Game Guide (West Marches 5e Exploration Rules)

July 21, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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INDEX  Setting Information  Watches & Monthes  Watches Monthes Holidays Gods (Of Man & The Elementals)

Exploration System Navigation Rolls & Travel Speeds Failed Navigation Roll Travel Roles Discoveries Foraging Finding a Camp

Lifestyles & Downtime Lifestyle Expenses Long-term Investments Downtime Activities Downtime Event Table

Supplement Errata (House Rulings) Player's Handbook In the Company of Dragons Book of Heroic Races I 101 First Level Spells


Setting Information  WATCHES  WAT CHES 2a - 6a 6a - 10a 10a - 2p 2p - 6p 6p - 10p 10p - 2a

Trance Etude Prime Cena Tone Fete

MONTHES Blackfrost ( January) Skyfrost (Febuary) Greenfire (March) Bloodfire (April) Rosefire (May) Coppersun ( June)

Goldsun ( July) Silversun (August) Ashleaf (September) Mistleaf (October) Emberleaf (November) Plumfrost (December)

HOLIDAYS Candlewatch (16th of Blackfrost, Day of remeberance for the Dead.) Ribbon Dance (4th of Skyfrost, Dance & Feast for teenagers and young adults to Court) Greens Oath (20th of Greenfire, Druidic holiday celebrating renewed life) Grandfire (8th of Bloodfire, large Bonfire and feast to celebrate end of Winter) Rose Festival (12th of Rosefire, Ceremonial sewing of fields and large Spring celebrations) Eversun Festival (21st of Coppersun, Day of celebration for Summer Solstice) Seafoam Parade (12th of Goldsun, Festival for fishermen and the sea, many contests) Lady's Faire (18th of August, Holiday celebrating women, beauty, and motherhood) Harvest Festival (11th of Ashleaf, Feast and burning of scarecrows to celebrate Harvest) Misthallow Eve (29th of Mistleaf, Day of story-telling and masques, ghosts & spirits active) Ember and Gold (9th of Emberleaf, Picnics, Shrine visits, small festivals to end of Fall) Plumfairy Eve (21st of Plumfrost, Children's holiday celebrating Winter and the Fey) THE SEVEN (Gods of Man) Chantau; The Green Mother; Goddess of Fields, Farming, Motherhood, Children Tymora; Lady Fortune; Goddess of Wealth, Luck, Travelers, Merchants Umberlee; The Tempest Queen; Goddess of Seas, Storms, Oceans, Sailors Tormyr; The Oathkeeper; God of Justice, Duty, Oaths, Knights, Nobility  Selune; The Pale Lady; Goddess of the Moon, Night, Lovers, Beauty, Seduction, Prostitutes  Aureon; The Brigh Brightt Lord; God of the Sun, Da Dayy, Life, Heali Healing, ng, T Truth, ruth, Summer Oghma; The Wall Wall Builder; God of Civilization, Masons, Roads THE ELEMENTALS (Gods of the Elements) Grumbar; Goddess of Earth; Virtue of Temperance Ishitia; Godess of Water; Virtue of Purity  Kossuth; God of Fire; Virtue of Courage  Akadi; God of Wind; Virtue of Wisdom


New Exploration Systems NAVIGATION ROLLS NAVIGATION Distance: 1 Hex = 12 miles; On Foot... Slow: 6 Miles/Watch, Normal: 12 Miles/Watch, Fast: 18 Miles/Watch On Wagon/Carriage... Slow: 12 Miles/Watch, Normal: 18 Miles/Watch, Fast: 24 Miles/Watch On Horse... Slow: 12 Miles/Watch, Normal: 24 Miles/Watch, Fast: 48 Miles/Watch

