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FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Version 2011 (V12) June 2011 DFWP3-PE-200001H

Copyright Copyright © 1991-2011 Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Intergraph and/or third parties which is protected by copyright law, trade secret law, and international treaty, and may not be provided or otherwise made available without proper authorization from Intergraph Corporation. Code parameter descriptions for the ASD9, BS5950, LRFD1, NR83, and Tower2 codes are pulled directly form the GTSTRUDL User's Guide, Revision N copyright 1978, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 by Georgia Tech Research Corporation, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0355. Used with permission. Code parameter descriptions for the AISC-ASD and AISC-LRFD codes are pulled directly from the STAAD-III Reference Manual, copyright 1995 by Research Engineers, Inc. 22700 Savi Ranch, Yorba LInda, California 92687-4608. Used with permission.

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Contents Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 What's New in FrameWorks Plus ............................................................................................................... 9 FrameWorks Manager ............................................................................................................................... 11 Create Project ....................................................................................................................................... 12 Create Model......................................................................................................................................... 14 Create Drawing File .............................................................................................................................. 17 Create User Section Table .................................................................................................................... 18 Copy Model ........................................................................................................................................... 19 Delete Model ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Compress Frozen.................................................................................................................................. 21 Command Prompt Commands ............................................................................................................. 22 Create Project Key-in ..................................................................................................................... 22 Create Model Key-in ....................................................................................................................... 23 Create Drawing File Key-in ............................................................................................................ 24 Create User Section Library Key-in ................................................................................................ 24 Create Envelope File Key-in ........................................................................................................... 25 Create SmartPlant Review File Key-in ........................................................................................... 25 Compress Models Key-in ............................................................................................................... 26 Model Batch Run Key-in ................................................................................................................. 26 SDNF Import Key-in ....................................................................................................................... 27 Verify Model Key-in ........................................................................................................................ 28 Update Clash Envelope Builder Files Key-in.................................................................................. 28 Upgrade Project Key-in .................................................................................................................. 29 Show and Modify Model ID Key-in ................................................................................................. 29 File............................................................................................................................................................... 31 Open Model........................................................................................................................................... 32 FrameWorks Plus Manager .................................................................................................................. 33 Return to Pipe Support Modeler ........................................................................................................... 34 Attach Model ......................................................................................................................................... 34 Detach Model ........................................................................................................................................ 35 Preference Editor .................................................................................................................................. 36 Analytic Report Preferences ........................................................................................................... 37 Code Parameters Preferences ....................................................................................................... 38 Center of Gravity Report Preferences ............................................................................................ 38 Design Parameters Preferences .................................................................................................... 39 Elevation Grid Preferences ............................................................................................................ 39 Material Report Preferences .......................................................................................................... 39 Plan Grid Preferences .................................................................................................................... 40 Solid Material Report Preferences ................................................................................................. 40 View Preferences ........................................................................................................................... 41 Write Analysis Input Preferences ................................................................................................... 41 Section Library ...................................................................................................................................... 42 Change Cell File.................................................................................................................................... 43 Interactive Section Tables (IST)............................................................................................................ 43

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Contents Write Steel Detailing Neutral File .......................................................................................................... 44 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format ................................................................................................ 45 Member Criteria .............................................................................................................................. 81 Read Steel Detailing Neutral File .......................................................................................................... 82 Steel Detailing Neutral File Configuration File ............................................................................... 84 Write CSD File ...................................................................................................................................... 85 Read CSD File ...................................................................................................................................... 86 Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 88 Write GTSTRUDL Input .................................................................................................................. 88 Read GTSTRUDL Results ............................................................................................................. 93 Write STAAD Input ......................................................................................................................... 95 Read STAAD Results ..................................................................................................................... 97 LARSA ............................................................................................................................................ 99 RAM ................................................................................................................................................ 99 SAP2000 ........................................................................................................................................ 99 Import Analytical Deck ........................................................................................................................ 100 Import ModelDraft File ........................................................................................................................ 103 Interference Checking ......................................................................................................................... 105 PML Applications ................................................................................................................................ 106 FPL Applications ................................................................................................................................. 107 Compress FrameWorks Plus Database ............................................................................................. 108 Verify Model ........................................................................................................................................ 109 Save FWP Settings ............................................................................................................................. 112 Exit ...................................................................................................................................................... 113 Settings..................................................................................................................................................... 115 Bell ...................................................................................................................................................... 116 Confirm Select Set .............................................................................................................................. 116 Select Filter Settings ........................................................................................................................... 116 Member Attributes ............................................................................................................................... 118 Member Orientation ............................................................................................................................ 119 Defaults Linear Members .................................................................................................................... 122 Defaults Linear Members - End Releases.................................................................................... 126 Defaults Linear Members - Fireproofing ....................................................................................... 127 Defaults Linear Members - Named Groups.................................................................................. 130 Defaults Linear Members - More Attributes.................................................................................. 130 Defaults Solid Members ...................................................................................................................... 132 AutoName ........................................................................................................................................... 134 Levels .................................................................................................................................................. 135 Member Symbology ............................................................................................................................ 137 Load Symbology ................................................................................................................................. 139 Dynamics ............................................................................................................................................ 141 AutoSnap ............................................................................................................................................ 142 3rd Party Software .............................................................................................................................. 143 Custom Code Parameters ............................................................................................................ 144 View........................................................................................................................................................... 147 Create View......................................................................................................................................... 148 File (Create View Dialog Box) ...................................................................................................... 152 Symbology for Linear Members ................................................................................................... 153 Symbology for Solid Members ..................................................................................................... 158 Set View .............................................................................................................................................. 161


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Contents List View .............................................................................................................................................. 162 Drop View............................................................................................................................................ 162 Modify View ......................................................................................................................................... 163 Modify Symbology for Linear Members ........................................................................................ 165 Modify Symbology for Solid Members .......................................................................................... 170 Create Named Groups Symbology ..................................................................................................... 173 Modify Named Groups Symbology ..................................................................................................... 175 Drop Named Groups Symbology ........................................................................................................ 177 Linear Member Overrides ................................................................................................................... 177 Solid Member Overrides ..................................................................................................................... 184 Override Annotation ............................................................................................................................ 186 Override Double Line Widget .............................................................................................................. 187 Freeze View ........................................................................................................................................ 188 Update Frozen .................................................................................................................................... 191 Regenerate ......................................................................................................................................... 192 Display Frozen .................................................................................................................................... 193 Delete Model View .............................................................................................................................. 194 Delete Frozen View ............................................................................................................................. 195 Tools ......................................................................................................................................................... 197 Main .................................................................................................................................................... 198 Views ................................................................................................................................................... 199 Grids .................................................................................................................................................... 200 Place Plan Grid ............................................................................................................................. 201 Place Elevation Grid ..................................................................................................................... 205 Copy Grid ..................................................................................................................................... 207 Edit Grid Label .............................................................................................................................. 208 Delete Grid Line ............................................................................................................................ 209 Delete Grid ................................................................................................................................... 209 Place Linear Members ........................................................................................................................ 209 Member Connectivity .................................................................................................................... 211 Place Beam .................................................................................................................................. 212 Place Column ............................................................................................................................... 213 Place Column by Two Points ....................................................................................................... 214 Place Vertical Brace ..................................................................................................................... 214 Place Horizontal Brace ................................................................................................................. 215 Place Framing Members .............................................................................................................. 216 Default Member ............................................................................................................................ 217 Edit Last Placed ............................................................................................................................ 217 Place Arc ...................................................................................................................................... 218 Place 3D Solids ................................................................................................................................... 219 Place Slabs ................................................................................................................................... 220 Place Wall ..................................................................................................................................... 222 Place Solid Element ..................................................................................................................... 224 Place Holes .................................................................................................................................. 225 Solid Cutouts ................................................................................................................................ 227 Modify Thickness .......................................................................................................................... 230 Modify Solid Geometry ................................................................................................................. 231 Modify.................................................................................................................................................. 231 Modify Section .............................................................................................................................. 232 Modify Name ................................................................................................................................ 235 Modify CP ..................................................................................................................................... 236 Modify Rotation ............................................................................................................................. 237

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Contents Modify Reflect ............................................................................................................................... 237 Modify Type .................................................................................................................................. 238 Modify Orientation Vector ............................................................................................................. 239 Modify Fireproofing ....................................................................................................................... 241 Modify Material ............................................................................................................................. 244 Modify Material Grade .................................................................................................................. 244 Modify Class ................................................................................................................................. 245 Named Groups ............................................................................................................................. 245 Modify Additional Attributes .......................................................................................................... 247 Manipulate........................................................................................................................................... 248 Copy Member ............................................................................................................................... 250 Move Member ............................................................................................................................... 252 Extend Member ............................................................................................................................ 252 Modify Member End ..................................................................................................................... 253 Rotate Member ............................................................................................................................. 254 Mirror Member .............................................................................................................................. 255 Modify Work Point Offset .............................................................................................................. 257 Modify Offset ................................................................................................................................ 260 Match TOS/BOS ........................................................................................................................... 261 Join Members ............................................................................................................................... 262 Split Member ................................................................................................................................ 262 Modify Arc ..................................................................................................................................... 263 Extend Member to Intersection .................................................................................................... 264 Extend Members to Intersection ................................................................................................... 266 Delete Member ............................................................................................................................. 267 Analytical ............................................................................................................................................. 267 Create Load Case ........................................................................................................................ 268 Create Load Combination ............................................................................................................ 271 Place Load .................................................................................................................................... 272 Edit Load ...................................................................................................................................... 275 Delete Load .................................................................................................................................. 278 Label Load .................................................................................................................................... 278 Modify End Releases.................................................................................................................... 279 Label End Releases ..................................................................................................................... 280 Modify Supports ............................................................................................................................ 280 Label Supports ............................................................................................................................. 281 Create Intermediate Node ............................................................................................................ 282 Create Member Specification ....................................................................................................... 284 Design Attributes ................................................................................................................................. 284 Code Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 285 Design Parameters ....................................................................................................................... 304 Member Constraints ..................................................................................................................... 306 Offshore .............................................................................................................................................. 309 Create Rule Based Joint............................................................................................................... 310 Create Can ................................................................................................................................... 314 Modify Can Connection List ......................................................................................................... 318 Place Jacket ................................................................................................................................. 319 Cutbacks ............................................................................................................................................. 322 Member Priority ............................................................................................................................ 323 Compute Cutbacks ....................................................................................................................... 324 User Cutbacks .............................................................................................................................. 326 Mitered Cutbacks.......................................................................................................................... 328 SmartCut ...................................................................................................................................... 329


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Contents Uncut Member .............................................................................................................................. 331 Utilities ...................................................................................................................................................... 333 Linear Material Reports ....................................................................................................................... 334 Linear Report Header Format ...................................................................................................... 338 Linear Report Data Format ........................................................................................................... 339 Linear Reports Totals Format ....................................................................................................... 347 3D Solids Material Reports ................................................................................................................. 349 3D Solid Report Header Format ................................................................................................... 351 3D Solid Report Data Format ....................................................................................................... 353 3D Solid Report Totals Format ..................................................................................................... 357 Analytic Reports .................................................................................................................................. 358 Analytic Reports Header Format .................................................................................................. 360 Loads Report Data Format ........................................................................................................... 362 Releases Report Data Format ...................................................................................................... 363 Supports Report Data Format ...................................................................................................... 364 Center of Gravity Reports ................................................................................................................... 365 Center of Gravity Report Header Format ..................................................................................... 367 Center of Gravity Report Data Format ......................................................................................... 369 Center of Gravity Report Totals Format ....................................................................................... 373 Review Element .................................................................................................................................. 374 Locate Element By Attributes.............................................................................................................. 378 Locate Element By Design/Code Parameters .................................................................................... 381 Review Log File................................................................................................................................... 382 Review Section Library ....................................................................................................................... 382 Create User Section ............................................................................................................................ 384 Steel Detailing ..................................................................................................................................... 386 Place Cross Section ..................................................................................................................... 387 Place Section Elevation ................................................................................................................ 388 Place Section Plan ....................................................................................................................... 389 Drawing Trim Line ........................................................................................................................ 390 Graphic Symbology ...................................................................................................................... 391 Create Mapping File ............................................................................................................................ 391 Reference PDS Model ........................................................................................................................ 392 Review PDS Clash .............................................................................................................................. 393 Review PDS Attributes ........................................................................................................................ 395 Window to Named PDS Item .............................................................................................................. 396 Area Volume Graphics ........................................................................................................................ 397 Customizing FrameWorks Plus ............................................................................................................. 399 Environment Variables ........................................................................................................................ 399 User Preference Sets .......................................................................................................................... 402 FrameWorks Plus Settings ................................................................................................................. 403 Seed Files ........................................................................................................................................... 403 PDS and FrameWorks Plus .................................................................................................................... 405 Setup Information ................................................................................................................................ 405 Intergraph SmartPlant License Manager ...................................................................................... 405 Creating or Inserting a FrameWorks Plus Project ........................................................................ 406 Creating a Structural Discipline Design Area ............................................................................... 407 Creating a Model in PD_Shell ...................................................................................................... 409

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Contents Creating a Model by ASCII File .................................................................................................... 411 Shifting the FrameWorks Plus Global Origin to Match PDS Design Volume ............................... 414 FrameWorks Plus Categories ...................................................................................................... 419 FrameWorks Environment .................................................................................................................. 420 Modeling ....................................................................................................................................... 421 Drawing Environment ................................................................................................................... 421 Propagation .................................................................................................................................. 422 Generate ASCII File ..................................................................................................................... 425 Update/Regenerate Frozen View ................................................................................................. 426 Batch Cutout (PD_Shell) .............................................................................................................. 427 Verify Model (PD_Shell) ............................................................................................................... 430 CIM Steel Export (PD_Shell) ........................................................................................................ 430 FrameWorks Plus and SmartPlant Review ......................................................................................... 431 FrameWorks Plus Extended Labels Dialog Box .......................................................................... 432 FrameWorks Plus and PD_Clash ....................................................................................................... 433 FrameWorks Plus and Material Data Publisher .................................................................................. 434 Exporting FrameWorks Plus Projects to SmartPlant 3D ..................................................................... 435 Exporting from FrameWorks Plus ....................................................................................................... 435 Member Criteria ............................................................................................................................ 438 Exporting Models from FrameWorks Plus .................................................................................... 439 CIM Steel Export Key-in ............................................................................................................... 439 Import Structure .................................................................................................................................. 440 Import structure model.................................................................................................................. 441 Cross Section Table Converter ........................................................................................................... 441 Importing CIS/2 Files to FrameWorks Plus ........................................................................................... 443 Importing CIS/2 Files .......................................................................................................................... 443 Troubleshooting FrameWorks Plus ....................................................................................................... 445 Error Messages ........................................................................................................................................ 447 Glossary ................................................................................................................................................... 457 Index ......................................................................................................................................................... 467


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Preface ®

This document is the reference guide for FrameWorks Plus. FrameWorks Plus provides tools for improving the efficiency of a structural engineering project and is a three dimensional product that runs in conjunction with the MicroStation Computer-Aided Design (CAD) package. The FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide is an overview of the available product features and provides information on how these features operate. This document is intended for designers, drafters, and engineers who have an effective working knowledge of the standard MicroStation system and can produce complex drawings. Experience with three- dimensional modeling is useful, but not necessary. This reference guide provides general information on all commands, as well as information on specific parameters that control the processing and results produced by each command. For information on a particular parameter within an individual command, refer to that command's description. This document is organized according to the FrameWorks Plus main menu. The chapters correspond, from left to right, with each of the main menu's pulldown menus. Likewise, the sections within each of the chapters correspond, from top to bottom, with each of the commands on the different menus. If you are a new FrameWorks Plus user, we recommend that you first read and work through the FrameWorks Plus Tutorial or the FrameWorks Plus Metric Tutorial. The tutorial will introduce you to the interface and many of the main FrameWorks Plus features.

What's New in FrameWorks Plus This release of FrameWorks Plus contains the following new features. Version 2010 (V12)  Environment variable FW_SDNF_NUMOFSOLIDS_PER_INSTANCE has been added to the config.dat file. You can use this environment variable to specify that a structural detailing neutral file is to be imported in multiple stages. See Read Steel Detailing Neutral File (on page 82) (P1 PB:108687)  You can now export from FrameWorks Plus an individual model or all the models in a project using a command line key-in. For more information, see CIM Steel Export Key-in (on page 439). (P1 PB: 17264)  You can display and modify the ID of a specified model or all model IDs of a specified project using the showAndModifyModID command line key-in. This utility is delivered with FrameWorks Plus in the bin subfolder. For more information, see Show and Modify Model ID Key-in (on page 29). (P2 PB:120374)  You can easily create MicroStation macro for auxiliary coordinate systems. See Create a MicroStation Macro for Auxiliary Coordinate Systems (see "Using Coordinate Systems in FrameWorks Plus" on page 414). (P2 PB:111704)  You can now run a MDL application or a macro on models in a project by using a command line key-in. For more information, see Model Batch Run Key-in (on page 26). (P2 PB:111202)  Center of gravity reports can support output of fireproofing weight. For more information, see Center of Gravity Reports (on page 365). (P2 PB:104882)  Environmental variable (see "Environment Variables" on page 399) FW_MDP_CONTONERR has been added to the config.dat file. (P4 PB:110396)

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


What's New in FrameWorks Plus 


Environment variable (see "Environment Variables" on page 399) FW_USER_ESL requires a UNC path name so that the user section table works correctly when you run the propagation command from the PD-Shell Frameworks Plus dialog box. (P3 PB:97651)

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


FrameWorks Manager ®

FrameWorks Manager is similar to MicroStation Manager but is used to create FrameWorks Plus projects, models, drawing files, and section tables. You can also use FrameWorks Manager to copy and delete FrameWorks Plus models. You need to create at least one project and one model before you can begin using FrameWorks Plus. The FrameWorks Manager automatically upgrades a model from a previous version of FrameWorks Plus to the current version when you try to open that model. If you are running ® FrameWorks Plus in conjunction with PDS , you should use the PDS upgrade function to upgrade projects and models. See the PDS documentation for more information.

Utilities - The Utilities menu provides options to create projects, models, drawing files, and section tables. You can also copy and delete FrameWorks Plus models using these commands. Name - Displays the name of the selected file. Directory - Displays the current directory. Files - Displays all files in the active directory that satisfy the file type specified. Directories - Displays the directories available. You can change directories by double- clicking on the directory name. List Files of Type - Displays the text string used as search criteria to limit the files displayed in the list. The two main filters that FrameWorks Manager uses are *.mod for model files and *.dgn for drawing files. Drives - Displays all the available drives (both local and mounted network drives). Open - Opens the model (or drawing file) displayed in the Name box. You can also open files by double-clicking on them in Files listing box.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


FrameWorks Manager In This Section Create Project ................................................................................ 12 Create Model ................................................................................. 14 Create Drawing File ....................................................................... 17 Create User Section Table ............................................................ 18 Copy Model .................................................................................... 19 Delete Model .................................................................................. 20 Compress Frozen .......................................................................... 21 Command Prompt Commands ...................................................... 22

Create Project The FrameWorks Manager Utilities > Create Project command creates FrameWorks Plus projects. A FrameWorks Plus project consists of several folders and files. To organize and manage these files, FrameWorks Plus uses a folder structure to store the various file types. A project can contain one or several individual models. FrameWorks Plus creates a separate folder for each project you define. This project folder can be created anywhere on your computer (do not create your project in the FrameWorks Plus' delivery folder). Beneath this project folder are several subfolders, each containing files of a certain type, but all belonging to the same project. These subfolders are:

\data - The data folder contains the project's config.dat file. The config.dat file contains the project's customized environment variable settings. The config.dat file is copied automatically from ..\fwplus\data (the product folder) when the project is created. For more information about the environment variables in the config.dat file, see Appendix A: Customizing FrameWorks Plus (see "Customizing FrameWorks Plus" on page 399). \drw - The drawing folder contains 3D design files used in drawing composition. Drawings can be composed in any 3D design file, including the FrameWorks Plus model file itself. If a separate drawing file is used, it should be stored in this subfolder. \esl - If special nonstandard steel or concrete sections are used on a project, they can be created and stored in a user section library. These user section libraries are stored in this subfolder. If you are creating arbitrary sections, the cell library file (ist.cel) is stored here also. The ist.cel file is copied from the ..\fwplus\esl folder to this project folder when the project is created. \frz - When saving frozen views to a separate design file, those design files are stored in this ® subfolder. This folder is also used to store files generated for the SmartPlant Review product and to store the interference envelope files generated for the project. \int - This is the interface subfolder where files used for interfacing FrameWorks Plus to other structural engineering products are stored. These interface files include input files for analysis packages such as GTSTRUDL and STAAD and the Common Structural Database (CSD) files. Additionally, FrameWorks Plus creates map files in this folder that are used in the analysis interface process.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

FrameWorks Manager \mod - All structural model design and database files for the project are in this subfolder. \rpt - The report subfolder is used to store all reports created for models in the project.

Project - Specifies the name of the project being created. Project names are limited to 14 characters and should not contain embedded spaces or other special characters such as, but not limited to, ^&#%$. However, you can use the underscore (_) character in project names. Directory - Displays the current folder. Directories - Displays the available subfolders in the current folder. All available drives (both local and mounted network) are displayed at the bottom of the list. Create - Creates a project in the current folder using the specified project name.

Creating a Project From the Frameworks Manager dialog box, select the Utilities > Create Project command to create a new project. 1. Type a project name in the Project field. 2. Specify the folder you want the project in. Do not create your project in the FrameWorks Plus delivery folder (c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus by default). If you ever need to remove and re-install FrameWorks Plus, FrameWorks Plus' removal process deletes the entire delivery folder, including any project's you have created there. 3. Click Create to create the project.

See Also Command Prompt Commands (on page 22) FrameWorks Manager (on page 11)

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


FrameWorks Manager

Create Model The FrameWorks Manager Utilities > Create Model command creates a FrameWorks Plus model in a project. A FrameWorks Plus model contains up to 22 separate files, including a 3D design file. All FrameWorks Plus commands and functions allow you to refer to these model files collectively by using the model name (or the root name of the files) without the file extensions. FrameWorks Plus keeps the model database files in the model subfolder (\mod) under the project folder. The files are:  .arc -- contains arc member data  .ccp -- contains the custom code parameters information  .cpr -- contains steel code parameter information  .dgn -- the MicroStation design file  .dpr -- contains steel design parameter information  .drw -- contains drawing data  .fdx -- contains load case table data (index file)  .frz -- contains frozen view data  .gbd -- contains general bulk data  .lcm -- contains load combination data  .ldc -- contains load case data  .lod -- contains load data  .mem -- contains member data  .mod -- contains model data  .ngv -- contains named group's view records  .ovr -- contains linear member override data  .ovs -- contains solid member override data  .slb -- contains slab data  .urd -- contains user data  .vdx -- contains load case table data (index file)  .vus -- contains view data  .wal -- contains solids data


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

FrameWorks Manager You cannot edit any of these files directly. Editing any of these files manually will corrupt the model. The only exception to this is the model's MicroStation design file. If the design file should become corrupt in some way, you can get FrameWorks Plus to regenerate the design file. Delete the corrupted design file, and then copy the appropriate seed design file to the model folder. Edit the copied seed design file's properties to remove read-only access. Rename the seed design file to the model name. The next time you open FrameWorks Plus, the database files will automatically repopulate the design file.

Current Project - Specifies the name of the active project. The model being created will be in this project. Model Name - Specifies the name for the model being created. Model names can be up to 10 characters long and should not contain embedded spaces or other special characters such as, but not limited to, ^&#%$. However, you can use the underscore (_) character in model names. Model names must be unique for the project (two models in the same project cannot have the same name). Units - Specifies the working units to use for the model (unit for specifying linear distance). Force Units - Specifies the force units to use for the model (unit for specifying load force). Model ID - Displays the model ID. Each model in a project has a unique model ID that FrameWorks Plus assigns and tracks. You can have up to 999 models in a project. Standard Section Table - Specifies the main standard section table for this model. You cannot change the standard section table after the model is created. You can choose from:  AISC -- American Institute of Steel Construction, 9th edition  AISC63 -- American Institute of Steel Construction, 7th edition  AISC8th -- American Institute of Steel Construction, 8th edition  AISC13th -- American Institute of Steel Construction, 13th edition  AISC_LRFD_3_1 -- American Institute of Steel Construction, Load and Resistance Factor Design, 3rd edition, 1st printing.  AUST -- Australian section tables.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


FrameWorks Manager 

AUST04 -- These sections are taken from the BHP Hot Rolled & Structural Steel Products Catalog 2004 and the AISC Tables (Australian Institute of Steel Construction).  AUST91 -- These sections are taken from BHP Hot Rolled & Structural Steel Products Catalog 1991 and the AISC Tables (Australian Institute of Steel Construction).  AUST94 -- These sections are taken from the BHP Hot Rolled & Structural Steel Products Catalog 1994 and the AISC Tables (Australian Institute of Steel Construction).  BCSA -- These sections are taken from:  BS4: Structural steel sections: Part 1:1980 Specification for hot rolled sections. Including Amendments 1 (Sept 1981), 2(May 1982) and 3(Feb 1986)  Structural hollow sections: BS4848: Hot rolled structural steel sections Part 2: 1975 Hollow sections  Equal and unequal angles: BS4848: Hot rolled structural steel sections Part 4: 1972 Equal and unequal angles Including amendments 1(Feb 1974), 2(Oct 1982) and 3(Feb 86)  BRAZIL -- Brazilian section tables  CHINA 2007 -- Chinese section tables  CHINA 2006 -- Chinese section tables  CISC_7_2 -- Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, Handbook of Steel Construction, Seventh Edition - Second Revised Printing (July 2000)  CISC89 -- Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, 1989  CISC84 -- Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, 1984  EURO -- European section tables  INDIAN -- These sections are taken from the Indian steel sections handbook published by the Bureau of Indian Standards. Handbook for Structural Engineers - Indian Steel Sections - SP 6(1)  JAPAN -- Japanese section tables.  MAISC -- American Institute of Steel Construction, metric tables  OTUA -- These sections are taken from the 1989 Office Technique pour l'utilisation de l'Acier document. Pipe section's dimensions and weights are based on ANSI B 36.10-1979. The pipe section names in this table are of the format: 16"X0.375.  OTUA2 -- These sections are taken from the 1989 Office Technique pour l'utilisation de l'Acier document. Pipe section's dimensions and weights are based on ANSI B 36.10-1979. The pipe section names in this table are of the format: PIP16X0.375.  RUSSIAN -- Russian hot-rolled I, C, and L sections from: GOST 8239-89, GOST 26020-83; GOST 8240-89; GOST 8509-93; and GOST 8510-86. Some I-sections and channels from: GOST 19425-74, TU 14-2-205-76 and TU 14-2-204-76. Rectangular tube from GOST 25577-83. Pipes from GOST 10704-91, GOST 20295-85, GOST 3262-75, GOST 550-75, GOST 8696-74, GOST 8732-74, GOST 8734-74, GOST 9940-81, and GOST 9941-81. Round steel bars from GOST 2590-88.  SAISC -- South African section tables  SAISC_Blue7th -- South African section tables User Section Table - Specifies a user section table for this model. All user section tables, if any, in the project's \esl folder display for selection. You can select another user section table after the model is created if needed. Third Party Software - Specifies which third party analysis/design software you plan to use for the model. You can change the selection after the model is created if needed. Design Code - Specifies the design code you plan to use for the model. You can change the selection after the model is created if needed. Create - Creates the model using the defined parameters without exiting the dialog box.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

FrameWorks Manager OK - Creates the model using the defined parameters then exits the dialog box.

Creating a Model 1. In the FrameWorks Manager dialog box, change directories to the project you want to create the model in, and then select the Utilities > Create Model command. 2. Type a model name, up to ten characters. 3. Specify the units for the length and force values. All models in the same project must use identical Master Units (all feet, all millimeters, and so forth). 4. Select the name of the standard section table library from which you will select sections for your model. FrameWorks Plus does not convert section library units to match model units. FrameWorks Plus assumes that model units and section library units are compatible (both are imperial or both are metric). If you attach a metric section library to model that uses imperial units, FrameWorks Plus will read the library sections as inches, not millimeters. Similarly, an imperial section library attached to a metric model will be read as millimeters, not inches. 5. Select the analysis package and the design code you will be using with this model. 6. Click Create to create the defined model.

See Also Command Prompt Commands (on page 22) Copy Model (on page 19) Delete Model (on page 20) FrameWorks Manager (on page 11)

Create Drawing File The FrameWorks Manager Utilities > Create Drawing command creates a drawing file in the current project. The active FrameWorks Manager folder must be either the project folder or the project's \drw subfolder before FrameWorks Plus will allow you to create a drawing file. FrameWorks Plus drawings can be created in any 3D MicroStation file. However, for drawing management purposes, we recommend that you create or compose your construction drawings in a separate design file created specifically for the drawings of a particular project: the drawing file. Drawing files are kept in the project's drawing (\drw) subfolder.

Current Project - Displays the name of the current project. The drawing file being created belongs to this project. Drawing Name - Specifies a name for the drawing file being created. Drawing file names are limited to 20 characters and should not contain embedded spaces or other special characters

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


FrameWorks Manager such as, but not limited to, ^&#%$. However, you can use the underscore (_) character in drawing names. Units - Specifies the working units for the drawing file. The drawing file should use the same unit type (imperial or metric) as the models in the project. Create - Creates a drawing file in the current project without exiting the dialog box. OK - Creates a drawing file in the current project then exits the dialog box.

Creating a Drawing File 1. Select the Utilities > Create Drawing command. 2. Type the name of the drawing file you want to create, and specify the units. The master units specified here should be the same as those used for model databases in this project. 3. Click Create to create the drawing file. When you create a drawing file, your current folder must be a valid project folder or a valid \drw subfolder.

See Also Command Prompt Commands (on page 22) FrameWorks Manager (on page 11)

Create User Section Table The FrameWorks Manager Utilities > Create Section Table command creates user section tables. If you plan to use nonstandard sections in the structural model, you should create a user section library file to store these sections. If you plan to use only standard sections from one of the delivered standard section libraries, you do not need to create a user section library (although you can create a user section library at any time if you should later change your mind). User section library files are stored in the project's \esl subfolder, for example: c:\struct\project\esl, by default. However, you can store the user section libraries anywhere and use the FW_USER_ESL environment variable to define the location. For more information, see Appendix A: Customizing FrameWorks Plus (see "Customizing FrameWorks Plus" on page 399). The folder path and file name for the user section library is limited to 119 characters.

Current Project - Displays the name of the current project. The section table being created will belong to this project. Section Table Name - Specifies a name for the section table being created. Section table names are limited to 15 characters. Units - Specifies the working units for the section table. The section table should use the same unit type (imperial or metric) as the models in the project.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

FrameWorks Manager FrameWorks Plus does not convert section library units to match model units. FrameWorks Plus assumes that model units and section library units are compatible (both are imperial or both are metric). If you attach a metric section library to model that uses imperial units, FrameWorks Plus reads the library sections as inches, not millimeters. Similarly, an imperial section library attached to a metric model will be read as millimeters, not inches. Create - Creates a section table in the current project. OK - Creates a section table in the current project, and then exits the dialog box.

Creating a User Section Table 1. 2. 3. 4.

Select the Utilities > Create Section Table command from the menu bar. Type a table name. Select the units for the section library. Click Create to create the section library. When you create a section table, your current folder must be a valid project folder or a valid \esl subfolder. FrameWorks Plus creates an empty section library in the project's \esl subfolder. This library can be attached to a model database using the Section Library command. The Create User Section command is used to create sections in this library. For more information, see Section Library (on page 42) and Create User Section (on page 384).

See Also Command Prompt Commands (on page 22) FrameWorks Manager (on page 11) Change Cell File (on page 43) Create User Section (on page 384) Create User Section Table (on page 18) Interactive Section Tables (IST) (on page 43) Review Section Library (on page 382) Save FWP Settings (on page 112)

Copy Model The FrameWorks Manager Utilities > Copy Model command copies a model to another model name in the same project or from one FrameWorks Plus project to another project. You can use this command to create models from a seed model you have created. FrameWorks Plus uses the following rules when copying a model.  The From and To models cannot have the same name if you are copying the model within the same FrameWorks Plus project.  If the To model exists, you must confirm that you want to overwrite the existing model. When you overwrite the existing model, the existing model's Model ID is used for the newly copied model's Model ID. You cannot overwrite an existing model that is open in FrameWorks Plus or is actively attached to an open model. If the To model name does not exist, FrameWorks Plus copies the model and assigns a new unique Model ID. If you use Model ID or Model Name to AutoName your FrameWorks Plus members, FrameWorks Plus renames the members with the new Model ID or Model Name.  You can copy models only within or to another FrameWorks Plus project's \mod folder. You cannot copy a model to a "generic" folder.

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If the model has a user section library attached, you need to copy the user section library to the new project's \esl folder. FrameWorks Plus removes all the From model's attached models and frozen file associations from the To model. If you copy a model to another project, FrameWorks Plus removes all Named Group information from the To model's members. FrameWorks Plus also removes any Named Group symbology definitions and removes Named Groups from default member attributes.

From - Specifies the model you want to copy. To - Specifies the new location and name for the From model. OK - Copies the specified model. Cancel - Exits the command without copying the model.

See Also Create Model (on page 14) Delete Model (on page 20) Command Prompt Commands (on page 22) Create Project (on page 12) FrameWorks Manager (on page 11)

Delete Model The FrameWorks Manager Utilities > Delete Model command deletes the specified model from a project. You cannot delete a model that is open in FrameWorks Plus or is attached to an open model. You cannot recover a model that has been deleted.

Delete - Type in the path to and the name of the model to delete. Make sure you include the .mod extension. Browse - Activates a dialog box that you can use to specify the model to delete. OK - Deletes the specified model. Cancel - Exits the dialog box without deleting the model.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

FrameWorks Manager See Also Copy Model (on page 19) Create Model (on page 14) FrameWorks Manager (on page 11)

Compress Frozen The FrameWorks Manager Utilities > Compress Frozen command automatically opens all MicroStation design files in the \frz subfolder, runs the MicroStation Compress Design File command on the file, and then closes the design file.

Freeze Files - Lists all MicroStation design files in the project's \frz subfolder that will be compressed. This list is display-only information. Browse - Activates a dialog box that you can use to specify the frz subfolder to compress. OK - Compresses all design files displayed in the list. Cancel - Exits the dialog box without compressing the design files.

See Also Delete Frozen View (on page 195) Display Frozen (on page 193) Freeze View (on page 188) Regenerate (on page 192) Update Frozen (on page 191) Command Prompt Commands (on page 22) FrameWorks Manager (on page 11)

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FrameWorks Manager

Command Prompt Commands FrameWorks Plus supports several command prompt key-in commands for creating projects, ® models, drawing files, section libraries, SmartPlant Review files, and envelope file generation. These command prompt commands should be run in a Command Prompt window (commonly referred to as a DOS prompt.)  

You must set the FW_PRODUCT environment variable before you can create models using the command line key-in. For more information, see Environment Variables (on page 399). You must set the MS system environment variable to the path where you install MicroStation before you can use command prompt commands on the Windows operating system. For example, MS=C:\Bentley\Program\MicroStation.

Topics Create Project Key-in ..................................................................... 22 Create Model Key-in ...................................................................... 23 Create Drawing File Key-in ............................................................ 24 Create User Section Library Key-in ............................................... 24 Create Envelope File Key-in .......................................................... 25 Create SmartPlant Review File Key-in .......................................... 25 Compress Models Key-in............................................................... 26 Model Batch Run Key-in ................................................................ 26 SDNF Import Key-in ....................................................................... 27 Verify Model Key-in ........................................................................ 28 Update Clash Envelope Builder Files Key-in ................................. 28 Upgrade Project Key-in.................................................................. 29 Show and Modify Model ID Key-in ................................................ 29

Create Project Key-in 1. Go to the directory under which you want to create the project (for example c:\struct). The project can be created under the FrameWorks Plus product directory (..\fwplus). However, we advise against this as the files may be deleted if FrameWorks Plus is reinstalled later. 2. Type directory\fwplus\bin\creproj projname, where projname is the name of the project to create (alphanumeric, up to 14 characters long, no embedded blanks) and directory is the directory where FrameWorks Plus is located. 3. For example, if FrameWorks Plus is installed in the c:\win32app\ingr directory and you want to create a project called project1, you would key in c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus\bin\creproj project1.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

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Create Model Key-in You must set the FW_PRODUCT environment variable before you can create models using the command line key-in. 1. Change directories to the model subdirectory for the project (..\projname\mod). 2. Type directory\fwplus\bin\cremod where directory is the directory where FrameWorks Plus resides on your hard drive. For example, if FrameWorks Plus is installed on c:\win32app\ingr you would key-in c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus\bin\cremod. 3. Enter Structural Model Name: Type the name for the model. The name can be any valid alphanumeric name, up to 10 characters, but must be unique for this project. 4. Enter Units of Length (Master Units): Specify length units to use for the model by keying in the appropriate unit code (for example, F for feet). All models within a single project must use identical Master Units. 5. Enter Units of Force: Specify the force units to use for the model by keying in the appropriate unit code (for example, N for Newtons). 6. Enter Standard Engineering Section Library Name: Key in the name of the standard section library for your model. The following section libraries are available: aisc, aisc_lrfd_3_1, aisc8th, aisc13th, aisc63, aust, aust91, aust94, bcsa, brazil, china2007, china2006, cisc, cisc89, cisc_7_2, euro, indian, japan, maisc, otua, otua2, russian, saisc, and saisc_blue7th. FrameWorks Plus does not convert section library units to match model units. FrameWorks Plus assumes that model units and section library units are compatible (both are imperial or both are metric). If you attach a metric section library to model that uses imperial units, FrameWorks Plus will read the library sections as inches, not millimeters. Similarly, an imperial section library attached to a metric model will be read as millimeters, not inches. 7. Enter User Section Library Name: If a user standard section library is to be used, key in the name. If you are not going to use a user standard section library, press RETURN. 8. Select a third party software: Select which third party software to use as default. 9. Select a design code: Select which design code to use as default. You can also create model using a single command line statement. The syntax is: cremod modelname mu force_units section_library user_section_library 3rd_party_software design_code Where:  modelname is the name of the model you want to create.  mu is the master unit you want to use for the model. You must key in either F for feet, I for inches, M for meters, or MM for millimeters.  force units is the unit of force for loads. You must key in either KIPS kilo pound, LBS for pounds, kN for kiloNewtons, or N for Newtons.

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 

 

section library is the standard section library. You must key in one of the following: aisc, aisc_lrfd_3_1, aisc8th, aisc63, aust, aust91, aust94, bcsa, brazil, china, cisc, cisc89, cisc_7_2, euro, indian, japan, maisc, otua, otua2, russian, saisc, or saisc_blue7th user section library is the name of the user section library. Key in none if you do not want to assign a user section library at creation. 3rd party software is the name of the analysis and design software you will be using on the model. You can change this after the model is created if needed. Key in either STAAD or GTSTRUDL design code is the design code you will be using. You can change this after the model is created if needed. For GTSTRUDL, the design codes are: ASD9, BS5950, LRFD1, NF83, or TOWER2 For STAAD, the design codes are: AISC-ASD or AISC- LRFD

Create Drawing File Key-in 1. Change directories to the drawing subdirectory for the project you are working on ..\projname\drw). 2. Type directory\fwplus\bin\credraw where directory is the directory where FrameWorks Plus resides on your system. 3. Enter Drawing Name: Type the name of the drawing file. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 20 characters long, but should be unique for this project to avoid overwriting existing drawings. 4. Enter Units of Length (Master Units): Specify the units for the drawing by keying in the appropriate unit code. This specifies the length Master Units in the drawing design file. The master units specified here should be the same as those used for model databases in this project. FrameWorks Plus creates an empty 3D design file from the drawing seed files. This file is then ready for use with the Drawing Composition utility.

Create User Section Library Key-in 1. Change directories to the project's \esl subdirectory. 2. Type directory\fwplus\bin\creist where directory is the directory where FrameWorks Plus is installed. 3. Enter Section Library Name: Type a name for your user section library, up to 15 characters with no embedded blanks or extension. 4. Enter Units of Length (for Section Properties) Select the units to be used for specification of the section geometry. The units chosen need not be the same as the model file Master Units. FrameWorks Plus does not convert section library units to match model units. FrameWorks Plus assumes that model units and section library units are compatible (both are imperial or both are metric). If you attach a metric section library to model that uses imperial units, FrameWorks Plus will read the library sections as inches, not millimeters. Similarly, an imperial section library attached to a metric model will be read as millimeters, not inches. FrameWorks Plus creates an empty section library in the project's \esl subdirectory. This library can be attached to a model database using the Section Library command. The Create User Section command is used to create sections in this library. For more information, see Section


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

FrameWorks Manager Library (on page 42) and Create User Section (on page 384). You can also use Interactive Section Tables (IST) (on page 43) to create sections and section libraries.

Create Envelope File Key-in You can create envelope files for interference checking using a command line key-in. The command syntax is: prod_dir\bin\fwenvel proj_dir\mod\modelfile.dgn proj_dir\frz\envfile.env where prod_dir is the directory where FrameWorks Plus is loaded. For example: c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus. proj_dir is the directory that contains the FrameWorks Plus project. For example: c:\struct\project. If the envfile.env file exists, FrameWorks Plus overwrites the existing file with the newly created file. When creating envelope files, be careful not to set the stroking tolerance so low as to cause circular holes and solids to have more than 95 vertices. PDS does not support more than 95 vertices when creating envelopes.

Create SmartPlant Review File Key-in You can create 3D isometric frozen views (capable of being read by SmartPlant Review) using a command line key-in. If you have used Intergraph's PDS products, this is similar to Batch Propagate. The command syntax is: prod_dir\bin\fwprpgat proj_dir\mod\modelfile.dgn proj_dir\frz\freezefile.prp -ALL -UG - LABEL where prod_dir is the directory where FrameWorks Plus is loaded. For example: c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus. proj_dir is the directory that contains the FrameWorks Plus project. For example: c:\struct\project. The -ALL switch causes attached reference files be included. The -UG switch causes user graphics be included. The -LABEL switch creates the .dri and .drv files. In order for this batch command to work correctly, the first 3D view you create in your model needs to be a 3D Isometric view with Surface representation. If no 3D isometric view exists in the model, the utility creates a temporary view using the default isometric settings. If the prp file that this command line key-in creates is deleted, the next time you run this command line command you will receive an error in your system's temp folder indicating that the frozen view record had to be deleted. Simply run this command line again after receiving the error to re-create the prp file. The new binary files can only be generated using PDS batch propagation.

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FrameWorks Manager

Compress Models Key-in You can compress all the model databases in a project by using a single command line statement. This command line utility compresses all the files in the model database. Use the File > Compress Database (see "Compress FrameWorks Plus Database" on page 108) command if you want to compress only certain files in the model database. The syntax for this utility is: FWbatchCompress path_to_proj [log_file] Where:  path_to_proj is the folder path to the FrameWorks Plus project. Examples of the correct syntax include: c:\myproj\, c:\myproj\mod, and c:\myproj\mod\.  log_file is the path to and the filename for the log file. If you do not specify a log_file path and name, the software creates a log file called batchCompress.log in the main project folder. Examples of the correct syntax include: c:\temp\CompressLog.log. Syntax Example: c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus\bin\FWbatchCompress c:\users\myproj\ c:\temp\FWbatchCompress.log

Model Batch Run Key-in You can run a single MDL application (.ma), multiple MDL applications, or MicroStation key-ins using an input file either on an individual model or on all models in a project using a command line key-in. This command line verifies the validity of each model before loading a user-specified application or macro. Possible invalid models include models from older software versions or corrupted models where a database file is missing. This command line does not process invalid models. Error messages are written to the log file, which is stored in the user TEMP environment folder as FWModelBatchRun.log. This command line can only be run from a command line prompt; it cannot be run from PD_Shell. A PDS or FWP license seat is not taken during processing. The syntax for this command is: \FWModelBatchRun [Arguments] Where:  Product Path is the Frame Works Plus installation path. For example, C:\win32app\ingr\fwplus.  Path for Project\Model Directory\Model is the complete UNC path to the project model subfolder or model. You can also enter a mounted drive path. For example, e:\project\mod.  Option 1 or 2 determines whether to load a single MDL application (Option 1) or multiple MDL applications using an input file (Option 2).  Application or Input File Path is the complete path to the MDL application or input file that is run on all models.  Arguments is an optional list of arguments that is required only by MDL applications. Syntax examples: c:\ingr\fwplus\bin\fwModelBatchRun.exe \\pdsserver\FWPProjects\ProjXYZ 1 c:\user_mas\sample1.ma c:\ingr\fwplus\bin\fwbatchVerify.exe \\pdsserver\FWPProjects\ProjXYZ\mod\PipeRack100.dgn 2 c:\temp\inputfile.txt


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

FrameWorks Manager The input file contains all key-ins which are needed to be run on the model, as shown in the following examples:  MDL load - c:\temp\sample1.ma  MDL load - c:\temp\sample2.ma  Macro - c:\temp\macro1.ba

SDNF Import Key-in The SDNF Import command line reads a formatted ASCII (see "Steel Detailing Neutral File Format" on page 45) file to add and update members in FrameWorks Plus. This command reads: Packet 00 - Title Packet, Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet, Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet, Packet 22 - Hole Element Packet, and Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet. All other packets in the Steel Detailing Neutral File (SDNF) are ignored. This command uses a configuration file, called sdnfin.ini, to define settings and other default information. For more information about the configuration file, see Steel Detailing Neutral File Configuration File (on page 84). This command can only be run from a command line prompt, it cannot be run from PD Shell. No PDS or FWP license seat is taken during processing. As with all operations that affect the model database, do not read a steel detailing neutral file into your model until you have a current backup of the model. 

You must lease and install SDNF Import from Intergraph Process, Power & Marine to activate this command.  Cutbacks are not read from the SDNF. You need to run a cutback command in FrameWorks Plus to place cutbacks on members read in from a SDNF.  The member Fabricator ID is not displayable inside FrameWorks Plus but is stored in the model. The Fabricator ID will be written to any future SDNFs that you create from the FrameWorks Plus model.  Plates and holes are placed using the defined vertices. The thickness, face, and offset fields in the SDNF have no affect on plate or hole placement.  No names are applied to members read from a SDNF into a blank model. Use Modify Name (see "Modify Name" on page 235) to assign names to the new members.  When writing members with setback as percentage fireproofing to a Steel Detailing Neutral File (SDNF), the software writes the equivalent setback value to the SDNF instead of the percentage value. If the same member is read back into the model from a SDNF, the software automatically switches the fireproofing for the member from setback as percentage to setback value. This can cause the member's fireproofing to appear to be edited when for all practical purposes the member has not changed. The command syntax to read a steel detailing neutral file is: prod_dir\bin\SDNFImport.exe \\server\share\project\mod\model.dgn c:\temp\sdnfin.ini where: prod_dir is where you installed FrameWorks Plus. For example: c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus \\server\share\project\mod\model.dgn is the complete UNC path to project's mod subfolder including the name of the model.dgn file. You can also enter a mounted drive path, for example: e:\project\mod\model.dgn.

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FrameWorks Manager c:\temp\sdnfin.ini is the path to and file name of the SDNF configuration file. You can also use a UNC path if needed. Examples: c:\ingr\fwplus\bin\SDNFImport.exe \\pdsserver\FWPProjects\ProjXYZ\mod\PipeRack100.dgn \\pdsserver\FWPProjects\sdnfin.ini

Verify Model Key-in You can verify all the models, or an individual model, in a project using a command line key-in. The command line verify model program verifies the validity of each model before processing that model. Possible invalid models include models from older software versions or corrupted models where a database file is missing. The command line verify model will not process invalid models. Error messages are written to the log file. The log file is written to the user TEMP environment variable folder and is named FWBatchVerify.log. The default verify model dialog box options are used. For more information about the default options, see Verify Model (on page 109). This command can only be run from a command line prompt, it cannot be run from PD Shell. No PDS or FWP license seat is taken during processing. The command syntax to check all the models in a project is: prod_dir\bin\FWbatchVerify.exe \\server\share\project\mod The command syntax to check an individual model in a project is: prod_dir\bin\FWbatchVerify.exe \\server\share\project\mod\model.dgn where: prod_dir is where you installed FrameWorks Plus. For example: c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus \\server\share\project\mod is the complete UNC path to project's mod subfolder. You can also enter a mounted drive path, for example: e:\project\mod. Examples: c:\ingr\fwplus\bin\fwbatchVerify.exe \\pdsserver\FWPProjects\ProjXYZ\mod c:\ingr\fwplus\bin\fwbatchVerify.exe \\pdsserver\FWPProjects\ProjXYZ\mod\PipeRack100.dgn

Update Clash Envelope Builder Files Key-in The PD_Clash Envelope Builder uses the same executables delivered with FrameWorks Plus. If you install a newer version of FrameWorks Plus, more than likely there have been fixes made to the envelope builder executables. You need to update executables in the PD_Clash bin directory with the files delivered with FrameWorks Plus. This will ensure that you get the same results when creating envelope files from within FrameWorks Plus as from within PD_Shell. The command syntax is: prod_dir\bin\clashupd.bat path_to_clash_bin where prod_dir is where you installed FrameWorks Plus and path_to_clash_bin is where you installed PD_Clash. For example c:\ingr\fwplus\bin\clashupd.bat c:\ingr\clash\bin


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FrameWorks Manager

Upgrade Project Key-in You can upgrade a project from the previous version to the current version using a command line key-in. The command syntax is: prod_dir\bin\fwprjupdt.exe \\server\share\project\mod \\server\share\u pdate.log where: prod_dir is where you installed FrameWorks Plus. For example: c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus \\server\share\project\mod is the complete UNC path to project's mod subfolder. You can also enter a mounted drive path, for example: e:\project\mod. \\server\share\update.log is the location and name of the upgrade log file. You can also enter a drive path, for example: c:\temp\FWPupdate.log. For example c:\ingr\fwplus\bin\fwprjupdt.exe \\pdsserver\FWPProjects\ProjXYZ\mod c:\temp\FWPupdate.log

Show and Modify Model ID Key-in You can display and modify the ID of a specified model or all model IDs of a specified project using a command line key-in. The command syntax to display the ID of a specified model is: \bin\showAndModifyModID.exe \.mod show where: is where you installed FrameWorks Plus. For example, c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus. \.mod is the complete path to the model and the model name including extension. Example: c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus\bin\showAndModifyModID.exe \\pdsserver\FWPProjects\ProjXYZ\mod\model1.mod show The command syntax to display all model IDs of a specified project is: \bin\showAndModifyModID.exe \mod show where: \mod is the complete path to the project mod subfolder. is BYNAME to display model IDs in the order of model names, or BYID to display model IDs in the order of IDs. It is an optional argument. Example: c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus\bin\showAndModifyModID.exe \\pdsserver\FWPProjects\ProjXYZ\mod show byname The command syntax to display the ID of a specified model is: \bin\showAndModifyModID.exe \.mod where is the new model ID. The range of valid model ID is 1 through 999. Example:

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FrameWorks Manager c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus\bin\showAndModifyModID.exe \\pdsserver\FWPProjects\ProjXYZ\mod\33.mod 999 The command syntax to reassign all model IDs from 1 to maximum number of models is: \bin\showAndModifyModID.exe \mod reassign Example: c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus\bin\showAndModifyModID.exe \\pdsserver\FWPProjects\ProjXYZ\mod reassign


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File The File commands provide access to other FrameWorks Plus models, the section library files, and the analysis and design interfaces.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File In This Section Open Model ................................................................................... 32 FrameWorks Plus Manager ........................................................... 33 Return to Pipe Support Modeler .................................................... 34 Attach Model .................................................................................. 34 Detach Model ................................................................................. 35 Preference Editor ........................................................................... 36 Section Library ............................................................................... 42 Change Cell File ............................................................................ 43 Interactive Section Tables (IST) .................................................... 43 Write Steel Detailing Neutral File ................................................... 44 Read Steel Detailing Neutral File .................................................. 82 Write CSD File ............................................................................... 85 Read CSD File ............................................................................... 86 Analysis.......................................................................................... 88 Import Analytical Deck ................................................................... 100 Import ModelDraft File ................................................................... 103 Interference Checking.................................................................... 105 PML Applications ........................................................................... 106 FPL Applications ............................................................................ 107 Compress FrameWorks Plus Database ........................................ 108 Verify Model ................................................................................... 109 Save FWP Settings ........................................................................ 112 Exit ................................................................................................. 113

Open Model The File > Open Model command lets you change from one FrameWorks Plus model to another without exiting MicroStation or FrameWorks Plus. This allows you to work on one project model and then quickly change to another model in the same or different project. 


This command does not convert model databases from previous versions of FrameWorks Plus to the current database format. You must open the model using FrameWorks Manager to convert the database format.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File 

This command is not available if you activate FrameWorks Plus from PD_Shell.

Files - Specifies the model to open. Either type a model name or select the model name from the list box. The list box displays the files in the active directory that match the List Files of Type setting. Single clicking on any file name selects that file. Double-clicking selects and accepts the file for opening. Directories - Identifies the directory where the models listed in the Files list box are located. The default directory is the model directory for the current project. You can change directories by double-clicking one of the listed directories and by using the Drives pulldown. List Files of Type - Limits the files displayed in the Files list box. The default filter is *.mod, which lists all files with an extension of .mod. Drives - Displays all available drives (both local and network) for your computer. OK - Opens the selected model. Cancel - Dismisses the dialog box without opening the selected model.

See Also Create Model (on page 14)

FrameWorks Plus Manager The File > FrameWorks Manager command activates the main FrameWorks Manager dialog box. Use this command to create new projects, models, drawing files, or section libraries without having to exit FrameWorks Plus. FrameWorks Manager converts model databases from previous versions of FrameWorks Plus to the current database format. For more information, see FrameWorks Manager (on page 11). This command is not available if you activate FrameWorks Plus from PD_Shell.

See Also Copy Model (on page 19) Create Drawing File (on page 17) Create Model (on page 14)

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Create Project (on page 12) Create User Section Table (on page 18) Delete Model (on page 20)

Return to Pipe Support Modeler The File > Return to Pipe Support Modeler command activates the Pipe Support Modeler program from within FrameWorks Plus. You must have started FrameWorks Plus from within Pipe Support Modeler to use this command.

Attach Model The File > Attach Model command attaches, as read-only, model data from another model in the current project. This command is an intelligent extension of MicroStation's reference file capabilities. However, not only are the graphics from the attached model partition visible, but also you can access the database information from elements in the attached model. When a model is attached, FrameWorks Plus attaches the selected model's design file as a reference file and reads in the non-graphical database for the model. The attached model's members are displayed in any active model views whose range includes the attached members. You can then perform any read-only operation on the attached model members as if they were in the active, or local, model. For example, members from an attached model can be reviewed, included in material reports and drawing (frozen) views, and even copied into the active model. Even loads from attached models can be reviewed using the Edit Load command. However, FrameWorks Plus prevents you from performing any operation that would modify the attached model, such as a move, delete, and so forth. You can attach any number of models to the current model and detach one or all of these at any time using the Detach Model (on page 35) command. FrameWorks Plus does not allow you to attach:  a model to itself.  a model from a different project.  a model from a previous FrameWorks Plus version that has not been converted to the current version's database format. 


You should only attach models that share the same model units (for example, Master Units = Feet), or undesirable results will occur.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File 

The active model and the attached models must have the same 3rd Party Software and Design Code if you are planning to write input decks.

Directory - Identifies the directory where the listed models are located. Attach - Attaches the selected models. You can attach more than one model at a time if needed. Cancel - Dismisses the dialog box without attaching the selected models.

See Also Detach Model (on page 35)

Detach Model The File > Detach Model command drops an attached model partition. FrameWorks Plus unloads the detached partition database information and removes all affected members from the active model views. In addition, the reference file for the model design file is detached.

The Detach Model dialog box lists the names and model ID numbers of all attached models that you can detach. To detach a model partition, select the model from the list, and then click Detach. You can then select more than one model at a time to detach.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File If an attached model becomes unavailable, the unavailable model appears in red with the notation "File Not Found". FrameWorks does not automatically detach the unavailable model. If the missing model files become available, FrameWorks Plus will automatically display that model the next time the active model is opened. 

Detaching a model that contains members to which you have applied overrides can cause unpredictable results. We recommend that you either not detach models that have members with overrides or that you remove the overrides before detaching the model. If you absolutely must detach a model with member overrides, attach the models in the same order. For example, you have three models attached: Model A, Model B, and Model C. You apply overrides to members in Model B then detach all the models. You must attach Model A, and then attach Model B.

See Also Attach Model (on page 34)

Preference Editor The Preference Editor command defines dialog box preferences in a central location. Using this command, you can create your own preference files, or edit the two delivered preference files to meet your company's needs. The delivered preference files are ..\fwplus\data\fw.rsc, which is used for models created using Imperial units and ..\fwplus\data\fwm.rsc, which is used for models created using metric units.

File - Displays the name of the resource file you want to edit. You can select an existing resource file by using the Select button. You can create a new resource file by using the Create button. Resource file names are limited to 16 characters in length. Name - Displays the name of the preference.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File Type - Displays the type of preference. There are six preference types: View, Material Report, Analytic Report, Plan Grid, Elevation Grid, and Material Report (Solid). New - Activates the Create Preference dialog box, which is used to create new preferences in the active resource file. Edit - Depending on which type of preference you have selected in the list, the edit button activates one of these ten dialog boxes:  View - Activates the View Preferences dialog box. For more information, see View Preferences (on page 41).  Material Report - Activates the Material Report Preferences dialog box. For more information, see Material Report Preferences (on page 39).  Analytic Report - Activates the Analytic Report Preferences dialog box. For more information, see Analytic Report Preferences (on page 37).  Plan Grid - Activates the Plan Grid Preferences dialog box. For more information, see Plan Grid Preferences (on page 40).  Elevation Grid - Activates the Elevation Grid Preferences dialog box. For more information, see Elevation Grid Preferences (on page 39).  Material Report (Solid) - Activates the Material Report Preferences dialog box for solids. For more information, see Solid Material Report Preferences (on page 40).  Design Parameters - Activates the GTSTRUDL Design Preferences dialog box. For more information, see Design Parameters Preferences (on page 39).  Code Parameters - Activates the Code Parameters dialog box. For more information, see Code Parameters Preferences (on page 38).  Write Input Deck - Activates the Write Analysis Input dialog box. For more information, see Write Analysis Input Preferences (on page 41).  Material Report (COG) - Activates the Material Report Preferences dialog box for center of gravity reports. For more information, see Material Report Preferences (on page 39). Delete - Removes the selected (highlighted) preference from the active resource file. Once you delete a preference, you cannot recover it. Exit - Closes the FrameWorks Plus Preference Editor dialog box and exits the command.

Analytic Report Preferences The Analytic Report Preferences dialog box defines and edits dialog box preferences for the analytic reports dialog boxes.

General - Activates the general analytic report dialog box. Define the preferences that you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Analytic Reports (on page 358).

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Header Format - Activates the analytic report header dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Analytic Reports Header Format (on page 360). Loads Data Format - Activates the analytical loads data format dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Loads Report Data Format (on page 362). Releases Data Format - Activates the analytical releases data format dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Releases Report Data Format (on page 363). Supports Data Format - Activates the analytical supports data format dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Supports Report Data Format (on page 364).

Code Parameters Preferences The Code Parameters dialog box defines and edits dialog box preferences for the all supported code parameters. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, refer to the code for which you are defining preferences for more information.

Supported Codes AISC-ASD (STAAD) (on page 285) AISC-LRFD (STAAD) (on page 288) ASD9 (GTSTRUDL) (on page 290) BS5950 (GTSTRUDL) (on page 293) NF83 (GTSTRUDL) (on page 299) Tower2 (GTSTRUDL) (on page 302) LRFD1 (GTSTRUDL) (on page 297)

Center of Gravity Report Preferences The Material Report Preferences dialog box defines and edits dialog box preferences for the center of gravity reports dialog boxes.

General - Activates the general parameters dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Center of Gravity Reports (on page 365). Header Format - Activates the report header format dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Center of Gravity Report Header Format (on page 367).


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File Data Format - Activates the report data format dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Center of Gravity Report Data Format (on page 369). Totals Format - Activates the totals format dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Center of Gravity Report Totals Format (on page 373).

Design Parameters Preferences The Design Parameters dialog box defines and edits dialog box preferences for GTSTRUDL Design Parameters. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Design Parameters (on page 304).

Elevation Grid Preferences The Elevation Grid Preferences dialog box defines and edits dialog box preferences for the plan grid dialog boxes.

Placement Parameters - Activates the main place elevation grid dialog box. Define the preference you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Place Elevation Grid (on page 205). Line Symbology - Activates the grid line symbology dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Grid Line Symbology (on page 205). Label Symbology - Activates the grid label symbology dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Grid Label Symbology (on page 204).

Material Report Preferences The Material Report Preferences dialog box defines and edits dialog box preferences for the linear member material reports dialog boxes.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File General - Activates the general material report dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Linear Material Reports (on page 334). Header Format - Activates the report header format dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Linear Report Header Format (on page 338). Data Format - Activates the report data format dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Linear Report Data Format (on page 339). Totals Format - Activates the totals format dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Linear Reports Totals Format (on page 347).

Plan Grid Preferences The Plan Grid Preferences dialog box defines and edits dialog box preferences for the plan grid dialog boxes.

Placement Parameters - Activates the main place plan grid dialog box. Define the preference you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Place Plan Grid (on page 201). Line Symbology - Activates the grid line symbology dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Grid Line Symbology (on page 205). Label Symbology - Activates the grid label symbology dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see Grid Label Symbology (on page 204).

Solid Material Report Preferences The Material Report Preferences dialog box defines and edits dialog box preferences for the solid member material reports dialog boxes.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File General - Activates the general material report dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see 3D Solids Material Reports (on page 349). Header Format - Activates the report header format dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see 3D Solid Report Header Format (on page 351). Data Format - Activates the report data format dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see 3D Solid Report Data Format (on page 353). Totals Format - Activates the totals format dialog box. Define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information on the dialog box fields, see 3D Solid Report Totals Format (on page 357).

View Preferences The View Preferences dialog box defines and edits dialog box preferences for the FrameWorks Plus view creation and view modification dialog boxes.

View Parameters - Activates a dialog box similar to the Create View dialog box. Set the preferences the way you want them, and then click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information about the fields on the dialog box, see Create View (on page 148). View Symbology - Activates a secondary dialog box, from which you can choose the member type for which you want to define symbology preference. Select the member type, define the preferences you want, and click Save. You can copy the preference by clicking Save As. For more information about the dialog boxes these buttons activate, see Symbology for Linear Members (on page 153) and Symbology for Solid Members (on page 158).

Write Analysis Input Preferences The Write Analysis Input dialog box defines and edits dialog box preferences for the Write STAAD Input and Write GTSTRUDL Input commands. See Write STAAD Input (on page 95) or Write GTSTRUDL Input (on page 88) (depending on which analysis package you are using) for more information on the dialog box fields.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



Section Library The File > Section Library command activates a dialog box that displays the standard section library name and the attached user section library, if any. You can also open or close a user section library using this command.

FrameWorks Plus uses either one or two section libraries (which contain the geometric and engineering properties of structural sections). The standard section library is required and is defined when the model is created. This library contains all of the standard structural steel sections for a particular national design code, such as AISC. The other, optional section library is called the user library and is used to store and retrieve user-defined sections. FrameWorks Plus does not convert section library units to match model units. FrameWorks Plus assumes that model units and section library units are compatible (both are imperial or both are metric). If you attach a metric section library to model that uses imperial units, FrameWorks Plus will read the library sections as inches, not millimeters. Similarly, an imperial section library attached to a metric model will be read as millimeters, not inches. The user section library is a project-specific file and is located in the project's \esl folder. The environment variable FW_USER_ESL can be used to define a location other than the project's \esl folder for you user section libraries, see Environment Variables (on page 399). You can define your own user section library to create and retrieve nonstandard sections in a project. For information on creating a user section library, see Create User Section Table (on page 18). The user section library should have a unique name to avoid confusion or conflict with the standard section libraries. If a user section library is currently open, clicking Detach will unload it. If no user section library is active, you can load a library by clicking Attach, which activates the Open Section Library dialog box.

See Also Change Cell File (on page 43) Create User Section (on page 384) Interactive Section Tables (IST) (on page 43) Review Section Library (on page 382) Section Library (on page 42)


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Change Cell File The File > Change Cell File command specifies which cell library to use to store arbitrary section's footprints. After you have selected a cell library, make sure you save the FrameWorks Plus settings so that the next time you enter the model; the cell library is automatically attached.

The cell library is a project-specific file and is located in the project's \esl subfolder. The cell library should have a unique name to avoid confusion or conflict. An empty cell library is delivered with FrameWorks Plus in the ..\fwplus\esl folder and is called ist.cel. The delivered ist.cel file is copied to the project's \esl folder every time a project is created. Do not use the ist.cel that is delivered in the ..\fwplus\esl folder to store arbitrary sections. If you ever have to reload FrameWorks Plus, the ist.cel file with all your arbitrary sections is overwritten. Always save your arbitrary sections in the project's ist.cel file.

See Also Create User Section (on page 384) Create User Section Table (on page 18) Interactive Section Tables (IST) (on page 43) Review Section Library (on page 382) Save FWP Settings (on page 112) Section Library (on page 42)

Interactive Section Tables (IST) The File > Interactive Section Tables (IST) command activates the Interactive Section Tables (IST) program. IST provides commands for creating your own section library tables and creating and editing sections in those libraries. Refer to the Interactive Section Tables (IST) documentation for addition information about IST and its commands.

See Also Create User Section (on page 384) Create User Section Table (on page 18) Review Section Library (on page 382) Save FWP Settings (on page 112)

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Section Library (on page 42)

Write Steel Detailing Neutral File The File > Steel Detailing Neutral File > Write command creates a formatted ASCII (see "Steel Detailing Neutral File Format" on page 45) file that can be sent to a fabrication company for steel fabrication. FrameWorks Plus supports writing both version 2.0 and version 3.0 of the steel detailing neutral file. FrameWorks Plus only writes packets: Packet 00 - Title Packet, Packet 10 Linear Member Packet, Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet, Packet 22 - Hole Element Packet, and Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet. Packets 30 - Member Loads, 40 - Connection Details, and 50 Grids are not written to the Steel Detailing Neutral File.

Criteria - The Criteria pulldown activates a dialog box used to define which members to write to the steel detailing neutral file. For more information about this dialog box, see Member Criteria (on page 81). FrameWorks Plus only writes steel and aluminum members to the neutral file. Neutral File Name - Displays the name of the neutral file to write. Click the corresponding Select button to define the folder and file name of the neutral file to write. Mapping File Name - Displays the section name mapping file to use when writing the neutral file. Click the corresponding Select button to select the mapping file. For more information about mapping files, see Create Mapping File (on page 391). Engineering Firm Name - Specifies the engineering firm name to write to the title packet. Client Identification - Specifies the client identification to write to the title packet. Structure Name - Specifies the name of the structure to write to the title packet. Project ID - Specifies the project identification to write to the title packet. Design Code - Specifies the design code used. This information is written to the title packet. Issue Code - Specifies the issue code to write to the title packet.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File Revision Code - Specifies the revision code to write to the title packet. OK - Writes the steel detailing neutral file using the parameters specified. Cancel - Exits the command.

See Also SDNF Import Key-in (on page 27) Write Steel Detailing Neutral File (on page 44) Steel Detailing Neutral File Configuration File (on page 84) Steel Detailing Neutral File Format (on page 45) Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 3.0 (on page 58) Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 3.0 (on page 59) Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 3.0 (on page 64) Packet 22 - Hole Element Packet Version 3.0 (on page 69) Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 3.0 (on page 72) Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 3.0 (on page 73) Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 3.0 (on page 74) Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet Version 3.0 (on page 75) Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 2.0 (on page 46) Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 2.0 (on page 47) Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 2.0 (on page 50) Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 2.0 (on page 51) Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 2.0 (on page 53) Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 2.0 (on page 53) Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet Version 2.0 (on page 54) Member Criteria (on page 81) Read Steel Detailing Neutral File (on page 82)

Steel Detailing Neutral File Format The file is written sequentially with a maximum record length of 132 characters. All records (except the fixed-format Packet identification records) are free formatted, with fields delimited by blanks (white space). Coordinate values are in the global coordinate (X, Y, Z) system. FrameWorks Plus does not support some records in the linear member, plate element, hole element, and arc member packets. However, the records are included in the Steel Detailing Neutral File format because manufacturing software may use them. The following values are used to define format:  FP - Used to indicate a Floating Point value, for example, "12.15" or "1" (decimal optional).  I - Used to indicate an Integer value, for example, "5" (range of values: +/- 2 billion).  Cnn - Used to indicate a character value of nn characters maximum, for example, C10 -- up to 10 characters including blanks. Character strings must be enclosed in double quotes ("example string").  fixed - Used to indicate that a record must have exact content as shown in the example. Except for the fixed format records, the data may start in any column of the record.

Comment Cards Comment cards can be inserted anywhere in the file, provided that the line begins with the # character in the first field. Format: #comment Examples:

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File # This is a comment record # Title Packet # Linear Member Packet

See Also Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 3.0 (on page 58) Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 3.0 (on page 59) Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 3.0 (on page 64) Packet 22 - Hole Element Packet Version 3.0 (on page 69) Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 3.0 (on page 72) Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 3.0 (on page 73) Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 3.0 (on page 74) Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet Version 3.0 (on page 75) Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 2.0 (on page 46) Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 2.0 (on page 47) Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 2.0 (on page 50) Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 2.0 (on page 51) Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 2.0 (on page 53) Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 2.0 (on page 53) Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet Version 2.0 (on page 54) Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 2.0 (on page 46) Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 2.0 (on page 47) Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 2.0 (on page 50) Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 2.0 (on page 51) Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 2.0 (on page 53) Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 2.0 (on page 53)

Version 2 Format Topics Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 2.0 ............................................. 46 Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 2.0 ............................ 47 Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 2.0 .............................. 50 Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 2.0 ............................ 51 Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 2.0 ...................... 53 Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 2.0 ............................................. 53 Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet Version 2.0 ................................. 54

Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 2.0 This packet must be the first in the file. Records 1-5, 7, and 8 provide general information pulled from the Steel Detailing Neutral File dialog box. FrameWorks Plus automatically writes records 6 and 9.







Packet Header


Packet 00


Engineering Firm Identification


"Name of Engineering Firm"


Client Identification


"Name of Client"


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File 4

Structure ID


"Name of Structure"


Project ID


"Name of Project"





Time of File Creation



Revision Number



Issue Code


"Issue Code"


Design Code




Number of Loading Records



FrameWorks Plus initializes this record to 0


'n' load record



Where 'n' is from Record 9

Loading type



0 = load case, 1 = load combination



"Live and Wind Loads"


Complete example for packet 00: Packet 00 "Name of Engineering Firm" "Name of Client" "Name of Structure" "Name of Project" "11/19/96" "13:12" 2 "Issue Code" "AISC-ASD" 0

Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 2.0 Record





Packet Header


Packet 10


linear units



number of members




Valid unit names are: "feet", "meters", "inches", "millimeters"

Combined Records 1 and 2 example: Packet 10 "feet" 376 For Records 3 on, the 6 records that follow represent each linear member: total of 6 times n records, where n is number of members from Record 2 above (376 in the example).

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Record






Member ID



Format is XXXZZZZZ, where XXX is the model ID number and ZZZZZ is the member ID. The member ID is formatted with leading zeros.

Cardinal Point



Cardinal point from 1 to 10




FrameWorks Plus always sets this to 0




Member class from 0 to 9. 0=Primary, 1=Secondary, 2=Tertiary, 3=User1, 4=User2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9




Member type "beam", "column", "brace", "Hbrace", or "Vbrace"

Piece Mark



FrameWorks Plus member name

Revision Number



Always set to 1 by FrameWorks Plus

Record 1 example: 00100020 8 0 1 "beam" "" 1







Section Size



Section size assigned to the member




Material grade name assigned to the member




Rotation of section: 0, 90, 180, 270

Mirror X-Axis



0 is no reflect

Mirror Y-Axis



1 is reflect about Y-axis; 0 is no reflect

Record 2 example: "W12X50" "A36" 90.0 0 0







Orientation Vector


0 0 1.0

Start Coordinates


10 0 72.75

End Coordinates


10 12.5 72.75

Start Cutbacks



End Cutbacks







X Cross-section Offset FP





Offset of the cross-section relative to the x-axis of the section

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File Y Cross-section Offset FP


Offset of the cross-section relative to the y-axis of the section

Record 4 example: 0 -.25 FrameWorks Plus does not use Record 4 during a SDNF read or write. FrameWorks Plus will always write 0 for record 4 and will always read record 4 as 0 when importing a SDNF file even when the SDNF has a value other than 0 defined for record 4. All member offsets for FrameWorks Plus are defined in record 5. Record






X Offset Start



Rigid end offsets at the start of the member

Y Offset Start



Rigid end offsets at the start of the member

Z Offset Start



Rigid end offsets at the start of the member

X Offset End



Rigid end offsets at the end of the member

Y Offset End



Rigid end offsets at the end of the member

Z Offset End



Rigid end offsets at the end of the member

Record 5 example: 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0







End 1: X



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: Y



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: Z



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: RX



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: RY



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: RZ



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: X



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: Y



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: Z



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: RX



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Record





End 2: RY



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: RZ



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

Record 6 example: 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 Complete example for packet 10: Packet 10 "feet" 1 00100020 8 0 1 "beam" "" 1 "W12X50" "A36" 90.0 0 0 0 0 1.0 10 0 72.75 10 12.5 72.75 0 0 0 -.25 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 2.0 Record






Packet Header


Packet 20


linear units



thickness units



number of plates



Combined Records 1 and 2 example: Packet 20 "feet" "feet" 121 For Record 3 on: Each plate is represented by a variable number of records that follow: Record






Plate Number (ID)



Format is XXXZZZZZ, where XXX is the model ID number and ZZZZZ is the member ID. The member ID is formatted with leading zeros.

Connect Point



Plate position relative to the plane defined by plate coordinates. 0=By center, 1=Positive face, -1=Negative face




Always set to 0.




Member class from 0 to 9. 0=Primary, 1=Secondary, 2=Tertiary, 3=User1, 4=User2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9




Record 1 example: 00200213 -1 0 1 "slab"


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide








Piece Mark



FrameWorks initializes this field to an empty string




Material grade assigned to plate




plate thickness


Indicates number of vertices on a plate's face.

Number of Vertices I Record 2 example: "" "A36" 1.125 16

The plate geometry is defined by n records, where n is the number of vertices from Record 2. Each record contains the X, Y, and Z-coordinates of a vertex. Record




Linear Edge Plates

X Coordinate



Y Coordinate



Z Coordinate




Record example for linear edge plates. This example is of a square plate: 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.000 0.000 0.000 5.000 5.000 0.000 0.000 5.000 0.000

Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 2.0 Record





Packet Header


Packet 30


Linear Units



Force Units



Number of Loaded Members




"feet", "inches", "millimeters", or "meters"

Combined Records 1 and 2 example: Packet 30 "feet" "kips" 140 For Record 3 on, each member loading is represented by a variable number of records that follow: Record





Member Number



Number of Loads




Loads on this member

Record 1 example: 00100024 2

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File The loads for each member are represented by '3*n' records that follow, where n is the number of loadings from the record above. In this example, n is 2. Record






Loading Number





"Equipment Loads"

Record 1 example: 1 "Equipment Loads"







Axial Force



Start of member

Shear Y



Start of member

Shear Z



Start of member

Moment Y



Start of member

Moment Z



Start of member




Start of member

Record 2 example: -3.762








Axial Force



End of member

Shear Y



End of member

Shear Z



End of member

Moment Y



End of member

Moment Z



End of member




End of member

Record 3 example: -3.762










Member ends are defined by the order of coordinates in Packet 10. Complete example for packet 30: Packet 30 "feet" "kips" 140 00100024 2 1 "Equipment Loads" -3.762 14.8 4.1 0.03 -77.23 3.17 -3.762 11.3 -8.334 5.4 -14.7 8.64


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 2.0 Record





Packet Header


Packet 40


Number of Connection Details




Combined Records 1 and 2 example: Packet 40 628 For records 3 on, a record represents each connection detail as follows: Record






Detail Number



Member Number



Member End



Connection Detail


"End 1 detail information

1=Start; 2=End

Record 3 example: 177 00100025 1 "End 1 detail information" Complete example for packet 40: Packet 40 628 177 00100025 1 "End 1 detail information"

Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 2.0 Record





Packet Header


Packet 50


Number of Grid Sets or Floor Levels




Combined Records 1 and 2 example: Packet 50 6 For record 3 on, each grid set is represented by a variable number of records that follow: Record





Grid Set Number



Number of Grid Lines



Grid Set Description


"TOS El 108'-0"

Record 1 example: 1 4


"TOS El 108'-0"

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Record





Grid Label



Start X Coordinate



Start Y Coordinate



Start Z Coordinate



End X Coordinate



End Y Coordinate



End Z Coordinate



Record 2 example: 1 -1711.0 -2480.0 2 -1702.0 -2480.0 A -1711.0 -2480.0 B -1711.0 -2495.0

108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0


-1711.0 -1702.0 -1702.0 -1702.0

-2495.0 -2495.0 -2480.0 -2495.0

108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0

Complete example for packet 50: Packet 50 6 1 4 "TOS El 108'-0" 1 -1711.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1711.0 2 -1702.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1702.0 A -1711.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1702.0 B -1711.0 -2495.0 108.0 -1702.0

-2495.0 -2495.0 -2480.0 -2495.0

108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0

Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet Version 2.0 Record





Packet Header


Packet 60


linear units



number of arc members




Valid unit names are: "feet", "meters", "inches", "millimeters"

Combined Records 1 and 2 example: Packet 60 "feet" 120 For Records 3 on, the 7 records that follow represent each arc member: total of 7 times n records, where n is number of members from Record 2 above (120 in the example).








Member ID



Format is XXXZZZZZ, where XXX is the model ID number and ZZZZZ is the member ID. The member ID is formatted with leading zeros.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File Cardinal Point



Cardinal point from 1 to 10




Always set to 0.




Member class from 0 to 9. 0=Primary, 1=Secondary, 2=Tertiary, 3=User1, 4=User2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9




Member type of "beam(Arc)", "column(Arc)", or "brace(Arc)"

Piece Mark



FrameWorks Plus initializes this field to an empty string

Revision Number



Always set to 1 by FrameWorks Plus

Record 1 example: 00100020 8 0 1 "beam(Arc)" "" 1







Section Size



Section size assigned to the member




Material grade name assigned to the member




Rotation of section: 0, 90, 180, 270

Mirror X-Axis



0 is no reflect

Mirror Y-Axis



1 is reflect about Y-axis; 0 is no reflect

Record 2 example: "W12X50" "A36" 90.0 0 0





Center of Arc

FP; FP; FP 10.0 0 0

Is center of arc location in X, Y, Z coordinates

Start Angle



Angle in degrees where the arc starts, for example, with Arc plane normal=0,0,1 and a start angle = 0, the first point of the arc will appear on the East axis (3 o'clock) on a watch. With a start angle = 90, the first point of the arc will be on the North axis (12 o'clock)




Arc sweep in degrees, for example Base on the value of Arc Plane Normal (using a right- hand rule) the sweep angle will proceed counter-clockwise if this normal is 0,0,1. If the normal is 0,0,-1, the sweep angle will proceed clockwise.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide




File Arc Plane Normal Vector

FP; FP; FP 0 0 1.0

Vector normal to the plane of the arc. Uses a right-hand rule based on this vector to determine which way to sweep counter clockwise or clockwise.

Record 3 example: 10.0 0 0 180.0 45.0 0 0 1.0






Orientation Vector


0 0 1.0

Start Coordinates


10 0 72.75

End Coordinates


10 12.5 72.75

Start Cutbacks



End Cutbacks




Record 4 example: 0 0 1.0 10 0 72.75 10 12.5 72.75 0 0







X Cross-section Offset FP


Offset of the cross-section relative to the x-axis of the section

Y Cross-section Offset FP


Offset of the cross-section relative to the y-axis of the section

Record 5 example: 0 -.25







X Offset Start



Rigid end offsets at the start of the member

Y Offset Start



Rigid end offsets at the start of the member

Z Offset Start



Rigid end offsets at the start of the member

X Offset End



Rigid end offsets at the end of the member

Y Offset End



Rigid end offsets at the end of the member

Z Offset End



Rigid end offsets at the end of the member

Record 6 example: 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0








End 1: X



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: Y



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File End 1: Z



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: RX



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: RY



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: RZ



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: X



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: Y



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: Z



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: RX



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: RY



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: RZ



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

Record 7 example: 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 Complete example: Packet 60 "feet" 120 00100020 8 0 1 "beam(Arc)" "" 1 "W12X50" "A36" 90.0 0 0 10.0 0 0 180.0 45.0 0 0 1.0 0 0 1.0 10 0 72.75 10 12.5 72.75 0 0 0 -.25 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

Version 3 Format Topics Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 3.0 ............................................. 58 Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 3.0 ............................ 59 Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 3.0 .............................. 64 Packet 22 - Hole Element Packet Version 3.0............................... 69 Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 3.0 ............................ 72 Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 3.0 ...................... 73 Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 3.0 ............................................. 74 Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet Version 3.0 ................................. 75

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 3.0 This packet must be the first in the file. Records 1, 3 through 6, 8, and 9 provide general information and are read from the Steel Detailing Neutral File dialog box. FrameWorks Plus automatically writes Records 2, 7, and 10. Record





Packet Header


Packet 00


SDNF Version Number C24

"SDNF Version 3.0"


Engineering Firm Identification


"Name of Engineering Firm"


Client Identification


"Name of Client"


Structure ID


"Name of Structure"


Project ID


"Name of Project"





Time of File Creation



Revision Number



Issue Code


"Issue Code"


Design Code




Number of Loading Records



FrameWorks Plus initializes this record to 0

11 on

'n' Load Combination Record



Where 'n' is from Record 10

Loading Type



0= load case, 1=load combination



"Live and Wind Loads"



Complete example for packet 00: Packet 00 "SDNF Version 3.0" "Name of Engineering Firm" "Name of Client" "Name of Structure" "Name of Project" "2/27/02" "13:12" 2 "Issue Code" "AISC-ASD" 0


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 3.0 Record





Packet Header


Packet 10


linear units



number of members




Valid unit names are: "feet", "meters", "inches", "millimeters"

Combined Records 1 and 2 example: Packet 10 "feet" 376 For Records 3 on, the 10 records that follow represent each linear member: total of 10 times n records, where n is number of members from Record 2 above (376 in the example). Record






Member ID



Format is XXXZZZZZ, where XXX is the model ID number and ZZZZZ is the member ID. The member ID is formatted with leading zeros.

