Funnel U33

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Issue 33 | 1


Watch this funnel hack on video Scan the QR code or go to to watch Mike’s hack on video.


The oers have been running for at least one year. 


The oers are evergreen, but they’re only promoted

via ads and occasionally by emails, making them appear   urgent for people who want a deal. 4.

Their purpose is to get both fresh customers and backend sales.


Both sell continuity on the back end and the continuity is “more of the same,” meaning it’s very related to the main oer.

The purpose of a ash sale is the same as any other front end oer. Just like a free plus shipping oer, you’re providing an By Mike Schauer, founder of

Welcome back Funnel Hackers! It’s Mike Schauer, the founder of - the number one go to swipe le resource online where I reverse engineer the success of million dollar marketing campaigns and promotions. I’m excited to be back with another awesome issue of Funnel U, so let’s get right to it! This month we’re going to look at Flash Sale Funnels. You’ve likely seen or heard of a ash sale before where a company oers a special discount or promotion for a short period of time. However, brands usually do ash sales completely wrong, and they also don’t capitalize on the back end. So, we’re going to look at two companies that are doing it the right way.

5 Flash Sale Do’s The two successful funnels that we’re going to analyze have these ve things in common: 1.

The front end oer is labeled a ash sale.

2 | Funnel University

attractive, low resistant oer to acquire as many customers as possible. You also want to prot from back end sales in future campaigns. One benet a ash sale has versus other types of sales is implied urgency, and urgency is super important.

3 Flash Sale Don’ts There are three common mistakes you should avoid when promoting your own ash sale oers: 1. Discounting Your Core Flagship Product: This cheapens your core oer. The only exception might be a rare occasion like Black Friday, 2. Discounting Without A Long Term Strategy: If you have nothing else to sell and aren’t actively marketing to your customers, you’re not going to benet. You’re going to end up losing out because when you discount your products, you won’t make much money on the front end and also won’t make anything on the backend. 3. Promoting It Too Too Often To Your Email List: Quite simply, the novelty is going to wear o. A ash sale’s power is taken away when you use it too much.


Funnel #1: Digital Marketer You may be familiar with Ryan Deiss’ Digital Marketer since he is big in the internet marketing space. His core oer is Digital Marketer Labs, which is a membership site. It used to have just one membership tier, but now there are three: a regular tier at $49 a month, a plus membership for $95 a month, and an elite level for $925 a month. Their strategy is to take structured content from the membership, like courses, workshops, execution plans, and oer them at a discount. They then upsell you on a free trial membership, which goes back to the point I made earlier about selling more of the same on the backend. We’re going to look at a recent ash sale funnel that they promoted to their house email list.

Step 1: FlaSh Sale emailS Digital Marketer’s ash sale funnel all started with an email campaign. The rst email they sent out on Friday, October 12 was titled, “48 Hours: Up to 90% O Our Most Valuable

urgency + big savings savings increase desire to buy

S 1: Fs S es Issue 33 | 3


Products.” The two most powerful things in this email are urgency and big savings. They have a countdown timer and emphasize their huge discount. In the following daily emails they increase that urgency by reminding you that the oer expires soon.

Their #1 goal is to sell a membership Step 2: landing page If you click through one of the emails, you’re taken to the landing page. You can see there’s a countdown at the top and that they have a ton a ton of  of products listed here. All of them have a photo, a quick description, the discount, and a “Claim Deal” button that takes you to their respective landing pages. What’s interesting about this page is that you can see the dierent categories of products that they’re oering listed right under the counter. Further down on the page, you’ll see certication courses, workshops, and execution plans. Each of these actually corresponds to a dierent level of their membership. With the basic membership, execution plans are included. The elite membership includes workshops, and their plus membership includes the courses. You can see with each of these products, they mention the price to buy them separately. However, you can buy a membership for instant access. 4 | Funnel University

S 2: l p


S 2: l p, .

S 2: l p, . Issue 33 | 5


So, their primary goal is to get you into one of their memberships. As you’re going to see, depending on what you buy in the ash sale, you’ll then be sold on the membership that corresponds to that product.

Step 3: $7 diScount oFFer I chose the “One Minute Video Ad Blueprint,” which is one of the execution plans, to go through the funnel. The sales page is very simple - they have a quick description at the top, the countdown, and a “Buy Now” button.

One of many discount offers That leads up to the membership I think the modern design looks really good. Plus, they explain to you what the product is and what’s inside. There’s not too much copy and nothing too special about it with a few testimonials down further on the page. But since it’s for a ash sale, and it’s only a $7 product, it doesn’t necessarily warrant that much copy. 6 | Funnel University

S 3: $7 ds o


S 4: c p

Step 4: checkout page Once you click through the landing page, you are taken to a checkout page. There’s nothing special about this checkout page. However, if you have been through a Shopify website, you’ll notice that this is the exact same design that Shopify uses for all of their users. So, I’m guessing that Digital Marketer swiped this layout from Shopify.

