gas turbine performance.xls

March 13, 2017 | Author: Kevin J. Mills | Category: N/A
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Gas Turbine

Power kW

LM6000PC SPRINT* LM6000PC LM6000PD SPRINT LM6000PD LM6000PD (liquid fuel) LM2500PK LM2500PV LM2500PH** LM2500PE LM2000PE LM1600PA GE10 (DLN) GE5 (DLN)

49550 43750 46825 42350 40200 30700 30250 28000 23400 17600 13600 11300 5500

Heat Rate Btu/kWh kJ/kWh LHV LHV 8451 8916 8103 8549 8235 8688 8308 8765 8415 8878 8816 9300 8596 9069 8318 8775 9279 9789 9617 10146 9852 10394 10930 11532 11118 11730

Number of Shafts 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 1


Shaft Speed



30.9 29.1 30.7 29.3 28.1 23.6 22.6 20.2 19.1 16.4 20.2 15.8 14.8

3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 6100 3600 3600 3600 7900 11000 16630

Exhaust Flow lb/s 295 281 290 278 268 192 186 167 153 139 104 106 43

kg/s 134 127 131 126 122 87.1 84.3 75.9 69.4 62.8 47 48 19.6

Exhaust Temp. °F 826 831 837 846 857 958 931 926 992 885 915 897 1065

°C 441 444 447 452 458 514 499 497 533 474 491 481 574

MS500 2 The MS5002 gas turbine was launched in the 1970s, and has been updated and uprated to match higher power demand.

The MS5002 is designed for mechani cal drive applicati ons with a wide operatin g speed range to meet the operatin g condition s of the most common driven equipme nt, centrifug al compres sors and pumps. It can burn a large

Almost 500 units (more than 300 of which were manufac tured by Nuovo Pignone) have been installed worldwid e in all types of environ ments including arctic, desert, and offshore, and have demonst rated ease of operabili ty as well as Two versions are available : MS5002 C38000 HP at ISO condition , and MS5002 D43700 HP at ISO condition .

Design Informa tion MS500 2C: 16stage axial compre ssor; pressur e ratio 8.9:1 MS500 2D: 17stage axial compre ssor; pressur e ratio 10.8:1 Revers e flow, multi chamb er (canannular ) combu stion system (12 chamb ers) Single stage gas genera tor turbine

Single stage power turbine (4,670 RPM rated speed) with variabl e nozzles

Two basepl ate configu rations (gas turbine flange to flange unit and auxiliar y system )

The enclosu re is integra ted with the basepl ate, providi ng maxim um accessi bility for gas turbine and auxiliar ies mainte nance The standar d configu ration, excludi ng the inlet and exhaus t ducts, is 49 by 10 by 12 ft (15 by 3.2 by 3.8 m) and weighs 110 t

Dry low NOx (DLN) combu stion system Steam or water injectio n system s for nitrous oxide abatem ent Perform ance Informa tion Mechanic al Drive, Fuel Natural Gas Model MS5002 C Output : 38000 shp (28340 kW) Heat rate: 8814 btu/sh p-h (12470 kJ/kWh )

Exhaus t flow: 274.1 lb/s (124.3 kg/s) Exhaus t temper ature: 963 °F (517 °C) Model MS5002 D Output : 43690 shp (32580 kW) Heat rate: 8650 btu/sh p-h (12239 kJ/kWh ) Exhaus t flow: 311.7 lb/s (141.4 kg/s) Exhaus t temper ature: 948 °F (509 °C)

Experie nce More than 390 units sold Fleet leader totaled more than 100,00 0 hours More than 10 million cumula tive fired hours

Reliability, Availability, & Maintenance The cost of electricity is affected by RAM performance in a manner similar to plant cost and fuel efficiency. Generally, RAM performance is improved during the design stage by incorporating lessons learned from previous plants. Gas turbine suppliers can do some of this based on their experience in other fields, but actual Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) experience is critical. GE has more than 350,000 hours of directly relevant experience, including some turbines that have accumulated more than 30,000 hours of operation on synthetic gas (syngas). Based on this experience, we conclude that an IGCC plant can have the same RAM performance as a natural gas combined cycle plant. The IGCC gas turbine must meet specific conditions in order to realize this high level of performance. For example, the higher hydrogen content in the syngas fuel—which produces more water—and the increased flow of syngas increase metal temperatures in the hot gas path. GE has developed a control system that mitigates this effect by lowering the firing temperature to keep the metal temperatures similar to those in natural gas turbines. Maintenance service agreements. We offer maintenance service agreements at a cost similar to natural gas turbines, along with availability guarantees. Many IGCC plants have found maintenance service agreements to be a way to make IGCC technology economically viable. GE Syngas Hours of Operation (as of August 2001) Custom er Cool Water PSI Tampa Texaco El Dorado Sierra Pacific SUV Vresova Schwarz e Pumpe Shell Pernis ISE/ILVA



Syngas Start Date




Hours of Operation

107E 7FA 107FA

120 262 250

May-84 Nov-95 Sep-96

27,000 20,400 26,060

457 -

1,000 4,100 5,925





































Fife Energy 6FA Motiva Delawar e 2x6FA Sarlux 3x109E Piombino 109E Exxon Singapor e 2x6FA






240 550 150

Aug-00 Oct-00 Oct-00

160 11,970 3,850


2,893 10,500 -





921 382,640

Output Heat Rate

Power Generat Mechani cal ion Drive 50/60 Hz 58.380 42.1 MW shp 10,642 Btu/kWh or 7,650 11,230 Btu/shpkJ/kWh h

Pressur e Ratio

12.2 :1 12.0 :1 311 lb/s 309 lb/s Mass or 141.1 or 140 Flow kg/s kg/s 5,163 5,111 Turbine rpm rpm Speed Exhaust 1,019 °F 1,012 °F Temper or 548 or 544 ature °C °C Model Designa PG6581B PG6581B tion Combined Cycle Performance 50 Hz 60 Hz S106B S206B S406B S106B S206B

S406B Output 64.3 130.7 261.3 64.3 130.7 261.3 (MW) Heat 6,960 6,850 6,850 6,960 6,850 6,850 Rate (Btu/k 7,340 7,230 7,230 7,340 7,230 7,230 Wh) (Kj/Kw H) Net Eff 49 49.8 49.8 49 49.8 49.8 % 2* 4* 1* 2* 4* G T Nb 1* MS6001 MS6001 MS6001 MS6001 MS6001 MS6001 Type B B B B B B All models with 3 pressure non-reheat steam cycle, ISO base rating (LHV), natural gas fuel Emissions:

GE gas turbine technology has been developed to meet local emissions requirements. MS6001B gas turbines use dry and wet emission reduction systems. The emission level achieved by the existing DLN1 combustion system is 15 ppm NOx on natural gas.

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