GATE Solved Question Papers for Engineering Sciences [XE] by AglaSem.Com

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A comprehensive study guide for GATE



CONTENTS • • • • • •

Introduction Question Paper Pattern Design of Questions Marking Scheme Syllabus Previous Year Solved Papers o Solved Question Paper 2014 o Answer Key 2014 o Solved Question Paper 2013 o Answer Key 2013 o Solved Question Paper 2012 o Answer Key 2012

Introduction The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is the all India level examination conducted by the Indian Institute of Science and seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). A crucial part of GATE preparation is to solve and practice using previous year GATE papers. Solving previous year GATE papers help the candidate in understanding the exam pattern, knowing the level of difficulty of questions, and analyzing preparation. While attempting to solve any previous year GATE paper, it is advisable that it is done in a simulated test environment. This means, that the candidate sets a timer to countdown to test time, makes sure there is no other distraction, and then sits down to take the test as if he / she is in the exam hall. After attempting the paper, check how many questions you could get right in the first attempt. Analyse the strong and weak areas of preparation, and accordingly devise a study schedule or revision pattern. After going through those areas where in the first attempt could not do well, try the next paper. Almost all of the engineering colleges in India take admission in M.Tech courses on the basis of GATE scores. Apart from that, PSUs also recruit students directly on this basis. To score high in this elite examination is tough, but quite achievable.

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Question Paper Pattern In all the papers, there will be a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks, out of which 10 questions carrying a total of 15 marks are in General Aptitude (GA). In the papers bearing the codes AE, AG, BT, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, IN, ME, MN, MT, PI, TF and XE, the Engineering Mathematics will carry around 13% of the total marks, the General Aptitude section will carry 15% of the total marks and the remaining percentage of the total marks is devoted to the subject of the paper. In the papers bearing the codes AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH and XL, the General Aptitude section will carry 15% of the total marks and the remaining 85% of the total marks is devoted to the subject of the paper. GATE would contain questions of two different types in various papers: (i) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) carrying 1 or 2 marks each in all papers and sections. These questions are objective in nature, and each will have a choice of four answers, out of which the candidate has to mark the correct answer(s). (ii) Numerical Answer Questions of 1 or 2 marks each in all papers and sections. For these questions the answer is a real number, to be entered by the candidate using the virtual keypad. No choices will be shown for this type of questions.

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Design of Questions The questions in a paper may be designed to test the following abilities: (i) Recall: These are based on facts, principles, formulae or laws of the discipline of the paper. The candidate is expected to be able to obtain the answer either from his/her memory of the subject or at most from a one-line computation. (ii) Comprehension: These questions will test the candidate's understanding of the basics of his/her field, by requiring him/her to draw simple conclusions from fundamental ideas. (iii) Application: In these questions, the candidate is expected to apply his/her knowledge either through computation or by logical reasoning. (iv) Analysis and Synthesis: In these questions, the candidate is presented with data, diagrams, images etc. that require analysis before a question can be answered. A Synthesis question might require the candidate to compare two or more pieces of information. Questions in this category could, for example, involve candidates in recognising unstated assumptions, or separating useful information from irrelevant information.

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Marking Scheme For 1-mark multiple-choice questions, 1/3 marks will be deducted for a wrong answer. Likewise, for2-marks multiple-choice questions, 2/3 marks will be deducted for a wrong answer. There is no negative marking for numerical answer type questions. General Aptitude (GA) Questions In all papers, GA questions carry a total of 15 marks. The GA section includes 5 questions carrying 1 mark each (sub-total 5 marks) and 5 questions carrying 2 marks each (sub-total 10 marks). Question Papers other than GG, XE and XL These papers would contain 25 questions carrying 1 mark each (sub-total 25 marks) and 30 questions carrying 2 marks each (sub-total 60 marks). The question paper will consist of questions of multiple choice and numerical answer type. For numerical answer questions, choices will not be given. Candidates have to enter the answer (which will be a real number, signed or unsigned, e.g. 25.06, -25.06, 25, -25 etc.) using a virtual keypad. An appropriate range will be considered while evaluating the numerical answer type questions so that the candidate is not penalized due to the usual round-off errors. GG (Geology and Geophysics) Paper Apart from the General Aptitude (GA) section, the GG question paper consists of two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A is common for all candidates. Part B contains two sections: Section 1 (Geology) and Section 2 (Geo-physics). Candidates will have to attempt questions in Part A and either Section 1 or Section 2 in Part B. Part A consists of 25 multiple-choice questions carrying 1-mark each (sub-total 25 marks and some of these may be numerical answer type questions). Each section in Part B (Section 1 and Section 2) consists of 30 multiple choice questions carrying 2 marks each (sub-total 60 marks and some of these may be numerical answer type questions). XE Paper (Engineering Sciences)

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In XE paper, Engineering Mathematics section (Section A) is compulsory. This section contains 11 questions carrying a total of 15 marks: 7 questions carrying 1 mark each (subtotal 7 marks), and 4 questions carrying 2 marks each (sub-total 8 marks). Some questions may be of numerical answer type questions. Each of the other sections of the XE paper (Sections B through G) contains 22 questions carrying a total of 35 marks: 9 questions carrying 1 mark each (sub-total 9 marks) and 13 questions carrying 2 marks each (sub-total 26 marks). Some questions may be of numerical answer type. XL Paper (Life Sciences) In XL paper, Chemistry section (Section H) is compulsory. This section contains 15 questions carrying a total of 25 marks: 5 questions carrying 1 mark each (sub-total 5 marks) and 10 questions carrying 2-marks each (sub-total 20 marks). Some questions may be of numerical answer type. Each of the other sections of the XL paper (Sections I through M) contains 20 questions carrying a total of 30 marks: 10 questions carrying 1 mark each (sub-total 10 marks) and 10 questions carrying 2 marks each (sub-total 20 marks). Some questions may be of numerical answer type. Note on Negative Marking for Wrong Answers For a wrong answer chosen for the multiple choice questions, there would be negative marking. For1-mark multiple choice questions, 1/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer. Likewise, for 2-mark multiple choice questions, 2/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer. However, there is no negative marking for a wrong answer in numerical answer type questions.

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Syllabus for General Aptitude (GA) Verbal Ability: English grammar, sentence completion, verbal analogies, word groups, instructions, critical reasoning and verbal deduction. Numerical Ability: Numerical computation, numerical estimation, numerical reasoning and data interpretation.

Syllabus for Engineering Sciences (XE) Section A: Engineering Mathematics (Compulsory) Linear Algebra: Algebra of matrices, inverse, rank, system of linear equations, symmetric, skew-symmetric and orthogonal matrices. Hermitian, skew-Hermitian and unitary matrices.eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalisation of matrices, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem. Calculus: Functions of single variable, limit, continuity and differentiability, Mean value theorems, Indeterminate forms and L’Hospital rule, Maxima and minima,Taylor’s series, Fundamental and mean value-theorems of integral calculus. Evaluation of definite and improper integrals, Beta and Gamma functions, Functions of two variables, limit, continuity, partial derivatives, Euler’s theorem for homogeneous functions, total derivatives, maxima and minima, Lagrange method of multipliers, double and triple integrals and their applications, sequence and series, tests for convergence, power series, Fourier Series, Half range sine and cosine series. Complex variable: Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Application in solving potential problems, Line integral, Cauchy’s integral theorem and integral formula (without proof), Taylor’s and Laurent’ series, Residue theorem (without proof) and its applications. Vector Calculus: Gradient, divergence and curl, vector identities, directional derivatives, line, surface and volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green’s theorems (without proofs) applications. Ordinary Differential Equations: First order equation (linear and nonlinear), Second order linear differential equations with variable coefficients, Variation of parameters

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method, higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, CauchyEuler’s equations, power series solutions, Legendre polynomials and Bessel’s functions of the first kind and their properties. Partial Differential Equations: Separation of variables method,Laplace equation, solutions of one dimensional heat and wave equations. Probability and Statistics: Definitions of probability and simple theorems, conditional probability, Bayes Theorem, random variables, discrete and continuous distributions, Binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions, correlation and linear regression. Numerical Methods: Solution of a system of linear equations by L-U decomposition, Gauss-Jordan and Gauss-Seidel Methods, Newton’s interpolation formulae, Solution of a polynomial and a transcendental equation by Newton-Raphson method, numerical integration by trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rule and Gaussian quadrature, numerical solutions of first order differential equation by Euler’s method and 4 th order Runge-Kutta method. Section B: Fluid Mechanics Fluid Properties: Relation between stress and strain rate for Newtonian fluids. Hydrostatics: Buoyancy, manometry, forces on submerged bodies. Eulerian and Lagrangian description of fluid motion, concept of local and convective accelerations, steady and unsteady flows, control volume analysis for mass, momentum and energy. Differential equations of mass and momentum (Euler equation), Bernoulli’s equation and its applications. Concept of fluid rotation, vorticity, stream function and potential function. Potential flow: elementary flow fields and principle of superposition, potential flow past a circular cylinder. Dimensional analysis: Concept of geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarity, importance of non-dimensional numbers.

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Fully-developed pipe flow, laminar and turbulent flows, friction factor, Darcy-Weisbach relation. Qualitative ideas of boundary layer and separation, streamlined and bluff bodies, drag and lift forces. Basic ideas of flow measurement using venturimeter, pitot-static tube and orifice plate. Section C: Materials Science Structure: Atomic structure and bonding in materials. Crystal structure of materials, crystal systems, unit cells and space lattices, determination of structures of simple crystals by x-ray diffraction, miller indices of planes and directions, packing geometry in metallic, ionic and covalent solids. Concept of amorphous, single and polycrystalline structures and their effect on properties of materials.Crystal growth techniques.Imperfections in crystalline solids and their role in influencing various properties. Diffusion: Fick’s laws and application of diffusion in sintering, doping of semiconductors and surface hardening of metals. Metals and Alloys: Solid solutions, solubility limit, phase rule, binary phase diagrams, intermediate phases, intermetallic compounds, iron-iron carbide phase diagram, heat treatment of steels, cold, hot working of metals, recovery, recrystallization and grain growth. Microstrcture, properties and applications of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys. Ceramics: Structure, properties, processing and applications of traditional and advanced ceramics. Polymers: Classification, polymerization, structure and properties, additives for polymer products, processing and applications. Composites: Properties and applications of various composites. Advanced Materials and Tools: Smart materials, exhibiting ferroelectric, piezoelectric, optoelectric, semiconducting behavior, lasers and optical fibers, photoconductivity and superconductivity, nanomaterials – synthesis, properties and applications, biomaterials, superalloys, shape memory alloys. Materials characterization techniques such as, scanning

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electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry. Mechanical Properties: stress-strain diagrams of metallic, ceramic and polymeric materials, modulus of elasticity, yield strength, tensile strength, toughness, elongation, plastic deformation, viscoelasticity, hardness, impact strength, creep, fatigue, ductile and brittle fracture. Thermal Properties: Heat capacity, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion of materials. Electronic Properties: Concept of energy band diagram for materials – conductors, semiconductors and insulators, electrical conductivity – effect of temperature on conductility, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, dielectric properties. Optical Properties: Reflection, refraction, absorption and transmission of electromagnetic radiation in solids. Magnetic Properties: Origin of magnetism in metallic and ceramic materials, paramagnetism, diamagnetism, antiferro magnetism, ferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism, magnetic hysterisis. Environmental Degradation: Corrosion and oxidation of materials, prevention. Section D: Solid Mechanics Equivalent force systems; free-body diagrams; equilibrium equations; analysis of determinate trusses and frames; friction; simple relative motion of particles; force as function of position, time and speed; force acting on a body in motion; laws of motion; law of conservation of energy; law of conservation of momentum. Stresses and strains; principal stresses and strains; Mohr’s circle; generalized Hooke’s Law; thermal strain; theories of failure. Axial, shear and bending moment diagrams; axial, shear and bending stresses; deflection (for symmetric bending); torsion in circular shafts; thin cylinders; energy methods (Castigliano’s Theorems); Euler buckling.

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Free vibration of single degree of freedom systems. Section E: Thermodynamics Basic Concepts: Continuum, macroscopic approach, thermodynamic system (closed and open or control volume); thermodynamic properties and equilibrium; state of a system, state diagram, path and process; different modes of work; Zeroth law of thermodynamics; concept of temperature; heat. First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy, enthalpy, specific heats, first law applied to systems and control volumes, steady and unsteady flow analysis. Second Law of Thermodynamics: Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements, reversible and irreversible processes, Carnot theorems, thermodynamic temperature scale, Clausius inequality and concept of entropy, principle of increase of entropy; availability and irreversibility. Properties of Pure Substances: Thermodynamic properties of pure substances in solid, liquid and vapor phases, P-V-T behaviour of simple compressible substances, phase rule, thermodynamic property tables and charts, ideal and real gases, equations of state, compressibility chart. Thermodynamic

Relations: T-ds





coefficient, coefficient of volume expansion, adiabatic and isothermal compressibilities, Clapeyron equation. Thermodynamic cycles: Carnot vapor power cycle, Ideal Rankine cycle, Rankine Reheat cycle, Air standard Otto cycle, Air standard Diesel cycle, Air-standard Brayton cycle, Vaporcompression refrigeration cycle. Ideal Gas Mixtures:Dalton’s and Amagat’s laws, calculations of properties, air-water vapor mixtures and simple thermodynamic processes involving them. Section F: Polymer Science and Engineering Chemistry of high polymers: Monomers, functionality, degree of polymerizations, classification of polymers, glass transition, melting transition, criteria for rubberiness,

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polymerization methods: addition and condensation; their kinetics, metallocene polymers and other newer techniques of polymerization, copolymerization, monomer reactivity ratios and its significance, kinetics, different copolymers, random, alternating, azeotropic copolymerization, block and graft copolymers, techniques for copolymerization-bulk, solution, suspension, emulsion. Polymer Characterization: Solubility and swelling, concept of average molecular weight, determination of number average, weight average, viscosity average and Z-average molecular weights, polymer crystallinity, analysis of polymers using IR, XRD, thermal (DSC, DMTA, TGA), microscopic (optical and electronic) techniques. Synthesis and properties: Commodity and general purpose thermoplastics: PE, PP, PS, PVC, Polyesters, Acrylic, PU polymers. Engineering Plastics: Nylon, PC, PBT, PSU, PPO, ABS, Fluoropolymers Thermosetting polymers: PF, MF, UF, Epoxy, Unsaturated polyester, Alkyds. Natural and synthetic rubbers: Recovery of NR hydrocarbon from latex, SBR, Nitrile, CR, CSM, EPDM, IIR, BR, Silicone, TPE. Polymer blends and composites: Difference between blends and composites, their significance, choice of polymers for blending, blend miscibility-miscible and immiscible blends, thermodynamics, phase morphology, polymer alloys, polymer eutectics, plasticplastic, rubber-plastic and rubber-rubber blends, FRP, particulate, long and short fibre reinforced composites. Polymer

Technology: Polymer





compounding ingredients for rubber and plastics, crosslinking and vulcanization, vulcanization kinetics. Polymer rheology: Flow of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, different flow equations, dependence of shear modulus on temperature, molecular/segmental deformations at different zones and transitions. Measurements of rheological parameters by capillary rotating, parallel plate, cone-plate rheometer. viscoelasticity-creep and stress relaxations, mechanical models, control of rheological characteristics through compounding, rubber curing in parallel plate viscometer, ODR and MDR.

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Polymer processing: Compression molding, transfer molding, injection molding, blow molding, reaction injection molding, extrusion, pultrusion, calendaring, rotational molding, thermoforming, rubber processing in two-roll mill, internal mixer. Polymer testing: Mechanical-static and dynamic tensile, flexural, compressive, abrasion, endurance, fatigue, hardness, tear, resilience, impact, toughness. Conductivity-thermal and electrical, dielectric constant, dissipation factor, power factor, electric resistance, surface resistivity, volume resistivity, swelling, ageing resistance, environmental stress cracking resistance. Section G: Food Technology Food Chemistry and Nutrition: Carbohydrates: Structure and functional properties of mono- oligo-polysaccharides including starch, cellulose, pectic substances and dietary fibre; Proteins: Classification and structure of proteins in food; Lipids: Classification and structure of lipids, Rancidity of fats, Polymerization and polymorphism; Pigments: Carotenoids, chlorophylls, anthocyanins, tannins and myoglobin; Food flavours: Terpenes, esters, ketones and quinones; Enzymes: Specificity, Kinetics and inhibition, Coenzymes, Enzymatic and non-enzymatic browning; Nutrition: Balanced diet, Essential amino acids and fatty acids, PER, Water soluble and fat soluble vitamins, Role of minerals in nutrition, Antinutrients, Nutrition deficiency diseases. Food Microbiology: Characteristics of microorganisms: Morphology, structure and detection of bacteria, yeast and mold in food, Spores and vegetative cells; Microbial growth in food: Intrinsic and extrinsic factors, Growth and death kinetics, serial dilution method for quantification; Food spoilage: Contributing factors, Spoilage bacteria, Microbial spoilage of milk and milk products, meat and meat products; Foodborne disease: Toxins produced by Staphylococcus, Clostridium and Aspergillus; Bacterial pathogens: Salmonella, Bacillus, Listeria, Escherichia coli, Shigella, Campylobacter; Fermented food: Buttermilk, yoghurt, cheese, sausage, alcoholic beverage, vinegar, sauerkraut and soya sauce. Food Products Technology: Processing principles: Canning, chilling, freezing, dehydration, control of water activity, CA and MA storage, fermentation, hurdle technology, addition of preservatives and food additives, Food packaging, cleaning in

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place and food laws.; Grain products processing: Milling of rice, wheat, and maize, parboiling of paddy, production of bread, biscuits, extruded products and breakfast cereals, Solvent extraction, refining and hydrogenation of oil; Fruits, vegetables and plantation products processing: Extraction, clarification concentration and packaging of fruit juice, Production of jam, jelly, marmalade, squash, candies, and pickles, pectin from fruit waste, tea, coffee, chocolate and essential oils from spices; Milk and milk products processing: Pasteurized and sterilized milk, cream, butter, ghee, ice-cream, cheese and milk powder; Animal products processing: Drying and canning of fish, post mortem changes, tenderization and freezing of meat, egg powder. Food Engineering: Mass and energy balance; Momentum transfer: Flow rate and pressure drop relationships for Newtonian fluids flowing through pipe, Characteristics of non-Newtonian fluids – generalized viscosity coefficient and Reynolds number, Flow of compressible fluid, Flow measurement, Pumps and compressors; Heat transfer: Heat transfer by conduction, convection, radiation, boiling and condensation, Unsteady state heat transfer in simple geometry, NTU- effectiveness relationship of co-current and counter current double pipe heat exchanger; Mass transfer: Molecular diffusion and Fick’s Law, Steady state mass transfer, Convective mass transfer, Permeability of films and laminates; Mechanical operations: Energy requirement and rate of operations involved in size reduction of solids, high pressure homogenization, filtration, centrifugation, settling, sieving, flow through porous bed, agitation of liquid, solid-solid mixing, and single screw extrusion; Thermal operations: Energy requirement and rate of operations involved in process time evaluation in batch and continuous sterilization, evaporation of liquid foods, hot air drying of solids, spray and freeze-drying, freezing and crystallization; Mass transfer operations: Properties of air-water vapor mixture; Humidification and dehumidification operations.

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GATE Previous Year Solved Papers Engineering Sciences - XE

2012 - 14

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GATE 2014 Solved Paper XE: Engineering Sciences Duration: 180 minutes

Maximum Marks: 100

Read the following instructions carefully. 1. To login, enter your Registration Number and password provided to you. Kindly go through the various symbols used in the test and understand their meaning before you start the examination. 2. Once you login and after the start of the examination, you can view all the questions in the question paper, by clicking on the View All Questions button in the screen. 3. This paper consists of 8sections: GA (General Aptitude), A (Engineering Mathematics), B (Fluid Mechanics), C (Materials Science), D (Solid Mechanics), E (Thermodynamics), F (Polymer Science & Engineering) and G (Food Technology). Section GA (General Aptitude) and Section A (Engineering Mathematics) are compulsory. Attempt any 2 sections out of the 6 optional Sections B through G. There are 10 questions carrying 15 marks in the compulsory General Aptitude (GA) section. Question numbers 1 to 5 of this section carry 1 mark each, and question numbers 6 to 10 carry 2 marks each. There are 11 questions carrying 15 marks in Section A(Engineering Mathematics). Question numbers 1 to 7 of this section carry 1 mark each, and question numbers 8 to 11 carry 2 marks each. Each of the other sections (Sections B through G) contains 22 questions carrying 35 marks. In each of these sections, question numbers 1 to 9 carry 1 mark each and question numbers 10 to 22 carry 2 marks each. 4. Depending upon the GATE paper, there may be useful common data that may be required for answering the questions. If this paper has such useful data, the same can be viewed by clicking on the Useful Common Data button that appears at the top, right hand side of the screen. 5. The computer allotted to you at the examination center runs specialized software that permits only one answer to be selected for multiple-choice questions using a mouse and to enter a suitable number for the numerical answer type questions using the virtual keyboard and mouse. 6. Your answers shall be updated and saved on a server periodically and also at the end of the examination. The examination will stop automatically at the end of 180 minutes. 7. In each paper a candidate can answer a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks. 8. The question paper may consist of questions of multiple choice type (MCQ) and numerical answer type. 9. Multiple choice type questions will have four choices against A, B, C, D, out of which only ONE is the correct answer. The candidate has to choose the correct answer by clicking on the bubble (⃝) placed before the choice. 10. For numerical answer type questions, each question will have a numerical answer and there will not be any choices. For these questions, the answer should be entered by using the virtual keyboard that appears on the monitor and the mouse. 11. All questions that are not attempted will result in zero marks. However, wrong answers for multiple choice type questions (MCQ) will result in NEGATIVE marks. For all MCQ questions a wrong answer will result in deduction of⅓ marks for a 1-mark question and ⅔ marks for a 2-mark question. 12. There is NO NEGATIVE MARKING for questions of NUMERICAL ANSWER TYPE. 13. Non-programmable type Calculator is allowed. Charts, graph sheets, and mathematical tables are NOT allowed in the Examination Hall. You must use the Scribble pad provided to you at the examination centre for all your rough work. The Scribble Pad has to be returned at the end of the examination. Declaration by the candidate: “I have read and understood all the above instructions. I have also read and understood clearly the instructions given on the admit card and shall follow the same. I also understand that in case I am found to violate any of these instructions, my candidature is liable to be cancelled. I also confirm that at the start of the examination all the computer hardware allotted to me is in proper working condition”.