Cardinal Point



Cardinal point from 1 to 10




Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file




Member class from 0 to 9. 0=Primary, 1=Secondary, 2=Tertiary, 3=User1, 4=User2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9




Member type "beam", "column", "brace", "Hbrace", or "Vbrace"

Piece Mark



FrameWorks Plus initializes this record to a empty string

Revision Number



Always set to 0 by FrameWorks Plus

Record 1 example: 00100020 8 0 1 "beam" "" 0







Section Size



Section size assigned to the member




Material grade name assigned to the member




Rotation of section: 0, 90, 180, 270

Mirror X-Axis



0 is no reflect

Mirror Y-Axis



1 is reflect about Y-axis; 0 is no reflect

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Record 2 example: "W12X50" "A36" 90.0 0 0







Orientation Vector


0 0 1.0

Start Coordinates


10 0 72.7500

decimal precision to 4 places

End Coordinates


10 12.5 72.7500

decimal precision to 4 places

Start Cutbacks



End Cutbacks



Record 3 example: 0 0 1.0 10 0 72.7500 10 12.5 72.7500 0 0







X Cross-section Offset FP


Offset of the cross-section relative to the x-axis of the section

Y Cross-section Offset FP


Offset of the cross-section relative to the y-axis of the section

Record 4 example: 0 -.25 FrameWorks Plus does not use Record 4 during a SDNF read or write. FrameWorks Plus will always write 0 for record 4 and will always read record 4 as 0 when importing a SDNF file even when the SDNF has a value other than 0 defined for record 4. All member offsets for FrameWorks Plus are defined in record 5. Record






X Offset Start



Rigid end offsets at member start, decimal precision to 4 places

Y Offset Start



Rigid end offsets at member start, decimal precision to 4 places

Z Offset Start



Rigid end offsets at member start, decimal precision to 4 places

X Offset End



Rigid end offsets at member end, decimal precision to 4 places

Y Offset End



Rigid end offsets at member end, decimal precision to 4 places

Z Offset End



Rigid end offsets at member end, decimal precision to 4 places

Record 5 example: 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0000


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File Record






End 1: X



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: Y



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: Z



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: RX



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: RY



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: RZ



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: X



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: Y



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: Z



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: RX



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: RY



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: RZ



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

Record 6 example: 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1







Fabricator ID



FrameWorks initializes this field to 0

Prebuy Mark



FrameWorks initializes this field to an empty string




Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

Creation Date



Date member was created in authoring package

Creation Time



Time member was created in authoring package

Modification Date



Date member was modified in authoring package

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Modification Time C30


Time member was modified in authoring package




Indicates whether fabricator/detailer has updated the member. 1=Member was updated 0=Member has not been updated

Approval Status



Not used by FrameWorks Plus

Record 7 example: 0 "" 3 "11/18/01" "13:12" "12/01/01" "8:00" 1 0








Connection at End 1



Type of end connection at member end 1. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if not defined.

End 1 Connecting Member 1



Member ID of supporting member at end 1. 0 if no member.

End 1 Connecting Member 2



Member ID of supporting member at end 1. 0 if no member.

End 1 Connecting Member 3



Member ID of supporting member at end 1. 0 if no member.

Connection at End 2



Type of end connection at member end 2. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if not defined.

End 2 Connecting Member 1



Member ID of supporting member at end 2. 0 if no member.

End 2 Connecting Member 2



Member ID of supporting member at end 2. 0 if no member.

End 2 Connecting Member 3



Member ID of supporting member at end 2. 0 if no member.

Connection Configuration



Not used by FrameWorks Plus

Assembly 1



Associates other members to this member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File Assembly 2



Associates other members to this member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

Assembly 3



Associates other members to this member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

Record 8 example:

12 00100008 00100013 0 12 00100235 00100245 0 0 1 2 3










0-Steel, 1-Concrete, 2- Aluminum, 3-Plastic, 4-Timber, 5-Other




Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

Fireproofing Thickness



Thickness of the fireproofing. Value is always inches or millimeters based on member units.

Fireproofing Description



0-None; 1-Contour, fully encased; 2-Contour, top flange exposed; 3-Block, fully encased; 4-Block, top flange exposed

Fireproofing Type



0-Shop Applied, 1-Field Applied

Fireproofing Start



Distance from the start of the member to point where fireproofing begins.

Fireproofing End



Distance from the start of the member to point where fireproofing ends.

Record 9 example: 0 3 0.083333 4 1 1.125 14.5







Fabricator Note



Any special note from fabricator. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

User Attribute 1 I


Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

User Attribute 2 I


Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

User Attribute 3 I


Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File User Attribute 4 I


Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

User Attribute 5 I


Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

Record 10 example: 1 2 0 0 0 0 Complete example for packet 10: Packet 10 "feet" 1 00100020 8 0 1 "beam" "" 0 "W12X50" "A36" 90.0 0 0 0 0 1.0 10 0 72.7500 10 12.5 72.7500 0 0 0 -.25 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0000 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 "" 3 "11/18/01" "13:12" "12/01/01" "8:00" 1 0 12 00100008 00100013 0 12 00100235 00100245 0 0 1 2 3 0 3 0.083333 4 1 1.125000 14.500000 1 2 0 0 0 0

Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 3.0 Record






Packet Header


Packet 20


linear units



thickness units



number of plates



Combined Records 1 and 2 example: Packet 20 "feet" "feet" 121 For Record 3 on: Each plate is represented by a variable number of records that follow:








Plate Number (ID)



Format is XXXZZZZZ, where XXX is the model ID number and ZZZZZ is the member ID. The member ID is formatted with leading zeros.

Connect Point



Plate position relative to the plane defined by plate coordinates. 0=By center, 1=Positive face, -1=Negative face




Member Status. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file.




Member class from 0 to 9. 0=Primary, 1=Secondary, 2=Tertiary, 3=User1, 4=User2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File Type



Revision Number



Always set to 0 by FrameWorks Plus

Record 1 example: 00200213 -1 1 1 "slab" 0







Piece Mark



FrameWorks initializes this field to an empty string




Material grade assigned to plate




plate thickness

Number of Vertices per Face



-1 if plate is circular. For linear and complex plates, indicates number of vertices on a plate's face with each straight edge along the periphery connected by two vertices and each arc segment connected by three vertices.




Plate offset distance, similar to the work point offset for linear members. Expressed in feet or meters.

Plate Periphery



0=Plate without any arcs in the periphery;1=Plate with line segments and arcs in the periphery;2=circular plate

Record 2 example: "" "A36" 1.125 5 0.0 0 Depending on the Plate Periphery setting in Record 2, the records that define the vertices locations have different formats. For Linear Edge Plates (0 in Plate Periphery) and Complex Edge Plates (1 in Plate Periphery), the plate geometry is defined by n records for the top face and n records for the bottom face, where n is the number of vertices from Record 2. Each record contains the X, Y, and Z coordinates of a vertex followed by a flag that indicates whether the current vertex and the next vertex are joined by a line or by an arc. For Circular Plates (2 in Plate Periphery), two records, one for the top face and one for the bottom face, define the plate geometry. Each record contains the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the center point followed by the radius. Record




Linear Edge Plates

X Coordinate



Y Coordinate



Z Coordinate



Connection Flag



FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


0=last vertex on face; 1=this vertex and the next vertex are joined by a line


File Record example for linear edge plates. This example is of a square plate: 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 5.000 0.000 0.000 1 5.000 5.000 0.000 1 0.000 5.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0.000 0.000 1.000 1 5.000 0.000 1.000 1 5.000 5.000 1.000 1 0.000 5.000 1.000 1 0.000 0.000 1.000 0





Complex Edge Plates

X Coordinate



Y Coordinate



Z Coordinate



Connection Flag




0=last vertex on face; 1=this vertex and the next vertex are joined by a line; 2=this vertex and the next vertex are connected by an arc

Record example for complex edge plates (for the plate shown):

20.0 40.0 45.0 40.0 20.0 15.0 20.0

10.0 15.0 1 10.0 15.0 2 5.0 15.0 2 0.0 15.0 1 0.0 15.0 2 5.0 15.0 2 10.0 15.0 0





Circular Plates

X Coordinate



Y Coordinate



Z Coordinate







Record example for circular plates: 10.0 4.5 0.000 12.0 10.0 4.5 0.125 12.0


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide








Fabricator ID



FrameWorks initializes this field to 0

Prebuy Mark



FrameWorks Plus initializes this field to an empty string




More specific classification of member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

Creation Date



Date member was created in authoring package

Creation Time



Time member was created in authoring package

Modification Date



Date member was modified in authoring package

Modification Time C30


Time member was modified in authoring package




Indicates whether fabricator/detailer has updated the member. 1=Member was updated 0=Member has not been updated

Approval Status



Not used by FrameWorks Plus

Record 4 example: 0 "" 3 "11/18/01" "13:12" "12/01/01" "8:00" 1 0







Assembly 1



Associates other members to this member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

Assembly 2



Associates other members to this member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

Assembly 3



Associates other members to this member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

Record 5 example: 1 0 3










0-Steel, 1-Concrete, 2- Aluminum, 3-Plastic, 4- Timber, 5-Other




Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Fireproofing Thickness



Not used by FrameWorks Plus

Fireproofing Description



Not used by FrameWorks Plus

Fireproofing Type



0-Shop Applied, 1-Field Applied

Record 6 example: 0 3 0 0 0







Fabricator Note



Any special note from fabricator. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

User Attribute 1 I


Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

User Attribute 2 I


Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

User Attribute 3 I


Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

User Attribute 4 I


Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

User Attribute 5 I


Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

Record 7 example: 1 2 0 0 0 0 Complete example for Packet 20: Packet 20 "feet" "feet" 121 00200213 -1 1 1 "slab" 0 "" "A36" 1.125 5 0.0 0 7.996596 -2.538919 0.083333 1 27.602567 -2.538919 0.083333 1 27.602567 17.083825 0.083333 1 7.996596 17.083825 0.083333 1 7.996596 -2.538919 0.083333 0 7.996596 -2.538919 0.000000 1 27.602567 -2.538919 0.000000 1 27.602567 17.083825 0.000000 1 7.996596 17.083825 0.000000 1 7.996596 -2.538919 0.000000 0 0 "" 3 "11/18/01" "13:12" "12/01/01" "8:00" 1 0 1 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File Packet 22 - Hole Element Packet Version 3.0 Record






Packet Header


Packet 22


linear units



thickness units



number of holes



Combined Records 1 and 2 example: Packet 22 "feet" "feet" 3 For Record 3 on: Each hole is represented by a variable number of records that follow: Record






Hole ID



Format is XXXZZZZZ, where XXX is the model ID number and ZZZZZ is the hole ID. The hole ID is formatted with leading zeros.

Parent Plate ID I


Format is XXXZZZZZ, where XXX is the model ID number and ZZZZZ is the member ID. The member ID is formatted with leading zeros.

Record 1 example: 00200006 00200004







Hole Periphery



0=Hole without any arcs in the periphery;1=Hole with line segments and arcs in the periphery;2=Circular hole




Hole thickness


-1 if hole is circular. For linear and complex holes, indicates number of vertices on a hole's face with each straight edge along the periphery connected by two vertices and each arc segment connected by three vertices.

Number of I Vertices per Face

Record 2 example: 0 1.125 5 Depending on the Hole Periphery setting in Record 2, the records that define the vertices locations have different formats. For Linear Edge Holes (0 in Hole Periphery) and Complex Edge Holes (1 in Hole Periphery), the hole geometry is defined by n records for the top face and n records for the bottom face, where n is the number of vertices from Record 2. Each record contains the X, Y, and Z coordinates of a vertex followed by a flag that indicates whether the current vertex and the next vertex are joined by a line or by an arc.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File For Circular Holes (2 in Hole Periphery), two records, one for the top face and one for the bottom face, define the hole geometry. Each record contains the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the center point followed by the radius. Record




Linear Edge Holes

X Coordinate



Y Coordinate



Z Coordinate



Connection Flag




0=last vertex on face; 1=this vertex and the next vertex are joined by a line

Record example for linear edge holes. This example is of a square hole: 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 5.000 0.000 0.000 1 5.000 5.000 0.000 1 0.000 5.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0.000 0.000 1.000 1 5.000 0.000 1.000 1 5.000 5.000 1.000 1 0.000 5.000 1.000 1 0.000 0.000 1.000 0





Complex Edge Holes

X Coordinate



Y Coordinate



Z Coordinate



Connection Flag




0=last vertex on face; 1=this vertex and the next vertex are joined by a line; 2=this vertex and the next vertex are connected by an arc

Record example for complex edge holes (for the hole shown):


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File 20.0 40.0 45.0 40.0 20.0 15.0 20.0

10.0 15.0 1 10.0 15.0 2 5.0 15.0 2 0.0 15.0 1 0.0 15.0 2 5.0 15.0 2 10.0 15.0 0





Circular Holes

X Coordinate



Y Coordinate



Z Coordinate







Record example for circular holes: 10.00 4.50 0.000 12.0 10.00 4.50 0.125 12.0







Approval Status I


Initialized as 0 by FrameWorks Plus.

Design Status



Design Status for the member. Initialized as 0 by FrameWorks Plus

Fabricator Note



Any special note from fabricator. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

Hole Treatment



Initialized as 0 by FrameWorks Plus.

Record 4 example: 0 3 0 0







User Attribute 1



Not supported by FrameWorks Plus

User Attribute 2



Not supported by FrameWorks Plus

User Attribute 3



Not supported by FrameWorks Plus

Record 5 example: 0 0 0 Complete example for packet 22:

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Packet 22 "feet" "feet" 1 00100007 00100002 0 0.083333 5 11.987205 7.706570 15.804257 7.706570 15.804257 2.670645 11.987205 2.670645 11.987205 7.706570 11.987205 15.804257 15.804257 11.987205 11.987205 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7.706570 7.706570 2.670645 2.670645 7.706570

0.083333 0.083333 0.083333 0.083333 0.083333

1 1 1 1 0

0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

1 1 1 1 0

Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 3.0 Record





Packet Header


Packet 30


Linear Units



Force Units



Number of Loaded Members




"feet", "inches", "millimeters", or "meters"

Combined Records 1 and 2 example: Packet 30 "feet" "kips" 140 For Record 3 on, each member loading is represented by a variable number of records that follow: Record





Member Number



Number of Loads




Loads on this member

Record 1 example: 00100024 2 The loads for each member are represented by '3*n' records that follow, where n is the number of loadings from the record above. In this example, n is 2. Record






Loading Number





"Equipment Loads"

Record 1 example: 1 "Equipment Loads"


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File Record






Axial Force



Start of member

Shear Y



Start of member

Shear Z



Start of member

Moment Y



Start of member

Moment Z



Start of member




Start of member

Record 2 example: -3.762








Axial Force



End of member

Shear Y



End of member

Shear Z



End of member

Moment Y



End of member

Moment Z



End of member




End of member

Record 3 example: -3.762










Member ends are defined by the order of coordinates in Packet 10. Complete example for packet 30: Packet 30 "feet" "kips" 140 00100024 2 1 "Equipment Loads" -3.762 14.8 4.1 0.03 -77.23 3.17 -3.762 11.3 -8.334 5.4 -14.7 8.64

Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 3.0 Record





Packet Header


Packet 40


Number of Connection Details




Combined Records 1 and 2 example: Packet 40 628 For records 3 on, a record represents each connection detail as follows:

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Record






Detail Number



Member Number



Member End



Connection Detail


"End 1 detail information

1=Start; 2=End

Record 3 example: 177 00100025 1 "End 1 detail information" Complete example for packet 40: Packet 40 628 177 00100025 1 "End 1 detail information"

Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 3.0 Record





Packet Header


Packet 50


Number of Grid Sets or Floor Levels




Combined Records 1 and 2 example: Packet 50 6 For record 3 on, each grid set is represented by a variable number of records that follow: Record





Grid Set Number



Number of Grid Lines



Grid Set Description


"TOS El 108'-0"

Record 1 example: 1 4


"TOS El 108'-0"






Grid Label



Start X Coordinate



Start Y Coordinate



Start Z Coordinate



End X Coordinate



End Y Coordinate



End Z Coordinate





Record 2 example:


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File 1 2 A B

-1711.0 -1702.0 -1711.0 -1711.0

-2480.0 -2480.0 -2480.0 -2495.0

108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0

-1711.0 -1702.0 -1702.0 -1702.0

-2495.0 -2495.0 -2480.0 -2495.0

108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0

Complete example for packet 50: Packet 50 6 1 4 "TOS El 108'-0" 1 -1711.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1711.0 2 -1702.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1702.0 A -1711.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1702.0 B -1711.0 -2495.0 108.0 -1702.0

-2495.0 -2495.0 -2480.0 -2495.0

108.0 108.0 108.0 108.0

Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet Version 3.0 Record





Packet Header


Packet 60


linear units



number of arc members




Valid unit names are: "feet", "meters", "inches", "millimeters"

Combined Records 1 and 2 example: Packet 60 "feet" 120 For Records 3 on, the 11 records that follow represent each arc member: total of 11 times n records, where n is number of members from Record 2 above (120 in the example). Record






Member ID



Format is XXXZZZZZ, where XXX is the model ID number and ZZZZZ is the member ID. The member ID is formatted with leading zeros.

Cardinal Point



Cardinal point from 1 to 10




Member Status. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file




Member class from 0 to 9. 0=Primary, 1=Secondary, 2=Tertiary, 3=User1, 4=User2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9




Member type of "beam(Arc)", "column(Arc)", or "brace(Arc)"

Piece Mark



FrameWorks Plus initializes this field to an empty string

Revision Number



Always set to 0 by FrameWorks Plus

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Record 1 example: 00100020 8 0 1 "beam(Arc)" "" 0







Section Size



Section size assigned to the member




Material grade name assigned to the member




Rotation of section: 0, 90, 180, 270

Mirror X-Axis



0 is no reflect

Mirror Y-Axis



1 is reflect about Y-axis; 0 is no reflect

Record 2 example: "W12X50" "A36" 90.0 0 0







Center of Arc

FP; FP; FP 10.0 0 0

Is center of arc location in X, Y, Z coordinates

Start Angle



Angle in degrees where the arc starts, for example, with Arc plane normal=0,0,1 and a start angle = 0, the first point of the arc will appear on the East axis (3 o'clock) on a watch. With a start angle = 90, the first point of the arc will be on the North axis (12 o'clock)




Arc sweep in degrees, for example Base on the value of Arc Plane Normal (using a right- hand rule) the sweep angle will proceed counter-clockwise if this normal is 0,0,1. If the normal is 0,0,-1, the sweep angle will proceed clockwise.

Arc Plane Normal Vector

FP; FP; FP 0 0 1.0

Vector normal to the plane of the arc. Uses a right-hand rule based on this vector to determine which way to sweep counter clockwise or clockwise.

Record 3 example: 10.0 0 0 180.0 45.0 0 0 1.0







Orientation Vector


0 0 1.0

Start Coordinates


10 0 72.75

End Coordinates


10 12.5 72.75

Start Cutbacks



End Cutbacks




FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File Record 4 example: 0 0 1.0 10 0 72.75 10 12.5 72.75 0 0







X Cross-section Offset FP


Offset of the cross-section relative to the x-axis of the section

Y Cross-section Offset FP


Offset of the cross-section relative to the y-axis of the section

Record 5 example: 0 -.25







X Offset Start



Rigid end offsets at the start of the member

Y Offset Start



Rigid end offsets at the start of the member

Z Offset Start



Rigid end offsets at the start of the member

X Offset End



Rigid end offsets at the end of the member

Y Offset End



Rigid end offsets at the end of the member

Z Offset End



Rigid end offsets at the end of the member

Record 6 example: 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0







End 1: X



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: Y



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: Z



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: RX



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: RY



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 1: RZ



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: X



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: Y



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: Z



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File End 2: RX



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: RY



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

End 2: RZ



0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for that Degree of Freedom

Record 7 example: 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1







Fabricator ID



FrameWorks Plus initializes this field to 0

Prebuy Mark



FrameWorks Plus initializes this field as an empty string




More specific classification of member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

Creation Date



Date member was created in authoring package

Creation Time



Time member was created in authoring package

Modification Date



Date member was modified in authoring package

Modification Time C30


Time member was modified in authoring package




Indicates whether fabricator/detailer has updated the member. 1=Member was updated 0=Member has not been updated

Approval Status



Not used by FrameWorks Plus

Record 8 example:


0 "" 3 "11/18/01" "13:12" "12/01/01" "8:00" 1 0







Connection at End 1



Type of end connection at member end 1. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if not defined.

End 1 Connecting Member 1



Member ID of supporting member at end 1. 0 if no member.

End 1 Connecting Member 2



Member ID of supporting member at end 1. 0 if no member.

End 1 Connecting Member 3



Member ID of supporting member at end 1. 0 if no member.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File Connection at End 2



Type of end connection at member end 2. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if not defined.

End 2 Connecting Member 1



Member ID of supporting member at end 2. 0 if no member.

End 2 Connecting Member 2



Member ID of supporting member at end 2. 0 if no member.

End 2 Connecting Member 3



Member ID of supporting member at end 2. 0 if no member.

Connection Configuration



Not used by FrameWorks Plus.

Assembly 1



Associates other members to this member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

Assembly 2



Associates other members to this member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

Assembly 3



Associates other members to this member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

Record 9 example:

12 00100008 00100013 0 12 00100235 00100245 0 0 1 2 3










0-Steel, 1-Concrete, 2- Aluminum, 3-Plastic, 4-Timber, 5-Other




Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

Fireproofing Thickness



Thickness of the fireproofing. Value is always inches or millimeters based on member units.

Fireproofing Description



0-None; 1-Contour, fully encased; 2-Contour, top flange exposed; 3-Block, fully encased; 4-Block, top flange exposed

Fireproofing Type



0-Shop Applied, 1-Field Applied

Fireproofing Start



Distance from the start of the member to point where fireproofing begins.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Fireproofing End



Distance from the start of the member to point where fireproofing ends.

Record 10 example: 0 3 0.083333 1 0 1.125 14.5







Fabricator Note



Any special note from fabricator. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

User Attribute 1 I


Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

User Attribute 2 I


Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

User Attribute 3 I


Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

User Attribute 4 I


Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

User Attribute 5 I


Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

Record 11 example: 1 2 0 0 0 0 Packet 60 "feet" 120 00100020 8 0 1 "beam(Arc)" "" 0 "W12X50" "A36" 90.0 0 0 10.0 0 0 180.0 45.0 0 0 1.0 0 0 1.0 10 0 72.75 10 12.5 72.75 0 0 0 -.25 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 "" 3 "11/18/01" "13:12" "12/01/01" "8:00" 1 0 12 00100008 00100013 0 12 00100235 00100245 0 0 1 2 3 0 3 0.083333 1 0 1.125 14.5 1 2 0 0 0 0


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Member Criteria The Criteria > Member Criteria command is used to define which members you want to write to the steel detailing neutral file. Because you define the criteria for what members to write to the neutral file here, the settings in the Select Filter Settings command are ignored. FrameWorks Plus writes only steel and aluminum members to the neutral file.

Design Type - Toggle on the member design types you want to write to the neutral file. FrameWorks Plus only writes members with a material type of steel and aluminum to the neutral file. Member Class - Toggle on the member classes you want to write to the neutral file. Attach Model - Defines whether to write members from attached models to the neutral file in addition to the members in the active model. Selection Criteria - Defines whether to write members from a selection set or to write all the members in the model to the neutral file. All On - Toggles on all Design Type and Member Class settings. The default is that all settings are selected. All Off - Toggles off all Design Type and Member Class settings. OK - Saves any changes you have made and exits the dialog box. Cancel - Ignores any changes you have made and exits the dialog box.

See Also SDNF Import Key-in (on page 27) Write Steel Detailing Neutral File (on page 44) Steel Detailing Neutral File Configuration File (on page 84) Steel Detailing Neutral File Format (on page 45) Read Steel Detailing Neutral File (on page 82)

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



Read Steel Detailing Neutral File The File > Steel Detailing Neutral File > Read command reads a formatted ASCII (see "Steel Detailing Neutral File Format" on page 45) file to add and update members in FrameWorks Plus. This command reads: Packet 00 - Title Packet, Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet, Packet 20 Plate Element Packet, Packet 22 - Hole Element Packet, and Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet. All other packets in the Steel Detailing Neutral File (SDNF) are ignored. You also import a steel detailing neutral file from a command line. For more information see SDNF Import Key-in (on page 27). As with all operations that affect the model database, do not read a steel detailing neutral file into your model until you have a current backup of the model. If the steel detailing neutral file contains a large number of solids and holes, you can use the FW_SDNF_NUMOFSOLIDS_PER_INSTANCE environment variable to perform a multi-stage import. This variable can be defined either in the product config.dat file, which is located in the ..\fwplus\data folder, or the project config.dat file, which is located in the ..\myproject\data folder.     

  


When you import a steel detailing file in multiple stages, the software creates one log file per stage in the interface (\int) folder of the Frameworks Plus project. The FW_SDNF_NUMOFSOLIDS_PER_INSTANCE environment variable does not work if you import the SDNF file using a command line utility. You must lease and install SDNF Import from Intergraph Process, Power & Marine to activate this command. Cutbacks are not read from the SDNF. You need to run a cutback command in FrameWorks Plus to place cutbacks on members read in from a SDNF. The member Fabricator ID is not displayable inside FrameWorks Plus but is stored in the model. The Fabricator ID will be written to any future SDNFs that you create from the FrameWorks Plus model. Plates and holes are placed using the defined vertices. The thickness, face, and offset fields in the SDNF have no affect on plate or hole placement. No names are applied to members read from a SDNF into a blank model. Use Modify Name (on page 235) to assign names to the new members. When writing members with setback as percentage fireproofing to a Steel Detailing Neutral File (SDNF), the software writes the equivalent setback value to the SDNF instead of the percentage value. If the same member is read back into the model from a SDNF, the software automatically switches the fireproofing for the member from setback as percentage to setback value. This can cause the member's fireproofing to appear to be edited when for all practical purposes the member has not changed.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File This command uses a configuration file, called sdnfin.ini, to define settings and other default information. For more information about the configuration file, see Steel Detailing Neutral File Configuration File (on page 84).

SDNF File - Specify the Steel Detailing Neutral File that you want to read into the model. It is your responsibility to ensure that the neutral file that you are specifying corresponds to the current model. Map File - Specify the mapping file to use when reading the sections from the neutral file. For more information, see Create Mapping File (on page 391). Add new linear members - Select to add linear members defined in the neutral file that do not exist in the FrameWorks Plus model to the model. Add new Solid members - Select to add solid members defined in the neutral file that do not exist in the FrameWorks Plus model to the model. Add new Hole members - Select to add holes defined in the neutral file that do not exist in the FrameWorks Plus model to the model. Edit existing Linear members - Select to update the attributes of linear members in the FrameWorks Plus model with the corresponding linear member attributes defined in the neutral file. Geometry changes defined in the neutral file for a member are not applied to the member in the FrameWorks Plus model. Edit existing Solid members - Select to update the attributes of solid members in the FrameWorks Plus model with the corresponding solid member attributes defined in the neutral file. Geometry changes defined in the neutral file for a member are not applied to the member in the FrameWorks Plus model. Edit existing Hole members - Select to update the attributes of hole in the FrameWorks Plus model with the corresponding hole attributes defined in the neutral file. Geometry changes defined in the neutral file for a hole are not applied to the hole in the FrameWorks Plus model. Delete existing Connection Parts - Select to delete existing connection parts in the model when new connection parts exist in the SDNF file for a member. Delete existing Connection Plates - Select to delete existing connection plates in the model when new connection plates exist in the SDNF file for a member.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Totals - Displays the total number of members, solids, and holes that were added and edited. Preview - Processes the neutral file and creates a log file without actually adding or editing the members in the model. The log file is written to the \int subfolder of the project. Highlight - Select which members to highlight in the model.  None - Do not highlight any members in the model.  To be modified - Highlight members in the model that will be modified. The members have an attribute changed in the SDNF file compared to the model.  To be deleted - Highlight connection parts and plates that will be deleted.  Not in SDNF File - Highlight members in the model that are not in the SDNF file. The members may have been deleted by fabricator.  New in SDNF File - Highlight members in the SDNF file that are not in the model. Read - Scans the specified neutral file updating and adding members as needed. A log file is written to the \int subfolder of the project.

See Also SDNF Import Key-in (on page 27) Write Steel Detailing Neutral File (on page 44) Steel Detailing Neutral File Configuration File (on page 84) Steel Detailing Neutral File Format (on page 45) Member Criteria (on page 81) Read Steel Detailing Neutral File (on page 82)

Steel Detailing Neutral File Configuration File When activating the File > Steel Detailing Neutral File > Read command or the SDNF Import command line command, SDNF Import looks for the sdnfin.ini configuration file in the folder defined by the FW_DATA variable in the config.dat file for the project. You can set the following parameters in the configuration file: SDNFFile - Sets the full path to and filename of the Steel Detailing Neutral File that you want to read in. This value appears in the SDNF File field of the dialog box. SDNFUpdMembers - If set to 1, the software updates the attributes of linear members in the FrameWorks Plus model with the corresponding linear member attributes defined in the Steel Detailing Neutral File. If set to 0, members are not updated. This value appears in the Edit existing members check box. SDNFUpdSolids - If set to 1, the software updates the attributes of solid members in the FrameWorks Plus model with the corresponding solid member attributes defined in the Steel Detailing Neutral File. If set to 0, members are not updated. This value appears in the Edit existing solid members check box. SDNFAddMembers - If set to 1, the software adds linear members defined in the Steel Detailing Neutral File that do not exist in the FrameWorks Plus model to the model. If set to 0, members are not added to the model. This value appears in the Add new linear members check box. SDNFAddSolids - If set to 1, the software adds solid members or holes defined in the Steel Detailing Neutral File that do not exist in the FrameWorks Plus model to the model. If set to 0, solids are not added to the model. This value appears in the Add new solid/hole members check box. verbose - Set the amount of detail written to the log file.  Verbose=0x01; writes all interactive output is written to the log file.  Verbose=0x08; the configuration file is copied to the log file  Verbose=0x10; the Steel Detailing Neutral File is copied to the log file.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File  

Verbose=0x20; reports each member that is read to the log file. Verbose=0xFF; turns off all flags.

See Also Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 3.0 (on page 58) Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 3.0 (on page 59) Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 3.0 (on page 64) Packet 22 - Hole Element Packet Version 3.0 (on page 69) Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 3.0 (on page 72) Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 3.0 (on page 73) Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 3.0 (on page 74) Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet Version 3.0 (on page 75) Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 2.0 (on page 46) Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 2.0 (on page 47) Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 2.0 (on page 50) Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 2.0 (on page 51) Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 2.0 (on page 53) Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 2.0 (on page 53) Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet Version 2.0 (on page 54)

Write CSD File The File > CSD > Write command writes a structural model created in FrameWorks Plus to a Common Structural Database (CSD) file. The CSD file is a binary file that contains geometric and property data for the structure's physical members. The CSD file is used to translate a single model or an entire structural project from one product to another. You can also use the CSD to transfer members between FrameWorks Plus models in the same or different projects. The CSD file format is used by several of Intergraph Corporation's structural products, including Structural Modeling System (SMS) and MicasPlus ModelDraft. In addition, certain other third party and in-house developed software packages can create CSD files. If different model partitions are attached to the model, these members can be optionally written to the CSD file along with members in the local model. Arc and solid members are not supported by the CSD and are therefore not written to the CSD file.

CSD File Name - Specifies the name of the file to create. The default is modname.blu, where modname is the name of your active model. The file is created in the project's interface folder (\int). The .blu extension is the file naming convention used by the Intergraph products. Model Origin - You can redefine the model's origin for members written to the CSD file, if necessary. Three options are available: Coincident, By Point, and By Key-in.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File 

If Coincident, the CSD file members will have identical coordinates to the current model. Using By Point or By Key-in allows you to translate or shift the model such that the (0,0,0) origin of the CSD file will lie at a specified point in the local model.  If the By Point option is selected, FrameWorks Plus will prompt Enter Model Origin. Enter a data point in any view at the location you want to be the model origin. The specified point is reflected in the X, Y, and Z fields.  The By Key-in option allows you to type the X, Y, and Z values manually. X: Y: Z: - These key-in fields specify (or modify) the origin to be used for the members in the CSD file. If Model Origin is set to Coincident, these fields are disabled. Write Attached Model Data - If there are any attached model partitions, you can also write the member data from the attached partitions to the CSD file by setting this toggle on. This item is disabled if there are no attached partitions. OK - Writes the CSD file as defined to the project's \int directory. An alert box displays the number of members written to the CSD file. Cancel - Dismisses the dialog box without writing the CSD file.

To read a CSD file To write a CSD file Read CSD File (on page 86)

Read CSD File The File > CSD > Read command imports, or reads in, the model in a Common Structural Database (CSD) file into the active model. The CSD file format is used by several of Intergraph Corporation's structural products, including Structural Modeling System (SMS) and MicasPlus ModelDraft. In addition, certain other third-party software packages can read CSD files.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File If you are reading a CSD file created from a FrameWorks Plus or MicasPlus ModelDraft model that used a User Section Library, be sure to attach that User Section Library before reading in the CSD file.

CSD File - Specifies the name of the CSD file to import. It can be entered by keying in the CSD file name or by selecting it from the Files list box. Directory - Identifies the folder where the CSD files, listed in the Files list box, are located. The default folder is the project's interface folder. You can change folders by selecting another folder in the Directories list box. Files - Displays all files found in the specified folder that match the type criteria. Clicking on any file name places it in the CSD File field. Double-clicking selects and accepts the file name and begins the read CSD process. Directories - Displays all parent folders and subfolders, as well as disk drives that are accessible from the current folder. Double-clicking on one of the listed folders (or drives) makes it the active folder. List Files of Type - Limits the number of files displayed in the Files list box. The default type is *.blu, which lists all files with an extension of .blu. Model Origin - Redefines the model origin in the CSD file to be read. This feature can be used to align models that were created with different coordinate systems. Three options are available: By Key-in, By Point, and Coincident.  If Coincident, no adjustment is made to the data in the CSD file, and the (0,0,0) origin point of the imported model is placed at the origin of the active model.  The By Key-in and By Point options allow you to specify a specific point in the active design file to which the imported model is translated. If By Point, you are prompted for a data point to specify the origin. The By Key-in option simply allows you to type the X, Y, and Z values for the origin (in Master Units). OK - FrameWorks Plus reads in all members contained in the selected CSD file and creates the members in the local model database using the geometry and member properties defined in the CSD. If the imported members fall within the range of any active model view(s), they are displayed as they are read in. When the operation is completed, FrameWorks Plus displays the number of members read in.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Cancel - Exits the command without reading the CSD file.

See Also Write CSD File (on page 85)

Analysis The File > Analysis command is the interface to take the active FrameWorks Plus model into a third-party analysis and design software package. The software package you are using is defined when you create the model, but can be changed using the 3rd Party Software (on page 143) command. Only that software's write and read commands display under the File > Analysis menu.

Write GTSTRUDL Input The File > Analysis > Write GTSTRUDL Input command activates the Create GTSTRUDL Input dialog box. FrameWorks Plus provides a two-way interface to the GTSTRUDL structural analysis and design product. FrameWorks Plus uses the member property and geometric data in the model database to create the ASCII input file for the GTSTRUDL program. You can edit the input file using a standard text editor if needed. FrameWorks Plus does not write arc or solid members out to the GTSTRUDL input deck. Tapered members are conservatively written as prismatic with the smallest A x. In creating the input file, FrameWorks Plus must first "split" the physical members in the model into the analytical members used by the finite-element analysis program. Many options are available for creating certain types of data in the GTSTRUDL input file. These are controlled using the various items on the GTSTRUDL interface dialog boxes, as described below. You can create the input file for the whole FrameWorks Plus model, a selected portion of the model, or for an entire project (by attaching other model partitions). All attached models must have GTSTRUDL as their 3rd Party Software and use the same GTSTRUDL Design Code; otherwise FrameWorks Plus will not let you write the input deck. To ensure that beta angles are correctly represented in the analysis input deck, do not use the Modify Reflect command to rotate members. Instead you should use the Modify Orientation Vector command to properly orient a member. The beta angle calculation for single angles is based on the arbitrary X and Y-axes and not the principal axes of the cross section. GTSTRUDL use the principal axes in beta angle specification. The FrameWorks Plus calculated beta angle would not agree if you use the Modify Reflect command.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File At your option, you can also create a check plot of the analytical element and joint (node) ID numbers. This check plot consists of line and text graphics, created on the levels that you specify. These graphics are also graphic grouped together for easier manipulation, deletion, and so forth.

Model Type - Defines the structure type to be analyzed as Space Frame. Length Units - You can create the input geometry information using any of the following length units: Feet, Inches, Meters, Centimeters, and Millimeters. The selected length units can be different from the model length units. Force Units - Supported Force Units include: Pounds, Kips, Newtons, and KiloNewtons (KN). The selected force units can be different from the model force units. Coordinate System - GTSTRUDL users traditionally refer to the Y-axis as vertical, whereas MicroStation, FrameWorks Plus, and most other 3D CAD products use the Z- axis as the vertical. Due to the definition of the member orientation Beta Angle in GTSTRUDL, the use of the Z-axis as vertical results in non-zero beta angles for many of the horizontal beam and brace members. Although mathematically correct, this can be a source of confusion when the input and/or output data is analyzed. Therefore, FrameWorks Plus allows you to transform the Z-axis vertical geometry into the GTSTRUDL convention (Y-axis vertical) so that the beta angles appear as expected by setting this option to Y- vertical. If this is set to Z-vertical, no transformation of the geometry takes place. Model Origin - You can shift the model to a specified origin point by setting the Model Origin option button to By Point or By Key-in. The By Point option prompts for a data point in the design file to become the (0,0,0) origin point for the input geometry. The By Key-in option allows you to type the needed X, Y, and Z values in the key-in fields below (in Master Units). If set to Coincident, no translation of the geometry is performed. Use Mapping File - If on, FrameWorks Plus uses a predefined ASCII file that you specify to swap FrameWorks Plus section names in the input file with section names used by GTSTRUDL. By using a mapping file, you greatly reduce the possibility of getting "section not found" errors when opening the input file in GTSTRUDL. The mapping file is created using Create Mapping File (on page 391).

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File You are responsible for verifying and maintaining the GTSTRUDL section names in the mapping file. Include - If set to All Members, FrameWorks Plus includes all members in the active model in the input deck, as well as members from any attached model partitions if the Include Attached Models toggle is on. If set to Selection Set, only members in the active selection set are included. Use Selection Filter - The criteria defined in the Selection Filter dialog box are used to filter out specific elements if this toggle is on. This filter applies to both All Members and Selection Set groups. For more information, see Select Filter Settings (on page 116). Include Attached Models - If on, FrameWorks Plus includes members from any attached model partitions in the input file. Define Groups - If on, FrameWorks Plus writes group information to the input deck. You can write groups based on member types, FrameWorks Plus Named Groups, or both. For more information, see Add Groups to Input Deck (on page 91). Analytical Group for each Named Group - If on, FrameWorks Plus writes an analytical group in the input deck for every FrameWorks Plus Named Group in the model. The Define Groups option must be on before you can select this option. File Name - Type the name of the input file to create. By default, the model name (with no extension) is used. Any valid file name is acceptable. FrameWorks Plus creates the input file in the interface folder (\int) for the current project. Title - The job title is used by GTSTRUDL as an identifier for the problem to be run and appears on all printed output information. Group Physical Members - If on, FrameWorks Plus creates define group records in the input that instruct the GTSTRUDL program to treat the grouped analytical elements as a physical member. That is, all grouped elements are assigned a single section size during the Member Selection (design) procedure. Member groups are formed for all analytical elements derived from a single physical member in the model. FrameWorks Plus gives a unique physical member name (xxxyyyyy) to each member when it is created. (Where xxx is the model ID and the yyyyy is the member ID.) Physical member IDs in FrameWorks Plus never change. This means that the GTSTRUDL group name does not change from one run to another even if model was modified between runs. Write Analytical Information - If on, FrameWorks Plus writes the loads, design parameters, member releases, and member supports defined in the model to the input file. Non-AISC Sections - Specifies how you want non-AISC sections written to the GTSTRUDL input deck.  Export by Property - Writes the non-AISC section to the input deck as a prismatic member. All properties of the prismatic member are also written to the input deck.  Export by Name - Writes the non-AISC section name to the input deck as well as the section table name. The section's properties are not written to the input deck. Echo Input Data - This toggle allows you to create the GTSTRUDL LISTON command. Print Joint Coordinates - If on, FrameWorks Plus generates the print joint coordinates statement in the input file. Print Member Information - If on, FrameWorks Plus creates the print member incidences and the print member properties records. Create Check Plot - This toggle enables or disables the creation of check plot graphics denoting the analytical element and node ID numbers. You can define the level and symbology of the check plot graphics using the Symbology pulldown menu at the top of the dialog box.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File Check plot graphics are always created as a graphic group. In general, you should create a check plot each time you write a new GTSTRUDL input file, as the node and element IDs are regenerated with every write operation. You can delete check plots from previous runs using the MicroStation delete command. OK - FrameWorks Plus processes the data for the selected group of members and creates the input file for GTSTRUDL in the project's interface folder. Additionally, FrameWorks Plus creates a binary map file that is used by FrameWorks Plus when the results of the GTSTRUDL design process are read back into the model. This file is also created in the interface folder, using the same name as the input file with a .map extension.

See Also ASD9 (GTSTRUDL) (on page 290) BS5950 (GTSTRUDL) (on page 293) Import Analytical Deck (on page 100) LRFD1 (GTSTRUDL) (on page 297) NF83 (GTSTRUDL) (on page 299) Read GTSTRUDL Results (on page 93) 3rd Party Software (on page 143) Tower2 (GTSTRUDL) (on page 302)

Add Groups to Input Deck The Add Groups to Input Deck dialog box defines which members you want to write as a group to the input deck. You can activate this dialog box by selecting Define Groups on the main dialog box, and then clicking Select.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Members you define in the Contents area of the main dialog box (using the Include, Use Selection Filter, and Include Attached Models options) are available for writing out to a group. Using the Add Groups to Input Deck dialog box, you filter all the available members by member type and/or Named Group membership to define the group or groups for the input deck.

Member Type - Set On to filter available members for the group by member type. If Off, available members are not filtered by member type. If On, you must select one or more member types to filter by. Beams - Filters available members by the beam member type. This option is only available if you set Member Type to On. Horizontal Braces - Filters available members by the horizontal brace member type. This option is only available if you set Member Type to On. Columns - Filters available members by the column member type. This option is only available if you set Member Type to On. Vertical Braces - Filters available members by the vertical brace member type. This option is only available if you set Member Type to On. Named Groups - Set On to filter available members for the group by membership in FrameWorks Plus Named Groups. If Off, available members are not filtered by Named Groups. If On, you must select one or more Named Groups to filter by. Group Name - Specifies the group name to write to the input deck. The group name is limited to eight characters because of analysis package limitations. Apply - Saves the group you defined. OK - Saves the group you defined and exits the dialog box. All groups that you define are lost when you exit FrameWorks Plus. Cancel - Exits the dialog box without saving any groups you may have created.

See Also Write GTSTRUDL Input (on page 88)


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Read GTSTRUDL Results The File > Analysis > Read GTSTRUDL Results command reads in the results of the member selection (design) process and automatically updates the model database. For this procedure to work correctly, follow these steps: 1. Build the structural model using FrameWorks Plus' modeling commands. 2. Apply analytical attributes such as load cases, loads, design parameters, releases, and support reactions using the various FrameWorks Plus commands. 3. Create a GTSTRUDL input file using the Write GTSTRUDL Input command. Refine your analytical model, if required, using a standard text editor. 4. Run the GTSTRUDL program from the interface directory (\int) of the project (the directory in which the GTSTRUDL input and map file were created). GTSTRUDL creates a .dbx file by the same name as the input file. Verify that this file, called the analysis results file, is in the interface directory. You cannot make geometry changes while in GTSTRUDL if you want to update your FrameWorks Plus model with the resulting section sizes. 5. Run the Read GTSTRUDL Results command to update the model with any modified section sizes. Errors encountered when reading the map file are reported in an .err file in the project's \int directory.

Use Mapping File After selecting the map file, you are asked if you want to use a mapping file to swap GTSTRUDL section names in the map file with section names used by FrameWorks Plus. By using a mapping file, you greatly reduce the possibility of getting "section not found" errors. The mapping file is created using Create Mapping File (on page 391). You are responsible for verifying and maintaining the GTSTRUDL section names in the mapping file. The section sizes from the results files are compared to the current member sizes in the model database. All members that have changed sizes as a result of the design process are then modified in the model database. The members highlight in all model views. When the process is completed, an informational Alert Box displays with a message indicating how many members were updated from the design results.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Files - Specifies the map file name associated with the GTSTRUDL input and results files. Either type the file name or select the file from the list box. The list box displays the files in the active directory that match the List Files of Type setting. Single clicking on any file name selects that file. Double-clicking selects and accepts the file for opening. Directories - Identifies the directory where the models listed in the Files list box are located. The default directory is the project's interface directory. You can change directories by double-clicking one of the listed directories and by using the Drives pulldown. List Files of Type - Limits the files displayed in the Files list box. The default filter is *.map, which lists all files with an extension of .map. Drives - Displays all available drives (both local and network) for your computer. OK - Reads the selected map file. FrameWorks Plus first verifies that a valid analysis results file related to the selected map file exists and that the map and results files correspond with the active FrameWorks Plus model. Errors encountered when reading the map file are reported in an .err file in the project's \int directory. Cancel - Dismisses the dialog box without reading the selected file.

See Also Import Analytical Deck (on page 100) 3rd Party Software (on page 143) Write GTSTRUDL Input (on page 88)


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Write STAAD Input The File > Analysis > Write STAAD Input command activates the Create STAAD Input dialog box. FrameWorks Plus includes a two-way interface to the STAAD structural analysis and design product. FrameWorks Plus uses the member property and geometric data in the model database to create the ASCII input file for the STAAD program. You can edit the input file using a standard text editor. FrameWorks Plus does not write arc or solid members out to the STAAD input deck. In creating the input file, FrameWorks Plus must first "split" the physical members in the model into the analytical members used by the finite-element analysis program. Many options are available for creating certain types of data in the STAAD input file. You can create the input file for the whole FrameWorks Plus model, a selected portion of the model, or for an entire project by attaching other model partitions. All attached models must have STAAD as their 3rd Party Software and use the same STAAD Design Code; otherwise FrameWorks Plus will not let you write the input deck. To ensure that beta angles are correctly represented in the analysis input deck, do not use Modify Reflect to rotate members. Instead you should use Modify Orientation Vector to properly orient a member. The beta angle calculation for single angles is based on the arbitrary X and Y-axes and not the principal axes of the cross section. STAAD use the principal axes in beta angle specification. The FrameWorks Plus calculated beta angle would not agree if you use the Modify Reflect command. At your option, you can also create a check plot of the analytical element and joint (node) ID numbers. This check plot consists of line and text graphics created on the levels that you specify. These graphics are also graphic grouped together for easier manipulation, deletion, and so forth.

Problem Type - Defines the structure type to be analyzed as Space Frame.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Length Units - You can create the input geometry information using any of the following length units: Feet, Inches, Meters, Centimeters, and Millimeters. The selected length units can be different from the model length units. Force Units - Supported Force Units include: Pounds, Kips, Newtons, and KiloNewtons (KN). Coordinate System - STAAD users traditionally refer to the Y-axis as vertical, whereas MicroStation, FrameWorks Plus, and most other 3D CAD products use the Z-axis as the vertical. Due to the definition of the member orientation Beta Angle in STAAD, the use of the Z-axis as vertical results in non-zero beta angles for many of the horizontal beam and brace members. Although mathematically correct, this anomaly can be a source of confusion when the input and/or output data is examined. Therefore, FrameWorks Plus allows you to transform the Z-axis vertical geometry into the STAAD convention (Y-axis vertical) so that the beta angles appear as expected by setting this option button to Y- vertical. If this is set to Z-vertical, no transformation of the geometry takes place. Model Origin - You can shift the model to a specified origin point by setting the Model Origin option button to By Point or By Key-in. The By Point option prompts you for a data point in the design file to become the (0,0,0) origin point for the input geometry. The By Key-in option allows you to type the needed X, Y, and Z values in the key-in fields (in Master Units). For example, if the structure is located at 100, 100, 100 and you want the input deck to be generated at 0, 0, 0, then you need to type X=-100, Y=-100, Z=-100. You are entering the delta between the origins. If set to Coincident, no translation of the geometry is performed. Use Mapping File - If on, FrameWorks Plus uses a predefined ASCII file that you specify to swap FrameWorks Plus section names in the input file with section names used by STAAD. By using a mapping file, you greatly reduce the possibility of getting "section not found" errors when opening the input file in STAAD. The mapping file is created using Create Mapping File (on page 391). You are responsible for verifying and maintaining the STAAD section names in the mapping file. Include - If set to All Members, FrameWorks Plus includes all members in the active model in the STAAD input deck, as well as members from any attached model partitions if the Include Attached Models toggle is on. If set to Selection Set, only members in the active selection set are included. Use Selection Filter - The criteria defined in the Selection Filter dialog box are used to filter out specific elements if this toggle is on. This filter applies to both All Members and Selection Set groups. For more information, Select Filter Settings (on page 116). Include Attached Models - If on, FrameWorks Plus includes members from any attached model partitions in the STAAD input file. File Name - Type the name of the input file being created. By default, the model name (with a .std extension) is used. Any valid file name is acceptable. The file is created in the project's interface directory (\int). Title - The job title is used by STAAD as an identifier for the problem to be run and appears on all printed output information. Group Physical Members - If on, FrameWorks Plus creates group member records in the input file that instruct the STAAD program to treat the grouped analytical elements as a "physical member". That is, all grouped elements are assigned a single section size during the member selection (design) procedure. Member groups are formed for all analytical elements derived from a single physical member in the model. Write Analytical Information - If on, FrameWorks Plus writes any loads, member releases, and member supports defined in the model to the ASCII input file. Width - Specifies either 72-column or 118-column width for the STAAD ASCII input file. Echo Input Data - This toggle creates the STAAD command record SET ECHO ON or SET ECHO OFF.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File Print Joint Coordinates - If on, FrameWorks Plus generates the print joint coordinates record in the input file. Print Member Information - If on, FrameWorks Plus creates the print member information and the print member properties records. Create Check Plot - This toggle enables or disables the creation of check plot graphics that denote the analytical element and node ID numbers. You can define the level and symbology for the check plot graphics using the Symbology pulldown menu at the top of the dialog box. Check plot graphics are always created as a graphic group. In general, you should create a check plot each time you write a new STAAD input file, as the node and element IDs are regenerated with every write operation. OK - FrameWorks Plus processes the data for the selected group of members and creates the input file for STAAD in the project's interface directory. Additionally, FrameWorks Plus creates a binary map file that is used by FrameWorks Plus when the results of the STAAD design process are read back into the model. This file is created in the interface directory using the same name as the input file with a .map extension.

See Also AISC-ASD (STAAD) (on page 285) AISC-LRFD (STAAD) (on page 288) Read STAAD Results (on page 97) 3rd Party Software (on page 143)

Read STAAD Results The File > Analysis > Read STAAD Results command reads in the results of a STAAD member selection (design) process and automatically updates the model database. For this procedure to work correctly, follow these steps: 1. Build the structural model using FrameWorks Plus' modeling commands. 2. Apply the analytical attributes such as load cases, load combinations, loads, design and code parameters, releases, and support reactions using the various FrameWorks Plus commands. 3. Create a STAAD input file for the entire model or a selected portion of the model using the Create STAAD Input command. Using a standard text editor, specify additional analytical processing options if required. 4. Run the STAAD program from the interface folder (\int) of the project (the folder in which the STAAD input and map file were created). STAAD creates a .dbs file by the same name as the input file. Verify that this file, called the analysis results file, is in the interface folder. You cannot make geometry changes while in STAAD if you want to update your FrameWorks Plus model with the resulting section sizes. 5. Run the Read STAAD Results command to update the model with any modified section sizes. Errors encountered when reading the map file are reported in an .err file in the project's \int folder.

Use Mapping File After selecting the map file, you are asked if you want to use a mapping file to swap STAAD section names in the map file with section names used by FrameWorks Plus. By using a mapping file, you greatly reduce the possibility of getting "section not found" errors. The mapping file is created using Create Mapping File (on page 391). You are responsible for verifying and maintaining the STAAD section names in the mapping file. The section sizes from the results files are compared to the current member sizes in the model database. All members that have changed sizes as a result of the design process are then

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File modified in the model database. The members highlight in all model views. When the process is completed, an informational Alert Box displays with a message indicating how many members were updated from the design results.

Files - Specifies the map file name associated with the STAAD input and results files. Either type the file name or select the file from the list box. The list box displays the files in the active folder that match the List Files of Type setting. Single clicking on any file name selects that file. Double-clicking selects and accepts the file for opening. Directories - Identifies the folder where the models listed in the Files list box are located. The default folder is the project's interface folder. You can change folders by double- clicking on one of the listed folders and by using the Drives pulldown. List Files of Type - Limits the files displayed in the Files list box. The default filter is *.map, which lists all files with an extension of .map. Drives - Displays all available drives (both local and network) for your computer. OK - Reads in the selected STAAD file. FrameWorks Plus first verifies that a valid analysis results file related to the selected map file exists, and that the map and results files correspond with the active FrameWorks Plus model. Errors encountered when reading the map file are reported in an .err file in the project's \int folder. Cancel - Exits the command.

See Also 3rd Party Software (on page 143) Write STAAD Input (on page 95)


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


LARSA The File > Analysis > Read/Write LARSA commands activate the interface to LARSA. This interface is supplied by LARSA, Inc. and is not supported by Intergraph. Contact LARSA at: Telephone: 1-800-LARSA-01 or 1-212-736-4326 FAX: 1-631-206-3610 Web: http://www.LarsaUSA.com (http://www.LarsaUSA.com) Email: info@LarsaUSA.com (mailto:info@LarsaUSA.com) Address: LARSA, Inc. Melville Corporate Center 105 Maxess Road; Suite S-124 Melville, New York 11747 USA

See Also Analysis (on page 88) LARSA (on page 99) 3rd Party Software (on page 143)

RAM The File > Analysis > Read/Write RAM commands activates the interface to RAM. This interface is supplied by Bentley and is not supported by Intergraph. Contact Bentley at: Telephone: 1-800-236-8539 or 1-610-458-5000 Web: http://www.bentley.com Address: Bentley Systems 685 Stockton Drive Exton, PA 19341, United States

See Also Analysis (on page 88) RAM (on page 99) 3rd Party Software (on page 143)

SAP2000 The File > Analysis > Activate SAP2000 Interface command activates the interface to Computers and Structures' SAP2000 application. This interface is supplied by Computers and Structures and is not supported by Intergraph. Contact Computers and Structures at: Telephone: 1-510-845-2177 FAX: 1-510-845-4096 Web: http://www.csiberkeley.com (http://www.csiberkeley.com) Email: info@csiberkeley.com (mailto:info@csiberkeley.com) Address: Computers and Structures, Inc. 1995 University Avenue, Suite 540 Berkeley, CA 94704 USA

See Also Analysis (on page 88) SAP2000 (on page 99)

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File 3rd Party Software (on page 143)

Import Analytical Deck The File > Import Analytical Deck command reads in models from the native STAAD and GTSTRUDL format ASCII decks into the FrameWorks Plus model. All members from the ASCII deck are read into the active model if they cause overlapping members in the model or not. We recommend you use the File > Verify Model command after importing an analytical deck. For more information, see Verify Model (on page 109). 

The GTSTRUDL and STAAD ASCII decks must be the simplified input file format. Refer to the GTSTRUDL or STAAD documentation for information on how to create a simplified input file.  Joint Coordinates from STAAD Pro must be written using the individual lines format. You can set this in STAAD Pro using the File > Configure command, and then select the Input File Format tab.  FrameWorks Plus does not read arc members from GSTRUDL's input file.  The Regional Settings of the computer running FrameWorks Plus must be the same as the Regional Settings of the computer that created the STAAD file. The following analytical deck commands are recognized:





UNITS {unit length}



JOINT COORDINATES (No generation supported)

JOINT COORDINATES (No generation supported)


MEMBER INCIDENCES (No generation MEMBER INCIDENCES (No supported) DEFINE GROUP generation supported)

member properties



member end releases MEMBER RELEASES FORCE and MOMENT


member orientation statements






FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File FrameWorks Plus only supports the commands listed above. If unexpected results occur, verify that the analytical file you are reading in only contains the above commands.

Material grades are assigned based on material type with FrameWorks Plus assigning steel members a grade of A36 and concrete members a grade of Fc_3. Analytical member end releases are imported for the corresponding physical member. In general, commands that reference entities must be after the entities have been declared in the deck. Analytical packages model member lines at the member's cross-section's centroid (which corresponds to cardinal point 5 in FrameWorks Plus). When the members are read into the FrameWorks Plus model, the members are assigned the default cardinal point for the member type (defined using Settings> Defaults> Linear commands). For example, the default cardinal point for beams is 8. All beams read in from the input deck will have a cardinal point of 8, not 5.

Vertical Axis - Specifies how the vertical axis is defined in the ASCII deck.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Models written from FrameWorks Plus as Y vertical or modeled in STAAD or GTSTRUDL using defaults should be read as Z vertical. Models written from FrameWorks Plus with Z- axis vertical (no coordinate transformation) or modeled with Z vertical in STAAD or GTSTRUDL should be read as is. Import Horizontal As - Specifies if you want all horizontal members in the ASCII deck to be imported as only beams, or imported as both beams and braces.  Beams -- All horizontal members are read as beams, regardless of their orientation.  Beams and Braces -- FrameWorks Plus decides whether a horizontal member is a beam or brace by reading the member orientation. If the horizontal member lies along the X or Y-axis, the member is read as a beam. If the horizontal member is not orthogonal to the X or Y-axis, it is read as a brace. The following example shows the two different settings. The left grouping was read in as beams only. The right grouping was read in as beams and braces.

Default Section - Specifies a default section. Only the sections available in the active FrameWorks Plus section library can be imported. Any deck members with sections not found in the current section library are assigned this default section. The log file contains a list of members to assign the default properties. For information on setting the active section library, Section Library (on page 42). Origin X - Defines the X-axis coordinate of the new model origin. Origin Y - Defines the Y-axis coordinate of the new model origin. Origin Z - Defines the Z-axis coordinate of the new model origin. Use Mapping File - If on, FrameWorks Plus uses a predefined ASCII file that you specify to swap section names in the input file with section names used by FrameWorks Plus. By using a mapping file, you greatly reduce the possibility of getting "section not found" errors when opening the input file. The mapping file is created using Create Mapping File (on page 391). You are responsible for verifying and maintaining the section names in the mapping file. Logfile Name - Specifies the name and directory for the log file. The log file contains important information about the import deck process, such as which member were assigned default section properties and other information. OK - Imports the deck using the parameters you have defined. Cancel - Exits the command without importing the analytical deck.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File See Also Verify Model (on page 109) 3rd Party Software (on page 143)

Import ModelDraft File The File > Import ModelDraft File command imports a MicasPlus ModelDraft design file into FrameWorks Plus. This command only reads the design file; no other ModelDraft project file is needed. We do recommend that you compress the ModelDraft model before importing it. The elements in the ModelDraft design file are read into the FrameWorks Plus model and converted to FrameWorks Plus elements, with the exception of multi-section ModelDraft members, which are converted to multiple FrameWorks Plus members with each having a corresponding section size from the original member. The following ModelDraft member attributes are dropped when the member is read into FrameWorks Plus: fireproofing, status, assembly numbers, stiffener plate linkages, PSD information, node information, the ModelDraft element ID, can data, and buoyancy information. ModelDraft members with multi-plane cutbacks (MPC), and members with tubular cutbacks, are read into FrameWorks Plus with no cutbacks defined. Pipe sections with planar cutbacks are read with cutbacks as defined in ModelDraft. ModelDraft beams with cardinal points 11 through 15 are read into FrameWorks Plus with a cardinal point of 8. ModelDraft columns with cardinal points 11 through 15 are read into FrameWorks Plus with a cardinal point of 5. ModelDraft members with cross-section rotations are read in with a rotation of 0. If a ModelDraft member section is not in the active FrameWorks Plus section library, then FrameWorks Plus defaults those members to W8X31. ModelDraft members with a material assignment of "other" are read into FrameWorks Plus with a material class of "other", even if the ModelDraft "other" material is set to plastic. FrameWorks Plus does not support material grade names that contain spaces. Be sure to rename your material grades in ModelDraft to remove the space before importing the model into FrameWorks Plus.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Before Using this Command ModelDraft design file must be accessible by either mounting the CLIX workstation through the network or by copying the design file to the local computer.

Files (Name) - Specifies the name of the MicasPlus ModelDraft design file to import. You can type the model name or select the model from the Files list. Files (Listing) - Displays all files in the current directory that match the defined List Files of Type. Directories - Displays the current directory. You can change directories by double-clicking in the Directories list box. Directories (Listing) - Displays all available subdirectories and drives. Double-click a drive or directory to change to that drive or directory. List Files of Type - Specifies the filter to use on the files in the current directory. Only files matching this filter display in the Files list. The default filter is *.dgn. To display all files in the directory, use *.* as the filter. OK - Imports the specified MicasPlus ModelDraft design file. Cancel - Exits the dialog box.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Interference Checking The File > Interference Checking command creates an interference envelope file. This envelope file can be used with Intergraph's interference checking software. The envelope file defines the volume of the graphic elements for clash checking. The envelope file is saved to the current project's \frz directory and is named modelname.env. You can also create envelope files using a command line key-in. For more information, see Command Prompt Commands (on page 22). You must use the command-line key-in command to create envelope files if you want to include attached model partitions in the envelope file. This command only writes members from the active model to the envelope file. See the PDS Interference Checker/Manager (PD_Clash) User's Guide for more information on the interference checker program.  

Planar cutbacks are not written to the envelope file. SmartCuts are written to the envelope file.

Things to know about Solids and Holes 

All solids are written to the envelope file. Solids that are right-projected shapes are written as solid components. A right- projected shape is a shape projected at a right angle (a cube is an example of a right-projected shape). Fully contained elements inside a solid component will cause a clash. All slabs and walls without holes are right projected and are, therefore, written as solid components. Solids that are not right-projected shapes are written as "skinned" components (a pyramid is an example of a solid that is not right-projected). Fully contained elements inside a skinned component do not cause a clash. Elements that break the skin will cause a clash. All slabs and walls with holes are written as skinned even though they are right-projected.

Envelope File Name - Specifies the file name and directory for the envelope file. The default name is the current model name with an .env extension. The file is placed in the project's \frz subdirectory by default. Select - Activates the Select Envelope File dialog box, which lets you select an envelope file that was previously created that you want to replace. Selection Criteria - Select which members are written to the envelope file. You can specify that all members in the model are written to the envelope file or only those members in the current selection set. OK - Creates the envelope file and writes it to the specified directory. Cancel - Exits the dialog box.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File See Also Update Clash Envelope Builder Files Key-in (on page 28) Interference Checking (on page 105) FrameWorks Plus and PD_Clash (on page 433) Review PDS Clash (on page 393) Verify Model Key-in (on page 28)

PML Applications The File > PML Applications command is used to select and run a Parametric Modeling Language (PML) program. PMLs were originally written for Intergraph's MicasPlus ModelDraft software. The prompt for a PML tutorial field does not display until after you have entered a value in that field. To work around this limitation, select a field, and then press ENTER. Read the prompt. Then type an appropriate value, and press enter again. The size of the PML file that can be read in and run is limited by your computer's resources (physical memory and available memory). If you are having problems running a large PML file, try the following:  Close all other applications on your computer to free memory.  Split the PML file into smaller PML files.  Add memory to your computer or use another computer with more resources. For more information on how to write PMLs, see PML Introduction in the FrameWorks Plus Programmer's Reference Guide.

Files (Name) - Specifies the name of the PML file to run. You can type the PML file name or select it from the Files list. Files (Listing) - Displays all files in the current directory that match the defined List Files of Type. Directories - Displays the name of the current directory. Directories (Listing) - Displays all available subdirectories and drives. Double-click a drive or directory to change to that drive or directory.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File List Files of Type - Specifies the filter to use on the files in the current directory. Only files matching this filter display in the Files list. The default filter is *.pml. To display all files in the directory, use *.* as the filter. OK - Runs the selected PML file. Cancel - Exits the dialog box.

FPL Applications The File > FPL Applications command is used to select and run a FrameWorks Parametric Language (FPL) program. There are several FPLs delivered with FrameWorks Plus. For more information on how to write FPLs, see FPL Introduction in the FrameWorks Plus Programmer's Reference Guide.

Files (Name) - Specifies the name of the FPL program to run. You can type the FPL file name or select it from the Files list. Files (Listing) - Displays all files in the current directory that match the defined List Files of Type. Directories - Displays the name of the current directory. Directories (Listing) - Displays all available subdirectories and drives. Double-click a drive or directory to change to that drive or directory. List Files of Type - Specifies the filter to use on the files in the current directory. Only files matching this filter display in the Files list. The default filter is *.ma. To display all files in the directory, use *.* as the filter. OK - Runs the selected FPL file. Cancel - Exits the dialog box.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



Compress FrameWorks Plus Database The File > Compress FW Database command removes deleted items from the FrameWorks Plus database. The database files are copied to a \backup directory (under the project's \mod directory) and renamed to include an "o" prefix before the database is compressed. The MicroStation design file is also compressed. FrameWorks Plus is automatically shutdown to compress the database files. After compression is complete, you have the option to exit FrameWorks Plus entirely or restart FrameWorks Plus. Large models (greater than 2,500 linear members) can take a few minutes to compress.

Model - Displays the directory path to the model database being compressed. Arc Members - Turn on to remove deleted arc member database entries. Linear Members - Turn on to remove deleted beam, column, and brace database entries. Solid Members - Turn on to remove deleted slab, wall, and generic solid database entries. Code Parameters - Turn on to remove deleted code parameter database entries. Design Parameters - Turn on to remove deleted design parameter database entries. Model Views - Turn on to remove deleted model view database entries. Frozen Views - Turn on to remove deleted frozen view database entries. Linear Overrides - Turn on to remove deleted linear override database settings. Solid Overrides - Turn on to remove deleted solid override database settings. Named Groups Symbology - Turn on to remove deleted named grouped symbology settings. All - Turns on all database entries for compression. OK - Compresses the FrameWorks Plus database. Cancel - Exits the command without compressing the database.

See Also Compress Models Key-in (on page 26)


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Verify Model The File > Verify Model command scans your model checking for zero length members, overlapping members, and members with invalid sections. These invalid member definitions can cause problems when writing your model out to an analysis input deck file. In addition, FrameWorks Plus also optionally scans the model for members that intersect solid members and gives you an option to create cutouts in the solid member where the other member intersects. You can also run the verify model process from a command line. For more information, see Verify Model Key-in (on page 28). For larger models (greater than 1,500 linear members), the overlapping members check can take several minutes to process.

Zero Length Members - Checks for FrameWorks Plus members with no length (the member's start point and end point are the same point or almost the same point). Action Option (Zero Length Members) - Defines the action to perform when zero length members are found.  Delete Members -- Deletes the zero length members from the model.  Change Level -- Moves the zero length member to another level.  No Action - Report in Logfile -- Writes the member ID to the logfile without changing the member. Tolerance - Defines at what point a member is considered a zero length member. Any member shorter than the specified tolerance is considered a zero length member. The Tolerance is specified in model units. Level (Zero Length Members) - Specifies the level for zero length members. When Action Option is set to Change Level, zero length members are moved to this level. Overlapped Members - Checks for FrameWorks Plus members that overlap. For linear and arc members, the check is for two or more members that occupy (or overlap) the same co-linear space. This command does not find two linear members that cross (clash) but are not co-linear.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File For solid members, the check is for two or more solid members that occupy exactly the same space. This command does not find two solid members that overlap but do not have the exact same perimeter. This command does not find linear members and solid members that overlap. Action Option (Overlapped Members) - Defines the action to perform when overlapped members are found.  Delete Members -- Deletes overlapping members using placement order to decide which one to delete. The last member placed is deleted. The first member to occupy the space remains in the model (it is not deleted).  Change Level -- Moves the overlapping members to another level.  No Action - Report in Logfile -- Writes overlapping member IDs to the logfile without changing any members. Set Tolerance to one UOR - Specifies that the tolerance should be set to one UOR. Level (Overlapped Members) - Specifies the level for overlapping members. When Action Option is set to Change Level, overlapping members are moved to this level. Invalid Section Members - Checks for FrameWorks Plus members that have invalid sections specified for them. Action Options (Invalid Section Members) - Defines the action to perform when members with invalid sections are found.  Delete Members -- Deletes the member with the invalid section from the model.  Default Member -- Changes the member's section to the Default Section defined below.  Change Level -- Moves the member with the invalid section to another level.  No Action - Report in Logfile -- Writes the invalid section member's ID to the logfile without changing the member. Default Section - Specifies the section to use when a member with an invalid section is found. This option is only active when Action Option is set to Default Member. Level (Invalid Section Members) - Specifies the level for members with invalid sections. When Action Option is set to Change Level, members with invalid sections are moved to this level. Members Intersecting Solids - Checks for members that intersect solid members. Action Options (Members Intersecting Solids) - Defines the action to perform when members intersect solids.  Place Holes & Report -- Places a hole in the solid for the intersecting member to pass through. The shape of the intersecting member is used as a pattern for the solid's hole. The size of the hole will be the exact size of the intersecting object unless you specify a Clearance value.

FrameWorks Plus does not include the thickness of PDS equipment insulation (if any) when calculating the cutout size. Place Holes, Sleeves, & Report -- Places a hole in the solid for the intersecting member to pass through. If the intersecting member is round, a pipe sleeve is also placed. FrameWorks Plus places a pipe sleeve only if the intersecting member is perpendicular to the slab or solid. Members that intersect at an angle will not have pipe sleeves placed. No Action - Report in Logfile -- Writes the number of members that intersect solids to the logfile.

FrameWorks Plus redraws the solid each time a cutout is placed. If you have a solid with several intersecting items, you can increase command performance by dropping all of your FrameWorks Plus views using Drop View (on page 162).


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

File Sleeve Type - Specifies the member type you want to use for the sleeve. FrameWorks Plus uses the default section of the selected member type for the pipe sleeve section. We recommend you place sleeves using cardinal point 1. This option is only available if the Place Sleeve option is selected. FrameWorks Plus Linear Members - Specifies that FrameWorks Plus should only place cutouts for FrameWorks Plus linear members that intersect a solid. The section shape of the linear member must intersect both faces of the solid for FrameWorks Plus to place a cutout. In addition, FrameWorks Plus does not place cutouts for intersecting elements that would cause a curvilinear cutout (such as an arc member). MicroStation Solids, Surfaces, and Cones - Specifies that FrameWorks Plus should only place cutouts for MicroStation solid elements that intersect a solid. FrameWorks Plus does not create cutouts for wedge, sphere, or torus MicroStation shapes. FrameWorks Plus Solid Members - Specifies that FrameWorks Plus should only place cutouts for FrameWorks Plus solids members that intersect a solid. Overwrite Existing Cutout - Toggle on to override existing cutouts. Include Member Fireproofing - Toggle on to include the thickness of member fireproofing when calculating the cutout size. Include Piping Insulation Thickness - Toggle on to include the thickness of piping insulation when calculating the cutout size. The piping insulation does not need to be graphically displayed in order to be used in the calculation. Clearance - Specifies the distance between the inside of the cutout and the outside of the item being cut around. This distance is added evenly to all sides of the item. If you are placing a sleeve, the distance between the inside of the sleeve and the outside of the pipe is the Clearance value. Be careful when defining the Clearance value when cutouts will be created around closed shapes such as I-section or channels. The Clearance is added evenly to all sides of the shape. If you define a Clearance that is greater than half the distance between sides of a closed shape, FrameWorks Plus will not place the cutout. For example, the distance between an I-section's flanges is 8.5 inches. If you define a Clearance greater than 4.25 inches, the cutout will not be placed. Increment - Specifies the value by which to increment the cutout diameter around a circular penetration (such as a pipe). For example, if you set the Increment to 2" (inches), the cutout diameter is always divisible by 2 (2", 4", 6", 8", ... 22", 24", 26", and so forth). Similarly, if you set the Increment to 3", the cutout diameter is always divisible by 3 (3", 6", 9", 12", and so forth). Setting the Increment value to 0 causes the cutout diameter to be the outside diameter of the penetrating object plus the Clearance value, if any. You can use the Increment Factor setting to control the rounding up or rounding down of the cutout diameter to the next allowed size. Increment Factor - Specifies if the cutout is rounded up or rounded down to the next Increment size. For example, you place a 10.5-inch pipe with 3-inch clearance and a 2- inch Increment. You can use this Increment Factor to control whether a cutout with a 16" diameter or a cutout with an 18" diameter is placed. If the Increment Factor is set to 0, the cutout is always rounded up to the next increment divisible size. If the Increment Factor is set to 1, the cutout is always rounded down to the next increment divisible size. Typically, you want to set the Increment value to 0.5. If the Increment Factor is between 0.01 and 0.99, FrameWorks Plus calculates whether to round up or down based on the following algorithm.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


File Compute the cutout diameter by adding the outside diameter of the pipe with two times the Clearance value. For example, if the pipe diameter is 10.875" and the Clearance is set to 3", the cutout diameter would be 16.875" (10.875 + 2 x 3 = 16.875). 1. FrameWorks Plus reads the remainder (non-integer) part of the cutout diameter. In this case, 0.875 inches. 2. Multiply the Increment and the Increment Factor then compare the results to the remainder read in step 2. If the remainder is less than the calculation, round down. If the remainder is greater than the calculation, round up. For this example, say the Increment is set to 2". The following table shows the results of different Increment Factors.

Remainder from step 2

Increment X Increment Factor

Resulting Action



0.875 greater than 0 so round cutout diameter up to 18 inches


2 x 0.25 = 0.5

0.875 greater than 0.5 so round cutout diameter up to 18 inches


2 x 0.5 = 1

0.875 less than 1 so round cutout diameter down to 16 inches


2 x 0.75 = 1.5

0.875 less than 1.5 so round cutout diameter down to 16 inches



0.875 less than 2 so round cutout diameter down to 16 inches Logfile - Specifies the folder and file name for the verify model log file. OK - Starts the verify model process and writes the process information to the log file. The log file automatically displays when the verify model process is complete. Cancel - Exits the command without running the verify model process.

See Also Compress Models Key-in (on page 26)

Save FWP Settings The File > Save FW Settings command stores the current values of the FrameWorks Plus operating parameters, including active view information, default member parameters, and so forth in the FrameWorks Plus model database. It is similar to the MicroStation Save Settings command. FrameWorks Plus restores all operation parameters to their last saved values when it is restarted. When working with large models, we do not recommend saving settings when you have a 3D Model View set. The calculations necessary to automatically set that 3D view when you open the model can take several minutes. Be sure to use the Drop View command to deactivate any 3D Model View before Saving FW Settings.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Exit The File > Exit command exits FrameWorks Plus without exiting MicroStation. If you want to save all current FrameWorks Plus operating parameters, use the Save FWP Settings (on page 112) command before selecting Exit. You do not have to exit FrameWorks Plus before exiting MicroStation; FrameWorks Plus automatically exits when MicroStation exits. Dismissing the FrameWorks Plus command window does not exit FrameWorks Plus. You can re-activate the FrameWorks Plus command window by keying in frameworks in the MicroStation command window.

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FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Settings FrameWorks Plus uses a large set of operating parameters which are loaded at start-up from the FrameWorks Plus model database. You can modify these parameters with the commands described in this section. To save or store these values back to the model database, use Save FWP Settings (on page 112).

In This Section Bell ................................................................................................. 116 Confirm Select Set ......................................................................... 116 Select Filter Settings ...................................................................... 116 Member Attributes ......................................................................... 118 Member Orientation ....................................................................... 119 Defaults Linear Members............................................................... 122 Defaults Solid Members................................................................. 132 AutoName ...................................................................................... 134 Levels ............................................................................................. 135 Member Symbology ....................................................................... 137 Load Symbology ............................................................................ 139 Dynamics ....................................................................................... 141 AutoSnap ....................................................................................... 142 3rd Party Software ......................................................................... 143

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



Bell The Settings > Bell command turns on or off the audible bell when FrameWorks Plus issues a warning or error message. FrameWorks Plus uses one bell sound when a warning condition occurs and two sounds when an error message is displayed. There is no bell for information messages. An Alert Box is a dialog box used by both FrameWorks Plus and MicroStation to alert you of an error condition, to warn of possible problems or a dangerous situation, or to supply information about a completed process.

Confirm Select Set The Settings > Confirm Select Set command turns on or off operator confirmation before a selection set is processed. If on, when a command using a selection set is activated, FrameWorks Plus displays an Alert Box showing the number of elements in the selection set.

This safety feature prevents inadvertent operations on selection sets that may have been left over from a previous operation. If this parameter is off, no Alert Box appears, and the command processes the elements without notification.

Select Filter Settings The Settings > Select Filter > Settings command defines filtering criteria. You can use these criteria to define a specific group of elements for processing by any FrameWorks Plus selection set operation. For example, by using this filter, it is possible to change the section sizes of all beams of class 0 (primary members) and name B18. To accomplish this, you would first build a selection set including all members in the model (by fence select method, or using the MicroStation Select All command under the Edit pulldown menu). Then, define three filter criteria:  Member Type = Beam  Class = 0  Name = B18


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Settings With the Selection Filter activated, you would then select the Modify Section command. FrameWorks Plus would examine the selection set, discard all members not matching all three active filter criteria, and then process the remaining elements.

Filter On - Turns the filter on or off. If on, the indicator box on the Settings pulldown menu is marked as on. If off, all further settings are ignored. Clear - Clears all current filter criteria by turning each attribute off. Type - On - Turns on the member type filter criterion. When on, members in a selection set are compared to this criterion. Type - Comparator - Specifies the mode of comparison for the member type criterion. Valid comparator values are = (equal) and != (not equal). Type (value) - Specifies one of the seven FrameWorks Plus member types; Beam, Column, Vertical Brace, Horizontal Brace, Slab, Wall, or Solid; to use in the comparison. Name - On - Turns on the member name filter criterion. When on, members in a selection set are compared to this criterion. Name - Comparator - Specifies the mode of comparison for the member name criterion. Valid comparator values are = (equal) and != (not equal). Name (value) - Specifies the name to which the members are compared. You may also use the * wildcard in the name criterion (for example, B1*). Section - On - Turns on the section size filter criterion. When on, members in a selection set are compared to this criterion. Section - Comparator - Specifies the mode of comparison for the section size criterion. Valid comparator values are = (equal) and != (not equal). Section (value) - Specifies the section to which the members are compared. You can also use the * wildcard in the section criterion (for example, W12*).

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Settings Class - On - Turns on the member class filter criterion. When on, members in a selection set are compared to this criterion. Class - Comparator - Specifies the mode of comparison for the member class criterion. Valid comparator values are = (equal), != (not equal), < (less than), (greater than), and >= (greater than or equal). Class (value) - Specifies the numeric member class, which ranges from 0 to 9. Named Groups - On - Turns on the named groups filter criterion. When on, members in a named group are compared to this criterion. Named Groups - Comparator - Specifies the mode of comparison for the named group. Valid comparator values are = (member of), != (not member of). Select - Defines which named group to use for the selection filter. Apply - Activates the filter criteria as currently defined and leaves the dialog box active. OK - Activates the filter criteria as currently defined and dismisses the dialog box. Cancel - Ignores changes to the filter definition and dismisses the dialog box.

Member Attributes The Settings > Member > Attributes command displays and modifies the active placement member-attributes. The dialog box displays the current placement attributes for the active member type. For example, when the Place Beam command is selected, the active beam placement attributes are displayed in this dialog box. These attributes are a part of the FrameWorks Plus operating parameters, which can be stored in the model database with the Save FWP Settings command. These attributes are identical to those established using the Defaults Linear Members command. However, the Member Attributes dialog box is a convenient way to interactively modify the placement attributes while placing members.

Type - Displays the current active member type. This field, and the other parameters, changes when a placement command for a different member type is chosen. Start Section - Displays the current section size for the active placement member type's End 1 (the first member end placed). You can change the active section size by keying in a section name. The * wildcard character is accepted (for example, HP13*), which returns the first matching section in the active section library. If a section name is not found in the library, FrameWorks Plus assigns a section name of null (blank). Members placed with a null section name are undefined members and are placed without a section designation. Select - Activates the Select Section dialog box, which allows you to review and select Start Sections from the on-line standard or user section libraries.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Settings End Section - Toggle on to create a tapered member. Type a section size to use at the member type's End 2. This section must be of the same type (channel, angle, or double angle, for example) as the Start Section. You cannot use arbitrary sections to create tapered members. Select - Activates the Select Section dialog box, which allows you to review and select End Sections from the on-line standard or user section libraries. Name - Specifies the mode for assigning member names: Specify or Auto. When set to Specify, names are manually assigned using the string in the Name key-in field. The Name key-in field accepts any alphanumeric string, up to 24 characters long. When set to Auto, names are assigned automatically according to the parameters defined using the AutoName command. For more information, see AutoName (on page 134). More Attributes - Displays the More Linear Attributes dialog box. For more information, see Defaults Linear Members - More Attributes (on page 130).

See Also Modify Name (on page 235) Defaults Linear Members (on page 122) Defaults Solid Members (on page 132) Member Orientation (on page 119) Modify Additional Attributes (on page 247)

Member Orientation The Settings > Member > Orientation command displays and modifies the active- placement member-orientation. The dialog box displays the current placement orientation parameters for the active member type. For example, when the Place Beam command is selected, the active beam orientation parameters are displayed. You can orient structural members in a number of ways. The member orientation parameters, CP (Cardinal Point), Rotation Angle, Reflect, and OV (Orientation Vector) define the exact orientation for each member. These parameters, and their geometric interpretation, are explained in detail in the Defaults Linear Members command description.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Settings The member orientation parameters are a part of the FrameWorks Plus operating parameters that can be stored in the model database with the Save FWP Settings command. These attributes are identical to those established using the Defaults Linear Members command. They appear on this dialog box as a convenient way to interactively modify the placement orientation while placing members.

CP - The Cardinal Point (CP) option defines the relative position of the structural section on the member placement line (centerline). Ten positions are available.

Available Cardinal Points The CP option displays the CP position as if you were looking from member end 1 towards member end 2. If your FrameWorks Plus view is set such that you're looking from end 2 towards end 1, the actual member CP appears backwards from what was selected. Rotation - Defines the angle (in degrees) by which the section is rotated about the member centerline. The Orientation Vector (OV) defines the nominal (zero degree) position. Using the option list, you can select one of the four orthogonal positions (0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees), or you can enter a value in the key-in field.

Rotation Angle relative to Orientation Vector


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Settings Reflect - Reflects or mirrors a section about the section's local Y-axis (vertical axis). This parameter affects both symmetric and asymmetric sections.

Reflect On & Off for Channel Section OV - The OV (Orientation Vector) defines the nominal direction of the section's local Y-axis (vertical axis). This axis typically coincides with the weak axis of a section, (for example, along the web of an I-section). The OV must not be parallel to the linear member centerline axis or tangent to the arc at end 1. You can rotate the section from the OV position with the Rotation parameter. The OV is defined as:  one of the three global orthogonal axes (X-, Y- or Z-axis), or  defined arbitrarily by specifying two points defining the vector (using the By 2 Points option), or  by keying in the components of the vector triad in the X, Y, and Z fields (using the By Key-in option).

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Settings How FrameWorks Plus Orients Linear Member Cross-Sections

How FrameWorks Plus Orients Arc Member Cross-Sections

See Also Defaults Linear Members - More Attributes (on page 130) Member Attributes (on page 118) Modify Additional Attributes (on page 247) Default Member (on page 217) Defaults Linear Members (on page 122) Defaults Solid Members (on page 132)

Defaults Linear Members The Settings > Defaults > Linear commands are a part of the FrameWorks Plus operating parameters. FrameWorks Plus maintains a set of default linear member parameters used in the placement of members. The Save FWP Settings command stores these parameters in the model database. You can modify the parameters with this command or by using the Member Attributes or Member Orientation commands. This command activates a single dialog box that provides access to all member types' placement parameters. There are two basic member parameter categories: attributes and orientation. The attributes relate to general properties and non-graphical information about the member such as name, section size, class, and material. The orientation parameters define the exact geometric placement of the structural section upon the member centerline (placement line). These parameters include orientation vector (OV), cardinal point (CP), rotation angle, and reflection.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Settings The Type pulldown menu allows you to change the member type for which you are defining the default parameters. When you have modified the default parameters for a particular member type, click OK or Apply to make these new parameters active. Click Cancel to exit the command and dismiss the dialog box.

