Gap Analysis status 11172010

March 25, 2017 | Author: avi_guzansky | Category: N/A
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Comparative and Analysis of Collaboration Space and Enterprise Spaces & Activity Tracking


Feature Content Authoring 1

Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status

End User Authoring: Ability to create pages and spaces Can't live without 2 without the need of any additional programming or configuration.


2 End user should be able create and manage

SAPComplete Completeenterprise workspaces > avaibale in SAP solution.

Content Authoring


End User Authoring: Easy one click approach to bring third party applications and Can't live without 2 internal applications into the space.

0 In Identified gap: End user should be able to add Progre content withing the portal (be it PCD iviews or WPC SAPComplete ss content) to add to his PWS.

Content Authoring


Super User Authoring: Ability to manage and operate multiple spaces with pages. Some of the actions include audit control, meta 2 establishment, role based Can't live without security self service, member management, activity usage monitoring, page administration like archival policies


Content Publishing and Deployment


Approval workflow for creation of modules (PCD and WPC content) and time based Can't live without 2 publishing.


As author (e.g. in WPC) user should be able to create content and exposte it as module (including permsissions etc.). Those modules shoudl be available in the module gallery. Look and feel has to consistent. Identified gap: 1.) Ability to expose WPC content in the module gallery and run then content in the page. 2.) Consistent look and feel (especially tray) Restrictions: Integration between WPC/PCD to In Enterprise Spaces will not be part of the standard Progre product. Code to handle double tray will be SAPComplete ss addressed as part of the "ES coinnovation" project. Identifiied gaps 1.)Connector for Module Gallery only should display approved WPC ontent that is published (timebased publishing). 2.) Approval workflow and timebased publishing for PCD modules. Includes: Extention point to introduce a workflow to approve a module. Restriction: The specific workflow for Valero has to be developed project specific In Nov discussions: We agreed: Pcd modules only Progre timebase publishing, WPC modules will not be SAPComplete ss supported for WPC 1.1 , only WPC 2.0

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.


Feature Space Creation Workflow 3

Provide governance protocols with audit functionality such as system should submit approval request to creation of a collaboration space.

Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu point in the SWS creation. ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status Identified gap: Extention Comment/Details Can't live withou t



Can't live withou t



Can't live withou t






Allows the user to search collaborationa spaces and personal space, pages and mosules. Search result should take the user to the correct page, correct module and highlight the search term. Also provide APIs to search collaboration spaces, pages and modules. Search results should average 1-2 seconds and worst case shouldnt take more than 3 seconds.

Valero UI Change the themes and branding according to Valero UI

To allow Valero to set status to "pending" instead of default status "draft". Accept/reject in the WF of Valero can change the status of the created SWS. Two new custom attrinutes to be maintained here: Who approved and when Nov discussions: Valero agree that the task to Compl implement Valero specific workflow should be done SAPComplete ete by Valero Identified gaps: 1.) Ability to index according to permisison of content in a module and module/page/workspace properties 2.) Get a uniquie URL to each ws page and module in a certain state (e.g. document list 5th page) 3.) Module should be able to highlight the search term (or the document the term is in - the visible part.. After lauching the document the term is not highlighted) 4.) Ability to use Google as search engine 5.) Component model to be exteneded for indexing extention. Not needed: Indexmanagement itself (reindex, scheduled In reindexing etc. Progre Nov discussions: Valero agree that implementing SAPComplete ss the google search adapter should be done by Valero Identified gap: WPC renders ist own trays which Discu Not leads to "double" trays in EWS. Potential gap: 1:1 UI SAP ss Started adaptation in other areas

Performace (with 500 collaboration spaces and 2500 concurrent users)



Page load time: Should average 1 - 2 seconds and worst case not take more than Mandatory 2 4 seconds Dragging and dropping a module (plus loading the module): Should average 1 - 2 second and worst case Mandatory 2 shouldn't take more than 2 seconds


Average page at Valero: No application content, only WPC content, disucssion forums etc. Average number of modules on the page: 15. Client: IE 7.0, client details to be provided by Praveen, Antivirus: In McAfee. Concrete numbers are not available by SAP Discu Progre now (since we dont have WPC content). KPIs in SAP ss ss general aligned with SAP KPIs.