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GATE 2014

General Aptitude - GA

Q. 1 – Q. 5 carry one mark each. Q.1

A student is required to demonstrate a high level of comprehension of the subject, especially in the social sciences. The word closest in meaning to comprehension is (A) understanding


(B) meaning

(C) concentration

(D) stability

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence. One of his biggest ______ was his ability to forgive. (A) vice


(B) virtues

(C) choices

(D) strength

Rajan was not happy that Sajan decided to do the project on his own. On observing his unhappiness, Sajan explained to Rajan that he preferred to work independently. Which one of the statements below is logically valid and can be inferred from the above sentences? (A) Rajan has decided to work only in a group. (B) Rajan and Sajan were formed into a group against their wishes. (C) Sajan had decided to give in to Rajan’s request to work with him. (D) Rajan had believed that Sajan and he would be working together.


If y = 5x2 + 3, then the tangent at x = 0, y = 3 (A) passes through x = 0, y = 0 (C) is parallel to the x-axis


(B) has a slope of +1 (D) has a slope of −1

A foundry has a fixed daily cost of Rs 50,000 whenever it operates and a variable cost of Rs 800Q, where Q is the daily production in tonnes. What is the cost of production in Rs per tonne for a daily production of 100 tonnes?

Q. 6 – Q. 10 carry two marks each. Q.6

Find the odd one in the following group: ALRVX, EPVZB, ITZDF, OYEIK (A) ALRVX





Anuj, Bhola, Chandan, Dilip, Eswar and Faisal live on different floors in a six-storeyed building (the ground floor is numbered 1, the floor above it 2, and so on). Anuj lives on an even-numbered floor. Bhola does not live on an odd numbered floor. Chandan does not live on any of the floors below Faisal’s floor. Dilip does not live on floor number 2. Eswar does not live on a floor immediately above or immediately below Bhola. Faisal lives three floors above Dilip. Which of the following floor-person combinations is correct? (A) (B) (C) (D)

Anuj 6 2 4 2

Bhola 2 6 2 4

Chandan 5 5 6 6

Dilip 1 1 3 1

Eswar 3 3 1 3

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

Faisal 4 4 5 5

GATE 2014

General Aptitude - GA


The smallest angle of a triangle is equal to two thirds of the smallest angle of a quadrilateral. The ratio between the angles of the quadrilateral is 3:4:5:6. The largest angle of the triangle is twice its smallest angle. What is the sum, in degrees, of the second largest angle of the triangle and the largest angle of the quadrilateral?


One percent of the people of country X are taller than 6 ft. Two percent of the people of country Y are taller than 6 ft. There are thrice as many people in country X as in country Y. Taking both countries together, what is the percentage of people taller than 6 ft? (A) 3.0


(B) 2.5

(C) 1.5

(D) 1.25

The monthly rainfall chart based on 50 years of rainfall in Agra is shown in the following figure. Which of the following are true? (k percentile is the value such that k percent of the data fall below that value)

(i) On average, it rains more in July than in December (ii) Every year, the amount of rainfall in August is more than that in January (iii) July rainfall can be estimated with better confidence than February rainfall (iv) In August, there is at least 500 mm of rainfall (A) (i) and (ii) (C) (ii) and (iii)

(B) (i) and (iii) (D) (iii) and (iv)


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014

Engineering Sciences - XE

A : ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS ( COMPULSORY) Q. 1 – Q. 7 carry one mark each. Q.1

If 1, 0, and -1 are the eigenvalues of a 3 3 matrix A, then the trace of A 2 + 5 A is equal to ______________.


Which of the following is a solution of the differential equation

x 2 y ' ' + xy ' + y = 4 sin(ln x), x > 0 ? (A) (B) (C) (D)


y = 2 x sin(ln x ) y = − 2 x sin(ln x ) y = − 2 ln x cos(ln x ) y = 2 ln x cos(ln x)

At z = 0 , the complex function f ( z ) = z | z | 2 (A) satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations and is differentiable (B) satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations but is not differentiable. (C) does not satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations but is differentiable. (D) does not satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations and is not differentiable.


Ten chocolates are distributed randomly among three children standing in a row. The probability that the first child receives exactly three chocolates is

5 211 39 5 210 (B) 39 1 (C) 9 3 1 (D) 3



Let the function f : [0, 5]  R be defined by

 0  x 1  2 x + 5,  f (x ) =  2 x 2 + 5, 1 x  2  2 3 23 2  x  5. 3 x + 3 ,  The number of points where f is not differentiable in (0, 5) , is ___________.

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.6

Engineering Sciences - XE

An integrating factor of the differential equation (3 x 2 y 3e y + y 3 + y 2 ) dx + ( x 3 y 3e y − xy ) dy = 0 is

1 y 1 (B) 2 y 1 (C) 3 y (D) ln y (A)


If a cubic polynomial passes through the points (0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 1) and (3, 10), then it also passes through the point (A) (B) (C) (D)

( −2, − 11) ( −1, − 2) ( −1, − 4) ( −2, − 23)

Q. 8 – Q. 11 carry two marks each. Q.8

Let the function f : [0, )  R be such that f ( x) =

8 for x > 0 and f (0) = 1. Then x + 3x + 4 2

f (1) lies in the interval (A) [0, 1] (B) [2, 3] (C) [4, 5] (D) [6, 7] Q.9

The perimeter of a rectangle having the largest area that can be inscribed in the ellipse

x2 y2 + = 1 , is ________. 8 32


If the work done in moving a particle once around a circle x 2 + y 2 = 4 under the force field

   F ( x, y) = (2 x − ay) i + (2 y + ax) j is 16 , then a is equal to


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.11

Engineering Sciences - XE

 1   1 2 0     Let r and s be real numbers. If A =  2 0 3  and b =  1  , then the system of linear  s − 1  r s 0     equations AX = b has (A) no solutions for s  2r . (B) infinitely many solutions for s = 2 r  2 . (C) a unique solution for s = 2r = 2 . (D) infinitely many solutions for s = 2r = 2 .


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014

Engineering Sciences - XE

B : FLUID MECHANICS Q. 1 – Q. 9 carry one mark each. Q.1

A dam with a curved shape is shown in the figure. The cross sectional area of the dam (shaded portion) is 100 m2 and its centroid is at x = 10 m. The vertical component of the hydrostatic force,

Fz , is acting at a distance x p . The value of x p is ____ m.


Fz xp 40 m




x 15 m




For an unsteady incompressible fluid flow, the velocity field is V = 3 x 2 + 3 t iˆ − 6 xyt ˆj , where

x , y are in meters and t is in seconds. Acceleration in m/s2 at the point x = 10 m and y = 0 , as measured by a stationary observer is (A) 303 Q.3

(B) 162

(C) 43



For an incompressible flow, the existence of components of acceleration for different types of flow is described in the table below. Type of Flow

Components of Acceleration

P: Steady and uniform Q: Steady and non-uniform R: Unsteady and uniform S: Unsteady and non-uniform

1: Local exists, convective does not exist 2: Both exist 3: Both do not exist 4: Local does not exist, convective exists

Which one of the following options connecting the left column with the right column is correct? (A) P – 1; Q – 4; R – 3; S – 2 (B) P – 4; Q – 1; R – 2; S – 3 (C) P – 3; Q – 2; R – 1; S – 4 (D) P – 3; Q – 4; R – 1; S – 2

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014


Engineering Sciences - XE

Velocity in a two-dimensional flow field is specified as: u = x 2 y ; v = − y 2 x . The magnitude of the rate of angular deformation at a location ( x = 2 m and y = 1 m) is ____ s-1.



For a plane irrotational flow, equi-potential lines and streamlines are (A) parallel to each other.

(B) at an angle of 90o to each other.

(C) at an angle of 45o to each other.

(D) at an angle of 60o to each other.

Flow around a Rankine half-body is represented by the superposition of (A) source and vortex flows.

(B) source and uniform flows.

(C) vortex and uniform flows.

(D) source, vortex and uniform flows.


It is required to carry out model studies on a boat having a characteristic length of 3.6 m and travelling at a speed of 3 m/s. Assume the acceleration due to gravity as 10 m/s2 and neglect the effects due to viscous and surface tension forces. The value of appropriate non-dimensional number is ____.


Which one of the following velocity profiles typically represents a fully developed incompressible, turbulent flow in a pipe?





GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.9

Engineering Sciences - XE

Consider an incompressible, laminar flow past a circular cylinder of diameter d . The flow is uniform at the far upstream. Which one of the following figures typically represents the wake velocity profile just downstream of the cylinder?


d (B)


d (C)

d (D)

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014

Engineering Sciences - XE

Q. 10 – Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10

A container of square cross-section is partially filled with a liquid of density ρ1 . The cylinder is intended to float in another liquid of density ρ 2 as shown in the figure. The distance between metacentre and centre of buoyancy is

I , where I and Vsub are area moment of inertia of the Vsub

cross-section and submerged volume, respectively. Neglect the weight of the container.


b Which one of the following is the correct condition for stability?




ρ2 b h ρ  − 1 − 1  > 0 6 ρ1 h b  ρ2 


ρ2 b h ρ  − 1 + 1  > 0 6 ρ1 h b  ρ2 


ρ2 b h ρ  + 1 − 1  > 0 6 ρ1 h b  ρ2 


ρ2 b h ρ  + 1 + 1  > 0 6 ρ1 h b  ρ2 

In a steady state two-dimensional potential flow field due to a point source, the acceleration of a particle at a distance r from the point source is (A) proportional to r −1 .

(B) proportional to r .

(C) a constant.

(D) proportional to r −3 .

and location ( x, y ) is described as:  V= 3t 2 iˆ + ( x − 1) ˆj . The equation for the path line of a particle passing through the point (1,0) at

Velocity in a two-dimensional flow at time t

t = 0 is 0 (A) x 4 − 4 y 3 = (C)

( x − 1)


− 64 y 3 = 0


( x − 1)


( x + 1)



− 2 y4 = 0 − 16 y 3 = 0

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.13

Engineering Sciences - XE

The gravity driven flow over a hump of height h in a canal is shown in the figure. The height of the free surface from the canal bed at upstream of the hump is H . The free surface height reduces to H1 above the hump.


H1 h

Assuming the canal bed to be horizontal, the discharge per unit width is given by (A)

(B) 2�(� − �1 − ℎ) 1 1 � − �12 � 2


2�ℎ � (D)

2�(� − �1 ) 1 1 � − (�1 + ℎ)2 � 2 Q.14

1 1 − (�1 + ℎ)2 � 2

2�(� − �1 ) 1 � 1 − �12 � 2

Steady state incompressible flow through a pipe network is shown in the figure. Inlets marked as (1), (2) and (3) and exit marked as (4), are shown with their respective diameters. The exit flow rate at (4) is 0.1 m3/s. A 20% increase in flow rate through (3) results in a 10% increase in flow rate through (4). The original velocity through inlet (3) is _____ m/s.



5 cm

10 cm



GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014

Engineering Sciences - XE


A reducing elbow is used to deflect water upward by 30o as shown in the figure. The mass flow rate at the inlet is 14 kg/s. Water is entering at a gauge pressure of 200 kPa and exits to the atmosphere. The cross-sectional area is 113 cm2 at the inlet and 7 cm2 at the exit. Density of water and acceleration due to gravity are 1000 kg/m3 and 10 m/s2, respectively. Magnitude of x - component of the water force on the elbow is ____ N.


A source with a strength of k1 and a vortex with a strength of k2 are located at the origin. The resultant velocity at a radial distance r from the origin due to the superposition of the source and vortex is expressed as



k1 + k2 r


k12 + k22 r


k12 − k22



k1 − k2 r



Velocity potential for an incompressible fluid flow is given as: φ= 2 x 2 + 2 y − y 2 . Assume the value of stream function at the origin to be zero. The value of stream function at [ ( x, y ) ≡ ( 2, 2 ) ] is ____.


The model of a conduit is scaled to 1/100 of the actual size. Seawater is used in the prototype and fresh water is used in the model. Velocity in the prototype is 0.5 m/s. Density and dynamic viscosity of the seawater are 1025 kg/m3 and 1.07 × 10-3 kg/m-s, respectively. Density and dynamic viscosity of fresh water are 1000 kg/m3 and 1 × 10-3 kg/m-s, respectively. Assume the viscous forces to be dominant. The velocity to be maintained in the model to ensure dynamic similarity is____ m/s.


A fluid is flowing through a pipe of circular cross-section. Reynolds number of the flow is 1600. The head loss over a 45 m length of the pipe is 0.6 m. The average flow velocity of the fluid is 1 m/s and the acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s2. The diameter of the pipe is ____ m.

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.20

Engineering Sciences - XE

Consider a laminar flow over a flat plate of width w . At Section 1-1, the velocity profile is uniform as shown in the figure. The x -direction velocity profile at Section 2-2 is given by 2

u y  y = 2 −   , where δ is the boundary layer thickness. U δ δ 


1 U



u ( y) δ




The volume flow rate through Section 2-2 is given by (A)


1 U wδ 2


1 U wδ 3

(C) U w δ


2 U wδ 3

A cube of weight W and side a falls at a constant speed in a medium as shown in the figure. If the medium is air (mass density =�air ) let U air be the velocity of the cube. If the medium is water (mass density =�water ) let U water be the velocity of the cube.


W Neglecting the buoyancy force and assuming drag coefficient to be same for both cases, the ratio of

 U air   is given by  U water 

velocities, 


ρair ρ water


ρair ρ water


ρ water ρair

(D) 1

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.22

Engineering Sciences - XE

Water is flowing through a venturimeter having a diameter of 0.25 m at the entrance (Station 1) and 0.125 m at the throat (Station 2) as shown in the figure. A mercury manometer measures the piezometric head difference between Stations 1 and 2 as 1.3505 m. The loss of head between these two stations, is 1/7 times the velocity head at the Station 2. Assume the acceleration due to gravity to be 10 m/s2. The velocity of water at the throat is ____ m/s.

diameter 0.25 m


diameter 0.125 m


Mercury Manometer


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014

Engineering Sciences - XE

C : MATERIALS SCIENCE Useful constants Avogadro’s Number Boltzmann’s constant, k Electron Charge, e Electron rest mass, mo Universal gas constant, R Speed of light, c Planck’s constant, h 1 eV = 1.6 x 10-19 J

: 6.023 x 1023 mol-1 : 1.38 x 10-23 J.K-1 : 1.6 x 10-19 C : 9.1 x 10-31 kg : 8.314 J.mol-1.K-1 : 3 x 108 m.s-1 : 6.63 x 10-34 J.s

Q. 1 – Q. 9 carry one mark each. Q.1

Neoprene is rendered non-inflammable because (A) it has a highly cross-linked structure (B) it has a highly linear chain structure (C) of the presence of chlorine atom in the structure (D) of the absence of chlorine atom in the structure


Nylon-6 is manufactured from (A) caprolactum (B) adipic acid and hexamethylene diamine (C) maleic anhydride and hexamethylene diamine (D) sebasic acid and hexamethylene diamine


At room temperature, the typical barrier potential for silicon p-n junction in Volt (V) is (A) 0.7x10-23


(B) 0.07

(C) 0.70

Quantitative measurement of the roughness of a polysilicon wafer can be performed with (A) scanning tunneling microscopy (C) transmission electron microscopy


(B) scanning electron microscopy (D) atomic force microscopy

The temperature of the antiferromagnetic-to-paramagnetic transition is called (A) Curie temperature (C) Neel temperature


(D) 7.0

(B) Curie-Weiss temperature (D) Debye temperature

At low injection level, a forward biased p-n junction would have (A) no charge carriers (B) minority carrier concentration much more than majority carrier concentration (C) minority carrier concentration equal to majority carrier concentration (D) minority carrier concentration much less than majority carrier concentration


Which of the following mechanical properties of a material depend on the mobile dislocation density in it. (P) Young’s modulus (Q) yield strength (R) ductility (S) fracture toughness (A) P, Q, R


(B) Q, R, S

(C) P, R, S

(D) S, P, Q

The equilibrium concentration of vacancies in a pure metal (A) increases exponentially with temperature (B) decreases exponentially with temperature (C) varies linearly with temperature (D) is independent of temperature

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014


Engineering Sciences - XE

The materials belonging to which one of the following crystal classes would be both piezoelectric and ferroelectric (A) 222

(B) 4mm

(C) 1�

(D) 2/m

Q. 10 – Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10

Polymerized isotactic polybutadiene has a molecular weight of 3 x 105 g/mol. The degree of polymerization is _______________.


A bar of Ti with Young’s modulus of 110 GPa and yield strength of 880 MPa is tested in tension. It is noticed that the alloy does not exhibit any strain hardening and fails at a total strain of 0.108. The mechanical energy that is necessary to break the material in MJ/m3 is ____________.


A copper cup weighing 140 g contains 80 g of water at 4 °C. Specific heats of water and copper are 4.18 and 0.385 J/g °C, respectively. If 100 g of water that is at 90 °C is added to the cup, the final temperature of water in °C is ______________.


Match the reaction in Column I with its name in Column II. L – liquid, α, β, γ – different solid solution phases Column I

(P) L �⎯⎯⎯⎯� α + β

Column II (1) peritectic (2) eutectic (3) monotectic (4) eutectoid

(A) P-1, Q-4, R-3 (C) P-2, Q-3, R-1

(B) P-2, Q-1, R-4 (D) P-4, Q-2, R-3



(Q) L + β �⎯⎯⎯⎯� γ �������

(R) α �⎯⎯⎯⎯� β + γ


The Young’s modulus of a unidirectional SiC fiber reinforced Ti matrix composite is 185 GPa. If the Young’s moduli of Ti and SiC are 110 and 360 GPa respectively, the volume fraction of fibers in the composite is _________.


Match the composite in Column I with the most suitable application in Column II. Column I (P) Glass fibre reinforced plastic (Q) SiC particle reinforced Al alloy (R) Carbon-carbon composite (S) Metal fibre reinforced rubber

(A) P-4, Q-5, R-1, S-2 (C) P-5, Q-4, R-1, S-3

Column II (1) Missile cone heads (2) Commercial automobile chasis (3) Airplane wheel tyres (4) Car piston rings (5) High performance skate boards (B) P-3, Q-5, R-2, S-4 (D) P-4, Q-2, R-3, S-1

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.16

Engineering Sciences - XE

Which among the following rules need to be satisfied for obtaining an isomorphous phase diagram in a binary alloy system? (P) The atomic size difference should be less than 15%. (Q) Both the end components should have the same crystal structure (R) The valency of the end components should be the same. (S) The end components should have dissimilar electronegativities (A) P, Q, R


(B) Q, R, S

(C) R, S, P

(D) S, P, Q

The energy in eV and the wavelength in µm, respectively, of the photon emitted when an electron in a hydrogen atom falls from n = 4 to n = 2 state is (A) 3.0, 0.413

(B) 2.55, 0.365

(C) 2.75, 0.451

(D) 2.55, 0.487


The weight in kg of gallium (Ga) to be mixed with arsenic (As) for obtaining 1.0 kg of gallium arsenide (GaAs) is ______________. (MGa = 69.72 g/mol; MAs = 74.92 g/mol)


Match the material in Column I with the property in Column II Column I (P) Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (Q) Ni50Ti50 (R) GaAs (S) YBa2Cu3O7

Column II (1) Shape memory alloy (2) Piezoelectric ceramic (3) High temperature superconductor (4) Optoelectronic semiconductor

(A) P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4 (C) P-4, Q-1, R-2, S-3

(B) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1 (D) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3


Relevant portion of a binary phase diagram of elements A and B is shown below. The mass fraction of liquid phase at 1000 °C for an alloy with 15 wt.% B is ___________.


The expected diffraction angle (in degrees) for the first order reflection from the (113) set of planes for face centered cubic Pt (lattice parameter = 0.392 nm) using monochromatic radiation of wavelength 0.1542 nm is ___________.

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.22

Engineering Sciences - XE

The diffusion coefficients of Mg in Al at 500 and 550 °C are 1.9x10-13 and 5.8x10-13 m2/s respectively. The activation energy for diffusion of Mg in Al in kJ/mol is ___________.


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014

Engineering Sciences - XE


Q. 1 – Q. 9 carry one mark each. Q.1

A steel wire of diameter 5 mm is bent around a cylindrical drum of radius 0.5 m. The steel wire has modulus of elasticity of 200 GPa. Find the bending moment in the wire in N-m.

R = 0.5 m

d = 5 mm


A compressed air tank having an inner diameter of 480 mm and a wall thickness of 8 mm is formed by welding two steel hemispheres. If the allowable shear stress in the steel is 40 MPa, find the maximum permissible pressure (in MPa) inside the tank.


