Gas Turbine World Handbook 2014

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Gas Turbine Handbook 2014...


2014 Specs (30th Edition)

January-February Vol. 44 No. 1

Editor-In-Chief Robert Farmer

Managing Editor Bruno deBiasi

European Editor Junior Isles

Engineering Editor

Simple cycle power

Harry Jaeger

H-80 gas turbine is nominally rated

at 110.6MW and 37.6% effic ienc y for

Field Editor Michael Asquino

60-Hz and I 12.4MW and 38.2% for 50-Hz applications, page 12

News Editor Margaret Cornett

Marketing Director James Janson

Publisher Victor deBiasi


Combined cycle power

Peggy Walker

Facsimile (203) 254-3431 [email protected]

On the Cover. GE's high efficiency air­ cooled 9HA gas turbine with a net combined cycle efficiency of more than 61 percent and

Executive Office

1 x l output levels of 592 or 701 megawatts

Gas Turbine World

654 Hiiiside Road Fairlield, CT 06824, USA Telephone (203) 259-1812


M701J combined cycle power plant is rated at 687MW net base load output and 5531 Btu/kWh heat rate for 50-Hz power generation, page 25

Simple cycle electric power Updated OEM design performance speci­


fications for production model gas turbines

designed for 50/60-Hz electric power, co­ generation and CHP projects

Advertising Sales

US & Canada-James Janson

Telephone (203) 226-0003 Facsimile (203) 226-0061 [email protected]

Europe - Peter Gilmore

Telephone +44 (0)207 834 5559 pgilmores@aol .com

Japan - Victor deBiasl

(203) 259-1812 Facsimile (203) 254-3431 Telephone

[email protected]

C 2014 Pequol Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission strictly prohibited. Postmaster, please send Form 3579

lo PO Box 447, Southport , CT 06690

16 Combined cycle poVJer plants Updated OEM design performance specifi­ cations for single and multi-shaft reference plants designed for 50/60-Hz power genera­ tion and combined heat and power projects

Mechanical drive GT6200 gas turbine is nominally rated at 9,253 shp continuous and 34.0% efficiency, with output cou­ pling speed of 12,000 rpm, page 31

28 Mechanical drive gas turbines Updated OEM design performance speci­ fications for direct and geared gas turbine drives for petrochemical process and oil & gas pipeline projects

34 Marine gas turbine engines Updated OEM design performance speci­

Marine propulsion

MT? turboshaft engine is rated at

fications for production model gas turbines

5,365 shp continuous with a specific

marinized for ship propulsion, hovercraft

fuel consumption of 0.400 lb/bp-hr

and shipboard genset projects

(32.2% efficiency), page 34

Gas Turbine World (USPS 944760, ISSN 0746-4134) Is published bimonthly in addition to the GTW Handbook annual by Pequot Publishing Inc. 654 Hiiiside Rd., Fairfield, CT 06824. Canada Post International Mall Product (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No. 0747165. Printed in U.S.A.

January - Feb ruary 2014 GTW



Simple Cycle OEM Design Ratings







Ansaldo Energia


Mitsubishi Hitachi PowerSystems




Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding


Bharat Heavy Electricals






MTU Friedrichshafen


CentraxGas Turbine


NK Engines






GE Energy Aeroderivative


Orenda Aerospace


GE Power & Water Heavy Duty


PW PowerSystems


GE Energy Oil and Gas




Hitachi Zosen


Siemens Energy


IHI Power Systems


Solar Turbines


Iskra Energetika




Kawasaki Heavy Industries




MAN Diesel & Turbo ·---


Factory-new gas turbine performance specified by OEM design ratings is not the same as in-service performance. To find out how and why, go to our website at


January - February 2014 GTW Specs



2014 GTW Simple Cycle Specs

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Intro Year

ISO B as e Load (kW)

Heat Rate (Btu/kWh)


Pressure Mass Flow Ratio (lb/s ec)

Turbine Speed (rpm)

Exhaus t Temp (F)

Approx Weight

Approx L xW xH


Alstom (50 Hz) GT11N2 GT13E2

1 993 2012

113 600 kW 1 0 247 Btu 202 700 kW 8 980 Btu

33.3% 38.0%

15.9 18.2

882.0 lb 1 376.0 l b

3610 rpm 3000 rpm

979 F 934 F

419 000 lb 772 000 l b

43 x 18 x33 ft 36 x 1 8 x 1 8 ft

dual fuel burn er av ailable dual f uel burn er av ailable


201 1

326 000 kW

8 467 Btu



1 526.0 l b

3000 r pm

1 117 F

895 000 l b

39 x 1 6 x1 8 ft

dual fuel burn er av ailable

1 993 2011

1 1 5 400 kW 1 0 066 Btu 230 700 kW 8 531 Btu

33.9% 40.0%

15.9 35.4

882.0 lb 1 1 1 3.0 lb

3600 rpm 3600 rpm

979 F 1 1 07 F

419 0001b 507 000 lb

31 x 1 8 x33ft 35 x 13 x 15 ft

dual fuel burner av ailable dual fuel burner av ailable

Alstom (60 Hz) GT1 1 N2 GT24 Ansaldo Energia AE64.3A

1 996

75 000 kW

9 505 Btu



470.0 lb


1 065 F

220 000 lb

36 x 1 3 x 16 ft

AE64.3A includes gear box

AE94.2 AE94.2K

1981 1981

185 300 kW 170 000 kW

9 421 Btu 9 348 Btu

36.2% 36.5%

12.0 12.0

1 226.0 lb 1 190.0 lb

3000 rpm 3000 rpm

1006 F 1 01 3 F

617 0001b 617 000 lb

46 x41 x28 ft 46 x41 x28 ft


AE94.3A AE-T100

1 995 ....