Start Section - Displays the current section size for the active member type's End 1 (the first member end placed). Change the active section size by keying in the section name you want. The * wildcard character is accepted (HP13*), which displays the first section matching in the section library. If you entry an invalid section name (one not found in the library), FrameWorks Plus assigns a null (blank) section name. Members placed with a null section name are undefined members, and are placed without a section designation. Select - Activates the Select Section dialog box, which is used to review and select a Start Section from the on-line standard or user section libraries. End Section - Toggle on to create a tapered member. Type a section size to use at the member type's End 2. This section must be of the same type (channel, angle, or double angle, for example) as the Start Section. You cannot use arbitrary sections to create tapered members. Select - Activates the Select Section dialog box, which is used to review and select an End Section from the on-line standard or user section libraries. Class - Member class is an integer value, ranging from 0 to 9, used for grouping members for reports, analysis interface, and other operations. For example, you could assign primary or load-bearing members a class of 0, while secondary or intermediate framing members could be assigned class 1. Name - Specifies the mode with which member names are assigned: Specify or Auto. When set to Specify, names are manually assigned using the string in the Name key-in field. The key-in field accepts any alphanumeric string, up to 24 characters in length. When set to Auto, names are assigned automatically according to the parameters defined using the AutoName command. Grade - Displays the active grade name. This grade name is assigned to the member. Click Select to activate the Material Grade selection box, used to select an active grade. The grades

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Settings listed for selection are read directly from the grade.dat file. For more information on the grade.dat file, see Modify Material Grade (on page 244).

Material - Defines the member's material type. Click Select to activate the Material selection box. The materials listed for selection are read directly from the material.dat file. For more information on the material.dat file, see Modify Material (on page 244).

Priority End 1 - Defines the cutback priority for the start end of the member. Priorities range from 0 to 15, where 0 is the highest priority and 15 is the lowest priority. For a given member intersection, any member is cut back to another member with a higher priority. Therefore, a beam with an end priority of 8 is cut back to a column that has an end priority of 3. For more information on editing a member priority after the member has been placed, see Member Priority (on page 323). Priority End 2 - Defines the cutback priority for the second end of the member. Member End Releases - Specifies default end releases for the member. For more information, see Defaults Linear Members - End Releases (on page 126). Fireproofing - Specifies default fireproofing settings for the member type. For more information, see Defaults Linear Members - Fireproofing (on page 127). Named Groups - Specifies default named groups for the member type. For more information, see Defaults Linear Members - Named Groups (on page 130). More Attributes - Specifies default attributes for the member type. For more information, see Defaults Linear Members - More Attributes (on page 130).


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Settings CP - Defines the relative position of the structural section on the member placement line. Ten cardinal points are available.

Available Cardinal Points The CP option displays the CP position as if you were looking from member end 1 towards member end 2. If your FrameWorks Plus view is set such that you're looking from end 2 towards end 1, the actual member CP appears backwards from what was selected. Rotation - Defines the angle (in degrees) by which the section is rotated about the member centerline. The Orientation Vector (OV) defines the nominal (zero degree) position. Select one of the four orthogonal positions (0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees), or type a value in the key-in field.

Rotation Angle relative to Orientation Vector Reflect - Reflects or mirrors a section about the section's local Y-axis (vertical axis). This parameter affects both symmetric and asymmetric sections.

Reflect On & Off for Channel Section OV - Defines the nominal direction of the section's local Y-axis (vertical axis). This axis typically coincides with the weak axis of a section (for example, along the web of a I- section). The OV must not be parallel to the linear member centerline or tangent to the arc member at end 1. You can rotate the section from the OV position with the rotation angle parameter. You can define the OV as:  one of the three global orthogonal axes (X, Y, or Z), or  a vector by defining 2 arbitrarily placed points (using the By 2 Points option), or

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Settings 

by keying in the components of the vector triad in the X, Y, and Z fields (by Key-in option).

How FrameWorks Plus Orients Linear Member Cross-Sections

How FrameWorks Plus Orients Arc Member Cross-Sections

See Also Default Member (on page 217) Defaults Solid Members (on page 132) Modify Fireproofing (on page 241) Named Groups (on page 245) Save FWP Settings (on page 112)

Defaults Linear Members - End Releases The End Releases button activates the Default End Releases dialog box, used to define the default end release directions for the active member type. Select the directions you want to


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Settings release by default for both ends. For information on editing releases once the member is placed and labeling member releases, see Modify End Releases (on page 279) and Label End Releases (on page 280).

See Also Defaults Linear Members (on page 122) Releases Report Data Format (on page 363)

Defaults Linear Members - Fireproofing The Fireproofing button on the default linear member dialog box is used to define the default fireproofing on members at placement.

You can only assign fireproofing to beams, columns, vertical braces, and horizontal braces. FrameWorks Plus will not assign fireproofing to solid members (slabs, walls, or solids) or to linear members with an arbitrary section.

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Settings 

FrameWorks Plus displays fireproofing graphically only in 3D views with the Surface representation active. However, the software does display fireproofing annotation (labels) in any plan, elevation, or 3D view. Fireproofing - Specifies the fireproofing type assign to the member. None - No fireproofing is applied to the member. If the member has fireproofing, using None deletes the member's fireproofing. Contour, fully encased - Fireproofing follows the outside shape of the cross- section totally encasing all sides. Contour, top flange exposed - Fireproofing follows the outside shape of the cross-section except the top of the member is not fireproofed. Block, fully encased - Uniform block of fireproofing material around the member totally encasing all sides. Block, top flange exposed - Uniform block of fireproofing material around the member except the top of the member is not fireproofed. Label - Specifies whether the member's fireproofing label should be based on the fireproofing type or be user-specified. Define - Activates a dialog box used to define both User Defined and Based on Type fireproofing labels. If the Label parameter is set to Based on Type, the contour and block lines on this dialog box are used. If Label is set to User Defined, the user-defined line is used. All fireproofing labels are limited to 11 characters.

Thickness - Specifies the thickness of the fireproofing. Enter the thickness in MU:SU:PU. Applied in - Specifies whether the fireproofing is applied to the member at the shop or in the field during construction. You can specify different fireproofing labels for shop applied and field applied. Material - Specifies the default fireproofing material. Click Select to select the fireproofing material from the materials defined in the material.dat file. Grade - Specifies the default fireproofing material grade. Click Select to select the material grade from the grades defined in the grade.dat file. Fireproofing Length - Specifies the linear area of the fireproofing along the member.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Settings 

Full member length - specifies that FrameWorks Plus should apply fireproofing along the entire member length regardless of any member cutbacks. You would usually use this setting for columns. Use cutback distances - specifies that the software should apply fireproofing only between the member cutbacks (no fireproofing on the part of the member that was cutback). You would usually use this setting for beams and braces. This option is only available for cutbacks created using the Compute Cutback, User Cutback, or Mitered Cutback commands. Fireproofing will display for the full member length for members with SmartCuts applied.

By setback (value) - specifies that fireproofing be set back from the member end a specified distance. The distance is specified in the Setback Value End 1 and Setback Value End 2 fields.  By setback (percent) - specifies that fireproofing be set back from the member end a specified percentage of the member length. The percentage is specified in the Setback as Percent of Length field. Setback Value End 1 - Specifies the fireproofing setback for the start of the member. The setback distance is defined in Master Units. A positive setback value moves the fireproofing farther from the member end. Setback Value End 2 - Specifies the fireproofing setback for the end of the member. The setback distance is defined in Master Units. A positive setback value moves the fireproofing farther from the member end. Setback as Percent of Length - Specifies the percentage of the member length that the fireproofing should be set back. For example, for a 30-foot long member, a 10% value would cause the fireproofing to be 3 feet from the end of the member. A 5% value would cause the fireproofing to be 18 inches from the member end. When writing members with setback as percentage fireproofing to a Steel Detailing Neutral File (SDNF), the software writes the equivalent setback value to the SDNF instead of the percentage value. If the same member is read back into the model from a SDNF, the software automatically switches the fireproofing for the member from setback as percentage to setback value. This can cause the member's fireproofing to appear to be edited when for all practical purposes the member has not changed.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Settings See Also Defaults Linear Members (on page 122) Modify Fireproofing (on page 241)

Defaults Linear Members - Named Groups The Named Groups button activates the Default Named Groups dialog box, which is used to define the default named group to which the member is assigned at placement. For more information about the Default Named Groups dialog box and named groups in general, see Named Groups (on page 245).

See Also Create Named Groups Symbology (on page 173) Drop Named Groups Symbology (on page 177) Modify Named Groups Symbology (on page 175)

Defaults Linear Members - More Attributes The More Attributes button activates the More Linear Attributes dialog box, which is used to define default values for the member. You can customize the selectable values for attributes by editing the attributes.dat file, which is delivered in the ..\FWPlus\Data folder. Each value can be 32 characters in length. In addition, you can use the FW_DATA environment variable to specify the location of the attributes.dat file that you want to use. For more information on environment variable, see Environment Variables (on page 399).


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Settings If you plan to write a Steel Detailing Neutral File (SDNF) from a project, you must take administrative action to safe guard the attributes.dat file from unauthorized editing. FrameWorks Plus writes the code listed value (1, 2, 3, and so forth) of the attribute value to the SDNF, not the text string. For example, if you assign a coating of Painted to a member, FrameWorks Plus writes the code-listed value of 4, not Painted, to the SDNF. Because the code listed values are written to the SDNF, you must send the attributes.dat file with the SDNF so that the receiving party can correctly interpret the SDNF. After the SDNF has been written, you cannot edit existing values in the attributes.dat file. For example, you cannot change the number 4 code list entry for Coatings to be None because the SDNF was written with number 4 being Painted. Changing 4 to None would cause a miscommunication between you and the party you sent the SDNF to. The only edits to the attributes.dat file that would be okay would be to add values to a list. For example, you could add several more available coating to your list as long as you did not change existing coating entries.

Member Subtype - Specifies the member subtype. Design Status - Specifies the design status of the member. Coatings - Specifies any coating applied to the member. End1 Connections - Specifies the end 1 connection. Not available for solid members. End2 Connections - Specifies the end 2 connection. Not available for solid members.

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Settings Fabricator Name - Specifies the fabricator name. Fabricator Note - Specifies a fabricator note. Flooded - Specifies the percentage that the member is flooded. Type a value from 0 to 100. A value of 0 means the member is not flooded, while a value of 100 means the member is totally flooded. Assembly 1 to 3 - Specifies any assemblies that the member belongs to. User Attributes 1 to 5 - User defined attributes that you can use.

See Also Defaults Linear Members (on page 122) Defaults Solid Members (on page 132) Member Attributes (on page 118) Modify Additional Attributes (on page 247)

Defaults Solid Members The Settings > Defaults > 3D Solids commands are a part of the FrameWorks Plus operating parameters. FrameWorks Plus maintains a set of default solid member parameters used in the placement of those members. These parameters are stored in the model database with the Save FWP Settings command and can be modified with this command. The attributes defined using this command relate to general properties and nongraphical information about the solid. The Type pulldown menu allows you to change the solid member type. When you have modified the default parameters for a particular member type, click OK or Apply to make these new parameters active. Click Cancel to exit the command and dismiss the dialog box.

Name - Specifies the mode with which member names are assigned: Specify or Auto. When set to Specify, names are manually assigned using the string in the Name key-in field. The key-in field accepts any alphanumeric string, up to 24 characters in length. When set to Auto, names are assigned automatically according to the parameters defined using AutoName (on page 134). Class - Member class is an integer value, ranging from 0 to 9, which can be used for grouping of members for reports and other operations.


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Settings Material - Defines the solid member's material type. Click Select to activate the Material selection box. The materials listed for selection are read directly from the material.dat file. For more information on the material.dat file, see Modify Material (on page 244).

Grade - Displays the active grade name. This grade is assigned to the solid member. Click Select to activate the Material Grade selection box. The grades listed for selection are read directly from the grade.dat file. For more information on the grade.dat file, see Modify Material Grade (on page 244).

Named Groups - Activates the Default Named Groups dialog box, which is used to define the default named group to which the member is assigned at placement. For more information about the Default Named Groups dialog box and named groups in general, see Named Groups (on page 245). More Attributes - Activates the More Solid Attributes dialog box, which is used to define default values for the solid. You can customize the selectable values for attributes by editing the attributes.dat file, which is delivered in the ..\FWPlus\Data folder. For more information, see Modify Additional Attributes (on page 247). If you plan to write a Steel Detailing Neutral File (SDNF) from a project, you must take administrative action to safe guard the attributes.dat file from unauthorized editing. FrameWorks Plus writes the code listed value (1, 2, 3, and so forth) of the attribute value to the SDNF, not the text string. For example, if you assign a coating of Painted to a member, FrameWorks Plus writes the code listed value of 4, not Painted, to the SDNF. Because the code listed values are written to the SDNF, you must send the attributes.dat file with the SDNF so that the receiving party can correctly interpret the SDNF. After the SDNF has been written, you cannot edit existing values in the attributes.dat file. For example, you cannot change the number 4 code list entry for Coatings to

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Settings be None because the SDNF was written with number 4 being Painted. Changing 4 to None would cause a miscommunication between you and the party you sent the SDNF to. The only edits to the attributes.dat file that would be okay would be to add values to a list. For example, you could add several more available coating to your list as long as you did not change existing coating entries. Apply - Saves the settings without exiting the dialog box. OK - Saves the settings and exits the dialog box. Cancel - Exits the dialog box without saving any changes.

See Also Default Member (on page 217) Defaults Solid Members (on page 132)

AutoName The Settings > AutoName command is used to review and define the automatic member naming parameters. Like all other operating parameters, these values are stored in the FrameWorks Plus model database using the Save FWP Settings command. FrameWorks Plus is flexible when assigning names to members. Names can be specified during member placement by simply keying in the name, or you can have FrameWorks Plus automatically assign a name to each member as it is placed. The parameters defined using this command determine how the automatic names are created. For more information on assigning member names, see Member Attributes (on page 118). You can change the active member type using the Type pulldown menu at the top of the dialog box.

Auto Increment - When on, FrameWorks Plus generates a unique name (using the defined settings) for each member as they are placed. The name's Index portion is automatically incremented after each member is placed. Order - Specifies the order of the name components. If Suffix is active, it must be the last component in the name. You cannot define the same order number to two different components.


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Settings Label - Specifies a user-defined label for the member name. The Label can contain both letters and numbers up to nine characters long. Index - The index is a numerical parameter used in the formation of the name. The Index is automatically incremented by one if the Auto Increment parameter is on. You must type a value between 1 and 65,000. Member ID - Adds the FrameWorks Plus member ID to the member name. FrameWorks Plus maintains three different member ID lists: one list for slabs, walls, and solids; one list for arc members; and one list for beams, columns, and braces. The member ID is unique to each list. However, members in different lists can have the same member ID number. Model ID - Adds the model's ID number to the member name. The model ID is unique to each model in a project and is displayed in the ( ). Model Name - Adds the model name to the member name. The model name is unique to each model in a project and is displayed in the ( ). Suffix - Specifies a name suffix. The suffix can contain both letters and numbers up to nine characters long. Delimiter - Specifies the character to use to separate the different name components. The delimiter can be any ASCII character including a space. The default is an underscore ( _ ). Preview - Displays the member name as currently defined. The name is formed by combining the prefix, index, member ID, model ID, model name, suffix, and delimiter in the specified order to form a single character string. The maximum length is 24 characters. Apply - Saves the name settings for the active member type. Cancel - Exits the command.

See Also Default Member (on page 217) Defaults Linear Members (on page 122) Defaults Solid Members (on page 132) Modify Additional Attributes (on page 247)

Levels The Settings > Levels command defines the MicroStation levels to use for the different FrameWorks Plus graphics. FrameWorks Plus stores only minimal graphics in the model design file to maintain small file sizes and optimal performance. The permanent graphics created by FrameWorks Plus and stored in the model design file fall into three categories: grid lines and labels, frozen (drawing) view graphics, and member lines. Apart from user-created graphics placed with standard MicroStation drafting commands, all the graphics in your design file fall into these three categories. FrameWorks Plus provides a default level scheme when the model is created. Using this command, you can review and modify the levels for the grid lines and labels, and define the range of levels to be used for frozen view graphics. You can use any levels you want. However, because FrameWorks Plus uses these level assignments to maintain proper displays in the model view, you should set these values before the model is built. The levels should not be changed after modeling has begun. Save the level assignments with the Save FWP Settings command. Levels are defined for the member lines using Member Symbology (on page 137).

Freeze Range Levels The freeze range defines the level range used for storage of the frozen view permanent graphics when model views are frozen to the model file. To avoid overlapping displays in the drawings, FrameWorks Plus attempts to assign a unique level from the specified range to each frozen view.

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Settings The range should span at least as many levels as the number of frozen views you expect to create. For example, if you plan on creating 10 drawing views for your model, a frozen view range from 50 to 60 is appropriate. This level range should not include any levels specified for grid lines and labels, or any level assigned to the member line graphics.

Grid Levels The levels for each type of grid and label should be unique. FrameWorks Plus does not display certain types of grid elements in certain views, depending on both type and orientation. This prevents overlapping displays of unrelated grids and labels. Four orientations of grid sets are supported. The levels are assigned independently for each orientation. The symbology parameters (color, style, weight, font) for grid lines and labels are defined using the Symbology pulldown menu on the Place Plan Grid or Place Elevation Grid dialog boxes. The levels are specified using this command because they must be uniformly assigned for all grids in the model.

Start - Defines the first level used for frozen view graphics. Levels are assigned sequentially as views are frozen, beginning with this level. End - Defines the end level, which is the highest-level number to be used for frozen view graphics. This level must be greater than the Start level. Plan - Horizontal - Horizontal plan grid levels are the levels assigned to the lines, labels, and bubbles of grid sets placed in horizontal (standard top orientation) plan model views. Plan - Sloping - Sloping plan grid levels are the levels assigned to the lines, labels, and bubbles of grid sets placed in plan model views which are not horizontal, for instance, sloping roof framing plans.


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Settings Elevation - North/South - North/South elevation grids are grid sets placed in elevation model views that are oriented with a viewing direction that is nominally north or south. Elevation - East/West - East/West Elevation grids are grid sets placed in elevation model views that are oriented with a viewing direction that is nominally east or west. Lines - Displays the level to use for grid lines. Labels - Displays the level to use for grid labels (text). This level should be different from the grid line level. Bubbles - Displays the level to use for the grid line bubbles that encircle grid line labels. This level should be different from the grid line level, but can share the same level as the grid labels. Apply - Saves the level settings. OK - Saves the level settings and exits the dialog box. Cancel - Exits the dialog box without saving changes.

See Also Save FWP Settings (on page 112) Freeze View (on page 188) Regenerate (on page 192) Update Frozen (on page 191) Place Elevation Grid (on page 205) Place Plan Grid (on page 201)

Member Symbology The Settings > Symbology > Members command defines member line symbology and levels. You can define separate symbology parameters for each member type. Using the Type pulldown menu changes the active member type. These parameters are stored in the model database using the Save FWP Settings command. As described in the Levels command, FrameWorks Plus uses a user-specified level scheme to enable and disable the display of the permanent graphics in certain view types. Therefore, it is important you change level and symbology assignments before any modeling takes place. For more information, see Levels (on page 135). For easier-to-see model view displays, we recommend that you use a light line weight and the same color assigned to the display-only components (assigned with the Create View and Modify View commands). The member line is not displayed in the frozen views and is primarily used for member selection. Levels for member lines must be different than grid lines and labels levels and the frozen view level range. This avoids possible display problems involving model and frozen views.

Level - Specifies the member line's level.

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Settings Color - Specifies the member line's color. Either type a color number or choose a color from the palette. Style - Specifies the member line's line style. Either type a line style number or choose a line style from the pull-down. Weight - Specifies the member line's line weight. Either type a line weight number or choose a line weight from the pull-down. Apply - Saves the settings for the active member type. Cancel - Exits the command.

See Also Save FWP Settings (on page 112)


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Load Symbology The Settings > Symbology > Loads command defines the symbology for the concentrated and distributed load and load label graphics. You can define separate symbology parameters for concentrated and distributed load types. These parameters are stored in the model database using the Save FWP Settings command.

Concentrated - Specifies for which load type you are defining symbology. Click the button to toggle between concentrated and distributed load parameters. Scaling Attributes  Distributed - The height of distributed load graphics is controlled by the scaling attributes. Between the Minimum Force (F1) and the Maximum Force (F2), the graphic height is linearly scaled between the Minimum Length (L1) and the Maximum Length (L2). The Moment Vector Length to the Force Vector Length ratio causes the height of a distributed moment graphic to be a fraction (or multiple) of a distributed force graphic of the same numerical value. The arrowhead size is one-third the minimum graphic height.  Concentrated - The length of concentrated load vectors is controlled by scaling attributes. Between the Minimum Force (F1) and the Maximum Force (F2), vector length is linearly

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Settings scaled between the Minimum Length (L1) and the Maximum Length (L2). The Moment-Vector-Length to Force-Vector-Length ratio causes the concentrated moment vector length to be a fraction or multiple of a concentrated force vector of the same numerical value. The arrowhead length is one- third of the minimum length. L1 - Type the minimum height of a load graphic in master units. Any real number greater than or equal to zero is valid. L2 - Type the maximum height of a load graphic in master units. Any real number greater than the L1 value is valid. F1 - Type the force at which scaling of the load graphic starts. Any positive real number, including zero, is valid. F2 - Type the force at which scaling of the load graphic ends. Any positive real number greater than the F1 value is valid. Moment Vector Length - Force Vector Length - Type the ratio of the height of a moment graphic with respect to the height of a force graphic with the same numerical value. Any real number greater than zero is valid. Color - Type a color number to use for the load label. You can also select the color by selecting the Color option. This option displays a palette of available colors for the computer. Use Load Case Color - Toggle on to use the same color for the load label that was used for the load graphic. This is the color assigned when the load case was created. For more information, see Create Load Case (on page 268). Weight - Type a line weight for the load label. The higher the number, the thicker the line. Valid weight numbers are 0 to 15. You can also select the line weight by selecting the Weight pulldown. Use Load Case Weight - Toggle on to use the same line weight for the load label that was used for the load graphic. This is the weight assigned when the load case was created. For more information, see Create Load Case (on page 268). Font - Specifies the font to use for the load labels. The default font is 50. Load Case - Toggle on to label the load with its load case name. Direction - Toggle on to label the load with its direction. Load Type - Toggle on to label the load with its load type. Magnitude - Toggle on to label the load with its magnitude. Text Height - Specifies the load label's text height. Text Width - Specifies the load label's text width. Text Position - Specifies the location of the load label's center with respect to the center of the load graphic. The location is measured along the load graphic. The position can be defined in master units or as a percentage of load graphic length, depending on the Position as a percent of Length setting below. Text Location - Specifies the load label's location with respect to the load. Options are Above or Below. Position as a percent of Length - When on, the text position distance is calculated as a percentage of the total length of the load. OK - Saves the specified settings for both load types. Cancel - Exits the command without saving changes.

See Also Loads Report Data Format (on page 362) Create Load Combination (on page 271) Delete Load (on page 278) Edit Load (on page 275)


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Settings Label Load (on page 278) Place Load (on page 272)

Dynamics The Settings > Dynamics command defines in which views members display dynamically, providing feedback on the size and orientation of the member section as it is being placed. This lets you make corrections to the member properties before the member is actually placed. FrameWorks Plus performs the dynamic display in each active model view whose range includes the member being placed. When several model views are active, this can cause slower software performance. However, by using this command, the member dynamics can be selectively turned on or off. The dynamics parameters are stored in the model database using the Save FWP Settings command.

Views Active - Displays a toggle for each of the eight possible views. Turning any of these off disables the dynamics feature for that specific view. Dynamic display only operates in views defined as FrameWorks Plus model views. OK - Saves the settings, and exits the dialog box. Cancel - Exits the dialog box without saving changes.

See Also Extend Members to Intersection (on page 266) Extend Member to Intersection (on page 264) Place Beam (on page 212) Place Column (on page 213) Place Column by Two Points (on page 214) Place Framing Members (on page 216) Place Horizontal Brace (on page 215) Place Vertical Brace (on page 214)

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AutoSnap The Settings > AutoSnap command defines in which views the AutoSnap feature works. When members are placed in a plan or elevation model view containing a grid, AutoSnap snaps the cursor to grid intersections (when the cursor is moved within a specified distance of the intersection). AutoSnap is active only during member placement, when FrameWorks Plus is prompting for a member location point.

AutoSnap aids in the accurate placement of members along defined column grid lines. Members can be placed with an offset from a snap point using standard MicroStation precision key-ins. The AutoSnap feature is only available in FrameWorks Plus model views that contain a grid set.

Views Active - Setting a toggle off disables the AutoSnap feature in that view. Tolerance - Defines the maximum distance the cursor can be from a specific grid intersection before it snaps to the intersection. Type the distance in MU:SU:PU.


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Settings Snap Cursor Type - Defines which special snap cursor to display when an intersection snap occurs. Two types of cursor can be displayed: an "X" or a "+". Snap Cursor Size - Defines the approximate size of the AutoSnap cursor, relative to the standard MicroStation cursor size. For example, a value of 2.0 results in an AutoSnap cursor of approximately twice the MicroStation cursor size. OK - Saves the dialog settings and exits the command. Cancel - Exits the command without saving any changes.

See Also Place Elevation Grid (on page 205) Place Plan Grid (on page 201)

3rd Party Software The Settings > 3rd Party Software command specifies which analysis and design software you plan to use. By specifying the analysis and design software, you lock out commands that relate to other software packages. This prevents you from accidentally assigning design or code parameters from the wrong analysis package to an element or from writing the wrong analytical deck. Changing the third-party software (or the design code) after placing members causes the new code's default parameters to overwrite the previous parameters. You will lose any custom settings you may have defined on a member.

Software - Specifies the third-party analysis and design software you plan to use with this model. You can choose GTSTRUDL, LARSA, RAM, SAP2000, or STAAD. Intergraph supports the GTSTRUDL and STAAD interfaces. Intergraph does not support the LARSA, RAM, or SAP2000 interfaces. Contact LARSA, RAM, or SAP2000 if you have problems with those interfaces. Design Code - Specifies the design code you plan to use for this model. Only the design codes valid for the selected software display. If you are using GTSTRUDL or STAAD and choose custom, FrameWorks Plus prompts you to select the file that defines the custom code parameters. For more information, see Custom Code Parameters (on page 144). Apply - Sets the selected software and design code as active. Changing the third-party software (or the design code) after placing members causes the new code's default parameters to overwrite the previous parameters. You will lose any custom settings you may have defined on a member. Cancel - Exits the command without changing the software or design code.

See Also Analysis (on page 88) RAM (on page 99)

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Settings LARSA (on page 99) SAP2000 (on page 99)

Custom Code Parameters If you want to use a GTSTRUDL or STAAD design code that FrameWorks Plus does not support, you can create your own design code parameters dialog box to assign code parameters to members. You may also want to use a custom code parameters dialog box for codes we do support if you want different default settings or you want to remove some parameters you never use. FrameWorks Plus creates the dialog box by reading a specially formatted ASCII file that you create. The ASCII file is read when you select Custom code parameters in the Third Party Software command. The Custom Code Parameters dialog box replaces the standard dialog boxes delivered with FrameWorks Plus when you select the Code Parameters command.

ASCII File Format You can use any standard ASCII editor (such as Notepad) to create the ASCII file that FrameWorks Plus reads to create the dialog box. The ASCII file can be called whatever you want but must have a .dcp file name extension. There are several keywords that FrameWorks Plus looks for to interpret the ASCII file. The keywords are:  CODE --- Specifies the name of your code. The name displays in the dialog box title and is written to the input deck. The CODE keyword must be on the first line of the ASCII file.  NAME --- Specifies the name of a code parameter.  OPTION --- Specifies the options you want available on a pulldown menu for a code parameter.  KEYIN --- Specifies that you want a key-in field to display. You can format the key-in field using:  %s for plain text (a character string).  %d for an integer number.  %f for floating point (decimal) numeric data. The accuracy or precision of the key-in can be controlled by inserting a precision qualifier in this format. For example, %0.3f accepts character representation of the real number with accuracy to three places to the right of the decimal point, for example: 65.123. Similarly, a format specifier of %0.1f results in 65.1. Keywords must be in UPPERCASE. Keywords that are initial capitalized (Keyword) or all lowercase (keyword) will not be recognized by FrameWorks Plus as a keyword.

Sample ASCII File Here is a sample ASCII file with line-by-line explanations.


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Settings CODE Foods NAME Salad OPTION Yes OPTION No NAME Pizza OPTION # Pieces OPTION Small OPTION Medium OPTION Large KEYIN %d 1 NAME Topping 1 KEYIN %s NAME Topping 2 KEYIN %s NAME Drink OPTION Water OPTION Tea OPTION Specify Soft Drink OPTION Specify Beer KEYIN %s 3,4 NAME Ice Cream OPTION Vanilla OPTION Chocolate OPTION Strawberry OPTION Specify KEYIN %s 4 The first line defines the code name as Food. Notice the blank line between the CODE keyword and the first code parameter Salad. A blank line must separate each code parameter and the CODE keyword. Salad will have a pulldown menu with two options, Yes and No. The first OPTION after the NAME line will be the default. In this case, Yes will be the default for Salad. The next code parameter is Pizza. Pizza has four options on its pulldown menu with the first option, # Pieces activating a key-in field. Notice the 1 at the end of the KEYIN keyword. That 1 tells FrameWorks Plus to activate the key-in field when the first option on the pulldown menu is selected. The %d tells FrameWorks Plus to write the keyed in value to the input file as an integer number. For example, if 3.1 were keyed in, FrameWorks Plus would only write 3 to the input deck. The next code parameter is Topping 1. This code parameter does not have an option pulldown menu, only a key-in field that is active all the time. The %s tells FrameWorks Plus to write the keyed value to the input deck as a character string. The next code parameter, Topping 2, works the same way as Topping 1. The next code parameter is Drink. This code parameter has four options on a pulldown menu with the third and fourth options activating the key-in field.

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Settings The last code parameter is Ice Cream. This code parameter has four options with the fourth option activating the key-in field.

Dialog box created from sample ASCII file

See Also Code Parameters (on page 285)


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View The View commands create FrameWorks Plus Model and Frozen Views. (Frozen views are also sometimes called drawing views because they are used to compose the construction drawings.) There are commands to create, delete, update, and modify these special views. All view commands are on the FrameWorks Plus View pulldown menu. The seven most frequently used view commands are also located on the Views (on page 199) palette.

Model Views Model Views are used for member placement. Model Views display the structural elements according to the display parameters you define. The display settings and styles are defined when the Model View is created but can be modified at any time on a view or member basis. It is important to note that Model View graphics are display-only graphics. That is, FrameWorks Plus is controlling the display of the members. The graphical data of a Model View is not placed permanently in the design file. In addition, FrameWorks Plus also maintains the active depth and display depth for Model Views. You control the type, size, and position of member annotation. You can specify annotation and certain representation sizes in MicroStation master units or as the actual size you would like them to be plotted. If you choose the actual paper size method, you need to set the drawing scale for the view so FrameWorks Plus can calculate the correct size.

Frozen Views Frozen Views are created directly from the Model Views whenever you need to plot a view or create a drawing. A Frozen View is essentially a permanent copy of the display-only graphics from a selected Model View. The permanent graphical data is written to the model design file, on a predetermined level, or to another specified design file. A MicroStation Saved View is also created

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View with each Frozen View. This Frozen View information is stored in the model database and is used later when you compose a drawing with the Drawing Composition utilities.

Revision Tracking FrameWorks Plus also has a built-in revision tracking feature which lets you automatically update a Frozen View to reflect changes made to the model. The Update Frozen (on page 191) command makes any necessary changes to the Frozen View graphics to bring the graphics up-to-date with the current model.

In This Section Create View ................................................................................... 148 Set View ......................................................................................... 161 List View......................................................................................... 162 Drop View ...................................................................................... 162 Modify View.................................................................................... 163 Create Named Groups Symbology ................................................ 173 Modify Named Groups Symbology ................................................ 175 Drop Named Groups Symbology ................................................... 177 Linear Member Overrides .............................................................. 177 Solid Member Overrides ................................................................ 184 Override Annotation ....................................................................... 186 Override Double Line Widget ........................................................ 187 Freeze View ................................................................................... 188 Update Frozen ............................................................................... 191 Regenerate .................................................................................... 192 Display Frozen ............................................................................... 193 Delete Model View ......................................................................... 194 Delete Frozen View ....................................................................... 195

Create View The View > Create command creates and sets a new model view in the model database using the view type, location, and symbology parameters that you specify. To create a frozen view (also called a drawing view), use the Freeze View command (see Freeze View (on page 188)). If you have not already done so, read the brief descriptions of the model view and frozen view types. See View (on page 147).


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View You can modify or delete model views at any time during the design process. To modify the general view settings or the symbology for every member of an existing model view, use the Modify View command (see Modify View (on page 163)). To modify individual member symbology in a model view, use the Linear Member Overrides (see Linear Member Overrides (on page 177)) or Solid Member Overrides (see Solid Member Overrides (on page 184)) command. To deactivate a view, use the Drop View command (see Drop View (on page 162)). The Set View command (see Set View (on page 161)) reactivates an existing view that you deactivated.

File - Specifies a default preference file. For more information, see File (Create View Dialog Box) (on page 152). Symbology - Activates two dialog boxes for defining view symbology for linear and solid members in the view being created. For more information, see Symbology for Linear Members (on page 153) and Symbology for Solid Members (on page 158). View Name - Contains the name, up to 40 characters long, by which the Model View is referred. FrameWorks Plus automatically generates a default name using the type, orientation, and active depth for the view being created. Description - Type some descriptive text for the Model View you are creating. This field is optional, but the view description displays in the other View related dialog boxes such as Set View, List View, Update View, and Regenerate View. This is helpful when you have numerous views created in the model. The description can be up to 132 characters long. View Type - Defines the view being created as one of the three Model View types: Plan, Elevation, or 3D.  Plan - A plan view is used to lay out vertical structural columns and framing members in a 2D plan view. Plan views are often created for each floor of a structure, both for layout purposes and for creation of the framing plan drawings. However, plan views do not have to be horizontal. For example, a plan view can be created in a non-horizontal orientation to create a

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View framing plan for a sloping roof. Plan views have an active depth and a display depth range which control member placement and display in the view.  Elevation - An elevation view is used to create an elevation or section view of a model. This is typically a view created by "passing a vertical plane" through the 3D model at a defined point. Often, elevation views are created along an existing column grid line. Elevation views can also be defined at an arbitrary point and orientation, providing a generic section cut capability. Elevation views can also be used for placement of vertical bracing in a structure. Like plan views, elevation views use an active depth and display depth for placement and display purposes.  3D - A 3D view is the most generic of the three view types and can be defined in any orientation, such as isometric, but can also be defined in an orthogonal orientation (top, south, and so forth). Members can be placed in a 3D view, but unlike plan and elevation views, there is no active depth or working plane associated with the view definition. Like the other views, you can define specific member display symbology for the 3D Model Views. The surface representation is frequently used in 3D views. View Orientation (Plan Views) - Defines the view orientation as: Standard Top or By View.  The Standard Top view is a typical plan view looking down on a horizontal plane.  The By View option defines nonhorizontal views (such as sloping roof plans) by selecting an existing MicroStation view. You are prompted to select a MicroStation view when this option is set, after which you place a data point in the view you are using to define the orientation. FrameWorks Plus uses the orientation of the selected view for the Model View being created. If you want to create a view (of any type) and plan to use the By View option to define the orientation, set up a MicroStation view with that orientation before selecting the Create View command. View Orientation (Elevation Views) - Defines the elevation view orientation as North, South, East, West, By View, or By Grid Line. The first four are the traditional orthogonal elevation views looking from the specified direction.  The By View option defines nonorthogonal views by selecting an existing MicroStation view. FrameWorks Plus uses the orientation of the selected view for the Model View being created.  The By Grid Line option creates a section along a grid line in a plan view. When this option is selected, you are asked to select the grid line. Next, place a data point to specify the elevation view's viewing direction. The view is displayed looking from the selected grid line towards the given point. View Orientation (3-D Views) - Defines the 3D view orientation as: Standard ISO, Dimetric, or By View. The isometric type is self-explanatory, and the dimetric view is a slightly rotated frontal view. The By View option defines an arbitrary orientation by selecting an existing MicroStation view. You are prompted to select a MicroStation view after which you should place a data point in the view you are using to define the orientation. FrameWorks Plus uses the selected view's orientation for the Model View being created. It is unnecessary to define the active depth point and display depth parameters for 3D views, as they are not planar views. Thus, these options are disabled when defining a 3D view. Define Top of Steel by (Plan Views only) - Defines the way you specify the active depth point for the view. This controls the elevation at which beams and braces are placed by default. In a plan view, this is often referred to as the Top of Steel (TOS) for the floor plan.  If set to Key-in, define the Z or elevation value in the Z: key-in field.  If set to Point, you are prompted to Specify point for view active depth. Place a data point, in any view, to define the active depth for the plan view. Define Active Plane by (Elevation Views only) - Defines the way you specify the view's active depth point. The active depth defines the plane on which members are placed in the elevation view.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

View  

If set to Key-in, define the point using the X:, Y:, and Z: key-in fields. If set to Point, you are prompted to specify a point for the view's active depth. Place a data point, in any view, to define the active depth for the elevation view. X:, Y:, Z: - Defines the view's active depth point. In a plan view, using Standard Top orientation, only the Z: value is significant. These fields are used when the Define Top of Steel option is set to Key-in. In elevation views, typically only one of these values is significant, depending on the orientation selected. For example, when defining a North elevation, only the Y: coordinate is needed to define the active plane. The non-significant fields' values are ignored. Display Depth - For Plan Views -- Defines the display depth (the model's vertical range that displays in the plan view). This is used to include or exclude members that lie above or below the view's active depth. The distance above the active depth is set using the (+) field, and the distance below with the (-) field. For Elevation Views -- Controls the model range that displays in the view. This distance is measured normal to the view plane. The Display Depth can be used to include or exclude members that lie "in front of" or "behind" the view active depth. The distance in front of the active depth is set using the (+) field, and the distance behind with the (-) field. Fitted View Border Widths - Defines the border clearance used when the Fit View command is used. FrameWorks Plus determines the range of all structural elements within the range of the view (including any grid lines placed in the view), and adds the specified border widths to establish a new view range. View North - Specifies which direction is north for the view being created. By specifying the correct direction for north, FrameWorks Plus rotates member annotation so when the view is placed in a drawing and rotated, all annotation reads left to right, or bottom to top.

As seen in the Model View.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


View As seen in the Frozen View after rotation. Drawing Scale - Specifies whether or not you are defining a drawing scale for this view. You can select one of the standard scales or define your own scale. If you choose to define a drawing scale for the view, the text and some representation sizes you enter in the View Symbology dialog boxes are the actual size you want them to be in the drawing when plotted. For example, you activate this option and select 1/4" : 1' as the scale. In the View Symbology dialog boxes you enter 0.25 (1/4 of an inch) as the text size you want in the drawing. When you create the view, FrameWorks Plus calculates that the text needs to be placed in the Model View using a text size of 1 foot. Later, you modify the view's drawing scale to 1/2" : 1', because you still want your text to be 1/4" high in the drawing, FrameWorks Plus recalculates and resets the text size in the Model View to be 6 inches. If you choose not to define a drawing scale for the view, the text and some representation sizes you enter in the View Symbology dialog boxes are the size you want to place in model (as specified in master units). You need to calculate the correct size so that after the view is scaled, your text is the correct height in the drawing.

See Also Delete Model View (on page 194) List View (on page 162) File (Create View Dialog Box) (on page 152)

File (Create View Dialog Box) The File pulldown on the Create View dialog box reviews, loads, or saves predefined view symbology settings from the FrameWorks Plus resource file. For more information, see Appendix A: Customizing FrameWorks Plus (see "Customizing FrameWorks Plus" on page 399). Default From View - Defaults the settings in the Create View dialog box to the settings of an existing active view. Load - Activates the Load Preference dialog box. Select the predefined preference file you want to use, and click OK. Turn on Review Preferences to review the preference file settings without making them active.

Save - Saves the current preference file.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

View Save As - Saves the current preference file under a new name.

Symbology for Linear Members The Symbology > Linear pulldown on the Create View dialog box activates a dialog box that defines the view symbology for all beams, columns, and braces in the view being created. You can change the symbology for all members in the view later using the Modify View command (see Modify View (on page 163)). You can also modify symbology on an individual linear member basis using the Linear Member Overrides command (see Linear Member Overrides (on page 177)). The dialog box is divided into three areas: Graphics, Attributes, and Preview. The Graphics area defines which representation styles and annotation you want to use. The Attributes area defines the graphic symbology for active Graphics settings. The Preview area displays the results of your settings. When the symbology parameters have been defined as required, click OK to accept the parameters and return to the Create View dialog box. You can also save the settings and keep this dialog box active by clicking Apply. Click Cancel to ignore the changes made and exit the dialog box.

Graphics - Defines what representation style and annotation you want to use for the active linear member type. When set to Representation, the different member display styles can be selected. When set to Annotation, the different annotation that can be set for the member is shown. Display in View - Specifies if the selected representation or annotation is used for the active member. Turn on to use that representation style or annotation setting.

Graphics Representation Single Line - Turns on or off the display of the member single line (a simple line displayed along the centerline, or structural member's placement line). This display setting can be used for all view types.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


View Double Line - Displays a detailed symbol that indicates the structural section's exact placement orientation. It shows the direction and correct hidden-line representation of all section types. When the double lines are on, they are inserted within and "break" the single line representation. Members placed without section designation, or undefined members, do not display double lines even if this setting is on. This display setting is normally used only for plan and elevation views and can be used to view member cutbacks. Surface - Displays each structural element as an extrusion of the section along the member's length. This display, when used with the MicroStation rendering commands, produces realistic visual representations of your model. The surface display setting is typically used for 3D views, but can also be used in plan and elevation views. You must use Surface display to view fireproofing graphics in 3D views. This representation can be used to view member cutbacks. Sparse - Displays the single member line and the cross-section graphic only. This display is similar to Intergraph's MicasPlus structural products. Foot Print - Displays members that intersect with plan or elevation views as a section, or foot print. The section shown is a true cross-section of the member, cut at the orientation and position of the view active depth. Undefined members, without a section designation, do not display a section foot print.

Graphics Attributes Color - Type the color number (0-254) for the active representation. You can also use the Color pulldown to select the color. Weight - Type the line weight, or thickness, (0-15) for the active representation. You can also select the weight from the list. Style - Type the line style (0-7) for the active representation. You can also select the line style from the list. Freeze Level - Specifies the level on which the graphics are placed when the view is frozen. The Levels option in the Freeze View command must be set to Freeze Levels for this setting to be used. End 1 Setback - Defines the distance that the start end of the member single line is set back, or shortened. A positive setback value shortens the start end of the member by the specified distance. If cutbacks have been applied to the member, the single line length represents the member's cutback length. This setback is added to the cutback length. If the Setback as % Len option is selected, the setback distance is defined as a percentage of the member length. If the Setback as % Len option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, then the setback distance is defined in model master units. If the Setback as % Len option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, then the setback distance is defined as the actual distance you want the setback to appear as in the drawing. This value is inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. End 2 Setback - Defines the distance that the end of the member single line is set back, or shortened. A positive setback value shortens the end of the member by the specified distance. If cutbacks have been applied to the member, the single line length represents the member's cutback length. This setback is added to the cutback length. If the Setback as % Len option is selected, the setback distance is defined as a percentage of the member length. If the Setback as % Len option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, then the setback distance is defined in model master units.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

View If the Setback as % Len option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, then the setback distance is defined as the actual distance you want the setback to appear as in the drawing. This value is inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. Setback as % Length - Computes the setback distance as a percentage of the member's total length. For example, if this toggle is on and the setback parameter is set to 10, the single line for a beam totaling 20 feet in length would be set back 2 feet. DblLine Length - Defines the length of the double-line display. To view cutbacks, this field must be set to 100 and the DblLine as % Length option must be selected. You can also use the Surface representation to view cutbacks. If the DblLine as % Len option is selected, the double-line length is defined as a percentage of the member length. If the DblLine as % Len option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, then the double-line length is defined in model master units. If the DblLine as % Len option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, then the double-line length is defined as the actual length you want the double-line display to appear as in the drawing. This value is inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. DblLine as % Length - Computes the double line length as a percentage of the member's total length. For example, if this toggle is on, and the double line length parameter is set to 10, the length of the double line component for a beam 20 feet long would be 2 feet. To view cutbacks, this toggle must be on and the DblLine Length field must have a value of 100. DblLine Position - Specifies the double-line symbol center's location. The location is measured along the member line from member end 1 (the first end placed) towards end 2. If the Position as % Len option is selected, the double-line position is defined as a percentage of the member length. If the Position as % Len option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, then the double-line position is defined in model master units from the start of the member. If the Position as % Len option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, then the double-line position is defined as the actual distance from the start of the member that you want the double-line display to appear in the drawing. This value is inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. Position as % Length - Computes the double line component's location point as a percentage of the total member length. For example, if this toggle is on, and the double line position parameter is set to 25, the center of the double line display is at a point 5 feet from end 1 of a beam totaling 20 feet in length. Section Scale - Constructs the double line component from the geometry in the on-line section library for the specified section size. By default, when Section Scale = 1.0, the section is drawn at true scale, or to the exact dimensions found in the section library. By using this parameter, you can scale the double line component up or down as needed for graphical clarity. Thickness Exaggeration - Scales up (or down) the component thickness of a structural section (such as web, flange thickness) for display on the double-line component. Unlike the Section Scale, which scales the section in its entirety, the thickness exaggeration factor expands the double-line representation's components which are typically the most difficult to see on the drawings, such as the web hidden lines on an I-section. Angle Tolerance - Defines the criteria, measured in degrees, which determine how a member is displayed either as a Member in View Plane or a Member Intersecting View Plane. If the angle between the member line and an imaginary vector normal to the view plane exceeds the specified Angle Tolerance, the member is considered to be in the view plane, or parallel to the view. If the angle between the member line and the view plane normal vector is less than the Angle Tolerance, the member is considered to intersect the view plane, or to be perpendicular.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


View Section Scale - Scales the foot print up or down as needed for graphical clarity. The section Foot Print and surface representation are constructed from the geometry in the on- line section library for the specified section size. By default, when Section Scale = 1.0, the foot print is drawn at true scale, or to the exact dimensions found in the section library. Fireproofing Color - Specifies the fireproofing's color. You can key in the color number you want to use or select the color from the color palette. This field only displays when the View Type is 3D. Fireproofing Weight - Specifies the fireproofing's line weight. The higher the number, the thicker the lines that represent the fireproofing. You can key in the line weight (0-15) or use the option pulldown to select the line weight. This field only displays when the View Type is 3D. Fireproofing Style - Specifies the fireproofing's line style. You can key in the line style number (0-7) or use the option pulldown to select the line style. This field only displays when the View Type is 3D. Fireproofing Freeze Level - Specifies the level the fireproofing graphics should be placed on when the view is frozen. Valid levels are 1 to 63. This field only displays when the View Type is 3D. Annotations Name - Annotates the name assigned to each member when it was placed. For more information on naming members, see AutoName (on page 134). Section Size - Annotates the section size assigned to each member. Section sizes are not annotated for undefined members, even if this setting is on. Section Size attributes (color, location, text size, and so forth) and Fireproofing attributes cannot be set independently except for displaying in the view or not. Changing Section Size attributes will change the Fireproofing attributes. Delta Top of Steel - Labels the distance (if any) that a member is placed above or below the nominal TOS (active depth) for a plan view. This label is not displayed if the member is positioned at the active depth (zero delta TOS). Used only for beams and horizontal braces in plan views. Fireproofing - Displays the fireproofing label, which is appended to the member section size annotation. This label is displayed only when fireproofing has been assigned. Fireproofing attributes (color, location, text size, and so forth) and Section Size attributes cannot be set independently except for displaying in the view or not. Changing Fireproofing attributes will change the Section Size attributes. Name (Normal) - Annotates the names of members that intersect, or are normal to a plan or elevation view. Section Size (Normal) - Annotates the section size assigned to members that intersect a plan or elevation view. Undefined members will not display a section size. Annotation Attributes Color - Type the color number (0-254) for the active annotation. You can also use the Color pulldown to select the color. Freeze Level - Specifies the level on which the annotation text is to be placed when the view is frozen. The Levels option in the Freeze View command must be set to Freeze Levels for this freeze level setting to be used. Weight - Type the line weight, or thickness, (0-15) for the active annotation. You can also select the line weight from the option list. Font - Type the appropriate font number for the annotation text's font or text style. Use Uniform Text Size - Specifies that all linear member annotation text in the view should be displayed using the same text height and width. Uniform Height - Specifies the height for all the text in the view. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the height is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual height of the text, as it will appear in the drawing.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

View If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the height is defined in master units. Uniform Width - Specifies the width for all the text in the view. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the width is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual width of the text, as it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the height is defined in master units. Text Height - Defines the height of each character for the text element used to label the member name. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the height is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual height of the text, as it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the height is defined in master units. Text Width - Defines the width of each character for the text element used to label the member name. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the width is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual width of the text, as it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the width is defined in master units. Text Position - Specifies the location of the annotation's center measured along the member line from end 1 of the member (the first end placed) towards end 2. If the Position as % Len option is selected, the annotation is placed at the percentage of the member's length that you specify. If the Position as % Len option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the position is defined in master units. If the Position as % Len option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, the position is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. Position as % Length - Computes the annotation position distance as a percentage of the total member length. For example, if this toggle is on, and the text position parameter is set to 25, the center of the name label is positioned 5 feet from end 1 of a member that is 20 feet in length. Offset - Defines distance from the member line at which the annotation is placed. The Offset Direction defines whether the annotation is placed above or below the member line. If the As % of Height option is selected, the distance is defined as a percentage of the text height. If the As % of Height option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the Offset is defined in master units. If the As % of Height option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, the offset is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. Offset X - Defines distance along the X-axis from the member line at which the annotation is placed. If the As % of Height option is selected, the distance is defined as a percentage of the text height. If the As % of Height option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the Offset is defined in master units. If the As % of Height option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, the offset is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. Offset Y - Defines distance along the Y-axis from the member line at which the annotation is placed. If the As % of Height option is selected, the distance is defined as a percentage of the text height. If the As % of Height option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the Offset is defined in master units. If the As % of Height option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, the offset is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models.

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View As % of Height - Computes the annotation offset distance as a percentage of the text height. Offset Direction - Specifies if the annotation offset is applied above the member line or below the member line. Angle - Specifies an angle at which to display the annotation. The angle is measured between the bottom of the annotation text and the member line. The left edge of the annotation is the rotation axis. Text Location - Defines the location of the annotation relative to the section footprint graphics. The label can be placed in one of five possible positions: center, top right, top left, bottom left, or bottom right. Select the location from the list. Delta TOS Format - Select the format that you want to use for the delta top-of-steel distance annotation. Number of Digits - Enter the number of decimal places to use in displaying the delta-TOS distance. This option is available only in metric models. Abbreviate Section - Displays the section size names in abbreviated form. For example, section W21X122 is labeled as W21. This feature can be used to annotate drawings with only the nominal section size. Number of Characters - Specifies the number of characters that you want to appear when you abbreviate a section name. If you enter 0, the section name is abbreviated at the first nominal dimension. For example, WWF2000X732 is abbreviated as WWF2000.

See Also Create View (on page 148) File (Create View Dialog Box) (on page 152) Symbology for Solid Members (on page 158)

Symbology for Solid Members The Symbology > 3D Solids pulldown on the Create View dialog box activates a dialog box that defines the view symbology for slabs, walls, and solids in the view being created. You can change this symbology for every solid in the view later using the Modify View command (see Modify View (on page 163)). You can also modify symbology on an individual solid member basis using the Solid Member Overrides command (see Solid Member Overrides (on page 184)). The dialog box for this command is divided into three areas: Graphics, Attributes, and Preview. The Graphics area defines which representation styles and annotation you want to use. The Attributes area defines the graphic symbology for active Graphics settings. The Preview area displays the results of your settings.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

View When the symbology parameters have been defined as required, click OK to accept the parameters and return to the Create View dialog box. You can also save the settings and keep this dialog box active by clicking Apply. Click Cancel to ignore the changes made and exit the dialog box.

Graphics - Defines what representation style and annotation you want to use for the active solid member type. When set to Representation, the different styles on how the actual solid member is shown can be selected. When set to Annotation, the different annotation that can be set for the solid member is shown. Display in View - Specifies if the selected representation or annotation is used for the active member. Toggle on to use that representation style or annotation setting.

Graphics Representation Wireframe - Displays the solid member using lines that define the solid's boundary.

Graphics Attributes Color - Type the color number (0-254) for the active representation. You can also use the Color pulldown to select the color. Weight - Type the line weight, or thickness, (0-15) for the active representation. You can also select the line weight from the option list. Style - Type the line style (0-7) for the active representation. You can also select the line style from the option list. Freeze Level - Specifies the level on which the representation graphics are placed when the view is frozen. The Levels option in the Freeze View command must be set to Freeze Levels for this freeze level setting to be used. Annotations Name - Displays the name assigned to each solid when it was placed. Volume - Displays the solid member's net volume (the solid's total volume minus the volume of the holes in that solid).

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View Delta Top of Steel - Labels the distance (if any) that a solid is placed above or below the nominal TOS (active depth) for a plan view. This label is not displayed if the solid is positioned at the active depth (zero delta TOS). Annotation Attributes Color - Type the color number (0-254) for the active representation. You can also use the Color pulldown to select the color. Weight - Type the line weight, or thickness, (0-15) for the active representation. You can also select the line weight from the option list. Font - Type the font, or text style, for the annotation text. Freeze Level - Specifies the level on which the annotation text is placed when the view is frozen. The Levels option in the Freeze View command must be set to Freeze Levels for this freeze level setting to be used. Use Uniform Text Size - Specifies that all solid annotation text in the view should be displayed using the same text height and width. Uniform Height - Specifies the height for all the text in the view. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the height is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual height of the text, as it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the height is defined in master units. Uniform Width - Specifies the width for all the text in the view. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the width is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual width of the text, as it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the width is defined in master units. Text Height - Defines the height of each character for the text element used to label the member name. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the height is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual height of the text, as it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the height is defined in master units. Text Width - Defines the width of each character for the text element used to label the member name. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the width is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual width of the text as, it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the width is defined in master units. Text Position X - Specifies the location name label along the X-axis. The location is measured along the X-axis from the centroid of the solid member. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, this position is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, this position is defined in master units. Text Position Y - Specifies the location name label along the Y-axis. The location is measured along the Y-axis from the centroid of the solid member. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, this position is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, this position is defined in master units. Text Position Z - Specifies the location name label along the Z-axis. The location is measured along the Z-axis from the centroid of the solid member. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, this position is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, this position is defined in master units. Angle - Specifies an angle at which to display the annotation. The angle is measured between the bottom of the annotation text and the centroid of the solid. The left edge of the annotation is the rotation axis.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

View See Also Create View (on page 148) File (Create View Dialog Box) (on page 152) Symbology for Linear Members (on page 153)

Set View The View > Set command activates an existing FrameWorks Plus model view in a selected MicroStation view. You must create a view using the View > Create command before you can set a view, otherwise an error message: No Model Views Defined appears. If a number precedes a model view name, then that view is currently active (set) in the specified MicroStation view. The view description, which you defined for the view when you created it, displays in the View Description field at the bottom of the Set View dialog box.

If the MicroStation view you select already has an active model view, then FrameWorks Plus drops the existing model view before setting the new view. FrameWorks Plus also modifies the view window title to the name of the selected model view. The presence of a FrameWorks Plus view name in a view window border indicates that the view is an active FrameWorks Plus model view. Use Refresh to update the list of views in the Set View dialog box without having to close and reopen the dialog box.

See Also Drop View (on page 162) List View (on page 162)

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View Delete Model View (on page 194)

List View The View > List command displays the names and descriptions of all model views defined in the model. You can save the list to an ASCII file by selecting File > Save As from the List Views dialog box.

See Also Set View (on page 161) Drop View (on page 162) Delete Model View (on page 194)

Drop View The View > Drop command deactivates, or drops, an active FrameWorks Plus model view. This action is the opposite of setting a view with the Set View command. This command does not delete the model view from the FrameWorks Plus database. When a model view is selected, FrameWorks Plus deactivates the view and returns it to a standard MicroStation view.

See Also Set View (on page 161) Delete Model View (on page 194)


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Modify View The View > Modify command modifies an existing model view. Select the command, and then place a data point in the model view that you want to modify. This command modifies the symbology for all members in the view. Use the Linear Member Overrides (on page 177) or the Solid Member Overrides (on page 184) command to modify the symbology of individual members. When all the parameters on the Modify View and symbology dialog boxes have been edited, click Apply or OK to accept the new values. The OK button deactivates the Modify View dialog box before editing the view. Apply edits the view and leaves the dialog box active so that additional views can then be edited. Click Cancel to ignore your changes and exit the command.

File - Specifies a default preference file. For more information, see File (Create View Dialog Box) (see "File" on page 31). Symbology - Activates one of two dialog boxes for modifying view symbology. For more information, see Modify Symbology for Linear Members (on page 165) and Modify Symbology for Solid Members (on page 170). View Name - Contains the name of the Model View. You can edit this name by selecting the field and keying in a new name. The name can be up to 40 characters long. Description - This key-in field is optional and can be used to further describe the Model View. The description can be up to 132 characters long. View Type - Defines the view type. This setting cannot be edited. Define Active Plane by - Defines the way in which you edit the view's active depth point. The active depth defines the plane on which members are placed in the view. If set to Key-in, define the point using the X:, Y:, and Z: key-in fields. If set to Point, you are prompted to specify a point for the view's active depth. Place a data point, in any view, to define the view's active depth.

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View X:, Y:, Z: - These key-in fields define the view's active depth point. In elevation views, typically only one of these values is significant, depending on the orientation selected. For example, when defining a North elevation, only the Y: coordinate is needed to define the active plane. The values of the non-significant fields are ignored. Display Depth - Controls the range of the model displayed in the view. This distance is measured normal to the view plane. This can be used to include or exclude members, which lie "in front of" or "behind" the active depth of the view. The distance in front of the active depth is set using the (+) parameter, and the distance behind with the (-) field. Fitted View Border Widths - Defines the border clearance used when the Fit View command is used. FrameWorks Plus determines the range of all structural elements within the view to be fit (including any grid lines placed in the view) and adds the specified border widths to establish a new view range. View North - Specifies which direction is north for the view being modified. By specifying the correct direction for north, FrameWorks Plus will rotate member annotation so when the view is placed in a drawing and rotated, all annotation will read left to right, or bottom to top.

As seen in the Model View.

As seen in the Frozen View after rotation. Drawing Scale - Specifies whether or not you are defining a drawing scale for this view. You can select one of the standard scales or define your own scale. If you choose to define a drawing scale for the view, the text and some representation sizes you enter in the View Symbology dialog boxes are the actual size you want them to be in the drawing when plotted. For example, you activate this option and select 1/4" : 1' as the scale. In the View Symbology dialog boxes you enter 0.25 (1/4 of an inch) as the text size you want in the drawing. When you create the view, FrameWorks Plus calculates that the text needs to be placed in the Model View using a text size of 1 foot. Later, you modify the view's drawing scale to 1/2" : 1',


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

View because you still want your text to be 1/4" high in the drawing, FrameWorks Plus recalculates and resets the text size in the Model View to be 6 inches. If you choose not to define a drawing scale for the view, the text and some representation sizes you enter in the View Symbology dialog boxes are the size you want to place in model (as specified in master units). You need to calculate the correct size so that after the view is scaled, your text is the correct height in the drawing.

See Also Modify Symbology for Linear Members (on page 165) Modify Symbology for Solid Members (on page 170)

Modify Symbology for Linear Members The Symbology > Linear pulldown on the Modify View dialog box is used to modify beam, column, and brace view symbology. This symbology was originally defined when the view was created (see Create View (on page 148)). The view's current symbology displays in the dialog box. The dialog box has three areas: Graphics, Attributes, and Preview. The Graphics area defines which representation styles and annotation you want to use. The Attributes area defines the graphic symbology for active Graphics settings. The Preview area displays how your settings will appear. When the symbology parameters have been defined as required, click OK to accept the parameters and return to the Modify View dialog box. You can also save the settings and keep this dialog box active by clicking Apply. Click Cancel to ignore the changes made and exit the dialog box.

Graphics - Defines what representation style and annotation you want to use for the active linear member type. When set to Representation, you can select which style to use to display the member. When set to Annotation, the different member annotation that can be set is shown.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


View Display in View - Specifies if the selected representation or annotation is used for the active member. Toggle on to use that representation style or annotation setting.

Graphics Representation Single Line - Turns on or off the display of the member single line (a simple line displayed along the centerline, or structural member's placement line). This display setting can be used for all view types. Double Line - Displays a detailed symbol that indicates the structural section's exact placement orientation. It shows the direction and correct hidden-line representation of all section types. When the double lines are on, they are inserted within and "break" the single line representation. Members placed without section designation, or undefined members, do not display double lines even if this setting is on. This display setting is normally used only for plan and elevation views and can be used to view member cutbacks. Surface - Displays each structural element as an extrusion of the section along the member's length. This display, when used with the MicroStation rendering commands, produces realistic visual representations of your model. The surface display setting is typically used for 3D views, but can also be used in plan and elevation views. You must use Surface display to view fireproofing graphics in 3D views. This representation can be used to view member cutbacks. Sparse - Displays the single member line and the cross-section graphic only. This display is similar to Intergraph's MicasPlus structural products. Foot Print - Displays members that intersect with plan or elevation views as a section, or foot print. The section shown is a true cross-section of the member, cut at the orientation and position of the view active depth. Undefined members, without a section designation, do not display a section foot print.

Graphics Attributes Color - Type the color number (0-254) for the active representation. You can also use the Color pulldown to select the color. Weight - Type the line weight, or thickness, (0-15) for the active representation. You can also select the weight from the list. Style - Type the line style (0-7) for the active representation. You can also select the line style from the list. Freeze Level - Specifies the level on which the graphics are placed when the view is frozen. The Levels option in the Freeze View command must be set to Freeze Levels for this setting to be used. End 1 Setback - Defines the distance that the start end of the member single line is set back, or shortened. A positive setback value shortens the start end of the member by the specified distance. If cutbacks have been applied to the member, the single line length represents the member's cutback length. This setback is added to the cutback length. If the Setback as % Len option is selected, the setback distance is defined as a percentage of the member length. If the Setback as % Len option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, then the setback distance is defined in model master units. If the Setback as % Len option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, then the setback distance is defined as the actual distance you want the setback to appear as in the drawing. This value is inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. End 2 Setback - Defines the distance that the end of the member single line is set back, or shortened. A positive setback value shortens the end of the member by the specified distance. If


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

View cutbacks have been applied to the member, the single line length represents the member's cutback length. This setback is added to the cutback length. If the Setback as % Len option is selected, the setback distance is defined as a percentage of the member length. If the Setback as % Len option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, then the setback distance is defined in model master units. If the Setback as % Len option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, then the setback distance is defined as the actual distance you want the setback to appear as in the drawing. This value is inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. Setback as % Length - Computes the setback distance as a percentage of the member's total length. For example, if this toggle is on and the setback parameter is set to 10, the single line for a beam totaling 20 feet in length would be set back 2 feet. DblLine Length - Defines the length of the double-line display. To view cutbacks, this field must be set to 100 and the DblLine as % Length option must be selected. You can also use the Surface representation to view cutbacks. If the DblLine as % Len option is selected, the double-line length is defined as a percentage of the member length. If the DblLine as % Len option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, then the double-line length is defined in model master units. If the DblLine as % Len option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, then the double-line length is defined as the actual length you want the double-line display to appear as in the drawing. This value is inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. DblLine as % Length - Computes the double line length as a percentage of the member's total length. For example, if this toggle is on, and the double line length parameter is set to 10, the length of the double line component for a beam 20 feet long would be 2 feet. To view cutbacks, this toggle must be on and the DblLine Length field must have a value of 100. DblLine Position - Specifies the double-line symbol center's location. The location is measured along the member line from member end 1 (the first end placed) towards end 2. If the Position as % Len option is selected, the double-line position is defined as a percentage of the member length. If the Position as % Len option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, then the double-line position is defined in model master units from the start of the member. If the Position as % Len option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, then the double-line position is defined as the actual distance from the start of the member that you want the double-line display to appear in the drawing. This value is inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. Position as % Length - Computes the double line component's location point as a percentage of the total member length. For example, if this toggle is on, and the double line position parameter is set to 25, the center of the double line display is at a point 5 feet from end 1 of a beam totaling 20 feet in length. Section Scale - Constructs the double line component from the geometry in the on-line section library for the specified section size. By default, when Section Scale = 1.0, the section is drawn at true scale, or to the exact dimensions found in the section library. By using this parameter, you can scale the double line component up or down as needed for graphical clarity. Thickness Exaggeration - Scales up (or down) the component thickness of a structural section (such as web, flange thickness) for display on the double-line component. Unlike the Section Scale, which scales the section in its entirety, the thickness exaggeration factor expands the double-line representation's components which are typically the most difficult to see on the drawings, such as the web hidden lines on an I-section.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


View Angle Tolerance - Defines the criteria, measured in degrees, which determine how a member is displayed either as a Member in View Plane or a Member Intersecting View Plane. If the angle between the member line and an imaginary vector normal to the view plane exceeds the specified Angle Tolerance, the member is considered to be in the view plane, or parallel to the view. If the angle between the member line and the view plane normal vector is less than the Angle Tolerance, the member is considered to intersect the view plane, or to be perpendicular. Section Scale - Scales the foot print up or down as needed for graphical clarity. The section Foot Print and surface representation are constructed from the geometry in the on- line section library for the specified section size. By default, when Section Scale = 1.0, the foot print is drawn at true scale, or to the exact dimensions found in the section library. Fireproofing Color - Specifies the fireproofing's color. You can key in the color number you want to use or select the color from the color palette. This field only displays when the View Type is 3D. Fireproofing Weight - Specifies the fireproofing's line weight. The higher the number, the thicker the lines that represent the fireproofing. You can key in the line weight (0-15) or use the option pulldown to select the line weight. This field only displays when the View Type is 3D. Fireproofing Style - Specifies the fireproofing's line style. You can key in the line style number (0-7) or use the option pulldown to select the line style. This field only displays when the View Type is 3D. Fireproofing Freeze Level - Specifies the level the fireproofing graphics should be placed on when the view is frozen. Valid levels are 1 to 63. This field only displays when the View Type is 3D. Annotation Name - Annotates the name assigned to each member when it was placed. For more information on naming members, see AutoName (on page 134). Section Size - Annotates the section size assigned to each member. Section sizes are not annotated for undefined members, even if this setting is on. Section Size attributes (color, location, text size, and so forth) and Fireproofing attributes cannot be set independently except for displaying in the view or not. Changing Section Size attributes will change the Fireproofing attributes. Delta Top of Steel - Labels the distance (if any) that a member is placed above or below the nominal TOS (active depth) for a plan view. This label is not displayed if the member is positioned at the active depth (zero delta TOS). Used only for beams and horizontal braces in plan views. Fireproofing - Displays the fireproofing label, which is appended to the member section size annotation. This label is displayed only when fireproofing has been assigned. Fireproofing attributes (color, location, text size, and so forth) and Section Size attributes cannot be set independently except for displaying in the view or not. Changing Fireproofing attributes will change the Section Size attributes. Name (Normal) - Annotates the names of members that intersect, or are normal to a plan or elevation view. Section Size (Normal) - Annotates the section size assigned to members that intersect a plan or elevation view. Undefined members will not display a section size. Annotation Attributes Color - Type the color number (0-254) for the active annotation. You can also use the Color pulldown to select the color. Freeze Level - Specifies the level on which the annotation text is to be placed when the view is frozen. The Levels option in the Freeze View command must be set to Freeze Levels for this freeze level setting to be used. Weight - Type the line weight, or thickness, (0-15) for the active annotation. You can also select the line weight from the option list.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

View Font - Type the appropriate font number for the annotation text's font or text style. Use Uniform Text Size - Specifies that all linear member annotation text in the view should be displayed using the same text height and width. Uniform Height - Specifies the height for all the text in the view. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the height is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual height of the text, as it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the height is defined in master units. Uniform Width - Specifies the width for all the text in the view. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the width is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual width of the text, as it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the height is defined in master units. Text Height - Defines the height of each character for the text element used to label the member name. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the height is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual height of the text, as it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the height is defined in master units. Text Width - Defines the width of each character for the text element used to label the member name. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the width is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual width of the text, as it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the width is defined in master units. Text Position - Specifies the location of the annotation's center measured along the member line from end 1 of the member (the first end placed) towards end 2. If the Position as % Len option is selected, the annotation is placed at the percentage of the member's length that you specify. If the Position as % Len option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the position is defined in master units. If the Position as % Len option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, the position is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. Position as % Length - Computes the annotation position distance as a percentage of the total member length. For example, if this toggle is on, and the text position parameter is set to 25, the center of the name label is positioned 5 feet from end 1 of a member that is 20 feet in length. Offset - Defines distance from the member line at which the annotation is placed. The Offset Direction defines whether the annotation is placed above or below the member line. If the As % of Height option is selected, the distance is defined as a percentage of the text height. If the As % of Height option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the Offset is defined in master units. If the As % of Height option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, the offset is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. Offset X - Defines distance along the X-axis from the member line at which the annotation is placed. If the As % of Height option is selected, the distance is defined as a percentage of the text height. If the As % of Height option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the Offset is defined in master units. If the As % of Height option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, the offset is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


View Offset Y - Defines distance along the Y-axis from the member line at which the annotation is placed. If the As % of Height option is selected, the distance is defined as a percentage of the text height. If the As % of Height option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the Offset is defined in master units. If the As % of Height option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, the offset is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. As % of Height - Computes the annotation offset distance as a percentage of the text height. Offset Direction - Specifies if the annotation offset is applied above the member line or below the member line. Angle - Specifies an angle at which to display the annotation. The angle is measured between the bottom of the annotation text and the member line. The left edge of the annotation is the rotation axis. Text Location - Defines the location of the annotation relative to the section footprint graphics. The label can be placed in one of five possible positions: center, top right, top left, bottom left, or bottom right. Select the location from the list. Delta TOS Format - Select the format that you want to use for the delta top-of-steel distance annotation. Number of Digits - Enter the number of decimal places to use in displaying the delta-TOS distance. This option is available only in metric models. Abbreviate Section - Displays the section size names in abbreviated form. For example, section W21X122 is labeled as W21. This feature can be used to annotate drawings with only the nominal section size. Number of Characters - Specifies the number of characters that you want to appear when you abbreviate a section name. If you enter 0, the section name is abbreviated at the first nominal dimension. For example, WWF2000X732 is abbreviated as WWF2000.

See Also Modify View (on page 163) Modify Symbology for Solid Members (on page 170)

Modify Symbology for Solid Members The Symbology > 3D Solids pulldown on the Modify View dialog box is used to modify slab, walls, and solid view symbology. This symbology was originally defined when the view was created (see Create View (on page 148)). This command's dialog box has three areas: Graphics, Attributes, and Preview. The Graphics area defines which representation styles and annotation you want to use. The Attributes area defines the graphic symbology for active Graphics settings. The Preview area displays how your settings will appear.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

View When the symbology parameters have been defined as required, click OK to accept the parameters and return back to the Modify View dialog box. You can also save the settings and keep this dialog box active by clicking Apply. Click Cancel to ignore the changes made and exit the dialog box.

Graphics - Defines what representation style and annotation you want to use for the active solid member type. When set to Representation, the different styles on how the actual solid member is shown can be selected. When set to Annotation, the different annotation that can be set for the solid member is shown. Display in View - Specifies if the selected representation or annotation is used for the active member. Toggle on to use that representation style or annotation setting.

Graphic Representations Wireframe - Displays the solid member using lines that define the solid's boundary.

Graphic Attributes Color - Type the color number (0-254) for the active representation. You can also use the Color pulldown to select the color. Weight - Type the line weight, or thickness, (0-15) for the active representation. You can also select the line weight from the option list. Style - Type the line style (0-7) for the active representation. You can also select the line style from the option list. Freeze Level - Specifies the level on which the representation graphics are placed when the view is frozen. The Levels option in the Freeze View command must be set to Freeze Levels for this freeze level setting to be used. Annotation Name - Displays the name assigned to each solid when it was placed. Volume - Displays the solid member's net volume (the solid's total volume minus the volume of the holes in that solid).

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


View Delta Top of Steel - Labels the distance (if any) that a solid is placed above or below the nominal TOS (active depth) for a plan view. This label is not displayed if the solid is positioned at the active depth (zero delta TOS). Annotation Attributes Color - Type the color number (0-254) for the active representation. You can also use the Color pulldown to select the color. Weight - Type the line weight, or thickness, (0-15) for the active representation. You can also select the line weight from the option list. Font - Type the font, or text style, for the annotation text. Freeze Level - Specifies the level on which the annotation text is placed when the view is frozen. The Levels option in the Freeze View command must be set to Freeze Levels for this freeze level setting to be used. Use Uniform Text Size - Specifies that all solid annotation text in the view should be displayed using the same text height and width. Uniform Height - Specifies the height for all the text in the view. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the height is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual height of the text, as it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the height is defined in master units. Uniform Width - Specifies the width for all the text in the view. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the width is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual width of the text, as it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the width is defined in master units. Text Height - Defines the height of each character for the text element used to label the member name. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the height is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual height of the text, as it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the height is defined in master units. Text Width - Defines the width of each character for the text element used to label the member name. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the width is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual width of the text as, it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the width is defined in master units. Text Position X - Specifies the location name label along the X-axis. The location is measured along the X-axis from the centroid of the solid member. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, this position is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, this position is defined in master units. Text Position Y - Specifies the location name label along the Y-axis. The location is measured along the Y-axis from the centroid of the solid member. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, this position is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, this position is defined in master units. Text Position Z - Specifies the location name label along the Z-axis. The location is measured along the Z-axis from the centroid of the solid member. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, this position is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, this position is defined in master units. Angle - Specifies an angle at which to display the annotation. The angle is measured between the bottom of the annotation text and the centroid of the solid. The left edge of the annotation is the rotation axis.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

View See Also Modify View (on page 163) Modify Symbology for Linear Members (on page 165)

Create Named Groups Symbology The View > Named Groups > Create command defines view symbology for named group members that override the regular view symbology. By using named group symbology, you can turn off and on symbology for groups providing a powerful method for controlling what members are added to frozen views. When displaying members, FrameWorks Plus uses any defined Member Override symbology first. If the member does not have a Member Override defined, FrameWorks Plus looks for a Named Group symbology. If the member does not have a Named Group symbology defined, FrameWorks Plus uses the default symbology defined for the view. If a member belongs to more than one named group, FrameWorks Plus uses the symbology for the controlling named group. You specify which named group is the controlling named group when you assign the second named group to the member.

Beams - Activates the View Symbology - Beams dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all beams in the view that belong to the selected named group. For more information about the View Symbology - Beams dialog box, see Symbology for Linear Members (on page 153).

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


View Columns - Activates the View Symbology - Columns dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all columns in the view that belong to the selected named group. For more information about the View Symbology - Columns dialog box, see Symbology for Linear Members (on page 153). H. Braces - Activates the View Symbology - Horizontal Braces dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all horizontal braces in the view that belong to the selected named group. For more information about the View Symbology - Horizontal Braces dialog box, see Symbology for Linear Members (on page 153). V. Braces - Activates the View Symbology - Vertical Braces dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all vertical braces in the view that belong to the selected named group. For more information about the View Symbology - Vertical Braces dialog box, see Symbology for Linear Members (on page 153). Apply to all linear members - Activates the All button that accesses the View Symbology dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all linear members (beams, columns, vertical braces, and horizontal braces) in the view that belong to the selected named group. This is useful when you want to turn off the symbology for all members in a named group. Slabs - Activates the View Symbology - Slabs dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all slabs in the view that belong to the selected named group. For more information about the View Symbology - Slabs dialog box, see Symbology for Solid Members (on page 158). Walls - Activates the View Symbology - Walls dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all walls in the view that belong to the selected named group. For more information about the View Symbology - Walls dialog box, see Symbology for Solid Members (on page 158). Solids - Activates the View Symbology - Solids dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all solids in the view that belong to the selected named group. For more information about the View Symbology - Solids dialog box, see Symbology for Solid Members (on page 158). Apply to all solid members - Activates the All button that accesses the View Symbology dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all solid members (slabs, walls, and solids) in the view that belong to the selected named group. This is useful when you want to turn off the symbology for all members in a named group. List all Named Groups - Toggle on to display all available named groups in the project. If you leave this option off, the list displays only those named groups in the view that have not had symbology defined for them. Sorted by - Controls how named groups are displayed in the list. Select Index to display the named groups in the order that they were created. Select Alphabet to display the named groups in alphabetical order. Show - Highlights all members in the view that belong to the selected named group. Apply - Applies the named group symbology settings to the members. OK - Applies the named group symbology settings to the members and exits the dialog box. Cancel - Exits the dialog box without changing any named group symbology.

See Also Defaults Linear Members - Named Groups (on page 130) Drop Named Groups Symbology (on page 177) Modify Named Groups Symbology (on page 175) Named Groups (on page 245)


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Modify Named Groups Symbology The View > Named Groups > Modify command modifies view symbology for named group members that override the regular view symbology. When displaying members, FrameWorks Plus uses any defined Member Override symbology first. If the member does not have a Member Override defined, FrameWorks Plus looks for a Named Group symbology. If the member does not have a Named Group symbology defined, FrameWorks Plus uses the default symbology defined for the view. If a member belongs to more than one named group, FrameWorks Plus uses the symbology for the controlling named group. You specify which named group is the controlling named group when you assign the second named group to the members.

Beams - Activates the View Symbology - Beams dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all beams in the view that belong to the selected named group. For more information about the View Symbology - Beams dialog box, see Symbology for Linear Members (on page 153). Columns - Activates the View Symbology - Columns dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all columns in the view that belong to the selected named group. For more information about the View Symbology - Columns dialog box, see Symbology for Linear Members (on page 153). H. Braces - Activates the View Symbology - Horizontal Braces dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all horizontal braces in the view that belong to the selected

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View named group. For more information about the View Symbology - Horizontal Braces dialog box, see Symbology for Linear Members (on page 153). V. Braces - Activates the View Symbology - Vertical Braces dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all vertical braces in the view that belong to the selected named group. For more information about the View Symbology - Vertical Braces dialog box, see Symbology for Linear Members (on page 153). Apply to all linear members - Activates the All button that accesses the View Symbology dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all linear members (beams, columns, vertical braces, and horizontal braces) in the view that belong to the selected named group. This is useful when you want to turn off the symbology for all members in a named group. Slabs - Activates the View Symbology - Slabs dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all slabs in the view that belong to the selected named group. For more information about the View Symbology - Slabs dialog box, see Symbology for Solid Members (on page 158). Walls - Activates the View Symbology - Walls dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all walls in the view that belong to the selected named group. For more information about the View Symbology - Walls dialog box, see Symbology for Solid Members (on page 158). Solids - Activates the View Symbology - Solids dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all solids in the view that belong to the selected named group. For more information about the View Symbology - Solids dialog box, see Symbology for Solid Members (on page 158). Apply to all solid members - Activates the All button that accesses the View Symbology dialog box. You can use this dialog box to change the symbology for all solid members (slabs, walls, and solids) in the view that belong to the selected named group. This is useful when you want to turn off the symbology for all members in a named group. List all Named Groups - Toggle on to display all available named groups in the project. If you leave this option off, the list displays only those named groups in the view that have had symbology defined for them. Sorted by - Controls how named groups are displayed in the list. Select Index to display the named groups in the order that they were created. Select Alphabet to display the named groups in alphabetical order. Show - Highlights all members in the view that belong to the selected named group. Apply - Applies the named group symbology settings to the members. OK - Applies the named group symbology settings to the members and exits the dialog box. Cancel - Exits the dialog box without changing any named group symbology.

See Also Create Named Groups Symbology (on page 173) Defaults Linear Members - Named Groups (on page 130) Drop Named Groups Symbology (on page 177) Named Groups (on page 245)


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Drop Named Groups Symbology The View > Named Groups > Drop command deletes named group symbology from the view. The member symbology will revert back to the default view symbology once the named group symbology is dropped. The dialog box only displays those named groups with symbology defined in the selected view.

Sorted by - Controls how named groups are displayed in the list. Select Index to display the named groups in the order that they were created. Select Alphabet to display the named groups in alphabetical order.

See Also Create Named Groups Symbology (on page 173) Defaults Linear Members - Named Groups (on page 130) Modify Named Groups Symbology (on page 175) Named Groups (on page 245)

Linear Member Overrides The View > Override > Linear command changes the view symbology for a single linear member or a small group of selected linear members. If you need to move only a single piece of annotation, consider using the Override Annotation command instead. For more information, see Override Annotation (on page 186). If you need to move only a single double line widget, consider using the Override Double Line Widget command instead. For more information, see Override Double Line Widget (on page 187).

Overrides used to move vertical brace annotation. When displaying members, FrameWorks Plus uses any defined Member Override symbology first. If the member does not have a Member Override defined, FrameWorks Plus looks for a

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View Named Group symbology. If the member does not have a Named Group symbology defined, FrameWorks Plus uses the default symbology defined for the view. Overrides are tracked on an individual member basis. For example, if you copy a member that has overrides defined for it, the member created by the copy will not have the override information unless you select the Copy Overrides option when copying. To modify symbology on all members in a view, use the Modify View command. Detaching a model that contains members to which you have applied overrides can cause unpredictable results. We recommend that you either not detach models that have members with overrides or that you remove the overrides before detaching the model. If you absolutely must detach a model with member overrides, attach the models in the same order. For example, you have three models attached: Model A, Model B, and Model C. You apply overrides to members in Model B then detach all the models. You must attach Model A then attach Model B. The dialog box has three areas: Graphics, Attributes, and Preview. The Graphics area defines which representation styles and annotation you want to use. The Attributes area defines the graphic symbology for active Graphics settings. The Preview area displays how your settings will appear.

Graphics - Defines what representation style and annotation you want to use for the active linear member type. When set to Representation, the different styles on how the actual member is shown can be selected. When set to Annotation, the different annotation that can be set for the member is shown. Display in View - Specifies if the selected representation or annotation is used for the active member. Toggle on to use that representation style or annotation setting. Edit All Similar - Toggle on to edit similar members, such as all the beams, to have the same settings as the currently highlighted member. This option is only available when more than one element is selected for member overrides. Use Defaults - Toggle on to remove any symbology overrides on the member and use the default symbology values for the view.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

View Designate for Frozen view update - If the view that contains the member whose symbology you are overriding has been frozen, select this option if you want to designate that member as "needing to be updated" the next time the frozen view is updated using the Update Frozen command. If you do not select this option, the new member symbology will only appear if the frozen view is regenerated. Match Symbology - Defaults all representation and annotation settings in the dialog box to match a selected member. The member you select must be of the same member type (beam, column, vertical brace, or horizontal brace) and must be in the same view as the member for which you are currently overriding symbology. Apply - Saves the override symbology for the selected member and prompts you to select another member you want to change symbology on. OK - Saves the override symbology for the selected member and dismisses the dialog box. Cancel - Exits the dialog box. Next - Moves to the next member in the selection set. Next does not save changes. Be sure to select Apply if you have changed a member's symbology before selecting Next.

Representation - Linear Members Single Line - Turns on or off the display of the member single line (a simple line displayed along the centerline, or structural member's placement line). This display setting can be used for all view types. Double Line - Displays a detailed symbol that indicates the structural section's exact placement orientation. It shows the direction and correct hidden-line representation of all section types. When the double lines are on, they are inserted within and "break" the single line representation. Members placed without section designation, or undefined members, do not display double lines even if this setting is on. This display setting is normally used only for plan and elevation views and can be used to view member cutbacks. Surface - Displays each structural element as an extrusion of the section along the member's length. This display, when used with the MicroStation rendering commands, produces realistic visual representations of your model. The surface display setting is typically used for 3D views, but can also be used in plan and elevation views. You must use Surface display to view fireproofing graphics in 3D views. This representation can be used to view member cutbacks. Sparse - Displays the single member line and the cross-section graphic only. This display is similar to Intergraph's MicasPlus structural products. Foot Print - Displays members that intersect with plan or elevation views as a section, or foot print. The section shown is a true cross-section of the member, cut at the orientation and position of the view active depth. Undefined members, without a section designation, do not display a section foot print.

