Gann Thoughts 2

March 22, 2017 | Author: captainamerica2013 | Category: N/A
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> In a small booklet " Numerology made plain" by Yvon Tailor he > states > > that vibration is " a movement to and fro" or "oscillation".."as > the > > forward and backward swing of the pendulum of the clock". > > " Just as the pebble thrown into the water starts a succession of > > ciruclar ripples around it, each individual wave going an equal > > distance ABOVE and BELOW the water level,..." >> > > In practical marketplace this means that certain tops and bottoms > > will relate to each other after certain regular time periods. > > These time periods follow the same law. Its the same key no matter > > what cycle you look at. This was expressed by Gann in Tunnel thru > the > > Air. > > Looking at the marketplace again the "above and below" (lo/hi) > > statement is important not to take literally. The reason for this > is > > that a particular cycle may produce various results. > > Its not that simple as a high to next low, next hi and so on. > > It may as well produce series like : > > low-low-low or > > low-low-high or > > high-low-low etc. >> > > Now what causes these irregularities ? > > The answer is inversion. > > I admit that Gann did not deal much with them tho he gave certain > > rules. These rules are the same for every cycle duration. > > Short or long. > > The easiest way to deal with them is actually work two cycles > > together because that will give you a warning. > > The second warning is that they may be observed in the sky. > > This means they are related to a particular phenonoma that may be > > found in your ephemeris. That is a great help. >> > > As with all cycles they vary slightly. >> > > Some recurring points vary more than others while others again are > > very stable. Its still good enough to forecast the events within a > > timeframe of two days but dont be surprised if it comes in one day > > early or late. > > The reason for this is that price need to be "fulfilled". within a > > certain phase. > > As there are several phases it means that there may be one > particular > > price point within each one. To make it simple we may say that

> these > > points are bound together at these intervals. > > It may be 24 points intervals or any other regular number or it > may > > be apparantly random if you only look at few phases only. > > In any case having solved the cyclic recurrence of the Law of > > vibration you will find that it creates certain pictures or > > better "geometric" pictures on the different wheels. > > The most popular is the Square of nine of course. > > A particular secquence may look like a: > > high 371, low at 391, high at 334. > > If you look at the square of nine u will find them lined up in a > > perfect triangle. > > Another picture may look like : 371, 334 and 467. > > Still a triangle but of a different shape. > > There are many more examples but the main idea is that knowing > when a > > certain angle is going to operate in the marketplace it is > possible > > to calculate the price point extremely accurate(excluding lost > > motion) > > This is what Gann did in 1909 !! well as knowing the > vibrational > > time coming up. > > It is still possible to do this but even knowing how it works > means > > that you have to get practice in order to use it with confidence > and > > accuracy like Gann. In this way it may be your tool as well. >> > > I wish you all a silent and peaceful Happy New Year and hope that > > this little post was of interest to you. >> > > Allan Hi S.. One more thing. Trade signals for december 2003 were 4 trades. For January it is 4 signals as well. They are for March wheat basis a dec 27/30 low: Top Jan 2 Low Jan 13 Top Jan 15/16 Low Jan 21 Top Feb 5/6 (the move Jan 21 - Feb 5/6 potentially volatile) The current fluctation in wheat is around 20 points pr trade I expect Jan to be about 20 points pr trade as well. High dec 19/20 to sell....we made top 18th Low dec 27 or 30th.. wheat contracts made low ....30th/31st and 2nd. March was latest.

High jan 2nd or friday 3 rd..we saw top monday 6th (yday)at 334 1/2. As this area holds ... I expect lower to monday 13th but could also be an early low friday 10th. Break of 318/320 should yield 311 which I like very much as mentioned in my previous message 6947. 301 is also possible as it is another 180 degree move /from 334 1/2 High again jan 15/16 and finally around Jan 21 as low before a rally is expected untill Feb 5/6 The major Allan(TL) posts were: 12977 - Converted Moon Longitude and March Wheat (12-6-03) 13476 - Converting Longitude to Price Extensive (1-4-04) 14342 - Squaring Price With time 14489 15386 - Strong Wheat 24839 dow If you measure from the time Robert bought his first cotton till his sell in September you have exactly 224 days or 360 degrees of Venus. Measured 112 days from May 19 u arrive at Sept 8 and this is the day Robert in fact sold his cotton due to expectations of a final high. On page 112 in Tunnel there is a lot of discussion of the date June 1/1927 as well as on page 113. Now if u look up in the geocentric ephemeris on that day where do u think u find Venus located ???... Of course 112 degrees. (cancer 22 ) I also like the fact that measured 420 pages -224 gets u to page 196 and this page as u have seen ties us directly to the time when Robert bought his first Cotton in January of 1927. So Monsieur Gann wants us to take notice of the number 112 and its multiples or 180 degree motion of heliocentric Venus from tops and bottoms. Lets take a look at it using a few of the major tops and bottoms in DOW from 2004/05 Oct 25 2004 Major low 112 days fwd Feb 14 2005 Top before final one March 7 224 days fwd June 6 2005 Top of reaction 336 days fwd Sept 26. We saw low sept 22 around 10350. Mark the Jupiter link to Venus/Earth around all these dates. March 7 2005 Major High 112 days back Nov 15/2004 Top 224 days back Jul 26 /2004 Low 336 days back Apr 5/2004 Top

112 days fwd June 27/2005 important low before final. 224 days fwd Oct 17 …upcoming Mark the Uranus link to Venus/Earth around all these dates. April 20 / 2005 Major Low 112 days back Dec 29/2004 Top 224 days back Sept 8/2004 Top 336 days back May 19/2004 Low 112 days fwd Aug 10/2005 Top 224 days fwd Nov 30/2005 (upcoming high ??) Mark Uranus again. Now if u look closer at these turns u will see how important they are. Maybe someone may post a few charts marking the turns so everyone may see from the three examples mentioned ? U may want to look at other high and lows too and u will find the number 112 (or 180 degrees) indeed plays a very nice tune in the marketplace for Dow… just like Gann wrote in his little book where some say nothing can be found. If u combine 112 with 49ers as well as the traditional counts of 91/182 etc u may end up with a very powerful tool if u expect a cycle turn at these dates. In checking Venus transit 11d 57m any sign using Market Trader Platinum I found that buying 6 days before Venus made its transit over this point and selling 9 days after the "hit" was associated with an average return of 4.62% PER EVENT! The overall return from trading the Dow from 1915 to 2000 using this rule alone was 4,960.22% for 1073 trades. Even better results were possible if you examined (and eliminated) the location(s) which were associated with

