Funnel U34

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Issue 34 | 1


By Mike Schauer, founder of Dearest funnel hacker, Before we dive into this month’s ndings, I want to give a big thank you to everyone who’s reached out or joined me inside the membership. I’m absolutely thrilled to be working on this newsletter with Russell and the ClickFunnels team. Reverse-engineering funnels and marketing campaigns is always fascinating to me and I hope that comes across in the research and discoveries that I share with you. As Walt Disney once said, “we keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” 

bad, and the ugly. On your mark, get set, go!  No doubt, the number three is a major, universal theme in our society, but why? My take: it has to do with the number three’s sense of completion. To show you what I mean, let’s look at it’s surrounding numbers... When we think of the number two, we often relate it to a matchup or a duo. If you have four things to share, it starts to feel like a list. And if you have ve points to make, overwhelm creeps in and remembering it all can be strenuous. This is important to keep in mind, because when selling, it’s crucial that your prospect:

And curiosity is the fuel that drives this newsletter and everything I teach. Life never gets boring when you’re curious and in the case of this newsletter, your marketing will never get boring either.


Taking in fresh, cutting-edge ideas and techniques to implement in your own funnels is the mark of a smart marketer. Even if you’re a beginner, know that you’re on the right path.

And that’s why in marketing messages and presentations, focusing on three points (under a single, overarching idea) is the ultimate sweet spot.

With that said, let’s dive into this month’s topic!

The Magical “Power of 3” In Your Funnels Recognize these popular stories? The Three Little Pigs, Three Musketeers, Goldilocks and The Three bears, Three Blind

Mice, Three Wise Men. Or how about these concepts: ABC-123. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Blood, sweat and tears. The good, the 2 | Funnel University


Doesn’t get overwhelmed with information (too much), and... Doesn’t feel like your solution is missing something (too little).

This is not just my opinion, by the way. It’s the consensus of the online marketing world and I’ll show you exactly what I mean in just a moment. First, we’re going to discuss...

The Power of Three In Russell’s Now Famous Perfect Webinar Script Are you familiar with Russell’s Perfect Webinar script? If not, I’ll give you a quick overview. After years of testing and trial and error, Russell eshed out


Perfect webinar script

Issue 34 | 3


a step-by-step, sales presentation blueprint that seemed to work like gangbusters everytime he used it. Whether for an on-stage presentation or a webinar, the script outperformed everything else he tried. Now, I’m not going to go through the entire script with you because there’s plenty of free information about it online. However, the core of Russell’s Perfect Webinar template is that: 1.


You want to convince convince your your prospect prospect of one thing thing that when believed, will make your solution seem like the logical buying choice. In order to convince them of that single single idea, you deliver content in your presentation that addresses the three biggest limiting beliefs or objections tied to the one idea.

In Russell’s case, he covertly counters these objections within “three secrets”  that  that he shares in the core of his presentation.

To demonstrate what I mean, we’re going to take a look at two funnels in this issue from the largest health and wellness advertiser online. They’re a 9-gure company that continues to grow in leaps and bounds and they have some of the best marketers and copywriters working for them. They have over a dozen brands, all led by doctors and celebrities and believe it or not, all of their funnels basically have the same structure! This is pretty revealing, considering considering that they test the wazoo out of every signicant page that they publish. However, I’m not just sharing this because of the funnels themselves. It turns out most all of their high-converting VSLs (and they have many) follow the “one thing + three sub-things” structure found in the Perfect Webinar script. And I’m going to show you examples of how they do that!

That way, the audience feels like they’re listening to content and not a sales pitch.

But Do They Have To Be Framed As “Secrets”? Are There Other Variations That Work? The key to this answer has to do with understanding why the Perfect Webinar works. I nd that most people who have problems utilizing a template or blueprint don’t seek to understand why it works in the rst place. They just follow it blindly, copy and pasting, swiping and deploying etc. Yet, once you know why frameworks like the Perfect Webinar work, it’s a lot easier to use it in a variety of situations other than just a webinar or for a specic type of product. 4 | Funnel University

These implementations will look dierent than the typical Perfect Webinar examples you’re used to, but they follow the same underlying principles that generate results. My goal for you is to see the Perfect Webinar through a slightly dierent lens so that you start to think more creatively about how you can use it. With that said, let’s jump right into it!

The Funnels The big-spending, 9-gure advertiser you’re going to learn about this month is Golden Hippo Media. As you’re about to see, Golden Hippo Media sells everything starting with a VSL. The VSLs are usually between 40 minutes to an hour and as I mentioned, most of them follow the guts of the Perfect Webinar. Now, the reason why the company has grown so quickly is


because they keep entering new sub-markets in the health and wellness niche.

