Fundamentals and Advance of KP Astrology

March 27, 2017 | Author: Anmohiey | Category: N/A
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KP Astrology for beginners and advance students...


(An Astrological Treatise)

By Chandra kant R. Bhatt B. A.,LL.H. •


;hri Vivek Education Trust, Ahmedabad-8

Forward Shri Chandrakan t R. Bhatt B.A.LL.B. is a zealous resea rch student o f Astro logy. He has writt en severa l books on Astrology. Origill:1l1y he was an advocate of Sayana system of Astrology popularly known as Weste rn system , Some seven yea rs back during his frequ ent visits to me, we had a good deal o f d iscussion about the heauties and accuracy of Nirayana system of Astrology or Indian Astrol ogy. He gradually turned his a ttention to the study of Nirayaml system of Astrology and to- day he has become an ardent advocate o f Hind u Astrology. 'Nakshatra Chimamani' is his further contribution in the field of Astro logy. Nakshatras (Conste llations) play important role in tho;: lie ld of, not onl y pred icti ve si de of Astrology bu t also in all the rd igious ce remonies of the Hi ndus. The Vimshotlllry Dasha system in tim ing events advocated by the great Parash ar is based on constellat ion and its sub di visions. For pe rfectly j udging the st rength or weak ness of a house and it s lo rd the Astrologer has to ta ke into consideration the sign and the constellation and it s sub di vision, for then only he can evaluate the physical (Sthula) , the astral (Sukshma ) and Casual (Karan) strength and weak ness of the s ign and its lord. Thus the 12 signs of the Zodiac arc divided into 249 divisions of the 27 constellations. The (:ffec! of any planet can be judge d well if we know the place ment in tf ~ horoscope, o f the lord of the house, the lord o f the conste~' ati o n and the lord of the sub division of the constellation it is placed in. Thus a planet is controlled by the lord of the sign, the lord of the constellation and the lord of the sub division of the constellation. For the last thousa nd years or mo re the Northern part of India was constantl y invaded by the invaders from Central Asia. Greal centres of learning in the North were plundered and valuable literatures were reduced t o ashes. F ortunately the remote Southern part of India was saved from the plunders of these invade rs and the families of the great scholars of th e South preserved the rich heritage of knowledge including knowledge of Astrol ogy propounded by great Rishes of India.

II With th e passage of lime consteli a tion;}1 Astrology bc(.'a m(' a fam ily secret of t he A!;troiogcrs in the Soul h and th ere wa s lill ie li te rature in the form of books available fo r t he general mass of the st udents of Astro logy. Sh ri Gopa l Krishna Rao of Madras has written three parts of Nad i Astrology. Shri Seetaram Sharma of Bangalore has also writlen a hoo k entitled ' A GatCII'OY (0 Astrology'. The fam il y members of the great Shri 8. Suryana rayana Raa of Bangalorc the found er o f 'A s trological lvfagad ll(!' and pa r ticularly Shri B. V. Raman the prince a mong A ~ t ro l ogers and the prese nt edito r of 'A strological Maga~ille ' who has established the genuineness of ~Iin d ll Astro logy ,IS a perfect sc ience not only in Ind ia but a lso in the world h;lVc brought Astrol ogy to the reach of the stU{h.:nt ~ of Astrology. The late Jyotish Martand Shri K. S. Krishnamurti of Madr as has also eOnlributcd greatly to the spread of the knowledge or wnstclla l ionnl A~tmlogy not only by publishing boo ks and Ihi! maga zine' ASfrolflgy and Alhrisllto' hut also by moving in evc ry impo rtant corne r of India and lec turing on cons tell at io n:d Asr ro los-y. He has termed thi s conslellation al Astro logy as Krishn:nllu rti Paddhati and which according to him is thc on ly pe rfect Paddhati (system). This cla im of the late J yo tish Mart and Silri K. S. Kri shnamurti has created a good deal o f controversy rcg:Hd ing its efficacy and perfectness . But in my humble opinion th e Pacldhati (method) is the accumulation of the essential preachings (,r th e gr:.!!tt Paf:l~ her . Gai mini, Ma ntreshwar. G ancsh Divagn". Ramuaya lu Varahm ihir. Kalidas and host of other astro loge rs of the pa~t a nd il d eserves considerations a nd furlher research 10 eradi clII C its short com ings. Much hidden knowletige of Astrol ogy yet rema ins to be dug. out. Shri B. V. Raman. the lea rned and th e world renowned editor of ' Astrological Magazine' has been d o ing great service to t he wo rld of A£trology by procuring manusc ripts oC thi5 sCIence and making them public.