The Euler’s buckling load of a column fixed at both the ends is P. If one of the ends is made free, the buckling load shall change to


(A) P/16

(B) P/8

(C) P/4

(D) P/2

A point in a body is subjected to a bi-axial state of stress, equal in magnitude but opposite in nature. On a plane inclined at an angle 45° with respect to x-axis (passing through the point), the (A) shear and normal stresses are zero (B) normal stress is maximum and shear stress is zero (C) shear stress is maximum and normal stress is zero (D) shear stress is maximum and normal stress is non-zero

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.5

Engineering Sciences - XE

A weightless beam subjected to two point loads is shown in the figure below. 10 kN



2m 10 kN

The shear force diagram of the beam is 10 kN (A) 10 kN 10 kN

(B) 10 kN

5 kN (C)



5 kN

5 kN

10 kN

For the pin jointed truss, find the axial force (in kN) in the member 2-5.

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.7

Engineering Sciences - XE

The supporting structure of a water tank is made of reinforced concrete (RC) with a tubular cross section of inner diameter di, outer diameter do, height l, and Young’s modulus E. The mass of the tank is m. If mass of the supporting structure is neglected, then the natural frequency of the water tank in transverse direction is 3�� �� �4 − � �4 �

(A) �

64� 3 �

384�� �� �4 − � �4 �

(C) ) � Q.8

�� �� �4 − � �4 �

(B) �

�� �� �4 − � �4 �

(D) �

360� 3 �

8� 3 �

64� 3 �

A mass is attached to a spring and placed horizontally in a frictionless surface. A simple pendulum has been pivoted to the mass. The degree of freedom of this system is X



x (A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.9

Engineering Sciences - XE

Consider the following two statements Statement 1: A body of weight W falls from a height h and strikes the ground. If the body starts from rest, the velocity with which it strikes the ground is �2�ℎ , where g is the acceleration due to gravity. W


Statement 2: If the same body (initially at rest) slides without friction along an inclined plane PQ (angle of inclination α) starting from an elevation h above point Q, then its velocity at point Q is �2�ℎ P


W α Q

The correct option is (A) Both statements 1 and 2 are true (B) Statement 1 is true and 2 is false (C) Statement 1 is false and 2 is true (D) Both statements 1 and 2 are false

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014

Engineering Sciences - XE

Q. 10 – Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10

A composite bar of length ‘L’ is made of a centrally placed steel plate (50 mm wide x 10 mm thick) with two copper plates (each 30 mm wide x 5 mm thick) connected rigidly on each side. If the temperature of the composite bar is raised by 50°C, find the stress developed in each copper plate in MPa. (For Steel: Es = 2x105 MPa and αs= 12x10-6 /°C; For Copper: Ec = 1x105 MPa and αc= 17x10-6 /°C)

Copper plate

5 mm

Steel plate

10 mm 5 mm

Copper plate



The vertical deflection at the free end of the cantilever beam as shown in figure is 100 kN

(A) 1400/EI

EI = flexural rigidity


2m (B) 1400/3EI

(C) 200/EI

(D) 100/EI


A hollow shaft and a solid shaft have the same length and the same outer radius R. The inner radius of the hollow shaft is 0.6 R. Assuming that both the shafts are made of same material and are subjected to the same torque, find the ratio of shear stress in hollow shaft to that in solid shaft.


A beam with overhangs carries one point load acting downwards and the other upward. The clockwise moment Pb is applied at each support. The bending moment at the midpoint of the beam is Pb



(A) 0



(B) PL/2



(C) PL

(D) PbL

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.14

Engineering Sciences - XE

A cantilever beam of length L supports a concentrated load P at the free end. The cross section of the beam is rectangular with constant width b and varying depth h. The depth h of this idealized cantilever beam varies in such a way that the maximum normal stress at every cross section remains equal to the allowable bending stress. Considering only the bending stresses, the depth hx of the fully stressed beam at any distance x from the free end shall vary P L


(A) with square of x

(B) with square root of x

(C) linearly with x

(D) with cube of x

A cantilever beam is subjected to following three different loading conditions: (a) a concentrated load P at its free end, (b) a couple Mo at its free end and (c) both loads acting simultaneously P L (a) Mo L (b) P Mo L (c) The flexural rigidity of the beam may be assumed as EI. The strain energy due to bending when both loads act simultaneously (A) can be determined by applying the principle of superposition and the strain energy is � 2 �3 6��


�� 2 � 2��

(B) can be determined by applying the principle of superposition and the strain energy is � 2 �2 6��


�� �3 2��

(C) cannot be determined by applying the principle of superposition and the strain energy is � 2 �3 6��


�� 2 � 2��


��� �2 2��

(D) cannot be determined by applying the principle of superposition and the strain energy is � 2 �2 6��


�� �3 2��


��� �2 2��

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.16

Engineering Sciences - XE

A tapered rod has diameter d1 at one end which reduces uniformly to a diameter d2 over the length (L). If the modulus of elasticity of the material is E, the change in the length of the rod due to the application of axial force (P) is (A)

4�� �� � 1 � 2


4�� �� �� 12 −� 22 �



�� � 1 � 2


2�� �� �� 12 −� 22 �

σy= 50 MPa and


For a point in a body subjected to a plane stress condition (σx= 100 MPa, τxy = τyx = 25 MPa), the maximum principal stress in MPa is_____________


An isotropic body is subjected to a state of stress given by: σx= 10 MPa and τxy = τyx = −20 MPa. Assuming G = 0.4E, the volumetric strain is (A) 5/E


(B) 7.5/E

(C) 10/E

(D) 15/E

A block of weight Q rests on an inclined plane and it is attached to a string which runs over a frictionless pulley to carry a block of weight P at its other end. The coefficient of friction between the block of weight Q and the inclined plane is µ. Consider the following cases: Case I: weight Q starts moving down the inclined plane Case II: weight P starts falling down

The limiting values of ratio P/Q for Case I and Case II respectively are (A) (B) (C) (D)

(sin � − � cos �) (�sin � − cos �) (sin � + � cos �) (�sin � + cos �)

and (sin � + � cos �) and (�sin � + cos �) and (sin � − � cos �) and �(sin � − cos �)

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.20

Engineering Sciences - XE

To unload an item from a truck a crane boom is raised with a constant angular velocity of 1 rad/s relative to the cab and then the cab is rotated about a vertical axis with constant angular velocity of 0.5 rad/s. Z Boom P


45° O


X If the length of the boom (OP) is 10 m, the velocity of the tip (P) of the boom in m/s is (A) (C)


√2 �−2�� 5

5 �−2�� √2

− �̂ + 2�� �


− �̂ + 2�� �


√2 �−�� 5

5 �−�� √2

− 2�̂ + �� �

− 2 �̂ + 2�� �

A block of mass 5 kg moves up on a smooth inclined plane with a velocity of 10 m/s in the direction shown. A bullet of mass 60 g travelling at 500 m/s strikes the block centrally and gets embedded in it. The velocity of the block and embedded bullet in m/s immediately after the impact is 10 m/s


30° x

500 m/s

(A) 12.54 at 30°

(B) 13.84 at 51.78°

(C) 13.84 at 30°

(D) 15.62 at 51.78°

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.22

Engineering Sciences - XE

A balloon with ballast (weight) inside it has a gross weight of 500 N. It is falling vertically with a constant acceleration of 2 m/s2. If air resistance is negligible, find the weight of ballast (in N) that must be thrown out in order to give the balloon an upward acceleration of 2 m/s2. (Acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.81 m/s2)

500 N


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014

Engineering Sciences - XE


Notations used: P-pressure, V-volume, T-temperature, S-entropy, H-enthalpy, U-internal energy, cp-specific heat at constant pressure, cv-specific heat at constant volume; specific properties are designated by lower case symbols. Subscripts: R-reduced, C-critical, f-saturated liquid, g-saturated vapor, Properties of air: cp = 1.005 kJ/(kg.K), specific heat ratio γ = 1.4, Gas constant = 0.287 kJ/(kg.K), Molecular weight = 29 gm/mol. Universal gas constant = 8.314 kJ/(kmol.K). Q. 1 – Q. 9 carry one mark each. Q.1

Entropy is a (A) Path function (C) Property independent function


A small container has gas at high pressure. It is placed in an evacuated space. If the container is punctured, work done by the gas is (A) Positive


(B) Point function (D) Neither path nor point function

(B) Negative

(C) Zero

(D) ∞

The molecular weight of a mixture is 38.4 gm/mol. The mixture is composed of methane and carbon-dioxide gases. The atomic weights of the elements C, H, and O are 12, 1, and 16 gm/mol, respectively. The mole fraction of methane (Xmethane) is ____________ and that of carbon-dioxide (X carbon-dioxide) is _______. (A) Xmethane = 0.2; X carbon-dioxide = 0.8 (B) Xmethane = 0.8; X carbon-dioxide = 0.2 (C) Xmethane = 0.3; X carbon-dioxide = 0.7 (D) Xmethane= 0.7; X carbon-dioxide = 0.3


A system undergoes a change from state 1 to state 2. During this process, the change in the internal energy is ∆U. The change in internal energy of the system when executing the cycle 1-2-1 is equal to (A) ∆U

(B) 2∆U

(C) Zero

(D) −2∆U

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.5


Engineering Sciences - XE

Which among the following plots represents a line joining two states with the same dew point temperature on a standard psychrometric chart, with the dry bulb temperature on the X-axis and the humidity ratio on the Y-axis? (A)




The efficiency of a reversible engine operating between two temperatures is 40 % . The COP of a reversible refrigerator operating between the same temperatures is (A) 1.5


(B) 2.5

(C) 0.4

(D) 3.5

For a superheated vapor that cannot be approximated as an ideal gas, the expression determining a small change in the specific internal energy is

∂u dv ∂v T ∂u (B) du = c p dT + dP ∂P T (A) du = c p dT +

(C) du = cv dT +

∂u dv ∂v T

(D) du = cv dT Q.8

The minimum and maximum volumes in an air standard Otto cycle are 100 and 800 cm3. Its thermal efficiency (%) is (A) 56.47


(B) 94.55

(C) 54.08

(D) 87.50

At a saturation temperature Tsat, the difference between the entropy of saturated vapor and entropy of saturated liquid can be expressed as

( (C) (u

) )T

( (D) (u

(A) h f − hg Tsat g


)T −u ) T

(B) hg − h f




sat sat

Q. 10 – Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10

A gas in a closed system is compressed reversibly from an initial volume of 0.2 m3 to 0.1 m3 at a constant pressure of 3 bar. During this process, there was a heat transfer of 50 kJ from the gas. The change in internal energy of the gas during this process in kJ is (A) 20

(B) −80

(C) 80

(D) −20

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.11

In a closed rigid vessel, air is initially at a pressure of 0.3 MPa and volume of 0.1 m3 at 300 K. A stirrer supplies 100 kJ of work to the air, while 20 kJ of heat is lost to the atmosphere across the container walls. After these processes, the temperature of air changes to _________K.

(A) 321.9 Q.12

Engineering Sciences - XE

(B) 702.4

(C) 782.4

(D) 620.2

A reversible heat engine (E) operates using three thermal reservoirs with temperatures as shown in the following figure. If Q1=Q2, the efficiency of the engine is ___________.

Reservoir 1 T1 = 1200K

Reservoir 2 T2 = 600 K W Q1


E Q3 Reservoir 3 T3 = 300 K

(A) 0.25 Q.13

(C) 0.625

(D) 0.75

A metal block of mass 25 kg at 300 K is immersed in an infinitely large liquid nitrogen bath maintained at 77 K. The system comprising of the block and liquid nitrogen attains thermal equilibrium. The average specific heat of the metal is 0.45 kJ/(kg.K). The entropy generated during the process is ___________kJ/K. (A) 17.28


(B) 0.125

(B) 32.5

(C) 47.8

 

For a gas obeying the equation of state given by  P +

(D) −47.8

a v = RT , the values of the critical v2 

volume and the critical temperature are 0.004 m3/kg and 100 °C, respectively. If the value of the gas constant is 250 J/(kg.K), then the value of the constant ‘a’ is _____________ (N.m4/kg2). Note that the critical point is the point of inflection on the critical isotherm. (A) 124.3

(B) 0.75

(C) 186.58

(D) 248.67

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.15

Engineering Sciences - XE

A rigid closed vessel is initially filled with 2 kg of water which is a mixture of saturated liquid and saturated vapor states at 2 bar. The vessel is placed in an oven which heats the mixture to the critical state. Using the saturated and critical property values from the table given below, the heat transferred from the oven to the vessel is __________kJ. Pressure = 2 bar vg (m3/kg) uf (kJ/kg) 0.8857 504.49 Critical pressure vc (m3/kg) uc (kJ/kg) 0.003155 2029.6


vf (m /kg) 0.0010605

(A) 3035.8 Q.16

(B) 3040.6

ug (kJ/kg) 2529.5

(C) 3036.2

(D) 3044.9

2 The equation of state for a certain gas is given by v = RT / P − C1 / T + C2 , where C1 is 50,000

(K2.m3)/kg and C2 is 0.8 m3/kg. The relation

∂v ∂h = v −T is known for the gas. The inversion ∂T P ∂P T

  ∂h = 0 is _________K.   ∂P T

temperature, given by the condition,  (A) 500.0 Q.17

(D) 250.0

(B) 14.920

(C) 2.809

(D) 1.809

The thermal efficiency of an air standard Brayton cycle 0.35. The pressure ratio across the turbine is (A) 4.516


(C) 353.6

The maximum pressure and temperature in an air standard diesel cycle are 44 bar and 1600 K, respectively. If the minimum pressure and temperature are 1 bar and 300 K, respectively, then the cut-off ratio (the ratio of the volume at the end of the heat addition process to that at the beginning of the heat addition process) is (A) 1.000


(B) 433.0

(B) 5.232

(C) 7.535

(D) 8.234

Steam is isentropically expanded in a turbine from 80 bar to 7 bar. At the inlet of the turbine (state 1) h1 is 3246 kJ/kg and s1 is 6.52 kJ/(kg.K). hf (kJ/kg) 697

Pressure = 7 bar hg (kJ/kg) sf [kJ/(kg.K)] 2763 2.0

sg [kJ/(kg.K)] 6.7

The enthalpy of the steam exiting the turbine (state 2) in kJ/kg is (A) 2683.87

(B) 2657.17

(C) 1986.87

(D) 3354.17

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.20

Engineering Sciences - XE

A thin insulating membrane separates two tanks initially filled with nitrogen [mean cv = 21.6 J/(mol.K)] and carbon-dioxide [mean cv = 11.6 J/(mol.K)] as shown below.

Perfect insulation

0.8 moles of N2 at 2 bar and 350 K

0.2 moles of CO2 at 1 bar and 300 K

The membrane is ruptured and the gases are allowed to mix to form a homogeneous mixture at equilibrium. During this process there are no heat or work interactions between the tank contents and the surroundings. The final temperature at the equilibrium state in Kelvin is (A) 344.1 Q.21

(B) 306.3

(C) 325.0

(D) 346.1

Two moist air streams MAS1 and MAS2 are mixed adiabatically. The details of MAS1 and MAS2 are given below in the table. h (kJ/kg of dry air) v (m3/kg of dry air) Flow rate (m3/min)

MAS1 42 0.85 85

MAS2 80 0.9 90

With pressure remaining same and with no work interactions during the mixing process, the enthalpy of the mixed stream is ________________ kJ/kg of dry air. (A) 122 Q.22

(B) 61

(C) 81

(D) 108

Consider the steady flow of air through an insulated nozzle. The pressure and temperature at the inlet are 120 kPa and 320 K, respectively. The outlet pressure is 1 bar. The inlet velocity is very small and the air undergoes a reversible adiabatic process. The outlet velocity, in m/s, is (A) 303.7

(B) 180.7

(C) 5.7

(D) 127.3


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014

Engineering Sciences - XE


Q. 1 – Q. 9 carry one mark each. Q.1

The estimation of the molecular weight of a polymer by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) is based on its (A) polarity (C) adsorption to stationary phase


(B) size (D) crystallinity

Elastomers are characterized by (A) high modulus and high elongation at break (B) high modulus and low elongation at break (C) low modulus and high elongation at break (D) low modulus and low elongation at break


Thermodynamically, two polymers with enthalpy of mixing (∆H) and entropy of mixing (∆S) form a miscible blend at temperature T when (A)



= 0.5T


∆H ∆S



∆H ∆S

= 1.5T


∆H ∆S

= 2T

The tensile strain of a uniformly extending plastic specimen of initial length L0 and extended length L is (A)



�0 �







�−�0 �0

In natural rubber compounding, a peptizer is added (A) at the beginning of the compounding cycle (B) after the addition of filler (C) at the end of the compounding cycle (D) after the addition of antioxidant


A continuous annular product is produced by (A) compression molding (C) blow molding


(B) extrusion (D) injection molding

Relate the three varieties of polyethylene in the left column with their chain structures given in the right column. P. HDPE Q. LDPE R. LLDPE (A) P-1, Q-3, R-2


1. long as well as short branches 2. only short branches 3. no branches (B) P-3, Q-2, R-1

(C) P-2, Q-3, R-1

(D) P-3, Q-1, R-2

Match the following changes observed in the calorimetric analysis of a polymer sample when heat flow (y-axis) is plotted against temperature (x-axis): P. step increase in heat flow Q. exothermic peak R. endothermic peak

1. crystallization 2. melting 3. glass transition

(A) P-1, Q-2, R-3

(C) P-3, Q-1, R-2

(B) P-2, Q-1, R-3

(D) P-3, Q-2, R-1

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.9

Engineering Sciences - XE

A Bingham plastic fluid is flowing under gravity, down a vertical plate, as a film. Find the appropriate match for the fully developed velocity profile of the fluid in the film, from among those shown below. (A)

(B) x �� =0

y film

x air

�� =0





air ��

(D) x �� =0

y film

x air �� =0


y film

air ��

Q. 10 – Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10

Calculate the mass percent of the crystalline phase in a polymer sample of density 975 kg/m3. The density of amorphous phase is 866 kg/m3 and that of the crystalline phase is 996 kg/m3.


Find the rate of initiation (molL-1s-1) of a polymerization reaction using a peroxide initiator with a half life of 0.1 s and efficiency of 70%, if the concentration of the initiator is 0.05 molL-1.


The constitutive equation of a shear thinning polymeric fluid is given by


�0 �̇ 1 + (�̇ ⁄�̇ 0 )

where � represents shear stress (Pa), and �̇ , the corresponding shear rate (s-1). The quantities �0 = 20 Pas and �̇ 0 = 10 s −1 are constants. Find the apparent viscosity of the sample (Pas) when the applied shear rate is 40 s-1.

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.13

Engineering Sciences - XE

Identify the monomer for the polymer shown below prepared by ring opening metathesis polymerization.





(C) Q.14

The most appropriate order of toughness of nylon based materials is (A) talc filled nylon < dry nylon < wet nylon (B) dry nylon < wet nylon < talc filled nylon (C) wet nylon < dry nylon < talc filled nylon (D) wet nylon < talc filled nylon < dry nylon




The shear rates involved in calendering (γ̇ cal), compression molding (γ̇ comp), extrusion (γ̇ ext), and injection molding (γ̇ inj) processes follow the order

(A) γ̇ inj < γ̇ cal < γ̇ ext < γ̇ comp (C) γ̇ comp < γ̇ inj < γ̇ ext < γ̇ cal

(B) γ̇ comp < γ̇ ext < γ̇ cal < γ̇ inj (D) γ̇ comp < γ̇ cal < γ̇ ext < γ̇ inj

The dynamic mechanical response of a thermoplastic automotive component has shown a loss angle of 45° and storage modulus of 3500 MPa. Calculate the loss modulus (MPa) of the component.

Match the terms in Column A with the appropriate terms in Column B: Column A P. processability Q. moisture permeation R. hardness S. fracture toughening (A) P-3; Q-4; R-2; S-1 (C) P-4; Q-3; R-1; S-2

Column B 1. Rockwell scale 2. rubber modification 3. melt flow index 4. Fick's law (B) P-3; Q-4; R-1; S-2 (D) P-4; Q-3; R-2; S-1

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014


Engineering Sciences - XE

Match the following additives for plastics with their respective functions: Additive P. dilaurylthiodipropionate Q. graphite R. antimony trioxide S. carbon fibre (A) P-4; Q-1; R-2; S-3 (C) P-4; Q-1; R-3; S-2


Function 1. solid layer lubricant 2. flame retardant 3. reinforcement 4. antioxidant


(B) P-1; Q-4; R-2; S-3 (D) P-1; Q-4; R-3; S-2

Match the following catalyst/initiator with the type of polymerization reaction: Catalyst/initiator P. butyl lithium Q. TiCl4 + Et3Al R. CuBr S. H2SO4 (A) P-2; Q-1; R-4; S-3 (C) P-3; Q-1; R-4; S-2

Polymerization reaction 1. Ziegler-Natta 2. cationic 3. anionic 4. atom transfer radical polymerization (B) P-2; Q-4; R-1; S-3 (D) P-3; Q-4; R-1; S-2


For AIBN (mol. wt. = 164 gmol-1) initiated free radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate ���� (mol. wt. = 100 gmol-1), where the termination is only by radical coupling, the � � of PMMA is -1 found to be 4636 gmol . Calculate the degree of polymerization.


A polymer solution is made by dissolving 5 g of polymer in 1000 ml of solvent. The flow time of the solvent and that of the polymer solution between two appropriate marks in a viscometer are 40 s and 60 s, respectively. The reduced viscosity (in dLg-1) of the polymer solution is: (A) 0.25


(B) 0.50

(C) 1.0

(D) 1.5

The volume resistivity of a polymeric material is 107 Ωm. Find the resistance (in MΩ) of a cube of the material of side 1 cm. The direction of current flow is as shown in the figure below.



GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014

Engineering Sciences - XE


Q. 1 – Q. 9 carry one mark each. Q.1

The systematic name of sucrose is (A) α-D-Fructofuranosyl (1

2) β -D-Glucopyranoside

(B) α-D-Glucopyranosyl (1

2) β-D-Fructofuranoside

(C) α-D-Glucopyranosyl (2

1) β-D-Fructofuranoside

(D) α-D-Fructofuranosyl ((2 Q.2

A non-hydrolyzable lipid is (A) Lecithin


(B) Arachidic acid

(B) 1.14

(B) Vitamin D

(B) Aspartame

(D) 0.14

(C) Vitamin K

(D) Vitamin E

(C) Sucralose

(D) Cyclamate

The objective of heating milk to about 65°C before homogenization is to inactivate (A) Glucose oxidase


114 CO2 + 110 H2O is

Which of the following non-nutritive sweeteners contains similar calories per gram as that of sucrose? (A) Saccharin


(C) 1.43

(D) Tristearin

Liver necrosis may be caused by the deficiency of (A) Vitamin A


(C) Tocopherol

The respiratory quotient (RQ) for the reaction 2 C57H110O6 + 163 O2 (A) 0.70


1) β-D-Glucopyranoside

(B) Lipases

(C) Lactases

(D) Invertases

Make the correct match of the processes in Column I with the suitable materials/products in Column II Column I

Column II

1) Rendering 2) Hydrogenation 3) Degumming 4) Bleaching

P) Lecithin Q) Fullers’ earth R) Lard S) Margarine

(A) 1-R, 2-P, 3-Q, 4-S

(B) 1-P, 2-Q, 3-S, 4-R

(C) 1-R, 2-P, 3-S, 4-Q

(D) 1-R, 2-S, 3-P, 4-Q

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.8

Engineering Sciences - XE

A fruit juice of viscosity µ and density ρ is agitated using an impeller of diameter D at a speed of N P

revolutions per minute. The terms � = ρ N 3 D 5 , Y =

D2 N ρ , µ


�2� �

represent three process related

numbers, where P is power imparted by impeller and g is acceleration due to gravity. Which of the following is correct representation of these numbers?


(A) X = Power, Y= Froude, Z = Reynolds

(B) X = Power, Y = Reynolds, Z = Froude

(C) X = Froude, Y= Reynolds, Z = Power

(D) X = Reynolds, Y = Power, Z = Froude

The energy required to reduce the size of a food material from a mean diameter of 12 mm to 4 mm is 10 kJ kg-1. From Rittingers’ law, the energy needed to reduce the same material from a diameter of 1.2 mm to 0.4 mm in kJ kg-1 is __________

Q. 10 – Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10


Saccharomyces cerevisiae (mean doubling time 3.2 h) is grown in a batch fermenter with an operating volume of 12 m3. A 2% (v/v) inoculum, which contains 5 kg cells per 100 m3 is mixed with the substrate. The residence time in the fermenter is 24 h and the density of broth is 1010 kg m-3. The mass of S. cerevisiae obtained from the fermenter, in kg, is ________ Make the correct combination of operations in Column I with the machines in Column II Column I 1) Rice milling 2) Wheat milling 3) Mustard oil expelling 4) Pepper grinding


Column II P) Pin mill Q) Rubber rolls R) Break rolls S) Screw press

(A) 1-Q, 2-R, 3-S, 4-P

(B) 1-R, 2- Q, 3-S, 4-P

(C) 1-Q, 2-P, 3-S, 4-R

(D) 1-Q, 2-R, 3- P, 4- S

The correct order for D121 values of the spores of food spoilage bacteria in aqueous medium is (A) B. stearothermophilus > C. sporogenes > C. botulinum type A > B. coagulans (B) C. sporogenes > B. stearothermophilus > C. botulinum type A > B .coagulans (C) C. botulinum type A > B. stearothermophilus > C. sporogenes > B. coagulans (D) B. stearothermophilus > C. botulinum type A > C. sporogenes > B. coagulans


Make the correct combination of pigments/microorganisms in Column I with the process/ products in Column II Column I 1) Anthocyanin 2) Chlorophyll 3) Bacillus subtilis 4) Aspergillus oryzae

Column II P) Ropiness Q) Koji R) Glycosides S) Porphyrins

(A) 1-S, 2- R, 3-P, 4-Q

(B) 1-R, 2-S, 3-Q, 4- P

(C) 1-Q, 2-S, 3-P, 4-R

(D) 1-R, 2-S, 3-P, 4-Q

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 Q.14

Engineering Sciences - XE

Make the correct combination of underlying principles in Column I with the processes in Column II Column I 1) Carbonyl derivatives react with free amino acids to yield aldehydes 2) Starch aggregates and forms micro-crystals 3) Starch granules swell and leach amylose 4) Pyranose or furanose rings open up by pyrolytic reactions to form furfural derivatives


Column II P) Gelatinization Q) Strecker degradation R) Caramelization S) Retrogradation

(A) 1-Q, 2-R, 3-P, 4- S

(B) 1-Q, 2-S, 3-P, 4-R

(C) 1-R, 2-S, 3-P, 4- Q

(D) 1-Q, 2-P, 3- S, 4-R

Which one of the following statements is FASLE? (A) The peptide bond is planar offering restricted rotation around its axis. (B) Full range of water activity is 0 ≤ aw ≤ 1 and it has well defined unit. (C) The autooxidation of lipids proceeds via free radical mechanism. (D) The carbonyl group of sugar reacts with nucleophilic amino group of amino acids in Amadori rearrangement.


Which one of the following statements is TRUE? (A) Pectate lyase hydrolyzes methyl ester bond of pectin. (B) α-Solanine is a non-toxic compound found in solanaceae plants. (C) Egg proteins have lower digestibility than pea proteins. (D) Lipoxygenase catalyses the conversion of cis, cis-1,4-pentadiene to hydroperoxides.


Fish fillet having 84% moisture (wet basis) is frozen from top using an air blast freezer maintained at −32°C. The initial temperature of the fillet (density 1050 kg m-3) is −2°C (freezing point). Convective heat transfer coefficient of air is 25 Wm-2 K-1, thermal conductivity of frozen fish is 1.0 Wm-1K-1 and latent heat of crystallization is 340 kJ kg-1. The freezing time, in min, for a 20 mm thick block of fish fillet weighing 1 kg is __________


Make the correct combination of properties in Column I with their dimensions in Column II Column I 1) Dynamic viscosity 2) Thermal conductivity 3) Specific heat 4) Force

Column II P) m2 s-2 K-1 Q) kg m s-2 R) kg m-1 s-1 S) kg m s-3 K-1

(A) 1-R, 2-S, 3-Q, 4- P

(B) 1- Q, 2-S, 3-P, 4- R

(C) 1-R, 2-S, 3-P, 4-Q

(D) 1- S, 2-R, 3-P, 4-Q

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014


The viscosity and density of a fruit juice at 21°C are 6.3 x 10-3 Pa s and 1029 kg m-3, respectively. The juice flows at the rate of 0.12 m3 min-1 in a 2.54 cm inner diameter steel pipe. Correct combination of the Reynolds number (NRe) and the nature of flow of juice is (A) NRe = 1048, Laminar

(B) NRe = 2056, Laminar

(C) NRe = 16375, Turbulent

(D) NRe = 28656, Turbulent

For a typical food sorption isotherm curve (Figure 1), which one of the following statements is CORRECT ? 30 Equilibrium moisture content (%)


Engineering Sciences - XE



20 15 10 B A

5 0 0.0






Water activity

Figure 1: Food sorption isotherm curve (A) Y-coordinate of A represents monolayer water content of food, A-B represents water absorbed in the multilayer within the food and B-C represents free water within the capillary network of the food. (B) Y-coordinate of B represents monolayer water content of food, A-B represents water absorbed in the multilayer within the food and B-C represents free water within the capillary network of the food. (C) Y-coordinate of A represents monolayer water content of food, Y-coordinate of B represents water absorbed in the multilayer within the food and B-C represents free water within the capillary network of the food. (D) Y-coordinate of A represents monolayer water content of food, A-C represents water absorbed in the multilayer within the food and Y-coordinate of C represents free water within the capillary network of the food.

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014

Engineering Sciences - XE


10,000 kg milk (7% fat) is passed through a cream separator to obtain cream (40% fat) and skim milk (0.1 % fat). The cream, thus obtained, is churned to make butter of 80.5% fat. If a loss of 0.5% of initial milk fat occurs during the manufacturing process, the % overrun is _________________


A 50 mm thick pack of farm fresh berries is cooled at one side from 24°C to 7°C. The relevant properties of berries are: density 1025 kg m-3, specific heat 3.78 kJ kg-1K-1, convective heat transfer coefficient 30 Wm-2K-1, and thermal conductivity 0.3 Wm-1 K-1. The Fourier number for a cooling span of 30 min is ________________


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2014 - Answer Keys General Aptitude - GA Q. No. 1 2 3 4

Key / Range A B D C

Q. No. 5 6 7 8

Key / Range 1300 to 1300 D B 180 to 180

Q. No. 9 10

Key / Range D B

Q. No. 9 10 11

Key / Range 24 to 24 2 to 2 D

Key / Range 8 to 8 47.52 to 48.50 0.145 to 0.155 D C 4.8 to 5.2

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - A) Q. No. 1 2 3 4

Key / Range 2 to 2 C A B

Q. No. 5 6 7 8

Key / Range 1 to 1 C B B

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - B) Q. No. 1 2

Key / Range 7 to 7 A

Q. No. 9 10

Key / Range C A

Q. No. 17 18






4 5 6

3 to 3 B B

12 13 14

20 21 22

7 8

0.48 to 0.52 C

15 16

C A 17.55 to 17.75 2033 to 2036 B

________________________________________________________________ GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - C) Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Key / Range C A C D C D B A

Q. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Key / Range B 5555 to 5556 91 to 92 48 to 49 B 0.29 to 0.31 C A

Q. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22

Key / Range D 0.47 to 0.49 D 0.24 to 0.26 40 to 41 115 to 120

Key / Range 110.3 to 110.5 A A D B 169.3 to 169.4

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - D) Q. No. 1

Q. No. 9

Key / Range A

Q. No. 17

2 3 4 5 6

Key / Range 12.20 to 12.22 5.3 to 5.4 A C C 0 to 0

10 11 12 13 14

19.1 to 19.3 B 1.14 to 1.16 A B

18 19 20 21 22

7 8


15 16


Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - E) Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Key / Range B C A C D A C A

Q. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Key / Range B D D C A C B B

Q. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22

Key / Range D A A A B B

________________________________________________________________ GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - F) Q. No. 1 2

Key / Range B C

Q. No. 9 10

3 4 5 6 7 8


11 12 13 14 15 16

Key / Range C 85.15 to 86.15 0.48 to 0.50 4 to 4 B A D 3500 to 3500

Q. No. 17 18

Key / Range B A

19 20 21 22

C 45 to 45 C 1000 to 1000

Q. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22

Key / Range 74 to 76 C C A 22.0 to 22.2 0.055 to 0.057

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - G) Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Key / Range B C A D B B

Q. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14

Key / Range 100 to 100 2.1 to 2.2 A A D B

7 8


15 16


________________________________________________________________ GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013 Solved Paper XE : ENGINEERING SCIENCES Duration: Three Hours

Maximum Marks:100

Paper specific instructions: 1. There are a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks. The question paper consists of questions of multiple choice type and numerical answer type. Multiple choice type questions will have four choices for the answer with only one correct choice. For numerical answer type questions, the answer is a number and no choices will be given. A number as the answer should be entered using the virtual keyboard on the monitor. 2. There are Eight sections: GA (General Aptitude), A (Engineering Mathematics), B (Fluid Mechanics), C (Materials Science), D (Solid Mechanics), E (Thermodynamics), F (Polymer Science & Engineering) and G (Food Technology). 3. Section GA (General Aptitude) and Section A (Engineering Mathematics) are compulsory. Attempt any two optional Sections B through G. 4. There are 10 questions carrying 15 marks in General Aptitude (GA) section, which is compulsory. Questions Q.1 – Q.5 carry 1 mark each, and questions Q.6 – Q.10 carry 2 marks each. 5. There are 11 questions carrying 15 marks in Section A (Engineering Mathematics), which is compulsory. Questions Q.1 - Q.7 carry 1 mark each and questions Q.8- Q.11 carry 2 marks each. 6. Each of the other sections (Sections B through G) contains 22 questions carrying 35 marks. Questions Q.1 - Q.9 carry 1 mark each and questions Q.10 - Q.22 carry 2 marks each. The 2 marks questions include two pairs of common data questions and one pair of linked answer questions. The answer to the second question of the linked answer questions depends on the answer to the first question of the pair. If the first question in the linked pair is wrongly answered or is not attempted, then the answer to the second question in the pair will not be evaluated 7. Questions not attempted will result in zero mark. Wrong answers for multiple choice type questions will result in NEGATIVE marks. For all 1 mark questions, ⅓ mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. For all 2 marks questions, ⅔ mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. However, in the case of the linked answer question pair, there will be negative marks only for wrong answer to the first question and no negative marks for wrong answer to the second question. There is no negative marking for questions of numerical answer type. 8. Calculator is allowed. Charts, graph sheets or tables are NOT allowed in the examination hall. 9. Do the rough work in the Scribble Pad provided.

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

General Aptitude - GA

General Aptitude (GA) Questions Q. 1 – Q. 5 carry one mark each. Q.1

If 3 ≤ ≤ 5 and 8 ≤ ≤ 11 then which of the following options is TRUE?

(A) (B) (C)

(D) Q.2

≤ ≤

≤ ≤ ≤ ≤

≤ ≤

The Headmaster ___________ to speak to you. Which of the following options is incorrect to complete the above sentence? (A) is wanting (B) wants (C) want (D) was wanting


Mahatama Gandhi was known for his humility as (A) he played an important role in humiliating exit of British from India. (B) he worked for humanitarian causes. (C) he displayed modesty in his interactions. (D) he was a fine human being.


All engineering students should learn mechanics, mathematics and how to do computation. I II III IV Which of the above underlined parts of the sentence is not appropriate? (A) I


(B) II


(D) IV

Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the pair: water: pipe:: (A) cart: road (C) sea: beach

(B) electricity: wire (D) music: instrument

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

General Aptitude - GA

Q. 6 to Q. 10 carry two marks each. Q.6


Velocity of an object fired directly in upward direction is given by = 80 − 32 , where is in seconds. When will the velocity be between 32 m/sec and 64 m/sec?

(A) (1, 3/2)

(B) (1/2, 1)

(C) (1/2, 3/2)

(D) (1, 3)


In a factory, two machines M1 and M2 manufacture 60% and 40% of the autocomponents respectively. Out of the total production, 2% of M1 and 3% of M2 are found to be defective. If a randomly drawn autocomponent from the combined lot is found defective, what is the probability that it was manufactured by M2? (A) 0.35


(B) 0.45

(C) 0.5

(D) 0.4

Following table gives data on tourists from different countries visiting India in the year 2011. Country USA England Germany Italy Japan Australia France

Number of Tourists 2000 3500 1200 1100 2400 2300 1000

Which two countries contributed to the one third of the total number of tourists who visited India in 2011?

(A) USA and Japan (B) USA and Australia (C) England and France (D) Japan and Australia Q.9

If | −2 + 9| = 3 then the possible value of | − | −

(A) 30 Q.10

(B) -30

(C) -42

would be: (D) 42

All professors are researchers Some scientists are professors Which of the given conclusions is logically valid and is inferred from the above arguments: (A) All scientists are researchers (B) All professors are scientists (C) Some researchers are scientists (D) No conclusion follows GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

A: ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Q. 1 – Q. 7 carry one mark each. Q.1

The value of the integral




(C) − √






= 0


− +

= 0


= 0

The Fourier series of the periodic function ( ) = | | , −1 < is given by

< 1,

− ∑∞= 1 1 2

( + 2) = ( ) ,

4 cos( 2 −1 ) 2

( 2 −1)






Consider the function ( ) =



Є ℂ. At



Using the above, the sum of the infinite series 1 +



Which one of the following partial differential equations CAN NOT be reduced to two ordinary differential equations by the method of separation of variables? (A)



(B) √



+ . . . is (D)

= 0, the function

(A) does not satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations (B) satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations but is not differentiable (C) is differentiable but not analytic (D) is analytic

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013 Q.5

Engineering Sciences - XE

The integral

( (

) )(

along the contour : | − ( 1 + ) | = 2, oriented anti-


clockwise, is equal to (A) 0



The integral ∫ ∫










If the mean and variance of a binomial distribution are 6 and 2 respectively, then the probability of two failures is (A) 4



(B) 4

(C) 17

(D) 17

Q. 8 - Q. 11 carry two marks each. Q.8

For the matrix

1 = 0 1

0 1 1

−1 −1 , consider the following statements: −2

(P) The characteristic equation of is does not exist. (Q) (R) The matrix is diagonalizable.

= 0.

Which of the above statements are true?

(A) P, Q and R (C) P and Q but not R


(B) P and R but not Q (D) Q and R but not P

The work done by the force ⃗ = ( +

) ̂ + (


) ̂ in moving a particle once

along the triangle with vertices ( 0,0 ) , ( 1,0 ) and ( 0,1) in the anti-clockwise direction is (A) 0

(B) 1/6

(C) 1/3

(D) 5/3

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013 Q.10

Engineering Sciences - XE

The general solution of the differential equation






(B) (D) Q.11






/ / / /




= 0, > 0

+ +





sin √


√ √

Using Euler’s method to solve the differential equation

= 2 cos

− ,

( 0) = 1

with step-size ℎ = 0.25, the value of ( 0.5 ) is

(A) 1.3125

(B) 1.1875

(C) 1.125

(D) 1.0625


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

B:FLUID MECHANICS Q. 1 – Q. 9 carry one mark each. Q.1

The gauge pressure inside a soap bubble of radius , with between the soap solution and air, is. (A)




denoting the surface tension (D)

Let , and represent respectively the metacentre, centre of buoyancy and the centre of mass of a floating buoy. Which of the following statements is correct? (A) (C)

is above ; Buoy unstable is above ; Buoy stable

(B) is above ; Buoy stable (D) is above ; Buoy unstable


A reservoir connected to a pipe line is being filled with water, as shown in the Figure. At any time t, the free surface level in the reservoir is h. Find the time in seconds for the reservoir to get filled up to a height of 1 m, if the initial level is 0.2 m. _________


Bernoulli’s equation is valid for the following type of flow: (A)Compressible, steady, inviscid (C)Compressible, unsteady, viscous


If is the area of a circle of radius enclosing a plane forced vortex flow, with origin at the centre of the vortex and if ω is the angular velocity, ζ is the vorticity, ⃗ is the velocity vector, then the circulation around the contour of the circle is given by

(A) 2 Q.6

(B) 2ζ

(C) 2 ⃗

(D) 0

Flow past a circular cylinder can be produced by superposition of the following elementary potential flows: (A)Uniform flow, doublet (C)Source, vortex


(B)Incompressible, steady, viscous (D)Incompressible, steady, inviscid

(B)Uniform flow, vortex (D)Sink, vortex

Let δ, δ1 and δ2 denote respectively the boundary-layer thickness, displacement thickness and the momentum thickness for laminar boundary layer flow of an incompressible fluid over a flat plate. The correct relation among these quantities is (A) δ < δ1< δ2

(B) δ > δ1> δ2

(C) δ > δ1< δ2

(D) δ < δ1> δ2

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013 Q.8

Engineering Sciences - XE

In the hydrodynamic entry region of a circular duct, the pressure forces balance the sum of (A)viscous and buoyancy forces (C)inertia and surface tension forces


(B)inertia and buoyancy forces (D)inertia and viscous forces

Bodies with various cross-sectional shapes subjected to cross-flow of air are shown in the following figures. The characteristic dimension of all the shapes is the same. The crosssectional shape with the largest coefficient of drag (i.e. sum of the pressure and skinfriction drags), at any moderately large Reynolds number, is (A)




Q. 10 - Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10

A U-tube of a very small bore, with its limbs in a vertical plane and filled with a liquid of density ρ, up to a height of h, is rotated about a vertical axis, with an angular velocity of ω, as shown in the Figure. The radius of each limb from the axis of rotation is R. Let pa be the atmospheric pressure and g, the gravitational acceleration. The angular velocity at which the pressure at the point O becomes half of the atmospheric pressure is given by







GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013 Q.11

Engineering Sciences - XE

An incompressible fluid at a pressure of 150 kPa (absolute) flows steadily through a twodimensional channel with a velocity of 5 m/s as shown in the Figure. The channel has a 90o bend. The fluid leaves the channel with a pressure of 100 kPa (absolute) and linearlyvarying velocity profile. vmax is four times vmin. The density of the fluid is 914.3 kg/m3. The velocity vmin, in m/s, is

(A) 25 Q.12

(B) 2.5

(D) 0.2

The velocity vector corresponding to a flow field is given, with usual notation, by ⃗ = 3 ̂ + 4 ̂. The magnitude of rotation at the point (2,2) in rad/s is

(A) 0.75 Q.13

(C) 2.0

(B) 1.33

(C) 2

(D) 4

The stream function for a potential flow field is given by ψ = potential function, assuming zero potential at the origin, is



(B) 2



. The corresponding −


Fully developed flow of an oil takes place in a pipe of inner diameter 50 mm. The pressure drop per metre length of the pipe is 2 kPa. Determine the shear stress, in Pa, at the pipe wall. __________


The Darcy friction factor for a smooth pipe is given by = 64/ Re for laminar flow and by = 0.3/ Re . for turbulent flow, where Re is the Reynolds number based on the diameter. For fully developed flow of a fluid of density 1000 kg/m3 and dynamic viscosity 0.001 Pa.s through a smooth pipe of diameter 10 mm with a velocity of 1 m/s, determine the Darcy friction factor. _________


Air flows steadily through a channel. The stagnation and static pressures at a point in the flow are measured by a Pitot tube and a wall pressure tap, respectively. The pressure difference is found to be 20 mm Hg. The densities of air, water and mercury, in kg/m3, are 1.18, 1000 and 13600, respectively. The gravitational acceleration is 9.81 m/s2. Determine the air speed in m/s. _____________

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 17 and 18:

The velocity field within a laminar boundary layer is given by the expression:

where Q.17




= 100 m1/2 and the free stream velocity





= 0.1 m/s.

