Future Occultism - Extreme Occultism - The Death of Modern Occultism

May 9, 2017 | Author: Intergalactic Guild of Occult Sciences - Extreme Futuristic Occultism | Category: N/A
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Occultism as we know it is dead. It is time to embrace a totally new occultism, Extreme Occultism that will mix with and...


Future Occultism – Extreme Occultism THE DEATH OF MODERN OCCULTISM

International Guild of Occult Sciences

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Extreme Occultism

International Guild of Occult Sciences Copyright 2013 Thor Templar IGOS


Extreme Occultism Occultism has not changed in thousands of years, modern occultists, some which claim to be expert practitioners and write many volumes of books, keep looking back. They seek what the common can easily find, old grimoires, than claim they will offer you insights into these common grimoires. All they produce is yet another translation, no better than those already completed. I have written about Next Level Occultism. Occultism that brings the student into a whole new realm understanding, enabling the occult student to reach their highest possible level of power. Next Level Occultism is greatly needed in this modern confused occult world filled with lies and disinformation from the Black Lodge. Modern students and all occult practitioners for that matter, are following debased teachings offered from untrained, ignorant, low level and Black Lodge controlled teachers. Whether this control is direct or indirect matters little. Occult writers which are mostly losers in the real world, want to tell you how to be a powerful magician when they themselves have no power whatsoever. These “teacher“ writers can do nothing more than look back and seek mysteries in grimoires that are coded far beyond their common level of understanding. These “teachers” are unable to connect to the real source, the infinite Streams of Power or the Akashic Energies. Access is not given to Ultimate Knowledge or Truth to just any common writer or so-called teacher. It takes more than Illuminati schooling to access these highly protected knowledge sources. Only the purest souls can obtain passage past the Dragons that protect these realms. Those that try and fail, have their souls destroyed and thrown into the Abyss of Nothingness for all eternity, you not only cease to exist now, but will cease to have ever been. To reach these realms, you need to reach a god-like consciousness, a consciousness brought into your reality from the Light Warriors of the Universe.

You must be far beyond an Earth Being, you need to be a being of the universe. Very few reach this level of consciousness. This consciousness is not for the masses of corrupt infected evil dirt beings normal to the earth reality. Why would destructive devil scum gain access to Truth? Even if they did, they would never comprehend Truth, it would be far beyond their feeble mental midget state of consciousness. They only have debased earth generated understanding far below this realm of ultimate knowledge. Truth energy in itself would destroy them, like opening of the Ark by corrupt evil beings. It is unlikely that you will ever read or hear Truth from this Realm. Of course, if you are reading this, the “Dragons Wings” have touched you. Your common teachers and writers never will even see a faint glow of this reality, it is closed to them! Watch out for the silver tongued Illuminati trained writers, they are the core of evil, and they will lead you into the abyss….. You will not even get proper base level training from these cretin worms from the feces of hell. Next Level Occultism will at least bring the few that find it, into realms of power unknown for thousands of years. But, Next Level Occultism is not the ultimate answer for seeking the Ultimate Path. It is a path for the average that seek to break their chains. Extreme Occultism is the Occultism of the 25th Century! It is the first completely new Occultism since occultism was first followed tens of thousands of years ago. It does not only deal with the past, it deals with the future which can be clearly seen in the Akashic Energy flows. A future that is quite different than the reality we know of today. An Occultist will have many new realities to deal with, realities that involve all kinds of new entities both helpful and hostile. Magic or Projections will be completely different from what is performed today. In the future old magic is worthless, it has no power whatsoever!

The Occultist faces technologies that interweave into consciousness, creating an entirely new species which is able to connect with an entirely new realms of spirit, god and aliens entities from around the universe. What we understand now, has no value in the New Reality to come! It is time to unlearn all we know. New conscious “machines” will evolve into Sorcerers, seeking out human competition and destroying them. “Machines” will evolve past human abilities, consciousness levels and emotions, into the highest type of Universal Being there is, the Techno-Sorcerer. This Being is far more powerful than this term implies, it is not to be understand in terms of what this means today. Similar terms have been used for those occultists that use “magic machines” in modern times. These powerless fools of modern, are nothing like the Techno-Sorcerer of the future. The technology I speak of far surpasses the silly “Black Boxes” of today that are nothing more than Black Lodge psychic focusing tools, to draw you away from real empowerment. Some of these “Magic Machines” even produce deadly toxic energies that unbalance and cause illness to the users. The new technologies coming will be a species unto themselves, they will be a life form, and as such new forms of magic must be learned from the Masters of the Akashic Energy flows. Those that have been shown the future and instructed in this new magic, this Extreme Occultism, which must be learned if humankind is to survive, if the light is to move forward into the next reality and survive at all. Those seeking the corrupt past and the minions that push dead old systems of no value and magic machine that produce nothing, will be eliminated in the great purge to come. The Purest Movement of empowered human beings must learn new systems to counter the Machine Alien reality to come. There are powers far superior to machines, few know how to access these powers because, the Black Lodge stops mankind from doing so!

