
July 7, 2017 | Author: xandinhafofa | Category: Image, Learning, Printing, Internet, London
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– 6.o ANO Inglês


Guia de exploração dos flashcards Fichas formativas Testes de listening Testes diferenciados

ÍNDICE Introdução ................................................................................


Apoio ao professor Componentes multimédia ......................................................


Guia de exploração dos flashcards ...........................................


Sugestões para os Mini Projects...............................................


Leitura Extensiva: The Strange London Visitors ..........................


Fichas Extra Help ........................................................................


Testes de listening e testes diferenciados........................................


Soluções ...................................................................................



O projeto Game On toma como ponto de partida para a abordagem metodológica dos conteúdos programáticos dois pontos essenciais referidos no Currículo Nacional do Ensino Básico, aquando da descrição das Competências gerais para o 2.o ciclo: a necessidade de «estabelecer uma relação afetiva com a língua estrangeira» e a necessidade de encontrar «projetos significativos e formas de trabalho que mobilizem de modo produtivo a energia e o interesse dos aprendentes.» Assim, e dando primazia à apresentação, desenvolvimento e prática dos conteúdos, no intuito de levar os alunos ao nível A1.2 preconizado nas Metas de Aprendizagem para o 2.o ciclo, não remetemos para um segundo plano a questão da forma, isto é, a apresentação gráfica. Neste projecto quisemos encontrar um compromisso necessário entre a forma e o conteúdo de modo a criar a referida relação afetiva com a língua estrangeira. Neste sentido, o projeto Game On foi construído tendo como base o universo dos jogos de computador, pretendendo, com isso, aproximar-se mais dos gostos e da realidade dos alunos, através de um contexto que lhes é tão familiar. O manual adquire, desta forma, toda uma nova nomenclatura e dinamismo: as unidades são apelidadas de Games, e as subunidades de Levels – estando o manual dividido em três Games, cada um com três Levels, estruturados de forma idêntica e permitindo desenvolver em cada um deles todas as competências específicas da disciplina. Como em qualquer jogo, no final de cada Level o aluno terá de provar que está apto a passar para o nível seguinte, completando um teste onde precisa de alcançar determinada pontuação, o que lhe permitirá fazer a sua autoavaliação. Novamente citando as Competências Gerais referidas no Currículo Nacional do Ensino Básico, procurámos uma forma eficaz de «usar de forma integrada e no sentido da eficácia dos atos comunicativos, linguagens diversas: imagens, gestos, mímica, sons, elementos paratextuais». Assim, os vários componentes que integram este projeto pretendem responder a uma ampla formação nos domínios da compreensão, interação, produção oral e produção escrita, aliadas a uma componente lúdica e comunicativa.

• O Manual, em duas versões diferenciadas para o aluno e para o professor. A versão do professor contém notas com as soluções dos exercícios, remissões para outros materiais disponíveis e sugestões de atividades lúdicas pertinentes.

• O Workbook, que permite praticar a compreensão escrita, o vocabulário e a gramática de cada Level. Fornece ainda um teste formativo a que os alunos poderão recorrer se não tiverem passado de Level na ficha de autoavaliação pedida no fim de cada subunidade.

• O Gamebook (oferta ao aluno), onde se desenvolvem atividades lúdicas, sobretudo de vocabulário, e que se destina sobretudo a activar pré-requisitos necessários à aprendizagem de novos conteúdos. Contém também atividades similares para descobrir mais sobre algumas festividades tradicionais em países de expressão inglesa.


• A Leitura Extensiva (oferta ao aluno), integrada no mesmo livro do Gamebook, e que conta uma história divertida, com vocabulário e estruturas adequadas aos alunos e que é explorada de forma gradual e faseada, de forma a que a leitura vá sendo acompanhada e guiada pelo professor.

• 14 Flashcards para prática de situações de oralidade. • Uma Consola de verbos irregulares (oferta ao aluno). • O Caderno de Apoio ao Professor, com o guião detalhado dos Flashcards e da Leitura Extensiva, fichas adicionais de cada Level referidas na ficha de autoavaliação como Ask your teacher for extra help – uma outra oportunidade para que o aluno passe para o próximo nível – e testes de avaliação formativa adicionais (dois testes de Listening e dois testes de avaliação, em versão diferenciada – A e B, sendo os segundos mais fáceis –, por período).

• Os Planos de Aula, que incluem uma planificação a longo prazo e planificações detalhadas de aula, num total de 72.

• Um Jogo de Cartas para praticar a língua inglesa de forma lúdica em sala de aula. , componente multimédia com um vasto leque de PowerPoints, animações e jogos •E a interativos para praticar o vocabulário e os conteúdos gramaticais.

Bom trabalho!

As autoras


Componentes multimédia

O projeto Game On está associado a uma componente multimédia a que poderá aceder através da plataforma Aula Digital. Nessa plataforma, o professor encontra todos os materiais multimédia organizados de acordo com o índice do manual, com os diversos recursos disponíveis associados a cada Game e respetivo Level, abrangendo os conteúdos abordados. Em cada uma das unidades, são disponibilizadas ilustrações animadas dos textos, complementadas com atividades de interpretação de texto. Desta forma, é possivel desenvolver a compreensão oral e escrita, e explorar vocabulário e gramática. Para além das animações com atividades, os jogos interativos são outra componente que conjuga as vertentes lúdica e didática. Estes jogos podem tornar a aprendizagem mais apelativa e são contextualizados com as personagens e temas abordados, havendo desta forma uma personalização e identificação com o projeto. Várias canções interativas poderão proporcionar uma aprendizagem colaborativa, permitindo o envolvimento das turmas na sua totalidade, através do formato karaoke adotado. O professor terá também disponíveis flashcards digitais que conjugam imagem, áudio e texto escrito, com possibilidade de impressão. Deste modo, poderá escolher a opção que melhor se adeque às estratégias pedagógicas em contexto de sala de aula. Para além disso, estão também à disposição outros recursos de apoio, como o relógio interativo (em formato analógico e digital) e os mapas interativos do Reino Unido e do Mundo, com especial destaque para países de expressão e língua inglesa. Estes mapas permitem explorar imagens de locais e monumentos de referência, bem como abordar alguns aspetos culturais mais significativos. Para cada uma das unidades, pode ainda encontrar apresentações em PowerPoint, com sistematização de vocabulário e aspetos gramaticais e dois testes interativos por cada Level, um para o aluno e um para o professor, perfazendo um total de seis testes por cada Game. Para além dos testes pré-definidos, terá, igualmente, a possibilidade de criar testes personalizados a partir de um banco com mais de 100 questões disponíveis. A componente multimédia possibilita também a consulta de sites na Internet, diretamente associados aos diversos conteúdos do manual. Finalmente, serão disponibilizados, em formato editável, os Planos de Aula criados especificamente para o projeto.


Sugestões de utilização: Cabe-lhe a decisão de utilizar estes materiais, adaptando-os ao ritmo de aprendizagem dos seus alunos, podendo certamente:

• Consolidar / complementar os recursos utilizados nas aulas. • Motivar os seus alunos para uma participação mais ativa nas atividades das aulas, em particular os alunos que apresentam maiores dificuldades de aprendizagem, através dos jogos interativos, das canções em formato karaoke, e das animações para apresentação de vocabulário e dos textos.

• Avaliar as aprendizagens e conhecimentos de forma fácil, através dos testes pré-definidos, ou personalizando-os à medida de cada uma das suas turmas (mais de 100 questões disponíveis).

• Acompanhar a evolução das aprendizagens através de relatórios de avaliação detalhados, bem como usufruir de funcionalidades de impressão, envio e correção automática de testes.

• Explorar as sequências de recursos digitais dos Planos de Aula. • Personalizar os Planos de Aula com recursos do projeto ou com materiais criados por si. A plataforma Aula Digital está disponível em CD-ROM e na Internet, em


Guia de exploração dos flashcards O projeto Game On apresenta, como componente auxiliar, um conjunto de flashcards e cartões verbais impressos. Este material é multifuncional, já que pode ser utilizado na prática de diversos conteúdos. No manual do professor, encontrar-se-ão indicações de quando e como utilizar os flashcards, sempre que tal seja possível e pertinente, assim como no livro de planos de aula. No entanto, a funcionalidade destes flashcards e cartões verbais não se esgota nas sugestões apresentadas, ja que poderá utilizá-los em outros contextos e de outros modos. Este material foi concebido para promover atividades comunicativas e de caráter mais lúdico, para permitir uma abordagem de vocabulário e de outros conteúdos que requeiram uma componente prática mais intensiva, que apele à memorização e ao domínio da estrutura gramatical. Assim, o projeto Game On propõe:











• 5 imagens de celebridades












• 5 bandeiras, referentes às nacionalidades das celebridades






Always Sleep

























Write Drive





• 4 sinais de informação


• 10 cartões verbais

• 6 cartões com Frequency Adverbs


Sugestões para os Mini Projects Os Mini Projects, sugeridos no final de cada Level do manual, são propostas de pequenos trabalhos de projeto que permitem trabalhar aspetos culturais, bem como conteúdos lexicais a eles associados. Estes trabalhos partem sempre de aspetos da cultura de países de língua e expressão inglesa, abordados no Level ou na página de Project, e pretende-se que sejam transportados depois para a cultura e hábitos do país de origem de cada aluno. O professor escolherá quais os mais pertinentes, tendo em conta a altura do ano letivo em que os quer trabalhar e a especificidade de cada turma. O Mini Project da última unidade (Game 3 – Level 3 ) pretende ser um projeto multidisciplinar mais abrangente, que requererá alguma preparação prévia e o envolvimento de mais elementos da comunidade escolar. Todos os Mini Projects foram pensados para poderem ser trabalhados por alunos de outras nacionalidades, situação comum nas nossas escolas. Daí o título ser, em geral, My Country.

