Gangguan Psikososial Pada Lansia
April 17, 2020 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Gangguan Psikiatri pada orang berusia lanjut DR. Dr. Martina WS Nasrun, SpkJ (K) Divisi Psikiatri Geriatrik Dep Psikiatri FKUI / RSCM Tim Terpadu Geriatri RSCM
Masalah usila Indonesia 8,5 % jumlah penduduk 19 juta (2000 – 2005) Urutan ke 4 di dunia Sistim pelayanan usia lanjut? Jaminan kesehatan, akses kesehatan? Kesadaran masyarakat masih kurang Infrastruktur belum memadai
Masalah Usia lanjut: 1. Kesehatan (fisik & mental) 2. Sosial 3. Ekonomi 4. Psikologis 5. Spiritualitas / religiusitas 6. Hak azasi (human right)
Kesehatan Multipatologi 80 % usila: 1 penyakit PHBS (life style) Asuransi kesehatan Successful aging Quality of life
Kesepian (loneliness) Pensiun Anak sibuk Tak punya aktivitas Pasangan meninggal Terisolasi sosial Tak ada teman bicara
Sosial Peran sosial usia lanjut
(masyarakat dan keluarga) Pergeseran peran (IRT, KK pasif) Kesepian, frustasi, depresi Post power syndrome Gangguan adaptasi
Ekonomi Penghasilan menurun Masa persiapan pensiun, no pensiun Tingkatkan aktivitas, kreativitas Kembangkan hobi, ciptakan hobi Independensi keuangan?
Psikologis Kepribadian masa dewasa muda Coping mechanism, problem solving Kegagalan beradaptasi potensial
gangguan jiwa dan fisik lainnya Integrity vs isolation Dignity in old age Arti hidup / cara pandang kehidupan
Spiritualisme / religiusitas Penghayatan keimanan Sikap hidup / persepsi diri Minat keagamaan meningkat Fungsi kognitif maningkat saat puasa Penelitian Larson:
Non religius: kurang tabah, kurang kuat mengatasi stres, kurang tenang, takut mati dsb dibandingkan yang usia lanjut yang “religius”
Hak azasi usia lanjut Hindari abuse dan neglect
(mental, emosional & fisik) Hak untuk mengatur diri sendiri Hak & kewajiban dalam masyarakat Hak berobat dan bertempat tinggal Mendapat perlakuan yang pantas Human right of people with dementia (Kyoto, 17 Oct 2004, ADI conference)
Gangguan Psikiatri pada usia lanjut Case finding: temuan kasus dini Intervensi segera Cegah disabilitas Optimalkan fungsi Identifikasi faktor risiko Kendalikan penyakit
Gangguan Psikiatri pada usia lanjut: Gangguan Depresi Gangguan Cemas Demensia (‘pikun’) Insomnia (gangguan tidur) Delirium (kebingungan akut)
GANGGUAN DEPRESI Tertekan, sedih, menetap dan tidak
dapat berfungsi seharihari Penyebab: berbagai ‘kehilangan’ Sikap anggota keluarga Peka terhadap tandatanda dini Gejala depresi pada usia lanjut tidak khas, gejala somatik menonjol !
4 Tanda pengenal gangguan depresi: Ada perasaan kosong / hampa Pesimis, kuatir masa depan Tak ada kepuasan hidup Merasa hidupnya tidak bahagia
Gangguan Cemas Gejala fisik muncul dahulu Cemas & kuatir berlebih Ketegangan fisik dan mental Gejala otonom (keringat, debardebar,
sakit perut, pusing dll) Berlangsung kronis, hilang timbul PTSD: pada usila lebih berat
Demensia Kemunduran mental progresif Defisit berbagai fungsi kognitif Sindrom ABC
(Activity, Behavior, Cognitive) Penyebab: AD, Stroke, Parkinson, dll Tanda – tanda dini demensia BPSD (behavior & psychological symptoms of dementia)
Mini Mental State Examination score
AD prognosis Optimal case 25 | Symptoms 20 || Diagnosis 15 || Loss of functional independence 10 || Behavioral problems Nursing home placement 5 ||
0 Death | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Feidman and Gracon, 1996 Years
Demensia: kumpulan gejalagejala dis eksekutif Aspek neuropsikologis (kognitif)
Gejala neuropsikiatrik (nonkognitif: BPSD) Gangguan Perilaku
Gejala Psikiatrik / Psikologis Aktivitas seharihari (ADL & IADL)
BPSD, behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia
What is Dementia? A: activity decline B: behavior disturbances C: cognitive impairment
Sebab: gangguan fungsi otak! > kemunduran mental (De Ment)
Activity decline Instrumental ADL: Berkendaraan
Basic ADL:
Bepergian sendiri
Naik turun tangga
Buang air besar /
telepon Mengelola keuangan
kecil Berpakaian
Behavior disturbances Apatis Pencuriga Mudah tersinggung Mudah marah Hiperaktif Insomnia Murung / sedih
Cognitive impairment: Kelemahan memori (mudah lupa) Kesulitan berbahasa (afasia) Kesulitan mengeksekusi (rencana, kegiatan) Pengenalan benda, wajah, bentuk, ruang dll Kemerosotan daya nilai, abstraksi, judgment,
dan fungsifungsi otak lainnya
Hypothesized natural course of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
% of endstage AD
Onset of MCI*
Clinical diagnosis of AD
100 75
Asymptomatic Preclinical Clinical phase phase phase
50 25 0
40 50 60 70 80
Age (years) Modified from PJ Visser, 2000