They usually nd some sort of celebrity doctor to be the face and voice of the product. Then they create a VSL that has a 5-7 minute intro with the expert or a professionally done montage, which then leads to your typical VSL-style black and white powerpoint slides.

The rst two ads take you to their dog food VSL. The second two ads take you to their cat food VSL. And the last two ads are for a probiotic supplement. Their most popular headline formula for the brand is, “3 Ways Your [Cat or Dog] Asks For Help”. And as you can see, the dogs and cats in their ads usually look sad.

To make things interesting, I’m sharing examples from two very dierent products they sell. One is a dog food (they also sell cat food and dog supplements). And the other is a weight loss supplement. Both of these products are advertised heavily and combined, get over 2 million visitors per month according to SimilarWeb.

The Ads To the right are examples of native ads for Golden Hippo’s pet brand, Dr. Marty (named after the veterinary expert, Dr. Martin Goldstein).

“3 signs” headlines create emotion

Dr. Marty’s Ads Issue 34 | 5


Overall, the headline and image represent that feeling pet owners get when their pet is acting uncharacteristically and looks under the weather. It’s a painful experience because we’re not sure what’s wrong with them since they can’t talk to us. It’s a very strong emotion that Golden Hippo is tapping into. Next we have the ads for one of their most, if not the most promoted product, BIO-X4, which is a weight loss supplement from their brand, Nucic.

The face of Nucic is Dr. Amy Lee, the Founder and Director of the Integrative Wellness Center in Los Angeles.

As you can see, most of their ads focus on three foods you must avoid. That’s a big part of their VSL presentation. One of their top-running ads includes the image of a fridge with an arrow pointing to some random items. This ad is driven by curiosity. It creates a desire to know what the foods are. Another popular ad is the one at the bottom with the strange-looking strange-lookin g spiky objects. Those T hose are actually sea cucumbers and although they have nothing to do with the VSL, the point is to make you wonder, “what the heck is that?” and click through to nd out. Notice how every headline is rooted in pain avoidance. They only advertise harmful things you don’t know. That’s because we’re more motivated to avoid pain than to gain pleasure.

The VSL Unless a particular content advertiser prohibits linking directly to VSLs, Golden Hippo always prefers to send visitors right to their video presentation. If that’s not possible, they use a short newsworthy article as an intermediary like the example on page 7.

Nucic’s Ads

Otherwise, you’re directed to a VSL pages like or  or (shown  (shown on page 8) which is the same exact page template, but one is for cat food and the other is for dog food.

These create crea curiosity and aads desire toteavoid pain 6 | Funnel University


Dr. Marty’s Article Page (this page is the bridge between their ads and the VSL) Issue 34 | 7


Dr. Marty’s Dog Food VSL

Dr. Marty’s Cat Food VSL 8 | Funnel University


Combined, these sites get an estimated one million visitors per month. You can also see the VSL page for Nucic’s BIO-X4 on the right. Because they don’t advertise on ad networks that prohibit direct to VSL trac, they don’t use or need an advertorial. As you can see, Nucic’s VSL is very similar to the page for Dr. Marty. Overall, Golden Hippo likes to let their MD expert and video presentation be the star of the show. For all of their brands, the VSL pages are very minimal. They make sure you have your speakers turned up, that you don’t leave the page early (“page may take 10 seconds to load”) and they usually include a sidebar blurb about the expert. Otherwise, everything else is extra. This video-focused format is not for the timid because it requires that your VSL is really good, but theirs are very well done. They all have a similar format and are a little under 50 minutes long. If you watch the rst 5 or so minutes, it’s edited and narrated like a special TV news story. Then it transitions to black and white powerpoint slides. By that time, after watching the rst few minutes, it’s more likely the visitor will stick around.

Nucic’s VSL

These two pages get aboutvisits one million combined each month Issue 34 | 9


How They Use The “One Thing, Three Sub-Things Sub-Things”  ”  Structure  Structure

The pet food one thing: that in order for their pet to be optimally healthy, healthy, they need to consume these three super-nutrients daily.

The weight loss one thing: that losing weight becomes easy once you have these four nutrients in your daily diet.

As you can see in the ads, they like to advertise three things that they will reveal in their presentation.

