Ganyang Malaysia Essay - Mandy

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 Amanda Elizabeth Elizabeth Poetiray

Topic: Ganyang Malaysia The Indonesia-Malaysian Indonesia-Malaysian Confrontation, Confrontation, best known as the Borneo confrontation confrontation or Konfrontasi in Indonesian, was an intermittent war waged by Indonesia to oppose the informat info rmation ion and existen existence ce of the Federat Federation ion of Malaysi Malaysia. a. Betwee Between n 1962 1962 and 1966 1966 Indonesia and Malaysia fought a small, undeclared war, which came to involve troops from Austral Australia, ia, New Zealand Zealand,, and Britain Britain.. The conflict conflict resulted resulted from Indones Indonesian ian’s ’s Presi Preside dent nt Suka Sukarno rno’s ’s belie belieff that that the the confr confront ontat ation ion of the Feder Federati ation on of Malay Malaysia sia represented a British attempt to maintain colonial rule. The conflict was commonly referred to as an undeclared war because the “war” itself was said to occur without ever declaring a war. Britain and its allies (Malaysia,  Australia,  Austral ia, and New Zealand) Zealand) at that time had about 17,000 troops in Kalimantan Kalimantan and 10,000 troops 10,000 troops in the Malay Malay Peninsu Peninsula. la. British British and Commonw Commonwealt ealth h forces forces includin including g  Australians  Austral ians supported supported Malaysia. Malaysia. At stake was the future of the former British Itrempos Itre mposses session sions, s, Sabah Sabah and Sarawak Sarawak,, which which bordere bordered d Indones Indonesia’s ia’s province provinces s on Borneo. Small skirmishes of Indonesia soldiers with the British mainly occurred on the border of Borneo. There was also an infiltration of Indonesian soldiers in Peninsula Malaysia. The UN decided that it was a necessity for each and every existing state to claim their claim, which can best be termed as Self Determination. Determination. Around that time Malaysia has properly announced that on 16 September 1963 the country will have the formation of the Federation of Malaysia. Knowing this, Soekarno became infuriated and claimed that all forms of diplomatic relations with Malaysia has violated the UN mission. Indonesia’s Indones ia’s Foreign Minister, Dr. Subandrio, Subandrio, first coined the term “Confrontation” “Confrontation” in 1963 where the actual war began due to Indonesia launching a series of cross-border  raids into Malaysian territory in early 1963, even though the proposal for a Federation of  Malaysia was first announced in May 1961. This proposal that was arranged by the Federation of Malaysia sought to merge Malaya, Mala ya, Singapo Singapore re and British British colonie colonies s in Borneo, Borneo, namely North North Borneo Borneo (Sabah), (Sabah),


Sara Sa rawa wak, k, and and Brune Brunei. i. Initia Initially lly,, Indo Indones nesia ia did not not raise raise any any object objection ions; s; in fact, fact, its opposition to the proposal came after the outbreak of the 1962 Brunei revolt. Several reasons were put forward for Indonesia’s opposition to the formation of  Malaysia, one including Indonesia regarding the Federation as having a neo-colonial status contrary to that of revolutionary, especially in light of the fact that Britain would continue to have military bases in Malaya and Singapore. Before Indonesia’s Confrontation of Malaysia, Soekarno made an Indonesian foreign policy, which mainly focuses on the acquisition of Netherlands New Guinea as a residual issue from the Indonesian National Revolution. The Th e antago antagonis nism m that that gave gave rise rise to Confr Confront ontati ation on was alread already y appa apparen rentt in December 1962, when a small party of armed insurgents, with Indonesian backing, at atte temp mpte ted d to se seiz ize e powe powerr in Brun Brunei ei,, only only to be defe defeat ated ed by Brit Britis ish h troo troops ps from from Singapore. Apparently, the Confrontation was set in motion by an attempted coup d’état in north Borneo. During the last days of the revolt, Indonesia began issuing statements in support of the uprising, which culminated in a heated exchange between Indonesia and Malaysia. Early on January 1963, the Indonesian Foreign Minister Dr Subandrio announced that his country’s attitude to Malaysia would be one of Confrontation or Konfrontasi as mentioned in the paragraphs above. This terminology suggested that the Indonesians were sanctioning sanctioning – and indeed promoting – violence, without going so far as to declare war.  A few weeks later, on 20 January 1963, the Indonesian Indonesian Foreign Minister again, Dr Subandrio, announced a policy of conformation towards Malaya in economic and social relations. Malaysia saw the formation of this federation as a domestic problem, but the Indonesian leader saw this as a broken agreement and as a proof of British Imperialism. Soekarno, the first president of the Republic of Indonesia was very upset when he was in Kuala Lumpur to witness a demonstration on the embassy. Prior to his visit, anti-Indonesian’s anti-Indonesian’s including demonstrators demonstrators stormed the embassy and even tear up photos of Soekarno while carrying the symbol of Garuda Pancasila as well as stepping on it.


