Fundamentals of INdustrial Control

February 13, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 Fundamentals of   Industrial Control  2nd Edition  D. A. Coggan, Editor 

Practical Guides  for Measurement and Control 


Table of Contents



Contributors Chapter 1




 Applications of Instrumentation Instrument ation 1 Intro Introdu ducti ction on to Sen Senso sorr Funda Fundamen mental tals s St Stan anda dard rds s of Meas Measur urem emen entt 10 Le Leve vell Mea Measu sure reme ment nt 11 Pr Pres essu sure re Meas Measur urem emen entt 31


Fl Flow ow Meas Measur urem emen entt 63 Thermom momete terrs 96 Weig We ight ht Meas Measur urem emen entt 141 141 B i b l i ogr ap hy 1 50  About the Authors 152

Chapte pter 2

Analyt ytiical Instrumentat atiion


Generall Measur Genera Measureme ement nt Prin Principa cipals ls For For Anal Analyzer yzers s 154  Analyzers Targeting Specific Stream St ream Elements 160  Analyzers for Measuring Bulk Properties 188 References 199  About the Authors 200

Chapter 3

Chemical Pr Process Co Control


Int ntrroducti tio o n 2 01 Responsi Resp onsibil biliti ities es of a Process Process Control Control Engine Engineer er 202 Types Typ es of Pro Proces cess s and Con Contro troll Diagr Diagram ams s 20 203 3 Oper Op erat ator or Acce Accept ptan ance ce 205 205 Cont Co ntro roll Loo Loop p Har Hardw dwar are e 206 206 Char Ch aract acter erizi izing ng Dyna Dynami mic c Behavi Behavior or 21 214 4 PID Control: Fundamental Characteristics of Proportional, Integral, and and D Der eriv ivat ativ ive e Act Actio ion n 219 219 PID T Tu u ni n g 2 23  Advanced PID Control 233 Cont Co ntro roll of MIM MIMO O Proc Proces esse ses s 243 243 Mode Mo dell Pred Predic icti tive ve Cont Contro roll 245 245 Case Stu tud d i es 24 9 References 265  About the Author 265



Table of Contents

Chapter 4

Final Control Elements


Control Valves Control Valves and and Actua Actuators tors—An —An Introdu Introductio ction n 267 Pr Pres essu sure re Dif Diffe fere rent ntia iall 278 278 Cont Co ntro roll Valv Valve e Sizi Sizing ng 280 280 Trim De Design 296  Actuators 296 Valv Va lve e Positi Position oner ers s and Acce Accesso ssori ries es 30 300 0 Rever Re versi sibl ble e Elec Electri tric c Motor Motor Drives Drives 30 307 7 Sole So leno noid id Valv Valves es 30 307 7 Elec El ectri tric c Mot Motor or Drive Drive Contr Control ol 309 Regula Reg ulator tors, s, Rel Relief ief Valve Valves, s, and Other Other Contro Controll Elemen Elements ts Summary 320 Bibliograp aph h y 32 1  About the Author 322

Chapter 5

Computer Te Technology


Th The e Dig Digit ital al Comp Comput uter er 323 323 The The Centr Central al Pro Proces cessin sing g Unit Unit ((CP CPU) U) 32 326 6 Computer Comp uter Archite Architectur cture: e: Compo Componen nents ts and and Structu Structure re Compu Co mpute terr Opera Operati ting ng Envi Environ ronmen mentt 34 344 4 Oper Op erat atin ing g Syst System ems s 34 347 7


Indu Industr strial ial App Appli licat catio ions ns Softw Softwar are e 35 358 8  Artificial Intelligence 378 Neur Ne ural al Netw Networ orks ks 38 382 2 Fuzzy Logic 389 CaseCa se-Ba Based sed Reaso Reasoni ning ng (CBR) (CBR) 39 393 3 Gene Ge neti tic c Algo Algori rith thms ms 395 395 Comb Co mbin ined ed Appr Approa oach ches es 398 398 Plan Pl antt Fl Floo oorr Appl Applic icati ation ons s 39 398 8 Comm Co mmun unic icat atio ions ns 40 401 1 Networks 411 Ente En terp rpri rise se Comp Comput utin ing g 440 440 Internet 444 Refer Re feren ence ces s and and Bibl Biblio iogr grap aphy hy 45 454 4  About the Authors 460

Chapter 6

Control System Theory


Th The e Tra Trans nsfe ferr Fun Funct ctio ion n 461 461 Open Op en and and Clo Close sed d Loo Loops ps 462 462 Block Dia Diagr gra ams 464 Modeling 466 Bloc Bl ock k Diagr Diagram am Redu Reducti ction on Tech Techniq nique ues s 47 470 0 Si Sign gnal al Fl Flow ow Gra Graph phs s 47 472 2 Diff Differ eren enti tial al Equa Equati tion ons s 476 476 Transfo Tra nsform rm Ca Calcu lculus lus Usin Using g the Laplac Laplace e Transfo Transform rm Syste System m Res Respo ponse nse an and d Bode Bode Dia Diagr grams ams 47 479 9 Stability 494 Perf Pe rfor orma manc nce e In Indi dice ces s 500 500 Compe mpensati tio on 50 500 0 The Th e Z-Tr Z-Tran ansf sfor orm m 50 501 1





