gate cs

June 25, 2018 | Author: awadhesh.kumar | Category: Areas Of Computer Science, Computer Programming, Computer Engineering, Computing, Technology
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CSTest ID: 162263


Q. No. 1 – 5 Carry One Mark Each


Choose the word that does NOT belong to the group A. Ecstasy




C. Grim

D. Rapture

Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given in bold DEBUNK 

(A) Misrepresent

(B) Demystify

(C) Dubious

(D) Sporadic


Sohail scored 33 marks in English, 37 marks in science, 28 marks in mathematics, 26 marks in Hindi, 32 marks in social studies. The maximum marks a student can score in each subject is 60. How much percent did Sohail get in this exam?


A truck covers 448 km in 8 hours. The average speed of bicycle is

1 4

th  of average speed of

truck. How much distance will the bicycle cover in 7 hours? (A) 92km


(B) 98 km

(C) 95 km

(D) 96 km

Given below are three statements followed by three conclusions. Assuming these statements to be true, decide which one logically follows: Statements:

I. All trash barrels are filthy. II.  No container is filthy. III. All baskets are containers. Conclusions: I. Some baskets are filthy. II. No basket is a trash barrel. III. Some baskets are containers (A) Only III

(B) II and I

(C) II and III

(D) Only II

Q. No. 6 – 10 Carry Two Mark Each


Given below are four sentences. Find out the odd sentence. (A) There never has been in the history of the world a time when the spoken word has been

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CSTest ID: 162263


equaled in value and importance by any other means of communication. (B) If one traces the development of mankind from what he considers its earliest stage he will find that the wandering family of savages depended entirely upon what its members said to one another. (C) A little later when a group of families made a clan or tribe the individuals still heard the commands of the leader, or in tribal council voiced their own opinions. (D) Drama, in all primitive societies is a valuable spreader of knowledge, entertainment, and religion. 7.

It was intrinsic to their grand passion that there should be  _______ ; both were adept at slamming doors and  _____  off into the night. (A) marches, muttering

(B) Offers, overrunning

(C) rows, storming

(D) records, snapping


How many positive integers less than 10,000 are such that the product of their digits is 210?


Each day after an item is lost the probability of finding that item is halved. If 3 days after a certain item is lost the probability 1/64, what was the initial probability of finding the item? (A) 1/32 (B) 1/8 (C) 1/4 (D) 1/2


Solution Y is 30 percent liquid X and 70 percent water. If 2 kilograms of water evaporate from 8 kilograms of solution Y and 2 kilograms of solution Y are added to the remaining 6 kilograms of liquid, what percent of this new solution is liquid X? (A) 30% (B) 30.3% (C) 37.5% (D) 40% (E) 50% Q. No. 1 – 25 Carry One Mark Each


Consider a list containing n distinct elements. Let us say we want to find the second largest element from the list. Find the number of comparisons required in worst case for a brute force method. (A) n


(B) n-2

(C) 2n-1

(D) 2n-3

Express the following recurrence relation in asymptotic notation:

n+n  4

 T ( n ) = 16T  (A)

Θ( n2 )

(B) Θ ( n )


Θ ( nlogn )

(D) None of these

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CSTest ID: 162263



Let A, B, C are three matrices of sizes 4X6, 6X3, 3X4 respectively. The minimum number of multiplications required to perform AXBXC is ______


Find the odd one out with respect to the worst case time complexity.


(A) Quick sort

(B) Selection sort

(C) Insertion sort

(D) Merge sort

What is the running time of the following program? function ( int n ) { for ( i = 1; i
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