Because I got an execution plan, the upsell page reads: “You’re invited. Join the premier online community for digital marketers.” Execution plans are a big part of the basic membership of Digital Marketer Lab. This page has a very simple design and is very similar to the previous landing page with nicely formatted bullet points.

Step 5: $49/month upSell Moving on, we’re brought to the upsell page. Now, as I mentioned earlier, depending on what you bought in the ash sale, you’re then going to be sold on the membership that corresponds to it.

At the bottom, you can see the basic membership is only $0 upfront, which is smart. It’s a free trial for a month, so it’s low resistance. Then after the trial period, you’re going to be billed $49 a month. Issue 33 | 7


S 5: $49/m us 8 | Funnel University


Most of the selling on this page is done in the seven minute long video. The video is a combination of Ryan talking and showing the backend of the website. I think this is a smart strategy. Then, there are a few slides in the video that tell you about the benets. It’s a nice mixture of highlighting dierent parts of the membership, which is the only upsell. If you say “No Thanks” to that, you are then taken to the Thank You page.  

Step 6: thank You page The Thank You page is really simple. It has some basic information about support with their email address and phone number for customer service. The page gives you a message that, “Our system should be done processing shortly. Please allow 10-15 minutes for processing before logging in.” This is just to notify you to not jump the gun so that everything goes smoothly.

S 5: $49/m us, .

S 6: t Y p Issue 33 | 9


Funnel #2: BioTrust

they started charging more, most likely to increase average cart value. So, smart move in that sense.

BioTrust is an over $100 million a year supplement company that is run by some very smart marketers. Their main front end oer for the last year has been an ongoing ash sale for their protein powder. They also use the same type of funnel for their probiotic supplement so we’re going to compare some examples from both.

Building the product’s value and calling it, “The World’s Most Expensive Protein”  also  also helps justify the $9 sample cost. When the price for the oer is free, you don’t have to justify it as much. But because it’s $9, they had to frame it a bit bi t better. So, there’s an example of one ad. You can see it had 1,900 likes, so it did pretty well.

Step 1: Facebook adS First, I want to show you what their ads look like for their protein powder. What’s interesting is that BioTrust actually used to oer a free protein sample via a free plus shipping oer. They used the “power of free” to carry that oer. But

The second ad is similar to the rst one, but with a dierent image. Again, the copy focuses on being “The World’s Most Expensive.”  That  That way, the $9 seems like it’s not a big deal. Also, they focus on a charitable deed of “feeding a hungry

then they changed it up and started calling it “The World’s Most Expensive Protein”  and  and now they charge $9 for it.

child for every order that you make” and that there are no subscriptions or strings attached.

In the rst ad example, the copy mentions that the protein powder retails for $98 on Amazon. They made a pivot where

The third ad is dierent but similar. This ad is for their probiotic ash sale. You can see at the bottom it says “Flash Sale,” which

S 1: F as (ex 1) 10 | Funnel University


S 1: F as (ex 2)

S 1: F as (ex 3) Issue 33 | 11


S 2: l p (p) 12 | Funnel University

S 2: l p (p)


is similar to the other ads, but the oer is for 50% o.

is something that BioTrust is not oering in their regular store, and that makes these bonuses special.

Step 2: landing page If you compare the landing page for the protein oer and that for the probiotic oer, you can see that they have literally the same exact layout. They both have, “Flash Sale: Today’s Special Oer”  right  right at the top. I like how BioTrust keeps this bar at the top so that you can choose to buy it at any time while viewing the page. If you do click on “Try It for $9,” you are directed to the area on the page where you put in your email and you choose your desired avor.

You’ll notice that, unlike the Digital Marketer funnel, they don’t have a countdown. They don’t have a specic time that this ash sale is going to end. However, you can only access it through their advertising. You can’t get to this page otherwise, and that’s what makes it exclusive. So they get away with calling this a ash sale because of the oer; it’s not available in the store and they don’t make it easily accessible.

What’s smart about this design is that, by putting in your

This is a dierent way of using the whole ash sale concept. It’s not necessarily all about the exact amount of time that you get to take advantage of the oer. This approach makes it more about how special the oer is i s and how you

email rst, BioTrust keeps it in their list and then can follow up with you if you don’t complete checkout.

won’t easily nd it, as well as the idea that it could go away at any moment.