Its been a while since I posted my converting moon longitude to price. I have followed the discussions and I have waited a little while before I decided to inform u more. First of all I want to point out that using planets converted to price the idea is that they repeat at certain angles according to the time cycles. Second it also worthwhile to know where they are on a daily basis and may be very helpful in order to understand why prices sometimes move where fast when certain planetary longitudes are broken. What seems to be the problem for most is the tight range of 24 dollars/cents/points etc. Some markets transit 24 points in a day. U can be sure that Mr Gann asked himself the same question and what to do with it. So what did he do ? He designed his squares of 52,90 and 144 or widening the ranges on which the planets hit the various angles according to his time cycles. He also tried to locate what planets worked on the various squares and in what market. So to find 1 degree converted to price he would do the same thing as I have shown on his wheel of 24. For the sq52 he would then divide 52/360 and get ratio 0,1444 For the sq90 he would divide 90/360 and get ratio 0,25 For sq144 144/360 ratio 0,4 The ratio is then how much 1 degree is expressed in price points. On the square of 90 a reading of 180 degrees for a planet converts to 180 * 0,25 equals 45 points. I want to show u a few examples using March wheat with earth and helio venus which seems to control that market. Im using the sq90 for this. Low Oct 15 price 331 Earth long 21 answers to 21*0,25 equals 5 points rounded off. The nearest square of 90 is 270 and u find earth long converted to price at 275 It also makes a 225 degree aspect to price Helio venus long 239 equals price 330 (239*0,25=60+270=330) Helio venus was then 1 cent from the low. The next example is the Nov 14 high at 418 ½ Earth long 51 equals price of 373 (51*0,25+360=373) Nearest 90 harmonic is 360. The 180 degree angle comes in at 418. (418-373=45/0,25=180) Helio venus was on a 52 degree angle. Nov 19 low 374. Earth long 56 equals 14 points up from 360 or 374.

(56*0,25=14+360=374) Exact. Helio venus long 294 or 240 degree angle to price and also on the 90 degree angle on the sq9. (yes u can check that too). Dec 12 top 421 ½ Earth long 72 or price 378 (72*0,25+360=378). The 180 degree line is now at price 423. Helio venus long 317 or 71 degrees over price. Dec 24 low 358 Earth long 92 or 23 price points (92*0,25=23+270=293)up from 270 equals 293. The 270 degree angle is price 360,5 Helio Venus long 349 or 357 (349*0,25+270=357,25). 1 cent away. The current positions are Earth long 104 or 26 price points up from 360 or 386. 90 degrees is 408 ½ while 180 degrees is 431 Ye saw what happened when wheat broke 386 friday. 386 on sq9 is 90 degrees to 406 . 180 degrees is 428 U also find saturn at 385. Helio venus we find at long 8 or price 362. 180 degrees 402. 270 degrees 422 Close Friday 406 As earth angle of 90 degrees is 406 and venus 180 degrees at 402 March wheat is in a weaker situation if it cant hold above these angles on the sq9 when the market closes monday. Next area up is the old top 422 which is also a 270 angle to venus. 430 level is very important. As u can see in the above examples March wheat trade on basically hard aspects in relation to earth and venus. Using it with sq9 will help u find which angles are even more important. Again I must stress that I believe Gann used angular repetition according to his time cycles. Gann used the squares of 52/90 and 144 to keep an eye on the broader picture. However u may use it as guidelines in ur market to find at what areas support/resistance most likely is coming in. 420 * of Mercury travel & divisions 224 days of venus travel & divisions 1* of saturn 1* of Uranus. 1* of Neptune 49ers 112 days of venus Take venus low to low and hi to hi and project degrees forward for next hi lo.

37931 37921 37881 As i said before i am focussing on wheat and ftse .ftse i have the >natal date for but for wheat it is ok to use helio sun.i am repeating >myself here so i am going to do something i really did not want to .i.e i >am going to show you. > Example1 > Look at Helio chart on Nov 3rd 1970 , > venus 7,chiron 8,uranus 9,sun 10 > jupiter16,saturn 18,mars 20 > mercury24,pluto27,neptune 00, > (for overall tops or year high triangulation of neptune and pluto is >the one to look out for ). > Example 2. > Look at helio chart on Dec14th 1972 > chiron 15,venus 15,,jupiter 17,saturn 17,uranus 19,mercury 19,sun 23 > mars29,pluto 2,neptune 5. > > The usefulness comes as we analyse what happens when trangulations are >made by faster moving planets such as jupiter,venus mars on the planets >that are 1or 2 degrees apart. or against three or more slower moving >planets in sequence i.e 1-9 integers apart in any sign. such as chiron >8,uranus 13,neptune 18 ( as it is now).again when i say triangulation i am >only talking about integers. i.e if saturn is at 17 neptune is 18.look at >what happens when mars , venus,etc hits 16 and 19.Go back and check > pay attention to whole picture when something triggered beaurifully one >time then barely registerd another it is because of reinforcement it was >there or it wasnt look how things are being reinforced and look at trend >changes on chart there should be multiple triangles because every >culmination is the beginning of a new move so isolated triangles are only a >reaction not a change in trend. > > With ftse as i have said before instances where 2 major planets are at >17 and 18 of any sign for example upmove we are currently experiencing has >neptune 18 saturn 17, > last up turn was neptune 18 jupiter if this doesnt help either i >am totally barking or nobodies bothering to do their homework. > glen. > P.s remember i am new to this stuff myself and am just passing on my >discoveries any help with developing this i am eager to receive. > glen Look up subjetct: An Neptune rules Pharmaceuticals,drugs Mars rules Aries which rules the Head Venus rules beauty,cosmetics A high is expected in AGN on July 11th and a lo on July 21-22nd Back to the former....

