I do remember a question on

charpy’s test was there which i saw 2 days before GATE so yeah “God helps those who help themselves”.

I worked hard for 11 months (i gave ESE too) gave my best and then again i i nstalled fb,whatsapp and whatnot. Your fight is not against the 2 lakh aspirants it is against yourself if you do have the patience, perseverance you will sail through or you can be one among the 1,99,500 aspirants thinking what went wrong. I got 5 job offers this year just because of my shear hard work and determination. You can watch motivational videos too in youtube i will share the links. Just give your best and leave rest upto the GOD. So guys this was my  analysis of mech engg. Apti,english and maths section remains the same for all the branches. Message me or comment for any queries.  All the best guys.

PS- It took me more than an hour to write this answer .Although i have tried to avoid grammatical and spelling mistakes still i f there are some,avoid them ;-). I started preparing from 1st July 2015 and ended in 29th May 2016 so exact 11 months. Right now i am working



GATE Topper Interview - 85+Marks Study Plan In GATE - Mechanical - GATE-IES-PSU 2018 : Topper Notes And Guidance

 with NTPC got 12 interview calls attended only 4 (Bpcl,Ntpc,Iocl and Ongc) converted them all. I will share my interview transcripts  when i do get time

 Anshul Tiwari

ESE 2016 AIR 62, GATE 2016 AIR 97

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