Average page at Valero: No application content, only WPC content, disucssion forums etc. Average number of modules on the page: 15. Client: IE 7.0, client details to be provided by Praveen, Antivirus: In McAfee. Concrete numbers are not available by SAP Discu Progre now (since we dont have WPC content). KPIs in SAP ss ss general aligned with SAP KPIs.

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.




Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status

Navigating between pages: Should average 1 - 2 seconds and worst case shouldn't take Mandatory 2 more than 3 seconds

Action on the page: Deleting a module, sorting modules, 9 setting permission etc should Mandatory 2 average 1- 2 seconds and worst case shouldn't take more Aesthetics than 3 seconds Rounded corners & Ajax





Trays in SAP solution are GWT based (CSS). Identified gaps: Problem of "double" trays especially using WPC content. Trays from WPC content is rendert by the XSLT, no "regular" tray. Trays at Valero have different color based on "type" Nov discussions: merged with item 5


Consolidating transport tools Having the transport of EWS in Mandatory 2 the same role as the regular transport tool


Average page at Valero: No application content, only WPC content, disucssion forums etc. Average number of modules on the page: 15. Client: IE 7.0, client details to be provided by Praveen, Antivirus: In McAfee. Concrete numbers are not available by SAP page Valero: application Discu Progre Average now (since we at dont haveNo WPC content). content, KPIs in only WPC content, disucssion SAP ss ss general aligned with SAP forums KPIs. etc. Average number of modules on the page: 15. Client: IE 7.0, client details to be provided by Praveen, Antivirus: In McAfee. Concrete numbers are not available by SAP Discu Progre now (since we dont have WPC content). KPIs in SAP ss ss general aligned with SAP KPIs.


For EWS there is a dedicated pre-step necessary before regular portal transport can be used. Not Identified gap: Currently in separate roles but it can SAPComplete Started be added by customer to whatever role needed

Administration Tools 12


Clearing Cache (My Workspace and Mandatory 2 Collaboration Space modules) Troubleshooting: Recreating user's workspace or collaboration space to troubleshoot Mandatory 0 Ability to delete modules and change settings of modules by IT admin


SAPComplete N/A

We havent introduced new caches to be cleared

2 Compl

SAPComplete ete

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.









Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status

Troubleshooting: Recreating user's workspace or collaboration space to troubleshoot Ability to change the layout of Mandatory 0 a workspace (move and add module in the page layout) by IT admin using the RTAE environment

Static modules Ability to define in a Mandatory 2 template modules that cannot be removed by users but only moved Change PWS template Ability that users itself can change the PWS template > will delete all (!) content Mandatory 2 from the PWS and create a new one from the new template Tray option control The module can control the Mandatory 2 tray options Population of links in link list from outside Mandatory 2 Public API to populate links from outside Link list Separation of link list to dedicated lists for apps, reports and URL links. Link Mandatory 2 list instances in a PWS always show the same links (workspace specific and not instance specific)



It is agreed that beside the current feature to delete modules or change settings of a module by and IT admin it should be possible to see and change the layout. Identified gap: Layout change (add move, etc.) by IT administrator should be possible. Compl Modules should be displayed as placeholder modules SAPComplete ete ("watermarks")

0 Compl

SAPComplete ete

Identified gap: Not available in EWS

0 Compl Identified gap: Not available in EWS Nov discussions:: Accepted by Valero

SAP ete Scope Agreed

0 0

In Discu Progre SAP ss ss Identified gap: Not available in EWS


SAPComplete Started Identified gap: Not available in EWS

0 Not

SAPComplete Started Identified gap: Not available in EWS

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.


Feature Application Integration/ Structured content integration Seamless Connectivity to existing SAP and non SAP applications like BOBJ reports, Webfocus , Aspen Products, External Customer facing sites and other critical backend systems (MUST have single sign on, seamless integration)

Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status


Manda tory

This is related to the migration, no feature request

Document Management Integration/Unstructured content Integration Ability to manage documents in Filenet, Policy Tech, SAP ESourcing, File share and SAP Knowledge Management.