Heliocentric Venus is 180 deg Neptune on July 18th, the 180,90&0(conjunct)aspects of this cycle gives indication of a CIT in this stock. Helio Mars is 135 Neptune on July 23rd, the 15 deg aspects of this cycle also gives CITs. Post#25422(Master 15)by Brian goes more into the 15 deg axis,the document which is attached in that post is available in the Solaris section. ali2vic Vic Example of Natal Vibration The Pythagorean Comma. It is the difference between C at 256 Hz, and C at 259.5 Hz C is at 256 Hz. then G would be 1.5 * C = 384. D would be 384 * 1.5 = 576. This continues as follows: C - G - D - A - E - B - F# - C# - G# - D# - A# - F - C. C = 256 G = 384 D = 576 A = 864 E = 1,296 B = 1,944 F# = 2,916 C# = 4,374 G# = 6,561 D# = 9,841 A# = 14,762 F = 22,143 C = 33215 Note The Dow is presently VIBRATING in Key D# in the Above Scale From: "ispi9" Date: Wed Nov 5, 2003 9:10 pm Subject: Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: Bradley Siderograph+cycle start from high ?? He who Laughs LAST laughs LONGEST Here is My Laugh hahahaha hehehehehehehehe hohohohoho It is all MUSIC to my Ears and SPHERES (Time and Price) C C# D

= 384 = 405 = 432

D# E F G G# A A# B C

= = = = = = = = =

450 480 540 576 600 640 675 720 744 etc etc the cycle then REPEATS in the next HIGHER OCTAVE

Crystallised Rock Emerald if you like VR, I will give you my thoughts -- Middle C on a piano is the center so to speak and each C above and below middle C is a complete octave or 360 degree movement harmonically. And it is the "fundamental" tone. Siimply it is the same note but at a higher or lower octave. You could call middle C -- 360* or 0* -- whichever you like. For it is the beginning or the completion of a cycle --again, whichever you like. Does each market have a key???? I think so, because experience has taught me so. And Gann referred to this as a markets "vibration" Some markets are harmonically in opposition or 180* in vibration from each other like Pork Bellies and Orange Juice. Muscially it would be like the Pythagorean spiral you have referred to with A sharp opposed to D Nothing is set in stone and if you believe otherwise that is fine -Best Regards, The last time eye was in here, there was bitter discussion about copyright violations over some tired ass wheel of twenty four. Lets get on the track to some serious Do Re Mi, or perhaps Fa So La Ti Do. For some time now, I have had in my possession a time period that governs when the wheel returns to its origin. I acquired this from the akashic records. So then eyem thinking thinking thinking, did Gann operate on this same time factor, I refer you to A.S. Raleigh's book, Occult Geometry and Hermetic Science of Motion and Number, read the first page and you see that the wheel returns to its position, but when does this happen ? Gann made two statements that are the key to his trading application, the first one is, "time angles govern price", and the second one "Everything seeks a gravity center" The two laws that govern all matter are the law of heptaparaparshinokh and the triamazikanmo, ie, the law of seven and the law of three. Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do, an octave, monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturnsday sunsday and the repetition of the octave returning to the Do or monday, an octave, when twenty four of these octaves run out, the wheel returns to its position.

This is 192 calendar days, THE time factor. In looking back from 1940, our hero supreme was born on june ninth 1906, young Bobbie discovered his master time factor on june 19 1927, this is exactly 7680 days from his birth, 7680 is forty octaves of 192 calendar days, turn to page forty and read how gann describes the WHEEL. Young Hero Gordon girlfriend Marie left him on june 5 1927 and returned August 30 1932, this is exactly 1913 days from her stage left exit, Do you think these numbers were arbitrarily used ? ten octaves of 192 calendar days are 1920 days, but Gann returned her exactly seven days early, a Week, a diatonic octave, the law of seven, the law of vibration to show you the law. He chose the ten octaves because the number ten is the alpha and the omega, I refer you to Brydlovan theory of numbers, I also refer you to page seven and ten, and notice how Gann is again speaking of the WHEEL. Read professor OBJOYFUL analysis of the reason Marie left, notice his description of Uranus, Uranus sits 19.19 astronomical units from the Sun, check the position of Uranus on last date of the book, August 30 1932, it sits at exactly 23 degrees aries, and if you use the circle, this would be 360 plus 23, 383 degrees, and the second octave of the master time factor is 384, one over, and this one is the ending and the beginning of the next cycle, The cycle of 192. Check the relationship of the 144 square to this 192, the difference is 48 units, hours, days, 192 is four octaves of 48, 48 days times 24 hours is 1152, the eight square of 144 or the sixth octave of 192, 48 hours times 60 minutes is 2880 the fifteenth octave of 192. Supreme commander gave the world fifteen days to respond, or 360 hours. The earth year 365.25 divided by the time factor 192 is 1.902, again the master repeating time factor. Now, eight days at 24 hours is 192 hours, the first diatonic octave, and twenty four of these diatonic octaves is 192 calendar days, when the wheel is reset. 48 days times 24 hours in a day is 1152 hours, times 60 is 69120 seconds, and this is the 360 octave of the master time factor 192, proving up the relationship between 144 and 192, you can use the 144 square within the 192 CD octave. Our young hero discovered his time factor on 6 19 1927, Here Gann being at his cleverest, disguises the master time factor right in front of your EYE ballz. He teaches you the fib spiral first with 619, then he teaches you the master time factor of 192 CD, then finally teaches you the law of seven, ie the law of vibration. His tunnel kept pilot sleeping for seven days, his gas seven, on page 238 Gann discusses the law of three, with his positive, negative, neutral principles, the Do, FA, LA vibration, which deny, consolidate, and shock price levels. Gann sent his hero to Paris to keep him from losing his brain for thirty one days, 31 divided by the master time factor is 1618, he again is teaching you the fib spiral, which by the way is governed by the law of octaves in pascals triangle. Our other master guru, George Bayer knew the 192 day cycle, Bayer says the THING that moves the wheel is engraved on every violin made, go check that out, and see it is the moons node, the retro guy who goes backward 360 degrees every 18.924024 days, and the 192 day cycle times 36 cycles is that moons node return. Knowing this time factor is only half of the gordion knot, I recommend you to the book Cosmic Secrets by Russell Smith,