GAME 1 Level 1 (pág. 23) — English speaking countries Sugestões

– Dividir a turma em grupos. – Sugerir que cada grupo faça uma pesquisa sobre uma região específica do país, no que diz respeito a Places to visit e Famous people.


– Enciclopédias. – Internet.


– Cartaz. – Fotografias. – PowerPoint.

GAME 1 Level 2 (pág. 33) — School uniforms



– Dividir a turma em grupos. – Sugerir que cada grupo pesquise sobre uma escola específica do país onde se use farda (exs.: Colégio Militar, Instituto dos Pupilos do Exército, Colégio de Odivelas, Escola Inglesa…).


– Internet.


– Cartaz. – Fotografias. – PowerPoint.

GAME 1 Level 3 (pág. 43) — New Year


– Dividir a turma em grupos. – Sugerir que cada grupo pesquise sobre uma região específica do país, no que diz respeito à celebração da passagem de ano, para verificar se existirão diferenças geográficas ou especificidades regionais.


– Enciclopédias. – Internet.


– Cartaz. – Fotografias. – Filmes. – PowerPoint.

GAME 2 Level 1 (pág. 55) — Important families in English speaking countries


– Dividir a turma em grupos. – Escolher apenas um grupo (por exemplo, os alunos com mais dificuldades, já que se trata de um projeto simples).


– Enciclopédias. – Internet.


– Cartaz. – PowerPoint.

GAME 2 Level 2 (pág. 65) — English and American breakfast


– Dividir a turma em grupos, fazendo cada um a sua pesquisa no sentido de verificar se as descrições dos pequenos-almoços são comuns. – Escolher apenas um grupo (por exemplo, os alunos com mais dificuldades, já que se trata de um projeto simples). – Alargar o âmbito do trabalho para pesquisar pratos típicos das várias regiões do país e distribuir essas mesmas regiões pelos diferentes grupos de trabalho.


– Enciclopédias. – Internet.


– Cartaz. – Fotografias. – PowerPoint.


GAME 2 Level 3 (pág. 75) — Carnival


– Dividir a turma em grupos. – Sugerir que cada grupo pesquise sobre uma região específica do país e a forma como aí se festeja o Carnaval.


– Enciclopédias. – Internet.


– Cartaz. – Fotografias. – PowerPoint.

GAME 3 Level 1 (pág. 87) — English school system


– Dividir a turma em grupos. – Escolher apenas um grupo (por exemplo, os alunos com mais dificuldades, já que se trata de um projeto simples).


– Enciclopédias. – Internet.


– Cartaz. – PowerPoint.

GAME 3 Level 2 (pág. 97) — School system in Australia


– Dividir a turma em grupos. – Cada grupo poderá escolher um país de expressão inglesa. – Fazer uma tabela comparativa com os dois sistemas de ensino no 6. ano, em termos de: • organização do ano letivo (poder-se á utilizar o projeto do Level anterior); • número de horas de aulas por semana; • disciplinas; • sistema de níveis.


– Enciclopédias. – Internet.


– Cartaz. – Fotografias. – PowerPoint.



GAME 3 Level 3 (pág. 107) — Annual Sports Day


– Dividir a turma em grupos. – Distribuir tarefas a cada grupo: • Definir os desportos / jogos tradicionais a trabalhar; • Fazer um levantamento do material ou acessórios necessários; • Criar um cartaz a anunciar a atividade; • Elaborar fichas de inscrição e folhas de resultados; • Outras tarefas.


– Enciclopédias. – Internet. – Professores.


– Cartaz. – Fotografias. – PowerPoint.


Leitura Extensiva: The Strange London Visitors No Programa e Organização Curricular do Ministério da Educação para o 2.o ciclo do Ensino Básico, prevê-se, como um dos objetivos a alcançar, «… criar o gosto pela leitura extensiva em língua inglesa» (pág. 9). O mesmo documento refere que a aprendizagem dos alunos «… será tanto mais significativa, quanto mais os conteúdos se relacionarem diretamente com as suas vivências e interesses» (pág. 40). Baseando-nos nestas premissas, apresentamos uma proposta de leitura extensiva que se pretende apelativa e interessante, a nível do enredo em si, e adequada e nivelada, a nível das competências específicas que interagem na aquisição da chamada «competência comunicativa»: as competências linguística, discursiva, estratégica, sociolinguística, intercultural e de processo.

A história Assim, a história intitula-se The Strange London Visitors e descreve uma aventura de três jovens na cidade de Londres. Um rapaz, de nome Adam, recebe o seu primo escocês, Callum, e a sua prima americana, Jennifer, em sua casa, em Londres, para duas semanas de férias. Passando por situações do dia a dia que nos fazem viajar pela cultura britânica e pela cidade de Londres e seus locais de referência, acompanhamos os três primos numa perseguição a dois estranhos pela cidade, que terminará no museu de cera de Madame Tussauds — onde os três jovens descobrem que os estranhos são, afinal, duas celebridades disfarçadas em férias na capital britânica.

A exploração didática A história tem aproximadamente 3000 palavras e está dividida em cinco capítulos. O trabalho de compreensão e interpretação do texto é feito de forma gradual: a seguir a cada capítulo apresentam-se duas a três atividades sobre esse mesmo capítulo, assegurando-se que o aluno não avança na história sem ter compreendido os factos anteriores. Apresenta-se, de seguida, um resumo da narrativa, bem como os conteúdos programáticos tidos como pré-requisitos para uma boa leitura.


CAPÍTULO 1 A história inicia-se com a chegada de Callum e Jennifer ao aeroporto de Londres, onde irão encontrar-se com os tios e com o primo, Adam, que os esperam para passarem duas semanas de férias. Ainda no aeroporto, conversam sobre as notas do último ano letivo e sobre as disciplinas preferidas de cada um Temas a abordar • Descrição física; roupas. • Família; graus de parentesco. • Notas. • Disciplinas preferidas.

CAPÍTULO 2 No dia seguinte, as personagens estão já instaladas em casa e decidem dar um passeio pela cidade depois de tomarem o pequeno-almoço. Apanham um tradicional autocarro londrino de dois andares e vão até ao London Eye. Temas a abordar • Comida tradicional. • Locais marcantes da cidade de Londres (Big Ben, London Eye). • Meios de transporte da cidade (o tradicional autocarro londrino).

CAPÍTULO 3 Os três jovens dirigem-se ao Hotel Ritz onde combinaram tomar o tradicional chá das cinco com os pais de Adam. Enquanto lancham, conversam sobre Londres e sobre os seus gostos pessoais e preferências culturais. Temas a abordar • Países de origem de cada um dos personagens. • Comida tradicional. • Cultura musical e cinematográfica anglossaxónica.

CAPÍTULO 4 Os três jovens reparam num casal estranho sentado numa outra mesa. Ambos parecem estar a esconder-se. Têm gorros, casacos, óculos escuros e uma aparência suspeita. Os amigos comentam a situação. O casal apercebe-se e sai do hotel, escondendo o rosto. Os três amigos ficam intrigados e reparam que o casal se esqueceu de uma pulseira de ouro na cadeira. Decidem então ir atrás deles no intuito de devolver a pulseira, mas o par foge para o metro. Os jovens decidem segui-los e entram também no metro.


Temas a abordar • Descrição física e roupas. • Meios de transporte da cidade (o metro londrino). • Direções.

CAPÍTULO 5 O estranho casal sai na estação de Baker Street e dirige-se ao museu de cera Madame Tussauds, sempre seguido pelos três amigos. Estes aproveitam para ver o museu e discutir quais as suas celebridades favoritas lá representadas. De repente, enquanto tiram fotografias junto a dois dos seus ídolos retratados em cera, os três jovens apanham um grande susto quando essas mesmas figuras se mexem. Sob o olhar surpreendido das crianças, descobre-se que os dois estranhos que seguiam eram, afinal, duas celebridades (Zac Efron e Vanessa Hudgens) que queriam visitar a cidade sem serem reconhecidos. Os amigos ficam muito entusiasmados, pois são fãs de ambos. A história termina com todos os intervenientes da cena a rir. Temas a abordar • Celebridades. • Likes e dislikes.

A exploração gramatical VERBOS TRABALHADOS • Present Simple • Present Continuous • Past Simple • Be going to • Can / can’t / must • Imperative

OUTRAS ESTRUTURAS GRAMATICAIS TRABALHADAS • Possessive case • Determinantes possessivos • Graus dos adjetivos • Preposições de tempo e lugar • Sufixos de nacionalidade • Question tags (to be, to have) • Plurais


Fichas Extra Help

GAME 1 – LEVEL 1 NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________


MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Complete the table with the nationalities. Name




New York









Nationality American

2. Match the celebrations with the dates and complete the sentences. a. New Year is on ______________________________________.