310 000 kW 8 573 Btu 100 kW 1 1 362 Btu

39.8% 30.0%

19.5 4.5

1 653.0 lb 2.0 lb

3000 rpm 70000 rpm

1 069 F 518 F

794 000 lb 6 834 lb

43 x20 x26f t 1 3 x3 x6 ft

2004 2007 2012 2008 2013

1 2 300 kW 1 0 469 Btu 1 6 300 kW 9 614 Btu 1 6 400 kW 9 807 Btu 23 000 kW 9 312 Btu 25 500 kW 9 170 Btu

32.6% 35.5% 34.8% 36.7% 37.2%

15.9 19.9 19.5 27.3 28.5

1 0 1 .2 lb 1 24.0 lb 123.7 lb 169.1 lb 1 72.6 lb

6500/3000 3000 rpm 5300/3000 5000/3000 5000/3000

925 F 898 F 923 F 883 F 935 F

296 960 lb 389 400 lb 399 040 lb 467 710 lb 369 495 b l

59 x 1 0 x 14 ft 64 x10 x9ft 68 x1 0 x9 ft 79 x 1 0 x9 ft 79 x 1 0 x9 ft

w/ gearboxand gen losses w/ gearboxand gen losses w/ gearboxand gen losses w/ gearb oxand gen losses w/ gearboxand gen losses

26 300 kW 1 1 990 Btu 43 000 kW 1 0 303 Btu 77 100 kW 9 6 1 1 Btu

28.5% 33.1% 35.5%

1 0.5 12.4 15.6

270.0 lb 312.0 lb 451.0 lb

5094 rpm 5 1 63 rpm 5231 rpm

905 F 1008 F 1 1 09 F

185 220 lb 200 655 lb 231 525 lb

38 x 1 1 x 1 2f t 49 x 1 1 x 1 2 ft 32 x 1 6 x15ft

with standard co mbusto r with standard combustor with DLN co mbusto r

Aviadvigatel GTU-12PG-2 GTE-16PA GTE-16PER GTU-25P GTU-25PA

Bharat Heavy Electricals PG5371 (PA) PG6581(B) PG61 1 1 (FA)

1 988 2000 2003

PG9171 (E) V94.2

1 994 1 997

128 700 kW 157 000 kW

9 952 Btu 9 920 Bt u

34.3% 34.4%

12.8 1 1.1

899.0 lb 1 1 32.0 lb

3000 rpm 3000 rpm

1012 F 1 004 F

617 400 lb 650 475 lb

66 x15 x1 6 ft 46 x41 x28f t

with standard combusto r all ratings o n n atural gas

PG935 1 ( FA) PG9371(FB)

1 996 2004

260 100 kW 297 000 kW

9 099 Bt u 8 782 Btu

37.5% 38.9%

16.7 18.3

1430.0 lb 1420.0 lb

3000 rpm 3000 rpm

1 1 08 F 1 1 84 F

694 400 lb 716 800 lb

74 x16 x18f t 74 x 1 6 x18f t

with DLN co mbusto r with DLN co mbusto r





ISO Base Load (kW)

Heat Rate (Btu/kWh)


Pressure Mass Flow Ratio (lb/sec)


Turbine Speed (rpm)

Exhaust Temp (F)