Representation - Attributes Color - Type the color number (0-254) for the active representation. You can also use the Color pulldown to select the color. Weight - Type the line weight, or thickness, (0-15) for the active representation. You can also select the line weight from the option list. Style - Type the line style (0-7) for the active representation. You can also select the line style from the list. Freeze Level - Specifies the level on which the representation graphics are placed when the view is frozen. The Levels option in the Freeze View command must be set to Freeze Levels for this setting to be used.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


View Setback End 1 - Defines the distance that the start end of the member single line is set back, or shortened. A positive setback value shortens the start end of the member by the specified distance. If cutbacks have been applied to the member, the single line length represents the member's cutback length. This setback is added to the cutback length. If the Setback as % Len option is selected, the setback distance is defined as a percentage of the member length. If the Setback as % Len option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, then the setback distance is defined in model master units. If the Setback as % Len option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, then the setback distance is defined as the actual distance you want the setback to appear as in the drawing. This value is inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. Setback End 2 - Defines the distance that the end of the member single line is set back, or shortened. A positive setback value shortens the end of the member by the specified distance. If cutbacks have been applied to the member, the single line length represents the member's cutback length. This setback is added to the cutback length. If the Setback as % Len option is selected, the setback distance is defined as a percentage of the member length. If the Setback as % Len option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, then the setback distance is defined in model master units. If the Setback as % Len option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, then the setback distance is defined as the actual distance you want the setback to appear as in the drawing. This value is inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. Setback as % Length - Computes the setback distance as a percentage of the member's total length. For example, if this toggle is on and the setback parameter is set to 10, the single line for a beam totaling 20 feet in length would be set back 2 feet. DblLine Length - Defines the length of the double-line display. To view cutbacks, this field must be set to 100 and the DblLine as % Length option must be selected. You can also use the Surface representation to view cutbacks. If the DblLine as % Len option is selected, the double-line length is defined as a percentage of the member length. If the DblLine as % Len option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, then the double-line length is defined in model master units. If the DblLine as % Len option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, then the double-line length is defined as the actual length you want the double-line display to appear as in the drawing. This value is inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. DblLine as % Length - Computes the double line length as a percentage of the member's total length. For example, if this toggle is on, and the double line length parameter is set to 10, the length of the double line component for a beam 20 feet long would be 2 feet. To view cutbacks, this toggle must be on and the DblLine Length field must have a value of 100. Define DblLine Position by - Defines if you want to define the double-line position by pointing to the location or by keying in the location along the member. DblLine Position - Specifies the double-line symbol center's location. The location is measured along the member line from member end 1 (the first end placed) towards end 2. If the Position as % Len option is selected, the double-line position is defined as a percentage of the member length. If the Position as % Len option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, then the double-line position is defined in model master units from the start of the member.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

View If the Position as % Len option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, then the double-line position is defined as the actual distance from the start of the member that you want the double-line display to appear in the drawing. This value is inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. Position as % Length - Computes the double line component's location point as a percentage of the total member length. For example, if this toggle is on, and the double line position parameter is set to 25, the center of the double line display is at a point 5 feet from end 1 of a beam totaling 20 feet in length. Section Scale - Constructs the double line component from the geometry in the on-line section library for the specified section size. By default, when Section Scale = 1.0, the section is drawn at true scale, or to the exact dimensions found in the section library. By using this parameter, you can scale the double line component up or down as needed for graphical clarity. Thickness Exaggeration - Scales up (or down) the component thickness of a structural section (such as web, flange thickness) for display on the double-line component. Unlike the Section Scale, which scales the section in its entirety, the thickness exaggeration factor expands the double-line representation's components which are typically the most difficult to see on the drawings, such as the web hidden lines on an I-section. Angle Tolerance - Defines the criteria, measured in degrees, which determine how a member is displayed either as a Member in View Plane or a Member Intersecting View Plane. If the angle between the member line and an imaginary vector normal to the view plane exceeds the specified Angle Tolerance, the member is considered to be in the view plane, or parallel to the view. If the angle between the member line and the view plane normal vector is less than the Angle Tolerance, the member is considered to intersect the view plane, or to be perpendicular. Section Scale - Scales the foot print up or down as needed for graphical clarity. The section Foot Print and surface representation are constructed from the geometry in the on- line section library for the specified section size. By default, when Section Scale = 1.0, the foot print is drawn at true scale, or to the exact dimensions found in the section library. Fireproofing Color - Specifies the fireproofing's color. You can key in the color number you want to use or select the color from the color palette. This field only displays when the View Type is 3D. Fireproofing Weight - Specifies the fireproofing's line weight. The higher the number, the thicker the lines representing the fireproofing. You can key in the line weight (0-15) or use the option pulldown to select the line weight. This field only displays when the View Type is 3D. Fireproofing Style - Specifies the fireproofing's line style. You can key in the line style number (0-7) or use the option pulldown to select the line style. This field only displays when the View Type is 3D. Fireproofing Freeze Level - Specifies the level the fireproofing graphics should be placed on when the view is frozen. Valid levels are 1 to 63. This field only displays when the View Type is 3D.

Annotation - Linear Members Name - Annotates the name assigned to each member when it was placed. For more information on naming members, see AutoName (on page 134). Section Size - Annotates the section size assigned to each member. Section sizes are not annotated for undefined members, even if this setting is on. Section Size attributes (color, location, text size, and so forth) and Fireproofing attributes cannot be set independently except for displaying in the view or not. Changing Section Size attributes will change the Fireproofing attributes. Delta Top of Steel - Labels the distance (if any) that a member is placed above or below the nominal TOS (active depth) for a plan view. This label is not displayed if the member is positioned at the active depth (zero delta TOS). Used only for beams and horizontal braces in plan views.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


View Fireproofing - Displays the fireproofing label, which is appended to the member section size annotation. This label is displayed only when fireproofing has been assigned. Fireproofing attributes (color, location, text size, and so forth) and Section Size attributes cannot be set independently except for displaying in the view or not. Changing Fireproofing attributes will change the Section Size attributes. Name (Normal) - Annotates the names of members that intersect, or are normal to a plan or elevation view. Section Size (Normal) - Annotates the section size assigned to members that intersect a plan or elevation view. Undefined members will not display a section size. Annotation - Attributes Color - Type the color number (0-254) for the active annotation. You can also use the Color pulldown to select the color. Weight - Type the line weight, or thickness, (0-15) for the active annotation. You can also select the line weight from the option list. Font - Type the appropriate font number for the annotation text's font or text style. Freeze Level - Specifies the level on which the annotation text is to be placed when the view is frozen. The Levels option in the Freeze View command must be set to Freeze Levels for this freeze level setting to be used. Text Height - Defines the height of each character for the text element used to label the member name. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the height is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual height of the text as it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the height is defined in master units. Text Width - Defines the width of each character for the text element used to label the member name. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the width is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual width of the text as it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the width is defined in master units. Define Text Position By - Defines if you want to define the text position by pointing to the location, by keying in the location along the member, or by moving the text along the member. Text Position - Specifies the location of the annotation's center measured along the member line from end 1 of the member (the first end placed) towards end 2. If the Position as % Len option is selected, the annotation is placed at the percentage of the member's length that you specify. If the Position as % Len option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the position is defined in master units. If the Position as % Len option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, the position is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. Position as % Length - Computes the annotation position distance as a percentage of the total member length. For example, if this toggle is on, and the text position parameter is set to 25, the center of the name label is positioned 5 feet from end 1 of a member that is 20 feet in length. Text Location - Defines the location of the member name text label, relative to other label(s) annotated for the member line. Four possibilities are available: directly above or below the member line, or stacked above or below any other label which is directly above or below the member line. You can effectively control the label stacking with this parameter. For footprints, defines the location of the member name label is defined relative to the section footprint graphics. The label can be placed by one of five possible positions: center, top right, top left, bottom left, or bottom right. Select the desired location using the option list provided.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

View Offset - Defines distance from the member line at which the annotation is placed. The Offset Direction defines whether the annotation is placed above or below the member line. If the As % of Height option is selected, the distance is defined as a percentage of the text height. If the As % of Height option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, then the Offset is defined in master units. If the As % of Height option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, the offset is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. Offset X - Defines distance along the X-axis from the member line at which the annotation is placed. If the As % of Height option is selected, the distance is defined as a percentage of the text height. If the As % of Height option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, then the Offset is defined in master units. If the As % of Height option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, the offset is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. Offset Y - Defines distance along the Y-axis from the member line at which the annotation is placed. If the As % of Height option is selected, the distance is defined as a percentage of the text height. If the As % of Height option is not selected and the Drawing Scale option is not selected, then the Offset is defined in master units. If the As % of Height option is not selected but the Drawing Scale option is selected, the offset is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. As % of Height - Computes the annotation-offset distance as a percentage of the text height. Offset Direction - Specifies if the annotation offset is applied above the member line or below the member line. Angle - Specifies an angle at which to display the annotation. The angle is measured between the bottom of the annotation text and the member line. The left edge of the annotation is the rotation axis. Delta TOS Format - Select the format you want to use for the delta top-of-steel distance annotation. Abbreviate Section - Displays the section size names in abbreviated form. For example, section W21X122 is labeled as W21. This feature can be used to annotate drawings with only the nominal section size. Number of Characters - Specifies the number of characters you want to appear when you abbreviate a section name. Label - When the user option is specified for the FP Designator, this key-in field can be used to specify a user-definable FP label. This label is appended to the section size, and can contain up to 12 characters.

See Also Override Annotation (on page 186) Override Double Line Widget (on page 187) Solid Member Overrides (on page 184) Modify View (on page 163) Modify Symbology for Linear Members (on page 165) Modify Symbology for Solid Members (on page 170)

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



Solid Member Overrides The View > Override > 3D Solid command changes the view symbology for a single solid member or a small group of selected solid members. This command is useful for moving member annotation that is overlapping. If you need to move only a single piece of annotation, consider using the Override Annotation command instead. For more information, see Override Annotation (on page 186). When displaying members, FrameWorks Plus uses any defined Member Override symbology first. If the member does not have a Member Override defined, FrameWorks Plus looks for a Named Group symbology. If the member does not have a Named Group symbology defined, FrameWorks Plus uses the default symbology defined for the view. Overrides are tracked on an individual member basis. For example, if you copy a member that has overrides defined for it, the member created by the copy will not have the override information unless you select the Copy Overrides option during the copy. To modify symbology on all members in a view, use the Modify View command. Detaching a model that contains members to which you have applied overrides can cause unpredictable results. We recommend that you either not detach models that have members with overrides or that you remove the overrides before detaching the model. If you absolutely must detach a model with member overrides, attach the models in the same order. For example, you have three models attached: Model A, Model B, and Model C. You apply overrides to members in Model B then detach all the models. You must attach Model A then attach Model B. This command's dialog box has three areas: Graphics, Attributes, and Preview. The Graphics area defines which representation styles and annotation you want to use. The Attributes area defines the graphic symbology for active Graphics settings. The Preview area displays how your settings will appear.

Graphics - Defines what representation style and annotation you want to use for the active solid member type. When set to Representation, the different styles on how the actual solid member is shown can be selected.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

View When set to Annotation, the different annotation that can be set for the solid member is shown. Display in View - Specifies if the selected representation or annotation is used for the active member. Toggle on to use that representation style or annotation setting. Use Defaults - Toggle on to remove any symbology overrides on the member and use the default symbology values for the view. Designate for Frozen view update - Select this option if the solid whose symbology you are overriding has been frozen and you want the symbology updated the next time the frozen view is updated using the Update Frozen command. If you do not select this option, the new member symbology will only appear if the frozen view is regenerated. Match Symbology - Defaults all representation and annotation settings in the dialog box to match a selected solid. The solid that you select must be of the same member type (slab, wall, or solid) and must be in the same view as the solid for which you are currently overriding symbology. Apply - Saves the override symbology for the selected member and prompts you to select another member you want to change symbology on. OK - Saves the override symbology for the selected member and dismisses the dialog box. Cancel - Exits the dialog box. Next - Moves to the next member in the selection set. Next does not save changes. Be sure to click Apply if you have changed a member's symbology before clicking Next.

Representation - Solid Members Wireframe - Displays the solid member using lines that define the solid's boundary. Representation Attributes - Solid Members Color - Type the color number (0-254) for the active representation. You can also use the Color pulldown to select the color. Weight - Type the line weight, or thickness, (0-15) for the active representation. You can also select the line weight from the option list. Style - Type the line style (0-7) for the active representation. You can also select the line style from the option list. Freeze Level - Specifies the level on which the representation graphics are placed when the view is frozen. The Levels option in the Freeze View command must be set to Freeze Levels for this freeze level setting to be used. Annotation - Solid Members Name - Displays the name assigned to each solid when it was placed. Volume - Displays the solid member's net volume (the solid's total volume minus the volume of the holes in that solid). Delta Top of Steel - Labels the distance (if any) that a solid is placed above or below the nominal TOS (active depth) for a plan view. This label is not displayed if the solid is positioned at the active depth (zero delta TOS). Annotation - Attributes Color - Type the color number (0-254) for the active representation. You can also use the Color pulldown to select the color. Weight - Type the line weight, or thickness, (0-15) for the active representation. You can also select the line weight from the option list. Font - Type the font, or text style, for the annotation text. Freeze Level - Specifies the level on which the annotation text is placed when the view is frozen. The Levels option in the Freeze View command must be set to Freeze Levels for this freeze level setting to be used.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


View Text Height - Defines the height of each character for the text element used to label the member name. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the height is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual height of the text as it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the height is defined in master units. Text Width - Defines the width of each character for the text element used to label the member name. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, the width is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. You are defining the actual width of the text as it will appear in the drawing. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, the width is defined in master units. Define Text Position By - Defines if you want to define the text position by pointing to the location, by keying in the location, or by moving the text along the member. Text Position X - Specifies the location name label along the X-axis. The location is measured along the X-axis from the centroid of the solid member. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, this position is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, this position is defined in master units. Text Position Y - Specifies the location name label along the Y-axis. The location is measured along the Y-axis from the centroid of the solid member. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, this position is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, this position is defined in master units. Text Position Z - Specifies the location name label along the Z-axis. The location is measured along the Z-axis from the centroid of the solid member. If the Drawing Scale option is selected, this position is defined in inches for imperial models and millimeters for metric models. If the Drawing Scale option is not selected, this position is defined in master units. Angle - Specifies an angle at which to display the annotation. The angle is measured between the bottom of the annotation text and the centroid of the solid. The left edge of the annotation is the rotation axis.

See Also Linear Member Overrides (on page 177) Modify View (on page 163) Modify Symbology for Solid Members (on page 170)

Override Annotation The View > Override Annotation command changes the location of annotation for a single member without having to go through the main override dialog box. You can move both linear and solid member annotation with this command. The software automatically updates the member override dialog box with the new annotation location. As with all member overrides, you can restore the default symbology to the member by using the Use Defaults option on the member override dialog box.

When displaying members, FrameWorks Plus uses any defined Member Override symbology first. If the member does not have a Member Override defined, FrameWorks Plus looks for a


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

View Named Group symbology. If the member does not have a Named Group symbology defined, FrameWorks Plus uses the default symbology defined for the view. Overrides are tracked on an individual member basis. For example, if you copy a member that has overrides defined for it, the member created by the copy will not have the override information. To modify symbology on all members in a view, use the Modify View command. Detaching a model that contains members to which you have applied overrides can cause unpredictable results. We recommend that you either not detach models that have members with overrides or that you remove the overrides before detaching the model. If you absolutely must detach a model with member overrides, attach the models in the same order. For example, you have three models attached: Model A, Model B, and Model C. You apply overrides to members in Model B, and then detach all the models. You must attach Model A then attach Model B.

Annotation - Select which piece of to move. Display along member - Select to limit the movement of the annotation to along the member line. Clear this option to position the annotation anywhere.

See Also Linear Member Overrides (on page 177) Override Double Line Widget (on page 187) Solid Member Overrides (on page 184)

Override Double Line Widget The View > Override Double Line Widget command changes the location of the double line widget for a single linear member without having to go through the main override dialog box. The software automatically updates the member override dialog box with the new widget location. As with all member overrides, you can restore the default symbology to the member by using the Use Defaults option on the member override dialog box. When displaying members, FrameWorks Plus uses any defined Member Override symbology first. If the member does not have a Member Override defined, FrameWorks Plus looks for a Named Group symbology. If the member does not have a Named Group symbology defined, FrameWorks Plus uses the default symbology defined for the view. Overrides are tracked on an individual member basis. For example, if you copy a member that has overrides defined for it, the member created by the copy will not have the override information. To modify symbology on all members in a view, use the Modify View command. Detaching a model that contains members to which you have applied overrides can cause unpredictable results. We recommend that you either not detach models that have members with overrides or that you remove the overrides before detaching the model. If you absolutely must detach a model with member overrides, attach the models in the same order. For example, you have three models attached: Model A, Model B, and Model C. You apply overrides to members in Model B, and then detach all the models. You must attach Model A then attach Model B.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


View See Also Linear Member Overrides (on page 177) Override Annotation (on page 186) Solid Member Overrides (on page 184)

Freeze View The View > Freeze command creates permanent graphics from the display-only model view graphics. The permanent graphics, called frozen views, are used to create construction drawings. The Freeze View command can also create a propagated file that can be read by Intergraph's SmartPlant Review package, or attached to PDS as a reference file. If you have not already done so, please read the brief descriptions of the model and frozen view types. See View (on page 147). Before you can freeze a view, the particular model view you want to freeze must be active. The frozen view graphics are created exactly as currently displayed in the model view and include view settings, view style, and attached model partitions. The current model view's view range is stored with the frozen view. This view range becomes the default drawing view display area when the frozen view is attached.

View Name - Defines the name of the frozen view. This name is normally left the same as the name of the corresponding model view, but can be changed if needed by keying in a new name. Description - Defines a frozen view description. The description defaults to the description specified for the model view. Freeze File - Specifies the model file to which the frozen view is saved. This allows you to save the frozen view to another design file instead of saving the file to the active model file. The Freeze File name should not contain embedded spaces or other special characters such as, but not limited to, ^&#%$. However, you can use the underscore (_) character. Select button - Displays a listing of freeze files from which you can select which file to save to. Freeze to Model File - Toggle on to save the frozen view to the active model file. Toggle off to save the frozen view to the freeze file specified in the Freeze File field.


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View Graphic Group Members - When on, the graphical components defining each structural member (single line, label text, double line) are grouped together as a graphic group. Using this option makes manipulation, deletion, or other graphical operations easier when working on the drawing graphics. Generate Propagated Model - Toggle on to create a propagated file that can be read by SmartPlant Review or attached as a PDS propagated model. Only isometric views with surface representations can be used to write the propagated file. No other view representations (Single, Double Line, and so forth) are written to the file. The name for the propagated file is specified in the Freeze File field. Using this option, the following files are written to the project's \frz folder: the propagated file, a .drv file that contains member data, and a .dri file. You can also create propagated files (frozen 3D isometric views with surface representation) using a command line key-in. For more information, see Command Prompt Commands (on page 22). 

You cannot use the Update Frozen or Regenerate commands on a propagated model to update it. You must re-create the propagated model using the method used to create it. For example, if the propagated model was created using the PDS batch propagated command, then you should use the PDS batch propagated command to update the model. Similarly, if you used this command or the command prompt utility, then use this command or the command prompt utility to update the propagated model.  If you are freezing to the active model, the Freeze to Model File option is selected, the .dri and .drv files are not created.  FrameWorks Plus only writes members in the active model to the propagated file. Members in attached models are not written to the propagated file unless you use the command-line key-in command.  The binary files containing the additional attribute and named group data are only generated if you use the PDS batch propagation command. Add User Graphics - Toggle on to copy all generic MicroStation graphics that are in the active model and displayed in the FrameWorks Plus view to the frozen view. If this toggle is off, only graphics placed using FrameWorks Plus are saved to the frozen view. You can control which user graphics are frozen by turning on or off the levels the user graphics are on. For example, if you have loads and labels on different levels, this gives you the ability to freeze loads but not the labels for member releases and supports. Process End Treatments - Specifies that FrameWorks Plus should cope, notch, and trim steel members based on adjacent supporting steel members when freezing them. FrameWorks Plus processes end treatments for plan and elevation views only. 3D views are not processed. FrameWorks Plus does not process member ends that have a cutback defined. Only members with no cutbacks are processed. FrameWorks Plus will not override defined cutbacks with end treatments if either member end has a cutback. Members that you want to process end treatments for must have either the Surface representation on or have the Double-Line representation on and set to 100% of the member length. FrameWorks Plus will not process end treatments for members that do not have one of these two symbology settings set. The graphics in the frozen view file will be Double-Line graphics regardless of the active symbology setting. End Treatments are not Multi-Plane Cutbacks for members. The coping and notching are displayed only in the frozen views used to create drawings. For plan views, FrameWorks Plus will:  Notch beam flanges connected to narrower column (as shown at A).  Cope a beam's top and bottom flanges when attached to same size girder (as shown at B).

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View Cope a beam's top flange when attached to girder (as shown at C).

For elevation views, FrameWorks Plus will:  Notch beam flanges connected to narrower column (as shown at A).  Cope a beam's top and bottom flanges when attached to same size girder (as shown at B). Cope a beam's top flange to a girder (as shown at C).

Include Attached FWP Models - Specifies that members in attached FrameWorks Plus models should be included in the frozen view. This option is available only if you have an attached model. This option is not available if the Generate Propagated Model option is selected. Levels - Specifies how the level on which the frozen view graphics are placed is selected. If set to Automatic, FrameWorks Plus chooses a unique level that has not previously been used for a frozen view. This level is selected from the freeze level range defined with the Settings > Levels command. If set to Manual, you specify a level to use for the frozen view graphics. If set to Freeze Levels, then the freeze levels defined in the view symbology settings (for the view being frozen) are used. These symbology settings are defined when the view is created. If you plan to freeze views to the model file, we recommend that you use the Automatic mode and let FrameWorks Plus determine the freeze levels. This helps avoid overlapping frozen view displays and model view displays. Freeze Level - When the Levels option is set to Manual, this key-in field is used to specify the level on which the frozen view graphics are placed. Valid level numbers are 1 to 63.

See Also Compress Frozen (on page 21) Delete Frozen View (on page 195) Display Frozen (on page 193) Regenerate (on page 192) Update Frozen (on page 191) Compress Models Key-in (on page 26)


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View Create Drawing File Key-in (on page 24) Attach Model (on page 34) Detach Model (on page 35)

Update Frozen The View > Update Frozen command automatically updates the permanent, frozen view graphics to reflect any structural model changes. The Update Frozen command compares the status of the member graphics in the frozen view to the current model status and changes the frozen view accordingly. Because the update process uses the displayed model view information, FrameWorks Plus automatically sets the model view that corresponds to the frozen view to update if that view is not active. After updating the view, FrameWorks Plus automatically drops the view. When you select a view from the list, the selected view's description displays in the information field at the bottom of the dialog box. FrameWorks Plus modifies, adds, or deletes graphics in the frozen view to bring the frozen view up-to-date with the model. An alert box lists the type and number of changes made. If no changes were needed (the frozen view was already up-to-date), the alert box indicates that the view was up-to-date.

Frozen Views - Displays the name of the frozen view. Freeze File - Displays the name of the design file that contains the frozen view. Saved View - Displays the saved view name. Last Update - Displays the date and time that the view was last updated. Last Regenerated - Displays the date and time that the view was last regenerated using the Regenerate (on page 192) command. Update User Graphics - If selected, generic MicroStation graphics in the active model and in the model view are also updated to the frozen view. Generic MicroStation elements that you have added directly to the frozen file (not the model file) using MicroStation are not affected by this command. Highlight views needing update - If selected, FrameWorks Plus checks the status of all frozen views. Frozen views that are up-to-date with the corresponding model view appear in black. Frozen views that need to be updated appear in red.

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View See Also Compress Frozen (on page 21) Delete Frozen View (on page 195) Display Frozen (on page 193) Freeze View (on page 188)

Regenerate The View > Regenerate command recreates all frozen view graphics from the current model using the current model view's display style and settings. All existing graphics in the selected frozen view are deleted and replaced with the new graphics. This operation is similar to deleting a frozen view with the Delete Frozen View command and then refreezing the same model view. Normally, to bring a frozen view up-to-date with changes in the model, the Update Frozen command is used. However, if major changes have been made to the model, the model view's display settings, or the member symbology was changed, then this command must be used. When you select a view from the list, the selected view's description displays in the information field at the bottom of the dialog box. Because the regenerate process uses the displayed model view information, FrameWorks Plus automatically sets the model view that corresponds to the frozen view to be regenerated. After regenerating the frozen view, FrameWorks Plus automatically drops the model view.

Frozen Views - Displays the name of the frozen view. Freeze File - Displays the name of the design file that contains the frozen view. Saved View - Displays the saved view name. Last Update - Displays the date and time that the view was last updated using the Update Frozen (on page 191) command. Last Regenerated - Displays the date and time the view was last updated using this command. Regenerate User Graphics - If on, generic MicroStation elements in the active model and in the model view are also regenerated along with the FrameWorks Plus members. Generic MicroStation elements that you have added directly to the frozen file (not the model file) using MicroStation are not affected by this option. Regenerate Attached Models - If on, members in all attached models are also regenerated in the frozen view. If off, only members in the active model are regenerated. This option is always off by default.


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View Even if the frozen view you want to regenerate was created with the Include Attached Models option on, you still must set this option on to include members in attached models in the regenerated frozen view. Highlight views needing regenerate - If on, FrameWorks Plus checks the status of all frozen views. Frozen views that are up-to-date with the corresponding model view appear in black. Frozen views that need to be regenerated appear in red.

See Also Compress Frozen (on page 21) Delete Frozen View (on page 195) Display Frozen (on page 193) Freeze View (on page 188)

Display Frozen The View > Display Frozen command temporarily displays frozen views that were saved to another file in the active model for review. This command is useful for reviewing frozen views that have had end treatments processed. FrameWorks Plus automatically resets the model view when you exit this command. The selected view name (or the view's description if one exists) displays in the information field at the bottom of the dialog box. Frozen views saved to the active model file cannot be displayed using this command. Use the MicroStation Saved Views command to display frozen views saved to the active model.

See Also Compress Frozen (on page 21) Delete Frozen View (on page 195) Freeze View (on page 188) Regenerate (on page 192) Update Frozen (on page 191)

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Delete Model View The View > Delete > Model View command removes a model view from the FrameWorks Plus database. When deleted, a view cannot be set, frozen, or otherwise used. To deactivate a view but keep the view for later use, use the Drop View command. When you delete a model view, FrameWorks Plus automatically deletes any frozen views created from that model view. The deleted frozen views are also removed from any drawings you have created.

Choose the model view that you want to delete. The name (or the view's description if one exists) displays in the information field at the bottom of the dialog box. Click Delete to delete the selected view.

See Also Drop View (on page 162)


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Delete Frozen View The View > Delete > Frozen View command deletes the permanent frozen view graphics from the design file. This command also removes the frozen view record from the FrameWorks Plus database. When a frozen view is deleted, it is no longer available for use with the drawing composition utilities. In addition, the frozen view is deleted from any drawings previously composed that used the deleted frozen view. This command does not delete the model view that the frozen view was created from.

Select the frozen view that you want to delete from the list. The name (or the view's description if one exists) displays in the message area at the bottom of the dialog box. Click Delete to delete the selected view. FrameWorks Plus deletes all permanent graphics that were created when the view was frozen. If the Delete User Graphics toggle is off, only FrameWorks Plus-generated data is deleted. Any user-created graphics (dimensions, notes, and so forth) are preserved. FrameWorks Plus also deletes the MicroStation Saved View which was created with the frozen view.

See Also Compress Frozen (on page 21) Display Frozen (on page 193) Freeze View (on page 188) Regenerate (on page 192) Update Frozen (on page 191)

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Tools The Tools commands are used to perform the majority of the graphical placement and manipulation functions of FrameWorks Plus. These commands display tool boxes from which a variety of tools can be chosen to activate commands. The Main tool box contains all the commands available through the Tools menu.

In This Section Main ............................................................................................... 198 Views ............................................................................................. 199 Grids .............................................................................................. 200 Place Linear Members ................................................................... 209 Place 3D Solids ............................................................................. 219 Modify ............................................................................................ 231 Manipulate ..................................................................................... 248 Analytical........................................................................................ 267 Design Attributes ........................................................................... 284 Offshore ......................................................................................... 309 Cutbacks ........................................................................................ 322

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Main The Main (FWP) tool box contains all the commands available through the Tools pulldown menu only in icon form.

Element Selection builds or selects a group of members for an operation. See the MicroStation Reference Guide for more information. Grid commands create and manipulate sets of grid lines. For more information, see Grids (on page 200). Place Linear Members commands place beams, columns, vertical braces, horizontal braces, framing members, and arc members in a model. For more information, see Place Linear Members (on page 209). Place 3D Solids commands place slabs, walls, and 3D solid elements in the model. For more information, see Place 3D Solids (on page 219). View commands create and manipulate FrameWorks Plus model and frozen views. For more information, see View (on page 147). Place Fence commands are the MicroStation Place Fence Block and Place Fence Shape commands. See the MicroStation Reference Guide for more information. Modify commands change member attributes including section sizes, cardinal points, orientation vector, and other attributes. For more information, see Modify (on page 231). Manipulate commands copy, move, and delete members in the model. For more information, see Manipulate (on page 248). Analytical commands place, edit, label, and delete loads and edit and label member releases and supports. For more information, see Analytical (on page 267). Design Attributes commands design code and design parameters and member constraints for GTSTRUDL users. For more information, see Design Attributes (on page 284).


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Tools Offshore commands place offshore rule-based joints and cans. For more information, see Offshore (on page 309). Cutback commands place mitered, planar, user, and SmartCut cutbacks on members. For more information, see Cutbacks (on page 322).

Views The View tool box contains the seven most frequently used view commands. All View commands are available on the View pulldown menu. For more information, see View (on page 147).

Create View creates a new Model View in which to place members in the model. For more information, see Create View (on page 148). Set View activates a FrameWorks Plus model view in a selected MicroStation view. For more information, see Set View (on page 161). Drop View deactivates an active FrameWorks Plus model view. For more information, see Drop View (on page 162). Fit View adjusts the display range of a selected FrameWorks Plus model view so that all FrameWorks Plus members within the defined view depth will fit in the view window. If you have a PDS design file attached, FrameWorks Plus adjusts the display range to include all elements in the attached reference file. If you have a generic MicroStation design file attached, FrameWorks Plus adjusts the range to include only FrameWorks Plus members. Freeze View converts an active FrameWorks Plus Model View into a Frozen View thus creating permanent graphics from the display-only model view graphics. For more information, see Freeze View (on page 188). Modify View modifies an active model view. For more information, see Modify View (on page 163). Delete Model View removes a model view from the FrameWorks Plus database. For more information, see Delete Model View (on page 194). Override Annotation graphically moves member annotation without having to activate the member override dialog box. For more information, see Override Annotation (on page 186). Override Double Line Widget graphically moves a double line widget without having to activate the member override dialog box. For more information, see Override Double Line Widget (on page 187).

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Grids The Grid commands create and manipulate sets of grid lines, or column grid lines. A grid set is a group, or matrix, of related grid lines that are associated with a specific plan or elevation model view. You can copy a grid set to another view or delete the grid as a whole.

Grid lines serve two primary purposes. First, is to serve as geometric construction aids during the modeling or layout process (grid lines are required if you are going to use the AutoSnap feature). Second, is to provide a graphical reference on the construction drawings. You can create two types of grid sets with FrameWorks Plus: plan grids and elevation grids. Plan grids are grid lines placed in and associated with a FrameWorks Plus plan view. Elevation grids are grid lines associated with a FrameWorks Plus elevation grid. Place Plan Grid creates a grid line set in a plan model view. For more information, see Place Plan Grid (on page 201). Place Elevation Grid creates a grid line set in an elevation model view. For more information, see Place Elevation Grid (on page 205). Copy Grid copies a grid set from one model view to another. For more information, see Copy Grid (on page 207). Edit Grid Label modifies the text label assigned to a grid line. For more information, see Edit Grid Label (on page 208). Delete Grid Line deletes a single grid line and its labels. For more information, see Delete Grid Line (on page 209). Delete Grid deletes entire grids and their labels. For more information, see Delete Grid (on page 209).


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Place Plan Grid The Place Plan Grid command creates a grid line set in a FrameWorks Plus plan model view. Labels and bubbles can be optionally placed along with the grid set. The grid can be placed in any active (Set) plan view, at any position, and at any orientation (plan angle).

FrameWorks Plus creates a basic set of orthogonal grids. If a more elaborate grid layout is required, you can create it by using any MicroStation command (move, copy, rotate, mirror, extend, and so forth) on one or more FrameWorks Plus grid lines within the grid set. To create a plan grid set, you must define the grid geometry (number of horizontal and vertical lines and their spacing). The grid geometry is defined in the dialog box's Lines area by specifying the Number of Lines and Spacing values for each set of equally spaced lines.

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Tools For example, you might have a grid with 2 horizontal lines spaced at 20 feet and another 3 horizontal lines spaced at 10 feet. This is represented by two number/spacing pairs: 2 @ 20 and 3 @ 10. You would define this geometry by specifying 2 for Number of Lines and 20 for Spacing; and then TAB back to the Number of Lines field and enter 3, at a Spacing of 10.

Axis - Specifies the grid line's axis, or direction. You must define at least the Number of Lines and Spacing values for both the horizontal and vertical axes. The Axis parameter setting affects several of the other dialog box options described below. You should verify, and change if needed, the settings of these parameters for both the horizontal and vertical axes. Number of Lines - Specifies the number of lines when defining a number/spacing pair for the current line axis. Spacing - Specifies the grid line spacing when defining a number/spacing pair. Clear - Resets or clears the current grid axis's number/spacing information. Extension (Left/Right) - Defines the distance, in Master Units, that the horizontal grid lines extend beyond the left-most and right-most vertical grid lines. Extension (Top/Bottom) - Defines the distance, in Master Units, that the vertical grid lines extend beyond the upper-most and lower-most horizontal grid lines. Grid Labels - Defines if grid labels and bubbles are placed at one end, two ends, or neither end of the grid lines. This value is defined independently for the horizontal and vertical lines. Bubble Radius - Specifies the radius of the grid label bubble. If the Honor view scale for grid graphics option is selected, type the radius of the bubble, as you want it in the drawing. However, if the Honor view scale for grid graphics option is not selected, type the radius of the bubble in Master Units. Hexagonal - Select this option if you want hexagonal shaped grid bubbles instead of round. Initial Label - Specifies the current axis line's starting, or initial, grid label. This label can be any alphanumeric string, up to five characters long. Valid examples are: "A", "12C1", "F10", and "7". The initial label is assigned to the lower-most (for horizontal lines) or left- most (for vertical lines) grid line. Labels for subsequent lines placed are determined by incrementing this label. This


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Tools procedure depends on the label's last character type (alphabetic or numeric), and the setting of the Reverse Increment toggle described below. Reverse Increment - Decrements the current axis's grid labels. For example, if the Initial Label is A8, subsequent labels would be A7, A6, and so forth. If this option is off, labels are incremented in the normal, increasing manner. Define Origin by - Specifies how the grid origin is defined. The grid origin is the intersection point of the lower-most and left-most grid lines. If set to Key-in, you specify the origin's coordinates in the X:, Y:, and Z: fields. If set to Point, you are prompted to enter the grid origin. Place a data point, in any view, at the grid-origin location you want. The grid origin's Z value is normally insignificant, as the grid is always placed at the plan view's active depth. Plan Angle - Specifies that the grid bubble radius and grid text labels should honor the Drawing Scale defined for the view. Honor view scale for grid graphics - Specifies whether or not you want the grid bubble radius and text size to honor the drawing scale of the view in which you place the grid. If you choose to honor the view scale, the grid label text size and the bubble radius size are the actual size you want them to be in the drawing when plotted. If you choose not to honor the view scale, the grid label text size and the bubble radius size are the size you want to place in model (as specified in master units). You need to calculate the correct size so that after the view is scaled, your grid labels are the correct height in the drawing. FrameWorks Plus does not update the grid label and bubble sizes if you modify the view drawing scale after placing the grid. You will have to delete and replace the grid or use MicroStation commands to rescale the grid labels and bubbles.

Defining Grid Symbology The grid lines and labels' graphical symbology are defined using the Symbology pulldown menu at the top of the dialog box. This menu provides access to two second-level dialog boxes: one for Grid Line Symbology (on page 205) and another for Grid Label Symbology (on page 204). (Grid levels are defined by using the Levels command.)

Defining Grids 1. Click Place Plan Grid on the Grids tool box. 2. Type the number of lines for the first set of horizontal grid lines in the Number of Lines field. Press the TAB key to move the cursor to the Spacing field. 3. Type the spacing (in Master Units) for the first set of horizontal grid lines. Press the TAB key to register this value and to move back to the Number of Lines field. The dialog box displays the cumulative number/spacing pairs for the horizontal lines defined thus far (for example, 2 @ 20:0:0). 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each number/spacing pair of equally spaced horizontal lines. If at any time you need to start over or correct a mistake, choose the Clear button. When all horizontal lines have been defined, toggle the Axis option to Vertical and continue to step 5. 5. Type the number of lines for the first set of vertical grid lines in the Number of Lines field. Press the TAB key to move the cursor to the Spacing field. 6. Type the spacing for the first set of vertical grid lines, in Master Units. Press the TAB key to register this value, and move back to the Number of Lines field. The dialog box displays the cumulative number/spacing pairs for the vertical lines defined thus far.

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Tools 7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each number/spacing pair of equally spaced vertical lines. If at any time you need to start over or correct a mistake, choose Clear. When all vertical lines have been defined, continue with step 8. 8. Define other grid placement parameters for both horizontal and vertical lines using the appropriate fields. When the parameters have been fully defined, choose Apply or OK to accept the values and to place the grid. Choose Cancel to abort the command. 9. The prompt Select Target View for Grid displays. Place a data point in the active model view for which you are defining the grid. This view must be a plan model view. FrameWorks Plus creates and displays the grid in the selected view and adjusts the range of the plan view such that all members and the grid are displayed. If you selected Apply, you can redefine some or all of the parameters and create a grid in another plan view.

See Also Copy Grid (on page 207) Delete Grid (on page 209) Delete Grid Line (on page 209) Edit Grid Label (on page 208) Grid Label Symbology (on page 204) Grid Line Symbology (on page 205) Grids (on page 200) Place Elevation Grid (on page 205)

Grid Label Symbology The Symbology > Labels command on the Place Plan Grid or Place Elevation Grid dialog box defines the grid text label's graphic display symbology.

Color - Type a color number (0-254) to use for the grid labels. You can also choose the color from the color pulldown. Weight - Type the line weight (0-15) to use for the grid labels. You can also choose the line weight by using the weight pulldown list. Font - Type the font to use for the grid label's text. Text Height - Type the label's text height. If the Honor view scale for grid graphics option is selected, type height of the text, as you want it in the drawing. However, if the Honor view scale for grid graphics option is not selected, type the height of the text in Master Units. Text Width - Type the label's text width. If the Honor view scale for grid graphics option is selected, type width of the text as, you want it in the drawing. However, if the Honor view scale for grid graphics option is not selected, type the width of the text in Master Units.


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Grid Line Symbology The Symbology > Lines command on the Place Plan Grid or Place Elevation Grid dialog box defines the grid lines' graphic display symbology.

Color - Type a color number (0-254) to use for the grid lines. You can also choose the color from the color pulldown. Style - Type the line style (0-7) to use for the grid lines. You can also choose the line style by using the style pulldown list. Weight - Type the line weight (0-15) to use for the grid lines. You can also choose the line weight by using the weight pulldown list.

Place Elevation Grid The Place Elevation Grid command creates a set of grid lines and labels in an elevation model view. The grid can be placed in any active elevation model view. An elevation view is created using the By Grid Line option for defining the view orientation when using the Create View command. Before using this command, be sure to activate the elevation view in which the grid is to be placed.

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Tools Unlike plan grids, you do not have to define the grid geometry when an elevation grid is created. FrameWorks Plus uses the geometric information from existing plan grids and from the plan model views (floor levels) to determine the number and position of the elevation grid lines. You only need to define the parameters that specify the grid symbology, the end extensions, and the labeling parameters.

Axis - Specifies the line axis or direction for which parameters are being defined. The setting of the Axis option affects the Extension fields as well as all the options in the Labels section of the dialog box. Horizontal Line Options - The horizontal grid line represents the structure's floor levels. One horizontal grid line is created for each unique elevation (plan model view) in the model database unless specified otherwise in the Elevation Range. When Axis is set to Horizontal, the following items display: Extension (Left)/(Right) - Defines the distance, in Master Units, that the horizontal grid lines are extended beyond the left-most and right-most vertical grid lines. Grid Labels - Defines whether labels, which annotate the floor elevation and/or name, are placed at one end, both ends, or neither end of the horizontal grid lines. Floor Label - Specifies the floor label location relative to the horizontal grid lines. This parameter can also disable the label display entirely. The plan Model View name is used to create the label name at each floor level. Elevation Label - Specifies the elevation label location relative to the horizontal grid lines. This parameter can also disable the label display entirely. The elevation label is formed by appending the actual elevation value to the Elevation Prefix defined below. Elevation Prefix - Specifies the character string (up to 12 characters maximum) that is added to the front of the elevation value to form the Elevation Label. For example, if the prefix is FFL, the Elevation Label for a grid line at elevation 15 feet is displayed as FFL 15'-0". Vertical Grid Options - The elevation grid's vertical grid lines represent the grid line locations from the plan grid that intersects the plane of the elevation view. These positions are determined from the intersections along the selected plan grid line. The labels on these grid lines (if any) are determined from the labels of the intersecting plan grid lines. When Axis is set to Vertical, these items display:


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Tools Extension (Top)/(Bottom) - Defines the distance, in Master Units, that the vertical grid lines are extended beyond the upper-most and lower-most horizontal grid lines. Grid Labels - Defines whether grid labels and bubbles are placed at the top end, bottom end, both ends, or neither end of the vertical grid lines. Bubble Radius - Specifies the radius of the grid label bubble. If the Honor view scale for grid graphics option is selected, type the radius of the bubble, as you want it in the drawing. However, if the Honor view scale for grid graphics option is not selected, type the radius of the bubble in Master Units. Elevation Range - The Elevation Range section of the dialog box defines the floor level range to display for the elevation grid. Minimum - Specifies the lowest floor height for the horizontal grid lines. Any floors (plan views) in the model with elevations less than this value are ignored. Maximum - Specifies the highest floor height for the horizontal grid lines. Any floors in the model with elevations greater than this value are ignored. Full Range of Floors - If on, the Minimum and Maximum values are ignored, and the entire floor level range is used. In addition, a zero elevation grid line, representing a floor level at TOS = 0, is generated. Honor view scale for grid graphics - Specifies whether or not you want the grid bubble radius and text size to honor the drawing scale of the view in which you place the grid. If you choose to honor the view scale, the grid label text size and the bubble radius size are the actual size you want them to be in the drawing when plotted. If you choose not to honor the view scale, the grid label text size and the bubble radius size are the size you want to place in model (as specified in master units). You need to calculate the correct size so that after the view is scaled, your grid labels are the correct height in the drawing. FrameWorks Plus does not update the grid label and bubble sizes if you modify the view drawing scale after placing the grid. You will have to delete and replace the grid or use MicroStation commands to rescale the grid labels and bubbles. The grid lines and labels' graphical symbology is defined using the Symbology pulldown menu at the top of the dialog box. This menu provides access to two second-level dialog boxes: one for Grid Line Symbology (on page 205) and another for Grid Label Symbology (on page 204). (Grid levels are defined by using the Levels command.)

See Also Place Plan Grid (on page 201)

Copy Grid The Copy Grid command copies a grid set from one model view to another. A grid set is all associated grid lines, labels, and bubbles placed in a plan or elevation view. Grids can only be copied between model views that are both active and parallel to each other. Thus, plan grids can only be copied to other plan views, and elevation view grids can only be copied to other parallel elevation views.

Copy Labels - Defines if the labels and bubbles are copied with the grid or not.

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Tools Honor view scale for grid graphics - Specifies whether or not you want the grid bubble radius and text size to honor the drawing scale of the view to which you copy the grid. If you choose to honor the view scale, the grid label text size and the bubble radius size are recalculated automatically when the grid is copied to the new view which has a drawing scale defined.

See Also Delete Grid (on page 209) Delete Grid Line (on page 209) Edit Grid Label (on page 208) Place Plan Grid (on page 201)

Edit Grid Label The Edit Grid Label command modifies a grid line's text label. This command can edit the labels on plan grid lines and on the vertical grid lines of elevation grids. This command cannot modify the floor labels placed on horizontal grid lines in elevation grid sets. Use MicroStation's Edit Text command to modify those floor labels.

You can modify a single grid-line label or the labels of all similar grid lines. A similar grid line is any other grid line in the model that has an identical label. Similar grid lines are created:  when a grid set is copied,  during elevation grid creation, because the vertical grid lines labels correspond to grid lines in the plan grid sets, and  when you edit a grid line label to one that matches an existing grid label.

New Label - Type a new grid-line label. Any alphanumeric string up to 5 characters is valid. Edit All Similar - Changes the label of all grid lines in the model that share the originally selected grid-line's label. (For example, you select a grid line with a label of "A". All other grid lines in the model with the label of "A" are also changed.) If off, FrameWorks Plus modifies only the selected grid-line's labels.

See Also Delete Grid (on page 209) Delete Grid Line (on page 209) Place Elevation Grid (on page 205) Place Plan Grid (on page 201)


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Delete Grid Line The Delete Grid Line command deletes a single grid line and its labels. Use the Delete Grid (on page 209) command to delete an entire grid set.

See Also Copy Grid (on page 207) Delete Grid (on page 209) Edit Grid Label (on page 208) Place Plan Grid (on page 201)

Delete Grid The Delete Grid command deletes an entire grid set and its associated labels. Use the Delete Grid Line (on page 209) command to delete a single grid line.

See Also Delete Grid Line (on page 209)

Place Linear Members The Place Member commands place the four general linear member types in a structural model: beams, columns, vertical braces, and horizontal braces. Although there are no built-in differences in properties between the various types (the types could be used interchangeably), there are minor differences in the placement options and procedures for each type.

Beams are typically used to model primary (load-bearing) horizontal members, or girders. Columns are normally vertical support members. Vertical bracing is used for defining truss members or "X" bracing. Horizontal braces typically represent secondary members in a framing plan, which frame into the primary girders (beams). The above examples are only general guidelines for using the various member types. You can use each type as you please to achieve the model and drawing results you want. It is possible to model an entire structure using only beam type members. However, we do not recommend this, as the member types are useful discriminators for forming manipulation groups (selection sets) and for specifying different member type display symbologies. Members are usually placed in active FrameWorks Plus model views. You can also place members in any MicroStation view. However, placement in model views is usually the most effective as FrameWorks Plus provides visual feedback (member dynamics) as you place the

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Tools members. In addition, the AutoSnap (on page 142) feature for rapid, precise placement operates in active plan and elevation views that contain FrameWorks Plus grid sets. When you place members in active plan or elevation views, FrameWorks Plus uses a twodimensional or drafting-style user-interface to simplify the layout and modeling process. When plan or elevation views are created, an active depth point is specified which, along with the view orientation, fully defines the view's working plane. All members placed in one of these model views are, by default, placed on the working plane. This working plane definition allows you to work as if you were in a two-dimensional design file. That is, you can place members without regard to the usual three-dimensional drafting operations and parameters: active depth, bore locate, display depth, and so forth. FrameWorks Plus effectively controls the member display and placement operations while working in an active plan or elevation model view. Members are placed using active placement parameters. FrameWorks Plus uses a set of active parameters for each member type, which can be defined or modified using the Member Attributes (on page 118) and Member Orientation (on page 119) commands. We recommend that you activate these dialog boxes for interactive access during member placement. In addition, some placement commands use pop-down menus to specify geometric parameters. When using the placement commands, you should activate the MicroStation Tool Settings dialog box. Place Beam places beam-type members between two points. For more information, see Place Beam (on page 212). Place Column places column-type members by defining the top and bottom column elevations. For more information, see Place Column (on page 213). Place Column by Two Points places column-type members using two points that you define. For more information, see Place Column by Two Points (on page 214). Place Vertical Brace places vertical brace members between two points. For more information, see Place Vertical Brace (on page 214). Place Horizontal Brace places horizontal brace members between two points. For more information, see Place Horizontal Brace (on page 215). Place Framing Members places multiple members of identical type and properties between two selected support members. For more information, see Place Framing Members (on page 216). Default Member sets placement parameters to be the same as an existing identified member in the model. For more information, see Default Member (on page 217). Edit Last Placed modifies the placement parameters of the last member that was place. For more information, see Edit Last Placed (on page 217). Place Arc places arc shaped members. For more information, see Place Arc (on page 218).


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Member Connectivity Member connectivity is determined by the member's end point coordinates regardless of how the member is placed (AutoSnap, snap, xy=, dl=). To ensure connectivity of 2 or more members, a point belonging to one member must belong to the other members (to 1 UOR of accuracy). FrameWorks Plus has two concepts called cross-sectional offsets and working point offsets (implied analytical offsets). If either of these offsets is applied to a member, member connectivity is not as straightforward. Offsets force the member to display in the position where they would be placed when constructed while preserving the connection point at the original location. Using this method, FrameWorks Plus writes clean analytical model without creating additional nodes and small member stubs. A quick method to check connectivity is to perform a global associative move on the members in question. The members temporarily display in the moved position preserving the connectivity of members. Be sure to reject the move to restore the members to their original location. Delta TOS is a cross sectional offset applied in the global Z direction. You can use the Modify Member End and Working Point Offset commands to apply end offsets to a member. You can also use the Move Member and Modify Offset commands to move a member parallel to itself. While the four commands look like they do the exact same thing, they are performing completely different functions. The Modify Member End and Move Member commands perform a physical move on the member (displaying the member at the new location and generating nodes at that location when written to an analytical package). However, the Working Point Offset and Modify Offset commands perform an analytical implied offset. Members with implied offsets do not lose their connectivity with supporting members. These members are displayed in the moved physical location but are written to the analysis files in their original unmoved location (therefore not generating additional nodes or small stub members which typically become the source of structural instability in analysis). FrameWorks Plus displays member offsets from the active plane the same way regardless of whether they were the result of a physical move or a Delta TOS being applied. The only way to review offsets is to use the Review Element command. The analytical coordinates of the member ends is the sum of the physical coordinates defined in the (parenthesis) and the offset values defined in the [brackets].

Delta Top-of-Steel Example Place a set of beams at elevation 15 feet with a Delta TOS of -3 inches. Use the Place Framing Members to place some framing members with the same Delta TOS of -3 inches using the beams as the support girders. The framing members display in the view with a correct offset of 6 inches. If you use Modify Offset and change the Delta TOS of the framing members to 0:0:0, the member is now physically located at 14 feet 9 inches (using the Review Element command) but is written to the analysis deck at 15 feet. Therefore the framing members do not share common nodes with the supporting beams. Furthermore, if you place vertical braces using a snap the beam's midpoint (that has a Delta TOS applied), the vertical braces will have a Z coordinate of 14 feet 9 inches and will be written to the analysis as such. They do not share a common node with the beams.  

Do not place members with Delta TOS off of members with a Delta TOS defined. Always place members with a Delta TOS from the view elevation (grid lines). If you use MicroStation locate or snap to identify the start and end points of a member, FrameWorks Plus reads the physical coordinates of those points and applies the specified Delta TOS to that coordinate.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools See Also Default Member (on page 217) Edit Last Placed (on page 217) Extend Members to Intersection (on page 266) Extend Member to Intersection (on page 264) Member Attributes (on page 118) Member Connectivity (on page 211) Member Orientation (on page 119) Place Beam (on page 212) Place Column (on page 213) Place Column by Two Points (on page 214) Place Framing Members (on page 216) Place Horizontal Brace (on page 215) Place Vertical Brace (on page 214)

Place Beam The Place Beam command places beam-type members between two points you define. Because you can modify the member's placement parameters at any time before the member is actually placed, you may want to have the Member Attributes and Member Orientation commands (found on the Settings menu) active while using this command.

Delta TOS - Defines the vertical distance (in Master Units) that the beam is offset from the nominal placement position. For example, when placing a beam in a plan view, a DeltaTop-Of-Steel (TOS) value of -1:0:0 places the beam 1 foot below the active floor elevation.

See Also Default Member (on page 217) Delete Member (on page 267) Edit Last Placed (on page 217) Extend Members to Intersection (on page 266) Extend Member to Intersection (on page 264) Member Attributes (on page 118) Member Connectivity (on page 211) Member Orientation (on page 119)


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Place Column The Place Column command places columns in the model. Columns are placed with a vertical orientation using the top and bottom elevation values and a single placement point you define. To place columns by defining the column's two end points, see Place Column by Two Points (on page 214).

You can also place a group of identical columns simultaneously using a fence operation. This feature is useful when a floor plan contains many columns of identical size, orientation, and length (top and bottom elevations). The by fence mode is activated if a MicroStation fence is active when the Place Column command is selected. The fence must be placed in an active FrameWorks Plus plan model view containing a plan grid. Because you can modify the member's placement parameters at any time before the member is actually placed, you may want to have the Member Attributes and Member Orientation commands (found on the Settings menu) active while using this command.

Top - Defines the column's top elevation in Master Units. This value defines the column's top Z-axis coordinate. Bottom - Defines the column's bottom elevation in Master Units. This value defines the column's bottom Z-axis coordinate.

See Also Default Member (on page 217) Delete Member (on page 267) Edit Last Placed (on page 217) Extend Members to Intersection (on page 266) Extend Member to Intersection (on page 264) Member Attributes (on page 118) Member Connectivity (on page 211) Member Orientation (on page 119) Place Column by Two Points (on page 214)

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



Place Column by Two Points The Place Column by Two Points command places columns using two end points you define. To place columns by defining a bottom and top elevation, see Place Column (on page 213).

Because you can modify the member's placement parameters at any time before the member is actually placed, you may want to have the Member Attributes and Member Orientation commands active while using this command.

See Also Default Member (on page 217) Delete Member (on page 267) Edit Last Placed (on page 217) Extend Members to Intersection (on page 266) Extend Member to Intersection (on page 264) Member Attributes (on page 118) Member Connectivity (on page 211) Member Orientation (on page 119)

Place Vertical Brace The Place Vertical Brace command places vertical brace members between two points. Vertical braces are usually placed in elevation model views, but can be placed in any other view as well.

Because you can modify the member's placement parameters at any time before the member is actually placed, you may want to have the Member Attributes and Member Orientation commands (located on the Settings menu) active while using this command.

See Also Default Member (on page 217) Delete Member (on page 267) Edit Last Placed (on page 217) Extend Members to Intersection (on page 266)


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools Extend Member to Intersection (on page 264) Member Attributes (on page 118) Member Connectivity (on page 211) Member Orientation (on page 119)

Place Horizontal Brace The Place Horizontal Brace command places horizontal brace members between two points. Horizontal braces are typically placed in a plan model view (in a horizontal plane), but can also be placed in other views. Horizontal braces can be defined as sloping or non- horizontal members.

This command places horizontal braces, one-by-one, between two specified points. To place multiple braces between support members (girders), use the Place Framing Members command (see Place Framing Members (on page 216)). Because you can modify the member's placement parameters at any time before the member is actually placed, you may want to have the Member Attributes and Member Orientation commands (found on the Settings menu) active while using this command.

Delta TOS - Defines the vertical distance (in Master Units) that the brace is offset from the nominal placement position. For example, when placing a horizontal brace in a plan view, a Delta Top-Of-Steel (TOS) value of -1:0:0 places the brace 1 foot below the active floor elevation.

See Also Default Member (on page 217) Delete Member (on page 267) Edit Last Placed (on page 217) Extend Members to Intersection (on page 266) Extend Member to Intersection (on page 264) Member Attributes (on page 118) Member Connectivity (on page 211) Member Orientation (on page 119)

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



Place Framing Members The Place Framing Members command provides a quick and convenient method for placing multiple identical-member types between two selected support members. A typical command use is secondary beam or brace placement between primary supporting girders. The framing members are placed at points equally spaced along the selected support girders. The support girders do not have to be parallel but must be the same type (both arc members or both linear members). You cannot place framing members between an arc member and a linear member. If you are planning to use two arcs as the support girders, the arcs must be placed in the same direction (clockwise or counter-clockwise) for this command to work correctly.

This command places framing members for any of the four defined types. The active type, defined by the last selected placement command, is used as the framing member type. The active type is always indicated at the top of the Member Attributes dialog box. Because you can modify the member's placement parameters at any time before the member is actually placed, you may want to have the Member Attributes and Member Orientation commands active while using this command. If, after using this command, any graphics remain on the screen that should not exist, simply refresh the view using MicroStation's view update command.

Before Using this Command Before selecting the Place Framing Members command, set the active member type by selecting the placement command for that type. For example, to place beams as framing members, first select the Place Beam command, and then select this command.

Number of Members - Defines the number of framing members to place between the selected support members. Accept - Accepts the member's final placement parameters. You must click Accept to actually place the framing members in the model.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools See Also Default Member (on page 217) Delete Member (on page 267) Edit Last Placed (on page 217) Extend Members to Intersection (on page 266) Extend Member to Intersection (on page 264) Member Attributes (on page 118) Member Connectivity (on page 211) Member Orientation (on page 119)

Default Member The Default Member command sets the member placement parameters to the exact same parameters as an existing member you identify. The selected member's placement parameters display in the Member Attributes and Member Orientation dialog box. The parameters can still be edited if needed. FrameWorks Plus does not read the delta TOS value from the existing member. Instead, FrameWorks Plus always resets the delta TOS value to zero for the new member.

See Also Delete Member (on page 267) Edit Last Placed (on page 217) Extend Members to Intersection (on page 266) Extend Member to Intersection (on page 264) Member Attributes (on page 118) Member Connectivity (on page 211) Member Orientation (on page 119)

Edit Last Placed The Edit Last Placed command corrects incorrect placement parameters immediately after the member is placed. All the member placement commands allow you to modify the placement parameters as the members are placed. The visual feedback provided by the member dynamics and tentative display makes it easy to avoid erroneous member placement. However, if members are inadvertently placed with improper parameters, use this command to correct them. (To modify the member end locations, use the Manipulate commands.) This command modifies individual members that were placed in single placement mode or modifies groups of members placed with the columns by fence and place framing members operations. In addition, the Edit Last Placed command can be used to modify the parameters of a member created using the Copy Member command, provided that a single member (not a selection set) was copied. The member's placement parameters are displayed in the Member Attributes and Member Orientation dialog boxes for editing. FrameWorks Plus stores information about members that have been recently placed, or copied, in an internal edit list. To use this command, you must make modifications to members immediately after they have been placed (or copied). If there are no valid members present in the

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools edit list, an Alert Box displays the warning message No members in Edit List. You can, however, use the Modify commands at any time to change member properties.

See Also Default Member (on page 217) Delete Member (on page 267) Member Attributes (on page 118) Member Connectivity (on page 211) Member Orientation (on page 119)

Place Arc The Place Arc command creates FrameWorks Plus arc members from existing MicroStation arc elements. Arcs can be created for the four basic member types: beams, columns, vertical braces, and horizontal braces. The active member type's attributes, orientation, and symbology are used for the arc member.

Things to know when using arcs in your model:  You cannot place loads on arc members.  You cannot modify arc members using the Modify Member End or Modify Work Point Offset commands.  The Associativity option (on the Move Member, Extend Member, and Modify Member End commands) ignores arc members during model manipulations.  You cannot write arc members out to the STAAD or GTSTRUDL input decks. You can use a series of linear members to approximate an arc when arc analysis is required.  FrameWorks Plus does not allow orientation vectors that are tangent to the arc member at end 1.  You cannot assign end releases and supports to arc members.  The Import Analytical Deck command does not read arc members.  You cannot place ellipses or B-spline arcs. Only circular arcs are supported.  MicroStation does not correctly render tapered arc members (start section and end section are different sizes). MicroStation will use only the start section size to render the entire tapered arc member.  Only orthogonal user cutbacks can be assigned to arc members. The Compute Cutbacks command ignores arc members and any members that frame into arc members.  Fireproofing can be assigned to arc members.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools Before Using This Command You must place a MicroStation arc or circle element at the location you want the FrameWorks Plus arc member. Only circular arcs are supported. You cannot use ellipses or B-spline arc type elements.

Arc Type - Specifies the FrameWorks Plus member type to assign to the arc member being placed. The member type is used to assign member attributes, orientation, and symbology. Delete Graphics - Deletes the generic MicroStation arc used in the arc member's creation after placement is complete.

See Also Modify Arc (on page 263)

Place 3D Solids The Place 3D Solids commands place 3D solid elements in a structural model. You can place walls, slabs, general solid elements, and holes in solid elements using these commands.

Place Slabs places solid slab elements in the model. For more information, see Place Slabs (on page 220). Place Wall places walls in the model. For more information, see Place Wall (on page 222). Place Solid Element places 3D solid elements in the model. For more information, see Place Solid Element (on page 224). Place Hole places holes in 3D solid elements. For more information, see Place Holes (on page 225). Solid Cutouts places holes in 3D solid elements where another element intersects the solid. For more information, see Solid Cutouts (on page 227). Modify Thickness changes the thickness of a slab, wall, or generic solid that is already placed in the model. For more information, see Modify Thickness (on page 230). Modify Solid Geometry changes the geometry of a slab or solid that is already in the model. For more information, see Modify Solid Geometry (on page 231).

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



Place Slabs The Place Slabs command places slabs in the model. Slabs can be defined with up to 95 corners (vertices).

The slab's default name, class, material, and material grade are defined in the Defaults Solid Members command (see Defaults Solid Members (on page 132)). The slab's permanent line graphic symbology; color, level, line style, and line weight; is defined in the Member Symbology command (see Member Symbology (on page 137)). The graphic symbology for how the slab displays in the view, and therefore in the drawing, is defined when you create the view.

FrameWorks Plus does not recognize MicroStation holes in solids. You should always use the FrameWorks Plus Place Holes command (see Place Holes (on page 225)) to place holes in solid elements. Length - If on, the value specified in the key-in field is used for the slab's length (length in the X direction). If off, you specify the slab's length interactively during placement. Width - If on, the value specified in the key-in field is used for the slab's width (length in the Y direction). If off, you specify the slab's width interactively during placement.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools Thickness - If on, the value specified in the key-in field is used for the slab's thickness (length in the Z direction). If off, you specify the slab's thickness interactively during placement. Place By - Specifies how the slab is defined in the model. Slabs can be placed by Block, Rotated Block, Orthogonal Shape, Shape, or Identify Element.  If set to Block, the slab is defined by specifying the two opposite block corners.  If set to Rotated Block, the slab is defined by specifying the two opposite block corners. A third point specifies the block's rotation.  If set to Orthogonal Shape, the slab is defined by specifying a shape whose segments are either perpendicular or parallel to other segments in the shape.  If set to Shape, the slab is defined by a polygonal shape defined by specifying the vertices.  If set to Identify Element, the slab is created from an existing shape in the design file. All of the elements that comprise the selected shape must be co-planar. FrameWorks Plus supports creating slab from MicroStation 2D and 3D elements. However, only the MicroStation 3D element block (also called slab) is supported for 3D elements. Isometric Block - If you are placing slabs in an isometric view, toggle on this setting to place the slab isometrically instead of flat to the view. This toggle has no effect when placing slabs in plan or elevation views. Block Justification - Used when the Place By option is set to Block, this setting specifies if the first data point placed defines the slab's Center or one of the slab's Corners. Face - Specifies how the slab is placed in the model. You can override this setting during placement by clicking the mouse's reset button. If set to Centroid, the slab is placed with respect to its centroidal axis. If set to Top Face, the slab is placed with respect to its top face. If set to Bottom Face, the slab is placed with respect to its bottom face.

Delta TOS - Defines the vertical distance (in master units) that the slab is offset from the normal placement position. For example, when placing a slab in a plan view, a Delta TOS value of 1:0:0 would place the slab 1 master unit (foot, for example) above the active floor elevation. Close Element - Click this button to close a shape or an orthogonal-shape slab.

See Also Modify Solid Geometry (on page 231) Modify Thickness (on page 230) Place Solid Element (on page 224)

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools Place 3D Solids (on page 219) Place Wall (on page 222) 3D Solids Material Reports (on page 349)

Place Wall The Place Wall command places a wall in the model. Because FrameWorks Plus places walls perpendicular to the view's plane where the wall's corners (vertices) are defined, walls can only be placed in plan views. Wall's can have a maximum of 50 corners.

The wall's default name, class, material, and material grade are defined in the Defaults Solid Members command (see Defaults Solid Members (on page 132)). The graphic symbology; color, level, line style, and line weight; for the wall's permanent graphic lines is defined in the Member Symbology command. The graphic symbology for how the wall displays in the view, and therefore in the drawing, is defined when you create the view. FrameWorks Plus does not recognize MicroStation holes in solids. You should always use the FrameWorks Plus Place Hole command (see Place Holes (on page 225)) to place holes in solid elements.

Length - If on, the value specified in the key-in field is used for the wall's length. If off, you specify the wall's length interactively during placement. Thickness - Specifies the wall's thickness (distance from the near face to the far face) in master units.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools Height - Specifies the wall's height in master units. Place By - Specifies how the wall is placed. Walls can be placed by Orthogonal Shape, Shape, or Identify Element. If set to Orthogonal Shape, the wall is defined by specifying a shape whose segments are either perpendicular or parallel to other wall segments. If set to Shape, the wall is defined by specifying wall vertices. Wall segments do not have to be perpendicular or parallel to other wall segments.

If set to Identify Element, the wall is created from an existing shape in the design file. FrameWorks Plus supports creating walls from MicroStation shapes, lines, and linestrings elements only. Face - Specifies how the wall is placed in the model relative to the specified vertex points. If set to Center, the wall is placed with respect to its centroidal axis. If set to Left, the wall is placed with respect to its left side (when seen standing at the wall's start location and looking down the length of the wall).

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools If set to Right, the wall is placed with respect to its right side (when seen standing at the wall's start location and looking down the length of the wall).

Delta TOS - Defines the vertical distance (in master units) that the bottom of the wall is offset from the normal placement position. For example, when placing a wall in a plan view, a delta TOS value of 1:0:0 would place the bottom of the wall 1 master unit (foot, for example) above the active floor elevation.

Place Solid Element The Place Solid Element command creates a FrameWorks Plus solid element from a MicroStation solid element or from two MicroStation 2D elements. If you use two 2D MicroStation elements, make sure that the two elements have the same number of vertices. In addition, make sure you digitize the elements in the same direction (clockwise or counter-clockwise). Only the MicroStation 3D element block (also called slab) is supported for 3D elements.

The solid element's default name, class, material, and material grade are defined in the Defaults Solid Members command, see Defaults Solid Members (on page 132). The graphic symbology; color, level, line style, and line weight; for the solid's permanent graphic lines is defined in the Member Symbology command, see Member Symbology (on page 137). The graphic symbology for how the solid displays in the view, and therefore in the drawing, is defined when you create the view.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools FrameWorks Plus does not recognize MicroStation holes in solids. You should always use the FrameWorks Plus Place Holes command (see Place Holes (on page 225)) to place holes in solid elements.

Place Holes The Place Hole command places a hole in a slab, wall, or 3D solid element. The graphic symbology; color, level, line style, and line weight; for the hole's permanent graphic lines is defined by the parent element graphic symbology. The graphic symbology for how a solid with a hole displays in a FrameWorks Plus view, and therefore in the drawing, is defined when you create the FrameWorks Plus view.

Guidelines for Placing Holes 

   

As with MicroStation projected solids, you cannot place holes through the rule lines sides of a solid. For slabs, you cannot place holes through the slab's side (the vertical sides). For walls, you cannot place holes through the wall's top or bottom (the horizontal sides). Holes cannot overlap each other. When creating holes using two MicroStation elements, both elements must intersect the parent solid. Holes cannot be placed as cavities. The hole must intersect at least one of the solid's surfaces. You cannot create FrameWorks Plus holes using MicroStation circle elements and this command's Place By Identify Element option. You must use this command's Place By Circular option to place circular holes in FrameWorks Plus solids.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools FrameWorks Plus does not recognize MicroStation holes in solids. You should always use this command to place holes in solid elements.

Length - If on, the value specified in the key-in field is used for the hole's length. Width - If on, the value specified in the key-in field is used for the hole's width. Delete MSTN Primitives - If on, FrameWorks Plus automatically deletes the generic MicroStation graphics after creating the hole. This option is active only when Place By is set to Identify Element. Place By - Specifies how the hole is defined in the model. Holes can be placed by Block, Rotated Block, Orthogonal Shape, Shape, Identify Element, or Circular.  If set to Block, the hole is defined by specifying the two opposite corners of a block shaped hole. Holes placed using this option go all the way through the solid.  If set to Rotated Block, the hole is defined by three points. The first two points specify the hole's length and rotation. The third point specifies the hole's width. Holes placed using this option go all the way through the solid.  If set to Orthogonal Shape, the hole is defined by specifying a shape whose segments are either perpendicular or parallel to other segments in the shape. Holes placed using this option go all the way through the solid.  If set to Shape, the hole is defined by specifying vertices of a polygonal shape. Holes placed using this option go all the way through the solid.  If set to Identify Element, the hole is created from an existing MicroStation element. The MicroStation element can be a single 3D element or two 2D elements. Use this option if you want to create an indentation or similar type hole that you do not want to go completely through the solid.  Note  You cannot use MicroStation circles with this option. If you want circular holes, either: 1) use the Place By Circular option, or 2) place two MicroStation arc's to form a circle, and then create a complex shape from the two arcs.  If set to Circular, FrameWorks Plus prompts you for the hole's radius, direction, and location. After FrameWorks Plus places the two "circles" using the information you provided, the Place Hole command resets to the Identify Element option. Select the parent solid, and then the two "circles" that were placed.  Note  You cannot create FrameWorks Plus circular holes using generic MicroStation circles. The two circles that FrameWorks Plus creates when using this option are actually four arcs made into two complex shapes. Block Justification - Used when the Place By option is set to Block, this setting specifies if the first data point placed defines the Center of the hole, or one of the Corners of the hole. Close Element - Click this button to close a shape or an orthogonal shape hole.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Solid Cutouts The Solid Cutouts command automatically places cutouts in solid members where they intersect with other members. The intersecting member can be a FrameWorks Plus linear member, a FrameWorks Plus solid member, or generic MicroStation elements (including MicroStation solids but not wedges, spheres, or torus) in the active model, attached FrameWorks Plus model, or attached MicroStation reference file. Cutouts are not available for walls. You can also place cutouts using the Verify Model command or from a batch command in the PD_Shell environment. The graphic symbology; color, level, line style, and line weight; for the solid cutout's permanent graphic lines is defined by the parent element graphic symbology. The graphic symbology for how a solid with a cutout displays in a FrameWorks Plus view, and therefore in the drawing, is defined when you create the FrameWorks Plus view. FrameWorks Plus redraws the solid each time a cutout is placed. If you have a solid with several intersecting items, you can increase command performance by dropping all of your FrameWorks Plus views using Drop View (on page 162).

Guidelines for Solid Cutouts    

FrameWorks Plus does not include the thickness of PDS equipment insulation (if any) when calculating the cutout size. The element that intersects the solids must go all the way through the solid for a cutout to be created. Elements that do not go all the way through the solid will not create a cutout. Cutouts that are invalid holes are not placed. For an explanation of what is an invalid hole, see Place Holes (on page 225). If you manually move or copy a cutout (hole) using the Move Member or Copy Member commands, you will break the link between the cutout and the object that created the cutout.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



After the link is broken, the cutout (hole) will not be updated the next time you run cutouts (using either Verify Model or this command). FrameWorks Plus does not place cutouts for intersecting elements that would cause a curvilinear cutout (such as a pipe bend or an arc member).

Cutout Option - Select if you want the cutout to follow the contour of the item being cut around or if you want the cutout to be square. The Block option does not support arbitrary sections, MicroStation solids, surfaces, cones, or any FrameWorks Plus solid member as the item being cut around. The Block option is not available in the PDS Batch Verify Model or Batch Cutout commands. Clearance - Specifies the distance between the inside of the cutout and the outside of the item being cut around. This distance is added evenly to all sides of the item. If you are placing a sleeve, the distance between the inside of the sleeve and the outside of the pipe is the Clearance value. Be careful when defining the Clearance value when cutouts will be created around closed shapes such as I-section or channels. The Clearance is added evenly to all sides of the shape. If you define a Clearance that is greater than half the distance between sides of a closed shape, FrameWorks Plus will not place the cutout. For example, the distance between an I-section's flanges is 8.5 inches. If you define a Clearance greater than 4.25 inches, the cutout will not be placed. Increment - Specifies the value by which to increment the cutout diameter around a circular penetration (such as a pipe). For example, if you set the Increment to 2" (inches), the cutout diameter is always divisible by 2 (2", 4", 6", 8", ... 22", 24", 26", and so forth). Similarly, if you set the Increment to 3", the cutout diameter is always divisible by 3 (3", 6", 9", 12", and so forth). Setting the Increment value to 0 causes the cutout diameter to be the outside diameter of the penetrating object plus the Clearance value, if any. You can use the Increment Factor setting to control the rounding up or rounding down of the cutout diameter to the next allowed size. Increment Factor - Specifies if the cutout is rounded up or rounded down to the next Increment size. For example, you place a 10.875-inch pipe with 3-inch clearance and a 2- inch Increment.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools You can use this Increment Factor to control whether a cutout with a 16" diameter or a cutout with an 18" diameter is placed. If the Increment Factor is set to 0, the cutout is always rounded up to the next increment divisible size. If the Increment Factor is set to 1, the cutout is always rounded down to the next increment divisible size. Typically, you want to set the Increment Factor to 0.5. If the Increment Factor is between 0.01 and 0.99, FrameWorks Plus calculates whether to round up or down based on the following algorithm. 1. Compute the cutout diameter by adding the outside diameter of the pipe with two times the Clearance value. For example, if the pipe diameter is 10.875" and the Clearance is set to 3", the cutout diameter would be 16.875" (10.875 + 2 x 3 = 16.875). 2. FrameWorks Plus reads the remainder (non-integer) part of the cutout diameter. In this case, 0.875 inches. 3. Multiply the Increment and the Increment Factor then compare the results to the remainder read in step 2. If the remainder is less than the calculation, round down. If the remainder is greater than the calculation, round up. For this example, say the Increment is set to 2". The following table shows the results of different Increment Factors. Remainder from step 2

Increment X Increment Factor

Resulting Action



0.875 greater than 0 so round cutout diameter up to 18 inches


2 x 0.25 = 0.5

0.875 greater than0.5 so round cutout diameter up to 18 inches


2 x 0.5 = 1

0.875 less than 1 so round cutout diameter down to 16 inches


2 x 0.75 = 1.5

0.875 less than 1.5 so round cutout diameter down to 16 inches



0.875 less than 2 so round cutout diameter down to 16 inches

Cutout Type - Specify whether to process cutouts manually or by group.  Manual --- Prompts you to select both the solid member and the intersecting item before placing the cutout. Please note that when placing a manual cutout, FrameWorks Plus will automatically recalculate all the other cutouts on the solid member to see if any need to be moved or deleted.  Group --- Prompts you to select only the solid member. FrameWorks Plus automatically searches for and places cutouts around all intersecting items. You can select which intersecting items (linear members, solid members, MicroStation solids, or a combination of all three) will create a cutout. Include Member Fireproofing - Toggle on to include the thickness of member fireproofing when calculating the cutout size. The fireproofing thickness is considered when calculating the cutout size even if the fireproofing setback is such that the fireproofing does not intersect the solid member. Include Piping Insulation Thickness - Toggle on to include the thickness of piping insulation when calculating the cutout size. The piping insulation does not need to be graphically displayed in order to be used in the calculation. Override Original Settings - Toggle on to override the clearance value of an existing cutout with a new clearance value.

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Tools Place Sleeve - Toggle on to place a pipe sleeve member around any intersecting item with a round shape. Sleeves are placed as 360-degree arc members using the selected member type. FrameWorks Plus will place a pipe sleeve only if the intersecting member is perpendicular to the slab or solid. Members that intersect at an angle will not have pipe sleeves placed. Pipe Sleeve Type - Specifies the member type you want to use for the sleeve. FrameWorks Plus uses the default section of the selected member type for the pipe sleeve section. We recommend you use cardinal point 1 for the sleeve. This option is only available if the Place Sleeve option is selected. FrameWorks Plus Linear Members - Specifies that FrameWorks Plus should only place cutouts for FrameWorks Plus linear members that intersect a solid. This option is only available when Cutout Type is set to Group. The linear member's section surface must intersect both faces of the solid for FrameWorks Plus to place a cutout. MSTN Solids, Surfaces, and Cones - Specifies that FrameWorks Plus should only place cutouts for MicroStation solid elements that intersect a solid. This option is only available when Cutout Type is set to Group. FrameWorks Plus will not create cutouts for wedge, sphere, or torus MicroStation shapes. FrameWorks Plus Solid Members - Specifies that FrameWorks Plus should only place cutouts for FrameWorks Plus solids members that intersect a solid. This option is only available when Cutout Type is set to Group.

See Also Place Holes (on page 225)

Modify Thickness The Modify Thickness command changes the thickness of a slab or solid or the width of a wall. You can also optionally change the depth of any holes in the solid using this command.

Thickness - Specifies a new thickness. Modify Holes - Toggle on to change the depth of the solid's holes along with the solid's depth. If this toggle is off, only the solid's depth is changed. Face - Select which face of the solid does not move during the thickness modification. Select Bottom Face to keep the slab's bottom face in the same location and adjust the top face. Select Top Face to keep the slab's top face in the same location and adjust the bottom face. Select Centroid to keep the centroid of the slab in the same location and adjust the top and bottom faces.


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Modify Solid Geometry The Modify Solid Geometry command changes the geometry (shape) of a slab or solid without changing the element's name or member ID. You cannot change a wall's geometry. Existing slab holes that are completely inside the new geometry will remain in the slab. Slab holes that are outside the new geometry or clip the edge of the new geometry are deleted from the slab. Existing solid holes are always deleted.

Before Using This Command.  

If you are modifying a slab's geometry, you must have a 2D MicroStation element that represent the new geometry placed before selecting this command. If you are modifying a solid's geometry, you must have two 2D MicroStation elements or a single 3D MicroStation element that represents the new geometry placed before selecting this command. MicroStation surfaces of revolution are not supported.

See Also Modify Thickness (on page 230)

Modify The Modify commands change a selected member's, or group of members', attributes. Each modification command operates in an identical manner. In general, you can use these commands to modify any member in the active FrameWorks Plus model. You cannot modify members from attached model partitions (those members are read- only).

The FrameWorks Plus modification commands, like MicroStation modification commands, have two operating modes: single and selection set. If no selection set is active when the command is activated, the command prompts for a member to be modified (single mode). If a selection set containing valid FrameWorks Plus members is active when you select the command, the selected members are modified as a group. If a selection set is present when you select a modification command, all the members in the selection set that meet the Selection Set Filter criteria highlight (if Select Filter Settings is on) and an Alert Box displays requesting you to confirm the group (if the Confirm Selection Set command is on). If you click OK in the Alert Box, FrameWorks Plus modifies each member in the selection set to the new specified value. If you click Cancel, the modify command reverts to single member mode and prompts for a member to be modified.

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Tools A member is not included in a selection set if only part of the member is visible in the view. For example, if in a plan view a column intersects the view but extends above or below the view's display depth, then that column is not included in a selection set. All of the modification commands use a pop-down menu for specification of the new attribute values. Therefore, before using any of the modify commands, you should activate the MicroStation Tool Settings dialog box. Modify Section changes or removes the section size of an existing member. For more information, see Modify Section (on page 232). Modify Name changes the name of existing members in the model. For more information, see Modify Name (on page 235). Modify CP changes the cardinal point (CP) of a member. For more information, see Modify CP (on page 236). Modify Rotation changes the rotation angle of the section relative to the member orientation vector. For more information, see Modify Rotation (on page 237). Modify Reflect turns on or off the section reflect attribute of a member. For more information, see Modify Reflect (on page 237). Modify Type changes the type designation of a member. For more information, see Modify Type (on page 238). Modify Orientation Vector changes the defined direction of the strong axis or local y-axis of the section. For more information, see Modify Orientation Vector (on page 239). Modify Fireproofing assigns or changes the fire-retardant insulation value assigned to a member. For more information, see Modify Fireproofing (on page 241). Modify Material changes the type of material assigned to each member. For more information, see Modify Material (on page 244). Modify Material Grade changes the material grade assigned to each member. For more information, see Modify Material Grade (on page 244). Modify Class changes the class value of a member. For more information, see Modify Class (on page 245). Named Groups creates and assigns named groups to members. For more information, see Named Groups (on page 245). Modify Additional Attributes defines, modifies, and removes attributes from selected members. For more information, see Modify Additional Attributes (on page 247).

Modify Section The Modify Section command changes or removes an existing member's section size. The new section size can be keyed in or selected from either the standard section library or the user section library (if defined). Members can be changed to an undefined status (no section designation) by using a null (blank) section size.


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Tools To create a tapered member, key in different section sizes in the Start Section and End Section fields. Otherwise, make sure that the same new section-size is entered in both fields.

Start Section - Specifies the section size for the member's start end (End 1). You can key in the exact designation (for example W16X67) or use a wild-card (W14*). When a key-in is entered, FrameWorks Plus checks for the specified section name in the active section library (standard and user). If found, the full name is displayed in the field. If a non-existent section name is keyed in, the section field is blank. When a wild-card is used, FrameWorks Plus returns the first section in the library that matches the name criterion. Select - Activates the Select Section dialog box, which is used to browse the standard and user section libraries and to select a Start Section from the library. End Section - Specifies the section size for the member's end end (End 2). You cannot use arbitrary sections to create a tapered member. Select - Activates the Select Section dialog box, which is used to browse the standard and user section libraries and to select an end section from the library.

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Tools Tapered Pipe Members For more accurate volume calculations, FrameWorks Plus places tapered pipe members using the section thickness stored in the section library for the actual wall thickness. For example, you place a cone shaped member using two pipe sections that have a section thickness of 200 mm. FrameWorks Plus places the cone using 200 mm for the wall thickness of the cone. The width of the section footprint is geometrically calculated using the wall thickness and the slope angle. This method most accurately represents how the real-life cone is manufactured, and thus, provides the most accurate volume calculation.

FrameWorks Plus only calculates correct volumes for tapered pipe sections with cardinal point 5. The FrameWorks Plus volume calculation for tapered pipe-section members with cardinal points other than 5 are not correct.

See Also Modify Section (on page 232)


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Modify Name The Modify Name command changes an existing member's name. Any alphanumeric name, up to 24 characters long, can be specified. Names with embedded blanks are acceptable, as are null names.

Auto/Specify - Specifies if the member name is generated automatically or manually. If set to Auto, FrameWorks Plus uses the setting specified in the AutoName command (see AutoName (on page 134)) to create the member name. If set to Specify, the member name in the Name field is used. Name - Specifies the member's new name.

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Modify CP The Modify CP command modifies a member's cardinal point. The cardinal point specifies the point at which the structural section shape is connected to the member line.

Available Cardinal Points

CP - Defines one of the ten possible cardinal points as the cardinal point to use. The CP option displays the CP position as if you were looking from member end 1 towards member end 2. If your FrameWorks Plus view is set such that you're looking from end 2 towards end 1, the actual member CP may appear backwards from what was selected.


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Modify Rotation The Modify Rotation command changes the section's rotation angle relative to the orientation vector (OV). The effects of the rotation angle are discussed in the Defaults Linear Members command.