Manda tory

This is related to the migration, no feature request

Memory Quotas 20

Manage memory allocation for the Space Example: Rule based, Usage based, Priority based, Period Based

Manda tory



Manda tory



Poten tially In Identified gap: 1) Ability to get the size of each Post Progre module aggregated to workspaces. 2) Set and SAP 1.1 ss administrate quota for workspaces

Metadata Management


Provide a repository and easy access to manage the meta data related to the space; like who can access, what they can see. Have options to add custom tags(meta data) like the departments that spaces belong to etc.

Identified gap: 1) Ability to add custom specific metadata for each WS template. Values will be set In on each instance. 2.) Extend Admin UI to see the Progre members/managers/owners of a WS; see and change SAPComplete ss the custom specifc metadata

Metadata Management 22

Provide a repository and easy access to see when is the space open or closed.

Manda tory




SAPComplete ete

Provided in the Admin UI SAP provides currently

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.



Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status

Collaboration Space Life Cycle Management 23

Web Service to create Collaboration Space

Manda tory



Manda tory




Includes: REST API for creation of workspace. Restriction: Instead of the webservice there is a Discu Not URL (REST API). Adaptations in Valero environment SAP ss Started needed on project base

Rapid Provisioning






Allow business users or IT staff to quickly provision new collaboration rooms and provide corresponding administrative tools to identify and clean up unused rooms .one click approach of managing and maintaining enterprise spaces

General Collaboration Space Flexibility Should be able to create space in less tha 3 clicks and should be able to change security on Multi Page Collaboration the space from lets say private space to public space.Should be able Should be able to create change collaboration templates multiple pages in a in 2 or less clicks. collaboration space around topic correlation

Multi Page Collaboration space Limit the number of pages by configuration

Collaboration Space Templates

Ability to create workspace templates in general (PWS and SWS)

Collaboration Space Templates 27a

Ability to create workspace templates from existing workspace instance

EWS provide an Admin UI with queries to answer Compl these questions. Maybe additional queries are SAPComplete ete needed Manda tory




SAPComplete ete Manda tory


Only exception: Member management

2 Compl

SAPComplete ete Manda tory



Manda tory



In Progre Identified gap: Configuration for page limit must be SAPComplete ss available


SAPComplete ete Manda tory



Identified gap: "Save as template" needed. In Admin UI take an instance and create a template out of it OR save an instance as template in the RTAE and trigger a workflow before it is finally available as a Not template. SAP Scope Agreed Started Nov discussions: Accepted by Valero

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.


Feature Collaboration Space Templates


Ability to set permissions on templates and filter in the creation accordingly (SWS) or choose the one based on PWS permissions for the user.

Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status

Manda tory



Manda tory




In Progre SAPComplete ss Identified gap: Not available in EWS

Page Templates 28

Easy start page templates around the topics of usage based on departments or activities WPC:



SAPComplete ete

Agreed: Page layouts are sufficient

Module Gallery

Ability to view all available modules that have been published and authorized for sharing. Modules should be categorized based on the metadata set by the authors during publishing. Accessibility to Module Library should be a visually accessible with limited number of clicks

Manda tory


0 In Progre SAPComplete ss in conjunction with 21b) > see restrictions there

WPC: Reports Library 30

Ability to view the inventory of all available reports published for collaboration and to consume them in the space

Manda tory




SAPComplete ete

in conjunction with 1b)

WPC: Application Library 31


Ability to view the inventory of all available applications/widgets published for collaboration and to consume them in the space

Collaboration space library (Workspace Directory) Ability to view the inventory of all available workspaces published in a company

Manda tory


0 Compl

SAPComplete ete Manda tory


in conjunction with 1b)

2 Compl

SAPComplete ete

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.


