gann fanns
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THE PLANETARY FAN With Mariano La Rosa W.D. Gann charmed many students and traders with his brilliant insights into the harmonic laws that bind natural phenomena to the financial markets fluctuations. As Known, the Gann Theory is based on two main pillars: Time and Price, linked together by a mathematical relationship, graphically expressed through the "Gann Angles”.
former, the Time is expressed as a fraction of the solar cycle (days, weeks, months, depending on the frame used in the chart), whereas in the latter, the Time is expressed in degrees.
The Gann Angle is a series of straight lines of predetermined slant, with a growing rate of so many price units for each time unit. The time unit could be one day, one week or one month, depending on the time frame used in the chart.
On a daily chart a Gann angle, with price factor equal to 1 per day, will have a rise of 360 points after 360 trading days, while a Jupiter’s Helio Planetary Angle will take about 12 years to rise 360 points, because this is the necessary time it will make a complete revolution circle around the Sun. From this example we can say that Gann Angles are nothing more than an estimation of Solar Angles.
What is most fascinating about the Theory is the time factor that is no longer exclusively linked to the calendar year cycle, but also to that of the other Planets rotating around the Sun. You can enter any activity listed in the planetary context by Planetary Angles Task available in Market Analyst, by an algorithm processing the price into a planet, so that you can test the aspects of conjunction, squaring, opposition, etcetera, between the price and other planets. We are talking about the following algorithm:
(Price / price factor / 360 - INT (Price / price factor / 360)) * 360 = longitudinal position in degrees
While the aspects between two planets (such as a conjunction) can identify a reversal time signal, the Planetary Angle, representing the graphical summary of the conversion of a price into a planet, is helpful to identify support and resistance levels.
The main difference between the Gann Angle and the Planetary Angle is related to the time factor: in the
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An example can explain the difference between the two angles as follows:
Let’s have a look at an example of practical application of the Planetary Angles: In Figure 1, the rising line is a heliocentric Mars Angle rising of 1/64 each degree longitude. Between the 25th till the 28th of August, Generali Ass. had an average price of 17.70. Adopting a price factor of 1/64 and applying the algorithm of transforming a planet into a price, we get:
17.70 / 0.015625 / 360 = 3.14666
Removing the integer part and multiplying the result by 360 ° we get:
(3,14666-3) * 360 = 52.8°
The result means that while the planet "Generali Ass” is pricing 17.70, it is placed at 52.8° of the Zodiac, in the exact position where Planet Mars is travelling in those
The Planetary Fan
NOV / DEC 2009
days. As both are in the same position, then we can say that they are in conjunction, and consequently the price will tend to diverge from that harmonic equilibrium and cause a retracement.
The following example is about a Planetary Fan application concerning the COMIT Index representing a Global Index of the Italian Stock Exchange. In the monthly chart in Figure 2, we can see how the Planetary Fans 2x1, 1x1, 1x2 just seem classic Gann Angles, but in fact they are built depending on the location expressed in heliocentric longitude degrees of the planet Jupiter. We used a price factor of 8 for the 1x1 angle, meaning that this angle has to increase 8 points per Jupiter’s degree, which takes about 11 days to move one degree of rotation around the Sun.
Figure 1:
After watching the usefulness of the Planetary Angles in the previous example, we could imagine how useful it would be drawing these angles from a high or low price and with different price scales, as if they were the classic Gann Angles. It is at that point that the Planetary Fan Tool, introduced by the last upgrade of Market Analyst, comes to help, and it is nothing but an evolution of both Planetary Angles Task and Gann Angles Tools.
We placed these angles on the 1992 low, on the 2007 high and on the 2009 low: and what immediately shows is the sometimes extraordinary accuracy, with which the price reacts with these angles in a time frame of almost twenty years.
The great advantage of the Planetary Fan compared to Gann Angles is that their position, concerning the price, does not change in spite of the time frame used, because the time is related to the position in degrees of the planet employed, which does not change whether you are using a daily, weekly or monthly chart.
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The Planetary Fan
NOV / DEC 2009
Figure 2:
In Figure 3, we can see the same Chart but with a weekly time frame. As mentioned, the great advantage of using the Planetary Angles compared to Gann Angles is that the support and resistance levels are always in the same points regardless of the time frame used, as for each date, the planet position is univocal and unchangeable.
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The Planetary Fan
NOV / DEC 2009
We can make the same observation on the daily Chart in Figure 4:
For this Index we used Planet Jupiter because the Italian Stock Market has proven to be in sound relationship with it, over time. About Mariano La Rosa
It is clear that any activity listed that you want to use needs a specific study to test the reliability of each planet in order to apply the one which fits better.
Mariano La Rosa is one of the first traders in the world for certified performance of managed portfolios. He acts as an expert trader in Futures and Options collecting a series of successful results in the accurate forecasting about the Dow Jones movements and about euro/dollar swaps, as widely recognized by the financial press and by Class CNBC television. Graduated in Economics, researcher and student of the known W. D. Gann Theory, he acquired experience in advanced technical analysis and in cyclical analysis of the financial markets, for over twenty years. He is the editor of the International series “Trading and Finance” published by the publishing house Le Fonti. He is also the editor of several editions of books about the Financial Trading and he’s also mentioned in the book “Italian Top Trader”.
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The Planetary Fan
NOV / DEC 2009
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