Gann Cycles Introduction 182

May 1, 2017 | Author: HazemSamir | Category: N/A
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The time and price cycle calculation techniques detailed in “ Ga nnCy c l e s ”are the practical application of WDGa n n’ ss t a t e me ntt h a t , “whe ny ouk n owhowt ous et i meandpr i c et oge t he ry ouk nowhowt ot r ade ”. As a market moves forward in TIME, it will “ v i br a t e ”from past high and low points cycles or waves into the future. As with time being measured from a past reference point, using the same cycles, so too can price. These cycles or waves are fixed in their duration so are able to be projected into the future to accurately forecast dates and prices that reversals will occur at. Gann stated in his novel, Tunnel thru the Air, “t hati nor de rto know and predict the future of anything you only have to look up what has happened in the past and get a correctbas eors t a r t i ngpoi nt ”and “…. . i fy ouhav et hec or r e c ts t ar t i ngpoi ntandk nowt hec y c l et hati sgoi ngt ober e pe at e d. ” Wh a tma k e s“ Ga n nCy c l e s ”u n i qu ei st h a ti tcontains information that WD Gann did not include in his commercially available courses. He stated that “t hege ne r alpubl i ci sn otr e adyfor it and would not believe i te v e ni fIdi dr e v e ali t ”. This information is related to the knowledge that Gann learnt from his studies of Biblical interpretations of cycles, how he discovered the method of their calculation and how he applied this information to markets. These cycles are the basis of timing in all events in our world and prove by their regular appearance in market reversals that WD Gann was the master of all market analysts. If you have used the common Gann analysis methods using the cycle of 360, division of the range and Gann angles to determine points of reversal which are also i n c l u de di n“ Ga nnCy c l e s ”- you will be aware of their limitations. The information contained in “ Gann Cycles”us i ng other far more advanced methods of analysis enables forecasts to be simply and accurately made as in the below diagrams. This method of analysis shows the simplicity and accuracy in using these methods. When TIME meets PRICE is where and when reversals occur!

DJIA March 2005 reversal at a key TIME cycle date and PRICE cycle level.

WD Gann did leave information on his discovery of the most important cycles. He did this in a rather obscure manner. He believed that one should put in the work before reaping the rewards. If you have not r e a da n dr e s e a r c h e dGa n n ’ snume r ou swor k sa n ds t u di e dt h eot h e rs ou r c e st h a th es t a t e dpr ov i de d him with his knowledge then you cannot know of this information. These cycles when calculated from a past reference point and divided into their parts as Gann instructed will give dates and price levels to monitor for reversals. When major reversals occur there will always be one of these cycles present. “ Ga nnCy c l e s ” also con t a i n si nf or ma t i ononh ow t o“ Balance Ti me ”wh i c his required to determine when major highs and lows will occur. This, along with the knowledge of cycles and how to interpret them is the key to understanding what some claim wa sGa nn ’ ssecret method of forecasting. It is known t h a tGa nn ’ sc ou r s e swe r eof t e n sold to his students with personal tuition provided by him. It is likely that the detailed cycle information may have been revealed in this tuition. Consequently the commonly available courses are not complete as they do not include the most powerful of the techniques he used. Most Gann techniques commonly used today are valid but are not the most powerful manner to determine dates and prices at where important reversals will occur. The most accurate method of determining a reversal point in price is by knowledge of the numbers that are derived from the key cycles. On a cycle date i n“ TI ME” ,wh e na market reaches a cycle level in “ PRICE”you will be aware that a market is at a point of reversal. This enables entries and exits to be made very close to these reversal points. The method of symbolic number recognition is detailed in “ Ga nnCy c l e s ” .I ti spr e c i s e l yde t a i l e da st owhyt h eDJ I Awa sa tapr e c a r i ou spoi n ti mme di a t e l ypr i ort o the February 2007 steep decline. “ Ga nnCy c l e s ”s h owsh owt oi de n t i f ydates of reversals before they occur. The factors present at the 2000 high in the S&P 500 at the price level 1574, the S&P 500 low of 767 in October 2002 and the DJIA high in March 2005 are explained in detail. Most recently an additional section on global markets at the February 2007 highs has been added. In each market the same cycles were present in “ TIME and PRICE” at these major reversals. The method of calculation and their application is detail e di nt h e“ Ga nnCy c l e s ” manual and are shown in detail on the charts contained in the manual. The more commonly known methods of Gann, such as squaring time with price, highs, lows and ranges, division of ranges and the trend or swing chart are also detailed in the “ Ga nnCy c l e s ”ma nu a l .I ti ss h own how each of these methods is a derivation of cycles or can be used in conjunction with the key cycles. If you are new to Gann analysis techniques or are experienced, y ouwi l lf i n dt h a t“ Ga nnCy c l e s ”wi l lbet h e only source of reference required in successfully becoming a trader. WDGa n n’ sc on c e pt sofdi vi di n gt i me ,pr i c ea n ds pa c ei sba s e dont h epr e mi s et h a te v e r y thing moves in cycles. These cycles are then divided by the Gann percentages and can also be used in multiples of the original cycle.

