Gap Analysis Report

October 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Sector: Specialization: Le

AICTE Content

NCVT Contents

Gap (if any)

vel (i)

Infrastructure 



Infrastructure - components  Rural Infrastructu Infrastructure re  and and

   

 

 Not covered in any of the Modules of  Draughts Draug hts Man Civ Civil il or the Arch Archite itectu ctural ral Draughtsmanship of NCVT

Ur Urb ban

Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructu re in India

Masonry 

Technical terms Tools ! Uses Construction materials "uilding components Mortar and concrete curing #afety measures


Contents are elaorate in t!e T"#$%TT#$ (&ee's *) in Arc!itectural +rau,!ts-ans!ip

Syllaus .n/er +rau,!ts-an S!ip Civil in T"#$%TT#$ un/er &ee's 0  1 an/ 2$# covers t!is e3!austively

As suc! t!ere is no ,ap ut contents of AICTE can e Elaorate/ so t!at t!ere is no lapses4



5ar en/in,     

Technical terms Tools! uses Types of steels Ties and bending methods



#lab reinforcement - one $ay slab and T$o $ay slab



"lu-in, 6 Sanitation   

No ,ap ut AICTE contents can e elaorate/ so t!at i-portant practical aspects are left out /urin, s'ill i-partin,4  No gap and needs elaboration of contents or e'plicitly contents can  be (uoted

Not covere/ un/er Arc!itectural +rau,!ts-an s!ip Covera,e un/er T"#%TT# of Civil +rau,!ts-an s!ip

Covered in +rau,!ts-an s!ip un/er T"#%TT# in &ee's $78$2 an/ #

Technical terms % necessity Advantages and Disadvantages "asic materials for &lumbing and #anitation v

 


Technical terms % necessity "asics of )hite $ashing% Colour $ashing and painting

Covered in )or*shop #cience and Calculation under $ee* +, of Architectural Draughtsmanship T&+.TT+ Covered in )or*shop #cience and Calculation under $ee* +, of Civil Draughtsmanship T&+.TT+ / and 0

 No gap and needs elaboration. e'plicitly contents can  be mentioned



 No such topics topics in NCVT #y #yllabus llabus

Soft s'ills

Covered as mentioned in the 2evel +

LEVEL  Infra structure 

Infr Infras astr truc uctu ture re

overvie$ Infra structure development in India Infrastructure Management


De Deve velo lopm pmen entt



Masonry  

Contents to  be taught.learn t can be detailed in AICT1 #cheme

#etting and mar*ing Transfer of levels

Covered in )ee*s )ee*s 4 and + of T&+.TT+ of 

 NCVT of Draughtsman Draughtsman C Civil ivil 1stimatio 1stim ation n is cov covered ered in T&/ T&/.TT .TT/ / )e )ee*s e*s

AICT1 Contents can also include

+5%+6% and +4 using soft$are

 

 

"ric* masonry and types 3uan 3uanti tity ty es esti tima mati tion on of

 basics as $elll as us $el usee of soft$ares and contents can  be elaborated

diff differ eren entt

components of single room buildings curing and curing methods #afety measures



5ar en/in,    


&lumbing and #ervices are covered in $ee*s

"a "asi sicc mate materi rial alss fo forr &lum &lumbi bing ng an and d

+6 to 8 of T&8.TT8of Draughtsman Civil )eldin lding g part is not cove overed red in both

#anitaion :I &ipe &ipe mar mar*in *ing% g% cuttin cutting g thr threa eadin ding% g%

Architectural.Civil D-#hip Architectural.Civil 7o 7oaads are are covered red in

Draughtsman Civil under $ee*s , to 6 as $ell

 ;ointing &VC -&ipe mar*ing% cutting threading%  ;ointing

as +5 and +6 $ee*s

v  



Any one

"uilding Construction or 7oads or Culverts .Minor "ridges other than already studied in level , or level 0  b>

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