Rotation Angle - Specifies the rotation angle (in degrees).

Modify Reflect The Modify Reflect command turns on or off the member's section reflect attribute. The reflect parameter reflects, or mirrors, the structural section about the section's local y-axis.

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Tools To ensure that beta angles are correctly represented in the analysis input deck, do not use the Modify Reflect command to rotate members. Instead you should use the Modify Orientation Vector command (see Modify Orientation Vector (on page 239)) to properly orient a member. The beta angle calculation for single angles is based on the arbitrary X and Y-axes and not the principal axes of the cross section. GTSTRUDL and STAAD use the principal axes in beta angle specification. The FrameWorks Plus calculated beta angle would not agree if you use the Modify Reflect command.

The reflect parameter affects both unsymmetrical and symmetric structural sections. This is described in detail in the Defaults Linear Members command, see Defaults Linear Members (on page 122).

Reflect - Defines the reflect setting.

Modify Type The Modify Type command changes the member's type designation. Member types include: beam, column, vertical brace, and horizontal brace. When members are modified, they are redisplayed using the new type's display parameters. The permanent member line graphics are also modified to match the specified symbology for the new type.

Type - Defines the new member type.


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Modify Orientation Vector The Modify Orientation Vector command defines the strong axis direction, the local y-axis, of the structural section. This command is used to define a new orientation vector for an existing member. The geometric effect of the orientation vector on the section orientation is shown in the following figure.

Changing a member's orientation vector also changes the orientation of all loads on that member placed in the local frame. You cannot specify an orientation vector that is parallel to a linear member or tangent to an arc member at end 1. This results in an invalid member definition. Redefine the orientation vector to any nonparallel or nontangent direction.

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Tools X, Y, Z - Specifies the member's new orientation vector. The vector coordinates must be specified in global coordinates.

How FrameWorks Plus Orients Linear Member Cross-Sections

How FrameWorks Plus Orients Arc Member Cross-Sections


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Modify Fireproofing The Modify Fireproofing command assigns, changes, or deletes fireproofing on a linear member. FrameWorks Plus optionally labels members that have been assigned fireproofing. The fireproofing labels are controlled using the Modify Symbology for Linear Members command. Assigned fireproofing can optionally be reported in the material take-offs reports.

You can only assign fireproofing to beams, columns, vertical braces, and horizontal braces. FrameWorks Plus will not assign fireproofing to solid members (slabs, walls, or solids) or to linear members with an arbitrary section.  FrameWorks Plus displays fireproofing graphically only in 3D views with the Surface representation active. However, the software does display fireproofing annotation (labels) in any plan, elevation, or 3D view. Fireproofing - Specifies the fireproofing type assign to the member. None - No fireproofing is applied to the member. If the member has fireproofing, using None deletes the member's fireproofing. Contour, fully encased - Fireproofing follows the outside shape of the cross- section totally encasing all sides. Contour, top flange exposed - Fireproofing follows the outside shape of the cross-section except the top of the member is not fireproofed. Block, fully encased - Uniform block of fireproofing material around the member totally encasing all sides. Block, top flange exposed - Uniform block of fireproofing material around the member except the top of the member is not fireproofed. Label - Specifies whether the member's fireproofing label should be based on the fireproofing type or be user-specified.

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Tools Define - Activates a dialog box used to define both User Defined and Based on Type fireproofing labels. If the Label parameter is set to Based on Type, the contour and block lines on this dialog box are used. If Label is set to User Defined, the user-defined line is used. All fireproofing labels are limited to 11 characters.

Thickness - Specifies the thickness of the fireproofing. Enter the thickness in MU:SU:PU. Applied in - Specifies whether the fireproofing is applied to the member at the shop or in the field during construction. You can specify different fireproofing labels for shop applied and field applied. Material - Specifies the default fireproofing material. Click Select to select the fireproofing material from the materials defined in the material.dat file. Grade - Specifies the default fireproofing material grade. Click Select to select the material grade from the grades defined in the grade.dat file. Fireproofing Length - Specifies the linear area of the fireproofing along the member.  Full member length - specifies that FrameWorks Plus should apply fireproofing along the entire member length regardless of any member cutbacks. You would usually use this setting for columns.


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Tools 

Use cutback distances - specifies that the software should apply fireproofing only between the member cutbacks (no fireproofing on the part of the member that was cutback). You would usually use this setting for beams and braces. This option is only available for cutbacks created using the Compute Cutback, User Cutback, or Mitered Cutback commands. Fireproofing will display for the full member length for members with SmartCuts applied.

By setback (value) - specifies that fireproofing be set back from the member end a specified distance. The distance is specified in the Setback Value End 1 and Setback Value End 2 fields.  By setback (percent) - specifies that fireproofing be set back from the member end a specified percentage of the member length. The percentage is specified in the Setback as Percent of Length field. Setback Value End 1 - Specifies the fireproofing setback for the start of the member. The setback distance is defined in Master Units. A positive setback value moves the fireproofing farther from the member end. Setback Value End 2 - Specifies the fireproofing setback for the end of the member. The setback distance is defined in Master Units. A positive setback value moves the fireproofing farther from the member end. Setback as Percent of Length - Specifies the percentage of the member length that the fireproofing should be set back. For example, for a 30-foot long member, a 10% value would cause the fireproofing to be 3 feet from the end of the member. A 5% value would cause the fireproofing to be 18 inches from the member end. When writing members with setback as percentage fireproofing to a Steel Detailing Neutral File (SDNF), the software writes the equivalent setback value to the SDNF instead of the percentage value. If the same member is read back into the model from a SDNF, the software automatically switches the fireproofing for the member from setback as percentage to setback value. This can cause the member's fireproofing to appear to be edited when for all practical purposes the member has not changed.

See Also Defaults Linear Members - Fireproofing (on page 127)

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Modify Material The Modify Material command modifies the material type assigned to a member. Materials are defined in the ..\fwplus\data\material.dat file. This is a standard ASCII file that you can edit to add your own custom materials for both members and fireproofing. Be sure to make a backup copy of the material.dat file before you make your edits. You also need to keep a backup of the file in case you have to re-load FrameWorks Plus. Do not edit or re-order the first eight entries in the material.dat file. Use only spaces between the material index number and the material name. Tabs or other hidden spacing characters can cause problems for FrameWorks Plus when reading the file. The assigned material can be written to material reports.

Material - Specifies the material type to assign.

See Also Modify Material Grade (on page 244)

Modify Material Grade The Modify Material Grade command changes the material grade assigned to the member. Steel and concrete grades from Britain, Canada, Eurocodes 2 and 3, French, and U.S.A. as well as U.S.A fireproofing material grades are delivered. If you plan on using plastic, aluminum, timber, or custom materials, you need to add the grade information to the ..\fwplus\data\grade.dat file yourself. This is a standard ASCII file. Be sure to make a backup copy of the grade.dat file before you make your edits. You also need to keep a backup of the file in case you have to re-load FrameWorks Plus. Use only spaces between entries in the grade.dat file. Tabs or other hidden spacing characters can cause problems for FrameWorks Plus when reading the grade.dat file. In addition, do not use spaces in the grade name. FrameWorks Plus tracks the unit of each grade in the grade.dat file. If you use an English unit grade in a metric model or a metric unit grade in an English model, FrameWorks Plus automatically converts the density values to the correct units for the model to ensure correct MTO reports. 3 English grades are defined in ksi for f'c, Fy, and Fu and lbs/ft for density. Metric grades are defined 2 3 in N/mm for f'c, Fy, and Fu and kg/m for density. You must define custom grades in these units for FrameWorks Plus to properly convert grade values when needed.


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Tools Material Grade - Displays the active grade name. This is the grade assigned to the member. Select - Activates the Material Grade selection box, used to select an active grade. The grades listed for selection are read directly from the grade.dat file.

See Also Modify Material (on page 244)

Modify Class The Modify Class command modifies the class value assigned to a member. The class attribute is used to group members when creating material reports, analysis input files, or performing other operations. The Select Filter Settings command (see Select Filter Settings (on page 116)) includes a class attribute criterion, which can be used to include or exclude members of a specified class or range of classes. The class attribute is also reportable on material take-offs. The specific meaning or significance of each class value is up to you. For instance, class can be used to distinguish primary load-bearing members (class 0) from secondary members (class 1). This allows generation of an analysis input file that contains only the primary members. Many other practical uses can be made of the class attribute.

Class - Specifies the class value to assign to the member.

Named Groups The Named Groups command creates, assigns, and removes named groups from model members. Named groups are useful for grouping members by a logical association, for example floor level, status, design parameters, stairway, and so forth. Members can belong to one or more named groups but are not required to belong to any named group. If a member belongs to more than one group, FrameWorks Plus asks you to specify a

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Tools controlling named group. The controlling named group is used when named groups have conflicting settings. For example, a column belongs to two named groups, East Wall and First Floor with First Floor being the controlling group. You set the East Wall named group symbology to display in green and the First Floor group to display in blue. Because these are conflicting settings, FrameWorks Plus uses the controlling named group, First Floor, and displays the column in blue. The controlling named group always highlights in red in the named groups list. All other named groups highlight in black. If a new controlling named group is assigned to a member, all previously defined named group symbology in all views is replaced with the new controlling named group's symbology for that view. If the controlling named group does not have symbology defined for a view, FrameWorks Plus display the view's default symbology as described in the previous paragraph. Named Groups are tracked on a project level so any named group you create in one model is available in all the other models in that project. You can have a maximum of 1,024 named groups in a project. We recommend that you include the model name or model ID number in the named group name when you create a named group that is used only in one model. Similarly, use the word "common" or some other identifier to distinguish project wide named groups from those named group used in a single model. We recommend that you remove members from named groups before copying or moving models. Failure to remove members from named groups before copying or moving the model can cause unpredictable results including members being assigned to groups with the same name in the other project. If you copy models using the Copy Model command in FrameWorks Manager, the named groups are automatically removed from the model members. Deleting a named group from one model can cause problems with members that belong to that named group in other models. If you do not want to use a named group anymore, remove the members from the named group and use the Edit command to rename the named group for another purpose.

Named Groups - Lists all named groups that have been defined across the project. Add - Creates a new named group. The named group name is limited to 35 characters.


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Tools Edit - Renames a named group. Apply - Assigns selected members to the named group. You can assign members either individually or by using a selection set. Control By - Specifies which named grouped is the controlling named group. Use this command when you want to change which named group is the controlling named group after you have placed the member. Remove - Removes selected members from a named group. Select - Copies named groups from one member to another member. You can also use this option to display which named groups, if any, are assigned to a member. The controlling named group is highlighted in red. All other assigned named groups highlight in black. Show All - Highlights all members in a selected named group. You can select two or more named groups from the list to display only those members that belong to all selected groups. Sort by - Controls how named groups are displayed in the list. Select Index to display the named groups in the order that they were created. Select Alphabet to display the named groups in alphabetical order.

See Also Create Named Groups Symbology (on page 173) Drop Named Groups Symbology (on page 177) Modify Named Groups Symbology (on page 175)

Modify Additional Attributes The Modify Additional Attributes command defines, modifies, and removes attributes on a selected member after the member has been placed in the model. You can define default attributes that are automatically assigned to members as they are created by using Defaults Linear Members - More Attributes (on page 130) or Defaults Solid Members (on page 132). You can customize the selectable values for attributes by editing the attributes.dat file, which is delivered in the ..\FWPlus\Data folder. In addition, you can use the FW_DATA environment variable to specify the location of the attributes.dat file that you want to use. For more information on environment variable, see Environment Variables (on page 399). If you plan to write a Steel Detailing Neutral File (SDNF) from a project, you must take administrative action to safe guard the attributes.dat file from unauthorized editing. FrameWorks Plus writes the code listed value (1, 2, 3, and so forth) of the attribute value to the SDNF, not the text string. For example, if you assign a coating of Painted to a member, FrameWorks Plus writes the code listed value of 4, not Painted, to the SDNF. Because the code listed values are written to the SDNF, you must send the attributes.dat file with the SDNF so that the receiving party can correctly interpret the SDNF. After the SDNF has been written, you cannot edit existing values in the attributes.dat file. For example, you cannot change the number 4 code list entry for Coatings to be None because the SDNF was written with number 4 being Painted. Changing 4 to None would cause a miscommunication between you and the party you sent the SDNF to. The only edits to the attributes.dat file that would be okay would be to add values to a list. For example, you could add several more available coating to your list as long as you did not change existing coating entries. Member Subtype - Specifies the member subtype. Linear members and solid members have different definable subtypes. Design Status - Specifies the design status of the member. Coatings - Specifies any coating applied to the member.

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Tools End1 Connections - Specifies the end 1 connection. Not available for solid members. End2 Connections - Specifies the end 2 connection. Not available for solid members. Fabricator Name - Specifies the fabricator name. Fabricator Note - Specifies a fabricator note. Fabricator Member ID - Indicates the fabricator's member ID for this member. Piece Mark - Indicates the fabricator's piece mark for this member. Fabricator Prebuy Mark - Indicates the fabricator's pre-buy mark for this member. Flooded - Specifies the percentage that the member is flooded. Type a value from 0 to 100. A value of 0 means the member is not flooded, while a value of 100 means the member is totally flooded. Assembly 1 to 3 - Specifies any assemblies that the member belongs to. User Attributes 1 to 5 - User defined attributes that you can use.

See Also Defaults Linear Members - More Attributes (on page 130) Member Attributes (on page 118)

Manipulate These commands copy, move, rotate, mirror, delete, and otherwise manipulate members. You can manipulate members in the active model only. You cannot manipulate members in attached model partitions because they are read-only.

Like the Modify commands, most of the Manipulate commands use the MicroStation selection sets for group operations. If no selection set is present when the command is selected, the command prompts for a single member to manipulate. If a selection set that contains valid FrameWorks Plus members is active when you select the command, the selected members are manipulated as a group. Extend Member, Modify Member End, and Modify Work Point Offset commands require selection of a specific member end and therefore operate in single member mode only. If a selection set is active, all selection set members that meet the Selection Set Filter criteria highlight and an Alert Box displays requesting you to confirm the group. If you click OK in the Alert Box, FrameWorks Plus manipulates each member in the selection set. If you click Cancel, the manipulate command reverts to single member mode and prompts for a member to manipulate. A member is not included in a selection set if only part of the member is visible in the view. For example, if in a plan view a column intersects the view but extends above or below the view's display depth, then that column is not included in a selection set.


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Tools Model Associativity Three Manipulation commands, Move Member, Extend Member, and Modify Member End, use an associativity feature. FrameWorks Plus uses associativity to preserve the connectivity of the structure (members that are disconnected from other members during a move operation are automatically reconnected). There are three associativity modes:  Non-associative (None): Members are moved without regard to original connectivity.  Local: Members that were in direct contact to the moved members are adjusted to reconnect to the moved members.  Global: Members are processed as described for the local mode above, but FrameWorks Plus also processes the move's secondary effects. This involves additional adjustments to members that have been affected by the reconnecting of members. Associativity is best described with a picture.

Sometimes a local move and a global move are identical (no secondary effects). When you use the local or global mode, FrameWorks Plus has to determine the structural topology, which may take a few moments in larger models. Therefore, if you know you do not need associativity, such as when the members you are moving are not connected to any other members, use the non-associative mode. Associativity ignores an arc member's connectivity regardless of the setting. Arc members are never affected by associative manipulations. You should also take a minute to read Member Connectivity (on page 211). Copy Member copies members. For more information, see Copy Member (on page 250). Move Member moves or shifts a single member or a group of members. For more information, see Move Member (on page 252). Extend Member lengthens or shortens a member by extending one member end along its axis. For more information, see Extend Member (on page 252). Modify Member End moves the end location of one member end. For more information, see Modify Member End (on page 253).

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Tools Rotate Member rotates members. For more information, see Rotate Member (on page 254). Mirror Member mirrors a selected member. For more information, see Mirror Member (on page 255). Modify Work Point Offset makes minor adjustments to the placement location of one member end. For more information, see Modify Work Point Offset (on page 257). Modify Offset makes minor adjustments to the placement location of a member. For more information, see Modify Offset (on page 260). Match TOS/BOS modifies the delta top-of-steel value of a member so that the top or bottom of the member section aligns with a specified elevation. For more information, see Match TOS/BOS (on page 261). Join Members joins two co-linear members to create a single member. For more information, see Join Members (on page 262). Split Member divides a single member into two separate members. For more information, see Split Member (on page 262). Modify Arc changes the radius of arc members. For more information, see Modify Arc (on page 263). Extend Member to Intersection extends a single member end until it intersects another member. For more information, see Extend Member to Intersection (on page 264). Extend Members to Intersection extends two members to their common intersection. For more information, see Extend Members to Intersection (on page 266). Delete Member removes members from the model. For more information, see Delete Member (on page 267).

Copy Member The Copy Member command creates new members by duplicating existing members. All attributes on the original members are copied to the new members. The members are copied at a distance and direction specified by two points. The first point defines the copy origin. As you move the cursor to the destination point, FrameWorks Plus dynamically moves the member lines. The second point places the copy members at the destination. If you are making more than one copy, the second copy is placed the same distance and direction from the first copy as the first copy was placed from the original. Precision key-ins are useful when the copy distance is known in terms of global or view coordinates. For example, to copy a beam 10 feet along the Z-axis, key in dl=0,0,10. The original member's planar cutbacks and end offsets, if specified, are copied to the new member. These cutbacks and end offsets may not be correct for the copied member's final position. Be sure to verify the copied member's cutbacks and offsets and re-create them if needed. SmartCuts are never copied to the new member. When copying members into the active model from an attached model, the AutoName settings for the active model are used to name the newly created members. Use the Settings > AutoName


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Tools command to define the naming convention to use before you copy the members. As an alternative, you can use the Modify Name command after copying the members to rename them.

Number of Copies - Key in the number of copies to make. Copy all loads - Copies all the loads on the source member to the new member. Copy all releases - Copies the release on the source member to the new member. If you do not select this option, FrameWorks Plus uses the releases, if any, defined in the default settings for the new member. For example, in the member defaults, you release X and Y. On the member that you are copying, you have released X and Z. If this option is on, the new member has X and Z released. If this option is off, the new member has X and Y released. For more information on member defaults, see Defaults Linear Members (on page 122). Copy all supports - Copies the supports on the source member to the new member. Copy all holes - Copies the holes in a source solid element to the new solid element. Copy code/design parameters - Copies the code and design parameters on the source member to the new member. Copy Additional Attributes - Copies member attributes on the source member to the new member. If you do not select this option, FrameWorks Plus uses the attributes, if any, defined in the default settings for the new member. For example, in the member defaults, you specified ABC as the fabricator name. On the member that you are copying, you specified XYZ as the fabricator name. If this option is on, the new member has XYZ for the fabricator. If this option is off, the new member has ABC for the fabricator. To review these attributes, see Modify Additional Attributes (Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.). Copy with member name - Copies the member name of the original member to the new member. If the member ID attribute is part of the member name, the original member's member ID is used for the new member name, even though the new member has a different member ID. Copy Overrides - Copies any attribute and symbol overrides that you have defined to the new member. For more information about defining overrides, see Linear Member Overrides (on page 177) or Solid Member Overrides (on page 184). Copy Offset - Copies any member end offsets that you have defined to the new member. If you do not select this option, the offsets for the new member are reset to zero. When copying members individually, you can use the Edit Last Placed (on page 217) command to modify any copied member's attribute.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



Move Member The Move Member command moves or shifts a single member, or a group of members. The members being moved retain their original length and direction; that is, they are rigidly translated to a new position. All moves are tentatively displayed, allowing you to see the move result and reject it if necessary. The member's cutbacks and end offsets, if applied, may not be correct for the member's new position. Be sure to verify the moved member's cutbacks and offsets and re-create them if needed. Moving members with loads may affect the loads. See Place Load for more information on how loads are affected.

Associativity - Define the model associativity as none, local, or global.  If set to None, members are moved without regard to the original connectivity.  If set to Local, members that are directly connected to the moved members stretch to maintain connection to the member being moved.  If set to Global, the members that are directly connected stretch along with the members connected to those members. For more information on associativity, see Manipulate (on page 248). Associativity ignores an arc member's connectivity regardless of the setting. Arc members are never affected by associative manipulations.

Extend Member The Extend Member command lengthens or shortens a member by extending a selected member's end along its axis. If you use this command on an arc member, the arc's sweep angle is changed. This command only operates in single member mode, any active selection set is ignored. After you have selected the member to extend, you can define the new linear member end either graphically, or by keying in the distance you want like to lengthen (or shorten) the member end (in Master Units). For arc members, you must define the new sweep angle graphically. This command, like the Move Member and Modify Member End commands, use member associativity, which is described in detail in the main Manipulate command section. Extending members with loads may affect the loads. For more information on how loads are affected, see Place Load (on page 272).

Associativity - Define the model associativity as none, local, or global.


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If set to None, the member is extended without regard to the original connectivity. If set to Local, members that are directly connected to the extended members stretch to maintain connection to the member being extended. If set to Global, the members that are directly connected stretch along with the members connected to those members.

Associativity ignores an arc member's connectivity regardless of the setting. Arc members are never affected by associative manipulations.

See Also Extend Members to Intersection (on page 266) Extend Member to Intersection (on page 264)

Modify Member End The Modify Member End command modifies the location of one member end. This command operates only in single member mode, any active selection set is ignored. This command, like the Move Member and Extend Member commands, uses model associativity. This feature is described in detail in the Manipulate command description.  

Modifying members with loads may affect the loads. For more information on how loads are affected, see Place Load (on page 272). If you move a member that has a work point offset defined, FrameWorks Plus deletes the work point offset from the member.

Associativity - Define the model associativity as none, local, or global.  If set to None, the member end is moved without regard to the original connectivity.  If set to Local, members that are directly connected to the member whose end is being moved, stretch to maintain connection to the member being extended.  If set to Global, the members that are directly connected stretch along with the members connected to those members. Associativity ignores an arc member's connectivity regardless of the setting. Arc members are never affected by associative manipulations.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



Rotate Member The Rotate Member command rotates selected FrameWorks Plus members about an axis you define. You can rotate original members or create copies of original members and rotate the copies. Loads applied to original members are not copied to copied-rotated members. However, if the Make Copy option is off and you are rotating the original members, loads placed using the Local Load Frame are rotated with the member. Loads placed using the Global and Global Projected Load Frames are not rotated because they are placed in reference to the model's coordinate system. The Global and Global Projected loads maintain their original placement direction after the member is rotated.

Rotation Angle - Specifies the rotation angle. Positive angles rotate the members counter-clockwise. Negative angles rotate the members clockwise. Rotation Axis - Specifies the axis about which you want to rotate members. You can select the X, Y, or Z-axis. Rotation Point By - Specifies the rotation axis's location.  Key-in -- The rotation axis location is defined using the X, Y, and Z key-in fields.  Point -- A data point you place defines the rotation axis location. Make Copy - If off, the members selected for rotation are themselves rotated. If on, copies of the members selected are made and then the copied members are rotated. Loads and multi-plane cutbacks applied to original members are not copied to copied-rotated members. However, if the Make Copy option is off and you are rotating the original


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Tools members, loads will rotate with the original members. Multi-plane cutbacks are always deleted from original members that are rotated. Preview - Select to preview what the model will look like after the rotation operation is complete.

See Also Mirror Member (on page 255)

Mirror Member The Mirror Member command mirrors a group of members. You have the choice of mirroring the original selected members or mirroring a copy of the originally selected members.

Walls must remain vertical after being mirrored. You cannot mirror a wall is such a way as to make it tilted or horizontal when the mirror process is complete. Loads applied to original members are not copied to copied-mirrored members. However, if the Make Copy option is off and you are mirroring the original members, loads placed using the Local Load Frame are mirrored with the member. Loads placed using the Global and Global Projected Load Frames are not mirrored because they are placed in reference to the model's coordinate system. The Global and Global Projected loads maintain their original placement direction after the member is mirrored.

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Tools Mirror Point By - Specifies how you are going to define the Mirror Point. The Mirror Point itself defines half the distance between the member's original location and the member's mirrored location.  Keyin -- Specify the mirror point by keying in the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the point in the corresponding dialog box fields.  Point -- Specify the mirror point by placing a data point in the model. Mirror Plane By - Specifies how you are going to define the Mirror Plane. The Mirror Plane is the actual "mirror" used to mirror the members. The Mirror Plane can be the user defined or can be one of the planes defined by the global coordinate system.  XY -- The X and Y-axes define the plane.  YZ -- The Y and Z-axes define the plane.  XZ -- The X and Z-axes define the plane.

 

XY, XZ, and YZ Mirror Planes Keyin -- You specify the plane using the X, Y, and Z key-in fields. Use the field to define three points on the plane.  Points -- You specify the mirror plane by placing three data points in the model. Make Copy - If off, the members selected are themselves mirrored. If on, copies of the members selected are made and then the copied members are mirrored. Loads and multi-plane cutbacks applied to original members are not copied to copied-mirrored members. However, if the Make Copy option is off and you are mirroring the original members, loads will mirror with the original members. Multi-plane cutbacks are always removed from original members that are mirrored. Mirror Orientation Vector - If on, FrameWorks Plus modifies the orientation vector, rotation, and reflection attributes in such a way that the orientation of the member is also mirrored appropriately. Preview - Select to preview what the model will look like after the mirror operation is complete.

See Also Rotate Member (on page 254)


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Modify Work Point Offset The Modify Work Point Offset command makes minor adjustments to the physical location of one member end while still maintaining the original location's connectivity for analytical considerations. This is often necessary to facilitate the welding and bolting of gusset plates.

Guidelines when using Work Point Offsets  

  

You need to re-create the cutbacks for any members you modify using this command. For members in attached models to be considered when placing a work point offset using the Rule option, the attached models must use the same length unit (for example feet or meter) and must use the same section table (for example AISC or EURO). You can remove a work point offset rule you have applied to member by reapplying a work point offset using the Key In option and entering x=0.0, y=0.0, and z=0.0. To offset an entire member, not just one end, use Modify Offset (on page 260). Modifying members with loads may affect the loads. For more information on how loads are affected, see Place Load (on page 272).

Point Option The Point option graphically defines the new work point offset. You should use this option when you can clearly define the offset point using the mouse. If you have used previous versions of FrameWorks Plus, the Point option is how the Work Point Offset command traditionally worked.

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Tools Key In Option The Key In option defines the new work point offset using a user-defined x, y, z coordinate offset. Use this option when you know the exact distance you need to move the member end. For example, you need to move an end of a vertical brace 10 centimeters down and 15 centimeters to the side.

Rule Option The Rule option defines the new work point offset based on a rule applicable to the selected member type and connection. FrameWorks Plus supports rules for three types of connections: beam-column-vertical brace; beam-vertical chevron brace; and beam- horizontal chevron brace. Use this option when you do not know the exact value of the offset nor have good way to graphically define the offset. When you use this option, FrameWorks Plus automatically updates the work point offset whenever any member associated with the joint is modified, such as rotation, a new cardinal point, or a new section size. 

FrameWorks Plus does not update the work point offset when a member in an attached model is changed. For example, if you change the section size of a beam in an attached model, the brace in the active model remains in the original location. You must reapply the work point offset manually to update the brace location.  You can apply work point offsets using the Rule option only to vertical and horizontal braces. Beam/Column from Attached Models - Select this option when the beam or column that the brace frames into is an attached model. Do not select this option when the beam, column, and brace are all in active model. Selecting this option adversely affects software performance because all the attached models must be scanned.

Beam-Column-Vertical Brace Connection A beam-column-vertical brace connection is when a vertical brace end terminates at a beam-column junction. For this connection, FrameWorks Plus displays six locations from which you can select the work point offset location you want to use.

Select Point


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Tools Point 1 - The point where the column center line (half the depth of the column size) and the top of beam line intersect. Point 2 - The point where the column center line (half the depth of the column size) and the beam center line (the half depth of the beam size) intersect. Point 3 - The point where the column center line (half the depth of the column size) and the beam bottom line intersect. Point 4 - The point where the line along the inner column flange (on the beam and brace side of the column) and the top of the beam line intersect. Point 5 - The point where the line along the inner column flange (on the beam and brace side of the column) and the beam center line (the half depth of the beam size) intersect. Point 6 - The point where the line along the inner column flange (on the beam and brace side of the column) and the beam bottom line intersect. Guidelines for Beam-Column-Vertical Braces Connections  The six points are fixed irrespective of the beam and column cardinal points.  Only the first three points are available if the beam connects to the column's web instead of the column's flange.  You cannot apply a Rule to a brace when the beam's web is not vertical.  You cannot apply a Rule to a brace when the beam and brace do not frame into the column's web or flange. This can happen when the column is rotated 45 degrees, for example.  You cannot apply a Rule to a brace when the column is an arbitrary section, angle, double-angle, solid round, pipe, tapered member, T section, or a single channel with the web facing the beam.  You cannot apply a Rule to a brace when the beam is an arbitrary section, pipe, solid round, or tapered member.

Beam-Vertical Chevron Brace Connection When you select one of the vertical braces in a vertical chevron brace, FrameWorks Plus displays three locations from which you can select the work point offset location you want to use. In addition, you can specify an offset along the beam length that FrameWorks Plus will also apply to the vertical brace end.

Select Point Point 1 - The beam's top-of-steel (TOS). The vertical brace end is moved normal to the beam line until it matches the TOS elevation. Point 2 - Half of the beam's depth. The vertical brace end is moved normal to the beam line until it matches this elevation. Point 3 - The beam's bottom flange elevation. The vertical brace end is moved normal to the beam line unit it matches this elevation.

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Tools Work Point Offset - Specify the distance both vertical brace ends should be moved apart parallel to the beam line. Any positive value is valid. Guidelines for Beam-Vertical Chevron Braces Connections  The three points are fixed irrespective of the beam's cardinal point.  You cannot apply a Rule to the braces when the beam's web is not vertical.  You cannot apply a Rule to the braces when the beam is an arbitrary section, pipe, solid round, or tapered member.

Beam-Horizontal Chevron Brace Connection When you select a horizontal chevron brace, you can specify an offset to move both horizontal braces apart along the beam line.

Work Point Offset Specify the distance both horizontal brace ends should be moved apart parallel to the beam line. Any positive value is valid. Guidelines for Beam-Horizontal Chevron Braces Connections  You cannot apply a Rule to the braces when the beam's web is not vertical.  You cannot apply a Rule to the braces when the beam is an arbitrary section, pipe, solid round, or tapered member.

Modify Offset The Modify Offset command makes minor adjustments to the member's placement location; that is, to offset the member from its nominal placement position. A common type of member offset is to apply a vertical offset to framing beams (also known as a Delta Top-of-Steel).

FrameWorks Plus has built-in model associativity which allows efficient manipulation of the structural geometry. The offsets applied with this command do not disrupt the member associativity, even though a member can be physically disconnected from the member lines of its support members.


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Tools To offset only one member end, use the Modify Work Point Offset command. You need to re-create the cutbacks for any members you modify using this command.

Offset X, Y, Z - Specifies the offset to be applied to the member. The values should be specified in Master Units.

See Also Match TOS/BOS (on page 261)

Match TOS/BOS The Match TOS/BOS command adjusts a horizontal member's placement location so that the top or bottom of the member section matches a specified elevation. FrameWorks Plus uses the top-most and bottom-most point on the member section shape when calculating the new delta top-of-steel value for the member. The member's cardinal point location is not considered in the calculation. All section types, including arbitrary sections, are supported. FrameWorks Plus has built-in model associativity which allows efficient manipulation of the structural geometry. The offsets applied with this command do not disrupt the member associativity, even though a member can be physically disconnected from the member lines of its support members. To offset only one member end, use the Modify Work Point Offset command. See Modify Work Point Offset (on page 257) for more information. You need to re-create the cutbacks for any members you modify using this command.

TOS/BOS toggle - Select TOS to match the top of the member section to the specified elevation. Select BOS to match the bottom of the member section to the specified elevation. Level to match - Displays the elevation to which the top or bottom of the section is matched. You can type the new elevation is this field or you can use the Select Reference Member or Select Z elevation options to set this elevation. Select Reference Member - Select this option, and then select an existing member in the model whose elevation you want to match. The software automatically enters the member's elevation in the Level to match field. The reference member that you select must be horizontal. Select Z elevation - Select this option, and then place a data point in the model whose elevation you want to match. The software automatically enters the point's elevation in the Level to match field. Key in Elevation - Select this option, and then type the elevation that you want to match in the Level to match field.

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Tools See Also Modify Offset (on page 260)

Join Members This command joins two members that are connected and co-linear. Member properties from the first selected member (such as name, ID, section size, material, and so forth) are used for the newly formed member.

FrameWorks Plus uses the member end properties (cutbacks, releases, supports) from the first member's start end and the last member's end end for the newly joined member's ends. Loads placed on all joined members are placed on the new member. Absolute and relative locations are recalculated for the new member.

See Also Split Member (on page 262)

Split Member The Split Member command splits a single member into two different members. The point where you identify the member is the point where the member is split.

 


You cannot split a member when one or both resulting members would be less than 1 SU in length. You cannot split can members.

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Tools Things to know about the Split Member Command     

Physical member properties (section size, grade, material, and so forth) of the original member are copied to the two new members. Member end releases of the original member are copied to the two new members. Design parameters, code parameters, and member constraints of the original member are copied to the two new members. Member offsets of the original member are copied to the two new members. Member supports remain on the ends for which they were defined. For example, if end 1 of the original member was fully supported (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ) and end 2 was supported only in RX, and RZ. Then end 1 of new member 1 gets fully supported and end 2 of new member 2 gets the RX and RZ support. The new interior ends (end 2 for member 1 and end 1 for member 2) do not have any supports defined. Cutbacks (like Supports) remain on the ends for which they were defined. For example, if the original member was cutback 7 7/16" on both ends, then end 1 of new member 1 gets cutback 7 7/16" and end 2 of new member 2 gets cutback 7 7/16". The new interior ends (end 2 for member 1 and end 1 for member 2) do not have any cutbacks defined. Concentrated loads stay where they were placed (the physical location along the original members length). The absolute or relative placement value is recalculated based on the new member length. Distributed loads are split into two distributed loads with the same magnitude (one distributed load for each new member). Partially distributed loads do one of two things based on the split location. If the split location is between the partially distributed load's end points, the load is split into two partially distributed loads one on each new member on either side of the split location. If the split location is outside of the partially distributed load's end points, the load is unaffected other than having the end points' absolute or relative placement values recalculated based on the new member length.

See Also Join Members (on page 262)

Modify Arc The Modify Arc command modifies an arc member's radius. This command is useful for creating concentric arc members.

Distance - Specifies the length to add to or remove from the arc radius. Key in a distance in MU:SU:PU. Use the cursor to specify if the distance is added to or removed from the radius. Make Copy - If off, the selected arc is modified. If on, a copy of the arc is made and the copy is modified.

See Also Place Arc (on page 218)

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Extend Member to Intersection The Extend Member to Intersection command extends or clips a single member to another specified member. The first member that you select is the only member that is modified.


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Tools When clipping a member, select the side of the member that you want to keep.

Extending members with loads may affect the loads. For more information on how loads are affected, see Place Load (on page 272).

See Also Extend Member (on page 252) Extend Members to Intersection (on page 266)

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Extend Members to Intersection The Extend Members to Intersection command extends or clips two identified members to their mutual intersection. Unlike the Extend Member to Intersection command, both members you select are modified.

Extending members with loads may affect the loads. For more information on how loads are affected, see Place Load (on page 272).

See Also Extend Member (on page 252) Extend Member to Intersection (on page 264)


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Delete Member The Delete Member command removes members from the model. Individual members can be deleted (single mode), or groups of members can be deleted by using a selection set. All loads on a member and all holes in a solid are also deleted.

Analytical The Analytical Attributes commands place loads, member releases, and member supports. There are commands for labeling loads, releases, and supports and for editing and deleting loads.

Create Load Case defines and edits load case tables. For more information, see Create Load Case (on page 268). Create Load Combination defines and edits load combination tables. For more information, see Create Load Combination (on page 271). Place Load places physical member loads on members. For more information, see Place Load (on page 272). Edit Load reviews and edits loads on members. For more information, see Edit Load (on page 275). Delete Load deletes loads. For more information, see Delete Load (on page 278) Label Load labels loads. For more information, see Label Load (on page 278). Modify End Releases modifies member releases. For more information, see Modify End Releases (on page 279). Label End Releases labels member releases. For more information, see Label End Releases (on page 280). Modify Supports modifies member supports. For more information, see Modify Supports (on page 280). Label Supports labels member supports. For more information, see Label Supports (on page 281). Create Intermediate Nodes creates additional nodes on a member. For more information, see Create Intermediate Node (on page 282).

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Tools Create Member Specification defines the member type for the input deck. For more information, see Create Member Specification (on page 284).

Create Load Case The Create Load Case command creates, edits, and deletes load cases.  

If you delete a load case, all loads placed using that load case are deleted from the model's members. If you delete a load case that is used in a load combination, the load combination is automatically edited to remove the delete load case. If the delete load case is the only load case in the load combination, the load combination is deleted.

File - Loads and saves load cases to an ASCII file. For more information, see File (Load Case/Load Combination Dialog Box) (on page 269). Load Case Name - Specifies the load case name or ID. The name can be 32 characters long and must start with an alphabetic character (a, b, c, d, ...), not a number. In addition, the name cannot contain a single quote character. You can display currently defined Load Cases names by selecting the button at the field end. Load Case Type - Describes the load type. Options are: Dead Load, Live Load, Wind Load, Earthquake Load, Thermal Load, Pipe Load, Test Load, and Self Weight. All load types are written as static linear loads. For GTSTRUDL and STAAD, the load case name and the load case type entries are used as descriptions for the loading (load case) in the output file. If you select Self Weight, Direction and Factor options appear. Direction defines the direction of the self-weight load in the model coordinate system. Factor specifies the multiplication factor for the self-weight.


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Tools You cannot place self-weight loads in the model. Instead, FrameWorks Plus adds the correct "self weight" syntax to the GTSTRUDL or STAAD analytical input decks. Load Case Active - Determines whether or not the load case is written to the input file. Color - Specifies the load graphic color when placing loads using this load case. To define a color, either key in a color number or select the color from the color pallet. Weight - Specifies the line weight (0-15) for the load graphic. Level - Key in a level (1-63) for loads to be placed on when using this load case. Style - Specifies the line style (0-7) for the load graphic. Save - Saves the current load case definition. Delete - Deletes the current load case. An alert box displays asking you to confirm the deletion. Cancel - Dismisses the load case dialog box.

See Also Create Load Combination (on page 271) Delete Load (on page 278) Edit Load (on page 275) Label Load (on page 278) Load Symbology (on page 139) Place Load (on page 272)

File (Load Case/Load Combination Dialog Box) The File commands on the Load Cases and Load Combinations dialog boxes read and write load case and load combination data to an ASCII file. You are often required to define the same load cases and load combinations in several models in the same project. By defining the definitions once in one model and then writing the definitions to an ASCII file, you can quickly read the ASCII file in the other models to create the load case and load combination tables. You can even write your load case and load combination definitions in a text file in a specified format for use in the models. If a load case or combination that already exists in your model has the same name as a load case or combination being read in from the ASCII file, the model load case or combination is overwritten by the ASCII file load case or combination. If this happens, FrameWorks Plus writes the name of the overwritten load case or load combination to the log file. While not required, we recommend you save load case and load combination ASCII files in the ..\data folder of the project. FrameWorks Plus save the ASCII files with an .ldt extension. If you choose to write your own ASCII files, save them with an .ldt extension too. The File > Load and File > Save As commands on the Load Cases dialog box read and write only load case definitions. However, the File > Load and File > Save As commands on the Load Combinations dialog box read and write both load case and load combination data. Be careful when saving load case definitions from the load case dialog box to an existing ldt file, as any load combinations in the ldt file will be lost.

File Format The ldt file is a formatted ASCII file. When writing an ldt file, keep these guidelines in mind:  The file can contain only load cases or both load cases and load combinations. You cannot have a file that contains only load combinations.  Comment lines should start with an exclamation point (!).  There is a maximum of 132 characters per line. You can use the continuation character (-) at the end of a line as long as it does not break a keyword.

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Load case definitions should end with the word LCFINISH. Load combination definitions should end with the word LCMFINISH. The last line of the file should contain the word FINISH.

Load Case Keywords LCname - Name of the load case. LCtype - Type of load case. Valid values are: DEADLOAD, LIVELOAD, WINDLOAD, EARTHQUAKELOAD, THERMALLOAD, PIPELOAD, or TESTLOAD. LCactive - Indicates if the load case is active or not. Enter 1 for active, 0 for inactive. LCcolor - Specify the color for the load graphics. Valid values are 0 to 254. LCwt - Specify the line weight for the load graphics. Valid values are 0 to 15. LCstyle - Specify the line style for the load graphics. Valid values are 0 to 7. LClevel - Specify the level for the load graphics. Valid levels are 1 to 63.

Load Combination Keywords LCMname - Name of the load combination. LCMtype - Type of load combination. Valid values are: ALGB, SRSS, or BOTH LCMmult - Specify the load combination global multiplier factor. LCMactive - Indicates if the load combination is active or not. Enter 1 for active, 0 for inactive. LCMdesc1 - Specify the load combination definition. If LCMtype is BOTH, this line describes the algebraic type. LCMdesc2 - Specifies the SRSS type when LCMtype is BOTH. If LCMtype is either ALGB or SRSS, this keyword is not required.

Sample File !Load Case Data LCname DEAD LCtype DEADLOAD LCactive 1 LCcolor 3 LCwt 0 LCstyle 0 LClevel 1 LCname LIVE LCtype LIVELOAD LCactive 1 LCcolor 2 LCwt 0 LCstyle 0 LClevel 1 LCname EARTHQUAKE LCtype EARTHQUAKELOAD LCactive 1 LCcolor 7 LCwt 0 LCstyle 0 LClevel 1 LCname WIND LCtype WINDLOAD LCactive 1 LCcolor 5 LCwt 0 LCstyle 0 LClevel 1 LCname TEST LCtype TESTLOAD LCactive 1 LCcolor 38 LCwt 0 LCstyle 0 LClevel 1 LCname THERMAL LCtype THERMALLOAD LCactive 1 LCcolor 27 LCwt 0 LCstyle 0 LClevel 1 LCname PIPE LCtype PIPELOAD LCactive 1 LCcolor 114 LCwt 0 LCstyle 0 LClevel 1 LCFINISH !Load Combination Data LCMname COMB1 LCMtype ALGEBRAIC LCMmult 1.000000 LCMactive 1 LCMDesc1 'DEAD'+'LIVE' LCMname COMB2 LCMtype SRSS LCMmult 1.000000 LCMactive 1 LCMDesc1 'DEAD'+'LIVE'+'EARTHQUAKE' LCMname COMB3 LCMtype BOTH LCMmult 1.000000 LCMactive 1 LCMDesc1 'DEAD'+'LIVE'+'EARTHQUAKE' LCMDesc2 'DEAD'+'LIVE'+2.0*'WIND' LCMFINISH FINISH


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Create Load Combination The Create Load Combination command creates, edits, and deletes load combinations. You must have at least one load case defined before you can define load combinations. For more information on creating load cases, see Create Load Case (on page 268).

File - Loads and saves load cases and load combinations to an ASCII file. For more information, see File (Load Case/Load Combination Dialog Box) (on page 269). Load Combination Name - Specifies the load combination name. The name can be up to 32 characters long and must start with an alphabetic character (a, b, c, d, and so forth) not a number. You can select an existing load combination name from the pull down list. Load Combination Type - Defines the load combination type as Algebraic, SRSS, or Both.  Algebraic -- specifies that loads should be combined using the algebraic sum of the component loadings after each loading is first multiplied by its contribution factor.  SRSS (Square Root Sum of Squares) -- specifies that loads should be combined using the root mean square of the component loadings after each loading is first multiplied by its contribution factor. This method is also referred to as RMS (Root Mean Square). This load combination type is only valid for STAAD.  Both -- specifies that loads should be combined using both the algebraic and the SRSS methods. This load combination type is only valid for STAAD. Global Multiplier - Type a multiplier for the entire load combination.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools Load Combination Active - Specifies whether or not the load combination is written to the analysis input deck. Load Combination - This key-in field is used to define a single load combination. Syntax for specification is as follows: [ < n1>*] [+[*][ +...+ [*]]]...] where n is a multiplier, and lc is a load case name or number. The multipliers are optional. The '+' sign can be substituted with a '-' sign, for example: 2 * lcase1 + 3.00*lcase2 - lcase3 If the load combination cannot fit on one line, the second through seventh lines are provided for continuation. Keypad and Load Case list - You can then use the list of Load Cases and the keypad to create a load combination in the Load Combination field interactively as opposed to keying it in. Save - Saves the currently displayed load combination. You must click Save to save the currently defined load combination. If you enter another load combination name or exit the dialog box before clicking Save, the load combination is not saved. Delete - Deletes the current load combination. Cancel - Closes the Load Combination Table dialog box.

Place Load The Place Load command activates the Physical Member Loads dialog box, which is used to place loads on members.

Physical member loads are generally not affected when the member they are placed on is modified. However, if any operation changes the member's length or location, the loads are affected as follows:  If a member is moved or copied and the member length remains the same, the loads attached are not modified.  If a member is deleted, the loads attached are also deleted.  Distributed loads are not affected by modifications to the physical member.  All relative concentrated and partial distributed loads locations are changed relative to the change in member length. Magnitudes are not changed.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools 

Absolute concentrated loads remain in the same location unless they are beyond the end of the member, in which case they are deleted. FrameWorks Plus asks you to verify that you want to continue with the member modification and delete the load. If the member has a work point offset applied, this check is done using the analytical member length, not the physical member length. Absolute partial distributed loads remain in the same location unless a portion of the load goes beyond the end of the member, in which case the load is deleted. FrameWorks Plus asks you to verify that you want to continue with the member modification and delete the load. If the member has a work point offset applied, this check is done using the analytical member length, not the physical member length. When rotating members with loads, loads placed using the Local Load Frame are rotated with the member. Loads placed using the Global and Global Projected Load Frames are not rotated because they are placed in reference to the model's coordinate system. The Global and Global Projected loads maintain their original placement direction after the member is rotated. For members with a work point offset applied, load graphics are displayed at the analytical location of the member, not the physical location.

You cannot place loads on arc, slab, wall, or solid members. For more information on arc members, see Place Arc (on page 218).

Display Load Labels - Displays load labels when the load is placed. The load label attributes are defined using the Load Symbology command. Permanent Load Labels - Display the load labels permanently in the model. The permanent label can be deleted using the MicroStation Delete command. Toggle off to make the load labels temporary graphics. Temporary graphics are removed the next time the view is updated. Load Case - Specifies the load case name to use. The name can be 32 characters long and must start with an alphabetic character (a, b, c, d, and so forth), not a number. If the load case specified does not exist, it is created. You can also select a load case that already exists from the display list. You cannot place loads in the model using a Self Weight load case. FrameWorks Plus add the correct "self weight" syntax to the GTSTRUDL or STAAD analytical input deck when you write it.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools Load Type- Specify the load type in this field, or select the load type from the display list. The loads are defined as follows:  Distributed -- is a uniformly distributed load applied along the member length.  Concentrated -- is a concentrated load that can be applied at any user-defined location along the member's length.  Partially Distributed -- is a partially distributed load at user- specified start and end points anywhere along the member's length. Load Frame - Specifies the load frame. Local uses the member's local coordinate system to define the load direction. A Global load is applied to the member in the direction of the global coordinate axis specified. A Global Projected load is applied to the projection of the member on the plane perpendicular to the global direction specified and acting in the direction specified.

You can distinguish the load's load frame by the number of x's on the load graphic. If there is no x, the load frame is local; one x is global; and two x's is global projected.

Direction - Specifies the load direction. Loads can be placed in the X, Y, Z, RX, RY, or RZ direction.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools Loads placed in X, Y, and Z directions have a single arrowhead indicating the load direction. Moment loads, placed in the RX, RY, and RZ directions, have a double arrowhead indicating the load direction.

Magnitude - Specifies the load magnitude. Place Load By - Specifies how you want to define the load's location on the member. You can select Key in or Point. This option is only available when placing Concentrated or Partial Distributed loads. The Key in option specifies the load's location based on the Location values you key in. The Point option allows you to graphically define the location of the load in the model. Location - Specifies the load location for concentrated and partial distributed loads. All location points are calculated from the start of the member. The location can be defined as relative or absolute. A relative location can be thought of as a distance percentage along the member. For example, a load placed at a relative distance of 0.333 is located at one-third the member length measured from the member start. A load placed at a relative distance of 0.5 is located at the middle of the member. An absolute distance is the actual distance from the start of the member. FrameWorks Plus verifies that the absolute distance is between the member endpoints.

See Also Delete Load (on page 278) Label Load (on page 278) Load Symbology (on page 139)

Edit Load The Edit Load command reviews and edits loads in the model. The load to edit can be identified individually or by member.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools The by member method displays a dialog box that lists all loads and their location on the member. You can then select one, some, or all loads on that member for editing. If you use a selection set to identify the members whose loads you want to edit, the Next button jumps to the next member in the selection set.

Loads from attached models can be seen using this command, but are review only. You cannot actually edit the load.

Toggle boxes- The toggle boxes on the left side of the dialog box activate that load attribute you want to edit. Only those attributes that are on are edited. Load Case - Displays the current load case name to which the load is assigned. Select an existing load case from the pulldown list if you want. If you key in a new load case name, that load case is created using the default attributes and saved when you choose Apply. Load Type - Display the type of load. This attribute cannot be changed or edited. If you want to change the load type, you need to delete and replace the load using the new load type. Load Frame - Displays the current load frame. Select another load frame if you want. Local uses the member's local coordinate system to define the load direction.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools A Global load is applied to the member in the direction of the global coordinate axis specified. A Global Projected load is applied to the projection of the member on the plane perpendicular to the global direction specified and acting in the direction specified.

You can distinguish the load's load frame by the number of x's on the load graphic. No x, the load frame is local; one x is global; and two x's is global projected.

Direction - Displays the current load direction. Select another direction if you want. Magnitude - Displays the magnitude of the concentrated or distributed load. Starting Magnitude - Displays the starting magnitude of the partially distributed load. Key in a new magnitude if you want. This field is only active when the load type is partial distributed. Ending Magnitude - Displays the ending magnitude of the partially distributed load. Key in a new magnitude if you want. This field is only active when the load type is partial distributed. Distances - Displays how the load distance is defined, either relative or absolute. Distance from end i - Displays the distance from the member starting end to the concentrated load. This field is only active when the load type is concentrated. Starting Distance - Displays the distance from the start of the member from which the partially distributed load starts. This field is only active when the load type is partial distributed. Ending Distance - Displays the distance from the start of the member from which the partially distributed load ends. This field is only active when the load type is partial distributed. Apply - Edits the selected load as defined.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools Next - Selects the next load on the member to edit. This option is only active if you are editing loads on a member basis and there is more than one load on that member selected for editing. Cancel - Dismisses the dialog box.

See Also Delete Load (on page 278) Label Load (on page 278) Load Symbology (on page 139)

Delete Load The Delete Load command removes loads from the model. You can remove loads by two methods: individually or by member. To use the individual method, select the command, and then select the load graphic. To use the by member method, select the command, and then select the member that has the load you want to delete. You can then select which loads you want to delete from the member.

See Also Edit Load (on page 275)

Label Load The Label Load command displays the selected load's case, type, direction, and magnitude. For more information on load label parameters, see Load Symbology (on page 139).


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools Permanent Load Labels - Displays the load labels permanently in the model. The permanent label can be deleted using the MicroStation Delete command. Toggle off to make the load labels temporary graphics. Temporary graphics are removed the next time the view is updated.

Modify End Releases The Modify End Releases command modifies physical member end releases. The releases are specified in the local element coordinate system. You can also define releases for a member at placement. You cannot define releases on arc members.

Display Release Graphics - Displays the release symbols in the model. For more information on the release symbology, see Label End Releases (on page 280). Permanent Release Graphics - Toggle on to place the release symbol in the design file. You can remove the symbol with the MicroStation Delete command. If this toggle is off, the symbol disappears the next time the view is updated. Start of Member - Select the directions (marked with an X) that you want to release at the start of the member. End of Member - Select the directions (marked with an X) that you want to release at the end of the member.

See Also Label End Releases (on page 280)

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



Label End Releases The Label End Releases command displays the defined member releases. Each box in the symbol, starting at the one o'clock position and moving clockwise, represents the release degree-of-freedoms X, Y, Z, RX, RY, and RZ. If the degree-of- freedom box displays, then the member end is released in that degree-of-freedom.

Because the release label is placed at the same orientation as the member, the label may display tilted. Therefore, remember that the X degree-of-freedom box points to the symbol's cutout corner, and the Y box is perpendicular to the symbol's cutout corner side.

The release symbols are placed at one-tenth the member length from each member end. The size of the label release symbol is hard-coded to 1 foot in imperial models, 33 centimeters in metric model with meters as the master units, and 3 centimeters in metric models with millimeters as the master units. Permanent Release Graphics - Toggle on to place the release symbol in the design file. You can remove the symbol with the MicroStation Delete command. If this toggle is off, the symbol disappears the next time the view is updated.

See Also Modify End Releases (on page 279)

Modify Supports The Modify Supports command modifies support conditions at the start and end of the member. The supports are specified in the global coordinate system.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools You cannot define supports on arc members.

Display Support Graphics - Displays the support symbol after you have modified the member. Permanent Release Graphics - Places the support symbol in the design file permanently. You can remove the symbol with the MicroStation Delete command. If this toggle is off, the symbol disappears the next time the view is updated. Start of Member - Select the directions (marked with an X) that you want to support at the member's start end. End of Member - Select the directions (marked with an X) that you want to support at the member's end end.

See Also Label Supports (on page 281)

Label Supports The Label Supports command displays the defined support conditions for a selected member.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools Supports are identified by a pie-shaped icon at the supported member end. Starting at the one o'clock position and moving clockwise, each pie wedge represents X, Y, Z, RX, RY, and RZ supports. If the wedge appears, the member end is fixed (supported) in that degree-of-freedom.

Figure 1: Legend for the Support Label The support symbols are placed at the member ends. The size of the support symbol is hard-coded to 1 foot in imperial models, 33 centimeters in metric model with meters as the master units, and 3 centimeters in metric models with millimeters as the master units. Permanent Support Graphics - Places the support symbol in the design file permanently. You can remove the symbol with the MicroStation Delete command. If this toggle is off, the symbol disappears the next time the view is updated.

See Also Modify Supports (on page 280)

Create Intermediate Node The Create Intermediate Nodes command specifies additional intermediate nodes along a physical member in addition to the nodes FrameWorks Plus creates at both member ends and where other members intersect the member. These nodes create more finite elements when the member is written to an analytical input deck. FrameWorks Plus automatically deletes intermediate nodes from a member if you modify or manipulate the member using any of the following commands:


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools Extend Member Modify Member End Join Members Split Member Extend Member to Intersection Extend Members to Intersection Mirror Member with the copy option on. Rotate Member with the copy option on. Move Member

Number of intermediate nodes - Type the number of intermediate nodes you want to place on the member. You can place up to 10 intermediate nodes on a member. Type 0 if you want to remove the intermediate nodes from the selected member. Define Nodes As - Specify how you want to define the location of the node along the member. Select Equal Segments if you want FrameWorks Plus to place the nodes along the member with equal spacing. For example, if you place 5 nodes on a 30-foot member, FrameWorks Plus will place the intermediate nodes at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 feet from the start of the member. Select By Distance if you want to specify the location of the nodes yourself. Node Number - Select the node for which you want to define a position. This option is only available when Define Nodes As is set to By Distance. Define Node Position By - Specify how you want to define the nodes position. You can either key in the distance from the start of the member or select the position graphically. Select Key In to key-in the position of the node along the member from the start end in the Distance from Start of Member field. Select Point to graphically define the position of the node on the member. If the member you are placing nodes on has a work point offset applied, the node dot that dynamically displays during placement will follow the analytical location of the member, not the physical location. Distance from Start of Member - Type the distance where you want the node placed from the start end of the member. List Box - Displays the defined location for each intermediate node. This list box is read- only.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



Create Member Specification The Create Member Specification command defines a member specification to write to the analysis input deck. This command is available only when 3rd Party Software is set to STAAD or GTSTRUDL.

You cannot create member specifications for solid or arc members. Select the member specification you want to assign to the selected member. If you select Cable for the member specification, enter the tension in model force units. If you are using GTSTRUDL as your analysis software, only Framing Member and Truss Member are available.

Design Attributes The Design Attributes commands add code parameter, design parameter, and member constraint information to your FrameWorks Plus steel members. FrameWorks Plus assigns design parameters to the physical member.

Code Parameters defines design code parameters for steel linear members. For more information, see Code Parameters (on page 285). Design Parameters defines design parameters for steel linear members. For more information, see Design Parameters (on page 304). Member Constraints defines member constraint information. For more information, see Member Constraints (on page 306)


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Code Parameters The Code Parameters command assigns code parameters to steel linear members in the model. Because FrameWorks Plus supports a variety of codes, there are several dialog boxes described in this section. Be sure to refer to the dialog box that matches your selected code. In addition to the delivered code parameter dialog boxes, you can create your own custom dialog box with only those code parameters you want to define. For more information, see Custom Code Parameters (on page 144). Code parameters are different from design parameters only by the fact that code parameters are unique to the specific design code you are using.

See Also Design Parameters (on page 304) Member Constraints (on page 306)

AISC-ASD (STAAD) You can define the following AISC-ASD design parameters in FrameWorks Plus. These parameters are written to the input deck created by FrameWorks Plus for STAAD.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools Code parameter descriptions for the AISC-ASD and AISC- LRFD are taken directly from the STAAD Reference Manual, used with permission. Intergraph assumes no responsibility for errors in the STAAD documentation that have been copied here or for any modification that may have occurred to these design parameters since the publication of this document. Please refer to your STAAD documentation for the most up-to-date information.

KY - Specifies the K value in the local Y-axis. This is usually the minor axis. KZ - Specifies the K value in the local Z-axis. This is usually the major axis. LY - Specifies the member length in the local Y-axis used to calculate the slenderness ratio. You can specify the length explicitly or use the physical member length (FWP Length). LZ - Specifies the member length in the local Z-axis used to calculate the slenderness ratio. You can specify the length explicitly or use the physical member length (FWP Length). NSF - Specifies the net section factor for tension members. UNL (UNF) - Specifies the unsupported member length for calculating allowable bending stress. You can specify the length explicitly, use the physical member length (FWP Length), or you can specify a fractional value (Specify Fractional) and have it written to the deck as UNF. CB - Specifies the Cb value as used in Section 1.5 of AISC. A 0.0 value causes STAAD to calculate Cb. A non-zero value will be used in the design calculations. SSY - Specifies if there is sidesway in the local Y-axis. 0.0 indicates sidesway in the local Y-axis. 1.0 means there is no sidesway.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools SSZ - Specifies if there is sidesway in the local Z-axis. 0.0 indicates sidesway in the local Z-axis. 1.0 means there is no sidesway. CMY - Specifies the Cm value in the local Y-axis. If there is no sidesway, the Cm value is calculated using the formula in AISC code Section 1.6.1. CMZ - Specifies the Cm value in the local Z-axis. If there is no sidesway, the Cm value is calculated using the formula in AISC code Section 1.6.1. MAIN - Specifies whether or not to check for slenderness. 0.0 indicates to check for slenderness. 1.0 suppresses the slenderness check. STIFF - Specifies the spacing of stiffeners for plate girder design so that the correct allowable shear stress can be calculated. You can specify the spacing explicitly or use the physical member length (FWP Length). PUNCH - Specifies that tubular members should be checked for punching shear according to the American Petroleum Institute (API) specifications. This parameter also specifies the joint type and geometry. Refer to the API code (Section 2.5.5) for more information on joint type and geometry. Joint Type and Geometry

PUNCH Parameter Value

K (overlap)


K (gap)




CROSS (with diaphragms)


CROSS (without diaphragms) 5.0 TRACK - Specifies if critical member stresses should be printed or suppressed. 0.0 means to suppress critical member stresses. 1.0 means to print critical member stresses including: allowable bending stresses in compression (FCY and FCZ) and tension (FTY and FTZ), allowable axial stress in compression (FA), allowable shear stress (FV), area, section moduli, member length, CB, and governing KL/r ratio. 2.0 means to print critical member stresses in expanded output. DMAX - Specifies the section's maximum allowable depth. DMIN - Specifies the section's minimum allowable depth. RATIO - Specifies the actual to allowable stresses ratio. WELD - Specifies the weld type. 1 means the member is welded on only one side, except for wide-flange or tee sections where the web is always assumed to be welded on both sides. 2 means the member is welded on both sides. However, for closed sections such as pipes or tubes, the welding is on one side only. BEAM - Specifies what moments you want to use for design. 0.0 means to design for end moments only or for locations specified by the SECTION command. 1.0 means to calculate twelve moments along the beam's length and use the maximum Mz location for design. WMIN - Specifies the minimum welding thickness. WSTR - Specifies the allowable welding stress. You can either specify the stress explicitly or use 0.4 times the yield strength of steel. DFF - Specifies the Deflection Length / maximum allowable local deflection. DJ1 - Specifies the starting point joint number for calculating the Deflection Length. DJ2 - Specifies the ending point joint number for calculating the Deflection Length. CHECK CODE - Checks the specified members against the AISC-ASD code. The check code results are tabulated for each member. If you use this parameter, the SELECT parameter is disabled.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools SELECT - Selects specified members based on parameter value restrictions and the AISC-ASD code. The member selection uses the last analysis results and tries different sections until the least weight size is found. If you use this parameter, the CHECK CODE parameter is disabled. PROFILE - Instructs the program to assign a suitable steel section to a frame member based on profile specifications. You can enter profile specifications in the key-in field. Add Checked Parameter(s) - If this option is selected, then the selected parameters are added to the member when you click Apply. This option does not delete any code parameters that may already be assigned to the member. Remove Checked Parameter(s) - If this option is selected, then the selected parameters are removed from the member when you click Apply. Replace All Parameters - If this option is selected, then the parameters already assigned to the member are deleted and the checked parameters are assigned to the member when you click Apply. Apply - Click this button to assign the parameters to a member. Be sure you understand the differences between Add Checked Parameter(s), Remove Checked Parameter(s), and Replace All Parameters before you click Apply. Select - Loads the parameter settings from a selected member to the dialog box. Use this button when you want to assign the same parameters as the selected member to another member (or members). Cancel - Exits the dialog box.

AISC-LRFD (STAAD) The following design parameters can be defined for the AISC-LRFD code:


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools Code parameter descriptions for the AISC-ASD and AISC- LRFD are taken directly from the STAAD Reference Manual, used with permission. Intergraph assumes no responsibility for errors in the STAAD documentation that have been copied here or for any modification that may have occurred to these design parameters since the publication of this document. Please refer to your STAAD documentation for the most up-to-date information.

KY - Specifies the K value in the local Y-axis. This is usually the minor axis. KZ - Specifies the K value in the local Z-axis. This is usually the major axis. LY - Specifies the member length in the local Y-axis used to calculate the slenderness ratio. You can specify the length explicitly or use the physical member length (FWP Length). LZ - Specifies the member length in the local Z-axis used to calculate the slenderness ratio. You can specify the length explicitly or use the physical member length (FWP Length). NSF - Specifies the net section factor for tension members. UNL (UNF) - Specifies the unsupported member length for calculating flexural design strength. You can specify the length explicitly, use the physical member length (FWP Length), or you can specify a fractional value (Specify Fractional) and write it to the input deck using UNF. CB - Specifies the coefficient Cb according to Chapter F of the Load Resistance Factor Design code book, first edition. 0.0 means Cb will be calculated by STAAD. Any other value is used directly in the design.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools TRACK - Specifies if design strengths should be printed or suppressed. 0.0 means design strengths are suppressed. 1.0 means to print all design strengths. 2.0 means to print expanded design output. MAX - Specifies the section's maximum allowable depth. MIN - Specifies the section's minimum allowable depth. RATIO - Specifies the actual load effect and design strength ratio. BEAM - Specifies what moments you want to use for design. 0.0 means to design for end moments only or for locations specified by the SECTION command. 1.0 means to calculate twelve moments along the beam's length and use the maximum Mz location for design. DFF - Specifies the Deflection Length / maximum allowable local deflection. DJ1 - Specifies the starting point joint number for calculating the Deflection Length. DJ2 - Specifies the ending point joint number for calculating the Deflection Length. CHECK CODE - Checks the specified members against the AISC-LRFD code. The check code results are tabulated for each member. If you use this parameter, the SELECT parameter is disabled. SELECT - Selects specified members based on parameter value restrictions and the AISC-LRFD code. The member selection uses the last analysis results and tries different sections until the least weight size is found. If you use this parameter, the CHECK CODE parameter is disabled. PROFILE - Instructs the program to assign a suitable steel section to a frame member based on profile specifications. You can enter profile specifications in the key-in field. Add Checked Parameter(s) - If this option is selected, then the selected parameters are added to the member when you click Apply. This option does not delete any code parameters that may already be assigned to the member. Remove Checked Parameter(s) - If this option is selected, then the selected parameters are removed from the member when you click Apply. Replace All Parameters - If this option is selected, then the parameters already assigned to the member are deleted and the checked parameters are assigned to the member when you click Apply. Apply - Click this button to assign the parameters to a member. Be sure you understand the differences between Add Checked Parameter(s), Remove Checked Parameter(s), and Replace All Parameters before you click Apply. Select - Loads the parameter settings from a selected member to the dialog box. Use this button when you want to assign the same parameters as the selected member to another member (or members). Cancel - Exits the dialog box.

ASD9 (GTSTRUDL) The following design parameters can be defined for the ASD9 code:


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools Code parameter descriptions for the ASD9, BS5950, LRFD1, NF83, and Tower2 codes are taken directly from GTSTRUDL User's Guide, Revision N, used with permission. Intergraph assumes no responsibility for errors in the GTSTRUDL documentation that have been copied here or for any modification that may have occurred to these design parameters since the publication of this document. Please refer to your GTSTRUDL documentation for the most up-to-date information.

A/H - Ratio of clear span between transverse stiffeners to clear distance between flanges. Used in computing allowable shear stress. Default approximates infinity. FYLD & FTS - Writes FYLD and FTS to the input deck using the Fy and Fu values defined in FrameWorks Plus' grade.dat file for the member's defined material grade. REDFYLD - Reduction factor for computed FYLD. This factor multiplied by FYLD gives the FY value used by the code. Used to account for property changes at high temperatures. REDFTS - Reduction factor for computed FTS. Similar to REDFYLD. REDE - Reduction factor for E, the modulus of elasticity. Similar to REDFYLD. SLENCOMP - Maximum permissible slenderness ratio (KL/r) for member subjected to axial compression. When no value is specified for this parameter, the value of 200 is used for the maximum slenderness ratio. SLENTEN - Maximum permissible slenderness ratio (L/r) for member subjected to axial tension. When no value is specified for this parameter, the value of 300 is used for the maximum slenderness ratio.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools COMPK - Parameter to request the computation of the effective length factors KY and KZ.  Yes -- Compute KY and KZ factors.  KY -- Compute KY only.  KZ -- Compute KZ only.  NO -- Use default or specified values for KY and KZ. KY - Effective length factor for buckling about the local Y-axis of the profile. KZ - Effective length factor for buckling about the local Z-axis of the profile. SDSWAYY - Indicates the presence or absence of sidesway about the local Y-axis.  Yes -- Sidesway permitted.  No -- Sidesway prevented. SDSWAYZ - Indicates the presence or absence of sidesway about the local Z-axis.  Yes -- Sidesway permitted.  No -- Sidesway prevented. GAY - G-factor at the start joint of the member. GAY is used in the calculation of effective length factor KY. GAZ - G-factor at the start joint of the member. GAZ is used in the calculation of effective length factor KZ. GBY - G-factor at the end joint of the member. GBY is used in the calculation of effective length factor KY. GBZ - G-factor at the end joint of the member. GBZ is used in the calculation of effective length factor KZ. KX - Effective length factor for torsional buckling about the local X-axis of the profile. This parameter is used in flexural-torsional buckling stress, Fe computations. LX (FRLX) - Unbraced length for torsional buckling about the local X-axis of the profile. Computed as length of member. This parameter is used in flexural-torsional buckling stress, Fe computations. You can specify LX explicitly, specify a fractional form of LX (Specify Fractional) allowing unbraced length to be specified as fractions of the total length, or you can use the physical member length (FWP Length) for LX. CB - Coefficient used in computing allowable compressive bending stress. FSB - Safety factor applied to the equation 6.23 of the Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures in the computation of allowable compressive bending stress for the stem of a tee. UNLCFTF - Unbraced length of the compression flange for the top flange. You can either key in a length or use the physical member (FWP Length) length. UNLCFBF - Unbraced length of the compression flange for the bottom flange. You can either key in a length or use the physical member (FWP Length) length. AXEFF - Axial stress reduction factor indicating the amount of the axial stress that is to be deducted from corresponding bending stress acting in the opposite direction. CMY - Coefficient that modifies Y-axis bending stress in interaction equation (AISC ASD Ninth Ed. Section H1). CMZ - Coefficient that modifies Z-axis bending stress in interaction equation (AISC ASD Ninth Ed. Section H1). FXMIN - Minimum axial force to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. FYMIN - Minimum Y-shear force to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools FZMIN - Minimum Z-shear force to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. MYMIN - Minimum Y-bending moment to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. MZMIN - Minimum Z-bending moment to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. Add Checked Parameter(s) - If this option is selected, the selected parameters are added to the member when you click Apply. This option does not delete any code parameters that may already be assigned to the member. Remove Checked Parameter(s) - If this option is selected, the selected parameters are removed from the member when you click Apply. Replace All Parameters - If this option is selected, the parameters already assigned to the member are deleted and the checked parameters are assigned to the member when you click Apply. Apply - Click this button to assign the parameters to a member. Be sure you understand the differences between Add Checked Parameter(s), Remove Checked Parameter(s), and Replace All Parameters before you click Apply. Select - Loads the parameter settings from a selected member to the dialog box. Use this button when you want to assign the same parameters as the selected member to another member (or members). Cancel - Exits the dialog box.

BS5950 (GTSTRUDL) The following code parameters can be defined for the BS5950 design code:

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools Code parameter descriptions for the ASD9, BS5950, LRFD1, NF83, and Tower2 codes are taken directly from GTSTRUDL User's Guide, Revision N, used with permission. Intergraph assumes no responsibility for errors in the GTSTRUDL documentation that have been copied here or for any modification that may have occurred to these design parameters since the publication of this document. Please refer to your GTSTRUDL documentation for the most up-to-date information.

Py - Yield stress (design strength py of member). REDPy - Reduction factor for parameter Py. This factor multiplied by the parameter Py gives the design strength (Py) value used by the code. Used to account for property changes at high temperatures. REDE - Reduction factor for E, the modulus of elasticity. Similar to REDPy. SLENCOMP - Maximum permissible slenderness ratio (KL/r) for a member subjected to axial tension. Only a user-specified value will initiate the slenderness ratio check for a tension member. SLENTEN - Maximum permissible slenderness ratio (L/r) for a member subjected to axial tension. Only a user-specified value will initiate the slenderness ratio check for a tension member. COMPK - Parameter to request the computation of the effective length factors KY and KZ.  Yes -- Compute KY and KZ factors.  KY -- Compute KY only.  KZ -- Compute KZ only.  NO -- Use default or specified values for KY and KZ.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools KY - Effective length factor for buckling about the local Y-axis of the profile. KZ - Effective length factor for buckling about the local Z-axis of the profile. SDSWAYY - Indicates the presence or absence of sidesway about the local Y-axis. This parameter is used for K-factor computation only.  Yes -- sidesway permitted.  No -- sidesway prevented. SDSWAYZ - Indicates the presence or absence of sidesway about the local Z-axis. This parameter is used for K-factor computation only.  Yes -- sidesway permitted.  No -- sidesway prevented. GAY - G-factor at the start joint of the member. GAY is used in the calculation of effective length factor KY. GAZ - G-factor at the start joint of the member. GAZ is used in the calculation of effective length factor KZ. GBY - G-factor at the end joint of the member. GBY is used in the calculation of effective length factor KY. GBZ - G-factor at the end joint of the member. GBZ is used in the calculation of effective length factor KZ. APPROACH - Identifies the design approach. This parameter indicates the type of approach that should be used for the combined stresses.  BOTH -- Use simplified and the more exact approach. See Sections and of BS 5950 : Part 1 : 1990.  EXACT -- Use the more exact approach. See Section of BS 5950 : Part 1 : 1990.  SIMPLIFY -- Use simplified approach. See Section of BS 5950 : Part 1 : 1990. COLUMNS - Identifies the type of construction. This parameter is used to indicate the columns in simple construction. NORMAL -- Equivalent slenderness, LT, is computed based on the Appendix B.2.5 of BS 5950 : Part 1 : 1990.  Simple -- Columns in simple construction. Equivalent slenderness, LT, is computed based on the Section 4.7.7 of BS 5950 : Part 1 : 1990. SHRAREAF - Shear Area Factor is used for the computation of the shear area. When an alternate value other than COMPUTE or TABLE is specified, shear area is computed as the SHRAREAF multiplied by the cross-sectional area (A v = AY = AZ = SHRAREAF × AX). FRLEY - Fraction value used for the computation of nominal effective length, LEY = FRLEY X LY. Nominal effective length, L EY, is used in the computation of maximum slenderness ratio about the local Y axis of the profile. See Section 4.7.2, Table 24 of BS 5950 : Part 1 : 1990 for the FRLEY values. FRLEZ - Fraction value used for the computation of nominal effective length, L EZ = FRLEZ × LZ. Nominal effective length, L EZ, is used in the computation of maximum slenderness ratio about the local Z-axis of the profile. See Section 4.7.2, Table 24 of BS 5950 : Part 1 : 1990 for the FRLEY values. AXEFF - Axial stress reduction factor indicating the amount of the axial stress that is to be deducted from corresponding bending stress acting in the opposite direction. LATTORBU - Indicates the consideration of Lateral Torsional Buckling check. n - Slenderness correction factor, n. This parameter is used for the computation of equivalent slenderness, LT = nuv. 

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools UNITS - Indicates that the TRACE 4 output from the SELECT or CHECK command and the output from SUMMARIZE command may be displayed in ACTIVE units or CODEUNITS. FXMIN - Minimum axial force to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. Units are in Newtons (N). FYMIN - Minimum Y-shear force to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. FZMIN - Minimum Z-shear force to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. MYMIN - Minimum Y-bending force to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. MZMIN - Minimum Z-bending moment to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. LE - Effective length of a member when lateral torsional buckling is considered. Default value is equal to the unbraced length for buckling about the local Y axis, LY. my - Equivalent uniform moment factor (m) that modifies Y-axis bending stress in combined axial and bending stress equation. You can key in a value or use the physical member length (FWP Length). mz - Equivalent uniform moment factor (m) that modifies Z-axis bending stress in combined axial and bending stress equation. You can key in a value or use the physical member length (FWP Length). DESTLDY - Indicates the presence or absence of a destabilizing load that causes movement in the member local Y-axis direction (and possibly rotation about the member local Y axis). Destabilizing load conditions exist when a load is applied to the local Z-axis of a member and both the load and the member are free to deflect laterally (and possibly rotationally also) relative to the centroid of the member. DESTLDZ - Indicates the presence or absence of a destabilizing load that causes movement in the member local Z-axis direction (and possibly rotation about the member local Z-axis). Destabilizing load conditions exist when a load is applied to the top flange (local Y axis load) of a member, and both the load and the flange are free to deflect laterally (and possibly rotationally also) relative to the centroid of the member. Add Checked Parameter(s) - If this option is selected, the selected parameters are added to the member when you click Apply. This option does not delete any code parameters that may already be assigned to the member. Remove Checked Parameter(s) - If this option is selected, the selected parameters are removed from the member when you click Apply. Replace All Parameters - If this option is selected, the parameters already assigned to the member are deleted and the checked parameters are assigned to the member when you click Apply. Apply - Click this button to assign the parameters to a member. Be sure you understand the differences between Add Checked Parameter(s), Remove Checked Parameter(s), and Replace All Parameters before you click Apply. Select - Loads the parameter settings from a selected member to the dialog box. Use this button when you want to assign the same parameters as the selected member to another member (or members). Cancel - Exits the dialog box.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


LRFD1 (GTSTRUDL) The following code parameters can be defined for the LRFD1 code: Code parameter descriptions for the ASD9, BS5950, LRFD1, NF83, and Tower2 codes are taken directly from the GTSTRUDL User's Guide, Revision N, used with permission. Intergraph assumes no responsibility for errors in the GTSTRUDL documentation that have been copied here or for any modification that may have occurred to these design parameters since the publication of this document. Please refer to your GTSTRUDL documentation for the most up-to-date information.

A/H - Ratio of clear span between transverse stiffeners to clear distance between flanges. Used in computing allowable shear stress. Default approximates infinity. FYLD & FTS - Writes FYLD and FTS to the input deck using the Fy and Fu values defined in FrameWorks Plus' grade.dat file for the member's defined material grade. REDFYLD - Reduction factor for FYLD. This factor times FYLD gives the FY value used by the code. Used to account for property changes at high temperatures. REDFTS - Reduction factor for FTS. Similar to REDFYLD. REDE - Reduction factor for E, the modulus of elasticity. Similar to REDFYLD.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools SLENCOMP - Maximum permissible slenderness ratio (KL/r) for member subjected to axial compression. When no value is specified for this parameter, the value of 200 is used for the maximum slenderness ratio. SLENTEN - Maximum permissible slenderness ratio (L/r) for member subjected to axial tension. When no value is specified for this parameter, the value of 300 is used for the maximum slenderness ratio. COMPK - Parameter to request the computation of the effective length factors KY and KZ.  YES -- Compute KY and KZ factors.  KY -- Compute KY only.  KZ -- Compute KZ only.  NO -- Use default or specified values for KY and KZ. KY - Effective length factor for buckling about the local Y-axis of the profile. KZ - Effective length factor for buckling about the local Z-axis of the profile. SDSWAYY - Indicates the presence or absence of sidesway about the local Y-axis.  YES -- sidesway permitted.  NO -- sidesway prevented. SDSWAYZ - Indicates the presence or absence of sidesway about the local Z-axis.  YES -- sidesway permitted.  NO -- sidesway prevented. GAY - G-factor at the start joint of the member. GAY is used in the calculation of effective length factor KY. GAZ - G-factor at the start joint of the member. GAZ is used in the calculation of effective length factor KZ. GBY - G-factor at the end joint of the member. GBY is used in the calculation of effective length factor KY. GBZ - G-factor at the end joint of the member. GBZ is used in the calculation of effective length factor KZ. KX - Effective length factor for torsional buckling about the local X-axis of the profile. This parameter is used in flexural-torsional buckling stress, F e computations. LX (FRLX) - Unbraced length for torsional buckling about the local X-axis of the profile. Computed as length of member. This parameter is used in flexural-torsional buckling stress, F e computations. You can specify a value, key in a fractional form of LX (Specify Fractional) allowing unbraced length to be specified as fractions of the total length, or use the physical member length (FWP Length). CB - Coefficient used in computing allowable compressive bending stress. UNLCFTF - Unbraced length of the compression flange for the top flange. You can key in a length or use the physical member length (FWP Length). UNLCFBF - Unbraced length of the compression flange for the bottom flange. You can key in a length or use the physical member length (FWP Length). CMY - Coefficient that modifies Y-axis bending stress in interaction equation (AISC LRFD First Ed. Section H1). CMZ - Coefficient that modifies Z-axis bending stress in interaction equation (AISC LRFD First Ed. Section H1). UNITS - Indicates that the TRACE 4 output from the SELECT or CHECK command and the output from SUMMARIZE command may be displayed in ACTIVE units or CODEUNITS.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools FXMIN - Minimum axial force to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. FYMIN - Minimum Y-shear force to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. FZMIN - Minimum Z-shear force to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. MYMIN - Minimum Y-bending force to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. MZMIN - Minimum Z-bending force to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. Add Checked Parameter(s) - If this option is selected, then the selected parameters are added to the member when you click Apply. This option does not delete any code parameters that may already be assigned to the member. Remove Checked Parameter(s) - If this option is selected, then the selected parameters are removed from the member when you click Apply. Replace All Parameters - If this option is selected, then the parameters already assigned to the member are deleted and the checked parameters are assigned to the member when you click Apply. Apply - Click this button to assign the parameters to a member. Be sure you understand the differences between Add Checked Parameter(s), Remove Checked Parameter(s), and Replace All Parameters before you click Apply. Select - Loads the parameter settings from a selected member to the dialog box. Use this button when you want to assign the same parameters as the selected member to another member (or members). Cancel - Exits the dialog box.

NF83 (GTSTRUDL) The following code parameters can be defined for the NF83 code:

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools Code parameter descriptions for the ASD9, BS5950, LRFD1, NF83, and Tower2 codes are taken directly from the GTSTRUDL User's Guide, Revision N, used with permission. Intergraph assumes no responsibility for errors in the GTSTRUDL documentation that have been copied here or for any modification that may have occurred to these design parameters since the publication of this document. Please refer to your GTSTRUDL documentation for the most up-to-date information.

SFNORMAL - Safety factor for allowable normal stress, where allowable = (SFNORMAL)(Stress increase factor)(Yield strength) SFSHEAR - Safety factor for allowable shear stress, where allowable = (SFSHEAR)(SY)(SF) SY - Yield strength of steel at service temperature. SU - Minimum tensile strength of steel at service temperature. REDE - Reduction factor for E, the modulus of elasticity. Similar to REDFYLD. SLEND - Maximum permissible slenderness ratio (KL/r) that differs from the limitations of the ASME specification. SECNDARY - Indicates if a member is main (NO) or secondary (YES) member. COMPK - Parameter to request the computation of the effective length factors KY and KZ.  Yes -- Compute KY and KZ factors.  KY -- Compute KY only.  KZ -- Compute KZ only.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools  NO -- Use default or specified values for KY and KZ. KY - Effective length factor for buckling about the local Y-axis of the profile. KZ - Effective length factor for buckling about the local Z-axis of the profile. SDSWAYY - Indicates the presence or absence of sidesway about the local Y-axis.  Yes -- sidesway permitted.  No -- sidesway prevented. SDSWAYZ - Indicates the presence or absence of sidesway about the local Z-axis.  Yes -- sidesway permitted.  No -- sidesway prevented. GAY - G-factor at the start joint of the member. GAY is used in the calculation of the effective length factor KY. GAZ - G-factor at the start joint of the member. GAZ is used in the calculation of the effective length factor KZ. GBY - G-factor at the end joint of the member. GBY is used in the calculation of the effective length factor KY. GBZ - G-factor at the end joint of the member. GBZ is used in the calculation of the effective length factor KZ. WARP-END - Describes the boundary condition of a member with respect to warping restraint. LWARP - Distance between end restraints as described in the WARP-END parameter. CB - Coefficient used in computing allowable compressive bending stress. UNLCF - Unbraced length of the compression flange. Computed as length of member. You can specify the length directly, use a fractional form (Specify Fractional) of UNLCF that allows unbraced length to be specified as fractions of the total length, or use the physical member length (FWP Length). AXEFF - Axial stress reduction factor indicating the amount of the axial stress that is to be deducted from corresponding bending stress acting in the opposite direction. CMY - Coefficient that modifies Y-axis bending stress in interaction equation. CMZ - Coefficient that modifies Z-axis bending stress in interaction equation. FXMIN - Minimum axial force to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. FYMIN - Minimum Y-shear force to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. FZMIN - Minimum Z-shear force to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. MXMIN - Minimum torsional moment to be considered by the code. MYMIN - Minimum Y-bending moment to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. MZMIN - Minimum Z-bending moment to be considered by the code; anything less in magnitude is taken as zero. Add Checked Parameter(s) - If this option is selected, the selected parameters are added to the member when you click Apply. This option does not delete any code parameters that may already be assigned to the member. Remove Checked Parameter(s) - If this option is selected, the selected parameters are removed from the member when you click Apply.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools Replace All Parameters - If this option is selected, the parameters already assigned to the member are deleted and the checked parameters are assigned to the member when you click Apply. Apply - Click this button to assign the parameters to a member. Be sure you understand the differences between Add Checked Parameter(s), Remove Checked Parameter(s), and Replace All Parameters before you click Apply. Select - Loads the parameter settings from a selected member to the dialog box. Use this button when you want to assign the same parameters as the selected member to another member (or members). Cancel - Exits the dialog box.