Approx Weight

Approx LxWxH


Capstone Turbine C30 C65 C200 C600 C800 C1000

1 998 1 999 2008 2010 2009 2010

30 kW 65 kW 200 kW 600 kW 800 kW 1 000 kW

'100 Btu 800 Btu 300 Btu 300 Btu 300 Btu 300 Btu

26.0% 29.0% 33.0% 33.0% 33.0% 33.0%

4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0

0.7 lb 1.1 lb 2.9 lb 8.8 lb 11.7 lb 14.7 lb

96000 96000 61 000 61 000 61 000 61 000

rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm

530 F 588 F 535 F 535 F 535 F 535 F

891 lb 1 671 lb 6 120 lb 27 700 lb 32 300 lb 37 200 lb

3 x5 x6 ft 3 x6 x6 ft 6 x1 3 x8 ft 6 x30 x10 ft 6 x30 x1 0 ft 6 x30 x10ft

all pac k aged generato r sets

CX501-KB5 CX501-KB7

1 992 1 993

3 947 kW 11 747 Btu 5 335 kW 10 631 Btu

29.1% 32.0%

10.3 13.9

34.8 lb 46.6 lb

14571 rpm 14571 rpm

1031 F 923 F

85 980 lb 85 980 lb

30 x9 x 1 0 ft 30 x9 x 1 O ft

Rolls-Royce 501 -KB5 Rolls-Royce 501-KB7

CX300 CX400 CX400

201 1 201 1 2012

7 900 kW 1 1 158 Btu 9 817 Btu 12 900 kW 1 4 400 kW 9 647 Btu

31.0% 34.8% 35.4%

13.7 16.9 18.9

66.6 lb 87.0 lb 98.0 lb

14010 rpm 9500 rpm 9500 rpm

1008 F 1031 F 1004 F

126 0001b 165 000 lb 165 000 lb

40 x8 x12 ft 61 x9 x13 ft 61 x9 x13 ft

Siemens SGT-300 Siemens SGT-400 Siemens SGT-400

Trent 60 OLE Trent 60WLE ISi

2011 2011

53 049 kw 66 000 kw

8 055 Btu 8 226 Btu

42.4% 41.5%

33.0 36.0

342.0 lb 396.0 lb

3000 rpm 3000 rpm

81 1 F 780 F

420 0001b 420 0001b

67 x15 x17ft 67 x 1 5 x17ft

Rolls-Royce Trent 60 Rolls-Royce Trent 60

1 895 kW 21 543 Btu 2 000 kW 1 3 381 Btu

16.7% 25.5%

4.7 7.0

33.0 lb 20.9 lb

18800 rpm 25500 rpm

1020 F 1081 F

38 580 lb 35 300 lb

22 x7 x9ft 22 x7 x9ft

36.2% 38.9% 39.1%

17.9 22.4 23.6

1 49.7 lb 190.2 lb 1 98.4 lb

6200 rpm 6200 rpm 6200 rpm

1017 F 979 F 1006 F

88 200 lb 88 200 lb 88 200 lb

30 x14 x 1 5f t 30 x14 x 15 ft 30 x14 x 15 ft

LM2500 gas generato r LM2500+ gas generator LM2500+G4 gas generato r

1981 23 394 kW 9 280 Btu 36.8% 1 995 30 742 kW 8 821 Btu 38.7% 2005 33 175 k W. 8 811 Btu 38.7% 1 994 43 738 kW 8 166 Btu 41.8% 2008 50 447 kW 8 213 Btu 41.6% with standard annular combustor except KG2-3E

1 8.2 22.5 23.0 27.8 30.8

1 53.1 lb 192.2 lb 201.8 lb 279.1 lb 308.0 lb

3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3930 rpm

992 F 959 F 978 F 848 F 880 F

88 200 lb 88 200 lb 88 200 lb 83 800 lb 83 8001b

30 x14 x 15 f t 30 x14 x 1 5f t 30 x14 x15f t 27 x 14 x19f t 27 x14 x19f t

LM2500 gas turbine LM2500+ gas turbine LM2500+G4 gas turbine LM6000PC gas turbine LM6000PG gas turbine

13 11 10 10 10 10

3xCC200 4xCC200 5xCC200

Centrax Gas Turbine

Dresser-Rand (50/60 Hz) KG2-3E KG2-3G

1 989 2014

Vectra 30G Vectra 40G Vectra 40G4

2007 1 998 2007

22 767 kW 30 460 kW 33 209 kW


Dresser-Rand (60 Hz)

DR-61G DR-61GP DR-61G4 DR-63G PC DR-63G PG Note: All 0-R models

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GE Energy Aeroderivative (50 Hz)

fo -< I ;/;' CT 2


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9 428 Btu 8 780 Btu 8 737 Btu

LM1 800e


18 100 kW

9 930 Btu



131 .0 lb

3000 rpm

916 F

210 000 lb

57 x9 x 1 0 ft

LM2000PS LM2000PJ LM2500PE LM2500PJ

2000 2000 1981 1981

1 8 363 kW 17 855 kW 23 091 kW 21 846 kW

9 874 Btu 9 707 Btu 9 717 Btu 9 345 Btu

34.6% 35.1% 35.1% 36.5%

15.6 15.6 19.1 19.1

142.7 lb 136.1 lb 157.41b 151 .0 lb

3000 rpm 3000 rpm 3000 rpm 3000 rpm

866 925 963 995


210 0001b 2 1 0 000 lb 250 000 lb 250 000 lb

57 x9 x 1 0 ft 57 x9 x 1 0 ft 57 x9 x 1 0 ft 57 x9 x10 ft



water injection OLE water injectio n OLE

" CD

Intro Year

ISO Base Load (kW)

Heat Rate (Btu/kWh)


26 190 kW 26 190 kW

9 246 Btu 9 705 Btu

37.0% 35.0%

21.2 21.3

1 995 1 981 2005 2005

29 316 kW 29 962 kW 36 024 kW 32 881 kW

9 287 Btu 8 854 Btu 9 184 Btu 8 774 Btu

36.7% 38.5% 37.2% 38.9%

LM6000PC LM6000PC Sprint

1 997 1 998

43 339 kW 50 836 kW

8 519 Btu 8 458 Btu

LM6000PD LM6000PD Sprint LM6000PF LM6000PF Sprint

1 997 2000 2006 2006

42 732 kW 47 505 kW 42 732 kW 48 040 kW

8 8 8 8


2008 2009 2006 2010

53 500 kW 51 000 kW 103 200 kW 100 400 kW


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MGT6100 THM1304-10N THM1 304-12N

weig hts and size including reduction gearb ox, fuel/lub e oil an d start

L20A & L30A with dry low NOxc omb usti on

mature ratings


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Intro Year

ISO Base Load {kW)

Heat Rate {Btu/kWh)



162 180 kW

9 922 Btu


1 1 .7

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Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems (50/60 Hz)

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Pressure Mass Flow Ratio (lb/sec)


Turbine Speed {rpm)

Exhaust Temp (F)

Approx Weight

App rox LxWxH

1180.0 lb

3000 rpm

998 F

650 400 lb

46 x41 x28 ft

440 000 661 000 900 000 900 000

lb lb lb lb

� x� x�ft � x� x�ft � x� x�ft � x� x�ft

21 605 lb 48 501 lb 14 771 lb 110 229 lb

12 x8 x 1 0f t 1 8 x9 x8ft 23 x 8 x 8 ft 25 x 1 2 x1 1 f t

H-15 H-25(32) H-25(35) H-25(42)