• New Year • Valentine’s Day • Christmas Day • Halloween

b. Valentine’s Day is on ______________________________________. c. Christmas’s Day is on ______________________________________. d. Halloween is on ______________________________________.

31/10 14/02 01/01 25/12

3. Ask questions using the words in the box.


• Where • What • When • How old a. _____________________________ ’s your name? My name is Katie.

c. _____________________________ are they from? They’re from England.

b. _____________________________ are they? They are 12.

d. _____________________________ is her birthday? It’s on 19th September.

4. Complete the sentences according to the example.


a. Holly has got two dogs. They are her dogs. They are hers. b. James and Holly have got a cat. It’s _________________ cat. The cat is _________________. c. James has got a friend. He is _________________ friend. It’s _________________. d. You have got a station. It’s _________________ station. It’s _________________. e. I have got many games. They are _________________ games. They’re _________________.

5. Write a short text in your notebook with the information from the box.

• Name: James Games • Origin: Britain • Age: 13 • Date of birth: 19/09 16


GAME 1 – LEVEL 2 NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________


MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Complete the sentences with have got or has got.


a. He _________________________ long red hair. b. Paul and his friends _________________________ modern skateboards. c. I _________________________ lots of outdoor hobbies. d. Katie _________________________ a new pair of glasses. e. My friend and I _________________________ blue eyes.

2. Write the singular or the plural forms. Singular


Plural women

foot shoe children scarf

3. Write the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous.


a. Paul ________________________ (play) basketball in the park. He ________________________ (drink) a soda. b. The girls ________________________ (read) a magazine. c. The students ________________________ (not do) exercises. They ________________________ (talk). d. James ________________________ (not study) because he ________________________ (watch) TV. e. What ________________________ (you / do)? I ________________________ (do) some research for my homework.

4. Use the following information to write sentences in your notebook.


E.g.: Jane is short and fat. She has got long curly brown hair. Her eyes are big and blue. Jane






very tall






long curly brown

short straight black

short curly blond


big blue

small brown



GAME 1 – LEVEL 3 NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________


MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Complete the sentences with a, an or the.


a. I have got ________ computer. ________ computer is white. b. Adam lives in ________ apartment. ________ apartment is near London. c. I’m reading ________ book. ________ book is about History. d. He is eating ________ apple. ________ apple is red.

2. Look at Holly’s room and say where the objects are.


a. The books are _________________________________. b. The computer is ______________________________. c. The ball is _____________________________________. d. The bag is _____________________________________. e. The cat is ______________________________________.

3. What is there in James’s room? Write sentences using the information in the box. Follow the examples. In the room… a. …there is a computer. b. …there are many books c. _____________________________________________________ d. _____________________________________________________ e. _____________________________________________________


• A computer • Books • A bike • dolls • CDs • A skateboard

YES YES (lots) NO YES (2) YES (lots) NO

f. _____________________________________________________

4. Write the correct question tag.



a. They haven’t got blue eyes, __________ __________?

d. We are 11 years old, __________ __________?

b. You are playing games, __________ __________?

e. Holly and Kathie are friends, __________ __________?

c. James hasn’t got a guitar, __________ __________?

f. Your bag is black, __________ __________?

GAME 2 – LEVEL 1 NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________


MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Complete the sentences with a, an or ø .


a. I have got ________ big family. b. My parents live in ________ Brazil. c. I have ________ lunch at school. d. I have got ________ American friend. e. My sister loves ________ Art! f. ________ James’s father has got a new job.

2. Unscramble the words to write jobs.


a. NTDTESI _________________________________

d. ORDCTO _________________________________

b. RORTEREP _________________________________

e. TRIEWR _________________________________

c. OISREPTICENT _________________________________

f. LTIOP _________________________________

3. Use ’s or ’ in the following sentences.


a. My father ________ car is white. b. The teachers ________ room is very nice. c. My parents ________ house is big. d. Holly and Paul ________ teachers are British. e. Louis ________ mother is a teacher.

4. Write sentences with the information in the table about Katies’ family. Follow the example. Name





Family relation











a. Adam is Katie’s father. He is a driver. b. Alice __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. Clair __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. Clive ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


GAME 2 – LEVEL 2 NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________


MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Complete the sentences with in, on or at.


a. The school starts ____________ September.

d. ____________ Carnival people wear masks.

b. Your birthday is ____________ 29th June.

e. I always go to the pool ____________ Saturdays.

c. We go to bed ____________ 10 p.m. every day.

2. Write the adverbs of frequency in the right place.


a. I do my homework in the afternoon. (always) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. Holly dances hip hop on Saturday. (sometimes) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. The books are funny. (usually) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. We go to school by car. (never) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ e. The dog is in the kitchen. (often) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. The sentences are wrong. Write them in the negative. Then, give the correct information.


Follow the example. a. I have lunch at school (No: at home) – I don’t have lunch at school. I have lunch at home. b. Paul loves cakes. (No: fruit) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. We go to bed early. (No: late) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. Holly dances jazz. (No: hip hop) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Write the questions. Follow the example. a. Does James like games? James likes games. b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Holly has many friends. c. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ James and Paul play football every day. d. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paul drinks milk at breakfast. e. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ We love sports. 20


GAME 2 – LEVEL 3 NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________


MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Complete the sentences with is, are, was or were.


a. Last year my father ____________ in London.

d. Last August my holidays ____________ very nice.

b. I’m reading a book. It ____________ about pets.

e. This year my English lessons ____________ a great fun.

c. Yesterday at 10 p.m. we ____________ in bed.

2. Write the sentences in the negative form.


a. We were in Australia last year. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. I had a lot of fun at the beach. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. James visited his new friends. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. Paul did many radical sports. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Complete the text with the verbs in the Past Simple.


Last year I a._____________________ (go) to the beach in Portugal. I b._____________________ (love) it! I c._____________________ (have) a lot of fun. In the morning, we usually d._____________________ (walk) to the beach and e._____________________ (play) games and f._____________________ (swim) in the sea. In the afternoon we usually g._____________________ (eat) lunch at the restaurant and we h._____________________ (drive) to the nearest town. When we i._____________________ (return) we always j._____________________ (enjoy) delicious ice-creams together.

4. Write the correct question. Follow the examples. a. Does James like games? James likes games.


b. Did James buy souvenirs? James bought souvenirs.

c. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ? They enjoyed themselves a lot. d. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ? I like the countryside. e. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ? He drinks a lot of tea every day. f. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ? He went to some beautiful beaches in Portugal. g. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ? Holly saw many wild animals in the countryside.


GAME 3 – LEVEL 1 NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________


MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Complete the sentences with can or must.


a. In the classroom I _______________ be quiet. b. In the canteen I _______________ have a meal. c. In the gym I _______________ play football. d. In the classes I _______________ learn a lot. e. I _______________ skate very well. f. I have a cold. I _______________ go to the doctor. g. My sister _______________ speak English very well. h. James _______________ do his Maths homework.

2. Write the correct verb in the imperative form to give advice. Follow the example.


a. I need a book. Go to the library. b. I’m sleepy! _________________________________________________ c. I had a C in my Maths test! _________________________________________________ d. I‘m hungry! _________________________________________________ e. I need to speak to the History teacher. _________________________________________________

3. Match the sentences with their meaning. a. Holly must practice her hip hop moves.

• Necessity

b. I have some homework. I must go home.

• Possibility

c. I can help you with your English.

• Obligation

d. We can surf the Internet at the library.

• Ability

4. Write the correct instruction.












GAME 3 – LEVEL 2 NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________


MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Ask questions for the following answers. Use what, who or when.


a. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________? We are going to watch a film. b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________? He is going to see his relatives. c. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________? They are going to meet their parents. d. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________? I am going to London next week.

2. Write sentences using “be going to”. Follow the example.


a. We / visit / the Louvre / St Paul’s Cathedral. We aren’t going to visit the Louvre; we are going to visit St Paul’s Cathedral. b. They / read / a book / a magazine. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. He / visit / the British Museum / the Science Museum. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. We / play / in a concert / at a party. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ e. I / study / History / Maths. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Write the verbs in the Gerund.


a. I love ____________________________ (play) computer games.

d. We hate ____________________________ (be) alone.

b. My mother doesn’t like ____________________________ (read) very much.

e. Katie enjoys ____________________________ (try) new sports.

c. She likes ____________________________ (watch) TV very much. f. They like ____________________________ (go) for walks in the park.

4. Use the information to complete the sentences. Follow the example.


a. Linda is shorter (short) ________________ David but Pat is ________________ (short) of the three. b. David is ____________________ (heavy) Linda but Pat is ____________________ (heavy) of the three. c. Pat is ____________________ (short) Linda are David is ____________________ (heavy) of the three.




1,55 m

45 kg


1,50 m

40 kg


1,40 m

50 kg


GAME 3 – LEVEL 3 NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________


MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Complete the sentences using some or any.


a. I have got __________________ books on the table. b. The teacher doesn’t have __________________ pens. c. The baker sells __________________ delicious cakes. d. The butcher doesn’t have __________________ fish.

