Fundamentals of Merchandise Planning Test (2)

May 16, 2019 | Author: Mohit Kumar Pathak | Category: Gross Margin, Inventory, Marketing, Market (Economics), Economies
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2015 CANDIDATE NAME - ___________________ CANDIDATE _____________________________________  __________________  DATE - _______________________ 



1) What is the “Retail Calendar” ? How is it used in your analysis and reports? Why is it used instead of Financial Calendar? 2) A department has an inentory leel of !2""#""" at cost on $cto%er 1st and planned !2&2#""" at cost end of the month inentory for $cto%er '1st( he planned net sales for the store are !1*+#""" with a &", -ross .ar/in( What is the $pen0to0%uy at cost? ') A %uyer had an inentory of !"#""" at cost on une 1 and a planned 3$. stoc4 of  !1"1#""" at cost( 5lanned net sales for the department were !6+#"""# and planned mar4downs for the month were !7#*""( As of une 1# the %uyer had merchandise on order  of !2&#""" at retail to %e deliered durin/ the month( 8nitial mar4up was planned to %e *+,( Calculate the %uyer9s $: at cost for the month( *) A %uyer has an outstandin/ order of !2&(""" at cost for $cto%er and net sales plan for the same month is !'7("""( 8nentory as of 1st of $cto%er is !6+(""" at cost and you want it to %e !72(""" at cost as of 1st of ;oem%er( 8n this case how much order should hae you %een placed? $nce you compare your outstandin/ order with your $: in need# what would %e the your comment li4e? &) Calculate
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