the best ever writtin on trading, learn the octaves and inner octaves, and then apply your time factor to get your gravity points where the price happily runs to every day without fail. At any moment in a markets action, it is simply moving to a gravity center between to stopinders on the diatonic scale, if you want the minute movment, calculate the minute octave, if you want the hourly movements caculate the hourly octaves and if you want the general direction of the market calculate the day time angles, is is simply wheels within wheels, I prefer octaves within octaves, between any two vibrations are inner octaves and inner octaves and inner octaves and inner octaves and inner octaves, Learn that book and you have the Gann dillemna solved. Let the hate mail Begin Taking the June 62 low and adding 180 degrees of heliocentric Uranus brings us to July/Aug 2003. Taking the October 1981 low and adding 90 degrees of heliocentric Uranus brings us to July/Aug 2003 again! Taking the low that occured in the Dow on July 3, 2003 and subtracting 15 degrees of Helio Jup./Ur. brings us to the the 11-25-02 high. Subtracting 15 degrees (Jup/Ur) gives the 4-29-02 low. Subtracting 15 degrees again gives the high that occured on 9-1-01 subtracting 15 again gives a low at 3-22-01 another 15 gives a high at 9-1-00 and another 15 gives a low at 2-25-00 and then a high on 8-24-99. "Taking wheat for example, we note that Venus and Mars and no other planet bring about the changes. These two planets, as they cross 23 20, respectively 12 degree 16 minutes of a sign, produce changes If I remember my astro studies correctly planetary rulers are : Mercury is the ruler of soybeans, Neptune rules soybean oil. Sign rulers are: Virgo rules soybeans. I don't remember soyoil offhand, I think it was Pisces. I did some research several years ago on Wheat. I decided to look at it again to present to the group. I initially found that if you look at the geocentric position of Venus as it passes 25 to 26 degrees in Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, these points corresponded with turns in the market. Some of you will no doubt immediately recognize that these positions are 120 degrees (a trine) apart. Those positions generated the best results. On the chart they are represented by the double blue arrows. The single blue arrows are the 60 degree divisions and they also work pretty well. I've never had a first trade chart for wheat but I was always curious to know if there is anything at 25 or 26 degrees on that chart. I also looked at the heliocentric positions but they didn't work as well. I don't trade Wheat, however after reading George Bayer's 'George Wollsten, Expert Grain Trader', I looked at how his strategy performed last year to August, the extent of my data; (a) Mercury conjunct Saturn on 10/2/2000.... High 273.4 11/2/2000 Double Top + 9 Trading days gives Exit 25/2/2000... 248 at the Close. (b) Mercury @ 0’ on Sunday 30/4/2000 Closing price on Friday 28/4...242.2 + 9 TD gives Exit 12/5/2000 ... 271 at the Close

(c) Jupiter conjunct Saturn (22 01 21 Taurus) on Friday 23/6/2000 ..... 272.2 at the Close + 9 TD gives Exit Friday 6/7/2000..... 244.4 at the Close (d) Mercury @ 0’ on Thursday 27/7/2000.... 245.60 at the Close + 9TD gives Exit 10/8/2000.... 235.60 at the Close The strategy uses Helio Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury, small swings in one direction appear to last about 9 trading days... about 30 degrees of Mercury travel. Prices tend to fall from a Mercury/Saturn conjunction, and rise from a Mercury/Jupiter conjunction Re; Sensitive points and the Spi Attached is a chart of the Spi, showing the year to date. as you can see they can be quite useful. s&p The Chart is multiples of 30* between Venus - Jupiter. Please take a look and see for your self. Tested on 4 Years of data. yellow helio synodic Venus/Mercury cycles on a daily Nov Soy Bean chart to end of May 2001.from Nov 1999. Worthy of note is a correlation between points of maximum and minimum separation with market turning points , although points of minimum separation are more reliable I find from other comparisons with other cycles. The use of these plottings are to make a trader aware of possible turning points which are often backed up by one's favourite technical system. Similar turning points result when using larger cycles and smaller cycles and lining them up this way is useful. Yes, the fans are based upon the Moon. I find that Moon, the Sun, and Saturn make the best planetary fans. Today, the Sun parallels Mars and Mercury has Max Declination and yesterday Merc conjunct Saturn (helio). All of these are operative in Wheat. The platform is Tradestation 2000i. I chart the astro with W.D. Kenn's Top Secret-don't tell another soul-method of using dummy price files in ascii of longitude, latitude, RA, declination for each planet for Noon over NYC and then load it in as Data2, Data3, and so on. Or I have some files with longitudes of several planets. For example: Open = Long of Sun High = Moon Low = Merc Close = Venus In the example I posted, I use Mikula's Astrotrader add-on for Tradestation. He no longer supports it. I wrote the Easylanguage for the fans and gave it to Mikula who then screwed it up and put it in with his package. The ASCII method using a dummy price file as Data# is very fast and uses little resources, but it suffered from a being an approxiamation. Patrick no longer supports it so I consider it abandonware, but it's got my name and numbers all over it, so it stays home else I'd give it to you. There is an august member of this list who has incorporated the Swiss Ephem into the newer Tradestation. I am programming impaired having been exposed to Basic at an early age and thus am crippled or else I would be programming with the Swiss E as well. What follows is an Easylanguage program for making these files using the ASCII Data2 file that

holds Longitudinal data for either one or four planets. This is BAD code writing at its worst; me being more interested in result than elegant code. Since it works, I let it alone, but incorporating an array would make it more flexible to use. The pelican remark is reflective of my prior residence in Florida when I wrote this. I have used this particular study to fan Heliocentric Merc-Venus-EarthMars with interesting results and and to use just one planet, usually the Lights and Heliocentric Mercury and Saturn with more fun results. {******************************************************************** Study : Planetary Lines 03 Last Edit : 05/21/2001 Written By : Kenneth R. Macht, Copyright (c) 2001, All rights reserved. (Sell this and may a Pelican fly up your nose.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Alpha Lines AT2000 version Purpose: plots planetary fan lines a la Gann Version: 2.0.0 ************************************************************************} Inputs: SlopeUp(1), {1 slopes the line upward, 0 slopes the line downward} Scale(.125), {price scalar for time-price} StartDa(1011231), {start date for plot1} StartPr(0), {start price for plot1} StopDa(1501231); {stop date for plot1} {*********************************************************************} Variables: PltData1(2), PltData2(2), PltData3(2), PltData4(2), PltMove1a(0), PltMove2a(0), PltMove3a(0), PltMove4a(0), PltMove1(0), PltMove2(0), PltMove3(0), PltMove4(0), Dir(1);

{holds the planet data returned by AstroTrader}

{Used in calculating planetary motion} {Used in calculating planetary motion} {Used in calculating planetary motion} {Used in calculating planetary motion}

{-------------Below sets the precalculation variable-----------------------} PltData1 = Open of Data2; PltData2 = High of Data2; PltData3 = Low of Data2; PltData4 = Close of Data2;