Now here’s where everything really comes together... Now, in terms of Russell’s Perfect Webinar , the three things or secrets should be designed to target the prospect’s biggest limiting beliefs and objections. Golden Hippo takes a similar route, but tailors it for selling supplements and doesn’t use the “secrets” label. In fact, just like how their ads are rooted in pain avoidance, so are their three things. For instance, here are the exact examples of what they share in their VSLs: • • • •

3 Premature Pet Killers (dog food)  (cat food) 3 Cat Health Destroyers  (cat 3 Dog Health Myths or 3 Canine Distress Calls  (probiotic)  (probiotic)   (weight loss) 3 Harmful Foods  (weight

With that said, for every bad thing (myth, destroyer, killer etc.), there’s a positive thing of that counter it with. For instance, here are examples thethey positive points: • • •

 (dog food) 3 Pet Super Nutrients  (dog 3 Cat Longevity Discoveries  (cat  (cat food)  (weight loss) - it’s 4 instead of 3 4 Fat Loss Helpers  (weight because they added a bonus helper 

In the video presentation, they tell you what the super nutrients are, which is helpful, but in order to benet, you’d have to research dierent supplements that contain these nutrients and hope they’re quality products. Once the prospect realizes this, the expert swoops in to the rescue and says, luckily I put all of these super nutrients

conveniently into a formula for you so all you have to do is take one pill/scoop to start seeing results. Overall, they structure the presentation to build belief in the ingredients and then present the product as the only solution with the combination of those ingredients. That’s the essence of what the Perfect Webinar  aims  aims to do, but applied to a supplement. For instance, in Russell’s Funnel Hacks webinar, if we reformatted his three secrets to t Golden Hippo’s problemsolution structure, it would look something like this... 1.

2. This is a classic example of problem-solution where you focus on problem areas rst, before cutting to the ideal solution. 3. And just like in the Perfect Webinar , all of these points support the “one thing” the prospect must be convinced of to believe they need the product. For example: 10 | Funnel University

Funnel Myth #1: Building Funnels Is Hard a. Funnel Success Secret #1: Ethically Steal Over $1,000,000 of Funnel Hacks From Your Competitors, For Under $100  Funnel Myth #2: #2: Building Building Funnels Takes A Lot Of Time Time a. Funnel Success Secret #2: Clone Their PROVEN Funnels In Less Than 10 Minutes  Funnel Myth #3: #3: Getting Trac To My Funnel Will Be Dicult a.

Funnel Success Secret #3: Get Your Competitors SAME Customers To Start Coming To Your Website 

The structure is dierent, but the messaging would would be the


same. Really, Russell just discusses the “myths” without spelling them out so directly.

“assessment page” after you click the call-to-acti call-to-action on button under the VSL.

Bonus Lesson: if you look at Russell’s three secrets, they focus on convincing you to USE a funnel-building platform. It’s dierent with supplements in that people don’t have any resistance to taking a supplement. It’s easy to pop a pill. Instead, a supplement must be sold based on its contents. In the early stages of a market, you must convince people that they should use something in the rst place. Once the mass consensus believes in its use, the focus shifts to its contents.

They give you the option to skip this entirely (so they don’t get increased cart abandonments). However, if the potential customer decides to answer, the company collects valuable information about who’s buying their products.

The Assessment Page Around 75% of Golden Hippo’s sites direct you to an

You can see an example of an assessment for the dog food. Usually these contain 3-4 questions and often have at least one of these: • •

A question about age A question about you or your pet’s gender

 (my favorite) “Why do you want [product name]?”  (my

Dr. Marty’s Dog Assessment Page Issue 34 | 11


The “Choose Your Package” Page This is the page where you pick how many bags or bottles you want. Instead of going right to checkout and only getting one item, they always give you three options to get an order of 1, 3 or 6. The choice of 3 items is automatically selected and in order to get just one, you have to click on the option yourself. As you can see, the dog and cat food pages are exactly the same with swapped wording and photos. The call-to-actio call-to-action n is above the fold with a brief description and below the fold is a 90-day money back guarantee with FAQs.

The “Choose Your Package” page for the weight loss supplement uses the same elements, but is slightly dierent in terms of how they lay out the quantity options.

THey offer offer a choice to buy 1, 3 or 6 packages, with 3 preselected 12 | Funnel University

Dr. Marty’s Choose Your Dog Food Package


Dr. Mart rtyy’s Choose Your Cat Food Package

Nuci Nu cic c’s ’s Cho hoos ose e You Yourr Sup Suppl plem emen entt Pac Packa kage ge Issue 34 | 13


Dr. Marty’s Checkout Page

The Checkout Page There’s nothing particularly special about these. They use a standard checkout page on and will sometimes include a phone number at the top, customer service hours and mention of free shipping, if they oer it.

Nucic’s Checkout Page

loss supplement actually used the same exact sequence: • • •

They both have three upsells and three downsells. Each upsell is for a package of three whereas each downsell is for a single item purchase. In each funnel, the rst upsell is for more of the same product whereas the second two are for complimentary products.