Surival (Wisdom) Roll DC.... Plains Hills Forests Swampland Mountains  Artic

DC 5 DC 10 DC 15 DC 15 DC 15 DC 20

Modifier Poor Weather Heavy Weather Light Fog Heavy Fog Night Travel

+2 +5 +5 +2 +5 +10

Under Threat +5 Fast Pace +5 Few Landmarks +2 No Landmarks +5

Map Good Directs Directions Poor Directions

-10 -5 -2 +2 +2

Following Trail Good Landmarks Great Landmarks Known Site

-5 -2 -5 -5

On a Failed Navigation Roll, roll 2d6... 2 3 4 5-77 58-9 10 11 12

Compl Complete etely ly Lost Lost (You (You g get et so turn turned ed arou around nd yyou ou spen spend d this this wat watch ch and the next next just just re-o re-orie rienti nting ng your your bearin bearings) gs) Misera Miserable ble T Trek rek (E (Eve veryo ryone ne make makess a Con Con Sa Save ve (DC (DC = Terr Terrain ain)) or gai gains ns 2 levels levels of of Exhaust Exhaustion ion,, as you you lead lead them on roug rough h tr trail ails) s) Ba Back cktr trac ack k ((T Travel oppo oppossit itee o off int intende ended d dir direc ecti tion on)) Veer off off cou cours rsee (1(1-33 Veer Veer le left ft,, 5-6 5-6 Veer righ right) t) Make Make no Prog Progres resss (You (You trav travel el in cir circle cles, s, endi ending ng up up back back wher wheree you you sstar tarted ted)) Poor Poor T Trail railss (Every (Everyone one makes makes a Str Sav Savee (DC (DC = Terrai Terrain) n) or gains gains 1 level level of Exhaustio Exhaustion n as as yyou ou push push throu through gh hard hard trails) trails) Long Long Roa Road d ((Y You co coun untt as havi having ng mo move ved d at at a Slow Slow Pace Pace this this watc watch) h) Lucked Lucked Out (You (You someho somehow w stumble stumble upon a trail trail that get getss you you th there, ere, ffaste aster?; r?; Count Count as movin moving g at at a Fa Fast st Pace Pace this watch) watch)

Travel Roles Navigator Tracker  Wilderness Guide Forag orager er  Watch  Wat ch Scout Fiel Field d Med Medic ic Trail rail Bre Break aker er Cart Cartog ogra raph pher er Ca Cad dan ancce

Makes th the Na Nagivation Ro Rolls. Ro Rolls Su Survival (W (Wis) tto o guide th the pa party. Guides th the pa party by by following a crea eatture's tr trail. Ro Rolls Su Surv rviival ((W Wis) tto o ffo ollow tr tracks and tr trail. Aids the Navigator Navigator with knowledge knowledge of the Wilds. Rolls Rolls Nature Nature (Int), DC equal to the base of the area, area, to grant  Advantagee to the Na  Advantag Navigation vigation roll. roll. Wande anders rs ne neaar the group oup, h hun unti ting ng and ga gath ther erin ing g. R Rol olll S Sur urvi vivval (Wis (Wis)) and cons onsul ultt the For orag agin ing g Tabl blee bel below. Keeps a sharp lookout lookout for trouble. Roll Perception Perception (Wis) vs. any any Stealth to prevent prevent Ambushes. Ambushes. Grants party  Advantagee on Ini  Advantag Initiative tiative rolls. Wander erss n neear group, ke keeping a eye eye out for useful rreesources. Su Surv rviival ((Wi Wiss) tto o Find a Camp, o orr In Investigation (Int) DC 15 to allow Discovery on a 10+. Main Mainta tain inss heal health th of part partyy. M Mus ustt be trai traine ned d iin n Medi Medici cine ne and and hav havee a He Heal aler er's 's Kit. Kit. Gr Gran ants ts pa part rtyy Adva Advant ntag agee on any any Constitution saves and keeps the wounded Stable. Ease Easess pas passa sage ge for for the the par party ty.. M Mus ustt be be tra train ined ed in At Athl hleti etics cs.. Gra Grant ntss the the part partyy Adv Advan anta tage ge on any any Athl Athlet etic icss or  Acrobatics rolls rolls to trav travel el through the terrain terrain safel safelyy. Maps Maps the the regi region on as you tra trave vel. l. Mus Mustt be trai traine ned d wi with th Car Carto togr grap aphe her' r'ss Too Tools ls and and hav have a se set. t. Rol Rolls ls Cart Cartog ogra raph pher er's 's Tools (Int) to map the area, DC 10. Main Mainta taiins groups oups mor morale. le. Rol Rolls ls Pers ersua uassio ion n (Ch (Chaaris risma ma)) o orr P Per erfo form rman ancce (Ch (Chaari rissma), ma), to grant Advant ntaage on on saves vs. Exhaustion.