Calculate the x-direction component of the acceleration in m/s2 at the point = 50 mm. _________ Find the slope of the streamline passing through the point

Common Data for Questions 19 and 20:

= 0.5 m and

= 0.5 m and = 50mm. ____

The wave and eddy resistance of a sea-going vessel, 96 m in length, driven at a velocity of 12 m/s, is to be determined. For this purpose, a 1/16 th scale model is employed in fresh water and the -4 coefficient of resistance w eof the model is found to be 1.47×10 . The quantity w e is defined as / 2) , where w e is the wave and eddy resistance, is the density, is the velocity and w e/ ( is the characteristic length. The density of sea water is 1026 kg/m3. Q.19

The velocity in m/s, at which the model is towed, is (A)0.75





(C) 26.9

(D) 100.1

The resistance of the prototype, in kN, is (A) 6

(B) 25

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

Linked Answer Questions Statement for Linked Answer Questions 21 and 22:

Water enters a symmetric forked pipe and discharges into atmosphere through the two branches as shown in the Figure. The cross-sectional area of section-1 is 0.2 m2 and the velocity across section-1 is 3 m/s. The density of water may be taken as 1000 kg/m3. The viscous effects and elevation changes may be neglected.


The gauge pressure at section-1, in kPa, is (A)0.6





The magnitude of the force, in kN, required to hold the pipe in place, is (A) 2.7

(B) 5.4

(C) 19

(D) 27


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

C:MATERIALS SCIENCE Useful Data: Avogadro’s Number Boltzmann’s constant, k Electron Charge, e Electron rest mass, mo Gas Constant, R Free Space Permittivity, o Free Space magnetic permeability, o Speed of light, c Planck’s constant, h Bohr Magneton, b

: : : : : : : : : :

6.023 x 1023 mol-1 1.38 x 10-23 J.K-1 1.6 x 10-19 C 9.1 x 10-31 kg 8.314 J.mol-1K-1 8.854 x 10-12 F.m-1 4 x 10-7 H.m-1 3 x 108 m.s-1 6.63 x 10-34 J.s-1 9.27 x 10-24 A m2

1 eV = 1.6 x 10-19 J 1 calorie = 4.2 J

Q. 1 – Q. 9 carry one mark each. Q.1

As temperature increases, diffusivity of an atom in a solid material, (A) increases (C) remains constant


(B) decreases (D) depends on the specific material

Which of the following is NOT correct? (A)Dislocations are thermodynamically unstable defects. (B)Dislocations can move inside a crystal under the action of an applied stress. (C)Screw dislocations can change the slip plane without climb (D)Burger’s vector of an edge dislocation is parallel to the dislocation line.


At a constant atmospheric pressure, the number of phases, P which coexist in a chosen system at equilibrium, is related to the number of components, C in the system and the degree of freedom, F by (A) P+F=C-2 (C) P+F=C+1


Which one of the following metals is commonly alloyed with iron to improve its corrosion resistance? (A) Co


(B) Cr

(C) Ti

(D) Nb

The number of slip systems in a metal with FCC crystal structureis (A) 4


(B) P+F=C+2 (D) P+F=C-1

(B) 6

(C) 8

(D) 12

Upon recrystallization of a cold worked metal, (A) strength increases and ductility decreases (B)strength decreases but ductility increases (C)both strength and ductility increase (D)both strength and ductility decrease

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013 Q.7

Engineering Sciences - XE

In carbon fiber reinforced resin composites, for a given fiber volume content, Young’s modulus depends on the orientation of the fiber with respect to the applied load. Which orientation of the fibers will give the maximum value of Young’s modulus? (A)transverse (C)random


(B)longitudinal (D)both transverse and longitudinal

Vulcanization is related to (A)strengthening of rubber (C)injection moulding


(B)extrusion (D)addition polymerisation

Which one of the following oxides crystallizes into fluorite structure? (A) UO2

(B) MgO

(C) BaTiO3

(D) MgAl2O4

Q. 10 - Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10

Match the conventional ceramic materials listed in Column I with their respective common applications in Column II Column I P. Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) Q. Zinc Oxide (ZnO) R. Silicon Carbide (SiC) S. Zirconia (ZrO2)

Column II 1. cutting tool 2. thermal barrier coating 3. actuator 4. varistor 5. super conductor

(A) P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-5 (C) P-2, Q-1, R-5, S-3 Q.11

(B) P-3, Q-2, R-1, S-5 (D)P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

Match the terminologies given in Column Iwith theirrelations listed in Column II Column I P. domain wall Q. Fick’s law R. Matthiessen’s rule S. Hall-Petch relation T. Meissner effect

Column II 1. superconductors 2. mechanical properties 3. ferromagnetic materials 4. resistivity of impure metals 5. diffusion

(A) P-1, Q-3, R-5, S-2, T-4 (C) P-3, Q- 5, R-4, S-2, T-1 Q.12

(B) P-3, Q-5, R-2, S-4, T-1 (D) P-3, Q-4, R-3, S-2, T-4

Match the microscopes listed in Column I with their principle of operation listed in Column II Column I P. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Q. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) R. Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM) S. Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)

(A) P-2, Q-5, R-3, S-1 (C) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1

Column II 1. van der Waals forces between atoms 2. electrons to jump across a potential barrier 3. diffraction of electrons 4. detection of secondary electrons 5. photo emission of electrons (B)P-3, Q-4, R-5, S-2 (D)P-4, Q-3, R-5, S-2

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE


X-rays of unknown wavelength are diffracted by an FCC metal with a lattice parameter of 0.352 nm. The measured ‘2’ angle for the {200} peak is 61.08. Calculate the wavelength of the Xray used, in nm. ___________


A metal with HCP crystal structure has lattice constants a = 0.30 nm and c = 0.56 nm. Determine the volume of the unit cell of this metal, in nm3. _________


The band gap of a semiconducting material used to make an LED is 1.43 eV. What will be the minimum wavelength ofthe radiation emitted by this LED, in µm? __________


For automatic control of household electric water heater a relay switch is activated by thermal expansion of a brass rod of length 50 cm as shown in the schematic below. The distance between the rod and the lever, x, is adjusted by moving the base of the rod. As the water gets heated the rod expands and as soon as the rod touches the lever, the circuit is broken disconnecting the heater from the power supply. Find the distance, x, in mm, to be set at water temperature of 20oC such that the circuit is broken at 70oC. The coefficient of linear thermal expansion of brass is 20 x 10-6 oC-1 ______________ 230 V, AC x

Brass Rod

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 17 and 18: From tensile test of a particular alloy the following values were obtained. The material exhibits linear work hardening as shown in the figure given below.

Stress, GPa Strain, %

At Yield 0.7 1

At Fracture 0.8 4


Stress, GPa

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0






Strain, % Q.17

If the cylindrical specimen had a dimension of diameter 10 mm and length 50 mm, find the length of the specimen at the yield point, in mm. ___________


Find the toughness of the material, in M J m-3. ____________

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

Common Data for Questions 19 and 20: An isomorphous alloy system contains 47 wt% of A and 53 wt % of B and is at 1300 C. Referring to the figure given below, answer the following:


Temperature, oC



1300 1200 Solid 1100 1000 0


100% A









Weight Percentage of B, %


What is the weight percentage of A in solid phase at this temperature? ___________


What weight percentage of this alloy is liquid? __________

100 100% B

Linked Answer Questions Statement for Linked Answer Questions 21 and 22: A stress of 10 MPa is applied to an elastomer to generate a strain of 50%. The strain is held constant at this value. After 40 days at 20OC, the stress decreases to 5 MPa. Q.21

What is the relaxation time constant for this material? ___________


What will be the stress after 60 days at 20OC? ______________


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE D :SOLID MECHANICS

Q. 1 – Q. 9 carry one mark each. Q.1

At a point in a body subjected to plane stress, the state of stress is as shown in the Figure. One of the principal stresses is 180 MPa. Find the unknown shear stress τ (in MPa). __________


A point in a body is subjected to a hydrostatic pressure of 100 MPa. Find the maximum shear stress at this point in MPa. ___________


A circular shaft of diameter 10 mm and length 3m is subjected to a torque of T = π N-m at a location 2m away from the fixed end as shown in the Figure. Find out the angle of twist (in radians) at the free end. Shear modulus of the material of the shaft is 10 GPa. ___________





A rigid massless rod ABC is hinged at A and carries a point mass M (in kg) at C. Point B is connected to a linear spring with spring constant k (in N/m) as shown in the figure. The length AB and AC area and L, respectively. Neglecting the effect of gravity, the natural frequency of this spring-mass system in rad/s is






a A





GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013


Engineering Sciences - XE

A two bar truss is shown in the Figure. The cross-sectional area and Young’s modulus of bar 1 are 0.02 m2 and 200GPa, respectively. The cross-sectional area and Young’s modulus of bar 2 are 0.01 m2and 80GPa, respectively. The force F applied on the truss is 2 N. Find out the stress developed in bar 2 in Pa. ___________

2 1 0






A spring balance reads 10 kg in a lift when the lift is stationary. When the lift starts moving with a constant acceleration, the new reading is 12.3 kg. If the upward acceleration is considered positive, what is the acceleration of the lift? Acceleration due to gravity may be taken as 10 m/s2downwards.______________


A force F = 2 N is applied on a block of mass M = 0.5 kg as shown in the figure. The block is constrained to move along the horizontal direction in a guideway. Find out the distance (in meters) travelled by the block in 2 s starting from rest. Neglect any friction between the block and the guideway. ____________





GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013


Engineering Sciences - XE

A man of mass 50 kg is walking on a long wooden board of mass 200 kg (as shown in the Figure). The wooden board is initially at rest on a frictionless ice surface. If the man walks with a velocityof V =1 m/s in the positive x direction relative to the wooden board, find the velocity of the board in m/s. Velocity is positive in the positive x direction. _____________


Wooden board


Ice surface

x Q.9

A rigid bar AB is hinged at B through a torsional spring with spring constant rotations of the bar AB about B, the critical load Pcr is given by



kt B (A)




GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by


For small

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

Q. 10 - Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10

A disk of mass M= 14kg and radius 1 m is attached to a spring which has a stiffness k = 75 N/m and an unstretched length of 1m. If the disk is released from rest in the position shown in the Figure and the disk rolls without slipping, find its angular velocity (in rad/s) at the instant the center of mass is displaced by 3 m. ______________






A strain gauge is mounted on the outer surface of a thin cylindrical pressure vessel in the circumferential direction. The mean diameter and thickness of the cylinder are 4.0 m and 20 mm, respectively. Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the material of the cylinder are 200 GPa and 0.25, respectively. Find the pressure in MPa inside the cylindrical vessel when the strain gauge indicates a strain of 7.0x 10-4. ____________


A solid shaft of diameter 100 mm is rotating at a constant angular speed of (10/ π) rad/s. The shaft carries three rigid pulleys A, B and C as shown in the Figure. Pulley B is connected to a motor supplying 10kW power. Pulley B and C are connected to two pumps consuming 5kW each. Find the maximum shear stress (in MPa) in the shaft due to torsion alone. __________




GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013 Q.13

Engineering Sciences - XE

A beam is fixed at the left end and supported by a spring at the other end. The length of the beam is


L and its flexural rigidity is EI. The spring constant of the spring is

. A vertical

downward load P is applied at the right end. The deflection of the point under the load P is

P EI L k






Find the maximum bending moment (magnitude wise) in kN-m for the beam shown in the Figure. ______

40 kN 20 kN B




2.5 m



GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013 Q.15

Engineering Sciences - XE

A projectile is fired with a velocity V= 3√2 m/s from a point at height H = 0.8 m at an angle of 450 with respect to the horizontal direction as shown in the Figure. Find the horizontal distance S in meters travelled by the projectile when it hits the ground. Take acceleration due to gravity as10 m/ s2. __________

v o 45


S Q.16

A particle P is moving on a circular path of radius r = 1m. The angular location of the particle is measured as shown in the Figure. The motion of the particle is described by = 2 sin ( ) . Find the magnitude of the total acceleration (in m/s2) of the particle at time t = π/3 seconds. _________ 

Arc of a circle




q x

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 17 and 18 A frame ABC is shown in the Figure. Members AB and BC both have a length of L, and Young’s modulus E. Members AB and BC both have a square cross-section of side a. A load P is applied at point C as shown in the figure. P

B 90





Neglecting the axial compression of member AB, the deflection of point C in the direction of the load is (A)




The maximum bending stress in the frame is (A)





Common Data for Questions 19 and 20 At a point in an object subjected to plane stress conditions, the state of stress is as shown in the Figure.

40 M Pa 40 M Pa


100 M Pa



100 M Pa


40 M Pa 40 M Pa Q.19

One of the principal stresses(in MPa) is (A)40 (B) 80


The normal stress on the plane AB (in MPa) is (A) 30

(B) 70

(C) 120

(D) 140

(C) 100

(D) 110

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

Linked Answer Questions Statement for linked answer questions 21 and 22 Two rods are joined together and the entire assembly is supported between two rigid walls, as shown in the Figure. The cross-sectional area and Young’s modulus for both the rods are 0.01 m2 and 10 GPa, respectively. The coefficients of thermal expansion for the two rods are α1= 4 × 10-6 /0C and α2 = 10-6 /0C, respectively. The entire assembly is heated by 1000 C. Neglect the effect of Poisson’s ratio.





The stress in rod 1 (in MPa) is (A) -4.0



(B) -3.0



(D) -1.0

Considering the displacement to the right as positive, the displacement (in mm) of the interface between the two rods is (A)-0.2

(B) -0.1

(C) 0.1

(D) 0.2


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

E:THERMODYNAMICS Notation used: p-pressure, V- volume, T-temperature, S- entropy, H- enthalpy, U- internal energy G- Gibbs free energy. Specific properties are designated by lower case symbols. Useful data: Universal gas constant (R)= 8.314 J/mol K Acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2 Molecular masses in kg/kmol: Mair = 29, Mnitrogen=28, Mwater=18, Mhelium=4 Ratio of ideal gas specific heats :ai=1.4 cpfor water = 4.186 kJ/kg K Vapour pressure equation for water in the temperature range of5 to100 oC , with p in kPa and T in K ln( ) = 18.558 −


Q. 1 – Q. 9carry one mark each. Q.1

The measured temperature of a system is 30oC.Its exact absolute temperature in K is (A) 303.00



(C) 303.15

(D) 303.16

The fuel air mixture in a pertrol engine is ignited with a spark plug at the end of compression stroke. This process (A)increases the entropy of the fuel air mixture but decreases the entropy of the spark plug (B)decreases the entropy of the fuel air mixture but increases the entropy of the spark plug (C)decreases the entropy of the fuel air mixture and of the spark plug (D)increases the entropy of the fuel air mixture and of the spark plug


In the van der Waals equation of state given below: ( +

The constant a represents the effect of

)( − ) =

(A)attractive forces between molecules (B) repulsive forces between molecules (C)deviation from molecules being spherical (D)finite size of the molecule Q.4

For a reversible isothermal expansion of an ideal gas from a state 1 to a state 2, (A)s1=s2


(B) s1>s2

(C) s1h2

(B) a minimum (D) a discontinuity

For an ideal gas as a working fluid for a given heat input Q, the process that gives the maximum work among the following four processes is (A) isothermal

(B) constant volume

(C) constant pressure

(D) isentropic

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013 Q.7

Engineering Sciences - XE

An air standard Otto cycle has the following shape on a thermodynamic property plane.


x The x and y coordinates, respectively, are (A) v and p Q.8


(B) s and v

(C) v and T

(D) s and p

The specific volume of steam after expansion in a turbine is 12 m3/kg. At this pressure the saturated liquid and saturated vapour specific volumes are 0.001 and 15.25 m3/kg respectively. What is the dryness fraction to second decimal place accuracy? _________ Which of the following processes, shown in the figure below, represents the throttling of an ideal gas? 1



3 5


S ((A) 1to2

(B) 1to 3

(C) 1to 4

(D) 1to 5

Q. 10 - Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10

On a ln pvsh coordinate system, where ln p is the y-coordinate and h is the x coordinate, the slope of a constant entropy line is (A) 1/v


(B) v

(C) p/v

(D) 1/(pv)

Starting from the definition of Gibbs free energy function g=h-Ts, the Maxwell relation that can be derived is (A)





= −


= −

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013 Q.12

Engineering Sciences - XE

A thermodynamic cycle operates between one source at a temperature of 600 K, another source at a temperature of 300 K and a sink at a temperature T as shown in the figure below

600 K

1 kJ


1 kJ 300 K

If the First and Second laws of thermodynamics are not violated, what should be the value of T in K? _____________


A closed system containing an ideal gas undergoes a cycle as shown in the figure shown below. For the process1-2, which one of the following statements is true? 2p




1 v/2


(A) Heat added =

(B) Heat rejected =

(C) Heat added =

(D) Heat rejected =

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013 Q.14

Engineering Sciences - XE

A well-insulated rigid hot water tank receives steady flow of water from two sources as shown in the figure below 1 kg/ s at 80 oC

5 kg/ s at 50 oC

Back-up heater

at 60 oC There is no accumulation of water in the tank. A back-up heater is provided to ensure a constant outflow temperature of water at 60 oC from the tank under steady state. What is the required capacity of the back-up heater to the nearest kW? __________ Q.15

1 kg of air in an insulated rigid tank of volume 1 m3is churned with a friction-less fan (see figure below) of 600 W capacity for 10 minutes. The fan efficiency is 100 %. Treating air as an ideal gas and neglecting kinetic and potential energy changes, what is the increase of pressure, to the nearest kPa? _________

600 W


The isothermal compressibility of a liquid is 5 × 10-6 /kPa. If it is compressed at constant temperature from 5000 to 10000kPa, what is the ratio of final volume to initial volume, to second decimal place accuracy? ____________

Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 17 and 18: At a location where the atmospheric pressure is 98 kPa and the ambient temperature is 30oC, the humidity ratio is 0.01 kg/kg of dry air. A high pressure front moves over the location which changes only the atmospheric pressure to 102kPa,while the humidity ratio remains same. Q.17

What is the partial pressure of water vapour in kPa to the first decimal place accuracy before the high pressure front moves in? ____________


What is the relative humidity of air under the influence of high pressure front to integer precision in %? _____

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

Common Data for Questions 19 and 20: A rigid insulated cylinder is divided into two chambers A and B by a thin rigid insulating barrier as shown in the figure below Rigid insulating barrier


Specific Heat Data: For He cp= 5181 J/kg.K cv= 3102 J/kg.K For N2 cp= 1039 J/kg.K cv= 742 J/kg.K


(0.5 kg N2+0.5 kg He)

(1 kg pure N2)

300 K p

400 K 2p

Initially, chamber A contains a mixture of 0.5 kg nitrogen and 0.5 kg helium at 300 K while chamber B contains 1 kg of pure nitrogen at 400 K. The pressure in chamber B is twice that in chamber A. The gases and gas mixtures are assumed to be ideal. Q.19

What is the ratio of the volumes of chambers A and B, i.e. VA/VB, to first decimal place accuracy? ________


If the barrier is removed and the gases are allowed to mix and reach thermodynamic equilibrium, what is the final temperature of the mixture, to the nearest K? ________

Linked Answer Questions Statement for Linked Answer Questions 21 and 22: A combined vapour compression-cum-Brayton cycle is shown below



ln p


1 4



404. h (kJ/kg)




1-2: Isentropic compression, 5-6: isentropic expansion. The refrigeration system has a cooling capacity of 30 kW and the turbine generates a power of 30 kW. Q.21

What is the mass flow rate of the working fluid through the turbine, in kg/s, to first decimal place accuracy? __________


What is the power required to drive the compressor, to the nearest kW? ________

END OF SECTION - E GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

F: POLYMER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Q. 1 – Q. 9 carry one mark each. Q.1

In free radical polymerization, one of the following techniques permits simultaneous increase in rate of polymerization and polymer molecular weight. (A) Solution polymerization. (B) Suspension polymerization. (C) Bulk polymerization. (D) Emulsion polymerization.


The shear modulus, G, of plastic is related to the elastic modulus, E, and the Poisson ratio, , as (A) (C)


= 2( 1 − ) = 2( 1 + )

(B) (D)

= 2( 1 + ) = (1 + )

LLDPE is obtained by (A) Ziegler-Natta polymerization of ethylene. (B) free-Radical polymerization of ethylene. (C) free-Radical polymerization of ethylene and alpha-olefins. (D) Ziegler-Natta copolymerization of ethylene and alpha-olefins.


A hindered phenol is added to a polyolefin (A) to increase ozone resistance (C) to increase oxidation resistance


(B) to increase foamability (D) to increase crosslinkability

Stretching of rubber leads to (A) decrease in alignment of polymer chains (B) increase in alignment of polymer chains (C) no change in alignment of polymer chains (D) decrease in strength of rubber


In a cone and plate viscometer, the rate of strain is related to the speed of rotation of the cone, (radian/second), and the angle between the cone and the plate, (radian), by the following relation (A) 


(B) I > II > IV > III


(C) I > III > IV > II

(D) III > I > II > IV

High molecular weight polymers could be obtained even at low monomer conversion in case of (A) Step growth polymerization (C) Chain growth polymerization



The tensile breaking strength of polycarbonate (I), low density polyethylene (II), polystyrene (III) and polypropylene (IV) can be arranged as (A) IV > II > I > III


(B)  cos

(B) Living polymerization (D) Solid state polymerization

A reinforced polymer composite is made by the incorporation of (A) elastomers into the polymer. (B) fibers into the polymer. (C) plasticizers into the polymer. (D) gaseous additives into the polymer.

