Garbha Upanishad English
September 20, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Garbha Upanishad English Translations
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Background: Unless man does all he can, to attain Godhead, the main pain that he is going to encounter after death, is that he did not attain the real obective of his life, which happens to be to reali!e his true Spiritual "otential. #he Garbha Upanishad is a treatise. $Garbha means $%omb& 't epounds the details of what human consciousness goes through, while it still resides in the womb, in the form of a fetus. %hen the brain of the fetus forms, its active mind is more active than that of children and/or adults. adults. #he reason is that while in the womb, the fetus is not distracted by the senses, and its connection with the attractions and distractions of the outside world. So now the soul, imprisoned within the mother, goes through physical and emotional turmoil. e now reali!es the fact that he is going to incarnate once again to go through trials and tribulations, whose main obective is that he learns through pain, to become, what he intrinsically is: *n image of God+ #he Garbha Upanishad states that, the fetus promises God, that he will not repeat his evil deeds. ut alas+ %hen the child is born, a force called the $-aishnava "rana& touches him, and he forgets his thoughts and prayer. So the learning process, continues+ *runa in the hagvad Geeta ased rishna, what happens, if man dies while putting in his effort to learn about Spiritual truths in one life0 't is heartening to note, that man, tae off, from where he left off, in his spiritual efforts. 1oo deep within you as you read these words, do they ring a bell0 2o they sound true0 *s yourself+ 3our S415 will reply+
#his Upanishad eplains in detail about the conception and growth of a child in the mother&s womb. *t each stage of development in the womb, the physical condition of the child&s body and the mental state and the condition of the eevan (the soul) within is also eplained in detail in this scripture. 't is great wonder that our ancient 6ishis (the seers of truth) were able to grasp and visuali!e such intense secrets about the body and soul in those ancient days when there were no traces of today&s modern science and research. #o go a step ahead, we can even say that parts of this Upanishad are yet to be physically researched and understood by the modern scientists and will remain unnown to the Science world till such time. #his Upanishad is part of the rishna 3aur -eda.
The Upanishad:
78+ 8ay rahman protect us (the Guru and Sishya) both+ 8ay he give us both (enough) to enoy+ 4fficiency may we both attain+ 4ffective may our ou r study prove+ 8ay we not hate (each other) at all+ Om Shanti ! Shanti ! Shanti !
#he human body is constituted of five things (the five forces of earth, sy, air, water and a nd fire) and is of si shelters (lie the physical, ethereal and so on). o n). 't is of si different characters and seven compounds, three impurities and has two points of source of birth. 't is dependent on four types of of food. 9. %hy is the body called as "anchaatmaam0; ("ancha.7ut of the body which portions represent each such force of nature 0 #hat portion which is hard is representative of the earth, the li?uid one is of the water, the hot one is of the fire, the airy portion is of the air and the portion which gives space is representative of the sy or the space. #he earth force enables to sustain, water helps consolidation, fire enlightens, air maes the team wor, and the space gives time and options to carry on the various duties. 4ach of the sense organs are created for some specific purpose = the ear (srodhram) for hearing sounds, the sin (twa) for feeling the touch, eyes (cashu) for the vision, tongue (ihvah) for enoying the taste, nose (naasi) to smell, the birth organ (upastham) to enoy pleasure and the rectum (apaanam) to shed the unwanted from the body. #he ivan (or the soul) identifies through the brain, desires d esires with the mind and speas with the language (vaa). @.%hy is the body said to be having si shelters 0 't can sense and distinguish the si forms of taste such as sweet, sour, salty, bitter etc., #he sevenand forms of basic sound vi!.,the shatam, rishabam, gaanthaaram, madhyamam, panchamam, daivatam nishaadam, alongwith other three vi!., ishtam, anishtam and pranidaanam constitutes the ten basic forms of sound. *gain, the colors are basically of seven types vi!., white, red, blac, smoy gray, yellow and golden white. %hy is the body said to be of seven compounds 0 %hen a man gets to possess po ssess and enoy the material obects which are meant for such enoyment, because of the good combination of such obects, si types of taste (rasam) are brought in. 7ut of such taste is created the blood, from the blood the tissue, from the tissue the fat, from the fat the nerves, from nerves the bones, from bones the body, and from the bod body y the reproductive fluids. #hus there are seven compounds and the body is formed of such compounds. %hen there is a oin or combination of the male and female reproductive fluids, the garbha (pregnancy or the embryo) is formed. #hat garbha is controlled by the ridayam (the heart). #he heart houses an ever
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