Tower2 (GTSTRUDL) The following code parameters can be defined for the Tower2 code: Code parameter descriptions for the ASD9, BS5950, LRFD1, NF83, and Tower2 codes are taken directly from the GTSTRUDL User's Guide, Revision N, used with permission. Intergraph assumes no responsibility for errors in the GTSTRUDL documentation that have been copied here or for any modification that may have occurred to these design parameters since the publication of this document. Please refer to your GTSTRUDL documentation for the most up-to-date information.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools FYLD & FTS - Writes FYLD and FTS to the input deck using the Fy and Fu values defined in FrameWorks Plus' grade.dat file for the member's defined material grade. TYPE - Describes the structural function of a member. Choices are: other, leg, dblangle, and tencomp. SLENCOMP - Maximum permissible slenderness ratio (KL/r) for member subjected to axial compression. The default value is determined from the TYPE parameter. SLENTEN - Maximum permissible slenderness ratio (L/r) for member subjected to axial tension. When no value is specified for this parameter, the value of 500 is used for the maximum slenderness ratio. CONCNLD - Indicates if ends of member are concentrically loaded. RESTRAIN - Indicates if ends of member are adequately restrained against rotation. KL/R - Controlling KL/r used to compute allowable axial compressive stress. You can either specify the value or use the physical member length (FWP Length). W/TMAX - Maximum permissible value of W/T ratio (flange width-to-thickness ratio, table property B/T). LEGBOLTD - Indicates leg of angle to be bolted. HOLESOUT - Number of holesout in any one cross-section of member. A value of ALWSCOMP means that the SELECT and CHECK commands will always compute the number of holesout. If a number of holesout is specified, it will not be changed by GTSTRUDL. HOLE/ROW - Maximum number of bolts per row. This number is used in computing the number of holesout. NUMBOLTS - Number of bolts to be used in a member. A value of ALWSCOMP means that the SELECT and CHECK commands will always compute the number of bolts. If a number of bolts is specified, it will not be changed by GTSTRUDL. GAGE - The transverse spacing of adjacent holes in the direction of the load. PITCH - The longitudinal spacing of adjacent holes parallel to the direction of the load. LX (FRLX) - Unbraced length for buckling about the local Y-axis of the profile. Computed as length of member. You can specify the length directly, use a fractional form (Specify Fractional) of LX that allows unbraced length to be specified as fractions of the total length, or you can use the physical member length. MAXNMBLT - Maximum number of bolts allowed to be placed in a member. ANETFACT - Factors multiplied by the net area for tension stress computation. DIABOLT - Diameter of bolts used in connection at end of member. PUNCHHOL - The difference between the diameter of the punched hole and the diameter of the bolt. TENFACT - Factor multiplied by the FYLD to compute allowable tensile stress. Computed from LEGBOLTD if not specified. You can specify the value directly or use the physical member length (FWP Length). BOLTTYPE - ASTM specification for type of bolt to be used. BOLTSHR - Yield strength of bolts subject to single shear. Computed from BOLTTYPE if not specified. You can specify the value directly or use the physical member length (FWP Length). UNITS - Indicates the summarize output units. Choices are:  CODEUNIT - Output summarize data in code units.  ACTIVE - Output summarize data in active units.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools BOLTTENS - Tensile strength of bolts. Computed from BOLTTYPE if not specified. You can specify the value directly or use the physical member length (FWP Length). TYPSHEAR - Specified if bolts at the member end connections are in SINGLE or DOUBLE shear. Default is based on the TYPE parameter. BEARNGF - Multiplied times the value of FYLD to get the allowable bearing strength of the member. BERSURF - Surface area factor in the computations of total bearing. You can specify a value directly or use the physical member length (FWP Length). Add Checked Parameter(s) - If this option is selected, the selected parameters are added to the member when you click Apply. This option does not delete any code parameters that may already be assigned to the member. Remove Checked Parameter(s) - If this option is selected, the selected parameters are removed from the member when you click Apply. Replace All Parameters - If this option is selected, the parameters already assigned to the member are deleted and the checked parameters are assigned to the member when you click Apply. Apply - Click this button to assign the parameters to a member. Be sure you understand the differences between Add Checked Parameter(s), Remove Checked Parameter(s), and Replace All Parameters before you click Apply. Select... - Loads the parameter settings from a selected member to the dialog box. Use this button when you want to assign the same parameters as the selected member to another member (or members). Cancel - Exits the dialog box.

Design Parameters The Design Parameters command applies design parameters to steel linear members in the model. The Design Parameters are similar to Code Parameters except that Design Parameters are common to all the supported GTSTRUDL codes.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools Design Parameters are only available to GTSTRUDL users. If you have 3rd Party Software set to STAAD, you do not need to define Design Parameters. All STAAD design parameters are defined in the Code Parameters dialog box.

TBLNAM - Identifies the profile table to be used during selection. All of the listed profile tables are valid for the ASD9 code. However, some of the tables are not valid in all of the other supported GTSTRUDL codes. Check the GTSTRUDL document to ensure correct table use for the other codes. CODETOL - Percent variance from 1.0 for compliance with the provisions of a code. The ratio of Actual/Allowable must be less than or equal to [1.0 + CODETOL/100]. PF - Area reduction factor for holesout in members subject to axial tension. LY or FRLY - Unbraced length for buckling about the local Y-axis of the profile. Computed as length of member. You can specify the actual value, specify a fractional value (Specify Fractional), or use the physical member length (FWP Length). LZ or FRLZ - Unbraced length for buckling about the local Z-axis of the profile. Computed as length of member. You can specify the actual value, specify a fractional value (Specify Fractional), or use the physical member length (FWP Length). CHECK - Performs a code check. See the CHECK MEMBERS command in the GTSTRUDL document for more information. FrameWorks Plus columns, horizontal braces, and vertical braces are considered columns. FrameWorks Plus beams are considered beams. SELECT - See the SELECT MEMBERS command in the GTSTRUDL document for more information. FrameWorks Plus columns, horizontal braces, and vertical braces are considered columns. FrameWorks Plus beams are considered beams. TAKE - Takes the largest section property and assigns it to the entire member. You can select the largest section by the cross-sectional area (AX), the moment of inertia about the local Y-axis (IY), or the moment of inertia about the local Z-axis (IZ).

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools An example of the syntax written to the file is: TAKE MEMBER GROUP '01-00001' AS LARGEST AX. Add Checked Parameter(s) - If this option is selected, the selected parameters are added to the member when you click Apply. This option does not delete any design parameters that may already be assigned to the member. Remove Checked Parameter(s) - If this option is selected, the selected parameters are removed from the member when you click Apply. Replace All Parameters - If this option is selected, the parameters already assigned to the member are deleted and the checked parameters are assigned to the member when you click Apply. Apply - Click this button to assign the parameters to a member. Be sure you understand the differences between Add Checked Parameter(s), Remove Checked Parameter(s), and Replace All Parameters before you click Apply. Select - Loads the parameter settings from a selected member to the dialog box. Use this button when you want to assign the same parameters as the selected member to another member (or members). Cancel - Exits the dialog box.

See Also Custom Code Parameters (on page 144) Member Constraints (on page 306)

Member Constraints The Member Constraints command places limits on a steel member's physical properties. These limits can be absolute limits, limits relative to another property of the same member, or limits relative to a property of a group of members. There is no limit to the number of constraints you can assign a member. However, no check is made to detect mutually exclusive constraints. It is your responsibility to ensure that such constraints, that would make member design impossible, do not exist. (This paragraph was paraphrased from the GTSTRUDL User's Manual, Revision N, page 2.4 - 1. Please refer to that document for more information.) Member constraints are saved on a product level, not a project level, in one file named ..\fwplus\data\constrnt.dat. This makes member constraints you define in one project available in all other projects. The constrnt.dat file is an ASCII file that you can manually edit using Notepad or any other standard ASCII editor.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools Member constraints are only available to GTSTRUDL users. If you have 3rd Party Software set to STAAD, you will not be able to define member constraints.

Constraints - Displays all the member constraints currently defined. Add - Creates a new constraint. For more information on creating member constraints, see New or Edit Member Constraints (on page 308). Delete - Deletes the selected constraint. Select a member constraint from the list of constraints before clicking Delete. If you delete a member constraint that has already been assigned to members, FrameWorks Plus does not remove the deleted constraint from those members. You are responsible for manually removing deleted member constraints from members. However, when you write the input file for GTSTRUDL, FrameWorks Plus will report to the log file that the member constraint definition is missing. Edit - Edits an existing constraint. For more information on editing member constraints, see New or Edit Member Constraints (on page 308). Apply - Assigns the selected member constraint to a member. FrameWorks Plus allows only one member constraint on a member. Assigning a new member constraint overwrites an existing constraint. Select the member constraint to assign before clicking Apply. Remove - Removes a member constraint from a member. Select - Assigns (copies) members constraints assigned to a member to another member.

See Also Custom Code Parameters (on page 144) Design Parameters (on page 304)

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



New or Edit Member Constraints Use this dialog box to define new constraints and edit existing constraints.

Constraint Name - Specifies the constraint name. The constraint name must be unique and is limited to 24 characters. Constraint Property - Specifies the constraint property to add to the constraint. The following constrainable properties can be defined:  AX -- Cross sectional area  AY -- Y direction shear area  AZ -- Z direction shear area  BF/2TF -- One-half flange width over flange thickness  CW -- Warping constant  D/TW -- Depth of beam over web thickness  FLTK -- Flange thickness  GRPNUM -- Group number of profile  ID -- Inside diameter of the pipe  INTYD -- Clear depth of web (depth of member along Y axis minus twice flange thickness)  IX -- Torsional moment of inertia  IY -- Moment of inertia about Y axis  IZ -- Moment of inertia about Z-axis  LEG1 -- Long leg of angle  LEG2 -- Short leg of angle  ND -- Nominal depth of the profile  OD -- Outside diameter of the pipe  RT -- Radius of gyration for flange and 1/6 of web about plane of web  RY -- Radius of gyration about Y axis  RZ -- Radius of gyration about Z-axis  SHAPE -- Indicates the profile shape.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools  SPACING -- Back-to-back spacing in double angles  SY -- Section modulus about Y axis  SZ -- Section modulus about Z-axis  THICK -- Thickness of angle  WBTK -- Web thickness  WEIGHT -- Weight per unit length  YC -- Distance from centroid to extreme fiber along Y axis  YD -- Depth of member along Y axis  YD/AFL -- Depth in Y direction over area of one flange  ZC -- Distance from centroid to extreme fiber along Z-axis  ZD -- Depth of member along Z-axis  ZY -- Plastic modulus about Y axis  ZZ -- Plastic modulus about Z-axis Logical Operator - Defines the logical operator to use to compare the constraint property to the limiting value.  EQ -- equal to  LT -- less than  LE -- less than or equal to  GT -- greater than  GE -- greater than or equal to  NE -- not equal Limiting Value - Specifies the limiting value for the constraint property. Add - Adds the constraint property to the constraint. Delete - Removes the constraint property from the constraint. Close - Exits the dialog box.

Offshore The Offshore commands place cans and rule-based joints in the model.

Create Rule Based Joint places, modifies, and deletes offsets on members to provide clearance for welding or simply as a work point adjustment. For more information, see Create Rule Based Joint (on page 310). Create Can places a reinforcing connection piece on a member or member end. For more information, see Create Can (on page 314). Modify Can Connection List edits the transverse member list for a can. For more information, see Modify Can Connection List (on page 318). Place Jacket places an offshore jacket using parameters that you specify. For more information, see Place Jacket (on page 319).

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



Create Rule Based Joint The Create Rule Based Joint command places, modifies, evaluates, and deletes offsets between members to provide clearance for welding or simply as a work point adjustment. FrameWorks Plus can calculate the offset either axially along or radially around the support member. The offsets, when applied, do not break the member associativity even though the member may no longer be physically connected. 

FrameWorks Plus places rule-based joints only on pipe section members with a cardinal point of 5. If you need to place offset on members with other section types or cardinal points, consider using Modify Work Point Offset (on page 257).  All members defining the rule-based joint must be in the active model. When applying rule-based joints you are asked to select three members:  The Target Member is the member always to move and is selected first. FrameWorks Plus does not allow you to select as a target member a member that was selected as a support or secondary member in another rule-based joint (RBJ).  The Support Member is the member that the target member moves along (axially) or around (radially). You are prompted to select this member after identifying the target member.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Tools 

The Secondary Member is the third member in the joint, and the offset is measured relative to this member. FrameWorks Plus does not require the secondary member to be in the same plane as the target member. For example, you could select either beam in this situation to be the secondary member for the brace. You are prompted to select this member after identifying the support member.

RBJ Type - Select which type that you want to place. You can select:  RBJ Type-1 - Moves the target member measuring the clearance from the secondary member. Movement can be along the support member or around the support member. For example, use this type if you want to relocate the connection point of a vertical brace in a vertical K-type connection.  RBJ Type-2 - Moves both the target member and the secondary member with the clearance being measured between the target and secondary members. The resulting offset is centered about the original joint location. For example, use this type if you want to place a clearance between two horizontal braces that frame into a beam forming a horizontal K-type connection. Clearance Mode - Select the clearance mode that you want to use.  Centerline (Axial) - Select this mode when you want to define the offset as the distance between the center lines of the target and secondary members. This distance is measured parallel to the support member centerline.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Tools 

Hull (Axial) - Select this mode when you want to define the offset as the distance between the closest points of the target member hull and the secondary member hull. This distance is measured parallel to the support member centerline along the hull of the supporting member.

Hull (Radial) - Select this mode when you want to define the offset as the distance between the closest points on the hull of the target and secondary members. This distance is measured around the hull of the support member.

Set To - Enter the hull gap, centerline gap, or overlap gap that you want to define. Actual - Displays the current hull gap, centerline gap, and overlap gap between the target and secondary members. You cannot edit these values. These fields only display when you are editing a rule-based joint. Hull Gap - Type the gap that you want between the two closest points of the target member hull and the secondary member hull. This option is not available if Clearance Mode is set to Centerline (Axial). CL Gap - Type the gap that you want between the center line of the target member and the center line of the secondary member. This option is not available if Clearance Mode is set to Hull (Axial) or Hull (Radial).


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Tools Overlap Gap - Type the distance between the lowest point of the target and secondary member saddle on the support member to the point where the target and secondary member intersect. This option is not available if Clearance Mode is set to Centerline (Axial).

Round CL - Select to round up the centerline gap value to the nearest inch or millimeter using the precision that you specify. The Hull Gap and Overlap Gap fields are recalculated using the new, rounded CL Gap value. Place/Apply - Places or updates the rule-based joint using the parameters you defined. Remove - Deletes the rule-based joint from the member and resets the member's work point offset to zero. Picture - Displays a graphic depicting what happens to the target and secondary members for the RBJ type that you have selected. Draw Profile - Places the saddle profiles for the target and secondary members as they will appear if the RBJ is placed. The graphics are generic MicroStation lines drawn using the active MicroStation symbology and placed on level 60. You can delete a profile using the standard MicroStation Delete Element command. Draw Gap - Places a generic MicroStation line between the closest points of the saddle profiles using the active MicroStation symbology and placed on level 60. You can delete a gap using the standard MicroStation Delete Element command. Message Area - Displays the centerline gap calculation and the hull tolerance calculation. The D value of the centerline calculation is the diameter of the support member. The denominator of the centerline calculation is defined in the config.dat file. The default value is 0.25, which specifies that the support member diameter be divided by 4. The hull tolerance percentage is also defined in the config.dat file.

See Also Create Can (on page 314) Modify Can Connection List (on page 318)

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Create Can The Create Can command places a reinforcing connection piece on a member to increase the surface area available for connections or to provide increased wall thickness or both. You can place cans anywhere along a linear member including the end of a member or between two co-linear members.

Because cans are placed using pipe sections, you need to define the pipe sections that you want to use for cans in either a user section library or a standard section library. For more information on creating pipe sections, see Create User Section (on page 384) or Interactive Section Tables (IST) (on page 43). 


FrameWorks Plus only places cans on linear members with a pipe section and a cardinal point of 5.

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Tools 

All members used to define the can must be in the active model. Members cannot be in an attached model.

Support Details Section 1 - Displays the pipe section name of the first support member. You cannot change this value. Section 2 - Displays the pipe section name of the second support member if there is one. If not, this box also displays the section of the first support member. You cannot change this value. ID - Displays the inside diameter dimension of the pipe section. This value is read from the section table. You cannot change this value. OD - Displays the outside diameter of the pipe section. This value is read from the section table. You cannot change this value. Wall Thickness - Displays the wall thickness of the pipe section. This value is read from the section table. You cannot change this value.

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Tools Available Sections Section Library - Select whether you want to pick available pipe sections for the can from the standard section library or from the active user section library. The name of the selected library displays to the right of the selection control. The software displays pipe sections from the selected library in the list box. For more information on making a user section library active, see Section Library (on page 42). Section Filter - Filters the pipe sections that appear in the list box by the criteria you specify. You can select criteria to match, be greater than, or be less than the support member's inside or outside diameter. You can also have all pipe sections in the library appear. This filter is helpful when you want to do things like placing a can with the same outside diameter, but an increased wall thickness, in which case you would select ODs = OD1 & Wthk > Wthk1. Section List Box - Displays all pipe sections in the selected section library that match the section filter. The inside and outside diameters and the wall thickness are read directly from the section library. Select the section that you want to use for the can from this list.

Can Details Can Section - Displays the name of the pipe section that you selected from the list. You also can type a section name if needed. Can Name - Type a name for the can that you are placing. This is the FrameWorks Plus member name for the can. Lmin. By - Specifies how you want FrameWorks Plus to measure the L2 and L3 minimum distances. If you select Hull, FrameWorks Plus measures L2 and L3 from the corresponding end of the can to the point on the transverse member hull closest to the end of the can. If you select Centerline, FrameWorks Plus measures L2 and L3 from the corresponding end of the can to the point where the centerline of the transverse member intersects the hull of the can.

L2 and L3 Lengths when using the Lmin By Hull option


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Tools L2 and L3 Lengths when using the Lmin By Centerline option L2 Factor - Specifies how you want FrameWorks Plus to calculate the L2 minimum distance. If you select *Diameter, L2 is calculated as the outside diameter of the can section times the value you enter in the field. The default value is 0.5. If you select Absolute, L2 is the distance that you enter in the field. L2 Length - Displays the calculated L2 length. You can enter a new length if needed. If L2 Factor is set to *Diameter, you cannot enter a length shorter than the calculated value. Special End Can - Activates the L3 Factor and L3 Length options. Normally, when placing an end can the L3 Factor and L3 Length options are not needed. However, there may be special situations where you want to specify an L3 Length and thus extend the length of the original support member (like at the bottom of a column). L3 Factor - Specifies how you want FrameWorks Plus to calculate the L3 minimum distance. If you select *Diameter, L3 is calculated as the outside diameter of the can section times the value you enter in the field. The default value is 0.5. If you are placing an end can, this option is disabled unless you select the Special End Can option. L3 Length - Displays the calculated L3 length. You can enter a new length if needed. If L3 Factor is set to *Diameter, you cannot enter a length shorter than the calculated value. If you are placing an end can, this option is disabled unless you select the Special End Can option. Can Length - Displays the calculated can length. You can enter a new can length if needed. Any additional length is added evenly to both L2 and L3 lengths. You cannot enter a can length that would cause either L2 or L3 to be shorter than the calculated length.

Cone Details End 1 Sections - Displays the start and end pipe sections of each transition. A transition is a tapered FrameWorks Plus member. End 2 Sections - Displays the start and end pipe sections of each transition. A transition is a tapered FrameWorks Plus member. Cones At - Indicates whether or not the can has transition sections and at which end of the can the transitions are located. FrameWorks Plus automatically sets this option based on the support and can section sizes and the location of the can. However, you can override this automatic selection if needed. Cones By - Specifies how you want to define the length of the transitions. If you select Angle, the length of the transition is determined by the geometry of the can section, support member section, and the angle specified. If you select Distance, the length of the transition is defined explicitly in the L1 and L2 boxes. Angle 1 - Specifies the angle of the start transition. This box is disabled if Cones By is set to Distance. L1 - Specifies the length of the start transition from the end of the support member section to the start of the can section. This box is disabled if Cones By is set to Angle. L4 - Specifies the length of the end transition from the end of the can section to the start of the support member section. This box is disabled if Cones By is set to Angle or if the can is an end can. Angle 4 - Specifies the angle of the end transition. This box is disabled if Cones By is set to Distance or if the can is an end can.

Common Details Can Nodes - Specifies how nodes represent the can analytically. Select Multiple to place nodes at both ends of the transitions and the can.

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Tools Select Grade - Activates the Material Grade dialog box from which you can select a new material grade for the can and transitions. To define new material grades or for more information about material grades, see Modify Material Grade (on page 244).

Modify Can Connection List The Modify Can Connection List command displays, adds, or removes transverse members on a can member. FrameWorks Plus uses the transverse member list to calculate the L2 and L3 dimensions of the can. You must use this command to add or remove members from the transverse member list to guarantee the correct calculation of the can size. 

You must use the Create Can (on page 314) command to have FrameWorks Plus resize the can after adding or removing a member from the transverse member list. FrameWorks Plus does not automatically resize the can after you edit the transverse member list. All members must be in the active model.

Add to connection list - Select this option to add members to the connection list. Remove from connection list - Select the option to remove members from the connection list. Show - Highlights all members currently in the connection list for the selected can.


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Place Jacket The Place Jacket command creates a jacket in the model using the parameters that you specify. The command can create several different types of jackets, including 3, 4, 6, and 8 piles. You control the section sizes, bracing elevations, slope, and origin of the jacket. The command also provides options for automatically creating views and grids based on the bracing elevations and the number of piles. You also can have the software automatically apply SmartCuts to the members. For more information about SmartCuts, see SmartCut (on page 329).

Because jackets are placed using pipe sections, you need to define the pipe sections that you want to use for the jacket in either a user section library or a standard section library. For more information on creating pipe sections, see Create User Section (on page 384) or Interactive Section Tables (IST) (on page 43).

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Tools General Parameters Auto/Specify - Specifies if the jacket member names are generated automatically or manually. If set to Auto, FrameWorks Plus uses the setting specified in the AutoName command (see AutoName (on page 134)) to create the jacket member names. If set to Specify, then all jacket members are named using the name specified. Type - Select the type of jacket to place. You can select 3, 4, 6, and 8 piles. Pile Section - Specify the section size to use for the corner piles. You can only use pipe sections for the piles. Piles are placed using the column member type. If the default section for columns is a pipe section, then that is the default section. Otherwise, the first pipe section in the standard section library is the default section. Class - Specify the class for the members that are placed in the jacket. The class attribute is used to group members when creating material reports, analysis input files, or performing other operations. The Select Filter Settings command (see Select Filter Settings (on page 116)) includes a class attribute criterion, which can be used to include or exclude members of a specified class or range of classes. The class attribute is also reportable on material take-offs. The specific meaning or significance of each class value is up to you. Grade - Displays the active grade name that is assigned to the members in the jacket. Click the arrow to activate the Material Grade selection box, used to select an active grade. The grades listed for selection are read directly from the grade.dat file. For more information on the grade.dat file, see Modify Material Grade (on page 244).

Central Pile Spacing - Enter the spacing between the two central piles. Click the View Iso option to see where the two central piles are located. This option is available only when the Type option is set to 8 Piles. Central Pile Section - Specify the section size to use for the central piles. You can only use pipe sections for the piles. This option is available only when the Type option is set to 6 Piles or 8 Piles. If the default section for columns is a pipe section, then that is the default section. Otherwise, the first pipe section in the standard section library is the default section.

Jacket Elevation / Mean Sea Level Water Depth - Enter the depth of the water. This is the distance between the sea bottom and the mean sea level. Enter the depth using master units. Click View Elev to see a helpful diagram. Top of Leg - Enter the top of leg elevation. This is the distance between the mean sea level and the top of the piles. Enter the distance using master units. Click View Elev to see a helpful diagram.


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Tools Working Point - Enter the working point elevation. This is the distance from the mean sea level at which you want the slope of the piles to stop. Enter the distance using master units. Click View Elev to see a helpful diagram. Stabbing Point - Enter the stabbing point elevation. This is the distance between the mean sea level and the elevation at which the piles contact the deck. Enter the distance using master units. Click View Elev to see a helpful diagram.

Bracing Elevations Add - Adds the defined bracing elevation. The software places bracing between the piles for each elevation that you define. You can define a maximum of 20 different elevations. Edit - Edits the selected bracing elevation. Del - Deletes the selected bracing elevation. Depth - Enter the distance between the mean sea level and the elevation that you are defining. Enter a positive value if the elevation is above the mean sea level. Enter a negative value if the elevation is below the mean sea level. Section - Select a section size for the bracing that is placed at that elevation. You can only use pipe sections for the bracing. Bracing is placed using the beam member type. If the default beam section is a pipe section, then that section is used as the default. Otherwise, the first pipe section in the standard section library is used as the default.

Width and Depth West-East - Enter the distance between the west and east piles at the working point elevation. Enter the distance using master units. If the Type option is set to 3 Piles, then this option defines the distance between the 3 piles. North-South - Enter the distance between the north and south piles at the working point elevation. Enter the distance using master units. This option is not available if the Type option is set to 3 Piles.

Slopes West - Enter the slope for the west side of the jacket. The larger the value, the steeper the slope. Enter zero for no slope or vertical. East - Enter the slope for the east side of the jacket. The larger the value, the steeper the slope. Enter zero for no slope or vertical. North - Enter the slope for the north side of the jacket. The larger the value, the steeper the slope. Enter zero for no slope or vertical. South - Enter the slope for the south side of the jacket. The larger the value, the steeper the slope. Enter zero for no slope or vertical.

Origin X - Enter the X-coordinate of the origin. This value defines the center of the jacket along the X-axis. Y - Enter the Y-coordinate of the origin. This value defines the center of the jacket along the Y-axis. Z - Enter the Z-coordinate of the origin. Rotation - Enter the rotation, in degrees, of the jacket. The axis of the rotation is located at the defined origin and is always parallel to the global Z-axis.

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Tools Options SmartCut Members - Select to automatically run SmartCuts on the members in the jacket. Selecting this option increases the amount of time required to place the jacket. For more information about SmartCuts, see SmartCut (on page 329). Create Views - Select to automatically create model views in the model. The Place Jacket command creates a plan view for each bracing elevation that you defined, an elevation view for each side of the jacket, and a single isometric view. Create Grids - Select to automatically create grids in the views. Grid lines are placed for each pile line. Place - Click to place the jacket using the parameters that you defined. View Elev - Click to display a graphic displaying the different parameters as they relate to one another. View Iso - Click to display a graphic of the jacket that will be placed base on the Type option. Cancel - Click to exit the command without placing the jacket.

See Also Create Can (on page 314) Create Rule Based Joint (on page 310) Offshore (on page 309)

Cutbacks The Cutbacks commands are the basis for accurate material takeoffs and double-line drawings. FrameWorks Plus provides several useful cutback features, including planar, multi-plane, and mitered.

The FrameWorks Plus cutback commands, like MicroStation modification commands, have two operating modes: single and selection set. If no selection set is active when the command is activated, the command prompts for a member to be modified (single mode). If a selection set containing valid FrameWorks Plus members is active when you select the command, the selected members are modified as a group. If a selection set is present when you select a cutback command, all the members in the selection set that meet the Selection Set Filter criteria highlight (if Select Filter Settings is on) and an Alert Box displays requesting you to confirm the group (if the Confirm Selection Set command is on). If you click OK in the Alert Box, FrameWorks Plus modifies each member in the selection set to the new specified value. If you click Cancel, the modify command reverts to single member mode and prompts for a member to be modified. A member is not included in a selection set if only part of the member is visible in the view. For example, if in a plan view a column intersects the view but extends above or below the view's display depth, then that column is not included in a selection set. Member Priority changes the cutback priority value of a member. For more information, see Member Priority (on page 323).


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Tools Compute Cutbacks performs member cutbacks based on their assigned priority. For more information, see Compute Cutbacks (on page 324). User Cutbacks performs user defined member cutbacks. For more information, see User Cutbacks (on page 326). Mitered Cutbacks performs mitered cutbacks on members. For more information, see Mitered Cutbacks (on page 328). SmartCut creates automatically updating multi-plane cutbacks for linear members. For more information, see SmartCut (on page 329). Uncut Member removes the cutbacks from the member. For more information, see Uncut Member (on page 331).

Member Priority The Member Priority command changes the default cutback priority settings for either or both member ends. The default priorities, assigned when the members are placed, are defined in the Defaults Linear Members command, see Defaults Linear Members (on page 122). The default cutback priorities are: columns = 3, beams = 8, vertical braces = 13, and horizontal braces = 13. Priorities range from 0 to 15, where 0 is the highest priority and 15 is the lowest priority. For a given member intersection, any member is cut back to another member with a higher priority. Therefore, beams (priority of 8) are cut back to columns (priority of 3).

End 1 Priority - Specifies the new priority for the member's start end. End 2 Priority - Specifies the new priority for the member's end end.

See Also Cutbacks (on page 322) Mitered Cutbacks (on page 328) SmartCut (on page 329) Uncut Member (on page 331) User Cutbacks (on page 326)

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Compute Cutbacks The Compute Cutbacks command performs the planar cutback calculations on a select member or defined group. Cutbacks are computed based on the parameters defined and the cutback priorities of the members involved.

When a member intersects two or more members with higher priority, FrameWorks Plus performs cutbacks to all intersecting members and selects the cutback producing the longest cutback length. 

To see the cutbacks graphically, you must use either the Surface or Double Line view representation. If you use Double Line, make sure Double Line Length is set to 100, and the Double Line Percent Length toggle is on. For more information, see Create View (on page 148) and Modify View (on page 163). FrameWorks Plus does not compute cutbacks for arc members or members that frame into an arbitrary section member. However, you can define orthogonal User Cutbacks (on page 326) on arc members and ordinary members that frame into an arbitrary section member.

Priority Override - Specifies that same-type members and members with the same priority should be cut back to one another. For example, framing members and their supporting beams have the same priority of 8. If this toggle is on, the framing members are cut back to the supporting beams. FrameWorks will not cut back two members with the same priority whose ends meet, such as at a corner, because either member could be cut back. User Cutback Locking - Specifies that you do not want to overwrite user cutbacks that you have already placed on a member. If a member has a user cutback only on one end, that user cutback is not overwritten but the member's uncut end will have a planar cutback calculated for it. SmartCut Locking - Specifies that you do not want to overwrite SmartCut cutbacks that you have already placed on a member. If this option is not selected, SmartCut cutbacks on both member ends are removed and planar cutbacks calculated. Scan Tolerance - Specifies the distance, or range, for FrameWorks Plus to use to determine if two members should be cutback to one another. For example, suppose you have a beam placed


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Tools at top-of-steel equals 15 feet. A horizontal brace frames into the middle of the beam, but has a vertical offset of -6 inches from the top-of-steel height. If Scan Tolerance is set to 0:0:0, then the horizontal brace is not cutback to the beam because FrameWorks Plus does not consider them to be intersecting members. However, if you set the Scan Tolerance to 0:6:0, then the horizontal brace is cutback to the beam because FrameWorks Plus has scanned 6 inches from the horizontal brace's end to find any other members. Because the beam is within the 6-inch scan tolerance, the brace is cutback to the beam. 

FrameWorks Plus measures the scan tolerance from member line to member line. If two members' double line or surface displays are within the scan tolerance because of cardinal point settings but the actual member lines are outside the scan tolerance, the members are not cutback. Similarly, if the end of a member line crosses the supporting member line by a preset tolerance, FrameWorks Plus does not consider the member for cutbacks. Model Units










Clearance Type - Select which member type you want to specify a clearance value for. Each member type; beams, columns, horizontal braces, and vertical braces; can have different clearance values defined. Value - Specifies an additional distance you want the displayed Clearance Type to be cut back. This is in addition to any cutback distances that were automatically computed. The units are the model's length units.

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User Cutbacks The User Cutbacks command calculates a planar cutback for a member end by defining the cutback plane and the distance. The cutback plane is defined by specifying a vector that is normal (perpendicular) to the cutting plane. You can define the vector by keying in the points, specifying the points graphically, using a global axis for the vector, or orthogonally (which uses the member start and end points for the vector). The cutback distance, measured from the target member end toward the member center, is defined graphically using a data point.

This command overrides any priority settings that are defined for the members at the intersection.


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Tools To see the cutbacks graphically, you must use either the Surface or Double Line view representation. If you use Double Line, make sure Double Line Length is set to 100, and the Double Line Percent Length toggle is on. For more information, see Create View (on page 148) and Modify View (on page 163).

SmartCut Locking - Specifies that you do not want to overwrite multi-plane cutbacks that you have already placed on a member. If this option is not selected, multi-plane cutbacks on both member ends are removed and your user cutback is applied. Define Vector - Specifies the method you want to use to define the vector normal to the cutting plane.  By Points -- defines the vector using two points you graphically identify.  By Axis -- defines the vector to be one of the global axes.  By Keyin -- defines the vector using the three key-in fields.  Orthogonal -- defines the vector to be the member start and end points. You must use the Orthogonal setting if you want to apply User Cutbacks to arc members. For arcs, Orthogonal defines the vector as tangent to the arc at the cutback location. Axis - Specifies which axis to use as the vector. This option is only active when Define Vector is set to By Axis. X, Y, Z - These key-in fields are used to define the vector when Define Vector is set to By Keyin. Clearance Type - Select which member type you want to specify a clearance value for. Value - Specifies an additional distance you want the displayed Clearance Type to be cut back. The units are the model's length units.

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Mitered Cutbacks The Mitered Cutbacks command creates mitered cutbacks using the angle between the two members being cut as the cutting plane. Clearance values are measured perpendicular to the cutting plane, not along the member.

To see the cutbacks graphically, you must use either the Surface or Double Line view representation. If you use Double Line, make sure Double Line Length is set to 100, and the Double Line Percent Length toggle is on. For more information, see Create View (on page 148) or Modify View (on page 163).

User Cutback Locking - Specifies that you do not want to overwrite user cutbacks that you have already placed on a member. If a member has a user cutback only on one end, that user cutback is not overwritten but the member's uncut end has a mitered cutback calculated for it. SmartCut Locking - Specifies that you do not want to overwrite multi-plane cutbacks that you have already placed on a member. If this option is not selected, multi-plane cutbacks on both member ends are removed and mitered cutbacks calculated. Clearance Type - Select which member type you want to specify a clearance value for. Value - Specifies an additional distance you want the displayed Clearance Type to be cut back. The units are the model's length units.


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SmartCut The SmartCut command cuts and copes a single target member to one or more support members. Each target member can have up to twenty support members. Use this command instead of the Compute Cutbacks command when you have multiple members connecting at one location and cutbacks are needed across numerous edges. You can create multi-plane cutbacks for any linear member with standard or arbitrary sections. This command does not support arc or solid members. You can select target members individually or by using a selection set. To see the multi-plane cutbacks in a view, you must use the Surface representation. For more information, see Create View (on page 148) and Modify View (on page 163).

User Cutback Locking - Specifies that you do not want to overwrite user cutbacks that you have already placed on a member. If a member has a user cutback only on one end, that user cutback is not overwritten but the member's uncut end will have a SmartCut calculated for it. If this option is not selected, user cutbacks on both member ends are removed and SmartCuts calculated. Automatically select support members - Select this option if you want FrameWorks Plus to automatically select the support members based on the member cutback priority and the geometric proximity to the target member. FrameWorks Plus selects a maximum of twenty support members per target member. SmartCuts are applied to both ends of the target member. Priority Override - Specifies that same-type members and members with the same priority should be cut back to one another. For example, framing members and their supporting beams have the same priority of 8. If this toggle is on, the framing members are cut back to the supporting beams. Modifying the member cutback priority of a support or target member does not cause FrameWorks Plus to recalculate the SmartCut. You need to delete and replace the SmartCut for FrameWorks Plus to consider the new member priority.

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Tools Recognize FWP Solids as Support Members - Select this option to cutback the target member to any FrameWorks Plus solids that the target member intersects. Clear this option to ignore FrameWorks Plus solids when automatically selecting support members. Scan Tolerance - Specifies the distance, or range, for FrameWorks Plus to use to determine if a member should be considered as a support member. For example, suppose you have a beam placed at top-of-steel equals 15 feet. A horizontal brace frames into the middle of the beam, but has a vertical offset of -6 inches from the top-of-steel height. If Scan Tolerance is set to 0:0:0, then the horizontal brace is not cutback to the beam because FrameWorks Plus does not consider them to be intersecting members. However, if you set the Scan Tolerance to 0:6:0, then the horizontal brace is cutback to the beam because FrameWorks Plus has scanned 6 inches from the horizontal brace's end to find any other members. Because the beam is within the 6-inch scan tolerance, the brace is cutback to the beam. 

FrameWorks Plus measures the scan tolerance from member line to member line. If two members' double line or surface displays are within the scan tolerance because of cardinal point settings but the actual member lines are outside the scan tolerance, the members are not cutback. Similarly, if the end of a member line crosses the supporting member line by a preset tolerance, FrameWorks Plus does not consider the member for cutbacks. Model Units










FrameWorks Plus automatically re-calculates multi-plane cutbacks when you modify the target or a support member using one of these commands: Modify Section, Modify CP, Modify Rotation, Modify Reflect, Modify Orientation Vector, Extend Member, Extend Member to Intersection, Extend Members to Intersection, Modify Work Point Offset, Modify Offset, Split Member, Join Members, Create Rule Based Joint, or Create Can. FrameWorks Plus automatically deletes multi-plane cutbacks when you modify the target or a support member using one of these commands: Copy Member, Move Member, Modify Member End, Rotate Member, or Mirror Member. You can use the Uncut Member command to delete multi-plane cutbacks from a member or a selection set of members. Because FrameWorks Plus automatically re-calculates SmartCuts, the target member and all the support members must be in the active model. You cannot select members in an attached model to be support members. A member cannot have planar cutbacks (mitered, user, or computed) and multi-plane cutbacks applied at the same time. If you apply multi- plane cutbacks to a member that has planer cutbacks applied to one or both ends, the existing planar cutback is deleted and the multi-plane cutback is applied. If you try to apply a mitered or computed planar cutback to a member that has an existing multi-plane cutback, FrameWorks Plus check the User Cutback Locking option before proceeding. If the User Cutback Locking option is selected, the multi-plane cutback is not deleted and the planar cutback is not placed. However, if the User Cutback Locking option is not selected, the multi-plane cutback is deleted and the planar cutback is placed.


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Uncut Member The Uncut Member command removes all cutback definitions from a member. This command removes cutbacks defined by Compute Cutbacks, User Cutbacks, SmartCut, and Mitered Cutbacks commands. Members are reset to their original placement lengths with this command.

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Utilities The Utilities commands generate reports (both material take-offs, analytical, and center of gravity), review database attributes of members, and review and create sections in a section library.

In This Section Linear Material Reports ................................................................. 334 3D Solids Material Reports ............................................................ 349 Analytic Reports ............................................................................. 358 Center of Gravity Reports .............................................................. 365 Review Element ............................................................................. 374 Locate Element By Attributes ........................................................ 378 Locate Element By Design/Code Parameters ............................... 381 Review Log File ............................................................................. 382 Review Section Library .................................................................. 382 Create User Section ...................................................................... 384 Steel Detailing ................................................................................ 386 Create Mapping File ...................................................................... 391 Reference PDS Model ................................................................... 392 Review PDS Clash ........................................................................ 393 Review PDS Attributes .................................................................. 395 Window to Named PDS Item ......................................................... 396 Area Volume Graphics ................................................................... 397

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Linear Material Reports The Utilities > Reports > Material > Linear command creates material reports in virtually any format. An essential part of the construction documentation for a project is the material reports, which list quantities, sizes, lengths, and other attributes of the members used in a structural design. Creating a report requires read-only access to the model database, so you can report on members in attached model partitions as well as members in the local (active) model database. A report can be generated for a selected portion of a model, the whole model, or an entire project (by attaching all project models to the local model). You control the contents, width, pagination, and format of the report using the report format dialog boxes. These format dialog boxes include a WYSIWYG informational area that displays a portion of an actual report as it is currently formatted. This feature provides instant and exact verification of how changes made to the format parameters affect the resulting report. This command uses the User Preference mechanism for storing and retrieving user- defined sets of command parameters (preference sets). This allows you to define standard report formats once and save these as a named preference set for use on all reports for the project. For more information, see Customizing FrameWorks Plus (on page 399).


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Utilities When all parameters for the report output options, content, and format have been fully defined, click OK to create the report. FrameWorks Plus builds an ASCII (text) file that contains the specified information and writes it to the project report directory (\rpt) using the file name designated. When the report is completed, an Alert Box displays asking if you want to review the report. Click OK to display the report in a dialog box. The Cancel button exits the command.

Report Width - >Defines the output width of report. Available options are 132 columns, 80 columns, and Specify. The Specify option allows you to define any number of columns, up to 132. Width - Specifies the width of the report (number of columns). This field is only active if the Report Width option is set to Specify. Items per page - Specifies the number of items (rows) on each page, if the Paginate toggle is on. Page Header - If on, the report lists a page header at the top of each page of the report. Paginate - If on, the report is divided into separate pages, each containing the number of items defined in Items per page. Condense Like Items - If on, members with the same section size and equal member lengths are combined to a single output item. The quantity field specifies the number of identical pieces. If off, all members are listed individually in the report.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Utilities Use Cut Lengths - If on, FrameWorks Plus reports the out-to-out length for members with cutbacks. If off, the member line length is reported, regardless of cutbacks on the member.

Totals - If on, FrameWorks Plus computes and outputs information on total length, weight, and number of pieces at the end of the report. Use Weight Class - If on, you can create reports on individual member weight classes. You can specify the range for each weight class. FrameWorks Plus does not allow gaps or overlaps in the weight class ranges. For example, if Light To and Medium From are both set to 24.0000, FrameWorks Plus automatically interprets the Light To value to be less than or equal to 24.0000. FrameWorks Plus interprets Medium From value as greater than 24.0000. Report File - Defines the name of the report file. This file is placed in the \rpt directory of the active project. The name is limited to ten characters with a three-character extension. Light To - Specifies a Light Weight Class member's maximum weight. You cannot specify a value greater than the Medium From value. Medium From / To - Specifies a Medium Weight Class member's range. You cannot specify a Medium From value smaller than the Light To value or a Medium To value greater than the Heavy From value. Heavy From / To - Specifies a Heavy Weight Class member's range. You cannot specify a Heavy From value smaller than the Medium To value or a Heavy To value greater than the Extra Heavy From value. Extra Heavy From - Specifies an Extra Heavy Class member's minimum weight. You cannot specify a value smaller than the Heavy To value. Units - Displays the units for defining the weight class range. Report on - Specifies whether the entire model should be reported or a selected portion. The options are All Members and Selection Set. Use Selection Filter - Specifies whether the FrameWorks Plus Selection Filter should be used to filter out members to be reported on. If on, all members are filtered, regardless of the value of the Report on parameter. (Both All Members and Selection Set members are filtered.) Included Attached Models - If on and other model partitions are attached to the active model, these members can be included in the material report. This item is disabled if no partitions are attached. Report Format - The format of the report is broken down into three sections: Header, Data, and Totals. The format of each section is controlled using a separate dialog box. These dialog boxes are accessed by the Format pulldown menu on the Create Material Report dialog box. Each format dialog box provides an interactive visual feedback (WYSIWYG) area to show you the report format as it is currently defined.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Utilities Format Specifiers In the dialog boxes that define the format, there are Format fields for each reported attribute. These key-in fields are used to define a format specifier that is used to generate the output characters for the specific attribute in the report. These format specifiers use "C" language syntax for formatting the output. There is a minimum required syntax for each specifier, which depends on the type of data being formatted. In general, the default specifier (from the default preference set) includes the required syntax, or a variation thereof. You can experiment with the formats by trying various specifiers and watching the results in the sample report output at the bottom of the format dialog box. If the attribute data is numeric and integer, as it is for the Item Number, Quantity, ID, Fireproofing, and Class attributes, your specifier must include the characters %d, which creates an integer number for each item number. In addition, you can prefix or suffix this required portion with any alphanumeric characters. For example, if the complete format specifier for the Item Number attribute is item %d, the report would list item 4 for the fourth item in the report. If the attribute data is textual (a character string), as for the Name, Type, Section, and Material attributes, the required format specifier is %s, which simply reports the character string information from the model database. This specifier can also have prefixes or suffixes if you want. For floating point (decimal) numeric data, such as Unit Weight, Weight, and Surface Area, your format specifier must include some form of the %f specifier. This creates character output from a real number. The accuracy or precision of the resulting output can be controlled by inserting a precision qualifier in this format. For example, %0.3f creates character representation of the real number with accuracy to three places to the right of the decimal point, for example: 65.123. Similarly, a format specifier of %0.1f would result in output of 65.1. As with the other specifiers, you can add an alphanumeric prefix or suffix to the floating point specifiers. As a final example, if the format specifier for the weight attribute is %.2f (lbs), FrameWorks Plus would list the weight of a 200-pound member as 200.00 (lbs) in the report.

Tapered Pipe Members For more accurate volume calculations, FrameWorks Plus places tapered pipe members using the section thickness stored in the section library for the actual wall thickness. For example, you place a cone shaped member using two pipe sections that have a section thickness of 200 mm. FrameWorks Plus places the cone using 200 mm for the wall thickness of the cone. The width of the section footprint is geometrically calculated using the wall thickness and the slope angle. This method most accurately represents how the real-life cone is manufactured, and thus, provides the most accurate volume calculation.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Utilities FrameWorks Plus only calculates correct volumes for tapered pipe sections with cardinal point 5. The FrameWorks Plus volume calculation for tapered pipe-section members with cardinal points other than 5 are not correct.

See Also Linear Report Data Format (on page 339) Linear Report Header Format (on page 338) Linear Reports Totals Format (on page 347)

Linear Report Header Format The Formats > Header command on the Linear Material Report dialog box is used to review or modify report header format. The header section is the information printed at the top of each page, if pagination is on, or else it is printed once at the beginning of the report. The report header can include up to 4 lines (rows) of information and has 6 possible report fields that can be positioned anywhere on the 4 lines. If the Report Width is large (greater than 85 columns) only part of the report is visible in the list box at the bottom of the Report Header Format dialog box. To see the remainder of the sample report output, select the < Left or Right> buttons at the bottom to shift the display to the left or right. When the header format has been defined as you want, click OK to accept the format and return to the Material Report dialog box. Otherwise, click Cancel to ignore the format changes and use the original values.

Title - Turns on or off the title field in the report header. If the title option is off, the three items to the right on the dialog box, which control the title string and its position, are disabled. If the title option is on, the key-in field to the right is used to specify the title to be used for the report. Any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters in length can be specified. Line Number - Specifies which line (row) of text in the report header section should include the title. Possible line numbers are 1 through 4. Starting Column - Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the title. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the title may be truncated or omitted altogether. Project Name - Turns on or off the output of the Project Name field, which is a user- specified name for the project or model being reported on. If this option is on, the key-in field to the right is used to enter the project name or description of up to 80 alphanumeric characters. Date - Turns on or off the Date field in the report header.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Utilities Format - Specifies the format of the date string placed in the report. Five format styles are available. Time - Turns on or off the Time field in the report header. Format - Specifies the format to use for displaying the time. Either standard (AM or PM) or military formats are available. Page Number - Turns on or off the Page Number field in the report header. If on, the key- in field is used to specify the string used to prefix the numeric page counter. Cut Lengths Used - Specifies whether or not to display if member cut lengths were used when generating the report. Line Number - Specifies which line (row) of text in the report header section the item is displayed. Possible line numbers are 1 through 4. Starting Column - Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the item.

See Also Linear Material Reports (on page 334) Linear Report Data Format (on page 339) Linear Reports Totals Format (on page 347)

Linear Report Data Format The Formats > Data command on the Linear Material Reports dialog box is used to review or modify the format of the report data. The report data section is the actual member information. Each member attribute can be independently formatted and positioned on the report line. The report data can be sorted by one or more sort keys in ascending (increasing) or descending (decreasing) order. In addition to the actual data output, this dialog box defines the Column Heading for each attribute. The column heading is displayed at the top of each page and can be one or two lines in length. Two line headings are specified by using a backslash character (\) between the text for the first and second lines. For example, Item\ No displays as: Item No By default, the text items of both lines begin on the same column, defined by the Col field. In this example, there is a space between the backslash and "No". Therefore, the "No" string is shifted one character to the right of the specified starting column. For more information on the Format fields syntax, see Linear Material Reports (on page 334). If the Report Width is greater than 85 columns, the entire report is not visible at the bottom of dialog box. Use the < Left or Right > buttons to shift the display.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Utilities When the report data format has been defined, click OK to accept the format and return to the Material Report dialog box. Otherwise, click Cancel to ignore the format changes and use the original values.

Item Number - Turns on or off the item number field. This field sequentially numbers each line of output information in the report. If this option is off, the three items to the right on the dialog box which control the item number field and its position are disabled.  Format -- Defines the format of the item number in the report. The minimum required is %d, which creates an integer number.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the item number attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the item number. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual item number value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the item number could be truncated or omitted altogether. Quantity - Lists the number of identical members in the model with the attributes listed on the current line. This field is always equal to one unless you turn on the Condense Like Items option on the main Material Report dialog box.  Format -- Defines the format of the quantity field. The minimum required is %d, which creates an integer number.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

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Heading -- Defines the column header for the quantity attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the quantity attribute. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the item number could be truncated or omitted altogether. Name - Turns on or off the display of the member name in the report.  Sort -- The Name field is a sortable attribute. This option lets you turn on or off the sort on the name attribute and to specify whether the names should be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.  Key -- If the Sort option is on, this field indicates the order of precedence that the field takes during the sort procedure. A sort key value of 1 indicates that this field is sorted first. The sort key values for all fields to be sorted must be sequential (1, 2, 3, and so forth) and unique.  Format -- Defines the format of the name field. The minimum required is %s, which creates a character string that contains the member name.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the name attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the name. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual name value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the item number could be truncated or omitted altogether. ID - Turns on or off the display of the unique member ID attribute in the report. The member ID is assigned at the time of member creation and may not be of particular use on a material report. Also, because this field is, by definition, unique, if this option is on, the Condense Like Items option has no effect (every member is reported differently, and thus on separate lines).  Sort -- The ID field is a sortable attribute. This option lets you turn on or off the sort feature for the ID attribute. If on, sort specifies whether the names should be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.  Key -- If the Sort option is on, this field indicates the order of precedence that the field takes during the sort procedure. A sort key value of 1 indicates that this field is sorted first. The sort key values for all fields to be sorted must be sequential (1, 2, 3, and so forth) and unique.  Format -- Defines the format for the ID field. The minimum required is %d, which creates an integer number.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the ID attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the ID. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual ID value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the item number could be truncated or omitted altogether. Type - Turns on or off the output of the member type attribute in the report.  Sort -- The Type field is a sortable attribute. This option lets you turn on or off the sort feature for the type attribute. If on, sort specifies whether the types should be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.  Key -- If the Sort option is on, this field indicates the order of precedence that the field takes during the sort procedure. A sort key value of 1 indicates that this field is sorted first. The sort key values for all fields to be sorted must be sequential (1, 2, 3, and so forth) and unique.  Format -- Defines the format of the type field. The minimum required is %s, which creates a character string that contains the member type (for example, Beam, Column, and so forth).  Heading -- Defines the column header for the type attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.

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Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the type number. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual type value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the item number could be truncated or omitted altogether. Section - Turns on or off the output of the section size attribute in the report.  Sort -- The Section field is a sortable attribute. This option lets you turn on or off the sort feature for the section attribute. If on, sort specifies whether the section names should be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.  Key -- If the Sort option is on, this field indicates the order of precedence that the field takes during the sort procedure. A sort key value of 1 indicates that this field is sorted first. The sort key values for all fields to be sorted must be sequential (1, 2, 3, and so forth) and unique.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the section field. The minimum required is %s, which creates a character string that contains the section size (for example, W16X67).  Heading -- Defines the column header for the section attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the section. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual section value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the item number could be truncated or omitted altogether. Material - Turns on or off the output of the material type attribute in the report.  Sort -- The Material field is a sortable attribute. This option lets you turn on or off the sort feature for the material attribute. If on, specifies whether the material types should be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.  Key -- If the Sort option is on, this field indicates the order of precedence that the field takes during the sort procedure. A sort key value of 1 indicates that this field is sorted first. The sort key values for all fields to be sorted must be sequential (1, 2, 3, and so forth) and unique.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the material field. The minimum required is %s, which creates a character string that contains the material type (for example, steel or concrete).  Heading -- Defines the column header for the material attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the material name. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual material value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the material could be truncated or omitted altogether. Grade - Turns on or off the output of the material grade attribute in the report.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the grade field. The minimum required is %s, which creates a character string that contains the grade (for example, A36 or Fc_4).  Heading -- Defines the column header for the grade attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the grade name. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual grade value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the grade could be truncated or omitted altogether. Fireproofing Label - Turns on or off the output of the member's fireproofing label.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the fireproofing label. The minimum required is %s, which creates a character string that contains the fireproofing label.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

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Heading -- Defines the column header for the fireproofing label. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the fireproofing label. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual fireproofing label. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the label could be truncated or omitted altogether. Fireproofing Material - Turns on or off the output of the member's fireproofing material label.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the fireproofing label. The minimum required is %s, which creates a character string that contains the fireproofing material label.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the fireproofing material label. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the fireproofing material label. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual fireproofing material label. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the label could be truncated or omitted altogether. Fireproofing Grade - Turns on or off the output of the member's fireproofing material grade label.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the fireproofing material grade label. The minimum required is %s, which creates a character string that contains the fireproofing material grade label.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the fireproofing material grade label. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the fireproofing material grade label. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual fireproofing material grade label. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the label could be truncated or omitted altogether. Fireproofing Unit Length - Turns on or off the output of the member's fireproofing unit length.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the fireproofing unit length. The minimum required is %d, which creates an integer number.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the fireproofing unit length. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the fireproofing unit length. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual fireproofing unit length. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the unit length could be truncated or omitted altogether. Fireproofing Unit Volume - Turns on or off the output of the member's fireproofing unit volume.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the fireproofing unit volume. The minimum required is %d, which creates an integer number.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the fireproofing unit volume. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the fireproofing value. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual fireproofing unit volume. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the unit volume could be truncated or omitted altogether. Fireproofing Length - Turns on or off the output of the member's fireproofing length.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the fireproofing length. The minimum required is %d, which creates an integer number.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


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Heading -- Defines the column header for the fireproofing length. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the fireproofing value. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual fireproofing length. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the length could be truncated or omitted altogether. Fireproofing Volume - Turns on or off the output of the member's fireproofing volume.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the fireproofing volume. The minimum required is %d, which creates an integer number.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the fireproofing volume. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the fireproofing value. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual fireproofing volume. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the volume could be truncated or omitted altogether. Fireproofing Weight - Turns on or off the output of the member's fireproofing weight.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the fireproofing volume. The minimum required is %f, which creates a floating point representation of the fireproofing weight.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the fireproofing weight. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the fireproofing weight value. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual fireproofing weight. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the weight could be truncated or omitted altogether. Unit Length - Turns on or off the output of the member length in the report. For members with cutbacks, FrameWorks Plus reports the out-to-out length of the member. For members without cutbacks, arc members, and members with circular cross sections, FrameWorks Plus reports the member line length.


Sort -- The Unit Length field is a sortable attribute. This option lets you turn on or off the sort feature for the unit length field. If on, specifies whether the lengths should be sorted in increasing or decreasing order. Key -- If the Sort option is on, this field indicates the order of precedence that the field takes during the sort procedure. A sort key value of 1 indicates that this field is sorted first. The sort key values for all fields to be sorted must be sequential (1, 2, 3, and so forth) and unique. Format -- Defines the format specifier for the unit length field. This attribute is a special case that has two modes of reporting. You can report the length as in character string format (10'-5 1/2") or in floating point format (10.458). Metric equivalents to these two format examples are 4 125 (character) or 4.126 (floating). To use the character representation, include the %s string in the specifier; for floating representation, use %f. The precision of the floating

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Utilities representation is controlled using the "C" language accuracy syntax as described in Format Specifiers, see Linear Material Reports (on page 334).  Heading -- Defines the column header for the unit length attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the unit length. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual unit length value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the item number could be truncated or omitted altogether. Length - Specifies the overall length of the members reported on this line. This value is determined from the quantity and unit length values. If the quantity is one, the length value is equal to the unit length value. This is always the case when the Condense Like Items option is off.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the length field. This attribute is also a special case that has two modes of reporting. See the description of the Format field for the Unit Length attribute above.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the length attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the length. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual length value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the item number could be truncated or omitted altogether. Unit Weight - Specifies the weight of each member reported on this line. Weight is reported in pounds (imperial units) or kilograms (metric units). For members with cutbacks, FrameWorks Plus finds the out-to-out length of the member. FrameWorks Plus then calculates the weight of the member as the out-to-out length times the graphic representation cross-section area times the density of the material. The cross- section graphic representation does not include the fillets. The material density is read from the grade.dat file. For members without cutbacks, arc members, and members with circular cross sections, FrameWorks Plus calculates the member weight as the member line length times the cross-section area from the section table times the density of the material. The cross- section area from the section table includes the fillets. The material density is read from the grade.dat file.

FrameWorks Plus does not track or calculate the weight of fireproofing material (the same member with and without fireproofing weighs the same).  Sort -- The Unit Weight field is a sortable attribute. This option lets you turn on or off the sort feature for the unit weight field. If on, specifies whether the weights should be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.  Key -- If the Sort option is on, this field indicates the order of precedence that the field takes during the sort procedure. A sort key value of 1 indicates that this field is sorted first. The sort key values for all fields to be sorted must be sequential (1, 2, 3, and so forth) and unique.

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Format -- Defines the format specifier for the unit weight field. The minimum required is %f, which creates a floating point representation of the member weight.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the unit weight attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the unit weight. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual unit weight value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the item number could be truncated or omitted altogether. Weight - Specifies the overall weight of the members reported on this line. This value is determined from the quantity and unit weight values. FrameWorks Plus does not track or calculate the weight of fireproofing material (the same member with and without fireproofing weighs the same). Therefore, the total weight does not include the weight of fireproofing material.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the weight field. The minimum required is %f, which creates a floating point representation of the overall member weight.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the weight attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the weight. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual weight value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the item number could be truncated or omitted altogether. Surface Area - Specifies the surface area of each member reported on this line. It represents an approximate coverage area required for application of various surface treatments, such as paint, insulation, and so forth. Surface area is reported in units of master units squared, (square feet or square meters). For members with cutbacks, the surface area is the out-to-out length of the member times the perimeter of the graphic representation cross section. For members without cutbacks, arc members, and member with circular cross sections, the surface area is the member line length of the member times the perimeter of the cross- section read from the section table.


Sort -- The Surface Area is a sortable attribute. This option lets you turn on or off the sort feature for the surface area field. If on, specifies whether the surface area should be sorted in increasing or decreasing order. Key -- If the Sort option is on, this field indicates the order of precedence that the field takes during the sort procedure. A sort key value of 1 indicates that this field is sorted first. The sort key values for all fields to be sorted must be sequential (1, 2, 3, and so forth) and unique. Format -- Defines the format specifier for the surface area field. The minimum required is %f, which creates a floating point representation of the surface area.

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Heading -- Defines the column header for the surface area attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the surface area. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual surface area value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the item number could be truncated or omitted altogether. Class - Turns on or off the output of the Class attribute in the report.  Sort -- The Class field is a sortable attribute. This option lets you turn on or off the sort feature for the class attribute. If on, specifies whether the classes should be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.  Key -- If the Sort option is on, this field indicates the order of precedence that the field takes during the sort procedure. A sort key value of 1 indicates that this field is sorted first. The sort key values for all fields to be sorted must be sequential (1, 2, 3, and so forth) and unique.  Format -- Defines the format for the class field in the report. The minimum required is %d, which creates an integer number for the class value.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the class attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the class. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual class value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the item number could be truncated or omitted altogether. Separation Line - Unlike the other toggle fields on this dialog box, this option does not control a specific attribute of the members. Instead, it specifies whether or not a line that separates the column heading from the report data should be displayed. Line Character - If the Separation Line option is on, this key-in field is used to specify which text character should be used to form the separation line under the column heading. Any ASCII character is valid.

See Also Linear Material Reports (on page 334) Linear Report Header Format (on page 338) Linear Reports Totals Format (on page 347)

Linear Reports Totals Format The Formats > Totals command on the Linear Material Reports dialog box is used to define the format of the totals information of the report. The totals are output at the end of the report, and can optionally list the different weight classes, total number of pieces (members), and their total length and weight. If the Report Width is greater than 85 columns, only part of the report is visible at the bottom of the dialog box. Use the < Left and Right > buttons to shift the display.

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Utilities When the totals format has been defined, click OK to accept the format and return to the Material Report dialog box. Otherwise, click Cancel to ignore the format changes and use the original values.

Total Light Weight - Turns on or off the total weight display of Light Weight Class members.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the total weight value. The required component of the specifier is %f, which outputs the total weight as a floating point value.  Starting Column -- Defines the position (column number) in the report output line where the total light weight field will begin. Total Medium Weight - Turns on or off the total weight display of Medium Weight Class members.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the total weight value. The required component of the specifier is %f, which outputs the total weight as a floating point value.  Starting Column -- Defines the position (column number) in the report output line where the total medium weight field will begin. Total Heavy Weight - Turns on or off the total weight display of Heavy Weight Class members.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the total weight value. The required component of the specifier is %f, which outputs the total weight as a floating point value.  Starting Column -- Defines the position (column number) in the report output line where the total heavy weight field will begin. Total Extra Heavy Weight - Turns on or off the total weight display of Extra Heavy Weight Class members.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the total weight value. The required component of the specifier is %f, which outputs the total weight as a floating point value.  Starting Column -- Defines the position (column number) in the report output line where the total extra heavy weight field will begin. Piece Count - Turns on or off the output of the total number of pieces, or members, included in the report.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the piece count total. The required format specifier is %d, which outputs the number of pieces as an integer. You can also define a prefix or suffix to this specifier if you want.


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Starting Column -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the piece count. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the piece count may be truncated or omitted altogether. Total Length - Turns on or off the output of the total length value for the report.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the total length value. This specific attribute is a special case, which can use either a %s or a %f type specifier. See the discussion of this special case under the Format field description for the Unit Length attribute in Linear Report Data Format (on page 339).  Starting Column -- Defines the position (column number) in the report output line where the total length field will begin. Total Weight - Turns on or off the output of the total weight of all members in the report.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the total weight value. The required component of the specifier is %f, which outputs the total weight as a floating point value.  Starting Column -- Defines the position (column number) in the report output line where the total weight field will begin. Total Fireproof Weight - Turns on or off the output of the total fireproofing weight of all members in the report.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the total fireproofing weight value. The required component of the specifier is %f, which outputs the total fireproofing weight as a floating point value.  Starting Column -- Defines the position (column number) in the report output line where the total fireproofing weight field will begin. Total Surface Area - Turns on or off the output of the total surface area of all members in the report.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the total surface area value. The required component of the specifier is %f, which outputs the total surface area as a floating point value.  Starting Column -- Defines the position (column number) in the report output line where the total surface area field will begin.

See Also Linear Material Reports (on page 334) Linear Report Data Format (on page 339) Linear Report Header Format (on page 338)

3D Solids Material Reports The Utilities > Reports > Material > 3D Solid command creates material reports for solid members in virtually any format. An essential part of the construction documentation for a project is the material reports, which list volumes, weight, surface area, and other attributes of the members used in a structural design. Creating a report requires read-only access to the model database, so you can report on members in attached model partitions as well as members in the local (active) model database. A report can be generated for a selected portion of a model, the whole model, or an entire project (by attaching all project models to the local model). You control the contents, width, pagination, and format of the report using the report format dialog boxes. These format dialog boxes include a WYSIWYG informational area that displays a portion of an actual report as it is currently formatted. This feature provides instant and exact verification of how changes made to the format parameters affect the resulting report.

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Utilities This command uses the User Preference mechanism for storing and retrieving user- defined sets of command parameters (preference sets). This allows you to define standard report formats once, and save these as a named preference set for use on all reports for the project. For more information, see Appendix A: Customizing FrameWorks Plus (see "Customizing FrameWorks Plus" on page 399). When all parameters for the report output options, content, and format have been fully defined, click OK to create the report. FrameWorks Plus builds an ASCII (text) file containing the specified information and writes it to the project report directory (\rpt) using the file name designated. When the report is completed, an Alert Box displays asking if you want to review the report. Click OK to display the report in a dialog box. The Cancel button exits the command.

Report Width - Defines the output width of the report. Available options are 132 columns, 80 columns, and Specify. The Specify option allows you to define any number of columns, up to 132. Width - Specifies the width of the report (number of columns). This field is only active if the Report Width option is set to Specify. Items per page - Specifies the number of items (rows) on each page if the Paginate toggle is on. Page Header - If on, the report lists a page header at the top of each page of the report. Paginate - If on, the report is divided into separate pages, each containing the number of items defined in Items per page. Totals - If on, FrameWorks Plus computes and outputs information on total volume, weight, and number of pieces at the end of the report. Report File - Defines the name of the report file. This file is placed in the \rpt directory of the active project. The name is limited to ten characters with a three-character extension. Report on - Specifies whether the solids in the entire model should be reported or a selected portion. The options are All Solids and Selection Set. Use Selection Filter - Specifies whether the FrameWorks Plus Selection Filter should be used to filter out members to be reported on. If on, all members are filtered, regardless of the value of the Report on parameter. (Both All Solids and Selection Set members are filtered.)


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Utilities Included Attached Models - If on and other model partitions are attached to the active model, these members can be included in the material report. This item is disabled if no partitions are attached.

Report Format The format of the report is broken down into three sections, Header, Data, and Totals. The format of each section is controlled using a separate dialog box. These dialog boxes are accessed by the Format pulldown menu on the 3D Solids Material Report dialog box. Each format dialog box provides an interactive visual feedback (WYSIWYG) area to show you the report format as it is currently defined.

Format Specifiers In the dialog boxes that define the format, there are Format fields for each reported attribute. These key-in fields are used to define a format specifier that is used to generate the output characters for the specific attribute in the report. These format specifiers use "C" language syntax for formatting the output. There is a minimum required syntax for each specifier, which depends on the type of data being formatted. In general, the default specifier (from the default preference set) is to include the required syntax, or a variation thereof. You can experiment with the formats by trying various specifiers and watching the results in the sample report output at the bottom of the format dialog box. If the attribute data is numeric and integer, as it is for the Item Number, Quantity, ID, and Class attributes, your specifier must include the characters %d, which creates an integer number for each item number. In addition, you can prefix or suffix this required portion with any alphanumeric characters. For example, if the complete format specifier for the Item Number attribute is item %d, the report would list item 4 for the fourth item in the report. If the attribute data is textual (a character string), as for the Name, Type, Material, and Volume attributes, the required format specifier is %s, which simply reports the character string information from the model database. This specifier can also have prefixes or suffixes if you want. For floating point (decimal) numeric data, such as Weight and Surface Area, your format specifier must include some form of the %f specifier. This creates character output from a real number. Inserting a precision qualifier in this format can control the accuracy or precision of the resulting output. For example, %0.3f creates character representation of the real number with accuracy to three places to the right of the decimal point, for example: 65.123. Similarly, a format specifier of %0.1f would result in output of: 65.1. Like the other specifiers, you can add an alphanumeric prefix or suffix to the floating point specifiers. As a final example, if the format specifier for the weight attribute is %.2f (lbs), FrameWorks Plus would list the weight of a 200-pound member as 200.00 (lbs) in the report.

See Also 3D Solid Report Data Format (on page 353) 3D Solid Report Header Format (on page 351) 3D Solid Report Totals Format (on page 357)

3D Solid Report Header Format The Formats > Header command on the 3D Solid Material Reports dialog box is used to review or modify report header format. The header section is the information printed at the top of each page if pagination is on, or else it is printed once at the beginning of the report. The report header can include up to 4 lines (rows) of information, and has 6 possible report fields, which can be positioned anywhere on the 4 lines.

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Utilities If the Report Width is large (greater than 85 columns) only part of the report is visible in the list box at the bottom of the 3D Solid Report Header Format dialog box. To see the remainder of the sample report output, select the < Left or Right> buttons at the bottom to shift the display. When the header format has been defined as you want, click OK to accept the format and return to the Material Report dialog box. Otherwise, click Cancel to ignore the format changes and use the original values.

Title - Turns on or off the title field in the report header. If the title option is off, the three items to the right on the dialog box that control the title string and its position are disabled. If the title option is on, the key-in field to the right is used to specify the title to be used for the report. Any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters in length can be specified. Line Number - Specifies which line (row) of text in the report header section should include the title. Possible line numbers are 1 through 4. Starting Column - Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the title. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main 3D Solids Material Report dialog box, the title may be truncated or omitted altogether. Project Name - Turns on or off the output of the Project Name field, which is a user- specified name for the project or model being reported on. If this option is on, the key-in field to the right is used to enter the project name or description of up to 80 alphanumeric characters. Date - Turns on or off the Date field in the report header.  Format -- Specifies the format of the date string placed in the report. Five format styles are available. Time - Turns on or off the Time field in the report header.  Format -- Specifies the format to use for displaying the time. Either standard (AM or PM) or military formats are available. Page Number - Turns on or off the Page Number field in the report header. If on, the key- in field is used to specify the string used to prefix the numeric page counter. Line Number - Specifies which line (row) of text in the report header section the item is displayed. Possible line numbers are 1 through 4. Starting Column - Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the item.

See Also 3D Solids Material Reports (on page 349) 3D Solid Report Data Format (on page 353) 3D Solid Report Totals Format (on page 357)


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3D Solid Report Data Format The Formats > Data command on the 3D Solids Material Reports dialog box is used to review or modify the format of the report data. The report data section is the actual member information. Each member attribute can be independently formatted and positioned on the report line. The report data can be sorted by one or more sort keys in ascending (increasing) or descending (decreasing) order. In addition to the actual data output, this dialog box defines the Column Heading for each attribute. The column heading is displayed at the top of each page and can be one or two lines in length. Two line headings are specified by using a backslash character (\) between the text for the first and second lines. For example, Item\ No displays as: Item No By default, the text items of both lines begin on the same column, defined by the Col field. In this example, there is a space between the backslash and "No". Therefore, the "No" string is shifted one character to the right of the specified starting column. For more information on the Format fields syntax, see 3D Solids Material Reports (on page 349). If the Report Width is greater than 85 columns, the entire report is not visible at the bottom of dialog box. Use the < Left or Right> buttons to shift the display. When the report data format has been defined, click OK to accept the format and return to the 3D Solids Material Report dialog box. Otherwise, click Cancel to ignore the format changes and use the original values.

Item Number - Turns on or off the item number field. This field sequentially numbers each line of output information in the report. If this option is off, the three items to the right on the dialog box that control the item number field and its position are disabled.  Format -- Defines the format of the item number in the report. The minimum required is %d, which creates an integer number.

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Heading -- Defines the column header for the item number attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the item number. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual item number value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the item number could be truncated or omitted altogether. Name - Turns on or off the display of the member name in the report.  Sort -- The Name field is a sortable attribute. This option lets you turn on or off the sort on the name attribute, and to specify whether the names should be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.  Key -- If the Sort option is on, this field indicates the order of precedence that the field takes during the sort procedure. A sort key value of 1 indicates that this field is sorted first. The sort key values for all fields to be sorted must be sequential (1, 2, 3, and so forth) and unique.  Format -- Defines the format of the name field. The minimum required is %s, which creates a character string that contains the member name.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the name attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the name. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual name value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the name could be truncated or omitted altogether. ID - Turns on or off the display of the unique member ID attribute in the report. The member ID is assigned at the time of member creation and may not be of particular use on a material report. Also, because this field is, by definition, unique, if this option is on, the Condense Like Items option has no effect (every member is reported differently, and thus on separate lines).  Sort -- The ID field is a sortable attribute. This option lets you turn on or off the sort feature for the ID attribute. If on, specifies whether the names should be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.  Key -- If the Sort option is on, this field indicates the order of precedence that the field takes during the sort procedure. A sort key value of 1 indicates that this field is sorted first. The sort key values for all fields to be sorted must be sequential (1, 2, 3, and so forth) and unique.  Format -- Defines the format for the ID field. The minimum required is %d, which creates an integer number.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the ID attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the ID. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual ID value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the ID could be truncated or omitted altogether. Type - Turns on or off the output of the member type attribute in the report.  Sort -- The Type field is a sortable attribute. This option lets you turn on or off the sort feature for the type attribute. If on, specifies whether the types should be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.  Key -- If the Sort option is on, this field indicates the order of precedence that the field takes during the sort procedure. A sort key value of 1 indicates that this field is sorted first. The sort key values for all fields to be sorted must be sequential (1, 2, 3, and so forth) and unique.  Format -- Defines the format of the type field. The minimum required is %s, which creates a character string that contains the member type (for example, Beam, Column, ...).


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Heading -- Defines the column header for the type attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the type number. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual type value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the type could be truncated or omitted altogether. Material - Turns on or off the output of the material type attribute in the report.  Sort -- The Material field is a sortable attribute. This option lets you turn on or off the sort feature for the material attribute. If on, specifies whether the material types should be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.  Key -- If the Sort option is on, this field indicates the order of precedence that the field takes during the sort procedure. A sort key value of 1 indicates that this field is sorted first. The sort key values for all fields to be sorted must be sequential (1, 2, 3, and so forth) and unique.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the material field. The minimum required is %s, which creates a character string that contains the material type (for example, steel or concrete).  Heading -- Defines the column header for the material attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the material name. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual material value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the material could be truncated or omitted altogether. Grade - Turns on or off the output of the material grade attribute in the report.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the grade field. The minimum required is %s, which creates a character string that contains the grade (for example, A36 or Fc_4).  Heading -- Defines the column header for the grade attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the material name. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual material value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the grade could be truncated or omitted altogether. Thickness - Turns on or off the output of the thickness attribute in the report.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the thickness field. The minimum required is %f, which creates a floating point representation of the solid's thickness.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the thickness attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first digit in the thickness. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual thickness value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the thickness could be truncated or omitted altogether. Volume - Turns on or off the solid member's net volume in the report.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the volume field. The minimum required is %f, which creates a floating point representation of the net member volume.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the volume attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the volume. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual volume value output

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Utilities for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the volume could be truncated or omitted altogether. Weight - Specifies the overall weight of the members reported on this line. This value is determined from the quantity and unit weight values.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the weight field. The minimum required is %f, which creates a floating point representation of the overall member weight.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the weight attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the weight. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual weight value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the weight could be truncated or omitted altogether. Surface Area - Specifies the surface area of each member reported on this line. The surface area is computed from the geometry of the section and the length of the member. It represents an approximate coverage area required for application of various surface treatments, such as paint, insulation, and so forth. Surface area is reported in units of master units squared, (square feet or square meters).  Sort -- The Surface Area is a sortable attribute. This option lets you turn on or off the sort feature for the surface area field. If on, specifies whether the surface area should be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.  Key -- If the Sort option is on, this field indicates the order of precedence that the field takes during the sort procedure. A sort key value of 1 indicates that this field is sorted first. The sort key values for all fields to be sorted must be sequential (1, 2, 3, and so forth) and unique.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the surface area field. The minimum required is %f, which creates a floating point representation of the surface area.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the surface area attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the surface area. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual surface area value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the surface area could be truncated or omitted altogether. Class - Turns on or off the output of the Class attribute in the report.  Sort -- The Class field is a sortable attribute. This option lets you turn on or off the sort feature for the class attribute. If on, specifies whether the classes should be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.  Key -- If the Sort option is on, this field indicates the order of precedence that the field takes during the sort procedure. A sort key value of 1 indicates that this field is sorted first. The sort key values for all fields to be sorted must be sequential (1, 2, 3, and so forth) and unique.  Format -- Defines the format for the class field in the report. The minimum required is %d, which creates an integer number for the class value.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the class attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the class. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual class value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the class could be truncated or omitted altogether. Separation Line - Unlike the other toggle fields on this dialog box, this option does not control a specific attribute of the members. Instead, it specifies whether or not a line that separates the column heading from the report data should be displayed.


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Utilities Line Character - If the Separation Line option is on, this key-in field is used to specify which text character should be used to form the separation line under the column heading. Any ASCII character is valid.

See Also 3D Solids Material Reports (on page 349) 3D Solid Report Header Format (on page 351) 3D Solid Report Totals Format (on page 357)

3D Solid Report Totals Format The Formats > Totals command on the 3D Solids Material Reports dialog box is used to define the format of the totals information of the report. The totals are output as a single line at the end of the report, and can optionally list the total number of pieces (members), and their total length and weight. If the Report Width is greater than 85 columns, the entire report is not visible at the bottom of the dialog box. Use the < Left and Right> buttons to shift the display. When the totals format has been defined, choose the OK button to accept the format and return to the 3D Solids Material Report dialog box. Otherwise, choose Cancel to ignore the format changes and use the original values.

Piece Count - Turns on or off the output of the total number of pieces, or members, included in the report.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the piece count total. (See 3D Solids Material Reports (on page 349).) The minimum required format specifier is %d, which outputs the number of pieces as an integer number. You can also define a prefix or suffix to this specifier if you want.  Starting Column -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the piece count. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Material Report dialog box, the piece count could be truncated or omitted altogether. Total Volume - Turns on or off the output of the total volume value for the report.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the total volume value. This specific attribute is a special case, which can use either a %s or %f type specifier. See the discussion of this special case under the Format field description for the Unit Length attribute in 3D Solid Report Data Format (on page 353).  Starting Column -- Defines the position (column number) in the report output line where the total volume field will begin. Total Weight - Turns on or off the output of the total weight of all members in the report.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the total weight value. The required component of the specifier is %f, which outputs the total weight as a floating point value.  Starting Column -- Defines the position (column number) in the report output line where the total weight field will begin.

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Utilities Total Surface Area - Turns on or off the output of the total surface area of all members in the report.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the total surface area value. The required component of the specifier is %f, which outputs the total surface area as a floating point value.  Starting Column -- Defines the position (column number) in the report output line where the total surface area field will begin.

See Also 3D Solids Material Reports (on page 349) 3D Solid Report Data Format (on page 353) 3D Solid Report Header Format (on page 351)

Analytic Reports The Utilities > Reports > Analytic command creates reports on loads, supports, and releases defined in the model. The report output is an ASCII file and is placed in the \rpt subdirectory of the active project. Because creating a report requires read-only access to the model database, you can report on members in attached model partitions as well as members in the local (active) model database. A report can be generated for a selected portion of a model, the whole model, or an entire project (by attaching all project models to the local model). You control the contents, width, pagination, and format of the report using the report format dialog boxes. These format dialog boxes include a WYSIWYG informational area that displays a portion of an actual report as it is currently formatted. This feature provides instant and exact verification of how changes made to the format parameters affect the resulting report.


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Utilities This command uses the User Preference mechanism for storing and retrieving user- defined sets of command parameters (preference sets). This allows you to define standard report formats once and save these as a named preference set for use on all reports for the project. For more information, see Appendix A: Customizing FrameWorks Plus (see "Customizing FrameWorks Plus" on page 399).

Report Width - Defines the report width. Available options are 132 columns, 80 columns, and Specify. Width - Specifies the width of the report up to 132 columns wide. This field is only active if Report Width is set to Specify. Items per page - Specifies the number of items (rows) on each page if the Paginate toggle is on. Page Header - If on, the report displays a page header at the top of each report page. Paginate - If on, the report is divided into separate pages, each containing the number of items defined in the Items per page field. Load Reports - Toggle on to report on loads. Release Reports - Toggle on to report on releases. Support Reports - Toggle on to report on supports. Report file - Specifies the name for the report file. The name is limited to ten characters with a three-character extension.

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Utilities Sort By - Defines how you want the items ordered in the report. If set to Members, loads, releases, and supports are sorted based on member IDs. If set to Load Case, Releases, and/or Supports, then items are ordered as follows:  For load cases, all members that have a load belonging to load case 1 are listed, then all members that have a load belonging to load case 2 are listed, and so forth.  For Supports, all members that are supported in the X direction are listed, then all the members that are supported in the Y direction are listed, and so forth.  For Releases, all members released in the X direction are listed, then all members that are released in the Y direction are listed, and so forth. Select Set - Toggle on to report on loads, releases, or supports whose members belong to a selection set. Use Selection Filter - Specifies whether the FrameWorks Plus Selection Filter should be used to filter out members on which loads, supports, or releases are reported on. If on, all members are filtered, regardless of how the Sort by parameter is set. Include Attached Models - If on and other model partitions are attached to the active model, then any loads, releases, or supports in the attached models are included in the report. This option is disabled if no partitions are attached. Report Format - The analytic report format is defined using the four dialog boxes under the Formats pulldown. Each format dialog box provides an interactive visual feedback (WYSIWYG) area to show you the report format as it is currently defined.

See Also Analytic Reports Header Format (on page 360) Loads Report Data Format (on page 362) Releases Report Data Format (on page 363) Supports Report Data Format (on page 364)

Analytic Reports Header Format The Formats > Header command is used to review or modify report header format. The header section is the information printed at the top of each page, if pagination is on, or else it is printed once at the beginning of the report. The report header can include up to 4 lines (rows) of information, and has 6 possible report fields, which can be positioned anywhere on the 4 lines. If the Report Width is large (greater than 85 columns) only part of the report is visible in the list box at the bottom of the Report Header Format dialog box. To see the remainder of the sample report output, select the < Left or Right> buttons at the bottom to shift the display.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Utilities When the header format has been defined as you want, select the OK button to accept the format and return to the Analytic Report dialog box. Otherwise, click Cancel to ignore the format changes and use the original values.

Title - Turns on or off the title field in the report header. If the title option is off, the three items to the right on the dialog box that control the title string and its position are disabled. If the title option is on, the key-in field to the right is used to specify the title to be used for the report. Any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters in length can be specified.  Line Number -- Specifies which line (row) of text in the report header section should include the title. Possible line numbers are 1 through 4.  Starting Column -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the title. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Analytic Report dialog box, the title could be truncated or omitted altogether. Project Name - Turns on or off the output of the Project Name field, which is a user- specified name for the project or model being reported on. If this option is on, the key-in field to the right is used to enter the project name or description of up to 80 alphanumeric characters. Date - Turns on or off the Date field in the report header.  Format -- Specifies the format of the date string placed in the report. Five different format styles are available. Time - Turns on or off the Time field in the report header.  Format -- Specifies the format to use for displaying the time. Either standard (AM or PM) or military formats are available. Page Number - Turns on or off the Page Number field in the report header. If on, the key- in field is used to specify the string used to prefix the numeric page counter.  Line Number -- Specifies in which line (row) of text in the report header section the item is displayed. Possible line numbers are 1 through 4.  Starting Column -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the item.

See Also Analytic Reports (on page 358) Loads Report Data Format (on page 362) Releases Report Data Format (on page 363) Supports Report Data Format (on page 364)

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



Loads Report Data Format The Format > Loads command activates the Load Report Data Format dialog box, which is used to define the load data and the format of that data in the analytic report.