Pa Pack ck Mule ule

Carr Carrie iess aroll hea heavy vy Save load load duri du ring ng losuffer ng ma marc h. If of you ar aree Car Carry ryin ing g a Hea Heavy vy Load Load you must must ta tak ke thi thiss Travel Rol olee or Str (DC 15)aorlong 1rch. level Exhaustion.

Torch orchbea beare rerr

You prov provid idee lig light ht to help help gu guid idee the the part partyy wh whil ilee tra trave veli ling ng in in the the dark dark.. Neg Negat ates es Navi Naviga gati tion on pe pena nalt ltyy for for Fo Fog, g, and and reduces penalty for Night travel to +5.


DISCOVERIES & ENCOUNTERS For every Watch Watch of Tra Travel, vel, roll to test for a Encou Encounter nter and test for a Discovery; Roll a d20, on a 17+ the group has a Random Encounter (if traveling at night it is on a 15+) Roll a d20, on a 17+ the group discovers this Hexes Feature (Roll on the Discovery Table) If a Scout is Investigating the area you find its Feature on a 10+ If the area's feature has already been found & mapped, skip this roll. Discovery Table  (1d10 (1d 100) 0) 01-05 Hidden Treasure Treasure Horde Horde (Roll (Roll a horde horde the party disc discovers, overs, Roll Roll a d6 on a 5+ the horde is being being guarded....) guarded....) 06-10 Supply Supply Cache (The (The group group finds a small small cache cache of supplies, supplies, roll roll 1d6+ Area's Area's CR x10 x10 gp, and and 2d4 items of use; Ra Rations tions,, Rope, etc...) etc...) 11-20 21-255 21-2 26-30 31-40

Fellow Adventurers (Yinto ouorun intoula NPC, small small they groupmight of ht fellow adventurers, migh might have havling e useful info infor o and may come with) Useful Useful NPC (You (You run(You int a helpful helpf mig offer offeradventurers sup supplies plies,, be, they merchants merchan tst willing wil to ssell, ell, have havesome useful useful info...) info ...) with) Homestead (You (You find a small settlement settlement of NPCs, NPCs, a Homestead, Trapper Trapper Camp, Farm, Lumberyard, Minecamp, Minecamp, etc...) Ruins (You (You find the destroyed remains of Civilization; burnt out homesteads,ancient keeps, crumbling tower tower,, etc... Roll a d6 on a 5+ monsters have settled here...) 41-45 Primitive Village (A small villiage of Demihumans such as Goblins, Aararoka, Aararoka, Centaurs who start neutral neutral to the humans...) humans...) 46-50 Caves (Caverns (Caverns that dig dig down, roll a d6, on a 1-2 they are empty, empty, on a 3-4 they are a animal den, on a 5+ monsters...) 51-55 Dungeon Dungeon (A ancient ancient dungeo dungeon n tha thatt has been been overr overrun un by the the fo forces rces of evil and chaos) chaos) 56-60 Monster Monster Lair (The (The area area is the den den of a specific specific monster monster,, or small small group group of monsters.) monsters.) 61-75 Landmark (This area contains marked marked features features that make for good landmarks landmarks for for tr travel, avel, useful for mapping and and directions) 76-80 Natural Resources Resources (This area is rich in a natural resource that would benefit a nearby ttown own of settlement) 81-85 Trails Trails & Roads Roads (This area has ancient roads roads or well-beaten game trails. trails. They continue for 1d4 hexes in a rrandom andom dir direction) ection) 86-90 Natural Wonder Wonder (This area area has some majestic feature feature that inspires inspires and awes, awes, such as canyons, canyons, giant forests, or waterfalls) 91-95 Veil Site (This (This area area is a crossr crossroads oads for for other other planes, planes, roll roll d6 1-2: Elemen Elemental tal Plane, Plane, 3-4: Shadowf Shadowfell, ell, 5-6: Feywyld) Feywyld) 86-100 Magical Phenomena (A strange strange magical phenomena is found here, Reverse gr gravity avity,, anti-magic fields, or even magical portals portals))