If SlopeUp = 0 then Dir = -1 else Dir = 1; {------------------below determines a planets movement from the previous bar-----------------------} If PltData1 - PltData1[1] < -100 then begin {normal cross over} PltMove1a = (PltData1+360) - PltData1[1]; end; If PltData1 - PltData1[1] > -100 and PltData1 - PltData1[1] < 100 then begin {no crossover} PltMove1a = PltData1 - PltData1[1]; end; {*********************************************************************} If PltData2 - PltData2[1] < -100 then begin {normal cross over} PltMove2a = (PltData2+360) - PltData2[1]; end; If PltData2 - PltData2[1] > -100 and PltData2 - PltData2[1] < 100 then begin {no crossover} PltMove2a = PltData2 - PltData2[1]; end; {*********************************************************************} If PltData3 - PltData3[1] < -100 then begin {normal cross over} PltMove3a = (PltData3+360) - PltData3[1]; end; If PltData3 - PltData3[1] > -100 and PltData3 - PltData3[1] < 100 then begin {no crossover} PltMove3a = PltData3 - PltData3[1]; end; {*********************************************************************} If PltData4 - PltData4[1] < -100 then begin {normal cross over} PltMove4a = (PltData4+360) - PltData4[1]; end; If PltData4 - PltData4[1] > -100 and PltData4 - PltData4[1] < 100 then begin {no crossover} PltMove4a = PltData4 - PltData4[1]; end; {*********************************************************************} {---------------------Below assigns the input data to the Different plot statements-------------------} If date >= StartDa and Date < StopDa then begin If Date = StartDa then PltMove1 = 0 else PltMove1 = PltMove1 + (PltMove1a * Scale * Dir); Plot1(StartPr + PltMove1,"P1"); If Date = StartDa then PltMove2 = 0 else PltMove2 = PltMove2 + (PltMove2a * Scale * Dir); Plot2(StartPr + PltMove2,"P2"); If Date = StartDa then PltMove3 = 0 else PltMove3 = PltMove3 + (PltMove3a * Scale * Dir); Plot3(StartPr + PltMove3,"P3"); If Date = StartDa then PltMove4 = 0 else PltMove4 = PltMove4 + (PltMove4a * Scale * Dir); Plot4(StartPr + PltMove4,"P4"); end;

Lorrie Bennett moon conj neptune moon conj merc The major Allan(TL) posts were: 12977 - Converted Moon Longitude and March Wheat (12-6-03) 13476 - Converting Longitude to Price Extensive (1-4-04) 14342 - Squaring Price With time 14489 15386 - Strong Wheat A note here. In the Cowan books Mars is shown in 120 degree increments. Not only do we know what causes this but the public failed to understand Mars. Mars does go 120 to a Jup/Ur 15 BUT is goes Hi-Lo-Hi-Lo in 60 degree increments not 120 as is currently believed. So your 120 is a low-low or hi-hi. I thought I would give a little feedback on spin out from highs and lows in wheat that may be of interest. If u look at Dec wheat it made its first low in this contract Dec 30th 2003 at price 313. The next low in wheat was March 28/2003 at price 296. Heliocentric Venus was on Dec 30th on 134 degrees longitude while the next low in March (28) came in at 276 degrees longitude. The net differnce between these two lows was 142 degrees longitude. If u spin out another 142 degrees from the March 28 low at 276 degrees u will arrive at 58 degrees or June 26. Dec wheat made a nice major low the next day June 27 at price 313. If u spin another 142 degrees u will arrive at 200 degrees longitude answering to Sunday Sept 21st. Dec wheat made a nice low friday 19th at 338 from which we have seen a 27 cent rally (so far) If u place the zero point on the square of nine at the Dec low of 313 u will find the following relationships: The March low at 296 was on a 90 degree angle The June low at 313 was on the zero angle The sept low was on a trine angle (almost with 2 cents) If we spin out heliocentric venus another 142 degrees from the recent september low we will arrive at 342 degrees which coincide with Dec 19 or at the extreme end of the contract. My cycles confirm this as a possible low. So does the spin. Lets have a look at the highs. Dec wheat made a high on Feb 10 at price 343 helio Venus was 203 degrees.The next high was May 16 at price 358 and Venus long. 353. Between the two highs was 150 degrees net longitude.

If we project another 150 degrees from the May high we arrive at longitude 143 answering to Sunday August 17. The next day Dec wheat made a major high at 399. If we project another 150 degrees we get long. 293 which answers to November 18/19. My cycles also indicate a high for this day tho I do believe it may be broken in early Dec for a final high. Now our Sq9 what does it say for the highs? Well if u place the zero point at the first high at 343 in Feb 03 u will find that the May high (358) was almost perfectly on the 90 degree while the August top at 399 was almost just as perfect on the other 90 degree angle. Just wanted to let u know that u can spin out and "be happy" ......but u do need the cycles to always Have a great evening (and be happy) Allan

Mon Sep 29, 2003 2:45 pm Show Message Option -------------------------------------------------------------------------------View Source Use Fixed Width Font Unwrap Lines -------------------------------------------------------------------------------"alblak1940" alblak1940 Send IM Send Email


1.2 x phi^2=pi=3.1416 2xphi^2=pi/0.6 pi+phi^4=10 pi/phi=1.941 418/3.1416=133 133x 2=266 (from Tunnel) TO ALL Since I never throw anything out --The below is not my work but it was in the public domain. Make of it what you will-Regards JMH -----Original Message----From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 3:20 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [gann] 1914 - 266 I wanted to throw these out, before they were thrown out. Someone was kind enough to identify the timespan of the Tunnel book signing to the end as 1940 days. (as in "...looking back from 1940") The Tunnel also has 36 chapters and covers 6 09 1906 to 8/30/1932 or 9579 days. As Robert is self-declared "the Man", taking off 3 days for his Ascension, you get 9576 / 36 = 266. This same period covers 324 moons and 36x36 moon phases. The book is 314 months long and 9579 should be at 314 degrees on the SQ9 (...but it is not.) The intentional 266 Pope thing is for 2 more after this one, then poof - games over? Current Pope JP2 is #263. Ergo, #266 is then the Non-physical one, as in the Galactic Center (266), the "Universal Religion". If you like Fishing, then 153^2 = 88 x 266. But - between 265 and 266 Sidereal Moons is 19.859 years, a Jup/Sat conjunction. Even the 19 astronomical units of Uranus, is a big deal. He has been called the Big Wheel and numerically represents "the Great Light or Sun"