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

Q. 10 - Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10

Match the following for free-radical copolymerization of two monomers with reactivity ratios, r1 and r2. Reactivity Ratios Copolymer Nature 1. Random copolymer P. r1 = r2 = 0 Q. r1 = r2 = 1 2. Alternate copolymer R. r1 >1, r2 > 1 3. Block copolymer 4. Random-Block copolymer S. 0 < r1r2 < 1 (A) P-2; Q-1; R-3; S-4 (C) P-2; Q-4; R-3; S-1


The relative viscosity of a 1% solution (weight/volume) of a given polymer was found to be 1.1. The inherent viscosity of this polymer will be (A) 0.065 dl/g


(B) P-3; Q-1; R-2; S-4 (D) P-2; Q-3; R-1; S-4

(B) 0.075 dl/g

(C) 0.085 dl/g

Match the following in case of step-growth polymerization, where A reacts only with B, and B B reacts only with A (Note: A A is expressed as A2, and A is expressed as AB2). B Monomers P. A2 + AB3 Q. AB2 R. AB + B3 S. A2 + B2

1. 2. 3. 4.

Polymer Hyperbranched Polymer Crosslinked Polymer Star Polymer Linear Polymer

(A) P-2; Q-3; R-1; S-4 (C) P-1; Q-2; R-3; S-4 Q.13

(B) P-2; Q-1; R-3; S-4 (D) P-2; Q-4; R-1; S-3

Match each of the following additives for plastics with its function Additive P. α-Cellulose Q. Zinc chromate R. Alumina trihydrate S. Chlorinated paraffin wax

1. 2. 3. 4.

(A) P-1; Q-2; R-3; S-4 (C) P-3; Q-4; R-1; S-2 Q.14

(B) P-2; Q-3; R-4; S-1 (D) P-4; Q-1; R-2; S-3

(B) 9.82 x 10-6 oC-1

(C) 5.00 x 10-6 oC-1

(D) 14.4 x 10-5 oC-1

A 40mm x 40mm square polymer composite sample with 5mm thickness (heat transfer distance) exhibited a heat flow rate of 60W, when the temperatures of the warm and cold surfaces were 90oC and 25oC respectively. The thermal conductivity of the sample in W.m-1.K-1is (A) 5.67


Function Flame retarder Plasticizer extender Organic fibrous filler Colorant

The length of a glass fiber reinforced polymer increased by 0.03mm, from its initial length of 100mm, when the temperature was changed from –30oC to +30oC. The coefficient of linear thermal expansion is (A) 1.03 x 10-5 oC-1


(D) 0.095 dl/g

(B) 15.3

(C) 2.88

(D) 0.667

An extruder is supplied with 40 kW of power. The mass flow rate of a polymer through the extruder is 240 kg h-1 and the specific heat capacity of the polymer is 4 kJ kg-1 K-1. The maximum possible temperature rise in the polymer is (A) 150 K

(B) 100 K

(C) 600 K

(D) Zero

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 17 and 18: For a given free-radical polymerization, the only mode of termination is the bimolecular termination and there is no chain transfer. The final polymer produced was analyzed to contain an average of 1.60 initiator fragments per polymer chain. Q.17

Percentage of final polymer chains containing one initiator fragment per chain is (A) 40 %


(B) 50 %

(C) 60 %

(D) 70 %

Percentage of polymer radicals terminated by coupling is (A) 65 %

(B) 75 %

(C) 85 %

(D) 95 %

Common Data for Questions 19 and 20: For the synthesis of polyester, 1.5 mole of pentaerythritol (tetra-ol) was reacted with 1.0 mole of a tricarboxylic acid. Q.19

The extent of reaction when the number average degree of polymerization of the reaction mixture approaches infinity is (A) 80.33%


(B) 83.33%

(C) 84.33%

(D) 86.33%

The number average degree of polymerization of the reaction mixture when the polymerization was stopped at 80% conversion, is (A) 1000

(B) 100

(C) 50

(D) 25

Linked Answer Questions Statement for Linked Answer Questions 21 and 22: A viscoelastic fluid is modeled as a spring and two dashpots, all connected in series. The spring has elastic modulus G and the fluids in two dashpots have viscosities and . Q.21

The constitutive equation (relation between stress and strain in which overdot represents the time derivative) for the fluid is: ) ̇ (A) = + ( (B) = + ( − ) ̇ ̇


(C) ̇ = +


For a periodic stress

(A) = (C) = [

(D) ̇ = +


, the strain is given by




+ (


(B) = ]

(D) = [


+ )



GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

G:FOOD TECHNOLOGY Q. 1 – Q. 9 carry one mark each. Q.1

Kawashiorkor disease is caused due to the deficiency of (A) lysine (C) vitamin K


(B) unsaturated fatty acids (D) protein

Which of the following statements is TRUE in case of oxidative rancidity of vegetable oils and fats? (A) It is caused by the reaction of saturated fatty acids and oxygen (B) It involves polymerization of fatty acids (C) It is caused by the reaction of unsaturated fatty acids with oxygen (D) It is caused by oxidative enzymes


The food borne disease, Q fever is caused by the organism, (A) Clostridium perfringens (C) Bacillus cereus


(B) Coxiella burnetti (D) Staphylococcus aureus

The primary bacterial spoilage of poultry meat at low temperature, with characteristic sliminess at outer surface, is caused by (A) Pseudomonas spp. (C) Bacillus spp.


(B) Aspergillus spp. (D) Candida spp.

The weight gain (in gram) per gram protein consumed is called (A) Net Protein Ratio (NPR) (C) Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER)


(B) Biological Value (BV) (D) Chemical Score (CS)

Which of the following carbohydrates is NOT classified as dietary fibre? (A) Agar (C) Sodium alginate


(B) Pectin (D) Tapioca starch

In the extruder barrel, the compression is achieved by back pressure created by the die and by (A) increasing pitch and decreasing diameter of the screw (B) using the tapered barrel with constant pitch (C) increase in the clearance between barrel surface and screw (D) opening of the die


The brown colour of bread crust during baking is due to Maillard reaction between (A) aldehyde groups of sugars and amino groups of proteins (B) aldehyde groups of sugars and vitamins (C) aldehyde groups of sugars and salt (D) starch and yeast


Blanching influences vegetable tissues in terms of (A) enzymes production (B) alteration of cytoplasmic membrane (C) stabilization of cytoplasmic proteins (D) stabilization of nuclear proteins

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

Q. 10 - Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10

Match the toxicants of plant foods in Group I with their main plant source given in Group II. Group I Group II P) Gossypol 1) Khesari Dahl (Lathyrus sativus) Q) Vicine 2) Cotton seeds R) Glucosinolates 3) Fava beans S) BOAA (beta-N- Oxalyl Amino L-Alanine) 4) Rapeseeds (A) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1 (C) P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-4


Match the products in Group I with the enzymes used for their preparation given in Group II. Group I Group II P) Aspartame 1) Lipase Q) Cocoa butter substitute 2) Glucose isomerase R) High fructose corn syrup 3) Thermolysin S) Lactose free milk 4) Invertase 5) Beta galactosidase (A) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3 (C) P-1, Q-3, R-2, S-4


(B) P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-5 (D) P-1, Q-2, R-4, S-5

Match the food items in Group I with the type of colloidal dispersion given in Group II. Group I Group II P) Mayonnaise 1) Sol Q) Tomato ketchup 2) Emulsion R) Cake 3) Gel S) Curd 4) Solid foam (A) P-4, Q-1, R-2, S-3 (C) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1


(B) P-2, Q-4, R-3, S-1 (D) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2

(B) P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-4 (D) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3

[a] Assertion: In the presence of sucrose, the temperature and time for gelatinization of starch increases . [r] Reason: Sucrose, due to its hygroscopic nature, competes with starch for water needed for gelatinization. (A) Both [a] and [r] are true and [r] is the correct reason for [a] (B) Both [a] and [r] are true but [r] is not the correct reason for [a] (C) Both [a] and [r] are false (D) [a] is true but [r] is false


Thermal death of viable spores of Bacillus subtilis in a food sample follows a first order kinetics with a specific death rate constant of 0.23 min-1 at 100 °C. The time (in minutes) required to kill 99% of spores in the food sample at 100 °C will be (A) 10


(C) 23

(D) 60

How much skim milk (in kg) containing 0.1% fat should be added to 500 kg of cream containing 50% fat to produce standardized cream containing 36% fat?. (A) 140


(B) 20

(B) 165

(C) 195

(D) 210

Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT in relation to muscle proteins ? (A) Actin and myosin interact to form actomyosin which is responsible for muscle contraction (B) Collagen contributes to the toughness of muscles due to its abundant presence (C) Elastin, a constituent of ligaments, is tougher than collagen (D) Actomyosin is not the main state of actin and myosin in post-mortem muscles

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013

Engineering Sciences - XE

Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 17 and 18: A cold storage plant is used for storing 50 tonnes of apples in perforated plastic crates. During the storage, apples are cooled down from 28°C to storage temperature of 2°C. (Specific heat of the apple = 0.874 kCal kg-1 °C-1) Q.17

If the required cooling is attained in 16 hours, the refrigeration plant capacity (in Tons) is (A) 19


(B) 24

(C) 29

(D) 32

If the cooling is to be achieved in 8 hours, the power required (in Horse Power) to operate the plant having a Coefficient of Performance (COP) of 2.5 will be (A) 47

(B) 65

(C) 89

(D) 96

Common Data for Questions 19 and 20: An actively growing culture of Acetobacter aceti is added to the vigorously aerated fermented fruit juice medium containing 10 g l-1 ethanol to produce vinegar. After some time, the ethanol concentration in the medium is 0.8 g l-1 and acetic acid produced is 8.4 g l-1. Q.19

What is the conversion efficiency of the process with respect to theoretical yield? (A) 30


(B) 50

(C) 70

(D) 90

The concentration of fermentable sugars (g l-1) required in the fruit juice to produce 10 g l-1 ethanol, based on 90% fermentation efficiency is (A) 20.0

(B) 21.7

(C) 22.8

(D) 25.1

Linked Answer Questions Statement for Linked Answer Questions 21 and 22: An enzyme catalyzed reaction (following MichaelisMenten kinetics) exhibits maximum reaction velocity (Vm) of 75 nmol l-1 min-1. The enzyme at a substrate concentration of 1.0x10-4 M shows the initial reaction velocity of 60 nmol l-1min-1. Q.21

The Km value of the enzyme in molar concentration (M) is (A) 2.5 x 10-5 (C) 2.5 x 10-4


(B) 5.0 x 10-5 (D) 5.0 x 10-4

If the enzyme concentration for the reaction is doubled at a substrate concentration of 5.0 x 10-5 M, the initial reaction velocity in nmol l-1 min-1 will be (A) 37.5

(B) 50

(C) 60

(D) 100


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2013 - Answer Keys General Aptitude - GA Q. No. 1 2 3 4

Key / Range B C C D

Q. No. 5 6 7 8

Key / Range B C C C

Q. No. 9 10

Key / Range B C

Q. No. 9 10 11

Key / Range C D B

Q. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22

Key / Range -5 0.025 C D B A

Q. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22

Key / Range 50 to 51 22 to 28 41 to 43 30 to 33 Marks to All Marks to All

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - A) Q. No. 1 2 3 4

Key / Range B D C C

Q. No. 5 6 7 8

Key / Range B D A A

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - B) Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Key / Range B C 20 D A A B D

Q. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Key / Range C A C D B 25 0.03 67 to 67.3

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - C) Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Key / Range A D C B D B B A

Q. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Key / Range A D C C 0.178 to 0.18 0.04 to 0.045 0.85 to 0.89 0.4 to 0.6

_______________________________________________________________ GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - D) Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Key / Range C D A C C A B 0.78 to 0.8

Q. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Key / Range A D D 399 to 401 B 120 to 130 140 to 150 0.97 to 0.98

Q. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22

Key / Range 1.5 to 1.7 36 to 40 5.7 to 6.3 325 to 330 1.4 to 1.6 20.5 to 22.5

Q. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22

Key / Range A B B D C B

Q. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22

Key / Range B C C B A D

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - E) Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Key / Range D C D C B D C C

Q. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Key / Range B A D Marks to All C C C A

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - F) Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Key / Range D Marks to All B A C D B A

Q. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Key / Range B A B D A B C D

______________________________________________________________ GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - G) Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Key / Range B A C B D D A C

Q. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Key / Range B C C A C C B B

Q. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22

Key / Range A D D A B A

______________________________________________________________ GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012 Solved paper XE : ENGINEERING SCIENCES Duration: Three Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

Read the following instructions carefully. 1. Do not open the seal of the Question Booklet until you are asked to do so by the invigilator. 2. Take out the Optical Response Sheet (ORS) from this Question Booklet without breaking the seal and read the instructions printed on the ORS carefully. 3. On the right half of the ORS, using ONLY a black ink ball point pen, (i) darken the bubble corresponding to your test paper code and the appropriate bubble under each digit of your registration number and (ii) write your registration number, your name and name of the examination centre and put your signature at the specified location. 4. This Question Booklet contains 36 pages including blank pages for rough work. After you are permitted to open the seal, please check all pages and report discrepancies, if any, to the invigilator. 5. There are a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks. All these questions are of objective type. Each question has only one correct answer. Questions must be answered on the left hand side of the ORS by darkening the appropriate bubble (marked A, B, C, D) using ONLY a black ink ball point pen against the question number. For each question darken the bubble of the correct answer. More than one answer bubbled against a question will be treated as an incorrect response. 6. Since bubbles darkened by the black ink ball point pen cannot be erased, candidates should darken the bubbles in the ORS very carefully. 7. This Question Booklet contains Eight sections: GA (General Aptitude), A (Engineering Mathematics), B (Fluid Mechanics), C (Materials Science), D (Solid Mechanics), E (Thermodynamics), F (Polymer Science & Engineering) and G (Food Technology). 8. Section GA (General Aptitude) and Section A (Engineering Mathematics) are compulsory. Attempt any two optional sections B through G. Using a black ink ball point pen, mark the sections you have chosen by darkening the appropriate bubbles provided on the left hand side of the ORS. Also, write the codes of the optional sections in the boxes provided. In case the candidate does not bubble section codes corresponding to Optional Section-1 or Optional Section-2 or both, the corresponding sections will NOT be evaluated. 9. Questions Q.1 – Q.10 belong to Section GA (General Aptitude) and carry a total of 15 marks. Questions Q.1 – Q.5 carry 1 mark each, and questions Q.6 – Q.10 carry 2 marks each. 10. There are 11 questions carrying 15 marks in Section A (Engineering Mathematics), which is compulsory. Questions Q.1–Q.7 carry 1 mark each and questions Q.8–Q.11 carry 2 marks each. 11. Each of the other sections (Sections B through G) contains 22 questions carrying 35 marks. Questions Q.1–Q.9 carry 1 mark each and questions Q.10–Q.22 carry 2 marks each. The 2 marks questions include two pairs of common data questions and one pair of linked answer questions. The answer to the second question of the linked answer questions depends on the answer to the first question of the pair. If the first question in the linked pair is wrongly answered or is unattempted, then the answer to the second question in the pair will not be evaluated. 12. Unattempted questions will result in zero mark and wrong answers will result in NEGATIVE marks. For all 1 mark questions, ̃ mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. For all 2 marks questions, ̄ mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. However, in the case of the linked answer question pair, there will be negative marks only for wrong answer to the first question and no negative marks for wrong answer to the second question. 13. Calculator is allowed whereas charts, graph sheets or tables are NOT allowed in the examination hall. 14. Before the start of the examination, write your name and registration number in the space provided below using a black ink ball point pen. Name Registration Number


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012

General Aptitude - GA

General Aptitude (GA) Questions (Compulsory) Q. 1 – Q. 5 carry one mark each. Q.1

One of the parts (A, B, C, D) in the sentence given below contains an ERROR. Which one of the following is INCORRECT? I requested that he should be given the driving test today instead of tomorrow. (A) (B) (C) (D)


requested that should be given the driving test instead of tomorrow

Which one of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word given below? Latitude (A) Eligibility


(B) Freedom

(C) Coercion

(D) Meticulousness

Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence: Given the seriousness of the situation that he had to face, his ___ was impressive. (A) beggary


(B) nomenclature

(C) jealousy

(D) nonchalance

Choose the most appropriate alternative from the options given below to complete the following sentence: If the tired soldier wanted to lie down, he ___ the mattress out on the balcony. (A) should take (B) shall take (C) should have taken (D) will have taken


If (1.001)1259 = 3.52 and (1.001)2062 = 7.85, then (1.001)3321 = (A) 2.23

(B) 4.33

(C) 11.37

(D) 27.64

Q. 6 - Q. 10 carry two marks each. Q.6

A and B are friends. They decide to meet between 1 PM and 2 PM on a given day. There is a condition that whoever arrives first will not wait for the other for more than 15 minutes. The probability that they will meet on that day is (A) 1/4

(B) 1/16

(C) 7/16

(D) 9/16

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012


General Aptitude - GA

The data given in the following table summarizes the monthly budget of an average household. Category Food Clothing Rent Savings Other expenses

Amount (Rs.) 4000 1200 2000 1500 1800

The approximate percentage of the monthly budget NOT spent on savings is (A) 10% Q.8

(D) 86%

(B) 3

(C) 4

(D) 8

Raju has 14 currency notes in his pocket consisting of only Rs. 20 notes and Rs. 10 notes. The total money value of the notes is Rs. 230. The number of Rs. 10 notes that Raju has is (A) 5


(C) 81%

There are eight bags of rice looking alike, seven of which have equal weight and one is slightly heavier. The weighing balance is of unlimited capacity. Using this balance, the minimum number of weighings required to identify the heavier bag is (A) 2


(B) 14%

(B) 6

(C) 9

(D) 10

One of the legacies of the Roman legions was discipline. In the legions, military law prevailed and discipline was brutal. Discipline on the battlefield kept units obedient, intact and fighting, even when the odds and conditions were against them. Which one of the following statements best sums up the meaning of the above passage? (A) Thorough regimentation was the main reason for the efficiency of the Roman legions even in adverse circumstances. (B) The legions were treated inhumanly as if the men were animals. (C) Discipline was the armies’ inheritance from their seniors. (D) The harsh discipline to which the legions were subjected to led to the odds and conditions being against them.

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012

Engineering Sciences - XE

A : ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS (Compulsory) Q. 1 – Q. 7 carry one mark each. Q.1

1 4 5 For the matrix M  0 2 6 , consider the following statements:   0 0 3 4 Q: 1  is an eigenvector of M. R: P: 3 is an eigenvalue of M.    0 

4  2  is an eigenvector of M.    0 

Which of the above statements are TRUE? (A) P and Q, but not R (C) P and R, but not Q


1 about x  0 is given as TS 1 x be used to evaluate f (x ) for

Taylor series of f ( x ) 

(A) x  1 Q.3

(B) Q and R, but not P (D) P, Q, and R

u x ln v  2 v y x x (D) 2 ln v  yv y

(B) 

Consider two functions f ( z )  z and g ( z )  z (conjugate of z). Using Cauchy-Riemann conditions, choose the correct answer (A) Both f and g are analytic (C) g is analytic but f is not analytic

(B) f is analytic but g is not analytic (D) Neither f nor g is analytic

For f  x 4  5 xy 2 , the direction of maximum increase of f ( x, y ) at the point (2, 2) is along (A) 3iˆ  10 ˆj


(D)  1  x  1

Let f (u, v)  u ln(v) and F ( x, y)  f (u( x, y), v( x, y)) , where u  x / y and v  x  y . Then F / y is x x ln ( x  y )  2 y ( x  y) y u x (C) 2 ln v  v y


 1  x  x 2  x 3   . This series can

(C) x  1

(B) x  1

(A) 



(B) 12iˆ  40 ˆj

(C) 3iˆ  10 ˆj

(D) 12iˆ  40 ˆj

Suppose 50% of the population of a village like oranges, 70% of the population like apples, and 40% like both. If a person is picked at random who likes at least one of these fruits, what is the probability that the person likes oranges? (A) 1/8

(B) 5/12

(C) 1/2

(D) 5/8

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012


Engineering Sciences - XE

For the solution of 2u  0 , the domain and boundary conditions are shown below.

u  20

y u  10

2u  0

u  30


u  40 Which of the following statements is TRUE?

(A) The solution cannot be obtained using separation of variables because the governing equation is non-separable. (B) The solution cannot be obtained using separation of variables because all the boundary values are non-zero. (C) The solution cannot be obtained using separation of variables because not all the boundaries are along constant coordinate lines. (D) The solution can be obtained by separation of variables.