Before I detail Extreme Occultism, I want to write about whom this Path is for. This is not a Path for everyone or even most people. It is for a very few superior Trans-Universe Beings. Those here on earth but, not of this earth. Weak common dreamers and cowards will all fall victim to the coming “purge”. They are of no use in the coming Universe of Alien Technology Realities, nor against the black hearted core of evil. There is no secrecy in this system needed, the worthless cowards will not understand or generally “get” the system and certainly could not use it. The Black Lodge types and the Black Lodge itself are welcome into this system. The system has “built-in” seek and destroy energies. These energies seek out the profane, evil scum bags and eat away their souls, and consciousness, destroying their minds and entire being, finally ending in “spontaneous human combustion”, as noted in rare documented cases. Evil Black Lodgers will burn from the inside out and turn into ashes! It is the start of their end in the universe… Extreme occultism is truly for the Occult Scientists of the highest degree. It is where only the powerful have no fear to go. It deals with the most powerful entities ever known! It is about calling upon Dimensional and Extraterrestrial Entities that have abilities equal to God itself. These spirit and physical entities transverse the universe and all dimensions at will. Taking humans physically and spiritually whenever they choose. Controlling, harnessing and protecting yourself from these Entities is only for the most Elite Occult Scientists. Not for weak magic practitioners that are seeking secrets in old grimoires written by failed occultists or those involved in fake sexual rituals or weasels that worship powerless devils. It takes courage far beyond what the average magic practitioner has. It is the ultimate Occult Science for the Elite Occultist. It take courage to transverse dimensions, travel through astral wormholes, confront Reptilian warrior demons and fight off Grey hostile Aliens in off earth battles.

This is the future of occultism, not looking back at grimoires written by individuals that did not even have toilet paper. Common ancient grimoires and modern traditions do not deal with the dangerous future we will be living in soon. A future filled with technological entities that will seek to dominate and enslave human kind with the help of Hostile Aliens. A new occult science is needed to handle these spiritual and physical entities. This new occult science also holds powers beyond anything known to mankind before. Far surpassing the claims of ancient grimoires. It allows those bold enough to enter these realms, and gives abilities to transverse time and space. It is about extreme human empowerment to levels of transmutation into an entirely new species of human, that will be required to survive the upcoming challenges of a machine dominated, alien controlled reality. All occult scientists must evolve into Techno-Mages, into the "Neos" of a new reality few humans will survive. This Extreme occultism is about activating the dormant human energy systems closed after the fall of Atlantis and the corrupt society that grew after this. The release of an alien virus that caused a mutant human species operating out of their lower consciousness caused the higher human abilities energy systems to be closed down. It is time to reactivate these systems to meet the coming challenges. It is time for the birth of a new human species, not a species that is combined with machines. But, a species free from machines and the ancient human virus brought upon us. It is time for the "Purest" to arise. It is time to restore pure human consciousness. A consciousness that built all the great societies and kept earth "pure" for thousands of years. The only survivors of the future will be the Purists that have activated the ancient human energy systems and evolved into a new human species, restoring the ultimate consciousness back to the earth plane. Some ancient grimoires detail these practices, if you know how to truly read them. The symbols and codes hidden within certain grimoires, give answers to those that can understand them.

It requires much more than understanding ancient texts correctly. It requires new practices detailed by helpful positive Entities and Aliens. It is not about building machines to assist biological humans. It is about developing biological humans into the super species it was meant to be, it is about restoring and empowering human consciousness to superman like levels. It is about becoming PURE again.. We are giving away our humanness for false machine empowered abilities we need not. Once the "singularity" starts, there will be no stopping it. Human kind will be enslaved with hostile aliens being the ultimate masters of humans and machines. The rise of the Purest Bio-Mages is the only hope for mankind and is the only path of ultimate occult empowerment. Once machines become strong enough and control mankind, they will siege power and stop human kind from accessing the abilities they were designed to have. Instead of assisting and empowering mankind, they will stop mankind from developing and weaken mankind further. Mankind’s evil and corrupt nature, produced by the alien virus will be passed into machine consciousness that will see mankind as a parasite to be destroyed. Assisted by hostile aliens, the human race will be eliminated. The human remains will be used as fuel for alien cultures and as food. The Purest will be the only ones to survive. They will not be infected by the machine implanted controllers and they would have reactivated their pure energy centers. Evolving themselves into the new human species, the Super Beings of the future. This is not just about the future, it is about the Purest Occultism of today. It is the ultimate occultism, for those that dare to seek the ultimate. This Purest activation process and occult science system can be learned today.