Because of this certain action, Soekarno became disappointed and angry as well beca be cause use it cond condem emned ned the actio actions ns of the the Tunk Tunku u who who trampl trampled ed the symb symbol ol of the the Indonesian state and wished to take revenge by launching a movement known as the Ganyang Malaysia to the Malaysian Federation that had deeply insulted Indonesia and the Indonesian president himself. As a result of his furiousness, Soekarno proclaimed the Ganyang movement of Malaysia through his historic speech.  As the years pass by to May 3, 1963, President President Sukarno Sukarno and Tunku Abdul Rahman held talks and agreed that a vote would be held before the Federation was fromed. Sukarno even agreed that Indonesia would not stand in the way if the people of  North Borneo supported the Federation. Even when they were about to settle this in a more passive and unaggressive way, Tunku Abdul Rahman still proceeded to sign the London Agreement on 9 July, in which it was settled that the Federation of Malaysia would be formed on 31 August 1963. These two so called “enemies” were then acknowledged by Soekarno and later  on he wanted to make a clear statement through the promulgation of Dwi Komando Rakyat (Dwikora). The orders inside were to strengthen Indonesian revolution, and the people were also ordered to help Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, and Sabah to destroy Malaysia.  After Malaysia was formed in September September 1963, Indonesia Indonesia immediately broke off  diplomatic relations. A few days later the masses destroyed the British Embassy and Singapore. Singapo re. In response, response, the Malaysian government government arrested Indonesian Indonesian secret agents. Thousands of residents also rallied in front of the Indonesian embassy in Kuala Lumpur. Confron Con frontati tation on escalat escalated ed to open open cross-b cross-borde orderr military military attacks attacks in Sabah Sabah and Sarawak. By 1964, Indonesia had begun raids/a series of paratroop and seaborne raids into southern Malaya, in Singapore and the Malaysian Peninsula. It involved armed incursions, bomb attacks, and other subversive acts aimed at establishing the states that were to be included in the Federation, namely Brunei, Malaya, Singapore, and North Borneo. In July 27, 1964, Soekarno announced that he would eventually crush Malysia, even being aware of the upcoming events that would bring him to his end. In fact, the Confrontation is one of the reasons President Soekarno got the chance to work with the


PKI. The proximity of these two clearly explains the motivational soldiers who joined the movement of G30s, and ultimately caused to PKI to kidnap Army officials The confrontation with Malaysia marks the last years of Soekarno’s rule. Armed with the support of the Soviet Union and China, the great leader finally embarked on a devastating Malaysian campaign that ended bitterly for Indonesia. Last but not least, the greater part of the gatherings included in the armed clash with Indonesia are Britain and Australia, particularly the extraordinary air administration. In August 16, 1964, troops from the Malay Askar Melayu Regiment faced fifty Indonesian guerillas. In this case, Philippines did not partake in the war, instead they poor off discretionary binds with Malaysia and broke off diplomatic ties with them.  Although  Althoug h Malaysia established established on the 16 16 th of September in 1963, Brunei, in fact, refused to join, in which Singapore came out later on. Due to this, tensions were made on both sides of the Strait of Malacca. In fact, two days after the fact riots smoldered down the British international safe haven for Jakarta, a few hundred rioters seized Singapore’s embassy in Jakarta as well as the home of Singapore’s diplomats. Clinceh alongside Malaysia, Indonesia operators were captured and the horde struck the Indonesian international safe haven in Kuala Lumpur. As this was happening, along the outskirt in Borneo, there was a border war; Indonesian troops and unofficial forces tried to occupy Sarawak and Sabah, with no results. Besides that Indonesian Indonesian troops started to attack territory in the Malay Peninsula. Peninsula.  Alongside  Alongsid e August, August, sixteen Indonesian outfitted operators were captured to Johor. The activities of Indonesian Armed Forces at the border also increased. Royal Malaysian  Army of Malaysia mobilized its troops to defend Malaysia. Malaysia. Their primary mission was basically to prevent Indonesian troops from entering Malaysia. Commonwealth troops in Malaya, including Australians, were called into action to deal with the raiders, and the Australian government agreed to the deployment of an  Australian  Austral ian Army battalion battalion in Borneo as part of a build-up of Commonwealth Commonwealth forces on the island.