2. Rewrite the sentences in the negative.


a. We need something from the supermarket. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. I found this book somewhere. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. My mother bought some shoes in this shop. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. He wants something to dress. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ e. I saw someone in the park. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Find out the name of the correct shop or service.


a. You buy bread and cakes in this place. _____________________________________________ b. You can read and borrow books. _____________________________________________ c. You can buy salmon, tuna, cod fish. _____________________________________________ d. You can have a haircut in this place. _____________________________________________ e. You can buy apples, carrots, bananas. _____________________________________________

4. Complete the sentences using is / isn’t or are / aren’t.



a. There ________________ some flowers in the jar.

d. There ________________ an apple in my bag.

b. There ________________ some milk left in the carton.

e. There ________________ any water in my glass!

c. There ________________ any oranges in the tree!

f. There ________________ some carrots on the fridge.

Testes de listening e Testes diferenciados

LISTENING TEST 1 NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

track 24

track 25


MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Listen to the text and complete the table. Name






Sister’s age


Dog’s colour


2. What nationality are they?



a. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

track 26

3. Write the numbers as you listen.


a. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ track 27

4. Write the dates as you listen (day, month, year). a. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________



TEST 1A NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

A My name is Robert and his name is Brian. We are twin brothers. We are 12 years old and we are from the USA.

MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

B Hi. I’m Chris. I’m 13 years old and I’m from Toronto in Canada.

Our birthday is on 10th July. We are in Year 6 and we love football and music!


My birthday is on 2nd May. I’ve got a sister. Her name is Kelly. She’s 18. I love school and I love animals. I have got a dog: Pixie. Pixie is big and black.

Are the sentences about text A True (T) or False (F) ?


a. Robert and Brian are twins. b. They are British. c. Their birthday is in the summer. d. They are in Year 6.

2. Answer the questions about text B. a. How old is Chris?


b. Where is she from?


c. What nationality is she?



d. What’s her sister’s name? _____________________________________________________________________ e. What’s her dog’s name?


3. Write questions for the answers.


a. ______________________________________________________________? Her name is Chris. b. ______________________________________________________________? I’m 13 years old. c. ______________________________________________________________? He is American. d. ______________________________________________________________? My sister is 18. e. ______________________________________________________________? Pixie is black. 27

4. Complete the sentences with my / mine, her / hers, your / yours, their / theirs or our / ours.


a. I have a friend. _______________________ friend is Brazilian. b. You have got a car. It’s _______________________. c. Mary and Susan have got a dog. It’s _______________________ dog. d. We have got games. They are _______________________. e. Today is Sally’s birthday. It’s _______________________ birthday.

5. What nationality are they?


a. I’m from Spain. I’m ________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. She’s from Scotland. She’s ________________________________________________________________________________________ c. They are from China. They are ____________________________________________________________________________________ d. You are from Australia. You are ___________________________________________________________________________________ e. He is from Britain. He is ___________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Write the following numbers in full.


a. 12 –- _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. 25 – _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. 47 – _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. 62 – _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ e. 100 – _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ f. 150 – _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Write the dates.


a. 03/03 – _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. 16/05 – _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. 22/10 – _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. 10/04 – _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ e. 31/12 – _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Write a text about (name, age, nationality, birthday…).


_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 28

TEST 1B NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

A My name is Robert and his name is Brian. We are twin brothers. We are 12 years old and we are from the USA.

MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

B Hi. I’m Chris. I’m 13 years old and I’m from Toronto in Canada. My birthday is on 2nd May.

Our birthday is on 10th July. We are in Year 6 and we love football and music!


I’ve got a sister. Her name is Kelly. She’s 18. I love school and I love animals. I have got a dog: Pixie. Pixie is big and black.

Say if the sentences about text A are True (T) or False (F).


a. Robert and Brian are twins. b. They are British. c. Their birthday is in the summer. d. They are in Year 6.

2. Match the questions about text B with the answers.

• b. Where is she from? • c. What nationality is she? • d. What’s her sister’s name? • e. What’s her dog’s name? •

a. How old is Chris?


• 1. She is Canadian. • 2. It’s Pixie. • 3. She’s thirteen. • 4. Her name is Kelly. • 5. She’s from Toronto.

3. Write questions for the answers. Choose the interrogative pronoum from the box. a. _______________________ is her name ?

Her name is Chris.

b. _______________________ are you from?

I’m from Canada.

c. _______________________ nationality is he?

He is American.

d. _______________________ is your sister?

My sister is 18.

e. _______________________ is Pixie?

Pixie is black.


• How old • What • Where • What colour • What 29

4. Circle the correct words.


a. I have a friend. My / Mine friend is Brazilian. b. You have got a car. It’s your / yours. c. Mary and Susan have got a dog. It’s their / theirs dog. d. We have got games. They are our / ours. e. Today is Sally’s birthday. It’s her / hers birthday.

5. What nationality are they?


a. I’m from Spain. I’m ________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. She’s from Scotland. She’s ________________________________________________________________________________________ c. They are from China. They are ____________________________________________________________________________________ d. You are from Australia. You are ___________________________________________________________________________________ e. He is from Britain. He is ____________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Write the numbers.


a. twelve – ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. twenty-five – ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. forty-seven – ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. sixty-two – _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ e. a hundred – ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ f. a hundred and fifty – ______________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Write the dates.


a. 03/03 – _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. 16/05 – _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. 22/10 – _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. 10/04 – _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ e. 31/12 – _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Complete the text about yourself (name, age, nationality, birthday…)


My ____________ is ____________________. I __________________ _____________________________________ years old. I'm from ________________________________. I'm ____________________________________. _____________________ birthday is on _____________________________. I love ___________________________________________ and ___________________________________.


LISTENING TEST 2 NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

track 28


MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Are the sentences about Thomas and his bedroom True (V) or False (F)? a. Thomas is 13 years old.

d. The window is big.

b. Thomas is short.

e. He has got a laptop on his desk.


c. He has got long hair.

track 29

2. Are the words you hear singular or plural?


a. ___________________________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________________________________

track 30

3. Mark an X in the correct square. HEIGHT/ BUILT

















track 31

4. Draw the mice in the picture.



TEST 2A NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Hi! I’m Thomas. I’m 13. I’m tall and slim. I’ve got short blond hair and my eyes are blue. I’m wearing my favourite sweatshirt and jeans. This is my bedroom. I love my bedroom! There is a bed and a big window above it. There are lots of trees outside the bedroom. I have got a desk near the bed. My laptop is on the desk and my books are on the shelves over the desk. At the moment I am doing my homework and studying. I have a Maths test tomorrow!

1. Answer the questions about the text.


a. Is Thomas fat? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. What colour are his eyes? _________________________________________________________________________________________ c. What is he wearing? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ d. Where is the window? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ e. Where is the desk? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ f. What is he doing? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Complete the tables with the singular or plural forms of the words. Singular





Plural wolves

skirts watch

wife child feet

3. Look at the pictures and complete with is / isn’t, are / aren’t, has got / hasn’t got. This is Karen. She a) ________________ Italian. She b) _______________ fat. She c) _______________ blond hair. She d) _______________ curly hair. Her eyes e) _______________ blue. This is Mark. He is British. He f) _______________ blond hair. His hair g) _______________ long. He h) _______________ red hair. His eyes i) _______________ brown. He j) _______________ freckles.




4. Look at the picture and complete the sentences. With is, are, a, an


and the prepositions of place. a. There _____________ two bookcases in the bedroom. b. There _____________ a desk ___________________ the bookcases. c. There is _____________ orange rug ___________________ the chair. d. There is _____________ bedside table ___________________ the bed. e. There _____________ three pictures ___________________ the wall.

5. What are these people doing?

a. He __________________ _____________________

b. They __________________ ________________________


c. She __________________ _______________________

6. Write the sentences in the negative form.

d. They __________________ ________________________ (15p)

a. She is studying. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. My parents are sleeping. __________________________________________________________________________________________ c. I am playing a game. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ d. I have got blue eyes. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ e. She has got long hair. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Complete with the correct question tag.


a. He is tall, _____________________ _____________________? b. Thomas has got a brother, _____________________ _____________________? c. They aren’t British, _____________________ _____________________? d. You have got a big house, _____________________ _____________________?

8. Write a text describing yourself (body, hair, eyes, clothes…).


_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


TEST 2B NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Hi! I’m Thomas. I’m 13. I’m tall and slim. I’ve got short blond hair and my eyes are blue. I’m wearing my favourite sweatshirt and jeans. This is my bedroom. I love my bedroom! There is a bed and a big window above it. There are lots of trees outside the bedroom. I have got a desk near the bed. My laptop is on the desk and my books are on the shelves over the desk. At the moment I am doing my homework and studying. I have a Maths test tomorrow!

1. Are these sentences True(T) or False (F)?


a. Thomas is fat. b. His eyes are green. c. He is wearing a sweatshirt. d. The window is above the bed. e. He has got a desk. f. He is studying Maths.

2. Complete the table with the singular or plural forms of the words. Singular

Regular plural



Regular plural


wol ___ ___ ___


wi ___ ___ ___



f ___ ___ t



m ___ n

bag skirt


3. Look at the pictures and the correct option. This is Karen. She a) is / are Italian. She b) is / isn’t fat. She c) has got / have got blond hair. She d) has got / hasn’t got curly hair. Her eyes e) is / are blue. This is Mark. He is British. He f) has got / hasn’t got blond hair. His hair g) is / isn’t long. He h) hasn’t got / haven’t got red hair. His eyes i) are / aren’t brown. He j) has got / hasn't got freckles.