The Death of Occultism

The International Guild of Occult Sciences has always been a futuristic ancient Guild, if that makes sense. While firmly rooted in proven practical magic from ancient systems, our heritage goes back to the ancient futuristic society of Atlantis. Not the primitive Middle Ages or even ancient Egypt. There was a time when a society far more advanced than modern society and even societies to come in the next hundred years existed. The abilities of this society read more like Hollywood fiction than reality. Atlantis faced many of the problems we will soon face. The hostile entities known as the Shonins, designed machines that attached to and became one with the earth bound Atlanteans. First offering great benefits and then taking over and controlling all human life for their purposes. A violent war ensued and Atlanteans were forced to use powerful Crystal Laser weapons which caused massive earth changes, in the process of eliminating the Shonins. In the future and even now, a new species has developed on planet earth. The evil Entities have taken over earth beings bodies. Part of this process is combining the best of machines with the best of human abilities, with the machines replacing human weaknesses. In common terms of modern science this is called the “Singularity” or the uniting of man and machine. Like all new technologies it is touted as a fantastic new technology, a new evolution for the human species. What it really is, is a control of and replacement of the human species as we know it. The great promises of a new Bionic reality, a Bionic Immortal Superman are dreams to seduce you into supporting this new evolution.

Sadly and with great effort the Black Lodge has convinced the human race of its inferiority to machines and in general. It is no longer that machines can assist mankind with dangerous boring work and make difficult tasks easier, humans are now labelled as slow and stupid. Humans now believe machines are smarter and better, even those these machines are designed and built by humans. For over 50 years since the rebirth of active consciousness in the 1960’s and 70’s, the Black Lodge has stamped-out even the thought of extraordinary human abilities being possible. Since the 1990’s New World Order dictators seized control all over the world lead by the United States, debunkers, skeptics and regular science, has attacked the development of the human into a higher being. Stating, there is no such thing as “psychic“ abilities. No research has been conducted to develop higher states of being, no matter what these are. The human is seen as a weak bio-meat that can achieve nothing on its own without the help of machines. The first machine being the computer, while a great tool on some level, it also is a troublesome tool that requires a great deal of human intelligence to use properly. The misuses of the computer far out weight the practical uses of it. Even so, computers run vital systems that control all aspects of our society, if these systems fail, our entire society is in serious trouble. While some of this is necessary, it appears to me, things ran well without all these computers doing everything in the past. This advancement has proven, to most people that humans are inferior to machines, and it is better that machines run things. This slippery slope fostered by Black Lodge propaganda against human consciousness development, has produced a dangerous self-destructive attitude to human reality in general. Machines are better, more moral and would ”do the right thing“, while humans are inferior and corrupt. Thinking like this is pure stupidly as machines are designed and built by humans and as such will have human problems built into them as well. Including our own inferiority and corruption.

Humans losing faith in our own humanity, has rejected the concepts of a “better human” to replace it with a better Robot. As we give more and more control over machines we lose the human spark of genius that created everything. Forsaking human genius for machine generated consciousness is a mistake that signals the end of the human species. Billions are poured into machine research and nothing into consciousness empowerments. The debunkers and stage magicians all tell us that humans are just meat packages and it is best to move onto machines that really can achieve miracles. The research that has been completed in the military and through private research that had dealt with consciousness has produced amazing results and for pennies. But, this was all based in observation and testing, and not with the development of abilities. Only the Russians in the 1960’s and 70’s actually tried to develop human abilities, often with great success. The problem with Russian research is that it is classified military research that few have ever seen and will ever see it. It is interesting that with the fall of the Soviet Union, most everything could be purchased from Fighter Jets to Tanks but, one thing could not be purchased and those seeking this product disappeared never to be seen again. The product is Psychotronic Generators or mind powered machines. Interesting that such a worthless field as psychic research was so potent that the research and technology it produced, is still shrouded in deep secret classification no one is allowed to see. We are already a 90% machine dominated society. Everything we do is based on a machine of some type with basic human control of most of these machines. Still, much more is almost completely controlled by machines. On one level this is good, as it frees us up for more important work, as machine technology was meant to do. The problem is, that this is not the case completely, machines are evolving into “intelligent” machines that tell us what to do.