Slice and dice different ways, 266 / 7 = 2 x 19. "The Tunnel Thru the Air" has 19 letters in the name. T T T T A. 4T a 40a T^4 a TT TT r (2 Pi r) Symbolically assembled as a square or a tic-tac-toe board or a mason's compass and square. 266 can be the new "418" (pages of the book) times Pi / 2. Around 6/10/1927, Robert's 21st birthday, Saturn moved 258.5degs or 180degs past N.Jup (78.6) The 258.5degs of Saturn times 1.618 = 418 (...a double negative) Speaking of numbers and lying about: if you convert the SqrRt of 266 to degrees, minutes and seconds, you get amazingly 16ø 18' 34'' From January 1st to the Fall Equinox is 266 days. And as 365.2422 is to 360, so is 270 degrees to 266. From January 1st to Robert's birthday is 159 days and June 9th is 159 solar degrees. Converting 26 minutes and 6 seconds equals .435 degrees, Multiply .435 times 365.2422 to get 159. Two-thirds the Jup/Ven cycle (237 days) is 158-159 days. Venus (224.7 days) divided by 1.414 = 159. BTW, about the $270-272 Major Motors top: Ju/Sa moved 383degs in 19 years. 383 / 1.414 = 270.8 The Sun square Node and Me/Ma conj to Ju/Ur conj create many midpts at 271-272. Also 19yrs x 52.177weeks = 991 - 720 (2 circles) = 271. The following was delivered to me in order that I deliver it to you anonymously. This is NOT my work, I am just delivering it: 3 is the "key" She left at 3:00 The note is found at 8:00 8-3=5 hours or 300 minutes She is gone on page 118 and returned on 418 or 300 pages. Vibration is mentioned 3 times in the book. How fast does MTAOM fly? 300 mph Jonah is gone for how many days?

Unfortunately I will not disclose how to use it. And no one else should either. The Tunnel was meant to be kept secret and if you put years of research in, neglecting your family, then you would never give it away. But I will give the group something to ponder. If you are fortunate enough to earn the meaning of 266 and Jonah then you will understand how perfect our world is. I have calculated them to an accuracy of 0.0001. It is my belief that Gann could have made more accurate public forecasts, but if he did his life would have been in danger as everyone would want his "keys". In the end it was his demise!! Stomach that if you will. Kay this is for you as i suppose you like digging into the past ,as i do . If you ask me it started in back then in Aug 23-24 1921 Ingress of Sun and Mercury (conjunction) + veryclose conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn . Project from then 418 days and repeat Also 266 days You come to Top 1929 Note that 418 pages of book divided by 266 give 7/11 >>>>>>>>>{418/ pi =133 266/2 =133} Also at 4 x 418 =1672 you have 19 Mercury Helio returns and Again Mercury conj Sun . Gann says : Check out 1/3 of year from bottom + and then 1/4 and 1/2 from High Starting from Aug 23-24 1921 add 366/3 x 24 =2926 =7x418 =11x266 You need a high to project from .. No ?? Thry this one Top of June 1928 has the follwoing features: Is 457 days from Top being 5 x (366/4) May 30 1928 =11 Venus returns (helio) June 3 1928 =Lunar eclipse June 4 1928=Jupiter in Taurus Pope Number 266 Name John Paul II (1978-) Motto Number 110

Motto Description De labore Solis (of the eclipse of the sun, or from the labour of the sun) Hist.:Karol Wojtyla was born on May 18, 1920 during a solar eclipse. He also comes from behind the former Iron Curtain. He might also be seen to be the fruit of the intercession of the Woman Clothed with the Sun labouring in Revelation 12 (because of his devotion to the Virgin Mary). His Mother was a Jew, maiden name "Katz" Polonised as "Kaczorowska". 266 Sounds like the Galactic Centre or should I say it sounds like 26 Deg Sagittarius from an Astrological point of view What if the next POPE due is also from a Jewish Back Ground And on top of that he is French or based in France ???? Hi Gandi Possibly you mean the cycle of Meton of 235 lunations ? (29.5 days per lunation x 12 lunations = 354) There is an 18.6 year lunar nodal cycle of 230 lunations which is also a declination cycle. It was referred to by L. McWhirter and S. Benner. Lt. Cmdr. David Williams gave a good account of it in his now back in print book and it correlated to the 1987 stock market crash by extending Williams' date progression. There is also an 18.6 year Jupiter-Saturn synodic cycle that is inferred by mention of the dates of the conjunctions by both Gann and Jensen. It was drawn and referenced by Kepler and could be the basis for the 368 degree cycle of Bayer. Ovason mentions it was used by Nostradamus who also used another ancient system, the Secundadein periodicities based on increments of 354 years. When I went back to the 100yr ephemeris and counted lunar ingresses there were 133 in 10 years from June 1927 to June 1937. That would make 266 in a 20 year period. (266 is mentioned on page 82 of TTTTA and 266=14 x 19) Gann said to always consider the half way point. Now, 133 is 100 + 33 , the longitude of Texarkana emphasized by the error that Lufkin is not near Texarkana and 100 is the basis of the words cent and centiloquy. The mirror of 133 is 331 and 331-266 = 65 the verse of Ptolemy's Centiloquy referring to Least, Mean and Great Conjunctions. ( pg 78 TTTA " Therefore in cycles there must be a lesser, a greater and intermediate

cycle,") According to Ptolemy's nomenclature (and Bayer) the Least conjunction is on Lorin's 8/1 date , the Mean conjunction is on the 8/10 and the Great conjunction is on the 9/2 date. Of course, this may not be what Gann meant at all. )) Anyway, I think that for his lunar cycles, Lorin counts ingresses rather than lunations. Hi again Let me add a few comments. If we look at DOW this year it made a HIGH March 7 at 10984... HIGH July 29 at 10718....360 degrees up is 10 958 which is 3 points shy of top wendesday and friday last week. Another 180 degrees up or a total 540 degrees from this low is 11078 which is very close to the venus and earth longitude. The last HIGH before the Oct 13 low was 10608 on OCT 3 This was 10 points away from the 180 degree angle from the top July 27 as 10718-120=10598 These tops seems to connected by angular relationships. If we also implement the Top back in March at 10984 and add 180 degrees or 120 points we get 11104. This is my projected top for NOV 29 altho I must say that my price project for DOW is not yet totally completed. The 266-Fan Club shud notice that if we measure 266 days from March 7 High we get Nov 28. Best Allan Coincidences SP Natal April21 1982 0800 Helio: looking at the numbers after the decimal Merc 80.00 Mars 200.00 Jupiter 215.11 Uranus 242.22 Saturn 199.33 Neptune 265.33 Some Masonic idea is based on 1 2 3 as the complete set so doubled 11 - 22 - 33 gives hidden orders? Earth 211.05 Venus 266.08