Model ID - Toggle on to display the ID number of the model in which the load is placed. Member ID - Toggle on to display the member name on which the load is placed. Load Case Name - Toggle on to display the name of the load case. Load Case ID - Toggle on to display the load case ID number. Load Type - Toggle on to display the type of load: distributed, concentrated, or partial distributed. Load Direction - Toggle on to display the load frame and direction. Load Magnitude - Toggle on to display the load magnitude. Load Location - Toggle on to display the load's location on the member. Format - Defines the format of the characters for the attribute. For more information on these fields, see Analytic Reports (on page 358). Heading - Defines the column header for the attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line. Col - Specifies the position (column) of the first character for that report attribute. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual attribute value output for each load. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Analytic Report dialog box, the heading and attribute could be truncated or omitted altogether. Separation line - Toggle on to place a line of characters between the page header information and the items in the report. Line Character - Defines the character to use for the separation line described above. Any ASCII character is valid.

See Also Analytic Reports Header Format (on page 360) Releases Report Data Format (on page 363) Supports Report Data Format (on page 364)


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Releases Report Data Format The Format > Releases command activates the Releases Report Data Format dialog box, which is used to define the data and the format of that data you want to see in the analytic report for releases.

Member Name - Toggle on to display the member name on which the releases are defined. Member ID - Toggle on to display the member ID on which the releases are defined. Start Spec - Toggle on to display the releases defined at the member start. End Spec - Toggle on to display the releases defined at the member end. Format - Defines the format of the characters for the release attribute. For more information on these fields, see Analytic Reports (on page 358) Heading - Defines the column header for the release attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line. Col - Specifies the position (column) of the first character for that release attribute. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual attribute value output for each release. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Analytic Report dialog box, the heading and attribute could be truncated or omitted altogether. Separation line - Toggle on to place a line of characters between the page header information and the items in the report. Line Character - Defines the character to use for the separation line described above. Any ASCII character is valid.

See Also Analytic Reports (on page 358) Analytic Reports Header Format (on page 360) Loads Report Data Format (on page 362) Supports Report Data Format (on page 364)

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



Supports Report Data Format The Format > Supports command activates the Support Report Data Format dialog box, which is used to define the data and the format of that data you want to see in the analytic report for supports.

Member Name - Toggle on to display the member name on which the supports are defined. Member ID - Toggle on to display the member ID on which the supports are defined. Start Spec - Toggle on to display the supports defined at the member start. End Spec - Toggle on to display the supports defined at the member end. Format - Defines the format of the characters for the support attribute. For more information on these fields, see Analytic Reports (on page 358). Heading - Defines the column header for the support attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line. Col - Specifies the position (column) of the first character for that support attribute. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual attribute value output for each support. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Analytic Report dialog box, the heading and attribute could be truncated or omitted altogether. Separation line - Toggle on to place a line of characters between the page header information and the items in the report. Line Character - Defines the character to use for the separation line described above. Any ASCII character is valid.

See Also Analytic Reports Header Format (on page 360) Loads Report Data Format (on page 362) Releases Report Data Format (on page 363)


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Center of Gravity Reports The Utilities > Reports > COG command creates a center of gravity report for your structure. For members with cutbacks, FrameWorks Plus finds the out-to-out length of the member. FrameWorks Plus then calculates the weight of the member as the out-to-out length times the graphic representation cross-section area times the density of the material. The cross- section graphic representation does not include the fillets. The material density is read from the grade.dat file. For members without cutbacks, arc members, and members with circular cross sections, FrameWorks Plus calculates the member weight as the member line length times the cross-section area from the section table times the density of the material. The cross- section area from the section table includes the fillets. The material density is read from the grade.dat file.

Creating a report requires read-only access to the model database, so you can report on members in attached model partitions as well as members in the local (active) model database. A report can be generated for a selected portion of a model, the whole model, or an entire project (by attaching all project models to the local model). You control the contents, width, pagination, and format of the report using the report format dialog boxes. These format dialog boxes include a WYSIWYG area that displays a portion of an actual report as it is currently formatted. This feature provides instant and exact verification of how changes made to the format parameters affect the final report. This command uses the User Preference feature for storing and retrieving user-defined sets of command parameters (preference sets). This allows you to define standard report formats once and save these as a named preference set for use on all reports for the project. For more information, see Appendix A: Customizing FrameWorks Plus (see "Customizing FrameWorks Plus" on page 399).

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Utilities When all parameters for the report output options, content, and format have been fully defined, click OK to create the report. FrameWorks Plus builds an ASCII (text) file that contains the specified information and writes it to the project report directory (\rpt) using the file name designated. When the report is completed, an Alert Box displays asking if you want to review the report. Click OK to display the report in a dialog box. The Cancel button exits the command.

Report Width - Defines the output width of report. Available options are 132 columns, 80 columns, and Specify. The Specify option allows you to define any number of columns, up to 132. Width - Specifies the report width (number of columns). This field is only active if the Report Width option is set to Specify. Items per page - Specifies the number of items (rows) on each page if the Paginate toggle is on. Page Header - If on, the report lists a page header at the top of each report page. Paginate - If on, the report is divided into separate pages, each containing the number of items defined in Items per page. Totals - If on, FrameWorks Plus computes and outputs information on total weight, number of pieces, and the structure's center of gravity at the end of the report. Report File - Defines the name of the report file. This file is placed in the \rpt directory of the active project. The name is limited to ten characters with a three-character extension. Report on - Specifies whether the entire model or a selected portion of the model should be reported on. The options are All Members and Selection Set. Use Selection Filter - Specifies whether the FrameWorks Plus Selection Filter should be used to filter out members to be reported on. If on, all members are filtered, regardless of the value of the Report on parameter. (Both All Members and Selection Set members are filtered.) Include Attached Models - If on and other model partitions are attached to the active model, these members can be included in the center of gravity report. This item is disabled if no other models are attached.

Report Format The format of the report is divided into three sections: Header, Data, and Totals.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Utilities The format of each section is controlled using a separate dialog box. These dialog boxes are accessed by the Format pulldown menu on the Center of Gravity Report dialog box. Each format dialog box provides an interactive visual feedback (WYSIWYG) area to show you the report format as it is currently defined.

Format Specifiers In the dialog boxes that define the format, there are Format fields for each reported attribute. These key-in fields are used to define a format specifier that is used to generate the output characters for the specific attribute in the report. These format specifiers use "C" language syntax for formatting the output. There is a minimum required syntax for each specifier, which depends on the type of data being formatted. In general, the default specifier (from the default preference set) is to include the required syntax, or a variation thereof. You can experiment with the formats by trying various specifiers and watching the results in the sample report output at the bottom of the format dialog box. If the attribute data is numeric and integer, your specifier must include the characters %d. %d creates an integer number. In addition, you can prefix or suffix this required portion with any alphanumeric characters. For example, if the complete format specifier for the Item Number attribute is item %d, the report would list item 4 for the fourth item in the report. If the attribute data is textual (a character string), the required format specifier is %s, which simply reports the character string information from the model database. This specifier can also have prefixes or suffixes if you want. For floating point (decimal) numeric data, your format specifier must include some form of the %f specifier. This creates character output from a real number. The accuracy or precision of the output can be controlled by inserting a precision qualifier in this format. For example, %0.3f creates a real number with accuracy to three places to the right of the decimal point, for example: 65.123. Similarly, a format specifier of %0.1f would result in output of: 65.1. Like the other specifiers, you can add an alphanumeric prefix or suffix to the floating point specifiers. As a final example, if the format specifier for a weight attribute is %.2f (lbs), FrameWorks Plus would list the weight of a 200-pound member as 200.00 (lbs) in the report.

See Also Center of Gravity Report Data Format (on page 369) Center of Gravity Report Header Format (on page 367) Center of Gravity Report Totals Format (on page 373)

Center of Gravity Report Header Format The Formats > Header command is used to review or modify the report's header format. The header section is the information printed at the top of each page, if pagination is on, or else printed once at the beginning of the report. The report header can include up to 4 lines (rows) of information. If the Report Width is large (wider than 85 columns) only part of the report is visible at the bottom of the dialog box. To see the remainder of the sample report output, click < Left or Right> to shift the display.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Utilities When the header format has been defined as you want, click OK to accept the format and return to the Center of Gravity Report dialog box. Otherwise, click Cancel to ignore the format changes and use the original values.

Title - Turns on or off the title field in the report header. If the title option is off, the three items to the right that control the title string and its position are disabled. If the title option is on, the key-in field to the right is used to specify the report title. Any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters in length can be specified. Project Name - Turns on or off the output of the Project Name field, which is a user- specified name for the project or model being reported on. If this option is on, the key-in field to the right is used to enter the project name or description of up to 80 alphanumeric characters. Date - Turns on or off the Date field in the report header.  Format -- Specifies the format of the date string placed in the report. Five format styles are available. Time - Turns on or off the Time field in the report header.  Format -- Specifies the format to use for displaying the time. Either standard (AM or PM) or military formats are available. Page Number - Turns on or off the Page Number field in the report header. If on, the key- in field is used to specify the string used to prefix the numeric page counter. Line Number - Specifies which line (row) of text in the report header section the item is displayed. Possible line numbers are 1 through 4. Starting Column - Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the item. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Center of Gravity Reports dialog box, the item could be truncated or omitted altogether.

See Also Center of Gravity Reports (on page 365) Center of Gravity Report Data Format (on page 369) Center of Gravity Report Totals Format (on page 373)


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Center of Gravity Report Data Format The Formats > Data command is used to review or modify the format of the report data. The report data section is the actual member information. Each member attribute can be independently formatted and positioned on the report line. The report data can be sorted by one or more sort keys in ascending (increasing) or descending (decreasing) order. In addition to the actual data output, this dialog box defines the Column Heading for each attribute. The column heading is displayed at the top of each page and can be one or two lines in length. Two-line headings are specified by using a backslash character (\) between the text for the first and second lines. For example, Item\ No displays as: Item No By default, the text items of both lines begin on the same column, defined by the Col field. In this example, there is a space between the backslash and "No". Therefore, the "No" string is shifted one character to the right of the specified starting column. For more information on the Format fields syntax, see Center of Gravity Reports (on page 365). If the Report Width is greater than 85 columns, only part of the report is visible at the bottom of dialog box. Use the < Left or Right > buttons to shift the display. When the report data format has been defined, click OK to accept the format and return to the Center of Gravity Report dialog box. Otherwise, click Cancel to ignore the format changes and use the original values.

Item Number - Turns on or off the item number field. This field sequentially numbers each line of output information in the report. If this option is off, the three items to the right that control the item number field and its position are disabled.  Format -- Defines the format of the item number in the report. The minimum required is %d, which creates an integer number.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the item number attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the item number. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual item

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Utilities number value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Center of Gravity Reports dialog box, the item number could be truncated or omitted altogether. Name - Turns on or off the display of the member name in the report.  Sort -- The Name field is a sortable attribute. This option lets you turn on or off the sort on the name attribute, and to specify whether the names should be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.  Key -- If the Sort option is on, this field indicates the order of precedence that the field takes during the sort procedure. A sort key value of 1 indicates that this field is sorted first. The sort key values for all fields to be sorted must be sequential (1, 2, 3, and so forth) and unique.  Format -- Defines the format of the name field. The minimum required is %s, which creates a character string that contains the member name.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the name attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the name. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual name value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Center of Gravity Reports dialog box, the name could be truncated or omitted altogether. ID - Turns on or off the display of the unique member ID attribute in the report. The member ID is assigned at the time of member creation and may not be of particular use on a center of gravity report.  Sort -- The ID field is a sortable attribute. This option lets you turn on or off the sort feature for the ID attribute. If on, specifies whether the names should be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.  Key -- If the Sort option is on, this field indicates the order of precedence that the field takes during the sort procedure. A sort key value of 1 indicates that this field is sorted first. The sort key values for all fields to be sorted must be sequential (1, 2, 3, and so forth) and unique.  Format -- Defines the format for the ID field. The minimum required is %d, which creates an integer number.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the ID attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the ID. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual ID value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Center of Gravity Report dialog box, the ID could be truncated or omitted altogether. X Axis COG - Turns on or off the display of the center of gravity's X-axis coordinate for a member.  Format -- Defines the format for the X-axis coordinate. The minimum required is %s, which creates a character string of the X coordinate.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the X-axis coordinate. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character of the X-axis coordinate. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual X-axis coordinate output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Center of Gravity Report dialog box, the X-axis coordinate could be truncated or omitted altogether. Y Axis COG - Turns on or off the display of the center of gravity's Y-axis coordinate for a member.  Format -- Defines the format for the Y-axis coordinate. The minimum required is %s, which creates a character string of the Y coordinate.


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Utilities 

Heading -- Defines the column header for the Y-axis coordinate. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character of the Y-axis coordinate. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual Y-axis coordinate output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Center of Gravity Report dialog box, the Y-axis coordinate could be truncated or omitted altogether. Z Axis COG - Turns on or off the display of the center of gravity's Z-axis coordinate for a member.  Format -- Defines the format for the Z-axis coordinate. The minimum required is %s, which creates a character string of the Z coordinate.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the Z-axis coordinate. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character of the Z-axis coordinate. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual Z-axis coordinate output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Center of Gravity Report dialog box, the Z-axis coordinate could be truncated or omitted altogether. Weight - Turns on or off the display of the member's weight. For members with cutbacks, FrameWorks Plus finds the out-to-out length of the member. FrameWorks Plus then calculates the weight of the member as the out-to-out length times the graphic representation cross-section area times the density of the material. The cross-section graphic representation does not include the fillets. The material density is read from the grade.dat file. For members without cutbacks, arc members, and members with circular cross sections, FrameWorks Plus calculates the member weight as the member line length times the cross-section area from the section table times the density of the material. The cross- section area from the section table includes the fillets. The material density is read from the grade.dat file.

  

Format -- Defines the format specifier for the weight field. The minimum required is %f, which creates a floating point representation of the member weight. Heading -- Defines the column header for the weight attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line. Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the weight. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual weight value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Center of Gravity Report dialog box, the weight could be truncated or omitted altogether.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Utilities Length - Turns on or off the display of the member's length. For members with cutbacks, FrameWorks Plus reports the out-to-out length of the member. For members without cutbacks, arc members, and members with circular cross sections, FrameWorks Plus reports the member line length.

Format -- Defines the format specifier for the length field. The minimum required is %s, which creates character string of the member length.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the length attribute. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the length. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual length value output for each member. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Center of Gravity Report dialog box, the length could be truncated or omitted altogether. Fireproofing Weight - Turns on or off the output of the fireproofing weight for the member.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the fireproofing weight. The minimum required is %f, which creates a floating point representation of the fireproofing weight.  Heading -- Defines the column header for the fireproofing weight. Use a \ to break the header to a second line.  Col -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the fireproofing weight value. This starting column is used for both the column heading (at the top of the page) and the actual fireproofing weight. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Center of Gravity Reports dialog box, the weight can be truncated or omitted. Separation Line - Unlike the other toggle fields on this dialog box, this option does not control a specific attribute of the members. Instead, it specifies whether or not a line that separates the column heading from the report data should be displayed. Line Character - If the Separation Line option is on, this key-in field is used to specify which text character should be used to form the separation line under the column heading. Any ASCII character is valid.

See Also Center of Gravity Reports (on page 365) Center of Gravity Report Header Format (on page 367) Center of Gravity Report Totals Format (on page 373)


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Center of Gravity Report Totals Format The Formats > Totals command is used to define the total's format. Totals are output as a single line at the end of the report and can optionally list the total number of pieces (members), the overall structure's center of gravity, and the total structure weight. If the Report Width is greater than 85 columns, the entire report is not visible at the bottom of the dialog box. Use the < Left and Right > buttons to shift the display. When the totals format has been defined, choose the OK button to accept the format and return to the Center of Gravity Reports dialog box. Otherwise, choose Cancel to ignore the format changes and use the original values.

Piece Count - Turns on or off the output of the total number of pieces, or members, included in the report.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the piece count total, for more information, see Center of Gravity Reports (on page 365). The minimum required format specifier is %d, which outputs the number of pieces as an integer number. You can also define a prefix or suffix to this specifier if you want.  Starting Column -- Specifies the position (column) of the first character in the piece count. If this column number is near or exceeds the Report Width specified on the main Center of Gravity Reports dialog box, the piece count could be truncated or omitted altogether. Center of Gravity - Turns on or off the output of the structure's center of gravity.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the center of gravity value. The minimum required is %s,%s,%s that creates a character string that contains the center of gravity coordinate location.  Starting Column -- Defines the position (column number) in the report output line where the center of gravity field begins. Total Weight - Turns on or off the output of the total weight of all members in the report.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the total weight value. The required component of the specifier is %f, which outputs the total weight as a floating point value.  Starting Column -- Defines the position (column number) in the report output line where the total weight field begins. Total Fireproof Weight - Turns on or off the total fireproofing weight of all members in the report.  Format -- Defines the format specifier for the total fireproofing weight value. The required component of the specifier is %f, which outputs the total fireproofing weight as a floating point value.  Starting Column -- Defines the position (column number) in the report output line where the total fireproofing weight field begins.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Utilities See Also Center of Gravity Report Data Format (on page 369) Center of Gravity Report Header Format (on page 367)

Review Element The Utilities > Review Element command displays an existing member's database and geometric attributes (or a group of members' attributes using a selection set). You can review members from the local model as well as members in attached model partitions. You can save the information displayed in the Review Element dialog to an ASCII file using the File> Save As command at the top of the dialog box. Depending on the member type you select, linear or solid, the Review Member dialog box displays different parameters. Refer to the corresponding parameters list (below) for the member type you have selected.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Utilities Linear Member's Review Element Parameters

ID - Displays the member's unique member ID. This number is assigned automatically by FrameWorks Plus at placement and is unique for this model. If the label is enclosed in asterisks (for example, * ID: 12 *) this indicates that the member is from an attached model partition, not the local model. Model ID - Displays the member's model ID number. The Model ID is assigned when a model is created and should be unique for each model in a project. Type - Displays the member type: beam, column, vertical brace, or horizontal brace. Name - Displays the member's name. Start Section - Displays the section name assigned to the member's End 1. This field displays Section Undefined if the member is an undefined member and has no assigned section property.

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Utilities End Section - Displays the section name assigned to the member's End 2. If this section does not match the Start Section section, the member is tapered. This field displays Section Undefined if the member is an undefined member and has no assigned section property. Section library - Displays the section library name that the section was extracted from. This can be a standard section library or a user section library (for user-defined sections). This field displays the word Inactive if the section is from a user section library that is not attached to the model. Material - Displays the member's material assignment (Steel, Concrete, Timber, Plastic, Aluminum, or "Other"). FP - Displays the fireproofing type applied to the member. Grade - Displays the material grade assigned to the member. FP Thickness - Displays the fireproofing's thickness on the member. Class - Displays the member's class value. FP Length - Displays the length of the fireproofing assigned to the member. Created - Displays the date and time that the member was created. Modified - Displays the date and time the member was last modified. Named Groups - Displays all the named groups that the member belongs to. End Point 1 - Displays both the coordinates of the member's first end as well as the member offset at this end (if any). The end point coordinates are enclosed within parenthesis () and the offset within brackets [ ]. The offset is measured from the current member's location to the member's original location. End Point 2 - Displays both the coordinates of the member's second end as well as the member offset at this end (if any). The end point coordinates are enclosed within parenthesis () and the offset within brackets [ ]. The offset is measured from the current member's location to the member's original location. OV - Displays the Orientation Vector (OV) as a normalized vector triad. CP - Lists the member's Cardinal Point value. Reflect - Displays the member section's reflect status. Rotation - Displays the rotation angle of the section relative to the Orientation Vector. Radius - Displays the arc member's radius. Center - Displays the arc member's center point location. Cutbacks - Displays the member's cutback information, including the member's cutback priority, defined planar cutback, and defined copes. Releases/Support - Displays the member's releases and supports. Releases are displayed on top and supports on bottom. Member Specification - Displays the member specification assign to the member. The member specification is written to the STAAD and GTSTRUDL input decks. Design - Displays the member's design parameters. Code - Displays the member's code parameters. Constraint name - Displays the name of the GTSTRUDL member constraint assigned to the member. If you are using STAAD, this field is not applicable to you.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Utilities Solid Member's Review Element Parameters

ID - Displays the solid's unique member ID. This number is assigned automatically by FrameWorks Plus at placement and is unique for this model. If the label is enclosed in asterisks (for example, * ID: 12 *) this indicates that the member is from an attached partition, not the local model. Model ID - Displays the member's model ID number. The Model ID is assigned when a model is created and should be unique for each model in a project. 3D Type - Displays the solid's member type: Slab, Wall, or Solid. Name - Displays the solid's member name. Material - Displays the material assigned to the solid (Steel, Concrete, Timber, Plastic, Aluminum, or "Other"). Grade - Displays the solid's material grade.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Utilities Class - Displays the solid's class value. Created - Displays the date and time that the solid was created. Modified - Displays the date and time the solid was last modified. Named Groups - Displays all the named groups that the solid belongs to. Thickness - Displays the solid member's thickness. The top and bottom of the solid must be parallel, otherwise the thickness will not display. Volume - Displays the solid member's total volume. Net Volume - Displays the solid member's net volume. Net volume is the solid's total volume minus the volumes of any holes in the solid member. Surface Area - Displays the solid member's total surface area. This field does not display if you are reviewing a hole. Net Surface Area - Displays the solid member's net surface area. Net surface area is the solid member's total surface area minus the surface areas of any holes in the solid member. This field does not display if you are reviewing a hole. Centroid - Displays the solid member's centroid coordinates. Number of Holes - Displays the number of holes in the solid.

See Also Locate Element By Attributes (on page 378) Locate Element By Design/Code Parameters (on page 381)

Locate Element By Attributes The Utilities > Locate Element > By Attributes command finds FrameWorks Plus members in the active and attached models by specifying member attributes to look for. You can search for members based on: material, member type, class, cutback, RBJ assigned, material grade, section, element ID, name, percent flooded, assembly, coating, end connection, fabricator name, fabricator note, member subtype, design status, piece mark, or user attributes. In addition to these attributes, you can optionally filter the members by creation or modification date and time.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Utilities After the members are found, you can optionally add them to a selection set for processing with another command, add them to a named group, highlight them, or zoom in on them in a view. This command is especially useful for finding elements by member ID after receiving an error message listing the member ID that caused the problem.

Material Type - Select the material type to search for. You can select from: steel, concrete, aluminum, plastic, timber, or other. Member Type - Select the member type to search for. You can select from: beams, columns, vertical braces, horizontal braces, slabs, walls, or solids. Class - Select the member class (0 through 9) to search for. Cutback - Select the cutback type to search for: Planar, SmartCut, or Any Cutback. For more information on cutback types, see Compute Cutbacks (on page 324) and SmartCut (on page 329).

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Utilities RBJ - Select the rule-based joint type to search for. For more information on rule-based joints, see Create Rule Based Joint (on page 310). Element ID - Select to search for members with the specified element ID. Name - Select to search for members with the specified name. Nodes - Select to search for member with additional nodes. For more information on placing additional nodes on members, see Create Intermediate Node (on page 282). Grade - Select to search for members with a specified grade. You must key in the grade name using the correct case. For example, if you enter a36 when looking for members with grade A36, FrameWorks Plus will not find the members. You must key in A36. For more information on material grades, see Modify Material Grade (on page 244). Section - Select to search for members with a specific section size. You must key in the section name using the correct case. For example, if you enter w10x30 when looking for members with section W10X30, FrameWorks Plus will not find the members. You must key in W10X30. More - Select to activate a second dialog box on which you can define more member attributes to search for. For more information about these attributes, see Modify Additional Attributes (on page 247). Filter Elements By Date - Select to additionally filter members by creation or modification date. You can select:  On or Before - Members created or modified on or before the date and time that you specify.  On or After - Members created or modified on or after the date and time that you specify.  Between - Members created or modified between two dates and times that you specify. Dates must be entered using month/day/year as the format. Times must be entered using military time and using hour:minutes:seconds as the format. Filtering elements by date is an optional filter and must be used in conjunction with another attribute option. Highlight all items found - Toggle on to highlight all the members in the model that match the search criteria. Zoom to item - Toggle on to zoom in on members that match the search criteria. You need to select the view that you want to use to zoom in on the member. Use the Prev and Next buttons to step through a group of members zooming in on each member of the group. Make selection set with results - Toggle on to create a selection set that includes all members that match the search criteria. Add to Named Group - Select to add all members that match the search criteria to a named group. For more information on named groups, see Named Groups (on page 245). Locate from Attached Models - Toggle on to search all the attached models in addition to the local model. Results - Displays how many members match the search criteria. If you use the Prev and Next buttons to step through the group, the Results area displays which member of the group you are on. Prev - Displays the previous member of the found group. This option is useful if you want to highlight or zoom in on individual members of the group. Next - Displays the next member of the found group. This option is useful if you want to highlight or zoom in on individual members of the group. OK - Starts the locate process using the attributes and options defined.


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Utilities See Also Locate Element By Attributes (on page 378) Locate Element By Design/Code Parameters (on page 381) Review Element (on page 374)

Locate Element By Design/Code Parameters The Utilities > Locate Element > By Design/Code Parameters command finds FrameWorks Plus members in the model that have corrupted code or design parameters.

Members with corrupted Code Parameters - Select to locate members with corrupted code parameters. Replace with default parameters - Select Yes to replace corrupted code parameters with default code parameters. Members with corrupted Design Parameters - Select to locate members with corrupted design parameters. This option is only available if GTSTRUDL is selected as the 3rd party software. Replace with default parameters - Select Yes to replace corrupted design parameters with default design parameters. Members with default Code Parameters - Select to locate members with default code parameters. Members with default Design Parameters - Select to locate members with default design parameters. This option is only available if GTSTRUDL is selected as the 3rd party software. Create log file - Select to create a log file. The log file location is displayed below this option.

See Also Locate Element By Attributes (on page 378) Locate Element By Design/Code Parameters (on page 381) Review Element (on page 374)

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Review Log File The Utilities > Review Log File command opens any log file created by FrameWorks Plus so you can review the results. You can view log files from Batch Cutouts, Verify Model, and other processes.

File - Open Log File - Specifies which cutout log file you want to open and review. Log file display area - Displays the selected log file. Cancel - Exits the dialog box.

Review Section Library The Utilities > Section > Review command reviews section names in the section libraries and reviews section properties. This same dialog box is used for the Select Section function, which is activated by Select buttons found on several different dialog boxes throughout FrameWorks Plus. The Select function is often used instead of keying in a section name or browsing the section library for a specific section name. You can review the standard section library and/or the user section library if one is active. The Section Library command is used to attach or detach a user section library. The large section list box on the lower half of the dialog box is where section names and properties are displayed. All sections that match the section type and search string criteria in the active section library are listed. An informational field at the top of the list box displays the number and type found, for example, 200 Channels Found. If there are no sections in the active library of the specified type or none matching the search string, the message No Sections Found displays. To review a specific section's properties, select the section name from the list box, and then click Properties to review the geometric and engineering properties.


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Utilities If you are reviewing arbitrary section properties, you can edit the arbitrary section's torsional constant (J) and/or it's shear center by double-clicking on that property. Key in the new torsional constant or shear center in the field that displays, and then click Accept. Choose the Continue button to return to the section table review mode, where all section names are displayed in the list box. When you are using the Select Section function (clicking Select on a dialog box), you can review section names and properties as described above. You can also select a specific section to become the active section. To do this, select the section name from the list, and then click Select.

Library - Specifies which library, standard or user, from which to review or select sections. This option is disabled when no user section library is active (standard library only). Name - Displays the library being reviewed. Section Type - Specifies the section type to be reviewed or selected. Search String - Defines a search string, which is used as a filter for displaying sections that contains a certain set of characters. For example, when reviewing I sections from the AISC library, if you specify a search string of W14, FrameWorks Plus displays only those sections whose names start with the string "W14". If this field is blank, all sections of the specified type are displayed.

See Also Change Cell File (on page 43) Create User Section (on page 384) Create User Section Table (on page 18) Interactive Section Tables (IST) (on page 43) Save FWP Settings (on page 112)

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Utilities Section Library (on page 42)

Create User Section The Utilities > Sections > Create command allows you to build your own nonstandard sections and store them in the project's user section library. After being created, these sections can be retrieved and used in any model in your project. Before using this command, make certain that you have a user section library attached. Otherwise, a warning message displays when the command is selected. You can create sections of any of the available parametric section types. These section types include both standard steel sections (I-sections, channels, and so forth) as well as typical concrete section types (joist, inverted tee, half-joist, and so forth). In addition, you can create your own arbitrary sections from generic MicroStation graphics and have FrameWorks Plus calculate the section's engineering properties. 

Because mills use a different fillet radii, sections are created using square corners. No fillets are considered when calculating properties. You need to edit the section properties after creating the section to get correct weight calculations.  FrameWorks Plus cannot calculate the torsional constant for some complex arbitrary sections. You can manually edit the arbitrary section's torsional constant and the shear center using the Review Section Library (on page 382) command. If you are planning on creating arbitrary sections with curved edges, keep in mind that FrameWorks Plus only supports circular arcs (one radius ellipses) for creating arbitrary sections. You cannot create arbitrary sections using ellipses (two radius ellipses) graphics. Graphics used to create the arbitrary section must be in a plan (top) view and be either a MicroStation shape or complex shape. You can also use an existing section from either the standard or user section libraries as a template, or seed section, to retrieve the geometric properties from a section already in the library, making modifications as necessary, and store the new section by another name. Material properties (f'c, Fy, Fu, and Density) for all user sections are read from the grade.dat file.


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Utilities The name assigned to any user section must be unique to both the user and standard section libraries, unless you are redefining an existing user section.

Section Types - Specifies the section type you are creating: Steel or Concrete. The value of this setting changes the section shapes available on the Shape option list. Shape - Lists all available shapes for the section type selected with the Section Types item.

Use Seed Section - Defines if a seed section is used. Key in the seed section's name in the key-in field. The seed section can be from either the standard or user section library. When a section name is entered, the properties from the selected section display in the Section Parameters area. Name - Specifies a name for the section being created. The specified name should be unique with no more than 24 characters and no spaces. If a section of the same name exists in the standard section library, an error message displays. If another section of the same name already exists in

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Utilities the user section library, you are asked if you want to overwrite the existing section. FrameWorks Plus converts section names to all upper case letters. If you are creating an arbitrary section, the first six characters of the name must be unique to any other arbitrary section name. Arbitrary section shapes are stored in a MicroStation cell library using the first six characters for the cell name. If the first six characters in the name are not unique, unpredictable results can occur when displaying arbitrary section shapes. In addition, you cannot use spaces in an arbitrary section name. Depending on the section shape you have selected, not all of the following properties will display. Depth - Specify the section's depth. Width - Specify the section's width. Diameter - Specify the section's diameter. Thickness - Specify the section's thickness. Flange Width - Specify the section's flange width. Flange Thickness - Specify the section's flange thickness. Web Thickness - Specify the section's web thickness. Vertical Leg - Specify the section's vertical leg. Horizontal Leg - Specify the section's horizontal leg. BtoB Spacing - Specify the section's back-to-back spacing. Bottom Width - Specify the section's bottom width. Lower Web Thickness - Specify the section's lower web thickness. Clear - Clears values from the section parameters fields. Create - Creates the section. FrameWorks Plus uses the user-specified geometry to compute all related section properties and write the new section to the attached user section library. The new section is immediately available for use in the model. If you are creating an arbitrary section and haven't placed a MicroStation fence around the arbitrary section's foot print, clicking Create will prompt you to place a fence. Once the fence is placed, you will need to click Create again to create the section. Cancel - Exits the command.

Steel Detailing The Utilities > Sections > Detailing command activates the Steel Detailing tool box. The Steel Detailing commands place generic MicroStation graphics that look like FrameWorks Plus cross sections, section elevations, and section plans. However, because these are generic MicroStation graphics, they are not associated with the FrameWorks Plus model in any way. In fact, you need to use MicroStation commands to move, copy, and delete graphics placed with these commands.

To access the Steel Detailing commands while in generic MicroStation, key in mdl load dtail in the MicroStation command key-in field.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Utilities Place Cross Section places a cross-section graphic of the selected section. Place Section Elevation places a section as it would look in an elevation view. Place Section Plan places a section as it would look in a plan view. Drawing Trim Line edits frozen view graphics when the automatic process end treatments option is inadequate for special connections.

Place Cross Section The Place Cross Section command places a cross-section graphic in the design file. To access the Steel Detailing commands while in generic MicroStation, key in mdl load dtail in the MicroStation command key-in field.

Active Section Library - Displays the active section library. You can place cross-sections from either the standard section library or the user section library. Section - Displays the active cross-section to place. You can key in a new cross-section size or click Select to browse the section library for a section. Select - Displays the Select Section dialog box that you can use to select another cross section type and/or size.

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Utilities CP - Defines the cardinal point to place the cross-section by. The standard ten FrameWorks Plus cardinal points are available.

Rotation - Specifies the cross-section's placement angle. You can select the four main angles (0, 90, 180, and 270) from the option list or key in the rotation angle. Reflect - Reflects the section about a horizontal and/or vertical axis. Crosshatch - Displays crosshatches on the cross-section. Symbology - Activates the Graphic Symbology dialog box. For more information, see Graphic Symbology (on page 391).

Place Section Elevation The Place Section Elevation command places a section graphic in the design file as it would appear in an elevation view. To access the Steel Detailing commands while in generic MicroStation, key in mdl load dtail in the MicroStation command key-in field.

Active Section Library - Displays the active section library. You can place sections from either the standard section library or the user section library. Section - Displays the active section to place. You can key in a new section size or click Select to browse the section library for a section. Select - Displays the Select Section dialog box that you can use to select another section type and/or size.


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Utilities CP - Defines the cardinal point to place the section by. The standard ten FrameWorks Plus cardinal points are available.

Reflect - Reflects the section about the horizontal and/or vertical axis. Symbology - Activates the Graphic Symbology dialog box. For more information, see Graphic Symbology (on page 391).

Place Section Plan The Place Section Plan command places a section graphic in the design file as it would appear in a plan view. To access the Steel Detailing commands while in generic MicroStation, key in mdl load dtail in the MicroStation command key-in field.

Active Section Library - Displays the active section library. You can place sections from either the standard section library or the user section library. Section - Displays the active section to place. You can key in a new section size or click Select to browse the section library for a section. Select - Displays the Select Section dialog box, which you can use to select another section type and/or size.

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Utilities CP - Define the cardinal point to place the section by. The standard ten FrameWorks Plus cardinal points are available.

Reflect - Reflects the section about the horizontal and/or vertical axis. Symbology - Activates the Graphic Symbology dialog box. For more information, see Graphic Symbology (on page 391).

Drawing Trim Line The Drawing Trim Line command edits frozen view graphics when the automatic process end treatments option is inadequate for special connections. No automatic updates of the Model are made when using this command. This command edits only the Frozen View graphics, not the graphics placed using other Steel Detailing commands. This command is not available in the FrameWorks Plus modeling environment. 1. Open the frozen view file in generic MicroStation. 2. Type mdl load dtail to activate the Steel Detailing commands. 3. Place a trim line. The trim line can be a MicroStation's linestring or complex linestring, shape or complex shape, or circle or ellipse. An element in a reference file can also be selected. 4. Select the Drawing Trim Line command. 5. Select the member to cut (in the frozen view). 6. Select the trim line.


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Graphic Symbology The Symbology button defines the graphic display parameters for the members, hidden lines, and crosshatches created using the Steel Detailing commands.

Level - Defines the level (1-63) on which the graphic is placed. Color - Defines the color (0-254) of the graphic. You can key in the color number, or select a color from the color palette. Style - Defines the line style (0-7) of the graphic. You can key in a line style number, or select the line style from the pulldown list. Weight - Defines the line weight (0-15) of the graphic. You can key in a line weight number, or select the line weight from the pulldown list. Hatch Angle - Specifies the crosshatch line angle. Spacing Factor - Specifies the spacing between the crosshatch lines (in sub-units).

Create Mapping File The Utilities > Create Mapping File command creates an ASCII mapping file for the model's active section table and 3rd party application. Many times, FrameWorks Plus and 3rd party applications use different names for the exact same section. The mapping file solves the naming conflicts by mapping section names in FrameWorks Plus to section names in the other applications. This command creates a mapping file for the model's active section table and 3rd party software. The mapping file is named after the active 3rd Party Software and the active section table and is created in the project\int directory with a .fmf extension. For example, aisc_GTSTRUDL.fmf is the map file for the AISC table to GTSTRUDL section names. You need to create a mapping file for each section table/application combination you plan to use. The mapping file created by this command is a template. FrameWorks Plus does write known-to-be-different section names to the mapping file. However, you are responsible for verifying, editing, updating, and maintaining the 3rd party application section names in the file.

Mapping File Format The mapping file is an ASCII formatted file with six columns of information. Each column must be separated by at least one space or tab character Comment lines should start with an exclamation point (!). Lines are limited to 132 characters in length. The last line in the file must contain the word FINISH in the first column.

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Utilities 

Column 1 -- Indicates the section type (channel, angle, and so forth) or contains an exclamation point if it is a comment line. The section indicators are: 1 - I-section; 2 - Channels; 3 - Angles; 4 - Tees; 5 - Double Angles; 6 - Double Channels; 7 - Rectangular Tubes; 8 Rectangular Solids; 9 - Pipes; 10 - Solid Rounds; 11 - NOT USED; 12 - Trapezoidal; 13 Inverted Tees; 14 - Inverted Angles; 15 - Joist; 16 - Half Joists; and 17 - Arbitrary Sections.  Column 2 -- Should always contain the letters FWP.  Column 3 -- Contains the name of the section as it is called in FrameWorks Plus.  Column 4 -- Should always contain the letters ANL.  Column 5 -- Contains the name of the section table in the 3rd party application. If the 3rd party application does not require the section table name, the word DUMMY should be used.  Column 6 -- Contains the name of the section as it is called in the 3rd party application. It is your responsibility to edit the section name in this column to match the section name in the 3rd party software. Here is an example of a mapping file. Because mapping files can be quite long, only a few lines are shown. 1 FWP W44X285 1 FWP W44X248 1 FWP W44X224 1 FWP W44X198 ! FINISH



W44X285 W44X248 W44X224 W44X198

Reference PDS Model The Reference PDS Model command attaches and detaches models from the PDS project to the model as reference files. The model to attach can be from any discipline and design area in the project. You must use the FrameWorks Plus Attach Model command to attach another Frameworks Plus model if you want to see the intelligence of that model. If you attach a FrameWorks Plus model to another FrameWorks Plus model using this command, it will appear to be a generic MicroStation reference file.


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Utilities Disciplines - Lists all disciplines. Select the discipline that contains the model you want to attach; then, click Attach. Areas - Lists all design areas defined in the active project. Select the design area that contains the model you want to attach; then, click Attach. Area/Model - Specifies whether to attach all models in a design area or an individual model.  Attach by Area -- Attaches all models in the selected design area.  Attach by Model -- Displays all models in the design area so you can select which model you want to attach. Propagated/Sparse - Specify whether you want to attach the sparse model or the corresponding propagated model. This option only displays if you are attaching a structural model. Attach - Attaches a reference model. You must select a Discipline and a Design Area before you can select a reference model to attach. Detach - Detaches the selected reference model. You must click Show Attachments and select the reference model you want to detach before clicking Detach. Show Attachments - Displays all reference models attached to the active model. Exit - Exits the Reference Model command.

See Also Area Volume Graphics (on page 397) Review PDS Attributes (on page 395) Review PDS Clash (on page 393) Window to Named PDS Item (on page 396)

Review PDS Clash The Review PDS Clash command edits and reviews existing clashes and approves existing clashes.

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Utilities In order to review clashes involving structural models, the structural models must be created as propagated and sparse. The models must be propagated through batch propagation.

Project Name - Displays the active project name. Design Area - Displays the active design area name. Clash Type - Displays the clash type. Date - Displays the date and time the clashes were detected. Unapprove Clash - Changes the status of the clash from approved to unapproved. Approve Real Clash - Approves the clash as a real clash in the Project Control Database. Approve False Clash - Approves the clash as a false clash in the Project Control Database. Review Unapproved Clash / Review Approved Clash - Specifies if you want to review approved or unapproved clashes. Clash Marker - Displays the number of the current clash. Select a marker number with the left and right arrows, or select the field and key in a marker number. Item A - Displays the model name and the corresponding design area that has the one item of the clash. The descriptions of the clashing component display below the model name and design area. Item B - Displays the model name and the corresponding design area that has the one item of the clash. The descriptions of the clashing component display below the model name and design area. Comments - Displays existing comments about the active clash. You can also select the field and type in any additional information. Highlight Clash - Highlights the clash in the selected view.


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Utilities Select View - Zooms in and updates the selected view. Click Select View then select the view you want to update.

See Also Area Volume Graphics (on page 397) Reference PDS Model (on page 392) Review PDS Attributes (on page 395) Window to Named PDS Item (on page 396)

Review PDS Attributes The Review PDS Attributes command displays the database attributes of a selected component. Items being reviewed can be in the active model or in an attached PDS reference file. To view pipe centerlines (to review line segments), you need to display construction type elements. Use the MicroStation Settings> View Attributes> Turn On Construction command.

Attribute Name - Lists the item's attributes. Value - Displays the item's attribute value that is defined in the database. Close - Exits the Review PDS Attributes dialog box.

See Also Area Volume Graphics (on page 397) Reference PDS Model (on page 392) Review PDS Clash (on page 393) Window to Named PDS Item (on page 396)

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Window to Named PDS Item The Window to Named PDS Item command zooms in on an item whose attribute you identify. You can search for items in the active model or in attached PDS reference files.

Active Model / Reference Files - Specifies whether to look for the item in the active model or in the attached reference files. Discipline - Specifies the discipline of the item you are looking for. You can select: Piping, Equipment, PE HVAC, or Raceway. Depending on which discipline you select, the item attributes you can search for changes.  Piping Attributes -- Line Number Label, Line ID, Inspection Iso ID, Piping Component Number, Pipe Tag, Instrument Component Number, or Pipe Support Number  Equipment Attributes -- Equipment Number or Equipment and Nozzle Number  PE HVAC Attributes -- System ID or Item ID  Raceway Attributes -- RCP Tag, One Line Tag, Drop Point Tag, or Equipment ID Item Name - Specify the attribute value to search for. Restore View of Model - Restores the view setting.

See Also Area Volume Graphics (on page 397) Reference PDS Model (on page 392) Review PDS Attributes (on page 395) Review PDS Clash (on page 393)


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Area Volume Graphics The Area Volume Graphics command displays the interference checking and design areas in the model so that you can see their location. Before you can see the volumes in FrameWorks Plus, you must turn on the Constructions view attribute. You can activate the View Attributes dialog box by pressing CTRL+B. In addition, the following system environment variables must be defined to control the symbology and level of the volumes:  AREA_VOLUME_GRAPHICS_COLOR  AREA_VOLUME_GRAPHICS_WEIGHT  AREA_VOLUME_GRAPHICS_STYLE  AREA_VOLUME_GRAPHICS_LEVEL

Place Diagonal Lines - Displays diagonal lines within the volume marker for easier identification in the model. Add/Revise - Select the area to add to the model. Remove - Removes the selected area from the model. Hilite - Highlights the area in the model. Update - Updates areas that are already displayed in the model. Use this command if the boundaries of the area are changed. Show - Adds the selected area to the model. Exit - Closes the dialog box and exits the command.

See Also Reference PDS Model (on page 392) Review PDS Attributes (on page 395) Review PDS Clash (on page 393) Window to Named PDS Item (on page 396)

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Customizing FrameWorks Plus FrameWorks Plus is designed to provide maximum flexibility, both in modeling as well as creating drawings and reports. To be flexible, FrameWorks Plus uses many of the tools available in MicroStation, as well as some that are specific to FrameWorks Plus. To provide a high degree of customization but still keep things as simple as possible, all parameters and configurations are default driven. That is, FrameWorks Plus provides a reasonable default value for each parameter, which you can override as needed.

In This Appendix Environment Variables ................................................................... 399 User Preference Sets .................................................................... 402 FrameWorks Plus Settings ............................................................ 403 Seed Files ...................................................................................... 403

Environment Variables There are several environment variables in the ..\fwplus\data\config.dat file that you can set to customize FrameWorks Plus. When you create a project (or open a model in a project created prior to version 3.2), FrameWorks Plus copies the config.dat file in the ..\fwplus\data folder to the project's \data folder. The project config.dat file is the one FrameWorks Plus reads when opening a model in that project. FrameWorks Plus does not read the config.dat file in the ..\fwplus\data directory. Because the config.dat file is kept on a project basis, you can edit the individual project config.dat files to have different setting for different projects. This is especially useful if you access imperial and metric projects from the same computer. You can set environment variables in Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables; however, we do not recommend it. FrameWorks Plus reads the config.dat file last when starting, and overwrites any duplicate environment variables that were defined in your control panel. Having environment variables defined in both the control panel and the config.dat file can cause confusion when trying to change variable settings. You can use UNC (Universal Naming Convention) paths for directory locations. For example, instead of mounting a server that contains your section tables, you can define the directory using the syntax: FW_ESL_DIR= \\servername\sharename\esl\  

  

FWBIN—Sets the location of the FrameWorks Plus bin directory. FW_AUTO_COMPRESS—Specifies if the model database should be compressed automatically when you exit the model. Set to 0 (zero) to not compress the model. Set to 1 to compress the model. Compressing a very large model can cause a pause during model exiting while the model database is being compressed. FW_BDR_DIR—Sets the location of drawing border files. FW_DATA—Sets the location of the FrameWorks Plus data directory. This is useful when you want to use different grade.dat and attributes.dat files for different projects. FW_ESL_DIR—Sets the location of standard section libraries (aisc, cisc, and so forth).

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Customizing FrameWorks Plus 

 

   

    


FW_USER_ESL—Sets the location of user section libraries. You must put corresponding cell libraries for arbitrary sections in this same location. We recommend that you define this environment variable after creating a new project. This variable requires a UNC path name so that the user section table works correctly when you run the Propagation command from the PD-Shell Frameworks Plus dialog box. FW_NMDGRPS—Defines the location of the .ngp file (the named groups file) to use. If not defined here, the project .ngp file is used by default. FW_PRODUCT—Sets the location of the main FrameWorks Plus directory. This variable must be set to start FrameWorks Plus using the mdl load fwp MicroStation key-in and to create models using the command-line key-in command cremod. FW_PREFERENCE—Sets the full directory path and file name for the default preference file. Use this environment variable to use a preference file other than the default fw.rsc or fwm.rsc file. You can also set the default preference editor by using the File> Central Preference Editor command. FW_PROJDIR—Sets the location of the directory that contains the project. FW_RSC_DIR—Specifies the directory path to FrameWorks Plus resource, or preference, files. FW_SEEDDIR—Sets the location of seed files used to create new models inside PD_Shell. FW_SOLID_STROKE—Specifies the stroking tolerance factors for the maximum distance between a solid's actual curve and the approximating vectors. The greater the number, the less processing time that is required to display the solid or calculated the solid's volume/surface. However, the curve representation, and any volume calculations, will not be as precise. For example, a setting of 0.1 will cause faster processing, but the results will be less precise than a setting of 0.001. We recommend that you use a higher stroking tolerance setting until you are ready to produce your final deliverables. Then you need to use a lower stroking tolerance setting for these operations. FW_SDNF_NUMOFSOLIDS_PER_INSTANCE—Specifies that the steel detailing neutral file (SDNF) be imported in multiple stages. Defining this variable is necessary only if the SDNF contains a large number of holes and solids. FW_VOLUME_TOL—Specifies the tolerance for calculating the volume of solid elements (slabs, wall, and generic solids). The lower the tolerance, the longer the volume calculation will take, but it will be more accurate. Set this tolerance with care. For example, volume calculations on a slab with a circular hole can take several hours if the tolerance is set to 0.0001. However, with the tolerance set to 0.01, the calculation would take 5 seconds. FWSUPFONTNUM—Specifies the font for the FrameWorks Plus member support labels, the pie-shaped labels used to identify supports applied to a member. Do not edit this environment variable unless you plan to create your own support labels. The default font is 34. FWRELFONTNUM—Specifies the font for the FrameWorks Plus member release labels, the box-shaped labels used to identify releases applied to a member. Do not edit this environment variable unless you plan to create your own release labels. The default font is 35. PML_CEL—Sets the location of the cell file that contains PML tutorials. FW_STAAD_VER—Specifies the version of STAAD that you are using. Must be set to version 14.2 or later. Sg—Defines the gravity of seawater. This value is multiplied by the water density to compute the density of seawater and is used by FrameWorks Plus in MDP buoyancy calculations. WaterDensity_e—Defines the density of water in imperial units. WaterDensity_m—Defines the density of water in metric units.

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Customizing FrameWorks Plus 

  

HullGap_e—Specifies the default value that appears in Create Rule Based Joint (on page 310) for Set to to define the required gap between the target and secondary member measured along the supporting member. Used in imperial models. HullGap_m—Specifies the default value that appears in Create Rule Based Joint (on page 310) for Set to to define the required gap between the target and secondary member measured along the supporting member. Used in metric models. CLGapFactor_e—Specifies the factor to use to calculate the maximum centerline gap between the target member and the secondary member for a rule-based joint. The factor specified here is multiplied by the diameter of the supporting member. The result is compared with the actual centerline gap. If the gap is greater than the result, eccentricity is introduced into the joint and a message appears. Used in imperial models. CLGapFactor_m—Specifies the factor to use to calculate the maximum centerline gap between the target member and the secondary member for a rule-based joint. The factor specified here is multiplied by the diameter of the supporting member. The result is compared with the actual centerline gap. If the gap is greater than the result, eccentricity is introduced into the joint and a message appears. Used in metric models. RBJTolerance_e—Specifies the percentage tolerance that you will accept between the actual gap and the required gap. FrameWorks Plus computes the tolerance using the following equation: [(Actual gap - Required gap) / Required gap] x 100% = tolerance percentage. The calculated tolerance is compared with the tolerance specified here. Used in imperial models. RBJTolerance_m—Specifies the percentage tolerance that you will accept between the actual gap and the required gap. FrameWorks Plus computes the tolerance using the following equation: [(Actual gap - Required gap) / Required gap] x 100% = tolerance percentage. The calculated tolerance is compared with the tolerance specified here. Used in metric models. LminTolerance_e—Not used in FrameWorks Plus version 7.2 or earlier. LminTolerance_m—Not used in FrameWorks Plus version 7.2 or earlier. DiameterToRoll_e—Defines the rolling process. Pipe sections less than or equal to this dimension are hot rolled. Diameters greater than this value are rolled plate. This flag is indicated in the MDP table 533, column 11. Used in imperial models. DiameterToRoll_m—Defines the rolling process. Pipe sections less than or equal to this dimension are hot rolled. Diameters greater than this value are rolled plate. This flag is indicated in the MDP table 533, column 11. Used in metric models. FW_MDP_CONTONERR—Continues with the next model if the MDP process encounters any MDL aborts in the current model. To use the (USE) function, uncomment the flag FW_MDP_CONTONERR = 1 in config.dat in the ..\fwplus\data folder.  

pdmdpSrv.exe (c:\win32app\ingr\pdshell\share\pdmdpSrv.exe) runs for every model during the MDP process; hence, its pop-up command prompt displays for every model. If ustation.exe crashes with a Dr.Watson error, this function is not supported. It only runs if there are aborts in the fwpmdp application (MDL aborts).

The fw.cfg and ist.cfg Files When you install FrameWorks Plus, the fw.cfg and ist.cfg files are delivered to the MicroStation folder $Microstation\config\appl and to the FrameWorks Plus folder (c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus by default). When FrameWorks Plus starts, either standalone or through PD_Shell, the ist.cfg and fw.cfg files in the MicroStation folder are used. If FrameWorks Plus cannot find the two files in that folder, then the files in the FrameWorks Plus folder are used.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Customizing FrameWorks Plus

User Preference Sets FrameWorks Plus provides maximum versatility by allowing you to define virtually all parameters that affect command operation: graphical symbology, levels, spacing, and so forth. The set of parameters for a specific command is called a preference set. A preference set contains command parameter values and a user-specified name. All commands are delivered with a default preference set, which defines the set of command parameters loaded when you first execute a command. You can redefine, or overwrite, the delivered default preference set to establish new default values, and you can create new preference sets with unique names. These preference sets are stored in the FrameWorks Plus resource file, or preference file. All commands that use preference sets also use a dialog box for data entry. At the top of the dialog box is a menu bar with a File pulldown menu. This pulldown menu provides access to three commands: Load, Save, and Save As.

The interface for loading or saving preference sets is identical for all FrameWorks Plus commands. To load an existing preference set, which loads the stored command parameters into the current dialog box, select the Load command. This activates a second-level dialog box that lists all available preference sets for the active command. Simply select a preference set name with the pointer. You can review the stored parameters by turning on the Review Preferences toggle. When this is on, the values for each preference set are displayed in the command dialog box. Click OK to accept the selected preference set. To exit without changing the existing command parameters (abort the Load operation), click OK without selecting a preference set name. To redefine the values of an existing preference set, set the parameters in the command dialog box, and then select the Save command from the File pulldown. This overwrites the values of the currently loaded preference set in the preference file. To create new preference sets, modify the current command parameters, and then select the Save As command. A dialog box displays in which you can specify the new name for the preference set. If you attempt to save a new preference set with the same name as an existing set, FrameWorks Plus asks you to confirm that it should overwrite the existing set. You can also create and modify preferences using the File> Preference Editor command. This command provides a central location for defining all preferences across FrameWorks Plus. FrameWorks Plus is delivered with two preference files in the ..\fwplus\data directory. These two files, fw.rsc and fwm.rsc, contain the default preference sets for models using English and metric units, respectively. These files are shared by all FrameWorks Plus users on the computer on which FrameWorks Plus is installed (they are not project- specific).


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Customizing FrameWorks Plus

FrameWorks Plus Settings In addition to preference sets that define the parameters for individual commands, there are a number of operating parameters that control the overall operation of FrameWorks Plus and certain groups of commands. These settings are defined using a number of commands and dialog boxes accessible from the Settings pulldown menu on the FrameWorks Plus command menu. Typical of settings that govern the overall operation of FrameWorks Plus are the Bell (on page 116) and Confirm Selection Set (see "Confirm Select Set" on page 116) commands. These commands turn on or off features that alert you to certain conditions that occur during the operation of FrameWorks Plus. Other settings commands are used to define default parameters for member placement and for the automatic member-naming feature (see AutoName (on page 134)). Two other commands enable or disable the member placement dynamics (see Dynamics (on page 141)), and the automatic grid snap (AutoSnap) feature (see AutoSnap (on page 142)). These settings are all part of the operating parameters for a FrameWorks Plus model and are stored in the FrameWorks Plus model database. To save or store the current settings, the Save FWP Settings command (see Save FWP Settings (on page 112)) is used. This operation is analogous to the MicroStation Save Settings command.

Seed Files The database for a FrameWorks Plus model consists of several files that include a 3D design file in which the graphical data is stored. FrameWorks Plus creates the model's design file by copying the existing seed design file of the specified units (for example, feet) from the seed directory (..\fwplus\seed). There is a separate seed file for each available unit of length. You can edit any of these seed files (using MicroStation) if you want to modify the delivered set of Working Units (model precision) or to set up other standard MicroStation parameters. Do not modify the seed file names or the actual Master Unit value in a specific file as FrameWorks Plus identifies a seed file by its name. (For example, the file seedf.dgn is the seed file for models created with Master Units of feet.) In addition, a separate set of seed files exists for drawing file creation. These files are used for drawing composition and plotting and are named dseedf.dgn (feet), dseedm.dgn (meters), and so forth. These can also be modified if needed, but you should not modify the name or master unit value.

Seed Models For settings that you cannot set in the MicroStation seed file, you can create a "seed model". You can then use the Copy Model (on page 19) command to create new models based on your seed model. Inside the PDS environment, you can select a seed model to use during model creation.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide



PDS and FrameWorks Plus This appendix explains how to incorporate FrameWorks Plus into the PDS environment.

In This Appendix Setup Information .......................................................................... 405 FrameWorks Environment ............................................................. 420 FrameWorks Plus and SmartPlant Review ................................... 431 FrameWorks Plus and PD_Clash .................................................. 433 FrameWorks Plus and Material Data Publisher ............................. 434

Setup Information You need to set up a project, a structural discipline design area, and create a FrameWorks Plus model before you can use FrameWorks Plus in the PDS environment. Always press ENTER when entering values in PD_Shell.

See Also FrameWorks Plus Categories (on page 419) Creating a Model in PD_Shell (on page 409) Creating a Model by ASCII File (on page 411) Creating a Structural Discipline Design Area (on page 407) Creating or Inserting a FrameWorks Plus Project (on page 406) Intergraph SmartPlant License Manager (on page 405) Shifting the FrameWorks Plus Global Origin to Match PDS Design Volume (on page 414)

Intergraph SmartPlant License Manager If you installed FrameWorks Plus using a PDS serial number, FrameWorks Plus uses one PDS 3D seat whenever you access FrameWorks Plus whether through PD_Shell, through the FrameWorks Plus icon, or by using the mdl load fwp key-in. FrameWorks Plus also uses one PDS 3D seat if you launch a batch process to create a SmartPlant Review file, an envelope file, or batch cutouts. Starting with version 7.2, FrameWorks Plus installed with a FrameWorks Plus serial number (as opposed to a PDS serial number) also requires Intergraph SmartPlant License Manager. FrameWorks Plus uses one FrameWorks Plus seat whenever you open FrameWorks Plus. FrameWorks Plus also takes one FrameWorks Plus seat when you use one of the command line utilities. For more information about the command line utilities, see Command Prompt Commands (on page 22). Because FrameWorks Plus uses a PDS seat or a FrameWorks Plus seat, you need to have Intergraph SmartPlant License Manager software on the same computer as FrameWorks Plus. See the SmartPlant Licensing Manager Installation and User’s Guide for more information.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


PDS and FrameWorks Plus

Creating or Inserting a FrameWorks Plus Project The first step in using FrameWorks Plus with PDS is to integrate existing FrameWorks Plus projects into a PDS project or to create a FrameWorks Plus project in the PDS project. If the FrameWorks Plus project already exists, only database entries are created in the "pd_project-database" in pdtable_116.  

The total path length to the FrameWorks Plus project including the drive letter and the required \'s is limited to 36 characters. To avoid creating models with incorrect working unit settings, adjust the working unit settings of FrameWorks Plus seed files after creating the projects, and before creating models.

FrameWorks Project Number - Specifies the FrameWorks Plus project name (the top- level project directory that appears in the Windows NT Explorer). This string can contain letters and/or numbers but no other special characters except the underscore (_) character. Names are limited to 14 characters. FrameWorks Project Name - Type a description for the project. FrameWorks File Directory - Type the full path to the directory where you want to store the project. Make sure you do not duplicate the project name in this path. For example: FrameWorks Plus Project Number: fwstr ---AND--FrameWorks Plus File Directory: c:\pds_proj_dir\project Will give you: c:\pds_proj_dir\project\fwstr\ c:\pds_proj_dir\project\fwstr\data c:\pds_proj_dir\project\fwstr\drw c:\pds_proj_dir\project\fwstr\esl


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

PDS and FrameWorks Plus c:\pds_proj_dir\project\fwstr\frz c:\pds_proj_dir\project\fwstr\int c:\pds_proj_dir\project\fwstr\mod c:\pds_proj_dir\project\fwstr\rpt Entering an extra \fwstr on the end of the FrameWorks Plus File Directory name could complicate the directory structure. If you key in c:\pds_proj_dir\project\fwstr for the directory name and fwstr for the Number, you will get c:\pds_proj_dir\project\fwstr\fwstr for the final FrameWorks Plus Subproject directory name. FrameWorks Network Address - Specifies the computer on which the FrameWorks Plus project is located. Enter the computer's name. Force Units - Specifies the force units to use by default for the member loads placed in this project. The force units are stored in the Standard Note Library List 1640. Standard Section Table - Specifies the standard section table to use by default for models created in this project. There are several standard section tables delivered with FrameWorks Plus. The standard section table location is read from the ..\fwplus\data\config.dat file. User Section Table - Specifies the user section table to use by default for models created in this project. List of Existing FrameWorks Projects - Lists all existing FrameWorks projects.

Create or Insert FrameWorks Plus Projects 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Click Start > Programs > PD_Shell > PD_Shell. Select a PDS project. Click Project Administrator. Click Project Setup Manager. Click Insert FrameWorks Project. Type the FrameWorks Project Number. Type a FrameWorks Project Name. Type a FrameWorks File Directory. Type the FrameWorks Network Address. Select the Force Units for the project. Select the Standard Section Table for the project. Select Accept.

Creating a Structural Discipline Design Area The design area is used to define virtual areas within the overall pds project. You need to associate a FrameWorks Plus project to a PDS design area. The design area is stored in pdtable_112. The association between the design area and the FrameWorks Plus project is stored in pdtable_117.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


PDS and FrameWorks Plus To delete a FrameWorks Plus subproject, you must delete the entries in pdtable_116 and pdtable_117.

Design Area Name - Type a name for the structural discipline design area. Use the same name for the Design Area as the FrameWorks Plus subproject for easier tracking. Description - Type a description for the design area. Structural Sub Project - Select the FrameWorks Plus project you want to associate with this design area. Click the field to see the available structural projects. No Interference Management Design Area / Interference Management Design Area Specifies if you want to define an Interference Management Design Area for this design area. We recommend that you select "No Interference Management Design Area." If you select Interference Management Design Area, a design_area_name.3 clash marker file is created in the pds project directory. (The 3 extension indicates the structural discipline number from pdtable_111).

Create a Structural Discipline Design Area 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Click Start > Programs > PD_Shell > PD_Shell. Select a PDS project. Click Project Administrator. Click Project Environment Manager. Click Create. Click Create Design Area Data Select Structural Discipline. Click Accept. Type a Design Area Name.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

PDS and FrameWorks Plus 10. Type a description for the Design Area. 11. Select the FrameWorks Plus project as the Structural Subproject by placing a data point in the field and selecting the subproject from the list of FrameWorks Plus subprojects. 12. Make sure No Interference Management Design Area is selected. 13. Click Accept.

Creating a Model in PD_Shell After the FrameWorks Plus project is added to the PDS project and the Design Area has been assigned, you can create FrameWorks Plus models. Model creation creates two entries in pdtable_113. The first entry stores the information about the model.dgn file. The second entry stores information about the model.prp file.

Model Number - Type a name for the model. Model names are limited to 10 characters. Seed Model - Select the seed model to use to create the model. The seed directory is defined in the project\data\config.dat file. If no seed model is selected, PDS creates a standard model based on the selected units. Frozen Model Name - Displays the name of the propagated model file. This is the Model Number name with a .prp extension. Model Description - Type a description for the model. Model Directory - Displays the directory the propagated model is created in. This directory is set when you create the FrameWorks Plus subproject and cannot be changed. Workstation/Server Name - Displays the name of the computer on which the model is saved. This is computer is set when you created the project and cannot be changed. Application Type - Displays the structural application type. Do not change this value. Model Status - Select a model status from the entries for code list set 1605. Model status is used for clash to exclude models for clash detection. The model status can be used to eliminate certain

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


PDS and FrameWorks Plus models, such as those considered to be preliminary or temporary, from clash checking or from SmartPlant Review. Force Units - Select the force units for loads placed in this model. We recommend that all models in the same project use the same force units. This option is not available if you are using a seed model. You cannot change force units after the model is created. Standard Section Table - Select the standard section table you want to use for the model. This option is not available if you are using a seed model. You cannot change the standard section table after the model is created. User Section Table - Select the user section table you want to use for the model. You can change the user section table after the model is created. The user section library must have been created using FrameWorks Plus Manager or from the command line. This option is not available if you are using a seed model. Third Party Software - Select the analysis software you plan to use on this model. You can select another application after the model is created. This option is not available if you are using a seed model. Design Code - Select the design code you plan to use on this model. You can select another design code after the model is created. This option is not available if you are using a seed model. Propagated and Sparse / Propagated Only - Select whether to create either a propagated and sparse model, or just a propagated model. Propagate and Sparse / Propagate Only toggle defines the process for Batch Propagation inside PDS with the Frozen Model Name model. Propagate Only copies the project related seed file into the project\frz directory and renames it, and propagates into the file. Propagate and Sparse copies the model.dgn file from the project\mod directory to the project\frz directory and propagates into the file. The batch propagation process uses the symbology from the first 3D isometric view defined in the FrameWorks Plus model. The model.prp file is used for Attach PDS Reference Model command, creating Isometric ASCII reference file, and SmartPlant Review sessions and labels. To generate Isometric ASCII file and to identify structural members for Pipe Support placement, you must use Propagate and Sparse option. We recommend that you regularly compress your .prp files. An easy way to compress is to use the Compress Directory command in MicroStation Manager. Sparse Model Name - Displays the name of the sparse model. This is the Model Number name with a .dgn extension. Sparse Model Directory - Displays the directory the sparse model is created in. This directory is set when you create the FrameWorks Plus subproject and cannot be changed. Sparse Workstation/Server Name - Displays the name of the computer on which the model is saved. This is computer is set when you created the project and cannot be changed.

Create a Model 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Click Start> Programs> PD_Shell> PD_Shell. Select a PDS project. Click Project Administrator. Click Project Environment Manager. Click Create.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

PDS and FrameWorks Plus 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Click Create Model. Click Structural from the list of Disciplines. Click Accept. Select the design area that is specific to the FrameWorks Plus Sub Project. If you did not let PDS know about the FrameWorks Plus project by using the Insert FrameWorks Data option before creating the design area, a message stating This is not a ModelDraft Model displays. This message displays for any model that is not part of a FrameWorks Plus subproject. This message implies that any model created in this way is considered dumb graphics. It will be available as a reference file, but it will be ignored for such operations as the SmartPlant Review intelligent tag creation and envelope file generation. You can easily integrate existing models you created with FrameWorks Manager by using the Create Model command in PD_Shell. The Create Model command detects the existing model and prompts you to confirm the model name. If you accept, PD_Shell creates entries in pdtable_113 for the existing model. Type a Model Number. This is the model name. Select a seed model. Type a Frozen Model Name. Type a description for the model. Select a Model Status. Select Force Units for the loads in the model. Select a Standard Section Table. Select a User Section Table. Select a Third Party Software. This is the software you plan to use for analytical design. Select a Design Code. Select Propagated and Sparse or Propagated Only. Select Accept.

Creating a Model by ASCII File After the FrameWorks Plus project is added to the PDS project and the Design Area has been assigned, you can create FrameWorks Plus models using ASCII input files. The command can be used to create model definitions for existing ModelDraft or FrameWorks Plus models without writing over the existing design files. Model creation creates two entries in pdtable_113. The first entry stores the information about the model.dgn file. The second entry stores information about the model.prp file. The ASCII files used to create a model must be in order by the keywords listed below. The software will not function if the keyword order is incorrect. The Force Units, Standard Section Table, and User Section Table come from the FrameWorks Plus project information that is stored in the project database. The Third Party software defaults to STAAD and the design code defaults to AISC-ASD. These defaults are the same defaults if you were creating model interactively. A detailed log file is created in c:\temp\caxxx. After an area is created using the keyword Area_Desc title is not accepted, neither is the Sub_Proj_Number title accepted. When the structural area is created, it is associated with a FW subproject specified. This subproject information is retrieved from the area when you create a model.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


PDS and FrameWorks Plus Keywords Discipline: The discipline name exactly as it appears in the PD_Shell environment (example: Discipline: Structural) is required information. Area_Name: A required 20-character design area name; it must be unique across disciplines (example: Area_Name:Struct_A). Area_Desc: An optional 40-character description for the design area being created (example: Area_Desc:Struct_A). This option is required when creating a new area. If the area already exists, use Area_Name only. Area_Marker_File: An option to indicate that you want an interference marker file for the area (example: Area_Marker_File:Yes). This option is only for use in combination with Area_Description. Area_Volume_Low/High: An option that indicates if the design area will have a predefined volume for interference checking purposes. This is required if Area_Marker_File is Yes; the low volume and high volume represent the limits of the volume processed by the interference checker (example: Area_Volume_Low:-100,-250,- 50 Area_Volume_High:150,30,120). This option is only for use in combination with Area_Marker_file. Sub_Proj_Number: Required information for structural models. It defines the structural subproject. This option is required when creating a new area in combination with Keyword Area_Desc Model_Number: A required up to 10-character Structural model number of the model to be created (example: Model_Number:Model_A). Model_Desc: Optional up to 40-character description of the model to be created (example: Model_Desc:Model A Description). File_Spec: An optional 14-character file specification of the model to be created. If a value is not specified or the keyword is missing, the file specification defaults to the model number with the extension .dgn (example: Model_A.dgn). Not supported for structural since defined in the subproject. Path_Name: An optional 35-character directory path where the model file is to be created (example: d:\proj\models\). If this value is not specified or the keyword is missing, the default values as defined with the Model Setup option are used. Not supported for structural since defined in the subproject Network_Address: An optional 26-character node name of the system on which the model file is to be stored This value is not specified or the keyword is missing, the default values as defined with the Model Setup option, are used. Not supported for structural since defined in the subproject Application_Type: An optional value indicating the discipline association for interference checking purposes. It associates the design model with a different discipline for reporting clashes. The default is the discipline where the design model is created (example: Application_type:Structural). Model_type: For structural models only, the type of structural model to be created. Its value is set as follows: both or propagate settings will NOT create a physical file. These settings ONLY create an entry in the project schema's pdtable_113.  both: defines a model_type =2 in pdtable_113. It defines that while running batch propagation the prp file will contain the sparse model (which is a single line model) and a 3D model (which is the so-called propagated model.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

PDS and FrameWorks Plus 

propagated: creates a model_type =0 entry in pdtable_113. Running batch propagation on a model with this status will result in a propagated only model.  sparse: The only Model_Type setting that actually creates physical files. This setting will cause the software, if the model does not already exist, to execute the FW+ cremod utility that will create all 14 files in the FW+ project\mod directory... Also a corresponding entry in pdtable_113 will be created. Model_Status: An optional value. Should be followed by a number value from the standard note code list 1605 and can be used for excluding models from being processed by PD_Clash. Sample for new area creation and model creation: Discipline:Structural Area_Name:ascii Area_Desc:ascii Area_Marker_File:Yes Area_Volume_Low:-100,-250,-50 Area_Volume_High:150,30,120 Sub_Proj_Number:ascii Model_Number:mod1 Model_Desc: first ascii Model_Type:sparse Application_Type:Structural Model_Number:mod1 Model_Desc:2nd ascii prp Model_Type:propagated Application_Type:Structural Model_Number:mod2 Model_Desc: 2ndascii Model_Type:sparse Application_Type:Structural Model_Number:mod2 Model_Desc:2nd ascii prp Model_Type:propagated Application_Type:Structural Sample to create a sparse and propagated model in existing Design area: Discipline:Structural Area_Name:ascii1 Model_Number:mod3 Model_Desc:3rd ascii Model_Type:sparse Application_Type:Structural Model_Number:mod3 Model_Desc:3rd ascii prp Model_Type:both Application_Type:Structural

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


PDS and FrameWorks Plus

Shifting the FrameWorks Plus Global Origin to Match PDS Design Volume A PDS design volume is analogous to an auxiliary coordinate system (ACS). FrameWorks Plus does not support auxiliary coordinate systems, so you cannot shift the global origin (GO) in a FrameWorks Plus model to match the global origin in a PDS design volume. However, you can use MicroStation to create an ACS macro for every coordinate system required on a project and add the macros to a customized MicroStation menu. The learning curve for designers is short, and modeling FrameWorks Plus items is straight forward. You can create an ACS macro for every coordinate system required on the project and add it to a customized MicroStation menu. Using an automated macro ensures that all designers are using the same coordinates. Mid-project adjustments can be implemented easily because the macro only exists in one location on the project. You no longer have to open every drawing and model to create the same ACS. The macro also removes the requirement to audit each design file because only one macro in a central location is used to define the ACS.

Using Coordinate Systems in FrameWorks Plus In addition to the plant coordinate system, the Design Volume Coordinate System (DVCS) option within PDS allows for a separate coordinate system that can be defined for an individual model. FrameWorks Plus however does not use this PDS functionality when the program is used through the PDS Application Suite (PD_Shell). To overcome this limitation you can create an Auxiliary Coordinate System within the FrameWorks Plus model to coincide with the PDS DVCS. To create an Auxiliary Coordinate System within a FrameWorks Plus model, you use macros to do the following:  Speed up the initialization of the new coordinate system by loading this macro upon startup of a model.  Provide a standard to be used across models and projects to lessen the chance of input errors.

Limitations of using ACS   

Extracting coordinates from the model does not honor the ACS (for example, SDNF, MDP). SmartPlant Review does not recognize multiple ACS. Coordinate systems shifted outside of the MicroStation design cube are not possible with ACS. If you require coordinates in your model far outside the limits of the MicroStation design cube, then you can truncate the coordinates to fit. For example, instead of East 3,450,000 use East 50,000, and have the designers add the additional numbers. There are also some differences when using key-ins or checking coordinates in the design file while using the ACS. For designers who use key-ins and not AccuDraw, use the following: AD= (instead of DL=) AX= (instead of XY=)

See Also Create an Auxiliary Coordinate System within a model (on page 415) Automatically load an Auxiliary Coordinate System within a model (on page 417) Create a prompt to appear before loading (see "Create a prompt for automatic loading" on page


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

PDS and FrameWorks Plus Create an Auxiliary Coordinate System within a model The following example shows how to create an Auxiliary Coordinate System that is offset 100 ft East and 75 ft North from the DGN file's default 0,0,0 location. This example uses the name Unit#1 for the ACS. 1. Select Utilities > Macros from the MicroStation command bar.

The Macros dialog box opens. 2. Click New on the Macros dialog box.

The MicroStation BASIC Editor dialog box opens. 3. Into the BASIC Editor dialog box, enter the following text which creates an Auxiliary Coordinate System that is offset 100 ft East and 75 ft North from the DGN file's default 0,0,0 location.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


PDS and FrameWorks Plus 'Author : INTERGRAPH Corp 'Project : Some Project 'Template file : Unit1ACS.bas 'Date : 3/1/2010 'DEFINE ACS SYSTEM FOR UNIT 1 Sub main Dim startPoint As MbePoint Dim point As MbePoint, point2 As MbePoint 'First remove existing ACS from design file if update required MbeSendKeyin "Delete Acs UNIT#1" 'Define ACS 0,0,0 origin within MicroStation design file MbeSendKeyin "Define Acs Points " MbeSendKeyin "XY=100,75,0" 'Define ACS X Axis (if rotation required use DI=distance,angle) MbeSendKeyin "DL=100" 'Define ACS Y Axis (if rotation required use DI=distance,angle) MbeSendKeyin "DL=-100,100" 'Save and Attach New ACS to design file MbeSendKeyin "Save Acs UNIT#1" MbeSendKeyin "Attach Acs UNIT#1" MbeSendKeyin "Attach Acs" MbeSendKeyin "Reset" 'Set your tentative point readout to use the new Coord System MbeSendKeyin "SET TPMODE ACSDelta" MbeSendKeyin "SET TPMODE ACSLocate" End Sub


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

PDS and FrameWorks Plus 4. Click File > Save to save the macro. Name it something useful. For example, the previous example could be named Unit1ACS.bas. You can now select Run from the Macro menu for this new macro and your Auxiliary Coordinate System will be set up and active. You must load this macro every time you enter this model in order for this ACS to be active.

See Also Automatically load an Auxiliary Coordinate System within a model (on page 417) Create a prompt for automatic loading (on page 417)

Automatically load an Auxiliary Coordinate System within a model To load a Macro in Microstation by default, complete the following steps:  Find the MDL called runmacro.ma and place it in the .../mdlsys/asneeded/ folder.  While in a FWP PDS model define the variable: "MS_DGNAPPS = runmacro" under WORKSPACE>CONFIGURATION  While in a FWP PDS model define the variable: "MS_DGNMACROS=Unit1ACS.bas" This is the name of the Macro we created above. Now every time you enter a model your Macro will load. This example is very basic and provides the user with the ability to load a single ACS base on a yes or no button response. It is possible to create a dialog box with a list of Auxiliary Coordinate systems from which to choose. See the MicroStation Help file "BASIC Editor" for some information on this topic.

See Also Create a prompt for automatic loading (on page 417)

Create a prompt for automatic loading While still in the BASIC editor for your Macro, you can create a prompt to accept the setting of the ACS when the model is loaded. 1. Click Edit > Custom Dialog > Edit.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


PDS and FrameWorks Plus The Builder dialog box opens. Here you define the dialog box to open and the options associated with it.

2. Click New.

A new dialog box opens allowing you to edit the text. 3. To include a message, add a label from the Builder Tools menu and place that label on the dialog box. 4. In the Builder window labeled PushButton, double-click the items you want to label. 5. Change the text for these items to provide Yes and No buttons, and a label asking what to do next. 6. Save the dialog box and return to your Script

Edit script to accept input from the user The following is an edit to the example using this new Startup dialog box.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

PDS and FrameWorks Plus 'Author : INTERGRAPH Corp Project : Some Project 'Template file : Unit1.bas 'Date : 3/1/2010 'DEFINE ACS SYSTEM FOR UNIT 1 Sub main Dim startPoint As MbePoint Dim point As MbePoint, point2 As MbePoint Dim Button As Long Dim Msg As Integer Button = MbeOpenModalDialog (1) If (Button = MBE_BUTTON_OK) Then 'First remove existing ACS from design file if update required MbeSendKeyin "Delete Acs UNIT#1" 'Define ACS 0,0,0 origin within MicroStation design file MbeSendKeyin "Define Acs Points " MbeSendKeyin "XY=100,75,0" 'Define ACS X Axis (if rotation required use DI=distance,angle) MbeSendKeyin "DL=100" 'Define ACS Y Axis (if rotation required use DI=distance,angle) MbeSendKeyin "DL=-100,100" 'Save and Attach New ACS tp design file MbeSendKeyin "Save Acs UNIT#1" MbeSendKeyin "Attach Acs UNIT#1" MbeSendKeyin "Attach Acs" MbeSendKeyin "Reset" 'Set your tentative point readout to use the new Coord System MbeSendKeyin "SET TPMODE ACSDelta" MbeSendKeyin "SET TPMODE ACSLocate" 'Once the ACS is set pass a Message Box to the user saying it was set Msg = MbeMessageBox ("Your Auxiliary Coordinate system is set to Unit#1") Else 'Here we can tell the user via the Microstation prompt that the Call MbeWritePrompt ("Your have declined to set an Auxiliary Coordinate system") End If End Sub

FrameWorks Plus Categories FrameWorks Plus categories are defined in the ..\pdshell\categ\framewks.txt file delivered with PD_Shell. This file maps FrameWorks Plus model levels to the categories used in several applications such as SmartPlant Review, PD_Draw, and VHL. If you change the default level scheme for 3D views in FrameWorks Plus, you need to change the framewks.txt file accordingly. Failure to edit the framewks.txt file will result in the wrong categories being turned off or on. For example, you want to turn off grids, but the beams disappear instead. We recommend that you keep a separate framewks.txt file for each project you have and save the file in the project directory.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


PDS and FrameWorks Plus

FrameWorks Environment This form provides access to the FrameWorks Plus environment from within PD Shell. Modeling - Used to select a design area and a model to enter. For more information, see Modeling (on page 421). Drawing Environment - Used to create, delete, and enter drawings. For more information, see Drawing Environment (on page 421). Propagation - Used to create propagated models and binary files for SmartPlant Review labels. For more information, see Propagation (on page 422). Generate ASCII File - Used to create an ASCII file that provides the location of all structural components and grid lines in the project. This information is used to reference a single structural column or a pair of grid lines on an isometric drawing. For more information, see Generate ASCII File (on page 425). Update/Regenerate Frozen View - Used to update or regenerate frozen views in your FrameWorks Plus models in batch mode. For more information, see Update/Regenerate Frozen View (on page 426). Batch Cutout - Used to create or update solid cutouts in batch mode. For more information, see Batch Cutout (PD_Shell) (on page 427). Verify Model - Scans your model checking for zero length members, overlapping members, and members with invalid sections. For more information, see Verify Model (PD_Shell) (on page 430). CIM Steel Export - Exports all members to a CIS/2 file based on specific member criteria. For more information see, CIM Steel Export (PD_Shell) (on page 430).


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

PDS and FrameWorks Plus

Modeling The command is used to enter the FrameWorks Plus modeling environment. Selecting a Design Area displays all the models in that Design Area. Selecting a model opens the FrameWorks Plus model in MicroStation.

Drawing Environment The command is used to enter the FrameWorks Plus drawing composition environment. After selecting a project, you can create drawings, delete drawings, or go into the drawing composition environment. There are no entries in the PDS database for the drawings. The drawings are generic MicroStation design files.  Create --- Used to create new drawings in the selected project.  Delete --- Used to delete drawings from the selected project.  Composition --- Used to enter a drawing in the selected project.

Create This form is used to create a drawing in the active project. PD_Shell copies the dseedm.dgn or dseedf.dgn seed files (depending on the project units) from the ..\fwplus\seed directory to the project \drw subdirectory. Drawing Name - Type a name for the drawing you want to create. The drawing name is limited to 8 characters.

Delete This form is used to delete a drawing from the active project. Select the drawing to delete from the list, and then click Accept.

Composition This form is used to enter the FrameWorks Plus drawing composition environment. Select the drawing you want to open, and then click Accept.

Create This form is used to create a drawing in the active project. PD_Shell copies the dseedm.dgn or dseedf.dgn seed files (depending on the project units) from the ..\fwplus\seed directory to the project \drw subdirectory. Drawing Name - Type a name for the drawing you want to create. The drawing name is limited to 8 characters.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


PDS and FrameWorks Plus

Delete This form is used to delete a drawing from the active project. Select the drawing to delete from the list, then click Accept.

Composition This form is used to enter the FrameWorks Plus drawing composition environment. Select the drawing you want to open, then click Accept.

Propagation This form is used to create propagated models based on the option defined during model creation. The output will be a propagated or propagated and sparse model. 

If you create your propagated model using this command, you should use this command to keep the propagated model up to date. Do not use the update or regenerate commands or any of the related commands inside of FrameWorks Plus to update a propagated model.  You may see this message in the log file, "Unable to locate saved view information. Saved view information is re-created." This message is not an error message but happens because the software first deletes the propagated file and then re-creates it. Propagate Only copies the project related seed file into the project\frz directory and renames it, and propagates into the file. Propagate and Sparse copies the model.dgn file from the project\mod directory to the project\frz directory and propagates into the file. The batch propagation process uses the symbology from the first 3D isometric view defined in the FrameWorks Plus model. If no 3D isometric view exists in the model, the software creates a temporary view using the default isometric settings. The model.prp file is used for Attach PDS Reference Model command, creating Isometric ASCII reference file, and SmartPlant Review sessions and labels. To generate Isometric ASCII file and to identify structural members for Pipe Support placement, you must use Propagate and Sparse option. We recommend that you regularly compress your .prp files. An easy way to compress is to use the Compress Directory command in MicroStation Manager. Make sure the user section libraries are attached and accessible in the FrameWorks Plus model. All Models - Click this button to propagate all the models. Selected Areas - Click this button to select an area(s) in which you want all models propagated. Selected Models - Click this button to select the model(s) to propagate. Submit Batch Immediately / Delayed Batch Submit Time - Choose whether to propagate the selected models now, or propagate them at a later time. Ignore Smartcuts - Select this checkbox to ignore SmartCuts when creating the propagated model. Schedule Propagation - Select to schedule a reoccurring propagation job.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

PDS and FrameWorks Plus

Scheduled Model Propagation The Scheduled Model Propagation option is used to specify a periodic schedule for running batch model propagation.

Before Using This Command To write schedule data to a hard disk location, confirm the directory path exists and that you have permission to write files to the directory. 

The log on user (system account or "this account") will impact how you set the account mapping in Batch Manager. For additional information, see the System Administrator Responsibilities section of the PDS Project Setup Technical Reference. Scheduled Model Propagation does not perform a propagation at the time it is created. Instead, command files are created to alert the system to perform a propagation at a specified time of day. The command files are launched by the system scheduler utility.