1 990 2003 2008 2014

17 030 kW 32 300 kW 37 690 kW 42 030 kW

9 866 Btu 9 802 Btu 9 755 Btu 9 163 Btu

34.6% 34.8% 35.0% 37.2%

14.8 14.8 17.3 17.3

117.5 1b 212.9 lb 247.1 lb 244.7 lb

9710 rpm 7280 rpm 7280 rpm 7280 rpm

MF-61 MF-111 MFT-8 MF-221

1 989 1 985 1994 1 994

5 925 kW 11 910 Btu 14 570 kW 11 020 Btu 26 780 kW 8 820 Btu 30 000 kW 10 670 Btu

28.7% 31.0% 38.7% 32.0%

1 5.0 1 5.0 21.0 1 5.0

60.0 lb 1 2 1 .0 lb 190.0 lb 238.0 lb

1 3800 rpm 9660 rpm 5000 rpm 7200 rpm

925 F 986 F 867 F 991 F

1032 1043 1033 1033


Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems (50 Hz) H-80


112 440 kW

8 929 Btu



679.4 lb

3000 rpm

1 002 F

1 241 000 lb 120 x40 x50f t

M701 DA M701F4 M701G2 M701F5

1 981 1 992 1997 1 992

144 090 kW 324 300 kW 334 000 kW 359 000 kW

9 81 0 8 556 8 630 8 530

Btu Btu Btu Btu

34.8% 39.9% 39.5% 40.0%

14.0 18.0 21.0 21.0

972.0 lb 1570.0 lb 1 625.0 lb 1 570.0 lb

3000 rpm 3000 rpm 3000 rpm 3000 rpm

1 008 F 1 097 F 1089 F 1 1 31 F

440 917 lb 922 633 lb 925 926 lb 1 058 220 lb

41 x1 7 x17 ft 57 x 1 9 x19ft 60 x20 x20 ft 57 x 1 9 x19 ft

M701JAC M701J

2015 2014

445 000 kW 470 000 kW

41% 41 .0%

23.0 23.0

1 900.0 lb 1 900.0 lb

3000 rpm 3000 rpm

1139 F 1 1 80 F

1 234 590 lb 1 234 590 lb

60 x23 x23 ft 60 x23 x23 ft

1 241 000 lb

120 x40 x50 ft

Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems (60 Hz) H-80


1 1 0 610 kW ...-9 084 Btu



677.2 lb

3600 rpm

1014 F

M501DA M501F3 M501G1 M501GAC

1 980 1 989 1 997 201 1

1 1 3 950 1 85 400 267 500 276 000

34.9% 37.0% 39.1% 39.8%

14.0 16.0 20.0 20.0

763.0 lb 101 1 .0 lb 1 320.0 lb 1 320.0 lb

3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm

1009 1 1 36 1 11 3 1 143


319 665 1b 429 894 1b 734 140 lb 595 250 lb

38 x 1 9 x14rt 46 x15 x15ft 50 x18 x 1 8f t 50 x18 x 18 ft

M501JAC 2015 3 1 0 000 kW 41% 41 .0% 327 000 kW 8 325 Btu 201 1 M501 J Note: All MHPS ratings o n natural gas with inlet and exhaust losses

23.0 23.0

1 320.0 lb 1 320.0 lb

3600 rpm 3600 rpm

1 135 F 1 176 F

698 870 lb 698 870 lb

50 x18 x 1 8ft 50 x 1 8 x 1 8f t

10.0 10.0 1 2.5

1 1 .0 lb 32.0 lb 72.5 lb

26600 rpm 13070 rpm 1 1 380 rpm

918 F 916 F 936 F

2 205 lb 1 4 109 lb 41 446 lb

6 x5 x3ft 10 x5 x1 0 ft 1 6 x8 x1 2 ft

kW kW kW kW

9 780 Btu 9 230 Btu 8 730 Btu 8 574 Btu

Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding SB5 SB15 SB30E

1 987 1 986 1 995

1 080 kW 2 720 kW 7 330 kW

1 3 390 Btu 1 3 330 Btu 12 200 Btu

25.5% 25.6% 28.0%


V94.2 design

shaf t output rati ngf o r MFT-8

Intro Year


ISO Base Lo ad (kW)

Heat Rate (Btu/kWh)


Pressure Mass Flo w Ratio (lb/sec)

Turbine Speed (rpm)

Exhaust Temp (F)

Approx Weight

Approx LxWxH

Co mments

Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding (cont'd) MSC40 MSC50 MSC60 MSC70