Pluto 205.58 5 and 8 are important for 9 1/9=.11 2/9=.22 3/9=.33 etc Numerology of # 266 (2+6+6 = 14 = 5) # 9 is the end of a cycle Alphabets are all linked to Numerology and Cycles Take DNA D = 4 N = 14 A = 1 (4+14+1 = 19 or 1+9 = 10 = 1) # 266 # 2 is the Negative (New Moon or No Light) Vibration of the Moon # 6 = Venus 266 is also the Galactic Centre at present being 26:56 Sagittarius 266 SqRt = 16.3 sounds like a cycle of 16 or 17 Trading Days to me Note trading was from Monday to Saturday back then thus we can say that there was an average of 308-312 trading days per annum (i presently use 256) Saturday trading ceased at the NYSE on 29 September 1952 266 / 9 = 29.55 (sounds like a Moon cycle to me) Then there is 19.53125 rounded off as 19 or 19.5 (19 years = the Natural Cycle of aligning the Sun, Moon and Earth at approximately the same position) 266 /19 = 14 Then there is the Natural Cycle of Birth - approx 38 weeks 38 weeks is 38x7 = 266 days Like all Cycles they are not exact for the purposes we are using them for As we can see, there are a lot of conclusions that we can draw from 266 Eclipses do play an important part eg. 266 / 3.69 (or 3.618?) = 72 Lunar Eclipses (an average between 72 and 73) 50% of every thing is important, thus consider numbers 266x2 = 532 19x2 = 38..... half of 19 = 9.5 and half of 266 = 133 I have tried to calculate and count the prophecies re Jesus i get 266 14x2 = 28 Ultimately the days of the creation cycle comes to 7 Finally we come to the book of Matthew (Matt take note) Read what Dr. Ivan Panin has to say Crabcake indeed. You and the Navigator need to get a grip, however! Scientists have already done the necessary research, in case you hadn't guessed. :p I quote from three university sites: "The gestation period of humans is 266 days, 8 days short of nine [solar] months." San José State University has you covered. "Human reproduction follows lunar time rather than sidereal, or solar, time: Gestation is about 266 days -- nine lunar months -- and the menstrual period is one lunar month." (266/9=29.5 and "The lunar cycle (moon phases) repeats with a period of 29.5 days. This is called a synodic period. Synodic comes from the Greek words meaning journey together, referring to the sun and moons positions with respect to each other." ) "In western Africa, the number 266 plays a prominent role, and forms the basis of a system of ideographic writing which forms the 'basis of knowledge' in the culture. [THE BASIS OF KNOWLEDGE. Insert another crabcake.] The number 266 corresponds closely to the average time of human gestation, and also may have some significance in correlating with the average time between appearances of Venus. The shrine of Kangaba contains a chamber known as the 'vestibule of the master of the sky,' or the Mande, in which ritual ceremonies occur every seven years. [oh NO! not another Gann number!!] During these ceremonies, 266 of the symbols are drawn on the walls, and the outside of the building is painted. Within these symbols are included eight signs for the primordial seeds of life, four representing the four elements and four cardinal points, and nine for the eight ancestors of humanity and the Mande shrine." This western Africa mythological thing has my attention. "Amma and the Egg that Contains the Universe Dogon/Burkina Faso, Mali "The early story of the universe has to do with a struggle between Amma, the creator, and Ogo, one of her creations. "In the beginning, Amma, alone, was in the shape of an egg: the four collar bones were fused, dividing the egg into air, earth, fire, and water, establishing also the four cardinal directions. Within this cosmic egg was the material and the structure of the universe, and the 266 signs that embraced the essence of all things. The first creation of the world by Amma was, however, a failure. The second creation began when Amma planted a seed within herself, a seed that resulted in the shape of man. But in the process of its gestation, there was a flaw, meaning that the universe would now have within it the possibilities for incompleteness. Now the egg became two placentas, each containing a set of twins, male and female. After sixty years [Gann's Great Cycle, wow! How many key Gann numbers can we pile up here?], one of the males, Ogo, broke out of the placenta and attempted to create his own universe, in opposition to that being created by Amma. But he was unable to say the words that would bring such a universe into being. He then descended, as Amma transformed into the earth the fragment of placenta that went with Ogo into the void. Ogo interfered with the creative potential of the earth by having incestuous relations with it. His counterpart, Nommo, a participant in the revolt, was then killed by Amma, the parts of his body cast in all directions, bringing a sense of order to the world. When, five days later, Amma brought the pieces of Nommo's body together, restoring him to life, Nommo became ruler of the universe. He created four spirits, the ancestors of the Dogon people; Amma sent Nommo and the spirits to earth in an

ark, and so the earth was restored. Along the way, Nommo uttered the words of Amma, and the sacred words that create were made available to humans. In the meantime, Ogo was transformed by Amma into Yuguru, the Pale Fox, who would always be alone, always be incomplete, eternally in revolt, ever wandering the earth seeking his female soul." "Doni Dyu, the Seed of All Knowledge Bambara, Bozo, Dogon, Malinke, Minyanka/Mali "The primary mythic signs, numbering 266, represent the basis of knowledge, Doni Dyu, the seed of knowledge, the basis of creation. [The basis of creation! Calm down Romeman.] The origin of creatures is in the signs. The universe emerged from the spirit and thought of a creator god who first brought forth, out of nothing, these signs that designated in advance all that was to make up the creation. God created matter in the form of a placenta, on the walls of which were engraved the first signs of all that was to be created. The development of beings and things is also prefigured by the 266 primordial signs. This system of signs explains the genesis of a world whose components were all sketched originally in the consciousness of God." "Some fundamental poles in the complex Dogon numerical symbology" are 266 [Tunnel], 60 [Gann's great cycle], 22 [letters in the Hebrew alphabet, cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot], and 7 [Tunnel, "The Human Body," the Buchanan and the Alford books in the WITS archive] WELL!, as Jack Benny used to say. best, romeman Back to top »


Joined: 27 Aug 2003 Posts: 16318 Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:11 am