Table of Contents

State-Spac State-S pace e Appro Approach ach to to Digital Digital Control Control Syste Systems ms Pr Pred edic icti tive ve Co Cont ntro roll 507 507  Adaptive Control 508 Stati Statisti stica call Pro Proce cess ss Contr Control ol 51 512 2 Expert Sys Syste tem ms 513 Conclusion 514 References 515  About the Author 516

Chap Ch apte terr 7

Anal Analog og and and Di Digi gita tall Contr ontrol ol Devi Device ces s


517 517

 Automatic Controllers 517  Analog Controllers and Auxiliary Devices Devic es 519 Pneu Pn euma matic tic Auxi Auxili liary ary Device Devices s 52 525 5 Electri Ele ctric c and Electro Electronic nic Control Controller lers s 529 Elec El ectro troni nic c Auxi Auxili liar ary y Dev Device ices s 53 534 4 Digital Dig ital Control Controller lers s and and Auxil Auxiliar iary y Device Devices s 540 References 550  About the Authors 550

Chap Ch apte terr 8

Dist Distri ribu bute ted d Cont Contro roll Syst System ems s / Digi Digita tall Auto Automa mati tion on Sys Syste tems ms Int ntrroducti tio on

551 551

5 51

DCS Arc DCS Archi hite tect ctu ure 55 557 7 DAS De Defined 564 System Syst em Archi Architect tecture ure,, Functio Functional nality, ity, a and nd Stand Standard ards s 565 User Us er In Inte terf rfac aces es 57 575 5 Basic Bas ic DCS/DA DCS/DAS S Softwar Software e Modules Modules and Functio Functional nality ity 581 Inst sta allation 584 Mainte ten nance 594 Purc Pu rcha hasi sing ng Str Strat ateg egie ies s 598 598 Migr Migrat atio ion n Solu Soluti tion ons s 600 600 Conclusion 603 References 603  About the Authors 604

Chapte terr 9

Progra ram mmable Lo Logic Co Contro rolllers


Int ntrroducti tio o n 6 06 Pr Prin inci cipl ples es of of Oper Operat atio ion n 607 607 PLCs PL Cs ve vers rsus us Othe Otherr Types Types of Con Contr trol olle lers rs 60 608 8 Ladd Ladder er Logi Logic c Con Conce cept pts s 611 611 Processors 618 The Th e Mem Memor ory y Sys Syste tem m 62 626 6 Th The e Ana Analo log g I/ I/O O Sys Syste tem m 652 652 Spec Sp ecia iall Func Functio tion n Inte Interfa rfacin cing g 65 659 9 Pr Prog ogra ramm mmin ing g La Lang ngua uage ges s 664 664 PLC PL C Sys Syste tem m Docu Docume ment ntat atio ion n 668 668 Imple Imp leme menti nting ng and and Progr Program ammin ming g the P PLC LC 67 676 6 Guidel Gui deline ines s for In Instal stallati lation, on, Start Startup, up, and and Maintena Maintenance nce References 700  About the Author





Table of Contents

Chap Ch apte terr 10 10 Ergo Ergono nomi mics cs and and Occ Occup upat atio iona nall Saf Safet ety y Er Ergo gono nomi mics cs As a Scie Scienc nce e 703 703 Informa Info rmatio tion n Er Ergon gonomi omics cs in Industr Industrial ial Contro Controll Plan Pl anni ning ng Contr Control ol Cente Centers rs 71 715 5 Techn Technic ical al Per Person sonne nell Trai Traini ning ng 72 727 7 Occu Oc cupa pati tion onal al Safe Safety ty 730 730 Bibliograp aph h y 73 6  About the Author 736

Chap Ch apte terr 11 Proj Projec ectt Mana Manage geme ment nt St Stra rate tegi gies es

703 703 706

737 737

Standards 737 Docum cumen enta tattion 739 Instr Instrume ument ntati ation on Proj Projec ects ts 75 753 3 Engi En gine neer erin ing g Phas Phases es 758 758 Site Work 779 Conclusion 781 Bibliograp aph h y 78 1  About the Author 781

Appe Ap pend ndix ix 1 Labo Labora rato tory ry St Stan anda dard rds s

783 783

Introdu Intr oductio ction n to Labora Laboratory tory Standar Standards ds


Pressure 789 Tempe mperature 807 Liquid Level vel 827 Misce scellaneo eou us 83 1  About the Author 838

Appe Ap pend ndix ix 2 Basi Basics cs of Elec Electri trici city ty and and Ele Electr ctron onic ics s

839 839

Electrons 839 Di Dire rect ct Curr Curren entt 83 839 9 Br Brid idge ge Circ Circui uits ts 84 841 1  Alternating Current 844 Soli So lidd-St Stat ate e Elec Electr tron onic ics s 848 848

Appe Ap pend ndix ix 3 Basi asics of Chem Chemiist stry ry

855 855

Basic Basi c Defi Defini niti tion ons s 85 855 5 Valence 856 Symbo Symbols, ls, For Formu mula las, s, an and d Equa Equatio tions ns 85 857 7 Molecul Mol ecular ar Formu Formulas las and and Perce Percentag ntage e Composi Compositio tion n Inor Inorga gani nic c Chem Chemis istr try y 860 860 Orga Organi nic c Chem Chemis istr try y 86 862 2





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