1 970 1 985 1 989 1 994

3 513 kW 1 2 229 Btu 4 600 kW 1 1 628 Btu 5 670 kW 10 832 Btu 7 964 kW 9 957 Btu

27.9% 29.3% 31 .5% 34.3%

9.7 10.3 1 1 .7 15.0

41.9 lb 42.1 lb 48.0 lb 59.3 lb

1500/1800 1 500/1800 1 500/1800 1 500/1800

829 F 949 F 951 F 946 F

59 524 lb 59 524 lb 59 524 lb 1 16 843 lb

29x8x 10 ft 29x8x 10 ft 29x8x 1 0 ft 41 x9x 1 1 ft

Centaur 40 Centaur 50 Taurus 60 Taurus 70

MSC90 MSC100 MSC130

1 987 1 989 2000

9 459 kW 10 708 Btu 1 1 347 kW 1 0 365 Btu 1 5 000 kW 9 694 Btu

31 .9% 32.9% 35.2%

16.2 17.1 17.1

88.5 lb 93.8 lb 1 02.6 lb

1 500/1800 1 500/1800 1 500/1800

868 F 902 F 925 F

149 9 1 2 lb 149 912 lb 198 633 lb

48x9x 1 1 ft 48x9x 1 1 ft 47x10x1 3 ft

Mars 90 Mars 100 Titan 130

1 999 1991 1997 2001

1 100 kW 1 3 655 Btu 2 500 kW 14 224 Btu 6 300 kW 1 1 012 Btu 8 000 kW 1 0 735 Btu

25.0% 24.0% 31 .0% 31.8%

7.5 9.0 1 5.3 17.5

16.1 lb 42.7 lb 70.4 lb 8 1 . 1 lb

1 5000 rpm 1 2300 rpm 8560 rpm 8560 rpm

790 F 968 F 808 F 846 F

639 lb 2 646 lb 3 241 lb 3 241 lb

7x2x2 ft 1 1 x3x4 ft 1 3x4x4ft 1 3x4x4ft

natural gas fuel dual fuel gas fuel gas fuel

37.5% 37.4% 39.4% 39.4%

1 8.2 1 8.0 22.8 23.1

1 53.0 lb 1 5 1 .0 lb 1 89.0 lb 201 .0 lb

3600/1 500 3600/1 500 3600/1500 3600/1500

991 986 961 981


7 817 lb 8 637 lb 9 281 lb 10 401 lb

1 5x6x6 ft 1 5x6x6 ft 1 6x6x6 ft 16x6x6 ft


3600/1500 3600/1500 3600/1 500 3600/1 500

851 F 838 F 851 F 846 F

19 565 lb 19 565 lb 19 565 lb 1 9 565 lb

16x7x7ft 1 6x7x7ft 1 6x7x7 ft 16x7x7 ft


Motor Sich TV3-137 Al-20DME GTE-6.3/MS GTE-8/MS MTU


LM2500 (PE) LM2500 (PJ) LM2500+ (PR) LM2500+G4 (RD)

1 973 1 973 1 996 2005

23 862 kW 23 291 kW 31 154 kW 33 6 1 3 kW

9 094 Btu 9 1 1 6 Btu 8 658 Btu 8 650 Btu

LM6000 PD 1991 275.0 lb 28.0 8 027 Btu 42.5% 43 854 kW LM6000 PD Sprint 1 997 29.7 290.0 lb 48 219 kW 8 020 Btu 42.5% LM6000 PF 275.0 lb 28.0 2004 43 854 kW 42.5% 8 027 Btu 29.8 291.0 lb 42.6% 48 939 kW 8 0 1 0 Btu LM6000 PF Sprint 2004 Note: All MTU ratings include 3.5% gearboxand generator losses, but not inlet and exhaust losses


NK Engines NK-37 c.... ., :0 c

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- 9 376 Btu



223.0 lb


797 F

21 790 lb

17x7x7 ft

2004 2004 2004

1 9 1 0 kW 12 684 Btu 1 9 1 0 kW· 12 684 Btu 1 9 1 0 kW 12 684 Btu

26.9% 26.9% 26.9%

6.7 6.7 6.7

1 9.2 lb 1 9.2 lb 19.2 lb

26000 rpm 26000 rpm 26000 rpm

1 032 F 1032 F 1 032 F

3 594 lb 3 594 lb 4 325 lb

8x4x5 ft 8x4x 5 ft 8x4x5 ft

1 994 1 993 2002

2 670 kW 6 200 kW 8 300 kW

12 780 Btu 11 299 Btu 10 597 Btu

26.7% 30.2% 32.2%

12.0 14.0 17.0

33.1 lb 68.3 lb 74.3 lb

1500/1800 3000/3600 3000/3600

860 F 797 F 891 F

5 512 lb 9 921 lb 1 1 023 lb

1 0x4x7 ft 1 5x6x6 ft 1 5x6x6ft

OGT16000 1991 1 5 500 kW 1 1 1 1 5 Btu OGT15000 1 996 9 977 Btu 1 6 500 kW OGT25000 1 996 25 600 kW 9 6 1 2 Btu Note: all Orenda models weights and size, engine only

30.7% 34.2% 35.5%

13.0 20.0 21.0

21 1 .6 lb 1 56.5 lb 1 94.0 lb

3000/3600 3000/3600 3000/3600

662 F 788 F 905 F

35 274 lb 28 219 lb 35 2741 b

1 9x9x10ft 20x7x8 ft 21 x8x9 ft

1 993

25 000 k W

OPRA Turbine OP1 6-3A OP16-3B OP16-3C

OLE for low Btu fuels

Orenda Aerospace OGT2500 OGT6000 OGT8000



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Intro Year

ISO Base Load (kW)

Heat Rate (Btu/kWh)