Post subject:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of super_romeman Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 5:22 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Re: [wheelsinthesky] Re: BIG SURPRISE...a bit more "Every number connected with our measurements of time is a 'cosmic number,' beginning with the 7 of our weekdays, the 12 of our months, the 24 of our hours, the 52 of our weeks, the 60 of our minutes and seconds, the 28 days of our lunar month, the 30 days of our mean solar month, the 365

days 6 hours of our solar year, and above all the 72 years, 2,160 years, and 25,920 years during which the solstices and equinoxes travel backward through a degree, a sign, and the whole circle of the ecliptic respectively. The subdivision of the ecliptic from the 12 signs in 36 'decans' is another cosmic number, the 270 days of human gestation another. The precise intervals of the revolutions of the principal planets round the sun give rise to others." Frank C. Higgins, The Beginning of Masonry, "Signs," p. 94 best, romeman Back to top »


Joined: 27 Aug 2003 Posts: 16318 Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:12 am

Post subject:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of JFH28 Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 5:46 AM To: [email protected] Subject: RE: [wheelsinthesky] Re: BIG SURPRISE...a bit more I missed some of this discussion compliments of yahoo and their spamming servers but it occurs to me that 266 is also exactly a triple mer-sat synodical period. Hardly as interesting as your testings of the human gestation period but interesting none the less ? Jack Back to top »


Joined: 27 Aug 2003 Posts: 16318 Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:31 am

Post subject:


From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of alblak1940 Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 10:02 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [wheelsinthesky] Re: BIG SURPRISE...a bit more Hi George ...Mira is focused in one of our national newspapers today. Enjoy the picture..or if u simply look for "Mi"..then its another story.... Best Allan TL+++++ Back to top »


Joined: 27 Aug 2003 Posts: 16318 Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:21 am Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of George Smith Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 12:40 PM To: [email protected] Subject: RE: [wheelsinthesky] Re: BIG SURPRISE...a bit more Hello Allan I will have to call on Robert’s interpreter to read the mysterious text on the site!! A friend of mine has a saying that “When I hold a hammer every thing is a nail”, suggesting when following a thread all sorts of things seem to fit. MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair) Please see the attached gif, this is how I have my book marked up as to how Gann may be referencing the same thing in TTTA.

The word “Letter” seems to be a good substitute for “Sign”. At the least Robert was more cheerful and hopeful, his own mind told him that he was at last on the right track. As for me the usual grain of salt applies. 528 / 2 = 264 Thanks a million "To those who understand numbers, '266' reveals some remarkable events that are to follow the election of the new Pope." Gann, The Tunnel Thru the Air, p. 82 "My calculations are based on the cycle theory and on mathematical sequences. History repeats itself. That is what I have always contended, -- that in order to know and predict the future of anything you only have to look up what has happened in the past and get a correct base or starting point." Gann, Tunnel, p. 75 "The great Fifth Hermetic Principle -- the Principle of Rhythm -- embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a measured motion; a to-and-from movement; a flow and inflow; a swing forward and backward; a pendulum-like movement; a tide-like ebb and flow; a high-tide and a low-tide; between the two poles manifest on the physical, mental or spiritual planes. ... "There are other features of the operation of this Principle of Rhythm of which we wish to speak at this point. There comes into its operations that which is known as the Law of Compensation. One of the definitions or meanings of the word 'Compensate' is, 'to counterbalance' which is the sense in which the Hermetists use the term. It is this Law of Compensation to which the Kybalion refers when it says: 'The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.' "The Law of Compensation is that the swing in one direction determines the swing in the opposite direction, or to the opposite pole -- the one balances, or counterbalances, the other. On the Physical Plane we see many examples of this Law. The pendulum of the clock swings a certain distance to the right, and then an equal distance to the left. The seasons balance each other in the same way. The tides follow the same Law. And the same Law is manifested in all the phenomena of Rhythm. The pendulum, with a short swing in one direction, has but a short swing in the other; while the long swing to the right invariably means the long swing to the left. An object hurled upward to a certain height has an equal distance to traverse on its return. The force with which a projectile is sent upward a mile is reproduced when the projectile returns to the earth on its return journey." Three Initiates, The Kybalion, pp. 159, 166-167 "Many a so-called wise economist ... had not studied past history enough to know that after the greatest advance in history had culminated in 1929, the greatest panic in history must follow ... People believed that the Government by buying cotton, wheat and loaning money could stop the depression, but when once a cycle is up and prices are due to decline, nothing can stop them until it has run its course. The same when the main trend turns up, neither government interference nor anything else can stop the advance until it runs its course." Gann, New Stock Trend Detector, 1936, pp. 136-137. "The Bible says, 'There is a time for everything.' All the laws of Nature teach this. There is a time to sow and a time to reap. The four seasons of the year teach us that there is a reaping time and a sowing time, and that we can not reverse this order of Nature's laws. Man does not try to grow

oranges on Greenland's icy mountains; neither does he expect to cut ice from the tropical rivers in Florida, because it is out of season, time, and place. It is the same with the stock market. There is a time to buy and a time to sell, and when this time comes, neither bunches of bears nor bevys of bulls with hot air, hope, optimism, extreme pessimism, depression or bad reports, can force prices above or below the zones of Supply and Demand, out of season. You must learn to go with the tide, and not against it. Discern the signs of the times, and do not get caught in the undertow when the tide is flowing out. Those who hesitate and are late in buying or selling in the last stage invariably have to take losses." Gann, Truth of the Stock Tape, p. 19 "Science teaches 'that an original impulse of any kind finally resolves itself into periodic or rhythmical motion,' also 'just as the pendulum returns again in its swing, just as the moon returns in its orbit, just as the advancing year ever brings the rose of spring, so do the properties of the elements periodically recur as the weight of the atoms rises.' From my extensive investigations, studies and applied tests, I find that not only do the various stocks vibrate, but that the driving forces controlling the stocks are also in a state of vibration. These vibratory forces can only be known by the movements they generate on the stocks and their values in the market. Since all great swings or movements of the market are cyclic they act in accordance with the periodic law." Gann, "Ticker Interview" Robert Gordon "knew that the law that 'whatsoever a man soweth, he shall also reap' was a divine law and a natural law, that no man could break it or evade it, and that his reward was just as sure as the law was inevitable. He had read Emerson's 'Essay on Compensation,' and strongly believed that." Tunnel, p. 266 best, romeman Back to top »


Joined: 24 Apr 2006 Posts: 6951 Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 5:56 am Post subject: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Original Message----From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of M - C Sent: den 30 augusti 2007 04:25 To: [email protected] Subject: Re: [wheelsinthesky] Coming full circle on 266 while digressing (!) on cycles I wonder if there is connection to SO and MI, protons and neutons denying and affirming, major and minor forces.

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