Something that I want to point out with the oer on this page is what really makes it compelling: three free bonus gifts that are included. In addition to the lower price sample, you’re also getting a recipe book, health coaching and VIP discounts. This

Step 3: checkout page Once you click through the landing page you’re taken to the checkout page. Right at the top of the page, there is a great image of everything that you’re getting and a recap of

S 2: l p (3 F gfs W p S) Issue 33 | 13


the free bonuses. It makes the $9 price tag look even better because it’s now not just $9 for the protein powder itself - it looks like you’re getting a lot of awesome stu. The top of the page is very simple in design, with just the “As Seen In” logos and a customer service number, which is important. Down the page, an amazing guarantee is placed boldly right next to the checkout form. I love this guarantee it’s for a whole year. Now, the checkout form just shows step one. Once you put

in your information and click continue, then the second step will explain where you put in your credit card information.

Step 4: $35/month upSell

Once you checkout, you’ll be directed to the rst upsell. This is BioTrust’s subscription oer for you to get the protein powder delivered every month without paying anything upfront. So, you pay nothing today, and then a month from now they’re going to charge you $35 per container. It’s not going to be the sample container – it will be the full size container. You also get extra bonuses.

S 3: c p 14 | Funnel University


S 4: $35/m us Issue 33 | 15


S 6: $10 + $49/m us

S 5: $25 dws 16 | Funnel University

S 7: $9 dws


This upsell is very similar to the Digital Marketer membership upsell we looked at. The dierence is that you’re getting a physical, replenishable product in the mail versus a digital membership.

But this oer includes a membership of o f their Ship-N-Save Club where every month you’re automatically going to get billed $49 for a new bottle.

Step 7: $9 doWnSell

The video features one of the cofounders of BioTrust in his kitchen. It’s very personal, and there’s a little bit of copy after that but otherwise, it’s a very simple page. Notice that the oer is very much driven by urgency. A countdown timer is both in the left hand corner and top of the page.

If you don’t get a subscription to this oer, then they’re going to oer you another one-time purchase for their Belly Trim XP where there’s no subscription. You can see that they highlighted this point in the headline. This second downsell has another video, which is for Belly Trim XP.

Step 5: $25 doWnSell

Something dierent about this downsell is that they give you the option to get one, three, or six bottles at $9 each. I think this is a really excellent oer.

If you don’t take BioTrust up on the subscription, they’ll oer the protein for less money, but you don’t have to get a subscription. They gure if you don’t want to get a subscription, you maybe would want more protein powder and at a discount. Again, they have a minute-long video of one of the co-founders in his kitchen. And just like the rst upsell, they also display a timer.

Remember, BioTrust is trying to attract rst time, brand new customers. They want you to try as many of their products as possible because it’s more likely you’ll continue to buy as long as it works. Even though this is an inexpensive oer, they’re hoping you’ll love it and will come back to subscribe.

Step 6: $10 + $49/month upSell The second upsell features a completely dierent d ierent product - a fat burner supplement. The oer is to pay $10 for a bottle, which is really good considering that the normal price is $69.

both upsells upsells are for a

I like how BioTrust wrote the copy in between the picture of the bottle and the Add to Order button. Even though the copy is formatted in small font, each option says, “Recommended for...” with a weight loss range. For one bottle, the text reads “Recommended for less than 10 lbs to lose.” Three bottles, “Recommended for 10-30 lbs”. If you’re trying to lose more than 30 pounds, you’re going to see, “Recommended for 30+ lbs” right below the six bottles. This is a cool little association trick that encourages you to buy more.

Step 8: thank You page The thank you page is similar to Digital Marketer’s. It’s nothing too crazy, no oers - they just show basic information about your account and when to expect your order to ship.

more at


I hope that you got a lot out of this issue and that you now have some ideas for your own ash sale funnels. As I hinted at earlier, my site is If you’ve been enjoying my Funnel U issues, you’ll really like my site. I reverse engineer Issue 33 | 17


Flash Sale Funnels

18 | Funnel University


successful sales pages, Facebook ads, print ads and all types of examples. The site is 100% free - I don’t even ask for an opt-in. Go to and enjoy the content. I do update

you will nd a signup form for a free two week trial. I have 20 of my breakdowns in there already. As one of my members put it, it’s like NASA-level funnel hacking. I go super in-depth

the public archive every so often.

dissecting webinar transcripts, email sequences, all types of advertising, metrics, and so on.

However, if you want full access to me and weekly updates about the latest funnels, copy breakdowns, and my newest research, my Insiders Membership is where I put all of my time. Russell’s a member and a bunch of other funnel hackers are in there.

There’s also a private Facebook group, a swipe le hotline where I do research and deliver custom inspiration for you, custom tools like one that reveals the ad stats of your Facebook competitors, and just a ton more value.

Even though it’s not open to the public yet, I’m letting Funnel U subscribers check it out for free. You just have to go to when  when you’re ready. At that link,

So if that sounds good to you, join my Insiders Membership Membership at I look forward to connecting with you personally. Otherwise, I will see you in another issue!

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