Feature Collaboration space library (Workspace Directory)


Ability filter according to custom metadata and show statistics (number of users etc.) and creation date. Ability to get the workspace URL

Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status

Manda tory



Manda tory




Identified gap: 1) Not available in EWS. 2) Provide the unjoin in the public API Includes: Generic way for the 10 custom specific properties that can be assigned to a WS to filter in the WSDir according to these values Restriction: Deletion of a customer specific metadata (not value!) on a workspace template doesnt remove In the metadata from the workspace instances > Progre potential need to remove them manually/script. SAP Nov discussions: Accepted by Valero Scope Agreedss

Site Aggregator Module 33

Aggregates and displays spaces of the current user’s choice. Threads that user is following or tasks users are assigned across spaces

Module that collects the tasks from different workspaces a user is member/manager of in one re Not single place. Related to tasks assigned using the SAP write Started module "Teamwork tracker"

Business Asset Management Reports/Application Management 34

Ability to add new reports into reports library that can be used in spaces with “ZERO CODE”

Manda tory In conjunctoin with WPC content integration in general

Dashboard Management 35

Ability to integrate with third party dashboard applications like HP ITSM, Outlook Soft with “ZERO CODE”

Manda tory

In conjunctoin with WPC content integration in general

New Modules in Module Library 36

Ability to create and add new modules into the module library that can be used in spaces with“ZERO CODE”

Manda tory In conjunctoin with WPC content integration in general

Date Announcer Module 34

Date based publishing of announcements/News/Content/ Business Assets

Manda tory



Module to add and see announcements (time based publishing, showing the announcement to selected target groups (UME based)). Currently wrapped in re Not WPC. Add content only for specific roles (users, SAP write Started groups)

Security Self Service Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.

# 35

Feature Space Permissions Control who can access and view the space

Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status Manda tory



Manda tory





Comp Compl Controlled by permisison policy and workspace acces lete ete role in general


Comp Compl Managers in a space only see the module in the lete ete module gallery that they have permission for.


Comp Compl lete ete

Membership permissions 36


Space owners should have the means to control the viewing of modules in a space based on the membership policies.

One Centeral place to control permission for all modules in a collaboration space Abilitiy to add/remove members and managers in a SWS

Manda tory



Policy Enforcement Verbiage Policy 38

Administrators should be able to define word filters for discussion forums to prevent use of abuse language that doesn’t adhere to corporate policies

Manda tory



Retention Policy


Allow Administrators to define rentenion policy. Allow owners of the space to select how long the collaboration space is going to be active

Manda tory



Manda tory



Identified gaps: 1) General setting: List of words that should be scanned for 2) Stop the publication even before it is published (e.g. doesnt save it) for each and every module. For SAP modules only, not Discu Not custom modules. for content Identified gaps: 1)Blocking Provide not the necessary retention information SAP ss Started published usingscreen. an approval workflow. in the creation Can be changed later by owner in the SWS settings 2) Send mail at expiry date to IT and owner saying it is expiring. IT will check with owner if it should be extended. If not, IT uses SAP Admin tool to close and delete it. No automatic closure or deletion. Nov discussions: Valero- The link in the email should be to the workspace settings. Comp Compl Mail notification - configure how many days in SAP lete ete advance the user get the notification

Retention/ Archival


Provide flexibility to manage the retention and automatic archival of content in a space. These functionalities should be provided at a space level and then propagated to all the elements of the space in a bundled approach.

Identified gaps: 1) Archiving of workspace itself and Comp Not content (including forum, documents etc.). Creation SAP lete Started of Transport package is sufficient

Document Management in Collaboration Space Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.



Feature Document List (general) Document list that provides the functionality of the Valero document list

Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status

Manda tory



Manda tory



Manda tory




Restrictions: To be evaluated by SAP which features can be exposed in the document list Nov discussions:Valero: there is an option to stay with their own Document list, the open issue is who will do the rewrite to Flex (pendding on the UI POC), In if this option will be taken, no new KM features are Discu Progre needed. SAP ss ss In the future Valero consider to go to OpenText.

Recent versioning 41




Only keeps a limited number of recent document versions to save space. This has to be configurable. Administrators of the space should be able to define how may versions of Content documentstypes in a specific folder Allows document could we maintainrepositories to be configured to accept certain document types and enforce business policies. Storage Quotas Document storage space can be limited on a repository and per user level.