III Shri Chundr3kant R . Bh:.\H inspile of his failing heal th has bo!ell ~~ asclcssly researching on the constellat ional Astrology and thi s boo k •Nakshalra Chintamolli' is the fruit of his sincere la bour anrl resea rch. He has evolved and discussed only those pri.dples of predi cting which he has fou nd wo rkable in giving correct predicti ons. II is for the readers to judge lhe merit or otherwise of this book. ShTj Vivek Ed ucation Trust, M a ninagar, Ahmedabad has underta ke n to publi sh this book with a n humble view to contribute to the ~ pread of knowledge of Astrology whi ch h:IS its roolS in Vedas.

We o nly request the readers neither to accept nor reject the principles of pred ict ing discussed by Shri Bhatt in this book hLll examine th em.

2&-3- 1975 C/o Shri Sardar Pa tel & Swami Vivckanand High Scho ol, Maninagar. Ahmedabad 8.

Shambhuprasad M. Patel B.A .,M.Ed. Managing Trustee Shri Vivek Education Tru st.

Preface There

is ample

lite rat ure

publi shed




depicting various sy$tems of pred iction by learned As trologe rs. Bll t every studen t of Astrology has his own li kes and dis likes, he therefo re foll ows the predicti ve system of his choice. Each syst em of prediction has il ~ own pecul ia rity and merits too. So far as [ am com:crncd, [ li ked the sub dL'position theory of prediction in the Nakshatra di spos ilor system of As trology. Acco rdingly I ha ve selec ted some typica l birth horoscopes and example horary maps on different important topks of life as experienced and observed h y me and I hllve in thi s book made an humble atlempt to discu s~ these horoscopes on the pract ica l applicati on of this s ub disposit ion theo ry o f predic tio n, for the know ledge of the reader who desi re!' to know a hout it. 2. Th is boo k is meant fo r the reade r who is conversa nt with the basic principles of Hin du Astrology. It is expectt:d that tht: reader should know how to ma ke use of Raphael" s Table s of H O ll ~ e s and Ephemerides. He shou ld posseo;s the knowl edge of Casling the Ho roscope. He sho uld know about the Characteristic!i of Signs, Plane ts, Ho uses, Plancts in S igns , P!allets in Houses. Gene ral Principles of Judgment, Judgment of 1h e 12 Hou ~ e s , Calculation of Vinshottari Da~ ha (period ) rulers Sub period rulers, Inter period rlilers the 11th house should br2 examined t-irst. (a) In the example birth horoscope: no, I the native IS male. The sub lord of the It tit cusp is Venus. It is the owner of the 5th. There is no planet in it'> ~,t:\r and the 5th hOllse is vacant. So it i . . the St'-Ul1g signiflc that the period and sub period of one proves fortul1ate, while that of the other planet is not fortunate. In slIch cases the 'Sub sub' of these t\\"o planets will help us in kno\\ing \vhi



5. Sub Moon Sub Sub ',




20' 42 ' 48 59 07 . 27 · 45 .. 06 25

12 52· 59 / 46 ' 46 33 40 ; 33




6. Sub Mars '

, 13' 20" , 18 '53 ,22

19' 19 S M 19 Ma 19 R 20 J 20 Sa 20 Me 21 . K 21 V

32 ,41 52 01 05 16

47 47 40 13 "39 33 40



Sub Sub

Ma • R J Sa Me ,




OO'~ 23' 20' , 23 22 43 23 29 ' 43t ' • 56' 23 35 23 43 , 19"' 23 59 56 23 52 39 24 00 26 24 02 46 •