4. Look at the picture and circle the right answer.


a. There is / are two bookcases in the bedroom. b. There is a / an desk between / above the bookcases. c. There is a / an orange rug under / on the chair. d. There is a / an bedside table between / next to the bed. e. There is / are three pictures in / on the walls.

5. What are these people doing?

a. He __________________ _____________________

b. They __________________ ________________________


c. She __________________ _______________________

d. They __________________ ________________________

6. Write the sentences in the negative form.


a. She is studying. __________________________________________________________________________________ b. My parents are sleeping. ________________________________________________________________________ c. I am playing a game. _____________________________________________________________________________ d. I have got blue eyes. _____________________________________________________________________________ e. She has got long hair. ____________________________________________________________________________

7. Match the sentences and the question tags. a. He is tall, b. Thomas has got a brother, c. They aren’t British, d. You have got a big house,

• • • •


• 1. are they? • 2. isn’t he? • 3. haven’t you? • 4. hasn’t he?

8. Complete the text describing yourself (body, hair, eyes, clothes…).


I am _______________ (tall / short) and _______________ (thin / slim / fat). I have got ________________, __________________ hair. My eyes are _________________________. I am wearing ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


LISTENING TEST 3 NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

track 32


MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?


a. Daniel’s brother is fourteen years old. b. Daniel hasn’t got a sister. c. His father has got two brothers. d. They live in London. e. Daniel loves working with computers.

track 33

2. What are these people’s jobs?


a. Cindy - ___________________________________________________________________________________________ b. Anthony - ________________________________________________________________________________________ c. Dr. Andrew - _____________________________________________________________________________________ d. Mike - ____________________________________________________________________________________________

track 34

3. Listen to Daniel and match the adverb of frequency to the activity. a. I have breakfast at home. b. I walk to school. c. I go to school by car. d. I take the bus. e. I play football. f. I do my homework. g. I have bad marks in tests.


• • • • • • •


• 1. Never • 2. Always • 3. Sometimes • 4. Often

TEST 3A NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________ Look at my family! Isn’t it lovely? I’m Daniel, on the right. My father is a truck driver and my mother is a teacher at the local school. I have a brother, Richard. He is 14 and my sister Amy is 12. They are students like me. My father has got two sisters: my aunt Emily, who is a journalist, and my aunt Kelly, my favourite writer. She always tells us great stories! They live in Leeds, so we don’t meet very often. My mother has got a brother, uncle Jack. I love my uncle. He is a dentist and he is very funny! When I grow up I want to work with computers. I want to be a computer programmer or a game designer!

1. Complete the table with the jobs.


Daniel’s father


Aunt Kelly


Daniel’s mother


Uncle Jack


Aunt Emily


2. Answer the questions about the text.


a. Where does Daniel’s mother work? _______________________________________________________________________________ b. How old is Daniel’s brother? _______________________________________________________________________________________ c. What’s Daniel’s sister’s name? ____________________________________________________________________________________ d. Where do Daniel’s aunts live? _____________________________________________________________________________________ e. What’s Daniel’s dream job? ________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What are these jobs?

a. _____________________


b. _____________________

c. _____________________

d. _____________________ 37

4. Look at the family tree and complete the sentences with the family members.


a. John is George’s __________________________ b. Mona is Jack’s _____________________________





c. David is Daniel’s ___________________________ d. Amy is Mary’s ______________________________ e. Daniel is Emily’s ___________________________ f. George is Grace’s __________________________

Emily Kelly George Charles

5. Complete the sentences with in, on or at.



Daniel Richard Amy


a. My birthday is _____________ the winter, _____________ 28th December. b. School finishes _____________ 1 p.m. _____________ Friday.

6. Write the adverb of frequency in the right place.


a. I play football on the street. (never) ______________________________________________________________________________ b. She gets the best marks. (always) ________________________________________________________________________________ c. The bus is late. (usually). ___________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Simple.


a. Daniel ____________________ (love) computers. b. I ____________________ (go) to school by bus. c. Amy ____________________ (want) to be a model. d. Richard ____________________ (do) his homework in the afternoon. e. David’s parents ____________________ (like) reading.

8. Write the sentences in the negative form.


a. Daniel lives in Paris. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. Daniel has got two sisters. _________________________________________________________________________________________ c. They work in my school. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ d. Uncle Jack is very funny. __________________________________________________________________________________________ e. David’s father drives a taxi. ________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Write a text about your family (names, ages, jobs…).


_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 38

TEST 3B NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________ Look at my family! Isn’t it lovely? I’m Daniel, on the right. My father is a truck driver and my mother is a teacher at the local school. I have a brother, Richard. He is 14 and my sister Amy is 12. They are students like me. My father has got two sisters: my aunt Emily, who is a journalist, and my aunt Kelly, my favourite writer. She always tells us great stories! They live in Leeds, so we don’t meet very often. My mother has got a brother, uncle Jack. I love my uncle. He is a dentist and he is very funny! When I grow up I want to work with computers. I want to be a computer programmer or a game designer!

1. Complete the table with the family’s jobs.


Daniel’s father


Aunt Kelly


Daniel’s mother


Uncle Jack


Aunt Emily


2. Match the questions with the answers. a. Where does Daniel’s mother work? b. How old is Daniel’s brother? c. What’s Daniel’s sister’s name? d. Where do Daniel’s aunts live? e. What’s Daniel’s dream job?

• • • • •


• • • • •

1. They live in Leeds. 2. He is 14. 3. She works at the local school. 4. Computer programmer or game designer. 5. Her name is Amy.

3. What are these jobs? Complete with -er or -ist.

a. Scient ________

b. Pian ________


c. Football play ________

d. Photograph ________ 39

4. Look at the family tree and match the sentences with the family members. a. John is George’s b. Mona is Jack’s c. David is Daniel’s d. Amy is Mary’s e. Daniel is Emily’s f. George is Grace’s

• • • • • •

• • • • • •


1. granddaughter John

2. husband 3. mother


Emily Kelly George





4. nephew 5. father

Daniel Richard Amy


6. grandfather

5. Complete the sentences with in, on or at.


a. My birthday is _____________ the winter.

c. I was born _____________ 2000.

b. School finishes _____________ 1 p.m.

d. _____________ Christmas I stay at home with my family.

6. Write the adverb of frequency in the right place.


a. I __________________ play __________________ football on the street. (never) b. She __________________ gets __________________ the best marks. (always) c. The bus __________________ is __________________ late. (usually)

7. Choose the right option to complete the sentences in the Present Simple.


a. Daniel love / loves computers.

d. Richard do / does his homework in the afternoon.

b. I go / goes to school by bus.

e. David’s parents like / likes reading.

c. Amy want / wants to be a model.

8. Write the sentences in the negative form.


a. Daniel lives in Paris. _____________________________________________________________________________ b. Daniel has got two sisters. ______________________________________________________________________ c. They work in my school. ________________________________________________________________________ d. Uncle Jack is very funny. _______________________________________________________________________ e. David’s father drives a taxi. _____________________________________________________________________

9. Complete the following table about your family. Name Father Mother Brother / Sister Grandfather / Grandmother


(8p) Age c. Uncle Jack


LISTENING TEST 4 NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

track 35


MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Listen to the text and complete the sentences with one adjective.


a. The house was ___________________________________ . b. The village was __________________________________ . c. The beach was ___________________________________ . d. The weather was _________________________________ . e. The food was _____________________________________ . f. The people were __________________________________ .

track 36

2. Where are these people spending their holidays?


a. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ track 37

3. Listen to the verbs and write them in the Infinitive form.


a. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ e. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ f. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

track 38

4. Listen and complete the table with information.


Where did she go?

What did she see?

Who did she meet?

a. ___________________________

b. ___________________________

c. ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________


TEST 4A NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Hello! We are Cyndy, Carol and Cathy. Our parents are friends and we usually spend the summer holidays together. Last summer we went to Portugal. We travelled by plane and we met our Portuguese friends at the airport. Then they took us to their fabulous house in Vila Nova de Milfontes. It is a quiet village with a magnificent beach. We spent the days swimming! We loved everything in Portugal. The weather was wonderful, the food was delicious and the people were very welcoming.

1. Answer the questions about the text.


a. Who are the girls in the picture? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. Do they spend the summer holidays together? Why / why not? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. When did they go to Portugal? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. Did they travel by car? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ e. What did they do in Vila Nova de Milfontes? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Write questions for these answers.


a. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Their Portuguese friends met them at the airport. b. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ They stayed in a fabulous house in Vila Nova de Milfontes. c. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yes, they did. They loved everything in Portugal. d. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Portuguese people were very welcoming.


3. Label the following pictures.

a. ________________________


b. ________________________

c. ________________________

d. ________________________

4. Complete the sentences with was / were.


a. My friends _____________ very welcoming. b. The Portuguese weather _____________ warm and sunny. c. The water _____________ clean and blue. d. _____________ you surprised at the food? e. _____________ Carol scared at the waves? f. My parents and I _____________ happy with the holidays.

5. Complete the following grid with the missing regular verbs. Infinitive

Past Simple

(15p) Infinitive

To live

To enjoy

To work

To stop

Past Simple

To study

6. Write the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.


a. Yesterday I ___________________ (not visit) my grandparents. b. Last summer we ___________________ (have) a great time at Disneyland. c. Some years ago they ___________________ (go) to Brazil. d. ___________________ (you / buy) any souvenirs? e. Last week I ___________________ (see) a brochure about the Caribbean. f. They ___________________ (not eat) grilled sardines in Portugal.