Approval workflow on folder level

A single approval workflow can be configured for all Integration with documents in a folder. Microsoft Information

Manda tory



Manda tory



Manda tory



Identified gaps: 1) Expose versioning in the UI of the Not In documen list 2) limit the number of versions to be Plann Progre kept SAP ed ss Nov discussions: in a bundle with 41a Identified gaps: 1) Provide a list of not allowed Not content types and filter out the not allowed types Plann Not when uploading SAP ed Started Nov discussions: in a bundle with 41a Identified gaps: 1) Quota on each and every instance of a document list. 2) Only Soft quota > giving you a warning that you have exceeded the quota. WebDav Discu Compl ignores the soft quota. SAP ss ete Nov discussions: in a bundle with 41a of KM 2) Identified gaps: 1) Expose the workflow Not Notification channel is email. Workflow is defined in Plann Compl KM. SAP ed ete Nov discussions: in a bundle with 41a

Rights Management 45


Helps ensure that access rights applied to Microsoft Office documents in a central library travel with the documents, even when they are downloaded from the library.

Retention and Auditing Policies on folder level Define customized information management policies to control retention period, expiration actions, and document-auditing settings.

SAP Manda tory



Comp Not lete Started To be tested by SAP

Idea: 1) set an expiration date on folder level for documents (based on standard KM functionality) 2) Not Send an email to IT and owner (configurable) at plann Not expiration date 3) Query that provides all documents SAP ed Started that have expired

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.

# 47

Feature Desktop Access to Documents

Allow users to map desktop drives to document libraries on the portal.

Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status Manda tory





Comp Not lete Started


Discu Not ss Started Nov discussions:Close at workshop

Discussion thread in Collaboration Space Forum module Use of the new component model on Jive Email to Discussions

Allow users to respond to discussion from email 48

Poll based of Discussion

Ability to create a poll out of the opinions expressed in the discussion thread by various parties

Manda tory



Link Documents to discussions

Attach documents to the thread post in a discussion Subscription Modules/Web Parts/Wizards

Watch or subscribe to an Textpad active thread Provide a textpad Award System

Award points based on the responses 49 50

Manda tory



Manda tory



Usage Heuristics

Monitor the usage of People and Groups Lists threads and discussions A unified place to find people with respective of that are memberscounts of managers the board of a discussion SWS with email adress Subscriptions of Discussions

Restrictions: Migration of exsting content is almost impossible. Textpad will not provide all functionalities because SAP is not allwoed to ship tinyMCE as part of a standard shipment. Recommendation: Keep existing TinyMCE Discu SAP ss Not Started solution. In Progre SAPComplete ss

Allow users to easily customize the look and feel of discussions, subscribe to discussions, topics, or groups and generate RSS feeds from discussion content. Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.


Feature People and Groups Lists (Memberlist)


51 52 53 54 55

A unified place to find, communicate with, and manage people including support for custom fields such as Department, “Office #” and Area of Focus; in addition to the new Person field type. The Person field type creates rich displays of lists of people including support for a People Picker for browsing a list of users. Project Watch

Project Time Individual Calendar Module

Displays a user’s personal calendar.Calendar Module Group Manage and publish a shared group calendar.

Memberships Module

Displays a users site and distribution list memberships.

Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status Identified gaps: Comment/Details

Manda tory



Manda tory



Manda tory



Manda tory



Manda tory



1) Integration with Office Communicator 2) show custom specific data (department, phone etc.) 3) Search by group and user 4) provide an edit button for managers/owners to jump to the user management section in the SWS settings. 5) for each user a business card is opened (hook it to the user in the member list); the business card is not needed. In Restriction: Integration with MS Office Discu Progre Communicator not part of the solution; 2) is part of SAP Not ss ss the business card and not of SAP solution Plann Not SAP Not ed Started Identified gap: Not available in EWS Plann Not ed Started Identified gap: Not available in EWS Not Plann Not SAP ed Started Identified gap: Not available in EWS Not Plann Not SAP ed Started Identified gap: Not available in EWS


Manda tory

same as 51

External Content Module 55

Displays external content, or Web pages. The external content is isolated from other content on in the room.