After Checkout (Upsells & Downsells)

For instance, Dr. Marty’s upsells look like this:

Both funnels I went through for the dog food and the weight

14 | Funnel University

Upsell #1: More of the core product (dog food)


upsell isfor followed byEach a downsell only one of the same product

Dr. Marty’s Upsell #1

Dr. Marty’s Downsell #1 Issue 34 | 15


Dr. Marty’s Upsell #2

Dr. Marty’s Downsell #2

Dr. Marty’s Upsell #3

Dr. Marty’s Downsell #3

16 | Funnel University


• •

Upsell #2: A Digestive Supplement (Probiotics) Upsell #3: A Joint Supplement

And Nucic’s upsells look like this: • • •

Upsell #1: More of the core product (weight loss probiotic) Upsell #2: A Probiotic Complex Supplement Upsell #3: A Digestive Supplement

As you can see, the upsell pages don’t contain much copy. The draw is mostly around the discount you’re getting, which they justify on every page. Remember, whenever you oer a discount, ALWAYS justify it. In this case, they emphasize that they are able to give you a hefty discount because they don’t have the same processing and fulllment costs for order add-ons. In terms of the actual percentage discount, it’s interesting how it goes slightly down as you progress through the funnel. For

Nucic’s Upsell #1

Nucic’s Downsell #1 Issue 34 | 17


Nucic’s Upsell #2

Nucic’s Upsell #3 18 | Funnel University

Nucic’s Downsell #2

Nucic’s Downsell #3


instance, this is what the percentages look like for each:

Dr. Marty: 58% → 57% → 57% → 54% → 45% → 40% o  Nucic: 32% → 26% → 30% → 25% → 30% → 25% o  Other than the discount, every page mentions their 90-day guarantee and the upsells always have a little more copy than the downsells. I must admit though: one thing I thought was lacking for Nucic’s funnel is their ability to connect all of the upsells in a cohesive way. For instance, their main product is a weight

loss probiotic. Then they oer you a probiotic complex supplement, followed by a digestive supplement. With the exception of describing them in FAQ format, they don’t state anything at the top of the page regarding what it is and how it will compliment the main product. Dr. Marty’s funnel does a better job of this where he talks about how each product compliments each other.

The Thank You Page After the upsell sequence, you’re taken to a page on their main site with a receipt. There’s nothing particularly special about these. However, they tell you an approximated shipping time, that a receipt will be emailed to you and that

Nucic’s Thank You Page Issue 34 | 19


Dr. Marty’s Thank You Page 20 | Funnel University


Dr. Marty’s Pet Food

Issue 34 | 21



if you need to update your order, to contact them. These are all things that reassure the customer about their purchase and set expectations so they’re not wondering when they’ll receive their package.

More at That concludes this month’s issue of Funnel U! Hope you enjoyed it :-) If you have any questions or comments to share, feel free to reach out and contact me personally at [email protected].. Would love to hear from you! [email protected] If you want to check out more breakdowns from me, my site is the ocial resource for reverse-engineering

top marketing promotions and funnels. In the free archives, I have hundreds of dissected examples of amazing copywriting and salesmanship.

And in my private, premium membership, that’s where I share all of my ndings so you stay in-the-know on what the best of the best A-player marketers are doing to make their millions. This is high-level stu and only for those who want to think like the top 1% of online marketers and copywriters. The content I share in the members area is what compelled Russell to have me teach at Funnel U. The membership is not available to the public at the moment as I’m keeping it very private, but you can get a free trial membership at: Talk again soon :-)

Issue 34 | 22  

Legal Disclaimer And Terms Of Use  This newsletter is for research purposes only. All of the webpages and advertising is copyrighted by the original owners. You may borrow the ‘ideas’ in these ads and pages, but you may NOT use any of the actual advertising copy or designs. You do not have resell rights or giveaway rights to any portion of this Publication. Only customers that have purchased this publication are authorized to view it. This publication contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. No part of this publication may be transmitted or reproduced in any way without the prior written permission of the author.  Violations  Violat ions of this copyrig copyright ht will will be enforc enforced ed to the full exten extentt of the the law. law.  The information services and resources provided in this book are based upon the current internet marketing environment. The techniques presented have been extraordinarily lucrative and rewarding. Because the internet is constantly changing, the sites and services presented in this book may change, cease or expand with time. We hope that the skills and knowledge acquired from this course will provide you with the ability to adapt to inevitable internet evolution. However, we cannot be held responsible for changes that may aect the applicability of these techniques. Any earnings, income statements or other results, are based on our own testing and are only estimates of what we think you could earn. There is no assurance you will do as well as stated in any examples. If you rely upon any gures provided, you must accept the entire risk of not doing as well as the information provided. Screenshots in this book are from publicly accessible eld archives. All product names, logos and artwork are copyrights of o f their respective owners. None of the owners have sponsored or endorsed this publication. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided, the author assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation on the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of peoples or organizations are unintentional. The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. No guarantees of income are made. The author reserves the right to make changes and assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials.

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Issue 34 | 23  

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