FORAGING Roll a Survival (Wis) check, DC 10; Modifiers (To (To the DC) Spring or Summer Fall  Winter

+0 +5 +10

Poor Weather Heavy Weather Light/Heavy Light/Heavy Fog

+2 +5 +2

Good Area Rich Area Poor Area Barren Area

-2 -5 +2 +10

Near Civilization Heavy Predation Fast Pace Slow Pace

+2 +2 +5 -5

On a success you gain enough forage for 1 days worth of Rations. Every 5 over the DC you rolled gains an extra days worth of Rations.

CAMPING Roll a Survival (Wis) check to find a camp, DC 10;

Modifiers (To (To the DC) Poor Weather Heavy Weather Light Fog Heavy Fog Result 0-5 6-10 11-16 17-20 21+

+5 +10 +2 +5

Searching at Night Difficult Terrain Dangerous Terrain Dedicating a Watch

+5 +2 +5 -5

Slow Pace Normal Pace Fast Pace

+0 +2 +5

Terrible Sit Sitee (Open field, field, boggy boggy groun ground, d, etc). etc). 1 Encounter Encounter Roll/W Roll/Watch atch,, and party has to to Roll Roll for Exhaustio Exhaustion n that night night (DC 10 10). ). Poor Poor Site (B (Bug-in ug-infest fested ed glade, glade, rotting rotting tree tree,, etc). 2 Encounter Encounter rolls rolls that that night, night, and party party does not not recove recoverr Exhaustio Exhaustion n that night. night. Good Site Site (Copse (Copse of Trees, Trees, Cliff Cliff Overhang Overhang,, etc) 1 Encounter Encounter roll for for the ni night, ght, party party recov recovers ers 1 level level of Exhaustion Exhaustion as norm normal. al. Great Site Site (Natural wind barrier, barrier, Hollo Hollow w, etc) 1 Encounter Encounter roll roll for the night, party recovers recovers 1 level level of Exhaustion, Exhaustion, Advantage Advantage on Perception checks that night. Amazing Amazing Site Site (Nat (Natural ural camp camp,, Old Cav Cave, e, etc) etc) No Encounter Encounterss that that night night,, party party recovers recovers 2 levels levels of Exhausti Exhaustion. on.

Nightly Encounters; Make a Encounter Roll (15+ Encounter) as required by the Camp result. If a encounter occurs roll on region's encounter table.


LIFESTYLES & DOWN DOWNTIME TIME Lifestyle Expenses Survalist  Wretched  Wre tched Squalid Poor Modest Comfortable  Wealthy  W ealthy

Price per Day (p.147 PHB) – – 1 sp 2sp 5sp 1gp 5gp

Downtime Roll Modifier -10 -5 -2 -0 +2 +5




Longterm Investments Pony Riding Horse  Warhorse  W arhorse Bit, B Brridle, Sadle Military Sadle Saddlebags Cart  Wagon  W agon Carriage

30gp 75gp 400gp 12gp 20gp 4gp 15gp 35gp 100gp

R Ko eewlb bo oaatt Longship/Sailing Ship Galley

35,00g0p0gp 10,000gp 30,000gp

Simple House (Cabin) Comfortable House Grand House Noble Estate Keep/Small Castle Fort/Outpost Fortified Tower

500gp 1,000gp 5,000gp 25,000gp 50,000gp 15,000gp 15,000gp

Trading Post


(Equivalent of Poor; Comfortable if trained in Survival)

Downtime Activities (Require at least 8hrs a Day) Surva rvalist Lifestyle Crafting


Must spend end at least 8hrs a day maintaining a Surv rvaalist lifest estyle For every day of Downtime spent crafting, you can craft one or more items upto 5gp, but also expend resources in the production equal to 1/2 the market value. Sp Spen end d your your Down Downti time me work workin ing, g, main mainta tain inin ing g a Mod Modes estt llif ifes esty tyle le with withou outt payi paying ng upke upkeep ep.. Mem Member berss of an organization that can provide gainful employment (such as Temple or Thieve's Guild, etc) can maintain Comfortable lifestyle instead. If proficient in Performance, may put on performances to sustain a Wealthy lifestyle instead. After 3 days spent in Recuping you may ma mak ke a DC 15 Co Constitution save to gain one of tth hese ben enef efiits: * End one effect on you that is preventing you from regaining Hit Points. * For the next 24hrs gain Advantage on saving throws against one Poison or Disease 1gp a day cost Research, pg. 172 for rules.


