Background Background of the Case.................................................................................................3 Case.................................................................................................3
Statement of the Problem...............................................................................................4 Problem ...............................................................................................4
Goals and Object!es......................................................................................................4 Object!es ......................................................................................................4
Areas of Consderaton "Anal#ss ad Assum$tons% ....................................................4
2e3br 2e3bran and d the the $rodu $roduct ct .th .th anot anothe herr nam name e ....................................................................11
Strateg Strategc c E5$ans E5$anson on through through m$ro!e m$ro!ed d communc communcato aton n ...........................................12
2ecommendaton and Acton Plan..............................................................................12 Plan ..............................................................................12
)P*s of ,arketng.......................................................................................................15
Background of the Case
It is often said that sweet fragrance creates inspiration and heightens positivism. Perhaps one of the reasons why Fiipinos remain positive and in the ist of happiest co!ntries in the word is the fact that it va!es smeing good and oo"ing nice in the p!#ic. $his ass!mption is #est e%empified #y a research cond!cted #y &!romonitor Internationa in '!ne 2013 which conc!ded that even Fiipino men are increasingy avaiing of grooming "its. 1 &!romonitor Internationa(s '!ne 2013 report on Fragrances in the Phiippines ass!med positive growth for perf!me prod!cts in the Phiippines that #ac"ed #y improvement in the economic sit!ation and Fiipino(s strong interest in maintaining proper hygiene as we as increasing demand for premi!m fragrances. $he stronger competition in the category wi enco!rage man!fact!rers to imit price increases) or even impement price c!ts. *an!fact!rers wi attract new cons!mers to try their prod!cts thro!gh the !se of promotiona pricing schemes. $hese wi #e more prevaent in mass fragrances) in which pricing is a "ey consideration in prod!ct p!rchases. It aso has a high prospect for the ind!stry considering the e%pansion of shopping mas and the esta#ishment of department stores in more "ey cities which wi provide premi!m #rands with new mar"ets in the forecast +ayden Fragrances is an innovation of Inovacao ,a -ida) a Phiippine#ased company which is dedicated to enrich the ifestyes of its cients thro!gh the art and science of fragrances. $he company is fo!nded and is #eing managed #y ,r. +ayden /ho) 'r.) infamo!s for the series of se% videos scandas with severa "nown femae personaities in the co!ntry that wrec"ed his career as a medica practitioner.
,r. +ayden /ho capitaied on his "nowedge of #ea!ty and fashion and positivey p!rs!ed his f!rther st!dies on perf!me ma"ing and management in France. +e #ro!ght with him this French !nderstanding of fragrances to create his own #rand of mass fragrance avaia#e for a genders. ith !st more than 2 years of presence in the co!ntry) it sti has a ong way to s!rvive in this
1'!ne 2013 &!romonitor Internationa. Passport *en(s rooming in the Phiippines 2
ind!stry with a ot of competition not ony from premi!m #rands #!t aso with severa mass fragrance ines that are proiferating in the mar"et.
6ongside the o#ective of ens!ring the mar"eta#iity of +ayden Fragrances) this case wi primariy tac"e ethica iss!es invoved in mar"eting comm!nications. ++&
Statement of the Problem
hat m!st +ayden Fragrances do to channe ethica mar"eting comm!nications for its prod!ct considering the tarnished rep!tation of its fo!nder and owner7
• • • • •
Goals and Object!es
$o ens!re proper and ethica mar"eting comm!nications for the prod!ct $o increase its mar"et share $o strengthen #rand e!ity aongside competitors $o contin!e to serve the society $o improve profit margin
Areas of Consderaton "Anal#ss ad Assum$tons%
a& S'OT Anal#ss
Pop!arity of the ownermanager
:ni!e man!fact!ring process
;trong partnerships and coa#oration with *adita and &ver
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