2005 2005

25 400 kW 26 140 kW

9 790 Btu 9 453 Btu

34.9% 36.1%

19.3 19.3

194.0 lb 188.0 lb

3000 rpm 3600 rpm

877 F 870 F

FT8 SwiftPac 25 OLN 2003 FT8 SwiftPac 50 OLN 2003

25 455 kW 51 235 kW

8 960 Btu 8 905 Btu

38.1% 38.3%

19.5 19.5

187.0 lb 374.0 lb

3000/3600 3000/3600

856 F 856 F

FT8 SwiftPac 30 FT8 SwiftPac 60

1990 1 990

30 850 kW 62 006 kW

9 260 Btu 9 215 Btu

36.8% 37.0%

20.2 20.2

203.0 lb 405.0 lb

3000/3600 3000/3600

925 F 925 F

water injection water injection

FT4000 Swif tPac 60 2014 FT 4000 SwiftPac 120 2014

68 900 kW 138 000 kW

8 370 Btu 8 350 Btu

40.8% 40.9%

35.9 35.9

386.0 lb 772.0 lb

3000/3600 3000/3600

809 F 809 F

water injection water injection

3 897 kW 1 1 747 Btu 5 245 kW 1 0 848 Btu 6 447 kW 8 509 Btu

29.0% 31.5% 40.1 %

10.3 13.9 12.5

33.9 lb 46.6 lb 40.6 lb

1 4200 rpm 1 4600 rpm 1 4600 rpm

1 040 F 928 F 986 F


Pressure Mass Flow Turbine Ratio (lb/sec) Speed (rpm)

Exhaust Temp (F)

Approx Weight

Approx LxWxH


PW Power Systems FT8 MobilePac FT8 MobilePac

water injection, transportable water injection, transportable


Rolls-Royce (50/60 Hz) 501-KB5S 501-KB7S 501-KH5

1 990 1 992 1 982

RB211-G62 OLE RB211-G62 OLE RB211 -G62 OLE

1993 1999 2000

27 216 kW 29 845 kW 32 130 kW

9 387 Btu 9 089 Btu 8 681 Btu

36.4% 37.5% 39.3_%

20.8 21.5 21.5

201.2 lb 210.2 lb 206.9 lb

4800 rpm 4800 rpm 4850 rpm

934 F 938 F 949 F

1 996 1 996 2004 201 1

53 119 kW 63 512 kW 66 000 kW 66 000 kW

8 045 Btu 7 888 Btu 8 240 Btu 8 217 Btu

42.4% 43.2% 41.4% 41.5%

33.3 37.9 39.1 39.0

342.1 lb 389.0 lb 392.5 lb 393.5 lb

3000 rpm 3000 rpm 3000 rpm 3000 rpm

812 782 797 792

8 023 Btu 7 867 Btu 8 268 Btu 8 303 Btu

42.5% 43.4% 41 .3% 41.1%

33.6 36.2 37.4 38.0

347.4 370.6 373.6 379.3

lb lb lb lb

3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm 3600 rpm

5 050 kW 1 1 294 Btu 5 400 kW 1 1 008 Btu 6 750 kW 10 892 Btu 7 901 kW 11 158 Btu

30.2% 31 .0% 31 .5% 30.6%

14.3 15.6 12.2 13.7

43.0 lb 45.4 lb 64.5 lb 66.6 lb

1 7384 rpm 1 7384 rpm 11053 rpm 14010 rpm

34.8% 35.4%

16.8 18.9

86.8 lb 97.7 lb

9500 rpm 9500 rpm

85 980 85 980


30 x 9 x 1 0 ft 30 x 9 x 1 0 ft 30 x 9 x 10 ft

case steam injection 6 Ibis

61 x 13 x 16 ft 61 x 13 x 16 ft 61 x 1 3 x 16 ft

Rolls-Royce (50 Hz) Trent 60 OLE Trent 60 OLE ISi Trent 60WLE Trent 60WLE ISi


420 000 420 000 420 000 420 000

87 x 15 x 17 ft 97 x 15 x 17ft 87 x 15 x 17ft 97 x 15 x 17ft

ISi system water injectio n ISi system

808 F 789 F 804 F 798 F

420 000 420 000 420 000 420 000

87 x 15 x 17 ft 97 x 15 x 17 ft 87 x 15 x 17 ft 97 x 15 x 17 ft

ISi system water injection ISi system


77 000 lb 77 000 lb 124 000 lb 129 800 lb

36 x 9 x 1 3 f t 36 x 9 x 13ft 41 x 8 x 1 1 ft 39 x 9 x 13 ft

1031 F 1004 F

184 800 lb 184 800 lb

46 x 10 x 1 4ft 46 x 10 x 1 4ft


Rolls-Royce (60 Hz) Trent 60 OLE Trent 60 DLE ISi Trent 60WLE Trent 60WLE ISi


1 996 1 997 2004 2011

54 019 kW

61 842 kW 62 920 kW 65 660 kW

Siemens Energy (50/60 Hz) SGT-100 SGT-100 SGT-200 SGT-300

1 997 2010 1981 1 995

SGT-400 SGT-400

1 997 2010

12 900 kW 14 326 kW

9 815 Btu 9 647 Btu

1015 988 871 1008


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Intro Year

ISO Base Load (kW)

Heat Rate (Btu/kWh)


Pressure Ratio

Mass Flow (lb/sec)

Turbine Speed {rpm)

Exhaust Temp {F)

Approx Weight

Approx LxWxH


Siemens Energy (50/60 Hz) (cont'd) SGT-500 SGT-600

1 968 1981

19 064 kW 10 132 Btu 24 480 kW 10 161 Btu

33.7% 33.6%

1 3.0 14.0

215.9 lb 179.2 lb

3600 rpm 7700 rpm

696 F 1 009 F

331 000 lb 271 000 lb

70 x 13 x 30 fl 63 x 15 x 13 ft

SGT-700 SGT-750 SGT-800 SGT-800

1 999 2012 1 998 2010

32 820 kW 37 031 kW 47 500 kW 50 500 kW

9 170 Btu 8 644 Btu 9 058 Btu 8 916 Btu

37.2% 39.5% 37.7% 38.3%

18. 7 23.8 20.4 2 1 .1

209.0 lb 251.8 lb 292.8 lb 295.81b

6500 rpm 6100 rpm 6608 rpm 6608 rpm

991 F 858 F 1006 F 1027 F

317 000 1b

63 x 15 x 1 3ft .....