1gp a dayLanguage, , requires 2Tool 50 daProficiency, ys total andSkill, a proor perindividual instructorWeapon and possProficiency. ible checks. Can learn a new

Pr Prac actic ticee a Prof Profess essio ion n

Recupera eratin ting


Downtime Event Table Roll a d20 + Lifestyle Modifier...

ROLL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30



Supplement Errata (House Rulings) PHB Spells (p. Bladeward (p.X): Bladeward is a Bonus action.

In the Company of Dragons Truescale (p.10)  Ability Score Increase:The Truescale's ability score increase is +2 to Strength, not +1 Strength & Wisdom.  Wing Attack: Attack: The Truescale's Wing Attack refreshes after a Short or Long Rest. Lung (p.10)  Ability Score Increase: The Lung's Ability Score Increase is +2 Wisdom, not +2 Strength.

Book of Heroic Races (Player Races I) Catfolk Racial Traits (p.3) Catfolk's base speed is 40ft. Speed: Prof icient with Acrobatics, and gain Advantage Advantage on Cat's Luck: Is replaces with Cat's Grace: Catfolk are Proficient Dexterity (Acrobatics) rolls to Balance. Sprinter: Is removed, replaced with the Catfolk's 40ft movement speed. Foal Catfolk (p.3) Dexterity instead of Strength tto o attac attack k rolls and damage with Light weapons weapons Foal Fighting Style: May add Dexterity Saebul Catfolk (p.3-4) Hunter: Is removed. Cat's Claws: Saebul have a natural claw attack that deals 1d4 slashing, adding Strength or Dexterity to attack rolls and damage.

101 1st Level Spells Cantrip for Wizard & Sorc Sorcerer erer instea instead d of a Lv1 Spel Spell. l.  Adjust (p.9): (p.9): Adjust is a Cantrip  Animate  Animat e Skelet Skeleton on (p (p.9): .9): You do not have to use an action to command your Skeleton, but it must remain within  30ft of you (or collapse collapse into a pile of bones, not bec become ome hostile).  Astute Fight Fighting ing (p (p.10): .10): Until the spell ends the target may attack twice, instead of once when they take the Attack  action. (This does not stack with Extra Attack).  Avert  Av ert At Attack tack (p (p.10): .10): Duration: 1 Minute. Bleeding Wounds (p.11): The additional 2d6 damage is Necrotic damage. Breathtwist (p.11): Breathtwist is a Bonus Action to cast and a Cantrip instead of a Lv1 Spell. Brilliant Arc (p.12): Secondary damage is also 3d4 electricity, and the DC for both is standard Spell DC. Arc may  jump from primary target to to any other ttargets argets within 15ft of it. Control Undead (p.13): May control control an Undead of upto CR ½ (not CR ¼).

Foul Flesh (p.16): Foul Flesh is a Bonus Action to cast, and is Necromancy not Abjuration. If caster is bit, the attacker takes takes 2d10 poison damage and is Poisoned until the end of its next turn. Righteous Smite (p.22): Duration becomes Concentration, up to 1 minute. Until the spell ends your melee attacks against Undead, Aberrations, Aberrations, & Fiends counts as Magical and gain +1 to attack rolls and ignores their  Resitances and Immunities.


Soul Beacon (p. 24): Caster gains +2 AC and Advantage on all Saving Throws against attacks from Undead,  Aberrations, and Fiends. C Caster aster has Disadvant Disadvantage age to Steal Stealth th rolls again against st Undead, Aberrations, and  Fiends and gains no benefit from Half or Three-Quarters Cover.

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