Q. 8 - Q. 11 carry two marks each. Q.8

If f ( x)  x sin( x) and g ( x)  x sin( x) , then (A) g ( x)  f ( x) (B) g ( x) is an even function (C) The x-coordinates corresponding to the various local maxima are identical for both f ( x) and

g ( x) (D) g ( x) is differentiable at x  0 Q.9

The general solution of

d4y dx




d3y dx



d2y dx



dy  y  0 is dx

(A) c1e x  c2 xe x  c3 cosh( x)  c4 sinh( x)

(B) c1e x  c2e x  c3eix  c4eix

(C) c1e x  c2 xe x  c3 cos( x)  c4 sin( x)

(D) c1e x  c2 xe x  c3eix  c4eix

Evaluation of

 e


iˆ  3 y ˆj  z e x kˆ

ˆ n

dA over a surface S : x 2  y 2  z 2  1 , using Gauss


divergence theorem, gives (A) 0

(B) 4π

(C) 4π / 3

(D) 12π



The exact solution of the integral ( x 2  4) dx is denoted by I E . The same integral evaluated

 0

numerically by the trapezoidal rule and the Simpson’s 1/3 rule are denoted by IT and I S , respectively. The subinterval used in the numerical methods is h  2 . Then (A) I E  I S  IT

(B) I E  I S  IT

(C) I E  I S  IT

(D) I E  I S  IT


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012

Engineering Sciences - XE

B : FLUID MECHANICS Q. 1 – Q. 9 carry one mark each. Q.1

In a two-dimensional flow field, the velocities in the x- and y- directions are u and v, respectively. The shear stress for a Newtonian fluid having dynamic viscosity µ is given by  v u  (A)      x y 


(B) 2 

v y

(C) 2 

(B) P − 1; Q − 2

(D) P − 1; Q − 3

(B) a function of the centerline velocity (D) infinite

The velocity in a one-dimensional unsteady flow is given by (x2 − t), where x is the position and t is the time. The total acceleration at any x and t is (B) −1 + x t + 2 x3

(C) −1 − x t − x3

(D) −1 − 2 x t + 2 x3

If  is the stream function, the Laplace’s equation  2  0 is true when the flow is (A) incompressible (C) irrotational


(C) P − 3; Q − 1

In the case of a fully developed flow through a pipe, the shear stress at the centerline is

(A) −1 + x t + x3 Q.8

(D) Froude number

A dye is continuously injected and a snap shot is taken A dye is continuously injected and a long-exposure picture is taken A blob (or drop) of dye is injected and a snap shot is taken A blob (or drop) of dye is injected and a long-exposure picture is taken

(A) a function of the axial distance (C) zero Q.7

(C) Cavitation number

Identify the visualization method that shows a PATHLINE in an unsteady flow, assuming that the camera covers the required field of view. (A) (B) (C) (D)


(B) Euler number

Match the devices in Column I with the characteristics in Column II. Column I Column II P. orifice meter 1. high head loss and low cost Q. venturi meter 2. high head loss and high cost 3. low head loss and high cost 4. low head loss and low cost (A) P − 2; Q − 4


(B) infinite circular cylinder (D) infinite elliptical cylinder

Given that V, L and g are the characteristic velocity, characteristic length and acceleration due to V gravity, respectively, the expression represents Lg (A) Weber number


 v u  (D)      x y 

In a potential flow, the superposition of the stream functions of a uniform flow and a line source gives rise to a dividing streamline representing (A) Rankine’s half-body (C) infinite rotating circular cylinder


u x

(B) incompressible and irrotational (D) compressible

A fully developed laminar flow is taking place through a pipe. If the flow velocity is doubled maintaining the flow laminar, the pressure loss would be (A) halved

(B) unaltered

(C) doubled

(D) trebled

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012

Engineering Sciences - XE

Q. 10 - Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10

In the following equations, u and v are the velocities in the x- and y- directions, respectively and t is time. The flow field that CANNOT be termed as incompressible is (A) u = x3 + x y 2 , v = y 3 + y x 2

(B) u = 10 xt , v =  10 yt

(C) u =  y /  

(D) u = 2 y, v = 2 x



, v = 0   constant 

A U-tube mercury (Hg) manometer as shown below is employed to measure the pressure of an oil-filled vessel. The densities of Hg and oil are 13600 kg/m3 and 800 kg/m3, respectively. The gravitational acceleration may be taken as 10 m/s2. The gauge pressure (in Pa) at point A when h1 = 0.5 m and h2 = 0.9 m, is approximately


Hg h2 h1

(A) 118.4 103 Q.12

(B) 118.4

(C) 11.84

(D) 1.184

Water is supplied to a tank at the rate of 0.02 m3/s, as shown in the figure below. The crosssectional area of the tank is 1 m2 and the inner diameter of the outlet pipe is 60 mm. At a time when the water level in the tank is increasing at the rate of 5 mm/s, the average velocity (in m/s) of water in the outlet pipe is approximately

Water supply Tank water level

Outlet pipe (A) 0.005

(B) 0.06

(C) 5.3

(D) 20

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012


The water level in a gas-pressurized tank with a large cross-sectional area is maintained constant as shown in the figure below. The water level in the tank is 4.2 m above the pipe centerline as indicated in the figure. The gas pressure is 130 kPa. The atmospheric pressure, gravitational acceleration and density of water may be taken as 100 kPa, 10 m/s2 and 1000 kg/m3, respectively. Neglecting losses, the maximum velocity (in m/s) of water at any location in the horizontal portion of the delivery pipe for the pressure NOT to drop below atmospheric pressure, is

(A) 1.3 Q.14

Engineering Sciences - XE

(B) 4.2

(C) 10

(D) 12

The figure given below shows typical non-dimensional velocity profiles for fully developed laminar flow between two infinitely long parallel plates separated by a distance a along y-direction. The upper plate is moving with a constant velocity U in the x-direction and the lower plate is stationary.

1 II

y a


III 0 -3







u/U Match the non-dimensional velocity profiles in Column I with the pressure gradients in Column II. Column I P. profile I Q. profile II R. profile III (A) P − 2; Q − 3; R − 1 (C) P − 3; Q − 1; R − 2

Column II

p 0 x p 0 2. x p 3. 0 x 1.

(B) P − 3; Q − 2; R − 1 (D) P − 1; Q − 2; R − 3

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012


Engineering Sciences - XE

Air flows over a spherical storage vessel of diameter 4 m at a speed of 1 m/s. To find the drag force on the vessel, a test run is to be carried out in water using a sphere of diameter 100 mm. The density and dynamic viscosity of air are 1.2 kg/m3 and 1.8 ×10-5 Pa.s, respectively. The density and dynamic viscosity of water are 1000 kg/m3 and 10-3 Pa.s, respectively. The drag force on the model is 4 N under dynamically similar conditions. The drag force (in N) on the prototype is approximately (A) 0.25


(B) 0.93

(C) 1.08

(D) 4

The velocity of an air stream is 20 m/s. The densities of mercury and air are 13600 kg/m3 and 1.2 kg/m3, respectively. The gravitational acceleration may be taken as 10 m/s 2. When a Pitot-static tube is placed in the stream, assuming the flow to be incompressible and frictionless, the difference between the stagnation and static pressure in the flow field (in mm Hg) would approximately be (A) 1760

(B) 1.76

(C) 0.57

(D) 0.57 × 10–5

Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 17 and 18: A vessel containing water (density 1000 kg/m3) and oil (density 800 kg/m3), pressurized by gas, is shown in the figure below. Assume that the gravitational acceleration is 10 m/s2.

Gas (2 bar)

Gate Water


The pressure (in bar) exerted on the bottom wall inside the vessel is approximately (A) 0.238


(B) 2.38

(C) 23.8

(D) 238

The gate is 1 m wide perpendicular to the plane of the paper. The force (in N) exerted on the gate is approximately (A) 2.23 ×103

(B) 2.23 ×104

(C) 2.23 ×105

(D) 2.23 ×106

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012

Engineering Sciences - XE

Common Data for Questions 19 and 20: A boat is propelled in still water at a velocity of 5 m/s by taking water at the rate of 1 m3/s from the aft side and discharging it through the stern using a pump, as shown in the figure below. The velocity of the discharge jet relative to the boat is 9 m/s. The effect of pressure at the intake and discharge can be neglected. The density of water may be taken as 1000 kg/m3.


The power (in kW) required to propel the boat is (A) 10


(B) 20

(C) 50

(D) 90

The total kinetic energy imparted to the water per second (in kW) by the pump is (A) 10

(B) 25

(C) 28

(D) 81

Linked Answer Questions Statement for Linked Answer Questions 21 and 22: The hydrodynamic boundary layer over a flat plate is shown in the figure below. The velocity in the x-direction is approximated as u  a  by  cy 2 , where a, b and c are constants. U is the free stream velocity and  is the boundary-layer thickness at any point x on the plate. U


 (x) x Q.21


The dimensionless velocity profile is 2


u  y  y  2     U    


u  y  y  1.5    0.5   U    



u  y  y  2     U    


u  y  y  1.5    0.5   U    



The displacement thickness (in mm) when  = 6 mm, is (A) 2.25

(B) 2

(C) −2

(D) −2.25


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012

Engineering Sciences - XE

C : MATERIALS SCIENCE Useful data Boltzmann’s constant Charge on an electron Gas Constant Electron rest mass Permittivity of vacuum (o) Bohr Magneton

: 1.38  10–23 J K–1 : 1.602  10–19 C : 8.314 J mol–1 K–1 : 9.1  10–31 kg : 8.854  10–12 F m–1 : 9.274  10–24 A/m2

Q. 1 – Q. 9 carry one mark each. Q.1

Which of the following is NOT a Bravais lattice? (A) (B) (C) (D)


A Schottky defect in an ionic crystal is a stochiometric defect of (A) (B) (C) (D)


Simple tetragonal Body centred tetragonal Base centred orthorhombic Face centred tetragonal Cation vacancy Anion vacancy Cation and anion vacancy Cation and anion interstitial

Which of the following techniques is NOT used to grow single crystals of semiconductors? (A) Calendering


The best magnetostrictive material is (C) Cu2MnAl

(D) ZnFe2O4

Direct bandgap material with a small bandgap Indirect bandgap material with a large bandgap Direct bandgap material with a large bandgap Indirect bandgap material with a small bandgap

Which material has the lowest specific heat capacity at room temperature? (A) Water


(B) Fe3O4

Of the following materials, which is the most suitable for an LED emitting at around 380 nm? (A) (B) (C) (D)


(D) Bridgman

Secondary electron Backscattered electron Auger electron Photoelectron

(A) Nd2Fe14B Q.6

(C) Float zone

Which of the following signals is produced due to the elastic scattering of electrons by a material? (A) (B) (C) (D)


(B) Czochralski

(B) Mercury

(C) Copper

(D) Silver

Microstrain can be measured by X-ray diffraction using peak (A) (B) (C) (D)

Area and intensity Position and area Broadening and intensity Position and broadening

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012


Engineering Sciences - XE

The Pilling-Bedworth ratio is defined as the ratio of (A) Volume of oxide to volume of metal (B) Weight of oxide to weight of metal (C) Density of oxide to density of metal (D) Surface area of oxide to surface area of metal

Q. 10 - Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10

Match the properties in Column I with the appropriate units in Column II Column I Column II P. Thermal diffusivity 1. Hm–1 Q. Fracture toughness 2. m2s–1 R. Surface energy 3. Fm–1 S. Magnetic permeability 4. Nm–3/2 5. Jm–2 (A) P-2, Q-5, R-4, S-1 (C) P-3, Q-5, R-4, S-3


Match the characterization techniques in Column I with the options in Column II Column I Column II P. Scanning tunneling microscopy 1. No vacuum required Q. Scanning electron microscopy 2. Backscattered electrons R. Transmission electron microscopy 3. Photoelectrons S. Atomic force microscopy 4. Atomically sharp tip 5. Sub-Angstrom resolution (A) P-4, Q-2, R-5, S-1 (C) P-2, Q-4, R-1, S-5


(B) P-1, Q-3, R-4, S-5 (D) P-5, Q-1, R-2, S-4

Match the materials in Column I with the applications in Column II Column I Column II P. Titanium diboride 1. Photocatalyst Q. Molybdenum disilicide 2. Furnace heating element R. Hydroxyapatite 3. Ultra high temperature material S. Nanocrystalline titanium oxide 4. Tough ceramic 5. Artificial bone implant (A) P-3, Q-4, R-5, S-1 (C) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-5


(B) P-2, Q-4, R-5, S-1 (D) P-5, Q-4, R-2, S-3

(B) P-5, Q-3, R-2, S-1 (D) P-3, Q-2, R-5, S-1

Match the properties in Column I with the options in Column II Column I Column II P. Toughness 1. Resistance to plastic deformation Q. Resilience 2. Time dependent permanent deformation under constant load R. Creep 3. Total elongation at failure S. Hardness 4. Area under the stress-strain curve 5. Area under the elastic part of the stress-strain curve (A) P-5, Q-1, R-3, S-2 (C) P-4, Q-5, R-2, S-1

(B) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1 (D) P-5, Q-4, R-3, S-2

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012


Determine the mole fraction of vinyl chloride in a copolymer of vinyl chloride (CH 2CHCl) and vinyl acetate (CH2-CH-OCOCH3) having molecular weight of 10520 g/mol and degree of polymerization of 160. (A) 0.14


(B) 0.30

(C) 0.70

(D) 0.86

The electron concentration in an n-type semiconductor is 5  1018/m3. If the drift velocity of electrons is 100 m/s in an electric field of 500 V/m, calculate the conductivity of the semiconductor. (A) 0.16  10–1 S/m


Engineering Sciences - XE

(B) 1.60  10–1 S/m

(C) 2.50  10–1 S/m

(D) 30.05  10–1 S/m

Calculate the saturation magnetization (Msat) for bcc iron of lattice parameter 2.866 Å. (A) 0.79  106 A/m

(B) 1.5  106 A/m

(C) 3.15  106 A/m

(D) 4.73  106 A/m

Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 17 and 18: A plain 0.45 wt.% carbon steel is cooled slowly from 900°C to just below the eutectoid temperature (723°C) so that the following reaction occurs: γ (0.8 wt.% C) ↔ α (0.02 wt.% C) + Fe3C (6.67 wt.% C) Q.17

During cooling from 900°C to 723°C, the proeutectoid α forms from γ. Find the volume % of proeutectoid α just below 723°C for the steel. (A) 44.9% (B) 66.1% (C) 55.1% (D) 34.9%


Find the volume % of pearlite for the steel just below 723°C for 0.45 wt.% carbon steel. (A) 44.9%

(B) 55.1%

(C) 40.9%

(D) 59.1%

Common Data for Questions 19 and 20: A 20 kN tensile load is applied axially to a steel bar of crosssectional area 8 cm2 and 1m length. The Young’s modulus of steel (Esteel) is 200 GPa, and of aluminium (EAl) is 70 GPa. The Poisson’s ratio (ν) can be taken as 0.3. Q.19

When the same load is applied to an aluminium bar, it is found to give same elastic strain as the steel. Calculate the cross-sectional area of the aluminium bar. (A) 11.43 cm2 (B) 14.93 cm2 (C) 18.26 cm2 (D) 22.86 cm2


Calculate the final area of the steel bar after the deformation under the applied load of 20 kN. (A) 7.9 cm2

(B) 9.7 cm2

(C) 7.0 cm2

(D) 8.1 cm2

Linked Answer Questions Statement for Linked Answer Questions 21 and 22: Chromium has the bcc structure with atomic diameter of 2.494 Å. Q.21

Calculate the lattice parameter of chromium assuming tight atomic bonding. (A) 1.442 Å


(B) 2.880 Å

(C) 4.323 Å

(D) 5.764 Å

Find the first diffraction peak position (2) for Cu K radiation with a wavelength of 1.54 Å (A) 21.76o

(B) 33.05o

(C) 44.43o

(D) 66.10o


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012

Engineering Sciences - XE

D : SOLID MECHANICS Q. 1 – Q. 9 carry one mark each. Q.1

The axial force diagram for the weightless beam subjected to the inclined force P = 5 kN is P = 5 kN 4 B






5m B



3 kN





3 kN


1.5 kN A


1.5 kN





3 kN


A block of weight W, connected to two springs with spring constants k1 and k 2 , rests initially on a horizontal frictional surface. The coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface is  . Both springs are initially undeformed. The magnitude of force F, applied to the second spring, is now gradually increased. The block will start to slide when F becomes k1

k2 W


(A) W

(B) k1W /(k1  k2 )

(C) k2 W /(k1  k2 )

(D) k2 W / k1

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012


Engineering Sciences - XE

Three connected railway coaches A, B and C of masses mA , mB and mC , respectively are being pulled by a locomotive with force F over a horizontal track. The coaches may be assumed to move on frictionless wheels with negligible air resistance. The tension in the connector between coaches A and B is C





(A) F

(B) FmA /(mA  mB  mC )

(C) FmB /(mA  mB  mC )

(D) F (mB  mC ) /(mA  mB  mC )

For the beam-column configurations shown in figure, the minimum Euler buckling load is obtained for the case (Young’s modulus and second moment of cross-sectional area are as indicated) E, I


K (i)


E, I

E, 2.0 I



(ii) E, I


0.51 L




L (A) (i) Q.5

(B) (ii)

(D) (iv)

A disk of mass m  0.25 g and radius r  10 mm is at rest relative to a mass-less horizontal turntable spinning about a vertical axis at an angular speed of   2 rad / s . The turntable is assumed to be mounted on frictionless bearings. Another identical, initially non-rotating disk is dropped onto the spinning disk. Friction causes both disks (and the turntable) to eventually rotate at the same angular speed. The eventual angular speed of the disks is (A) 0.15 rad/s


(C) (iii)

(B) 1 rad/s

(C) 2 rad/s

(D) 4 rad/s

A rocket in the atmosphere is accelerating upwards with acceleration a m/s2. The natural frequency of a spring-mass system (with mass m kg and spring constant k N/m), suspended vertically inside the rocket, is (take g m/s2 to be the acceleration due to gravity) (A)

k ; m

k  k 


k m


kg ma


k a (1  ) m g

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012


Engineering Sciences - XE

An irregular planar body in space is acted upon by a force F  (2i  j ) N at position

r1  (i  2 j )m and a moment M  3kNm at position r2  (2i )m . The corresponding equivalent force FO and moment M O at the origin are (A) FO  (2i  j ) N ; M O  (3k ) Nm (B) FO  (2i  j ) N ; M O  0 Nm (C) FO  (2i  j ) N ; M O  (6k ) Nm (D) FO  (2i  j ) N ; M O  (6k ) Nm Q.8

A hollow shaft and a solid shaft constructed of the same material have the same length and the same outer radius R. The inner radius of the hollow shaft is 0.6 R. Assuming that both shafts are subjected to the same torque, the ratio of the maximum shear stress in the hollow shaft to that in the solid shaft is (A) 1.1


(B) 1.2

(C) 1.15

(D) 0.95

A point in a beam experiences a tensile stress (due to bending) of 50 N/mm2 and a shear stress of 20 N/mm2. The principal stresses are (A) (B) (C) (D)

17 N/mm2 tension, 67 N/mm2 compression 0, 0 57 N/mm2 tension, 7 N/mm2 compression 52 N/mm2 compression, 15 N/mm2 tension

Q. 10 - Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10

Consider a simply supported beam loaded either by a uniformly distributed transverse load or by a concentrated transverse load applied at the center such that the maximum bending stress in both cases is the same. The ratio of the strain energy for the two cases is (A) 4/5


(B) 5/8

(C) 8/5

A small railway bridge is constructed from identical steel truss members, each of length l , crosssectional area A and Young’s modulus E . A train stops on the bridge. The loads applied by the train on the truss on one side of the bridge may be assumed to act at pins A, B and C, as shown. The displacement of the support C due to this loading is Q







(B) Ql /( AE )

(A) 0


(D) 1

3Ql /(4 AE )

(D) Ql /( 3 AE )

A vertical pole, cantilevered at the bottom, has a solid circular cross-section of diameter d = 49.21 mm. It is loaded by a horizontal force P = 6675 N at the top end. The maximum shear stress in the pole is (A) 4.25 N/mm2

(B) 5.68 N/mm2

(C) 4.68 N/mm2

(D) 7.50 N/mm2

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012


Engineering Sciences - XE

A striker with mass m=20 kg is attached to the end of a mass-less rigid bar of length R=0.3m. The bar is hinged to support A, and swings down from an initial horizontal position such that the striker hits mass M= 5kg elastically. The mass M slides (in a straight line) along the table, from point B towards the spring located at point C, 0.2 m away from B. Assume that the coefficient of friction in the region BC is d  0.4 ; the region CD frictionless. Let the spring constant of the spring be k = 4000 N/m. If the striker rises to a maximum height of 0.1m below its starting location, then the maximum compression of the spring is (let acceleration due to gravity g = 10 m/s2, the dimensions of the striker and mass are small)

0.3 m



0.3 m K


D Q.14


C 0.2 m

(A) 0.000 m (B) 0.100 m (C) 0.089 m (D) 0.109 m A cube, made of aluminum, of dimension 0.1 m  0.1 m  0.1 m, rests against a rigid wall (with normal in the y-direction), as shown in the figure. Another parallel rigid wall is located at a clearance of 0.2 mm from the block. Assuming all contacts to be frictionless, if the block is heated by T  150 C, the normal stress  yy induced in the block is (for aluminum E  70 GPa ;   0.3 ;   20 106 / C) Z


Aluminum cube




0.2 mm

(A)  yy  7 MPa (B)  yy  7 MPa (C)  yy  70 MPa (D)  yy  0 Q.15

A thin walled spherical pressure vessel made of a linear elastic isotropic material has inner radius r and thickness t before pressurization. When subjected to internal pressure p , elements of the pressure vessel wall experience a state of stress described by a single point ( , )  ( pr /(2t ),0) in Mohr’s circle. The reduction of the wall thickness due to pressurization (A) (B) (C) (D)

increases with t remains independent of t decreases with t depends on the elastic properties.

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Engineering Sciences - XE

For small oscillations, the natural frequency of the system in terms of K, a , b and M is (assuming ideal joints and mass-less rigid rod ABC) K






M (A)



Ka Mb


Kb 2 Ma 2

Ka 2 Mb 2


Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 17 and 18: A steel cylindrical pressure vessel has an inner radius of 1.8 m and a wall thickness of 20 mm. Q.17

For an internal pressure of 800 kPa the maximum shear stress for the cylindrical part of the vessel is (A) 16 MPa


(B) 18 MPa

(C) 20 MPa

(D) 0

At which of the following internal pressures will the cylindrical vessel yield as per the Tresca criterion if the yield strength of the material in tension is 320 MPa (A) 3.55 MPa

(B) 7.1 MPa

(C) 1.775 MPa

(D) 4.0 MPa

Common Data for Questions 19 and 20: A steel beam, of rectangular cross-section 25 mm wide and 75 mm deep, is pinned to supports at points A and B, where the support B is on rollers. The Young’s modulus of steel may be assumed as 2.0 x 105 N/mm2. The ends of the beam are loaded with 5 kN loads. 5 kN

5 kN



0.3 m


0.3 m

The maximum bending stress in the beam is (A) 0


1.5 m

(B) 64 MN/m2

(C) 128 MN/m2

(D) 32 MN/m2

(C) 9.31 mm

(D) 9.84 mm

The vertical deflection at the ends is (A) 4.92 mm

(B) 4.58 mm

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Engineering Sciences - XE

Linked Answer Questions Statement for Linked Answer Questions 21 and 22: A cantilevered beam of unknown material (which is homogeneous, linearly elastic and isotropic) and an unknown cross-section (which is uniform and symmetric) is given in the figure. The stiffness of the end spring is k = 2000 N/m and end load P = 1000 N; length of the beam L = 1m.