In my personal trading I have traded numerous high and low points on the day they occurred, as well as many intermediate swing turns within a trending market. One of these was exiting a short position three points from a three hundred and seventy day bear market low in 2003 and selling short on the day of the February 2007 high on the Australian Share Price Index futures market. This style of trading can be done by having the knowledge of when and where a market can reverse by use of cycles. TIME and PRICE cycle effects on markets.

If you are not an experienced trader you should initially use the methods to determine reversals within an existing trend. The information revealed will enable you to understand why past unsuccessful trades occurred and how to avoid them in the future, then how to select only high probability of success trades in the future. Ru l e sf oru s i n gGa nn’ sme c ha n i c a lt r a di ngs y s t e ma r ealso detailed. This is a trading system that can be used with simple price action and reaction analysis. The addition of TIME and PRICE cycle analysis to this system enables market reversals to be traded on the day they occur. There is a complete chapter on “ I nt r a da yDa y ”t r a di n g . The methods de t a i l e di n“ Ga nnCy c l e s ”wi l lshow why markets work the way they do. They are radically different from all previous published material on the methods of WD Gann and are not available elsewhere. Th es ou r c eoft h ei nf or ma t i onr e v e a l e di n“ Ga nnCy c l e s ”i sdi s c u s s e da n ddi r e c t l yr e l a t e st o Ga nn ’ sr e f e r e n c e st oh i ss ou r c e s . To be successful as a trader you will need to have a distinct advantage over the market, a plan to profit f r omt h a ta dv a n t a g ea n dt h edi s c i pl i n et oa ppl yt h a tpl a n .Th ec on t e n t sof“ Ga n nCy c l e s ”wi l lpr ov i dey ou with the distinct advantage as it is the most powerful method of market analysis available. The information t h a t“ Ga nn Cy c l e s ”contains, when correctly applied, will enable safe and extremely profitable trading to result. Pu r c h a s e r sof“ Ga nnCy c l e s ”a r ea u t oma t i c a l l yr e gi s t e r e da sme mbe r soft h ee du c a t i ona n ddiscussion forum at Here you will find information on recent events in global markets and where you are able to submit queries to Charles Shephard. With the manual you will also receive on CD WD Ga n n’ sbook s“ Tu nn e lt h r ut h eAi r ”–Ga nn ’ s most revealing work, and “ Tr u t hoft h eSt oc k t a pe ” . Other works included are “ Th eBa s i sofmyFor e c a s t i ngMe t h od”and “ Ann u a lFor e c a s t s ” . This CD also contains an automatic date calculator that forecasts future dates indicated as reversals by simply inserting a past reference date that a cycle has commenced from.

Co nt e nt so f“Ga nnCyc l e s ” 1.





Swing charts –construction and analysis


Support and resistance levels


Sections of the market or wave structure


Market patterns


Using a range to calculate a high price


Using a range to calculate a low price


Time counts


Squaring time with price / Gann angles


Squaring a high price


Squaring a low price


Squaring a range


Percentages of the highs and lows


Time cycles: Master, Planetary, Biblical and Symbolic.


Seasonal time


Price cycles - determining intermediate and major reversals levels


Market squares


Balancing of time




Intraday trading


Reversal date analysis


Trade management




Origin of cycles

CD containing Gann documents and the automatic date forecasting calculator with dates up to four years in advance calculated by simply inserting a past reference date.

“ Ga nnCy c l e s ”i son l ya v a i l a bl edi r e c t l yf r om Charles Shephard. Charles Shephard is a Stock Index, Commodity and Currency trader and advises private investors and traders. Relying on his many years of experience and research into the methods of WD Gann and culminating in a successful trading career, Charles Shephard has made available in his trading manual the most comprehensive information that details the cycles that Gann relied upon. Seminars conducted by Charles Shephard on the advanced techniques of WD Gann are held by invitation in Hawaii, Sydney and San Francisco and are available only t oown e r soft h e“ Ga nnCy c l e s ”t r a di ngma nu a l . Th ec os tof“ Ga nnCy c l e s ”is US$199.00 inclusive of express air freight. Delivery is usually within 3 to 5 business days. To purchase “ Ga nnCy c l e s ”click on the following link to make payment by Paypal.

Charles Shephard (inset) with Gann chart used in daily trading.

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