7. Write a paragraph about your last summer holidays.


_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 43

TEST 4B NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Hello! We are Cyndy, Carol and Cathy. Our parents are friends and we usually spend the summer holidays together. Last summer we went to Portugal. We travelled by plane and we met our Portuguese friends at the airport. Then they took us to their fabulous house in Vila Nova de Milfontes. It is a quiet village with a magnificent beach. We spent the days swimming! We loved everything in Portugal. The weather was wonderful, the food was delicious and the people were very welcoming.

1. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?


a. The girls in the picture are sisters. b. They never spend the holidays together. c. They went to Portugal last summer. d. They went by plane. e. They swam all the time.

2. Match the questions with the answers. a. Where did their friends live? b. Where did their Portuguese friends meet them? c. What were the Portuguese people like? d. What did they like in Portugal?


• •

• 1. Their Portuguese friends met them at the airport. • 2. They lived in a fabulous house in Vila Nova de Milfontes.

• •

• 3. They loved everything in Portugal. • 4. The Portuguese people were very welcoming.

3. Label the following pictures.

a. ________________________


b. ________________________


c. ________________________

d. ________________________

4. Complete the sentences with was or were.


a. They _______________________ very welcoming. b. It _______________________ warm and sunny. c. It _______________________ a clean and blue sea. d. _______________________ you surprised at the food? e. _______________________ she scared of the waves? f. We _______________________ happy with the holidays.

5. Complete the following grid with the missing regular verbs. Infinitive


Past Simple

To live To work To study To enjoy To stop

6. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Past Simple.


a. Yesterday I ___________________ (not visit) my grandparents. b. Last summer we ___________________ (have) a great time at Disneyland. c. Some years ago they ___________________ (go) to Brasil. d. ___________________ (you / buy) any souvenirs? e. Last week I ___________________ (see) a brochure about the Caribbean. f. They ___________________ (not eat) grilled sardines in Portugal.

7. Write a paragraph about your last summer holidays.


Last summer I _________________ to _________________. I travelled with my ___________________ and my _____________. We _______________________________________________________________ and we _______________________________. It was great!


LISTENING TEST 5 NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

track 39


MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Listen to the text and complete the sentences with only one word.


a. The classrooms at Ashley’s school are airy and _____________________. b. They do experiments in the __________________________________________. c. In the gym they can play basketball and ____________________________. d. Outside they can play football and __________________________________. e. In the library they have books and ___________________________________.

track 40

2. What school subjects are they talking about?


a. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

track 41

3. Where can this student go?


a. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

track 42

4. These people are at the City High School. Where do they want to go? Cemetery

City High School

Bus Station State College

City Hall

Post Office

City Court

Police Station

Fire Station


County Hospital Lake Lake Park Park

a. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 46

TEST 5A NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

My name’s Ashley and I go to a great school! My school has everything we need! Big airy classrooms for Science, Art, Mathematics, English, Computers… We have a great lab to do experiments. We also have a big gym for sports: we play basketball, handball, we do gymnastics. Outside we also have a football pitch and tennis courts. In the library we have lots of books and computers. We can surf the net there, and do group work. The problem is we must be quiet. It’s difficult sometimes. I love my school, my teachers and my school friends!

1. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?


a. The classrooms in Ashley school are small.

d. The students can play tennis at school.

b. The school has a Computer Room.

e. There aren’t computers in the library.

c. The school doesn’t have a lab.

f. Ashley doesn’t like her teachers.

2. Complete the sentences with can or must.


a. At school Ashley _______________ learn many things. b. She _______________ respect the teachers. c. She _______________ play tennis and football. d. In the school library she _______________ be quiet. e. She _______________ surf the net.

3. What are these people going to do tomorrow? Make sentences with be going to.


a. Rita / visit her grandmother? Yes ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. Michael and Andrew / play football? Yes ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. You / buy a new game? No ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. We / do our homework? Yes ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ e. He / finish the book? No ___________________________________________________________________________________________________


4. Complete the sentences with the Gerund.


a. Ashley loves _____________ but she hates _____________.



b. Trevor loves _____________ but he hates _____________.



Clean the house

c. Owen loves _____________ but he hates _____________.


Listen to music





5. Use the information to complete the sentences. Use the Comparative and the Superlative of adjectives. (18p) HEIGHT (Tall)

PRICE (Expensive)

















a. Peter is ________________________________ Carrie.

d. The shirt is ________________________________ the hat.

b. Mona is ________________________________ Peter.

e. The dress is ________________________________ the shirt.

c. Alex is ________________________________ of all.

f. The jacket is ________________________________ of all.

6. Write the directions.


a. You are at the Bus Station. You want to go to the Post Office. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. You are at the Post Office. You want to go to the Stage College. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cemetery

City High School

Bus Station State College


City Hall

Post Office

City Court

Police Station

Fire Station

County Hospital Lake Lake Park Park

TEST 5B NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

My name’s Ashley and I go to a great school! My school has everything we need! Big airy classrooms for Science, Art, Mathematics, English, Computers… We have a great lab to do experiments. We also have a big gym for sports: we play basketball, handball, we do gymnastics. Outside we also have a football pitch and tennis courts. In the library we have lots of books and computers. We can surf the net there, and do group work. The problem is we must be quiet. It’s difficult sometimes. I love my school, my teachers and my school friends!

1. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?


a. The classrooms in Ashley school are small.

d. The students can play tennis at school.

b. The school has a Computer Room.

e. There aren’t computers in the library.

c. The school doesn’t have a lab.

f. Ashley doesn’t like her teachers.

2. Complete the sentences with can or must.


a. At school Ashley _______________ learn many things. (Possibility) b. She _______________ respect the teachers. (Obligation) c. She _______________ play tennis and football. (Possibility) d. In the school library she _______________ be quiet. (Obligation) e. She _______________ surf the net. ( Possibility)

3. What are these people going to do tomorrow? Complete sentences with be going to.


a. Rita ________________________ (not visit) her grandmother. b. Michael and Andrew_______________________________ (play football). c. You ____________________________ (not buy) a new game. d. We_____________________________ (do) our homework. e. He _____________________________ (not finish) the book.


4. Complete the sentences with the Gerund.


a. Ashley loves _____________ but she hates _____________.



b. Trevor loves _____________ but he hates _____________.



Clean the house

c. Owen loves _____________ but he hates _____________.


Listen to music





5. Use the information to complete the sentences. Use the Comparative and the Superlative of adjectives. (18p) HEIGHT (Tall)

PRICE (Expensive)

















a. Peter is ________________________________ Carrie.

d. The shirt is ________________________________ the hat.

b. Mona is ________________________________ Peter.

e. The dress is ________________________________ the shirt.

c. Alex is ________________________________ of all.

f. The jacket is ________________________________ of all.

6. Follow the directions and say where you want to go.


a. You are at the Bus Station. Turn left and go along the street. Take the third on the left and it’s on your right. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ b. You are at the Post Office. Turn left and go straight ahead. Take the second on the left, go straight ahead and it’s on the left. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


City High School

Bus Station State College


City Hall

Post Office

City Court

Police Station

Fire Station

County Hospital Lake Lake Park Park

LISTENING TEST 6 NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

track 43


MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

Listen to the text and complete the sentences.


a. Mary loves the _____________ because of all the _____________. b. Her favourite section is the ______________________________. c. There she looks for new _____________ and _____________.

track 44

2. Where are these people?


a. _______________________________________________________________ b. _______________________________________________________________ c. _______________________________________________________________

track 45


Write a, some, any or no after the products according to the recipe.


a. Onions –__________________________________________________________________________________________ b. Olive oil –_________________________________________________________________________________________ c. Tomatoes –_______________________________________________________________________________________ d. Chicken breasts –________________________________________________________________________________ e. Flour –__________________________________________________________________________________________ f. Butter –___________________________________________________________________________________________ g. Potatoes –________________________________________________________________________________________ h. Carrots –_________________________________________________________________________________________

track 46


Choose the right word to answer the question.


a. What does she know about cooking? ___________________________________________________________ b. Where are the children? _________________________________________________________________________ c. Who did she see at the party? ___________________________________________________________________ d. Who called the teacher? ________________________________________________________________________


TEST 6A NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

I’m Mary and I love shopping! Every weekend I go to the supermarket with my parents and we have lots of fun! I love the supermarket because there are all the shops there! We can go to the greengrocer’s section and buy vegetables and fresh fruit; we can go to the baker’s and buy bread and delicious cakes. There's also the butcher’s, the fishmonger, the bookshop section…and the toy section! My favourite! I always go around and look for the new games and toys. I don’t usually ask my mother to buy something. I know we need more important things for our daily life, like fruit, vegetables, flour, cereal, milk, cheese. Parents spend a lot of money and we need to help them!

