This is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 which seeks to set aside the decision of the CA which granted private respondent Franklin joint custod with petitioner Agnes of their !inor daughter "i!one. "pouses Franklin and Agnes started to have !arital pro#le!s as Agnes wanted to sta in $akati Cit, while while Franklin insisted that the sta in %oraca &sland. 'hen Agnes ca!e to their conjugal ho!e in %oraca, and asked for !one and for Franklin(s per!ission for her to #ring their daughter to $akati Cit for a #rief vacation she has an intention not to co!e #ack to %oraca. Franklin then filed a petition for ha#eas corpus #efore the CA for Agnes to produce "i!one in court, CA issued a Resolution which ordered that a writ of h a#eas corpus #e issued ordering that "i!one #e #rought #efore said court. CA granted Franklin joint custod with Agnes of their !inor child. Agnes filed a $otion for Reconsideration Reconsideration which was denied. )ence, this petition. &ssue* '+ the CA acted with grave a#use of discretion when it granted joint custod in utter disregard of the provisions of the Fa!il Code, as to !inors seven -/ ears of age and #elow. )eld* The court held that the CA co!!itted grave a#use of discretion when it granted joint custod of the !inor child to #oth parents. The so0called 1tender0age presu!ption1 under Article 234 of the Fa!il Code !a #e overco!e onl # co!pelling evidence of the !other( s unfitness. The !other is declared unsuita#le to have custod of her children in one or !ore of the following instances* neglect, a#andon!ent, une!plo!ent, i!!oralit, ha#itual ha#itual drunkenness, drug addiction, !altreat!ent of the child, insanit, or affliction with a co!!unica#le disease. disease. )ere, the !other was not shown to #e unsuita#le or grossl i ncapa#le of caring for her !inor child. All told, no co!pelling reason has #een adduced to wrench the child fro! the !other(s custod. 1avvphi1
"ole custod over "i!one oelle )irsch is here# AWARDED to the !other, petitioner Agnes Agnes a!#oa0)irsch.
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