Manda tory



Comp Compl lete ete


Comp Compl The URL module displays URL based content but not lete ete file-system content (file://)

External Content Module 56



Displays folders (starting with files://). The external content is isolated from other content on in the room.

User Tasks Module(Team Work Tracker) Displays tasks that are assigned to the current user.

My Links Module

Displays a user’s list of custom links example

Manda tory



Manda tory



Manda tory



Not Plann Not SAP ed Started Identified gap: Not available in EWS


Comp Compl lete ete

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.


Feature KPI Module


60 61 62 62 63 64 65

Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status

Displays the details of a single status indicator. Status indicators display an important measure for an organization and may be obtained from other data sources including BOBJ reports, web focus, Excel workbooks, SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services KPIs, and other backend systems.

Manda tory

Business Transaction Module

Manda tory



Manda tory



Displays SAP and non-SAP transactions e.g: CRM RSS Module transaction CRM_ORDER Configure and Display anfor RSS viewing sales orders. feed.


0 Not Plann Not SAP ed Started Identified gap: Not available in EWS

Announcements Module

Manda tory

Bulletin Board Module

Manda tory



Manda tory



Manda tory



Manda tory



Manda tory



Target announcements

Companywide announcements

Module Usage

Displays usage statistics for each module in the module Windows Explorer gallery / report library and app experience library Allow users to use windows explorer to upload documents Mail notifications into space in Linkcollaboration to the workspace (WebDav) mail notification

Lock workspace when editing 66


Comp Not lete Started Poten tially Post Not SAP 1.1 Started Identified gap: Not available in EWS


in conjuntion to 31 Not Plann Not SAP ed Started Identified gap: Not available in EWS


Comp Not lete Started Identified gap: Not available in EWS


Comp Compl lete ete provided as part of the document list

Needed is a relative URL in the mail notification. Comp Compl Idea: configure the host in the mail configuration + SAP lete ete portal alias etc.

Identified gap: Workspaces are not locked when an admin does structural changes. Agreed and accepted mitigation: Provide an info message in the Discu Compl workspaces if another manger enters the workspace SAP ss ete to notify him.

Drag and drop behaviour Manda Comp Compl 2 0 on the page tory SAP lete ete Identified gap: Not available in EWS Minimize all modules on the EWS when droping a modue on a page. Once dropped Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX. the are maximized again. 67


Feature 68

Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status

Consolidating theme editors Mandatory 2 Consolidation of the portal and flex theme editor



SAP provided separate theme support for flex and GWT CSS. Also for EWS there is a dedicated pre-step Agree Not necessary before regular portal transport can be SAP d Started used

Extranet Access 69

Collaboration tools should easily be extended outside the DMZ for collaboration with external customers and partners.

Per-document workflow 70

Custom workflow can be defined per each document type.

Very High



Poten tially In Post Progre SAP 1.1 ss Mainly a security question.

Very High



Not plann Not Workflow approval on document level in document SAP ed Started list (not on folder level)

Very High



Very High



Very High



Very High



Very High



Document Information Panel 71

Makes editing document properties an integral part of the Microsoft Office system document-authoring experience.

Not plann Not Provide in MS office application an option to save SAP ed Started directly in workspace.

Document Action Bar 72




Describes to users what business policy or workflow governs the current document and what action they are expected to take in Office.

Recycle Bin Allow users to undelete documents without assistance from IT staff orSharing lengthy Application database restores. Allow users to see and control each others desktops / applications.

Email to Document List

Allow users to email attachments to a document list

Not In the plugin panel in MS Offcie apps user gets an plann Not information that the document is stored in a´folder SAP ed Started that has a retention information Not plann Not SAP ed Started Recycle bin for documents in the document list (KM) Not plann Not In conjunction with Office Communicator / Member SAP ed Started list Not plann Not Send documents to your document list (PWS and SAP ed Started SWS). Add-on to MS Office.