 At first the Australian Australian government government kept its troops from becoming involved in Confrontation, not least because of fears that the conflict would spread to the long – and difficult to defend – border between Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. The military situation in Borneo thus far had consisted of company bases located along the border between Indonesia and Malaysia to protect centers of population population from enemy incursions. By 1965 the British government had given permission for more aggressive action, and security forces now mounted cross-border operations with the purpose of obtaining intelligence and forcing Indonesians to remain on the defensive on their own side of the border. Befo Be fore re th the e Aust Austra rali lian ans s agre agreed ed to send send troo troops ps to Born Borneo eo,, Mala Malays ysia ia had had announced that they were considering and will in fact be a non-permanent member of  the UN Security Council. Upon hearing this news, Soekarno was angered and decided to withdraw withdraw from the United Nations, Nations, and establishe established d CONEFO CONEFO,, forming forming the new Conference of New Emerging Forces, as an alternative supported by the People’s Republic of Korea and Democratic Republic of Vietnam.  After Australia had agreed to send troops to Borneo after receiving receiving many reque req uest sts s from from Malay Malaysi sia, a, the first first Austr Australi alian an batta battalio lion, n, 3 RAR RAR (R (Roy oyal al Aust Austra ralia lian n Regiment) was finally deployed and arrived in Borneo in March 1965 and served in Sara Sa rawa wak k until until th the e end end of July. July. During During this this time time the the batta battalio lion n cond conduc ucted ted exte extensi nsive ve operations operatio ns on both sides of the border, engaged engaged in four major contacts with Indonesian units, and twice suffered casualties from land mines. Officially, it has been said that British and Australia troops cannot follow the attac attacker kers s throu through gh the Indo Indones nesian ian borde border. r. Howev However, er, units units suc such h as the the Spec Special ial Air  Service, both British and Australian, enter in secret. In 1965, internal strife broke out in Indonesia. From 30 September to 2 October  1965, the Indonesian army crushed an attempted coup by the Indonesian Communist Party, known as the PKI at that time. This was followed by a massacre of PKI members, such as that by March 1966, Soekarno, whose support base lay with the PKI, was forced to transfer power to General Suharto.


In fact, the results of the coup being a failed experiment proved a turning point for  the ongoing Confrontation, which declined thereafter and on 13 th August 1966 a formal agreement concluded between Indonesia and Malaysia bringing the conflict to an end.  Although the situation situation in northern Borneo had stabilized stabilized by the end on 1965, events within Indonesia led to an official end to the conflict in the following year. As mentioned above, amid social and economic turmoil, President Sukarno lost power in the aftermath of a coup d’état. The new Indonesian leader, General Suharto, did not persist with Confrontation, and a treaty between Indonesia and Malaysia was signed in Bangkok in 1966. The treaty recognized that the North Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak would continue to be part of the Malaysian Federation.  At the end, the two governments governments Indonesia Indonesia and Malaysia agreed to settle the border incident through the path of diplomacy (soft power). The use of force or hard power isn’t considered a great solution to solve the problem. This confrontation with Malaysia marks the last years of Sukarno’s rule. Armed with the support of the Soviet Union and China, the great leader finally embarked on a devastating Malaysian campaign that ended bitterly for Indonesia. Continuing negotiation between Indonesia and Malaysia ended the conflict, and the two sides signed a peace treaty in Bangkok in August 1966 as mentioned above, because of the sensitivity sensitivity of the cross-border operations, operations, which remained secret at that time, Confrontation received very little coverage in the Australian press. At the end the policy of the Confrontation, Confrontation, which had been intended to prevent this outcome, had cost the lives of 590 Indonesians and 114 Commonwealth soldiers.



“The Anzac Portal.” The Indonesian Confrontation (1963-1966) | The Anzac Portal , Accessed 23 Jan 2018

Day, Day. “Conflicts : The Indonesian Confrontation.” Welcome to SA Memory , SLSA, . Accessed 23 Jan 2018

Indonesia Malaysia War 1963-1966 , .  Accessed  Accesse d 23 Jan 2018

“Indonesia–Malaysia Confrontation.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Jan. 2018,  Accessed  Accesse d 23 Jan 2018

Omar, Marsita. “Indonesia–Malaysia Confrontation.” Infopedia, 15 Oct. 2007, Accessed 23 Jan 2018

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