379 000 lb 379 000 1b

56 x 1 5 x 13 ft 56 x 1 5 x 1 3 ft

172 000 kW 307 OOOJ c:


Intro Year

ISO Continuous

Heat Rate (Btu/hp-hr)



Pressure Ratio

Mass Flow (lb/sec)

Turbine Speed (rpm)

Exhaust Temp (F)

Approx Weight

Approx LxWxH


NK Engines

� CT


1 976 1 992

8 450 hp 1 0 730 hp

9 748 Btu 7 951 Btu

26.1% 32.0%

8.8 9.5

128.0 lb 82.0 lb

8200 rpm 8000 rpm

590 F 887 F

7 700 lb 8 200 lb

1 5 x 5 x 5 ft 1 5 x 5 x 5 ft


1 995 1 982

1 3 410 hp 21 460 hp

7 483 Btu 8 773 Btu

34.0% 29.0%

20.2 9.7

98.1 lb 225.0 lb

5300 rpm 5300 rpm

750 F 898 F

1 3 000 lb 17 200 lb

1 7 x 7 x 7 ft 20 x 7 x 7 ft


1 995 1993

21 460 hp 33 530 hp

6 695 Btu 6 990 Btu

38.0% 36.4%

25.9 23.1

120.0 lb 223.0 lb

5300 rpm 5000 rpm

829 F 797 F

1 3 000 lb 1 9 200 lb

1 7 x 7 x 7 ft 20 x 8 x 8 ft

1 993 2002 1 991 1 995

8 717 14 081 22 395 35 805

hp hp hp hp

8 078 Btu 7 068 Btu 7 270 Btu 6 971 Btu

31 .5% 36.0% 35.0% 36.5%

14.0 19.5 20.0 21.0

68.3 lb 79.0 lb 1 57.0 lb 194.0 lb

8200 rpm 4800/6500 5200 rpm 3700/5000

806 F 914 F 788 F 914 F

7 7 1 6 lb 1 1 023 lb 25 574 lb 35 274 lb

1 2 x 4 x 5 ft 1 3 x 6 x 6 ft 1 5 x 7 x 7 ft 21 x 8 x 9 ft

501-KC5 501-KC7 Avon 2648 Avon 2656

1 996 1 998 2006 2006

5 500 hp 7 200 hp 21 923 hp 22 807 hp

8 495 Btu 7 934 Btu 8 323 Btu 8 022 Btu

30.0% 32.2% 30.9% 31 .8%

9.4 13.5 9.6 9.6

34.2 lb 45.8 lb 179.0 lb 1 79.0 lb

1 3600 rpm 1 3600 rpm 5500 rpm 4950 rpm

1 060 F 957 F 797 F 788 F

G62 OLE G62 Non-OLE GT62 OLE GT62 Non-OLE GT61 OLE GT61 Non-OLE

1 993 1 993 1 999 1 999 2000 2000

37 465 hp 39 075 hp 41 084 hp 41 495 hp 44 230 hp 45 316 hp

6 819 Btu 6 743 Btu 6 602 Btu 6 599 Btu 6 306 Btu 6 2.§l.9 Btu

37.3% 37.8% 38.6% 38.6% 40.4% 40.4%

20.6 21.3 21.7 22.0 21.6 22.1

201.0 lb 206.0 lb 210.0 lb 212.0 lb 207.0 lb 210.0 lb

4800 rpm 4800 rpm 4800 rpm 4800 rpm 4850 rpm 4850 rpm

Trent 60 OLE Trent 60 WLE

2003 2003

72 679 hp 82 877 hp

5 837 Btu 6 071 Btu

43.6% 41 .9%

34.3 36.1

340.2 lb 361.3 lb

SGT-100 SGT-200

2010 1981

7 640 hp 10 300 hp

7 738 Btu 7 616 Btu

32.9% 33.4%

14.9 12.3

SGT-300 SGT-400 SGT-400

2011 1 997 2010

1 1 000 hp 1 8 000 hp 20 006 hp

7 350 Btu 7 028 Btu 6 908 Btu

34.6% 36.2% 36.8%

SGT-500 SGT-600

1968 1981

25 881 hp 33 847 hp

7 443 Btu 7 344 Btu

34.2% 34.6%

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Orenda Aerospace GT6000 GT10000 GT1 5000 GT25000

weight and size engine only weight and size engine only weight and size engine only weight and size engine only

Rolls-Royce 21 x 8 x 1 0 ft 21 x 8 x 1 0 ft 23 x 12 x 1 1 ft 23 x 12 x 1 1 ft

501 -KC5 gas generator 501 -KC7 gas generator Avon 200 gas generator Avon 200 gas generator