Estimated start of amyloid deposition
*MCI mild cognitive impairment
What is MCI? MCI is
a real entity and part of a continuum Normal – MCI Dementia An inbetween, transitional diagnosis A prodromal of dementia ! A good label for patients who are not normal, and clearly not yet demented
MCI is a transitional phase between aging and dementia MCI is also described as
Age Associated Memory Impairment (AAMI) Age Related Cognitive Decline (ARCD) Questionable Dementia Mild Cognitive Disorder
Definition of MCI
(not demented; mild enough so that psychometric testing is needed to detect)
(more than memory other cognitive processes)
(disease = real decline)
MCI is not equivalent to Age Associated Cognitive Decline (which is considered “normal” when aging) but MCI is malignant in its evolution towards dementia Flicker, Ferris & Reisberg, 1991 Petersen, 1996
Mild cognitive impairment Various definitions main features
Subjective memory complaint by self or informant Objective findings: memory performance within 1 or 1–1.5 or 2
SD below age and education norms Normal global cognitive function And / or clinical dementia rating (CDR) 0.5 And / or global dementia scale (GDS) 3 Or MMSE below age and education cutoff norms
Common denominator Normal activities of daily living (ADL), no dementia IADL performances normal or slightly decreased
Evolution of the Mayo Clinic criteria for MCI A Amnestic MCI
B Multiple domains slightly impaired
AD, normal aging?
C Single nonmemory domain
Petersen et al, 2001
Towards a broader concept of MCI Considering heterogeneity of MCI Stable ageappropriate memory impairment
Normative Normative Aging aging
Dementia Dementia Incipient dementia
• prodromal AD • prodromal VaD • prodromal mixed
Reversible cognitive impairment (ie confusion) Physical illness Depression
AD/VaD • prodromal DLBD • prodromal FLD
Organisation and function of mitochondria Fatty acids
Inner membrane area
Outer membrane
Inner membrane
Fatty acids
Acetyl CoA CO2
Citric acid cycle
2 H2O Complexes of the respiratory chain
ADP + Pi ++
ATPSynthase Membrane potential can be measured by fluorescence probes R 123 TMRE JC1
Causes of mitochondrial damage mtDNA mutations
Genetic defects Respiratory chain
++ ++
ATP↓ .
Hypoxia Xenobiotics
Direct damage of respiratory chain
Xray Aging Hypoglycemia
Damaged respiratory chain Reduced mitochondrial membrane potential
NONDOMINANT FORMS OF AD (Including "Sporadic" AD)
Missense mutations in the APP or Presenilin 1 or 2 genes
Failure of Aß clearance mechanisms (e.g., inheritance of APOE4, faulty Aßdegradation, etc.)
Increased Aß42 production throughout life
Gradually rising Aß levels with age
Accumulation and oligomerization of Aß42 in limbic and association cortices Subtle effects of Aß42 oligomers on synaptic efficacy Gradual deposition of Aß42 oligomers as diffuse plaques Widespread neuronal/synaptic dysfunction and selective neuronal loss, with attendant neurotransmitter deficits
DEMENTIA Selkoe. Science Oct 2002
Kelompok Gejala BPSD ‘Agitation’
‘Apathy’ Withdrawn Lack of interest Amotivation
Aggressive resistance Physical aggression Verbal aggression
Sad Tearful Hopeless Low selfesteem Anxiety Guilt
Walking aimlessly Pacing Trailing Restlessness Repetitive actions Dressing/undressing Sleep disturbance
Hallucinations Delusions Misidentifications
Adapted from McShane R. Int Psychogeriatr 2000; 12(Suppl 1): 147–54 Finkel SI et al. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 1998; 6: 97–100 Alessi C et al. J Am Geriatr Soc 1999; 47: 784–91
Insomnia Sulit masuk tidur dan atau
mempertahankan tidur, atau sulit tertidur lagi setelah terbangun Kurang tidur atau berlebihan tidur Dampak kurang tidur, distress Cari underlying disease insomnia Hygiene tidur & variasi individu
Delirium Kebingungan akut, disorientasi,
melantur, halusinasi dll Penyebab: infeksi, ggn elektrolit dll Tanda: hiperaktif / hipoaktif Kondisi medik emergensi
In patient geriatric ward in RSCM
Tim Terpadu Geriatri RSCM Interdisiplin Psikiater, Internist, Rehabilitasi Medik,
Gizi, Neurolog, dan spesialis lainnya khusus geriatri / usia lanjut Acute Ward Inpatient Ward Homecare Daycare / Day hospital
People do not consist of memory alone … … … They have feeling, will, sensibility and
moral being It is here that you may touch them And see a profound change A. Luria
Cognitive training
Cognitive stimulation
World Alzheimer Day: 21 September No Time To Lose (2004. 2006) TO CARE THE PERSON (PWD) FOR EARLY DIAGNOSIS Tak ada waktu yang percuma Jangan menunda waktu berobat
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