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.


Feature Outlook skin for Collaboration 76

Ability to view collaboration spaces as folders in Outlook and support drag and drop of emails into spaces in outlook

Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status

Very High







Not plann Not SAP ed Started in conjunction with 71



Wikis makes it easy to create, edit, link, and restore an individual Web page. Wikis can be used as creative forums to brainstorm ideas, manage knowledge bases, create designs as well as instruction guides or simply gather information in an easy-to-edit format. Wikis are easy to create, modify, and annotate; in addition to tracking contributions and changes.

Poten tially Post Not Restrictions: Will only be possible in 7.3 (Wikis are SAP 1.1 Started only availablein 7.3)

Members Module 78




Displays a list of the site members and their online status allowing functions like IM/Chat Public Chat: Ability to Advanced Tracking communicateTask with the online The new Project Tasks members that is visiblelist to all template provides lightweight other members task management functionality Private Chat: Ability to including Gantt charts My Inbox communicate with the for member visualization of task Displays a user’s inbox in a private mode visiblefrom only relationships and status. Exchange Outlook in my to the two /members. workspace.

My Mail Folder Displays a selected email folder from Exchange Outlook.

High Dublicate to 51a High



Not plann Not SAP ed Started MS project like …




Not plann Not SAP ed Started Condensed Web Access view


in conjuntion to 76

Deep Office Integration 81

Integrates key collaboration functionality directly into Office applications allowing users to collaboration without leaving their commonly used tools.

High related to MS Office Add-On tab

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.


Feature Document Saving into Collaboration Space 82

File SAVE AS option should provide a means to save the document into documents section of spaces

Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status



Recycle bin For pages and modules in s SWS





Identify CSS areas in the flex screen





DL handling in module library




Mediu m



Mediu m






Move modules between pages Ability to move modules Social Networking within a workspaces Module between pagesabout users, Uses information the organization, communities, and electronic communications to help establish connections between colleagues with common interests.

Colleague Tracker Module

Displays a users list of colleagues and any recent


related to MS Office Add-On tab Poten tially Recycle bin for pages, recovery of pages by Post Not administrator (or manager, owner). Configuration SAP 1.1 Started parameter: stays x days and then it is finally deleted Comp Not Requirement: provide a special "mode" to render on lete Started the screen which CSS area is used to render flex. Requirement: provide the option to create delta links Comp Not in the module library instead of copies. SAP sees SAP lete Started problems in scalibility doing that.



Comp Not lete Started Requirement

Poten tially Post Not SAP 1.1 Started Mediu m



Not plann Not SAP ed Started

Mediu m



Not plann Not SAP ed Started

My Contacts Module 86

Displays a user’s contact list from Exchange / Outlook.

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.



Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status


Storing and retrieving Web Page Composer properties in Enterprise WorkSpace (solution) is not intuitive. In the EWS solution it takes 5 clicks to Can't convert a web page composer snippet live 87 to a EWS module and steps to get to withou the configuration screen is very t technical for our authors. In our (Valero) solution, authors don't have to leave Web Page Composer screen, they can flip a snippet into a module by just checking a check box.







Overall look and feel. Out of the box EWS look and feel is

88 very different from Valero's

implementation. WPC/PCD trays look so different. The context menu for WPC/PCD snippets is not very intuitive.

Can't live withou t

Migration effort to move to WPC 2.0. Web Page Composer 2.0 brings workflow. Authors will be able to author in the production environment and submit content for approval. This eliminates the need to transport content from authoring environment to Mediu 89 production. m Understanding the migration effort will help us determine the Netweaver version for our implementation. If we decide to go with WPC 2.0, which is part of Netweaver 7.3, that will impact EWS development.

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.



Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status


Implementation of what SAP Labs calls “extension points”. Out of the box EWS will search

Can't live

90 document list, text pad, quick links and withou member list. We have way more than that; discussion forums, project watch, project time, calendar, team work tracker and Web Page Composer Content.






Setting up EWS in our (Valero) environment. There is a great deal of dependence on Very High RPM etc and Enterprise Workspace Solution. We need to test EWS solution to make sure we are going in the right direction.