22 ,






7. Sub Rahu

8, Sub Jupiter

9. Sub Saturn

Sub Sub ,

Sub Sub

Sub Sub

R J Sa Me K V S • M Ma


24' 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25

06' 24 40 59 16 23 43 49 59

40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40





J 26° . ' Sa 26 Me . 26

26 V 26 S 27 M 27 Ma 27 27 R



06' 20 37 52 59 16 22 31 37 53

"40" 54 . 47 54 07 54 14 07 20 20

, Sa Me


S M Ma R J

27° 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30

53' 13

31 38 49 06 16 24 43 0000


20" 23 21 44 51 11. 44, 07 07

, ,



., ,

I ,.




(,a,) See page '1'60. Suppose a pla)let . ,say, l'yIoon o9\lupies ap.y( d egree'" in the area . between .( 2.6° 40' Aries or lLep or Sagitta·ri.llS aq.d j l it' 0' Ta urus or Virgo or Capricorn, it may be said th"'! Moon pis , ill. the star- of Sun. I'

[f M'o on occupies any degree in t'he arei ,r- between 29° 13' 2d" 0 fJ' 20'" . Taurus o r- Vigro lor Aries or Leo or Sagittarius and 1 r) " , C apricorn. it may be said that Moon' is in the, star of S~n and'1in , 1 ' , II the sub of Rahu (see 4. Sub Railu) ,


If Moon occupies an y degree in the area between 29° 47' 2~" AI:ies or Leo or Sagittarius and 0° 06' 20" Taurus or Virgo Jpr Capricorn,.' it ma y be said thfJ.t Moon is in the star of sun, in t~e sU.b of Rahu and ini the sub ,sub of Saturn , ' 'I (see 4. Sub Rahu Sa 29° 47' ,20" Me 0 0 06' 20") . ,. 'I OJ'







- I

The area of sub sub for Saturn' commences at 29° 47' zu" A~ries or Leo or Sa~ittaril1s and ends at 0° 06; 20" Taurus or Vi~go t\' I • I a ( Capric.orn and so on. ' - ' II

, (b) Suppose MaTS is in,. 1.eo 1° 40:. This longitude is covered lin the area . between 4° 34' ,26" and 10 54' ~ i16" whic/l is join\ly governed r by the staI lord Ketu, the ,sub lord, Venus anp the (sub s)lb lord , .. Rahu, So it may" be said tIiat ,Ma\.s is in the star Kptu, . in . the sub', Venus '!.'ld in t he-s ub sub , Rahu (p,~ge 158.2 ,.sub ven~! .)

:-!. Suppose Sun i~ -in Ge~i~i


33' ~ This lo ngitude is coveredrln

tli e a(ea 'b ;i«'een 22° 32' 4'\ - and 22°"53' 11' \Vhich is jointly meed by the star lord JUpit,,';; tI1';- ('sti b lord ISa'turn di-Jd the sub sub io ra Venus . So it may be said that Sun is in the star Jupiter, in the sub Saturn and in the sub sub Venus (page 164. 2 Sub Saturn) t


This table showing the star lords, the sub lords and the sub sub lords should be understood as explained above.

Ayanamsa (A. D. years 1901-1999) Yrs. D 1901 22 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11

12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1925


23 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 34 35 36 37 38 39 39 40 41 42 22 43

Yrs. 1926 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 . 45 46 47 48 49 1950



22 44 44

45 46 47 48 49 49 50 51 52 53 54 54 55 56 57 58 59 59 23 00 01 02 03 23 04

Yrs. D M 1951 23 04 52 05 53 06 07 54 55 08 56 09 57 09 10 58 59 11 60 12 61 13 14 62 14 63 64 15 65 16 17 66 18 67 19 68 69 19 70 20 71 21 72 22 73 23 74 24 1975 23 24

. -- e- -e

Yrs D M 1976 23 25 26 77 27 78 28 79 29 80 29 81 82 30 31 83 84 32 85 33 86 34 87 34 88 35 89 36 90 37 91 38 92 39 39 93 94 40 41 95 96 42 43 97 44 98 1999 23 44

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