916 F 916 F 918 F 918 F 928 F 928 F

30 x 30 x 30 x 30 x 30 x 30 x

RB21 1-G gas generator RB2 1 1 -G gas generator RB211 -GT gas generator RB211 -GT gas generator RB211 -GT gas generator RB21 1 -GT gas generator

3400 rpm 3400 rpm

802 F 807 F

39 x 1 5 x 1 6 ft 39 x 1 5 x 16 ft

43.4 lb 65.0 lb

1 3000 rpm 1 0950 rpm

1 009 F 919 F

59 400 lb 94 000 lb

20 x 9 x 1 6 ft 34 x 8 x 1 1 ft

13.3 16.8 18.9

63.9 lb 86.8 lb 97.0 lb

1 1 500 rpm 9975 rpm 9975 rpm

928 F 1031 F 1 004 F

83 600 lb 88 000 lb 88 500 lb

23 x 1 0 x 1 4 ft 24 x 1 0 x 1 4 ft 24 x 1 0 x 14 ft

1 3.0 14.0

215.9 lb 179.2 lb

3450 rpm 7700 rpm

696 F 1 009 F

176 000 lb 1 1 0 000 lb

46 x 1 6 x 1 3 ft 38 x 1 3 x 1 3 ft

13 x 1 6 fl 1 3 x 16 ft 1 3 x 1 6 ft 13 x 16 ft 1 3 x 16 ft 13 x 16 ft

water injected

Siemens Energy

two shaft design


Intro Year

ISO Continuous

Heat Rate (Btu/hp-hr)


Pressure Ratio

Mass Flow (lb/sec)

Turbine Speed (rpm)

Exhaust Temp (F)

Approx Weight

Approx LxWxH


Siemens Energy (cont'd) SGT-700 SGT-750

1 999 2012

45 1 51 hp 51 2 1 3 hp

6 661 Btu 6 248 Btu

38.2% 40.7%

1 8.7 23.8

209.0 lb 251.8 lb

6500 rpm 3050-6405

991 F 858 F

139 000 lb

38 x 13 x 13 ft

Saturn 20

1 985

1 590 hp

1 0 370 Btu



14.2 lb

22300 rpm

970 F

1 0 000 lb

1 3 x 6 x 8 ft

Centaur 40 Centaur 50

1 992 1 993

4 700 hp 6 130 hp

9 125 Btu 8 500 Btu

27.9% 29.9%

10.3 10.3

41.8 lb 41.5 lb

1 5500 rpm 1 6500 rpm

835 F 960 F

28 000 lb 33 000 lb

1 9 x 8 x 9 ft 1 8 x 8 x 9 ft

Taurus 60 Taurus 70

1 993 1 994

7 700 hp 1 1 150 hp

7 965 Btu 7 188 Btu

31 .9% 35.4%

1 1 .5 17.6

47.7 lb 59.1 lb

1 3950 rpm


950 F 933 F

35 000 lb 45 000 lb

1 8 x 8 x 9 ft 24 x 9 x 1 1 ft

Mars 90 Mars 100

1 992 1 994

1 3 220 hp 16 000 hp

7 655 Btu 7 370 Btu

33.2% 34.5%

16.3 17.7

88.5 lb 93.1 lb

9400 rpm 9500 rpm

870 F 905 F

60 000 lb 60 000 lb

30 x 9 x 1 0 ft 30 x 9 x 1 2 ft

Titan 130 Titan 250

1 998 2008

20 500 hp 30 000 hp

7 025 Btu 6 360 Btu

36.2% 40.0%

16.1 24.1

1 1 0.3 lb 1 50.4 lb

8500 rpm 7000 rpm

940 F 865 F

75 000 lb 1 16 000 lb

32 x 10 x 1 0 ft 34 x 12 x 1 4 ft

1 974 1978 1999

697 hp 4 364 hp 4 877 hp

1 1 8 1 8 Btu 9 063 Btu 8 5 1 1 Btu

21.5% 28.1% 29.6%

10.5 8.8 10.1

7.91b 28.3 lb 30.4 lb

1 500/1800 1 5400 rpm 15400 rpm

909 F 1110 F 1076 F

12 000 lb 45 000 lb 45 000 lb

1 0 x 5 x 1 2 ft 20 x 8 x 23 ft 20 x 8 x 23 ft

Solar Turbines

Vericor VPS1 VPS3 VPS4

Zorya-Mashproekt UGT 3000 UGT 6000

1981 1 978

4 440 hp 8 720 hp

8 210 Btu 8 080 Btu

31 .0% 31 .5%

13.5 14.0

34.2 lb 68.3 lb

9700 rpm 8200 rpm

824 F 806 F

30 800 lb 76 000 lb

1 7 x 1 0 x 1 0 ft 33 x 1 0 x 1 1 ft

UGT 8000


1 1 140 hp

7 6.f)S Btu



72.8 lb

8200 rpm

878 F

76 000 lb

33 x 1 0 x 1 1 ft

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UGT 15000 UGT 1 6000

1 988 1989

22 380 hp 22 380 hp

7 270 Btu 7 955 Btu

35.0% 32.0%

19.5 13.0

156.5 lb 216.1 lb

5200 rpm 5200 rpm

788 F 662 F

89 200 lb 90 300 lb

41 x 1 2 x 1 2 ft 41 x 1 2 x 1 2 ft

� CT

UGT 25000

1 993

35 800 hp

6 975 Btu



1 94.0 lb


914 F

92 000 lb

41 x 1 2 x 1 2 ft


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