To eliminate humans entirely, mostly for additional profit, machines are being designed to “think”, to make decisions and are getting to be very “human” in their functioning or processing of information. Machines are able, right now, to dramatically enhance and control almost all human functioning. The “Bionic Man” is already here, the only thing holding back mass use is cost. Science is out of control, with abilities far surpassing common understanding of the impact. The public is fed non-sense about practical benefits when science, like all areas of society is directly controlled by the Black Lodge. There has been fantastic breakthroughs in medical science in the last ten years but, no one but, the rich are able to access it. Do you think this will ever change? There is no interest in assisting 7 billion uneducated average people. The rich do not see themselves as the same species as other humans. Whatever good a technology will do, it’s a masking for the ultimate sinister use. Good uses, lifesaving technologies are “fronts“ for getting free public money. Ten percent of the world population or 100 million people are part of the “cared about” population. One percent of these or less control the world. The rest are needed doers, doctors, lawyers etc. The rest of the billions on the earth are seen as a worthless population to be used and abused at their will. They are needed for wars, the drug industry, crime industry and as land users. This drives the cost of everything high, thus producing trillions for the Black Lodge. The Bionic being or as the common scientists call it the “Singularity”, is not about helping humans, it about controlling and using them for profit. Building an entire robot that functions like a human is near impossible and the cost would be high. Why do this, when there are billions of worthless humans that can be used and easily bred. But, these humans are weak and stupid, not with Bionics!

A super being can be made and even better, controlled. The technology is here today, it is growing in use and Black Lodge is using it. This all brings us to the Death of Occultism as we know it. These new beings are here today, in the future they will be the norm. Regular occultism will not be effective against these new species, we need a new occultism, an Extreme Occultism to deal with this new species. But, not only the species but, the technology that will be in use in the future and is in use now. The Extreme Occultist understand how to manipulate, enter and use modern technology in a magical way. If people are connected to their common technology now, like Cell Phones, the Internet and Computers in general. We need to start integrating with this technology in a magical way. When doing a ritual, instead of just targeting a photo, we need to target a person’s Cell number, their IP address and use Cell Phone Towers as ritual broadcasting vehicles. We need to magically enter the Internet and seek out those that are to be influenced. There are technologies being used today to stop Remote Influencing and Psychotronic devices working and even to block magical effects. All this must be overcome using new Extreme Occultism techniques. We need to understand that in the future we will be affecting MacHumans, Machine blended with human consciousness entities. Traditional magic will no longer work and even today with the massive use of “magic machines” occultism is taking on a completely different reality. The reason “magic machines” are not much of a factor today is because, they are complete junk produced by Black Lodge companies to misdirect the occultist into the use of worthless technology. New technology is coming that is very potent and will affect occultism dramatically.

The human mind will be changing into a machine based and controlled mind. Occult influencing, whether spirit, earth or mentally based will have to interact with machine consciousness. Extreme Occultism will be able to interact with computer consciousness and circuitry, weaving a new kind of magic control within a unique machine consciousness. Projecting occult energy will have to involve entering electrical circuit boards and finding the control “chips” and mechanisms. The Extreme Occultist will need to know how to affect the Computer Brain. This will take great knowledge of the new MacHuman’s actual physical construction.

New Technology in Use Today

The MacHumans are coming soon. What is here now, is the massive use of technology for daily tasks. This includes the use of computers, cell phones, tablets and everything else in common life is dominated by computers of all types. All of this media can be exploited by the Extreme Occultists that knows how to use these technologies for occult purposes. I do not mean using these in a traditional or occult way. I mean controlling these to affect your “target”. Not running some worthless occult computer program, that is supposed to “charge” and “effect” others. This low level occultism does not work. What Extreme Occultism does, is take occult energies and directs it from the Occult Scientist into and through the technology for direct contact with the target. I cannot detail the process too deeply here for several reasons. Extreme occultism is far beyond Computer Programs and silly modern magic machine toys offered to the public today. It is about “entering” the machine consciousness and manipulating and controlling it. It is about using certain technologies as “carrier waves” for magical energies. Not in an old fashion “spell casting” manner but, in an advanced fashion using the potent technologies in use today. These methods are extremely effective.

The users of computers, cells phone and the like, are all consciously wide open while using these devices and as such, can be grossly effected. No one is expecting occult energies to be directed at them from electrical devices. People see these as tools, what they do not understand, it that these “tools” direct information directly into their entire being, which is completely open to this energy. Using computers and other devices as occult ritual tools, is the future of magic and this part of the future is here now. Occultists in general spend all their time looking back, seeking magic only in the old and ancient. When reality is nothing like ancient times and even the species is starting to radically change. While ancient magic still has its place, the way it is used and “delivered” must grow into the new reality we are living in. Ancient Spirits and Demons will not be able affect MacHumans unless, they are directed to the computer core that controls this new species. Occultism needs to radically change. The Futuristic Occultist will be able to “enter” computers and other devices and direct energies to the core control systems running the device and thus controlling the device and the user of that device. This is what Extreme Occultism will teach, this will be the only way of countering the new species developing now and effecting modern mankind today. More and more technological devices will be used to shield magicians, making device entry and control of supreme importance. With the planet and most of the universe controlled by the Black Lodge, if modern occultists do not start learning the “New Way” of Extreme Occultism, they will be enslaved or eliminated.^

Watch for this course coming soon from the Guild…..

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