E, I




L = 1m Q.21

If the deflection at the free-end (under load P, with end moment M=0) is measured as  = 5 mm, the flexural rigidity EI for the beam is (in N m2) (A) 66,666 (B) 66,000 (C) 67,300 (D) 64,000


The value of the additional end moment M (in N.m) required to obtain an upward deflection of 1 mm at the free end, is (moment is positive in counterclockwise direction) (A) 533.33

(B) 533.33

(C) 528

(D) 528


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GATE 2012

Engineering Sciences - XE

E : THERMODYNAMICS Note: Usual notations have been used for thermodynamic variables. Useful Data: Unless otherwise specified, the following data may be assumed. Universal gas constant, R =8.314 kJ/kmol.K; Acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.81 m/s2 Molecular mass of air, Mair = 29 kg/kmol; Specific heat of air at constant pressure, c p = 1.005 kJ/kg.K Ratio of specific heats of air,   1.4. Assume air to be a perfect gas unless specified otherwise.

Q. 1 – Q. 9 carry one mark each. Q.1

Consider a piston-cylinder arrangement containing a gas. This system is heated by placing it on the top of a burner. The system undergoes (A) (B) (C) (D)


For a pure substance, at the triple point (A) (B) (C) (D)


a constant volume process a constant pressure process an adiabatic process an isothermal process

only solid and liquid phases co-exist in equilibrium only liquid and vapour phases co-exist in equilibrium only solid and vapour phases co-exist in equilibrium solid, liquid and vapour phases co-exist in equilibrium

In a saturated liquid-vapour mixture, the property quality, x is defined as (A) x  (C) x 


mvapour mliquid  mvapour

mliquid mliquid  mvapour


(D) x 




The slope of a Mollier diagram at constant pressure indicates (A) enthalpy (C) internal energy


(B) x 

(B) entropy (D) temperature

If QL represents the magnitude of heat transfer from a low temperature reservoir to a cyclic device and QH represents the magnitude of heat transfer from a cyclic device to a high temperature

reservoir, then for the same QL and QH , the coefficient performance of a refrigerator  COPR  and the coefficient performance of a heat pump  COPHP  can be related as


(A) COPR  1  COPHP



(D) COPHP  COPR  1

Clausius inequality is written as (A) (C)

 Q  0 Q  T 0

(B) (D)

 Q  0 Q  T 0

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012


Engineering Sciences - XE

In a Diesel cycle, the ratio of cylinder volumes after and before combustion process is called (A) cut-off ratio


(C) pressure ratio

(D) compression ratio

The exergy (or availability) of a system at a specified state (A) (B) (C) (D)


(B) back work ratio

depends on the conditions of the system alone depends on the conditions of the environment alone depends on the conditions of both the system and environment depends neither on the conditions of the system nor the environment

In each of the following choices, there are two expressions given. Select the choice that gives, first, the defining expression of volume expansivity and second, the expression of volume expansivity for ideal gases

1  v  1   , v  T  P T 1  v  1 (C)    , v  P T P (A)


1  v  1   , v  P T T


1  v  1   , v  T  P P

Q. 10 - Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10

A certain mass of gas at 0oC is expanded to 81 times its original volume under adiabatic conditions. If ratio of specific heats of the gas,   1.25 , the final temperature of the gas is (A) – 235 oC


(B) 2E

(C) 27E

(D) 327E

(B) – 788 kJ/kg

(C) 788 kJ/kg

(D) – 888 kJ/kg

32 kg of oxygen is mixed with 28 kg of nitrogen at the same temperature. The gases are at the same pressure of 103 kPa before and after mixing. If R is the universal gas constant in kJ/kmol.K, the change in entropy of the mixture is (A) 1.38R


(D) 0 oC

Helium in a piston/cylinder assembly at 20oC and 100 kPa is brought to 400 K in a reversible polytropic process with exponent n = 1.25. Assume helium to be an ideal gas. The molecular mass of helium is 4.003 kg/kmol. The specific work in the process is approximately (A) – 800 kJ/kg


(C) – 91 oC

A sample of gas with initial average kinetic energy, E is heated from 27 oC to 327 oC. The average kinetic energy after heating is (A) E


(B) – 182 oC

(B) 0.69R

(C) R

(D) 0.34R

Consider two Carnot heat engines A and B operating in series. Engine A receives heat from a reservoir at 1750 K and rejects heat to another reservoir at temperature T. Engine B receives an amount of energy same as that rejected by Engine A from the reservoir at temperature T. Engine B then rejects heat to another reservoir at 320 K. In both cases, the engines produce some amount of work. If the thermal efficiencies of both the engines are the same, then the temperature T is approximately (A) 848 K

(B) 748 K

(C) 648 K

(D) 548 K

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012


Engineering Sciences - XE

Joule-Thomson coefficient for a gas,  j obeying the relation p  v  b   RT is (A)  j 


cp b

(B)  j 

b cp

(C)  j  

b cp

(D)  j  

cp b

The correct expression representing Z to be a thermodynamic property is (A) (B) (C) (D)

Z  pdv Z  vdp Z  pdv  vdp Z  pdv  vdp

Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 17 and 18: The vapour pressure of liquid ammonia (in atmosphere) in the vicinity of the triple point can be expressed as

ln p 

3063 15.16 T

where temperature T is expressed in K. In a similar manner, the vapour pressure of solid ammonia can be expressed as

ln p 

3754 18.7 T

Take the molecular mass of ammonia to be 17 kg/kmol. Q.17

The temperature and pressure at the triple point are (A) 295.2 K, 0.69 atm (C) 195.2 K, 0.69 atm


(B) 295.2 K, 0.59 atm (D) 195.2 K, 0.59 atm

The latent heat of vapourization is (A) 1298 kJ/kg

(B) 1398 kJ/kg

(C) 1498 kJ/kg

(D) 1698 kJ/kg

Common Data for Questions 19 and 20: Consider an ideal reheat cycle utilizing steam. Steam leaves the boiler and enters the turbine at 3 MPa, 400oC (state 3) and then expands to 0.8 MPa (state 4). It is then reheated at constant pressure 0.8 MPa to 400oC (state 5) and expands to 10 kPa in the low pressure turbine (state 6). The entry to the pump corresponds to saturated liquid state (state 1), and state 2 represents inlet to the boiler. The following data are given: h1  191.81 kJ / kg , h3  3230.82 kJ / kg , h4  2891.6 kJ / kg , h5  3267.97 kJ / kg , hg

10 kPa

 2584.63 kJ / kg , x6  0.92285, v f

10 kPa

 0.00101m3 / kg


The heat transfer in the boiler is approximately (A) 4411 kJ/kg (B) 3412 kJ/kg (C) 3230 kJ/kg (D) 2892 kJ/kg


The net workdone in the cycle is approximately (A) 1004 kJ/kg (C) 1204 kJ/kg

(B) 1104 kJ/kg (D) 2004 kJ/kg

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012

Engineering Sciences - XE

Linked Answer Questions Statement for Linked Answer Questions 21 and 22: A piston-cylinder arrangement as shown in the figure initially contains air at 150 kPa and 400 oC. The arrangement is allowed to cool to the ambient temperature of 20oC. The characteristic gas constant for air is 0.287 kJ/kg.K. The cylinder wall has stops of negligible thickness that can prevent the piston from moving down. The stops are 1 m from the inner side of the base surface of the cylinder. At the initial state, the piston is resting 1 m above the stops. piston Stop 1m Air


The final pressure in the cylinder is (A) 130.7 kPa (C) 200.7 kPa



(B) 150 kPa (D) 230.7 kPa

The specific work done by the air during the process is (A) –26.67 kJ/kg (C) 49.5 kJ/kg

(B) 26.67 kJ/kg (D) –96.67 kJ/kg


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012

Engineering Sciences - XE

F : POLYMER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Q. 1 – Q. 9 carry one mark each. Q.1

The diamine used for the synthesis of nylon 6,4 is (A) tetramethylene diamine (C) phenylene diamine


A small amount of hydroquinone is added to methyl methacrylate monomer in order to (A) (B) (C) (D)


(B) hexamethylene diamine (D) cyclohexane-1,4-diamine

improve its thermal stability improve its hydrolytic stability inhibit polymerization regulate molecular weight

Which of the following compounds is used in Zeigler-Natta catalyst? (A) TiCl3 (C) ZnCl2


(B) CaCl2 (D) NaCl

The z-average molecular weight, M z can be estimated using (A) End group analysis (C) Viscometry


The unit of intrinsic viscosity is (A) dl/g


(B) Osmometry (D) Ultracentrifugation

(B) g/dl

(C) poise

Heat dissipation is most inefficient in (A) Emulsion polymerization (C) Bulk polymerization


(D) g/mol

(B) Solution polymerization (D) Suspension polymerization

The crystalline melting temperature of the polymers high density polyethylene (HDPE), isotactic polypropylene (iPP), nylon 6 (PA6) and poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) can be arranged as (A) THDPE > TPET > TiPP > TPA6 (B) TPET > TPA6 > TiPP > THDPE (C) TPA6 > THDPE > TPET > TiPP (D) TiPP > TPA6 > TPET > THDPE


Which of the following polymers is sensitive to moisture absorption? (A) Polyethylene


(B) Polystyrene

(C) Polyamide 6

(D) Polybutadiene

Most engineering polymers have heat distortion temperature (HDT) in excess of (A) –80C

(B) 0C

(C) 20C

(D) 80C

Q. 10 - Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10

Two miscible polymers A and B are blended in weight ratio of 30:70. If the glass transition temperature, Tg of polymer A is -50C and that of polymer B is 100C, then the Tg of the blend is (A) –10.5C

(B) 25.0C

(C) 37.5C

(D) 74.8C

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012

If the flow curves of two viscous fluids are represented by

Shear Stress


Engineering Sciences - XE

a b Shear Rate

then, the viscosity plots of the fluids will be (A)

(B) a



a b


Shear Rate

Shear Rate

(D) b a

Match the following compounding ingredients in plastic technology with their respective functions: Compounding ingredients Functions P. Tricresyl phosphate 1. Filler Q. Calcium carbonate 2. UV stabilizer R. Azodicarbonamide 3. Plasticizer S. o-Hydroxybenzophenone 4. Blowing agent (A) P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2 (C) P-4, Q-1, R-2, S-3


(B) P-1, Q-4, R-3, S-2 (D) P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2

In a three-point bending mode for flexural test of a polymer sample with the following data: load applied in the mid-span = 80 kg width of the specimen = 3 cm depth of the specimen = 2 cm length of the specimen = 30 cm the flexural strength will be (A) 17.5 MPa


a Shear Rate

Shear Rate






(B) 29.4 MPa

(C) 35.7 MPa

(D) 41.3 MPa

How many stereo isomers are possible in total on polymerization of butadiene? (A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 4

(D) 5

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012


Engineering Sciences - XE

Match the following processing operations with their respective tools: Processing operations Tools P. Injection molding 1. Parison mold Q. Twin screw extrusion 2. Sprue-runner system R. Blow molding 3. Mixing head S. Reaction injection molding 4. Kneading blocks (A) P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4 (C) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3


(B) P-2, Q-4, R-1, S-3 (D) P-4, Q-1, R-2, S-3

If a solid elastomer ball of weight 100 g is allowed to free fall from a height of 10 m and it rebounds back to a height of 8 m, the hysteresis loss is (A) 19.60 J

(B) 9.80 J

(C) 1.96 J

(D) 0.98 J

Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 17 and 18: A polymer mixture contains three monodisperse polystyrene samples A, B and C of molecular weights 10000, 20000 and 30000 g mol-1, respectively. Q.17

If the mixture contains equal number of molecules of A, B and C, the weight average molecular weight, Mw will be (A) 1.93  104 g mol–1 (C) 2.33  104 g mol–1


(B) 2.13  104 g mol–1 (D) 2.53  104 g mol–1

If the mixture contains equal masses of A, B and C, then the number average molecular weight, M n will be (A) 1.64  104 g mol–1 (C) 1.84  104 g mol–1

(B) 1.74  104 g mol–1 (D) 1.94  104 g mol–1

Common Data for Questions 19 and 20: The stress relaxation equation for polymers is given by, = 0 e–t/ , where is the stress at any time instant t, 0 is the initial stress and is the relaxation time. The relaxation process is temperature dependent and follows the Arrhenius law. For a rubber sample, the relaxation time is 60 days at 25C. Q.19

If the above sample is stressed to 2 MPa initially, then the time required to relax the stress to 1 MPa will be (A) 31.6 days (B) 41.6 days (C) 51.6 days (D) 61.6 days


If the activation energy for relaxation is 30 KJ/mol, the relaxation time at 35C will be (A) 30.5 days (C) 40.5 days

(B) 35.5 days (D) 45.5 days

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012

Engineering Sciences - XE

Linked Answer Questions Statement for Linked Answer Questions 21 and 22: In tensile testing of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy composite samples, the following data were recorded: gauge length = 4 cm cross-section = 0.8 cm  0.3 cm increase in gauge length at the break point = 0.03 cm breaking load = 50 kg Q.21

Considering the stress-strain curve to be linear up to the break point, the tensile strength is (A) 191.2 kg/cm2 (C) 312.1 kg/cm2


(B) 208.3 kg/cm2 (D) 535.5 kg/cm2

The Young’s modulus of the composite is (A) 1.77  104 kg/cm2 (C) 2.34  104 kg/cm2

(B) 1.99  104 kg/cm2 (D) 2.77  104 kg/cm2


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012

Engineering Sciences - XE

G : FOOD TECHNOLOGY Q. 1 – Q. 9 carry one mark each. Q.1

Among the following fatty acids, which group is known as essential fatty acids? (A) (B) (C) (D)


Cellulose, the structural polysaccharide of plant, is a polymer of (A) (B) (C) (D)


9,11-Octadecadienoic and 9,11,13-Octadecatrienoic 9,12-Octadecadienoic and 9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic 9-Octadecenoic and 9,11-Octadecadienoic 9,11-Octadecadienoic and 9-Eicosenoic

-D-Glucose -D-Glucose -D-Galactose -D-Galcturonic acid

The important role of carotenoids in the human diet is their ability to serve as precursors of (A) Vitamin C


(B) Vitamin D

Alcaligenes viscolactis Enterobacter aerogenes Streptococcus cremoris Streptococcus lactis

A mild heat treatment of foods that destroys pathogens and extends its shelf life is called (A) Baking (C) Sterilization


(B) Polystyrene (D) Polyvinylchloride

Reassociation of amylose and formation of crystalline structure upon cooling of cooked starch solution is termed as (A) Synersis (C) Retrogradation


(B) Blanching (D) Pasteurization

The most common and least expensive plastic film used for packaging of solid food materials is (A) Polyethylene (C) Polypropylene


(B) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (D) Aspergilus niger

Which one of the microorganisms given below is NOT RESPONSIBLE for ropy or stringy fermentation of milk? (A) (B) (C) (D)


(D) Vitamin K

Which one of the following microorganisms is used in the preparation of bread? (A) Candida utilis (C) Saccharomyces cevarum


(C) Vitamin A

(B) Gelatinization (D) Denaturation

Thermal destruction of microorganisms follows a kinetics of (A) (B) (C) (D)

Zero order First order Second order Fractional order

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012

Engineering Sciences - XE

Q. 10 - Q. 22 carry two marks each. Q.10

Which one of the following is NOT A CORRECT statement? (A) Meatiness is the taste produced by compounds such as glutamate in products like cheese, soy sauce. (B) Astringency is a dry mouth feel in the oral cavity that is most associated with phenolic compounds. (C) Saltiness is a taste that is mainly produced by chloride ions. (D) Sourness is related to acidity and is sensed by hydrogen ion channels in the human tongue. The following plot represents the Lineweaver-Burk equation of an enzymatic reaction both in the presence and the absence of inhibitor. Here, V is the velocity of reaction and S is the substrate concentration.



Inhibition No inhibition

S–1 The nature of inhibition shown in the plot is (A) (B) (C) (D) Q.12

Non-competitive Anti-competitive Competitive Mixed type

Make the correct match of the food constituents in Group I with their nature given in Group II. Group I P) Ascorbic Acid Q) Phenyl alanine R) Dextrose S) Haemoglobin (A) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2 (C) P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1


Group II 1) Sugar 2) Chelate 3) Amino Acid 4) Antioxidant (B) P-4, Q-1, R-3, S-2 (D) P-4, Q-2, R-1, S-3

Make the correct match of the fermented food products in Group I with the microorganisms in Group II. Group I P) Yoghurt Q) Cheese R) Sauerkraut S) Kefir (A) P-1, Q-4, R-2, S-3 (C) P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1

Group II 1) Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii 2) Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Lactobacillus plantarum 3) Lactobacillus delbrueckii and Streptococcus thermophillus 4) Lactobacillus casei and Streptococcus thermophillus (B) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2 (D) P-3, Q-2, R-4, S-1

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012


Engineering Sciences - XE

Match the following between organelle or cellular components of a bacterium cell in Group I with the constituents and functionalities in Group II. Group I P) Cytoplasmic membrane Q) Flagellum R) Cell wall S) Ribosome (A) (B) (C) (D)


P-3, Q-2, R-4, S-1 P-4, Q-2, R-1, S-3 P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1 P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1

Thermal death time (TDT) of Clostridium botulinum at 121 C is 2.78 min with a z-value of 10 C. The TDT of the microorganism at 116 C (in min) is (A) 5.270


Group II 1) Protein synthesis 2) Peptidoglycan 3) Phospholipid bilayer 4) Motility of cell

(B) 8.791

(C) 1.390

(D) 0.712

Make the correct match between specific food processing operations in Group I with their mechanism of action in Group II. Group I P) Ball Mill Q) Roller Mill R) Flash Peeling S) Abrasive Peeling (A) P-4, Q-2, R-1, S-3 (C) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1

Group II 1) Compression and shear 2) Pressure bursting 3) Friction and shear 4) Impact and shear (B) P-4, Q-1, R-2, S-3 (D) P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2

Common Data Questions Common Data for Questions 17 and 18: 650 g of a wet food containing 405 g water is dried in a tray dryer to a final moisture content of 6.8 % (dry basis). It is observed that the drying process occurs under constant rate period and it takes 8 h. Q.17

Initial moisture content (in percentage) of the food on wet basis is (A) 62.31


(B) 70.45

(C) 162.31

(D) 165.31

(C) 77.81

(D) 0.0485

The rate of drying (in kg/h) is (A) 128.79

(B) 126.35

GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012

Engineering Sciences - XE

Common Data for Questions 19 and 20: Air at 1 atmospheric pressure (101.325 kPa) and 30 C with absolute humidity of 0.0218 kg/kg of dry air is flowing in a drying chamber. The saturated vapor pressure of water ( pw0 , in kPa) is related to temperature (T, in C) as given below

ln pw0  18.6556 

5217.635 T  273

Heat capacities of dry air (average molecular weight 29) and that of water vapor (molecular weight 18) are 1.005 and 1.884 kJ/kg.K, respectively. Latent heat of vaporization of water at reference temperature (0 C) is 2502.3 kJ/kg. Q.19


The relative humidity of air (in percentage) is (A) 62.82 (B) 68.22 (C) 86.62

(D) 81.80

The enthalpy (in kJ/kg) of moist air is (A) 85.93

(B) 54.55

(C) 31.38

(D) 99.38

Linked Answer Questions Statement for Linked Answer Questions 21 and 22: The total solids content in a milk sample is 18 %. It is desired to produce 1000 kg of sweetened condensed milk (SCM) having 40 % sugar, 25 % moisture and rest milk solids. Q.21

What is the ‘Sugar Ratio’ (in percentage) in the SCM in terms of sugar and water content in the final product? (A) 48.19


(B) 61.54

(C) 54.16

(D) 56.14

If the ‘Concentration Degree’ is 2.5, the amount of sugar added in kg in the milk sample is (A) 246.16

(B) 216.64

(C) 192.76

(D) 224.56


GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

GATE 2012 - Answer Keys General Aptitude - GA Q. No. 1 2 3 4

Key / Range B B D A

Q. No. 5 6 7 8

Key / Range D C D A

Q. No. 9 10

Key / Range A A

Q. No. 9 10 11

Key / Range C B B

Q. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22

Key / Range B C B C A B

Q. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22

Key / Range A B D Marks to All B C

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - A) Q. No. 1 2 3 4

Key / Range A C B D

Q. No. 5 6 7 8

Key / Range C D C D

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - B) Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Key / Range D A D D D C D B

Q. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Key / Range C A A C D A C B

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - C) Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Key / Range D C A B A C B D

Q. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Key / Range A B A D C D B C

______________________________________________________________ GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - D) Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Key / Range A A D C B B B C

Q. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Key / Range C C D C Marks to All C Marks to All D

Q. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22

Key / Range Marks to All A B Marks to All B A

Q. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22

Key / Range D C B C A D

Q. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22

Key / Range C A B C B D

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - E) Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Key / Range B D A D B C A C

Q. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Key / Range A B B D A B C C

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - F) Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Key / Range B C A D A C B C

Q. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Key / Range D C A A B D B C

______________________________________________________________ GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

Engineering Sciences – XE (Section - G) Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Key / Range B A C B D D A C

Q. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Key / Range B C C A C C B B

Q. No. 17 18 19 20 21 22

Key / Range A D D A B A

______________________________________________________________ GATE Previous Year Solved Papers by

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