1. Answer the questions about the text.


a. When does Mary go to the supermarket? ___________________________________________________ b. Does she enjoy going to the supermarket? _____________________________________________________ c. What can you buy in the greengrocer’s section? ______________________________________________ d. Where can you buy bread and cakes? __________________________________________________________ e. What’s Mary’s favourite section at the supermarket? _________________________________________ f. Why doesn’t she ask her parents to buy something? ____________________________________________

2. Write the name of the shops or services where you can…


a. … buy sausages, hamburgers, beef. _____________________________________________________________ b. … have your hair cut. _____________________________________________________________________________ c. … buy boots, shoes, trainers. _____________________________________________________________________ d. … take care of your teeth. _______________________________________________________________________ e. … buy some medicine. ___________________________________________________________________________

3. Complete the sentences with How many or How much. a. ________________________ milk is there in the fridge? b. ________________________ olive oil do we need? c. ________________________ potatoes are there in the pantry? d. ________________________ water do you drink every day? e. ________________________ shampoo is there in the bottle? 52


4. Complete with is or are and a or some.


a. There ________________ ________________ sugar. b. There ________________ ________________ onions. c. There ________________ ________________ banana. d. There ________________ ________________ flowers. e. There ________________ ________________ carrot.

5. Look at the recipe and decide if you need some, any or no.


a. I need _________________ flour.


b. I need _________________ eggs.

• 125g flour • 25g cocoa powder • 150g sugar • 50g butter • 3 eggs • 8 table spoons of milk • 50g cream cheese

c. I need _________________ water. d. I don’t need _________________ orange juice. e. I need _________________ vanilla. f. I need _________________ cocoa powder. g. I don’t need _________________ chocolate. h. I need _________________ sugar.

6. Rewrite these sentences replacing the words in bold with the words given. You may have to change them into the negative or the affirmative form.


a. I have some friends. _________________________________________________________________________ (no) b. She eats no vegetables. _____________________________________________________________________ (any) c. The butcher doesn’t sell any eggs. ___________________________________________________________ (no) d. I don’t need any books. ___________________________________________________________________ (some) e. They have no milk. _______________________________________________________________________ (some)

7. Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. a. I have to go ____________________ to buy a new dress. b. Do you need ____________________ from the baker’s? c. I’m bored. I have ____________________ to go. d. James is at the door talking to ____________________. e. My father knows ____________________ about cars. He’s a mechanic.


• nowhere • everything • someone • somewhere • anything


TEST 6B NAME: _________________________________________________________________ CLASS: ______________ No.: ________ DATE: ______________________

MARK: _________________________________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________________

I’m Mary and I love shopping! Every weekend I go to the supermarket with my parents and we have lots of fun! I love the supermarket because there are all the shops there! We can go to the greengrocer’s section and buy vegetables and fresh fruit; we can go to the baker’s and buy bread and delicious cakes. There's also the butcher’s, the fishmonger, the bookshop section…and the toy section! My favourite! I always go around and look for the new games and toys. I don’t usually ask my mother to buy something. I know we need more important things for our daily life, like fruit, vegetables, flour, cereal, milk, cheese. Parents spend a lot of money and we need to help them!

1. Match the questions with the answers. a. When does Mary go to the supermarket? b. Does she enjoy going to the supermarket? c. What can you buy in the greengrocer’s section? d. Where can you buy bread and cakes? e. What’s Mary’s favourite section at the supermarket? f. Why doesn’t she ask her parents to buy something?


• • •

• 1. It’s the toy section. • 2. You can buy vegetables and fruit. • 3. He knows they need to buy more important things.

• • •

2. Write the name of the shops or services where you can…

• 4. Every weekend. • 5. At the baker’s. • 6. Yes, she does. (10p)

a. … buy sausages, hamburgers, beef. _______________________________________________________________________________ b. … have your hair cut. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ c. … buy boots, shoes, trainers. _______________________________________________________________________________________ d. … take care of your teeth. __________________________________________________________________________________________ e. … buy some medicine. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Complete the sentences with How many or How much. a. ________________________ milk is there in the fridge? b. ________________________ olive oil do we need? c. ________________________ potatoes are there in the pantry? d. ________________________ water do you drink every day? e. ________________________ shampoo is there in the bottle?



4. Complete with is or are and a or some.


a. There ________________ ________________ sugar. b. There ________________ ________________ onions. c. There ________________ ________________ banana. d. There ________________ ________________ flowers. e. There ________________ ________________ carrot.

5. Look at the recipe and choose the right model.


a. I need some / a flour


b. I need some / any eggs

• 125g flour • 25g cocoa powder • 150g sugar • 50g butter • 3 eggs • 8 table spoons of milk • 50g cream cheese

c. I need any / no water d. I don’t need a / any orange juice e. I need no / some vanilla f. I need some / a cocoa powder g. I don’t need no / any chocolate h. I need some / any sugar

6. Rewrite these sentences replacing the words in bold with the words given. You may have to change them into the negative or the affirmative form.


a. I have some friends. _________________________________________________________________________ (no) b. She eats no vegetables. _____________________________________________________________________ (any) c. The butcher doesn’t sell any eggs. ___________________________________________________________ (no) d. I don’t need any books. ___________________________________________________________________ (some) e. They have no milk. _______________________________________________________________________ (some)

7. Circle the correct words.


a. I have to go somewhere / thing to buy a new dress. b. Do you need anyone / thing from the baker’s? c. I’m bored. I have nothing / where to go d. James is at the door talking to someone / where. e. My father knows everything / where about cars. He’s a mechanic.


SOLUÇÕES Fichas Extra Help GAME 1 – LEVEL 1 1. Rita: Portuguese Richard: English Chang: Japanese Paulo: Italian 2. a) 1st January. b) 14th February. c) 25th December. d) 31st October. 3. a) What b) How old c) Where d) When 4. a) their… theirs. b) his… his. c) your… yours. d) my… mine. 5. His name is James Games. He is thirteen years old. He’s from Britain. His birthday is on 19th September.

GAME 1 – LEVEL 2 1. a) has got b) have got c) have got d) has got e) have got


2. a) on the chair / on the shelf. b) on the desk. c) under the bed. d) behind the door. e) on the desk. 3. c) there isn’t a bike. d) there are two dolls. e) there are many CDs. f) there isn’t a skateboard. 4. a) have they? b) aren’t you? c) has he? d) aren’t we? e) aren’t they? f) isn’t it?

GAME 2 – LEVEL 1 1. a) a b) Ø c) Ø d) an e) Ø f) Ø

2. woman; feet; shoes; child; scarves.

2. a) Dentist b) Reporter c) Receptionist d) Doctor e) Writer f) Pilot

3. a) is playing… / is drinking… b) are reading… c) aren’t doing… / are talking… d) isn’t studying… / is watching… e) are you doing… / am doing…

3. a) ‘s b) ‘ c) ‘ d) ‘s e) ‘s

4. John is tall and thin. He has got short straight black hair. His eyes are small and brown. Diana is very tall and slim. She has got short curly blond hair. Her eyes are green.

4. b) Alice is Katie’s mother. She is a florist. c) Clare is Katie’s aunt. She is a pianist. d) Clive is Katie’s uncle. He’s a teacher.



1. a) a… the b) an… the c) a… the d) an… the

1. a) in b) on c) at

d) at e) on

2. a) I always do my homework in the afternoon. b) Holly sometimes dances hip hop on Saturdays. c) The books are usually fun. d) We never go to school by car. e) The dog is often in the kitchen.

d) can e) can f) must g) can h) must

3. a) Paul doesn’t love cakes. He loves fruit. b) We don’t go to bed early. We go to bed late. d) Holly doesn’t dance jazz. Holly dances hip hop.

2. b) Go to bed! c) Study more! d) Go to the canteen! e) Go to the teacher’s room!

4. b) Does Holly have many friends? c) Do James and Paul play football every day? d) Does Paul drink milk at breakfast? e) Do we / you love sports?

3. a) Necessity b) Obligation c) Ability d) Possibility

GAME 2 – LEVEL 3 1. a) was b) is c) were d) were e) are / were 2. a) We weren’t in Australia last year. b) I didn’t have a lot of fun in the beach. c) James didn’t visit his new friends. d) Paul didn’t do many radical sports. 3. a)went; b)loved; c)had, d)walked; e)played; f)swam; g)ate, h)drove; i)returned; j)enjoyed. 4. c) Did they enjoy themselves a lot? d) Do I like the countryside? e) Does he drink a lot of tea every day? f) Did he go to some beautiful beaches in Portugal? g) Did Holly see many wild animals in the countryside?

4. a) Go straight ahead. b) Turn left c) Turn right d) Go down.

GAME 3 – LEVEL 2 1. a) What are we going to watch? b) Who is he going to see? c) Who are they going to meet? d) When are you going to London? 2. b) They aren’t going to read a book. They are going to read a magazine. c) He isn’t going to visit the British Museum. He’s going to visit the Science Museum. d) We aren’t going to play in a concert. We are going to play at a party. e) I am not going to study History. I’m going to study Maths. 3. a) playing b) reading c) watching d) being e) trying f) going 4. a) than… the shortest. b) heavier than… the heaviest. c) shorter than… the heaviest.

GAME 3 – LEVEL 1 1. a) must b) can c) can

GAME 3 – LEVEL 3 1. a) some b) any


c) some d) any 2. a) We don’t need anything from the supermarket. b) I couldn’t find this book anywhere. c) My mother didn’t buy any shoes in this shop. e) He doesn’t want anything to dress. f) I didn’t see anyone in the park. 3. a) The baker’s. b) The library. c) The fishmonger’s. d) The hairdresser. e) The greengrocer’s. 4. a) are b) is c) aren’t d) is e) isn’t f) are

Testes de listening e testes diferenciados LISTENING TEST 1 1. a) Chris b) 13 c) Canada d) 18 e) Black 2. a) American b) French c) Brazilian d) Greek 3. a) 49 b) 13 c) 125 d) 4789 4. a) 2nd March 1991. b) 19th May 2001. c) 23rd June 2000. d) 11th August 1985.