Operating Sequence 1. Select Schedule Propagation from the FrameWorks Propagate Model form.

The Scheduled Model Propagation form is displayed. 2. Select the required option.  Create/Revise Model Propagation Schedule (on page 423) --- Creates a scheduled envelope/clash batch job.  Create/Revise Model Propagation Schedule (on page 423) --- Revises an existing envelope/clash batch job.  Delete Model Propagation Schedule (on page 424) --- Deletes a scheduled envelope/clash batch job.  Review Schedule (FWP) (on page 425) --- Reviews previously defined envelope/clash schedules.

Create/Revise Model Propagation Schedule These options are used to create or revise a schedule for running batch model propagation on a periodic basis. You can establish multiple scheduled jobs for each project. Shell Script - The Shell Script field is filled in automatically using the convention fwprop_. Number - Type up to 24 alphanumeric characters for the name of the model propagation schedule. Description - Type up to 40 alphanumeric characters for the description of the model propagation schedule. File Specification and Path - Type the file name and directory path for the Model Propagation Data file. This file defines the time of day for the propagation, the frequency of the propagation, and the settings for the propagation. 1. Select the Create or Revise option from the Scheduled Model Propagation form.

For the Revise option, a list of all scheduled propagation batch jobs for the active project is displayed.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


PDS and FrameWorks Plus 2. Select the schedule to be revised; then click Confirm.

The Scheduled Model Propagation Creation/Revision form is displayed showing the information about the selected scheduled propagation batch job. 3. Type the following information to define a Propagation schedule for the active project. Number Description File Specification Path 4. Click Confirm to accept the specified information.

A form is displayed to define the schedule frequency and time. 5. Select the frequency of the propagation batch job: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

A set of fields is displayed to type the day and time. 6. Select the day of the week/month, and set the time of day (hours and minutes) for the propagation batch job. Then click Confirm.

A form is displayed to define the Propagation options. 7. Select the appropriate Model Propagation options. Refer to Propagation (on page 422) for information on these options. 8. Click Confirm.

A set of Model Propagation Command files is created. The file specification for the script is formed automatically as follows: fwprop_ If the time of the scheduled propagation is changed, a new at entry is created and the old entry must be deleted.

Delete Model Propagation Schedule The Delete option deletes an existing Model Propagation schedule file. 1. Select the Delete option from the Scheduled Model Propagation form.

A list of propagation schedules for the active project is displayed. 2. Select the propagation schedule to be deleted; then click Confirm.

Accept to Delete FW Propagation Data. 3. Click Confirm to delete the selected schedule.

A warning is displayed with instructions to delete the schedule.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

PDS and FrameWorks Plus

Review Schedule (FWP) The Review Schedule option lists all scheduled model propagation jobs for the active project and displays the following basic data. archival number frequency of propagation time of day for propagation network address for propagation 1. Select the Review Schedule option from the Scheduled Model Propagation form.

The Review Model Propagation Schedule form is displayed. 2. Click Cancel to display the Scheduled Model Propagation form.

Generate ASCII File The Generate ASCII File command creates an ASCII file used by PDS ISOGEN Intergraph option 71 to place reference dimensions in the isometric drawing. The ASCII file contains the names and locations of all structural columns and grids in the PDS project. The created ASCII file is saved to the PDS main project directory and named fw_projname.dat. A single structural data file (ASCII file) is created for the entire project. No structural models can be excluded from being referenced. However, you can edit the file and split out the information into separate files or you can move the prp files you do not want to process to a different location. You can then add a variable to the pds.cmd file to select which ASCII file to reference when generating isometric drawings. To generate Isometric ASCII file and to identify structural members for Pipe Support placement, you must use Propagate and Sparse option and the files have to be propagated using the PDS batch propagation command. Using unique column and grid label names makes it easier to locate the element in the model. To use this variable, add the following line to the pds.cmd file: $ENV{'ISOUSRREFDUM'} = 'path\file.dat'; where path is the path to the project directory and file.dat is the name of the ASCII file you want to use.

Editing the ASCII File If you have generated the ASCII file and want to use the variable to control which structural columns and grid lines are referenced, you need to edit the file and save the individual structural models (or groups of models) into separate files. The default grid line reference data file is in the project directory and is named fw_projname.dat. Open this file using any ASCII editor. The first column of each line describes the type of data that line contains:  0 - The line contains the name of the structural model and its UORs extents.  1 - The line contains structural column information with the column name and the beginning and end column points in UORs.  2 - The line contains East/West gridline information with the gridline label and beginning and end points in UORs.

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3 - The line contains North/South gridline information with the gridline label and beginning and end points in UORs. When splitting the generated file into smaller files, be sure to keep all model information together (that is, cut from one "0" line to the line before the next "0" line).

Update/Regenerate Frozen View The Update/Regenerate Frozen View command updates or regenerates frozen view graphics in batch mode. Do not use this command to update a propagated model.

List Area - Displays the models or selected area that you want to update or regenerate. Update/Regenerate - Select whether you want to update all models, models in selected areas, or only selected models. Update or Regenerate option - Select whether you want to Update the frozen views or Regenerate the frozen views. Update automatically updates the permanent, Frozen View graphics to reflect any structural model changes. The Update Frozen command compares the status of the member graphics in the Frozen View to the current model status and adds or removes members from the Frozen View accordingly. Regenerate recreates all Frozen View graphics from the current model using the current Model View's display style and settings. All existing graphics in the selected Frozen View are deleted and replaced with the new graphics. Include Attached FWPlus Models - Select to include attached FrameWorks Plus models when the frozen views are updated or regenerated. Update User Graphics - If this option is on, generic MicroStation elements in the Model View are also updated or regenerated along with the FrameWorks Plus members. Generic MicroStation


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

PDS and FrameWorks Plus elements that you have added directly to the frozen file (not the model file) using MicroStation are not affected by this command.

Batch Cutout (PD_Shell) The Batch Cutouts command automatically places cutouts in slab and solid members where they intersect with other members. The intersecting member can be a FrameWorks Plus linear member, a FrameWorks Plus solid member, or generic MicroStation elements (including MicroStation solids but not wedges, spheres, or torus). Cutouts, unlike holes, automatically update when the intersecting member is moved, re-sized, or deleted. Using Batch Cutout may cause unpredictable results in the project and models. For example, when running batch cutouts, you have no way of knowing which models are attached or detached to other models. You may lose cutouts if someone else unknowingly detaches a piping model for example. In addition, you may have set different clearance options in different models. The batch cutouts process can potentially overwrite those clearance settings. Be especially diligent when using batch cutouts. Cutouts are not available for walls.

Guidelines for Solid Cutouts    

FrameWorks Plus does not include the thickness of PDS equipment insulation (if any) when calculating the cutout size. The element that intersects the solids must go all the way through the solid for a cutout to be created. Elements that do not go all the way through the solid will not create a cutout. Cutouts that are invalid holes are not placed. If you manually move or copy a cutout (hole) using the Move Member or Copy Member commands, you will break the link between the cutout and the object that created the cutout. After the link is broken, the cutout (hole) will not update the next time you run cutouts.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


PDS and FrameWorks Plus 

FrameWorks Plus does not place cutouts for intersecting elements that would cause a curvilinear cutout (such as a pipe bend or an arc member).

List of Models - Display the model on which the batch cutout process will run. Clearance - Specifies the distance between the inside of the cutout and the outside of the item being cut around. This distance is added evenly to all sides of the item. If you are placing a sleeve around a pipe, the distance between the inside of the sleeve and the outside of the pipe is the Clearance value. The Clearance value you type in must be in inches for imperial projects and millimeters for metric projects. Be careful when defining the Clearance value when cutouts will be created around closed shapes such as I-section or channels. The Clearance is added evenly to all sides of the shape. If you define a Clearance that is greater than half the distance between sides of a closed shape, FrameWorks Plus will not place the cutout. For example, the distance between an I-section's flanges is 8.5 inches. If you define a Clearance greater than 4.25 inches, the cutout will not be placed. Increment - Specifies the value by which to increment the cutout diameter around a circular penetration (such as a pipe). For example, if you set the Increment to 2" (inches), the cutout diameter is always divisible by 2 (2", 4", 6", 8", ... 22", 24", 26", and so forth). Similarly, if you set the Increment to 3", the cutout diameter is always divisible by 3 (3", 6", 9", 12", and so forth). Setting the Increment value to 0 causes the cutout diameter to be the outside diameter of the penetrating object plus the Clearance value, if any. The Increment value you type in must be in inches for imperial projects and millimeters for metric projects. You can use the Increment Factor setting to control the rounding up or rounding down of the cutout diameter to the next allowed size. Increment Factor - Specifies if the cutout is rounded up or rounded down to the next Increment size. For example, you place a 10.875 inch pipe with 3 inch clearance and a 2 inch Increment. You can use this Increment Factor to control whether a cutout with a 16" diameter or a cutout with a 18" diameter is placed.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

PDS and FrameWorks Plus If the Increment Factor is set to 0, the cutout is always rounded up to the next increment divisible size. If the Increment Factor is set to 1, the cutout is always rounded down to the next increment divisible size. Typically, you would want to set the Increment Factor to 0.5. If the Increment Factor is between 0.01 and 0.99, FrameWorks Plus calculates whether to round up or down based on the following algorithm. Compute the cutout diameter by adding the outside diameter of the pipe with two times the Clearance value. For example, if the pipe diameter is 10.875" and the Clearance is set to 3", the cutout diameter would be 16.875" (10.875 + 2 x 3 = 16.875). FrameWorks Plus reads the remainder (non-integer) part of the cutout diameter. In this case, 0.875 inches. 1. Multiply the Increment and the Increment Factor then compare the results to the remainder read in step 2. If the remainder is less than the calculation, round down. If the remainder is greater than the calculation, round up. For this example, say the Increment is set to 2". The following table shows the results of different Increment Factors. Remainder from step Increment X Increment 2 Factor

Resulting Action



0.875 greater than 0 so round cutout diameter up to 18 inches


2 x 0.25 = 0.5

0.875 greater than 0.5 so round cutout diameter up to 18 inches


2 x 0.5 = 1

0.875 less than 1 so round cutout diameter down to 16 inches


2 x 0.75 = 1.5

0.875 less than 1.5 so round cutout diameter down to 16 inches



0.875 less than 2 so round cutout diameter down to 16 inches Override Original Settings - Toggle on to override the clearance value of an existing cutout with a new clearance value. This will override all clearance settings in the individual models. Include Member Fireproofing - The software should consider member fireproofing when calculating the cutout size. The fireproofing thickness is considered when calculating the cutout size even if the fireproofing setback is such that the fireproofing does not intersect the solid member. Include Piping Insulation Thickness - The software should consider piping insulation thickness when calculating the cutout size. The piping insulation does not need to be graphically displayed in order to be used in the calculation. Report Action - Defines the action to perform when members intersect solids.  Place Holes & Report -- Places a hole in the solid for the intersecting member to pass through. The shape of the intersecting member is used as a pattern for the solid's hole. The size of the hole will be the exact size of the intersecting member unless you specify a Clearance value.  Place Holes, Sleeves, & Report -- Places a hole in the solid for the intersecting member to pass through. If the intersecting member is round, a pipe sleeve is also placed.

Pipe sleeves are placed only if the intersecting member is perpendicular to the slab or solid. Members that intersect at an angle will not have pipe sleeves placed. No Action - Report in Logfile -- Writes the number of members that intersect solids to the logfile.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


PDS and FrameWorks Plus Sleeve Type - Specifies the member type you want to use for the sleeve. FrameWorks Plus uses the default section of the selected member type for the pipe sleeve section. We recommend you place sleeves using cardinal point 1. This option is only available if the Place Sleeve option is selected. FWP Linear Members - Specifies that FrameWorks Plus should place cutouts for FrameWorks Plus linear members that intersect a solid. The section shape of the linear member must intersect both faces of the solid for FrameWorks Plus to place a cutout. FWP Solid Members - Specifies that FrameWorks Plus should place cutouts for FrameWorks Plus solids members that intersect a solid. MSTN Solids, Surfaces & Cones - Specifies that FrameWorks Plus should place cutouts for MicroStation solid elements that intersect a solid. FrameWorks Plus will not create cutout for wedge, sphere, or torus MicroStation shapes.

Verify Model (PD_Shell) The Verify Model command scans your model checking for zero length members, overlapping members, and members with invalid sections. These invalid member definitions can cause problems when writing your model out to an analysis input deck file. You can also run the verify model process from a command line. For more information, see Verify Model Key-in (on page 28). All Models - Select to verify all models in the project. Selected Areas - Select to verify models only in an area that you specify. Selected Models - Select to verify only the models that you specify. Submit Batch Immediately - Submits the batch job to verify the models as soon as you click Accept. Delay Batch Submit Time - Submits the batch job at a time you specify.

CIM Steel Export (PD_Shell) This command exports all members to a CIS/2 file based on user-defined member criteria. During export, the software creates the fwcsexp folder in the user Temp directory in which the following log files are saved.  fwcsexpque.log - Contains information about the success or failure of the export. Possible causes for an unsuccessful export include attempting to export a model that does not exist or not having access permissions on the model you are attempting to export.  _FWCIMSteelExport.log - Contains information about each model. The software creates a log file for each model selected for export. For more information about CIM Steel Export, see "Exporting Models from FrameWorks Plus" in the Frameworks Plus Reference Guide All Models - Select to export all models in the project. Selected Areas - Select to export models only in the user-defined area. Selected Models - Select to export only the user-defined models. Submit Batch Immediately - Submit the batch job to export the models as soon as you click Accept. Delay Batch Submit Time - Submit the batch job at a time you specify.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

PDS and FrameWorks Plus Define CIM Steel Export Options – Select to specify units, author, organization, and member criteria. By default, the software uses US Imperial units, and all member types and member classes are selected. Units - Specify the units for the CIS/2 file. Author - Enter your name. Organization - Enter the name of your organization. Type – Select the member design types you want to write to the CIS/2 file. By default, all types are selected. Class – Select the member classes you want to write to the CIS/2 file. By default, all classes are selected.

FrameWorks Plus and SmartPlant Review When batch propagating a model from PD_Shell or freezing a view with the Generate Propagated Model option on from within FrameWorks Plus, a modelname.drv file is created in the project's frz directory. This file contains the hard coded SmartPlant Review labels. To use a customized label, you need to create the label file using DesignReview Label Builder. To customize the labels for DesignReview Label Builder, you need to go to Reference Data Manager> Label Description Library Manager> Revise Label Data> Display Attribute Labels. Then select the label you want to edit. Labels 325 to 330 are reserved for FrameWorks Plus: 325 - Labels for beams. 326 - Labels for columns. 327 - Labels for braces. 328 - Labels for area elements. 329 - Labels for arcs. 330 - Labels for volume elements. You cannot use a different number for any FrameWorks Plus labels. When editing labels, you cannot add attributes to the available attribute list. After editing labels, you need to click Unapproved --> Approved to move your edits to the Approved Library. FrameWorks Plus member names in SmartPlant Review labels are limited to 16 characters. However, FrameWorks Plus supports member names up to 24 characters. To view all 24 characters in SmartPlant Review, you need to delete the entry for the element name and insert the ASCII USER ATTRIBUTES 24 character attribute instead. Refer to the DesignReview Integrator (PD_Review) Reference Guide for more information on how to create a SmartPlant Review session and labels in DesignReview integrator. If you change the default level scheme in FrameWorks Plus, you need to edit the framewks.txt file in the main PDS project/core directory. This file defines the category levels in PD_Draw and SmartPlant Review. If you change the FrameWorks Plus level scheme but do not edit this file, the wrong items will disappear when you turn off categories in SmartPlant Review. In order to generate labels containing new attributes and named group information for SmartPlant Review, the data needs to be published using SmartPlant Review Publisher. For more information, see FrameWorks Plus Extended Labels Dialog Box (on page 432).

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


PDS and FrameWorks Plus

FrameWorks Plus Extended Labels Dialog Box Displays when you click the Labels button on the main SmartPlant Review Publisher dialog box, allowing you to select the binary label information from FrameWorks Plus that you want added to the SPR label database (MDB2). Only the labels selected here are added to the label database during the publishing process.

Optional input template file - Allows you to select a label template file (SPRFWPlusLabels.bin) to use while publishing your project. The settings you specify using this dialog box are saved in this file so that you can retrieve them each time you publish the project or to use as a template each time you set up a project for publication. You may have only one label template file per project and the file must be named SPRFWPlusLabels.bin. You must re-create the label database (re-publish) each time you want to change the set of binary labels available in the published project. File output directory - Allows you to specify the location for the label template file. This path should point to either the project folder (where the .dri file is located or from where the design file was opened) or to the same folder where the SmartPlant Review Publisher executable is located (C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Review Publisher). If SmartPlant Review Publisher does not find an SPRFWPlusLabels.bin file in either the project or application folder, the binary label data is not added to the published label database. Linear and Arc Element Names - When clicked, only linear (structural members like beams and cross braces) and arc element labels appear for selection in the Label list. Solid Element Names - When clicked, only solid element (slabs, walls, and solid) labels appear for selection in the Label list.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

PDS and FrameWorks Plus Select labels to display - Displays the available binary labels according to the button selected above. Check the box by the label name to add that label to the label database. Click the arrow in the column header to sort this list alphabetically, either ascending or descending. Select All - Click to add all labels in the list to the label database. This button is useful if you want all but a few of the labels to be included. Simply click this button, then uncheck the labels that you do not want added to the label database. Clear All - De-selects all checked labels in the list. Save - Saves the specified list of labels to the label template file (SPRFWPlusLabels.bin), which is then used by SmartPlant Review Publisher to add the selected label data to the label database during the publishing process.

FrameWorks Plus and PD_Clash The PD_Clash Envelope Builder uses the same executables as those delivered with FrameWorks Plus. If you install a newer version of FrameWorks Plus, more than likely there have been fixes made to the envelope builder executables. Before creating any envelope files, you need to update executables in the PD_Clash bin directory with the files delivered with FrameWorks Plus. This will ensure that you get the same results when creating envelope files from within FrameWorks Plus as from within PD_Shell. From a command line, type: \bin\clashupd.bat where prod_dir is where you installed FrameWorks Plus and path_to_clash_bin is where you installed PD_Clash. For example c:\ingr\fwplus\bin\clashupd.bat c:\ingr\clash\bin

Creating Envelope Files There are three ways to create an envelope file for a model:  Inside PD_Shell using PD_Clash. Start PD_Shell and select a project. Select Interference Manager. Select Envelope Builder and select Envelope Builder again. You can create envelope files for interference checking using a command line key-in. The command syntax is:  \bin\fwenvel \mod\modelfile.dgn \frz\envfile.env  where prod_dir is the directory where FrameWorks Plus is loaded. For example: c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus. proj_dir is the directory that contains the FrameWorks Plus project. For example: c:\struct\project.  If the envfile.env file exists, FrameWorks Plus overwrites the existing file with the newly created file.  Inside FrameWorks Plus using the File > Interference Checking command. If you create envelope files inside FrameWorks Plus, the Envelope Verification command in PD_Shell always indicates that the envelope files are not up to date because the model file (.dgn file) is always saved and closed after the envelope file was created. If you want to view your envelope file (it is a binary file), you need to run Envelope Diagnostics which creates a MicroStation file called "modelname.til" in the FrameWorks Plus project's ..\frz sub-directory. The software will open that file in MicroStation and attach your model.prp file as a reference file (if available). You can then compare the envelope graphics to the model graphics. In addition, a model.evd (an ASCII file) gets created in your temporary directory. Check the .evd file for errors and warnings.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


PDS and FrameWorks Plus If there are errors, the envelope file is invalid. You will need to go back into FrameWorks Plus and run the File> Verify Model command to check for overlapping members and members with invalid sections. Cutbacks are not written to the envelope file. However, PD_Clash can determine if there is a clash between FWP members (even if cutbacks were applied) or not. Because the FrameWorks Plus member names appear in the report, all FrameWorks Plus member names should be unique. Using unique member names makes locating the member in graphics easier. To review and approve clashes, use PD_Clash Interference Approval Manager or the PDS integrated commands inside FrameWorks Plus.

FrameWorks Plus and Material Data Publisher You can now export FrameWorks Plus member data using the PDS Material Data Publisher Utility. The Material Data Publisher utility (MDP) allows users to generate relational database tables containing all the material data associated with a PDS model and publish these tables to a new database schema (MTO_PROJNAME). These tables make the model data available for easier reporting outside of PD_Report. The Material Data Publisher uses selection set files to determine what data to publish. The MDP interface allows you to select specific disciplines, model areas, and models within the project to publish, and to save different sets of models in separate selection set files. When the data is published, it can be accessed through ORACLE, INFORMIX, SQL, ODBC clients such as Microsoft Access, and other database utilities for reporting, tracking, and ordering. Please refer to the PDS Material Data Publisher help for more information about MDP. For the list of tables and attributes that are exported from FrameWorks Plus, from within FrameWorks Plus click Help > Printable Guides. Then select FrameWorks Plus Material Data Publisher Chart from the list of documents.   


If a member is partially flooded, the software considers it fully flooded when calculating the center of buoyancy. FrameWorks Plus does not calculate center of buoyancy or the buoyancy force for members with arbitrary sections. If the Material Data Publisher detects a corrupted model, it continues with the next model.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Exporting FrameWorks Plus Projects to SmartPlant 3D This appendix explains how to export FrameWorks Plus projects and models to SmartPlant 3D. The FrameWorks Plus export to SmartPlant 3D requires a CIS/2 (CIMsteel Integration Standard) translator that you can use to export FrameWorks Plus models to a CIS/2 file. The CIS/2 file can then be imported by the Structural task in SmartPlant 3D.

In This Appendix Exporting from FrameWorks Plus .................................................. 435 Import Structure ............................................................................. 440 Cross Section Table Converter...................................................... 441

Exporting from FrameWorks Plus The CIS/2 translator for FrameWorks Plus is delivered as part of a FrameWorks Plus. To use this command, open the model that you want to export to FrameWorks Plus. Be sure to attach all reference models that are needed. Then, type mdl load SPExport in the MicroStation key-in field. You can also run the CIM Steel export application, spexport, from a command line. For more information, see CIM Steel Export Key-in (on page 439).

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Exporting FrameWorks Plus Projects to SmartPlant 3D FrameWorks Plus does not write generic solid members to the CIS/2 file.

Criteria - Activate a dialog box used to select what members to write to the CIS/2 file. For more information, see Member Criteria (on page 438). Description - Enter a description for the CIS/2 file. Author - Enter your name. Organization - Enter your organization name. File - Enter a name and location for the CIS/2 file. Log file - Enter a name and location for the log file. Units - Specify the units for the CIS/2 file. OK - Writes the CIS/2 file and closes the dialog box. You cannot review the log file using the View Log command if you click OK. Use Apply if you want to review the log file at the end of the process. Cancel - Exits the dialog box without writing the CIS/2 file. Apply - Writes the CIS/2 file without closing the dialog box. Use this command if you want to review the log file at the end of the process. View Log - Opens the log file for review. Status - Displays the CIS/2 writing progress.

Based-on CIS/2 Statement for Export Application Name:


FrameWorks Plus

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Exporting FrameWorks Plus Projects to SmartPlant 3D Application Version: Version 2011 (V12)

Date: May 10, 2011

Translator Version: Version 2011 (V12) Date: May 10, 2011 Software Vendor:

Intergraph Process, Power & Marine 300 Intergraph Way Madison, Alabama 35758 U.S.A.

The translators for this application have been implemented in accordance with the second release of the CIMsteel Integration Standards (CIS/2.0) for the following (combination of) Conformance Classes:  CC312, CC110, CC118, CC255, CC331, CC100, CC308 Type of CIS Translator:

Basic | DMC | IDI | PMR-enabled

Data exchange capabilities:

Import | Export | Import & Export

Level of implementation:

File Exchange | In memory | DBMS | KBS

Flavors supported:

EU | US | UK

Unit Systems supported:

SI | US Imperial

The vendor places the following riders on the operation of the translators:  managed_data_deleted, managed_data_creation, and managed_data_transaction are not exported. Date of Statement:

May 10, 2011

Statement made by:


If you have any questions about using this translator, please contact Intergraph support. You can find support information on our web site http://support.intergraph.com (http://support.intergraph.com).

See Also Exporting Models from FrameWorks Plus (on page 439) Member Criteria (on page 438) CIM Steel Export Key-in (on page 439)

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Exporting FrameWorks Plus Projects to SmartPlant 3D

Member Criteria The Criteria > Member Criteria command is used to define which members you want to write to the CIS/2 file. Because you define the criteria for what members to write to the file here, the settings in the Select Filter Settings command are ignored.

Type - Toggle on the member design types you want to write to the file. Class - Toggle on the member classes you want to write to the file. Include Reference Model - Defines whether to write members from attached models to the file in addition to the members in the active model. You can attach models using the File > Attach Models command. You can detach models using the File > Detach Models command. Criteria - Defines whether to write members from a selection set or to write all the members in the model to the file. All On - Toggles on all Design Type and Member Class settings. The default is that all settings are selected. All Off - Toggles off all Design Type and Member Class settings. OK - Saves any changes you have made and exits the dialog box. Cancel - Ignores any changes you have made and exits the dialog box.

See Also Exporting from FrameWorks Plus (on page 435) Exporting Models from FrameWorks Plus (on page 439)


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Exporting FrameWorks Plus Projects to SmartPlant 3D

Exporting Models from FrameWorks Plus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Start FrameWorks Plus. Open the model that you want to export. Attach all reference models that are needed. Type mdl load SPExport in the MicroStation key-in field. Define the Criteria for member selection. Type a description for the file. Type your name and your organization's name. In the File box, enter a name and location for the CIS/2 step file. In the Log file box, enter a log file name. Select whether to write the SI units or Imperial Units to the file. Click Apply. Click View Log. Carefully review the log file for errors.

See Also Exporting from FrameWorks Plus (on page 435) Member Criteria (on page 438)

CIM Steel Export Key-in You can export an individual model or all the models in a project using a command line key-in. The command line export model program verifies the validity of each model before processing that model. Invalid models will not be processed. Possible invalid models include models from older software versions or corrupted models where a database file is missing. Error messages are written to a log file. The log file is created in the user TEMP environment variable folder and is named FWCIMSteelExport.log. Before running this command line utility, you must create a text file, inputoptions.txt, which describes all input options based on the following file format.

File Format # Models list # This section contains a list of models with complete path. \\pdsserver\cimsteel\mod\model1 \\pdsserver\cimsteel\mod\model2 # Project information # This section includes information about author, organization and unit. # For Unit, 1 indicates US_IMPERIAL and 2 indicates SI system of units. Author = FWP Developer Organization = Intergraph Unit = 1 # Member criteria selection for type # 1 indicates that an item is selected, while 0 not selected.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Exporting FrameWorks Plus Projects to SmartPlant 3D Beam = Column VB = 1 HB = 1 Slab = Wall = Hole =

1 = 0 1 1 1

# Member criteria selection for class # 1 indicates that an item is selected, while 0 not selected. Class0 Class1 Class2 Class3 Class4 Class5 Class6 Class7 Class8 Class9

= = = = = = = = = =

1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1

The command syntax is: \bin\FWCIMSteelExport.exe \inputoptions.txt Where is where FrameWorks Plus is installed and is the path to inputoptions.txt. For example, if FramesWorks Plus is installed under c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus and inputoptions.txt is under d:\temp, then the command is c:\win32app\ingr\fwplus\bin\FWCIMSteelExport.exe d:\temp\inputoptions.txt. This utility creates separate step files for each model and all these step files are created in the project\int folder. The name of the file is the model name appended with _export.stp. For example, if the model name is model1.mod, then the step file name is model1_export.stp. You can also run this utility from the PD_shell CIM Steel Export Batch command. In this case, PD_Shell creates input options file before running this utility.

Import Structure The File > Import > Structure command in SmartPlant 3D imports a CIS/2 file into the model. This command recognizes Global User Identities (GUIDs) to uniquely identify objects and manage the electronic exchange with the other software package. Members imported by this command are either standard or designed members depending on the cross-section specified in the import file. Assembly connections are created if that information is provided in the CIS/2 file and the appropriate import option is selected. Frame connections are always created and connect the members in the import file if the connection information is specified. Otherwise, the frame connections are set to "Unsupported". If you have any questions about using this translator, please contact Intergraph Support. You can find support information on our web site: http://support.intergraph.com (http://support.intergraph.com).


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Exporting FrameWorks Plus Projects to SmartPlant 3D What do you want to do?  

Import Structure Model (on page 441) Preview a CIS file

Import structure model 1. Click Tasks > Structure. 2. Click File > Import > Structure. 3. Select the system in which to place the imported objects. You can create new systems in the Systems and Specifications task. 4. Select the coordinate system to which to associate the imported objects. You can create new coordinate systems in the Grids tasks. 5. Specify which objects to import by selecting the New box or to update by selecting the Modified box. 6. Click Defaults and define the default properties for imported objects that do not have recognized properties. 7. Specify the file name and folder for the CIS file. 8. Define a mapping file, if needed. 9. Define a log file name and folder. 10. In the Action box, select Import. 11. In the Option box, select whether the software should use default properties. 12. Click Apply to import the CIS file. 13. Click View Log to review the log file. You can create a mapping file using the File > New Mapping File Command to use when importing a structural model, or you can use one of the delivered mapping files in [Product Directory]\SmartPlant\3D\SmartPlantStructure\Symbols\StructureImportExportMaps.

Cross Section Table Converter The Cross Section Table Converter utility converts a FrameWorks Plus section library .dat or .txt file to the SmartPlant 3D section library Microsoft Excel format and back. The utility is delivered with FrameWorks Plus in the c:\win32app\ingr\FWPLUS\bin folder and is named crossSectionUtility.exe. Section Table For - Select FrameWorks Plus to convert an existing SmartPlant 3D library to the .dat format for use with FrameWorks Plus. Select SP3D Structures to convert an existing FrameWorks Plus library to the .xls format for use with SmartPlant 3D. Input Format Type - Select the FrameWorks Plus library format that you want to convert. You can convert either the .dat or the .txt formats. If you are converting a SmartPlant 3D library to the FrameWorks Plus format, you cannot change this option from the default *.xls value. Output Format Type - Select the FrameWorks Plus library format that you want to create. You can create either the .dat or the .txt format. If you are converting a FrameWorks Plus library to SmartPlant 3D, you cannot change the output format from the default *.xls value.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Exporting FrameWorks Plus Projects to SmartPlant 3D SP3D Bulkloadable File - If you are converting a FrameWorks Plus library, specify the name of the Microsoft Excel file to create for SmartPlant 3D. If you are converting a SmartPlant 3D library, specify the Microsoft Excel file that you want to convert. FrameWorks Plus Data File - If you are converting a FrameWorks Plus library, select the library to convert. If you are converting a SmartPlant 3D library, specify the name of the .dat or .txt file that you want to convert. Template File - Select Converter_Template_English.xls or Converter_Template_Metric.xls depending on the units of the FrameWorks Plus library that you are converting. These files are delivered to c:\win32app\ingr\FWPLUS\esl by default. This template file is the starting point for the .xls based library that the utility is to create. This option is not required if you are converting a SmartPlant 3D library to a FrameWorks Plus library. FrameWorks Cell File - Specify the cell design file to use to store the graphic images of arbitrary sections. This option is not required if you are converting a FrameWorks Plus library to a SmartPlant 3D library. Log File - Specify the name and location of a log file. Status - Displays progress and error messages. Close - Exits the utility. Convert - Converts the selected cross-section library to the other format. View Log - Displays the log file so that you can see if any errors occurred during the conversion.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Importing CIS/2 Files to FrameWorks Plus This appendix explains how to import CIMsteel Integration Standard format (CIS/2 format) into FrameWorks Plus from other applications such as SmartPlant 3D, PKPM, or any other product that can generate a CIS/2 file. The CIS/2 file contains all the necessary physical model data to import the structures and components. This import is a data dump from the originating application. FrameWorks Plus does not attempt to do any data management during the import. The model can be brought in multiple times without recognition of a prior import, resulting in objects being placed on top of each other. However, FrameWorks Plus will attempt to maintain attribute data during the import (such as: grade, class, priority, and so forth) if that data exist in the CIS/2 file being read. If FrameWorks Plus does not find the attribute equivalents, then default FrameWorks Plus attributes are used.

Importing CIS/2 Files The CIS/2 Import dialog box is used to define the CIS/2 file to import into FrameWorks Plus. You activate the dialog box by using the key-in mdl load cis2import. The units defined when the model was created are used.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Importing CIS/2 Files to FrameWorks Plus File - Specify the CIS/2 physical model file whose members you want to import into FrameWorks Plus. Click Browse to select the file or you can key-in the path and file name. CIMsteel Step files have a .stp extension. Include mapping file - Select this option to use a section name mapping file when importing the members from the CIS file. A mapping file swaps the third-party software name for a section (for example, L3.5X2.5X1/4) with the FrameWorks Plus name for a section (for example, L3-1/2X2-1/2X1/4). You must create the mapping file using the Utilities > Create Mapping File command before you can use the mapping file in this command. For more information, see Create Mapping File (on page 391). Mapping file - Specify the mapping file to use if the Include mapping file option is selected. Log file - Specify a log file name. You can view the log file by clicking View Log. Model Origin - Redefines the model origin in the CIS/2 file to be read. This feature can be used to align models that were created with different coordinate systems. Three options are available: By Key-in, By Point, and Coincident.  If Coincident, no adjustment is made to the data in the CIS/2 file, and the (0,0,0) origin point of the imported model is placed at the origin of the active model.  The By Key-in and By Point options allow you to specify a specific point in the active design file to which the imported model is translated. If By Point, you are prompted for a data point to specify the origin. The By Key-in option simply allows you to type the X, Y, and Z values for the origin (in Master Units). Status - Displays the progress and results of the import. 1. Create a new model with the units of measure that you need (or identify an existing model). 2. Open FrameWorks Plus and the model into which you want to import the CIS/2 file. 3. In the key-in field, type mdl load cis2import 4. Specify the CIS/2 file to import by typing the full path and file name in the File field, or click Browse to select the file. 5. Specify if you are going to use a mapping file and if so, the location of the mapping file. 6. Specify the log file. 7. Specify where you want the model origin of the CIS/2 model placed in the FrameWorks Plus model. 8. Click Apply. 9. Click View Log after processing is complete to review the log file for any issues.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Troubleshooting FrameWorks Plus Before calling support, you may want to troubleshoot a problem on your own.

Section Libraries Section Library not found Problem: Section library not found error displays during model initialization. Possible Solutions: Use the File > Section Library and File> Cell Library commands to reattach the user section library and corresponding cell library. Then use the File > Save FWP Settings command to have FrameWorks Plus automatically attach the section library and cell library when the model is opened.  You may have to drop and reset views for the sections to appear.  Use the File > Verify Model command to check for invalid member sections.  If different section libraries were used to place sections, you will need to merge those libraries into a single library or recreate the missing sections. You can use the File> Interactive Section Tables utility to merge section libraries. FrameWorks Plus can only use one user section library and one standard section library at a time.

Solids Solids do not display Problem: The solid elements in your model do not display. Possible Solutions:  Use the View> Modify command to verify that solids are to be displayed in the view.  Drop and reset the isometric view.  Use the Utilities > Review Element command to review the solid element. If the Review Element command has errors, run the solid solver.ma located in the ..\fwplus\bin folder. Read the solver.txt file before running solver.ma.  If the solid has a hole, try deleting and replacing the hole. Review Element cannot review solids Problem: The Utilities > Review Element command cannot review solids. A "Invalid hole" or "Invalid solid" message appears. Possible Solutions:  Use the File> Compress Model command to compress the model database files.  Run the solid solver.ma located in the ..\fwplus\bin folder. Read the solver.txt file before running solver.ma.

Models Cannot open the model Problem: FrameWorks Plus cannot open the model. Possible Solution: 1. Open model's design file in MicroStation.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Troubleshooting FrameWorks Plus 2. Close all views. 3. Click File > Save Settings. Exit MicroStation and open the model using FrameWorks Plus. 1. If the model opens, the problem is with one of the views (such as an invalid cutback or a corrupted member override). Go to step 5. 2. If the model does not open, skip to the Corrupt Model File topic. 3. Use the View > Set command to set each view in the model one at a time until the abort occurs. 4. Create a new view that duplicates the view that caused the abort. Corrupt model file Problem: If the design file should become corrupt in some way, you can get FrameWorks Plus to regenerate the design file. Possible Solution: 1. Rename the corrupted design file. 2. Copy the appropriate seed design file to the model directory. 3. Edit the copied seed design file's properties to remove read- only access. 4. Rename the seed design file to the model name. 5. Open the model in FrameWorks Plus. The model database files automatically repopulate the design file. 6. If there were generic MicroStation graphics in the original model file (gridlines for example) that you want to save, attach the original model as a MicroStation reference model and copy the graphics into the fixed model. However, if original model file cannot be attached, you have to re-create the graphics and gridlines.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Error Messages This section contains a listing of all the informational, error, and warning messages you are likely to see while using FrameWorks Plus. Along with the messages are probable reasons for the error or warning, and possible recovery steps. There are some additional diagnostic messages that are not listed here and should not display during normal use of FrameWorks Plus. However, if a diagnostic message does occur and you cannot determine the cause or find a solution to the problem, please contact your authorized dealer for assistance. Arc members are not supported by this command!  Explanation: You tried to manipulate an arc member with one of the following commands: Modify Work Point Offset, Modify Member End, Join Members, or Split Member. These commands cannot be used on arc members.  Recovery: None. Analysis Results file Not Found  Explanation: FrameWorks Plus cannot locate the file containing the analysis results information. For STAAD analysis jobs, this is a file with a .dbs extension; GTSTRUDL uses a .dbx file. The results file must have the same root name as the input file, and be located in the interface directory (\int) for the current project.  Recovery: Run the analysis program before using the read results command, and verify that the results file is in the interface directory. Cannot attach Model to itself  Explanation: You attempted to attach the same model as the active model with the Attach Model command.  Recovery: Attach a different model from the project. Cannot copy grid to same FrameWorks Plus view  Explanation: You attempted to copy a grid set associated with a view to the same view. This would result in duplicate, coincident grid sets, and FrameWorks Plus prevents this from happening.  Recovery: Copy grids to any other parallel model view except the original view in which the grid was created. Cannot create IST table  Explanation: FrameWorks Plus cannot create the section library files.  Recovery: Make sure the directory path exists and that you have permission to write to that directory. Cannot modify grids from attached partition  Explanation: You selected a grid line from an attached model partition when running the Edit Grid Label command. The grid lines from an attached partition are read-only access.  Recovery: Open the attached partition model. You can modify the labels when the partition is the active model file. Cannot overwrite standard section -- use different name  Explanation: You've tried to save a new section library using a name of an existing section library.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Error Messages  Recovery: Select a new name for the new section library. CSD File Name must be specified  Explanation: The name of the CSD file has not been specified.  Recovery: Use the CSD File Name key-in field to specify the name for the CSD file before selecting the OK button. Compressing members will result in member ID's being resequenced.  Explanation: When FrameWorks Plus compresses the Linear Member data file, the internal database member IDs are resequenced. These IDs are written to analytical input file. If you compress the Linear Member data file, the IDs in the model and the IDs in the input file will no longer match. This can also cause approved clashes to be lost because PD_Clash tracks clashes on member IDs.  Recovery: None. Cut plane parallel to member. Invalid cutback has been erased.  Explanation: After moving a member that had a cutback defined, the new member direction is parallel to the plane used to define the cutback. This causes the cutback to be invalid, so the cutback is deleted.  Recovery: Replace the cutback on the member that was moved. Cutting plane parallel to member line.  Explanation: The cutting plane you defined is parallel to the member line.  Recovery: Redefine the cutting plane so it intersects the member line. Database partition already attached  Explanation: When running the Attach Model command, you selected the name of a model which is already attached to this active model.  Recovery: Select a model name that is not currently attached. Design file not in project model directory \mod  Explanation: FrameWorks Plus cannot find the model .dgn file in the project's \mod directory.  Recovery: Create a new MicroStation .dgn file in the model directory using the model's name for the name of the new design file. The new design file should be empty. FrameWorks Plus automatically re-creates the design file information using the new design file the next time you enter the model. Detected more than 50 connect points - member ID XXX not processed  Explanation: When creating a clash envelope file, the software discovered a member with more than fifty connected members. PD_Clash can only handle a maximum of fifty connect points for a member. The software did not write the member to the envelope file to prevent problems with PD_Clash.  Recovery: Split the member into multiple members such that no one member has more than fifty other members framing into it. Error attaching Reference File  Explanation: FrameWorks Plus couldn't find the reference file or does not have permission to read the reference file.  Recovery: Check the name, directory path, and permissions of the reference file. Geometry modification possible only for solids and slabs.  Explanation: You're trying to modify the geometry of a wall element. You can only modify geometry for slab and solid elements.  Recovery: None. Error opening database file


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Error Messages 

Explanation: FrameWorks Plus was unable to open a model database file, probably due to exceeding the established maximum number of open files.  Recovery: Verify that the system configuration parameters have been properly set. Existing FW arc selected. Please use Modify Type command to change arc type.  Explanation: You've tried to: 1) Place an arc using an existing FrameWorks Plus arc as the pattern; or 2) You've tried to use a MicroStation arc that has user data associated with it (for example, custom line styles).  Recovery: Use a plain MicroStation arc with no user data as your pattern arc. Face of hole does not intersect with parent solid!  Explanation: You've placed a hole outside the parent solid's physical area.  Recovery: Use the Delete Member command to delete the invalid hole. Then replace the hole inside the parent element. Fence is not placed in FrameWorks Plus view  Explanation: You attempted to place columns by fence, but the fence is not in an active FrameWorks Plus plan model view.  Recovery: Set the plan view in which columns are to be placed, if the view is not already active, and place the fence in this view before selecting the Place Column command. File Seek Error  Explanation: FrameWorks Plus cannot find the specified file.  Recovery: Check the spelling of the file name and the directory path. File Write Error  Explanation: FrameWorks Plus cannot write the file.  Recovery: Check to make sure you have enough disk space and permission to write to the directory. FrameWorks already initialized  Explanation: You've tried to start FrameWorks Plus after it was already running.  Recovery: None. Freeze file open error. Unable to delete, update, or regenerate frozen view.  Explanation: The frozen view you are trying to update, regenerate, or delete is in a design file that FrameWorks Plus cannot access. Either the design file does not exist anymore, is open by another program, or has read-only access.  Recovery: Make sure that the design file containing the frozen view is not open by another program. Also make sure that the design file access is not set to read-only. Grid label already exists! Duplicate?  Explanation: The grid label you are about to assign already exists on another grid line. If you continue, you will have two grid lines with the same label.  Recovery: Key in a different grid label. Grid must be placed in FrameWorks Plus Elevation View  Explanation: A view other than an active elevation view was selected when creating an elevation grid.  Recovery: Place a data point in an active elevation model view. Use the Set View command to activate the view if necessary. Grid must be placed in FrameWorks Plus Plan View  Explanation: A view other than a plan model view was selected when creating a plan grid.  Recovery: Place a data point in an active plan model view. Use the Set View command to activate the view if necessary.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Error Messages Grid to be copied not fully defined  Explanation: You attempted to copy a grid set consisting of a single line. Grid sets must have at least two lines to be copied as a group.  Recovery: Create a grid set with more than one line and then use the Copy Grid command to copy the set. Alternatively, use the MicroStation Copy Element command to copy the single grid line (and any labels). Holes totally or partly outside the slab will be deleted.  Explanation: You're redefining a slab or solid's geometry (shape) and one or more holes in the existing shape are outside of the new shape. If you continue, the holes will be deleted.  Recovery: None. Improper Database Version  Explanation: A mismatch has been detected between versions of the FrameWorks Plus software and the model database.  Recovery: See the README file delivered with FrameWorks Plus for database upgrade or compatibility information. Improper Section Library Version  Explanation: You're trying to use an ESL section library (FrameWorks versions 1.6 and earlier) with FrameWorks versions 2.0 or later.  Use the ESL to IST converter to convert the ESL section libraries to IST libraries. Input File Name must be specified  Explanation: The name of the analysis input file has not been specified.  Recovery: Use the File Name key-in field to specify the name for the input file before selecting the OK button. Invalid Analysis Results file - mismatch with map file  Explanation: The selected map file does not correspond with the analysis results file (.dbx or .dbs) of the same name. This normally indicates that members have been manually added or deleted to the analysis input file.  Recovery: Make changes as needed to the FrameWorks Plus model and re-create the analysis input file. Run the analysis again and then execute the FrameWorks Plus read results command. Invalid clearance value for hole  Explanation: The cutout Clearance is added evenly to all sides of the shape. If you define a Clearance that is greater than half the distance between sides of a closed shape, FrameWorks Plus will not place the cutout. For example, the distance between an I-section's flanges is 8.5 inches. If you define a Clearance greater than 4.25 inches, the cutout will not be placed and this error message displays.  Recovery: Define a smaller clearance value. Invalid Freeze Level Range: Start> End  Explanation: An invalid freeze level range has been specified on the Set FrameWorks Levels dialog box.  Recovery: Specify an End level number that is larger than the Start level. Invalid grid line selected - not Plan Grid  Explanation: When creating an elevation grid, you selected a grid line that is not from a plan grid set. The grid line selected should be from a plan view and parallel to and lie within the depth of the elevation view in which you are placing the elevation grid.  Recovery: Select the proper plan grid line. If the elevation view was created By Grid Line, select the same plan grid line used to create the view.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Error Messages Invalid grid line selected - non-vertical  Explanation: You selected a vertical grid line from an elevation grid when creating an elevation model view. A vertical line does not sufficiently define the view orientation.  Recovery: Select any non-vertical grid line to define the view plane, such as any line from a plan grid. Invalid Hole for 3D solid ID #  Explanation: The hole you are trying to create is not valid. This happens when: 1) the entire hole is defined outside the parent solid's physical area, 2) the hole is inside the parent element's physical area but does not intersect any of parent solid's surface (hole is a cavity), 3) you are using two MicroStation elements to define the hole and one of the elements is outside the parent solid's physical area, or 4) the hole you are placing intersects an existing hole (two holes cannot overlap).  Recovery: Verify the hole placement and try again. If you are using two MicroStation elements to define the hole, make sure both elements are inside the parent solid's physical area. You can use the Locate Element By Attributes command to find the solid if you are not sure which solid is causing the problem. Invalid map file - wrong analysis program type  Explanation: The map file selected when running the Read STAAD-III Results or Read GTSTRUDL Results command indicates that the input file was not created for the same analysis program.  Recovery: When a STAAD input file is created, FrameWorks Plus creates a corresponding map file. You must use the Read STAAD-III Results command to update the model from the results from this analysis program. Invalid map file - mismatch with model database  Explanation: FrameWorks Plus detected an inconsistency between the active model and the selected map file when the Read STAAD-III Results or Read GTSTRUDL Results command was executed. This usually indicates that the input file corresponding to the selected map file was generated from a different model in the project, or you have made significant changes (probably member deletions) to the model.  Recovery: Verify that the proper map file for the active model is selected. If the problem persists, re-create the input file (and thus the map file), rerun the analysis program, and try the read results command again. Invalid OV - parallel to Member  Explanation: You attempted to either place a member or modify the Orientation Vector (OV) of a member, such that the OV is parallel to the axis (centerline) of the member. This is an invalid member definition.  Recovery: Specify an OV that is not parallel to the member to be placed or modified. Invalid view for Elevation Grid  Explanation: A view other than an elevation model view was selected when creating an elevation grid.  Recovery: Place a data point in an active elevation model view. Use the Set View command to activate the view. Invalid view for Plan Grid  Explanation: A view other than a plan model view was selected when creating a plan grid.  Recovery: Place a data point in an active plan model view. Use the Set View command to activate the view. Loads cannot be placed on arc or solid members.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Error Messages 

Explanation: You are trying to place a load on an arc member or a solid member. FrameWorks Plus does not support loads on these two types of members.  Recovery: None. Maximum number of intersections exceeded in slicing in design file  Explanation: During the element slicing routine of running clash detection, the routine has come across a solid with more than one concave area. Multiple concave areas in a single solid are not supported by PD_Clash.  Recovery: Replace the solids so there is only one concave area per solid. Members from attached models may not be selected!  Explanation: You've selected a solid member in an attached model for cutouts.  Recovery: Open the model that contains the solid member you selected and run cutouts in that model. Memory Allocation Error  Explanation: FrameWorks Plus attempted to dynamically allocate memory during the processing of a command. The virtual memory manager uses temporary files on the computer's hard disk when there is insufficient free memory available. This message occurs when there is insufficient disk space available for the memory manager to create the swap file on the hard disk.  Recovery: Verify sufficient free space is available on your computer's hard disk drive. Model Database Not Found  Explanation: FrameWorks Plus was unable to locate or open the FrameWorks Plus model database for the active design file. Either the design file you are in does not have an associated FrameWorks Plus database or you have exceeded the maximum number of open files for the system.  Recovery: Use the cremod utility to create a FrameWorks Plus design file and model database. If you have a valid model database, verify that the system configuration parameters have been properly set. Model to be detached must be selected first  Explanation: The Detach button on the Detach Model dialog box was selected before the name of the attached model was selected.  Recovery: Use the cursor to select the name of the model to be detached from the list box before selecting the Detach button. New grid label must be defined  Explanation: No new label has been defined for the Edit Grid Label command.  Recovery: Use the New Label key-in field on the Grid palette pop-down menu to specify the new grid label. No elements in specified set  Explanation: You attempted to create an analysis input file or a material report using the Use Selection Set option, but no members are in the selection set.  Recovery: Build the selection set of elements to be operated on before running the command or turn off the Use Selection Set option to operate on the entire model. No fence defined  Explanation: The command you've chosen requires a fence be placed in the view first.  Recovery: Place a fence in the view around the elements that you want to use the command with, and then reselect the command. No floors found within elevation grid range


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Error Messages 

Explanation: There are no plan views in the database with an elevation (height) value within the specified elevation range. FrameWorks Plus uses the plan view heights to determine floor levels (horizontal lines) in the elevation grid.  Recovery: Verify that the Elevation Range on the Create Elevation Grid dialog box is correct and/or create plan views with elevations at the desired floor level. No FrameWorks Plus Models Attached  Explanation: The Detach Model command was selected when no model partitions are currently attached.  Recovery: Use this command only when you need to detach an attached partitions. No FrameWorks Plus Views Active (Set)  Explanation: A command was selected that requires an active model view to process when no views are currently set.  Recovery: Use the Set View command to set one or more model views before running the grid or view command which produced the error message. No intersecting grid lines found  Explanation: When attempting to create an elevation grid, you selected a plan grid line that does not intersect with any other grid lines. FrameWorks Plus uses the grid intersection points to create the vertical grid line in the elevation grid.  Recovery: Select another grid line (that has intersections) from a different plan grid. No Members in Edit List  Explanation: The Edit Last Placed command was selected but no members are available to edit.  Recovery: Use this command to edit members immediately after they are placed or copied. No Model Views Defined  Explanation: You attempted to set or delete a model view before creating any model views.  Recovery: Use the Create View command to create a model view. Not a FrameWorks Plus view  Explanation: You selected a view during the freeze view operation which is not an active model view.  Recovery: Set (activate) the model view before running the Freeze View command. No user Section library attached  Explanation: You selected the Create User Section command when no user ESL library is attached to the active model. All user sections are created in the user ESL library.  Recovery: Use the creesl utility to create a user ESL library if you do not already have one for this project. Then use the Section Library command to attach the library to your model. No Views Frozen  Explanation: You attempted to update, regenerate, or delete a frozen view but there are no views frozen in the current model.  Recovery: These commands cannot be used unless there are frozen views in the active model. Use the Freeze View command to create frozen views. One or more loads on member # are out of member range and will be deleted. Continue with member modification?  Explanation: You are using a command to modify a member's length. This modification will cause a load that was placed at an Absolute location to be off (or partially off) the member's end. If you click OK, the member is modified and the affected load deleted.  Recovery: If you have gone ahead and modified the member, you'll need to replace the load. If you haven't modified the member (the load still exists), you can edit the load to be placed

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Error Messages using Relative distances. Loads placed using Relative distances are automatically recalculated when the member length is changed. If you are not sure which member with loads is causing the problem, use the Locate Element By Attributes command to locate the member using the member ID displayed in the message. PDLICE Failed: [Registry Search] System cannot find file specified Software\Intergraph\PD_Lice  Explanation: You have loaded FrameWorks Plus but do not have SmartPlant Licensing installed on your system. FrameWorks Plus requires one PDS 3D seat if you load FrameWorks Plus using a PDS serial number or one FrameWorks Plus seat if you load FrameWorks Plus using a stand-alone serial number.  Recovery: Install SmartPlant Licensing on your system and request a key. Refer to the SmartPlant Licensing Manager Installation and User’s Guide for more information. Plan grid line not within Elevation view  Explanation: When creating an elevation grid, you selected a grid line that is not parallel to, or within the display depth of the elevation view, selected for the grid. The grid line selected should be from a plan view and parallel to and lie within the depth of the elevation view in which you are placing the elevation grid.  Recovery: Select the proper plan grid line. If the elevation view was created By Grid Line, select the same plan grid line used to create the view. Section library not found  Explanation: FrameWorks Plus was unable to find or open the section library.  Recovery: Make sure that the standard section library you specified when you created the model database resides in the esl directory (.\fwplus\esl). Also, if you are using a user section library, it must be in the project's \esl directory. Section not found  Explanation: You've requested a section that does not exist in active section library or the active user section library.  Recovery: Make sure you've keyed in the correct section name. Also check to make sure the proper section library is active. Source Model View of Frozen View to be updated must be active (set)  Explanation: The Model View used to create the Frozen View must be active before FrameWorks Plus can update the Frozen View.  Recovery: Use the Set View command to activate the Model View before running the Update Frozen command. Source Model View of Frozen View to be regenerated must be active (set)  Explanation: The Model View used to create the Frozen View must be active before FrameWorks Plus can regenerate the Frozen View.  Recovery: Use the Set View command to activate the Model View before running the Regenerate command. Start section and end section don't have the same section type. Section type must be the same for both sections.  Explanation: You're trying to define a tapered member using two different section types (the start section as a channel and the end section as a double-angle, for example).  Recovery: Use the same section type for both the start and end sections. This command is only available when FrameWorks Plus is running as part of the PDS environment.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Error Messages 

Explanation: You've selected a command that is only available if FrameWorks Plus is loaded using a PDS serial number and you've accessed the FrameWorks Plus model through PD_Shell.  Recovery: Reload FrameWorks Plus using a PDS serial number and access the model using PD_Shell. This serial number: # is not valid on this platform.  Explanation: You're trying to install FrameWorks Plus on Windows 95 using a PDS serial number. Because the SmartPlant Licensing software needed to run FrameWorks Plus when using a PDS serial number does not run on Windows 95, FrameWorks Plus' setup prevents you from using the PDS serial number.  Recovery: Use a FrameWorks Plus stand-alone serial number to install FrameWorks Plus on Windows 95. Alternately, you can use the PDS serial number to install FrameWorks Plus on a computer running Windows NT. Top face is not a planar surface.  Explanation: You are trying to create a slab using by element method and the elements are not planar with one another.  Recovery: Replace the MicroStation elements that you want to use to create the slab making sure that all of the elements are co-planar. Type Mismatch! The attached file's design code or analysis package does not match the settings in this file.  Explanation: One or more attached models has a different 3rd Party Software setting than the active model. This can be either different analysis packages or the same analysis package but different design codes. FrameWorks Plus will not write input decks if all models do not have the same analysis package and design code selected.  Recovery: Either detach the models that have the different settings or open each of the attached models and use the Settings > 3rd Party Software command to set the same analysis package and design code. Unable to modify hole! Specified thickness is greater than parent solid.  Explanation: The new thickness you've specified for the hole is thicker than the parent solid. This would create a hole that sticks out of the parent solid. FrameWorks Plus will not place holes outside the parent solid's physical area.  Recovery: Key in a new thickness for the hole that is equal to or less than the thickness of the parent solid. You can use the Review Element command to find out the thickness of the parent solid if you are not sure. Unable to process overrides for holes separately from parent solid.  Explanation: FrameWorks Plus does not allow different symbology for holes and parent solids. Symbology overrides can only be applied to the parent solid member.  Recovery: None. Use Edit Text command to modify Horizontal Elevation grid labels  Explanation: You attempted to edit the label of a horizontal grid line in an elevation grid set with the Edit Grid Label command. This command is to be used only for grid lines with alphanumeric grid label/bubble pairs, such as vertical grid lines in an elevation grid, and all plan grid lines.  Recovery: Use the MicroStation Edit Text command to modify the horizontal grid line labels. This has no adverse effects on future FrameWorks Plus operations on the grid line or labels. View is not a FrameWorks Plus view  Explanation: You attempted to modify a view that is not an active FrameWorks Plus model view.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Error Messages 

Recovery: Set the view to be modified and make sure you identify the proper model view immediately after you select the view modification command. View must be selected first  Explanation: You attempted to freeze a view before selecting the view to be frozen.  Recovery: Select the model view to be frozen before selecting the Freeze button. View Name must be selected first  Explanation: While performing a view command, you selected the Apply or OK button before selecting a view name from the list box.  Recovery: Select a view name with the cursor before picking a button to process the command. Views not parallel - Cannot Copy Grid  Explanation: You attempted to use the Copy Grid command to copy a grid set to another view which is not parallel to the view associated with the original grid. Plan grids can be copied to plan views; elevation grids can be copied to parallel elevation views.  Recovery: Select a target view that is parallel to the originating grid's view. Wall can be placed only in a plan view  Explanation: You are trying to place a wall in an elevation or 3D view.  Recovery: Place the wall using a plan view. Warning! Only 50 points allowed for walls.  Explanation: Walls are limited to 50 vertices (placement defining points). This limitation applies for both interactive placement and using an existing MicroStation element for placement.  Recovery: Instead of trying to place a single wall, place the wall as several different walls. Warning! Only 95 points allowed for slabs/solids.  Explanation: Slabs and solids are limited to 95 vertices (placement defining points). This limitation applies for both interactive placement and using an existing MicroStation element for placement.  Recovery: Instead of trying to place a single slab or solid, place the slab as several different slabs. Zero length member detected  Explanation: FrameWorks Plus has found a member with no defined length.  Recovery: Modify the member length or delete the member. Zero volume element not permitted.  Explanation: You're trying to place a solid or a hole in a solid that does not have any volume (the solid or hole is 2D, not 3D). FrameWorks Plus does not allow zero volume elements to be placed.  Recovery: Replace the solid or hole using 3 different dimensions.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Glossary A active depth - The plane in a 3-D design upon which you can place elements and perform manipulations. AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction) - An organization responsible for defining American steel construction standards. annotations - Dimensions, notes, symbols, or reports placed in a drawing to provide information or comments. ASCII - American Standard for Computer Information Interchange; the standard file type used for communications among most computers. associativity - The means by which the connectivity of a model is preserved following model manipulations using an associative move command. axis (plural: axes) - An imaginary line used to define the orientation of a system or element. The design cube orientation is normally defined in terms of an X-, Y-, and Z-axis. Some 3-D graphic elements have an associated axis used to define the center or axis for rotations. B BCSA (British Constructional Steelwork Association) - An organization responsible for defining British steel construction standards. beam - A structural member type typically placed with the member axis in a nominal horizontal orientation. bill of materials - An indented and exploded list of parts in an assembly. blue file - See Common Structural Database. BOM - Bill of Materials C CISC (Canadian Institute of Steel Construction) - An organization responsible for defining Canadian steel construction standards. can - A reinforcing connection piece placed at member intersections. camber - Slight upward curve given to trusses and girders to avoid the effect of sag or selfweight. cantilever - A beam, girder, or truss that overhangs one or both supports.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Glossary cardinal point (CP) - A point on a physical member cross-section through which the member centerline passes. Ten cardinal points are available.

channel - A structural shape referring to a three-sided member type with each of the sides joined at a right angle. chord - The principal member of a truss. Can be on either the top or bottom of the truss. class - A means of segregating certain groups of structural elements in a model, typically for inclusion or exclusion from analysis and design procedures. circular bar - A structural shape referring to a cylindrical solid. circular tube - A structural shape referring to a hollow cylindrical member type or pipe. clip angle - A small angle-shaped piece of steel used for fastening members together. column - A vertical structural member usually attached to a footing and extending to the roof of a building. Common Structural Database (CSD) - A neutral nongraphic interface file used to transmit information between various application software products. constraint - An analytical boundary condition applied to a node in the model. Constraints can be applied in any valid degree of freedom in the model. Constraints force zero movement at the node and degree of freedom of application. cope - To cut out the top or bottom flanges and possibly the web so that one member will frame into another. CP - See cardinal point (CP) cross section - The shape of a member when viewed along the member line. CSD - See Common Structural Database (CSD) cutback - An axial offset that typically represents the distance from a member centerline to its face. Cutbacks are used to account for the difference between how a structure is modeled and constructed in terms of lengths of members and quantities of materials. D degree of freedom - An allowable direction of movement, either translation or rotation. For plates and linear members, there are six possible degrees of freedom (DOFs): translation X, Y, and Z and rotation RX, RY, and RZ. design file - A file containing graphics and text data. Also called a drawing file. display depth - The command that sets limits on the amount of the design cube that is visible. This command specifies the slice of the design cube with which you can work in a specific view.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Glossary double line - A representation of a structural member which shows the true (or scaled) width of a structural section on a member, including hidden lines, if any. Double line representation is often used in plan and elevation model views. drawing file - A design file that contains a finished drawing. The drawing file contains a drawing border and has reference files of drawing views attached. drawing view - A drawing view is created by freezing a FrameWorks Plus model view to create permanent graphics in the model design file. These drawing views are then used in the Drawing Composition process to create a construction drawing. Also known as Frozen Views. drift pin - A tapered steel pin used to align bolt or rivet holes when assembling steel. E elevation view - A viewing orientation normal to a vertical section through a structure, such as a single bay, or along a grid line. Also known as a sectional view of a structure. end releases - Physical member attributes that define the connection between a member and its nodes. End releases (degrees of freedom) are used to simulate pinned members as well as other special modeling situations. The member will not contribute stiffness to the node if the degree of freedom (end release) is released. Similarly, the node will not transfer forces or moments to the member through a release degree of freedom. End released can be defined in any valid degree of freedom for the model. engineering drawing - Basic layout drawing of a structure used for design and engineering purposes. erection clearance - The amount of space left between members to ease assembly. erection diagrams - Structural drawings prepared specifically for use in the field for erecting a structure. Used in steel and precast concrete construction to show how the structure fits together, and in what order each piece is to be erected. The drawing includes the location of every part of the structure, number of pieces in members, and the approximate weights of heavy members to assist in construction. F fabricate - To cut, punch, and sub-assemble members in the shop. fabrication plans - Structural detailed drawing of individual structural members, describing exactly how they are to be fabricated. fasteners - Bolts and rivets used to connect structural members. fences - A temporary means of locating and grouping elements for manipulation. finite element - A simple geometric shape defined by a specific number of nodes in a specific order. Elements are dependent on all the nodes defining their shape; if any node is deleted, the element is also deleted. Elements are the building blocks of finite element models. Elements can be one of three types: linear or one-dimensional, plate or two- dimensional, or solid or three-dimensional. flange - The projecting portion of a beam, channel, or column. flexure - A term used for describing bending behavior. footing - An enlargement at the base of a column, or at the bottom of a wall, to distribute the load over a greater portion of ground and thereby prevent settling. foot print - A graphical cross-section of a structural member. Foot prints are used to represent members that intersect a model view plane at or near a perpendicular angle of intersection. foundation - The bottom most portion of a wall, or that part of a wall that rests on the footing, upon which the rest of the wall is built. foundation or masonry plans - Structural drawings that include detail drawings of all foundations and walls that support the structure. The plans show the loads on the foundations, the

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Glossary depth of footings, the proportions of concrete, the quality of masonry, the allowable bearing on the soil, and all data necessary for accurately locating and constructing the foundations. framing plan - A structural drawing plan view, drawn to scale, providing an overhead view of the structural components of a building. Columns, beams, and girders, roof members, floor members, and wall members all require separate framing plans. freeze level - The level on which the frozen (drawing view) graphics are placed in the design file. Fu - Ultimate strength Fy - Yield strength G gap element - An analytical element used to simulate one-way compression-only behavior. A gap element can resist compression only when the gap is closed. It resists neither compression nor tension when it is open. Typical uses of gap elements in modeling include beams on elastic foundation and the contact of two initially unconnected regions. general plans - Structural drawings that include a profile of the ground; location of the structure; elevations of ruling points in the structure; clearances; grades; direction of flow; and all other substructure and superstructure design data. girder - A horizontal support member similar to a beam. Some people maintain that a girders span from column to column, and beams span from girder to girder. Other people maintain that beams span column to column and girders span from beam to beam. girt - A beam usually bolted to columns to support the side covering, or to serve as window lintels. grade - The material grade of the structural member. grid set - A group of grid lines placed within a plane that is linked by user data. A grid set can be manipulated as a single unit. gusset plate - A plate used to connect various members, such as in a truss. H hook element - An analytical element or boundary condition used to simulate one-way tension-only behavior. A hook element is a backwards gap with the ability to resist tension only when the hook is closed. It resists neither tension nor compression when it is open. Typical uses of hook elements in modeling include structural bracing, cables, tension, bolts, and the separation of two connected regions. hull - The outside surface or envelope of a member. I I-Section - A structural shape referring to any member type in the form of an "I". interference checking - A process that identifies possible collisions or insufficient clearance between members in a model isometric - Relating to or being a drafting system characterized by three equal axes at right angles; a view in which the horizontal lines of an element are drawn at an angle to the horizontal and all verticals are projected at an angle from the base. isotropic material A material that behaves with the same material properties in all direction. An example of an isotropic material is steel. J jacket - A three- or four-faced vertical or sloped tower. joist - A horizontal structural members that support the floor or roof of a building. K kips - kilo pounds.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Glossary ksi - kips per square inch. knee brace - A corner brace used to prevent angular movement. L lintel - A horizontal member used to carry a wall over an opening. levels - Layer-like divisions of the design file. Elements can be organized in any fashion on 63 levels, although no element can span two levels. Only one level can be active at a time, but any combination can be displayed or blanked from the screen. The active level must be displayed. local model - The active FrameWorks design file and model database on which you are working. You have complete read and write access to the local model data. In contrast, an attached partition is a model database that is referenced in read-only mode. load - A force vector applied to a member. M material properties - Attributes of the material useful in the analysis process. map file - This file, which has a .map extension, is created each time an analysis input file is generated. It is used by FrameWorks Plus to associate the analytical and physical members when the analysis results are read in to update the model. member - A linear structural element, such as a beam, column, or brace. member line - Linear member; member line design element, the same as a MicroStation line. MicroStation - A computer-aided design software package from Bentley Systems, Inc. model file - A design/database file that defines the 3-D geometry and connectivity of a structure. model view - A special type of view created and used by FrameWorks Plus for the layout and display of members in the structural model. Three types of model view can be created: Plan, Elevation, and 3-D. MTO (Material Take-Off) - A list of the structural members within a model or portion of a model. Also referred to as a bill of materials. MU:SU:PU - Distances in design files are sometimes expressed in the form of three numbers separated by colons MU:SU:PU. (Distances are always keyed in this way.) For example, 3:4:100 means three master units (MU), four sub-units (SU), and 100 positional units (PU). For example, if the working units are meters, then MU is meters, SU is centimeters, and PU is millimeters. Keying in a MU:SU:PU value of 3:20:4 would translate into 3 meters, 20 centimeters, and 4 millimeters. O orientation vector - A vector used to define a physical member's local y-x plane when combined with the local x axis defined by the start and end nodes. orthotropic material - A material that has two material directions that are orthogonal to one another. An example of an orthotropic material is wood. P panel - The space between adjacent floor supports, or purlins, in a roof. partition - A subset of a larger overall structural project, which has been divided into one or more model partitions. You can access any partitions of the project in FrameWorks Plus by attaching one or more model partitions to the local model file. physical member - A concept that helps to eliminate modeling errors by providing a straightforward method for defining structure geometry by placing members in a model in much the same way that they would be framed in the field. During analysis pre-processing, physical members are split into finite elements (segments) while still maintaining the collective status of the physical member during model revisions. The software assigns member releases at each end of

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Glossary the true physical member, while preventing release assignments from being made to interior nodes of the finite elements.

pile - A double-battered vertical member placed at each corner of a jacket or at an intermediate position. preference file - A file that contains all of the preference sets of command parameters used by FrameWorks Plus commands. Two preference files are delivered with FrameWorks Plus: one for imperial units, and another for metric units. Preference files are also referred to as resource files. preference set - A set of parameter values associated with a particular command and saved by a specified name in the preference file. Many FrameWorks Plus commands use preference sets to store and retrieve default command parameters. pitch - The ratio of rise to run for roofs. Pitch is also the center distance between bolts or rivets, parallel to the axis of the member. plate - A flat, rectangular steel shape. post tensioning - A method of pre-stressing concrete, by stressing the steel strands after the concrete has been poured and allowed to harden. pre-stressed concrete - Concrete products that are stressed before they are erected in a structure. This is accomplished by passing high-strength steel strands through the form and applying stress to the strands either before or after the concrete is poured. precast concrete - Concrete members that are poured in forms at a plant or factory and allowed to harden. There are two types of precast products, pre-stressed products and reinforced products. pretensioning - Stressing the steel strands in a pre-stressed member before the concrete is poured into the form. primary member - A main structural support member. principle of Superposition - The principle that states that the stresses, strains, and displacements due to different forces can be combined. project - A directory file created in an application environment that contains design files and subprojects.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Glossary purlin - Horizontal structural member extending between trusses, used as beams for supporting the roof. R rafters - Beams or truss members that support the purlins. rebar - A term for steel reinforcing bars that are used to reinforce concrete. reference file - A design file attached to another design file for viewing reference; a graphic representation, or model, attached to a drawing view of a design model. reflect - A parameter that affects the placement orientation of member cross-sections. At the user's option, the sections can be placed with their geometry reflected or mirrored about the local section y-axis. rectangular bar - A structural shape referring to a four-sided solid bar. rectangular tube - A structural shape referring to a four-sided hollow member type. reflect - A parameter that affects the placement orientation of member cross-sections. At the user's option, the sections can be placed with their geometry reflected or mirrored about the local section y-axis. reinforced concrete plan - A framing plan that identifies all beams and slabs by letter and number. The slab, beam, and bend schedules give all details for preparation and placement (number, size, spacing, bending, and location) of the reinforcing steel. retaining wall - A structural wall, either gravity or cantilever, used to hold back dirt or other materials. rule-based joint - A feature that enables you to offset the work point of two members that intersect at a node. The rules vary depending on the structural type, member orientation, and construction practices. Ruled joints are typically used when a connection detail calls for the physical member ends to be noncoincident with an intersection member's centerline. S saddle - The multi-curved shape that appears when a pipe section is connected to another pipe section.

sag ties - Tie rods between purlins in the plane of a roof, to carry the component of the roof load parallel to the roof. Tie rods are used to support girts. SAISC (South African Institute of Steel Construction) - An organization responsible for defining South African steel construction standards. secondary member - A member that is not a significant load-bearing member section - A structural member whose parameters are defined in one of the InterSect steel shape tables or in a user or project section table. section icon - A graphic shape placed at the start of all physical members depicting the scaled cross-section. section name - An alphanumeric code used to refer to a specific member in a steel table.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Glossary section orientation - The position of physical member cress section relative to the physical member local coordinate system. section table - A library of standard structural shapes that contains the necessary parametric properties of each section size, such as depth, width, and inertias. Several international tables are delivered with FrameWorks Plus. selection set - A temporary means of grouping together many, graphical elements when performing a specific operation in FrameWorks Plus or MicroStation. All elements in the selection set can be manipulated as a unit. shear stiffness - A physical member attribute that indicates whether to include shear stiffness in the member's analytical element stiffness matrix. shear walls - A wall designed to resist lateral loading from winds, underground disturbances, or blasts. shop drawings - Drawings prepared for shop personnel to fabricate structural members. Usually includes fabrication details and a Bill of Materials. skewed member - A structural member that is not at right angles to its connecting members. slab - A flat concrete area usually reinforced with wire mesh and rebar. slope - The degree of incline of a roof, expressed as a ratio of the vertical rise to the horizontal run. span - A group of contiguous physical members that are not intersected by brace- or column-type physical member. splice - To fasten together two physical members, usually columns end-to-end, to form a single continuing length. stiffener - An angle, plate, or channel fastened to a member to prevent buckling. stress - Forces acting on structural members due to various types of loads. These forces can be shear, tension, compression, or torsion. stringer - A longitudinal member used to support loads directly. strut - A compression member in a framework. style - The symbology of an element such as continuous dashes, dash-dot, solid, and so forth. symbology - The display style of an element, including color, style, and weight. suspended floor - A concrete floor system built above and off the ground. T tilt-up walls - A poured in place concrete walls that are poured in forms on the ground and then tilted up into place by cranes or hoists. tentative point - Tentative location of a data point, used mainly when snapping to elements. Pressing the data button again accepts the tentative point location, while placing another tentative point locates a different element. Top-Of-Steel (TOS) - A means of placing structural members about an imaginary line running along the physical top of a structural member (cardinal point 8). transition - A cross-section type that results in a tapered length of member and involves a gradual change in section size. See also Uniform. truss - A rigid framed structure consisting of straight members; joined to form a pattern of interconnecting triangles for carrying loads. U uniform - A cross-section type that results in a uniform length of member and involves an abrupt change in section size. See also transition.


FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Glossary units of resolution (UORs) - The distance between adjacent points in MicroStation's design plane. The design plane consists of 4,294,967,296 discrete positions along each coordinate axis. These positions, or UORs, are defined as real world coordinates by master units and sub-units (collectively, working units). This process is similar to setting up a piece of graph paper to represent data of a specific range. W web - The center section separating the flanges of an I-section, tee, or channel. weight - The thickness of a displayed element; usually represented as the number of strokes it would be plotted, plus the original stroke. For example, wt=5 means that the weight or thickness of the element is six strokes. X x-section - Cross-section; a graphically-placed cross-section representing the member section size.

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide


Index 3 3D Solid Report Data Format • 356 3D Solid Report Header Format • 354 3D Solid Report Totals Format • 360 3D Solids Material Reports • 352 3rd Party Software • 143

A Add Groups to Input Deck • 91 AISC-ASD (STAAD) • 287 AISC-LRFD (STAAD) • 290 Analysis • 88 Analytic Report Preferences • 37 Analytic Reports • 361 Analytic Reports Header Format • 363 Analytical • 269 Area Volume Graphics • 400 ASD9 (GTSTRUDL) • 292 Attach Model • 34 Automatically load an Auxiliary Coordinate System within a model • 419 AutoName • 134 AutoSnap • 142

B Batch Cutout (PD_Shell) • 429 Bell • 116 BS5950 (GTSTRUDL) • 295

C Center of Gravity Report Data Format • 372 Center of Gravity Report Header Format • 370 Center of Gravity Report Preferences • 38 Center of Gravity Report Totals Format • 376 Center of Gravity Reports • 368 Change Cell File • 43 CIM Steel Export (PD_Shell) • 432 CIM Steel Export Key-in • 441 Code Parameters • 287 Code Parameters Preferences • 38 Command Prompt Commands • 22 Composition • 424 Compress FrameWorks Plus Database • 108 Compress Frozen • 21

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Compress Models Key-in • 26 Compute Cutbacks • 326 Confirm Select Set • 116 Copy Grid • 209 Copy Member • 252 Copy Model • 19 Create • 423 Create a prompt for automatic loading • 419 Create an Auxiliary Coordinate System within a model • 417 Create Can • 316 Create Drawing File • 17 Create Drawing File Key-in • 24 Create Envelope File Key-in • 25 Create Intermediate Node • 284 Create Load Case • 270 Create Load Combination • 273 Create Mapping File • 394 Create Member Specification • 286 Create Model • 14 Create Model Key-in • 23 Create Named Groups Symbology • 174 Create Project • 12 Create Project Key-in • 22 Create Rule Based Joint • 312 Create SmartPlant Review File Key-in • 25 Create User Section • 387 Create User Section Library Key-in • 24 Create User Section Table • 18 Create View • 148 Create/Revise Model Propagation Schedule • 425 Creating a Model by ASCII File • 413 Creating a Model in PD_Shell • 411 Creating a Structural Discipline Design Area • 409 Creating or Inserting a FrameWorks Plus Project • 408 Cross Section Table Converter • 443 Custom Code Parameters • 144 Customizing FrameWorks Plus • 401 Cutbacks • 324

D Default Member • 219 Defaults Linear Members • 122 Defaults Linear Members - End Releases • 126


Index Defaults Linear Members - Fireproofing • 127 Defaults Linear Members - More Attributes • 130 Defaults Linear Members - Named Groups • 130 Defaults Solid Members • 132 Delete • 424 Delete Frozen View • 197 Delete Grid • 211 Delete Grid Line • 211 Delete Load • 280 Delete Member • 269 Delete Model • 20 Delete Model Propagation Schedule • 426 Delete Model View • 196 Design Attributes • 286 Design Parameters • 306 Design Parameters Preferences • 39 Detach Model • 35 Display Frozen • 195 Drawing Environment • 423 Drawing Trim Line • 393 Drop Named Groups Symbology • 178 Drop View • 163 Dynamics • 141

E Edit Grid Label • 210 Edit Last Placed • 219 Edit Load • 277 Elevation Grid Preferences • 39 Environment Variables • 401 Error Messages • 449 Exit • 113 Exporting FrameWorks Plus Projects to SmartPlant 3D • 437 Exporting from FrameWorks Plus • 437 Exporting Models from FrameWorks Plus • 441 Extend Member • 254 Extend Member to Intersection • 266 Extend Members to Intersection • 268

F File • 31 File (Create View Dialog Box) • 152 File (Load Case/Load Combination Dialog Box) • 271 FPL Applications • 107 FrameWorks Environment • 422 FrameWorks Manager • 11


FrameWorks Plus and Material Data Publisher • 436 FrameWorks Plus and PD_Clash • 435 FrameWorks Plus and SmartPlant Review • 433 FrameWorks Plus Categories • 421 FrameWorks Plus Extended Labels Dialog Box • 434 FrameWorks Plus Manager • 33 FrameWorks Plus Settings • 405 Freeze View • 190

G Generate ASCII File • 427 Glossary • 459 Graphic Symbology • 394 Grid Label Symbology • 206 Grid Line Symbology • 207 Grids • 202

I Import Analytical Deck • 100 Import ModelDraft File • 103 Import Structure • 442 Import structure model • 443 Importing CIS/2 Files • 445 Importing CIS/2 Files to FrameWorks Plus • 445 Interactive Section Tables (IST) • 43 Interference Checking • 105 Intergraph SmartPlant License Manager • 407

J Join Members • 264

L Label End Releases • 282 Label Load • 280 Label Supports • 283 LARSA • 99 Levels • 135 Linear Material Reports • 336 Linear Member Overrides • 178 Linear Report Data Format • 341 Linear Report Header Format • 340 Linear Reports Totals Format • 350 List View • 163 Load Symbology • 139 Loads Report Data Format • 365 Locate Element By Attributes • 381

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

Index Locate Element By Design/Code Parameters • 384 LRFD1 (GTSTRUDL) • 299

M Main • 200 Manipulate • 250 Match TOS/BOS • 263 Material Report Preferences • 39 Member Attributes • 118 Member Connectivity • 213 Member Constraints • 308 Member Criteria • 81, 440 Member Orientation • 119 Member Priority • 325 Member Symbology • 137 Mirror Member • 257 Mitered Cutbacks • 330 Model Batch Run Key-in • 26 Modeling • 423 Modify • 233 Modify Additional Attributes • 249 Modify Arc • 265 Modify Can Connection List • 320 Modify Class • 247 Modify CP • 238 Modify End Releases • 281 Modify Fireproofing • 243 Modify Material • 246 Modify Material Grade • 246 Modify Member End • 255 Modify Name • 237 Modify Named Groups Symbology • 176 Modify Offset • 262 Modify Orientation Vector • 241 Modify Reflect • 239 Modify Rotation • 239 Modify Section • 235 Modify Solid Geometry • 233 Modify Supports • 282 Modify Symbology for Linear Members • 166 Modify Symbology for Solid Members • 171 Modify Thickness • 232 Modify Type • 240 Modify View • 164 Modify Work Point Offset • 259 Move Member • 254

N Named Groups • 247 New or Edit Member Constraints • 310 NF83 (GTSTRUDL) • 301

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

O Offshore • 311 Open Model • 32 Override Annotation • 188 Override Double Line Widget • 189

P Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 2.0 • 46 Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 3.0 • 58 Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 2.0 • 47 Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 3.0 • 59 Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 2.0 • 50 Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 3.0 • 64 Packet 22 - Hole Element Packet Version 3.0 • 69 Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 2.0 • 51 Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 3.0 • 72 Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 2.0 • 53 Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 3.0 • 73 Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 2.0 • 53 Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 3.0 • 74 Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet Version 2.0 • 54 Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet Version 3.0 • 75 PDS and FrameWorks Plus • 407 Place 3D Solids • 221 Place Arc • 220 Place Beam • 214 Place Column • 215 Place Column by Two Points • 216 Place Cross Section • 390 Place Elevation Grid • 207 Place Framing Members • 218 Place Holes • 227 Place Horizontal Brace • 217 Place Jacket • 321 Place Linear Members • 211 Place Load • 274 Place Plan Grid • 203 Place Section Elevation • 391 Place Section Plan • 392 Place Slabs • 222 Place Solid Element • 226


Index Place Vertical Brace • 216 Place Wall • 224 Plan Grid Preferences • 40 PML Applications • 106 Preface • 9 Preference Editor • 36 Propagation • 424

R RAM • 99 Read CSD File • 86 Read GTSTRUDL Results • 93 Read STAAD Results • 97 Read Steel Detailing Neutral File • 82 Reference PDS Model • 395 Regenerate • 194 Releases Report Data Format • 366 Return to Pipe Support Modeler • 34 Review Element • 377 Review Log File • 385 Review PDS Attributes • 398 Review PDS Clash • 396 Review Schedule (FWP) • 427 Review Section Library • 385 Rotate Member • 256

S SAP2000 • 99 Save FWP Settings • 112 Scheduled Model Propagation • 425 SDNF Import Key-in • 27 Section Library • 42 Seed Files • 405 Select Filter Settings • 116 Set View • 162 Settings • 115 Setup Information • 407 Shifting the FrameWorks Plus Global Origin to Match PDS Design Volume • 416 Show and Modify Model ID Key-in • 29 SmartCut • 331 Solid Cutouts • 229 Solid Material Report Preferences • 40 Solid Member Overrides • 185 Split Member • 264 Steel Detailing • 389 Steel Detailing Neutral File Configuration File • 84 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format • 45 Supports Report Data Format • 367 Symbology for Linear Members • 153 Symbology for Solid Members • 159


T Tools • 199 Tower2 (GTSTRUDL) • 304 Troubleshooting FrameWorks Plus • 447

U Uncut Member • 333 Update Clash Envelope Builder Files Key-in • 28 Update Frozen • 193 Update/Regenerate Frozen View • 428 Upgrade Project Key-in • 29 User Cutbacks • 328 User Preference Sets • 404 Using Coordinate Systems in FrameWorks Plus • 416 Utilities • 335

V Verify Model • 109 Verify Model (PD_Shell) • 432 Verify Model Key-in • 28 Version 2 Format • 46 Version 3 Format • 57 View • 147 View Preferences • 41 Views • 201

W What's New in FrameWorks Plus • 9 Window to Named PDS Item • 399 Write Analysis Input Preferences • 41 Write CSD File • 85 Write GTSTRUDL Input • 88 Write STAAD Input • 95 Write Steel Detailing Neutral File • 44

FrameWorks Plus Reference Guide

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