91 Web Page Composer, Google Search,

92 93 94 95 96

Setup users in Valero Landscape Set up system for SAP to migrate the code Size Development & QA boxes Acquire Dev and Test Systems Build Dev


Not Started




Not Started


Not Started


Not Started

Install SAP Portal 7.0 & Base CoP on Dev Deploy Collaboration Code


Not Started



Copy Content and modules from PROD to DEV Build Test




Not Started


Not Started


Install SAP Portal 7.0 & Base CoP on Test Deploy Collaboration Code


Not Started


Copy Content and modules from PROD to TEST


Not Started

97 98 99 100 101

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.



Feature Share technical details on My Workspace with SAP Share technical details on SAP/Valero Collaboration spaces Share technical Details on WPC integration with Collaboration Spaces and My Workspace Test migration tools and report issues to SAP Unit Testing Personal spaces and Enterprise space Integration Testing


Stress Testing

104 105

106 107 108

Colla borat ion Spac es Enterpr Resp from ise onsi Co- Space ble SAP Prior innov Seen to Part Statu ity ation Date y s 1.1 Status

Change Management/User 111 Training Knowledge tranfer to Development team and Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Production Support 112 Collaboration space and My Workspace








Not Started


Not Started


Not Started


Not Started


Not Started


Not Started


content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.

Feature currently available Feature currently NOT available Please refer to the functional specifications document for more details. You can also call Praveen on his cell 952 484 7571 if you need any clarification.

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.

Combinations green/green green/red red/red red/green green/?

# 20 45 27 2 4 98

Meaning VLO and SAP have it SAP doesnt have it: "Gaps" VLO and SAP dont have it: "Feature list" SAP has it, VLO doesnt SAP to investigate

Gaps and Feature List (72 items) Gap/Features Wave 1 Gap/Feature - Wave 2 (high confidence) Gap/Feature - Wave 2 (with restrictions) Gap/Feature - Wave 2 (low confidence)

# 2 28 4 11 45

Modules “ES co-innovation” project specific SAP module - wave 1 SAP module - wave 2 SAP module - wave 2 (with restrictions)

# 15 1 2 4 22 67

Grand Total

Gaps (45 items)

Feature List (22 items)

Gap/Features Wave 1 Gap/Feature - Wave 2 (high confidence) Gap/Feature - Wave 2 (with restrictions) Gap/Feature - Wave 2 (low confidence)

# 2 20 4 3 29

Gap/Features Wave 1 Gap/Feature - Wave 2 (high confidence) Gap/Feature - Wave 2 (with restrictions) Gap/Feature - Wave 2 (low confidence)

Modules “ES co-innovation” project specific SAP module - wave 1 SAP module - wave 2 SAP module - wave 2 (with restrictions)

# 10 1 2 3 16

Modules “ES co-innovation” project specific SAP module - wave 1 SAP module - wave 2 SAP module - wave 2 (with restrictions)

Grand Total


Grand Total

Co-innovation Project Dashboard Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.

Co-innovation Project Dashboard

Complete 34

Not Started 59 In Progress 20

SAP Activity Dashboard

Complete 28 Not Started 44

In Progress 20

Note: When you sum up SAP activities it should be 92 activities but "clearing cache", which is counted as SAP activity is no longer applicable for EWS solut

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.

# 0 8 0 8 16 # 5 0 0 1 6 22

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.

le for EWS solution so the total will be one less.

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.

Filter by Functional Gap / Feature request (All) Count of SAP Status 1.1 Priority Can't live without High Mandatory Medium Very High Grand Total

SAP Status 1.1 Complete DiscussNot PlannedPotentially Post 1.1Scope Agreedre - writeGrand Total 6 1 7 2 2 2 6 37 11 13 2 3 2 68 1 2 1 4 7 1 8 46 12 24 6 3 2 93

Note: Valero needs SAP to migrate Collaboration spaces, My Workspace content. Valero needs SAP to rewrite Collaboration space/My Workspace modules using FLEX.

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