TEST 1 A 1. a) True


b) False c) True d) True 2. a) Chris is 13 years old. b) She’s from Toronto, Canada. c) She’s Canadian. d) Her sister’s name is Kelly. e) Her dog’s name is Pixie. 3. a) What’s her name? b) How old are you? c) What nationality is Robert/Brian? d) How old is your sister? e) What colour is Pixie? 4. a) My b) yours c) their d) ours e) her 5. a) Spanish b) Scottish c) Chinese d) Australian e) British 6. a) Twelve b) Twenty-five c) Forty-seven d) Sixty-two e) A hundred f) A hundred and fifty 7. a) 3rd March b) 16th May c) 22nd October d) 10th April e) 31st December 8. Personal answer.

TEST 1 B 1. a) True b) False c) True d) True 2. a) 3 b) 5 c) 1

d) 4 e) 2


3. a) What b) Where c) What d) How old e) What colour 4. a) My b) yours c) their d) ours e) her 5. a) Spanish b) Scottish c) Chinese d) Australian e) British 6. a) 12 b) 25 c) 47 d) 62 e) 100 f) 150 7. a) 3rd March b) 16th May c) 22nd October d) 10th April e) 31st December 8. Personal answer.

LISTENING TEST 2 1. a) True b) False c) False d) True e) True 2. a) Plural b) Plural c) Singular d) Singular













TEST 2A 1. a) No, he isn’t. b) His eyes are blue. c) He is wearing a sweatshirt and jeans. d) The window is above the bed. e) The desk is near the bed. f) He is doing his homework and studying. 2. Singular



Plural wolves
















3. a) is b) isn’t c) has got d) hasn’t got e) are f) hasn’t got. g) isn’t h) hasn’t got i) are j) hasn’t got 4. a) are b) is… between c) an… under d) a… next to e) are… on 5. a) is watching TV. b) are studying.


6. a) She isn’t studying. b) My parents aren’t sleeping. c) I am not playing a game. d) I haven’t got blue eyes. e) She hasn’t got long hair.

c) is playing football. d) are eating. 6. a) She isn’t studying. b) My parents aren’t sleeping. c) I am not playing a game. d) I haven’t got blue eyes. e) She hasn’t got long hair.

7. a) 2 b) 4 c) 1 d) 3

7. a) isn’t he? b) hasn’t he? c) are they? d) haven’t you?

8. Personal answer.

8. Personal answer.

LISTENING TEST 3 1. a) True b) False c) False d) False e) True

TEST 2B 1. a) False b) False c) True d) True e) True f) True 2. Singular







wolves wives












3. a) is b) isn’t c) has got d) hasn’t got e) are f) hasn’t got. g) isn’t h) hasn’t got i) are j) hasn’t got


2. a) Florist b) Pianist c) Dentist d) Photographer 3. a) 2 b) 4 c) 1 d) 3 e) 4 f) 2 g) 1

TEST 3A 1. a) Truck driver b) Teacher c) Journalist d) Writer e) Dentist

4. a) are b) a… between c) a… under d) a… next to e) are… on

2. a) Daniel’s mother works at the local school. b) Daniel’s brother is fourteen. c) Daniel’s sister’s name is Amy. d) They live in Leeds. e) Daniel’s dream job is computer programmer or game designer.

5. a) is watching TV. b) are studying. c) is playing football. d) are eating.

3. a) Scientist b) Pianist c) Football player d) Photographer

4. a) Father b) Mother c) Grandfather d) Granddaughter e) Nephew f) Husband 5. a) in… on b) at… on 6. a) I never play football on the street. b) She always gets the best marks. c) The bus is usually late. 7. a) loves b) go c) wants d) does e) like 8. a) Daniel doesn’t live in Paris. b) Daniel hasn’t got two sisters. c) They don’t work in my school. d) Uncle Jack isn’t very funny. e) David’s father doesn’t drive a taxi. 9. Personal answer.

TEST 3B 1. a) truck driver b) teacher c) journalist c) writer e) dentist 2. a) 3. b) 2. c) 5. d) 1. e) 4.

d) 1 e) 4 f) 2 5. a) in b) at c) in d) At 6. a) I never play football on the street. b) She always gets the best marks. c) The bus is usually late. 7. a) loves b) go c) wants d) does e) like 8. a) Daniel doesn’t live in Paris. b) Daniel hasn’t got two sisters. c) They don’t work in my school. d) Uncle Jack isn’t very funny. e) David’s father doesn’t drive a taxi. 9. Personal answer.

LISTENING TEST 4 1. a) fabulous. b) quiet. c) magnificent. d) wonderful. e) delicious. f) welcoming. 2. a) At the beach. b) At home. c) In the countryside.

3. a) Scientist b) Pianist c) Football player d) Photographer

3. a) To buy b) To go c) To write d) To drink e) To see f) To sleep

4. a) 5 b) 3 c) 6

4. a) To a museum. b) Pictures of animals and plants. c) The photographer.


TEST 4A 1. a)They are Cyndy, Carol and Cathy. b) Yes, they do. Because their parents are friends. c) They went to Portugal last year. d) No, they didn’t. They travelled by plane. e) They spent the day swimming. 2. a) Where did their Portuguese friends meet them? b) Where did they stay? c) Did they like Portugal? d) What were the Portuguese people like? 3. a) The mountains. b) The beach. c) The lake. d) The countryside.


Past Simple

To live


To work


To study


To enjoy


To stop


TEST 4B 1. a) False b) False c) True d) True e) True 2. a) 2 b) 1


4. a) were b) was c) was d) were e) was f) were



7. Personal answer

3. a) The mountains. b) The beach. c) The lake. d) The countryside.


4. a) were b) was c) was d) were e) was f) were

6. a) didn’t visit b) had c) went d) did you buy e) saw f) didn’t eat

c) 4 d) 3

Past Simple

To live


To work


To study


To enjoy


To stop


6. a) didn’t visit b) had c) went d) did you buy e) saw f) didn’t eat 7. Personal answer

LISTENING TEST 5 1. a) big b) lab c) handball d) tennis e) computers 2. a) Mathematics b) History c) English d) Geography 3. a) Library b) Canteen c) Staff’s room 4. a) County hospital b) Police station

TEST 5A 1. a) False b) True c) False d) True e) False f) False 2. a) can b) must c) can d) must e) can 3. a) Rita is going to visit her grandmother. b) Michael and Andrew are going to play football. c) You are not going to buy a new game. d) We are going to do our homework. e) He is not going to finish the book. 4. a) cooking… cleaning the house b) listening to music… swimming c) skating… reading 5. a) as tall as b) taller than c) the tallest d) more expensive than e) as expensive as f) the most expensive 6. a) Go straight ahead. Take the third on the left. It’s on your right, behind the Police Station. b) Go along the road, then take the second on the left, go straight ahead, take the second on the right and it’s on your right.

TEST 5B 1. a) False b) True c) False d) True e) False f) False

3. a) Rita is not going to visit her grandmother. b) Michael and Andrew are going to play football. c) You are not going to buy a new game. d) We are going to do our homework. e) He is not going to finish the book. 4. a) cooking… cleaning the house b) listening to music… swimming c) skating… reading 5. a) as tall as b) taller than c) the tallest d) more expensive than e) as expensive as f) the most expensive 6. a) The Post Office or the Police Station. b) Lake Park.

LISTENING TEST 6 1. a) supermarket… shops. b) toy section. c) games… toys. 2. a) At the butcher’s. b) At the greengrocer’s. c) At the baker’s. 3. a) some b) some c) a d) some e) any f) any g) no h) no 4. a) Everything. b) Somewhere. c) Everybody. d) Nobody.

2. a) can b) must c) can d) must e) can




1. a) She goes to the supermarket every weekend. b) Yes, she does. c) You can buy vegetables and fresh fruit. d) At the baker’s. e) Her favourite section is the toy section. f) She doesn’t ask her parent to buy something because she knows they need more important things.

1. a) 4. b) 6. c) 2. d) 5. e) 1. f) 3.

3. a) How much b) How much c) How many d) How much e) How much 4. a) is some b) are some c) is a d) are some e) is a 5. a) some b) some c) no d) any e) no f) some g) any h) some 6. a) I have no friends. b) She doesn’t eat any vegetables. c) The butcher sells no eggs. d) I need some books. e) They have some milk. 7. a) somewhere b) anything c) nowhere d) someone e) everything


2. a) The butcher’s. b) The hairdresser. c) The shoe shop. d) The dentist. e) The chemist’s. 3. a) How much b) How much c) How many d) How much e) How much 4. a) is some b) are some c) is a d) are some e) is a 5. a) some b) some c) no d) any e) no f) some g) any h) some 6. a) I have no friends. b) She doesn’t eat any vegetables. c) The butcher sells no eggs. d) I need some books. e) They have some milk. 7. a) somewhere b) anything c) nowhere d) someone e) everything

CAP – Game On, 6.o ano

2. a) The butcher’s. b) The hairdresser. c) The shoe shop. d) The dentist. e) The chemist’s.

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